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,) 5,~6 3 The Solubility of Iron- and Calcium Chlorides SOV/78-4-11-16,'~)O in Trichloroallane SUBMITTED Analysis has shown only a small degree of solubility at 18OC; It amounts to 1.5.10-4 g-molIC for FeCl 3 and t~., 'Ies,,i than 4.10-6g-mol/f for Cam 2* The content of FeCl3 Is reduced by at least two orders by a single rectification of trichlorosilane gat-,irated with FeCl 3' There are 2 figures and 5 reftjrences, , -f wnich are Soviet. July 1(), ')5a Card 2/2 '2vT")00 67801 .29.)400 SOV/180-59-5-13/37 AUTHORS: Zhurkin, B,G,, Zemskoy, V.S., IPetrov, P.A., and Tuchkova, A. , (Moscow) ) I V1 TITLEs The Solubility of Indiumvand Antimony In Germanium and their Effect on som-e--IrFe-etrica-l-Properties---oT--ge-rmanium 'k PERIODICAL: Izvestlya kkademli nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye lekh Icheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya I toplivo, 1959,Nr 5, pp 86-90 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Single crystals of germanium were pulled from melts doped with up to 80 wt % of indium or of antimony. (1111 seeds were used; growth rate was 0.04 mm/min and the crystal was rotated at 140 rpm. Starting materials were: high purity germanium (25-30 N-typej mobility 3600 cm2/V.sec,diffusion length - 1.5-2 mm); indium showing spectrographic traces of Fe, Al, Cu, Ca, Ni and antimony of Qu, As, Pb, Au, Al and P. A pure graphite crucible fitted with a quartz sheathed thermocouple (Fig 1) held a charge of 10-12 g. The pulled ingots were 7-9 mm diameter and 8-10 mm, long. These were cut in half lengthways. One half was studied netallographically Card for homogeneity while Hall effect specimens (7 x 3 x I mm) 1/3 were out from the other, close to the seed and perpendicular to the growth axis. Resistivity and Hall 67801 sov/180-59-5-13/37 The Solubility of Indium and Antimony in Germanium and their Effect on some Electrical Propertles of Germanium emf were measured with a potentiometer type PPTN-1 and a galvanometeT type M-25/3. Resistivity measurements were t 5% but Hall measurements (3700 Oe field) for the higher impurity concentrations had greater errors, from 10-50%. In determining impurity concentrations from resistivity and Hall measurements complete ionization and degeneracy were assumed. The table shows equilibritun concentrations of Indium and antimony in solid and li id germanium at various temperatures (both wt % and at luvalues are given). The corresponding phase diagrams are plotted in Pigs 3 and 4 (compositions in at %). Solid Ge containing 6.6.10-2 at % In is in equilibrium with a melt containing 71.6 at % In at 620 OC, and solid germanium containing 7.2 . 10-2 at % Sb with liquid containing 70.5 at % 8b at 693 OC. Extrapolation to the eutectio horizontals suggests Card maximu solid solubilities of 8 . 10-2 at % In and about 2/3 0.1 at % Sb. No retrograde solid solubility was found for Sb. Fig 5 shows log-log plots (whiah are linear) k~l 67801 SOV/180- 59- 5-13/37 The Solubility of Indium and Antimony in Germanium and their Effect on some Mectrical Properties of Germanium of resistivity vs Impurity concentration for Sb (I In (2) doping. 2.1 x 10-19Sb/=3 gave -6 . 10-4, and 2 10- 9 In/cm3 gave 2 . lo-3 Fig 6 shows the corresponding variations in Hall mobility; the plots for both holes and electrons varying similarly. The results presented for In Card in good agreement with those in Ref 3. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 14 references, of 3/3 3 are Soviet, 10 English and 1 German. SUBMITTED: April 3, 1959 and are which L~1/ 5(4) UT'IOR .9 -7 Pctemkin, A. ~a. V. 2)-*- ~ptrov, D. A. TTTLE~ A Contribution to the Study of Cop-,)er "on Mobility in r,ermanium ;'ER I 'D I ~,k L Doklady Akadomil nnuk 1959, Vol 12 7, lir 6, "I s S R AB~JTRAI-T In the beginning the insufficient and pxirtly contradict ory data about the state of the Cu-atom in 3e are mentioned (Ref.,; Therefore the mobility (electrodiffusi)n' of ths- u-ion in n-germanium at ',00-6800 wan investi " ated. The of a sample, thrit was cut Dut of a W's - Iectrc- lytically coverei by a coi)per coat of 1-21 p thickneFs- ' n va-'uurn (1C-3 to 10- 4 torr' the sample wap irsertp! int- i ', (an7,eter type Y-540, rheostat and rectifier ty~r- V: )f 0 - 5- 1 v,'cm and 4 - 1 0 a. J t er d isconnect i in ' - -, -, ,ir.w t~,F. potential line at the intersecti,~n I -t ne f t r. I- A -7~ ~ 1 0 VW: t 5 inehoured. As shqwn by fl,rure 1 ti.i3 line -rroc~,e~-3 1:r,ea r f~,r samples without copier, whereaB f-,r co.per-coate! 