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PETRAXOV, B.D. Organization and work of a nroDhylnctic disinfection deDprtment in rural area. Gig. I san. 22 no.12:52-53 D '57 (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz Snrntskoy reyonnoy sanitnrno-enidemiologicheakoy stAntsii Odenskoy oblasti. (SAWITATIOR in Russia in rursl areRs (Rue) (RURAL CONDITIONS, sanit. Drotection in Ruesin (Rus) , " i,. , - - 1" 4, o , , ~ PRrRAKOV, B.D. Preventive mepsures in reducing the incidence of intestinal infec- tions in n rural area. Vrach.delo sulmlement 157:67-68 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Snratskayn rayonnaya saniterno-epidentologicheaknys stantaiya Odesskoy obl. (INTESTMS--DISEASES) FETRAKOV,-B.D.ospirent --- Origin Pnd results of Henlth Month in Lesogorskiy District, imeningrAd Province. Zdrnv.Roa.Yeder. 2 no.6:17-21 Je 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. In kafedry orgnnizptaii zdrAvookhrpneniYA i istorii meditsiny (snv.-Prof. B.5. Sigal) Loningrndskogo SAnitarno-gigiyenicheskogo maditainskogo inntitutn (dir.-nrof. A.Yn. IvAnov) (IP.SOGORSKIY DISTRICT--HEALTH EDUCATION) FRMKOV. B.D.. sonitarnyy vrach Organizing the work of active public health workers. Gig. t san. 23 no.2:55-58 7 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z saratskoy rayonnoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantaii Gdesekoy oblasti. (PUBLIC HFALTH, organiz. (Rue)) PITRAKOV, B.D. (Poselok Sarntn Odoeskoy oblnnti) stations i- nroviding better disinfection in a rural district. Felld. i akuan. 23 no.4:42-44 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) (DISEVECTION AND DISIMOTANS) PMAKOV, B.D. (Poselok SArAtn Odesekoy oblnsti) Work in henlth eduention in A rurAl district. Fel'd. I Omsh. 23 no.4:4R-49 Ap 158. (MIFIA 11:4) (HRAIRH IMUCATION) PSTRANOV, B.D. Problems of hygiene and prophylayis In the works of A.N. Radishcheve Trudy LSGmr 45:81-87 '58 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Ufedra istorit maditsiny Laningrsdekogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo maditainskogo inatituta (zav. kafedroy - prof. B.S. Sigal). (R)BLIC HEALTH) (RADISHMV, AI;XKSANM 111VOLPF-VICH, 3.749-1802) PBTRAIWV, B.D., aspirant. Planning and organizing comnound sanitary and antiepidemic measures in rural districts and an analysis of their effectiveness. Zdrav. Roo. Feder. 3 no.4:7-11 Ap 159. (XIM 12:4) 1. 12 kafedry organ12atOli zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny (zav. - prof. B.S. Sigal) Leningradakogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheBkogo meditsinBkogo institute, (dir. - prof. A.Ya. Ivanov). (PUBLIC FMMH, RURA.L) FNMKOV, B.D.,aspirant (Leningrad) Health education and public health work with volunteer aid aspect of the activity of the feldsher-midwife center. Fel'd i akush. 24 no.4:46-50 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) (rJBLIC HFALTH, RURJLL) PET%AKCIVS Cand Yed 6ci - (dis--) I'Expari;;~ inpianxiinE ard orgaydzmV complex sam- tary and antiepiderde measures in -zm rural regions and 4w analysis of ~*s effectiveness." Len, 20 pp (Yin of heaith RbFb-q. Len 3a~,dtary Hygicne Iled D-,:t) 200 copies (Us 3b-59, 119) - 102 - PWR&KOV, B.D. W.-I"r, 2pidemiological and sanitary earrice In a rural area. Trach.delo to.523-525 W 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. KafedTa organizatail zdravookhranenlya I istorli meditainy (rav. - prof. B.S. Sigal) Ieningradekogo sanitarno-gigiyanicheskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. (LENINGRAD PRDVINCZ,--PUBLIC KUWH, RURAL) (MEDICAL PERSONNEL) ZEBOLID, A.N., prof.; BOLISHEMYANNIXCV, A.I., dotsent;.PETRAKOV, B.D., assistent Consulting bureau as one of the forms of practical aid frcu the institute to the public health agencies. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 4 no.11: 24-27 160. (NIRA 13;11) 1. Is Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey Iment S.M.Kirova (dir. - dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev). (PUBLIC HEALTH) SIBIRKI119 N.V., doktor maditsinskikh nauk;'-PEnW0V_L-_B.D. (Leningrad) Organization of scientific and practical asaistance of the Institute for the Advanced Training of Phwivinnn to public health agencies and institutions. Scrv.z&av*29 n097;14-19 160o (MI1RA 13:8) 1*.Iz Leningradskogo orduna Lenina gosudarstvonnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachay im. S.M. Kirova (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev). (PUBLIC 1EALTH) PETRUOVo B,De OExchame of experience in public health vorkO Reviewed by B*D#Potmkove Save edrave 19 not OMm79 160o 011RA 13 s 10) (PUBLIC HEALTH) -- PETRM~v 14 B*D.9 assistant (Leningrad) Efficient organization of the work of subprofessional medical personnel in the epidemiological service. Felld. i akush. 