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PEMIKOV,- F.V., starshiy modellyer Improving the designing of medels and assembly of uppers for sandals. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 4 no.6:26-28 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Mosk-)vskiy kozhovenno-obuvnoy kombinat. (Sandals) - - J7 KOV, 1. , i n2. h..-CCdT,G '-kcvn_"r.- . R.EE'VENKOV, 1. , maycr , vjyenri~7 .- ~- -:7~- i K FEST Fe--Vc.gc ~~,.aSSa Airilane 2anuilng witiriout thrust. Av. I k~ism, 4" r1o.2,flLr~. F (~j 7 ?,A - p ~,. ZAYDBCHEDVMT, A.D.; BMSMYN, M.Kh., KIRIYEMM, N.Y.; ABRANDTA, V.V.; GUMBIN, N.S.; SMOMLING, B.N.; TABO, Ta.A.; PEW, Ta.A.-, PBSHIMTO FJO ~' Artificial. leather for the uppers of open summer footwear. Leg. prov. 16 no.1:20-23 Ja 156. NLRA 9:6) (Shoe Industry) (Leather, Artificial) L 2440-6~ E7.4P(e)/FPA(s)-2/E7~iT(m)/FPF(c)/El.4P(i)/EPF(m)-,',/EPA(w)-2/E;WP(t)/_ j0 EWP(b)/EWA(h)/_E'WA(1) IJP(c) JD/130/,3S/WH ACCESSION NA: ATS023817 UR/OODO/62/000/000/0347/0354 AUTHOR: S arodubtsev �#-V.; A~ixovp S, A.; Domoryad, 1. A.4,qftshikov, Ye. V.,' Khiznich!�O. It. P. -TITLE: Change In the mechanical characteristics of certain solids exposed to pum radiation SOURCE: Soveshchanive Po probleme Dey~~i eLyqd~rAyh"4_VqchA4y nqj"terialy. Moscow. K~.'Deystviye yaderivykh izlucheniy na materialy (The effect of nut ear radiation c~ ~tala); doklady soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 347-354 TOPIC TAGS: gamma irradiation, quartz, shear modulus, irradiadon effect, dielectric. property, solid mechanical property ABSTRACT% The effect of fradis on on certain mechanical and dielectric pro- r 'a ~e a rRochelle salt crystals, and ceramic barium pertie ed quartz flM itanallf udled. A 1.2 t A apt 5 MEV Co6O Isource.,ovas employed at a dose rate of t 10 r/h The shear modulus of fused uartzlincreasee with the dose, and at 1.5 x 109 r, the change AG/Gis 0.2W!~+ _0%%). Gamma irradiation also changes the linter dimensions of fused quartz. These changes in elasticity -Card 1/2--_ L,2440-66, ACCESSION NR: AT5023817 and size may be satisfactorily explained by assuming a partial ordering (crystallization) of the lattice,under the influence of Wrays. The observed effects of intense JIrradiation on the lineardimensione and "melting!' point of'Rochell salt appear to be duo to the destruction of the sample., The con- siderable :ffect of Z irradiation on the dielectric and elastic properties of BaTiQ3 ccramice are qualitatively similar to the aging process* The presence of healing at room temperature indicates that ge least some of the defect centers (or now states ~of the domain walls) are unstable$' Orig. art. hass 8 figures* ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITUD: IgAugU ENCL:- 00 SUB CODEt NPp_ 88 NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 008 Silicon CW, 2 /2 FESHIKOV, Ye.V.; STARODUBTSEV, S-V. Effect of radiation on the properties of Rocbelle salt in low electric fields. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.1:239-t45 Ja 162. (MIRA 15 -.2) 1. Iriatitut yadernoy fiziki AN U7.SSR, Tashkent. (Dielectrics, Effect of radiation on) (Electric fields) YE. V. PH;LSE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6176 Xonobeyevskiy, S. T., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR, Reap. ~d. Daystviye vadernykh izluchenlv ra materialv (The Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 383 P. Errata slip Inserted. 4000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdslenlye tekhni- cheakikh nauk. Otdc--Ianlye fielko-matematicheakikh nauk. Reap. Ed.s S. T. Konobeyev3kly; Deputy Reap. Ed..t S, A. Adazinakly; Editorial Boardt P. L. Gruzin 0 V. Kurdy=ov, B. M. Levitakly, V. S. Lyanhenko (Dsoeasedl'iu. A. Martynyuk, Yu. 1. Pokrovskiy, and N. F. Pravdyuk; Ed. Of PlAblishing Houae: M. 0. ftkarenko; Tech. Ede& T. V. Polyikova and L N. DorokhIna- cam 1/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) sov/15i76 PURPOSE: 'It'his book 13 intended for personnel concerned with nuclear materials. COVKRAGH. This In a collection of papers presented at the Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials. held December 6-10, 1960. The material reflects certain trends in the work being conducted in the Soviet scientific research orginization. Some of the papers are devoted to the experimental study of the effect of neutron Irradlution on reactor materials (steel, :errous alloys, molybdenum, avial, graphite. and n1chromea). Others deal with the theory or neutron irradiation effects (physico- chemical transformations, relaxation of Internal stresiee, Internal friction) and changes in the structure and proper- ties of various crystals. Special attention Is given to the effect of Intense Y-radiation on the electrioal, magnetic, and optical properties of metals, dielootrios, and aemiconductors. Card 2/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOVA176 Konozer%o, I. D., and V. I. Ust'yanov. Effect of Y-Rays bn Properties of CdS Single Crystals 318 Titov, P. P., A. K. Kikoin, ean A. 7e Buz Stimulating Action of X- and Y -Haye on 210 rooeas 329 Pyalobzheskly,-A--V., V. JD.-VaX'kQ-v* and V. N. Lukinskaya. Effect of Radiation on Corrosion Properti6s- of Metals and Alloys 332 2alwhka,-A-P., P. 0. Idtovchenko, and V. 1. Ustlyanov. Kethode of Investigating Pr4-e-r-U-es of Semiconductors Irradiated by y-Q"nta 3teg!q4.ubtsqv,---4. I. A.,Domeryad a- -Y., S. A.L-Azlzov, -Y- Pee and L. P. Khiznl enko. hikov -1h of Some Solids to Y -Radlation C&M 12/14 6 FWHIK ; STARODUBTSEV, S.V. .T~SOV~Ye ~ Aging of BaT403 4eramics stimulated by gamma-radiation. Izv. AN Uz. SO. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 6 no.5:37-39 162. MIRA 15: 11) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR. (Barium titanate) (Dielectrics, Effect of radiation on) 131 OB/ B -,a()' A UT H 0 h S e . V tarodubt sov , S. V. 'TL L . ~;amm~ A - , ii di u,~ u(; ;~g n6 of DaT i 05cornmico 10 D : C A LAkziaemiya nauk 'jzbLkskoy T Zvesti ya. e r iyii f-,zikc-matematicrieskikn nauk, no. 5, 196~, 37-59 T _~'X T :The effect of Cam.7.