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ACC NR. AT6036530 The aim of the present study was to find, formulate, and formalize specifications for truncating coinmand-information texts. On the basis of a preliminary linquistie analysis, the possiblity of exploiting two truncation algorithms was revealed. A check of the perception efficiency of texts truncated by one of these algorithms was conducted in experiments. Normal and truncated texts were presented to a subject on a television screen. Exposure duration of the presentation was 3 sec. The subject' s mission was to demonstrate how accurately and quickly lie could reproduce the presented text. A rating of perception and reproduction consisted of noting the accuracy and duration cf mission accomplishment. Five men participated in the experiments. Several pro)onged experiments were conducted on each of them at various times in the day. . Resiilts of the experiments showed that in the majority of cases, truncated text. was reproduced more accurately than normal text and with a shorter latent period of completion. An increased latent period of truncated text reproduction occurred in 330/0 of the casea and wan attributed to not having used one of the truncation algorithms. - The duration of normal and truncated texts became more stable at the end of the experiment as a result of training. Card ACC NRi AT6o36530 Another approach involved the truncation of texts by the subjects themselves. In reproducing truncation of texts, it was noted that the subjects used linquistically significant material assuring tile integrity of semantically essential components in the text. The authors analyzed text reproduction errors made by the subjects (omission of individual words, displacement of words in presentations, use of synonyms and antonyms etc. ). It is suggested that a number of errors of the above type would.~ave been eliminated by exploiting a second truncation algorithm. . Besides the above, during the errant reproduction of truncated and normal texts, words functipning as cliches were noted. Their use was characteristic of texts which caused perceptual and memory diffitulties. The results of the experiment permit hypothesizing that the algorithm under question reflects some mechanisms of internal speech formation, fi. A. Noe 22; ATD Report 66-1167 SUB CODE.: 06. 17 SM DATEs 001%y66 Card 3/3 see I 002 0013 0 0- 00- Te VkAll AN G" POO q%W UP" 16M" V *Oq vAvmw*m"R'A *A P4 ,Fw tow ul .27 41 a to a cl it 14 as 9 11 It 14 cl It it 0 4 1 1 00 POW 181 MOT `47 a 0 41 a 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 4414*11 0 Wsz*-~* At 0 0 o 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 oil, I )1lall to vullul) w 11 to It 0 A, a 3.6 3:5 *M S'v *'Aliji a 11 12 13 )a 0 Is It 0 14 a &I Aj t) a 45 0 L A a. -L-A-A-J-A it F,'G A 1-1 A ,'I f-.1 Ap IN CL 90 CE it b I J Otoctisil owl "Ittv-1 phosphomp in t*W ud c*kt. L. Antachins, N. I'c*tQyi and F. V. ShargurcdAnya. ZaWsbays 146. 1933, No. 3. 11-17-ResuN ;111 detn. in various Russixts coals and cokes by the Mismolybdate gravimettic and the Pestoycolort- mettic methmis. In the latter the molybdate ppt. is dLvwhx-d in HS04, SnCl, added. and the coWcomparrd %ith a standard after not less than 14) min. M. C. dc 141~41&i 0 C, & Oil roe 41 400 Cz U*o A boo. sl-bLl. ~C 6%, AV so A W -q III "Its "Is'n ''A u ,To 0,60 0 6 6, J 0 o1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a All 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4le-W FESTO-Alli, ~,E. Pestovap Ye. Ye. "Tho effect of' fnctors in mit-, extelil,,11 environnent, on the hinod pressum." Ellarlkov !,fldical