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YALQF*-1vau-N_1tr of an c * SSMINA, V,Y,, red,; FBORNMAYA, T. I.,
t ekhn. red.
[Three phases In most produation] Tri Plana po prolavodetTu
slass. Irkutsk, Irkutskos knishooe isd-vo, 1960. 23 P-
(MIRA 14:12)
Possibility ~f caiculating the oxygen contcnt :in open-hea--th
metal during Lhe finishing period. Izv. vys ucheb. zav.; chern.
mt. 6 no-9:55-61 163. (MIRA 16:11)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchao-issledovatel'skiy imstitut chernoy lwt&l-
lurgii im. I.P.Be-rdina.
IMMEMOV.,,, Alcafleynik; PZMALOVA, g,G..*, NNITINA., T.Y.
Syngmit of asoferrocene,, its reduction and behavior under
conditions of ben2idine rearrangenent, Dokl*AN SSSR 138 noo5i
-1111263221 is 161, (MM l4t6)
19 Hmkovskiy goeudarstvenMy univervitet im, HA.Lommosovae
(Fairrocene) (Bonsidine)
IjSSR/Chemistr7 - Reaction processes
Card 1/1 Pub., 2-2 14/45-
~Authord I NeBmeyanov, A. N*~, Acadoideian; Perevaloval E. G.; and Golovr*,a, 11 V
~scene wit), diazo-compounds
Title Reaction of ferr.
Periodical. Drk,. ANT 99/4, 539-542~ Doe 1, 1954
Abstract Experimental data showing that ferrocene reacts not only with p-nitropherKrl-
diazonium chloride producing p--nitropherqlferrocene (yield 64%), but also
.,ous arylferrocenes, are pres
with other diazo-compounds yielding homolog ented.
The reaction between diazo-compounds and ferrocene, was found to be a suit-
able way of obtaining comparatively high yields of monoary1ferrocenes, ai-yl-
ferrocenes with different substitutes in the benzene nuclei. The mechanism
of the reaction, is explained. Seven references: 3-USA3 3-German and l-IJSSR
(1885-1954). Graph.
~.~Jnstitution The N.Y. Lomonosov State University, Hoscow
SubTaitted z Wovember 32, 1954
tthe In Cortact. ivw
nd 1. Goloyn Nr trace of 11C) produces colorintbe sq. layerowing to foma-
of (P-sutropbenyl)1trrichriwn cation, wbich zb-c3 a
99. 63V-42(1954); cf. A. 49, OW.- yellow t. with sillcotunjaic acid. just like Ile ferricini-im
Diwconlurn cornpds. with ferrocene (1) yield prinually ca"On Ps. 'Wilkizuon, C.A, 40, "033e), Sialilayly, I and
imonoary1derivs.intstirly good yields. Tic reaction pmb-- tare .157% p4olyllerrmene, yellow. ;n. M-
40' (funn peU. ether); this heattli with ikq. K.4-1noryoll 3
ablyissradic4reactloo. To6S.1lnlW:n4l,l!tjOst-4*
s Added at 6net & filtered sq. solit. of, p-O%NCJf,N,CI $Ave 15-CAMOsli~; shaking it in pety. ciber)vIth sq.
(Wfarom 15 x. amine) witich had been treaipd with urea to Agf,804 and little Ha gave it yellow-green color, caused by
rtirlove rxess IINCI%, the rairt, wra ~:reutmllzcd with the oxviation-, with silicotunotit acid it gives -a yell m. ppt.
'JaOl-c, stim-d 30 tair, at -4' (2.2 1. N was collected), simillarly was obtained 40% p-axisjdferracene, GMELT, 'In.
and Meted yielded 7.6 S. soAd, Evapn. of the EtrO layer Q7-8* (frorn petz, ether), fnrmcl with a swdl amt.,of p,p'-
Save 3 S. midue wh" was combined witli the above solid AzoanL%ole, m. 162-3'. Oxidation oi tire former -mzh
and cxtd. in a S*xbkt a". with petr. ether (b. 45-W*) 3 KMnO, gave anisic acid. I w1t2t rhN:CJ. as der.6W
days; evapn. of the ext. save 64% (;,qt%O*hevy1)ferrv"xv above, run 0.5 br. at roorn ternp. gave 42% prmb
(1), red-vichtt VbMx*, in. 107-7.5'. t". of the residue 3 7""e, Yellow, m. 2404' IderompD.) (from C Ab-
dAys with MOH, dren 2 days with Z*tCO I eft behind 0.5 g. sorption sp,~" of the yood!,~!! s~ ikon k. A!,
violet Or ka:d1formse, does not mck, but turns
brVWn at .1
Ma"; is Is generally Tay slightly SOL but can be
cMtd frql~~ cyclu~e~aaqn~- U kePt -~d dsys in petr.
