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1-1 6 -0
7 12
nShorzhqvagjXj V., Perevezentsevi
Anstruments--for countries with tropical,climates (KonstrUirovaniye
Gonstritetion -of
priborov--dlya ~tran s tropicheskim,klimatom),1-2d ed.j rev.-and enI.0 Moscow,
Izd-vo '. I.IMashinostioyen3ye", 1964- 199 p. illus.9 biblio., table)), 33,100
copies printed
TOPM TACISF-I tropical deterioratinn,~--me.-tal--corrosion, organic coatings packing
-~-'-,-material,, metallic coating, nonmetallic coating, electric insulation
k reports oh -the design -of
AND bOVLUGE: now and the redesign of
old-instrumehts-for-countries-with-trol)ical-climates,, The of
ument the selection- of -materialfl,'- storage and-packing an-considered-, -The
_norm and methods- of-tropical climate iAsting are examined* 7be intended
'for -technical, workers of plants and dqijiFn bureaus as amanuals
TABIE:OF Cph"NTS'Jibridged]r
Foreword to thd'seoond edition 3
Cqrd 1/3
AUTHOR: Perevezentsev, L.T.
TITLE: Trial operation of the experimental LFIS color televizion
PERIODICAL: Tekhnika kino i telovideniya, no. 10, 1961, 55-37
TEXT: The author describes performance characteristics of the equipment
installed at the LEIS experimental color television station which under-
went trial operation from April 1960 till July 1961 in Leningrad. The sta-
tion wito outablishod and opor&ited by the Leningradskiy elektrotekhnichaskiy
inutitut ovyazi imuni N.,A. 11onoli-Bruyuvichn (Laningrad Elootrotuohtiictil
Institute of Communications im. M,A. Bonch-Bruyevich) with tho hVIr ol' oolne
enterprises in Leningrad. The station used a compatible TV systern :-ith a
quadrature modulation of the subcarrier frequency. The chrominance infor-
mation was transmitted by two color-difference signals, E R-Y and E B-Y' whi~~h
were quatirature-modulated by tht~ subcarrier frequency located in the fre-
Ilucncy spectrum of the luminance signal (E Y). The luminancu and color-
difference signals were determined by the formulas:
Card 1/4
"~577 3/18 61/000/010/002/607
Trial operation...
2r,577 S/187/61/C)00/010/002./007
EY - 0.299E R + 0-587EG + 0-114E B)
ER-Y = 0-701ER - 0.587EG 0.114E B;
EB-Y , - 0.299E R - 0-587EG 0.886E B;
where ER' EG and E. are the corresponding red, green and blue video signals.
The shape of the composite color signal co:-responded to theFOCT7845-55
(GOST 7845-55) black-and-white TV standard, except that the color synchro-
nization and chrominance signals were added to the luminance-.signal spec-
trum. The oolor-synchronization signal contained 10 cycles of' the sub-
carrier frequency. The parameters of the composite signal were: (1) fre-
quency of the color subcarrier - fs . 44296a7 t 30 cps; (2) be.ndwidth of
the luminance signal - & f Y 6.2 Mc at 6-db level; (3) bandwidth of the
color-difference signals fR-Y and A f B-Y ~ 1.5 Mc at 6-db level; and
Card 2/4 VAI
Trial operation... S/187/61/000/010/002/007
(4) frequency separation between sound and image carriers - 6.5 Mo. The
transmitter output power was 75 w. Programs were transmitted once weekly
for 1 to 1.5 hours in the 8th TV channel (Soviet standard). Besides the
TV broadcasts, the station regularly transmitted test patterna, using for
that purpose color-bar, wedge, checkerboard and grid generators, and a mono-
scopic unit with the 0249 test pattern. The TV programs were received using
"Raduga" and "Temp-2211 color receivers, and with black-and-white receivers
operating in the 8th TV channel. The transmission range was found to be
B-10 km for color reception with antennas tuned to the 8th TV channel. The
black-and-white reception rWe was up to 30-40 km with special antennas.
In May 1961, a trial color TV broadcast visa put on the air by a high-power
transmitter of the Leningradskiy teletsentr (Leningrad Telecast Station)
operating in the Ist TV channel. The pictures were received using several
color TV receivers in the Institut svyazi (Institute of Communications) and
in the zavod imeni Kozitskogo (Plant im. Kozitskiy). The results showed
that color TV programs can be broadcast by standard black-and-white trans-
mitters. An analysis of the results gathered during the trial operation of
the station showed that a simultaneous compatible color TV system with the
Card 3/4
P.V., prof.; KAOLEVA, T.V., red.; BELYAYEVA, V.V., tel:hn. red.
(Theory and practice of color television]Teoriia i prajtika
tavetnogo televideniia. Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1962. 661 p.
(MIRA 16:1)
(Color television)
A' r,~,oc, i
C, nd Tech oci -- "An,;lvsjs of' -he rleti,qu of 0.
a scanni% bewn." Len, 19,.6 (Min of' Higiier -,rid Seconorir% 6pecitlliiel Ejiw, 1-ion
RSFSR. Len Inst of Aircn,ft lns~rizneilt BuillinG). (KL, 1-61, 191-:)
S/19 61/000/000/044/092
AbTHOR: Pe reve z e at
TITLE: Distribution of current fluctuation probabilities
in secondary-electron multipliers
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioclektronika,
no. op 1961, 25, al)stract 8 G198 (Tr. Niauchno-tekhn.
konferentsii Leningr. clektrotelchn. in-ta svyazi,
no. 3, L., 1960, 45-56)
TEXT: The theoretical analysis has been carried out of
noise characteristics photo-clectron militipliers. The probability
density has been calculate(I of the appearance of randam values of
the photo-current due to the increase of it by secondary electron
emission. By means of numerical integration, valacs have 13een ,
tained for the MOnt characteriGtic variants of the relationships be-
tween photo-curre-,it:.,;, th(, acco:Ldary emia-dozi coefficients and their
dispersion. A formula has 'Jeen obtained for evaluating the 3/1,1
Card 1/2
Distribution of currcnt... D201/D304
ratio of Giagle-stage phcto-electron multipliers. The formula
obtained may be, with oone -i-iodification, applied to niulti-atage r_,,,
photo-electron mitItiplierfi, but it diffc-re from that obtained
earlier by other autbors. L"~t)ntrllcter,..) note: Comple,~e traiiala-
Card 2/2
S105616 1 /OcC"006 /C`8 /CA
91 Y/:go AOCIIA.IG.'
T! '711 :f cf --,rrsn* fjj-1%aat.cnP tr
FERIODICAL~ Refera*._1v-nyy zhurnal Fiz,.xa, nc. 6, 1961, .351, at-stract 6Z11197 (":r,
Nrv,v-hy'X,-tf-khn koni'ortnt~i3 Lenlngr. elektrotekhn In-ta 5vyazi"
no, 3, Leningrad, 1960, 11~-' - 56)
TEX -r- The d1z,,r!b-_it!cn of probalbilities of multiplier anode currer,7 fla-
ations was theoretically and exp,)rlmentally investigated. It is shown tnat *ne
differential diatributicn law for probabilities of fluctuations of inult.,plier ar..--
de current differs fr= the normal one. The author derives forffralae for determin-
ing the ront.-mean- square noise value and signal - to-nollse ratio at the output of
(Abstrac-,er'E nzte~
Card 1/1
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, 140, 12, p, 258,
# 25731
AUTHOR. Perevezentsev, L.T.
TITLE- On the Problem of Selection of Raster Dimensions for Scanning Beam
Transmitter S
PERIODICAL% Sb. tr. Lenlngr., elektrotekhn, In-ta svyazi 1957, No 2 (32). pp,
TEXT: A derivation of the signal-to-noise ratio is given depending on
dimensions of the scanner tube raster in a scanning beam transmitter at a constant
aperture and brightness of scanning. A formula for the light flux per element of
image is derived. The dependence of the function, which characterizes the signal-
to-noise ratio and corresponds to this light flux, on raster dimensions is pre-
sented graphically. The dependence of the di?pth of sharpness of the transmitted
scene on the~dimension of the tube raster is determined, and this dependence is
Card 112
S11 12/59/000/0 12/089/097
On the Problem of Selection of Raster Dimensions for Scanning Beam TransmItter
plotted against the sizes of transmitted objects When studio scenes are trans-
mitted, an increase of raster dimensions leads to a considerable improvement of
the signal-to-noise ratio
M.R~ 4
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the origina, Ruselan abslracl
Card 212
Transient woplitude-frequency and phase-frequency character-
istics of television cameras with a traveling be4m*
Blektrosviaxl 14 no-3:17-25 Nr 160. (MIRA 13:6)
(Television camera)
7r~' ~ - , , 4~ - -L' ~ 1 '; ~' '~ J, - . -- .
