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arm, 6nel vAl, UM/Chemistry-41icro-analysis' Pub. 86-18/39 Authors 3 Alitarin, 1. P., Hem. Corresp. Acad. Se, USSR; and Petrikova, M. H. 3 Ir-Itramicroanalysis Fr1roda 44A, 89-94, Jan 13.;5 Astra et 3 M-tramicroanalysis is presented as albranch of chemistry dealing with the analysis of Very rdnute quantities, and as having been developed by Russian scientists. In such analysis quantities ranging from 0.001 milliliter to 0.1 microliter and weighing 20--600 micrograms are analyzed. The Instruments required are illustrated and explained. 'Ibe procedure is,described, covering such steps as weighing and staining the specimens anC the use of capil2ary attraction. Five Soviet references (1949--1954). Illustrations; tsble. Institution The V. 1. Vernatskiy Institute of Geochemistry and Anal. Chem. of the of Submitted ALIMARIN,I.P.: PWRIKOVA,N.N. Use of 9111con-organic coatings In ultramicroannlysis. Zhur.anal khtfa. 10 no.4:251-255 Jl-Ag '55. (KE&A 8:9) 1. Institut geokhtmit I analiticheakoy khimit imeni V.I.Venad- skc,go Al SSSR. Moscow. (Microanalysis) (Silicon organic compounds) n./v FBrRIKOVA, U.N.; ALIMARIN. I.P. Ultramicro-method of chemical analysis. Amperometric t1tration (with summary, in Englishl. Zhur.anal.khim. 12 no.4:462~45 JI-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.Institut gsokhimii i analitichebkoy khimil im. V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva. (Microchemistry) (Blectrochemical analysis) P r:FTlqt kG VA m, /V, AUTFC-itS: Alinarin, I.- 'Petrikcoa, TITLE: Ultramicroanalysis. Sur-7ey of Jor1ks From 1952 to 1957 JArarnihroanaliz. Obzor rabot 1952-1957 99.)- (7 PMODICAL: Zavoaska,-a Laboratoriya, 1955, Vol. 24, lir 1 , pr. 29- 3- (USSR) ABSTRAM It is said in this report that thf.~ method.-, of microanalysi.~~ not been dealt -.-rith unt'll Taite recently, and that therefore ver; few scientific gork,- dealing -aith this fiell have existed lip, ~c noa. The report mentions 40 foreign works dealing iith thl-3 Sub- ject, w1hile orly 4 Soviet works by the authors of this paper, I t-y P. Kirk, one by I.'.. Korenman and one by Koreirian and Ye.V. Gransberg are mentioned. On the w1w1e, foreign works on this subject are given preference, above all those by Benedetti ar.3 richler, r,-hich (as may be seen from the list of references) are used as a standard work in a Russian translation also ir t~.e USSR,. The vmrks mentioned are divided into Wo groups: ~Iorks ma~'r--y con3isting in various kindn of chemical analysis for ;.hich, per- hap,3, the most simple deviceo are used, an,3, 2.1.) aorkm in ah~4ch Card 1/2 microsccpes, zrk-nipu],atcrs, and other precise apparat~Ls ar-? --3ed. I Ultra.microanalysis. Survey of 4crk-s Frcr.- 1952 to 1957 72-1 -11/; : Th,~ Soviet viorks by Kift, Kor(.,nr,%,-n and Grosberg b,-,long to tti, first group, whereas the four v;orks by the authors of this belong to the second and deal with elect rochenical mctnod2 of analysis, ultramicroelectrolysis vith the appliGation of or mercury electradcs, and further such methods cas thc potci~'~io- metric, ar-pero-metric and ultramicrotitration, as well as ttc quantitative determination for iron, vanadium and chromiwn iith an accuracy of I - 3%. In conclusion, Soviet scientists are rc- quested to pay more attention to this branch of science. a:bove in the fields of' electron microscopy ard the application c~f radioactive isotopes. There are 47 references, 7 of ahich are Slavic. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Yderoanalysis-Yiethods 2. Chemical analysis 3. Mercury electrodes 5(4) 03-) 1,11c'3-4 -~3 /39 AUTHOYq: Alimarin, I.P., Corresponding Mctmbor of the Ari U63fl, and Pet-rikova, M.N. TIT1x: Achievements of Ultramicroanalysis -- .1 1 %1. PERIODICALi failmiche5kaya nauka i promysh-lermost', 1959., Vci 4, Nr 2, pp 223-229 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 'Me ultramier3motbod enalyzes quantities of n . 10-6 to 0-1,2 g 1_11 .L n . 10-3 to 10~~ -m-1. Volumes of less than lo-3 ml are haz-dl,~!d by micromar-4pulators under the microscope le~.~uiiques for I--- er quanti- th -Ref 4~ 5 collical ties have been developed by Koremm-ren arid ot ers L capillary test tubes of 0.3 - 2 =n in the lower part and 3 6 mn, in the upper part are useed for this purpose. In titration the end point is determined by electrochemical methods, In ultrami4,r~-jytoteri'4io-,netric titratio-n L"-Ref 11 _7 of I mm3 of a solution t-he cell is p'aced in a humidity chamber (Figure 3) to avoid evaporatioll. Yhe coulombometric _7. ki the spec tro- method of analysis is investigated in CRef 12, 13 I photometer PMQ-11 adsorption can be measured in vol~.Lmes of 100 Mm . A photographic microcolorimetar may be used in the co-lorimetric analysis Of small Vol in t-!-,e ul-yamierc. is under T-he micro- umes fRef 25 7. ~ 29- Card 1/3 scope introduced by Benedetti'-Pi&-ler Z`Re~ vessels are Achievements of Ultramicroanalysis sim,7/63-4 -2-113/ 39 0.5 - 1.5 mm in diameter. They are placed In a special zhamb-ar with wct cotton wool 'to r-:~duc3 evaporation (FiSuvo 6). Tn-U 5-.paration of sulut-ion and precipita-.e is obtfLi-n1?d by rot filtration. Electrolytic sepa-rat-ion of metaLs may be ca-T-ried out --zlder Vie mic!ro- scope with solid or liquid electrDdes fRef 38-7. Extractio-z, from vol,,jmes of jec-s tjLayj jo-3 ml 4.s in a Zr-lde-e,i ~,-l ~'-!--ary tube. T`he burettes used ir this method al'e 0-5 mm In wit,, an end drw4n to 0.02 mm in diametei,. For pot~-ntiometrllc w*ialysio a capillary vessel of 1 - 2 nm with a Platin-Oln wire -- ele,~troda ici e-rPp!-,,)yc-d. in amperometric titration tl.,,e mixing io carried Out by a vlDrating ele~.- trode (Figure 13). The quantitative analysl~ is carried c-at by means r- 41.7. of vessels with hydrophoblo walls i, Ref For weig~ir-g ultra- MiCT-O!~CaleS are used with a -via.rtz torsion tiiread ~,f 25~A4- Tti-~ weigbts are placed on oups of platiTyun foil. Such 5~.-ales weigh of r a few tenths of mg with an errc-v of 2 - 10-4 g. 1TV,e ultrainion').,net-t~)d is used in bio.