~_ --raciation up~:,,r the electromecri--ical ELI-10 dielectric properties of BaTiO, at 2C),J.2 00 in weak electrical fielcs was studied. A resonance method A. Ceber, U. F. Koerner, ?roc, :. i- E., 46, no. IG, 1751, 1958) was usec to measure the resonant frequency ::/P 1 -0 2, and tne resistance equivalent to the electromecaanical r = D ' losses, R The latter was determined from its relationship to the ,_1 f r ,-factor; rR Cf2 . D is the diameter of the specimen, E is Young's r Card 112 S/ 1 66/62/GO0/'005/CK)3/306 ,~amma-induced a,-.-ng of BaTiD5cer"MIC3 B100186 muoulus, v is tne clen,-It,i, j s i'oissor.'s ratic', is tne dis~iac,~;-.ent of tne resor,i~rt frequonc.i vh~n a connec*.,,-' to tne specimen. -7rradiataon po-rizej specimen5, type cau3ed to increase and 'n capacitanc a na h to decrease r e i~jw-l requE!ncy monotoni C;L! !Y wi t n t I me of Irradiation. ')'pecimena of thc, Lype I-,, -:,~V~sj showed a more distinct ch~~nje in " Lnd tan . Gamma irradiation ac,,elerates the process of a6kn6, but does not interfere with the logarithmic criange in time of the intrinsic properties of the material. It either favors tne migration of the domain walls and defects or produces new defects. Triere are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut vacerno .-iziki AN UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear ?n~, 5 a c 5 z S I TT ED July 2, 1~io2 Card 212 2kJ-0 00 3 5-, 101131 IIS-1) AUTHORS: Peshikov, Ye. V., TITLE: Changes in the prDperties crystals (in weak 33362 S/181/62/004/~Cl/C B104/B1 12 and Starodubtsev, S. V. of irradiated Ro,3helle Balt sinUi- electric fields) PERIODICAL: Fizika tvordogo tola, v. 4, no. 1, 1002, 21159 - 245 TEXT: Rochelle salt single crystals were exposed to Co6o rad).ation ~-f 0.5-10 6 r/hr at 10 - 200C in a waterproof apparatus. Their dielectric properties were determined with fo-~l electrodes on X-cut plates 0.4-0.9 mm thick and 0.3-1.0 cm 2 large. Measurements included the temperature depen- dence of the capacity and loss anele of crystals irradiated with different doses, the variation of the Curie point as a function of the doses, the effect of annealing on the tan-5 of the irradiated crystals, the effect of irradiation on their nonlinearity, their resonant frequency, and their Q-factor. Their specific properties were substantially changed by irradiation. The inturprotntion of tho chfilij.,on iti very difficult due to tree complex relationship b,_~twcen the measured characterioticti, and (iiii, to !fic Card 1,1? _5336~ S/181/62/0C4/_ ~, 17 Changes in the properties of DVA/B112 lack of data on the type and properties of lattice defects. 1.'! 1 e I * 1 i, i value of Emax is attributed to the inhomogeneity of a real crystal: Tne conditions for a transition in the various microvolumes are not sim-,ilt-aneouo- ly satisfied, and there is a transition domain instead of a transition point, The effects of internal stresses and deformations reduce F_ far away from the transition point, and shift the Curie point. The linear dependence of the Curie point. on the dose sugpeqts an accumulation of defects which is proportional to the dose, The Ctirie point also shifts with the number- f defects. The fixation of the domains influences the dielectric find electromechLnical losses substantially, The nonmonotonic variation of tale loss with the dose is unclear. T11e increase of losses at hic.1, larCe Ioses is possibly not due to domain processes. There are 9 fit,-ureo %nd ,3 references: 7 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet, 'rhe reference to the English- lanC,uage publication reads as follows. A. (,, Chynoweth. Fhys, hev_ no, 1, 159, 1c)59. ASSOCIA-I61' Ins ti tu t v ad ernoy f 1 7.1ki nt (In-, t i tutf e' 1, :s:-aya Pn SUBL!I_`f .'D: Au'r-Us. Card 2/2 (1) up(c) GG I ALL riffs AP5027389 AIMIM: Starodubtsev, S_ V.; 6esa~iko, Ye. V. ORq: Tnstitute of Rucyel4ar, Weics, AN SSSR, Wsrow Onstitut ynrlern6.v1_,r1z1k1 AtJ SSSRI TITLE: Radiation chnnizes of props-rtips nf fo-ri-s-lectrier, Ai)- ko nn Int.1-rn") dis- placement field SOlMCF': Fizika tverdosn telf), v. 7. no. 11, F?6%, 317c;-11T) t14 TOPIC TAr.S: rndtn ion immay-P, PovheJ1#- r;nlt, sulfate, garmna NA4L t"J44;..' t'4%QJWC4%4C ABSTRAC e properties of triplycene sulfrite ntid Rocbe)le sn1t irrndtateC with gamma r Fit a (lose rate of ods-0.6 Mr/i;r-i- were Investivated. The comparison of the plot of the dielectric constent near the upper peak value or the Curie point E versus the external biasing field with that of E as a fune- max MA; tion of the Internal space charge field showed that the effert of the Diasing and space charge fields are equivalent and can be considered to be secondary effects arising as a result of trradiation. An attempt wns made to explain an increase in Emax of Rochelle aalt at; small doses of x-ray and gamma Irradintion. The effect of the space charge field diuring pulsed polarization of Irradiated triglycene sulfate was als Investigated. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 rcirmulas. ICS) _ZP SUB VODE- A01 SuBM DME90 26mar65/ omr. nlr: on7/ m RFP: DW ATD PRES USSi~/G,.!._ur-;l Pr ~, I P-lt*. L I'--t:. L 1 : 3r f Ii.fx:'~ti us P!, Abs j ur R '~Lul- - D i -I N - 1~" 19~u' 605(l(' I'usaik ~'3kfi G.V. 0 V c 1~ -1e I ~Iup, IrritnAl .i 'xjI0 )f ~ rtica3 T111IL-i U-,. ,, V c F --,nti f :.Ac C) 'L, 2,, i.. D tit*. Tu' ~ i'~. Or i , Pul Tv. M I -t :iccl. i~~ -t-., L'j:"7, vy-, 26, 5'~-;3. Abstract Ii- s ;iV. irl'it'l- t i i:. t: i o f n. i f trauxi, i.-,~octi -, f -idrei.aLi_ a.i,, c ..-tical tr-,jaa lcd t , thu cloval f -r i-. tlac skii- C.