25 no.6335-37 Je 160. (min 13: 9) (LENINGR&D PROVINCE-PUBLIC HJEALTH) (WORK MMUREKENT) P81MOV9 B,D,p assistant Satablishing noml standarde in urban and rural are" for swAtary and epidemiological t3ervice. Gigo i san. 25 rjo. 6:76- 8o je 160, (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz Leningradskogo ordena Lenina institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova, (PUBLIC HEALTH) PETRkKOVq B.D. (Leningrad) ~Mea~sures~o-r the improvement of the feldsher's diagnosis of infectious diseases in rural districts. Fej#d. I akueh. 25 no.9s 34-38 S 160. - (MIRk 13:9) (PUBLIG HULTH, RURLL) (GOWUNIMLE DISEUES) tent BaBic operative documentation at fe2daher-midwife centers and the familial medical and hygienic pasuport, Zdrav. Roo. Feder. 5 no. 2:34,-37 F 161, - (KERA 14:2) 1. Iz kafedry organizatail, zdravookhraneniya Leningradskogo institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova (dire - doteent A.Ye. Kiselev). (MEDICAL RECORDS) SIBIRUNP N.V.;_PETRAKOV _B.D,.__ j ,~The In3titute's practical aid to rural health departments. Wray. Roo. Fader. 5 no.9:19-23 S 161. (~~4 A 14: 9) 1. Iz Leningradskogo Lenina instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova (rektor - dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev (LIMINGiW PROVINCE-PUBLIC IMUTII, RUILkLi - FETRAKOV. B.D.. 3=8 nOW fOMB and mathoda of ~anltary education and organization of the public for work in the polyclinics of Leningrad. Zdrav. Ros.Feder. 6 no.lOt2O-24 0 162. (MIRA 16s4) 1. Iz ka6dry organizataii zdravookhrnaqiya (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego B.D.Petrakdv) Laningradskago gosudarstvennogo ordena Lenina instituta unovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni,S.M.Klrovi~ (rektor - doteent S.N.Polikarfov). (LENINGRAD-SANITARY~AFFLIRS) (LENINGRAD-HOICAL WIAL WORK) PETRAKOV, B. D.2 kAnd. ined. nauk (Leningrad) ------ Organizing the control of tuberculosis in a rural area and the tasks of medical and obstetrical stations. Fella. i akush. 27 no.6:49-53 Je 162. (MM 15:7) (TUBERCULCBI&-PREMTION) DEMIDOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich,- YATR&KQY,-!~~D~mit~evich; KHHDV,OV. Boris Mikhaylovich,- GOLIDZILIBU, E.M.,, red.; KORDLEV, A.V., tekhn. red. [Now forms of organization and methods for the work im city polyclinics; works experience of 71olyclinic No.37 in Leningrad] Novya formy organizatsii i matody raboty gorodskikh poliklinik; 12 opyta rabDty pDliklini)d No.37 Laningrads. Moskva,, Medgiz, 1963. 96 P. (miRA 160) (L~NINGRAD--HDSPITALS-ADMINISTRATION) FETRkNOV B.D. dotsent. -(Iamingrad) Hajor problem of the organization of sanitary epidemiological care in enlarged districts. Zdrav.Roa.Fed. 7 no.40-6 Ap 163. KRA 16s4) (PUBLIC HEALTHv RUUL) PETRAK -dotsent "Dispensary service for students of professional and technical educational instlitutiona-U the USSR" by M.P,MDtorina, Reviewed by B.D.Petrakovt, Zdrave Roe. Feder. 7 no*5*.37-38 My'63. (MM 16:6) 1, Kafedra organizatsii zdravookhraneniya leningradskogo gosu- o instituta dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, fSTUDU1M-HMQTH AIM HYGIENE) (HOSPITALS--CUTPATIM4T SERVICES) (MOTCRMA. m.p.) F&RAEOVI, B.D.,, dotsent Organizing control of intestinal infections among children in a raral. region. Felld. i akush. 28. no.3: 8-22 Hr'63.(MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz kafedr7 organizatsil zdravookhraneniya Leningradakogo gosudarstvaimogo ordena IAnina instituta uisavershonstvovaniya vrachei imeni S.M.Kirova. (MMDW-DISFASES) (CIMMEN-DISUSES) P~;TRAKOV, B.I. 11- ., I . - I . ..7-- ,. . I - .. - ~ I . PFNIAKOV, B.I. Strtsses in the wplis i-I.-* cr-rjlallner~ wr.-~.-, !]D;,id I I products are transpor-,!!d in *,hem by trunks. 1 zv..vys,uchcb.zRv (14-:iE 17"'?, neft' i gaz 7 no. GASKAROVj, N.LZ!!TVt D.; IZIBAYEV, I. Remlts of cooperation. Pozh.delo 8 no.2sl4 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Coke industry-Firea and fire prevention) PETHAKOV, I.; SEKJSHIN, A. Final examinations for the eight-year school. Mqt. v shkole no.l: 35-37 Ja-F 163. (WRA 16:6) (Mathematics-Examinations, questions, etc.) LYUBIN, V.P.;,PfTRAKOV, I.I. Moustier site Zolotarikha near Belev (Tula Province). Biul. Xon. chetv. per. no.295172-174 164. (MIM 17s8) 15(2) AUTHORS: Petrakovv 1. 1., Lrrnatov, N. N. SOV/72-5B-12-6/23 TITLE- A Diminution of Waste Tiles by Modifying the Cnari-e Composition (S izmeneniyom sostava shikhty umen'shilsya brak plitok) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1956, Ur 129 pp 26 - 27 (U.'