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Rumania/Pharmacology. Toxicology. Narcotic Drugs Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1958, 32787 U-1 the increase in the secretion of 111 induced by the irritation of the splanchnik was in- vestigated. The authors found that like the action of other drugs the action of soporifics may be nonspecific and specific. A nonspecific effect is known as one which affects the processes which are the results of the modifications in the action of Media- tors causediby a given substance. I has shown that luminal has a specific and a non- specific effect on the working organ, with the first predominant when large doses, and the second predominant when small doses are administered. The nonspecific action is exhibited in a weakened reaction of the organs to 1, while the effect of 11 and potas- sium ions does not change. The specific effect of large doses is indicated by a prbMry paralysis of the cel2s in which they are inBensitive to 1, 11, potr:.ssium ions, and even to barium chloride. Chloral,, paraldehyde,, and chloralose while nonspecific in action intensify the affect on I 6h the musculature. Their specific action causes contractions, which is succeeded by a second paralysis caused by exhaustion. In experiments on a dog luminal inhibited the action of I (produced a frenatoral action); the greater the dose the greater its inhibition. It was impossible to differentiate between this action and its specific paralyzing action. Sma3_1 doses of chloral, paraldehyde, and chloralose as a result of their nonspecific action intensify the effect of I on the nervous system; large doses depress it (specific frenatoral effect), In some small animals chloralose may induce spasms. Luminal interferes with the increase in the secretion of 1u by the rWeloid substance of the suprernals induced by I and potassium ions. Chloral, paraldehyde, and chloralose have no effect on the secretion of 13.1. Card 2/2 "TCTWI;CU, Valeriu, ing. ; IR09n,-T,'A., T. , ing. -. HTILU, 1 . ; lon; 1,91i R. ; DUMITRU, Pavel, iw.; KIIIFS, 'I .; NIPIA, N. ; PE,,RF5,!T, F. haprovement of the textile product quality. ProbIern'? ec.:)T. 18 n0.5:161-165 I-V ",/)5. 1. Director, GaDiti Tl~xt.,In lti~x ottcn I'rir- 9,- 2. Director, , minian 3. Chief Fnpinaer, ric 4. 5. Chief p. i;1" Musca) . 6. Techri-al Dumitni) . ". Dir- -, Pi-L-.!,res, 0-r Mihes). 8. Chief :~ r ;-.nt-rprisf.~, * - Nina) . 9. Head n' cll:.i (-n1 -";mA ili Enterprise, Nrhar- ti , . I PAMDN-SHTEPANESKUp K.; KORTEZ, R.O._P F. 7*ui- Hyateriwa paraplegia vith an upi4.ually long, courve. Zhur. nevr.i PsM. 60 no.10:1318-1323 160. (MM 14:1) . NRAkEGIA) (HISTMU) TIMOC) L; RICA, L.; PETRESCU, G.; MAUKSCII-KOVATS, M.; CULCITCHI, N. -...............I Pulmonary excision in a child aged six months. FiLmant-an M Rev. no..3- 36-37 Jl-S 160. (PNIEWORECTOMY in inf. & childh.) I TITWXUJ Rout X. IR84up 06) Seismicity of the territory of the Rumani&n People's Republic from 1901-19600 Isv, AN Wld, SBR, no,4t68-90 162, (YJRA 160) 1, Akade3dya nauk Rusynekoy Warodnoy Reeputliki. T1 LT 8 E9,C_ U flumania/Physics of the Earth Seismology, 0-3 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Fj.zJ.ka.,, No 12, 1956, 36364 Authors Petrescu,. G., Andzei, A. Institutlons Wone Title: Determination of the Depth of the F~ypocenter of the Dirthquake of 20 June 1950 in-the Vrancea Mountains Original Periodical: Rev. Univ.`C. I. Parhon" si Politehn. Bucuresti. Ser. stiint. natur., 1955, No 6-7~, 175-179; Rum;~mian; Russiandbd French resum4s' Abstract: To determine the position of a deep earthquake in the Vrancea Mountains, microseismic date~..'*from 20 seismic staticme were used. The average value of the depth o~ the earthquake was determined (h = 170 km). Tables are given #T-compariBon with 14 earth- quakes in the Vrancea Mounta�nB., 4,rhich occurred earlier and were studied by various investigaters Ln Rumzota and abroad. Card V 1 FrMub, G. - -- ` Seismicity of the territory of the Ru"nipn People's Revublic from 1935 to 1955. Biul. Sov. po 9eism. no.6:0-47 '57. (H IRA 11: 3) 1. Bukhnrestaknym Observatoriyn Akadenit nauk Rumynskoy Warodnoy Resnubliki, Sektsiya seyamologii, Bukharest. (Rumania-Seismology) 3/169/62/000/010/025/071 D228/D307 P-Ptrescu, G. and Radu, C. ScinnlC activity of the territory of the RPR in the period 1901-1960 I,L:RIODIC,'J,: iteferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizilca, no. 10, 1962, 30, abstract 10A190 (An. qtiin~. Univ. IaqI, sec. 1, 6 ,no 5, SU.)l 19609 757-782 (Rum.; Sumiarien in PIUS. ~_Iid 7-r. ~ ) T'_ -.' T Thc scismicity of the lUIR's territory is investi-a- ted on ti-ke rounds