-ird 1/1 o IGRISTAN, Ye.L.; TURENEY, YaAS4. Prinimali uchastiye-. KOLOSKOVA, V.G.; __?ERINAp Y#.KOVLEVA,, N.I.j VAYXULI., A.A.,. Pressing iron ores and retreating magnetite concentrates. by the re-flotation cwthod with anion conectore. Gor. zhur. no.12:47- 40 D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. TSentrallzwy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy met4LUurgii Im. I.P.Bardina., Moskva. (Iron ores) (Flotation) pils~iil.;Ik. Tli. 1) o r t! t t inu : '* .1 J I , it-! of li I c(t Rot!i t 1 ng 1) 1- k,~ , "("'In4 Tocil r!ow Aviation Teclin-ologicnI lris~ ~'l -'-I- C-L. ~-'oscow, V. k- 51-1 r SO.' SUM 24), 19 Oct 1954 -~7, H ~ ri A ) Y,~ , 180 ) PEASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV12686 Moscov. Avintsionky-j tek~molcglebeskly inrjtltut Voprosy soprotivlenipi materialov; prochnost' alyuminiyevykb splavov (Problems of the Strengt-h of Materials; Strength of Aluminum Alloys) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 117 P. (,. Its. Trudy, v-yp. 37) 3,600 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego obrazovaniya SSSR. Ed. (Title jvige): SAI. Scren!3en; Ed. (Inuldc book): B.V. Zaslavokly; Ed. of Publishing Bou-se: L.I. Sheynfayn; Tech. Ed.: L.A. Garnukhina; Managing Ed,: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for workers of enginbering d634A officeaj, induqtrlal 1W..oratoees !jad scientific institutes of the machine- building indcttt'-rj a;sd f,,-r reRearch fellcqa and studentEs of advanced courses in 8choole of hie.~~r te~~Lvafcal educa"-don. -B of 8 articles in which COVERAGE: T-Iis meebanical properties of deformed a1um!mma aLioya are described. rae- load-carryIng capacity of parts Card 1/4 Problems of the Strength of Malerials (cont.) sovI2636 made of V~Lese I's cunsidered and s=e ras:lt-s of the investigation of tte distn1bution cf stresses and stra-'Ls in parts ana joints are gtven. TABLE OF C MIT= : Th~ Eff,~,it zf 11.~-aign and Material of a Rotating Disk on Stressed Condition arad Capacity 5 The aiftLor con-aidere prc;~Iam-i cf loal-carrving capacitv In elksti(- plask.1c In connection with the special features of U-;.e eLL6g-?-Am of -',lie deformatia.r. of material in rotatir,Lg :U f;U. 2. 'YarLcv,, I G.T. and Skorry. TLe Prciblem of Approximation of Deformation ~Iiagrems 13 The properties of the def,~--ryation diagrams analyzed for alumiam structural alloyp- disclzrAed- 3. Giatsintov, Ye. V. Effect of scue Structuyal Parameters on the Distribution of Stresses in Fir Tree Fastenings 35 The stressed condition in an elaztic region in flexure is analyzed based on the example of a blade root fir tree fastening. The dependence of the stressed condition on tLa design parameters Card 2/4 ProblF-v. of *.!2,~ 1-"trer4,rth of MAterisis (Cont. ) savl,?686 introduction (T , - , .:-:,,-jccwb1acAti= of elastic properties of materials of the blade ".d aisk are shown. 4. Stepanov, Ye.P. 1wrR,,9ti.gation of Stresses in a Wedge Under a Triangular Load (Applied to Cattera) 52 The author wes tbe optic met!iod of investigating stresses vhich makes possible an ana4sis of the applicability of corresponding theoretical solutlcrw tc tlte~ determination of a plane stressed state in cutters. 5. Kogayev, V. P. Basis for *-'le Choice nf an Eqizal Strength Beam for Calibrating Wire rensGmeters in the Presence of Transversal Vibrations 62 In connection wit,): t---'e elaboration of eq7ullnent for the calibra- tion of tran-smitters.,calculation of an equal strength beam with transversal vibral--ioas present is given. 6. Serensen, 9.VjM.,If. Steyany, V.P. KogAyev, and Ye. V. Giatsintov. Stability of the Function of Distribution of Durability in Test- ing the Stab-13.1ty of Aviation Alloys 69 Card 3/ Probl,ems of the Stre%eA of Wterials (Cont.) SaV1 2686 Pr6blemq of t%e ats:1,11-ity of avletion strvctura:L alloys are con- sidered In the static aepect in ord..jr to Ottair, a stable distri- bution of ditratility at 'rarious le~Tels of stress. 7- Voronev, S.M. ['Decaased~ aAd M.N. Stepncrv. Fatigue T-1yal t of Aluminum Alloy AE5 With a Sl ate:dke Structure of Fractures 85 The relation of fatigee to elatelike stracture of fractures is ana4zed in studying the Ftabi2ity of silation structural al.10YE. Stepaov, M.N. S,zx-face Stremgt:aing of AlumimLw Alloys AK4-1 anA LrDI'7 by Henmicr flardering 96 Fat!ox- resistance of cold-hammered samples with ebanging parametera of the strengthered layer and Vie mechanical properties of the layer are &-seribed.. The dependence of the value of final stresses an the hmmering technology J.6 shown and thestrengthened lityer are determined. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress IS/gMP Card 3/4 12-9-59 PESIIIY, V.G., gornv:r inz-h.; YARMOLYUK. V.T., gornvy 1nzh. Shaft bottom vith a high traffic capacitv. Ugoll Ukr. 4 no.8:24-26 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (.'1wov-Vo1y-n'Basin--Mine haulage) -.~' ri --, t t'a)4~ -'V - USSRA-ledicine - Virm, Diseases MaY 5 3. "An Urwual Outbreak of Encephalitidk' A.V.Peshl-in Zhur Ne,.,ropat i Psild-jet:&- i#.q Vol 53, No 5, pp, 356-61. Ten cases of a vei7 severe form of encoph-alitis vore observed in tho Far East a short ti= 2go. The clinical syndrome of the ~Usease, itdch jjj~_affected tac spinal cord and the peripheral nervous systen in addition to the brain, vao vei-y wrar,-Lial. 113 c T;-embers of the hunters' f. A - rersons afflicted had hunted narine ducks or vnr --arLi es. A minor epizooty mong c,-,ts proooded the rritbreak. 'P.A.Glushc~nnko, ,,irnlogist of the group i-bich Invest.-igatcd the outbreak, isolated a spoci-Ile vIrLw from t1le brain of patients who had died of the disease. This vinm proved to be rListinct from the viruses causing tick encephalitis or mosquito encephalitise PESHKIB, A.V. An unusual outbreak of enceDhalitis. Zhur.nevr.i x)sikh. 53 n0-5:356-361 MY '33- Oa.RA 6:3- ) (Brain-DisemBee ) PESHKIN, 1. USM About housing (Magnito,gorsk, Ciielabinsk, HSFSH) SOURCE: N: Iloscow News, 146, Soviet Union Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", Report No. 12~jj on ftle In Library of CoMrona, Air Inforimt.1un Divisloo. PESHKINP IV USSR On Bearing plant in Kaganovich On "Kalibr" (Gauge) PLant On Shoo Factories "ParLzhskaya Kommunall (Pari3 Commme) and "Burevestaik" (stom Omen) SOURCE: 14: Moskovskdue MILLiardy (Lbscow's Billions) 1949, Moscow Abstracted in USAF 11T~sasure Island"S on file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Heport No. TI 28838-7 TI 28837-7a TT 28836-7c < nSHKIN -I,-- ------ Thera Is ouch a thing as Knrsk iron ores. lUn.tekh. 4 no.4:33-37 Ap ,6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Rusk liagas tic Aa omaly- Iron ores) FESHYXI Illya So:Lomonovich; ZELENKO, G.A., red.; 010BOILVA, V.I., r LSoviet metallurgists outrun the American ones; from the creative practice of workers and specialists of pyro- metallurgy] Sovetskie metallurgi obgoniaiut amerikanskikh; iz tvorcheskogo opyta rabochikh-masteroy ognevogo truda. Moskva,, I,,:d-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1961. 