Reactivity of mono- and di(p-nitrophenyl) ferrocene and biacetyl-
ferrocene. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.5t638-640 My 157.
(mia& 1 o: 8)
1. RDskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet Im. N.V. Lomonosova.
U. s s
A N.N sincymovion -
"T N,;.~ I S.S.S.P.,
Ndlj. Kh"I'l. 1954, ICW~2-7; d. pr,.--_-,dbjg
flf III izrv t.11, I ~)] ple wilb ICY] balkles
1b potid',rig vinylesturs,3.r., the r~-tcfianoccun
e C"rre I -
11-lol tr-inshi 4 Oic if-Icilyt filter z1ong alit) C--O
bmds. PhXIIr r(wts ~o as to for-n a C-ilk-~,Iatlun 7.W-
cL. To 3 g. jivivd. J3d1XCY2C110 sadrl~-l 3 g.
rmflux?d 2 Yim, yi.-Hing :1 v. c-rudr. (019 11. porc-.1 vip~rny.-
m. 24,', (3'1: a',_An. , I th, Cru'lt, pmimt 1~~ICII VJ T~.'Ct III
the -ilb ]AT in CITCb. the tb..,Cjlcr nf farlim-
VIJJ. followl-d by .17 g. 1%,
CCI I Vf g. ('111: CM-AlIC! i:1 E'1,(); Zjft~-r 11 _111i7lg ~* hr~.
un,l ~~sh!t obv.linf-l
CCY1, 'I"!; CHI, 7 0.111?011173-
1-1. 1 -(i1 Ll!l Aft-Of 0. 'A ~)kh
tJ3)M IR -111~!Cllt Wlth i 1,0 j;1'. E 1370 Yh, C01,01O.- n).
BC5 DW, Miniii.11 with lbe fdxwe ~prfifrrn, (,'-()jNCr
)1.'hC]lr 13.11 g.) I,) C110. 17"'ITA wilh 3.M -. I an-1 kept 2
liay~,, Own Tv&w.11 .1 t if.47,
C111 Irrilup. hll 1.3' (Iff"11 Mtk dr-
L1111!TiZ'-5 Bl`,-CIICh,, 10A bC lit') Wit)) MIC-11. IfCI Yiddit,
-C S!I lM;lqZ"0 g. C111p
84 e (P-O,N1 W011. in. ]AS NP. S
CII.C1410 ul C4116 wit!) 19 S. CIC11,CKI 15-20
AIN) -N&
h-IlolvW I'v 2 bm at 60-713* and 2 It". T
fliii ing r,4v r
br., 13'.Zi 3.3', )m Q- 3 5" 4"l i'44j"O'_
An IJAI, with ~51r'e Clcl!'.Co'll, frJol'xing thi M~i' 1"101
4. 1.4147, vihk-b Tr'ldily hydrolytt.Q Ur
CCLCOM atia A A b ~Wv -9). S~milumg_
ThCU)COC) jarLe 304, VZA'RCH:Cll,; b.
dm LOZJ3 '.hidl 'lyllr*'4yr"-J readDy v'ith'
IT'SO, &"lud-.r rtactk-o 'widi Ill')CCOCI pvc 4v"
whirh xtfuiNJ in aq~ dhaxw'?_
~Aith 0"'Vo 11-50, 1 hr. gave. 4, 6 Simly tvzz ion
nilar Tes_'~O:m v!lll pi've Jf)
glIrr, In, )()1-5* (lyMn J;gr,~_jae,
20,:; it'se'. G. it. X.~'
-be reatflou of substitalizan 4 bydragen sWim, in ftr';~
A. N. I --yan-jr, Fwrvalom It. V
Golovny:t, ond 0, A. Nenneyaw
State Vair., Alornw). Doklady Akrd. Faut S.S.S.R.