-hemistry and olinical lat-)ra-Lcries for t.1-le determinatlun of calciimn or gas in thf~ blood. A pipette for this shown ir Card 2/3 Figure 12. It is a:-sc applied in the synthesis of ml-nera16 under high Achievements of UltramicroaaLalysis pressure, nuclear reactions, etc. ele-,tronic microscope. There are 8 diagram5, 4 p~iotos, 1 are Soviet, 17 German, 15 English, Canadian. SWA-3 -4 -2 - 1-1/-1;4 j It Is recommended tj use also the table and 47 referarzes, 22 of w-nich 1 Frericl).. I Czeahv~slova.~ ,i Card 3/3 PETRIKOVA, ALN-!ARIN, I.P. U I tram i -:-a -ethotl cIP chemic a I ema ly a is. Report 7: ze, trc titration using a gola electrode. Zhur. anal. kh-im. ~C :,,n.5: 529-533 '65. (MIRA 18: 12 - 1rietitut f7eokhimii i anal I ticheskoy khimii imeni ".1'. 1 . I Vernadsko,-,o AN Moskva. Submitted April 7, ALIMARIN, I.P.; PETRIKOVI%,Jj*.tj,.._ Ultramicrogram method of chemical analysir. Report No. 8z Coulometric titration. Zhur. anfLI. khim. 21 no. 1t3-6 166 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut genkhimil I analitle-heskoy khimii imeni Venindgkopo jVj SSSR, MoqkVn. ALDLUUNP I. P.; PEMKOVA, M. N. N&w mrtbods for organic ultramicroanalyain performed on a imicroacope stage. Kau tud kozl MTA 16 no.3:237-245 161. 1. Institut geekhimii i analiticheakoy khinii im. V. I. Vernadakegop Moskva. FtFKT.g p SEMM) G.1, Cawe of the baoyanoy of plankton diatoms. Trudy Inst.okean. 51:33-36 161. (KMA 14:6) (Diatom) (Sap) iil'jl~~ " RAPOS, Milan, PETRIKOVA, Natalia Contritution to the topical distribution of histiocytes in the interstitial connective tissue of rat testes. Biologia (Bratial.) 19 no,5-.382-385 164. 1. Katedra histologie a embryologie Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Romenskeho v Bratislave. A Vountry Abs. Jouv Author Inatitut. T Itil o F IUSSR 1-11croblolot7y. coreral !Acrobiology. Grouth and ii,-,f 1--ur-51ol 1Y58, No 10""':07 EP!ultr ~ikov~e 10 zi n a 1, " T. Sera Stavropol I Soientifio Reseexch Irstitu+* of vaccines am Tbo Problem of Findirq n Mothod of Produoing Regenvrati~l of Mtrable Form& of the Ldphthuria Orraniew Or ig Pub. :Sb. nsuchn. ir. Str"opollsk n.-i. im-t vaktsin I eyvorotok, 19,57, izo 4, 209-214 AbAract An attempt was zade to produce regeneration of filtrable forms of the diphtheria bacillus by means of seving oollodion nacs cobtitining a bouillon oulture Altrate prepared according to the Calmette method Into the abdordnal oavity of a young rabbit weighing 170-180 grata. Positive result9--the growth of the scooniary oulture on solid riedia-vore abtnin,~d in flirno out of 11 experiments, whial, considerably exceeds the number of pot4tive reaults obtained through thq ure of the Suknev reganeration method or frequent passages through froth mutritive roodia (1 :9). When collodion race containinr a riltrate of a bouillon culturo were sawn into the i7odominal cavitieft of giiines. pign, t1my died Card: 1/2 0 ourLt ry C a c,-,ory Vicrobiclogy. G6neial ~Iicrobioio~-. 'irowt., &A Devftlaiment nf the ,*iorobial Population. Ref ;,hur-51ol, No 23, 1'0)8, No F*trikovei If. M. Author Inatitut. 'arm-m-r-OP-0-1-Scientific Researcl- Institu'o of Vaccines/ TI'UlL, Filtrable 'orms uf Dinhthcric Ract,.~riu CrV, 1'ub. 3b. nwucha. tr. Stavrnpollsk. n.-I. In-t vaktaill J -.o 4, 219-22C ayvoroLok, 11) By the vet~,oci of &,.-'n.4 lotbe pre~sarce of spnei'ic antiserum flitrable forms of tila d-1phtheria bacillus verow obia~iia,l. 1t is poaziibla o produca rap-enerea,' in the sonorlax- cultures usurIly by meanc. of t*!-e Sitknev "cAture meli=' and Tc-rticulirly by rw,4inf,, collolior, racn into tn~! abdortiml ofivitY cf yo,mg rabbits. -ho secondary cAVareri are Aaracterize-I by ar. altered morphology, deareafrei eermontative mkctivit~, poor agplutirmbillty und atoxigeniotty. lNe newly toquirod propertios axe stable.- C' rrI -7 BRUMVSKY, hmn, inz.; PETRIKOVIC, Vladimir., inz. Mud fluid 1~seei3 and ths.'r aliminaticn. Geol ;z-uzku-- 6 nc~.R. 231-233 Ag '64 1. Gesko3lovenske naftove d:~Iy Nation-al Enterprise, Hodonin; Resea::-ch lnstitute of the Ceskoslovenske nalto-ve dcI7, Brno. FETRIKOUCS, Laszlo Correct selection of layer resistors. Radio te chrXkca la Ja PETRIKOVITSP Laszlo - Correct selection of layer resistors. Radiotechnika 10 no.1-1: 4 of cover N 160, PORFIRIYU, V.B. [Porfirliev V.B.]; GRINBEfiG, I.V.; PETRIKOVSKAYA 1-1 E. [FetrykivsIka,, M.IE.J; VARCHE~SKIY, I.S. Studying the origin of petroleim. Fratsi Inst. geol. kor. kop. AN UHSR 2r59-M 160. (141 RA 14. ) (Petroleum geology) I)E - i ' )'A~ " V S A')-) 'I ~'/ / rI L I /"/ ), ~lc GR1W3RG. 1.Y.; FMINOVSKATA. M.Te. (Petrikivelka. M.11.] Studying genetic variations in the hydrogen isotope composition (H/D) of minerals of organic and inorganic origin. Gaol. zhur. 17 no.4:64-69 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Hydrogen--Isotopes) (Mineralogy, Determinative) GERMETVj) 1. V. ; Y=TKOVSKA'fA) M. Y-e,.. "A study of the content and ratios of hyd-rogen (H/D) and carbrn ', 77 1 isotopes In hydrocarbons of oil and series." report submitted for 22nd Sess, Intl GeoLogiml Cong, New DfAl,i, 5f- 196h. GRINBERG, I.V.; PETRIKOVSKAYA, M.Ye.; AREFIYEV, N.V. Study of the ch--mical,, genetic and Isotopic relationship of gae-condowato hydrocarbona in the Carpathian region. Geol. obor. [Lvov] no-7/8:54-65 t61. (MAIRA 14:12) 1. Institut geologii. poleznykh iskopayemykh AN USSR, LIvov. (Carpathian Mountain region-ilydrocarbons) ZININ, P.A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nw1k; PhTRIKOVSKIY, S.M., inzhener. Pr-11st transport of bricks by the railroads and mixed transport lines. Makh.trud.rab.10 no.4:17-20 AP 156. (HIJU 9:7) (Bricks-Transportatioz) rETRTI A, F. 7774. PFTRTI A P.---Yxt;yo- ny-ye ~u) "Pury. 111 1 11? r3, (Iosr)olitnri Ucli I zdat, , 954. YU 468 S. i 'I 2-~ S-1. 4.0"0 Ekz. 7R. 15 "1. V-~,er.--Bibliogr: S. 463-465 (56 'Iazv.)