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MOSHKIlis P.A.; LUTKOVAY V.I.; RAZU140VAJ, NJl.;._PERTSOV.-L.D.t KALINKIN, S.F. Productiom.of the disodium 3,,6-endoxohexahydrophta-l-ate.(endothal). Xhim.prom. no.4:237-238 Ap 161. UMU 14:4) (Oxabicyclobeptanodicarboxylic acid) MTSLPV, N.A., ivzh. ~ - I Word of introduction. Trudy NW chern.met. 20:7-8 160. i (MIRA 1):10) 1, llauchjio-tekh~lchesVqye obahchei3tvo chernoy metallurgil. (Metallugrical pla:ata) 1, PIMTSOV, N. A. 2. U ~,! AR ( t' 0 0 ) 4. Invertebrates - Belolre, Lake 7. Abun&-Ant lnvertebrat-~r of the Wto Sea tideland as s comoonent food for fish and birds, and a method for determining their uvrroge size find vigight. Tridy Gidrobiol o Ve. No. 4 1952. 9. Monthl List of Ruasian Accessions, Library of Congress, -nril - 1953, Uncl. PER7SOVp N. A. "Massovye beBpcrzvonochrWe litorall Belwro morya kak konponenty pitaniya ryb i ptits i metodika oprodelenlya ich arednich razmerov i vasov,," Trudy Vae3oyuznogo hidrobiologicheakogo Obshchestva., Vol. 4, 1952 PERTSOV, N.A. White Sea Blological Station of the Moscow State University. Trudy Belomr,biol.sta.YGU 117-21 162. (MIRA 161l) 1. Belomorolmys. biologicheskaya'stantsiya, Moskovskogo gosudar- stvennogo univqrsiteta. (White Sea-Marine biology-Research) J~ -. i 1. N. A. PERTSOV 2. USSR (600) 4. Beloye, lake - Irvartebrates 7. Abundant invettebrates of the Vibite Sea tideland as a component food for fish and birds., ind a method for determining their average size and weight. Trudy Gidrobiol. no. 4. 1952. 9. Monthl List of RuE.slan Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. 1 120-Z-271 37 AUTHOR: Shchukin, Ye. D., Peitsov, 1q. V., and Rozhanskiy, V. N. TITLE: A Method for the stigation of Irregularity of Plas-,,.c Deformati:)n. (Metodika Issledovaniya Neravnomernosti Plasticheskoy Deformatsii.) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhni-ka Eksperimenta, 195,', "'o, pp. 98 - 102 (USSR,. ABSTRACT: Jump-like deformation of metallic mono-cr- ystals at constant loads is fully discussed in References 1 - 3. The results of previous investigations have shown tiiat JM order to obtain more accurate data for the investiE;ation of the effects of evalanche shear, the sensitivity of the channel 1 and the frequency pass bands of the cha,-.i!e1 R should be increased. In the present ayticle the authors describe a method of continuous registration of sill sample deformations with an accuracy of dovin to ~~; and frequency pass band of the cLannel 0 - 20OOc/s, and of simultaneous small changes,of the sample resistance v.-it, accuracy down to 0.5 x 10' ohm and frequency band froiii a fraction of a cycle to 10OOc/s. A schematic dia~~ram of the mechanical part of the apparutus is ~.7iven in Figure 1. It is assembled or- a vibration proof and temperature insulated plate, the sample used is a wire Card 112 0.5mm diameter, 3.,-,)Omm lonE. The channel of the i~eCister 120- -27/5- Method for the Investigation of Irregularity of Pl.astic' Deformation. (Fig. 2) uses a photo cell typE! StsV-3 (CI~B-3) placed with its light source in the chamber 1. Tlae channel for the regis-tration of jump-like changes of the electrical resistance (channel R, Fig. 3) consists of a sensitive A', amplifier with a frequency band from 4-20OOc/s and with the level of fluctuation 'noise as referred to the input, of the order of a few thousandths ofi&V. The experiments have shown that the instrument has a high degree of sensi- tivity and stability. A schematic diagram of the mechani- cal installation, the basic circuit diagram of channel 1, the basic circuit diagram of the channel R and a