97~'450-01(1954); d. Fischer and )im, C.A. 47, M2h;
woo'lward ejal CA 48 20M':.-Tmtincnt*ffmxew
(1) with Q6711 a' i~~ telop. in 1;(*O-RtOR or RtOH-
I t
CjHg pvt iw rquiraolgr mijrL of cklvH#
(13). decamp. 10-6' (ornvgn yellow s0d; from xyleva
alki BUM) and H.-(thIvFvM"f Uyi)f&WIst, Yellow Infusible
vxry sparingiv v)1. sOid. Both are cnq&vrtv1 to I an litid
rviluxing wA i~~rcd. 110. 1& r-Adily forms difeiro.
decamp', 233A' (Irma I
xyhnt), an trealmmit with aq, NA.JSA. Hpiluxib I in
'2(10 with exerm. BuLi 12 firs. g3vv an equhrKbr h t.
motto- &M diliddulcrr-~ccnc, ~which ti-eat~d with M gave-,'
31 the inryc%pondirij- mooD. (11) 4ai diciirbatylk I
a Mixt. r.
vid; In 30% yir,d, vvidit sbmst 5,)% 1 Is rrc,)w_jtd,
11, y-,liovr, deckir. M-22y)"" (from Wph-li;rolve!, Me 1
not derantit. or rurlt. belm 24n, (frMn ACOH); dj-Af#.-jW.
in,114-15 (Iricm pttr. ether or M011). ThereadymtWA-1
Clan of I Placeil it amon.- the %x..pu&"mfttjC systrms. like.,
futan cc thiopktue. I Mcli with P-OX14 ARINP In OL4.
RtOO m0lum, with loss a) N, yk-)dlrr
04%of a p-xkro~',
Phnsyl daiv, tf 1, Cher *Al, m. ItS,-7.5 (frnm pett,,,
on tAidatkin ~by xMnOo-
The maction so ' 1 14 CI W"Ofofthes~) it-if of I
virild, infusibIt. ,o'Nd "I'mn n-dobt-IM50730I &"I i;~'. ~
ypA*aye derip. of I to be d"mlped later.
tnent V14 vriV silivoatshvdiride of AcOH In Wls gure au
AL d:fiv. of 1, red-oranse, m. (frain peir. etbzr or
1 V-,Itt color la 11u;
i d
. c
kVbawsz. (AKL=
11,0), wh
dil. HOW; VIA' KOOMpoff
PEMAL(IV 0 G. 70.
Analytic expression for the linear measure of a Plane connected
sat, Sib. mat, zhur. 5 no.3:626-638 MY-Je 164. (KRA 17:6)
Finitenese test for the linearmaeure of plane continua.
Sib.mat,zhuro 3 no*3:386-39( MY-Je 162* (MIRA 15:9)
IWrovement of artificial sole leather drying techniques and
decreased dispensing of.TTbar in artificial leather for shoe
counters. Prom. erg. 18 no.2s9 F 163. (MIRA 16:2)
eNather, Artificial-Drying)
PMVALOVp M.; KOVALE11KOp Ye.p mokhanik
We are striving for the distinguished title. Rech. transp.
20 no.1011? 0 161. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Kapitan teplokhoda IIST-517" (for Perevalov).
(Inland water tramportation-Employees)
(Socialist competition)
F-aWALOV ~, 14.
Our beacons shine brightly. Grazhd.av. 18 no.9:13-14 .5 161.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Predsedatell territoriallnogo komiteta profsoyuza aviarabot-
nikov, Novosibirsk.
(Siberia.. Westernw~-Jkeronauticsy Commercial)
AUTHORS: Mogutnov, B.M., Perevalov, N.N. and Shvartsman, L.A.
TITLE: Influence of Calcium Oxide on the Distribution of Tungsten
between Liquid Iron and Slag (Vliyaniye okisi kalltslya
na raspredelenlye vollframa mezhdu zhidkim zhelezom I
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Metallurgiya I toplivol 1959, Nr 1, pp 22-28 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The object of the work described was to study the
behaviour of tungsten in oxide melts at high temperatures,
especially to obtain accurate data on the distribution of
the element between iron and slag in relation to thermo-
dynamic conditions. A su,=essive saturation method,
described by Shvartsman and others (Refs 1-3) was used.
