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PMHK0VSK1j.-Qwi6w,, Results of investigation of pathogenesis and physiopathology of tuberculosis; experimental studies. Probl. tuberk., Moskva no.2: 5-10 Kar-Apr 1953. (GLML 24:3) 1, Professor. 2. Of the Department of Pathological Physiology (Read - G. V. Peshkovskiy), Molotov Medical Institute (Director -- Prof. S. F. Hamoyko). VALITSEVA, Z.H.; KOBYLISKIY, A.P. direktor; MUKOVSKjy, G.V.. professor, nauchnyy rukovoditell; RAYMR, B.I., laui6at-Stalinskoy premii, nauchnyy konsulltant. Results of treating chronic dysentery in children with Prof. Chernokhvo tovis vaccine. lhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. no.3:25 Mr '53. (MLRk 6:7) 1. Holotovskiy institut opidemiologii i mik-robiologii. Dysentery) PLSIIKOVSI-,IY, G. V. The Role of Nerve Reflex 42chanisns in the Formation of Antibodies P. 19 Problema Reaktivnosti v Patologii, %,S-.dgiz, 24,-scow, 1954, 344 p (The Problem of Reactivity in Patholo&r) BOVINSIAYA, G.M.; NSMOVSKIY, GJ. Bmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Intestinal and gastric wall* In experimental tuberculosis In dogs. Probl.tub. no.2:57-61 Mr.-Ap 154. (MLIA ?:5) 1. Iz laboratoril kaf-edry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav.pror. G.V.Poshkovskiy) Molotovskogo zeditainekogo institute, ( S-F.Hamoyko). (TUB&CUWSIS, experimental, *emission of M. tubere. by Intestinal & gastric walls in dogs) (GASTROIRTASTINAL SYSTIM. in various diseases. *exper. tubere., emission of M. tuberc. by Intestinal & gastric walls in dogs) 19, IV" .P FESHKOVSKIY, G.V. Characteristics of the course of experimental tuberculosis In dogs having different types of nervous systems. Zhur. vys. nary. delat. 4 no.2:221-232 Mr-Ap 154. (MLRA 7:10) 1. Xafedra patologicheskoy fiziologit Holotovskogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinskogo instituta. (NERVOUS SYSTIM, function tests, typing, variation of exper. tubarc. in various types of nervous system in dogs) (TUBBROULOSIS, experimental, variation In various types of nervous system in dogs) FBMKOVSKIY,G.V. (Nolotov) Attempt at interpreting the pathogenesis of leprosy according to Pavlovian nervostem. Arkh.pat. 16 no.2:19-26 Ap-je 154. (HLRA 7:5) (LIPROSY, etiology and pathogenesis, Onsivosism) (NERVOUS SYST.M. pathology. *nar-vcs1:vm In pathogen. of leprosy) / -'=- A 0 v. S A z Y, C? 7. V. PASHK GeV., professor (Molotov) %mft2wm9=&- Letter to the editor. Kline toed. 32 no~12:83 D 154. (NUA 8:3) (MMCUU)S IS-TRAMN ISS Ion) PESHKOVSKIY, G.V.(g. Molotov) #A 4.-e -- Role of neural reflex mechanisms in processen of infection and Immunity. Zhur.mlkrobiol.epid. I Immin. zio.8:108-IX3 Ag '55. (MLRA 8:11) (IMVOUS SYSTEM. physiology. in infect. & immun.) (INY&TION, physiology, nervous system, in) (IMMUNITY, physiology nervous system in~ Vol..10/3 f;XC.-.-VT,% IMICA Sec.5 Gen.Patholop_y Mar 57 920. VESHKOVSKlY G. V. and KAIIUSTNIK D. 1. Med. Inst. Molotoff, Molotoff. r.x pe r i m enTa I eu r oses as a fat, tor changing the reac ti v- ity in expe rimental th! ( flus s ian text) ARKIL PATOL. 1956.18 4 (16-23) Graphs 2 Illus. 3 Experiments were carried out in 3,dogs. tn 2 male dogs of the same litter, positive reflexes and inhibition reflexes were effected according to Pavlov*s method; if) one dog. B(of marked unbalanced type), aneurosis was brought about, which manifested itself in motor restlessness. vegetative disturbances and 'defence' reactions. The other dog, L (weak type), served as a control, i. e. he did not develop a neurosis. In both dogs. the rectal temperature was determined twice per (fay and once 1 week the blood pictlire and the ESH were established. The tuberculin test was negative, Five months afterwards, the two dogs were infected intravenously with N1. tuber- culosis, human type (0.5 mg. per kg. ). The dogs were then re-examined from time to time: dog B, which up to then had been active and noisy, became anxious, trembled and occasionally emptied the bowel and the bladder involuntarily; it died 5 months later. Autopsy revealed exudat ilve- cavitary pulmonary 1b, hepatitis with tubercul6us changes and endocarditis. In dog L, the tb infection took a con- siderably less severe course: on the 9th day there was high fever, which persisted for 3 weeks and later disappeared; in the 7th week the temperature was normal. The weight loss was also less than in dog B. the psychical behaviour was normal. Dog L was killed a few days after the spontaneous death of B. Autopsy revealed focal. partially fibrous pulmonary tb and tuberculous foci in the liver. spleen, kid- neys and heart. A third dog (weak type) was also made neurotic. One week after the th infection it developed. after a transient Increase of the conditioned reflexes. 92C C ON T' 'Schutzhemmungt as soon as it was brought into the experimental cage it fell asleep. Very strong acoustic stimuli were then applied, causing high fever with chills. The phagocytic reaction became weaker. the leucocyte count increased and the lymphocyte count decreased. The dog died on the 27th day after the infection. and at autopsy generalized tb of nearly all the organs. and large cavities in the lungs were found. Finally, a 4th dog, D (strong. aggressive type) is described, which was twice Inoculated with tb culture of low virulence; the process was com- pletely compensated after 4 months. On account of its aggressivity, the dog was repeatedly punished with a lash. vihich caused reactivation of the tuberculous pro- cess. The dog became anxious. developed ataxia with meningeal symptoms and died 2 months later from tuberculous meningitis with tuberculous pneumonia and renal changes. From the meninges. a