9R7.,: P3 tje line3rity is disturbed at the ed,7es 'Ly the -~i 7,1-ionn. Card 1/2 4 C,)ntriluti~)n to the StuJy .,f ~opjer T~r Mobi:ity Ir ;ermani um Th, P f feet - f tne the rma I a n,1 ol er 1. r i c -I i ff uvion i s in i r s! Ion it I at t he rie ~r,i t I vu c h:t riled coy;e f p I ,in v , ~ it i !~,,:! lirecteul at the pooitive charted one. lit-nee -t ii ! ' ' -, r P. ,. t of ,,enctrati,)r. it the surfaces fcl'.-,wt3. an,: the e I t- c t r Ion rate of thp copper ionn , winich were n(,-t,0. I vo c,, -~ 4, the caae under review, wits detormined accord,,ner t t"'S ence (Table 1). FiKure 2 represents the dependence of tne i f - fusion on temperature. Yeasuring rpsults, whic,. disagre, t, 1 t ~. the data Kiven by C. S. Fuller and j. D. Struthnr,.i 1-,f- ~jv due to the different temperature ringes in which th- ment3 were made. The scientists mentioned uned terij-peratlir,F above 7 OOD, where the Cu-ions are positively c:.-irwe.i. T~P authors thank L. S. Milevskiy for advice ar,! V. '-e-nt7~- -v for ,e-monocrystaks made avai :able t, teen. Th- re 2 tabl Ps , and ', reference ti , 2 of wlnic~. are '3ovi-I ASS--171ATlC)'1: natitut metalluri,11 1M. A. . A .bayk Dva A V a d e -n i I n a uk 333ii ( I nuti- tute of Metallurgy imeni ~. A. Baykov of the Aca~-~:nj )f Jclflnces, USSR ) ;RESENTED: April 20, 1959, by 1. i. Pardin, Academician SUBMITTED April 20, 1 ?51? 'lard 2.,2 a.." 114- 'r , ~A. CL_ !_ k. CI. FWJR= -ba. -LI-t- U-I --J, T. I C.L- X.. ,j. tA Z4--. XV I. IL aA KOI,ACILTCV, B.A., k-nnd.tnk)in.wjuk [tronalatorj; VZTROV. D.A., prof.. rnd.; LIVOVA, N.M., red.. PRIDAYNAVA, S.Y.. [S.ilir.)nj Kre.,nnil; abornik statei. Koakvs, lzd-vo inostr.lit-r7, 1960. 435 P. (Trnn~lated from the itnglish). (MIRA 13:11) (Olli0on) PETROV, D.A. ; KOLACIIEV, B.A. Using the method of nrtracting the Rolid phAes frnm tho melt In plotting a constitutional diagram. Isal.9plav tavet met . no.2:IN~-113 '60. (MIRU, 13:~) (Phase rule and equilibrium) PWROV. D..k, ..)olubility and constitaticn o~ 1r..-.irities In semi conductors . T ru 4 lout met. no-5-1?4-177 I t '). ( %41 it" . - I- i ( Oem I con-luc t~) rs, j (Phase rule anj -~cuilibrium) 19 100o 5/536/6 0/000/043/011/011 EIII/E435 AUTHORS. Petrov, D.A., Doctor of Chemical Scien_-es, Professor and Kolachev. B.A.. Candidate of Technical 5clences TITLE~ Non-Equilibrium CrystalliLation of Tarn-iry All-.ys PERIODICAL: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskly instit'At, Trudy. No.43. 1960. pp,117--129, Termi-heskaya obrabotka I svoystva stall I legkikh 5plavov TEXT: D.A.Petrov has shown (ZhFKh, 1947, TAX1, No .12) that alloy crystallization can be considered as two processes occurring in parallel: separation of crystals of the solid phase from the liquid and change In the composition of crystalA formed at a higher tempArature through reaction with the liquid at a lower temperature. The authors now consider the crystallization of an ~tlloy with two alloying components, with no diffusion in the solid state and a continuous series of solid solutions. For equilibrium conditions the changes in liquid and solid compositions as :rystallization proceeds can be found from phase diagrams with the aid of Konovalov's rule. For non-equilibrium conditions crystallization Is not completed at the temperature corresponding tc. the intersection of the alloy ordinate with the solldus sirfn-e. Card 1/6 .-1 1~ , I -i S/536/60/000/045/011/011 Non-Equilibrium Crystallization Elll/E435 Crystallization in the assumed system then ends at the fu.-Jion temperature of the lowest-melting component, In nan equilitrium crymta I I izdtion of alloys belonging t a a sy5tem with fokir -phase eutectic transformation the lines showing -hangen of liquid- and solid-phase composition changes will also t.e '11-1plaLed fr1)M the equilibrium lines depending on the overal I -onofle p,7),1 it 1rn in the primary-crystalliLation region. For the -,indi~ion% spe--ified the crystallization of any alloy of the ternary sys!om 1.-3 completed with the crystallization of the ternary eute,_tIc, Non-equiliLrjum crystallization of ternary-system alloy5 with d peritectic four- phase transformation ends with the solidification of the binary 0 + Y eutectic. For the experimentarl verification of their Ideas the authors chose the method of dr&wtj&g-:-an%Md phase f rom the melt sl-nce this largely satisfies the conAitt W.'11 spe--Ifled in the theoretical treat.aent. Transformation c;f 1he equations deduced gives the distribution of components rilong the drawn -6pp imen, U%it through lack of data the author-3 had to confine themselves to a qualitative verification. The systems Al-Cu-Si and Al-Cu-Mn were chosen, for which phase diagrams can be ~-n8lru~*ed from published data (H.W.Phillips, J.In-it. of Nlet~1,4. 