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- P Eff eat of pain ati=ili on sodium and water excretion in dogs. Acts, physiol. hung. 'Ll(SUPPl):76-77 1957. 1. Physiologisches Institut der Veterinarmsdizinischen Hochschule Und Physiologisches Institut der Medizinischen Universitat, Budapest. (NERVOUS SYSTSM, physiol. eff. of electrical pain stiamli on diuresis in salt & water loading of dogs (Ger)) (DIMMIS, pbysiol. 13 S.M0 ) HADJU A., LASZLO K, PF~IIKS G., PINTF11 G., BALINT P. and MUM A. Physiol. Inst., med. Univ., Pudape~-,t. 'AFin interozeptiver i~eflex in der Regulierung der NI-erentAtigkeit. An Interaceptive reflex in the regL~lation of rena2 function ACTA PHYSIOL. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1954, 5/suppl. (69-70) SOi EXCERPTA MEDICA - Section IE, Vol. 7, No. 10 L 321 '50-66 ACC Ni, '4j;~D23524 SOU"('E CCDE: IIU/2505/65FO27-rOO2/oii17&E-7 -TOR- A ji&rrjpqn--Bo1dizhar, Kh.; of PIV-siolou, Voter~xary 3I,jCjOjTMjyj F ,-r(~tGM, EjSttan~' Into t>. D'stritrution of sod Iw in tir. !-,Ioo6 am! corobrospinal fluid f~ ~ ~"L" SctaCE: Pcadorzi& scientlaa-un huncaricae. ,c'6-- p:~rsiolo,,Ica, v. 2?, no. 2, U-7 TOPIC TA,'~S: sDiiwn, potassium chloride, caiciu,-i c~,Iorido, magnosi-an compol---, cation, blood rlasmzi, dog ABS-I,UCT: Solutions of KC1, CaCl-) azn~' infused intravono--s',- Lntc' dogs. An incroaso in plasma concontration -,~as :'c-lowed by a no.0-1-J.eyl-blo rise ir. the cation concontra.tion of the cerobrospinal At 'ac Sam. tL-io, I-Io ':a c,-ncan- tration door,-)&sod in tie plai;ma and 4-norbas"i 4-1 tiio corobrospiLLal fluid. -ke data are indicative of the role p2cqod 'by tho ojaLUbriun in the clistrit-,ition of T S 7 sodium. Orig. art. has: I figuro an~i 2 tab'5~- ~Orig. art. Lri i;r, SUB CODE: 06 / SUB'..', DATEt 19~'ar64 Cord 003 -Y FZ mfg.. G. Physiol. Inst., red., Univ., Budapo3t. *Bin inter o,zoptiver.Ref lox in der Regullorung der Nierentatie!mit,, An Interocoptive reflex in tho regulatf on of renal function ACTA MSTOL. ACAD. SCI 11T. IMG. (Budape3t) 1954, 5/vup-~)l- (69-70) SO: ZXC]MnA MEDICA - Section II, Vol. 7. No. 10 PETM 1 0. ftBiol. Inst.j. med. Univ., Budapest. *Ein interoteptiver Reflex in der Regulieruy*,, der Nierentatigkeit. An interoceptive reflex in the regulation of renal Punction ACTA PHYSIOL. ACAD. SCIENT. HUNG. (Budapest) 195h, 5/truppl. (69-70) SO: EXCERPI'A MEDICA - Section II, Vol. 7,, No. 10 BOU17-SAR, Mirrison; PETIRES, Gyorgy Chnngen in the mgnesinm content of tho blood in newborn (loge and rabbits ditring hyvothermir,. Kioerleten orvostud. 10 no.2-3:207-211 Apr-June 58. 1. AllatorvostudomarLvi Foiakola Blettani Intezete. WMTHS-11M IA. eff . on blood mgnerium levals in newborn animis (Ran)) (MAGIIESIUN, in blood eff. of hypothermin on levels In newborn nnimals (Ehm)) PLFTHC~, 47 BALINT. P.; ;RTMZ, B.; P2THES, G Fhoto=tric determination of hemoglobin aad mathemoglobin, and a useftil way to calibrate laboratory hetaolglobinometers. Kiserletes orvostud. 