In this small portions of a previously prepared slag
containing a radioactive isotope of the element concerned
are added to the iron at a constant temperature until
further addition produces no further increase In the
radioactivity of the iron. The distribution coefficient
is calculated from the radioactivities of metal and slag.
Card 1/3 The isotope (W185) was added to the melted slag In an
induction-hoated iron crucible In the proportion of
sov/180-59-1 -~15112 9
Influence of Calcium Oxide on the Distribution of Tungsten between
Liquid Iron and Slag
50 mg (activity 1 millicurie) per 400 g of slag, which was
kept molten long enough to allow complete oxidation and
mixing. About 9'0 g of iron (electrolytic) were used,
metal temperature being measured with a micro-optical
pyrometer and kept constant. Fig shows the count for
metal samples at temperatures of A00, 1640 and 17000C.
Results were reproduoible even when ejuilibrium was
approached from different directions kie with excess or
with deficiency of tungsten in the iron). The heat-content
and entropy changes associated with the transfer of 1 g
atom of tungsten from iron into slag were calculated from
the distribution coefficient values at different tempera-
tures (Fig 1+ shows the linear relations between the
logarithms of the coefficient and 10'f/(absolute tempera-
ture)). With a slag consisting exclusively of iron
oxides the heat-content and entropy changes were 14800 cal
and 3.84 cal/degree g-atom, respectively. With lime-
containing slags the heat-content chango is greater,
Card 2/3 reaching (Fig 5) a value of 41000 cal for a slag with a
molar fraction of CaO of 0.40 (all slag iron assumed to be
sovi, 180-59-1-5/29
Influence of Calcium Oxide on the Distribution of Tungsten between
Liquid Iron and Slaig
in the form of Feo). The authors discuss their own and
published results (Refs 5 and 6) and estimate the heat
of mixing of WO with ferruginous limey slag. They
conclude that ths oxide has a pronounced acidic nature,
and that with increasing basicity of open-hearth slags
the oxidation of tungsten from liquid steel should
Card 3/3 There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 7 references, 3 of
which are Soviet. 3 English and 1 German.
SUBMITTED: March 1, 1958
Iffect of the basicity of slag on the oxidation of chromium
subgroup elements dissolved in liquid Iron. Dokl. AN SSSR 124
no.1:150-152 J& '59- (MIRA 12:1)
I.Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TSetitrallnogo nauchno-
tooledovatellskogo Instituts, chernoy metallurgH6 Predstavleno
akademikom G.V. Kurdyumovym.
(Oxidation) (Slag)
of _112 ~Iojjj~,Ijts of t:li.2 (-hro:n_Uj,.j SUI)~;r~jtjp 11 IbluLd i170lt ilild !.-t
s I a -.,s ". Iloscow, 1959. 21, pp (Acad Sc' *JSST,, lns~. of :-Ietallor.~-,,
Baykov), 170 copies (KL, No P, 19111), 107)
NOGMMV, B.H.(Ans)-va); PZYMVAWY, N. Amoskva); SHVJMSAN. L.A. (Moskva)
Effect of calcium oxide on the distribution of tungsten between
liquid iron and slag. Iwv.AN SSSR.Otd.takh,nauk )%t.1 topl.
no.1:22-24 Jft-F '59.
(Tungsten--Isotopes) (Iron-metallurgy) (slag)
SMIRNOV, G.Neskund.teklm.nauk: FAMALOV, N.N..inzh.
Compressed-air transportation of wastes in cotton spinning.
Tekst.prom. 19 no.2:49-51 7 '59. (MIRA 12:5)
(Cotton waste) (Pneumatic-tube transportation)
Mogutnov, B. M., SOV/20-124-1-42/69
Shvarteman, L. A.