188 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Steel industry) (United State"teel industry) Peahkin, 111ya. Solomonovich Kak rozhdayetBY8 Stal' (How Steel is Made) Moscow, Detg:Lz, 1957. 222 p. (Serles: 61*01'naya biblioteka) 50,000 copies printed. Beep. El.: Kuzinal, G. I.; Tech. Ed.: Shevchenkol G. No 441 PMME: The purpose of this book published by the Government Publishing House for Children's Literature, is to acquaint young readen vith th6 techniques of Iron- ,~md steelywaicing from itt; beginnings to the preserit-day advanced techniqueS enployed in the S:)viet steel industry. COVERAGE: The book begins by describing prehistoric uses of metals for r-king inplements abd weapons. The author outlines the develalment of the iron and steel Industry in fkasia and praises the achievements of Rassion inventors, engineers and speed-up workers. Basic methods of steelynaki g are described in nontechnical terrmi. There are numerous illustrations. Card 1/3 4 PHASE I BOW EXPLOITATION How Steel is We TABLE OF CONIMS: 441 Forevord 3 Ch. 1,, Hm Mn Leamed Abcrut the PMerties of Iron 7 Ch. II. The Beginning Ch. TII. Food for Bleat Furnaces 25 57 Ch. Iv. Haw Oar Blast Furnaces are Built and What Takes Place in Them 81 Ch. V. Blast Furnaces Obey the Will of Their Yzaters 97 Ch. VI. Rrm Cast Iran to Steel L17 Ch. VII. Steelvmk-Ing in Progress 130 Card 2/3 Hov Steel is Made Ch. VIn. 9peed-up Workers Ch. U. Grades of Steel Ch. X. Birth of a Steel Ingot Ch. XI. Final stage Ch. XII. Great Discoveries Ch. XIII. Steel - the Basis of Oar Growth Ch. XIV. Today and Tanorraw AVAILABLE: Idbrary of Congress GO/bmd 27 June 1958 441 142 159 174 188 193 205 2",4 Card 3/3 FESf IF IN) I I I ar-AL-C of r. hc, n, op. -mrl 71 ~r! ra L-, t c rrt i f r PESTIKIN, I. In 5talingrad. V7mpel 11 no.4:11-12 F ltk3. OCR/, 12: Q 11 (Stalirwri,d-Deacript Ion) PFISM117-N. I. , ~t, o-- Soviet in-lustrj . vympsi 11 Drsk. a r,3%, ~.-r D I!kg. ( I t: A:, - -. ) (Orsk-IndiistrieB) PBSEXIN, I.; AYDIIIDN', G.. redaktor; FATROVA, I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor .-UNINSIONO" Pavel Petrovich Aaosov (1799-1851) Moskva. Ind-vo ?*I TMM ONolodmda graxdHa." 1954. 358 p. (MIRA 80) (Anosew. Pavel Petrovich, 1799-1851) PEMINP I. 29057-Bogatoe Nuledstvo. (0 Rabote Metallurga P. 02. Boyarshinova. 0 . 3aatoust) Ogonek,, 1%9., No. 38, c;,'B., S,, Portr. SO: Letopist Zhurnaliny-kh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 PESHKIN~ 1. USSR Bearing Plant im. Kaganovich in Moscow SOURCE: LI.J. Lbskovskiye Millardy (Moscow's Billions), Moscow, 1949 Abstracted In USAF "Tn3asure Island". on file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. L8ja PESHKINP 1. USSR On automobile plant in Stalin, Teplogonskiy Zavod (Plant) On Iloscow On Moscow SOURCE: M: Hoskouskiye Villiardy 1949 Moscow Abstracted in USAF "Trea.sure Island",, on f-Lle in Library of Congress, kir Information Division, Report No. a29510 b29502 c2950 PESHKIN., I. USSR On Chelyabinsk Plant "KaUbr" (barge) On Poclollskiy Plant "Pod" Yemnik (hoist), etc. SOURCE: LI: kosbovskiye Llilliardy 1949 Loscow Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Isiand"P on file in Librar.,,r of Congress, Air Information Dtvision,, Report No. 29231 b29232 PESHKIN, I. USSR On--Electric P'n-nace Steel Made in Open Hearth Furnaces N: Moscow News, 10 April 043, USSR SOURCE: Abstracted in 1;SAF "Treasure Island", on file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. J~M FESHKIN, I. USSR -Voseow On-Bearing Plant im Ka&anovich, Political impact of Innovations in Technical Processes. SOURCE: M: Moscow's Bulletin, 1949, Moscow Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island" Report No. J~ftM on file In LibrAry of Congross, Air Information Division. PESHKIN, I. USSR Armaments Plant whose d1rector is Tomilin; evacuation, production. SDURCE: N: Moscow Nevni. Moscow-14 June 143 Abstracted In USAF "Treasure Is.1i nd", on file In Library of Gongross, Air Information Division, RA.-port No. T. 1. -062226 PESHKIN), I. US3R Moscow On--(Moscow Tramsormer) Plant, Diinano Plant in. Kirov SOURCE: I,: Moscow's Elillions, 1949, ILoscow Abstracted in USAF "Treasure laland" Repoet, No. L2oo on file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division. PESHKI',I, 1. USSR Kosco,vr On- "Freezer" (LI-Iling Cutter) Plant Im. Kalinin Number of Workers. SOURCE: M: Moscow's BiLUG93, Moscow, 1949 AbsLrzcLed in USAF "Treasure laiana", Repol-t No. 292~~ on file in Library of Congross, Air InforiwitLon Division. FMHKIII, 1. Pavel Petrovich Anosov, 1799-1851. MoskTa, Molodais gwardiia, 1954. 360 P. (MM- 7:11D) Pl:Zii:"'Il"il 1. About producti,,ri at MaCnito,,orsk Netallw-~,Jcal FomLinfit '1r1. Stalin Soviet Source: N; crud, ~ Fel "'.6, l'oscow Abstracted in USAY11"Iroasure Island," on f i le in 1,11 rary c1' Coni-ress, Air I nformatic,:l Division, Report. No. L~~. '"ll('-,%SS I I J 11,D. PHSHKIN, Illys Solomonovich; KMINA, G.I., otvptstvenllyyred.; SHFVCHERKO, ~ takhn. red. [How steel in made] Xak r*hdaetsia stall. Moskvs, Goa. izd-vo PI detskol lit-z-y. 1957. 222 p. (MMA 11:5) (Steel) FESHKIF, Illya Solomonovich; MAKSIMOVA, N.A., otveetvennyy redaktor; '_'-ttXVIWV',"'IU.. otvestvennyy redaktor; PCHRUINA, D.F.. tekhnicheskiy reda)-tor. (How steel is made] Kak rozhdaetsia stall. Roskva, Gos.izd-vo detskoi lit-ry Hinisteretva prosveshcheniia RSFSR, 1955.167 p. [Microfilm). (MLRA 9:1) (Steel--Juvenile literature) , '' -1 I;_ - , --f -11, 1 ~ --I" L 1-1 - ~IIIUV U T . leolle and steel. 