highly virulent strain of M. tuberculosis was cultivated. It to believed that these few experiments justify the assumption that psychical trauma has an unfavourable action on the course of experimental tb. Brandt - Berlin (V. 15$) PBSHKOVSKIY, G.V., professor (Holotov) Medical institutes and department of pathological anatomy and pathological physiology In new China. Arkh.pat. 18 no.5:107-114 156. (PATHOLOGY. education. (HLRA 9:12) In China (HUB)) USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Allorgy. U-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1958, 75390 Author Poshkovskiy, G.V. Inst Molotov CFerm 7 Medical Institute. J Title About the Neuro-Reflectory Mcchan-ism of the Cutaneous Tuberculin Reaction and About Negative Ahergy as Its Pc5si- =1 & Orig Pub Tr. 14DIotovsk. med. in-ta, 1957, vyp, 26, 55-56. Abstract By the method of Greer aller(,cLiLtry, the reaction of skin to tuberculin (I) was studied on dogs infected with TB. ;Lnalogous research was conducted after preliminary ancs- thesia of' skin with cocaine. The conclusion was made that ner-tive anergy to cutaneous tuberculin tests ray be consi- dered as pessimal inhibition of skin receptors under the influence of irritation of tuberculin, and the state of Card 1/2 3 USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Allergy. u-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bioli) rio 16, 1958, 75390 allerGy no an extreme increase of reflex irritability of the receptor apparatus as related to tuberculin. -- I.A. Oyvin. Card 2/2 FESHKOVSKIY9 L. M. PESHKOVSKIY, L. M. - The establishment in the 19th century, by Russian scholars, of the basic concepts of the science of bases and foundr-itions". Yscow, 1955. Aead Soi USSR. Inat of the History of Natural Sciences and Technology. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences). SO: Kni&bjp_%ra lotcRis' No. 46, 12 11ovember 1955. Moscow PESHKOVSKIIILeonid Hikh 1 vich- KUSHKIN, X.A.V-dots., kand. tekhn. naujcp Ot, F-FERMOVAO I.V., red.izd-va; SAGITULLINA, R.I., tekhn. red. (Manual on laboratory research in-soil science, soil mechanics, bases, and foundations] Rukovodstvo k laboratornym saniatiiam po gruntovedeniiu, mekhanike gritntoy, oonovaniiam i fundamentam dlia Btudentov stroitellnogo fakullteta. Moskva, Vses. zaoeh- nyi politekhn. in-t. No.l. 1960o 33 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Soil mechanics) (Foundations) c t v f3li PESHL--'&-VSKIY, K., polkovnik -------- Ideological soanoning of officura la getting Arongor. Komm. Vooruzh-Sil 4 no. 20:81-84 u 163. 17:5) 1. Bolgarskaya Narodnaya armiya. BELASHP M.Ye.; PFZHNIJWV,. Xe.A. Regimes for boring blastholes with roller bits. Sbor. trud. VNIITSVETMET no.4:82-93 159. (MIRA 16:8) (Boring) , FWHTERSKI. - Zt,..-totsent Tuberculosis of the faclo-cranial bones and of the Java. Mdrurgiia 15 no.2/3:313-33J, 162. 1. Is Institut po vuzetanovitelna khlrurgiia,, protezirane i trudoustroistvo. TUBMULOSIS 6OTSDARTICUIAR) ULL die) OAVS die) M (FACIAL BONW dio) 3223_u WAPWf~M~ TA~4 ACCESSION VR: AP3001531 SjD1 84/63/000/003/0004/00D7 .!AUTHOR-. Peahti, "Yu. V. (Engineer) J: -EI tm Rot=7 corpressor and vacum --P~3with aobol;extollte blades 3 ~:~SOURGE. Xbimichesk6ye mashinostroyaniye, no. 3., 1963' 4-7 ~-:TOPIC- TAGS: rotary c vacuum P13ir asbotextolite, textolite FTK~ onpressor, P a., :~Fulljr vacuum pump 'I-LBSTRACT: A rotary compressor with asbotextolite 1~lades, was designed and made by. 34vTu =~. Baumana for exoerimental -oUrpo--es. Coefficionts of friction between blades and cylinder wall and bat-vatn blades and rotor slots were determined. It :,.,as concluded that the fluctuation of the cylinder terwerature between 6 and 45G- causes the change of friction coefficients, but a Purther increase in temperature .!z.bowad no effect. The change in the weight of blados had no influence on friction I ents. Performance curves for -;arious slid!iLng speeds of blades were :Cocffici ~dete;mlned. The experimental data.uere us ed for construction of tale Vacuum 101=1019 RV-37by SumsYkj mashinostroitell ny*y zavoa in. Frtuize . (S=skly 1-lachine Plan'.) T is_'~vacuum 'pump Is nore efficient than Me -RVII-ftrith blades made of textolite P-LX.\,V The vear of bladcs is compared with that oF the Fuller. Vacu= pumps =de in -the USA by 57S Car-many. W/ Association: H14TU li~ilil'lp YU.V., Stn~ssec occui-.1inC i- blade natcrials of rot.U7 ccc:::jzcs--c:-S a,: vacuum punips in the area of contact with Vic cylind-l-r S,;rfac,. raaf-~Iiinostr. no.4:4~-55 162. (I.,Tpak 15:7) 1. Moz, kovi~(.ye v:.,s3hcyc toklinic,,:o.-koyc vichilishche linctli Batunur-a. (Blades) GOLOVIITSOV, A.G. , doktor tekhn r~.d, prof . 'deceased 11; nl-- V. A., dot3. ; '!. I - ; , - I .; 1 ,7 -1,1 KV7C P, Y. . I STISLOV, A.D.; yr--,.,,_ Y.WTIrYTY. V~V.; " doktor tekhn.nauk, prof., ru*.senzent; PAUYFV, N,M., Inzh., red, ,Rotary compressors~ Aota~3i)nnyi-- komprcssory. ',Ry' A.C'. Golovintsov i dr !-IIcskva, lz(i-v) I'Vinshiriostroenie.11 19t)i,. 3 14 p. (14DA 1,1:7 1. Fak-i'-'*~et llepl,-vyk~. i neskikh mashiri V-,L~kovnkogc ,r,sshugo tekhnicheskogo uc-,' ',i z;~-.ha Limeri N.Ye. Faurv~na 'for all except Strakhovi.,.I- 71aleyev vat PESHTIS YU.7.19 in7h. ,- , ;: Si Rotary comprec;-,oi-3 and vacLAu,,:, puqs with aisbestoz-base tax- tolite blades. Khim.mashinostiE. tio.3:4-7 1-br-Je 163. (IURA 16:11) PZSHTI, YU. V. , inzLh. Friction power of inclined plates in rotary plate machines having no discharge rings. Izv.vys.,,.icheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.8:139-148 162. (MM 15:12) 1. Moskovskoyo vyashoye toklinicheskoye uchilishche 4eni Baumana. (Vacuum pumps) (Compressors) -S/145/62/000/011/002/003 D262/D308 A~OR. ex, Peshti YU.V L~Igine ITLE. 7riction losses of radial plates in rotary machines PERIODICAL: Izvestiya;vysshil,.h uchebiiykh zavadeniy. I-lashin6stroy- 33- eniye, no..Il, 1962) 1 146 TEXT: The author gives a new method-of determining fric- tion power of :radial plates in rotary Iminated compressors and vac-. UUM pumps without discharge wheels, based on the method of division of losses in the drm and the grooves cf the rotor. Friction work due to inertia forces and gas force is determined separately -and the' f n results added.