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!,ynth es i Ej and i, Alkanes of t~.-~ a r,2 A9 3 C,- I AT I'N 1 1 El t f+ A,: f S'-, 11M, I j"r ~13 Carl ' ~ ' " , c, " 4 N ~ 07, 6 ' - ~ - 9 - 1 5, 1.2 AU'."HORS Ietro-1, ~,l. A., 3ergijenko, S. E., Tsedilina, ~. L., ~'eChitaylO, N. A., Sanin, .*-. I., 'likitakaya, Ye. A I , LE, Synthesis and i-roperties of the Dime thyl-subs i tute] Alkanes :Iavinoz, t.-,i~ ~ompositlon C12-C16 1,ERIOr17A~: Izvestiya Akademii nauk 33SR. OtJeleniye khimicheskikh nank, 1,0~), Nr 11, pp 11,21-1,124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present caper d4scusses the synthesis anJ ~ropertiea of some of ti,e compounds mentioned in the ti,.le. -.he ;,roperties of the synthesized materials are given in table 1. Nearly all substances crystallize at low temperatures; only 2,4-di- methyldecane and 3,5-dimethyldodecane vitrify at much lower temperatures than do their isomers or ad:acent homologs. Besides reference 3 inveatigations aiming at an exilanation of these phenomena have also been carried out by ietrov I 'kRef 4) - It was assumed that the characteristic feature of vitrification of the two compounds mentioned is due to their structure. Various investigations were carriod out to rove thi2 assumption ',determination of vis,--osity as a function of temperati;.re ':able 2'1 and Jetermination of molecular weight). From the results it is seen that the infiuence of Card 1112 the atructare on the vitrification effect cannot be limited. 3 07 ',, 2 -1 ~ 'i - 15,'4 2 .',ynthea is and Prol er t i -s if t je Lile t~,y " -sulbo t i tii e, A-,lkanas 'rav ing t:,.e :omposition C 12- cl~ , w a 13 )r I y i ,a b I e tfj s t,ib I i fi I. a , o rtn in Je; er,~:e on I t the branch in~i dogreo of the com,-oun i fj Ftrp- 2 tal)' ea and 1, 3oviet references. AS.30CIA"-CN: Tnstitut nefti Akalumii nauk S:;Sh 'Tetroleum Institute of the AcaJeay of 3--;;tn:es, lj-T T TT F D December 1,~. 1 Z, 2 SERGITENKO, S.R.; LIBElAV, Te-7.; PRTJa)V, A.A. Selec4lv& cat&lytlc 4-~hylrogenat!->n )f 9aturatid bigb molecular weight kWIroc&rboas in tho liquid T,hase. Trudy Inst.rteftl 1):145- 160 159. (MIRA 13:12) ( Etv d-"o c ar bo as ) (Dohydrogonation) PITROV. A.A.. ICUSAKOV. M.N. Investigation of the rboological propertise of surface layers at the petrolo= - water interface. Tru4 Inst.neftl 13:287-)03 159. (MIRA 13:12) (Petroleum) (Water) (Rbeology) PY-7ROV, A.A. ; BUAIL~UVA, II.P. Lit, u,, , thp i~, tior, of orlf-t~~-rDtted alk,71 pner:ols. Khi in. I to lcli. t op 1. 1 mase 114 ric., : Y - " 17 'rr,. (MIU 12:?) 1. ( Phe no I a ) ',NmoilnionO A' rl-,Iins~iy, A. Vetr,", A. A. 3", V Thr, R~Lman Spuctra, of Somc C, Hydrucarb~,nq 1-14 1 DI AL: I z v e n t, i ~,,ra A,-. A umi i nauk S~-:-Z v ri ya f i z i c h P skaya, 1 Mr 10, 179- 118 1 us si, Folloffirl, t 1 r-v4 o,is ,.al,(,,r ief l ) the authors inv(!!3 t,,-% Rqman --, i - c t ra (, f ni ne C 24- Lydrocarbons with phenyl- hexyl rin,~9: M. "~- Lentovskaya took part ir, the spectroscr.,-.ic analysis. The apectra were obtainpd b:j rnean,; three-pri.qr, .-itctro(7raph of the type ISP-')l; line ~-tas carrie ! u' by ujing the corparator of thp type IZA-2, intensi ty -v%1,.~-ition was carried out visually on brt!7is - ten-d.- -7c le. In order- to keep the back6raur-,' low, tl,e of hnat,~d samples (to lr)(--176c) cises ma~~. I shows ::everal 7arameters ~f i~,ine ,carbons and tablP -' 3hows the forrr.-,;.'as for 'I, jj.~! :,[7jf-j Uf thr harar ,rur , r teristic linen f,-und. T~.- b,.- lrawn fr(,m theL;v `nvoi-,tigatinnn ar- v t rin,- th,~? char-interistic 11 0( Cjn- rk, Un. ti-i u!' ~)um, -I!y,1rocarbona of ir, FyL-.=-? Ir-c v a. ence cEci ions if i- 15AO an,! -..~ IQ3 cm A cyclohoxyl ring wau chnrart'2ri... 1 1. .~.e folluwir.,- lines: 10~')q 1153, 1267 and 1348 cir, 1r, c"_,1111ection f,.rtI,,er details are discussed. AlLio wit!, r- ~N.e conclu_,i,~ns as tc., tl,z~ number :,f ihenyl- arA cycIo`.-XI.'I -I, -a'~,le 2 wl%i ch f o I I o,.-i f rom t- e evalua tion of 1 i ne 4? 71 t_L~?s, soveral details are discussed. The lines of terti-ir.,, already found in the paraffins by gushchinskiy (Ref:z ', , ~) ris w,,: ac the linot: J the ()--,cillationo of carbon chaina woro tio !.,. ! in all cajes, and if so, only in very low intensities. 'iro 2 tables and 5 Soviet roferences. ASSCCIATION: institut neftokhimicheukogo sinteza Akademii nauk SS:;,'. (Institute for Petroleum-chemical Synthesis of th.~ Sciences, U33-.') Card 2/2 0 S 3 e r i- i n k o -T I, F 7is c os it:/ - e r at ;re i r e r t 9 r of a !!;xel t,;.,, t VY.9,) ''I M 0 Y Fl r V T, ~j 5 I'A D(,k I i 1y A~~ i I ez~ i n a "S P T R,*~ T The v o,i t y r .9 n o r t:. r r 0, P r I ? ,i r Ore of t,.e " : -.; :.* ;.,ir c t e r 14,3 ti - w or k i n,,r . r c, I e r t f -r c a n,, I - ~ ~- their vig- e r I A " ru c T, i~~ r p f -re it s c, t'%p of thp -ls-sit~ iio,~ a r ~i t Z- of tvp t,.- ~`~aracter o~ c~rinc Th.