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-r rfjarati-)n cf ci-,49, 17 1. Kitfcfirft m. ~rob~ ologl 1 c I- PIVNWKO, G.P. (Pi,rnenko, H.P.]; ~HAGOVETS. R.K. R.K.1; EV., r.M.; SOMIROVA, G.M. Presence of water-insoluble tanni-is in the roots of the spurge Euphorbia palustris. F&rmatsev. zaur. 16 no.1:32--35 161. (MIM l7r8) 1. Kharikovskiy farmatsevtlcheakiy institut. i 1-J. ,-, 1. .. i - - 17 [ -,'r a s ov r j K VSI-L, ,-, ic analysJ~;- Sejectj,~E the method of ch-c-atci7a,.- I -~ " 3 ' f" 3 zhur. I il -Xf,~ ,, , 'L. . ; ~, ~` , I v. !,,rasovo, -~,yi , I.V. I; i IV""' .:,L , "'A. 1 . :I , -1 - .- - , . I .1 f~ I u ~-, t 11 : i,: ~ 1 , e iu ~h o ~~ rj' .' c ~ a- o aa t, (, , ~rij, i. I c an C, 1.1,; i Ll . :,; 11, ~ ~ ~ t 3 ev . z- - I Ll- . - , :, - - ' : 13- ' , 3. ~ 1, " ~ " . I ~; " i;: - ' :cv- .- ; ,, --'a -,- -', ~:i6Litut. 17 n,- FERTSU, I.M.; FIVIIEMO, G.P. [Fivuenko, H.P.] Use ol." chromatography for the study of essential oils wb.ich are wed in pharmaceutical practice. Report No.2: Determination of menthol, its esters and cineole in the essential oil of peppermint using chromatographic analysis. Farmatsev. shur. 17 no.1:21-27 162. (NIRA 15:6) 1. Rhar1kovskiy farmatsevtichaf)kiy institut. (CHROVATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS) (PEPJ.SWV1 OIL) (MENTHOL) (CINEOLE) PIVNENKO, G.P. ['?ivnenko, H.p.); CHAGOVETS, R.K. LChahovots', R.K.); PERTSEV, BAKUMENKO, G.A. Dakumen'ko, H.A. I Increasing the productivity of workers in drugstores FarmatBev. zhur. 15 no.1:37-42 160. ~MIRA 14:5) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii likars'kikh form i galenovikh preparativ Kharkivs,lkogo farmatsevticLnogo institutu. (DRUGSTORFS) GMER, Ye.L.; MDSHKIN, F.A..._P EV L.D. Synthesis of hydorxymethylphosphinic acid. Fla.-it.massy no-4:62- 63 161. (14IRA 14:4) (Phosphinic acid) 21 i4L S" 19 1 /E 1 /0C)0'10,_)4, -~, - )Q B, 10/1B208 AUTHORS: Gefter, Ye. L., Moshkin, P A , Pert9ev, L D TITLEt Synthesis of hydroxy-methyl phosphonic acid PERIODICAL! PlaEticheakiye massy, no. 4, 1961, 62-63 TEXTi Eydroxy-methyl phosphonic acid (EMPA) is a specific hardening catalyst for methylol polyamide, foam polyurethane, furylic and other resins to which h;?at- and water-resistant are quickly imparted even by small quantities. This reaction, applied for the first time by H, J Page, is not suitable fDr the preparation of large quantities, as the exothermic roaction cannot be controlled. A method devised by tf.e first-mentioned author for a danger-free polymerization of t?lhyl phosphite proved t-- be inadequate, as only one-third of the add,tlan I't' formaldehyde was utilized The hydrolyBiS of the chloro-methyl phcsphonic acid chloride in two steps, described by IA~ I Kabachnik and Ye, S. Shepeleva (Ref 61 Izv AN. SSSR, OKhN, 185 (1951)), purtially takes place under pressure The authors have now hyd.roly7od PCI,, already Card 1/3 ' *LlJjJi Y S/ I 91NT7j~)0/004/1)~7/~)09 Synthesis of hydrcxy-methyl phosphonic acid B110/B208 at the beginn'Ing cf the process: CH20 PC I, ~ ~R'O 3 HC I + B-PO I, oH ) 11 HOCH PO(OH) e 2 2 2 This reaction may be performed in one step (1) from phosphorus trichloride and formaldehyde, or In two steps (II) with separation of the inter- mediate(phosphoroL,s acid). In the case of (11) 137.5 i~ of PCI, was added 0, to 150 ml of R20 while 3tirring, with temperature rising to `~ "', I After evaporating tne hydrochlori,; acid, the residue .3olidified and gave the yellowish-white crystal mass of phosphorous acid malting at 71-720C. Equivalent quantities of H 3P03 and paraform were then heated 'in seaLed ampuls for sevi-,ra-. hours The resulting thick yellowish liquid 4P; 90 % yield) crystitllized slowly. The orystals had a P-content of 2'1-Q1 and meltea at 8?-H'OC- The condensation of H 5P05 with 10 ~, formalin solution proceeded in a similar way, Working under preseure (a) or the reflux condenser ;1,) gavet yields: (a) = 85 %; (b) = 80 L~,; P-content: (a) = 27,5 %; (b) ~ 27,55 In the one-step process (I), phc.sp1,, Card 2/3 Ui~4 s 19 1 / 6 1 Synthesis of hydrcxy-methyl phosphonic acid B110/B208 trichloride was gradually added to 38 % formalin Aftar boiling for several hours under the refluy condenser, OMPA was obtained in a yield of 78 %. on reac:ion with excess formalin the yield was 81 % N. I. Bondarl Is me-ntioned as a co-worker, There are 7 referencest 6 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc, Card 3/3 PERTSEV, L.P., inzh.; KOPTELOV, L.N. New cesign of clamps for flangeti. rhim.mach,, Mr ,62. (MIRA 15: -11) (Flanges) IMSEV, L.P., insh.; KHODORETS, A.N., inzh.; VERUGA, V.F., inzh. Usink a hydrodynamic clutch in the drives of machinery for the cheAlcal Industry. Khim.mashinostr. no.1:33-34 Ja-F 164. MRA 17:4) PERTSEV, L.P.; YAROSPETSKAYA, L.A. Design of flanged joints with clamps. 6tandartizatsiia 28 no. 2:16-1~j F 164. (MIRA 17:3) PPITSID 0 1,.P, . toklin. nau'- , DOL,14SK:Y, V - M. , in zh. Calcula'Ang the 9 zreng'.h of tho- y ollwl cr~nnrv,: t I jr, )! r, % Jr with the -~uLc sheel. of a heat-exchanging appara-,,,,q. Khim. I neft. mashinos'.r. S '64. M:~,A 1-:12,t jrMTSrV , L , P - ; " ' C'.' A - - * - n -!:R F, . Self -seel- r," '- ' - I ~ nc. 4; 5 33- 5.. - ' F V~ -'- ~ - '?~ '-7 7' - - ~ - . I . . --- I -, - ~ : , 7' ~7 . . , I - - - - , . - KOVALISKYY B-S, , d:)k to r tey-)-,n. naLky ' ~lr:,ET, 'L. ' ., ka-r,,', rau-k- S'udy of- flat flangee. lrn~m. , neft. ma-~.4riistr. D 16/~ (MIRA PERTSEV, L.P.; 1,11KASHEVi(II, Standardi2~ati on of f 1&nges Of' veEs' -a an ~,, a ~ - ~- - *-'- 7F, * E - : ;2 29 no.3:40-41 Mr '65. , PERTSEV I P. Mzh. Calcula'Uon of the airtiphtneas of flange jointr, in !