-Also the method of determining minimum rictio pow er -of radial in relation to the ges:nnetry of the machine, type' 'and compression ratio ofthe gas, and plate material is presented. The expression Z,/n- (n - height of plate, Z - -distancle between centers) is introduced'and the analytical determination of its value' is found to be an important stage in desi6ndng this type of machine-I fi 9 there gures. arCl1 ~/2 PBSHTI,IP.V.,- inzh.; RUMUNSVE) V.A., doteent Investigation of certain materiale for rotary compresoor and vact= pump blades. Xhim.mash. no..3j28-29 My-Je 161. (MIRA 105) (Chemical engineering-Equilment and supplies) FESHITI, Yu.V... kAnd. teldin. nauk Effect of the blade-inclination anf,,lu In tho rotor nn the depTee of compression in a rotary compressor. 17v. VY-3. ucheb. zav.; mshinostr. no.":96~98 165. 18:11 ) 219?3 D 0 4 1 A 113 AUTHOR: Peshti, Yu. V,, Engineer, Rumyant9ev, V. A., Docent TITLEt Investigation of some materials for the blades of rotar:v compressors and vacuum pumps PERIODICAL: Khimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 3, 1961, 28-29 TEXT% A series of blades made of powder plaslics and textolites to be used for rotary compressors and vacuum pumps have been tested at the MVTU im. Bauman. rF (PT) , (IT -1 (PT-1) and iRTK (PTK) te xtolite blades, composed pri- marily of cotton, laminated within 24 hours of continuous operation. Some- times the blades carbonized by V3 of their height and disintegrated into pieces without even completing 24 hours operation. Experiments by D.M. Khayt have shown (Ref.l. Nemetallicheskiye podshipniki skollzheniya Don- metallic journal bearings], Mashgiz, 1949) that the resin quantity in the textolite considerably affects the wear resistance and friction. Textolite with the best resistance to wear has a resin eDntent of up to 52-55%. Light- f,bric textolite has a 40-46% resin content, a ad coarse fabric textolite a content of 52-55%. In contrast to light fabrics, coarseheavy fabrics do Card 1/4 21923 S/184/61/000/003/001/004 Investigation of some materials ...... D04l/Dll3 not completely absorb the resin and due to pores, retain the lubricant bet- ter, thus reducing the friction effect and temperature as described by V.K. Petrichenko (Ref.2: Podshipniki i shesterni iz plastmass [elastic bearings and gears], Mashgiz, 1952). The MVTU experiments have shown that antifric- tion, non-corrosion, and phenolite-5 plkistics have, in comparison with FTK textolites, a high brittleness; FOr,7' (RST) phenolite blades(due to 30$ content of glass fiber), were worn out within the first 100 working hours at the upper part by 0.07 mm; after 200 hours by 0.12 mm, and after 300 hours by 2.5 mm. Blades made of PTK textolite with an addition of graphite showed after 70 hours a good resistance to wear-, a lower friction as com- pared to the PTK textolite, but a higher degree! of lamination. Asbestotex- tolite blades were tested in a compressor for '194 hours, and in a vaouum pump for 264 hours. Satisfactory results were! obtained in both casem. Asbestotextolite blades in an ammonia medium have been successfully applied at the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy kholodilInyy institut (All- Union Scientific Research Refrigeration Institute) on recommendation of the MVTU. All blades of the above-mentioned materialB have been tested on a special bench (Fig.2)$ an electric motor (1) and a compreasor cylinder (.") suspended on ball bearing supports (3). The friction moments were compen Card 214 21923 S/184J61/00*03/001/004 Investigation of some materials ...... D041/D113 sated by a weight on the pan of the cylinder balance (4) and the motor ba- lance (5). In order to eliminate the compression force, apertures were bored into the cylinder covers, so that the cylinder presoure was approxi- ritately equal to atmospheric pressure. It is ,,oncludod that the use of PT, PTK, and PT-1 textolite blades for rotary compressors and vacuum pumps is not recommended. Asbestotextolite is the bes': material for air and ammonia rotary blade compressors and vacuum pumps working with a lubricated cylinder at average circular velocities of the blade til) of 15-17 m/sec. The blade wears out by 0.1 mm every 100 working hours. It is also recommended to add graphite to the asbestotextolite in order to improve its antifrictional characteristics. Asbestotextolite hardens during therefore, preliminary thermal treatment is necessary. ment of the blade is effected in compressor oil; vat in such a way as not to touch the bottom. vat is gradually increased to 150-1700- This temperature for 10-12 hours; then the vat togothtir with the room temperature. After thermal treatment, the blade is reduced by 3 mm. There are 3 figures the working process; The thermal treat- the blade is put into a The oil temperature in the is maintained bladoo to cooled down to length of a 473 mm long and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 3/4 V.V.,- ITZITICH, Yc,'T red [frosp,iotihg drMing f6r oil M.S.S.Ro';'a'fislysis of methods ri-zuI't,stov,' Leningrad- Nedri, neTtitnoi - nauchno.