of instruimental and historical data for the per- iod 1901-1960. The Vrancea region is s-tudied in detail. A seismic zoni-ng map is given. Z zibbiracter's note: CoR)Icte translationj Card 1/1 S/1 69/62/000/005/009/093 D225/D307 AUTHORS: eetrescu G. and Radu, IV. The question of compiling a seismic map of ~;urope yERT IT: ODIC Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizi.ka, no. 5, 1962, 18, ab- stract 5AI27 (Studil ii cercetKri astron. si seis- mol. Acad. IRPR, 6, no. 1, 1961, 113-126) ) TEXT: A catalog of earthcluakes with 1 0 >,06, which have occurred on the territory of the RPR from 1900, has been compiled. The eDi- centers of these earthquakes are grouped i.n 9 epicentral regions. C> The mechanism of the deep--focus earthquakes near Vranchi on Novem- ber 10 and October 22, 19L0, is considered.'The plane approxima- 6ely perpendicular to the bend of the Carpathians is chosen as the -he plane of rupture. The obtained results explain the shape of 1, isose-ismals of these earthquakes. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete trans-Lation-2 Card 1/1 S/169/62/000/009/012/120 D228/D307 AUTHORS: Petrescu, G. and Radu, C. ................... TITLE: Seismicity and seismic zoning of the RPRIB territory in the period 1900-1958 PER10DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika stract 9A132 (Studii , no. 9, 1962, 21, ab- .9i cereetari astron. 91 Beismol., 6, no. 2, 1961, 225-245 (Rum.; summaries in Russ. and Fr.)) TEXT: A general picture of the seismicity is given, with an ac- count of: a) distribution of earthquakes in space and time; b) earthquake energies; and c) frequencies ok earthquakes of differ- ing strength, Only microseismic data were used. Special attention is paid to the Vrancea areal where earthquakes occur at a depth )i;,000 km. A map of the distribution of foci near Vrancea is given, lines of equal depth being distinguished an it. The distribution of foci in-a vertical east-west section is shown. A group of foci, I-atarting from 100 km and associated with the asthenosphere's upper Card 1/2 S/16 62/000/009/012/120 Seismicity and seismic ... D228%307 limit, is distinguished. A map of the seismic zoning of the RPRIs territory is presented. The evolution of geologic concepts con- cerning the RPRIa seismicity is briefly stated. 22 references. ~-Abstracterls note: Complete translation-2 Oard 2/2 S/169/62/000/00-9/003/120 D228/D307 AUTHORS: Petrescu, G., Radu, C. and Ionescu-Andrei, P. TITLE: Seismic activity on the territory of the RPR in 1959. Comments concerning the atmosphere and the crustal structure near Vrancea PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 9, 1962t 7, ab- stract 9A25 (Studii pi cercetari astrone i seismol., 6, no. 2 1961, 247-258 (Rum.; summaries Yn Russ. and Fr.)~ TEXT: The results of studying the earthquakes that occurred on the territory of the RPH are presented in the first part. The stronger earthquakes are examined. The crustal structure in Lurope is de- fined. Certain judgments conce~rning the asthenoBphere and the crus- .tal structure in the vicinity of Focyan are expressed in the second part of the work. A value of 90 km was obtained for the astheno- sphere's upper limit; this agrees with N. V. Shebalin's data (Rzh- _--Geofiz, 19629 6A106). The granite layer's depth is defined as 13 km. Card 1/2 B/169/62/000/009/003/120 Seismic activity on ... D228/D307 This value coincides well with the data of geologic investigations, . -V 21 references. Z-Abstracter's notes Complete translation.-7 Card 2/2 S/IGX62/000/010/030/071 D228 1)307 US: 10, Petrescu, G. and lonescu-Andrei, P, TITLE: Suo",&,csted alterations to Standard STAS 2923-52 en- ti tied "Construction standards. Macroseismicity zone s 11:;I~IODICAL: Rcferativ-nyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 10, 1962, 30-31, abstract 10,q96 (Studii qi certgri astron. 9i scia- ntol., 6, no. 2, 1961, 259-267 summaries in Rus. and Fr.)) On the basis of macroseismic observational data for carthquah.cs that havc occurred on the territory of the IQR, and also of microseisruc invcstigations of these earthquakes, the authors propose the introduction of im?rovements into the standard STAS 2923-52 so that it will correspond to modern requirements and re- 4 ' 4-1cct the macroscismic effects actually observed. CAJ3strac ter's note: Complete trannlation2 Card 1/1 4TRESCU G.'; IONESCU-ANDREI, P.; RADU, C. F~oblem of the State StarAard STAS 2923-52. Studii astron seismol 7 no.2s323-334 162. 