~ontrilriert ar/J apparatus. Khim. mash. no.4:24-27 JI-Ag 161. (milt,, )L~:8) (F] anfes) BARDIN. I.; BRUN, R.: BRUTIN, W.: BOY108 V.; BORISOV, A.: BTCHKOV, V.; VASURNED, S.: VINIARADOV, V.; VISMVSKIT, A.; VODNXV. G.; MORIN, G.; DZILLPLRIM, Tn.; DIDMO. V.; D'YAKONOV, I.; ZEMVLV, S.; ZAKHARDF, A.; IVANC;V, I.; KIRSAWOV. M.; KOLTADA. G.; KGROB07, P.; LBSIOV, A.; LUXICH. L.; J.YUBIMOV. A.; MEMME. S.: KTRTSYNOV, A.: PSTRUSHA. F.; PITERSKIY, A.; POPOV, I.; RkTZJM. D.; ROZHKOV, A.; SAPOZHNIKOV, L.; S3DCY P.; SOKOM)V. P.; TBVOSYAS, I.; TIKHONOV, N.; TISHCHNNKO, S., FILIPPOV. B.; FO)MNKO, N.; SEIRLEOV, A.; SB3RMT'TXV, A. Fedor Alaksandrovich Warkulov. Koke t' :62 '56. MRA 9: 12) (Nerkulov, Fedor Alekaandrovich. 1900-1916) MTaV, H. Drive fo:r quality steel. Stal' 12 no.2:97-100 F '59. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Direkl-or moskovskogo metallurgicheakogo zavoda "Serp I molot." (Tool i3teel) (Heat-reaistant alloys) (Steel, Stainless) PERTSKV, M., inzhener; SICLY,MAO, D. Metallurt7 in t3ocialist countries. IM no. 7: 63 JY '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Predsedatell TSantrallnogo pravleniya nauchno-tokhnicheakogo obabchostva chernoy metallurgii (for Perta,30. 2. Predseclatell staleplavillnoy soktaii pravloniya nauchno-tokhnichookogo obahchostva chornoy metallurgil. (MetallurQr) PEIrrav, 11. pomwft Let us heln rietall,Lrglcal workers fulfill theil* Dledge. NTO no.2:5-8 i 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Pre(tsadatell TSentrallnogo pravleniva nauc~vlo-tekhnlc-heskogo obahchost7a chernoy matallurgii. (Iron--Metallarj7) BOODI-YUBSKIY,,N.; BORISOV, S.; GRIGORIYEV, N.; GUSAROV, M.; GUSIV, L.; ZHMV. S.; ZHETVIN. U.; ZAIMIN. S.; ZOI&OV, G.; IWZENTSI:V. U.; KLMMTIYZVA. A.; KDMAROV, A.; KOSMACHKV, V.; IJLPTKV, V.; IMONDSOV, V.; MI)MY3W(V. A.; HOVIEDV. I.; ]~TSNV~. M.;-PROKOPOVICH, P.; ROKANDY. I.; RUMNSIATA. R.; SVIRIDDV, G.; SMTIKDV. G.; SUBBOTIN, A.; TURTAIVDV, I.; CHBSMXCIV, S.; CHICHKIR, K.; CHIKHANOV. 1. Grigorii. Markelovich Illin; an obituary. Metallurg 3 no.10:36 0 158. (MIRh 11: 10) (Illin, Grigorii Markelovich, 1894-1958) AUThOP: if, rt 211 TITLE: '--Mi'~'I-ve i., V 1, k 7~-*Lic-tiy-u Lav-.-da S,-"-Liall --I PERIODICAL- Stal ABSTRACT: A br-,E!f L a i n works iri t iiE ;ja c r~ j T ~),ltIr~ nume rou.3 ~E [ e, I L I Card 1/1 PER~SFV, IM.A. -f- - . !~fj ta . I . r ~ - no. P.- 1-2 -7 ~-4- -Or ~ i a 1 1 -~ v :-.~: I ~ A ( ,.I- ~-. ". . , * : . ~ 1. Scvet ra-~~di-,rq;o kho2yaystva ~%- nRT19EV; Mi.A, :,P-aks of t~--C- 7en~lnol:g, --a' SCSI C-ty MetAllurgry ir. connectIon '-,'.th Z~.o of '-'~e -ai-tl r concerring -,~he fast eKr,&ns'-on of *.he chemicals industry~ Stall 24 no.5-,385-388 M~ , I ~4.. 1. Prodioedal~eil TSontrailnogo pravleniya obahcheia-we chernoy metallurg'-I, FERTSFV, M.A.; FILIPPOV, S.M. For a continued expansion of ferrous metallurgy. Metallurg 8 n0-121-3 Ja 163. (KMA 161l) (Iron and steel plant a-Produc tion starxiards) PERTSEV, M.A. Continlioualy improva the work of the Scientific Techno- logical Society for ferrouv metallurgy. Stall 24 no.1!1.4 Ja 164, (MUIA 17:2) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo pravloniya Nauclno-tekhni- cheskogo obshchestva chernoy metallurgii. `7'L~ R75-6 V kl, 4, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6363 Zhetvin, Nikita Petrovich, Vladimir Pavlovich Tunkov, Mikhikil Andrayevic12. .. Aleksey Ivanovich Paisov, and Lev Nikolayevich Podvoyskiy Ecrise,v Tekhnicheski chistoye zhelezo (Armco Iron) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 198 p. Errata slip inserted. 2750 copies printed. Ed. : L. Sh. Kazarnovskiy; Ed. of Publishing House: A. L. Ozeretskaya; Tech. Ed.: A. 1. Karasev. PURPOSE: The book is Intended for engineering personnel at metallurgical and machine-building plants. It may also be used by students at schools of higher education and tekhnikums studying metallurgy, machine building, and electrical equipment. COVERAGE: The book reviews methods of melting, rolling, and heat treat- ing low-carbon electrical steel and pertinent problems of its physical metal- lurgy. The effect of various impurities and heat treatment on magnetic and Card 14*-- J V`VA029 AUTHOR. P,~r,~sev, M.A. TITLE - All-Un:.or, Conference --f Steelma.--er,5- PERIODI,-AL; Stal', 1~60, No. 10, pp 90-0 - )0i TEXI; The Vsi~soylizncye scveshchanlye staleplavil'sh,:rlikov (All-UnIon Con- ference of Steelmakers) wa5 convenad in Stalino. on August 23 - 26 1960,. 0 n the conference, whi:h was attended by more than 600 repre5enlatives T-f me'a-r- gical plants and scientific research, th~- following wiln t -picc; wAre dissussed in thrce 3roups. cpen-hparth stc-e_', ?1ectrcsme1AIn~~1a,,').d c1-:nvF.r-?,- process. Papers were read cr the following pr~_.)Irms I,' 1r,:rea8Ing he -.ap,:icv-,y cf furnaces (enlarging the volume of operating furnaves grid building new large- capacity furnaces)j. ?) Introduc*Ion cf n,~,w hign-epeed methcds in sta~El m-~'tlng (applying oxygen ani air, new typE-es of refractcry material, Impr-':,ving _h~' prA-,& ration of the charge, of the iron scrap, of fluxing material. etc, 3~1 prodii,ing more steel In oxygen-,:onvert-rs and furnaces. 4 extending the use ~-f vacuum melting, applying liquid instead of tolil pig Iron In ele-fric refining Iron In c~)nv-~r*.czr5, extending the au~cmatlcn rf Card 1/3 -X)3 All-Union Conference of Steelmakers AO--14/AO.2q the first place by applying elecizonic comput~rlz. 6'~ supplying witv high-capacity equipment and me--hanIzing all prosessee whi:h hithert, are stl- being carried out manually, At t-he conference about 100 pap'~-rs were read, among which reports by N.M.. Selivanov, Head of th- Tsentral'naya zavodskay;l aborptr, riya Magnitogorskogo kcmFl-nata (Central Plan~ LaborAtory of the MagnItogcrsk Combine) cn th-e experien~,es gained In that. plant. witt, high--apacity open-hpar!