photoLraph of small jump-like deformations are given. There are 4 Slavic references. SUBMITTED: November, 2B, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physical Cheaistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (Institut ?izicheskoy Khimii AN SSSR) Faculty of 3hemistry of the Pilloscow State University imeni It'- V. Lomonosov. (Khimicheskiy Piakulltet tAtU im. M. V. Lomonasova.) AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress. Card 212 7 ROZHAITSKIT. V.N.; PSRTSOV, N.V.; SHCHUKIN. YO.D.; REBINIBM, P.A., akademik Effect of thin mercury coatings on the strength of metallic single crystals. DokI. AN SSSR 116 no.5:769-771 0 157. (MIRA 11:2) l.Kafedra kolloidnoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta im. N.V. Lorronosova. (Motal crystals) FEMOV, N. V. P SBC)RJM, Ye. D., RCZIIMKIYp V. N., and GCIRU14OV, G. V. ,Ulhomogeneous Plastical Deforvation and aht Effect of Surface-Active Medium, on the Yachanical Properties of Crystals." paper presented ett, the Conf . on Mechanical Properties of Non-MetaUic Solids, Leningrad, U3W, 19-26 YAy 58. Moscow State Univ., Inst. of Physical Chem. Aced. Sci. WSR, Moscow. PERTSOV, N. V., V.,~. R01HANSKlY, Ye. D. SIT -ru qjjCJ Y! (10 1 r A "The Emerslor, ~~I' Djslo~-atl, Developmerit of Fissures." report prepented at the Conference on Jrivesti&fttiOn Of M0ch&njcej PropertleG of lion-W-tala, b-y the Intl. SOCletY Of Pure and Appiled Pbysies and the AS USSR, at Leningrad, 1,)-'.!4 May 1958. (Vest. Ak NvAA 13MR, 1958m Do- 9, PP- ICO-Ul) o V by Z. G. 1--nslcor ("Basis of diffractional methods of investigation-'of perfob't crystals"), B. U. Povinsl4_v and L. :111. Rybakova ("Investigation of dZ'~6ndenoe Ff-~1-16~i~6acai pro~orties on-characteriatios of structure ot metals'l-), Ito ki M. Usilcov ("Application and P. I of microseopy in investigation of ztryc-7,-,,Ure of alloys"), A. A. Pradvoditeley and 14 A. T ("Role of repro- --~- I,--- -- !~- _ y4pun~pa duction 6t-dl-sfo-cations in *p-iocess of Plastic floTP), -A--V-, Portsovi I Fkp_tAgv and 2. D. Shukin "Self-producing 1-iit-orEa-1 dispersion of metals under action of strongly superficially-active metallic malting") and I* L. Mirkin (11~robiams of st-ruotawal investigations adv-a-n-obeld-bj-'~ requirements of progress of technology"$. re-orts presented at t~.e 3rd Intervuz Conference an Strength and Ductility of Metals, Petrozavodsk State Univer3ity., 24-29 Jime 1963. (reported in Fizika Metallov i metanovedeniye, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1963p p 640o JPRS 24,651 19 Hay 1964. -'0-Z-19/60 AUTHORS1 Shchukin, Ye. D. , Goryunov, Yu. V. , Pertsov, 1;. V. Rozhans',ciy, V. 111. --- TITLE& On the Nature of the Unhomogeneous Plastic Deformation of Metal Mono-Crystals (0 prirode neravnomernosti pla2tic,-,eskoy deformatsii metallichaskikh monoicristallov) PERIODICALt Doklady AN SSSR, ln58, Vol. 11E, Nr 2, pp. 277 (1:35R) ABSTRACTs In a previous work the following was showns The jumps of deformation of C,5 to 2u,4 which usually can be observed in the ca3e of expansion of a zinc-crystal, have a very ccipli- cated structure and are the sum of a series of elemc:~tary jumps, which form in the various cross sections of tl,.e cry- stal. The investir-ation of V 'c elementary shifts made it ne- cessary to dimirij., th(: inertia of the apparatus considerably and to increase its sensitivity to 50 R. The mono-cry3tals witY, the diameter of 0,4 to 0,8 mm, which viere of very pure (99,99 ~,-) -zinc, cadmium, tin, lead and aluminum, were stretch- ed (luring constant stress and at room te:--,perature, whereby Card 1/3 the stress was a bit higher than the stretching-strain limit. 