1953, T.82.p 9-15 Card 2/6 S/536/60/000/043/oil/011 Non-Equil!Lrium Crystallization Elll/E435 H.W.L.Phillips, W.Day, J.Inst. of Metals, 1947, 7!t, p,33-47). The test compositions werei Al + 496 Cu + )Ya SI, Al + 8% Cu + 1.0% Si; A 1 + 4% cu + 0. 6% mn Al' ~ 2.25% Cu Mn Al + 0.5% Cu + 1.3% D~tn- Aluminium (99.C)8% Al' 0.02% (Fe - si) ), electrolytic copper and aidriganeise, and (0.,~51- Fe, 0.20% Al) were used for preparing alloys; copper, sili:on and manganese being introduced as alloys. Specimens were drawn at 0.07 mm per minute In the apparatus previously deacribod by Petr(.v tind Bukhanova (ZhFKh, 1953, T.27, No .1)~ After micr3structural examination, samples of the solid were taken for chemical analysis; liquid-phase compositions were calculated. Fig.7 Ahows changes in the copper and silicon contents for the solid and l1quiA phases with respect to relative length (continuous lines relate to liquid and broken lines to solid phases, respectiiely); the corresponding curves for copper and mangdnese distribution are iphown in Fig.9. These results and ml~:rost,-,j~.ture-examlnatin show that not all the range of composition expe:,-A frcm the theoretical treataient Is found. This ip due to the fa-t that at low concentrations of the alloying components the range of the binary Card 3/6 S/536/()0/000/043/011/011 Non-Equil ibrium CrystalliLat Ion E 111 /E~3 5 eutectic Is very small. For example, in tht~ aillo~, ot!,tinel from Al + 4-5% Cu 4, 0.5% Si, 0.91 of the 81.ecimen will -_-jn4iqt only of a-solid solution (of variable compositi,30, Thus ,he Linary and ternary eutectics crystallize at the last moment. when drawing conditions are already disturted and complete repln~ement C1 one structural component by another does not c~_ur, Nevertheless, the general change of composition and ml:r_6tructure confirms the theoretical treatment both for drawing and for non equilibrium crystallization in general. There are 10 figures and 3 referencesi 1 Soviet-bloc ftnd 2 non-Srvlot-hlo, The two references to English language publications read as folows H.W.L.Phillips, J.1n9t. of MetalA, 1953, T~82, P.9-151 H.W.L.Phillips, W.Day, J.1nmt. of Metals, 1947, 74, P,33-47 Card 4/6 11#3 f11Xt0j 1160) 20618 9,q300 3/06 6 o / c) r; r /,-j 1'g is 10 1 L2 4 A05 1 YA029 AUTHORs Petrov, D.A., Professor TITLEt Methods of Growing Silicon and Germanium Single Crystals PERIODICAL, Zhurnal Vse9oyuznogo Khimicheskogc Obshchestva im D.I. Mende- leyeva, 1960, No. Vcl. pp, 544-552 TEXT: The outstanding feature of modern semiconductcr materials is their high chemical purity. Admixtures have a significant effect on the electric- al properties of semiconductors. The high degree of purity of semiconductor materials is necessary if the electrical properties are to be controlled. The control becomes possible at the moment when its self-resistance is at- tained at operating temperatures, i.e., when the admixtures remaining in the gemiconductor even when highly purified can have no longer an effect on its #electrical characteristics. A practical interest is shown in semiconductor alloys. It is known that the work of producing a semiconductor rectifier or amplifier is based on the possibility of forming adjacent regions with dif- ferent types of conductivity in the semiconductor crystal. The boundary be- Card 1/16 -)061,1 3/06 A05 1 YA029 Meth-id.9 af 33--wing Silicon and ;ermanium Single Crystals tween these regions, the so-called electron-hole or n-p- transition is the main part of the semiconductor instrument. This transition can be produced by introducing admixtures into the semiconductor, since pure Ge and Si have only one type of conductivity, viz.electronic conductivity. The problem of alloying a purified semiconductor by introduction of admixtures, i.e., the problem of producing alloys with the required electrical properties arises Annt',,er outstanding feature of modern semiconductor materials is their ap- Flication in industry in the single crystal state. The latter is obtained by g-rowing them from the melt, The methods of single crystal growing are limited by the property of the single crystals to expand when solidifying similar to water, The Chokhrallskiy method (Ref.1) is described in some de- taili It is based on drawing a solidifying crystal at a certain rate from the melt located in the crucible (Fig.1). The heater