2 no.1:65-68 150. (OLML 19:2) 1. Vetorinary Institute of General Physiology at YAgyar Agricultural U-niverti ity II*U I .1 11URY "AMA-13. L., LAMI, Gy., ?E~,a;;~ '_'niversJ_--.y of Veterinaz7 I-c:,encez~, _-e:~art- ry ana Clini~: ~cha4r7 ment of-SurCery and KOV.A~S. A.. Depam-ent of Medicine a,-,d Clinic (cha'-m,,a,-,: HORVA-iii, Z., prof.) and Lf_-Part- ment of Physiology (chair7nan: KEIVENY, A., p::-of.) (Allatorvostudc=any. _E6-yeLe..ri, Sebeszeti es Szemeszeti Tanszek es Klinika, Be1gyogyaszatI Tanszek es Klinika, es Elettani Tanszek), Budapest. "Certain Characteristics of the Evaluation :)f Whole Blood, Homologue Plasma, Physiological Saline Solution, Pariston-N and Plasmodex 11. Development of the 'Lethal Rebleeding Volume' (LWI) Value." Budapest, Acta VeterinaT-ia Academiae Scientiarum Hun,,,,aricae, Vol XV1, No 3, 1966. pages 301-303. r Abstract; ,Germar, article, authors' ~', su:Timary modifical From the caro,,--.a artery of cogs, 40 milk-- blood was removea in a continuous operatLon was then replaced by the sar,;e amount of haparinized and citrated blood, heparin- ized and citrated pla5mz. homologue, physiulo,-,ical saline solution, Per~stor.-IN and Plasmodex, a Fungar:_an dextran proixination. This was followec, by bleeding the cogs ~o dr--ath. 7he Lmount of blood remcved in the 5econd operat;.on ;4a5 neasured andby relaLinj.- this amount to the body weight, the LRV value of the compounds was detemined. The higher t~,is value, the better is the blood- substituting effect of %ne compounds. The following LRV values were astablished: plasnodex S8.9, heparin.zed pla5ma 51.4, hcparinized blood 48.6, Periston-N 46.0, citrated plasma 41.9. physiologgical !,aline 40.2, citrated blood '19.?; 1j2 VUTIARY TAYA3, La3zlo, Dr, doce-A, locent, cairi. of v-t. ~,c.'. -1 oc en t, c a r, i , o C v r ts C 1. (~ 1, na ry C al r , :r W. ment of SurEery and ani 011r,ic (cha -Irman: of In t,(: rna I Y-1; ~_c r,,, , a i, i--nic Dr, profr-ssor, can(!. of vpt. sc~ (nha'..-r,an; --;ORWATI~, Dr, cand. of vr,. ;k,)~i 0'. 1 . P~ysio:.oi-y kchairman: Armand, Dr, *Drofessor, owl'i. of v"(. (Allatorva5turloman,vi o3 *rawizt,;~ e,-~ ~11ni~a, ,,yo,,ya.n-,,.atA Tarvizek en Klitlika, en Elrttani Tan5zek). It On t~ie Stan,iar,l Prop-rt~ps of Certain Yatprials 'Isel ir, 7ransfwiiori T~iprapy 11. O~Ian:,es in the LIIV 'la lui,. I Budapest, Xa,:yar Allatorvo,%olrl- Lar,ja, Vol 21, ;~j) JC, ()ct 66, pa;-f~s tract; Zrqji3f,, !s umrr~a ry mDzi i f i ed 1, rom the caroti,j arttrry c)f 4 dous, 40 mIjkl,, of blood wam remclve,i cortinuouRIy 2nd rc-plac,~ci by tr-e ~a7,i~ ari3~r,,, of hr-par--r, Ji zed and c itra, ea 'u!,Doj , K~pa r'Lr, Ii P,, and c i tra tea planma ue) 5aline, Periston-N and Pla.3modt-:x - a :~onf-arian dextran PrI~Pal';0.10n. Ir.191 WrAfl followed by Ibleedint- t~.e dnjs a~-air, col'tillooUnIly 'Jiltil 61,aIA~. Ti~, ~)r blood collected from Lho ~,,cond -~;a.4 T1,-i!o,rel an,; ~hf, L.Ve' (1,-It'r)~-iI 'f!