20-2-19/60 On the Nature of the Unhomogeneoue Plastic Deformation of Metal Mono-Crystals In all the cases of the test-pieces (save aluminum) together with -the deformation also the change of thetlectric resistance of the test-piece was registered. In the case Of stretching zinc, rdmium and tin many small jumps of 150 to 200 1 on to 2 00 with a duration of I - 3 to 30 microseconds were re- gietered. Jumps until 10 000 - 15 000 1 were found rather seldoin, and if they were found, they were usually of several small jumRs. Also considerably less expressed jumps of 1 000 to 5 000 A were observed. By careful microscopic examination of the deformed crystals was found out that those jumps of defornation result on shearing and not on twin-formation. The number of jumps, which can be observed, increases with the decrease of their size (at least on to 250 - 300 R). Obviously there is no minimum size of the jumps, but a superior limit of the elementary shift. In the case of mono-crystals of alu- minum and of lead a clearly marked formation of jumps was not observed. The results which were found out here prove the re- sults on larGe jumps. The discontinuity of the flow and the quick jumps are to be regarded as a com:--ion feature which is produced by the nature of dislocation of the plastic defor- Card 2/3 mation. There aro 4 figures, and 6 references, 3 of which are 4 A jT HURS Itrts(Ly., N. V. Rebinder, P. A ScV/2~-123-6-30/5,'- Acaderii~Tan TITLE- On the Surface Activity of :liquid Metallic Coatings and Their Influence on the Stren,17th of Metals (C) poverkhnostnoj aktivitosti zhidkikh metallioheskikh pokrytiy i ikh vliyanii na prc)c!-nost' metallov) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1933, Vol 123, Ur 6j, L)P .2 S'~'.-~A ',2 One arid the sanie coating of (!asily fusible metals the strEngth of som-~ metals but exercises no inflaer-ce on other mEtals. On th(-. otner hand, also the behavicr --,f one and the s6.aie metal dt-pends on thl- chemical nature of the mt~tullic coating, The decrease in strength can by no means be ascribed to the dissolvine effect of the molten coating, nor need it be cortrected with the t3elective effect on the grain boundaries Experiment~il datu on the influence exercised by eacily fur3ible metal coatings upon the mechanical properties of metals are divided into two -distinctly separated groups: 1) The stren-th Card 1/3 of the investigated metal is considerably reduced. 2) There On the 3urface Activ:,ty of Liquid -Iletallic Coatings SCV/20-123-6- and Their Influence on the Strength of ~ictals is no such reduction of stren,~th. A comparison of these data with -.he diagrams for the figibility of the corresponding binar-1 aysteia8 metal-coating shows that to the decrease of thf- stren7th of a solid metal under the influence of a li-,uid coating there always corresponds the existence of a sufficiently narroN but absolutely finite domain of the formation of a solid f3olution. Corresponding to the complete lack of streneth reduction, there corresponds, in this diagram, a wide ranFe to which there corresponds the formation of a solid solution of the metal coating in the investigated metal Seen from this point of view, the results obtained appear to be trivial. if however, the ran-e charaCtErizing the production of t~e 5olid solution is so narrow that also the syste;D metal coatine i~ outside this ran,7e, the defcr;i,ation of the metal take:3 in ti:e presence of the liquid phase of the coating. The reduction of thc strength of the solid body (of the .:,utal) iaay te explained by the absorptive effect of the molten