which has the form of a high-frequency inductor ,r a graphite resistance heater in the frm -.f a tumbler 'is located around the crucible. The working space c)f the equipment where the crystal is grown is a vacuum chamber made in the form of a qu,,Irtz- Card 2/16 AO' IYA02t Methods of crowing Silicon ani Germanium Single Crystals ite or metal cylinder with tw- caps. A rod is introduced thrcagh ti,.e cal, to whi(~h a priming crystal is attach",i. The r-j , s c~nner 'e , * - mechanisms which ensure the rubmersiori, elevati~~)n and rotation cf *np :rj:~- tal at the necessary rates. Electrodes are introduced through the :ower ca~ for the graphite heater -ind a rod with a pouch for the crucible. T?~43 ro! is connected to the mechan.smB which elerate anil lower the crucible f.-r the corresponding set-up within the heater and rotate the crucibl,,, the directiDn of the ing,_.t'3 rotation, in orler to ensure a uniform in~ a definite mixing of the melt. Evacuating the operating space of tne tl,.~~ratus is carried out thr,)ufh the neck in the lower c-%p to a I-)= using a pre-vacuum an,I difrru!iion pump. After the materit' th,? crucible has been melted and aftqr subsequent overheatiri~, for tn- al of gases anI volatile admixtures, the a~,.roriate tpmperatur~- 15 e:3tAL- lished in the melt to h~~ sligh,.1y highpr than the meltine ;,,)in.. B_., ":-A I ~ - ally lowering the ro,. ,nt, the melt, the priming crystal is intr,,ducod *o a certain dejtr~ under tti,! surface of the melt ani is maint-iinud th-r-, Card ~/16 Ao~ 1 lAr,.'-4 4'etnqds Gf Sil,,con an! ~,-rma, ium SJ ngle Crystal .9 the end of tne primer me ' to an i a thermal e-ju., 11 t;rium is es t;ib., isne i r. system melt-crystal. The rod with the ~,rimer is thon _-~ I o AF iy r a ~ s H d r.~t,~ sithin th~ rano5e from sev~-ral tenths to I - 2 mm. In th- ru6ior. er temperatures above the melt surface the melt j?ulling after 'h- ~r..*7.tjr 30lidifies, continuing the primer structure. The primer is criptt I., f ferrin& tho admixtures containei in it ind structural iefe,~t!3 t ~io e growing on ;t. It mug' I-e cf the same -,r higher- chemical burl the tna.~ the s ing. e crys ta: wn: or, , s t ) ,e r, b t ai ned and , i f ~,, 8 3 1 ~ ~ e , w I * h , u - structural defects. Tne i,riner .s usually selected a!3 thin f-3 pcs~ ~r narrow "neck" is formed on it ry melting down prior t(, the crysta.' (Fig.2). The primer must also be carefully oriented in the required r - Is- tallo~:raphic lirection whi-h d(~terminps the quality ~f th, -rj.3til The optimum orientation ~)r the rimer crystal axis is con~iiierel tc, 6e ~n the crystallrjrral.hic direction ~111 ,. If the growing ratio is increaz3ed, 4 larKe amount of heit, of crjstalliz~itior. is li,)erate~i rLni tht! meit ,j io r - heated. Thus d e cr e as --~ a .The cryotal zihould t~e ,r,wy. the crystai ~iametpr , Card 4/16 20618 A 05 1 lAr,2,4 Methods of Growing 31licon and 'Jermanium Single Crystals in the form of a regular cylinder with a smooth surface in order to achieve circular symmetry of the thermal field determined by the cylinlr:cFil ne:iter The temperature distribution in the melt and the growing crystal ;lays an important part, The interface rystal surface - fusion should be flat, ex- cluding the occurrence of internal tensions. A circular interface surface is considered unsatisfactory, but cannot be avoided unless measures arc. taken to prevent the cooling of tne grcwing crystal at the lateral 9LLrface. Reference is made to the thermal tensions which occur in the crystal, expar.- sion in the central parts and compression in the external parts. The values ,-f these tensions are apprrximatply estimated from the expressi )n s - E 0~ -~T, oinere E is Jung's modulus, -)C the linear expansion ~compressi-)n) coefri-,ient~~ T the temperature difference between the center and "skin" of the ln,~,-,t. The magnitude of the axial temperature gradient has a significant effect on the perfection of the crystal. An unsatisfactory crystal struct;,re is ot- tained at a lower axial tempera*-ire gradient ~-. the melt when ---tahedril formations on the int-~rfice surface Kr-,w t~- dendrite shapes. A --,~nsljerable C ar 1 `1 / " 6 2C615 A,, ~A_12? MOthAH 0"' ~I N',!Ig S111COR Unli germanium 5-,ngle Crystals short,~ominK i,f any crys tal -growing method from mel*3 s the uneven tion of adm.xtures and, thus, electrical and other properties alon',r the crystal's length, The reason is the different 3olubility of admixturf-o in the melt and the crystal growing in it (Fig.,J) The admixture distribution is judged from the distribution coefficient K, which is the rati of y, the admixture content in the. sol ii i-hase , t%- the admixture content x in th.