Aut--,L7m Des f :,, no. '~, I-r2.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,
j)., ~. 1 ~ ~ I. ~
~ i
" ~ I ~
--=, uncl.
OSTROVSKIY, I.I., inzh., red.; jEREK4=jTSr.V.,,jI.T. s, iv-~ . red.;
V.P.: inzh.p red.; KX-ff-SHIYAN, A.G.. inzh.ired.
(Pollection No..4 of standard district uniform estimates for
construction work; strip mining] Sbornik No.4 ediMkh ralon-
nykh edinichriykh rastsenok na stroiteltnye raboty; gorno-
vskryshnye raboty. Moskvap Stroiizdat~ 1965. 174 1).
(MIRA 18:8)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennvv komitet po do-
lam Atroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SOM (for OstrcvsMON4wv,
3. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki stroitell-
stva Gosstroya SSSR (for Perevezentsev, Shmeleva). 4. Gosu-
darst,vennyy in3titut po proyek"irovaniyu shnkht, karlyerov
i obogatitel'rWkh fabrik (for Kan7sblyan).
BUDANOV, G.V., inzh., red.; GUSEV, V.I.p inzh.) red.; NI, V.P..,
inA.,- red.; VALYAWISKEY, V.T., inzh.,, red.; Gj?,IG)?XV,
I.I.t inzh.. red.; ~'
.E4~!'V MTSU#~jf~.'T.$ Irwh., rod,
TURIANSM, M.A., spets. red.
[construction specifications and regulations) Stroitelt-
nye norag i pravila. Mloskva, Stroiizdat. Pt-4. Vol.2.
No.l. Ch-10. 1965. 95 p. (MIRA IW)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po
delam stroitellstva. 2. Gonstroy SSSR (for Budanov.,
Gusev, Maayakovskly)- 3. Nauchno.-issledovatellskiy insti-
tut ekonordki stroitelletva Gosstroya S.13SR (for NJ.,
Perevezentsev, Grigorov).
Making 30G1, 5L steel vith addition of ferromanganese ip the
ladle. Lit.proiav, no.70 Jl 162. (MIFJA 16:2)
(Steel-Metallurgy) (Ferromanganece)
BALASHOV, M.I.; BEIaNllill, F.A.; PEREVE7EMSEV, T.G.; Prin:-mali uchastiye:
SMIRNOVA, L.G., rabotnik; MIGALENKOVA, P.S., rabotnik.;
DUDOVA, L.3., rabotnik
Prevention of waterleaks in iron castings. Lit. proizv. no.l:
40 Ja 165. 1P:3)
1. TSentrallnaya zavodskaya laboratoriya (for Smirnova, Nbova,
EWT( )/EPF(o)/EPf
~:-AC ESSION-M. AT5013238 UR/3119/64/oOO/002/Oo5l/OO.64
AUTHOR:' --V F.;-Ivanov V,,_ P,; -Kuznetrov, V
ravdyuRj _V,
an evi -
TITLE'* _'Measuirement,of fast neutron-flows using threshold reactions during experl-~
n s on materials !T_U~e_RFT reactor
me t irradiation of
SOURCE: AN LatSSR.--Institut _f lziki. Radintsionnaya fizikaY no. 2, 1964,
-Dozim--triya jieytronov A -gar=m-l I Doslmetrv of neutrons ane: gar=a raya),_51-64.
TOPIC TAGS; fast-neutron flux threshold reaction, neutron reS;istration, neutron
flux measureme-nt,-reactor neutron fl-,iy, radiation dosimetry
~-,~ABSTRWT-.: The-authors studied the roblem of absolute measurements of integral
f luxeAl -of. fast-neutrons using the threshold reactions
Ull(n,j)-, Pll(n,p)Sill; S32(n,j
a -'A121 (,I, U)N424
Nios(np)cosl: C135(n, W32,
-in-the-channels of-the-M -reactor&- -The abfiolute - isotope- actilrity- was neasuredJv
means--of a 41t flow-through type counter, a 41, slit scintillation counteri the
c incidence
method2r-spectrometers, and by calibrated Proportional and crystal
-counters' with- layers of fissionable material, The distributioll of fast and ther-
..mal neutrons within the active zone was determined. according to the relative meth
od by. means offission counters and sulfur and copper activation. The article
of the-experiments, describes the experimental method, and
the -measurementso , The-metbodg used - I oi: -the- f lux. daterrain
nation. uring the resent investigation are quite complex and numbersome and tile
success of any sucli m6asurement hinges to a-great extent on thi! knowledge of the
t-f the spectrum-at Various points within the reactor. G)nsequently, the
authors suggest that the theoretically calculated spectra be uged whenever pos-
616- If--the-neutr-on- spect.rust
-in the-reactor-is lzalculated reason-
f or a point
--ibly adcurately, a single threshold iidicator is sufficient fox its empirical
-normalftation. If the accuracy f the calculation i in doubt) it can be checked:
0 a
'and corrected by means of a series of threshold indicators (sea, R. Nibson,.
e-utron- dose -monitoring for irradiation of materials in reactors. Contributions
i Deiemb~r_1962----No Sff--36/42;--j#---Moti?ff~
-to-t a Harwell Symposium n -Nucleonics--
"In conclusion, the authors thank Yu.,G. Kkolay~~v and his
.-ca.-Wokkers for:calculating the--neutron spectra and for practical help in carrying
rpe or jjajs. -f6rjajjjab)- 5- f igureaj- -and 3 tabl
ig, jjItt Cat
L 07081-67 -ggid)/EYJT(m)/EVIP(w)AiiP(t)/ETI- I Pte D/
J ). __J_ _EM/jXL_
ACC-RR--AT6026919 SOURCE CODE: UR/ODDO/66/ODO/000/0179/0187
AUTHOR: Pokrovskiy, Yu. I.;'Vikhrov, V. I.; Perevezentsev, V. N.
IORG: None
TITLE: Unit for remote measurement of internal friction and modulus of elasticity
of radioactive materiala
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metalluEEIL, Vnutrenneye treniye v metallakh i splavakh
(internal frictiorVin metals and alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 179-187
TOPIC TAGS: internal friction, elastic modulus, shear modulus, electronic measurement
laboratory instrument, mechanical motion instrument, fatigue tent, relaxation proccoo,
material deformation, radioactivity
ABSTRACT: A unit for remote measurement of internal friction and modulus of elasti-
city is described. This unit received author certificate application no. 823o88/
26-25, 5 Mar 63. The unit can measure the internal friction of materials from
5 x 10-2 down to 5 x 10-5 in the range of 60-6u0 cycles for bending and torsion
vibrations under conditions of low (-196'C) room and olevated temperatures (up to
7000C). Modul f elasticity and shear modulus can be measured on this unit and
fatigue test LaAjrZ be carried out. Both vibration damping and resonance methods
can be used. A simplified projection of voltages at variouB points in the circuit,
and a principal achematic diagram of the unit are included, together with a brief
ACC NRIAT6026919
description of the functions of some of the electronic components. Standard aeaBure-
ments of internal friction, determined by a thermal elastic effect, were used to
check unit operation as well as to evalunte the background of internal friction.
Thermal elastic internal friction was caused by transverse fluxes in the sample.
Relaxation phenomenon was associated with an established thermal equilibrium at a
specific time. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 4 figures.
SUB CODE: /9/3 07 DATE: 02 Apr 66/ORIG REF: 007/OTH REF: OMI
AT6026912 (A) SOURCE C=i UR/OC,00/'66/000/000/0076/0082
AT"HOR: Pokrovokiy. 'Au. I.; Vikhrov, V. 1.j Porevezontacy, V. X.