1-,.oE?:vg . F-r-)Cizdtit, 1 1(,. L-I r. (4,7, - c:~4 2 -7 7, ) TN70L.AQ14 -PESHKIN., Illya Solomonovich; IESKOV, A.V., kand. ekonom. nauk, nauchnyy ---red-4- SKCWMHNAYA, A.D., red.; KLYUCHEVA, T.D., tekhn. red. [Russian metal; natural resources, techniques, people] Ruaskil me- tan; prIrodnye resursyp tekhnikep liudi. Moskvap Izd-vo "Sovetakaia Rossiia," 1961. 242 p. (MIRA 14:1)) (Metallurgical plants) PASHKIN, Illya Bolomonovich; PETROV. D.. redaktor; HOROZOVA. G.. teklmiches~iy ktor Ly ~ Muth pave the ways; Grigoril Pometin, his teachers and comrades) iolodye prob:ladyvaiut puti: Grigoril Pometun, ego uchitella I tovarishchi. [Moskva) lzd-vo ?*K VLKSM 'Holodaia gvardiia," 1956. 95 P. (KLRA 9: 10) (Technical education) (Your,ding) (Pometun, Grigorti KonstantInovich, 1929- GORENSHTEYN, B.V., 'kand.tekhn.nauk; CHINENKCV, Yu.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; ABOVSXIY, V.P., inzh.; GUTOVSKIY, E.V., ibzh.; NOVIKOV, V.S., - inzh.1,jT5M1IN, I.G., inzh. . - Use of long cylindrical precast prestressed concrete shells. Prom. stroi. 40 fi.o. 41] na.013-17 Ap '63. (MIRA 16:3) .(Hoofs, Shell) =____USSR/GhemisVTiY. - -Card.1/1: ~.';_.Aithorz: Peah)d,n, M. A. I Effiect, the lower conorntrAton limit of flnmo or temperaturo on Poriodical. Zh'ur7.,.Fiz. aftlin. 28j, Ed. 3P 433-434i March 1954 Abstramt I Con*ontration limits of 'flame propagation expand during tneranne in tem~erlkture of-the combustible mixtum a :.A theoretical oxplanation of this rhoubmenon is given by the tharml theory of flara pro- i -pagatibno On the bases of aimple ide a~b of the thermal theory the author derived the vatbematical dependence of the change in the lower :Wdt Df flame propagation upon the initial tommrature of the canbustible'mixt-dre. Any change In the initial temperature of the .-combustible mixture is followed by a changa in teniverature in tbelfront of the f3ame. Mme proMation in poBvIble, provided there Is sufficient heat in front of tha f1wo for heating the reforeiieez. Graphe* Submitted 3 April 30., 1933 AVTHM: PESTMIN ALA. PA - 356', 2ITLE: -fh-e-V-eI6O-JWdf the Combustion of Varloum Gas Mixtures in Engin"13. (0 razlicbnoy Intensivnosti izmeneuiya skorosti agoraniya v tailinare avigatelye, a sostavom amesi dlya benzina i benzola, Russian) PERIODICAL Zhumal Tekhn.Fix. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 5, pp 1064-1065 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: It was exlerimentally established that in the cue of combustion en,gines spark ignitian the charaoteristics of the ocaposit.1cm., of gas ab:tures among the poor zixtures axv different in gasollxmt~ (benzine) and benzol. Pressure inaicator diagrams showed that th-i-E, is due to the stronger and mors, regular &Aamoter of the oambustl.on process in the successive oyoles in the case of benzol. The in- ventigatim was carried out with etbyl:Lzed benzine for airomf-4 and origbua vineml oll bentol. The qyMmAer diameter ma 160 mxn, the pistai stroke was 190 mm, oompression E = 6P5. Imization diagram ivere made vddoh showed, an the most striking feature, tb-,~ more ineek character of the modiftoatian of the flame velooity aooording to the composition of the mixture in benzol, with equal velooitivi for benzine and benzol In a rich mixture ( Ct = OAD -# 0.90). This can probably b4rplainad by the afterent W'luence exercised by high pressures and temperat--sra-s Card 1/2 P 1__r ~) /_/ tf / f V, /11 - 19, AUTIM Peahk!Ln, L.A. 76-12-23/27 TITLE: Pressure Impact on the Immr Concentration Limit of the Flame Disruption in a Flov~U vii~aiiii uavieniya na niziu-Liy koritsent rats ionnyy predel sryva plmeni v potoke). PERIODICAL: ZhunuLl Fiticheakoy Khimii, 1957, Vol. 31, Nr 12, pp.2757-2758 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is a letter to the editor. A stable turbulent flame front is only possible when the heat liberated at the beginning of the front and at the places of ignition and the heat removed to the fresh mixture im- mediately adjacent to the front, suffice for ignition. The equation for the dependence of the quantity of heat removed to the fresh mix- ture, on the pressure and on the exoess-air coefficient: 0 rn 3nat,-_,- is derived here, in which case Q - is the transferred quantity of heat, (X - the excess air coefficient of the induction mixture, k - the heat transmission coefficient, and n - a constant abstract number. When the mixture becomes poorer and 0( greater (due to the drop in temperature of the products of ocubustion), the quantity of heat transferred to the fresh mixture deoreases.'ghen this value attains a certain minimum, a further ignition of the mix- Card 1/ 2 ture becomes impossible, and the flame breaks aymy. Presuare Impact or. the Iower Concentration Unit of 76-12-23/27 the Flaw Disruption in a Flow cri_ P 0( 2 :P12'~ The published results of the experimental investigations show that the change of the concentration-limit at the breaking of the flame under a change in pressure can be expressed by this equation. Various valuest n--0.8 [Ref. 33 and n=0.95 CRef.43 are given for the exponent n. It ie assumed that these differences are due to the dif- ferences in construction. There are 4 references, 2 of which are Slavic. SMUITTED: March 17, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2,12 KHOLSHCHEVEIKOV, Konstantin VasilOyevich. YIDIM, Olog Nat:trwrlch, -~ IN-,A,red,,* MOROZOVA9 P.189 red,; GAIMiLti.IIIA, ~ . . . red. ; [Choice of operating paremetern and design of gna turbinea; study mpmnll Vybor parametrov I raschet gnzovol turbiny; uchebnov I noBobie. tloskva. Goq.i7d-vo obor. promyehl.. 1958. 