- liquid chase, k - ,y , wrAch may be determined from '.he state A-, Lgr-irr, x The value of k depends on the temperature c~f the contacting phases As thi, admixture content increases in the melt, it also increases in the gr-,wing crystal accorling to the indicated ratio y - k x . A crystal ii! di-;ilei to 5 parts (fract:,)ns). :r.1r.g 1. , thf- ~tdniixt-_~r- -z n*.er.'.. T)6(- 7.0'.n lzi Ire sug,~ested f,,r the produc:t. -i -f .31hglle crystals wiln an ever. istrl~ .ne admixtures th, The first meth.A apF:ie:3 tne of k to the growing rate. The second method consists in maintaining the ad- mixture content ,r,. the melt constant (luring the growing process of the crys- tal by continuous feeding of tho inelt Nith material having the same admiy.~ure C,~rd 6/16 ?0618 sp'~, A-'j'1A_,2? Methods of Growing Silicon and germanium Single Crystals content which is required In the singlo crystal being grown. The author !3hown apecial interoat in the method with a melting .-ruclble in the melt do- scribed in Ref.5. It is pointed out that the methoda of zonal rocrystril:,.- zation at the present time are used for the purification of initial materi- als from admixtures Contrar I y to the Chokhra''skiy method, in this method not the entire batch placed in the crucible is melted down, but only a part of It, a z(,ne Two variants are givent the horizontal (Ref. 4) and the vert- ical variant, The latter is also called the method of crucibleless recrys- tallization In discussing the "spiral" macrc-neterogenLity of admixt,.1re distribution in crystals Ln urder to smooth out the non-uniform temperat-.1re field, the crystals of Ge and Si are rotated when grown and the crucitle is also rotated for the same ~urpcse with the melt in the Airection oiposite to the rotation of the ingut. Any Ppiral macro-hcterogeneity can be (,bscured by the electrolytic precipitation of col,per. The methud a describ-d in Ref.6 with respect t:) its ap~iicution to 'it, (,see Fig.'). Figure -.a .9~,~~ws a photograph of a Si crystal rill~~yed with N, Figure 6b a S~. crystal alloi- ed with phosphorus. The picture f nori-ur.i~ rm iistrituti n of th- idmixture Card 7//,( 2ut,18 J ),J7 /1) SA 0' '5) 61 YA ~6' 2 9 Methods of 'Ur-wing Silicon and 3~?rmanium Single Crystals la the same in noth photographs Linear imperfections Known as lisloc~iti3ns are considered to be the structural im,erf-ctions in crystals, particularly linear or marginal dislocations (Fig.7~- T-he margirial disloc.ition corre- sponds to a destruction along the edge of the formed incomplete at-,mic sur- face in the -rystal under the influence of vari--us causes. A marginal cati-,)n behaves in a semiccnIuctur similar to an acceptor aJ!%ix'ur#,. Thu:i, disiocations alter the Ple,-t7ira, properties if the somicunlu':t),r .mirliring the ILfe-span of the secondriry charge --arriers, a characteri3ti.- leterm,,ning, the quality -.,f work of im~nrtant semiconductor apiaratus (transistors;. Di8- locations in ~e and Si crystals are primarily the r~,,duct ;r ~Iastic i-~f~rma- tiin of the crystal cccurring as a result of the thermal tensicns create! in them, The degree of imperfection cf the crystal is ietermined ~y tne !is:-- catiin density, i,e , by the riumter if PtchnK cavitie3 to ' :m~' _I surfacp ~Fig.8). Similar iisiccatcns ccur N~.Pn the grcwing zrvsta: -.s awuy from the melt, in a "thermal shock", AJmixtures _ntroduced r~t_ ~;e and 5i crystals t~er~eral_'y ir.--rease the disloc:ttion iensity &nj slightly if 'he::- Card 6,116 2o618 !.Iethcis of 3rowing Silicon an! :;ermanlum Single Crystals concentration does not exceed t-ie solubi!4-ty 14-mitE in the zcLi-; s'%te. ci~itaticn of admixture ELtoms on the diEloca"-ons can :ead ',~ an -f electrical propertie3 of ~hp sem`conluctor as a :-e.3,1:* C' the .infavorable effect boh of '.he admixtures and the dis'~,~ctitons 4nteracticn. Since dislocations in Ge and Si crystals are caused m~.!~tly ,hermal tersions, an important measure for their eliminaticin in C 3t ry would be the creatJon cf ccndittons, whereby the thermal fl-w in ccolini3 crys'al would be ~~:-ec' ,et ;,r~, along i's axis. --. e F: e :7 7, 4 4- r~ e utt:ti.,ned by he pr,~~er thermal screen arcun! 