R None
TITLE: Study of Dome radiation dafecto in metals by measuring internal friction
and modulus of elasticity
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Inotitut metallureii. Vnutrenneyo treniye v motallakh i riplavakh
1 -82
(interno, r c i n Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 196G, 76
TOPIC TAGS: metal analysis, internal friction, elastic modulus, radiation damagq.
irradiation, na'GrAn- ,,Lc;j6A ltbkt/ R F T Ej,AA-
f 'ki
ABSTRACT: Samples of p (99.98%) copp~q
U~rl _r, molybdenum and tungn6erj_were irrndinted
in the operating channel of an RFT reactor core at a flux of 102 neutron/cm and
in the channel outside an IRT-1000 reactor core at a flux of 10 Ili nptronAm2. In-
ternal friction (Q-1) was measured between atrecoea of 1-1,000 G/mm with maximum
stress amplitude X(T) calculated according to the amplitude of vibrationn; ch"go
of modulus of elasticity (E), ascociatod with change of CI-I to 0, wan atudipd with
raGpect to change of natural frequency vibrations squared (f2) of camplo in relation
to10. For copper, cycrit rose 100 times after irradiation at Y020 noutron/criZ and
q. decreased by about 40% with respect to its pro-irradiation values. ChaPgoo in
L 0302-67
ACC NRI AT6026912
Q-1 and 0crit 'are explained by reaction of dislocations with spot. defects at low
neutron dosages, and reaction of dislocations with more complex defects (such as
vacancy complexes) at high neutron doBageB. This behavior differs from that of Mo
and W in that -1 for Cu at a flux of 10 20 neutron/cm 2 decreasen while Q-1 for both
Mo and W increases because these two metals have "free" (unattached to dislocations)
spot defectkwhich ifre,ab8ent in Cu. The increase of 0 crit for Ito and W may signify
that disloc ions, such as in Cu, are locked in place by radiation defects. A small
increase in 9 for these metals is associated with the fact that many of the de-
fects formed remain in t lattice because of low mobility of radiation defects in
these metals'in comparis2lwith the same mobility in copper. Examination of change
of modulus of elasticity1for the metals under scrutiny showed that neutron irradiat-
ion may cause an increase or decrease in elastic modulus W for copper in relation
to the magnitude of the integrated flux. This E for copper increases with 13MUll
doses and decreases for large doses. Explanations for changes in modulus of
elasticity are quite similar to those for changes in internal friction. Low tem-
peratures, and other forms of radiation (gamma-raya, electrons), can be used to
study spot defecta by the internal friction method. Orig. art. has: 2 figures
and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: it, 18/SUBM DATE: 02 Apr 66/ORIG WI 003/OTH REFS W2
niiclpar notallurU
L 1 o -,) 36__ 6-7 T',
ACC Ms AP6029795 I t:
AUTHOR: Pravdyuk, N. F. VIMirov, V. rortivo-r(intcov. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Detemination of the burnup or the_ fuel element of the ici!breaker "LimI in"
from the Co-1.37 activity without chemical separation
A-,-n11.,,,n rn-y-rlyn, v. 21, no. 2, 1966, 92-96
urmnium compound, enrichod urmnlum, renotor
ABSTRACT: Thc auti:,:r- ~~f the burn-up alnrir the length of
the fuel element by meazourins tlie of the 0.66-1.11ev gfUnmtk lines of the C13137
in the reaction products with a scintillatioa.y spectrometer with resolution 10--12%'.
The fuel element tested was made of uranium.-dioxide with 5.5% eni-ichment, operated for
h28 effective days, and stored for 575 days after remova.1 from the reactor. It was
cut in the hot chamber in 11 places and two samples of the uranito dioxide were chose
from each cut. The activity was measured with a scintillatior. counter in a specially
designed pickup (Fig. 1) and the data were processed with a pulse-height analyzer
(Al-100) provided with a special information extraction system (VD) developed at the
Institute of Atomic Energy im. I. V. Kurchatov by 14. P. Sokolov. The calibration of
C-,d 112 uDc: 621.039-548
----- ky - 1,
ACC NR: AF6029795
Fig. 1. Diagram of gamma-spectrometer pickup. I
-- Lead shield, 2 - jacket, 3 light pipe, Is -
collimator, 5 - copper tube, 6 target, 7 - NaI(Tl)
crystal, 8 - photomultiplier, 9 - cathode follower,
10 - support
the apparatus and the processing of the results are
described, and the integral flux of the thermal
neutrons and the burnuD rate are calculated. It is
concluded that the method can be used to determine
the relativQ distribution of the burnup, after suita-
ble cooling of the fuel element with accuracy 16% and
the absolute burn-up value with accuracy 116%. The
authors thank 11. M. Mordvinov for a discussion of the
results, and 4. A. ~fi-a~kovan~cf 14. P. Sokolov- for prac-
tical aid in preparing the system for information ex-
traction. Orig. art. hao: 4 figures, 11 formulas,
and 2 tables
SUB CODE: 181 SU13M DATE: OlFeb66/. ORIG REF: oo6/ ou REF: col
Corti 2/2
Pa-zVrmr-,US-r.VL V. V., Ur-J. Vet. wry%5; F. S. M, ILLOV, Sr. Lt., Vet - Corps
"Effect of Intravemus Infusions of White Streptoocido (III), on the Blood of a Horsell
Above is a Section(in Table of Contentsf(p. 253))in Chap. V - Tests and Practice,
of "Bolezni loshadg - Sbornik Rabot" ("Equine Diseases - Collection of 11orks'), O_ryiz-Sr-,lt-
khozgiz, 1947, compiled by A. Yu. Brarmburg and A. Ya. Shapiro, and edited by
A. U. Laktionova, State Press for Agricultural Literature. Works iri a mjority of caz;03
had been published previously in the journal Voterinariya or in one of the Mnmls issued
by the Veter'nary Aaddnistration of the Artned Forces.
41,6014366 GODE: U,;1/0372/65/'000/011/'-C)03/3303
AUT 'I- IICR: Porovezentsev, Yo. I.
TITLZ: A self-adjusting, system of automatic marino navigation with search for a
given d,-rnamic characteristic
SOURCE: Rof. zh. Kibernetika, ltbs. lIG16
RZr SOURCE: Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta nor3k. flota, vYP. 59, 1964, 71-79
TOPIC TAGS: navigation system, ship navigation, automatic navi,-ator, solf adaptive
control, game theory
ABSTUICT: The design principle of a self-adjustina systan of automatic marine navi-
Cation is described with a model. The nothod of putting the syotom of automatic
narino navirration into a stable equilibriun position is examined Lnitially. The
i problem is formulated and solved by nothods of game thoo~ 4 illustrations. Bib-
liography of 4 citations. B. A. fTranslation of abstrac3l
Card UDC: 62-506.1:681.142.36
L 43651-66 OWIT
ACC NR: 014881 (N) SOURCE CODE., UR/2752/65/000/077/0074/0061
AUTHOR: Denisov, K. N. (Candidate of technical sciences); Pereve743ntsev, Ye. H. (Can-
didate of technical sciences)
ORG 0 -n c.
TITLE: A variation in the structural synthesis of a perceptron-type recognition de-
vice for an automated system to control fleet operations
SOURCE: LeninRrad. Tsentrallnvv nauchno-issledov atellskiv institut morskoao flota.
Trudy, no. 77, 1965. Av-tomatizatsiyA i vychislitel'naya tekhnika na morskom flote
(Automation and computer engineering in the Merchant Marine), 74-81
TOPIC TAGS: perceptron, adaptive pattern recognition, naval furjmnwrgwrizat-~on
ri / -
ABSTRACT: The functional properties of a perceptron-type learning automaton which has
two and three valued thresholds and associative elements with distributed parameters
for use in the recognition of flat black-and-white images in printed texts are dis-
cussed. The authors consider a perceptron-like net of sensitive, associative, and re-
active elements forming a variable transitional matrix of coefficients of amplifica-
tion, wh.-*Lch depends upon a set of past active states of the net (particularly upon a
set of objects presented to the perception during the learning period). They show thati
UDC: 656.61-52
Card 1/2
L 43651-66
ACC NR: AT6014881
a two or three-threshold perceptron is capable of generalization 0. e. , interpola-
tion and extrapolation) and self -organization (in the sense o~'learning), and is there-
fore a detailed enough model for studying the-,-process of autbq_aiic pattern recogni-
tion with forced learning, given a sufficient number of elements7 in the logical net.