~;iR) ABSTRACT: At the Voronezhakiy keramiches~iy zavod dlya proi-, vodstva oblitsovochnykh plitok (Voronezh Ceramic Factory for the Production of Lining Tiles), the following standard cha--- '-e was used: 281~, of "New Swiss" clay, 31% of strengthened knolin, 21~, of quartz sand, and 20io' of cullet. The output of usuable products did not amount to more than 65-7A which is to be regarded as a deficiency common to all ccra~:iic factorivs. At the Voronezh factory the depondence of quality on the content of lean components in the char-e was in- vestip,fLted experi*mentally and it was further detormined, which raw material is to bear the oxponse of t~ie 110cencity to reduce the percentage of plastics. The Card 1/2 experimental results are mentioned In the table. The A Diminution of Waste Tiles by Modifyinr tiie Char~7e SOV/72-5~- 1 2-S',"23 Composition amount of lean components must be increased in the charge by the introd,etion of burnt kaolin, The content of plastic components in the charge must be fixed with 48-50%. Kaolin must be burnt at temperatures of from 1200 to 12600. The following i,.iass co-r-posi- timisreowmended for the tile production. 23% of quartz sand, 30'1'~o Of Clay: 10-15% of cullet, 20-' of unburnt kaolin, and 17-12% of burnt kaolin. The Voronezh factory has taken up the processing of this mass, thus increasing tile output of usable tiles up to 90%, which the authors, however, describe as not being a fint.1 figure. There is 1 table. ASS- -ATION: Voronezhakiy keramichegkiy zavod (Voronezh Cera.iiic Factory) Card 2/2 P,-6TRkKCrVp I.S. (Yoskva) Teaching the nint- grade geometry course in tho 1963/64 school- year& Hat, v shkolo no-4:69-70 J'I-Ag 163. (,,dRA 16:9) (Geometry-Study 'and teaching) FETRAKOV,, I.$. metodist po matematike Remate of the tests in wthematico given by the Minlstr7 of Education of the R.S.F.S.R. in PAY 19626 (IGRA 1631) 1. Minlaterstvo proavfthoheniya RSM. (Mathematica-Problims, dzerciaes, ate.) WROZOVA, Ye.A.; FETRAKOV, I.S. (Moskva) Focirth International KwUwmatical Olympiad. -YAt.v shkole no.6s 54-55 N-D 162. (KIM 16:1) (Wthexpatics-Competitions) FETRAKOVP I.S. Obakva) Second All-Itassian Mathematical Olympiad. Mat-V ahkole no-4:29-32 JI-Ag 062. (Mathematics-Competitions) VMIRA 15;11) PJrME)V, I.S. metodist, Methodology consultation. Mat. v shkole ar,.6:0-61 N-D '59. (Geometry--Study and teaching) (MIRA 130) GELIFAO, H.S.; GILYZER., G.D.;.j!~TRA.KOV,-jS.; PROSTOSERDOV, V.P.; SAAKTA1,19 S.N. (Moskva) Structure and content of the mathematics 9-11 of the evening (staggered) socondary Mat. v shkole no.3t46-1+7 W-Je 162. (1-lathematics-Study and teaching) course in grades genoral schools. OIIRA 15:7) FETRAKOV, I.S. Hew programs. PAt.v shkole no.4:17-25 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Konsulltant-metodist Ministerstva proeveshcheniya RSFSR. (Mathematics--Stuay and teaching) FZTRMV, I.S., tastodist Msthodolog7 consultation. Hat. v shkole no-5:55-56 S-0 159. (MRA 13:2) Upravlezdye shkol Ministerstva proeveshchani.Va RSFSR. (Mathematics--Study and teaching) PETRAKOV I!S.- ZOLOTOVITSKIY, Ye. N. (Reutovo) t I In the Moscow Province Institute for Improvenent of the Training of Toachers. Hat. v shkole no.2:84-87 Mr-Ap '59. 041RA 12:6) (Mathemntice-Study anti teaching) MUM, I.S. (Reutovo Hoakovskoy oblasti). Activities of the Kathematical Section of the Moscov Regional Institute for Training of Teachers. Kat. v shkols no.4:94-95 S-0 157. (MMA 10:8) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) PETRAROV,I.S.(Eeutovo Moskovskiy obl.) ,- Methodical work in mathematics. Hat. v 3hkole no. 4:36-40 JI-Ag 151. (XLU 11:7) (Ka theme t ice --Study and teaching) r,~RAKOV. I.B. (Relltovo MoBkovalroy oblnett). S er coarsen for teachers of mathematics In the Moscow Province. Mat. v shkole no.6:86 N-D 156o WRA 10:1) (Moscow ProvInce-VEnthematles-Study and teaching) R A Kb V I AMONDY, I.K,, professor; BNRWANSKAYA. U.S.; GIAGOLTY, N&S*; DIDWO IOU, professor; ZOLOTOVITSKIY, U.N.; ILOIN, A.Te., dotsent; LYAPIN, S.Te., MULTARMIK, M.Z., uchitell; PA?WOV, I,S.; CHICHIGIN, Y.G. Aleksand Nikolaevich Baroukov, Hat. v shkole no,1:72-f4 Ja-Ir 157. (NURA 10 t 2 1. Waskovekly oblastnoy pedagogloheekiy institut (for Anaronov). 2. ZaveduTushchly kELfedroy matodiki matemattki Moskovskogo pedago- gichaskDgo lustituta Imeni V.I. lenina (for Beresane"), 3. Hatodiat Shcber*kovekogo rayona goroda Moskvy (for Glagolev). Isningrad- skiy paUgogicheskiy institut (for Depman). 5. )btodist Balashikhin- skogo rayona NookaviakDy oblastl (for 2olotovitakly). 6. MDmkovakly podagogicheskiy institut, imaut V.I. Leutma (for Illin.l. ZavediWa- shchly kafedroy matodiki matemtiki Ieulngradskogo pei4~ogloheekogo Instituta Imeni A.I. Gertsena (for IVapln). 8. Shkola No.29 goroda NDakwy (for Malyarchik). 9. Eaveduqushchty kabiuetom matematiki No- dcovskagooblastoogo instituta usovershoustvovanlya iwhiteley (for Fbtrakov). 10. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy zwtodiki matematiki Mookov- skogo pedagogicheakogo instituta iment V.P. Pbtemklma (for Chichigin). (Barsukov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1891-) FETRAKOV, I.S. (Moskva) All-Russian YAthematics Olympiad. Mat. v shkole no.4:9-14 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Mathematics-Competitions) PETRAXOV. 1.S. (Moskva) Encourage tha young talents to grow. Hat. v Bhkole no.l.*13-15 Ja-F 161. (Mathematics--Contests) (MIRA 14:3) ZOLOTOVITSKIY. U.N.; P3TMOV. 1.S. (Reutoro. Moskovskoy oblasti). In the Moscow Province Institute for Teacher Tralaing. Mat. v shleole no.2:93-95 Mr-Ap '58. (KIRA llr2) (Mathematics-Study and tea-chirg) GROMOV, A.P. (Melekes); FETRAKOV, I.S. (Moskva) Use of slides in mathematical instruction. Yat. -v shkole no.2:87-88 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Mathematics-Audio-visual aids) PALASTIN, L.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOROLIKHINO V.I.,, Inzh.j BOLDYSHFV. A.V.,, inzh.;TBMKQV. MAP inzh.j FMIFDV.. V.S.p inzh. Salient pole synchronous generators with mixed excitation* Vest. elektroprom. 33 no.8:17-23 Ag 162. (laRk 15:7) (Electric generators) FL7MOV, Nikolay lakovlevich, at. nauchn. sotr.; GLYAZER, L., red. [Profitability and price) Rentabellnost' i tsena. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Ekonomika," 1964. 171 p. (MIRA 17:6) 1. GosudarstvenrWy nauchno-issledovatells)ciy ekonomicheskiy institut Gosplana SSSR (for Petrakov). FUKOV, NA., vaterinarnyy vrach.,.C- '*V;~ - ~,-, Treating endometritle with parified penicillin. Yeterimarilis 30 no.5:28 My '53. (VIaA 6:5) 1. Irasnopolyanokiy RSUO. PETRAKOV, 11. K. Treatment of endometrites with piLrified penicillin. SO: Veterinariya; 30 (5) May 1553 Veterinarian, Krasnopolyanskiy Rayon Department of Agriculture, Svercllovsli oblast. PITMOVO ----- -- 1--.1-11 Possibility of the transfer of textile Industry enterprises to the steamleas technology. Tekst. prom. 25 no.518l-83 My 165. (MIP - 18 15) 1. Nachaltnik filiala otdela ekonomW proryahlennosti GXTB Sredneaziatakogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. FETRAKOV. V. Reconditioning etarter bruahes, Avt. tmiBp 41 no-3:54 Mr '63. imIRA .16:4) (Automobiles--Start-,g devices) KHARAKHASH, V.G., inzh.; YARCOREVSM, S.A.,, inzh.; AI,EYSEYh-V, N.N., inzh.; KOLESN U, N.A., inzh.; FRIDMAN, O.A., inzh.; GRUBA,A.I., inzh.; GRIN', L.V.; ?E1RAXOV, V.I. Electric insulation coatings an the Inside surface of Lettery boyces of electric mine locomotives. Ugoll Ukr. 10 no. 1: 31-33 Ja 166. (MIRA 18-12) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledorvatellskiy institut, plastichesklkb mass, BGATOV, V.I.; AKULISHINA, Ye.P.; BUDNIKOV, V.I.; GERASIMOV, Ye.K.; GUROVA, T.I.; KAZANSKIY, Yu.P.; KAZARINOV., V.P.; KON70ROVICH, A.E.; KOSOLOBOV, N.I.; LIZA11%, N.A.; MATUKHIN, R.G.; MATUKHINA, V.G.;-PETRAKOV, V.U.; RODIN, R.S.; SAVITSKIY, V.Ye.; SHISHKIN, "Tfe-P., tekhn. red. [Lithoformational amlynis of sedimentary rocks) Litologo- formatsionnyi analiz osadochnykh tolshch. Pod red. V.I. Bgatova i V.P.Kazarinova), (MIRA 16:7) 1. Sibirskly nauchno-issledovatellskiy institutu geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrlya. (Rocks, Sedimentar7"-Analyais) PETRAKOV, V.D. Role of disinfectiqn in lowering 'the incidence of dyaenterLy and other acute Intestinal infections. Zhur.mikrobicl.epid.i iniun. ;32 =,2t3246 F 161, (MIRA 14:6) 1 1. Is Veliko-Mikhaylovokoy,rayonnoy bollnitay. (DYSENTERY) (DISINFECTION AND DISINFECTAM) FETRAKOVP V.U4 Now data on the stratigraphy of the Lower Faleozoic of the Turukhan region. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6tl4.36-1438 0 163. (NIRA 16:11) 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrlya. Predstavlono akademikom A.L. Yanshinym. MIKUTSHY, S.P.; PETRAKOV, V.U. "--- ! - Stratigraphy of Siluri ,an sodib5nts in the Siberian Platform. Mat-po geol.Zap.Sib. no.63%94-102 962. (MIRA 16s10) NUUTSKIY, S.P.; PETRAKOV, V.U. Tectonics of the Yenise7 Valley portion of the northern Siberian Platform. Trudy SNIIGGIM no.7-.46-57 161. (KEFLA 16:7) (Yenisey Valley--Geologyv Structural) 3 (5j- AUTHOR: Petrakov, V. U. SOY/20-127-3-50/71 TITLE: New Data on the Stratigraphy of Cambrian-Ordovician Sediments in the Basin of the River Kureyka PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, lir 3, pp 651-654 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since 1955 the Yenisey Expedition of the Institute mentioned in the Association (directed by S. P. Mikutskiy) has carried out a multi-purpose investigation of supporting exposures of the Paleozoic of the west-Siberian a,lateau from the river Bakhta to 'the Worillsk Rayon. On aecoimt of the investigation results the