'he the purpnsp -f hea*, LCISSt~3 rr-m 'he r ur' % ~ht-- inL;o~ (adiabatic or-ce--s~. An impor'ant rcl- -'n the eiiminat4-n r -ic tu rL: d,-- f- c ' 9 -- nan 1 S ~. c rys t ~ii F, i s p! a -, ed - n the I-r,- me 'h-~ cryst;,! Grcws "'Ref. There are 7 references: 3 are S-~viet, 6 -English, I Du-ch. Car,I 9P6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ul 83696 0 2 ~-V 9 % A UTHORS ?etrov, D A. , K-1 ;tchev ii. A TITLE. InvestiKat.,,n rt' the :-Urif-at, r ~t Impurities ry Metnrjs Bpjsn.,~ -~r, -n. Dl:rel_,-, "cimposition During :rystall izat ,r o, I PERIODICAL. Zhurnal fizicheskoy knimi., 4 V 1 PP . I 6W - I a I (, TEXT. To produce highly purk-- su~,qtancps ;t it~ js-~a, a apply methods which are based on t ne (I i ff Prenc,~ ,,, 7 jm~rs iI i r: r I iquid and sol id phase duri nw, cryBtal 1 1 zat i )n , ~iij,!n ai3 * r.- ~x I !-;i, of the fjol 11 phatio frow the molt. a-,,r-Aing to ii( Y I . r", zone me 1 t Ing. In aomeinves t i ~,. at, i ~,n ij Ij f* f3 0 mI(: ) Tj rj Urif] 4.'. - ,rwj ~f i t was assumed that t he d i F3 t ri bu * ~~ ,r. -o(-f f , ~~ ion t ~i if t material are equal to the distribution coefficlen-.5 of in the corresponding binary systems. whl-r, is e Interaction between the materini find the impuritio~i. Ai; e Card 1/ 5 ~ 369~ Inveot igat ion of the Purif i rati-al )f a J, 0 " t I t ~'~ , , I '. . . Substance From Two Impurities by Methods BOI-,K~l Basing on the Difference in Phase Composi t Ion Duritip; ;il I i i~&' i v c a r, b r- seen from the ;~has,~ d arram t tn e J i s t r i n e f impurit ies ahould be det ~rmined f r,,m I ne f- r r F? ~, i) r. 1 r,,j, 1 In the present casp tte v~tnors ~_,iow -W 1 t r. , n~ a 1 among other things. that ir an arbitrary frirte representing a system of :,, nt 1 nu ou -9 s -, : i J s - '~ 11 9 t np 7- ,~oeff icient f ~)r ti.e ,v-me' iron i7~u7itip__ W:'. -'Wer r higher-melting impair I '. ~_- ~ , r . . - I ~' 4~ r vt r, 7 1 - --t r -ficatior wi I I h " u ~ t ~i ri ed y r W p,-; r point. The J, r ', b u t r, i e lepen~ie-i~e :.,. t he c,, - n r,i t i -n _f *t,- ri c-)rrpsponding tD the _nara.'t'~r .,I' tfie Jii,~ram with the tas,,- substance T ) -he-K the ~ih('VA 4-?X~ 1 1 ri 14 the authors studied ex~,er imental !.y the d i ~;*, -i bul , -r --f and Rn, Cuand Si, aswel: as Fe anj Si ~n aluminum at Jiff conc ent rat i ons (Tab 1 P . Trie A i s t r i '),~i i ~T, F - :,ins I dp rab , y i n I he ~ r,? spri P of 6 Card 21 ~ 83696, Investigation of the Purification of a 7 SubB t. anc u From Two I mpu r i t i (t ti Lj Mo. t n ,i tj fi, Ha F3 In tr o nt lit) D if fu ro n (, si i ni hit n o Compos I t 1 on Durl ng Crya tal I i ~at i nr~ ref in i ng ( e I iminat. i orl of Fe j by t ne extracti-in metn,ij presence of Si. As opposed tner"t-,, tr,-~ 6-f fi en for the elimination of Mn increase-9 w i t r. t r, e :- o r. ', er. distribution coeff ic-,ent of Mr, i.. ;,I dro~q n Tnc- ~rei-zn-~ it :s possible to ut 4. 1 1 z e t ne red'j- !i ~, r, r) f , ri e d i 9 t r i tu t of one impurity in the presence of anctrier impurity purifying effect in a substan-e witn difficu,'t,j se~arat..p -e. impurities witt, a Jistributi-~n r-oeffl,-,ien* rear ur,.t*; A E- 8 figures. 1 table, and 4 ref-prences " Soviet and * T"S. ASSOCIATIA. Moskovsk.y aviatsionnyy tekhnol,,giche-3ki-i Moscow Aviation Terinologi-al lnstitut~! SUBMITTED. November 22. 1~')b Card 5/ 5 r TLE Und e r Ch EX-. ta Tr. .9 a np, CS a in'l In a n a 8 El - lned h e r t p a t ;'PP r t o n er. S WT, r. al ,g o- rlA I r f~a s s t~i W:, a t. W ti mu -a f e., i e d w r-~s n i s c r ew - I~e Krc,wtn rute v f e r :j t 1. droppng e c r a e I r. N: 7 ire r e i "T v Y. T D 'ard red A kfiric-, tekhn, nAuk rH '1e , 9 tr I VA. L V tekY.!. r-,4. . N ow i ft I - 'rip pr,~ lu,-, tl,,n s lr~pl p c ryqt i Is snm-, - oomiuc ~ -,3 vop v 1)r lucj~en J i -nonok 7-1 s t .1-)v P01% -r,- v~rin'k v. --.-n k q I fl *-e I . v ~ kv Z 7~r, S I r. t - 5 r S,3,1 r9 FETROV, D.A.; RUSAKOV, T.A~; IACHLVA, S.K. Radial heterogeneity in germar-lum anc BIUCOL Zrygt". Godishndk fiz mat z5 no.2;89-103 16C,`~d [pulal. 'c62 'j . LAST(V-cKIY, R.P , "IKHAT-OV i!Ki N A , ~~*- D. A. DANSKE , V L -A..~ J?-. f, E F 1, .11 2 HY, I- V.-'. 'Jrea for '.ntrnv(~a,u-,i -'.P -I ~nA vennogo vvpden: In. 9 k wn 'IseB., nnuchno-iss. In-t kl.',rn. ren kt I v, v I ~o khlt;.,- -~eqklyt veshchestv, P. kMIlitA -16:71 0 RilssiR ','Inlstmv Cosudnrstvermyy ~E A iV PE I E PKTAOV, D.A.; liUSARiV, T.A.; YACIIE'VA, S.K. Yurmation of faces on g,,rmaalum and silic-,n cmf8tala g-rowm T,- Gzockiralsky's ineLhod. Dovi. AN i6~lt 1.46 no.31588-591 ') '62, N114 15;1()) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.nochv4rom. (Crystahi-Growth) f SAROV) T.A.; YALH--VA, ,Jrigin of radial nonuniformity in g~;rmeu.ium and ailicon cryettla. Iz-v. AN S~>Sh.Otd.tekh.nauk. A-L. i topl. no-5:187-190 5-0162. (KIItA 15:10) (Metu~ crystal-Growth) PETROV, 1). A.