103 v. (M`J, 11;7) (GAs turbines) A~T.I-I'OR. te. - ' ITIS T I C i, c ri:~ 1, i c C,- a s a) 1,111RIC DICILL. T AI~STRACT A- C~c L T- A T1 a -i r- i F I Bata of tLe um: s are tabult~'ued, cavirat 'Lon teristi,~s we,-:-e Jct(~rmiiied zatid coi pr~,~(-d c-) v., i ntwo r e 1 a t ioas h J- 1), the hPad developed by the T,ui:~ tt;e ~;nlet --,ressu-re, it',.E:r factor-s cc 1.1:', - ! -: i - I t it a-,1-: i f 1-1c e 1, ni r", ~3 Ir r r, t~., u~ r e -.96-58- C) - o r R~i i~l.,Dse.- 65 C f Th ~,,r * Ics- c c -,D -c d f ?0 L.C. e e Te ~c cc, -2 J d t ,~~,jo u r -I v :L ! t s t C s 'd F- 96-~~ The Inf luence o f t"ie Te'npei ature of the Liquid on the Uavitat _~,'n Uaractoristics of a uentrifuFal Punp A co7plex rarazcter is I-,J*Lvon for th- quantity ~f Ii,-_,ia I'L- vapcurised d,,irinC cavitation. The rela, ionshi-, bet-.~,f -n tl,-:s 7D-arameter an(i tein-,erature is plotted in Fi~ .10. TI e joint influence of various ph,7sical parameters on the vDlur.e Df vapour bubbles formed durini~ cavitation and on the of cavitation is illustrated ~_-,raphically in IriF_.11. Another factor that can influence vapour and bubble f-r::ia'iDn Is the presence of dissolved Gas in the liquid. TI.e rIfI'IC!_iCe of other Criteria on cavitation should be invest_'L~,~_ted. I-, _:L conclubd that calculations of the inaximum -,rcs--ur; req~.iir;d at the T)u_mp inlOt for cavitationless operation sha,ild r.-,ake allow- ance for changes in the cavitation safety-factor arisin;- fro-~ changes in the physical properties of the linuid. When calculations of the pressure r-~quired for operati,I-r, or, I.ot fuel are basc!d on data for cold fuel, an exces~;ive be arrived at if the calculation i:erely talres account of the chan6e in vapour prescure. There are 11 figures, 1 table and 3 refererces, 2) ,f ;;~.ich are English and 1 RusL~ian. AVAILABLE: Librr_~ry of Con:-,ress Card 3/3 1. Centrifugal pumps-Cavitation 2. Cavitation-Test methods P~ISIEOV, M. I -A. ; SIT~CRINA , 7 . ~.. "Sul) c;f m ar,,~, L .,, LL, -i~ - ~, " c r I -I. report ss-ibmittei tr~ 1.~-xopcazi Ele -ti-c,.,, I.- --- -, : . , Prague, 2~~ Au~~-~ Se. , .. 0 A. PES I i K V, ~ Var~atic-n of unu bacter-liza aF -ri mu,-atior. :,roce.,-,,;. Qenotlka no.3:111-119 S 1. lns~itut morfolo-ii 1-11",. 'votrykh Imcni SF,SR) Mcskva. Sul--)"-j-ted N"ly 31 2965. A.N.Severtzova A~; MSHKGVp VP6; PAPSHrllp ~-.Ya. SuperconduotIng thoul evitcheas Z?mr. eksp6 i tear, fil, 48 no.2 093-40) F 165. (MIRA 18ill) lt Inotitut 1,lisichookikh problem AN OSSRi SOV/147-59-2-17/20 AIJTHORS: Dumov, V.I. and Peshkin, M.A. (Moscow) TITLEt On Two Features in the Cavitation Chnracteristics of a Centrifugal Pump with a Feather Type Impeller and Divided Discharge of Fluid (0 dvukh osobennostyakh kavitats:Lonnylrh kharakteristik tsentrobephnogo nascsa s kryllchatkoy perlyevogo tipa i partsiallnym otvodom zhidkosti) PERIODICAI,:Izvestiyik vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 2. pp 147-150 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The two features discussed are: 1) sharp fall in pressure head on reaching a certain rate of discharge (capacity) of fluid which is not prompted by any variations of the flow parameters and 2) instability of the pump operation which is exhibited in the form of strong pressure and output oscillations. Experiments were carried out on a pump of this type, which is shown in Fig 1. Its impeller, as shown in Fig 2, consisted of three radial vanes. The collector was in Card 1/4 the form of a ring and had two discharge nozzles with sov/147-59-2-17/20 On Two Features in the Cavitation Characteristics of a Centrifugal Pump with a Feather Type Impeller and Divided Discharge of Fluid tangential outlets. The pump was driven by a d.c. electric iziotor. The pump worked in a closed circuit. The intaki.-i pressure was varied via pressure changes in the supply tank (to which nitrogen was fed from pressure vessels) and the rate of flow (discharge) was controlled by a valve at the exit. Pressure was measured by standard manometers and the rate of flow by the orifices. The experiments were made with kerosene and with viater and consisted on obtaining pressure head-capacity characteristics for various intake pressures and numbers of revolutions (H-Q characteristics). The results are shown in Fig 3 for n = 20,000 rpm and 15,000 rpm, upper and lower curves, respectively. The first feature of this type of pump, i.e. the sharp drop in pressure head, is clearly seen on the graphs of Rig 3. Computations show that this behaviour is caused by the cavitation produced (at those capacities) in the diffuser inlet. If the pump Card 2/4 is operated under cavitation conditions for a sov/147-59-2-17/20 On Two Features in the Cavitation Characteristics of' a Centrifugal Pump with a Feather Type Impeller and Divided Discharge of Fluid sufficient length of time, impeller vane pitting appears, the amount of metal lost depending on ttie material of the impeller and the degree of cavitation. Fig 4 shows such pitting suffered by the inlet section of the diffuser of the tested pump. The second feature, i.e. the instability of the operation of the pump, appears at much lower capacities. It is accompanied by sharp pressure variations, fluctuation of discharge as well as by noise and hammering blows. This instability is related to cavitation in the impeller and may be avoided by increasing the pressure at the pump intake. Fig 5 shows the range of pressure variation for the tested pump when running at 20,000 rpoi and having the inlet pressure 1 atm (circles) or 0-5 atm (black points). As the pressure at the inlet to the pump was increased above 2 atm, Card 3/4 these pressure fluctuations died out completely (for SOV/147-59-2-17/20 On Two Features in the Cavitation Characteristics of a Centrifugal Pump with a Feather Type Impeller and Divided Discharge of Fluid the given capacity) as shown in Fig 6. There are 6 figurei; and I Soviet reference. SUBMITTED% January 12, 1959 Card 4/4 I :. I . , , - 1 , ": !. - ~ , , - i I ~; , "', :-r-. I : , ;,~-r rj~. - 'S. 1 2 tt 11 S e. ev -, ~- Ir~j 1" - P ~ , , r~ ',a-. . I r-)r,. Y) 'I-, - ": 1- 4 '65. (MILA 1P :1 MINSKIY, Ye.M.; PESHI(INjI.A. (Moskva) - ------ Experimental study of nonsteady motion of a gas in a porous medium under a nonlinear law of resistance. 