~' furnaces of the latest design and w1th the application of ow-su)fur refined I ron, having a consLarit amount. of Inclusions, by Mr. Gur-Okikh, For~ an at n'~ fftng Kuznetskiy kombinat (Kuznetsk Combine) cn the Dppn-hearth furnace Lof I 7C and the remot.e contrcl' Tf st,:-1 V:urtng. hy Shv-~t~:ov, Worker of the me~a~lurglch-?.sk~y za%-c-i (Taganr3g, licr~ cf W,Drk, ~-,n the opera~icn of ~::en-nearth furnacozs w1tri na-ura iz3~. 11'r hers 'cok part. In 'r, * d,5cus5l,-.n of s-:,tClnE !.he M,-!* cuum-lrc-atm-nt cf S*~--'X--Utslde the furnarr- VM. Samarin, --rrr-sporidiri.7 N-mt- of the Academy of Scien?ps USSR, M.V. Fr1dantsev- Direcicr -f ka r- (%stven-noy metallurgil 'L&;jQbLM _(Instil.ute of Qua.-i,y Cr-N. Oyks, D--,clor -f Txhnical Sclen:-es -3-nd N M. Chuyho, Do-1- c-f Tr-cnni-a.' S-1- B.V. Barvinskiy ::tmmen*ed :.n the prc,no~m ~f Thc, op-r!i*Icna an~ T.Icnal drawbacks c-f t~-e nt~w 80-:n type f)~-ra-e T h e -w:,ng 1nncva'.icn=- ar-1 Card -:,/3 S 7 A-11-UnI.--n Confer6nce of Sle-'.makc-r~ A"j- 4 /A new processes to b-, reabilized rec-1ved special rt-feren:- !e-cns*r1,jct1-:n -f furnaces for cold gas cperailon, increasing the. weight :f 'he charge ur tc 700 and 800 - 900 tcn,,i high-capacIty presses fo- compacting Iron-s~-r;lp. gra(llr-g and crushing ore with simultaneous fluxing, the improvement in quality -~f refr-3- tcry materIals sr they wi-'! meet the higher, sta-rd.3rds cf thp :Yyjz,~n prr.-Er-s th4 applica~icn cf synthe".1c fluid cl~3gB In tl-,~ lad.ip Jui-.rg the mc-l'Ing prc-c-, Card 3/3 KOHOBOV F. I. A.A.; L KOV, Y,. OVSKly - , -0- Ul", A X, IPAMV, P.1'. OV 1- p , :I Y . . 11 7 T 'Zo uz-~IPA-d-zz , . . A. ..'. 9 na JOV 1 0 L"O.J i A ~A , . . V, , - i ::ihojlcvicl%q 12~10-lc-,60) PERTSEV. M.A.: SMLYAREIM, D.A. Third n1jeting of the onnIting section of the Permanent Comlesion on Ferrnun Metallura In the Nutual Economic As-Ostance Council. Matallupg 3 no.8:22-74 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Rukovodit"11 movetakoy chasti staimplavillnoy anktaij Po,toyan- nny kominall po chornny metallurgit Soveta Nkonomirhemkoy Vzaimo- pomoshchi (for Pertanv). 2. Chinn stalnplavil'noy ankteii Potitn- yannoy komlasit pn chornny motallurgii Soveta Skonomichmokoy vsaimopamoshcht (for Smolyarenko). (Europe, Eastern--Economic assistance) 3/130/60/000/0 10/00 1100 A006/'AO01 AUTHOR - PertsevL 1~. A. ------- M.-M.00I.M= _ __ TTTLE- All-Union Conference of Steelmelting Engineers PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, No. 10, pp. 1-2 TEXT-.1 The All-Union Conference of steelmakers was convened In August 23- 26, In Stalino, and was attended by over 600 experts, representatives from metal- lurgical plants and scientific research institutes, scientists, lnnov~tors,Heroez of Socialist Labor, End workers of central institutions. The Conference work was divided into three vections: the open-hearth furnaces, the electric steel-making, and the converter steel-melting sections. At the open-heartn section great atten- tion was paid to intensified steel melting processes using oxygen. The necessity of constructing oxygen stations at the plants was stressed, The participants exchanged experiencos on the heating of open-hearth furnaces with cold natural and coke gas. The increase in the weight of melts (,conversion of the furraces tn double charge) was indicated as a means of raising the efficiency of the furnaoes It was also decided to take efficient measures for improving the preparation of raw material, and the quality of refractory materials. Automation of the open- Card 1/3 S/130/60/000/010/001/003 All-Union Conference of Steelmelting Engineers A006/j%00l hearth process was discussed. N. M. Selivanov, heading the central laboratory of the Magnitogorsk C "e, reported on the operation of new high-capacity open- hearth furnaces and the melting and use of low-sulfur pig iron with a constant !.mpurity content. Gurskikh a master at the Kuznetsk Combine, presented Inform- ation on the operation of open-hearth furnaces of the plant and remote control steel casting. Shvet iov steel worker of the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant, Hero of Socialist Labor, delivered a report on open-hearth furnaces operatUrg on natural gas. At the electric s teelmelti (keetion a discussion was held on the selection of efficient methods for vacuum treatment of steel outside tne furnace, In the discussion participated: A- M. Samarin, Corresponding Member of AS USSR, M. V. Pridantsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the Institute of High- Quality Metallurgy 1,!;NIIChM G. N. Oy s, and N. M. Chuyko, Doctors of Techni,--al Sciences. B. V. Ban,inskiy eported on deficiencies in the design of new 80-ton electric furnaces. 1, program was set up for the mechanization of technological operations in electric steel melting and automated control of metal teeming a-rid melting. Of the advauced technological processes, special attention was paid to metal processing with synthetic liquid slags In the ladle developed by TsNESNM and the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant, and to the method of important steel ard alloy melting in induction and are vacuum electric furnaces by electroslag Card 2/3 ZHERTVIN, Nikit% Petrovich; TUNKOV, Vladimir Pavlovich; PE~qT~U, Mikhail Andre _v: -ch; PAISOV, AlekBey Ivanovich; PCDVrYSErY, yeyj L~v -Nik-~iayevich; KAZAINOVSKIY, -. Sh., red.; C2ERETSKATA, A. L. , red. isd-va; KARASEV, A.Lj takhri. red. [Co x4Aally pure iron)Takhnicaski chistoe zhelezo. Moskva, Metallu:rgizdat, 1962. 