TITLE: The Effect of the Basicity of Slag on the Oxidation of Chromium
Subgroup Elements Dissolved in Liquid Iron (Vliyaniye
o9novnoeti shlaka na okisleniye elementov podgruppy khroma,
rastvorennykh v zhidkom zheleze)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 1, Pp 150-152
ABSTRACT: The oxidation of the elements dissolved in iron is to a
considerable extent due to the interconnection between the
acid - basic properties of the forming oxides and the basicity
of slag. Slags containing only iron oxides (iron containing
slags) were regarded as neutral by the authors. They were
regarded as the basis to which calcium oxide and silica, the
most typical oxides occurring in slags with reepect to their
acid - basic properties, were addeda 7he authors investigated
the dependence of the distribution odefficient L of the
corresponding element at low concentration between iron and slag
Card 1/4 in dependence on the composition of slag.-L was determined
The Effect of the Basicity of Slag on the BOV/20-124-1-42/69
Oxidation of Chromium Subgroup Elements Dissolved in Liquid Iron
according to the method applied in reference 1 with the help
of radioactive isotopes Cr5l, Mo99 and w185. The results
obtained show that in all canes the dependence of L on
temperature Is satisfactorily expressed by the equation
19L + B (1). A denotes the heat effect of the reaction
and the constant B denotes the
4 573
-:Position of the investigated slags
variation of entropy. The com
is given in table 1. L as well as A and B depend but very
little on the conctitration of the calcium oxide in the case of
chromium oxidation. The presence of SiO 2 in the iron containing
slag means an increase of the heat of reaction of chromium
oxidation. Cr203 is a basic oxide (Ref 3). The authors state
that this oxide in the slag melts is to be regarded as a weak
base. It can be seen (Table 1) that in the case of the
introduction of calcium oxide into the slag L is doubled and
trebled compared to the iron containing slag. Also the heat
Card 2/4 effect of the reaction increases. The introduction of silica
The Effect of the Basicity of Slaj; on the SOV/20-124-1-42/69
Oxidation of Chromium Subgroup Elements Dissolved in Liquid Iron
has P- contrary effect; the heat effect remains almost
unchanged. This fact makes the conclusion Possible that the
decrease of L is caused by the entropy component of free energy.
The main difference between molybdenum oxidation and chromium
is therefore the fact that in the latter case a higher oxide is
formed which clearly behaves like an acid in the slag. In the
case of tungsten oxidation CaO has a rather increasing effect
upon L and the heat of reaction (Ref 4). They are both reduced
by SiO 2- Thus, the balance of the oxidation reaction of
molybdenum and tiAngster vhich form in the slag higher oxides
with marked acid properties - cLepends considerably upon
basicity. With respect to chromium this is the case only to a
negligible extent. There are I table and 4 references, 3 of
which are Soviet.
Card 3/4
the Effect of the Basicity of Slag on the SOV/20-124-1-42/69
Oxidation of Chromium Subgroup Elements Dissolved in Liquid Iron
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov Tsentrallnogo
nauchno-issledovateltakogo instituta chernoy metallurgii
(Institute of Metallography and Metal Physics of the Central
Scientific Rosoaroh institute of Ferrous Metallurgy)
PRESERTED: August 15, 1958, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician
SUBMITTED: August 13, 1958
Card 4/4
f- -
"Distribution of the Chrome Subgroup Elements between iron and Ferrite Slag,"
lectute given at the Fourth Conference on Steelmking, A.A. Baikov Institute (?f
Metallurgy, I~Ioscom, July 1-~, 1957.
PZE3VLW, N.S., inzhoner; KHAR TONOV. A.$., inthener.
Intensification of tba final melting. Sbor.trud.TSNIICHX no.13:
109-126 156. (K69A 9: 11)
(XiLporoOklye-Open-bearth process)
(Oxygen-Industrial applications)
Applicability of thernodynam-'s-c relations in simalatirg steeL refinement
processes. Dokl. All SSSR 163 no.It83-86 J1 165. (MIRA 180)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii.
Submitted December 10, 1964.
FEREVAIM, N.Te., inzh.; GIRGORIYEV, A.M., doktor tekhn. nauk
Data for calculating planetary transmissions. Mashinostroenie
no.4t5l-52 Jl-Ag 164, (KIRA 17tlO)
,,, ",-g vo-l'-w"'i
ASD preparation for treating some skin diseases. Vest,derm, i Yen.