The authors also dibcuss the problem of the effi-clent operational control of fleet
movements from the viewpoint of automatic pattern'retognition with self-organization
and learning. The problem of directing ships approaching an operational area to par-
ticular ports would be solved by the automatic selection~of a particular "picture", or~
configuration, that reflects total minimum cost on the baCsis of memory and program
constantly modified and updated through past experiences. Orig. art. has: 4 figures.
L 43652-~6 2-~' ?,.,T (V)JUV W /Z..!P W W
ACC NRt AT6014862 SOURCE CODE: UR/2752/65/000/077/0082/0088
AUTHOR: Denisov, K. N. (Candidate of technical sciences); Perevezentsev, Ye. N. (Can-
didate of technical sciences)
ORG: )) o P. e-
TITLE: The problem of synthesizing a discrete perceptron
SOURCE: Leningrad. Tsentrall M nauchno-issledovatellski_y Lnslitut morskogo flo a.
Trudy, no. ", 1965. Avtomatizatsiy-a-'-i -v'ych-irslitellnaya tekhnika na morskom flote
(Automation and computer engineering in the Merchant Marine), 82-88
TOPIC TAGS: computer control system, perceptron, pattern recognition, digital comput-
er, linear programming, decision theory Ce,
ABSTRACT: The artic16 presents a solution to the problem of synthesizing the logical
net of a digital perceptron based on optimum coding and linear programming methods.
The structural circuit utilizes simultaneously both recurrent and nonrecurrent forced
learning procedures. The recurrent procedure for learning to recognize objects (pre-
sented by binary numbers) is based on the simplex method of linear programming. The
nonrecurrent procedure is based on the Browning-Bledsoe method of binary digital recog-
nition. Information signs of recognized forms are extracted by computer procedures in-
Card 1/2 UDC: 62-52
L );3652-66
ACC NRt AT6014882
general coding (in the sense of the Brawning-Bledsoe method), leading to an investi-
gation of the fine structure of the binary numbers by methods in the theory of optimum!
coding. The algorithms of optimum coding of binary numbers are based on a comparison
of divergence and entropy of a series of possible states of the recognition device.
Optimum selections of the weighted coefficients in the logical net are determined on
the basis of algorithms of the simplex method using digital computers. The authors
conclude that the further development of the theory of discrete (digital) perceptron
depends on perfecting the recurrent and nonrecurrent learning procedures in pattern
recognition devices which involves the use of more general computational methods of
nathmatical programing. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 3 tables.
Card 2/2
Using nultiple route, multichannel, and complex nayigational Fyst,-.M-q
in automatic ship steering. Trudy TSNIIMF 8 no.47:82-M 16".
(AURA 16:12)
optimal system of automatic navigation with full Initial Informatlon
equivalent to an adaptive control system. Trudy TSN11MF -- Al;:29-12
Conditions for the stability of a nonlinear system of automatic na-
vigation. lbid.:33-51
(MIRA 18:2)
L 02259-67 Sq(d)
ACC-Nl-a-M014773 SOURCE CODES UR72-762 / 0 0 0105-17VO.'i2_16-63 2
AUMOR: Perevezentsev, Yi. N.
ORG: nono-k- 6*t
TITIX: The problem of the representation of the basic problem of automatic navigation from
the Informational aspect
SOURCE:; Leningrad. TqentraljW -jk (Aqyatqj'ak" Itqt zqorsk2 p, Trudy
kt _At _ 0
no. 619 1963. Vychislitellnaya tekhnika I avtomatizatslya na morskom flote (Computer
technology and automation In. the, merchant marine), 22-32
TOPIC TAGS: ship navigation, automatic navigator, informnUon theory,, random procoss.
navigation system
ABSTRACT: The paper deals essentially with a study of the Information -related properties
a complex dynamic system for automatic ship control according to a proscribed program.
These properties and concepts are s~pproacbed through an analysis of the fundamental statistical
and Information characteristics of multidimensional random processes. which are an extenBl=
V% the unidimensional random processes encountered In automatic control problems. On this
baslig, the author seeks tD.- 1) establish a relation between tbicorrektion theory of random
processes and the classical theory of discrete measurements with respixit to the problems of
ACC -NR __ AT6034.95 o' (Al SOURCE CODE: UR/2752/66/000/073/oc65/0076
AUTHOR: Perevezentsev, Ye. N.
;ORG: None
:TITLE: The Doppler method of navigation using satellites
!SOURCE: Leningrad. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo flota.
Trudy, no. 73, 1966. Sudovozhdoniye i svyazl (Navigation and communication), 65-76
IiTOPIC TAGS: Doppler effect, Doppler navigation equipment, Doppler tracking, naviga-
tion. satellite,
"-yi MAt"qP1 -ship navigationA 0,?617-
ABSTRACT: The orbital parameters and possible spatial positions of satellites in
Irectangular and spherical coordinates are defined. Fundamental questions of using
satellites to determine a ship's position at sea by the Doppler method are reviewed.
Recommendations concerning the composition and structural arrangement of the ship's
navigational complex for the reception and processing of orbital infortnation are
Imade. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 21 formulas, and 1 table.
Card 1/1 UDC: 527:629,195.1 J
Surgical treatment of Marcus Gunn's syndrome. Oft. zhur. 16 no.4:
248-249 'U. Oval RA 14: 7)
1. Iz kafedry glaznykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.A.Bugayev) Omskogo
meditsinskogo instituta. (EYELIDS-DISFASES)
Intensification of the processes of plasticization and mizing on
rollers. Kauch. i rez. 17 no.6:34-35 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7)
1.Moskovskiy zavod razinovykh isdeliv sanitarti i glgiyen7.
New production variety of organic pigments for the . r industry.
Khim.prom. no.lt26-28 A%. 163. (MIRA 16:3)
(Pigments) (Dyes &nd dyeing--Rubber goods)
SOV/ 138 -58-6-10/25
AUTHORS: Perevezon!;-~eva, llllin~,ian, L.V., ~,erebryal-.ova V.L.
T Y-.
TNLE: ~_L;ses of Piasticisation an" Mlixin,, -)n
Roll Mlill:3 hr, tmsif ilia ts I.ya protsos3ov dla_,ti_rat.~_`i i
sriieshoniya na valltsakh)
PERIUDICAL: Kauchule-, _J Rezina, 1958, lIr 6, i,-,P 34 - 35 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Tho aim of tho liwastig;.ition was to in~(ni.ijfy
of natural rubber and colourin- 3L'
ruixturps whilst working on rollers (tem.,,,erutu_-_ :3f 4-,-P
rollcr = 500 - 600C) by u3im, non-toxi-3 ;jl-a4tir:
Tho fir:~t ~;11-age of tlie inve3tigation coii~3i_t.r, i Li.
under Ia-borat"cry conditions, sub~~-tance5 r.-
,=Sht- ai~d the Lo-,:(,,ioZov NITIZhT. (A k,
C-idal di~, ze iIuIIIIrl_jUra~2resol (DKFi,.j1
1) 0 i IZ if i i d'-, Zo 3(1-1) ~rjt*rt.-butyl~)henol
bu~y'Lnydro,I,,uInoi)e 4-2u). (2) Vulcjrij.i~i-,
te trame thyl thiuraridi su --,,.,hide (thiura-,i),
propylbenzene hydroperoxide), chlorinated
stearate, bis- (para- tort. -butylphenol)
Card 1/3 renatsit,'j-j,Tha effect'. of these various
tested; however, negative r,~_sults were
SOV/ 138-5b-6--lu/25
Intensifying Processes of Plasticisation and M'.ixing C,n Poll
Accelerated plasticisation (20 - 30%) was ob"I'ained uith
bis ()ara-'Uert.-butylohenol) disulphide. Results (at a
tempe~aturo of 50() - 6000 are given in a Ta bl. e. Th o
effect of Vne tein~)crature of processing on the jl.a ;ticl-
sation of natural rubber in the temperature limit3 of
500 - 1200C was investigated. The plasticity (ac3ord-L'p-,,-
to Karrer) was decreased on increasing the temperature,
but in all ca--z(-.s the plasticity of natural rubber --cn-
tainin~, the above naned substances was higher than that
of untreated natui-al rubber. A maximum dogree of
il,lasticisation of na'Lural rubber was obtained when the
rubber -.:as first heated before being fed to the
(1000C) and when ~processing was carried out at".