198 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Iron) FERTSEV, M.A. Objectives of the Scientific Technological Socioty of Ferrous Metallurgy for the carrying out of resolutiong I)y the November Plenum of the Central Comidttee of the CPSU. Stall 23 no.3-. 193-194 Mr '63. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo pravleniya nauchno-tekhnicheakogo obahchestva chernoy metallurgii. (Iron-Matallurgy) (Steel-Witallurgy) PERTSEV M.A. .0 - Fuller use of potentia-Litiea in ferrous metallu:rgy. Pletallurg 8 no.7:1,3 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) If- 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva S"OSH. I (Iron industry) ('Steel Industry,, Gov/ 135/58-9-6/d-) kUTIIORO'*-;_PQxI_%&i iA A. (Eno-ineer) and "moijarenko, D. A. .")kcience TITL&: The Work of the 3teelmaki-n--, Section of tac- Permanent Coimi~3s- ion for tLe Iron, and Stool lndu:3try of tho Council for %Iutual Economic Assistance (Rabot,~ sektsii stale i)lavil'-.o,_-~o proizvodstva postoyannoy issii no cherno.,, 1-10t,-11211.r-ii Soveta Ekonoraicheskoy V-,~,ai--IC),)oM,3GIIciJ) PERIODI~AL: Stall v 1958t Nr '-), j,;~ / (U~-ilm) kBSTIZk(jT: Tike third session of the abovo sectina (to,~ctner wit,-. the 6ection of the productiDr. of refractory matoriais) tDoh -_la-ce iii April 1958 in Dnepropeti,ovsk. The representatives of the followinC countries participated: Bulga;,iall Hun(~,ar:7, 2ast ,Termany, Poland, Rumania, USSR and Czechoslovakia. The pr7)- gress in the production of steel and refractories in the sociali:3t countries during 1958-1960 an6 : main direct,_~ons of further developments in the teclindque 01 productiDn of steel and refractories dLLrin,-, 1960-1975 was reported and di3CUSsed, Every country reported in general terms increasing- outputs by Qard 1/4 50V1 1-173/58-9-6/29 The Work of the 31teelmaking Section of the P(,-rm,3.n(,,rA Commi,36ion fr)r the Iron and Steel Industry of the Council fDr Mutual Economic Assistance intensification of smelting processes and construction of new production units. The only details quoted were: USSR - control of the length of fla%ie by the anfTle at which the !-as and air ,,treams meet - Fig.1; Czechoslovakia - openini_- of ta-D hole by exl,losives F~0.2; improvements in the lin-,.ng of the tappin-c, runner Fii,,.3; a new method of heatir,~,,, Lot tops by introducinZ hrou-Ji openings in special hot tops. a streani of o)rj,---en (_- /MiO and intermittent additions of'a thermal iiixture (14% Al, 35% ferrosilic)n, 25.5% silicon manganese and 25.5% lime) in an amount of 1.15 kc,-/to-.- Or CJ combustion of the mixture in a stream of oyyEen, the sla,, and the upper layer of metal become well heated and a de-6e in-ot wit;n a small s1-Lrin_ka!;e cavity is obtained. This ~',e- creases head CrOL to 8-0 instead of the previous 17% (inr-ots of 2.5 t and 4.1'- 0. From Czechoslovakian research the followin, are mentioned - continuous C,,j.,jtinrr with arc 0 heatin- of metal in the crys~alli_zer (mould) with subsequent 0 rolli:-.6 (without coolinG) on a planetary mill; ~cstin,-, of steels boilers and turbines on an ~,xperime_tal boiler operatiziE- at tenperatures 700-8500C and T_-)resslire of 60C at-:,- Card 2/4 1 S Ov/ The Work of the Steelma.L-in;-- Sect]-c~n of the Permanent OOMMS310n f)r the Iron and Steel Industry of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance roduction of clad steeis, castinj of hi-la alloy :3ceels C-~ LD MS. rods and wire for weldi~LS, Leat reSi-3ta-A iilo,7 -D- tainin,-; of Al). Aitl.Du~,-h ZLI-? :)~en nears'--- -f-rr.,:-,ze will rc!::-ain the ma'~n unit a a,-c)li.-&t-i:)n Of oxy-er. tlowm converte-.3 i5 rec,)-,,mcrided. Tri-? f,)llowln.- 11 . iial- Lties 1'cr o,,-en ~iearth T,y-,:e of ref7~a-ctDr,, ::iarerial: c- o i t eF':'~ r iL a S -1i te Be-i-nning of defor--iz-t)'')r' LD C-) Un -1 ler a load of !,:,-/Cm~' 1-00 Appare.-..t porosity, % not nore than 14 Resistance to tlier:aal shoczc (heating to 85000 heating- tj cooli-ng cycles, not les3 tlaan 100 100 Card 3/4 SOV/133/58-9-6/29 The Vlork of t'ia Steelma-kin.-I Secticin of the Pf-,riian(-,!-.t the Iron and St;ael Industry of the Council for Mlutual Ecor.omic Assistance For up.per rows of gas and air regenerators the -ise of bricks- C~ )0, and porosity not ex- containin,r not less than 42% Al, ceeding M6 was recommended. There aro 3 fi.-ures. v~ 4 /4 AUTHORS: 3molyarenkc, D. A., Candidate of Technica2 sov167-58-1,-1-2129 Sciences, Fertsev, ~'.. A. , Engineer TITLE: The Perspectives of the Use of Crj,,,en in I.etallurgy in Soclalis~ Countries (Perspektivy -primeneniya kisloroda v metallur7,ii sots inlis ticheskikh stran), PERICDICAL: hislorod, 1958, -v'. I ~Nr 4, pp. 40-4D (USSI() ABSTRACT: 1n ADril 1958 the third joint meeting of representatives of the steel-casting influstry and the sections for the production of refractories was held at Dnepropetrovsk. The mecting was attended by members of the council for mutual aid (to sociali3t countr-ies), The meeting %m3 further attended by the specialicts, froi-ii Bulgar:La, hungar~7, the Genran Democratic Republic, Poland, Funania, Czechoslovakia, and the USSR. Reports vmre delivered which con- cerncJ the manner in Mnich conditions s(.t up at the previous meeting (11) nt Prugue had been fulfilled. Lectures furthc r d~,a1 with the joint plan for thf.