-I BUKHANOVA, A. A. Determining role of the supercooling of a melt in the formation of macroscopie screw dislocations in crystals grown b7 CzoahralBkyle method. Kris tallograftia. 7 no.3:442-"~ ?~J~e '62. (MIFLA 16: 1) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheBkiy institut i Moskovskiy aviatsioNqy tekhnologicheskiy institut. (Cr7stals-Growth) TROSTYANSKAYA, Ye. B. ; SHISHKIN, V.A. ; S IL'VESTW-VICH, S. 1. ; PANTE11YEV, A.S.; POLUBOYARINOV, D.N.; 9ALKEVHICH, V.L.; NATOON, A.K.; KOLACHEV, B.A.; FETROV, D.A.; GCL'DBFRG, M.M.; SHARCV, '~.Ya., inzh., retsenzent; KITAYWRODSKIY, I.I., doktor tekhn, nauk, prof., retsenzent; LIVkNOV, V.k., kand. tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; TFUSTYANSKAYA, Ye.B., red.; BABUSHKINA, S., ved. red.; TITSKAYA, B.F., ved- red.; VORDNOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [New kinds of materials in engineering and industrylNovye ma- terialy v tekhnike. Pod red. Trostianskoi E.B., Kolacheva, B.A., Sillvestrovicha :.I. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962, 656 p. (MIRA 1-6:2) (Materials) P; 0/62/c( El 32/Eq6c. 's a K 0 V , T Ya c 11 eva , -S ~n r,i,l ia 1 nonuni formi ties in crvsta i .9 of k- r rila r i i um a ti 1~I i c on I zv e s t i Ya . Ot de I e n iY e it ;4n i h C k i k h na uk Xetallurglya i t o p I i vo i io r ma t L j ri u 1) [aces on a crystal of Si or (73e orten leads to the prosence o I' a rod-shaped region of nonuniformit%, ,I i Ong tile axis 01, ttl(-- crystal which is casi 1y revealed by etcning. I In(! t rystals are grown typically aiong I I I at O.A mm/min while i, ol I n~L~ r C, t a t V I O"IT" , C. 'II !i A X I _S a t 1/3 rpm. In a crystal oC (, e t t , v d i s t u r t, i r ! %~ i (-) n w A ~4 s t i o w i i to have the form of a helix. The e f C C t I N U 5 0 C I % t e (1, U,1 I W I th [tie f ill, direct ion . Th e 0 is t ur h e d regio;i ct,ritaitis i-.ore n-type defects than the bulk of the crystal. I t a p 1) ?,A r,-, t ~ia t the (111) face 7,ro%,.b in a relatively ;Tiore stron.-z.1y supercoole-1 ,relt tnan the faces near it. The tjivl~iall I'lel'i in th~ crucible may be eccentric and depart from Card 1/2 ',/I6()/62/()(]O/C(,',/( 1(,/C,i ~ -111, ul L132/r-_4bC t"l, -A tnf-l Crystal. x p er i.-.;en t a4 ti e c t rota t i on t o r1 w I t I'A wa I I iu t t o lemons t ra t o t h i a v r .4 1 1, c Lt r- e s Ll 13c S/02o/62/146/OC3/C11/C)19 BICi/B144 IXTHCRS~ Iletrov, D. A., Rusakov, T. A., Yacheva, S. K. TITL-*,: Formation of grermanium an,1 silicon crystal faces under Izochralski'3 conditions of growth I it I' CD I CAL: Akademi.,-a na,,;k SSSR. Doklady, v. 146, no. .30 1962t 586-5~jl T_/T: U-eneral rules are establisIted f~r tho formatior of crystal faces when growin6 Ge or Si crystals. (1) re or S1 crystals develop as reeular octahedrons. In the direction ofl~rowth r111, the potential growth faces are the horizontal lower face (11 , the g-roulp of lower side faces 'T11), (1T1), (11T), and the group of upper side faced (17), (TiT), (711). The lower faces form with the direction of growth '111' L , an angle of 190261 measured clockwise, and the upper faces the same angle counterclockwise. (2) If the half-angle of aperture of the upper cone of .the pulled crystal is 190281, the crystal will show the corresponding genuine, reflecting crystal faces The following condition to determine the active growth faces fs formulated: If an octahedral face is tangent to the Interface and if it extends above the contact area outside dard 112 S/0"OZ6Z/1 46,ICC.~,/C I I /o1 9 Format: cn -, f 6e rt~,aaium tin 0 . . . ~I -1 1 _4 141! the crystal (thus bein,; iirected towards the meit ) it -mill be an active Ero,wth face. Tnis mayps ~t ~CJ3,91bie to determine the active faces for other d i r,~c t icns of C rowt~~ -C- 121 1 1 Experiments stirwed cribed by Czochralsk' the ' owe r that when crystals are "rr)oyn, as e a t. o r i z,j n tal 111', face a" 9 -, 1 o 4a -1 . A f t c, r t e a r i n 6 u f f a c ry s t a, d C m m rj u rid a h i f a - e i t mL::, was observel . 4 ' The or,3ervei rise Lf the -..elt !eve.' near the faces favor3 their development witnin *.