~ 7.o~it licatel )r,:3 ol' a -rAxel 3' c o r, *. a i n i P. - -~~n 'eri3-~ I :,,jc '. e i t~ e o' r 1 '4 1 in a,i 3 1 e - i ~ . r. . ' , i i ! , ~ -1 3 t z-, z a ,, k :2 f I,a f f t t a r a f I' Q 'l (fr. t F1 r t r i.3 amolin e e o r, 3 S I e r hy 1 rr. e ~i t i e t r ~t 1 i r. i t r- 7h r - f 10 r a t f n,~ r 1, F1 os 1 ty w i o r t:. r e e i ,n e s 3 r r r- 0 f t n x t 1 - a t " L" r, e i r . a r,!,-,j 1 r, r f- as co o s- 13 i I n ~ r r i ri,y a .1 1, t:,e tem; erat re v e n c r o FA q rF, I t g r -i,. t, i e e ~3- r, r n 2, ly increage.1 r v -t -i r- n C-j s e C 2 2 '1isrosLty-tP-;eraturP ir,;ert!,~a of 7 a r `y,f r,,-- a r Mixed ~Aructure is characteristic of hydrocarurns contminin,, 2 rings in a m 2, F1 - I` ' , ?q1-,9,- ;al' Y 9 p h e r e o f 1 c, w t P m pe iI r 0 1 P o c . t I e: t; I e 5 -1:--; 'm;.ortant for t*-ie v,-!.ue of vis-.Dsity as well -35, f~~r -,:.q shape of v~s-:osi ty curve. -he stru,-tures wit:. 2 r of najhtnalen,~ or Jecalin in )r.,~ car~3n ntom show t.%e highest vilue3 of 'he vis:osity jecreaseq w:,... a greater distance ~Ptwepn t:,ese rn~s, an~ t '.,. I~Irve CIf tnC tpmi)eratijre viscosity becomes less steep T le !'he complicated hybril structires with, r~ nt-s of n a" h ta 'I e n e o r decalin or of cyclol,exare- or benzene rLn;7s pit t.,,e game time, have been stlilied least and are of sie-ial Intereqt. If a cyclohexyl rin.7 is br ught int- tl~e -ont !,,n.r~~ already a rinp of naht:ialene or decalin, tne vJ.9(-Gsity .ncr-i- sea much more thar. if a ')Pnzpne r~n~7 is adled 'Pi, 1e ':.e shape of the curve mentioned i3 also 4ncreas,~d. -here nre 2 figures, 4 tables, and ~ references, 1 of i~, :,,vie'- 'ard 4,14 c o9 i ty - tempera tur e : r r Fi r Mixed Structure A3SOClj~TION: Ingtitut ~eol )!-.,i 1 razrabotKi .-,)ry,:,-, ikh ,%kademii nauk , ;SR (Institute of 'leol i7y an! Fuelj of t:!e A-nlem.i cj' Sc iences , -3'19 ~ PP,E3E!TTZD: .'anuary 1 V,' A, ~'. 9a.a: 1 n, Acal. 5 " 7 T E D j a Z, A Fir Carl 'j, I r) "T'll :1 ~e rg iyen~ o V,_ t'- -v 9,~ 'T~,E A I s Dr~t i -)n r,), e r' I -.-i f H y l,'o I ecu r 7y,jr ~C-trr~ -r? -if a Vixei -tr,.,rtl,,rp r) 7 o k al j k!i I p 77~ T' p t e "n I e r ads -)r t on t.-,e ait-~rs D t e r ' q t r q me ar. In t.,,In case the "alil'ty of alsDrlel",. 'r. he introducti-,n, tne ri,~:t` r~ refer *.he mar..'foll use of ais~r~- t i n t -) T,irf ace 9 o f 9 ol i I s in I r. st ry and resef-,rrh work , ,-art ~ cu I i r! y t r) ge 1 e t 4 ve ,,d s r -t -in in chrxmat ographj . Tiine a I n r' a ~) i I i t y -) f v i r ) un ~,,, ' r c ~, r ~r,.,3 ~- en c r i C t P, r i z -:! -ip i r n r;,t n q ) t ',e r-m-A . T-~e r t c -i p t y f r irl-ons -)f thv~ n- fr,ict ion rine, I n t ~- o 1 r : st r i t i ~i v 1 r c ~t r L,)r, s I r. p t: 1 f i - p n C 1 1 r m, P0, YCY'7, ~,vi~2vp r n,it ,ir )-n.-i ~.v -,c on 7 P 7, t i '~ -. - ! I C ff r I e t r m;i t rn r i i ep I' -S v) it r , 4- t r , 1 otim f ra - t i i ~,7 c i -I mix,, .", rurl'ur, , nJ conlitin- r r. p 1 X .1 r "o.:-r... W int', le. IV I i~~ -.1; r t _; ra *. c 1 1. t :I u .v!. I c 1'~ part w o r o 9e r i a y :I,,,, r. e :r a ~7 r i 0 1-. t 1,.~ r ma 1 .9 we 1"' .1 t I r.' a I y lo',orm, r.e i t ro - crirL ,-.,g I " ,I II I V., ~ in 11-l',locane Al i t!. 11 ra n,! or alumirc.;m -,x 4 1 p 1; 1.11 i t.-,, f t a t ?je S e. 7aV~ t il r :3 _y - / -,I e r a < v si a n Y ev 1, ..ef t ~.e ex i i me r t a t ~i . A i ior:,t in r. , r. c ro ~,i e i t1. n e F 1 1 N,- f r,,~ c t i on o f A r oma t ic yin,il - t~.or cyriir c r~. ~t -n:i it-. the t o t a I cr)ntent of r ;itoms A I q o r'~-~ 4 17 i i t y I e i, d ~; .r. tl~e rfitic letweer. it~mq i!. arom--itic m. 'r. i t s i r; pi. r ~i f f i r, s T 1! - o~i i t a f a r,):ri r 1 11 t t h rpo ' e CIA I e r n y ire f iriferi-r ~lu noe. Tli_ i n r,) i u c t in#, r r-yclol'ioxar.,~ fO.ructurefl irlt,) tl.e :7, ) cc u ~ o , W1110!. 111r,ady i F 'I r') m:1 t I r I r :.:I r ~ I ii ! c t tit! a J1 :j ) r t,,i i t.-., j I . ca i, f- , r ~i il i ' t I v -.I r s el er t I v e i t '-:,a r. ~i r. -;m x e ric pi r _)c it r nq c -i i r.,- ' w- -I rDc %r~ .n.- ~f M 1 x ed - -t ruc tu re ,eSt that a ri,romat-,grnp~.ic so Air:iti(.r. rinFEj . T he re H LI It !; SU of' hydrricarl,orm, w It,, t1jo- s:j:ne Molo.-Ular Wol,,,ht t ut 1 1 1-- n content of aromatic-: rinws, is we.! possihle. Ther- -irp - f ~ -u re s ,' table , -an I ~ .,-)viet refprp- cell . A 3.1, j CT I InLtitut gerjlrgi . i razra`,~~tki goryuchikh t Akademii nquk 353h kInatitute of Geologj an,I Mining of Mineral F~iels of the Academy of' Sciencen, 7,S'Sk, ?TI E SF.'7 F May 2 t -" n i n ,c ad em'. c' ar. S-7 17TEZ !"'ay PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SQV/51,~l Petrov, Aleksandr Alekaandrovich Kataliticheskaya lzomerizatslya uglevodorodov (Catalytic Isomeriza- tion of Hydrocarbons) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 21--4 p. Errata slip Inserted. 