coatine-. In polyLaolecular transition layers to the film of Card 2/3 On the Surface Activity of LiqLid Yetallic Coatings 50V/20-123-6-30/5o and Their Influence on the Strength of Metals the liquid phase on the surface the work of formation on the discontinuity surfaces decreases with an increase of recipro- cal fusibility. There are 1 figAre, 1 table,and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet. AS30CIATION i Kafedra khimii MoBkovskogci atankoatroitollnogo inatitata (Chnir Of CheMi;3try of the bloscow Machine Tool Institute) Kafcdra kolloid:noy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univ-ersiteta im. M. V. Locionosova (Chair of Colloid Chemistry of 1,~oscow State University imeni hi. V. Lamonosov) SUBTUTTED: September 16, 1958 Card 3/3 18-74oo 77113 s sov/7o-ji -6- AUTHORS: Shchukin, Ye. D., Pertsov, N. V., Goryunov, YLi. V. TITLE; Concerning the Change in Mechanical Propertiea, Structure, and Electr1cal Conductivity of Metallic Single Crystals Under the Influence of a Strongly Act,'.ve Adsorptive Medium PERIODICAL: KristallograCtya., 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6, pp 887-897 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article deals with changes In the mechanical strength and deformation characteristics of solids due to vanishingly small amounts of adsorbed surface- active matter, Increased plasticity aid flow rates, lowered yield limits of metals covered by organic conpounds wh-'ch are lightly surface-active, and in2reased brittleness of' high-melting metals coated by low-melting metal melt such as of Zn and Cd coated by Hg or Sn. Possible explanations for these phe- nomena are cited from the works of Academician P. A. Rebl.nder and his school (Dok'-,. Acad. Sci. USSR, ill, Card 1/6 1284, 1956; and others). The authors studied the Concerning the Change in Mechanical Properties, 77113 Structure, and Electrical Conductivity of sov/7o-4-6-14/.j_' Metallic Single Cr:rstals Under the Influence of a "Strongly Active Adsorptive Medium p~.ynical properties arid structures of polycryotall-Ine s~,ecimens and artific-'ally grown single crystals of Zr., Cd, Sn, Pb, and Cu of highly pure compositions, 0.5-1 mm in diameter and 10-25 mm long, aith or v:ithout ccating by mDlten Ga or Hg. The experimental data are presented in figures and tables below (Fig. 2c, :1, 5, .12). X-ray diffraction data disclosed that Ga-coating with subsequent Ga penetration into the crystals increases unit cell dimensions and leads to a gradual partition f Sn and Zn single crystals Into an in- creasingly 1ELrger number of disoriented blocks, i.e., to the transformation of single cry3tals Into poly- crystalline specimens. Ga-coated C.. -, and Hg-coated Zn crystals did not show partition Lnto blocl~s even after long aging. Ga-coating Improved the mechanica! properties of' polycrystalline Sn and Zn. The electric re~3i3tivities along the axes of high resistance of Sn and Zn single crystals dropped rapidly with the Card 2/6 partition into blocks and increased along the P, 1, is S 10 15 YOX Card 3/6 Fig. 2c Ultimate tensile ~P.) and shear (r c) stresses as func- tions of the orlentation of Zn single crystals coated by Ga-melt, at indoor tempera,-,ure. X denotes angle between ba3itl plane and crystal axis at rupture point. 77113 sov/7o-4-6-Vi/~i P, - T, 0 15 30 Fig. 4. Ultimate tensile (P.) and shear ( Td stresses as func- tions of the orientation of Cd single crystals coated by Ga-melt, at indoor temperature. X denotes angle between basal plane and crystal axis at rupture point. 