-issledri% atel T-radys no.240) and gis in platform reeicns-of-th-e and re'sults.] Poiskovoe' butenie na 1964. IR2~ (L,6nihgrade Vsesoi-uznyi I ski 1. geologorezvo-dochnyl institut. (MIRA 180) PESHTICH, Ye.L._ , - W4 I- ".., .. - -..."', . 1A Main tectonic features of the Sulak ValLey. Trudy VNIGRI no. 95:209-213 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Sulak Valley--Geology, Structural) nSHTICII. Ye.L. .". Summr7 report on the lio.1 Temirpoye icey well. Avtoref. nauch. trud. VNIGRI no.17:2P3-288 156. (MIU 11:6) (Daghestan--Petroleum geology) (Daghostan--Gas, Natural-Geology) ~T_qHTICH,, Ye..L.; PREOMAZHENTKAYA, G.S.; IVANOVA, K.P.; SEGAL', Z.G., vedushchiy red.; ?MRUCHEV, S.G., red.; DEMIYANENKO, V.I., (Study of the conditions of the formation of the oil pools of the southeastern Volga-Ural region) Isaledovaniia uslovii foribirmanila zale2hei nefti iumo-vostoka Volgo-Urallskoi oblasti. Leningrad. Gostoptekhizdato 1963. 137 p. (Leningrad. VBOSOiU2nyi neftianoi nauchno-iseledovateltakii geologorazvedochnyi in8titut. Trudy, no.216). (MIRA 16:12) Translation fram: Referativny zhurnal, Gcoloj~iya, lljl/'/, 11'r 6 p 152 (U,'j') AUTHOR: Feshtich, Ye. L. TITLE: Clas.,.~ification of Petroleum anal Gas DeyositE- of Northeastern Caucasus (K volrosu klasslifikatsii zalezhey nefti i gaza sevei-o-vostochnogo K,vkaza) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. peologorazved. in-ta, Nr 911, pp 31-35 ABSTRACT: The author proposes a classdfication of petroleum and gas deposits. The claSSification is based on distinction between flexural traFs, traps oil' secon- dary thinning, and traps of' primary thinning. Three corresponding j-roups of deposits are distinguished, as follows: 1) dipping stratum dejosits, bounded down the slope by water; 2) layered deposits; 3) litholoric depo,,iits. Card 1/1 No name PESHTICH. Ya.L. ~*t44-.W:W -I - -It .0a ;, 1154!ton of oil and gas pools of the northeastarn Caucasus. Trudy VNIGRI no-95:31-35 '56. (KLRA 9:12) (Caucasus, Northern-Petroleum geology) .-I.- Fi ;!.!, - t".. . .. 1. 1 .1 -.. .. r.,.: - - : , ~. , I , : ~ ~ - .1 11 " --. '! ~ * !, I ,:~, . I,- , . I . , , 1. _i:, ( I " , . PZSHTHAlAMHYAH,J).V. Nonlinear theory of a circular platti. ;)okl.AN Arm. Sa 31 no. 2:65-72 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institat matemattki L mekbaniki Jkademil nauk Armyanskoy 6SR. Predstavleno oblenom-korrespondentom AN Aro7anskoy SSR S.A. Ambartsumysuom. (Elastic plates and shells) ACCESSION' N'H: AP4026954 8/0258/64/004/001/0050/0059 AUTHORs Fovhtr-a1dzhyQn, D. V. (Yarovan) 1- - -, I----- - -- --- TITLU: Finite deflections of an ort-hotropio disk &jui%CE% Inzhonernyvy zhurnal, v. 4, no. 1, 19&4, 50-59 TOPIC TAGS3 finite doflection, orthotropic disk, constant thickness disk, small dofornation, arbitrary surface force, plane or (aaiitio symmotryt nonlinoar elasticity thoory, equilibriun equation ,0- &L'ItACT: The author uses the mothods of S. A. Arbartsunyan to derive the basic rolation3 in tho problem of an orthotropic disk of constant thickness h on which i arbitrary surface forces cause small deformations and finite deflections. He starts frovi the gonaral equationn of tho nonlinear elasticity theory with simplifications which are possible in the case of a plate. In particular, he troats the cases of axisymmotric flexure of an orthotropic plate subj6ct to a r,ormal load and of flexure of an elastically suppoeod orthotropio, disk under uniform load. The results are compared graphicallv with the linear theory* Orig. Cord 1/2 ACC&IPSION NR: AP4026954 art.. has3 2 figures, I table, 38 formulaze AS=IATIONs none SUMMED: May& DATE AGQ: 2,"Apr64 SUB CODE# AP NO REF SOV: OD6 ENGLs 00 OTMMI 000 Card 2/2 16(1) AUTHORSt Ambartsumyan, S.A. and -,(jV122-12-1-"16 __2aZL~maldzhajzj, D.,V. TITLE% On the Theory of Orthotropic Shells and Plates (K teorii ortotropnykh obolochek i plastinok) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR,Spriya fi7A~o-matemati- cheskikh, n&ak, 1959, Vol 12, Ni, I, pp 43-6o ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 The author considers a thin orthotropic shell. In the curvi- linear coordinate system ck, S, )-the medium surface is assumed to have the equation 3- - 0 ; let the directions of o(, B be identical with the directions of the principal cur- vatures. Let the planes of elastic symmetry of the material be parallel with the coordinate surfaces in every point. The dis- placam,ent along the normal w is assumed to be independent of r . The normal stress is assumed to influence only unessentially the deformations e0t,0( , e., , e., , . The tangential stresses T., 9 V,,, change according to the law f(j) so that eq_ - a 55 f (e q 1 (a~j B) , e8 x ~a44 f (')-) ~; 2(-113) On the Theory of Orthotropic Shells and Plates -JOV122-12-1-31'9 ASSOCIATION: SUBVITTED: where a 55 ' a44 are elastic constants, f(~-) is the Viven function and 'P1 lk?2 arbitrary sought functions. Undet these assumptions the author calculates the moments and stresses, substitutes them into conditions of equilibrium and obtains a system of five differential equations (not presented because of its complicatedness) for the calculation of the five unknowns U,V,W,+ 11tf2 * An explicit calculation is carried out in the following special cases 1. Shells rectangular in plan form of positive Gauss curvature ; 2. Spherical shells ; 3. Round plates with free- ly resting boundary and fixed boundary. There are 12 references, 10 of which are Sovietq 1 English, and 1 American. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki AW Armyansko SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics AS Armenian SSR~ October 15, 1958 Card 2/2 PESFTMJ!7,l,NYPLN, D.V. Yerevan) Finite flexumi of ri aircular orthotrnpic plate. Inzh.zhur. 4 no.] 150-51) '(W, . (MIRA 1'7~4) ?ESHVIALDWYANO D.V. Bending of orhotropic plates. Dokl. JR Ana.OSR 32 no.1:17-22 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki Akademii nEuk Armyunskoy SSR. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom.AN Armyanskoy SSR S.A. Ambartsumyanom. (Elastic plates and shells) AMMSWW, SA.s MWMMRW. D.V. ., Nonlinear theory of slanting orthotrupic shone. Izv. AN Am. SSR. Ser. fix.-mt. nank 11 no,'I.'15-26 1511. (MM Ilt6) 1. Instit-at matemUki i makhanik-I All kraWbnakoy SSR. (Alastic platem and shells) L: f I I i L I/ T 3~24cd laninary an; c r' P7 ard shplic) PESHIV,ALDZHYAN, D.V. (Yerevan) Nonlinear theory of rectangular orthotropic plates. Izv.,AN SSSIR. Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no-5:10Q-107 S-0 '61. (MIRA 14:9t, 1. Institut matematiki i mekhaniki, 9.9 ArrVanskoy SSR. (Elastic plate.9 snd shells) PEsH7mLDZ l1r, Seismic platform. Izv.AI4 L-m.S!M.Ssr.tekh.nRl-k - (KIBA 1-4: 6) L2 a( .6:23-28 139. 1 (Seiamometry) I to 3/173/59/012/06/01/W~ AUTHORt PevhtmaI.d,.,.hyan, O.V. TITLEs Reactive Seismic Platform \"Y PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanekoy SSR, Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol. 12, No 6, pp 23 - 28 TEXTs The author discusses the necessity of preliminary seismic tests on equipment to be used in earthquake areas and states that best results have been achieved by simulation tests on a. seismic platform. The accura- cy of reaults depends upon adherance to principles of simulation and upon design and performance of the platform. To eliminate the possibility of parasitic high-frequency oscillations of the platform, which grossly dis- tort experimental data, the platform shoul4~ be of simple design and con- tain'no mobile parts. A.G. Nazarov of the Armyanskaya NII Stroymaterialov i sooruzheniy (Armyanskaya NII of Building Material and Equipment) pro- posed the design-W a seismic piallorm cU_nsist ng of a strong horizontal plate firmly fitted to metal supports embed.ded in the foundation. The os- cillation of the platform is induced by an impulse emanating from a gun or some other kind of technical device connected directly to the platform. Card 1/3 Reactive Seismic Platform 82069 3/173/59/012/06/01/001 (Ref. 3). The platform oscillates on its supports and all three parame- ters of oscillation are easily regulated, ataximum amplitude by impact force, frequency of oscillation by support elasticity and the attenuatio.. of sinusoidal movement by a damping device. Three platforms of 5, 20 ana 40 tons carrying capacity were tested. At primary approximation calcula-- tion of supports, the plate and test object were assumed to have one de-, gree of freedom. The frequency of free oscillation of the platform was determined according to Gayger system (1); following symbols were usedi frequency of own oscillation (V); static support deformations in cm (f cm The latter was computed according to Formula (2)t weight of platform and model (Q); height of supports Q); number of supports (10), elasticity modulus (E); inertia moment of support section (I). Formulae (1) and (2, produce Formula (3). Support stress was determined according to Formula (4), permissible support stress ((5); resistance moment of support sec- tion (Vh; load increase coefficient (g). A number of tests revealed wide-flange I-profile GOST-6163-52 supports its most economical and suit- able for this purpose. The natural oBcillatJon of platform varies betwc-eri 6-55 ape in accordance with the number of supports. This is achieved by a special device by which supports are either tightly joined to the plat- form or detached from it. The function of tlie platform depends upon ite Card 2/3 Reac*.ive Seismic Plat'c_~L S/173/59/012/06/01/001 properly deqignt 'a avieuiblinp and -ism, il T~. , I -1_'6~oz, D, tween the platform alid the wodol is of primar) i:,;)~;rtance. Por analytic-- purposes they were aisumed to have two degrees of freedom in cecond approx- imation. Basic characteristics of the platform are given in Table 1. Pi~7- ure 1 shows a diagram of tests carried out according to differential equa- tions (5). Following symbols were used: platforin (m,); model (m ); oir- cular frequency of platform. (p ); circular fi,t!+.ency of model (p 21; elas- ticity coefficients (c 1 an~ C21 leading to Equations (6), (7) and (8). Tests showed that the weight of mod~-l should not exceed 20% of platform weight. AB a gun is considered the most effective impulse inducement, t-o barrels should be attached to the platform to ensure the transmission of two perpendicular level oscillations. On principle the addition of supple- mentary vertical elasticity and transmission of vertical impulse are possi- ble. During these tests all three earthqua.'ie components were transmitted to the platform, and a decentralized impact produces rotary oscillation. It is planned to equip the platform with a vibrator for obtaining rhythmi- cal oscillation and with a device for the t:ransmission of cosine oscilla.- tion. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 5 re:.erences. 1 English and 4 Soviet. Card 3/3 SHAER UVARYAN, L.V.; FIRUZYAN, S.A.; PESFIMM-NHWIV O.V. Engineering Investigation of the Hogdancrvka (Madatapa Lake) earthquake of December 8-9, 1959. Jzv.AN Arm.SSR. Ser. tekh, nauk 14 no.1:55-66 161, (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institut stroymaterialov I soorusheniy Goestroya Armyanskoy $SR. (Bogdancyv)m (Georgia) -Earthquake 9 1959) FLS1G D - RATKOVIC, B.; MARINKOV1C, M. A 2.2 motor modified Engle grating i3pectrograph. M Inst Nual 14 no.1:35-41 J& 163. 