3,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. InstItut neftekhimicheskogo 8inteza. Resp. Ed.: P. I. Sanin, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Ed. of Pubilsh- Ing House: I. P. Loskutova; Tech. Ed.: S. G. Markovich. PURPOSE: This book is intended for chemists and petroleum techno- logists interested in the refining and the conversion of petroleum products. COVERAGE: The monograph was written to supply data on the chemistry of reactions Involved In modern heterogeneous catalytic petroleum- refining processes, i.e., reactions which take place over Card 1/4 Catalytic Isomerization (Cont.) SQV/5141 alumina-silica and polyfunctional catalysts. Isomerization re- actions of hydrocarbons catalyzed by heterogeneous catalysts are given basic attention. Theoretical problems such as the reac- tion mechanism, and the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the reaction capacity of hydrocarbons are Included. The book Io based on the author's experimental work on transformations of Individual hydrocarbons done at the Institut neftl AN SSSR (Pe- troleum Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR). No person- alitles are mentioned. References, mostly English, accompany Individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction 5 Card 2/4 848,.,e 1,-)6 2 /6 0 /~ 0 C /B C16 4 AUT HC RS PetrQv, Al, A S~,rgiyeriko, S San,. n , ? i tskaya . Ye TITLE. Synthesis and Pr(,perties of Hign Mixed Structureq Informati3n c. f t, h e C,:, m;),) s in C? FERIGDICAL. Izvestiya Akudgmi, na!ik SSSR n a u k , ' 4 ~ _' , N'C ~~ , '64h it Ts(.,d i I i na . A A ar, d N t- -- ~~ _: I ay '. ~,N A mole:,.ilar 1lydr_)-_arr,-.n9 Df 3yn!~hea:s Df Hydrr,,7arbn~ Otd-~lenyp kt.:m-.. nes?,.kn 1 81, - TEXT. The authors synthe3ized se-jeral hy-irD ar~-ns a tain extent , may serve as mode"Is for nydrocart-T,5 n 1 n . r t. 1 g r, boiling petroleum fra-ti)ns The presenL pape: rz~, r-s .:L 1~he syr.~nesi5 ar.d properties of 23 hydrocarbons with m,.xed stru~t-lres -onta;nirg ?4 hydrocarbo,i atoms per mclecu:e. Compared tD a similar ,nlestigati)n ~al ried out by R. S?h1eagler et a! (Ref.2' the present studies were made on a larger scale. The influen_-P of the legree of :y7:-.7a,~,on -2f *,h~. hydrocarbon molecules the eff,3ct -~f tne r,-Iative p,~Sticn .-If som, cycles in the paraffin chain ~f the molecules and the Pffec,~ Of !he Card 1P 91L e C~ 8 3ynthesis anl ?r,-perti os n , t- - :fir S /,)6, llydro~~arbons ()f Mixed Stru,-turgs BO' ~/BO64 Information 1, Synthes',s ~)f llydr,)cartDns Df 1. h e '. om a i t r. degree of substitutL,,n of ~t,.e ar~)matic -~r ry-l,)paraffin r,.nl,-s ir'. ~hf' molecule upon the prijpf~rties f the who : f, m,1 1 ecu ', E- wot re , ri v oq t , fa t e I ( c f Schome of th#o struotur,i~ -hanges . The hydrocarbons were syn thes i zed by the ~;rignard rl-a - '. i or, The &I--ohols were dehydrated T-no. vapor phase by means of ar, a: jm.num atalys*~ usf)d ,f tnp, American Petroleum ; %ti', s was howover "Gn(. in va -ki~im Purification was carr-,(~d -ut. by Jistil lal.ion and abs,)rpti-',n Th - nd tions f synthesis are dearrit,ed n de~a,! for ' d,,pheny, 1cde -ar,- whi I e only a ghort ; nformat , --n i s t;i v-n on the re~ara*. ! - f .r.r- -- ma.ning 22 hydro~arbr)ns Sn-- a beha-,or -,f 2.4 ~- 1-rina-r.y' :hloro benzyl was observei ~repariit'.,)n f *J.- 3rignard reagen*., tlie. -~i.ara t-rist.-.9 -,f rea-.i,~n t-'.we,~n eL ~enzyl halides and maj~~-nes:--im ar,~ dis jss-d 'Tacle * datEt '~r diary~ ethanee ~-btained by rpar~in&,- scme s-Ahs~uted t-?nzyl magnesiun) Tabl" 2 givAs Q~p f, rmu'as and !.h- m a' properties of the 23 hydro~arbonB itu,.ned Th- an,rtaii-q f vis )9.,; as a function if the 1~emper'itl'r' f tn~ polfm--hyl. derivatives are remarkab,e '~h~ ar,~ma*. v d r- arb--ns Card 2/3 A Synthesis and Properties ~,f 'Hig!~-molecilar HydrocarDons of Mixed Stru,tures BC 1 1, / B,--. 64 in format ion I. SyntheB is of Ftrb,~ns if tne -",Dmp~,s ', t , -n -24 several methyl groups on the ring have a mu,:h higher viscosity than t.~~p monosubstituted isomers. Ir. the near future, the auttcrs vi I I ~ut: iah a paier on the p~,yeicc-chem-.r-al prope r t i P a of ~hp hy I ror- a rt..,nj, i(,3 rL6~1 here (data on various 3i)ectra_ There are 2 tables ani '- refi-rer, ,s Soviet, 3 US, I "Ierman, and I i~ri t i at. ASSOCIATION 3 U B N, I'r':'E D .May In8titut geolotrii i razrabotki Koryu,-hikh 5K0PH1Yomykn A kadem I I nauk 33SH (I no I. I I, ut~! of (~ec I Utry t4n (A of Mineral Fuelq of th-e Aradtmj_of S:iences USSR Card 10/5 SHISHKINA, M.V.; PrtOYOF;fEV;, , Ye.A.; V , AI.A. 'llectrcn abaci-,,tior spec*,~'of some high moleculnr weight aromatic hydrocarbons. T-7-,dy lr~st. nefti 14:18'1-10" 16C.. (MI-r-A 14: ~ ) (Hydrocarbons-Spectra" Vo 13C /6(~/G ~ 3/0 4/29/C) 4 ALTHORS Sanin, P.!,, Petrov, Al.A., 3ergiyenko, 3.R., Nlkltskaya, Ye,A, The Viscosity Properties of .;ome Cyclic Hydrocarbons of the Composition 24 P EF 1 _- A.L Zhurnai prikladnoy khimill, 1960, VoI ",13, Nr 4, pp 94-1) - 93C The vls~:osity properties of 22 hydrocarbons of the omposition '~24 were 1-,died witnir. tne temperature range from 150 to -400,'. The results are shown in 2 -&tles The stidy of vlqcosity properties of bicycli; and trlcycllz~ hydrocarbons of 1hp TomposItIon C24 -ontaining isolated hexamethylene and benzene rings showed that the Iransitior. 