former stratigraphic schemes, especially those of the sediments mentioned in the title, were given a precise description. The oldest deposits on the river Kureyka are cream-colored and dark brownish-grey porous dolomites found in the upper and middle course of the river Munduyka (left tributary to the river Kureyka). Figure 1 shows a geological map of' the region along the rivers mentioned. Figure 2 contains a summarized stratigraphic column of the above sediments. A. P. Abushek- and B. It Draganov fcund pieces of trilobites on the right bank of the Kureyka 3 km below the mouth of the river Pelyadka. W. Ye. Chernysheva Card 1/~ classified these pieces. The question as to whether the strata New Data on the Stratigraphy of Cambrian-Ordovician SOV/20-127-3-50/71 Sediments in the Basin of the River Kureyka containing them belong to the Upper Cambrian or to the Lazier Ordovician, however, cannot be definitely solved by this classification. A. A. Vysotskiy took part in disclosing fossils. A. V. Rosova and H. P. Kullkov made further classifications. On account of the results obtained the author draws the following conclusions: (1) On the basis of now faunal discoveries the predominantely grey calcareous mass has to be considered Upper Cambrian and not urdovician as has been done so far. (2) The higher deposited sediments up to the Middle-Ordovician terrigenous horizons correspond to the Ust'-Kutskiy and Chun'skiy stage of the Lower Ordovician. (3) There are no traces of erosion at the boundary between the Lower and Middle Ordovician. There are 2 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskly institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syr1ya g. Novosibirsk (Siberien Scientific Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineral. Ravi Materials, City of Novosibirsk) Card 2/3 PETRAKOV, lakov Kuzlmich; MIZIKEVICH, SL-rgay Petrovicb; STARCHAKOVA, "' =L, -re.; -MEDR ~H, D.M., tekhn. red. [Fair in Luzhniki]IArmarka v Luzhnikakh. Mloskva, Gostorgizdat, 1962. 45 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Moscow-Fairs) PETRACEK, 0., irm. (Praha); PETRACYOVA, J., inz. (Praha) I Effect of pressure on the 1milnoscence of zinc sulfide powder; baroluminescence; discussion. Jsmna mech opt 8 no. 12: 394 D 163. Z -h --th--; 40Y, - Is r. and, 8-2 4'24) this -fiti4le-aam hi. as .17 tc! f, I J c 'I'D IV i te C-I Lsk-*,~~. r1 11-;.")"..: F~ * Yl. Yr, B cni~ cr:m 2 ~,n r. r r ~)w t :~ai! s, la n t a t I ~n r. c'-ambers u I e L ;:.oa. no. 12 : F-- -w,anypm, dir. - :,-: *'. , : I ov a ,-Fl~fRAKOVA, K.V. (Moskva, G-2, stal-okonyusherinyy per., 19. kv.3~) Feteroto,,ALc orz-Jf-Jcat-Jcn in *.:~e rat ki-riley in isrnc-mi-L. .,,k . a-nat., gist. i emilLr. 41, no.5--Ii2-116 MC.' 163. ". f'; 1. Otdal radiatsonnoy i licirmuiolopii (Zav.-'I(ty,:~v. chlen Aill 13-1111 prcr. V.I.. Troil.okiy) in.-ititut-u (iildomiologli I villcrobiologil imuni pochol.nof-o riknie:dkii 11.F. ('41,71n)(--ya 1;' . ~N ;:;")p, f Mo:; kv a . 24-10-10/26 AUTHORS: Glanov, V. M., Mirgalovskaya, M.S. and Petrakova, L. A. (Moscorl) TITLE: New semi-conductor materials with a chalcopyrite structm-e. (Nowm poluprovodn*ovyye materialy so strukturoy kha'lkopirita) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhaicheskilr-h Nauk,, 1957, No.10, pp.68-70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the here described work was to produce and investigate twelve compounds of the ABX2 type where A - Cu, Ag; B - All Ga, In; X - Se, Te. The synthesis of the compounds was effected directly by melting the elements inside evacuated and sealed quartz ampules. The compounds contlaining aluminium were synthesized in graphite crucibles with a lid which were also placed into evacuated and sealed quartz ampules. It was found that all the compounds had a similar structure; substitution of copper by silver produced on the X-ray pictures a splitting of the lines which is attributed to an appreciable change in the ratio of the lattice parameters. The resulte of determination of the lattice parameters of the compounds by means of X-ray structural analysis are Card 1/2 entered in the Table, p.70 for twelve compounds. The PETRAKOVA, L. V. Effect of different cultivation methods on the noisture condi- tions of leached Chernozem soils in Chelyabinsk Province. Hauch. dokl. vyz. shkoly; biol. nauki no.3:199-202 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Rekowndovana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Qnskogo sellskokhozyayst- vennogo instituta. (CHELYABINSK PROVINrE--SOIL MOISTURE) (CHERNOZW, SOILS) r- 7 TURITEV, B.P.; PETHAKOVA-,,,L,.S._, Imeatigating the electrochemical properties of a ragnesium electrode. Trudy 1PI to.223t97-108 163. (MIRA 171ll) FOX, F.; PSTRAKOVA - 'I. T" - J. The significance of the most frepent errors causing uneven darkening of roentgen -pictures. Cesk.rentg. 