TL-US verif-ied on a rubber mixer in the Sverdlov3k,
Card 2/3 plant RTI (16 - 150 - When DMFPK was used, the
~,Jassticisation vias accelerated by 20 - 3055, The ti,-ae
SOV/138 -58-6-10/25
Intensify-in'- ilrocc----.;e3 of' Pla:;ticisation and Mixing on Rcl-L
of v.,as shortened by 20,'~ w~ien using t`-t~
sub.;tancc i..,ith i,.eated -lasticised rubLer. and bi i I
when usinv! it vritl-, heated unplasticised na r ~,- I r-,i bl~ e
Thore i3 1 Tal.,~ic.
ASS6~,'IATIUN: Eo3kov,-~,',iy zavcd r,~.zinovykh izdeliy :~a---!--
r1la-nt for 1.',a-'-IinF- Ri~bbe-
und HY71-ie~ie)
Card 3/3
Brief report on the work of the province conference of dertmtoveaeroole.-
gists of Leningrad Province. November 28-30, 1957. Vest.ders. i
von. 32 no.3:95 W-Je 158 (MIRA 11:7)
P,7~~ ; `~ . -: " - , L ". 'w , i . -i '.~ 1, - 3 , 1 '2
i . ~: l-' V , 'ZI11,11. K--, 1 M, l ~ , /, , ( -,,), , ) .
P&REEMIZEEV, ldkolny Sergeyevicl-,.
For putting one thiri of the earth's surlft!ce uiAer -ultivation (On the ttro~Shold of r
new agricultural Five-Ym-r Plin). Leningrad. Sellkolkhozgiz I Q "I'l. (~-, : .(5,1,-453~~-)
a52/2600 (The role of tanning matter in the phenomena of disease resistance in cotton
plants). Poll dubillzykh veshchesty v tavloniiakh ustoichivosti khlopchataika k viltu.
DWaW, Akademii Effia =, 79(2): 303-3o6, 1951.
and R-UBIN, B. It. "Role of Tannins In the Men-menti of Cotton
to Wilt," Doklady Akademii Nauk =',R, vol. 7), July 11, 1T1, pp. 3r,.-,-3y.
511 P444A
So: Sira S1-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953
F&MiAzxo, s. r.
Coal Mines and Mining
The longwall system of working does not have to be the only one in the Donets Basin.,
trad.rab., 6, No. 1.. 1952.
9- Monthl List of Russie-n Accessions, Library of Congress, A:p.j, IqSp -APPA, Uncl.
rent n.-* n,-",
SO : TJ-3'1/,' 11 r 3 1
pCj-CVC,,jCjjj.!-rv, T. 'I.
SC: I'arcl,, L4-, t D 1 Zl i u-n a2 f rl-11
I -I.," T. ".
- , T " ". '. , . - * n,--
I . , . . .. - 1 , - ri r, -.- , -, . I r c ' ,' - , 4 , - - ' - , , -
PC re-v4c'-, !,- - -., - I r -:, - -:: ~: n~ . ~ , n . I
-,,r..i-,v Artrri"'-. --O~;. 'n-,a, 7-7. ~-Xj . -6-7.- .
SO: --I - '- - 9 11 " c h ' I , ( Lr ' :- - 11 -~ I Z I -arn f I I r. -'- 1, '7r,. .1 .
I . al" , I . I -.' -)'
711-t- " - .1.
~, _i - -," .I II . I
C-rl - -,-, T. ",. - '!'n i.'-r -*n an! " - r- -.- -P -.1 "... - 1.1 : I - - - .. 1!
Tr,!!:,- - - r, ~-: . r - r--(', .~ n-t -.. , ',ln7 . -)', I -/; r, ,-1 '21 --,:,
U- - , 4 - - T. I - -1 1 .
S- : U-~')42, 11 '.BArch 57, '~'~r-rrn- 1 In ", Ao-; ,, I I,) ,-, .
- -.1 . ~ -)-" . p .1j. , - ".
r.-I.,:- -1 - .?
. ... ': , ,;,, , - I I .
P("r("V,-.Ic, i, -- ~ 7. - 7. 11 ~ "
) ~ .. _ " 1 .: - , nlc~-.,i' -1-o I "I I- , ,
froffl. "le'l . '1-,7 . 7, ' ~41, , . I ".`~;- ~"'
20: U-3~C, 11 ?BArch 73, Mcl-mis IZ-hurnal 'ny'-.h, IT- I 1~) r)~
. , " 1 9
",:r'n- c-, l.", rocr
nll,~ A
SO 'Z'-,-,rn,-.2 In-" "'.a'r~--,
F, - "1 -1 -~ -I uj
, 1. N.
26001 PEREVODCHIKOV, L N. 0 Dermatozak-h, Svyazannykh S Voyennoy Travmoy V SB:
Problevq Vosstancrvit. Leclieniya Invalidov Otechestv. Vcyny. Astrakhan',
1948, S. 27b-81.
SO: Letopis' Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, 1548, Moscow
IlyphIlis treated by reinforced therapy. Vest.vener. no.2:15-17 Xr-
A'P 95 0. (CLKL 19:3)
1. Of the Skin-Venereological Clinic, Astrakhan' Medical Institute
(Read -- Prof. N.B.Perevodchikov).
Development of undifferentiated forms of leprosy. Vest. vener., Kooky&
no. 5:29-31 Sept-Oct 1952. (CLML 23:3)
1. Professor. 2. Of the All-Union Scientific-Research Institute for
Leprosy and of the Skin Clinic of Astrakhan' Medical Institute.
KOSOLLIPKINA. L.I., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk, zaveduyushchiy luboratoriyey;
ALANDMV, I.N.; FAMODCRIXOT. I.N., professor. direk-tor.
1 - - M'~.a
Condition of nerve fibers in experimental lepro"s. Vest.ven. i dern.
no.3:14-17 W-Je '53. (KI.Rk 6:7)
1. Phtomorfologichookays laboratorlys, Ysevoyusnogo instituts, po imuche-
niyu lepry. (leprosy) (Nerves)
v o~, r or r,' i a t
~,C~l 7.5 L
..-~ , . . . 4 - , - .
It r- -'err, . -- " 1r-, , :, ,, ,,- -, , ,E, ; ~ .I , . . , 11
. e!'-iii. 1 1 ~, i-i ~ al-~. - (", , .-: -.-~lcl-. .. Yo
o 1 , J, I -I - el,--l "1". 1,)":. ~ io. .! - ~-, , L; -0 . .
USSR / General Problems of PatholoGy. Exporimontal Trea'Wont. U-5
Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Biil., No 10., 1958., No 46916
Author :
Inst Astro1han' Institute of Medicine.
Title Some Problems of skin Cancer and of Precancerous Skin
Orig Pub V ab. Tr. Astrakhanskogo, med. in-tZL, 1956, 12, r10 2,
Abstract Data on 456 patients with cancer of the skin are given who
have come to the Astrakhan' dermatology clinic during a
16 year period. A considerable number of epitheliomas
developed following the appearance of atrophic skin areas
and the occurrence of hyperkeratosis phenomena. in some
of the cases, long .2asting inflaamtory processes (such
as lupus aheilitis) preceaded the appearance of skin can-
cer and of lower lip cancer. The author is of the opinion
Card 1/2
CIPeprosy; diagnosis and prophylaxis; a manual for physicians)
Baspoxnavante I profilaktike lepry; rukovodstvo dlia vrachei.
Moskva, Medgiz. 1957. 230 p. (MIRA 11:1)
1 -
Use of gangleron in the compotind treatment of peptic ulcer. Yq-Je'63. (MM 16:9)
1. Kafedra fakulitetskoy terapii (zav. - dotsent S.V.
Bazanova) Bashkirskogo maditsinskogo instituta.