1. Department of Analysis and Metrology of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Pesi, Pesi., S. Experience2 from the operation of impola furnaces with a contLnuous measurement of cast iron and slat-. P. 370, Vol. 4, no. 12, Loc. 1956 SLEVARYNSTVI TF,C-INC)ALOGY M lizechoslovakia So. East European Accessions, Vol. 6, Ma3- 1167 NO. KUSOVAC. Dusan, dr.; PESIC, B. Incipiont chorinnic epithelioma of the uterus after hydatidiform w1e. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 85 ne.4:480-486 Apr 57. 1. Ginekoleska-akuserake. odelenje Gradske bolnice u Zemunu Sef: prim. dr. dr. Dusan Kusovac. (CHORIOCARCIbIDNA, atiol. & pathogen. incipient of uteriis after ttydatidtform mole (Ser)) (HYDATIDIFORM MLE, compl. incipient choriocarcinoma of uterus (Ser)) v-PnIc. T). ,~.'nd --R7. Spec troc hemical determination of imnurit-Jer, in urarlun. Tn Yn~71.Jsh. P. 71 (Vinca, Yuj7oslavia, Institut za nuklearnr narke. 11' *T,',-- 'IT:, 7, 1. 7, 10~7 Beof-rad, Yurosla-vta) Montl%iy In('f-.~ of Fastu Furo-can Acc,,s7i-n!- (T-AI) ',-.Vol. 7, no. 2, Fet--ruary 1958 'A5 , 7 0. wotllt , AS - rul, i 'R Vw IQ, Imn L Olen litut inination of 11 ana C41 are dwit 1, A dc ec lity of O'Os r CA). I-P 1 .1 - 41r H~' -v. 1j, prm fo - . H r (O uS I 14 'Vim t f" Ma w 5- Rpm fur Ni bAs b3nq ' ;Af4iPW, u Op w mbwd with A?-.*tv4Sf 4pWcOy Iwo- ' t~cr, o imilm I llrA 6fle Ul 10 ' Ov U'O'- ;sm; ~& 711g. ~OUGI& cop-slwp~l 'q It ck*-l rtn6i XuCt' t4lutiol'i b6fig added to GA'O' in 9o'-'k4kl;LM iq UL4% 00 A* !675-9s line litich wag umil for photo!uatr -w dcoalty of 0.5 .'%504/.-'n. No. InWinal stat) ud -j w~j llxtd for - Cd Wh ews tho corim.-Milau blvz ta%) PP~ru' -.ras covend, PIESIC,; YLIS~'A, Para A contribution to the knowlF-o;yn of *.~,e uI*.rhvioIe* of magnesium oxide. Glas lion dr 24 no.7-W-351 I A.3. 1. BQris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, helgrade-Vinca. Submitted February 24, 1964. MIC, Marija. School for the trainIng in handling radioaotivo isotopes, attached to the Federal Nuclear Enorgy Commission. Tehnika Jug 17 no.4:648 Ap 162. -, .. -K, KOBANOVIC.Bogdan; PESIG,ftdoalav SPiphrenic diverticulum of the esopha" . Srpski arh. celok. lek. 88 no;1:53-61 Ja 160. t 1. le Hiraralm klinika Kedicins'.cog,, fakulteta univerziteta u Beograda. Upravnik: prof. dr Bogdan KoBanovic. (ESOPUGUS dis. ) KMOVAC.Dusan; PESIC,Branislav Ixtra-uterine pregnancy In the stum-. of a resected tube. 3rpskI arh'. celok. lek. 87 no.7--8:697-699 J-1-46 159. 1. Ginekolooko-akusersko odeljenje Gradske bolnice u Zemmu, sef: prim. dr Duan Kusovac. (PMUNCT BOTOPIC case reports) (FALWPIAX TUBES surg.) RASOVIC, Ljubomir, profesor, dr.; PESIC, Fisdoalav, docent, dr.; GERZIC, Zoran, dr. Severe contuaion of the thorax. (Pathophysiology and treatment). Vojnosanit. pregle 22 no.3tl66-170 Va-165 1. 1 hirurska klinika, Medicinski fakiLltet u Beogradu. PESIC, Radvslav; Lk- t 1; epa *--:,7 --y Lly-pski art.. --.ok. pr a vT. 5L&-nIsiav, fLadoolavi TA--)IG, D,,hrjvc,jt3 our experienco with mechanical ileus. Med. pregl. 18 no.1:?-,3 165. 1 ~ 1 C~ F1 I & ~) . I h I r- ,; 1, r% k I I n 4 I-,q mn -i ' e, 17, Q 1w r) P f ak-.1 1 t e ta I I ii i v e r , t t1 gradu (Upravniki Prof. dr. Ljubmir Rasovic). GINGIC.Milivoje; PESIC,Rkdoolav Resection of a large segment of the suall Intestine in atrangulAting Sleus. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 87 no-9:803-810 3 '59. 1, 1. Hirurska kliniks Nedicinakog fakulteta u Beogradu, upravnik: prof. dr Bogdan Kosanovic. (INTISTIUL OBSTOCTION surg. ) PESIC, Hadoslav; DAVIDOVIC, Solomon Unumol case of chronic abseeeB of the nesocolon. SrpekI arb. celek. lek. 88 no.9:919-922 S 160. 1. 1 Hirurska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Bogdan K*sanovic. (MENTEIRY dis) (ABSCEISS) LlIIril-'J'ZL Cl, illig-,l) "ftol,'j Of' t'-r a ul C', cino 7~rj (I icinoki ",'a kui to LUniveri;i ty ~ ~i,,ivurz I to L ) ov ;4(, ?rof :),.- 3or-dan, ~'irecz= ~Unra,mik~ of Clinic. "Carcino-ma of t*,-e illeai of tl-~c !,ancrCZLO, L~ -'Urvej, of ~,a*,,,,o,,,,.yll-loio,-.,, 0 ra 7,j za, ~clolaA-.~,no Vol. /I, ..o 01 U,U:;(" fIC-1- ac', c)rz;' n -a.:io,-),i Lijs ~-,ro 0 assif ied in to f-;ur ;--oups L f-.ez- and - i von noL ,, 1, vi:,., metaboiic aisorders, d'sorders of z,:,E! diver fUnCtionS, D100d Chdnj-~e3, Z-1-,L; r6,-,L: ~.,L : l'u.,ictiono. 11'ruo-Derativo care include3 P:-o-oar diet, co:,,-,.l(3x Lransfusionz o~~ 3~ood. -`r.e *.y:-)o of ~;ir,-ory t oLe ;c-- nends on thL, so-called "a-larm oi.; s tliodz o fLreaurient o.har 2an -ur~-ery ~O ~e Jnef:,(-Ctive. -ae Lutrors c onclude Lnalyoi~; of 4~~ ca~-On treated L)etweun ~'), a j 1959. tomy was the nrocodure in four ca3es Lnci uilid.46ostivo anantomoniJ3 in 2'), 'ahile exploratory laparatomy war -)urlforazed in nine ino-peraulo cases. Five tabips, three ;4'estern European and two Loviet references of recent date. KOSANOVIC, Bogdan;.LE~IC, Radosle.v Cystocaracnaphyllodeo mammao. Srpuki arh. colok. 10. 91 no.6:617-621 Jr t63 1. 1 hirurska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Bogdun Kosanovic. 3o~;dan, and ~3zir-icai ,-i,-,ic lj-'1:fz1- Of 1~0,4C4re (:.:Cd4Cj:]C;j~j n ka , , C', y .111tot) , U,,IiVrj, ty verzitet) of :~c 1,~-,rado C4, '.,,-o, Dr :;o--dar,, Cli-nic 4 1 (U- 0 0 3 7, cj, Vol e.,-raac, .,r, Z,1 L ~Oc n e M. az~- 01 GW~ t:,a. CyOtO.,a:'~;(;:-.,:- u 0, u;7,or 1, 1 c C, 'u'-, 10 0~1 tile al in t. acan, from. whici-, tnu su-,-cc-. o f t'- is article derives. There a:,e and I I. I =3 of these tumors, t::c ones beinC much less common. '.'h ez~o.-de:-line forms Lru most 6--f-cl., properly. :-*.astemmy I's an --ac-a~.te operation 11o:- ~rcatmur.-.. hs, --rce .