--?ITa litov. Yaz--(55----,2/-7) (11-7 & (o-.6.3) SO: Knizhnaya Letonis', Vol. 7, 1,55 174 - uffiversity (i,'ysiol-or,101ty Ustav L,,I;,,. wax. UPJS), Kosice. '$Influence of Corrisnne on the pli and PC02 in an(j Venous blood of Peripheral l'issue.11 Prague, Coskoslovenska fysiolor~ie, Vol 15, No 2, 1:;'ob 75 Ab3tract: il~'xporimonts with 16 dor~3 in allobarbil-InI n%rcr)~-,Ir~ showod an incroaocd pH in the artf~rLos and a decreasou ph in t;le veins, lasting about 3 hours after administration of Arterial PC02 decreased and venous increased or ,mour, I-Ioulls. Oxygen content of the blood was increased by cortisone ad-min- istration. 1 ,iest()rrj, 1 Czech reforence. Submittod at '11~ ),,V.9 of Physiology" at Kosice, 27 Sop 65. 126 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA STANCAKOVA, L., ?ETRILi~!,' J' PhVs-~lo ]cal inst~.-,u,~O, Ll J..-- 1 -1 nC P - J - 8 a ar i 71,C si Faculty, f Univer 'ty (r'Yziologicky 6, tav Le.Z. U?JS) Kosice. "Problem of Cortisone "Utilization" in Peripheral ?rngue, Ceskoolovenska Pysiolor,ie,Vol 1~~, Feb Abs trnc t: The influence of cortisone admin1.-,*.rttiOn nn level of corticoidS was investirated in 16 dogs of both sexes. Immediately after the administration, levels in arterial were substantially incroased, in venous blood slif-htly. 60 minutes ther-~ was no lonfrer any difference in arterial '61oc,r- and after 180 minutes the level was lower. In venous blooc. levels were higher after 60, 120 and 160 minuteq. 1~ appear-, that cortisone nas3es into the venous system. 2 Western, 2 Czech referenc'e3. Submitted at "16 Days of Physiolory" Kosice, 29 Sep 65. 1/1 65,- 'M -F -0 `Acassim up: Ap5oi5566 W/0286/65/000/006/011IT/010 OR: :--Vqldn, V. -D. Demin, V. N. Vetrilenkova, Ye. B. r TITLE., Preparation of fire-resistant polymeric materials. Clasa 39, No. 1~5711-.)` ~SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnvkh znakov, no..8, 1965, 147 WIC TAGS: fire resistant pol,)rmeric rtaterlia, polyester resin, chlorine con- tai-ning polyester resin AB8TRACT:- An ertificate has been issued for P preparative method i e-~ Author C ---c-- -tat -i* --proce ure - sre used. -ne ontafning - Lie c- polyester and a poly rizatiot accelerator are -dissolved in the nonvolattle"product, of the partial con- .1dinsation of methacrylic acid and glycols. Following the addition of 2-5% anti-V, -trioxide, the system is cured with peroxide compounds. [BC] 'ASSOCIATION: none Card- ordr-p: 000 ATD PRrSS! 4o23 1!5 91,4 120% 87922 S/191/60/000/004/003/01" B016/BO56 AUTHORSs Li, P. Z., Mikhaylova, Z. V., Sedov , L. n., Petrilenkovap_- - B., Libina, S. L. TITLE: Laminated Glass-reinforced Plastics . Report VIII. A PolyetiTt,r Binding Agent for Glas s-reinforced Plastics PERIODICAM Plasticheskiye jrassy, 1960, No. 4, PP. 9-12- TEXTt The authors describe polypentaerythrite dichlorohydrin maleinate phthalate (PDP), which was synthetized for the first time. It was the purpose of the study to widen the raw-material basis of polyvalent alc3hols for the synthesis of unsaturated polyester resins by using polypenta- erythrite. In contrast with the inadequate methods known, the authors proved that unsaturated polyesters with higher fire resistance can be synthetized by using a chlorine-containing alcohol component. For the poly- condensation they used pentaerythrite dichlorohydrin (PED), which is formed by saponification of the reaction product of pentaerythrite and thionyl chloride in the presence of pyridine. PDP was synthetized from PED by ad- ding maleic acid and phthalic anhydride (molar ratio 1.0 j 0.5 4 0.5) in 87922 Laminated Glass-reinforced Plastics. S/19 60100010041100~1077~' Report VIII. A Polyester Binding Agent for B016~BO58 Class-reinforced Plastics the inert gas a:t 170-1900C (see stheme). The resin yield was 99 to 92 % of the total content of all components. After solidification, PDP Mixed with 1/5 styrene gives a prcduct that is difficultly combustible and stops burning after removal of the flame. The product fr:)m 70 parts by cf PDP and 30 units of styrene is still less cDmbustible. PDP may ~9 m:YC-j with methyl methacrylate at any proportJon, and 'Its soluti:in in styren,:- a T (45 : 55) does not tend toward stratification. Its sollifions t ed at room temperature within three hours in the presence of q,, ;SoprDpy-- benzene hydrogen peroxide and 8% of the acceleTatcr HV(NK). ThJs a]E;- occurs within 15 minutes in the presence of 3% methyl-ethyl kr-tDn- peT oxide and 3% NK. From PDP and glass fabric T, (T,), '.he authors pr:li~c~! samples of self -extingui shine glass textolite-, which ara- sapar-_'or t-) lh~ product from styrene resin TrH-1 (PW-1) ;ifh respect f- 1heiT mos' mechanical and insulation properties. The auth-.~rs prepaed q *est saTq'.: of higher transparency from PDP and glued glass mat. Papers by G. S. Petrov, K. A. Andrianov, and S. I. Dzhenrh-,l2skaya (Ref, ?) 'i as well q-; G. S. Petrov and K. N. Vlasova (,Ref- 3) are mentioned. There -are 1-1 fiE- ures, 2 tables, and 7 references.- 11; Soviel, 1 French, and " G-Tman. Card 2110 i-I LI, P.Z.; HIKHMOVA, Z.V.; SEWV, L.N.1 PBMILMMOVA, Ye.B.; LIBINA, S.L. laminates based on glass fiber. Report So.8: Polyester binder for glass reinforced plastics. Plast.massy no.4: 9-12 16o. (MM 1337) (Glass reinforced plastics) (Binding materials) VAIDIN" DEMINI V.U.; FETHILENKOV$6, Ye.B. I Properties of fire-resistaL~ unsaturated polyester resirg. Flast.---ssy no-4:14,-16 163. (MIRA 16-4) (Resins, Synthetic) (Refractory materials) AID Wr. 975-7 23 MY' FIRE -RESISTANT 'UNSATURATED POLYE STER RESINS (USSR) Valgin, V. D. I V. N. Demin, and ire. B. PetrilenkDva. Plasticbeskiye -nassy, no. 4, 1963, 14-16.t s7-19il 63 looo /004/004 /015 Fire-rt -'.-;tant, 'unsaturat ed, polyester resin 11HH has been synthesized by re- acting tixiorendic anhydride, maleic. anhydride, ethylene glycol, and diethylene glycol at 160 to 1750C in a flask provided with a bubbler for CO., After th e neutralization number of the polyester attained 25 to 28 mg K0.113 per g resin the reaction mix.ture was cooled to 140 to 150*C and hydroquinone was adcled. 