A short outline of the oncological. work in the U.S.S.R. NeaFlasna 9
no.3:355-368 162.
1. Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology of the Academy of
Medical Sciences of U.S.S.R., Moscow.
,FEMOSHCBIKOV Koustantin AlekspyIndoh CREFMKOt K.A., otv. red.;
Z.V.p tekbm, red,
(Under the mw of India,, a land which is fantastic and ordinary]
Pod molptsem Indiiv strany skazoohnoi i obylmovemnoi. Moskva#
Goe,izd-vo detakoi lit-ry H-va proav. RSFSR, 1961. 158 P.
(MIM 15 t 2)
(India-Social conditions)
KOBRTII,, V.U.; FIiVVOZCHIKOV.L S.P.; SHAPIRO, A.S., starshiy master
11oncontact buck curnnt rolay for multiplo-unit rail cars.
Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.6:21 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Ruko-oditeli g-rupp nauchno-isaledovatellskogo cWola
Leningradakogo instituta inzhonerov zhelaznodorozhuogo tmnsportAi
(for Kobrinp Perevozchikov). 2. TSekh takushchogo ramonta dopo
Leningrad-Finlyandskiy for Shapiro).
Milroad motorcars)
(Railroads-Electric oquipmont)
(Electric relays)
NHIRASOV, V.I..inzh.; CHRMSOV, Te.B..Inzh.; PMVOZCHIKOV, S.N.,inzh,
MT-16 narrow-gauge diesel-electric locomotive using single-
phase current of industrial frequency. b*bor.LIIZHT no.159:92-
105 '58. (MIRA 12-2)
(Diesel locomotives)
Determimtion of the saturated varjor pressure of indium oxide.
Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2090-2092 161. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova.
(Indium oxide) (Vapor pressure)
S/07 61/031/007/002/008
-E, ~Ulo D229YD305
AUTHORS: Shchukarev, S.A., Semenov, G.A., Ratlkovskiy, I.A.,
and Perevoshchikovt V-A.~-
TITLE: Determination of eaturated vapor pressures of indium
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v. 31, no. 7, 1961,
2090 - 2092
TEXT: This is a report on determining very low saturated vapor
pressure of indium oxide by the flow method using a radioactive
tracer - InI14 in the range of temperature from 12900 to 14900. It
is known (Ref. 1: S.V. Bleshinski , and V.F. Abramova, Khimiya in-
diya. Izd. AN Kirgizsk SSSR, 1958~ that the ignition of In2O at
the temperature up to 12000 did not lead to a change in weigL of
indium. oxide. The attempt to measure the vapor pressure of In2O3
at 10600 using the flow method was unsuccessful. In view of the
above it was decided to determine vapor pressure of In2O3 by a
Card 1/4
S/07Y61/ 31/007/002/008
Determination of saturated ... D229 D305
flow method at much higher temperatures (12900-14900) with air as a
carrier gas suppressing the dissociation of indium oxide. Air was
found to be satisfactory, as it is proved (Ref. 1: Op.cit.) that
indium nitride if formed, burned up in the air, forming oxide. It
was assumed that indium oxide vapor is monomeric. After describing
the indium oxide preparation method, the authoisnote that itd radio-
chemical purity was checked by a y-spectrometer (illustrated in
this article). The rate of flow of carrier gas at its saturation
with In2O3 vapor was determined for three temperatures: 12900, 14450
and 14900C. The values of molar concentration at the flow rates less
than 4 ml/min were not taken into account when extrapolating for
zero rate, as they showed discrepancies. The flow rate of 5-7 ml/
min was chosen. The values of indium oxide molar concentration ob-
tained by extrapolation for the zero rate and measured at the low
rate of 5-7 ml/min varied roughly by 8 %. Saturated vapor pressure
of indium. oxide was measured in the temperature range of 12900 -
14900C and the dependence of the saturated vapor pressure of indiur
oxide on temperature is shown in Fig. 2. Results were taken from
Card 2/4
Determination of saturated ... D229/D305
three inlependent experiments wilk-lh prcpqrations of different- total
activity. Thp total determination errar of indium oxide vapor p.-,3,:-
sure consists of: Determination error of total activity of prepara-
tion(� 1.2 ~), error in weasuring actf.vity (� 6 /'Y), deteriziination
error of preparation temperature (� 0.5 ~), error in measuring volu-
me of passed carrier gas (� 2 cl'o). The determint-tion error of indium
oxide vapor pressure calculated on the basis of these values wnounts
. 1,;nthalpy of sublimation of in6ium oxide vi,~s found to be 118
to 6 ~
� 2Kcal/mol. Entropy of the process of' sublimation of In2O3 N-las cal-
culated taking the heat capacity valucs of indium oxide in the
perature range of 00-1000C (Ref. 1: Op.cit.), as no value of CP 0~
In 03 at high temperature could be found in technical literature.
Caicul,-ted S0298 amounts to 42 � lKcaL/mol. degree. There are 2 fi
gures, 3 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Lenin(;radsk*y gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A.
Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A.A. Zhdanaz)
SUB1,1ITTED: June 21, 1960
Card 3/4
ACC NR: AT7003993 SOURCE --ODE; UR/0000/66/000/000/0048/0055
AUTHOR: Perevodchikov, V. I.; Pokras. A. N.; Skibityanskiy, D. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Electron gun with a current of 40-50 amp intended for pulsed linear
SOURCE. Mezhvuzovskaya konferentsiya po clektronnym uskoritelyam. 5th,
Tomsk, 1964. Elektronnyye uskoriteli (Electron accelerators); trudy kon-ferentsii.
Moscow, Ato-nizdat, 1966, 48-55
TOPIC TAGS: linear accelerator, electron gun
ABSTR,A,CT: The design, construction, and testing of a special clectror) 11tin
intended for operation in the linear accelerator of the institute of Nuclear PtlYSICB,
SO AN SSSR, are briefly reported. An accelerating voltage of 1.5 Mv irs developed
in a cavity resonator containing the gun charnber suspended from a helix (Bee
figure). No structural insulating member between the first and second anodes is
provided. Current density at a spherical cathode is 20 amp/cm". A focusing
Card 112
ACC NR-. AT7003993
electrode is placed close to the cathode; the first anode is
conical, and the second is a flat diaphragm. A sketch
shows general construction of the axiBymmetrical gun. The
cathode is heated by the electron beam (180-360 w, 600 v).
Turn-an pulse voltage is applied to the first anode whose
breakdown voltage is about 45 kv. During the tests, the
accelerating positive pulses were controlled within 0-22 kv.
With a heater voltage within 5. 5-7 v and a heater current
25. 5-27. 5 amp, the cathode temperature was within
1550-1700C. With an electron-bombardrnent power of
360 w, the gun current was 42 amp. During the first two
hours of gun operation, the emission current fell off by
2516 and then remained constant for several dozen hra.
Orig. art. has: 7 figures and I table.
SUB GODE. 09 SUBM DATE: 06Mar66 I ORIG REF: 00 1
Cord 2/2
AUTHORS: Perevodchikov, V.I. and Ruznetsov, Ye.P.
TITLB3 The Possibility of Using Germanium Sulphide
Photoresistances as Television Camera Tube Targets
FIRIODICALt Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol.5, No.9.
PP. 1478-1483
TEXTj The use of GeS photoresistances in a vidicon-type television
Camera tube was proposed by Cashman in 1956. The present article
presents the results of an experimental study of such photo-
resistances. An alloy of spectrally-pure germanium with sulphur
was evaporated on to a glass base. Approximately stoichiometric
proportions were used, where the GeS was separated from the
germanium disulphide GeS2 by sublimation, as well as from oxides
and non-reacting residues. Layers were evaporated in vacum on to
glass plates with parallel electrodes 30 nun long with 0.5 mm gap.
Resistivity and sensitivity of the photolayer were studied; as
functions of the base temperature, the rate of evaporation, the
residual gas pressure and the thermal treatment. It was found
that the sensitivity and resistivity were not critical, subsequent
heat treatment permitting compensation for variation in base
Card 1/3
The Possibility of Using Germanium Sulphide Photoresistances as
Television Camera Tube Targets
tem erature during evaporation. Residual gas pressures up to
10-3 mm HS had practically no effect on the resistivity or the
sensitivity. The layers obtained were fairly sensitive, with
maximum sensitivity at 590 mo, in individual layers shifting down
as far as 516DO mp. Typical characteristics are shown in Fig-3.