-ostc;rr referenccs of v;-1-y4.1- da-~L'. .ouj, FONTAINE, Rene; VEIL, E, tionne; PESIC, Radoalaw (Strassburg) Our results in surgical therapy of acute and chxonic pancreat-itis, Polsk:f przegl. chir. 33 no.7/ 9-:949-957 161. (FANCIUATITIS surg) y; SOTIROVIC, Rista ~~TC _4do-sla Cervical rib. Srpski arh. celok. le.k. 88 no.12:1259-2264 D 160. 1. 1 hirurska k]Anika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Bogdan Kosanovic. (RIBS abnom) PESIC, P -- - 4&01&V- Oar experience vith hyperthyroid stnma. Srpski arb. calok. lek. 89 no.5;551-562 My 161. 1. 1 hiruraka klinika Medicinskog fal:ulteta Universiteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Bogdan Koaanovic. (HYPERTHYROIDISM VUrg) 0615V eE&4~;~WPGIF Fistula in persistent urachus. Srpeki &rh. celok. lek. 85 no.1:85-89 Jan .57. 1. 1 Hirurska klinika Medicinskog gakultets u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr. Bogdan Kosanovic. (URACHUS, fistula in persistent urachus (Ser)) PESIC, Radoelav Carcinolds of the appendix. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 83 no. 10:1121-1127 Oct 55. 1. 1 Hirurska klinika medicinakog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Milivoje Kostic. (APP M IX, neoplasms, argentaffinoma, surg. Indic. (Ser)) (ARGMAFFINOMA. appendix, surg. indic. (Ser)) ROKNIC, B.; PESIC, V. Bronchlectasis following primary tubercAlools in children. Tuberkuloza 17 no.3:206-211 NV-Je 165. _PESIC,V.dr; DORDEVIC,J.1r.; NI'KOLIC,M.dr.; MAKSINOTIC,V.dr.; AFRACKI,Z.dr.; OJKIG,B.dr.; EATi~;,h,dr.; POIIOBIC,V.dr.; SAVIG,,V.dr. Use of horr-onal therapy in the treatment of primary tuberculosis in children. Med.glas. 17 no.9:303-307 Ag-S'63 l.Specijalna dec~a bolnica --a tuberkulozu i bolesti pluca "Dedinjen, Beograd; upravnik: dr. J.Dordevic. PESIC, V.; DJOEDJEVIC, J.; MAKSIMOVIC, V.; NIKOLIC, M.; BAJIC, R.; ---- -~--)MRACKIV Z.; SAVIC, N. Tuberculovis in children under 2 yeare of age. Tuberkuloza 15 no.1:916-58 Ja-Mr 165. 1. Specijalna decja bolnica za tuberkulozu i bolesti pluca, "Dedinje I, Beograd - Upravnik! dr J. Djordjevic. (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (STATISTICS) S: uberci,lloslf.. T-ubor~qloza 111).11 dec;ll c, 11 ri i 1, ~ , -, " , '~ o i . orrild PIZIC, Vladimir; AJ~TIC, IM01a; OJKIC, Br)rJs1a-,,-3 APHACKI, Zorica Bronchiectasis in c~-ildren. c-.' brcnc~nnj~rap`.,-~ Med. pregI. 17 ro.9t467-'+74 '6 4/. 1. Speol~alna dec.a brIni.~;a za tuberitulon, i brL'( plucrt 0 3r- d 'In i t~ "Beo.--ai (Uprsvn'-k: dr. Jovan Gradska za gruta-)brLrie, Kr,;a", 5,-cFnc4 (Cpravnik: pr!.-i. dr. Lj..;bisa 11il. POFOVICP J.; PESIC, V.; DAVIDOVIC, C.; BJEGOVIC, M.; JOVANOVIC, M.; PRASO, Clinical significante of primary resistance to tuberculostatic drugs. Tubarkuloza 15 no.2s245-249 Ap-Je 163. 1. Institut za tuberkulozu W P Beograd - Direktor: prof. dr Hilic Grujic. (STREPTC14YCIN) (ISONIAZID) (AHINOSALICYLIG ACID) (TUBERCULOSIS, PUWONARY) (DRUG RESISTANCE, MICROBIAL) rG05LAVIA PLw' IC Dr V and Drs *I B. Oitic, j. jju,U, jBvIC, L. AOb1,1AC;. and S. 'BlAaO thi. CEMCI Dedinje" bpecial ChildrenlE hosli ior Tuberc,.ilosis and Lung Diseases (.1ipecijalra 1)ecja Bolrica za Tuberkulozu i bolesti Pluca "Dedinje"), Gen- tral Anti-tuberculosis Dis,-cnsary (Centralni Antituberzi;- lozr,i Dispanzer), Beli;rade. "Eriderriological Anol-sis of luberculosis in an Llementary School in the Vicinity of Del-rade-" L, Belgrade, Glv.snil.. Z'avoda za ;Ar~.vstvenu /,~,stitu i,i or~~, Vol Ill 14os 3-41 pp 23-2b. Ab-s-tract: 5uthors' 6erbocroatiin SU=Lry modifie,~/ '--'he tuberculin index was 4C) percent among 799 schoolchildren 7 to 1C years old in Ripani. ~,ighteen cases of tubercu- losic i-,,ere discovered. 13upils v.,ho did not react to the tuberculin after a second testing, were vE.%ccinated. Test- ing six months later showed that tuberculin 11erGy had been established in 8G.9 rercent 01 tho6e vaccinated. iII/l/Tables, charts, no referenceo. 12 PESIC, Vladixdr Use of corticosteriods in the treatment of tuberculosis in children (analysis of 102 cases). Tub--rkuloza, Beogr. 12 no.3:36-7-386 '6C. 1. Decja bolnica "Dedinje," Beograd (upravnik: prim. dr B.Roknic) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES ther) (TUBERCULOSIS ther) . PESIC.i1kd-iM1r--- Segmental and lobar shadows during the course of primary tuberculosis In children. (1ocalization , prognosis,therapy and sequelae). Tuberkuloza.Beogr. 11 no.4:451-465 O-D 169. 1. DecJs, bolnics, Oleon BernardO Brevannes, Paris (sef: dr Jacques Gerbeaux). (TU13NRCULOSIS PULMONARY In Inf. & child) RDKNIC. Bojana; FESIC, Vladimir I- -Jlwl"-I. ..'Z. Modern views on epituberculosis. Med. glaan. 10 no.11-12: 488-492 Nov-Doe 56. 1. Decja bolnica za tubark-alozu na Dedinju u Beogradu (upravaik; dlr. B. Roknic). (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMDWY, in inf. & child epitubere., in primary tuberc. (Ser)) RDKNIC. Bojana, Dr.; PESIC. Vladimir, Dr. Intrabronchial perforations of lymph nodoot observed In the D&dInje Hospital for Tuberculous Children. Tuberkuloza, BE-agr. 7 no.5-6:318-333 SePt-DOc 55. 1. Decja bolnica sa tuberkulosu Dedinje-Heograd (upravnik: dr. Bojana Roknic). (TONRCULOSTS, PULMONAff, compl. Lymph node perf., bronchial in child., clin. statist. (Ser)) (LYMPH EDDPS. of thorax. perf. to pule. tuberc., in child., clin. statist. (Ser)) (THOW. lymph nodes perf. in pule. tubere. In child. (Ser)) 41631-66 Me-Nri-~-APWliM- AUTHCR: -Pesici,, -Hihail (Engineer) ORG: ICPE, Bucharest TITLE: Special series of low tension high capacity circuit breakers SOURCE: Electrotehnical no- 5, 1965, 186-191 TOPIC TAGS: circuit breaker, diesel engine ~2 ABSTRACT: The author describes some special circuit breakers recently elaborated by ICPE, namely small devices designed specifically for the regional electricity units aW circuit breakers for Diesel engines. The design, construction, operation and perfarmance characteristics of the new units are sumnrized. Orig. art. has: 9 figures. [Based on author's Eng. abst.3 [JPRS: 32,4821 SUB CODE: 09, 13 / SUBM DATE: 15Feb65 / ORIG REF: 003 / 01PH REY : 008 SOUWE CODE: RU/0004/65/000/005/0186/0191 Card Vla~ UDC: 621-316.92~.2.027-001ek----- gc~ 0 '7 /,r -2 FESICI, lfthnfl,ing. (Bncuronfi); BARBU, lon,ing. (Ducuresti) Low-Tension Research Station of the Electrotechrical Research Institute. Electronics 9 no.21:386-395 N 161. 