15 no.2:139-143 AD 161. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum vysivy lidn, Praha-Kre, Budejovicks 800. reditel doe. KUDr. Josef Masek. (RADIOGRAPHY) PIEZ, F.- PE. . BROZFK, H. Oar exDerience with automatic measuring of blackening of the film with tie aid of the avolinat. Cesk.rentg.14 no.6:416-418 D160. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum vysivy lidu, Praha-Irc, reditel doo. MUDr. Josef Hasek, Chirans, n.p. Praha-Modrany. (RADIOGRAPHT eaulp & supply) RABKIH, Semen Llvovich-, KURATOV, Igor' Vladimirovich; SHIRYAYEV, Grigoriy Anstollyevich; SLAVIN, D.S.,; PEMMOVA. Te.F.. red. izd-va; BMSLAVSKAYA, L.Sh.,"pq~~ [Sectional reinforced concrete constnictions for mine snpport] Sbornye zhelezobetonnye konstruktsii shakhtnoi krepi. RoBkva. Goe.nauchno-takhnAzd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1959. 227 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Mine timbering) (Precast concrete construction) SHIRAN, Yevgeniy Ilikolayevich; TRUFAK, N.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.,, retsenzent; BRODSKIY, I.A., otv. red.; PETRUOVA, Ye.F., red, I zd-va; la I LIN A,, L.N. . tekbr. red. ; Y I?~S-M,-L-.r.-, -Ukl--. red. [Vibration method of shaft sinkimg in shifting sands] Vibrometod pri prokhodke stvolav shakht v ply-vunakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1961. 99 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Shaft sinking) DYKHOVICHM, Abram Ionovich: RABINOVICH, I.M., prof., retsenzent; KISEUV. V.A., prof.. retsenzent; SNITKO. I.K., prof.. otv.reu.; PETRIMOVA, Te.P., red.izd-va; KOROVEREOVA, Z.A., (Structural mechanics; abridged course] Strgitellnaia makhanika; sokrashchenW kurs. Izd.3.,parer. Kockva, Uglatekhisdat, 1959. 342 p. (MIRA 12:4) I. Rukovoditell kafedry stroitellnoy mekhaniki Voyanno-inzhenernoy akedemil imeni V.V.Knybyahava (for Rabinovich). (Structures, Theory of) FBTMDTIClp G.I.v ordinator Cki two of angiorrbaphic apparatuo in nuturing the ureter InJurld durimg mwga7e Akumbei gine 37 no*WS430 F 161a (MIRA 14#3) 1. U lostimakoy oblutucy m*61ogiabsekoy ballnitsy (SlaMy vrach Z.JL Bmatyan) Moskovsk oblastie (U =Uml (vium) FETRAROVICHO V.Ye.; PCDUROVSKAYA, O.M.; IURIYAN, Ya.I. 1--- 0.- CcmParison of platimm caide and glass indiCatOr e1OCtrOd-_B in acid-base titration. Effect, of nonaqueous solvents, the nature of the titrant,, and various additions. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.8:785-789 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Nauchno-issledavatel'skly i px,oyaktnyy institut azotiioy promy-shlennosti, Moskva, i Yaroslavskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut monomerov. PETRAKOVICH, V.Ye. Oxidized platinum electrode in electrometria anal7sis. &ur.anal. khim. 18 no.10:1161-1168 0 63. (KIRA 16:12) 1. Nauchno-i3sledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti i,produktov organicheskogo sinte-za, Moskva. AUTHORSt Entelis, S. G., Petrakovich, V. Ye., Korovina,G.V., 20-114-4-46/63 Chirkov, N. M. TITLE: The Kinetics of.,the Formation of Alcohol and Alkyl Acid in the Reaction of Pr6pylen3 With a Water Solution of Sulphuric Acid. (KInetika obrazovanlya spirta i aLIMIkieloty pri reaktsii propilena s vodnoy sernoy kislotay) PERIODICALt ),oklady Akademii iiauk SSSR, 1957, Vol. 114, Nr 4, PP. 648-851 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A number of papers was devoted to the investigation of the absorption kinetics of olefines by sulphuric acid. The majaity of the workB, that of Hustamov excepted, have a common funda- mental deficiencyi they were performed under conditions in which the absorption velocity is limited by diffusionprocesses. The authors studied the absorption kinetics of propylene by 67%- -sulphuric acid at 42-9oOC and an initial pressure ofv8oo torr. The complicated acid-catalytic processes of propylene in sul- phuric acid mav be described roughly for the dissolution as three reversible reactionst K1 H So H. .1. Formation of alkyl acid# C H 6'~~U_c 3 7 4 3 K2 X3 II. Direct Formation of alcohols u-C H + H 0;==V-U_C OH. " 7 3 Card 1/3 The Kinetics of the Formation of 41cohol and Alkyl Acid in the 2o-114-4-46/63 Reaction of Propylene With a Water Solution of 6ulphuric Acid. III. Saponification of the alkyl acids u-C 3H7 so4U+H20 4 ___:~U-C H OH + H so In publicatiorelit has hitherto X6 3 7 2 4* not been recorded whether the chief amount of alcohol is ob- tained by Il. or III. However, the fact of a parallel accumu- lation of alcohol itself excludes reaction 111. The experimen- tal curves obtained are compared with the theoretical ones. Two cases were assumeds 1. no saponification of the alkyl