1"rom an aliphatic hydrocarbon not containing cycles to mono-, di- and tri- hydrocarbons (by substitu-.1on of the hexyl group by a hexamethylene Nr benzene ring) Is accompanied by an increase in the viscosity and a deterioration of the temperature dependen~,-e of the viscosity. Bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containing methylated benzene rings are dlsttr~guished by a considerably higher viscosity than the corresponding hydro- carbons with non-methylated benzene rings. Naphthene 4ydrocarbons formed during hydro- genation of aromatic hydroca-rbons, which do not contain alkyl groups in the benzene ring, have a higher viscosity and a correspond Ing 1y weaker temperature dependence than the C ard 1112 ,he Visoosity Properties of Some --yolic Hydrocarbons of the Composition C 24 initial aromatic hydrocarbons. The opposite is observed in the case oil hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons containing methylated benzene rings. In this case hydrogenation leads to a de=ease of viscosity, which is especiaily considerable for hydrocarbons with LI-1 disubstituted r1ngsj the temperature dependence of viscosity improves correspondingly. !"ne phenomenon observed, which was noted earlier for condenp-ed polycyclic aromatic hydro- carbons, should be allowed for in the investigation of higher aromatic petroleum fractions by the hydrogenation method. Tnere are! 3 graphs, 3 tables and 20 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 5 English, 3 Amerloan and 3 German ASSO('IATION: Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN 33SR I Institut geologil i razrabotki gory-uchikh Iskopayemykh AN 33SR (Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the AS USSR and Institute of Geology and Development of Mineral Fuels of the AS USSR) S'.'a=,ED~ October 3, 1959 lard 212 JV~ " ~.k, ., ": I ~ n : " '- ., -, ,, .I : 1. 1 ) fk~m ... I V I SC , 9 1 t'1 I :- ;,er! ea Tr,o 1 r Hyl ro,-j:~atell T ne t r~ e it :3 ,j e th a t t~.r v i ti i t, n , I t e pe t r ~~eum 'ei" e'l ~j e 4 e j , 1 Y Q t , .-3 . U K~ t a i I f:, 1" Q f, Y e r e 'C 5 z' t it t [,,I t K AK e u. t It" Zr 'I ii,' ~:::., m, s k t e W e t e r, C h r I AUTHOR Ile A T IT LE K I tie t I " so Ideliv,it'' 'onit 1-n a lumina-chr,)mia c kt,i 1\ I PER 101) ICAL Chemie a chf~m i c k~ t ei_hn~, 1,,v i e1'r 11 1 .,j t ho s p0 d~ ~s It ;, I I t v T I t 11 1 Y , v 19 no ,,1 10) -, abs t r ittC It 1) 2 - It "17 v f t v k h i m I va ti'' 33-38 ) TEXT The kinet i cs of dehydr ogeria t i (in intht empf-r a t ,r range 450-5 10 OC was st ii d i e dThe reac t ion is ~t r ~na ly ret a r de,l by degradat ion produc t s itrid is sat t-, f,t( t oi i !v #-xI.r c-t. I i~y t h e Frost rpaction, The s t r it c t ii r eof the ot ig iria I li#-K.ine hasIi t ! I inf luenc e on t he dehydr oiz (- tia t io n s p. *.,I . I figure 3 tables lo litprature references [Abs t r a L t o r s no t F. C,,ml,lpt e t tans lat ion Card I/ I KVITKOVSKIY, L.N.; PETROV, AI.A. Some methodical processes in the study of high molecular weight hydrocarbons. Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.3z6l3-621 Itr 161. (KIFLA 14: 5) (Hydrocarbonz) PETROV, AI.A. Kinetics of dehydrogenation Of C6 - C8 alkanes on an alumino- chromium catalyst. Neftekhimiia I no.5i6O4-" S--O 161.(VM 1512) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemYkh AN SSSR. (Paraffins)(Dehydrogenation) 77 RALLI, ,.A. Reactlon of i:p-ne tTydrncd:-br)r,,q V't, nltrrger. teLraaxide fln,~ iodine. Zhur. ~-Ij. khim. 34 m-11,0621-3624 N 164 (MIF A IPl) 1. Lering-rtidskiv toklmol,,)g:r!,Pqkiy InstlWt imeni ~,&T.soTeta, tl~--Vsbossas ACCESS 910079/6S/035/.00 11 Pp iiih'v'slema and 6iimleai: GrItle'a, 0, envna tvft L 25687-66 EWT(m)/EWP(j) RM ACC NRt AP6016710 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/65/035/012/2755/2255 AUT11OR: Ionino B. I.; Petrov, A. A. ORG, Lei?ingrad Technological Institute im. Lensovet (Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy instituO TITLEi Ester of acetylenephosEhinic acid Ith the diethylamino group at the triple bond S(XJRCE: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v. 35, no. 12, 1965, 2255 TOPIC TAGS: ester, phosphinic acid, chlorinated organic compound, amine, organic phosphorus compoundp carboxylic acid ABSTRACT: To synthesize compounds with the dlalkylamino group at a triple bond, monochloroacetylenes containing eleetron-aoeeptor groups can be used. Thus, when triethylamine Is 'reated with the diethyl ester of ohloracetyleftephosphinle acid ( A the unstable quarternary salt (II) Is Immediately formed, which after boiling 10 minutes In benzene decomposes 'to form the diethyl ester of diethylaminoaootylenephosphinio acid (III). When compound (III). Is heated with a slight exeess of water on a water bath. hydration4. occurs to form the previously undesoribed diethylamide of diethyl- j J. phoaphonaoetio aoIA_;.