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Significance of cutaneous thernometrv in dirwnostng, mndAr4#,rtttF. obliteranB. Terap. arkh. 27 no.265-70 '55. (HLRA A:?) 1. Iz Filiala (za.-.--prof. M.K.Xvilivitska.") rospitallnoy temnev- ticheekov kliniki I '.4%:tngmdeko.&o maiiiisinskogo instituta irinni I.P.Pavlova. (MMARMITIS OBLITXWib. diamiorts. skin thermal vAnodelator ti~st) (SKIN. blood supply, vasodilator thermal test in endarteritis oblitmrane) I ~., 1 1'. .v 1 1, : . .. ,; . FOROSHIN, I.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PRAVDA, Te.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik: starshiy nauchnyy actrudnik. Increase the production of tomato prol%icts at canning factories. Truily VNIIKOP no.6:3-13 '56. 00:5) (Tomatoes) (Canning inAustry) POROSHIS, K.16, kandidat tekhnicheakik-h nauk- IWUILQ" I&P_L,,starshiv nau.-hW sotrudnik; PRAVDA. Ye.I., 9 ty nauchnyy sotrudnik. Production line for tomato paste. Trady VNIIKOP no.6:14-32 '56. (MLRA 10:5) (Canning and preservii1g-Apparatus and supplies) PETKKVICH, nauchuyy sotrudnik. Production line equipment for procee9ir4; tomato paste. Trudy VNIIKOF no.6:411-45 '56. (MLRA 10:5) (Canning and prosorvine-Apparatus and eupplins) RTBIN, B.S.-,PR?MICH9 V*P ; Prodwtion line for dz7iAg plant. lone. groats concentrates in a standard vegetable I ov. prom. 12 nct.1:4-6 Ja 157. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Tessoyuguyy nauchno-Iseledovatellik)y Institut konserynoy I ovoshcheousbillnoy prom7ohlennosti. (Barley) (Millet) (Food. Cor.centrated) RYBIN. N.S., FZT13VICH, T.P. -Organization of tomato processing statlons. Kona. I ov. prou. 12 no.?: 8-1) 7 137. (MIRA 10:6) 1. Voesoyusn" nauchno Iseledovatel'skiy institut konservzoy i ovoshche- ar,shillroy proaWahlennosti. (Tow,.ot a) RTBIN, N S.'4, PrTKEVICH, V.P. !'"atini- of rtaam-con7eyor ptnd tow,,~r-t3rpft Aryare for thol production of fond concontratois. Kona. I ov. prori, 13 no.9-20-2? S 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Vqm.,40rlzrwT nAllchnn-isriledovatAl trititlit knnoqArvnny t ovoshchmmlimbillnoy promyshlennosti. (Drytrq-, skppnrntua) (Food-Drying) GLUZ, D.S~;, PSMVICII, V.P. Apparatus for testing airtightness of aliminum tubes. Kons.1 ov.prom. 14 no.2:27-28 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. TSantrallz7y nauchno-teeledovatellskiy InBtltut konservnoy j ovoghcheBushll'noy proyrahlennosti. (Csnnirke, industry-Nquipment ani supplies) ROMUOV, A.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOVA, G.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotnidnik; PETY.-I'VICE, V.P. , :;tarahiy niiuci~nyy sotrudnik; C I I I MNOVA -,-5Ti-rs--hT`ynauchnyy so trudn I k; 111I I rfV IT 5 , 11. L. , Laadshiy nauchn~y sotrudnik ImProved processing of peas and cereal;j in manufacturing food cuncentrates. Trudy VVIIKOP no.10:16-.29 159. (MIHA 14:8) (Food, Concentratedi heas) (Cereals as food) ROMANCVP lk.11., kand.tekhn.naukl RYBIII, N.S., itarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; IVANOVA, G.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotridnik; PETUVICH, V.P., Otarshiy muchnyy sctrudnik ---- - Standard processing procedure for manufacturing food concentrates. Trudy VNIIKOP no.10:42-48 159. (Mlitl, 14:8) (Food, Conceritritted) IVANCOVA, G-L., starv.Uy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ~':IAHIIN.,i, "J.., starshiy wiuchwyy sotrudrrLk; t CHINELOVA. *::-,.G. , 3tarshiy nauchnyy sctrudni'!l.; PSTKEVICH P starsUy nauchnyy sotrudnik; lYSVLEV'l. 1.A., aLadshiy naLchnyy sotmdnik; M.L. , mlarshiy nauc.-,ryy sotrudnik Induatrial production of dried mout, ti oemiprocesoed pi-Wuct for fcod concentrates. Trudy VNIIKOP no.10:109-115 '5' '- (MIR (Meat, Dried) (Food, Goncentrated) GRZnICR, V.M.; P&MICH, V.P. *chlze for the removal of fruit and berry stems. Xons.1 ov.prom. 15 no-3:9-12 * '60. (MIRA 13:() 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-istledovatellskiy institut proluovollstvennoco mashitostroyeniya. (Cancing industry-Equ-irwent and suppliles) IUNOVA, G.A-; PROKOF'YXVA, A.M.; "r-TKVICH" V.P. Testing vashing machines in the production of food concemtrates. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.3:16-19 Mz- '60. (MIRA 13:6) 1. TSentrallnvy nauchno-iseledovatellekly inetitut koncervnov i ovoshcheaushillnoy promyshlennosti (for Ivanova, Prokof'yeva),. 2. Vee~oyuznyy nauchno-Iseledovatel'skiy inatitut prodo --olletvennogo mashinostrc,yeniya (for Petkevich). (Canning industry-Squipment and supplies) (Food, Concentrated) GRXiiii, PE"M, TCH, V.P. ; S&MSONDVA. A. N. ; KLTASHCH ITSKIT, I.N. Mechanized production line af frUit and berry juicew with -pulp added. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.4:11-13 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. VSOBOYU2nyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut prodo- volletvennogo %sahtnostroyenlys (for Greyber. Petkevich). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskly Institut koneerv- noy i ovoshchasushillnoy, promyshlennogti (for Samsonova). 3. Biryulevikiy konserynyy zavod (f,)r Klyashchitski-1. (Prult juices) GREYBER, X'.M,-, PETKEVICH, V.P,_ Equipment for canring enterprises. Kcns. i ov. pro--. 16 ro. 1-1: 5- 7 11 161. (11IRA 14:11) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'-Ekiy i eksperimental'no- konstruktorskiy institut prodovollstvennogo mashinostroyeniya. (Canning industry-Equipment end supplies) GRUBER. V'.M,p t-nzh.; PETXEVICJ1, V.P., insh. Mechanization of the packaging ard labaling of finished production in storeroom Mekh. i avtan., proizv. 17 no.5: 13-15 My 161. (MIRA 16:6) (Packaging machinery) (Labeling machines)