- Volume) Vallie, of Lhe mater,a!_-i t~ was c~y corre- latinj it w-,th the body wEi~rht of t-, an.mals. ", ner valuor, werr-: in(iicativ(- of a better blood replacin-, effect of thf- matl?rlal in rjue.5tion. 7-it- foilow'~n,- 1/2 (Budape5t) ,psteratio 1630 i.rujapf:sl F;R,lio Ilo. V-a SCHLY, Qe2.a, prof., dr. (Budapest, 11., Puszl;al-izeri ut 57/69); 11010'Arpad,-dr, (Budapest, II.,, Puvztaszeri ut 57/69); /f" , ~ NAGY., Farenc, dr. (BudaVint, !I., iuniaszeri ut r7 .1 On the fundamentr;.l equations of conrirsion occurring in atationary reactors. Acta chimica HIU4,1 37 no.3:2F7-294 163. 1,, Zentralforschungsinotitut fur Ghemio dor Ungarischen Akadoirde dor Wii3BBmchafton, Budapest. 2. MILghed, RedaktionBkollegium, "Acta Ghimica Acndemiae Sciontiarbm lungaricao" (for ,chay). BIHARI, TiLre (Budapest); FREY, Tamas (Budapest); PETHO, Arpad (Budapest) Data on a problem 2f gas dynamics; a characteristic peripheral value problem with discontinuities in the peripheral values. Mat kut kozl MTA 5 no.1/2:179-202 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Technische Hochschule, Budapest (for Biharip Frey). 2. Zentralforschungsinstitut fur Chemie, Budapest (for Petho) (Gases) SCMY, Geza, prof., dr. (Dudapest 11., ilus-.tmgz,-,ri ut 59-67); FETHOI Arpad, dr. (Budapest !I.~ PMZt&'3zeri ut 59-67) Data on the matheziatical foundations ~,f stoichiamotry. Acta chimica Hung 32 no.1:59-67 '62. 1. Zentralforschiingainstitut fur Cheinie der Ungarischen Akudenle der Wissonschaften. FEMO, Arpad (Budapest) A.matrix method for the solution of the initial value problems of linear differential equations. Mat kut kozI MTA 5 no.1/2:203-2-13 t6o. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Zentralforschung3institute fur Chemis Jer Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest. (Matrices) (Differential equations) SCHAY9 Geza,prof,, dr. (Buciapest); PETHOj Arp-wi, dr, (Budapest); VEJES, Pal, dr. (Budapest) Further remarks abaut the solution of the system of differential equations of a gas chromatographic gas model. Acta chimica Hung 22 no-3,285-299 160. (EEAI 9:11) 1. Central Research Institute for Chemi:sti-y, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. (Differential. equations) (Gases) (Chromatography) 7 ;:7,1 Iv. g. 7~- 4, *V; NMI-I'V" r- ferentiol i kuatkus M a jets chromatwip in-Ami. -W x 7 unp*i Almd. A J55Vand 1!,Pes Y1 t-,- BU&I A a Ou c I CUm. iiO. d. ims' 22, M t3ath. model. coruldtring the tffect, I the Al ss ca the flow nte J~ is chromnstot an prou 5ecdoz Olt kinell is dismwtd, rath Nq 1 sorption, tut stv dewribed bit the Wowing egiStliDni: (1) So + f.). +., -Dx- - Oid(2)., + 1. - 0, iIiwbkbxix the -Icxd coanlinate, r is Ott time, - (Sir) are the coamll, in the ftwing m,d fixed pba-- re he cast cd edifrusion the above i*iaions wit ex- Conn. r4essible sobitions of 'plomd 1": the can D -m 0 and for the asib= 9d Unew, 3orp- a) with the bou~a-vy co=Stioms: tion Idneti ts, 46.