31 no.1:48 J9-F 157. (KIJU 10:7)
1, Is venerologicheakogo dispansera Owskoy shelernoy dorogi.
PER]YAL407, 7. A.
:-VIO/Ir it-ftadlem. my 19
Ships, Icebreakers
*POBtvar Balet. Arotlo:ft V., A. Porevalov, pp
A general'account of what the p*lar men of the Soviet
Union andurod during Wer:11d War 3:1 and the efflolent
servloe randered by the Win fiorthern Sea Route#
which was"kept open by a,fleet of loebieakers headed
by the famus "T*Mn.0- Scme hl&li&to an the post-
loa, such as archatologloal expediticne and
war per
expeditions to the orator Yubllov., vhere the
scientists recorded temperatares of 1,050 degreeg.
Wtoorologl*&I Research
Aug 19W
OMd- and Contra AB la in the P rooeadings of the fts-
SUM Geographic Be-mlety," V. A. Perevalov.. 4 PP
"PrL-ode No 8
Us major part of the knowledge which exists ca aU-
sod contral-Asia, is due to the varlous expeditIMS Cc
the 'Russian Geographic SociatT. These expeditions
Atmted as sarly an 1845. Brief histoz7 of exped.1-
Uaw by the Society Into this r*gIan mA the contri-
WtIons made by sme of the awe Inpartant expeditica
Sftwtly, this time under the Jurledicticin of the'ALU
Won Geographic Council., AcadoW of Sciewee of Uo,
=M/Geogmpby (Coutd.) Aug 1946
UM, expeditions have been stu'Wing the goosmphle,
p2mt meteorologic.# and clUatIc obamoteriatlos at
x4-&- Ld, central Asia moo again.
Perevalov, V. A. - "Semen Dezhnev. "On the 300th anniversari of the openin,: of the
Bering Strait (161.8-19/.8)," (With Edltorla footnotes), Problemy ArktlkL, 19/le
(Published In 19/.9), No. 3, p. 5-17, - Bibliog. 26 items
SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Letopis lZburnal Inykh Statey, No. 15, 1949)
21528 -11f V
1--o:n,onosov Inalcd-rianip- Aril-I.R1 i otkryriya
(K iotirii ekspedto 11 V. Ya. Chicharor? i P. Y, . Kronit'lyna)
-rudy Vtorogo Vsr-,so -uz. s"yezda. T. Sh. ',%, 1949,
-10: Let.opisl Zliiirnallnykh Statcy, No. 29, '!oskv-i, 194c).
"Semen Dezhnev and His Geographical Discoveries,"
Nauka I Zhisn'. No. 4, 1949.
USM/Geography - Literature Aug 49
"Review of the Works of the Second All-Union Geo-
graphic conference," V. A. Perevalov, 3/4 p
Priroda" No 8
First volume cont-in minutes of the meetings and
Mports mad at the plenary session and in the Phys
Goog Sec, among them: Acad V. A. Clbruchev on Central
Asia, Prof V. Yu. Vize on the Arctic, and Acad 0. Yu.
Shaidt on the. "Near Theory of the Origin of the Earth
AW Planets." Other reports Included were by: Acad
A. A. Grigorlyev, Ya. S. Eidellshteyn, and
4M 67/49r74
UM/Geography - Literature (Contd) Aug 49
Ya. Ya. lapushkin. Second volume Is devoted to
physical geographical problems.
U:~SR/Gsograpby - Cartogmphy Feb 50
"Review of 'Werks of the Second All-thalon Geograp-
hical Congress," V. A. Perevaloy
"Priroda" No 2, pp 84, 85
Subject works deal with mathematical geography
and cartography, biogeography, history oi geograp-
hical science, and the wo-ks of the section of
ethnography, anthropology, and folklore. A. A.
in his paper, "Dimensions of the Tir_-'
restrial Ellipsoid According to New Data," states
that the ellipsoid used for geodetic and carto-
graphic vorke in-the USSR has an 9quatorial
smiaxia or 6,378.2h5 Im and a flatteml cf 1/298.3A
UW/OceanograplW - Arctic Be&& Jan/Fab 50
"Review of V. Tu. Vize's Book 'Seas of the So-
Viet Arctic,"' V. A. Perevalov
"1z v-s Geograf Obshch" Vol LUM, No 1,
py 103-105
Favorable review of subject book, which is 3d
ad in substantially revised and supplemented
form llj#tC2.6d,,j"ll:sh6d7l9j6,1193~). T'Ddok --
covers greai deal of =at 'erial on studies dur-
Izg the Soviet period (including 1947). Two
Mps appended, one of polar region., the othek -
UESR/OceszograpbW - Arctic Seas Jan/Feb 50
Arctic Ocean and in seas of Soviet Arctic. In-
dexes of geographical names, personalities,
ships, and planes.