4 PETFMCUP G.; RADU, C. Stmeture of the earth's crust in Rwmu2ia. Studil astron selam-ol 7 no.29335-341 162. PETHESCU, G.; ROU, G. Unification of intensit7 scales. Studii astron seismol 7 no.2-.343- 350 162. FURMUp Go) RADUp C, Seiwaicity ckf the Rumanian land in the period anterior to 1900. Problem teofis 2*.79-85 963o GgiTFA, Alexandra, dr.; UJIMU, Tr., dr.; PETRMCU, G., dr. Glinico-radiological aapeats of billo-brcrehial fistullaB. Med. intem. (Bacur) 17 no.2:237-Q40 F'65- 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica de ftizologie, Institutul medico-farmaceuticalt Cluj (director: prof. L. Daniello). VISCRIAN, loan, TLIBU, Margareta; P'-z'LRE3CU, Gabriola Electror,lo pazama, r,~-,cl-ianca Of in a a~. rragnetic~ fiell. Stv'-i f iz tehn lasi 14 no.2:381-3?1 ' , TIMOCpI,; YEIMCU, G,; MOLL,S. Ch the utility of hyalurorLidase in phthisiopnemonology. R=anian med. rev. 7 no.4t6l-67 O-D'63 V- 15(8) RUM/3-59-10-13/16 AUTHORS: Mihail,P. Istrgtoiu.R-.; Tak~ ~uR. and Petrescu,Gh. TITLE: Direct Polymerization of PropylenelFrom the C 3 Fraction PERIODICAL: Revista de Chimie, 1959, Vol 10, Nr 10, pp 602-606 ABSTRACT: Rumania has rich reserves of propylene whereas its aromatics ELre limited; it was, therefore, natural to try to obtain polystyrene on the basis of an aliphatic product. When the problem arose, Rumania lacked a separation installation for con- centrated propylene, needed in polymerization. A solution was found by obtaining polypropylene directly from the C3 fraction which abounds in Rumanian refineries. Since in the near future important quantities of polypropylene will have to be produced, it was decided to test the pro- cedures in a semi-industrial installation to evaluate the results technically and economically. Card 1/3 Pertinent literature indicates the use of a RMV3-59-10-13/16 Direct Polymerization of Propylene From the C3 Fraction monomer with high gas concentration (more than 95%), the Polymerization being effected in a hydrocarbon solvent (pentane, hexane, etc.). The author enumerates the various advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. Experiments in the laboratory were at first conducted by using a synthetic C fraction whereas presently, the process is being carried out with the C3 fraction from refineries. The specific problems of the new procedure are:Desulfurization 3nd purification of the C fraction to make it capable of polymeri- zation; he polymerization of propylene contained in the C3 fraction without using another solvent; the use of residual gases remaining after polymeri- zation; and the establishing of a technological scheme for designing a semi-industrial installa- tion. In the laboratory, the mixture was achieved in an V2A autoclave with an anchor-type agitator, Card 2/3 the separation being achieved by distending the RUM,'3-59-10-13/16 Direct Polymerization of Propylene From the C3 Fraction gases; in the semi-industrial installation special mixers will be used, the two phases will be separated in separators while the desulfurized C fraction after drying is sent to the polymeri- zation installation. Figure 1 shows the semi-in- dustrial installation. Parameters characteristic of the new system are: the conversion as a func- tion of the concentration and the nature of the catalyst; the molecular wjight as a function of the molar ratio catalyst,cocatalyst; the conver- sion as a function of the temperature of the ra- action; conversion as a function of the time of the reaction; and the importance of agitation. Figure 8 suggests a design for the industrial installation based on the results obtained in the laboratory. There are 2 flow charts, 1 diagram, 5 graphs and 2 tables. Card 3/3 WRESCU-Gh.- ing.; MWIEVICI, D., ing. Textile machines on the level of advanced technology, Ind text Rum 14 no.4:164-171 Ap 10. ABRUDAN, V., ing.; CIOBANU, M., ing.; PETHESC VILIFOI, V.; IONESCU, C., ing.; KESTEM) rl-S.; FO]MAI, St., il1g.; FUClu, Murtian; NILA, VaBile, ing.; AROMINESE1, Alexandru; MDRARU, Hicolae, ing.; BOGHICI, A.; SIMIONESCU, M. Reduction of specific consumptions of metal. Problems econ 17 no.12tl37-141 D 164. 1. Technical Director, Arad Plant of Railroad Care (for Abrudan). 2. Chief Technologist, Arad Plant of Railroad Cars (for Ciobanu). 3. Technical Director, Ill Mail' Plant, Ploiesti (for Petrescu). 4. Chief Planning Engineer, Ill Mai" Plant, Ploiesti (for Vilvoi). 5. Director, "Infratireall Machine Tool Plant, Oradea (for Ionescu). 6. Assistent Chief Engineer, "Infratireall Machine Tool Plant, Oradea (for Kestenbaum). 7. Chief Technologist, "Infratireall Machine Tool PlantV Oradea (for Forrai). 8. DirectorV Arad Plant of Lathes (for Fuciu). 9. Chief Technologist, Arad Plant of Lathes (for Nila). 10. Chief Engineer, Arad Plant of Lathes (for Arominesei). 