- kc the Ic Ist t4:4(ir) I tsolution. Only =with the kerul bmndssy Explicit 511". 0350%ftn~ d th hvct at the bead and t it ht*4 of the of eguttiong 0*10, :1 Sit and (2) and aiwbOxItre extsbH&W #mj~ in ubtfull in d c1ding wietbtr or not a sorption or dev" lion front may bemme study with a igiven type of biotbim J, 4 ~,-j p Jim doim of Imirbit" 4 Ns)i --i U30 x ~b wwnhj an t a rwrAiu"3 iy )'+ 4914.~ 80 In d.- .112,1 md -A can utajw Sw P"m be sbsmptim of Iran, i gas-lmi 11%, 1 s 13d It I am W __Idl =d 'S (k 1(k g h Inywazate .1tuthors Cmd Yk I~; Z, I - gxp W04 + ~Tho ~ ... MID + sip! bll' d xv?, wbere N b the amt. of PS vit p I the Vo. of H or in the Stmdr Xtate UWE qtdd xi *rA;tl the cqu% juid gig gone". In the lq,uid. reip, and - 13 rMellba ter %he Ilmo 7 V ;.h th Y to omwL Tire basic mumptim am' N - rxj*j)tjhtj(4 + mrf= 10 =tact -ildt3 the YA, bu the - in %bt rurAtbg,t J6 irbtre the Chan. reaction 33 It etmal., b o0QCM jmxr - I mid Mjdr). - lppP, the Om= dISUfttiOn is repmmttd by; rate 4dttg.* Mlleo d tba JurfaCe layu Aal the In-jk of theJ mactlon Tuto, Unit. ftn be lPkW. the steady Stfito Hqnld. ~Yor ca of the abm iol H In 1110, it is I to and the zu equU. coven, The redn. of' ption yesti- that The Vane mecmuy to reach the - A-- TA , lbsem 21 In the tam of A0, as 1u lomen-at the quid wmlace is appm:, 7 X 10-~ x=. Zntcd by IMottrand HAI~ern (05.0, 912 ASIM Wmess *1 th malue ImYtr Is c0cd. to be'02 mam. - example. AF/ir dqmds an the rate M"U"pr" 'wilrb Vid, lh wbkh the - indlt3tts It the mie const- cannot be calol. A3151 a 'tb~ ielcwtlOli iA the I thi from in the lufface layer and -i` Or). mnd4. j jT=dom, the ootatim R -A +Drbuwa. the Wk-of the 11 .1balonow~~Ail*McbA so wj;(iN19r)_ Amid,Daradetdftl a k, -!nnd canbiakd. w =tti-thesub=j lay"i 3xwd the 2 ~i wbich Provo t corrmtot" 0! the 216del. Tbm e M., Aim the above, t, -1 _.a` - Mso good i~ltr~emtnt with the w=detd. v. and ll.( -A kAIJ, in The c D Th. A. Hulb"D-1; I r, - . T Al" J OU "):59 S C) 1. i t 1, c".4 ~'k, C tL e. 33TAAC L, t: L: " 0 U P C) . i ' 1, t. jl c' 0,- 0 I , - . S ull".. -1.c DI fcc'-s o. r un~! - rs ~3ucl . -x tll.k- clu " I c C: ii i ~i.t :.-Z S ~,:olj,our c,. s I ,If- T- o C. , r i a u ~-s *~ 6 u u P i:zl u L , n , grii i. s i~ r a oT c),,, I riE . ua f f e I r,: 411E~s sc lcc,-Lu "Or ,1.e ,;c 'I c 1 - o tl~cE q . : cusu U. C ~ , E l rl~ W~ n c r, rc; A Ix in ILJ :! KL A-1) 39889 S/044 62/000/007/043/100 C I " 1,VC22 2 AUTHORS: Sclaay, G., Petkid, A., Fejes, P. TTTLE. Further remarkv on the solution of the system of differential equations of a gaschromatographi.., model PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 7, 1962, 70, abstract 7B337- ("Acta chim. Acad. scient. hung.", 1960, 22, no. 3, 285-299) TEXT: The processes