77113 SOV/70-4-6-14/31 Fig. 5. Ultimate tenSilE' stress P,, in a Sn single crystal as fLzr-tion of aging, after coating b Ga-melt at Indool- temnerature. Stretching at ~he r te of 2.4 mm7mln of a crystal 13-14 mm. long and 0.62 mm th:Lck: )~ roolj -450; o denotes average of 3-4 measure- ments. Card 4/6 Concerning the Change 4_~-i %techanical -,r 77113 StrucLure, and E'.e.,trical Conductivil,.y Metallic Single (,'r,-;sta-Ls Under the Influence of a Strongly Ac',_4%e Adsorptive Teiedi,,im p Fig. 11. TensiDn curves of single- crystal and polycry8talline Sn at t,_mperature of liquid N. P 1 uItimate tensile stress; E , elongation (%); (I ) and (3), Sfngle-crystal and polycry:;talline Sn, respec'.- -~ly, withcuL (~a- coating; (;~) and (4) the sam,~ Oa-c-oating. Card 5/6 Concerning the Change in Mechanical 1:1roperties, '7711--l Structure, and E'-ectrical Conductivi',y of Yletallic Single Crystals Under the Influence of a Strongly Active Adsorptive 4ed-i--m low-resistance axes; bcth approached the o" -,he --escective polycrystall-ine szeci-ens- Cc,, '-1-11Y 31 Lg'-.'~_-Y cnan;;ed their mec:-,anical properties of polycrystall-Ine see.~n to oDen a nei% ."o- develoo!T.ent of a-.1oys. I. Kitaygc-Odskily and i. a-re wie-~o-ed for d'Lsc*,.ssions. T h e,- eare a c o, _C' -1 2 tables; and 2_.:~ references, 24 Soviet, 3 '~'.K., 1 GErnan, 1 japanese. The U.K. references are: A. I ` j . J-2enough, J. inst. %Ietai~, DEruytt~re, B. ~c ..L'56; A. N. .3troh., ,"roc. Roy. Soc. A, 223, L-O'', 11. Stroh, Philos. Yag., 3, 597, 10158. ASSOCIATION: Mc~_co'v: State Uni,., ,.:-!',-y lirleni M. V. Lo-.ionosc%, (!v0:;;'QVsk1y g0,,;u._:..,r:-',verinyy Linivers'Ltet ime:-.1 Lc-monoscva) SUBMITTED: September 2, --'-)59 Card 6/6 24(2, 6) S0V/170-cq-6-/20 AUTHORS: Pertsov, N.V., Goryunovt Yu.V. TITLE: On the Effect of Thin Mercury Coating on the StrenKth and Deformat:.on Properties of Meta.'lic Single Crystals PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 6, pp 3 - 8 (USSR) ABSTRACTj Tho offoot of' ndoorption reduction of' rnotnl fitron~rth wan diti- covered by P. A. Rebinder ZROfS 1-f and wari studipd I)y S.T. Kishkin, Ya.M. Po%ak JR-efs 4-.~7 and V.I. Likhtman and L.A. Kochanovaj_ef f. The authors of the present article investigated the effect of a thin, about one micron, mercury film on the strength and deformation properties of zinc, tin, cadmium and lead single crystals- O.A. Baryshnilcov, a post-graduate of-the Colloidal Chemistry Chair of the MGU, took part in this investigation. Its aim was to study regulari- ties and mechanism of the action of low-melting metallic coatings and to cLear up the causes for the specific features of their action. The purity of metal crystals investigated was 99.99%. Two methods of investigation were applied: stretching with a constant speed and stretching under the action of constant load, The results of experiments are presented in the form of tie curves which show Card 1/5 relation3hips between the stress P and specific elongation C for SOV/170-59-6-!/20 On the Effect of Thim Mercury Coating on the Strength and Deformation Proper-fies- of Metallic Single Crystals zinc (Figure 1) and for tin (Figure 3) and between the specific elongation and the duration of load application (Figures 2 and 4). The anslyisis of the results obtained led the investigators-to the following conclusion; a thin mercury coating applied in the form of a thin film on single orystals-6f mets"As,'- may alter their physical, properties in three different wayss to strengthen metals (zinc, cadmium, tin, lead), to reduce the strength of metals (zinc, tin), ox to increase their ductility (zinc). The first effect is a result of the diffusion of mercury atoms into