1zv. AN SS'SR. Mekh. no.1:197-200 Ja-F 165. (MIPA 18: 5) FESHKINP M.A.; PISHONLIN, A.P.; RODIN, M.A. Operation Indiceb Df a gas-air inJ',!(,trjr fc,r ,.rc;,Jii-L.-_.:, ,- ~t of rawdmim poquible velocity. Gaz. prom. (j lo.," (IMTRA I'1:e) MITISKIY, YO.M.; IXTKINA, MAYSIX0, Yu.l.; PESHKIN M A llon3 ta tionbr- I .( A-br i'low ',hmjp ,h nedla wh,~rf~~ Al n-r,-4n.~Jj- .,. of rotil.Rtan(!~) 5 -rud:t *PITr,-" I f, ", ( ,,,I i! ,~ - r , TIES H K r jU~H~.A._ (;es~~;,n (if 1%n frjl' - . .1jun, vjjjoc4t~j. Gaz. p.,,,m. 8 no.-:_' , - mixtILre Lit, jrl,.x~x Z~_ ~ r 11, J. _-':F''. FES,HEIN,, M.A. Standard method. for the determination of saturated vapor pressure. Stardartizataiia 27 no.309-40 Mr 163. (MIRA !6s4) (Vapor pressure-Measurement) PESHKIN, M.A.. kand.teklin.nauk Hydraulic resistance of pipe bends to the flow of a gas-liquid mixture. Teploenergetika 8 no.6:79~40 Je 161. WIRA 14:10) (Fluid dynamics) DUMOV, V.I., inzh.; PESHKIE, M.A., kand.tekbn.nauk Sdme results of studying the performance of axial helical wheels. Energomashinostroenie 8 no.2:9-11 F 162. OHLU 15-2) (Pumping machinery--Testing) ISSILKIN, M.A. Effect of the dennity of a modiwn in a cavity on the4haracter- kstics of cavitation flow (with sumary in English). Inzh.-fiz. zhuir. 4 no-3:1-16-118 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Fluid dynamice) (Cavitation) -- IESHKIF, M.A, p Cavitaticauil clutractorlatiC13 of local r(jaifit, rw, j In pipelinea. Teploonorgotilm 7 no. 1-2;59-62 L) 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Pipelinps) s/o96/6o/ooo/on/007/008 E194/E484 AUTHOR: Peshkin, M..A., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Cavitation ChIrl-c-teristics of Local Resistances in Pipework PERIODICAL; Teploenergetika, 1960, No,12, OP-59-62 TEXT: Pipework calculations are usually concerned with calculating the losses on individual sections and in calculating corresponding pressures at the end of the pipework, If the pressure is reduced to the saturation vapour pressure, ca tation may occur in the fluid and then the characteristics alter, Pressure loss in a length of straight pipework with turbulent flow conditions is calculated by Eq.(l). Cavitation does not oc--ur if cat the end of the section the pressure is greater than the saturated vapour pressure, Hence the permissible irate of flow to avoid cavitation -nay be calculated if the initial pressure is known, and the limiting length of the tube may also be calculated, See Eq,(2) and (3). The resistances of local features have been studied in detail and their values for flow without ~-avitation are tabulated in handbooks,. When a hot liquid flows in pipework at a high speed, the presence Card 1/4 3/096/60/000/012/007/008 E194/E484 The Cavitation Characteristics of Local Resistances in Pipework of local resistances may cause the liquid pressure to drop to thE saturated vapour pressure and lead to cavitation, When this occurs the value of' resistance is not that given in the tables, Hitherto the relationship between the local resistance coefficients and the cavitation number has not been determined,, The object of the present work was to obtain the cavitation characteristics of certain types of local resistance for certain limiting cavitatiDzi numbers. Experiments were carried out an various bends arid other representative elements of pipeworh included in a closed circulating water system, Pressure measurements were made bef or e and after the local recistance, the rate of flow an-I tempcraturt- of liquid was measured. The relationship between the coeffi~-,ezit of local resistance for two bends of circular sc---tion made of transparent plastic are plotted in Fig,l, The increase in tire local resistance coeffi:ient due to cavitaLlon may be almost 50%, Further tests were made in channels of rectangular section, the cavitation characteristics are shown in Fig.2 and the nature of cavitational flow in two of the bends is illustrated in Fig,3 and 4, Card 2/4 s/oq6/6o/ooo/ol2/007/008 E194/E484 The Cavitation Characteristics of Local Resistances in Pipeworli Photographing of the flow in the bends shows tiiat a marked increase in the local resisti-nce coefficient is associated w.1th the occurrence of clea.rly evident cavitation on the -inner angle of bend and a wider cavitation zone beyond it, Further tests were made in tubes of duralumin with an internal diameter of 16 mm, the cavitation characteristics were determined for water temperatures of 20 and 600C and the -~sults are plotted in Fig,5, The change in water temperature reducod the Reynolds number by a factor of about 2 so that there is some chnnge in the value of the local resistance coefficient and the critical cavitation number. It is recommended that in making welded bends par ti cular attention should be paid to the weld seams as they may cause early cavitation and marked increase in the resistance. The relationship between critical cavitation number and the coefficient of local resistance may be calculated theoretically from consideration of -the scheme of cavitational. flow in the bend shown in Fig~6. Eq.(,9) is derived for the calculations, To make Card 3/4 s/oq6/6o/ooo/oi2/007/oo8 E194/E484 The Cavitation Characteristics of Lo(-al Resistances in Pipewark a check hydraulic calculation of the pipework for flow without cavitation, it is necessary to know the values of local resistan.:e coefficient and critical cavitation numbers for all the local resistances in the system, In this case the limiting permissible mean speed of flow before each local resistance may be determined from Eq,(6), A numerical example is worked of calculation of limiting permissible mean speed of flow of water through a rounli bend. There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet references. Card 4/4 PZHKIN, N.A. Determination of saturated vapor pressure. Zav.lab. 26 n0-3:318 '6o. (MIRA 13:6) ,,'Vapor pressure) KWIFEIZIN, V.T.; BkZIKEYEV, Kh.G., master; PESHKIN, N_V., elektroolevart (Ufa) Redesigning the ASDP-50OG unit for velding pipes in a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Stroi. trubopm. 