~,e crystai b ) i-1, , rhi le tt,e stpe- P rE,t-,iro f:radi ent outward leads tc thE' f o rina t i un , f s i. a r, o d,, es . A~i 'I t 1 9 tl~v 1 1 1 1, faces in (,ryti tal s wi t h diamond structure that have the ip-noest packing and, thereforp, the "Lowest surface energy, their growth .'s favored at the expense of other faces with higher surface qnert;,-. The -zelt is overheated as Lompared with the faces richer in energy, and undercooled as compared with thcae ;poorer in erierg.. T11, accordingl-, the conditions for the develo,,ment of 11, faces are ,iven in Czochralski growing, the melt adjacent tc theAe laces will be -..ore undercocied tean in the neighboring regicne. There are 4 figures. ?R:;SENTF:): April 21, 19629 by A. A. Bochvar, Academician SUBMITTED: Marc-~ c, 1962 Card 212 \1' H01i - lit, lett-r., ;iitng r(i, f- (it' the supercooling of ti-le, melt III till* 10f'.l,11 I(M ()f SLrew macrr-nonuniformi ties in crys L,, i ~ grown tty "tochrit I ski' -4 method v.7, -10.3, 196 442-445 - I Pli'(4 2 shown that t ha s been v xpe r I [Tielit- a I I Y i. Ca c r v s ta Iis not * o to t v dacertain nortuni. formity occurs which is connected with the * s ymme t r yof till.- thermil field and manifests itself in the formation of two bands differing in structure and in impurity content which lie along the whole length of the crystal. \ strongly etched region with a high impurity content is formed on the co!d SL(IC Of the field and a weakly etched region with J low Impur-ILl, content on the wariner Nide. iWtation of the cry~,tal aggravates the nonuniformity in the melt, due to the asymmetry of the field and leads to screw macro-nonuniformities in the crystal. The latter are exhibited in the forms of two mixed layers, creeping into the volume of the crystal in the form of a screw, which are different in structure, impurity contents and properties. Pemoval of this defect is possible by means of the creation of a Card 1/2 -/(',7L,/62/0C,11/,')O-)./~ lo/CLo 'Ihe determining role of ... k symmetrical heat Civlc~. Thvre ire 6 figitres. ~'i,.~OCI\TIONS; ~Ioskovskiy energeticheskiy institut Oioscow Power 'L.nXineering Institute) Yoskovskly aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut 0:oscow \viation Technology Institute) SUBMITTEO: March 29, 1961 Card 21/2 ACCESSION NRt AP4043382 S/0181/64/006/008/2518/2519 AUTHORSt Dukhanova. A. A.; Petrov, D..A. TITLE: Growth of germanium dendri,tes in acp-called "difficult" directions SOURCEi Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 8. 1964, 2518-25.19 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, fiber crystal, twinning ABSTRACT: It was stated earlier by E. Billig (Proc. Roy. Soc. ser. A, 229, 343, 1955) and by A. J. Bennett and R. J. Longini (Phys. Rev. v. 116, 53, 1959) that germanium dendrites with two (1-1-1) principal surfaces cannot be produced ("difficult" directions). The present authors are appiarently the first to establish that the prin- cipal role in the growth of different types of dendrites of germanium is played by the distances between the twinning planes in the den- drite. Growth of dendrites becomes possible when the distance be- Card 1/2' ACCESSION NRt AP4043362 tween the twinning planes reaches 8-10 microns and more, and in the case of dendrites with three twinning planes. an important role is played by the ratio between the two distances, the optimum being 1:1. Under these conditions, "easy' directions become "difficult" and vice versa, so that the concept of easy and difficult directions introduced by Bennett and Langini becomes meaningless. Pho4ographs of dendrites grown with two ( 111) and two (11)) surfaces are pre- sented. It is also shown that when the dendrite breaks away from the melt, side stubs are formed in all four directions (both easy and difficult). This equivalence of the four lateral directions is in contradiction with the results of N. Albon and A. E. Owen (J. Phys. Chcan. Sol., v. 24, 699, 1962). Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatsionny*y tekhnologicheskiy institut (Moscow Aviation Technological Institute) SUBMITTEDs 22Feb64 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: SS NR REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043383 S/0181/64/006/008/2520/2521 AUTHORSt Bukhanova, A. A.; Petrov, D. A. TITLEt Growth of dendrites of germanium SOURCEi Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 8. 1964, 2520-2521 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, fiber crystal, twinning ABSTRACT: Germanium dendrites grown with two twinning planes ex- hibit a stable growth for all thicknesses of the twinning plate, from fractions of a micron up to at least 300 microns. However, in the case of thin twinning plates, below 6-7 microns, the lateral branches of the dendrites include those growing in the direc- tions. Between 6-7 and 2 microns mixed growth is observed in the and directions. Below 2 microns, only dendritea grow. The