'"".Mwa'ov~ V. 'k.
Bolotov, Andray Timofeyevich, 1738-1833
Unknown works of A. T. Bolotov in phenology. V. A. Perevalov, Izv. Vses. Fao~. o6shoh.' b4,
No. 2, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952 jt�W, Uncl.
Discussion at the conference on studying land forms. Nauk. 7ap. L'viv.
un,,4o:231-267 157. MIRA 11:6
1.1i vovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet (for TSys', GerenAuk. Dumin~-
2.Laboratoriya aerometodov AN SSSR, Leningrad (for Sokolov,
Hiroahnichenko, Petrov). 3.Institut geografii AN SSSR, Moskva (for
Armand, Sobolev). 4.Goeudarstvennyy univeraltet, Voronezh (for Millkov,
Tarasov). 5.Leningradskiy gosudarstvenW universitet (for Chochia,
Isachenko, Kazakova). 6.Komissiya okhrany prirody All SSSR, Moskva (for
Protopopov). 7.Gosudaretvennyy universitet, Chernovtoy (for Rybin).
8.Gosudarstvennyy universitet, Irkutsk (for Meltkheyev). 9.Go-
sudaretvennyy pedagogicheakiy inatitut im. V.I. Lenina, Fonkva (for
Vasillyeva). 10.9ollehaya Sovetskaya Intaiklopadiya (for Zitbolin).
11.Gosuidarstvenn" univerattot, TbIltei (for S'anoblidse). U*Moskovskiy
gosudaretvannyy xmiveraltot (for Gvoziletakiy, Solntsev. Mik)Laylov,
Farmwin, Nikolayev, Ignatlyev). 13.Torgovo-okonomichaskiy institut.
LOvnv (for Egrmlov). 14.GosudarstvetuVy Institut im. Kapsukasa,
Villnyus (for Basalikaa). 15.mlizeY zemlevadenlys Mookovskogo go-
sudaretvennogo univoretteta (for Yefremov. Kozlov). 16.Srodn.;raya shkola
No-13, Kiyev (for Kara-Mooko). (Physical geography)
Pi-rat Conference to Study the Development of
PrIOdUCtir* FOrC 0 Of the Stanlalavokly okonomich-
003d'y 44a1j1itr:tivzy7 rayon (Stanisl&T Ecatonic
Ig9kkademil Cook =.R. Sorlya geogilLfiches.
FMODI=Ls Isvostl
karm. 5 . Nr 4. pp 15-forrocenyl-
anilines. The ferrocezVlazzdne was estabUsbed to be an orzmge colored crys-
tall-Ine substancevensoluble in organic solvent and whenaistilled in
vacuo it offers acetylene and benzoyl derivatives. Ferrocenylamine chloride
is soluble in vater but not in hydrochloric acid. Four references: 3 USSR
and I VSA (1941-2955). QrapbB.
Institutim 'The M. V. LomonOBOV State Univ.., Moscow
Submitted Ranh 22j, 1955
jjSSR/- ChWitx7 Orgada.chumistry-
Card 'Pub. 22 - 21/4
Nesmeyanov, A.. 11., Academician; Perevalova., E. G. and Golovnya, R. V.
Title Effect of a ferrmenyl substitute on'tbe functional 'groups In the benzene
Periodical Dok. AN SSSR 10311j 81--82., Jul 1, 1955
AbetraA The dissociation constants -of p-ferrocenylaniline, m-farrocenylaniline,
ferrocenylamine and p-ferroconylphenol are analyzed. It is mhown that
ferrocenyl as an, electr.on-donor group is much stronger than the phenyl
group The ferrocenyl group introduced into the benzene ring was fourd to
bebav; as an ortbo-pa-ra-orientant substitute. It was established that
ferrocenylamine is 21 times a more powerful base than aniline itself. Four
references: 3 USM and I USA (1938-1955). Table.