1. Sef de laborator 3a Institutului de cercetari electrotehnice (for Pesici) 2. Cercetator la Institutului de cercetari electrotehnice (for Barbu) S/196/62/000/020/017/021 E19VE155 AUTHORS: Vesici, Minail, and Barbu, Ion TITLEt Low-voltage tesi station of the Electrotechnical Scientific Research Institute PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.20, 1962, 25, abstract 20 1 146. (Electrotehnica, v.9, no.11, 1961, 386-395) (Rumanian, summaries in Russian, German, French and English). TEXT: The circuit and equipment for determining the rupturing capacity of low voltage circuit breakers are described. The installation (see diagram) takes three-phase.power through a stepdown transformer 1, with natural 'oil'cooling. By reconnecting,-;/-.- transformer outputs can be obtained at 242, 418 and 556 v for. testing circuit-breakers of different rated voltages. The short- circuit output at the transformer terminals at 556 V with a short- circuit current of 33.9 kAef is about 25 mVA. The low- and high- voltage-windings are of the Sisc type, sandwiched on the core to reduce the electrodynamic forces which act upon then. The variable r-eactance 2 has a copper winding with a reactance of Card 1/4 N- Low-voltage test station of the ... 5/196/62/000/020/017/021 E194/EI55 450 x 10-3 ohms per phase nnd ohmic resistance of 45 X 10-'3 ohit"R- The contactor 3 which shorts the circuit is rated for 30 RAeff acid 550 V: its closing time is 0.03 seconds. The construction of the contacts almost completely eliminates bouncing. The programming switch 4 carries out a series of commands by means of tin electronic-inechanical selector switch through three independent channels. For preliminary test runs the control board 5 controls the apparatus in the equipment in any required sequence, and provided the change-over to the programmed switch for automatic testing. All the circuit-breakers and isolators have electro-pneumatic remote control. Tests have been carried out to determine the rupturing capacity of automatic low-voltage circuit-breakers, the electro-dynamic stresses in high-voltage circuit breakers, and also the rupturing capacity and current- limiting effect of high-power low-voltage fuses. Before each test the equipment is calibrated to determine the maximum and effective short-circuit current values, allowing for the supply conditions and test circuit impedance. k circuit is given for overload testing of fuses. The procedure consists in heating Card 2/4 Low-voltage test station of tile s/190/62/000/020/017/021 E194/'EI55 the fuse with a test current at 991% of its, rated voltage and then automatically applying 100*/q voltage at this same current as the fusable element is about to melt. The melting conditions thus closely resemble those met in service. Tile equipment can also test wear of contacts and switching apparatius. For this purpose the electronic and mechanical control apparatus was constructed and a circuit developed. To record the processes of circuit interruption an instrument was constructed to photograph the arc (400-3000 frames per second). 12 references. ~L_Abstractorls notet Complete translation.] Card 3/4 Low-voltage test station of the ... Diagram 5OVrV S/196/62/000/020/017/021 E.194/E155 Tai- Card VUCH, Hiloslav, inz.; WZIK, Josef-,, inz.1 PRIARYL, Kvetoslav., inz. Present situation and prospective mth(xls of cultivating hig*ield varieties of winter Wheat in 02echoslovakia. Rost vzFoba 9 no*3/4029-348 Mr-Ap -163e 1. Vyzkumny ustav obilnarskyp Kromeriz. K ~Sl _,,,josef. inz., J Results of the scientific research on grains. Vest ust zenedel 11 no.1:2-17 164. 1. Vyzku,-,iny ustav obilnarsky, Kromeriz. - PESIK, JO.W. Inz, Results of scientific research on grain and legumes. Vestnik CSAZV 7 no.10.-514-523 160. (EHAI 10:3) 1. Vyzkumny ustav obilnarsky Ceskoslovenake akademie zemedelskych ved, Xromeriz. (Czechosl ovakia--Grain) (Czec hosl ovakia-Legumea) TRU11OV. N.A. inzh.; PZSIKOT. L.N., inzh. Using weak current apparatus and cables in automatic production procosoes. Vest.elektroprov. 28 no.8:78 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.Leningradakiy proyektnyy io'tj-$~qt "Giproateklo." (Automa~iCL con'trol) PESJEOV. L.N. ------- Automatized filling of hoppers with molding mixture. Lit. proi&T. no*2:P.-9 7 156. (MW c?-6) (Founding) (Antomatic control) IC aRm'&N ~'. E&VE - . - - a * jj 01i so see* 0 4_4 i -0. is o $4 e a 00 0 I A A I s s es s i I go 0 # 0 OSA A -L-1 I t V IJ It 11 It I? to pt it J~ a a Jo 0 a of S) w As A ft V a v A v a #A 90 " V a) a Oce .- tJL-3-fi_A__f I K,,Dom, Mod- ANY, l ain re.-VichAH-will cats b, to ideas p f'wjk'w i,=Sckwy of fbe bmi pint IV" WA , Wwim hy the drtm. of wvIAM In Obe blood i 00 s " 1 wus inirctitif - I%nw Im a mwkm , = C :v .Of 00 h1k the Wilm- j A n j =U C11mulmtkin C,; 'k,k t1w IMP 4 b-hbtr u sn' ' k i -00 00 . s Cl n Oxhl Indiviasamis contmins no utobilin in ~*IbA4"j CmAltinns d Into jj; jaik " Into The talmd. .00 00 j 'sf Ibc tit" it is -rete Thm in 7.5% of the c2At2 01 hkrystitis urrhAlin Is new", in the tAtc; the bafm is irtw in n(vtv rbrumati-OMI see N1. 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