in a variable gaschromatographic profile can be described by the continuity equations ax dcx da 62X + ~7 0. X) ac (I - X) + where z -- local coord-... ~11e, time, x(z, and a(z I -u) -- con- centTions in the movabla and in the immovatle phase, C(Z,-z) -- ve- Cara 2 Further rexarks on the 3o'."ution C111/0222 locit~,, D -- diffusion coefficient. In the flirst part of the paper the authors consider instationary solutions und-ar absent diffusion and under li.-,aar kinetics, i.e. it i.e put D 0, a - k(q): - a) where k -- constant velocity of the dasorpt:.oa frcm the immova~10 P :,,h8e, q the ~.-onatant ratio of the sorption componont3 in the state of eq,,ii- librium of the two phases. It is shown that ecplicit solutions exist on'.y for x - i , where x 0(-~) - x(O, --). If the bvundary and initial conditions are arbitrary, then one can obtadn an explicit form of the solutions in the domain before the "peak" and in the "peak". In the second part stationary solutions are considered i a criterion for the realizability of the sorption or desorption front is obtained. Card 2/2 TOICK, Tibor-, PETRO, Wile Spectrographic determination of the copper content of al-7=ir,= alloys between 0,1-1,0 per cent concentration limits. "agy kem fo!:Foir 6? no.M433-435 0 161. 1. Iktvos Lorand Tudomanyegvetem Szorvetlen es Analitikal Ke- mial. Tanszeke, Budapest es Csepel Ve,s-. es Femmuvek Anyagvizs- galo Oqztallva, Budapest. PEMO New mining machines. Ujit lap 14 nc.21:10 10 N '&Z. a . -D v "Jibad -w- throw the Lhhpv ab SL T. Torok aM jj. I*tho. -ir -Eu IJD&Pmt~ Z - s ka. ' I CW-' used 14 evaluating Coma k in . t Immu me =rOm Ilk. am*s , b must be mcbeckj)d 6m thne to n e new and the old calibration c3km.. are d6placed; -mbs Parallel to ' h h fte ot tr. -"tionjin e light intensity. differences hi the Anwag 'N other reasons for be tsiplanuffi I lattm;; Itt e aw. Important. mm ah-poem -I the reference . , 1106tcom. OwIn it W ftmp,. v4 , il O=J" of-am ratt ti e as l . par O c~ mwtlax In-4 -j!j Ina saw ts phm- Alidel a Dmrmne4. with r f M Co wes or the detm..if SI AM LM Fe in an Al thid throLigh disA m t the is for For Cu and -.e the error 1% ' Ii i 11trence in the MIVA ex d tho Into ty t f- e, d pot Ih* k6d, the n L 38650-66 EVIP( j RY, ACC NRs AF6027653 SOURC~ CODES iru/06-0-5/6-6/-6(~0/064/0i~6/017,--, AULIOR: Potho, Arpad ORG. Central Research Institute for Cherdstry, I-ITA, Budapest (I Kozponti Komiai Kutato infic-'sem TITUS: Notes on the theory of the discontinuous rxdols for chromatoar S0111CL: Magyar 11mrdai fo3,voirat, no. 4, 1966, 168-173 TOPIC TAGSt chromatography, chomical soparation IM "L11ACT: Semi-diecontinuous and fully discontinuous theories for chroma- tographic processes were discussed, mainly on the basis of references in the literature. 