11. Technical Director, "Independenta" Plant, Sibiu (for Moraru). 12. Director, Sinaia Mechanical Plant (for Boghici). 13. Chief Engineer, Sinaia Mechanical Plant (for Simionescu). HOSU, Vasile ing., laureat al Premiillul de stat pe anul 1964, FIETRESCU, Gh.f ing., laureat al Prominliii do stat pe anul 1964 t unique ore for furnaces. St si Teh Rac 17 no.1-3-5 Ja 165. , Tainarn, ; :, , ~ , [Ijil r I - , ti;,. llj.-~~ t j;,y4 - - I -, ,, -, ~ I -,, - r- " %! j ,:, " n 4"- ~-, -~ I I , - , + 7 .., . 1- 1-. %: 2~ , , - r-~-Ajt,-~j in rubt--ar -YJ x I,jjrt,.j. liK;t - ~ I .: '.~ nc I - 15--;"" 1;-. 16~ . I , I,e a'.he r c n(! '-,~ Ir A,~ " -?:, ~ , tot 0 , bil.- flare st. PETRESCPJ-,R~!, - On the flow of ar*~esJan wells in somp vec-ilie.r caae5. uaz mat fiz 69 no.9031-337 S 164. L 44756-66 ACC NRt AP6032894 SOURCE CODE: RU/0004/65/000/0()7/0243/0247. AU-1HOR: Petrescu,, Gheorghe__jRroferaorj Engineer; - -Doctor -of --twohnival- saiences; Buchareso____~~ era, 1r _ZgIngy, Standards and ORG: Ge 1 DI ectorate for_fjftt _,1aYa=ans. Council of Minist r er L 311~_ (Directia ggerser a pentru metrologie, standarde si inventii de pe linga Consiliul Ylinistri) Rr i97 TITLE: New method of investigating voltage drops in collector machines SOURCE: Electrotehnica, no. 7, 1965, 243-247 TOPIC TAGS: alternating current, direct current, electric shunt, nagnet ABSTRACT: The author attempts to determine whether the alternatitie, nurr,~nt flading through the windings of direct-current collector devices produces an inductive voltage drop in the armature winding even in the presence of a magretic shunt. Using the general theory of alternating currents he concludes that there is only an ohmic voltage drop in the brushes, and confirms the conclusion by an analyrsis of the physical alternating phenomena of the current from the collectcr. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and n fonmilas. (Based on author's Eng. abet.) [JPRS] SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 24Nov64 / OTH REF: OD5 Card 1/1 Of p 12.1" = -: T. * . *-, . Lanui a ctirc. c f r-,% 4rr,. t n r. P. j rti - 1 C-: r. S t L, ncicx Februzxy 1958 COUNTRY RMUNIA Chomicql Technolopy. Chemical ;3ro4rinets and Tbi)!.T' Aivnliontlon3. J.ooil AD3. "OUR. i "' t T 1 0 -1- t.'; 1) o (I r i. i y -3 r; c t. COIISTANTINESCU.0 N.,- BERCOVIGIv C.; MATE, Olga; PETRESCU, Iulia; DAMATIRGA, D.; PIACSIM, Al.; ROZENBDIM9 Etty ---- A hydric epidemic ef epidemic hepatitis preceded by dysentery. Stud. corcet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.4:443-4/+8 162. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (WATER POLLUTION) (DYSENTERY, UCILLARY) FL--PRESCUt I.M., Ing. Corsiderations or-, the deaignLng of ficur vi-los. I?-,.d a--L-- 14 no.89303-306 Ag'63. PETRESCU, Ioan Gh. - Traffic zones of large railroad centers in Rumania. Rev cailor fer 12 no. 4:208w-215 Ap 164. FETWZGU, loan Gh. Contributions to the determination of claosification criteria for main and secondary railways in Rumania. Rev cailor fer .11 no.6: 334-338 je 163. PETRZSCU Ioan Gh. Zone of circOation of trains in Rmania. Rev kailor fer It Ub.9: 489-493 S 162. It I I TSUR11, 1.) PAPAKRUNI, E., 14WI24ILIUNP V - CHOKIIM-BZNESKU.. K.; SHTEFENESKU, V.; ZREMN-AMU; iL4-* A- ~, K "KUREA,, B., ROSHAU, E. Paralysis of the right half of the diaphragm. Vest kh:Lr. 8,4 no.5: 26-32 My 160. iMIM 13114) (DIAPHRAGM-DISEASES) mnscu, L. Oft* Bacbsrest of tonorrow,f p. 9 (Stinta Si Cultura, Vol. 5, no. 3, Mar. 1953, Bacuresti) I"t NureDs" T%1, 2. Us Q L I SO: Month List of3RU09SWAccessions, k i rail of 0ongress, _pVtLembgr 1953, Uncl. FEYR FZ 0. L. "Research on plantines of black.poplar hybrid in the flood plain of -the Dwribs." p. 18. (REV15TA PADURILCR, Vol. 68, no. 4, April 1953, Bucurestip 114Lrznia) SO: 1-bnthly List of East European Accessions, Lo Cos Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1954, Uncl. MUSCU-, L - DISE' SCU I R. OPermanent Test Sites for %search in Forest Growth and ProductLon." P. 261. WMALELE Po"ANO-S-07JETTCE, Vol. 69. No. 6, June, 1954, Pucurest!" Ihmmin.) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL). LC, Vol. 4 1 No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. L.; DTS-,7-;-'U, R. Preliminary study on the proiu-ticr a!d rrolu--tjity cr -e--cves c!' 