11HH is-a brown, transparent solid idensity, 1.57 to. 1.59 g/cm chlorine con- tent, 36 to 37.4%) soluble in acetone, benzene, styreneand methyl rnethaery- late. Study of the properties of cured polyester - styrene solptions showed that a styrene- containing 11HH with the 'best properties is obtained under the follow- Ing conditions: neutralization number of the polyester, 25 to 28 rng XMI per g of resin; styrene content, 25 to 30%; initiator (cumene hydro~eroxide), 3 to 5 parts; and.accelerator (cobalt naphthenate), 0.45 to 0.55 parts pv.~ 100 parts of polyester-styrene solution. The styrene- containing I1HH is fire-resistant Card 1/2 AID Wr.. 975-7 23 VAY FM-MSLWM [Contd] S/191/63/000/004/004/015 and haB the following properties: &~msity, 1.35 to 1.41 g1cm3, 2Vicat softening point, 220 to, 1260C; compressive strongth, 1300 to 1370 RgIcr ben4ing strength, n 2 350 to 400 kg, Ic (:M 2; M impact toughness, 2.7 to 3.6 kg -crn and 12~hr acetone- extracted fraction, 34 to, 16%. 'Preliminary tests indicated that styrene solutions of IIHH can be used as adhesives to I)ond foamed plaritics to motals and aji binders for: fire-, r esistant glass- reinforced plastics, [BA01 Card 2/2 PEMLL A. ~md RMIAT 0. Az 1946-47. evi. febris -ecurrens jarvany The febris re- cui!~'F-ng- epidemic in the year 1946-47 Repegeszsegugy, Sudapest 10,49, 30/185-215) Tables 2 This epidemic, coming over a Hungary from Rumaina, actually started in 1943 and lasted until the middle of 1947. The greater number of the cases occurred inJtbe:--- Eastern counties and the disease affected in more than 50!% of cases in persons bet- ween 10 and 29 years of age. The average mortality amo-onted to 3.7%. 80-85% of the cases occurred in the gipsy settlements. Went - Debrecen SO: Medical Microbiology & Hygiene Section IV, Vol- 3, No. 7-12 FZTRILLA, A. VA-98 -- - 3pidemiological characteristics of the 1953 influenza epidemic In Hungary. Acta secrob. hung. 2 no.1-2-.131-143 1954. 1. State Institute for ftblic Pealth, Budapest. (INFLUENZA, epidemiol. Hwwary. ) PETRILLA, Aladar, dr. Some epidemiologic problems of infectious enterocolitis. Orv. hetil. 105 no.38tl783-1786 20 S164 1. Pestmegyei KozafeszsqgugyI-Jarvanyiigyi Allomas. PITRILLL, Aladar, dr. Rissulta of active Immunization against tetanus. Orv.hetil. lol no*32:1121-1123 7 Ag 960. 1, Orozagos Kozogesseeguat Intozet, jarvanyugyi oestdlya (TETANUS Immol) (VACCIRATION) PZTRIIJA.A. 1- _-_ - - -- - Results of active Immunization of civilian population against tetanus. Acta microb. hung. 7 a0.1:65-70 160 1. State Institute of Hygiene. Budapest. (TXTANUS immunol. ) (VACCINATION statist.) PETRIIJA, A. The results of intracutaneaus polioVelitis vaccination in Hungary,, 1957. p. 297. kCTA MICROBIOLOGICA. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 5, no, 3. 1958- In English. lonthl,v Lij3t of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8# No. 11., November 1959. Uncl* ePi'~ -,!,-A, A.; SOLT, K.; VE'DRLb, 1. Some epiaemiololrical characteristics of viral nepatitis in Hungary. In English. p. 1115. ACTA "141CROBICLOGYA. (Nnj~yar Tudomanyoo Aka(lemia) Blidapelvt, 11uni-ary. Vol. 6, no. 2, 1~59. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EF11) LC, Vol. no.N, 1'9'1.;9,. YETRILLA A. 0. K. 1. jarvanyu&i osztalvarol AZ 190, ev jarvarkyugyi merlege Epidemiological balance of the year 1946. Orvosok Lapja, Budapest 1947, 3/7 (217-218) Tables I Among the rarer diseases a remarkable Increase of typhua and relapsing feverwas observed. Of the patients 80 per cent were gipsies, and the incidence decreased parallel with imprivement8 in public health conditions, with the more extensive use of DDT powder and with the establishment of new delousing stations. Outbreaks of relapsing fever oct;urred in practically the samearesa an typhus outbreaks, but it was impossible to discover the source of the epidemics because the outbreaks were complicated in many cases by other diseases, such as virus pneumonlas. The rare infections include two reported cases of glanders, both fatal. A serious typhoid fever epidemic occurred during 1945, but in 1946 the norbidity rate returned to its normal level. The probable causes ofegai*duangd~otlrnga:Lmbidehooeof-)parktyohbldf aud dysentery did not exceed the general average. The diphtheria curve gradually increased from 1943t and this still continued in 1946. The number of bcarlet fever caves increased though not significantly. The number of measles cases was low until September when a gradual increase was observed, and during December some epidemics occurred. Melly-Budapest 50: Medical Microbiology and Hygienep Section IV# Vol. To #3--6 PMIIJA, A.; SOLT, K.; VEDRES. 1. Some epide-.Aological characteristics of viral hepatitis in Hungary. Acta microb.himg. 6 no.2:135-145 '59. 1. State InHtitute of Hygiene, Budapest. (HEPATITIS INFECTIMS epidemiol) PITRIZZA, A. The results of Intmeutaneom poliomvelitis vaccination in Ehngai7 1957. Acts microb. hung. 5 no.3:297-309 1958. I* State Institute of Hygiene, Budapest. (POLIOXIBLITIS. prev. & control vace. in Mangary, results with Intracutanemis Bulk vaccine in 1957) EXCEPTA MICA See 17 Vol 5/7 Publin Health July 59 19GO. THE RESULTS OF THE 1,N(X'IJLA'1'10%* AGAINS'I 1101.10MYLLITIS IN 1957 - Az 1957. evi poliomyelitis elleneii v6dOulldbok credmenve - Petr I) I a A. - OHV. HETIL. 1958. 