7he terms theoretical plate leh&Ci:i and theoretical plate number were precisely defined and theories were ptenented for mean se- -parational factors and result ocattering in chromktographic separations. Thirty-two eq~iatiDns were presented and discussed., The author thanks Academician Schay Geza for proofreading of the manuscript and tor valuable comments. Orig. art. hast 32 formulas and 1 table. ~JFRS: 36s, h6Y SUB ODDEs 07 / SUBM DATEs loAug65 / DRIG Ras (02 / MH REFt 009 E. "Lirhts and ,3hadows at the Orion." p. 6 (Ujit,ok Lapja) Vol. 0, no. 'I, Dec. l-)57 Budapest, Hungary SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessicns (-~rAI) LC. Vol. 'I, no. 4, April l)58 ,_TTO, r--Zjpl-- Thi~ year's first innovations. Ujit lap 13 no.2:3 Ja '61. (Hungary--Industrial management) (Hungary-Macninery industn-) PEVMO, grzoi, The fmmitm-e industry is heading to6-a-.rd a new deTelopmermt. U.iit 2--p 13 no.8:10 Ap 161. , J~, , , q 4 , ZL '" h c. ' 7- , c - e -.. - . t ~ , ; '. . - . I ., . , - - '. . I '. --,; - 1. . ~. ;i e, '(.4 . -: 13 U " *, ~ 8 2 1 : L .. ' 1; 1 ,, t ~, ! : , ! .- " , . I I Lz, 0 p7,,r 1; (~ , , I ~.T- LB I ,, r. I n -., .9 r. ~, ~ ~ ~ r. .: n. 1 n, r - ', r, " ~, , P -a '- 'i e ~ .~ ~ I c! ': , I . " . "! , . , N 'fl,". i 4~ vo ire n s rr c,-l n ~,n F. Ir x; c I- P, V n PET110, Ez-zsi Ruling on general fees for innovatcra is .4i;-vified. ','.~it Iap 16 no. 9: 14 10 My 164. PETFO, Iz-zai 1hree -.rom aronf 1~7 ; ril- t i,, * ;~:; ~ - r.t7 -' :-~,*'.' 7,0'.red ,~y the Ministry of Metallurgicr, . arol I a( rJne lmdl.vtrioo. Ujit lap 16 ro. 9: ': !(~ 1 PETHO, Erzal kinprais a i of an : r.! ~~ ht!vs~. u,, 1 ~ -_, Lr , ~ , . , , c () 164. , . ). t " , PL1THO,_Mrzp1; SOMCPJAY, Otto, szabadalmi tgyvivo Problem of the level of inventions as reflected in the series of lectures arranged by the Society for Industrial Patent Lava. Ujit lap 16 no.825-6 25 AP'64 1. Danubia Szabadalmi Iroda (for Somorjay). FETHO, Elrzei Novelties in the RessaLrah Instit"i for Iabor -Protection of t2;e National Council of Trade unions. lJjj.t lap 13 no. 11:4 of cover 're 161. (Hungary-Industria:. flafety) (Hungary-Trade unionfi) PETHO. Brasi News of the socialist brigades; they are eleven. Ujit lap 13 no.16:13 Ag 161. (HLuigary-Industrial maragement) PETHO, El-zsi lb.a aigsigrment: innovation reporter, IJJit lap 13 no.20:9-10 0 161. PETHCIP Erzoi Lbout what doea an albu.1 spo&k. U~It lap 15 no.10:12-1.3 25 My 163. PETHOP Er-.ui FJrat of th,~ J,-Cp-i,.Uj4t lap li" ric.2zlC, 25 PET1103. Erzoi A 15-minute work in 1-2 rniriitf.z, lap 15 no.11-i. of rover 10 je 163. FETHO, Erzid ftrginAl n6tes an PF:)~~,r,.3-1 innovations" issued by the Ministry Of Tradkp6itaticn , - - '71it lay. 15 no.14:10 25 J1 163. One mUlift and OiAi,i ~ -.:,cd forinto 1 fees for inventors. Ujit lap 15 no.14:1.1 2!, i1 'Oe PETRO) Erzsi An invention which has increased ti,e speed of railway cars. Uj~t lap 15 no.20:7 25 0 163. FETHOP Ermi Tochnical improvement ait.,iou% innuvaticni? Ujit lap 15 no.20:L2 25 0 163. PETHO . Erzsi Innovation fea: 13SPOOO forints. Ujit lap 15 no.23: 8 10 D 163. FEIHO, Erzoi Casualty surgerf opers-iting Irvented, Ly OnArra. Ujit lap 17 no.4:14 ~r) ' PETHO, Erz.91 ;:xcerptn frcm a debste abalit tnf,% nww ~).C .,!