't,'-a-k hybrid populars. p.315 Vol 7C, No 7, JuI-Y 1955 SCURGE: East Eurorean Accessions List (EE.L), LC Vol. 5, No. 3, March If56 FETRESCU~ L. Shepe and volume of hybrid black poplars. p. 4439 Vol 70, No. 10, Oct 1955., REVISTA PADURILOR, BUCLU-MI, RUYANIA SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Ik Vol 5, No 6,, June 1956 PEEETPESCU. L. Contributions to the study of the form of hybrids of black poplars. P- 382. REVISTA PADURILOR. (Asociatia Stinifica a Inginorilor si Technicienilor din Rominia si al Ministerului Agriculturii si Silviculturii) Bucuresti. Vol. 70 (t-%e. 71) no. 6, Jurke, 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (E&~I) Library of Congress. Vol. 11, no. 11, November, 1956. - - - - ~ ~A CS C zY , Z RIPW-TIA / Forestry. Forest ,:anagement. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 29565. Author : N o t--r-- Inst g vR-. Title The Growth of Hybrid Black Poplar Trees and Plant- ings. (Rost derevIyev i nasazhdeniy chernykh gibridnykh topoley). Orig Pub: Rev. padurilor, 1957, 71, No 5, 299-303, Abstract: A review of the data of dendrometrical observa- tions raade in 1954-1956 in hybrid blnck poplar plantings in Rumania. J. valuation sketch is presented of the planting and individual trees. Card 1/1 56 YETRESCU, L& The use of the "top height" in forest-production evaluation work. P. 452 (REIIISTA PODURIWR. Vol. 71., No. 7., July 1957. Bucuresti,, Rumania) Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. t ry Forf.,~ t co I Ili res j ou F, 19 9 "TO. IT EC R I'NST '0 TT1,11, OPRIG. PUB. Pev pii(iur 1 1 nr 1 7., .,'1 A'3 3T il;~ C T ",0) s t I ri (, t f) i I /& ,, C- ~,- t, , (I / .' k 20. BRAHA,D. B.; PIIAT, L; WJSCOVICI, B.; LILLIS, H.; P,*b'TIWCU. L -, 11ARY, 1. Etiolopy of pneumoconioses in coal miners. ProZ zer., Buc-,Lr. no.7:141-150 1957. (PM~WONTOSIS in coal miners. incidence & atiol.) FETIMCU, L.9 FATMD9 B., PILATI, L. ,Tneumokoniosim in the mining industry wW its prevention. p. 466 REVISTA KNELOR. (Ministerul Mimelors, wini terul Industrial Petrolului ei ChImUl. Directia Exploatarilor Miniere Bi Asociatia Stiintifics a Ingimrilor so Tehnicienilor din Rominia) 13kicureatis, Rumnia. Vol. 10., No. 11., Nov. 1959 Monthly List of Ust European Acces9ions (EEAI) Lt. Vol, 9. No. 2,, Feb. 1960 Unall or Is Ire I j 3--2- A F4 15, 6 or 0 A-A J,eorli", .- '10 , I , c il"', 1) 15 I I L i -~ a; I - : ~ ~ 1~ ; - t") - " IV C- md L FAWA& IDUU- =-A uml With tjwwo of 00 We of Obs 46ubw 0 -1 fou"W Uy Joe .00 see Fee coo "Oe is L17136101 CL6UWlCAVMM 18- --- %I IN 9 an oleo BARRAD, B.; PETRESCU, L. Respirator-j tests during inhalation of dusts. Fiziol. nor--. Pat. 10 no.5:471-476 3-0 164. 1. Institutill de igic-ma si protectia muncli, Sectia igiena muncii. r I- lm, I .: , -11 ~- - - '~ I - SAGXR, 0., membru corespondent al Academlel R.P.R.;PATRXSCU. H. - VASILISCU, B.: BIRDSTRM, UL: GOLUWWAR, - -;;j Ileetroericephalograpb1cal stvdy of bnmrtensivs dlawme. Dal. stiint. sect. sod. 7 no.3607-49 Jan-Mar '556 NrPH M NSION, manifestations M) (BLIETRDOGRPRAWGRAPHI, in various diseases bypertension) PETRZSCIJ, It.; OLARU. C.; EIINSCU, V. Arterial hvpertqnsion of unilateral renal origin. Probl. ter.. 'Buciii 3:59-68 1956. (HIPERTINSION. atiol. & pathogen. kidney die., unilateral, relation to renal pressor reflex) (KIDNLT DISWE, complications hypertension, arterial, caused by unilateral renal die., relation to renal pressor reflex) P3TRICSCU, Hircen, Dr.; OLARU, Cornelia, dr.; VLAD, Aural, dr. Study of a ease of chronic leukemic reticulo-histiocytosis with hyperglobulinemic purpura. Ned. int.. Bucur. 8 no.2: 269-277 APT-HRY 56. 1. Lucrare facuta in Clinica medicala a SpitRlului. "Oolentina. (RETICULOEMTHELIOSIS. case repoit reticulobiatiocytosis, chronic leukemic, with hyperglobnlinemic purpura) (PURPURA MYTHROMBOPINIC, case report byperglobulinemic, with reticalobletiocytoots) PMESGU. M., dr.; OLAIM, Cornelia; ROXIN, T.. dr. Radioactive phosphorua (P32) therapy of polycythemia. Bucur. 8 no.6:341-852 Oct 56. (POLTCTTMIIA, therapy radiophosphorlis) (PHOSPHOWS, radioactive ther. of polFeythemia) (I,(,- / A ~'- '_' C -,,/- ~ /I- LUFU, H. Gh.; PZTFLRSGU, Mircea; OIARU, Cornelia Concomitant hypertension and ulcerous disease. Probl. ter., Bucur. 8: 7-12 1957. (HYPERT3MION, complications -oeptic ulcer. case reports) (MTIC UICAR, complications Kypertension, arterial, case reports) PrnwCu. M. . Dr, Hepatollenal syndromes and "replanism. Red. int., Bucur. 9 no.2:163-172 Fab 57. 1. Lucrare efectuata In Clinics, I meatcals. a spitaluixi "Colentina" (director. acad. N. Gh. Wpu). (LIVF.R CIRRHOSIS splenic. pathogen. & pathol.) (HYPXRSPL=SM. compl. liver cirrhosis. pathogen. & pathol.) i ire en, Jr. OiA.O, G irl , ur. -",-a i,ivethnnisn If e of clironIc Irtt- -,ni~, -Ve I rnef: C., . int. , --picur, ;--709 Mav 57. 1~5iarjjrp efectlmtti a "M IA T-] thoraDy bwni 1 f r, r. thw% rn if, , y PITFMCU, M. , dr. A problem in the leukemias: etio-pathogenesis and classification. Med. int., Bumir. 