99/35 (1193- 1900) Graphs 8 Tables 6 The b'FW~Va-cctne war. first used in Hungary during 1957. c~jncurrently with a major epidemic of poliomyelitis. Altogether, nearly 1,200,000 subjects were given at least 2 injectiomi of 0.1 ml. intradermally at monthly intervals. The exact effect of this procedure could not be evaluated, but it is estimated on indirect evidence that among those inoculated the incidence of thedisease was at leabt 50-60% less than in the uninoculated. Lorber - Sheffield (L, 171 .............. Z EXCERPTA MEDI-3A See 17 Vol 5/2 Public Health Feb 59 475. THE 50-CALLED ASIATIC INFLUENZA OF 1957 - At 1957. tviG.n.'disial, Influenza jdrvdny - Pet rilla A, - OIMIIETIL, 1950, 09/30 (1016-1021) Grauhs 3 Tables I The first bases in Hungary were reported in August. The virus could be promptly identified. The height of the epidemic occurred in the middle of October. It bore a 9 ~76 benign character. mortality was low. practically the same as that of the 1954 epi- demic. Complications were seen more frequently khan usual in the younger age groups. JXVII, 50) fXCERPTA M'-;Dl" A Sec 17 Vol 5/6 Public Health June 59 1523. VACCINATION AGAINST PERTUSSIS. AN APPRAISAL OF ITS EFFICACY- P F_LrA11A_A_ and B a r s y G. State Inst. of 11yg., Budapest - ACTA UICROBIOL. ACAD. SCL RUNG. 1958, 5/1 (35-42) Graphs 6 Vaccination against pertussis has been compulsory in Hungary since 1953. The vaccine is a bacterial extract containing A1(011)3 -adsorbed extract antigen in an amount equivalent to 10,000 million germs per ml. together with diphtheria and tetanus toxeids. The present schedule of vaccination is to immunize Wants at the age of 6 to I I months by 2 inoculations made at an interval of 4 weeks. and to re- vaccinate I year later. Children at the age of 6 yr. are also revaccinated. The results show 20 to 30% protection in the age groups of I - and 3 -year-old children who had received single dosts, and about 50% protection in the 2-year-old children who have had 2 doses of vaccine. No protective effect was observed in the 6 - and 7-year-old chUdren. Farkas - Budapest (XVII, 50) 11 PETHILIA, Alndar, Dr. Results of poliomyelitis vaccinations in 1957. Orv. hetil. 99 n0-35: 1193-1200 31 Aug 58. 1. Az Orsza!~oa KozegeBzae&ugyi Intezet (Iguzgato: Bakacs Tibor dr.) 1,-ozlemenye. (POLIOMYELITIS. prev. ec control vace. in ffimgary during epidemic in 1957. evaluation, statist. (Hun)) PSTRILLA Aladar,. Dr., "I _' -.1 - . TIhe so-called Asian influenza epidemic of 1957. Orv. hetil. 99 no.30; 1016-1021 27 J1117 58. 1. Az KozeeeszsegxwyI Intezet (foigazgato: Baknes Tibor dr.) kozlemenye. Orszagos,. (WFIUMZA, epidemiol. Asian. in Hungary, epidemic in 1957 (Hun)) PETRILIA, A.; BARSTO G. Vricoination against pertusris; an appraisal of its efficacjr. Acta cicrob. hung. 5 no-1:35-42 1958. 1. State Institute of Hygione. -%dnpest. (WHDOPING COUGH. prev. & control vacc. in Hungary using diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine, efficacy) i r I r'T PETRILM, Aladarl-Ibr.; BKRSY, Gyula, Dr, Results of pertussis vaccination. Orv. hetil. 98 no.34:917-922 22 Aug 57. 1. As Orazagos Kozegessaegua i Inte2et (foigazgato: Tako Jossef dr.) kozlemenye. (WHOOPING COUGH, prev. & control. diphtheria-partusais-tetanus vacc. In Hungary, statist. (Hun)) TSTRIMA, A., Prof. Change in the epidemiological features of acute infectious diseases during the last fifty years In Hungary. Ther.hnng. 8 no.1-21:3-10 160. 1. State Institute of Hygiene (Director: Dr. T.Bakace), Epidemio- logical Do artment (Read: Prof. A.Petrilla Budapest. NMRICABLE DISEASES epidemiM 4 fly.- 0 / : 9 1 ON TPE EFFECTO O qAut MIZATI611 ON THE ag- l PRMUD PHAU 01 ArYINCOLL01W. X~ U. Uorehan" QU , 2%. 1. PPI and N. 5~ dralmov J%t6k ophyal Cs). Nollold, Zhiir, 18, 674-7f( 950) Sept.-Oct. (In Russ$ in) thii ionjullon af ttw d1uperei(,u meWL%m incroasea tbe cmeontratlot of the dis- poroed pkwso of aerocollotda~ F-.r ths conceatrai I ton of L P to tol tc; ~0' ionic, pairs In tho regWftr mmimphure, Cth relative tujmjdlty of not ovor 100%, tho concentration of ultramictoacople particteo Wereasod 3 to 4 times and tha numbtr nuclLrar cmdeDxatlon cuor!! than I;', Litntm. - f - A I ~~ . I ~ - I ; I 1~ I i . FMIKOVSKIY. Ye.L. - #*OOOwwP__Automtic attachment used in drawing edges. Stan.1 its"u. 29 no.1:31-32 Ja 158. (KM 11:1) (Shapero--Attachments) (Drawing (Metalwork)) FMIV. A.. inzhener; HM114OV, P., inzhener. "il" IMMOSSITRWIAN Built in 19 days. Sell.stroi. 11 no.3:7-9 )Ir '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Sakiat -Dal Iding) MRIN, A. usn (6oo) Radio - Receivers and Reception Elimination of interference in network receivers.. Radio. no. 8. 195'~- Monthl,j List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. Novembpr 1952. UNCLASSIVIE). T. rm'70-Af' T 11n I -N vr~ 4 -AP-5024564 IM/0070/85/010/05/0794/0756 '48. 5:539. 23 AUTHDR- Petrin, A. 1. INKoy JQ. A. i5~ TITLE- Vaporization of eillcon for the purpose of obtaining SoimCE: KrIstallografiya, v.. 10, no. 5, 1965, 754-756 TOPIC TAGS: silicon single crystal, epitaydal growing, SIRnEle "ers growing, metal vapor deposition ABSTRACT: In order'to avoid the contandnation of silicon films, the vaporization of silicon was carried out from a molten zone forming a bridge between the tips of two silicon electrodes through which an electric currentwas passing. The molten zone to held together by surface tension (see Fig. I of the Enclosure). A mobile electrode served to reestablish the contact between the two mainelectrodes In case of Instability of the molten zone. Single-crystal films of p-type silicon 3-4;t thick ivere obtained In a vacuum on the (111) plane of substrate p-type silicon sin& crystals at imbstrate, temperatures frcm 950 to 1109C. The structure of the Mms was cbecked by eleciron diffraction, and waB found to posBeas a ielatively bigh degree of perfection. The Mme had the folloyAng electric properties - electrical resistivity 0. 03 - .0. 04 ohm cm: I-14L- mobUlty at room temperature 120-130 cmt/~ see. OrIg. art. has: 2 figureB. Cana ~ NMI MWER ~Vla; - -- - -- - - - - -- Pm~~ - ~- - I L 5079-66 I L 5o?c)-66 - ~ACC. Mo APSO MEZENTSEVA, N.L.; PETRIN, A.I.; KUROV, G.A. Epitaxy of germanium films on germanium during vaporizat-Lon =nder -.acu=. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.7:2026-2031 J1 164. (,',!!.RA 17: 10) 1. Institut kristallo&rrafii Ali SSSR, Moskva. BUBYREVA9 W.S.; J~MINt B.K. Effect of solid inpurities on cr7stallization In the system iron nitrate - nitric acid - water. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.1:157-160 Ja 163, (MIRA 17:3) r 0 is 11 u 11 m is bo 11 A -F a a I I v I I I - 9, 1, 1 AA Of IX WE 01 W, (,pill -5 00 90 if so 00 0: 0 Apparmull tw sulitaims Shia- *0 J! vjj~,,, July 31, 1103.". conoltructs, 00 of :J Al 0 a m L. 33 3* a b ID p a 41 41 4) 61 0 b A Li -00 -409 -99 69 A. IN mll. 11'- =0o 1300 zoo 00 ago see age too* -200 Inge too* we* (it If 101caj -I. Q.