(1V) UDC: L 25687-66 ACC Nib AP6016710 -01-0 a-po (0c H + '(C ff.) N -4 AC H N-C C-PO(Oc H 2 5 2 2 5, 2 5 2 H20 ---4"'*'(c N-Cac-po(oc H 2 5 (C2H5)2N'-C-C -PO(O 2 2 2H5 2 H2 C2 0 (IV) ,Attei~ptq. to, conduot the.analogous rsaotion with trimeihyla.mins failed. EJPRS] SUB CODE! 07 SUBM DATEI 05jun65 CRIG REFI 002 OrTH MFI 001 ACC NRI A?6031335 5OURCI3 CODE: UI/oo7g/66/036/oog/:649/i6,1:15 AUTIHM; Novit5kiy, K. 1.; Razumova, I.. A.; Potrov, A. A. 0,~L; Loningrad Technological institute imeni Loasovot (Ionin,-,radsk~.y to&hno!o-LchUL4Y institut) TML,: Rnasphorus-containin,-, Inutorocycloz;. Part 8: CondonLations of glycolphos?aor- ous acid chlorides with a,~-unsaturatud acidr. 5"'RCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimi., v. 36, no. 9. 1966, 1649-4,655 chloride, condensation reaction, or,-,anic pho5phorus cGm,pound, ous acid Tho condonsation o.- chlor~a'as of ~'.-yloncj p.-c,;~ylufa -,lycolphosphorouz acil.; -.~,th ac-.-ylic, a.-.& crotonic acic.~ wa~; st-ud~-Gdl in oru'ar to aDDly thir, reaction to t"-.u propa.-ation of cl---O.-idos :,f var-4C,,;:; C!- C~a-oropnosphonoc&rboVlic acids. It wa5 fou,-.d taat tra chlorides of acids reacting with m,~-unsaturatud acirls yield primarily ollgozaers of the structurc, ACC NR; AP603' 136 5 and (/:) of 0- - ~roatin,, the Oligomors with ?Ci5- 0-, . ~r- a-'d d'-C~lOrOphOLphono-a-muthyipoopionyI c._10;-ido (ti) woro obt-Inud for tn. fir-t tA - ~o. Orie. art. has: 2 Afiguros and 2 tabloz. SUB COZE: 07/ SUBM DATE: IOJ,.,,651 C.UG RLFi 001/ GTH REF; 003 Coro 3/) DiJ:ILOV, S.I! f,:riv. ZAMWI,07A~ A I., rod.; CAYiV. A.Ye., VVE' 0 A I , F 1; '-. - , A ' ; -,~ (' , . ; I F PEI A A 1: HU M, E A VLNUS, DA,'--LOVAI, E-7., rej.; I Ye.D.. red.; r,-i.., 1;~MTSEV. red.; red.; Yu.K., red. '4 S-,-Til rpn 1 sj !-ohipl-I C'.a 5 Y 0 go rl z fi - () M(yj , q . , . , .;,, - .~ , I Y', ~ . , C; V : A , A - . (~ r., ,j , P mor ~ ri,? rApn'~%3 on t.hfl ' P , t- [;:I ~'3 - "' ' ?-r- e -I, - ;) fj r t -. f -. t, p Mt r '. -, i rr, - ~ ~ r r ' I. r) -y .' r _i d y '-' : i ~ ' F PC r. L ~ ~ 4 ~ ---16,-. R!,I, ZAKORINA, R.A.1 IXEMA, G.S.1 PM-CV, A.Aj SKVCRTSOVA, G.V.; FAVORSKAYA, M.P. Various setups fdr the spectrRI-isotopic determination of gases in metalls. Vest. LGU 20 no.10i152 165. (MIRA 18:7) . . - A , , . ?~ , .. I , I I . "f". v I I . 11 1 . 0 . . - . . "..- .11", ...- I .. . I I . . I I . 1 1-. 3 .. SOMOV, G.P.; SHA?IRO, M.:., PF7ROV,-A.A.; ALEKSANDRCe, Y,A.V. Ftiology and epidemiology of tick-borne ty-p~us fpv,~-r 'm I.rp. Islands and coast of the Martitime Territory. Trudy Vlad:FY,(, no.2t45-50 162. (M:RA. 10'"; P5 STADNI-P, K s;~ecLrm --:r ns V s! q n '19 P'll 2 R n s ov V.",nP,- T v V Pea c'~lnn of Fjc,,j uff br-) A- ' np rii-4 c.; pt ;lc, . . " "I I.- . v : ~ -!~ I.' : I - --, I - - , ~ . ; - - - . . - ? T , ):, .5 , , ~ " - - - . . z 5 , . . : I , :~ 'r - ~ I -,O)~ -m 4,~ 1 , I .j . I , , p: I - , - - , - , ,, . . 7 . - , . " K , , - - - . . I . - %. r , * * , I m P r. , . - .j . . e r! m ov,- t& . n pr - I n 9 7 9 Ir 10- 1 I (In r~ ,t d F, 1( 1 .1 k, r.!, "n p n v 6 n e q At i t A A r I TI A A kf fF r t ri n r w k h v sk 1 15t rv t a k I i T E X'f T i1 Ie Zo T%e F~ p r uri e s Irp r,v if a gf- on e.i in rr ri %* cl I?f fff f rl I A Me t 11r t I rt I itr I em f- t i t n-I r' A 1 11j t c' t .1 1 1 a nisr P r it N p V;it Whet IAc- it , ,, I "Ir ff.101;,T IY~ tz (. It f I; t1, #. ,I I F ?IiNIarivf~1 11 wh I c I) t h I , " , f I I %t heit 41t Itr o titft- itc If ir n-i fc- m v, whvit tIt t-"V nII(. it 'is oI, it, I111 ohe fI ; o, I,rI iemI ', n Y i k-c Ir It-q I j,j t Ii. v ru I ,a Itharit1 0 c uitnc sru F.c a4-1 19 tit 11 T r,h1,%IU (':~', c /t19 n e ces13 ar yto It n k P itr (o un o11 p Ip a Iit , I I I I. It aticeoft11 t- " VarIcft 1: G e nernt r9w i I! htwt, oB c atorc irc u isn r e it Igoco n.9 ie Tedthe va rica1, ein g coniriec fp iii ntIt vf% it(, de oIt lip aeIt eir ittor Iittlip I ar a I Ie c') Ti It P r t I o It t11 01P Isn%hn 1 11 PI 'I.4c I itttie f rpqu e ll(~y- V ") rIaI I t 11 W~ I Lit Ve 'It aI" w tI 71~ N' 1 (. Atti- f r n,v .1 ro Irl '~ al- Ll(i ILI( / " (A, thvvI f ag 0, ri- f V I f1- "I ItI cou db 9 - 't f "r fr eque tic ", -4 w If 4 :1 1 11 Q Th 1i vf' a z 1 1( r11 a te , If r -m f lie ~ inij i f, -x 1, r F 4.4 1 1, ti qW, C a r It 211 ri UXELONI I'Sh I Y, ol. A., A Mass si- vinylacety-'enes. Irudy Kom. aj. ~tl ~ vi ) i_ 1. -skiy instil,w po pererabotke nefit I gaza I p luchoid~u iqkut;-,vmnnogo zhidkogo topliva. L Asn rCV NWH:- A-T,3002350 812513/63/013/0W/0462/0490 j AUMM Xhmellnitaklys F, Pol YWWV&, A. A. ISetrovi A. A. TI=: Hasm-spectrometric simlysis of s1lica-coniainIng vLnylacetylenes 801a 22 Mj4Uj2M9WX khIMIL, Tmdy*, v. 13P 1961* Orainiahookly anallss W2-490 MPIC TAM spectroumtry, silioap vinylacetylene, alkyl radical,, vinyl radical ABSTWT: -7he study of masp-apectra. of silice.