- increase of tit(.el production ( in socialist countries) during the pcried of 1958-1960 and the issu-ing of new regulations for the develo-mi.ent of modern methods ' Card 1/3 75. It vas stated -_'n of production during the period of 1960-19 The Perspecti1rcs of the Use of Gxy~gen in ketallurgy SOV/ 67-58-4- 1 Z,`,1 in 3ocialist Countries this conmection that, rhile the qualit.,f of open-hearth 3tt,Cl produced in the respective countries Md remained on the sairic thIt o-, Onav( rt,;r J'uct! and cle--tric ,ittel had i=ry)v,~d conzi,~.erabl in (I Cz--choslovakia it is nlanned that cy~),,,-2n Faall bc usjd to a co%,i~t-.-ALI -Y Y increazed extent n s -,.:c-I f c, nd -J- ri the Coul-C of the period extending to '196C. For th.'s -,.u--ooqe -r,,,- establisivnent of thrt-e large new ox.),p,7en plant,8 1'F P.La;11-,,'d. In 3zcchovlovakia a new nicthod of preparing steel ingctr V zigh4 ng 1'rom 2,5 to 4,5 t, -,Yhich will be used for casting, has be,-r d~,--,'- oT,cd. It -.~w decided at this riecting t1vit measures shculd be '.Aken for a furthvr incrcase of st,el production ( 1:,i%ty by thc Liociali.qt count-r-jes', . not the (.-,qtallishi,er~ ,fT or by extending i,nd enlArginS ul-r-ad.; existing -,.ri-.g - bv~r- al-q-) t the incrLased appli-,atiun of ox~,gtin in all n.c !,LceE.3 E Among other measures, also the farther development of the pm, duc- Card 213 t1on of converter steel by the application of oVFen is plann-d. The Perspectives of the Use of Cxygen in Letallurgy s r.-V 6 7 58. , - -~ / 1 2,~ in Socialist Countries 1. Stcal industry-USSR 2. Oxygen-Applications Card 3/3 PERTSEV, M.A. Fotrromi motallurgy in 1964-1905. (Rowiltn and pro2p"ctv.) Metallwrv 10 no.lil-3 Ja 065. (MIRA 1814) 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR. AUTHORS: Pertaev, M.A. and Smolyarenko, D.A. E-OV/130-58-8-9/18 TITLE: Third Mi6l'ing of the Steel-making Section of the Flerm*x% Commission on Ferrous Mef-llurgy of the Council for Economic Mutual Aid (Tretlye sektsii stale- plavillnogo proizvodstva Postoyannoy komissii po chernoy metallurgii Soveta Bkonomicheskoy VZELiMOPOMOshchi) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1958, rtr 8, pp 22 - 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The -third meeting of the steel-making section was held jointly with the refractories section of the Permanent Commission on rerrous Metallurgy in Dnepropetrovsk in April, 1958. The following countries were represented: Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Rumania, USSR and uzechoslovakia. The conference heard and discussed repo.rts on the progress of the measui. es recommended for 1958-1960 steel production increases, development of new steel-making techniques for 1960-1975;, improvement of refractories, development of proposals on bearing-steel production increases and standardisation of conditions. Repo.,r-ljs on progress in 1956-1957 and development plans for the next few years. Measures planned for 1960-19?5 include the construction of larger units, wide use of Cardl/4 oxygen, use of cold, high-calorific Nralue fuel, use of SOV/130-58-8-9/18 Third Meeting of the Steel-making Section of thOormmOt Commission on rerrous Metallurgy of the Council for Economic Mutual Aid natu.ral gas where available, increase! in casting facilities, introduction of continuous casting, oxygen-blown con- verter processes. The open-hearth is to remain the main steel-making process and new and better refractories (Table 1) are to be adopted: for the) upper rows of checicers, bricks with over 42% A1203 and porosity not exceeding 18% will be used. Induction and are-furnace melting under high vacuum was recommended for high-quality alloy steels. Scrap preparation is to be improved and maxi.mal. mechanisation, the adoption of spectroscopic analysis, evaporative cooling and waste-heat boiler were recommended. Before 1965, the Socialist-camp countries are gradually to go over to the melt,Lng of ball-bearing steels with vacuum treatment in the ladle or during pouring; for internal use, the existing national marks a-re to con- tinue but for export two standards axe recommended (Table 2). For machine tool construction an a reed com- promise between existing state standards (GOST~ for non- Oard2/4 metallic inclusions and customer requirements are SOV/150-710-S-9/18 Third Meeting of the Steel-makinG S,~ction )f tl,e C~-ictant Comr,~is'-:.4-n on Ferrous Metallurgy D-f the Council for Econaaic -:tua'-' Aid recommended. GCST 60 1-58 e c oii, --,- - - 1 -1 ii :)' bal l- and rol 1 ei be o i in~- - -1 c -- 1 s 3) L S c , fi---L c "A i n the USSR il:, Liayl lc)58 uiid ..ill c~-,.e into )L, April 1, Improved are to Ile ~ido.Dtcd L-, -,.cuber coulatries in 196C!-lP&-7'. T-c -ci:;!, i -, v-i --it-ed tLc i. t~ c _i r etrovskoco (imeni Krivoy Rog r)6 i.e Zapor02,1--Stal' eX---)rO-sed tLeir ',D N.A. Tikhonov, iae 7i t f t-1 - e P e -- r o p ero V.,: c c Council. a D.G. IE,r-a'-cr--:0, 'c~r s cc-,-~f--,1 t1-c Me e t i n~, There ELI C ;7' C S . ASSOCTATTONS: C1cve,,:SL --~ c, nx: )stoya- nLoy 5-"1 (I)DViet branch o" "I c Stcel-r-c-1-iii.- 3 ctior, ti, c i-'_ i -.-.a ne nt ("cmr on FerrD E; t Co-mcil for Bcor.-):,...~c ...utual A16) Gerd 3/4 SOV/13C--,`-0-q/18 ThIrd. M,~eting of' tl_e of the Conz,,aLt Commission on Ferrous Metallui.-,,/ __- tl-r-- -'Di Economic _:-L'aal A_'d and _(.r. 1 a vil ~elc,Siy a t IS S1 I ~O C Sect;J on or L t~e Permanent CorL ission on Ferrous of the C),:.:~c:il for i.,_itual Aid) I.. STeel--Prod-,1ctic,):-. 