acid occurs, 2. alcohol forms parallel to u-C3H7SO4H as well as by saponification of the latter. From the described short analysis it may be concluded that the chief, if not the total,,amount of alcohol does not result from saponification of u-C3H S04H , but develops parallel with it during the C3H6 reaction in water. There are 4 tigures, 2 tables, and 8 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONt Institute for Chemical Physics of the AS USSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTEDs Januexy 19, 1957 by V. N. Kondratlyev, Member, Academy of Card 2/3 The Kinetics of the Formation of Alcohol and Alkyl Acid in the 20-114-4-46/63 leaction of Propylene With a Water Solution of Sulphurio Acid sciences, USSR SUBMITTEDs January 16, 19157 Card 3/3 PODUROVSKAYAV O.M.; UTR~qYIPH2._V. Ye. Aoqp- Titration of acids and bases by meial oxide electrodes. Zav. lab.27 no.2:157-10 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. GoBudarstvennyy-nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut azotmoy ptomyshlennosti i produktov organichaskogo ninteze.. -1 (Acids) (Bases (Chemistry))(Electrodesg Oxide) IVANCHENKO, 0.11., inzh.; PETRkKCVSKAYA, II.I., inzh.; GUMENYUK, A.D., inzh. Heat treatment of fasteninge. Wshinostroenie no.402- 73 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 17;10) FFTRAXOV3KIY A P. Inzh.; TISHKOV.N.Ya., inzh.; TISYCHETKO, 0.1., 4-*nzh.; - '1.V., inzh. Use of compressed air in intensifying open-hearth smelting with furnace operation by the scrap process. Stal' 23 no.12:107q-1082 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Zlatoiistovskiy mot,lbirgichegMy zavod. PETRAKOVSKIY. G.A. , Note on the effect of anisotropy of the damping parameter of spin waves on the saturation of ferromagnetic resonance. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. 8 no.6:169-170 165. (14IRA 19: 1) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.D. Kuznetsova. Submitted I-lay 21, 196/.. L 8601-66 ACCESSION IM: A%2n7O UR/0139/65/000/004/0072/0075 Alm=: G. A-;,Pvkb0vi Ig X.- Tr= Azdvatrogy aW temperature dependence of spin vaTs duVing In mingle Ms- Of fWTU92 SCUME: rM luluj, Do. 4# 3,965.t 72-75 70FIC TX;B-. faTitoo., single crystal,, line vidthp spin vavej, temperature dependence ANTFACT; 7he t"tulf, d ence'of the anisotropic part of the spin-vwve t Lim was Imstigated, experimental2y using viath of the Tmmnfid a r a cc sivale crystals of End lithium ferrites. The anisotropic part, of tbe 11M. viftb van defined as the difference between the spin-vave line vidthe masurealor magnetization of a spberical sample along the (111) and (100) direc- Uonz. 7he neasurements were caTried out ty the method of Wamtric excitation of spin vayea !by a longitudirAl higb-frequtncy ragnetic field. The field for which the spin vayeD are excited most easily, imestizated for a ample of magnesi=- zaaganese ferrite,, vas found to Wee with pravlous tbearatical calculations- The depend- spiue-vays lite viftb vas found to be~ bighly aalsotroPic- 7be UMPe7atu" sace of tbe anivotrow *btained experizental3,Y cannot be ex;aAlued tbeoretical.3,y :Lf Vne t&UM into account only the scattering mechanism pvPosed for spin vaves C,rd 2/2 6459-M, EwWAF "e Mv AMF,6c4)546 IJP(c) WW/GG MV03BI165100 23 2 391 CC Petrakoymkiy'.. G AN, AUMOR: '. P.: - Katygo TITLE: Effect of - anisotropic stresses on the friquency spectrum of etostatic osciUations SOURCE: Flzika tvardogo- tela, ve 7p no* 8p t965j, 2339-23" TOPIC TAGS: elastic stressj,, vibration spectrum, ferrite, otgnetle resonances yttrlum compound: mognetostriction-, ABSTRACT: 7be authors calculate the Influenoe of Isotropic elastic stresses on tbe spectrum of the frequencies of magnetostutic oscillations, by Aeriving pqua- tions for the resonance fields.of magnetizatlon oscillations in a ferrite spheroid subjected to unilateral uniform compression or tension. In addition, the depend- ence of the resonance fields of the simplest type on the compression stress was checked experimentally for an yttrium ferrite single crystal. A diagram of the test setup is shown in Fig. I of the Enclomwe. The Investigated sample was placed in a vayeguide in the antinode of the magnetic miermave field at a distance ap- proximately equal to the electrcmagnetlc wavelengtb from the short-circuiting plunger. 7he power"reflected from the wavegulde section vitb the ferrite vaB mea- sured vitb a waveguide bridge. 7be Influence of the stresses on the resonance Card 3/.3 ACCESSION Ms A25039W field were measured for vireetypes of modes., (I., ~-ly 0)) (2 -2P 0)P and (3.