--containing vinylacetylenes shoved that the process of their ionic dissociation is very selective. This results in the formation of a. small group of characteristic ions vhich may be utilized in tha identification amd quantitative analysis of the alkylailybutenenes. nle investigated mes-spectra. covered the following compounds 3 trimethylisopmpenyl. jac6tylenylsIlane,O trimethylprope.,Iylwetylenylailane, 'trlethylvinylacetylenyl- silane n , dimethylvinylacetylenylailane and methylvWldivinylacetyle ylsilane. In all the investigated materlals,, the maxim= peak was found at the silica ato=A after alkyl and vinyl radicals had sepamted from the silica atom, This fact ! "allows. the qualitative identification and the qualitative datermi4ation of the isilica-containing vinylacetylynes in mixtures, Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 1 figure. and Gas Refines ASSNt All-Union Scientifti-ReseaSquIrt. for Petroleum ;tard- 1A-7 and Syntbasia-Q --Ljquj.--_o KRMUZE, Yu.I.; FLIEUV, A.A. Conjugated systems. Part 170: Jlioroa.Ulatior. of divinylacetylene and its homoloCe. Zhur.ob.khim. 3) no-4.1LU-LU9 Ap 163. (MIRA 16-5) 1. IBningraaskiy teklLnulogichfjskl~, Institut Imeni Lonsoveta. (Hexadienyne) (Arylation) (Chlorination) 3r3 1,1 J' 0 I um P- 30 00") J,~ Xe P3 re pr ~e m SABO, L. V. ; PETROV, A.A. Use of rotor-disk contF&ctors in petr,leum prerefllri!n4~. Lek.h.ll/)Pl.i masel 7 no. .14-16 V 16,~. ~ .1-C %JA '. ~ _. __ , 1. Goaudarstqennyy inatitut po proycktirovaniyu I rabotam neftedobyvuyushchey promyshlennosti vos.oclhnykh ray-'rliv 5 lrany. (Petroleum-hefiaing) S/079/62/032/006/001/006 D204/D507 AUTHORS i StadrLichuk, M.D. and Petrov, A.A. TITLEi InvestiFatiorm of conjugated eystema. CLV111. The addition of Li alkyla to trimethilailyl- iso-propenyl- (A) and to trimethyloilyl-I)ro- penyl-acetylene (B) PERIODICALt Zhurnal obahchey khimli, v. 52, no. 8, 1962, 249() - 2494 'rEXT: The rea(-tions of LiBu and LiPr with A and B w-r- i3tudipd to dotermine the structural influencuB of the enjne j.,roul,int_~ on the clirpotion of' nddition. Tho nddition of A to LiBij Kave a 1)roduct, C, which after treatment with water and hydrolynis with a1c. K011 gave a mixture of hydrocarbons containing - 24 % of compoundo ponseosing a terminal triple bond. Infrared spectroacopy revealed that C waa a mixture of allenic and acetylene compounds, the moot important product being (CH 3)3 SiCH - C - ~ - CH 2 - C4 If9 Card 112 CH3 S/0'19 /62/032/008/~-M/C06 Investigations of con,,upatpd D204~D507 Analogous results were found for the addition of Lil'r and A. The addition of B to Libu gave a product, D , which on hydrolysis yielded hydrocarbons containing -41 % of substituted acetylenea. The allenic part of D was mainly (CH, 3SiCH - C C4H9, These differences are explained by the different electron displacements in the case of A and B (resulting in unequal polarization of the 1,4 positions) and bj the steric effect of -CH3 in A. The differences between the addi- t.1on products of Li alkyls and (a) vinyl alkyl acetylene, and (b) Bilicon containing enynes, (i.e. the formation of a greater proportion of acetylenes in the latter case), are ascribed to the steric effect of the -5i(CH group and to a partial transfer of the7relectrons from the tripie)5bond into the d-orbit of silicon. There are 3 fip--res. ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy tekhnologicheakly inBtitut imeni Lenaoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeui Lensovet) SUBMITTEDt July12, 1961 Card 212 I jfC r-j-U 'S 2 -74, S/S2 13 7 X 1 4436 list t(J - ewi. 'is. 44,1 uii - , HS, (C.H.4 t t r i 7u r r-- t) I in n -aj- r- ~i i ta I a t r i F-, t. i -a i , c t* r~, i re b x t r,- .i -j i r,, n a n i ~!r- ; n, ei r6. ro ri 3 f n i t ruv n i n t o th t ri t a ri~- in 7 r1 - cu rr- n on :1, 5 K a i i e i T, Lo n 9,. ve 62PJG k, ~O c 'I"k- tIV,' e Y.'n t~c al p , -~) t I'a C C -~ I. 0t e 're r j'fa eo -1,11 06c 5e C, ar ese 5 e e5 -0 Yl 501 eo*c ea 5 0 C\e(N vi A e e- c CIA 0 1"' ve ePol e- "'INe -%)e , o A e le '46r r- ars%o e 0. AS 0t Oll 1, 0, t~OIN 00 SO CID N4v% TO\10" cylg~ t-ec ~ts -C Oe of p CO CS (-)Se ot ~,e to t\40- t rj% Ca. 6c tlOID tytc L\ I-xi e ~ 6 a 'a'Ol 0 05 '501, 5 t I ~,e c 0." eel Cc j3G Y. 5 ?a cy~~%Vl IL -A 'Da 99,rl) 's, L~o 6el to 5 ~CTA OIA Structure and reactivity if ... A 057/ A ;nr rT--tnf,.,;5 f' this me-haninm, In syntheses of diviny', h,,m(,li;Fui-s the r-' bptwepn !,,I- and ieppnd~i on the polarity of the hydrocarhons. 