2. Steel--Applications Card 4/4 PC ~ZT5 AFM IN, X.B.; '3URTSEV, K.I.; BYSTROV, S.D.; VlIfETS, G.B.; VCDlf-"V, G.G.; VORONIN, A.S.; GRVLICH, A.S.; GRYAZN(N, II.S.; GUDIM, A.F.; GUSYATINSKIY. M.A.; DVaRIN, S.S.; DIDMIKO, V.Ye.; D14TTRIYEV, M.H.; DCRIDE, M.M.; DMOGOBID, G.M.; 'ZHDAHOV, G.I.; ZAGCRULIKO, A.I.; MRIMPSKIY, A.G.; rVASHCHMKO, U.N.; KAFTAN, S.I.; XVASHA, A.S., KIWEV, A.D.; KLISHEVSM, G.S.-, KOZYRYT, V.P.; KOWBOV, V.1%; WAIAN, X.I.; IYYTXS, V.A.; MUM, 13.Z.; LODMA. N.5.; LUBINYZS, I.A.; MANDRYKIN, I.I.; MUSTAFIV, F.A.; NWIROVSM, W.Eh.; IIKFXDOV, V.A.; OBMOVSKrY, Ta.M.; PWL'SEV._Xj.; PETROV, I.D.; PODaROZRANSKIY, POPOV, A.P.; RAX, A.T.-I-ftfMA-KIN, A.A.; RozHKOV, A.P.; :ROZENGAUZ, D.A.; SAZCIN(N, S.A.; SIGALOV, M.B.; STORAMIN, Ya.B.; TARASOV, S.A.; FILIPPOV, B.S.; FIRIDRAII, N.K., FRISHRMG, V.D.-, EHARIKOV- SETY, K.V.; KHOLOFTSHV, V.P.; TSAIM, M.N.; TSOGLIN, M.N.; CHMUM , r.l. CHEVOK, V.T.; SHWYOV, A.K. Sarmil Berisevich Brome.Kok-s i '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Banme, Samull Berisevich, 1910-1956) FZRTSEV M A W--K- . p A*&** - Foundation of ~~,.odera industry. Metallurg 6 ro.10:1-3 0 161. (MIM 14:9) 1. Gosudarstv,nnyy plunovyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR. (meta-Uurglul plants) ".I ~ , '-. ::-j ~ AGIM , P.Yo.; ALABYSHHV, A.F.; BAYNAKOV, N.V.; BEI,YAYI.'V, A.I.; BATASHEV. K.P.; BUGARRY, L.A.; VASIL'YEV, Z.V.; GLTALO. I.P.; GU.';IKDV, V.M.; ZHURIN,A.I.; VIITYUJIOV. M.M.: KOSTYUKOV. A.A.; LOZHKIE, L.R.; OLIXHOV. S.P. OSIPOVA, T.V.; I _ZWSZV. 1.I.; RUNYANTSEV, N.Y.; STRUM , Te.L.; FIRSAHOVA, L.A.; CHUPRAKOV, V.Ys. Georgil AlekBeevich Abramov. TSvet.met. 27 no.2:72-73 Mr-Ap 154. jo:'~,) (Abrnmov, Georgii Alekseevich, 1906-1951) PERTSLrV, N.N.; AL&.SANDROV, S.m. Wdwigite with a high cantoit of alumina. Zap. Vses. mine ob-va 93 no.1 03-20 162. (MIRA 18z2) 1. InstAtut gaologiJ rudnykh me3torozlideniy, petrografil, mine- ralogii. i geokhlmli AN SSSR t Listitut geokhimli I analitiches- koy kb'mA brioni Varnadskogo A14 SSSR. Of -0r; T-; Kh.- I, po~-l Us lov i i!l :at !.o zi :e!~a iti I zraKi burnykh ii:-Ii.ernilov PERTSEVP 1w,ris rf Trudy Ht-i.muz:~. -8:8) M: R. J .1 IERT,I7-,E'J, N.N.; OETRCVSKA~'.I, ','.; N~ITIINA? 1.B. NeW MlrLeral Za-.;ses.r-,'n.ob-va 94 '~ I I 04,11U 18: 5, !, Ins%it.ut gcolovi~ r~dnykh mes,orozlideniy, p!trograf-3:, - , ..00 ~ 1 1 ", -)35R, Yosl%va. ml no-a .. . - I ~ ft ~ DERIM, SHAMI11, L.L. na=hrWy red.; laUBC10M, Ye.K., red. izd~-,rai DYKOVA, V.~`,, tekhn. red. [Industry's requirements as to quality of minere.1 raw matorials.' Trebovaniia promyshleTmosti 1, kachestvu minerallnogo oyrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov. 1--oskva, Gos. nauchno-teklLn. izd-vo lit-ry po gool. i okhrano nedr. No.69. [Boron] rhor. 1~auchn. red. L.1.3habynin. 1961. 50 p. (MIRA lj,,: 11) 1. Mosccw, Vseso,,~uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskilr inotitut minerall- nogo Syr 13'a. (Boron) SOKOLOV G.A.. doktor Ccol.--iLin. nauk, otv. red. Prinimali uchastiye~ VLASO- VA, D.K.; GLAGOLEV, A.A.; ZHARIKOV, V.A.; LOG121OV, V.P,i LUKD, L.I.i 11YAKELYA, R.O.; OMELY0F-Tr.O, B.I., OSTROVSKIY, I.A.; "ODDLESS111Y, K.V.; liUSBOV, L.V.; SOFIANO, T.A.; TRIOFEYEVA., L.K.; SHABYI-III'll , -~. I. ; ShADLUb, T.P.; LAPIN, V.V. , red. lzd--va; MAKUVI, Ye.V. tokhn. rod. (Pbyslcochomical problems in coiuioction with the formation ;,' rocks and oresl ?iziko-khimicheskle probleEy formirovaniia gornykh porod i rud. Moakvap Vol.l. 1961. 658 p. (MIRA 1.,1- 10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. InstItut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenii, pet- rogrELfii, mineralogii i gookhimii. 2. Institut geclogii rud-nykh mesto- ro?Moniy, petrografi~, tiineraloE,,ii i geokhirii A14 3SSR, Moskva (for Vlasova, Glagolov, ZIULrikov, Ome-.,.1yanenko, Ostrovskiy, Pertsov, Sha- bynin). .3. Moskovskiv ge o logo- raowed oc hnyy institut im.S.Ordzhonilidze (for Sha'tynln, Pertsov.) (Potrology) FZRTSE;V 11 .i~~ Following the instructions of trade-union members. Sov. profsoiuzy 18 no.21:15-16 N 162. (M.33A 15:11) 1. Predsedatell rabochego komiteta sovkhoza "Stavropolets" Stavropol'skogo kraya. (Stavropol Territory-Trade unions) (State farms) PERTSEV, N.N. flarkerite -,nd kototte In the skarns of polar Yakutia. Geo2.i Feof 17.. no.7'102-105 '41. (MIRA 14: 9 1 1. Instit-ut rpologii rudny~Y mestorozhdeniy, petrografti, mineraloril I FeoP).,Jmii Akademli nauk SSSR, Moskva. (yakutia--Boron) (Yakutia-Skarns) W, N.N. - NIKITINA, I.B. HRTS P Now data on serendibite. Zap.Vsee.,iln.ob-va 38 no.2:169-172 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Institut goologii rudnylrh mostorozhdenty, petrogTafli, minera:.o,d,i i ookhimii &N S&ili, Hook-va. (Serendibite) SHUYNIN, L.I.; PERTSEV, N.N. Sme nerw data on s4anite and its paragenesis. Zap.Vses.min.ob-va. 92 no.2:146-158 163. ' (MIRA 16:5) 1,,.Institut geologii rudnykh mostorozhdeniy, petrografii, mfneralDgii i geokh:Lmii AN SSSR, Moskva. , (Suanite) w w -"., IV rasiodro i M 'ell r2j" 2!4~ in imc...P0111% =1P _R~Wdoji); ate ncd by -!be t .Oign & & e type. .1ifth- 0m; 41Y mag -jjite~p -waibtlyile. all 4, ftis. - L ce'Vku--i ~-wtborri3 ~Fc i xk siis i dDlainit !rm % d e% o1, whkii'acc 04MA wit" , ki a L Is smW edit" aud atOhA Re d 10jar ~,Cq;tlcj po-j"Nxe.&J"i vary 4ijoh-U)t L'a-ilite 0:, Um (IsIgV 117 TE) C: 111~1, "!!~ 7 813 P5: UR mall.- Is eatat wl n pleoduWatiiri.; t desv-aii (02).ivith f4e augle-_07' 6P 1vo~MI.Aus-alir 1W)j' aud M -7- 44 to-lo Eke -viN lood dlbl;o lb I y -me- wid- 1, n, rcl 7 ~01,m fit a LUMA)"U, Wrl Ylln 12, 1. fi-m- tb~ typt--w Tbo oftb)otplioa an 4pt tlil' ly"'. T7 er t davi U Aiv>~j ~W~: T. ca jnp . /-~ -~ I- ~-, ~/ ./ / ~- I I ( - 111 SHABTNIN, L.I.; PERTSEV, -N. N.