Institution Moscow State.UniverBity im. M. V.. LomonoBov
bmitted April 30, 1955
- j -~ ~-- " I,
~ ~ t,,< , \1 0 L : ,-i_ , "', -
Cleavage of the C -- C bond in compounds containing triphenvlmethyl
grouping. Izv.KN 33a.0tdAhim.nauk no.3:309-312 Kr '56.(Kj2A 9:8)
1. Moskovskly goeudarstvennyy universitat iment M.V. Lomonosova
I Khar'kovskly gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorikogo.
(Carbon compounds)
Disruption of the ferracene nucleus by h7drogenatiez aml treat=eat vith
halides. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk n9.6:739-741 Je '56. (j9RA 9:9)
l.Neekovski.v gosudarstvemm" univerattet imeni M.Lemeneseva.
(Iran dicyclopentadianyl)
T V,4 L o
AUTHORSt Neemeyanov, A. N. , dember of the Academy,
Perevalova, E. G. , Churanov, S. S.
TITLEs Ferrocene Sulphoacids (Ferrotsensullfokisloty)
PERIODICAL% Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol. 114, Nr 2, PP. 335-338
ABSTRACTs The authors produced these compounds by using the method de-
vised by A. P. Terentlyev and consisting of action by pyri-
dinsulphotrioxide on ferrocene. Vo Weinmayr obtained them at
the same time only as ammonium salts at interaction of ferro-
cene and sulphuric acid in acetic anhydride. The paper under
review describes the ferrocene sulphonation by pyridinsul-
photrioxide in dichlorethane and by dioxanoulphotrioxide,
further the insulation of the free mono- and di-ferrocone-
sulphonic acid, of some of its salts, of the methylethers and
of chloranhydride of the ferrocenesulphonic acid. In the
above-mentioned reaction, which is brought about by heating
through four hours, the mono-acid (84 % of the ferrocene
entering the reaction) is produced. 22 % of ferrocene remain
Card 1/3 unchanged. By longer heating, 41 % of the dio-acid with small
dOluble in ozgar4 'ic
Ferrocene Sulpho-acids
solvents. Chlorine anhydride of the mono-acid is easil.,, 1,ro
duced witli good yield at shorter heating of the mono-acid or
of its leLd salt, with abundance of PCI Unlike aronatic
sulphonic acids, the ticide under consid~r'ation are less
hy(;roscop-ic and they are more easily insubted in their free
atato.. The experimental part of the paper under review con-
taina a description of tho iToduction methokin tot:,.ether uith
constants and yields There are 3 references, 2 of which
are Soviei .
SUBMITTEDt January 12, 1'457
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
NESKETANOV, A.N., akadenik; PWRVALOVA, A.G., kand. khim. nauk.
Now aromatic systems, Report Ho.l: Ferrocene an an aromatic eyatem.
Khim, nauka i prom. 3 no.2:146-158 158. (MIRA 11:6)
(Oreanic compounds) (Iron)
A-UTHORS- Nesmeyanov, A. N., Perevalova, E. G.,.Noscow)74-27-1-1/4
TITLE: Cyclopentadienyl Compounds of Metals and Compounds Related
to Them (Tsiklopentadiyenillnyye soyedineniya metallov i
rodstvennyye soyedineniya)
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Khimii, 1958, Vol. 27, Nr 1, PP. 3-56 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Initially the author deals with the problem of the possible
separation of organic iron compounds. In 1951 - 1952 a
special class of metalorganic compounds (special as to their
structure and properties) was discovered. When trying to
synthesize dicyclopentadienyl, C H - C H 5~ Kealy and Pauson
obtained a substance containing krL ana ydrogen, which
later was called ferrocene and which attracted the attention
of all chemists. In the course of the further investigation
of the dicyclopentadienyl derivatives also the problem of
the limits of the possibility of applying the theory of
valence became topical. A detailed description of the methods
of obtaining dicyclopentadienyl compounds of the metals is
following. On the physical properties and the structure of
Card 1/3 the ferrocene: The first investigations showed that Its