-" concept of Innoiation taking place Ir. large-3cale fistablishments. Uilit lap 11 no.8:*.2 30 Ap 165, mmo, Err. n I - I (',I m~ :I, imi-i , v I I I lim~-imcrncik , ',udormnyu-s mu-4,atir 3 P How dlJl 1 tx-come -in inv5n~or. ',~ 11 t I tip 17 r, , . -' . ' '. ' 6 I . Xr L, Scientific irstlt,j',a of ~-Ions%ructlon, Bu,,lapest \(for Hel-mecl , , Kall-man, ujitnsi el-vio ,- . .1 - - ~ ~!i- ',';3 Iman . . ~ .1 ~a,- , , .-.~ , ": ~ .- -, - 1, I PFTHO, '- - ". ~Znapshot of an 11 1 1 t ' ar, P rc, ~ : L4 -. ~ ~t~ - ; : I i - - . I I:ome remark.9 w.out. thi5 pmr'i I ndustrial tnnov at I or p!'In s I bl d.. : FETHO, famai Photo-tranmimtor temperature regulator. Musx elet 16 no.21:21 '61. PETHO~ Erzsi The seventh. Ujit lap I- nc~22 20 21 N '62. PETHO, Erzai Three brigades at the Hungarian Foictory of Elevators; In honor of the 8th Partf Congress. Unit :.ay) 14 no.22.,10 25 N 162. RIITHO, Erzsi Cawaon railroad frolght car park of the Council for Economic I-',u-tu&l Assiatance countries. UJit 1E,p 15 no.17.'13 10 S 163, PSTHO., Erz,3i Miissed deadlines. UJIt laP 15 no.17:3 10 3 163. FLTHC, Erzsi Viiat 13 wdtn tL~! gL~- d.---viciu? U J i t liap 15 nc , 15 13 10 Ag -t3, PETHO, E:rzBi - - - Aesponsability of the leadership. UJIt 1aP 15 n0-9:8-9 10 '63. .PETHO, Er,zsi Notes of the day of consultation arrenged by the Hungarian Patent Office. Ujit lap 12 no-10,30-30 MIr 160. PETHO, Ervi On two Of#st-yuaru collective far--s. Ujit lap 12 no.16.1.1 25 Ag 161), PETHO, Erzoi Educated factory workers. Ujit Iap L2 no.16:9 25 Ag 160. FETHO, Er2,Si Latest achirovezents in zhc innovat,-Jor, move--rrznt of the State Railways. Ujit lap 12 no.18:24-.25 25 S 160. w ft~Ho, 4261 - Plastic maveria2z ijistead of mstEdsc.. Ujit. Iap 12 zo-14:i2 JT'-' 160. PETHO, Krzid Kxparlanc~jrj of a pri-,8JdJrjy jutli-,I-i ;C! with Dr. *Y~j-,;.-~Lri, I prosiding judge in Budapest. Ujit La,.D 12 no.19:9 10 0 160. PET110, Erzal On Ra I I ro a draf-n' a !tay, wc, a. r,~ 4 n I. rfflui! 'Dw. * ns- -Hr:ps- I r ~- r f ----; Hurgarifin Stato lailways. Ujit lap it) no.131&-7 10 .;1 'ui,. PVT110 , Lrz,,; 1 move.,.,,ent ~-,, ti"(f li~rlj7f.Ll 1, L., 'p-.5 -,n '-b-- - 11 r. ~ , 'L 11 .. .. ~ . ~ lijit lap 16 no. 5:e 10 Vr ?6_'. PEThO, Krici The), have fulfil-l-led i~ Ir. honor of the 8th Party Ujit. lap 14 no.23:5 10 ~ 162. PETM, Erz"i Patent law, a nesf subject in school ciLrriculums in Pangary. Ujit lap 16 25 J1 164. PETHO, Ermi Whilo an invention retioneB serial Txoductlori. 