- Warvickite and serendibite from magnesium skarns of southern Yakutla. Zap.Vees.min.ob-va 85 no.4:515-528 '56. (MLRLA 10:2) (Yakutia--Warwickite) (Yalcutia--Serendibite) PROVORNOV, S.M., O.F.; GUSEV, V.P.; HERTSEV, S.M. Photomicrogra chic at~-a:-.njrent for thit high-speed SKS-1 camera. rnidy LIKII no.11:29-33 '64. (M-LRA le-10 ') 1. Kafedra kinofotoapparntu-y LsnAngradskogo ins'-It,~ta kinoinznenerov. PERTSEV, S.M. Electrolytic polishing of the film feedinR tooth sprockets. Trudy LIKI no.8:13-16 '62. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Kafedr-i k~iofotoapparatury L-eningradakogo instituta kino- inzhenero7. (Electrolytic polishirig) (Motion-picture projectors) BARBA14EL', S.R.; PERTSEV, S.M. Device for a semiautomtic plottina, of the vibration graphs of objects photographed on motion-picture filmfi. Trudy LIKI no.8:17-23 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Kafedra kinofotoapparatury Leningradskogo instituta kino- fotoinzhenerov. (Motion-picture photography---Equipment and supplies) PnTM, V.; IMIIOV, A. Standirg works council. Bov.profaoiuzy 7 no.22:26-.18 N 159. (14IRA 12:1?) 1. Pred.sedatell komitata profspyum zavoda neftyanogo mashino- strOyOrdya imani Petrova Stalingrad (for Pertsev). 2. gamestital' glavnogo inzbenera. prodaedatell postoyanno, deyetvuyushchego proizvodstveanngo soveshchaniya zavoda neftyanogo mashino- stroyentya im. Petrova , S tali ngraa (for Bminov). (StalintTad-Works councils) PERTsEV. V. 23499. NA CHMMU ZU'llan. (0 RABOT); I-'O'.'ODEZhIIYXh 7ILVOTNOV014hESYlKh BRIGAD. OChM). JU. B. BERENDGOF. VOYME SVETA, 1949, NO 7, c. 15-23 SO: LETOPISI NO. 31, 1949 PERTSFV, V.G., inzh. (Tashkent) Rate pri-iciple and the r)Fiyrf!r,,. r,,~rfs, (hel.-dor.*xan.,ip. 45 nj.12z57- 59 D '63. (AURA 17:2) LARIONOVA, Ye. ., k&M ekonom.nauk; LEVIN, L.R. .... BERLINER, G.S'-. (ThShkent); BFJ.SN'KII, M.N., kaL ekonam.naui (Sashlent); PFF.TSEV# VIGI, kand.rikonom.nauk (Tashkent) Boo& on tr,:insportatlon finances. Reviewed bj E.V.Iarionova and othars. Zhal.dor.transp. 46 no.6~93-96 Je '64. (MIRA 18il) 1. Nachallnik finansovoy sluzhby Sredneaz:atskcy dorogi (for Be-,liner). PERTSFV, V.G., aspirant Planning of rateE and tYe profitableness of railroadE. Trudy Y.',',T no.142:82-96 '0. ( M L~ " , f : -, " (Rail racds--itates) MIKOW, A - 8 - v pmTn.11. i, -C XCREIVIN I rr, - I F - Scientific Societies Results of the lDth session of the Council for Coordination. Vest. k'1 SS~-'F, 22, No. 1, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June - .95Y, 'inc.. 2 PERTSEV) Ye-., mayDr intendantakoy sluzhby~ VASHKOVSKIY, V., kapite-, intendantskoy sluzhby How can potatoes and vegetables be preserved? Tyl i snab. Sov. Voor. Sil 21 no.9.,66-67 S 161. (ITIRA 14-12) (Vegetables-Storage) FERTSEV, Yu.V., imzh. Slag removal t~r a acrew conveyor. Elsk, eta. 34 no.7:80-81 Jl '63. (MIRA 16:8) FERTSEVAP A.A.; SOLOVTSOVA, T.A. Agricultural. regious of Kustanay Province, the Virgin Territory. Veists Wok. un. S*, 5:Geog. 18 no.2:11-18 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Kafedra ekonomicheskoy geografii SSSR %okovskogo,nniversiteta. (Kustanay Province-Agri cultural geogrdphy) ZVORTKIN. X.V.; PERPSEVA, A.A.; TSEDBIM, Yn.R.; LEBEDEV, N.P.; VIDINA, A.A. Work in the ty-ping and qualitativa evaluating of arablo lands. Vop.geog. no.41:96-108 '58. (MIRA 12:5) (Solis) 'V9 0.14 / 1~ 'rbs ralaobiologICA) PrOmfus Lu C4DMPOSH .1 low moor pe at A. N VIelop's, Of R4 /~"Iftn A ka4 . va;i Im V~ f LtIlls-I 15. So fl, Vs :',I ,3 II olin , _, I~b. elpts on comfwatins r-If with .&I". ,f wtr, 1'. K. and N -Imu~ and in oundbu-com Nil.. X01. ,,,,I mr form, J N ~rr d0d i S ).If, F MTSEV, Yu . p kapf tan, rukovcd I tel I grupl.y pol il,'~ ~!Ks-s K't 'k h -, -, ~ Studontti' activity In po.",tlcal aturilles. Fcmr , "l* -) c~ 7,; z,,. . , . . 5 no.'Lg^'7-74 Ja 165. , ~~ ., : , A , P PERTSEVA, A.N.; GOLIKOV, V.G. Effect of different components of peat composts on the cc-wree cf microbiological processes during cozposting. Trudy Vses. inst. sellkhoz. mikrotiol. no.14:133-241 '58. (MIRA 15:4) (compost) PERTSEVA, A.N.; VASYUM, L.F. The ratio amcng varicus groups of micro-organism!; in the root system of flax and Luckwheat during different developruental stages following application of the AMB bacteria! fertilizer. Trudy Vaes. inst. sellkhoz. mikrobiol. no.14,-,263-274 158. (MIRA 15:4) (Soil inoculation) (Flax) (Buckwheat) MTSLVA, A.N.; NINITINA, Yo.A. Developme-at of the microflora in the AMB peat-lime fertilizer produced by different methods. Trudy Vass. inst. sellkhoz. mikrobiol. 16:216- 222 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Soil inoculation) LAZARAV, N.M.; NORKINA, S.P.; PMTSEVA, A.N. Rapslating microbiological processme in overturned aod on turf-Pod- solIc solls. Agrobiolnglia no-5:3-8 S-0 '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Veeooyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy instit-at eol'skokhozyayst- vannoy mikrobiologii. (,,. Leningrad. (Soil micro-organiams) (Grasson) FZRTSKVA. A.N., kand.biol.nauk; ROGACHRVA, P.U. Influence of AKB bacterial fertilizer on the rocit microflora of varlaus plants. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. 23 no.'1:20-25 '58. (gjm 11:4) I.Veeso.,n=nyy naiichno-isaledovatellskiy, institut sell skokhozyayst- vennoy inikrobiologii. Predstavlena akademikom I.I. Satnoylovyn. (Soil inoculation) (Rhizosphere microbioloj7) BYLINKINA, V.N., Ivandidat biologicheskikh nauk; ~ kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Hicroflors of ohernozem soils and its importance for root nutrition of plants. Trudy Voes.inst.sellkhos.mikrobiol. 