7 no.10:24 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Glavnyy m9khanik stroitellno-montazhnogo upravleniya No.74 tresta Nefteprevodmontazh (for Kuzhnenkin). 2. Remontno-~mekhavdcheokaya masterskaya treste. Nefteprovodmontazh (for Bh2ikeyev, Pashkin). (Pipe--Welding) FUKSP I.M.; VA[Eff.VA, HTFOVA, F %.~ '101,KOVA, L.P.-, IKELCCOLOVSKAYA, pop OZT7 ALM. D ! SHM, SE A. A, ROMASHIKEEV I C Y, ?r I n I z~i I -I '12111 .9 1 vf; : L S F ARAV AY -7.1 A , ;A, G.Ye.; SOLOVIY17A, GJI, , A;i-,,,RTvA!,,TMA', 11 ~ V. AKT~112.',rl A, V. M. NEMI R OVSK A Y A , M. Ye .1-~T, SOR I NA, !,. S , i K AL ASH IITK OVA, Ye . I . ; PF SIIK C , A.P. ; IVA10VA, N, ~ V ALKF3?-fFVA, N.': ~ SADOWITKOVA, n,. N. Study on the p. ', ty r Y-;~d ic : ng thp diphtheria vaoclmi -~-..qe ir 1. vm~rt5in rot 'K lipwri M.-rhn ARKIWGEL SKjy H.M.; UMMUN, L.A.; SAZCKOV, 1.3.; PESHKO, M.K.; SHANURRIKO, *9'.1.; FAYNMWH, N.S., inzh.; KLYUCHV, V.M., inzh.; PARADNYA, P.F.; LINCHEVSKIY, M.A.;PARSHIN, A.P. Additional pDtantials in the development of multiprogramm broadcasting. Vent. sviazi 24 no.12:13-15 D 164 (MIRA 1W) 1. Nachallnik Karagandinskoy direktsii radiotranslyatsionnoy seti (for Arlchangellskiy). 2. Nachallnik Cdesskoy oblaBtnoy direk-tsii radiotranslyatsionnykh setey (for Serebrin). 3. Glavnyy inzh,, Rizhokoy direktaii rediotranslyatsionnykh setey (for Sazonov). 4. Starshiy inzh. Rizhsko-y direktaii radlotrans- lv.atsionnykh setey (for Peshko). 5. Nachallnik laboratorii Nauchno-isslodovatellskogo institute Ministerstva svyazi SSSR (for Shanurez*o). 6. GorIkovskaya direktsiya radiotranslyatsion- nykh setoy (for Fayngersh, Klyuchev). 7. Niachallnik Kiyevskoy gorodskoy direkteii. radioseti (for Paradn-ya). S. Glavnyy inzh. Uzbekskoy retipublikenskoy direktaii radiot:ranslyatsionnykh setey (for ULnchevskiy). 9. Nachallnik UfJlnskoy gorodskoy radiotranslytitsionnoy seti (for Parshin). Country : USSR Cate(,ury: Furestry. For,.;sL 'DioloLZr and TypolofZr Abe J(,ur: RZIMiol... NC 12, 1958, No 53453 Author Pesbko, V.S. Inst 5v-Ovj.F5-nJF�Z-Tt'c44o1oGY Institute Title On the Interact:,ca Between Oak and Larch Orif, Fub: Nauchn. tr. Vv,:-vsk lesotekhn. in-t, -)~7, 3, 242-248 Abstract: The studaus veru conducted at the Sur;i-zh forestry (f the Tornopol'skaya Ob1c,.st' under the type of cond-...tioas si,,-Alar to the Grovth cnviromient of D21 in the tyj~,e of forest wish frefth hc~rnbuari groves m-A with y,~viG hazelnut growth vQar the woods, on sli[;h-tly ~)udzolized, sliClitly claycy f,x-,.y soil (the article ctQs the evaluation data of the test Card 1/2 PFSPKO, Yu. S. 6342. Funktsionaltnyye lzmereniya pecheni posle rezektaVL t--minallnykh otdelov tonkogo klahechnika. (Ekaperlm. isololovanlye). Llvov. 1"4. 11s. 22Bn. (L'V-,Iekiy gos. med. in-t). 100 EKZ. B. Ts. (54-58164). SO: Knizhamya Letopis' Vol. 1. 1955 "SE10, YU.S. kiect of penicillin on the resistance of an organism during oxygen shortage. Vrach.dolo no.2:199-200 7 1,46. (KLRL 9:7) 1, lafedra patfisiologii (zavecluVuehiy profeiisor I.I.Tedorov) Llvovskogo neditainskogo insituta. (MLGIIkT,IN) (ANOINIA) r3mmo, Yu. S. "Functional Changes in the Liver kfter Resection of the Terminal Sections of the Small Intestines.r Cand Mad Scip Lvov State Medical Inst, Llvov, 1954. (KL, No 5, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Deferiled at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 bwall" me Of $"I ll~ do fto *wow *w"Dorm #Am. too., sofo, VW. 6114;i-NFwa. vowy volm gwl*vkdwkas APFW in fresulial *Mow^ In =my slaft %b4 I ss#vvmoa by salh4wiF4 bat A 114 4'a-11 0 milij rah m 4 ivow A dovao a&$*" Q mw4t7vaprImpikid lufmw p"wkift she pg=W 0u AA M U 4 A v A LOA :0 - 0 A mpid w0hod for the drittgaimalipm of flee tIj)*nmv .00 oat*v V. A. P,Aiko. Lih. Peaki, (11. S. m p ) Is. M. 1. 32'(1111M -WNW t" tc. III the vhbithwato It uji. 1 ' ' ' .00 111141 cAA11 A . 04 :1 hr,I 111twi, itchlify with Ilt l, *111 :1 1 -00 vi),Wi III KI an.1 .3 4 tIt,4,. ul 1% v1sith ,4jj 11 it,, Cl Is ;Krw11I the watt r In the test 111IN-6 will 1. .1 6 I'luc The amt 44 lum Cl its tux, T 1. tli-Ili. fr'"n a Its'11% IA14c Tran,."Iw and bwI';1tI1'Iiuj 'est) . III -.1c tiq110 (m a white IwItIclounill Cttr Oil f.41-inx with %4fj'K1' o( h,, CI In mg I III ky O'l. ligill .1" 1.1 A I 0 Ii h I 1 4b v tWe t % LY- . g 411c and light blue; 0 4, At Wise xnJ fohte; I.C light-Mur antl clark-blur 00 . so 00 '00 0 i , t r- a s , b ' 90 U01 0 Ate IL4 WTALLUP6KAI 0101*1L,41 CIASUPICATICII to 0 it ' r itAveDO ll m IV SO 1 4) ?w a 13n I ; A W O's l p cloof 0 6 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 is IS 41 0 0 0 9 0 t 0 Is e a 0 0'* 0 0 0 4) 0 a 0 0 0 0 * o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " KUZNIETSOV) P.S., dot!i., otv. red.; PESMIONOV, Yu.v., red.; ZEN111, V.V., teklm. red. (Pbysicogeographical regions of the lower Volga Valley! Fiziko- geoEraficheskie raiony Nizhnego Povolzhlia. Saratov, 1961. 155 P. (MIRA 14: 11 ) 1. Saratov. Universitet. (Vo3ga Valley-Physical geograpby) PISHKOV, A. A.M. Gorlkll on to7s. Det. Irbor. Igr. no.l.:6 155. (KLRA 10:2) (Gor'kil. Maksim. 1868-1936) (Toys) FESHKOV A-- polkovnil: zapasa, Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza Our red battlo flag. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 3 no.1:70-72 Ja '63. (MRA Iks 2) (Russia--Flags) 'MI-T'TI'Oj-Ov$ 'k. I 1""IsIIr:Ovj X. 0 Cattle Fattening cattle in the meadow. Kolkh. proizv. 12 'to. 4 (19;)2) 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, /Auvust 1952 44~~, Un,1. PF,S11KOV, A., starshiy inzh. Improving tho qiUdifications of power engineers. Prof.-tekh. obr. 18 no.8:28 Lg 161. (NIFUL 14:9) 1. Teploelelitrotsentrall No.12 Moskovskogo rayonnogo upravleniya onergeticheskogo khozyaystva. (Moscow-Technical education) GeOd Zi7d t, Topot,r;I-f iya (Topo V I! lus Ajii-y a., ~il-. Authors :--Pt. 2. A. I. V. Lib. ".;,~s: Pt . 2