- r WA a I a ad 0 a IN I of W 1 A a 3 3 T Is a 1,4 8(0) SOV/ I I Z -59 -4 -7251 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 4, p 115 (USSR) AUTHOR: Petrin, Yu. N. dW__ TITLE: Electric Millisecond Delaying Timer PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. M-vo geol. i okhrary ned.r SSSR, 19 57, Nr 7 (12). pp 7 2 - 7 3 ABSTRACT: An electric timer is offered for short-delay blasting at open rnine- works. The timer is actually an electrical stopwatch in a wooden box which bears 3 binding posts for connecting the detonators and the supply. The stop - watch is described in detail, and its sketches are given. T. A. K. Card I / 1 ACCESSIPN NR: AP401921p~;'-' S/0056/64/046/002/0544/OSS4 "AUTHOR: Petrinat D. Ya. T~e Mandelstam representation and the continuity theorem ,TITLE: 'SOURCE: Zhurnal Iksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 544-554 ..TOPIC TAGS: Mandelstam representation,, continuity theorem, Landau surface, reynman diagram, envelope diagram, Kim diagram, tetrahedron -diacrram, open envelope diagram ABSTRACT: Following earlier work by the author (DAN SSSR, 91 Boa, .1963; Ukr...Matem. zh., v. 16, 31, 1960'showing that the behavior of the Landau curves in the real regioncan indicate whether a i.Mandelstam representation existar,for a-,given Feynman diagram, if is proved in the present paper on the basis of these results that a ~Mandelstam representation exists for certain relatively complicated i 44grams-. Scalat particile's with.equal masses'are considered.. The ~3 CnrA -ACCESSION KR: AP4019219 Landau-surface'points that can be sin lar points of Feynman dia- 9 UI ~grams are identified. The Mandelstam representation is proved for :the "envelope",diagram, for the.Kim diagram, and for tl-c "tetra- ,.bedron" or "O;~ned envelope" di r It is shown that difficulties in this methodcan appear only en the Landau curves corresponding 6 to the singul#ities*of the reduced diagrams have asymptotes lying above the curvbs corresponding to the proper singularities of the !-given diagram (iadder diagram). ;Work ~s under way tolovercome thesel ,.difficulties. , Certain conclusions obtained by R. J. Eden et al. (Phys. Rev. v. 121, 1567, 1961; J. Mate. Phys. v. 2, 656, 1961) are refuted. "Xn conclusion X express my sincere gratitude to V. S.- Vladimirov who kindly pointed me the possibility of using DremermAn n's continuity tboorem for thin study of analytic proper- t I ties of1contributions from diagrams, td 1. T. Todorov for acquaint- jing me with thl manuscript of this paper,.and to 0. S. Paranyuk for useful discussionsland constant.interest in this work.", Orig. art. ,bas: 21 formulas,and 2 figures.:' ,ACCESSION NR: AP4019219 i 'ASSOCIATION: Maimaticbeakky inbtitut )W UkrSSR (Institute of Mathe~ matica, AN.UkrSSR) StMMITTEq: 05Jun63 DATE ACO: .27Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEa PH NO REP SOVS'' 008 OTHER: 067 -1~0-rd KDLOKTTSEV, V. 1. ; PBTR INA, 1). Ta. One supplement to the BogoliubOT-Vladicirov thereon. Ukr. mat. zhur. 12 no.2:165-169 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Functional analysis) 5 16(2) AUTHOR z Petrina,D.Ya. SOV/41-11-3-5/16 TITLE: -Disp-(Ff-s-fo--n -Relatioiships for Inelastic Scattering In Unrelativistic Approximation PERIODICALs Ukrainakiy matematicheakiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 11, Nr 3, pp 267-274 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The author considers the case where during the scattering there appear elasticly as well as inelasticly scattered partioles~ At first it is proved that, if the potential satisfies certain conditions, then the scattering amplitude f (E,r- 0 0) describing the elastic scattering admits an analytic continuation in the complex E-plane which is cut. Under further assumptions such a continuation Is also possible for an inelastic scattering. The author considero the distribution of the poles of the scattering amplitudes in both cases. Basing on these results the author establishes the dispersion relations. The author thanks Yu,,M. berezannkiy for advicea, There are 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 3 American, 1 Engliah, 1 French, and I Italian. SUBMITTEDi February 14, 1959 Card 1/i FMTRJU. D.7a. [Fetryma. D.IAJ wb,~I Seminar on the quantum field theorj. Vienyk AS UM 29 no.12:71-72 D 058. (MIU 12:1) ((bmntum theory) FARASTUK, O.S.-, PITRINA, D.Ta.; TATSOTAK, F.I. -- - The chellen-Leman theorem in a spaes with indefinite metrics. Ukr. Met. 2hur. 10 no.3:344-346 158. (MIR.A ll.-11) (field theory) FETHENA, D.Yt,, 11 - rey,.reS-.-.%&t, cn f-r a -adder 6' a~- Proof of the M&rdelz'am - _,ran cf '.he r - I - - sixth order. Zhl~x. eksp. I LoOr. fiz, 4`11 nc).2.,524-529 g '~4, (141RA 1,1:''J0" ACCESSION NR: AP4043626 5/0056/64/047/002/0524/0529 AUTHOR: Petrina, D. Ya. TITLE: Proof of Mandelstam representation for a sixth-order ladder diagram t SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 2, 1964, 524-529 TOPIC TAGS: quantum electrodynamics, singular function, complex variable. singular integral, continuity ABSTRACT: The proof presented is based on criterion derived in a ._,..Kpcent paper by the author Mr. matem. zh. v. 16, 31, 1964; ZhETF, v. 46, 544, 1964) for the correctness of the Mandelstam representa- tion. This criterion is made more precise in the present paper and the Mandelstam representation is proved for a sixth-order ladder diagram with all particles assumed to have an equal mass m = 1. The contribution of such a diagram, F(s, t) is shown to be holomorphic Cc.rd 1/2 I 'ACCESSION NR: AP4043626 on the physical sheet. The continuity theorem is used for this pur- ,pose. It is shown specifically that the existence of complex singu- lar point13 on the physical shoet contradicts the continuity theorem. Possible generalizations of the result are indicated. Orig. art. has: I figure and 6 formulas. ASSOCIATIONs None SUBMITTED: 24Dec63 ENCL: 00 !SUB CODEt GP, MA N11 REP SOV: 007 OTHER: 010 Card 2/2 88308 S/041/60/012/004/009/011 A -3 S'b o C111/C222 AUTHORs Petriza, D.Ya. TITLEs The Solution of the Inverse Diffraction Problem PERIODICkLs Ukrainskiy matematichookiy zhurnal, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp 476 - 479 TEM Lot P be a finite region with the boundary Z in the three- dimensional spnom E. The direct diffraction problem consists in the determination of a solution of AU + k2u - 0 r. B I Au + k 2u . 