Since appreciable absorption occurs at wavelengths below 600 mp,
the sensitivity of the photolayer depends appreciably on its
thickness. The temperature characteristics (Fig.4) indicate the
presence of intrinsic and impurity conductivities. The width of
forbidden zone obtained from the curve is 1.7 to 1.75 eV, the
dissociation work of the impurity levels 0.9 to 0.95 eV.
Although the layers were stable up to high temperatures, the
sensivity decreased by a factor of 3 between 20 and 600C, and by
a factor of 8 up to 1000C. Vidicon samples were produced
approximating to the Soviet type LI-18. A resolution of 500 to
550 lines was obtained. The target had appreciable inertia.
With a motion of the test chart across the target at 2 to 2.5 mm/sec
Card 2/3
, -7 1 , If - -A 0 i ,~ - j,
I C "', ~. V I , ( -11-
, ... ..
New photoconductive layers for television pickup tubes with a
photoconductive target. Rndiotakh. I elektron. I no.1:415-420 Mr '58.
(Television--TrAnsmitters nnd trnnamission) (MIRA 11:4)
Possibilities of using GeS photoresistances ae targets in television
camera tubes. Radiotekh. i elektron. 5 no.9:1478-1483 S 160.
(MIRA 13:9)
(Television camera)
YOU havo to undertake it the right way. Izobr.i rats. no.6:25-27
Je 160. (1-fi-FA 141:2)
1. Predsedatell Udmurts.cogo obla3tnogo soveta Vs2soyuz-io-o obsbehestva
izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov, g. Izhevf3.-,:.
Mhurt A.S.S.R.-Technological innovations)
Results of the work of consolidated children's Institutions In Ud-
murtia. Trudy 13:419-424 151. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Klinika detskikh bolesney Izhevekogo moditsinskogo inatituta.
Angina In childhood. Trudy 1zhev.goe.ved.Inst. l3t425-430 '51.
(MIRA 1322)
1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy detskikh bolezney 1zhevskogo maditainsko-
go Instituta.
F F"'." E'll, 7H7 ' ,A .I .
Perevoshchikova, A. 1. - !IT.Dy:jc cjyL.D,,p.5ia, _,jod ~ t , r i a 1 -1 'he
clinic for 191.1", Trudy MedinFtitut'a (17.hev. -,o-9. in-t;, Vol. '1.', 01. , .
~3-?L .
SJ: L-11110, 17 J,,Ay 5~, (teto,~is 'ZhurnaL lnylkn E't~,tey, .o. 1?, I)L9'
PEP -~C-C;-Ty
-a -01jA, A. 1.
"Children of the Udmurt Autonomous Socialist Remblic.11 Thesis for Ngree of Dr. %,.edical
Sci. Sub 24 Apr 50, 9,)Ecow Medical Inst, Mairtry of' H--a1th RSFSH
- ineering- JLi
Summary 71. 4 Sep 52. Dissertatioas Presented for begreca in Science ana 114,
Moscow in IZO. From Vechernyaya Moskva, Jnn-Dec 1950.
RMVOSHCHIKOVIA, A.-T., professor; KOROTKOVA, K.V.. kandidat maditainskikh
cauk; MUKISHEVA. L.5.
Interaction of rickets and pneumonia in young children. 20
no,8:30-)4 Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10)
1. Is kliniki detakikh bolesney 1zhevskogo moditsinekogo institute
(dir. - dotsent I.V.Olyunin)
(RIGUTS. compl.
pneumonia. manual exacerbation of both cond. in child.)
(PNIAJNOBIA. atiol. and pathogen.
rickets. mutual exacerbation of both cond. In child.)
Blood cholaiterol In opilopmy. Vop.palkh.l nerv. pi:2y.8-211.
162. (MIRA 17-4)
1. Iz y-go nervno-organicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. otdeleniyem
S.P.Voroblyev) Psikhonev'rologicheskogo instituta imeni
V.M.Bekhtereva (direktor B.A.L--bedev).
Chemotherapy of malIgnant. tumors. Vest, 02i SSSIR 18
no.3,49-66 163. (M.TRA i7-.'0"
in-t-, Vn-7. 7",
SIC 11 "m-ch
Doc Hed Sci
Dissertation: "Children of the Udmurt Autonomous Socialist Republic."
Mosco,w Wdical Inst. Ministry of Health
SO Vecheryaya Moskva
Sum 71
Some modern methods 4 morphological investigation and their use
in a clinic for nervous and mental diseasest Trudy Gos, nauch.-
iial, paikhonevr. inst. no.2bs29-34 159. (MIRA 14:1)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauehno-issledovat~el'skiy poikhonevrologicheskiy
institut'imeni V.M. Bekhtereva, Leningrad.
FE-Ith-VOSHCHIKO".171t, K. A.
IISSRA'edicine - Nucleins
Medicine - Uterus, Cervix
Mar/Apr IP4F
"The Morphology of Phosphorous ExchanCe Under Nomial and Pathological Conditions: 11,
Ribonucleic Acid i n Inflarra tion, Necrosis and Cancer of Human Cervix Uteri . 11 1~-of
A. G. Andres, Inst of Nomwil nnd Pa th Forrh; K. A. Perevoshchikova, Cent Oncol Inst
imei-d A. Gertsen, 8 I-p
"Arkhiv Patologii" Vol X, No 2
Treats problem of detection of the content and distribi.,tion of ribcnucleic acid
histochemically in the various cellular elements of one orgrn, the human cervix uteri,
under several pathological conditions: inflarnzntion, necrosis, epithelial ~yper'.lasia,
and cancer.
PA 1'6T83
1 1111411141, to 4 b
(Z jiii~ d -11. A- ol A it I I -.A.
A 6 -Z-1 it 1, A, J-1--v -111. -1 1--m Ok Q%c -
t1ol-Alto flop C.00!Ill- -- - -- - - - --- 10 lob O.-'apiliii
A;mCcIttli AND Obtrial.1%
Some PrOW009 of reliving Of trijular noth, 11
CA zi),Ir,kll slid
00 A 1114"'Idi, klid.
vank S ..S INk 'N I'M 19)
lot, 11,8118 a -00
or I at In 412. "1 Ovilm-4,1.1
thir tinclirl mir undil"Issird and lift- (fly 0 -tulm,wot. ma -
11'"A1- F.Xtn. Of the 111110106 Ily Jf N.Wl I"I too 4'%til. t4 a i-09
.110-1wralortin. oshich wan m-jul. intiti
8 Coln 111 1. it" .4
a pt,ol"n 1~'ooln
.%1,, .4 ~ lno.tirill hAvillit low ......
",.1, 40. Ity NIACI anti Sivor .1 pill. it the
"Inch (fill not di&%Wvc on 211-hr. dulysi% uguln't %aloror. .09
.1 as v', in 11145 N fici fixming a viftxml~ %- 1.104 Z: 00
by X11.011, a*nd was firer Of trylit"IthAft; it (Nollfallml 17'. goo
N and under 2"; P. Tht- bepal,41istmor-11121 still,. lot, fit-
fort:.1"i Into, w4fur glove go-Willo"Is thrord. Which .111,
90 itIIt V .11"IsM Ilhill. o'll I 1J.-I I'm coo
oz % rry too. cmirns. lot NACI, k U, MXSO.. aind CaCl. Savo-
mly -m11 ~,nxrvtumioo, while 0AII-4) 1 .11 vanowl, sa-
41LAII) 4-4 lilt T.Wt M11% ONVAICIII &All* It%' 111-4- 1%'tVtll) 400
callwit initial otimellitilt. th...1 a Oltink"So,
j it), WWI.. 11 Ou'"ord
that it tAkes plAtv at loll valur% tivivi mid To- "lilt
oritang pit . M, Inottiour I% out. in .11 mollm of N*CI. KC1.