the lattice of de- formed single crystals, and it comes into being when the metal of a coating is well soluble in the main metal. The sharp reduction of the main metal strength is a result of the low solubility of the metai coating in the main metal, indicating its surface activity, i.e., capacity to reduce the metal surface energy by means of forming a mono- or polyatomic layer on the surfaces appearing during deformations. The microscopic studies of the specimens after stretching have shown that amalgamated single crystals were Card 2/3 stretched out considerably more uniformly than non-amalgamated ones. Pni;030v, N. V. "The Surface Activil;y of Liquid Yletallic Coverlkm and Their Effect )1l tile Strength of the WtI11S." report presented at thE Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mie"IleieYe." confert:nc- - .-' General and Applied Chem~.stry, Muscow, 16-23 March 1959, (KoLl. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP. 509-511) PIRTSOV, N.V.; GoRf=V, Yu.V.-, KOCHAIWJ~. L.A.; LIKHTMAN, V.I. Effect of the deformation rate and temperature on tho value of adsorption capacity of reducing titrongth and plasticity of metals in fusible metal molts. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.12:77-82 D 159. (MIRh 13:4) 1. Institut fizicheakoy khimil AN SSSR, Moskva. (Metallography) AUTHORS- Goryullov, Y11. V., P-r-t3o-,r N- V SOV '2C-, Rellvidv,r, P. A., TITLE,,,t' )n :14' Str~nr-th by Adso-ption and Br-~t*lw, FaJiure ~,f Zinc and Cadmium Single Crystals 7 FERIODICALt Do~'-P-'Y Akademi-i naul, SSSR, lq9?, W.I. -.7", 7: 7 ( U Ssri 1) AB STIULC T Tbe authors had already ascertained (Refs !_,~) t)-,at als- h-_'e-,h,~Y .Plastic bodins (-an b- de~itr~,yed' under the hi~31)-.,, adsorbent, metals; the meta.13 form fine lizuid plantic body. In the preoent pape?r, this prn,~esg -Is by means of Zn- and Cd-singlec*stads; Salliurr, v,-s -~s~d f fcrriation of lnnlusions. Thri gall-Jum ivas precfp`q1tatt:u ~rt ,~,x~ysfais as a thin film so 'h--t a z-f 4.11p- the crystals was Impossible under the existing -~n~3er.+rat-n conditions. The destruction of the single arystalB vas .nv~_-s!~ Catid at various initial o_rientations of the glide jj',an-E. cxjstals were stretched at a oonstant eiringati-)r, rate-,. Tne r, ry r . Aii'a troated %vith gallium were subjected tn IlAs Card 1/2 and showed a reduction in density, and were destroyf-,! ',n -j11 R~-dlir-'Lion if Strength by Adsorpt-Ion and Brittle SOV/20-127-4-15/60 Failure of 7inc and Cadmium Single Crystals orientations investigated, thus forming basal glide planes. Figuros I and 2 show the roslilts of the investigations. The Zonl-Os law of the constancy of the normal stress at a fra?-,;ie was not observed. Likhtman, Kochanova, and Bryukhanova had already pointed out this faot (Ref 5). The law of Likhtman ani ShchulAn (Ref 6) was observed, which assumes the constancy rf tbe dorivation, of the normel and shearing stress. The offoct )f the gallium is based on its high surface activity. A morhanisir, of the formation of incluBlons is indicated. There are ,3 figures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra kolloidnoy khimtA Itoakovskogo gosudarstvannogo ~inivorslteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Colloid Chemistry of Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDs May 23, 1959 Card ?/7 24(2),-18(6) SCV,"2o - '2--2-1 'A,/ ~~9 AUTHORS: Goryunov, Yu. V. ' Pert s hchak 2.n, Ye. Re:,Inder, P. A., Academiciarr-- TITLEs Viriation in the Structural and I-echanical Properties of tne Single Crystals of Tin Undlkr the Influence of a Strongly Ad- sorptionactive Medium PLRIODICALi lo.