9 no.6:803-814 June 57. (LBUKUIA etiol. & classif.) F37RBS(;Ug Hircea; STANI?SCU, S.; BRROMADS, A.; BUTIANU, A. '~~~Znal diabetes. 3ed. int-, Bucw- 9 no-8:1222-1230 A14; 57. 1. Incrare efectuata in Clinica I Medicala a Spitalului "Colentina~ Director acad. N. Gh. Lupu. (GLYGOISTJRIA renal, pathogen.. ther. & case report) RUWSIA General Problems of Pathology. Experimental Tr:)atnent. U-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, No 46905 ,'author :Petreacu, Mircea; Papazian, Mpsinian; Olaru, Corncliu. Inst :Not eTv-en- Title :Treating Chronic Leukemic t-tjoloses by 1.4-dimethanesul- fonyl-oxybutane (Myleran). Orig Pub :Med. interna, 1957, 9, No 5, 699-709 Abstract :In 14 cases of chrmic leukeriic uyelosis myleran (I) was used. (1) proved to be highly- effective and it improved the General wellbeing of patients. (1) is nout effective during the initial stages of the disease (without history of previous myleran treatment). However, sa-,isfactory re- sults were also obtained in some neglected c,,.ses. In cases where acquired resistance to X-Ray therapy existed, irradiation sensitivity was restored after qrleran was acUinistered. In acute mycloblastic forms of leWtai:iia, however, nyleran is coupletely ineffective. Card 1/1 42 PMMOU. M. Dr.; PAPAZIAN, R. Dr.; OIARUO C., Dr. herany of acute leukemia with 0,-=ercaptonurine. "--d. int., 3acur. 10 no.3r4)3-438 Mar 58. 1. Incrare efectusta in Clinica I Medicala (Director acad. W. Gh. Inpu). (MUKEM. therapy 6-mercaptopurine) (MSRCAPTOPURINB, ther. use leukemia, acute) PBrRMSCU M dr Vitamins B 6: their Importance in physlopathology and therapy. Ned. int.,Bacur. 11 no.11:1735-1758 N 159. (VITAMIN B 6) LUFU, N.Gh., acad.;__PETRI-SCU, M.; HUNCAN, 11. Indications, contraindications and results of spleDactomy. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 2 no.1:7-19 161. (SPI ~i,N surgery) GEORMSCUs A.; VULPESCU, Sonia; FETRESCU. M.: GEIB, R.; GROMA, P.; DIRUVRIU, L. Un=ual radiological aspects of malignant reticulosis. (Pulmonary localizations of ma-lignant lymphogranulomatosia). ')',tud. cercet. mad. intern. 2 no.3:31,1-349 161. (IAJNG NEOPLASIO radiography) (HODGKINIS DISEASE radiography) FET4~$CU I GW10,'GEGU I A. I . Jj~- OULU. C.; SIGHL &A, E.; GLIB, 4; GAOZLA, P.; MRSCU, S. Clinical forms of malignant lymphogranulomatosis. Stud. cercet. red. intern. 2 no.6:801-809 161. (HODGM1 IS DISFASE) ZAMFIRLSCU-GHEORGIIIU, M.; MICAN, :D.; YETRESCU,', M.; GROZIA, F.; SIG.-,:TIA, E. Contributions to the study of the enzymatic pattern of normal and pathological lymph nodes. Rev. sci. mod. 6 no.3/4:217-220 161. (HODGKIN'S DISEASE chemistry) (LYMPHADEENITIS chemistry) (LM9 NODES chemistry) (SUCCINIC DEHYDROGAIASE chomistry) (CYTOCHROMES chemistry) GBIB, R.; SIGIFLT~A, Elena;_FETLtESCUj Jq.; GRO&A, P.; ROXIN# T. I Compargtive study of different therapeutic methods in malignant lymphogranuloma, (Hodgkin's disease). Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no,1:95-111 162. (HODGKIN IS DISEASLI therapy) (AlTrINEOPLASTIC AGWITS therapy) (ADRETIAL CORTEX HORVONES therapy) (RADIOTHERAPY) GEIB, R.- PETRESCU GIIOZEA, P.; SIGIIETEA, Elena; OLARU, Cornelia; Contribution to tho tho~rapy of nooplastic roticulopathies. Stud. cercet. mod. Intern. 3 no.5;G23-630 16"). (TUM-010SARCOMA) (SARCOMA, FETICULUM CELL) (LDTIIOMA, GIANT FOLLICULAR) (MULTME MYELONA) (RETICULOEIIDOTIIELIOSIS) (MITINEOPLASTIC AGENTS) (ADIRETIAL CORTUr. HOWONES) (RADIOTHERAPY) 2AMPIRESCU-CHEORGUIU, Marcela; TY2FIESCLI,-K.-~ GROZEA, P.; GOCIU, Mariana; SIGHETZA, Elena; CIOBAINU, Florina Contribution to the study of serum pyruvic acid in some maligna:n-, blood diseases. Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 3 no.6:749-753 162. (PYRUVATES) (LEUKEMIA) (HODGKIN'S DISEASE) (MULTIPLE M111M) (SARCOMA, RETICULUM CELL) (LYMPHMARCOMA) (1-UXOSARCOMA) - ZLWIRESCU-GHEORGHIU, Marcela; PEIRESCU, IA.; GROZEA, P.; MIHAILESCU, Eugenia; GOCIU, Mari&aa; SIWETEA, Elena Contribution to the study of glutathionemia in some malignant hemopathies. Stud cercet med intern 4 no.3;361-366 163. (GLUTATHIONS) (LEUKEMIA) (HODGKIN?$ DISEASE) (RETICROERDOTHELIOSIS) (ERYTHREMIC MYELOSIS) (AW-MIA, MYELOPWRISIG) (ANEMIA, BRYTHROBLASTIC) (MULTIPLE MYELOMA) (ANGIOSARCOMA) ZAMFIRESCU-GHEORGHIU, Flarcola; PEITESCU M - GROZEA, P.; GOCIU, Fariana; SIGHETEKA,-Mn-a-y~~O-q Research on son) enzyme tests in several malignant hemopathies. Stad. cercet. wd. intern. 4 no-4:483-487 163, (HODGKINIS DISEASE) (LEUKEMIA) (BUTHREMICMYELOSIS) (SARCORA, RETICULUMCELL) (LYMPHOSARCOMA) FETRESGU M.; OLARU' Cornelia; SIGHEMI, Elena; GROZEAp P.; GHIBPR.; Mv Hariana, Study of the clinical forms of malignant reticulosis. Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 4 no.6t781-793 163 ~k m7mcut M. GEORGESCU, 0; ~CU, . Onie disease of pines manifested by the reddening of the needles and caused b7 Brundhorstia deptrueRg Erika." P. 19 (Revista Padurilor, Vol. 67, No. 9, Sept. 1952,, Bucuresti). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol.3, No.2 Library of Congress Feb 54 Unal YZTRESCU. M.; GEORGESCTI, U. "A parasite kGloeosporium ulmicolft miles) of the fruit of the elm". p. 106, kRNVIS,tA rA3TUIZIL0R, Vol. 69, No. 'J. Mar. 195h, Bucurest, Rumania) SO: Monthly Ust of Nast buropean Accessions, kZPLU). LC, Vol. J, %.. 12, Dec. 105h. Uncl. M.; GIDDiGESCU, C. "Contribution to knowledge of parasitic and saprophytic mshrooms of the red oak (Quercus borealis Micim)", P. 390. (REVISTA FADURIWR, Vol. 69, no. 9, Sept. 1954. Bueuresti, Rumania). SO: Wnthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC. Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. ILWANWPlant Diseases - Diseases Of Forest Species 0 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 5, 1958, 2D6606 Author :JoRpeu ,-,n inat RmanWi 6ademy. Title Anthracnosis of Ligastn= vulgare L. Seedlings, Caused by the Glomerella cingulata (Stone) fungus. Oria Pub: Dul. stiint. Acad. RPRp See. biol. si atiinte allic., 1956, 8, No 4, 755-768. Abstract: A description is given of the disease wj*toma on privet plants of various sizes. %ta are given on tho morphology and biology of the bearer. It is recommended that the soil be treated with a 4 formaline solution 8-3.0 days before sawing and that the seeds be disinfected with this same solution for five rdnutes. The plants should be card 1/2 FETRESCUI M. Contributions to the study of the disease caused by Discosis pini Heald to resinous seedlings which have been soaked under the snow* P. 36. ANAIEIE ROMDU.-SOVIETICE. =U AGRICULTURA Vol. 10# No* 3, May/June 1956p Rumarda SOURCE: East European Accessions List., Library of Congretb, Vol. S No. 10, October 1956a p:,,:Tq,ESCU, ':. ; GEORIESCU. C". ,us 1'1~1- -,oz~riiu - tulinur-, Rust of lLrch neeiles caused b,,, the fun- a:- ' d 7: b -3 (PC rs.) Yleb. r. 016. - nia) (R7nVIS7,', PI.D72HILOR. Vc,". 71, no. 2. -oh. 1057- Rw-a SC: Monthl,.- List of Eas, Eirop~.m Accessions (EE~i.L) LC, Vol. 6, no. ',', July 10f'I( , Uncli. Page 78 Py.-Tia-'cu, x.;TL7'1VLT!U, V.;r;7:07~3-E-C", C. lesions on the sp-cieg Lhul~n and Chammpc~mnris by Irite frostr, and the fungi acco'Manyirr, then. p. 2"1. S7iJDII SI C7,,.Cr-7ARj r, -' P1010GIF, 9'~-IA TIIOI O7rIE IIE ;7"ATHE. Bucurpsti. ~'7 Vol. 10, no. 3, 1951S. Monthly List of East Bh=opoan Accessions MFtil) LC, Vol. 1), no. 2, Jarmary Uncl. 'z Contributions to the knowledge of the ricr-mycetes of forest cultures. p. 381. STUDII SI CrRC~-:TARI DTI BJ(,D-(',F. S-`HIA rTOLO('IF V!-:G nALA. Buc~i-esti. Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 4, 1958. 14onthly List of Fast Furopean Accessions (,';'AT) LC, Vol. '), r.( . 1, January 19A0. Uncl. r F DDIMORAYEV, A.;. FJTM . Ibrpansion of the textile industry in the Rumnisaf People's Republic. 12V.VYS.ucheb.zav.;tekh.teket.prom. no.4:3-12 160. (MIRA'13:9) 1, Moskovskiy teketilln" institut. (Rumania-Textile industry t-T. 7-A',-: Rz B 10 '10 . A 7, 1 i IT L. j CARD RUJQQ Chemical Technology, Chemical Products arA Their H-228 Application. Food Industry. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - xhimiya) No 5, 1959, No- 17457 Author :Trifa, I.; Petrescu, 14. inst :Not given - Title :Experiments InyolvinS Tobacco Drying by Infra-Red Rays Orig Pub :Lucrarile cercetarl aliment,., 1938, 2, 2615-274 Abstract :Expftiments conducted on the drying of tobacco leaves (of the Ginpats, Virginia,, Brant, Banat, Yalmitsa varieties) established the fact that at a distance of 45 cm from the Imfra-red light source the leaves surface is heated up to 65 - 70P- Good results are obtaimd when irradiation Is applied at intervals (3 min. on 3 min. off), ani also when central stem of a leaf is either removed or crushed. With infra-red drying the losses are decroaaed by I - 2%. The aboorption of 02 by tobliccoS is not C ard 1/2 -- I - ~ - - - ~. ; I i - / - :*- " A, , -- , , , ) I I . PRf'MKU, M., kAndidat skonomichaskikh nauk. , Develo-raent of rallroRd transDortation in the Rmanlan PeoT)le'3 Zhel.dor.trans-o. 39 no.8:79-82 Ag '57. (KLU 10:9) (Rumania-RAilroads) (Petrescu, H.1.1, kand.ekon.nouk my - n": , I" - 02PEOPI-, - ; '46, Plan for the electrification of the Rumanian People'a Revublic. Ilek.stn.29 no.3:81-82 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Rumania--Electrification) FIC - I- ~', E- 61- ~' (11 ,r\1 11 ) PSMSKU, M.I.. kaud.ekon.nuuk Electrification of the Rumanian People's Republic. Blek.sta. 31 no.2:81-82 F 160. (141RA 13:5) (Rumania-Blectrification) MAO "d L.Amd INS) aff" WW tb4 b ID Z1k cm~ Dqmtmt9f 0 d d I at . n 1 C , 7b% cAOA" OB% b di Y - - amx1 6 TbtO4vWWrt :CQ MbWAU mid the standards inn =I=) w1lb powd. C or ly In Wx, ;9 amp., the 3=Pks vautwxed c - vUb.