0 E E 1B 0 for which onz it holds (2) (u), - (u) 0 where k0, kIare real, the index 0 denotes the limit value from the Card 1/3' 88308 3/04 60/012/004/009/011 C 111 YC222 The Solution of the Inverse Diffraction Problem interior and the index I denotes the limit value from the exterior. For large T the solution u(-x) has the anymptotio behavior ik jYj ik 1 0 (5) U(X) -- a 0 + 0 -i f(k0kI, V where f(k0, ki, i) is the scattering amplitude and I& is the transferred impulse. The inverse diffraction problem is formulated as follows : Determine B from the given scattering amplitude f(k 0, kI, i). From a representation of the scattering amplitude given by the author in (Ref. 3) in the present paper she obtains the relation (7) 'Df(k0 kit 1 47. Y Dk2 i)lk2wk 2 L B 0 o I Card 2/3 S/041/60/012/004/009/011 CIII/C222 The Solution of the Inverse Diffr&ction Problem which is used for the solution of the inversion problem. Here f must be continued analytically from the region where k 2j k2 and where it is 0 1 defined in the point k2 . k2 . From (7) there follows the uniqueness of 0 1 the solution of the inversion problem. There are 7 references 1 6 Soviet and I German. SUBMITTEDs April 13, 1960 Card 3/3 45367 S/056/63/044/Wl/029/067 B100144 AUTHOR: Petri D,.-Xqp TITLE: Analytic propert'.es of the scattering amplitude on a potential in the first "nonphysical" sheet PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 44, no. 1,11963, 151-156 TEXT: Like W.Zimmermann (Nuovo Cim., 21, 249, 1961) the author studies the scattering amplitude on a Yuka-.,va potential as a function of energy in the necond sheet of its Riemann surface. Here, unlike the relativistic case, there is no need to prove the correctness of the Mnndola~am reprenentation. The atuly io facilitated by the unitarity condition being no situple. Tht- arialytic properties of the partial waves in the first and second Riemann sheets are studied; complex poles appear on the second sheet. Then, the total scattering amplitude on the second sheet in investigated. An additional cut exists besides the complex poles. This cut is formed as follo%o: On the first sheet, the scattering amplitude is represented as the sum of tiso analytic expressions which, Card 1/2 S/05 63/044/001/029/067 Analytic properties cf the ... B104YI1144 in the case of real positive energy, agree with their imaginary and real parts. On the first sheet, the dumps of the imaginary and real parts cancel out. On the second sheet they add together. Finally each term of an expansion of the scattering amplitude in a series with respect to a parameter is shovin to bavP a Mandelstam representation. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences Vkrainskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: December 17, 1961 Card 2/2 PETRINA, Do YA., CAND PHYS-MATH SC19 -ANALYTICAL PRO- PEIRTIES OF AMPLITUDES IN PROBLEMS OF DIFFRACTION AND SCAT- TERING," KIEV# 1960o (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEC ED UKSSRj KIEV URDER OF LENiti STATE UNIV Im To Go SHEVCHENKO). (KL93-619 204). 64 AUTHORS: .-ai-aLiyu4, ~, . -, ~ , I - 7 .1- 7 . . I,~. . I.! ~* OV/141-'O~;)-!~/ Tatfiunyak, I . .' . - TITLEs The Theorem of Chellc-n - Lehman in the Space With lridef'ln~Ul Metric (Teorema Chellena - Lemana v prostranstve s indefinitnoy metrikoy) PERIODICAL% Ukrairiskiy matematicheakly zhurnal,1958,vol 10,Nr Pp 344 - 346 (TissR) ABSTRAOT:The authors call attention to the close connection between qudntum theoretical questions in Hilbert spaces with indefinite metric and the operational theory of these spaces. E.g. the ac-called "ghost states" correspond to the fact proired by Pontryagin [Ref 41 that self-adjoint operators in considered spaces may possess eigenfunctions with negative norm. Further- more it is shown thILt it is possible to obtain an analogue of the theorem of Chellen - Lehman with the aid of the methods de- veloped by Kreyn and Jokhvido-Nr [Ref 5,6] . There are 9 referenoes, 5 of which are Soviet, and 4 Ameri,an~ Card 112 16(1) AUTHOR TIftE: D4-spe--sion Relations in 'he Dieperi-ionnyye otncsheniya v zada-,he difrak~aii, PERIODICALi "jkxainskiy matematicheakiy zhu..-nal, 1958, Vol 10, Nr 4, pp 405-412 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let B be a domain of the three-dimensio nal space E. The author conniders the diffraction problem 2 2 _II)u -h ,6 u+k u=0, x C- BI Lu4-k u-0, x GE-B; uk -u 'a n I . 1D n i r r where the sol%ition is ~.,iaght as the sum cf the decreasing wave and the bended wave fading in infinity. Kupradze,~_Ref17 proved the uniqueness of the solution and gave an integral representation of it, from which for large IxI there r esults the following asymptoti-- beha7.'cr: u(lx)f:t:exp (ik x) + Ixl*"'exr(ik x)-f(k ,0"p). 0 0 0 The author investigates the behavior of 0 the so-called scattering amplitude f(k 9(;, T) and states that it is continuable as a o function of k into the upper halfplane of the complex variable o Card 1/2 Dispersion Relatione in t%, I : . , i , ;, . , b 1. uii L, () V/,l , . , o - /4 - (, / I I k0 and tbp--c in it lrrrev-~,es 1'.-,t, 1.:icker 4.hanlk C) I ID. On the real Ryiii it ie, =Linucu8 and ~~%s two brarch points. "tit) ProfComol. 0.15.1'art~.'! L V 11 ~ . There rre. ~ 7-ofe:,?n~es, 3 of which a~7c Scov~-ut, wnd 2 Amcr~cau. SUBMITTEDt May 8, 13",S Gard 2/2 PSTRINA, D.Ta. Dispersion relationships for nonelastic scattering in non- relativistic approximation. Ukr.mut.zhur. 11 no-3:267-275 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (Particles (Nuclear physics)-Scattering) PETRINAP D. Ya.