13:5-13 '53. (Chernozem soils) (Soil microorganisms) (MLHA 8.1) LAUREV, N.M.; BYLINKINA, V.N., kandidat biologicheskikh neuk-, PERT31- VA, A.E., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk; BATKO, V,P., kandidat eel'9kokhczyayetvennykh nauk. Importance of the subsoil horizons of chernozem soils in the nutrition of plants. Trudy Vses.inst.9el'khoz.mik3'obiol. 13:14-21 '53. (MIRA 8:1) (Chc-rnozem soils) (Soil fertility) V716 w0irtence of the sublUbble Isyers of blAtViligh to Pula At3tritim. :K~ ff. Lh=imv, V. X 0. liminary act of cwpts..Inks rzsadc,~ith f0iming 3'lypm bi-, M Southern likitict. s1W 0 the South-ft -#Yilust. cA itt Grain um: miny NOW.&A la~'crq CI-18, 10,27; an d VS-M deep, xhillsipps - reopiii, with 041 1.1yen 0-20 , 2V-3~; pi nd Cal. 404AJ (a) vaidaY8111,104i IftmY-Wl flont th i~lpkhla 6talloa,vt the Lvriiii" ivjfnn~ with. W 1 layers 10 -18; 10- 5 t6t tow N dccm-ed with the _&Pth (if ~xoil layers. the nitot ON was ci - yersolsoili equml valtic In the vi Is :1) and coiiikicrablya ... ... viducW ini the. 28 -W cm. ~Ujw. , In tim podiok,"add the Mo.' activity, which is gearrally low in the % practically ibstut in the~dteW,toil i l i W M NOW h shvir ien Wj v u I Ors were loted I s w%00 W11tn:tht toW imAirb 340 bi trj Were tMed b leSM11,T.; ilds in dty'*t. -mire praitkaby the,va ej Mat irl ht&e%d_' IkYCf&At hOtfilli) )Ill I t3od Vnitz the PH 16 b was *gmdft" W. 0t. ft~hje Imms *63 stditcK Th V - - , N O ie Mcm. - WW th layers, wftV W 3 $a "v6tq Iii Which ft to e (1) was ireiiier Oin, 611 ty f e the told 9 in the caft o p -in the; kal mnsfiturnt 11k of the ykkb of its iddhidi thefttim3-hyered ted-wassmaev, i tbilt in the Angle &-17 Col. Uytr VAW AI h v 1 j wer IN 0 m~ y ot "em exttpded Wto. the Poom 7 a latillmdoll and tion Of datp-sa 0 1 felvat aq*, ev"Uny In OF cam of q T: , DMANOV, E.G.; KLYAROVSKIY, V.M.; KOVALFV, K.R.; PER7SEVA, A.P. of couplex metal mineralization in the Salair ore field. Geol, rud, mestoroah. 6 no.504-97 S-0 164. (KRA 17-.12) 1. Institut geologli i geofialki S-'birakogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. lam Aw" AUTHORS:'. Lolkshinp'~ F. Lo, G.N., Lokshin,'.T,. F. TITLE: The quench-hardening:01' steel ip a.field of hydr-a-iulic shocks and ot ultrasohi6. frequency.mechanical vibr tions a .._i6UR6E:' Metalldvodeniye'i terrhich skaya. ob rab6tka,'~ mate rialy konfe re nt4ji po metal.low1deniyu i. termicheekoy obrabotke, .3ost. v g. Odesse v 1%"60 g. M s N. 6 cow, letall:urgizdat,, 1962, 221-232. d -perime tal in e _tlgatio 'of a new in TEXT: h n v sz n ethoo of V e~ papeif escribes anex A';h6at-tre rn 2n s abnent of efiils i a fielid-of hyoraulic' hocks and ultrasonic frequency. (t~STjS)'Tiie-ch'an~ir-al*vibi-ations, which consists in the quench-hardening , (QH) of steed, in- water or,oil. ii~jader continuous electrical discharges. The resulting HS phe- nomena and US mech;kr.4cal vibrations were mdde to assume frequencies from 1.00-600 keps. It is shown that QH in a 1-ZUS field is. conduci,'Ie to, a more complete, 'ical specimens, te (A) *into martensitt, Cylindi-, transformation ofaustend- (M) 15.~nim-diamil,,,of,steeli,YSA (MA), 7l0A'(Ul6.A), Y'll (Ull), Y12 were teste jB.X15 - (ShKMS)~ 9XC (9KhS) 7X (7kh), and 7X3 (7163) d. The (U1 * - 1 0 0 kw (depending on the chemical discharge -capacitor - v6ltage was varied from 30-8 ,A:~ cornp'ds' ;tion'of the steel), its capacity held at 0.24 ~L f. The se 2 values determine e'quenc~-b~L:MerAnglpf steel-=*.a* Iield-of 0. 1S/810162/000/060/0071013 thin Pres sure,. 's e-,~iiiipulse 'and sp ecific en6 rgy of the: shock waves. Effect of Pecift -..,-HSUS' field on! t eam*unt of retained A T4est results are sinn.marized G-a-luif-- mat A-M tran fo r ion with, HSUS QH is total. Effect of _HSUS~_on the. fine :-struptur of the )A: Directly upon in~eptioa of quench- TO_),thi_ fd-ac-ts 107 nterval proceeds, they on e Theni as the coolin in the M i 9. also on' the . newly f6rming M. : The results of X-ray diffraition analysis arc h e ring , -s own indicating that In the HSUS ii Id-carbide, formation proceeds even du 4 -.*the .6 process itself. The carbides detected are Fe G Graphic representations 3 -,-0.f the."pr ocess. data sho~,v that, at any given temperature,: steel: QHcd ina HSIUS s leis_c. ijini~nediately:after'Q, and arnical than st ~el QHed in the ordi- field contain e .other- coaditi q441 steel. 0 1 a onsbeing c Med-In !ISUS.field colitains 0 -..C~ in:.Ithi solid k4ution if its C is sm' ji~ re r aller. OH in a IL13US field is conducive to the'separation,of thel- C from the'solid solution, the formation*of centers of the carbide.. phase, and. theix. intensive growth.. . - The refore,', the onlinlarilyobse rved a hA6'jro h 'of -the car'bide.nuclei is unpaiii,-ed by their C-depleted I, phenomenal in.whic, wt u~d' are cori eIcted by -the. IMUS f .Leld. P~cul Iiaritie-s of the irnwadiate' sur ro ins -stru orm's'of M-'~ The microphotograph6 shown m nifg-sT-th tdral f, a e nonunifo_rr;~_._ I _- ~,,macro-aci~~r IZ._zirRc-ure ~obtained b - ordinary, QH, : as. corripared with the crypto74"ciclujar. M strv'~cture with uniformly distributed carbides obtained in the "MUS -.field.'.' :Effec U t on 'the hardness', of the stecl:. The steels.i 014ed in a HS S i4A INITRiMf A.N,,j DOILINITSYN, Ye.F.; KLYAR.OVSKlY, V.M.j PERTSEVA, A.I-. Use of nitrogen 15 as an internLl standard In *r,, quanti--.y of radicgonic argon. Gcokhimila ' ' r (~U R.A 18 r -". -I ) 1. Tnelitut geologJI I geofizflc~ Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN S~SSR, bvosllbirsk. %bm-ltted March 12, 1964.