- of tbp of Zia, Yb e iij~~ I'M 'Wid Fe In the Od ttd 1. tb. toW I ==,w =md * Ga. wb W, Id. vdlb P", The 11tts Used um Ge 208 boo t I gab a working curve *)2kb Is War and mvWudW& I 'the Mist Imm Ombim% Ge, nnd the s=. moi of the For tbe I-A I G e a=y detm. wo +7.4% c the but WAS I ' the WDIA bt JA Dole o WD l . ., ner& N the O n bm Fe &W M4 amd the to was thts wovptcL h e The AIA wM* emWml the In from t VA SUD the AIA b"I The sampus won U&M ON n to dth 1OW41 stadard and 1A arJo. AIA'was, The tow voUffizatku repked I 0 n 00 to the 3a because in would occur s;;=L wM AIA. 7b* 11M n MM gcwnia ' wbkh kg C ma a to d the delm h d . e. Um. sai t &tlyt.- S/137/62/ODO/004/196/201 A154/A1O1 AUTHORS: Petrescu, Maria, Tri-tA, Venora TX=t Determination of in1lum in some subproducts of zinc metallurgy by spectrographic means PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 4, 1962, 9 - 10, abstract 4X57 ("Studii si cercet6ri metalurgie Aced. RPR", 1961, 6, no. 1, 51 - 66, Rumanian; Russian, French summaries) . TEXT: De.-cription is given of a spectrtm analysis of In in metallic Pb, which is a secondary product of refining Zn, conducted with the use of a Feissner spark generator and a spectograph Q 24:V - 12,000 v, L - o.8 mH, c . 4,5oo pf and I - 1.30 amp. The upper electrode Is a.copper rod, --the lower electrode being the analyzed metallic Pb. Spacing between the electrodes is 2 - 5 mm. The analytical pair of lines Is In - 3,256.09, Fb 3,262-35, The range of determin- able Indium concentration lies within 0.006 - 0.1%. Description is given of a method of determining In in a solution. A batch of metallic Pb, con,.aining 0.5 50 mg In is dissolved in 15 ml of concentrated HC1 + 5 M1 of concentrated RN03. Card 2/2 S/137/62/000/004/195/201 A 15AIA 10 1 AUTHORS: Trita, Venera A TITLE: Spectrographic dosiNS of indium in some subproducts of zinc mcllal- lurgy PD110DICALs Roferativnyy zhurnal, Motallurglya, no. 11, 1962, 9, abstract 111(56 ("Rev. roumaine m6tallurg.", 1961, 6, no. 2, 229 - Fl'!iglloh) TEXTt There is no text. F~bstracterla note] Card 1/1 , :qp,.Maria,, Ing.; HAVRCMATI,Ving. CLARU, Fl., i~g.; (MIGORE, Livia.. Jng.l--P= Processing of the sulfurous c=plex concentrates of heavy nonferrous metals in rotating furnaces. Rev. cbimie Min. petr. 12 no.8t445-458 Ag'61 ENESCU, St., ing.; PETRESCU, M., ing.; AT-T? JU, I., ing. Aspects of fatigue phenomena occurring in reinforced concrete elements. Rev transport 9 no.10:-.1,35-442 0 162. OLARU,F.; TRIAYD&F, Angela; :PMMCU, Varia - ..7 Short rotary furnacts and their utilization in the metal- lurgy of nonferrous metals. Pt..l. Ren.- qdmie Min petr 14 no.U/32z655-660 N-D'63. TIRDINDAF, Angela; OULRU, Fl.; PETRESOU, 1-.'~-Ja ~ - - ~ " Short rotary furnaces LrA Vieir utilization in the metallurgy of nonferrous ; ~A,:. liev (-,)JLnie Ilin petr 15 no.2: 8!5-90 F 164. L 10484-66 ACC NRs AP6003544 som cmE3 woonlolw ftl/0016/OD2.;'~ AVMs fttzmt~~ LIq MIES innuence of a low -fregienq harmonic signal on the ft*e oseMations in an lo-C -cirazdt vM' allt7ed Im junetion capacitw=e SOU=s- Autoattlea si electroM' nois It 19650 16-23 'M to, 9, TOPIC TABS: harmonic osciuatiC6, harmonic analyzis free oscillation, low frequencyl eleatrolft.circuit, Pn junction$, .0190tric Capacitance ABSTRM The author discusseirthe subject'from the tbooretical point of view, tban describes the constructionof 4u,i analog model of the syston &YA conpares the experim mnW results vithAhose pj;pdUted on a thearet1wa basin. Origo arts hast 181 sigures, s sormass. OPP-0 SUB CM8 309, 20 SM DITCH bons OM REFS 002 SOV REFS 005 MC 2 6n.W2.21 A21.1.612.8t V47.1411.11 r SIGHMF~14, Elena, dr.; Y-EITiF-SGU,M., dr.; GKIB, R., dr.; GOCIU, Mariana, dr.; RARJN"SGU, Speranta, dr.; aigenia, dr. Considerations on the pathogenic mechanism of anemias in &cute leukoses. Med. intern. Micur.) 16 no.10:1195-1200 0164 1. Lucrare efectuata la Institutul de medicina interna al A--adGmiei Republicii. Populare Romime (director: acad. 11. Gh. Lupi). (,- ) Petre,-cu, M. SOV/2-59-4-11/14 I TTLE "The Statistical Yearbook of the RIM 1958" PERIODICAL: Vestnik statiotiki, 1959, Nr 4, j)j B-1-67 (USSR) 1"THOR: This is a review of the above-mentioned book which is Rumanian lanjuage book "Anuarul Stati-Aic al R.P.R., Directia centrala de statistica, Bucuresti, 195e, '117 There is I table and I Rumanian reference. C -3.-d 1/1