(Kiyev) Solving an inverse problem on diffraction. Ukr. mat. zhur. 12 no./+:476-479 160. (MIRA 14:3) (DiffrAction) 3104 '/61/01 3/DC)4/0()-/'OC7 B125/Bl 12 AUTHOR Petrint', TITLE The impossibility of developing a nonlocal field theory in which the enerey-momentum operator has a positive suectrum PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v no 4, l9f,1, log - ill TEXT- quantum field theory was examined under the following conditions: (1) invariance with respect to the orthocYronical inhomogeneous Lorentz group; (2) existence of a comple-te system of state amplitudes I p,,~ which are eigenfunctions of the energy--momentum operator with the ~(p 2 2 - 2 (P p cone F P - P, 10 1) from the 10 "o, pi ; 10 2 0); (3) nonlocal commutativity [A(x/2),A(-x/2~, if x < - P (1)~ The field A.(x) is taken to be scalar. The theorem applying to this case is proved as follows: From conditions (1.) to (3) follows the local commutativity of Card 1/3 S/04 61/013/004/007/007 The impossibIlIty of developing._ B125~BI12 the field FA(x/2), A(-xl2)1 ~ 0 if x2< 0 (2), This theorem also applies L. - to a spectrum concentrated in any point, in which the functions f- W + ii and fii(x) can be analytically continued into the relevant cone, According to the above theorem, the construction of a nonlocal theory requires that the spectrum of the energy operator be concentrated also outside the cone F+. Therefore, a Hilbert space with indefinite metrics should be unad in the nonlooal theory.. Aoc;)rding to N. N. Bogolyubov, B., V. Mledvedev. M. K. Polivanov, Nauchn. (lok.L.. vyliah,. ahkoly, oor, fiv, -mittom. ntolk, 110 137 (1958), field theories using -a Hilbert space with indefinite Metrics are nonlocal. The theorem proved here states, in a sense, the contrary result . The proof offered by A. Wightman, Probl6mes math4matiques de la th6orio qunritique des champs, Lille (1957) was not utilized for the problem under consideration. There are 10 references' 5 Sovio' and 5 non Soviet The three references to English-language publications read as follows: H. J. Bremeznan, R. Oehme, J. G. Taylor, Phya. Rev,. 109, 2178 (1958); H. Epstein, J. Math, Phy3., -1. 524 (1960). R. Oehme, Phys. Rev., 100, Card 2/3 F97RINA, Me. Analytic properties or pjxrtlal vaves of the scattering anplitude in the theory of perturlmition. Dokl,All SSSR I" no.4t755-758 .To 62. (KM 150) 1. Institut imatezatiki M USSR. Fredstavleno, akademikom N.N. Bogolyubovym. (Perturbation) PEMNA, D.Ya. Analytic properties of the ocattering amplitude on the potential on the first *nonphysical" sheet. Zbur, ekap, i teor. fiz. 44'nj.1:151-156 Ja 163. (MIAA 16:5) 1. Institut metematiki AN IJkrBSR. (Scattering (Physica)) (Riermnn surfaces) PETRINAV D.Ya. --- -- Analytic properties of contributions of Feynmikn diagrams. Doki. AN SM 149 no.4:808-811 Ap 163. (MIRA 160) 1, Institut matematiki AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademikon N.N.Bogolyubovym. (Surfaces) (Functions, Analy-tic) FETRINA, D.U. (Kiyev) Complex singular points of contributions from Feynman diagrams and the continuity theorem. Ukr. mat. zhur. 16 no.1:31-40 164. (MIRA 17: 5) ,4~". 25 ~~CCESSIOKWR:.A?4043614. 8/0041/64/016/004'/0542/0512 -Petrintij., V, Ya.. ~(Kiav):_ .,On the'. p -1 en- 11TLE: i aciple of maximalanal ticity for the complex orbital mom Y t "'S DURCE: -.Ukrainakf rn.&I,. vi 16, no. 4J.- 1964,-5-02--512 5i. matematicheiskiy zhu -TA:.,- cdTplex orbitaIrriiomentum# rhaxiinal analytitity principle, quan- r d theo' h ics- quant-urn--fiel Tnic ry AMTRACT: The author investigatesthe principle of maximal analyticity for the Plex orbital momentum in them quaiitum mucha".ics-andiin-the- quanturtrfiel.d 1be Y--Ihe--methci4;-ol-nol~rn-aUi-ati6-ii-6f-.---d-i-v-er-g--i)i-i-g- Integrals, -It -was found'that when e-, tteiiipt Is, mal e'.Ioex~and analytically the partial wave into the region R A 4 tal momentum) in qIj 0. -0/2). -.0 Is the complex otbi antum mechanics, or into -Rtfik-N. M is the ptm r of the amplitude increase of scatteri _e t ng in infinity) in the .~.quardum field tfieory,, difficulties appearm'hich are of the same nature. There r diverging Integrals of the type ,(eVWdx, where Re %4-1. This diffi- Card 1/2 -256 34~-65 -ACCESSION NR: AIP4043514 culty can be ove reome by. normalization of the diverging integrals by analytical: extension of the above integral for Vhepararnetek X. Yukawa potential and those ot.a'm ore general kind are considered. It is shown that for the extension Into Re I -C N,' detalle,d information on 'the. behavior of the imaginary part is needed.:-" P, Orig, rt. has: no fig reg, 19 e4tiations,_ a u -;-,,ASS0CIATIOM,i -Vqone-~ ,_SUBMTTE I 9N6' v62 ~~NCL 00 SUB CODE --~":.:NR REP SOV.- 006 OTREMA0 pF,TitINA, resentat4On anal 14,ndel'stam rep 2- 544-554 F 3P j teor . riZ. 46 n( ,kiY inslAtilt A14 'at ~at .IT 0 PSTRINA, D.Ya. (Kiyev) Analytic properties of a claBs of in rusnt-:i theo" defined tm lnt(.-E,,rals over a nanifold. F.,irt 1. zhur. 17 no.5".54-66 165. 21-:7") 1. Submitted Fobruary 12, 1965. PETRINA, D.Ya. (Kiyev) Antilytic propertien of a c3nov of functlons In f-fel-d theory defthed by Intograla ov(,,r a manifold. Part 2. (7kr. mat. zbur. 17 no.6:6CL-66 165. WIRA 19: 1) ' 1965. .L. Subndtted June 1. SHESTOPALOV, V.K.) FETRINA G.A. Re4evign of the turret pres5o 08116UPOZ-Y 28 no. t182 063 &IRA l6g6l 1. Di:aaaovyy zavod Imni D2embinskogo. (Refractories industry-Equirmnt and Upplies) (Pwer presseJ SHESTOPALOV, V.K.; !!~~ Grooved car bottoms for tunnel kilnD. Ogneupory 27 no,12:568-569 162. (MIU 15:12) 1. Dinasovyy zaovd im, Dzerahinakogo. (Kilns-E uipment and supplies) rFirebrick) PETRINAY Jaroslav Ughting windowless industrial production plants by 40 v and 80 w fluorescent lamps. Elektrotechnik 19 no.8-228 Ag 164. 1. Tesla Holesovice National Fnterprisev Prague. PETRINA, Jaroslav . .:Industrial lighting and the 80w fluvescent lamps. Frerg;:t'-ka Cz 15 no.2t8l F 165. 1. Tesla Holesovice National Enterprise, Prague.