CJCI,. And !LISSO.. G M ff
t a a LIT INAIM61 CLCUIPIK.011114" IT**
low n I INA d"14.
u is AV it a
000 so
0 0 1111, 0 0 so 0000 a ,0 : 0 000-0000 *ago* iiiiias so of/
rorrovir = DWJ44 voting 1. is
)"At., Moscow'. PWAiii; 16, lizvolkill; a. c.4
42, MWA.-Norki Imm le.1nan t6vue were wpd- from
CYCOItLUM bY AMMI citratr buffer of fill 03. 1 6.2. In The
ra* of rat urcol". I).IM JV lillelp buffer of fill 6.1 4,21
was rmp4oytd. Cottipletc details Int the nurW wlats, art
given; the method I- regarded as surAtinr to Out worked
4"A Ity Ikislitre and Itrytt (C.A. 41. K.1-1%aL The hi-tone
was Md. from the puriel with 14.24 N IICI. I K Y
1"Puist (Z. pityxisit. C&M. 0 81 MWO). ThPh i-sci
ity show" by Itistont owns. V;~. A prolerly of the protein
itself. and was not caused by impurit" of nuctric i"f.
By bumisis the viscous hi%lonr �0111. with a culpillory piliet
into t4iilld. water, or into very dil. salt -ohi,. jvlfyfikr
thri;As were oMained. In contrast to ohr actornyo%in
1!m6z~h. The histoste thrrads were not rlaulk% The (Alive
AAWY colt1ractril "wise BrA killibir1w lrbuti plaml
in a sign. of 0-011 M Xa Imletioineltipbuisphale(ATPI.
IWI soins.. 0. 1 M, also enuied about the same degree to cort.
Iraction of the b6torur threads. but (Milil 31 %all mAns.
rawril only 0 alijbi crintrartion. The action of ATP (cvm-
traclinct of Ithitone thirath to &Mv of their original length
In 01101 31 ATP %oln-) 1% tiartirfore retarded as
Ifistone thr"Aq front liver twelti that had cont C, by
the actim of 11-1 M KC) returned to their orilginal cowli-
tion ubni pitted in disid, water. Thirads cowitractrl by
OAVI Af ATP did 1301 *Well UIP &SAin In disid. water [lis.
lone thread from 1* t tunion contracted more %lowly
and to a = extemnst =)w thrrAds from normal tl6%ur%
Unlike aclornyopin, the contriselile nudri protein did not
mom ATP-aw artivity. The amino arki compti. of
istonra and total nuclei prottins Are l6ted Its 2 tahle%~
It Is Will"tecl that the contractile pffnvrrt~- of nuclei ptc~
teins, play an important Imit in the nirichatil"111, of miltv'i,
It. 116cfler
The switwe of the cosUattilt nbolaine iri the tell no-
dew. 1. D. Zhurskif and K,A. Patyushchilsov 'a (Oncol.
Inst., Moscow). Rickkimiya 16. 347-5X1931): cf. C.A.
45. 71113d.-A complex of a histone anti an a61 protein i
the cxmtractile substance of the cell nucleus. Tbehislonei:
free of tryptopban, b PA. in 14,C), diftwultly sol. in 0.05-0.5
At NaCl. wW again ad. in 04-1.4 M %&Cf. 7`he proteins
separately art without effect. The cortractile protein can
tw pirlul. Ity mixing the bletone and " proorto from the
cell nuclei (A the sartur or different organs of man and ani-
mals, or even by mizing the nuclei of different organs from
different anisnAls. It out or both components nt the com-
p)rx is 4erivvd from the nuclei of malignant tissues, the
thirrails my. a less contractile ability. The acid pwein
of the ,, rAn be replaced by a owl"Uclear. CTIDPIZS-
cri, =
mic arid protrou. A contractile protein 1% olitAnrd by
rt"111AIIIIJAr a liver b6toor "jib egg OJIM111in- JI P.
S 9 R I id of the embTypak duee-4.
him 1954 No 23733.-Thp amt. of hvl-
ones n t e n~c!;.i a tm'rrs anti of normal and enj -
br-yon c flivues r-w detd. by different mLthr)& From '15~!
nuple,! L-alat,-d In a neutral medium, nuclea pmtelm -Vr-!
extd. 6), Al NaCi, pptd, by d0g, the ext to 0.14M N-1' 'I
and purified by 34old repptn- I was extd. from the rucle' -
proWns by 0.24,V HCI. and the relative amt. ')f N it, thz I
of the total W of the nuclei was then detd. The arxit of I
In cen nuclei of the liver tumor and the normal liver ti&sueg
was 0.2 it". 2.2% mp. However by the methoil ur-A
ontyasmall part 01the total amt. oll 13 detd. Therefore,
the total amt. of I In the nuclei isolated in it neutral mediuin
was dotd. Itidimlly In t1le fraction of non-TePptd, tiucl-k-
proltInt nua the amt. of deoxy1IWV%WIdcor;d wrLq nalcil, I min
the P content, The residual protein was taken at L The
atnts. Of Z In the cell nuclei of lives tumor and
that of gastrie caneer cantly below
that In the tortnal liver tissues (147119k In an acid;4:
" rih
medium. ullng 6 soln, of citrk- acid w th and without
jePsin added a 3plficant amt. of the nuclear I ivu lost,
13 extd. by 4% AcOH solo, to a -.Try small exient. When
thli spla. wits uxA for extil. the amt. of I found In the c01
aLTIel Of the Castrk cancer tissues Was low" (7.0%) thzn
the prats. In the ca nuclel of the liver (17%), spleen (11 k
liver an ernhgo (27-33%) splmn of an crnbrvo
. ~Iie)r an ~b o
23-27%) and of the Orion (21.7%), resp. Mien 04N
INS% I %VM extd. im,mediatch,. Qutdi,afivcl~
Mere 64 no d'gereme 1*t%veta I obtainct! fm'ln the W11)(If il-
su;:i ttrU. fr=Ahe -normal orran;, Thim, by using tht~'
different McffiOdl, It VMS shown-that the lint. of I Ini the"
I of tumor tissues is lower and that of embnoz)~,
S Owes 14fi"Iber than that to tht cell nuclei of normal Uism'-i
14'klp,'LAj~py, i MeJ. 3S,
u L~'r n L
hbf-.m~ than ttit hmmj~JF~ Tht! Ictlial dwm 'Cd bktoars for
Mice vras W-400
Tina-al-trAls-Org'.uFt., lim1priv wu divill'i into lurn-
or C.111
'-Pu 11jr,A-ff" thA -of t114
Per- 4.4t6xi 72-3 w-9,14A. Both ftactl1mv dOO)TA thc
powth of lumm. tj;e tive Rod-
86) mum foxk. A. S. Milkin
--1 7
.1 ]&,Oekd acib iz~o vftw
CtU nV" 424 32-lea bactims at esperimental
tumm And Im7ria Mans. 1. B. Marskil am x
6- DPWY 04d. Xnak 5.3-5.R: To?.
n, ~~It of inclusion clUbtled a=l=
(inetl&r. and slydne) into pmteins of tea
7% rd, below Oat occurring
in pro,!~az of w1wic times (livi and 3gAem d rats). In
hepatoma) the -18 possess a
Inuch lower abMtY to incorporatt 3mb adds into yroteln
matter., the We of rentwid of addle and residual protein:
is especially IOW4 In surtom A the distribution of radio.:
active tracers 3bows xnax. conco. in the zudeWotdo Irac.,
lion of The Iludeus and 2bb activity is -In y due tD non-
Participation of the nucleT~Of normal and tumor calls in protein
yathesis studies by the In vivo Incorporation of labeled amino
cIds Lwith a ary in Ingliahj. Btokhtmile 22 no.1/2:295-304 Ja-1 157.
(KLRA 10:7)
1. Btokhtmicheskeye laborstoriye Goeuderstvennogo onirologicheakogo
Institute im. P.A.Gertsena. Koskvs.
(AKINO AGIDS. metabolism.
inclusion into normal & tumoral cell nucleus (Rue))
(NEOPIASMS, metabolism,
amino acid inclusion into cell nucleus in tumor
tissue (Rue))
(CELL NUCLIUS. metabolism.
amino acids. inclusion in normal & tumoral nuclei (Rue))
CCLIS Lnw~~l W. vup~: -111~ in 11 f ".-~j