- -1j, 1) at 9375 He at room temperature. The (3, -1, , 3.) mode was f$ound to be most sult- able for the measurements* The saturation vagnetization of the ferrite was found to be 1773.0 gausBa, In a-U cases the results of the measurements were in satis- factory agreement with the calculation made and the magnetoBtatic approxination. It is boped that the imestigated effects vM be of use in measurement of the magnetostriction constants of ferrite single cryat&U- Orig,- art- haB2 3 fig',,lras and 20 formulas. ASSOCIA770IR: Sibirskly flzlko-tekbnicbeskiy Institut in. V. D. Rutnetsova., Tmqk (SlkaLan ftBicotecMical InDtitut SURUTM3 l5ftb65 MCLI 01 MM CODIS 8B., EM M XRF BOY: 003 OMS 005 Cw,d Z~ ,AC=101 xjR: ApmqW EXCLOM: 01 6 Iwo EwT(3.)- - m(c) - ACC NR% AR6%)524.1 SOURC-z CODE: UR/0058/65/000/009/002 H002 AUTROH; 0. A. 4 TITM; Nonlinear theory of oscillations of the magnetization of a ferrite,dise Rare zh. Fizikay abs. 9Zh14 REF. SOURCE:_Dokle Vauchno-tekhn-.- konfr_reiatsii, p6slIesbeb. radio. Tomsk, -Tm-skiy upA14 19640-131-137 ,:TOPIC TAGS: -ferrite, nagastization, nonlinear theoryp,parmetric resonance, micro- 4ave. oscillation "ABS'ISACT: A theoretical study-was made of the parametric excitation, by imeans of a longitudinal microwave field, or homogeneous magnetization precession in a disc MM- netized parallel to the plane. To find the stationary amplitude and the excitation condition, the Xrylov-Bogolyubov metboa was used. The dependence of the imagin&ry part of the musceytibility X" on the pump power P has the same character as x"(P) for -the supylewentar$ -a-1-i- in the case of perpendicular pu=plng, as obtained by Su~-l (RZbna, 19571 i20. 59 12490). SUB CODE: 20, Card -66 1". 232h7 ACC M:~ W00915D SOURCE CODE: uB/o_-09/63/ODD/OD~/030/0X33 AUMDR: Petrakovskin Go A.; Ber2bAnsm V. N. ORG: A %I InI&Me in. V. Do Minetsoor (Sibirskiy fi2iko- tekbnicbeskiy institut) TITIZ: Contribution to the nonlinear theory of excitation of spin Vaves'in ter- Wites. by a longitudinal mdcrowave =Snetle fleld SOLUM: r= - Fizi3m., Im. 5., 14,365, 3A-103 70PIC TAM: spin wave, spin relayration, paramagnetic relaxation., ferTitej, para- natric rgsonance., microwave, magnetization oelektronW ~A33SMWT: This Is a continuation of an earlier stucbr (Vaprosy radi #aaxat pro- Zero -moo, moo 6j, ealing ~ with the determination of the r ion PertieD of 4IVVkUeSrPIraC=gnertic excitation vitb longitudinal cagn ic mic 0." et RIM wave field. 15.ince tbe tbeory of paramagnetic excitation ban 'been developed only 1 In the linear, approximtiont the authors construct in the present article a non- n of spin waves emcited in ferrites. by a linear tbeoi7 of paraxttric excitatio zdarmY6 nWotic field polarized along the direction of the. constant magnetic :Tiel& An equation Is derived for the alternating vagnetizat of a ferrite Ion -1 2324746 AM MS: A**150 sample in the to=. of an eUipsold of revolution situated In a constant napetia field parallel to the axes of revolution& An ar4Wtortic solution Is- obtained for this equation and it Is sbown that the Tirst-order approximation is adequate, The conditions for yarawt.Tic excitation of the spin waves are determined and the am- :plltude and the phase of +,be voci3lations of the mAgnwtization of tbe oWstem are obtained for the stationmT case. 2he frequemq Ifterml wi%kin whicib the p~Ta. netrit extitation of spin waves Is determined and the sUbility of the stationaW, state under parametric-resonance conditions is investigated, n9 results agree witb experimental data vitbin the limits of the assumytimo madej and diverge Arom them at M& pww, xMit likely as a result Of spir,*wave saturation. Origo-. art. bas: tigares and 26 ft"ffam. go CODEs 20/ MM DMI-1, -0006V OM WS, 00;/ On MWI, 002 .-L 677 Acc sioN. NR-. AP4043867 ..-.-...-.-wave magnetic field, described by-ane of, the--authors earlier (G. A. _kL Petrakove y# Voprocy radioelektroniki, seriya III, no. 6, 144, ing a microwave pulse 1.9 -1962)4- The procedure consisted of apply -,---,:psec in duration, with 200 cps repetition frequency, to a cavity of =--1130 and resonant frequency 9090 Mc and containing the sample. The 'signal reflected from the resonator was observed on a pulse os- cilloscope screen. The temperature dependence of the spin-wave re- :laxation in the single-crystal ferrites was measured from room tem- .._,_Tperature (300K) to the Curie point. The samples constituted single- _~_1.__j_crY_sta1 ttriura and manganese ferrites magnetized in [111) directions'. y The-measurements showed the temperature clependence of the spin wave damping to agree with the theoretical expression and the variation Of AHk with temperature to be essentially analogous to the corre 1'sponding dependence of the ferromagnetic resonance line width of _74-~_homogen"us procession of magnetization. The initial variation of A.AHk is found to be connected with the degree of ordering of the ions Ca4 2/4