'M twe -stage mechanism Is n,it in contracil ction with the stereospeci f icity, rspe,- I trans-additions, but -ann- 1, oxp~a!n It, B-ause -,f thp ster-isp- M P, ectrophy I 11c add I ti,)n and tne ab3en~:r- of' a p,. I ar Pffeo t )f th- sf~ ~%-rt at);., yo , A . ~11 1 1- sljfrgest(~d a 1 ready the ittea on the f(~rmat I (-~n . f a nr~: cycit,, Intermediate complox in f!lectrophyllc trans -addl tl,-)n processen, T'no a.;I~n r the formation )f a l-,cmplex, whose aiHition Is directed by f-,tPr-!f' ~_,Ilt --~. q'I.e ~j,j(jjtjr~n t,) the trlple b4und occurs, according tn the author, by Inrivi, x-n~ rt) c)mplexes. Data on addition reactions of enines are in good agreemont wl'Lh th f- of the reactivity of dienines. Investigations of the reactivity of dlar(~tyl-n-s and homolc~gues showed an analogy in the reactions of alkylvinylacetylones, i.-, the electrophylic and nucleophylic attack begins at the last carbon atum of ti'.r- hydrocarbon. With the increasing number of acetylene bonds in the moie-ule increases the rate of nucleophyiic, and decreases the rate of electrophyllic, -l',ii- tion. There are 4 tables, and 2 figures. Card 2/2 ZH I CL I NSK I Y, A. G. ; LAYDEL' , A. N. ; A.A. Spectral anal.(sis -)f isotopic compositicn (3urvey). Zav.lab. 2q no.5:550-552 I t- 3 . (~CRA it: ~, (Isotop,,~s--Spec tra) DIMIN. V.S.; SAVINSKIY, G.B.; PETROV, A.A.. rodaktor; ANTONOVA. N.K., tekhnicheakiy redaktor Nachines f~r mocnanizEitlon of work in raiBing livestocir.- Masnin7 dlia mokhanizataii rabot v zhivotnovodstve. Koskva. Izd-vo Mini- sterstva sellskogo khozialetva SSSR. 1956. 31 P. (MLR,* 9:11) (Farm equipment) LMMI?I,V.S.; SAVINSKIT.G.B., PSTROV.A.A.. reduktor: ANTOIJOVA,11jo.. takhj31- cheskiy redaktor - , [Tractors, automobiles and engines in Soviet agriculture] Traktory, Aytomobili t dvigatell v sellskom khozinietTe SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Minleteretva sel'skogo khoziaistva SSSR, 1956. 60 p. (MLRA 9:4) (Tractor@) (motor trucks) DIMIN. V.S.; SAVINSKIY, G.B.; PYPTROV. A.A., redaktor: ANTONOVA. N.M., takhnichask-iy redaktor -- - - [Machinery for tillage] Pochvoobrabatyvaiushchie mashIny. Moskva. Izd-vo Ministerstys sal'skogo khoziatetva SSSR, 1956. Al p. (Agricultural machinery) (MIRA 9:9) ExT,erl e, ce D~ t,,.r? mi,ct.: ne-t-iirtcr -itt, ~iL-r. t.';e Krict; -n ; . ( -1 31~ -ilq i t, Vol 7 nc, Pup. 1 -,C: ~.ast ~.,iro, .,,tn A Ll t, -AL) it r-try f Congress, Vcl. -i,_. I", Decerter ll~' 6 Mgrk 4 reda t or. HAnORiDj^ talchnichaskly re, eteir e 4 r ris re ca - q Va qSt 7e -.-odnre usloviia. ..V8 :)lates. 10 0) L 25598-66 EWT(m)/ZWP(j) RM ACC NRj AP6016687 SOURCE CCD9j UR/0079165/035/009/1566/157( AUMORI Bogolyubov, G. H.; Hingaleva, K. S.; Petrov, A* A* ~164 ORG: Lospingrad. Technological Institute ime lAnsovet (Leningradskiy tekhriologichasKy instituti- TITIEt Dipole momentA of certain acetylenio derivatives of phosphorus SOURCEs Zhurna~obah Ley khimii, v. 33, no# 9, 1963. 1566-1570 TOPIC TAGS: dipole momerf. intramolecular wachanics, UV spectrum, sulfide, halide, organic phosphorus compound, phosphorus ABSTRACT The intramolecular electronic interactions in the molecules of sulfides 6f tertiary alphabeta-uneaturated phosphines were studied by deter- mining their dipole moments and ultraviolet spectra. The dipole moments were a of 'obtained for the phosphine sulfides, thiophosphroyl halides, and halide 'tricoordinated phosphorus and correlated with the Taft inductive constants. The increase in the dipole moments of sulfides of tertiar7 acetylenic phos- phines with increasing sum of the inductive constants of the substituents on the phosphorus atom may be explained by a positive electronic effect, directedl 'identically with the vector of the total moment of the molecule# The dipole Mmente of halide3 of tricoordinated. phosphorus decrease with increasing elec- .tron-attracting abilit of the substituents a-mlogously to the triphosphoryl .226.1 L 25598-66 T ACC Nit, %halids3- The ietterns observed are wcplained by conjugation of the triple .,bonds with- the phosphorus ato% the possibility of which Is confirmed by the I ultraviolet spectra of the sulfides of ker+, ary unsatwated p~pephines- Orig, art, I figiirej 2 formulas, and'5 tables. N fipjjs SUB COM 070 20 SUBK DATE: 23,Jun64 ORIG REFt 003 OM REFs 002 24761-66 015533 SOURCE CODEt 0054/~-5/60-0-700-17 ACC NC. 7 AUTHOR: -!La~.Ya Go S.; Petrov,_.A. A.*; Yqsiqpoj%, G. A. ORGt none 64 TITLE: Use of isotopic equilibri. determining _c~xypn in metals SOURCEt Leningrad. Universitoto Vestniko Seriya fiziki i IdiiMil, no. 1, 1965. 141-142 TOPIC TAGS: iron, cobalt, power metal, carbon steel, tungsten, metal miting. spectr scopic analysis, oxygen, isotope ABSTRACT: Effecting low temperature (-,~-11500 0 isotopic quilibrium, which ~va6 done previously to determine oxygen In IroAnd c9tal 1j9_vftadqhas given ,way to effecting equilibrium at temperatures of 1700-20009 C by high frequency .heating of the metal sample in a graphite crucible. The method was tested on Gem lea of iron, carbon steel, ankiiamtoNt oxygen concentrations of 10-2 !10-3 ~ by veight. Spectroscopic determinations of the Isotopic ecmposition of the oxygen In the gas In equillbrIum are In good agreement-yltlLthe data found by the vacuum melting method. Orige art, hast 1 table. LJPR�j SUB CODE: 13, 20 / SUBM DATEi 04Jul64 / ORIG REFt 001 0 JIN, Kam T -4, F Fe)T 1--NP !i! TT ACC NR, AR6021 f)oo SOV RCI-" UR I'll I 3f 66 /Oo0iOo3, 002-1 01)"1 AT7TTTOR : Nloise I - _yev, N. N. , Nij-s;iKis, A. D. , Pctrov,_-A.