1j.'It ia.p ~,~ no-,;"2 2!j Je 164. PETHO, ]?,rzBi After the Party Congress, Ujit lap 1.4 no.2~1:3 25 D 164-t FETHO, Krzc.i CoUrt deciBions on innovaticns. Ujit lap 15 no.6:10 25 Yx 163. FWHO, Fx-zsi 4";.4i 40*5~,~ I ka-m 0-,~i ~ - 256,000 forintla ais un inrinvation foo for tiie Otninking-0 elevat~;r. Ujit lap 15 no.6%13 25 Hr 163. PETRO Erzoi Timi trial and sucoess of the Fungariitn State Railwaya. Ujit lap 15 no*7:8-9 10 Ap 163. FETHO Erzei. Fam"Amm Cmirt decialons in innovations. Uli,; 2.ap 15 no.7-10 10 1-, 163. j FETHO, Srzai ORAMWWM-MW~ - Fifty innavationa durirg tte paat aii.yeare. UJit lAp 15 no.8.,4 25 Ap 063. PETHO Erzvi ;;;;~W"mmmxm" Whitt hinders amd vhat Makes the work eusier on Ru~arian St-a",e Rallways. Ujit lap 15 no.8:8 25 Ap '63. PETHO R ,,.eAA- S7 " F ---P-". _ , ABO, Janos, dr. Deputy Minister, Dr. Janos Szabo, on the tasks of the construction irdustry. Ujit lap 15 no.8:9 25 Ap 163. 1. Epitesugyi miniazterbelyettes (for Szabo). FZTHO, zai C.- What about the gaE-saving device? Ujit lap 15 no.13: " 10 JL ~63. PETHO, Erzsii From radio to Velevision; a visit to the Orion Facto:-/. Ujit laF 12 no,.18%8 25 S '6C,- PETHV, Brad -- A successful demonstration, UJit hip 15 no.3:4 10 F 163. PETRO, Erzoi Neu, ways of tr&J-ning skil-led workers. Ujit lap 12 no.18:9 25 3 '60, "HTHO~7Krztik- Is the reward for imiovit-junji a comnor, property? Ujit If,,,) ~12 no,.12: 4 25 Je '60~ PETRO Frzsi Turbine pump from p(4yethyleno. Ujit, lap 12 no.22:14 25 N '60. - FETH), Erzs L Gold modal winners. Mozogazd techn 1 no.12:25 161. 4ETBO,_4r~sl. --- Let us enforce the Decree on Innovation! Ujit lap 12 no.1.8-9 10 Ja 16011 MRQ,-F-JMLL Achievementu of the thre&-yaar plazi 4"n the field of the Y~4--,Btr-, of Transportation and Posts. Ujit lap 12 no,15:8 10 A~g 160. FENO, grzi-d Srukpshots of the first innav4ions of' the. Year. Vdit lap 12 no.2: 15 25 Ja '60. PETHO, &za.,L CowA dsciaions in Innovation mattors. Ujit lap 16 no.8&12 25 AP164 PETRO, ErzEd; KOVACS, I3tvan In the wake of the Point 42 of the Iniovation plan. Ujit lap 16 no.1:8-9 So Ja'64 1. Mektromon Muvek Szabadvezetek Halozat Foooztaly vezetoje (for Kovacs). FETHO, Erzisi I- ---- - Deods and plans; a report on the DilrIvion of Innavationz, -17~riaz Pai,bnt Offic6. Ujit lap 12 no.1:10 10 Ja 160. FRrHo, Erzisl On the work of the Hungarian Patont Office. Ujit lap 12 no-3:11, 10 F 160. PETRO, Eras.i - --~ Watar-softoning installation = less morgf. Ujit lap 12 fio.20:10 25 0 160. FTTHO, Ersisi lhe Kossuth prize is obliging; 15 lears of the Bru*erls tidating machire. Ujit -lap 35 n6*3:10-1.1 10 F 163." FETHO, Erzai -- ---- 50 imovation 13uggestions have been lost. Ujit lap 12 no.10:14 30 My 160. FETHO, Krzi3i Tb~ sucessors of' Lorand Boms. UjJt lap 12 no.4:10 25 F 160. YETHO, E--r,zsi Physicist Laszl-o Kor"plyesi. Ujil. lap 12 no.5:8 10 -Kr 160. PETHO Erzsi Gonsulting da:r at the Hwgarian Patent Office. Uj it lap 12 no, 5: 14 10 Mr '60. PET110, Fr,20i -- Ore Instrument: several million liters of milk. Mezogazd techn 1 no.5:9 161. PETHO, Krzsi Automatic do ce for fermenting red wine. Mozogazd techn 1 n0.10:9 11.