Lirt. Kharlkov, IQ~,,,. ( 74 ! i s so i ta I I .for t ,.p of' 'andidate in O-cie-icew) So: Knizhnava leto-pis', 'I o. 2- , lIX(-) i,-AC~~ITA MEDICA I:ec 6/vol 13/6 1riternal Xejicilne Juno 59 3216. TID, OSMOTIC RFS]STANCE ()F I.RY'I'IIR0CY1'F'.S AND TIIE IIAENIO- LYTIC PROPIACIIES ()F' 'IM-, PLASMA IN PATIENTS WITH IME1!N1A*I- ISM (Ibissian text) L. G. VOPR. REVMATIZMA (Novosibirsk) 11157 (jrT The osmotic resistan(e tif -r~lhrmytvs was relwatedly determined in 125 patients with various forms of rheu-iiatism, tit 10 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, in 8 patients with cor pulnionz,le and in 2 patients with other non-rheumatic illnesses. In the cases of rheurnalism and in 6 (if the cabes of rhe~imatuid arthritis the red ( ell frilgillty Which had been initially mininial wits increased; in the majortlyofpatients a subsidem e of the rheumatic process led it, normalization (if the red cell fragility. Treatment of cases with ji)raititdoncaused the red (ell fragility tit lie increased for a lengthy period which suggests Ifiat the drug has a haetoolytic action. No connec- tion wa; noted between the in, rease of the red cell fragility and the degree of anaetota or of cardiac decoolpensation present. nor wa!, there any parallelism be- tween the lowering of minimal red cell osynotic resistance anti the ESR. Various active focal streptococcal infections of the pharynx caused an increase of the red cell fragility fo - a lengthy period of wre. A regular relationship was noted between the lowering of -ed cell osmotic resistance and the inLrease both of reticulocytes and indirect bilirubin in the peripheral blood, and it is thought that this results from the action of the products of haernolysis on erythropoiesis. Washed erythro- cytes from healthy people (donors) were mixed with plasma from patients with rheumatism and having identical blood groups and it was found that there was an undoubted hitemolytic activity of the plasnia from patients on the donor ceII8. A similar haemolytic activity was found in the plasma of patients with rheumatoid arthritis but not in that of the controls. The higher the degree ofhaeniolyli( activity uf the plasma or patients mith rheumatism. the lower the redrell osmotic resiNUnce was found to be and in some cases it nevertheless remained normal in the presence of haernolytic activity of the plasma. A parallelism was riot always noted between the increase in the amount of the haemolytic factor-in the plasma of patients with rheumatism, the increase in ESR. the increase of temperature and the increase in the number of leucocytes. In patients with active focal nasopharyngeal strepto- coccal infections a high degree of haemolytic activity of the plasma was regularly noted. Experiments with partial neutralization of the streptolysin corresponding to the antitoxins confirmed the link between the haemolytic activity of the plasma of patients with rheuniatturn and We haemulyijuw of streptococcal origin. (S) PESTOVSKAYAY L. G.J. Candidate MAd Sci (diss) -- "Me osmotic stability of ery- throcytes, and the hemolytic properties of blood pasma in rheumatism patients". Novosibirsk, 1956. 22 pp (Novosibirsk State Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, No 25, 1959, 141) PICSTOVSKAYA. LAT., assistent Osmotic resistance of erothrocyteB and the hemol7tic properties of blood plasm in rheumatic fever patients. Trudy Novosib. 27:191-213 '57. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Iz kafedry fakul'tetskoy terapii (zav.kafedroy prof. G.D. Zaleaskiy) Novosibirskogo moditsinskogo instituta. (MYTHROCYTHS) (RHEUMhTIC FWM) (MOLYSIS AND HHHOLYSINS) PFSTOVSKII, K.N. PESTOVSKII, K.N. ... Geologicheskoe stroexxie okrestnostei ozer Teke i UlIkun- Karoi v Severnom Kazakhstane. S.N. Pestovskr. The geological stureture of the environs of the lakes Teke and Ulkun-Karoy in northern Kazakhstan. Leningrad, ONTI NKTP SSSR, Glavn. red. geologo-razvedochnoi i geolezicheakoi lit-ry, 1936. 35, (1) p. (NKTP-,GrU. Kazakh9kii geologo-razved. treat. Kazakhstan geological and prospecting trust). Summary in English. "Spisok glavneishei literatury": p. 27-28. DLC: QE315-P4 SO: TC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Uncla3sified. MOBYSHEV, A.; BOND&M . N.; SMZHOIKOV, F.; ROGOTIN, N.; ACHKASOV. D.; VNEMY, N.; GROBOICIPATEL', S.; RABIRS11T, X.: FISTOTSKIT, A. MOMMWAM Semen losifovich Kazarnovskil; obituary A. Drobyshav and others. Elek.sta. 27 no.5:63 MY 156. (MLEA 9:8) (Ka2arnovskil, Semen losifovich, d-1956) FMTOVSKIYO K.N. Origin of the Katmandu Valley and ancient river valleys In Nepal. Biul.MIP.Otd.geol. 37 no.5sl35-141 S-0 162. (KIRA 15 -.12) (Nepal-Valleys) PM, B.M., kand.istor.nauk; ARZEATRV. , L.V.; BAMGYAN, N.V., kand. istor.nouk; GOLUB, I.F.; GRIGORIYEVA, Z.G., kand.istor.nBuk; HARASH, U.N., kand.istor.nauk; MJ4WOVMff, D.S., kand. Istor.nauk; ~kRSTRAKI-F.-S.; GOLUBTSOVA. P., red.; WAVTANIN, I., tekhn,red. [Grodno; historical study] Grodno; istorichaskii ochark. Minsk, Gos.iEd-vo BSSR, Red.sotRiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 1960. 150 P. (MIRA 14:3) (Grodno--History) (Grodno--Bcononic conditions) PESTRAK, PUlp T .gs; verse" by Hanna Novik. Reviewed by Pilip Pestrak. "it sprin Rab 'i BIV. 38 no. 5:19 IV 162. 1 (MIRA 16:1) 1 (Novik, Hanna) RUWJilik/Nuclear Physics - Installations aiicl Instrunients. C- M(Ahads rf W.-asurernent and Abs Jour Ref 71iur FiziVa, Nc 3, 19uO, 5217 AutI.:)-, Beslai E., Pestrascu M.G, Inst Title Deter::d!in-.i-)!,. of the Nuclear Charge fr3i:~ tl.e llwilc--~r f Electrons Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiz., 1959, 10, Un 1, 3-i-4z AbFtract A --r cedure is lescribed f,r det~fmdninC, the -,f light i~--iclei by tle n--u.iber of C electrons, f--mc!-a '.y ther. upor. passage tliro-L~wh ioclear e..ildsi,-n. The ti=, firnadas are C-ivc.,. Ca rd 1,/ C&MIRU, Dumitru, ing.; IORLSCU, Hihalache# ing.; PESTREA, Ion, ing. (Bucuresti) ---- The construction of the Bioaz-Singeorgiu-Ludus 220 kv. electrio Une, Energetica, Rum 10 no,5tl89-197 My 062. 1. Inginer sef la Trustul de Constructii si Montaje Energetics, Bucurestl (tor Coapiru)o 2, Inginer aef al.I.C.M.K., Sibiu (for lonesou)o 3. Trustul do Constructii si Montaje Energetioep Bacuresti (for Pestrea), At 'Rea 10-4 anuxom" u"mTWI CLASMA"M lowspowd 6411111 man a I is 0 *WD 0 0 O's 0 O.OAD 4) 0 0 0- 9.0.46 cool! 'eel Wool fto fto OW 0 fte too 11.2!T Z-114-24 its" oftow Noa` A arm* NNIVIASAS 40 roos: 1*04 000 0000666600000066 8 * *~~ ! T s :a Rx :F fle 7 7 a . . : r AY -1 _ &.-A-A- A. a A r a a X.. I v I.I. IP L. V_ I As n Ct 0 u4 s 4 a 1 0 1 1 a A I _946 ~* The attwo"6- by st-"p of Im woo" of "pw is .0 -00 ft " 00 4 I)OTIRWMV Cllile-tv" (*A,,., 91 ml on l(kri aw ) , Of Cm is 6 WIN it XCN i 46 b . wrm" ~ *j% whrn the uwt&i ib t&powd _ : 00 0 . -\to A ray% Afuz a prnod tJ Wumicwti~ a tgjjjrjcv touulj p%wvgtv " %jjjw,, I, the pa-tal It v 600 9,00 -00 '00 6 w,,k t t woo too ' so It 6 0 4 , If at 01 9Ifan It N V 14 AA aI a b# 0 a f, 61 a 13 rk 4 No / 00 0 T cp a 0 9 0 090 a 0 9a 0 0 0 e * 0 0 e 0 0 a 6 0006 0 ego 0 0. 0 0go 00 goo 0 0 00 0v 0 - 0;1 0 0; a 0 oil 0 WIL 0 Olt 0 Olt *08 00. 00, 00, 00. 00, *0000000*00000*00 6 C 0 W 6 0 A L ! 0 0 ft a I I W 0000000006*000 000 "u v X 11 114 10 -MIVA Aqt IIUI,%Iv.%