-As TITLE: IfOrodynamic problvins in astronautics SOVRCE: Ref. zh. Iss] k0sm Ahs. A. 62. '-"io REF SOURCE: 15 1 nternat. Ast r(maut. (-()tigr. Supt. 1964 T MPIC TAGS: hydrodyn.imics, fillid "(IL11"Itw1urn, (osmic hvdrwJynarr,ics, space hydrodynamics, space fluid rul-4 how ABSTRACT: The authors disckis-, a 4 114-W pr(161(.111" III prompted by the tremendmis t-.xp,tIIiiO(I (d ( ()!,'IIIIL Tt.t-s( problcinki .~rc rclated to the study of the 1wii,tvI(W ()f IILII(I.~ 11 .1 1-t,ill' f)t" /11, the effect of weak graviati(,n;tI (,r illd III the Study 14 thf. lyn'ITIlic effects of fluids, under the above mentioneo conditions, on the vesseis in which Card 1/ 2 L 0187-66 ACC NR: AR6021906 they are contained. Tiw ;jutilor ,i irr,il jv,-.~, tr, Ini- of typvs of 11-aid equilibriurn, vis( ,wj ilit, r~i( tion. of abstract) [Sj)) SUB CODE: 22/ 2/2 C-,d PHTROV, AA.. inzhoner. Technological aspects of the manufacture of SVK-150--l turbines. Enarroarishinostroenie no.3:24-2'~ Mr '56. (MLRLA )- 7) (Steam turbines) PETR CIV . A. isonnin^tlon of progreanive prodnction practice. Sov.profmoiuxy 4 no.11:4q-Sl N 156. (KLRA 10:1) 1.ProdamdAtall komissit po proizvodstvenrio-r-assavoy rnbote krmltetl% profsovuzot LonlneTRdsko,-o mntallichogskno-o zitvodst. (LeningrRd-Turbines) (Effielmncy. Industrial) PSTROV, A.A., inxhener. gorkine seamless 'forged rotors for SVK-150-1 steam turbins~s. ,6nergomashinostroeide no.10:25-28 0 156. (KIRA 10:1) (Stem turbines) (Metalwork) PW ROV, k. A. 0 1 nsh. Finish boring of F;team-turbiae bodies (cylinders). Ener mashinoatroenia no.2:-19-42 F '59. ?MIIIRA 12:3) (Steam turbinon) (Drilli,ig and boring) L 19166-63 EWP(q)/BDS/EWr(m)/E7,;?(r) ASD/AFFTC JD S/0285/63/000/007/0005/0005 ACCESSION NR: AR3005461 SOURCE: RZ11. Turbostroyentye, Abs. 7.49.27 AUTHOR: Petrov, A. A, nTLE: On the wave character of turbine blade oscillations CITED SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit.-- in-ta, v. 40, 1962, 85-68 TOPIC TAGS: bending, stress, shear stress, turbine, -urbine blade, turbine bladc strength, crystallite slip TRANSLATION: It is noted that two str snes act on the blade: the bending and the shear qtress, with the latter characterized by shorter waves. A consideration of the shear, a phenomenon associated with the slip of metallic crystallites, can lend to an explanation of the effect of the logarithmic decrement of oscillation damping, whose physical nature has not yet been determined. The shears occur simultaneously over a large number of planes, while the associated energy produces Card 1/2 1 L 19166-63 ACCESSION NR: AR3005461 damping. The velocity of an infinitely short wave (and period) arising originally as a result of a sudden stress, varies depending on the ratio cf the length of the transverse cross-section to its height, i.e., the ratio of the blade chord to itq thickness. With high stresses between the cr sta there is cracking nnd destruction occurs. The fracture of short blai-es is explained by the predom- Lnnnce of shear in them (this process is assisted by the high temperature). The effect of shear in turbine blade oscillations cannot be neglected. One illustra- tion. Bibliography with 3 titles. DATE ACQ: 2 Aug 61 SUB CODE. m, MD ENCL: 0) Z-,d 2/2 Certain Problems (Cont.) SOV/54,60 Dolinskly, E. D. (Engineer]. The Organization of Lo,L' Production of Steam Turbines 33 Petrov, A. A. (Engineer). Fine Boring of Steam-Turbine Cylin- ders 38 Lisitsyn, D. I. A Specialized Machine Tool for Killing the In- clir.-~d Splitting Planes of Steam-Turbine Diaphragms 45 Plagov, Sh. Z. Proper Utilization of Available Specialized Equipment 47 Gol'dsher., A. Ya. (Engineer). The Process of Coupling the Shafts of a Large Hydraulic Turboalternator 55 Bronovskly, G. A. (Eingineerl. A Welded Joint of a Split Running Wheel on a Mixed-Flow Turbine 68 Kal'nitskly, S. L. [Engineer). Certain Universal Fixtures Used in Turbine Manufacturing 75 C a rd 3/1~' Certain Problems (cont.) SOV/5460 COVERAGE: The experience of the LMZ (Leningraddkiy metallicheskiy zavod - Leningrad Metalworking Plant) In the manufacture of modern large-capacity turbines Is presented. Methods for the rationali- zation of baslc manufacturing processes and for the mechanization anJ automation of manual operations are given. Descriptions of attach- ments and tools designed by LMZ for improving labor productivity and product quality are provided, and advanced Inspection methods discussed. References accompany some articles. No personalities are mentioned. There are 26 references: 25 Soviet and 1 English. TABLE OF CONTPYTS: Foreword I. NEW PROCESSING METHODS IN MACHINING AND ASSEMBLY Gamze, Z. M. (Engineer]. The Organization, Methods,and Trends In Efforts for Improving the Easy Manufacturability of Designs for Large Hydraulic Turbines Card 2112