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S Pi-4 GG/- 19~3-XRJ A?30,05279 S/0056/63,1043/002/0279/02W 'AUMOR: Konstantinov, 0. V MU: Coherence of states in the sc&tteriiig of modulai*d light, SOUPM zhur. eksper.*1 teoreti fiz,,,~ V.45, no. 2, 1963, :r9'-284 TWIC TAGS:. edherient- sc4ttering, coheivnt s tate scatterlv4 atom, zoaulitea li ftJ ~'t intensity-modulAted: ligbt, zodu3Atjm eepth extited'stat1k.,:-. 11WRACT: A theory. In propostd to explain the scattering ot jut itymodulat eng ea i~ II.Sht for: the Me vhen tbG Scatterins atom hem closely spaced excited statels. J,This theory accounts for -~he experimen,,,al observations of-rett6nance-irortaze I M ~the modulation depth of iscattered light-vh en the modulation 'brequency coincides 1,vi-th Zeeman splitting of the excited term (Ye. B. Aleksandro~. Optik, I zyektro-~ a ~4kopiya, 14- 436, 1963). Me autho eir gratitude to ye..B. rs "AlekazIndrov-and V, P, Kozlov for a- s tlwa2ating dienusision." Orig.. art._ has., 70 and'I figure. ;AkiWOdMI0F,.-- Fiziko-tekhnicheski7 institut im. A. P. ioffe M-ademij nnIgS SSSIr Mysic6technice-I lnstitut2k Acade of Sciencea R) S93 ENCLs -00 ACQ3 CODEs: PH NO REFSOV& 003 OMM 001 IL IT. % D .7n 5 6-1 fo ID 3 1 45/003/050 /05 0 `~ 4 -AUTHOR: A1e1csahdr6v, Ye. B. Xonstantinov, 0. V~.- Perel, V. I.; '4~ Khodovoy, V. A. 'TITLE I x6d,lation of catt u S -eTed light with the aid of parametric r i 6 a n a* nance ~SOURCE: Zh. eksper. 'i.teoret flzik!~ v. ~45, no. 3 .1963, 503-510 TOPIC, TAGS.-. amet Ic resonapce~t scattered-. 1~i tfon, cad- _V -d SCM _i~ 0Tj:-CR 10 ttered tight lptensity modt ation" rf Cadmiu~m Aamp cadmium luminescence.: interference between xe state6 fte d i:-,~~!~~-4XBSZRACT.4,. A thearetltal'a-fi4 experimental - atudy,.-pf .,tbi~-.'x* son mines U34, el'd )ia#' - n~.'-'ca ri 1:4 d ".~fi t 4 iuse~-by'. b a t e In t e xf exe2l ce ates,: occurring-~d n modulation of - the, e~argy -ex c i t e St urf g -be arix-ed is Tf :~-Jnterrval- tweer -them, Linearly ..Pal from *~6 c adraiuin -e2 ited tb e resonance luminescence of Cd vnpor at 200C~ln a -1. c Vood-tyoe horin-,shaped ve s a e 1. Luminescence with a wavelength of L I ACCESSION NRI AP3007069 3261A was detected by a photomultiplier. The rf magnetic field (1030 kc) was established,by a solenoid surrounding the vessel, with additional, modulation produced by 2 30-cps, high-voltage signal which was used~as,the base voltage for the synthTonous datectox. The,.~cons ten t- magnetic field was imposed by ~a system of Helmholtz :,rings.- This e !I- Id was slowly varied to obttin the resonance curve. The excited state of the Cd va triplet, por was split into a Zeeman and the intensity of scattered-1ighi vas-nodulw d by the frequettuy ,h ,-.-o iel-d-,and i!6tegraY nu at-frequency., Theex- f -:-the rf 1 -v ten t `of~' modulation and the mean,-intensity' (if lumitestente~ showed. -resonant maxima.vben the difference of the frequencies of a-com- o nts--vas an,-integral multiple of the rUimodulation frequency, no p A,poss.lble' comblnation~of'.the'eff:cct a of~ resonance scattering of modulated' light and parametric resonance'vas indicated. When the modulation frequencies of the field and the 1i bt do not coincide, the-intensity of scattered light will contain 'combinatio,n harmonics. has., 5 figures and 22 formulaso ASSOCIATIONt. Opticheskiy institut im. S. 1. Vayflovs, ~Institute of SUBYISVD: O9APr63 DAVE ACQ: (380A63 ENCL- 00 Cos; NO RU SM 003 OTW KAGM , Yu.M.; FERELI, V.I. Use of probing methods in plasma research. Usp. fiz. nauk 81 no.3$409-452 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) atibn_waves -~elf-~~excxted -when -the min rity- carraers 0 are sufficiently dense or -'-'the e1e&tr 16-inati- ic field- strong enough.-- Reco on waves - are- ized by the-fact that the electron lifetimea are limited, that the carriers can diffuse,, and that the neutralization of the traps am L `34,45Z5 ~__-ACCESSXOX - NR AP4041341 5 X-=- c t ".1wd-th-ol quid - 0~~ , c a bse fa C orsj.,;_ onditimis- U-n er Vni eh mitidri av __th6 ~es iis table.Are det onnined.. -"The authorB a _avev_:-_for___nilmarous s -Orig __u"ful_.dis=ssion hast-I -'f i~urea 27: formulan AS OCLIAt --AN s --iox.-- riziko-_ tekhfiicheskiy institut m. A. F loffe SSSR tehingrad-- Physicotedhnical Institute,_M SUBKI7TED.-:, 04-Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB:CCDE.--:~ss JIR REP SO 002 -OTHER: 003 ACCESSIC)IN XR: AP4020921 S/IDOSI/64/016/002/0193/0200 i AUTHOR: Aleksandrov,Ye.B.; Xonstantinov,O.V.; Ferell, V.J, TITLE: Conversion of the frequency of modulation of light by parametric and double. resonance, SOME: Optika i spektrookopiya, v.16, no.2, 1964, 193-200 TOPIC TAGS: modulation frequency conversion, light modulation conversion, radiation modulation; parametric resonance, double resonance, Zeeman effect, magnetic lield splitting, luminescence modulation, harmonic combination, dual modulation. light scattering, cadmium ABSTRAM In resonance scattering of modulated light by &tons whose excited state In a Zeeman triplet, the depth of modulation of the luminescence in resonance-de- pendent on the splitting magnetic field; the degree of modulation exhibits a maxi- mum when the modulation frequency agrees with the frequency of the sigma component of the line. Cn the other hand, In scattering of light of constant Intensity (non- modulated), one can obtain skodulat*d luminescence by applying, In addition to the constant splitting magnetic field, an alternating field perpendicular or parallel Card //10~_ ACCAM AP4020921 to the constant one. In the former case there obtains " double resonance"; in tlxe latter case, Oparametric resonance". Modulation frequency conversion incident to parametric and double resonance Is discussed and analyzed theoretically; the dis- cussion is based on earlier publications of the authors. It Is abown that incident, to application of an alternating field, In addition to the constant one, there should appear In the luminescence intensity harmonies not only with the frequencies of the incident light modulation and field modulation, but also with combination grequencies. The amplitude of the combination harmonies in resonance-dependent on the strength of the constant field. The experimental part of the study was carried out on a set-up consisting of an oscillator f1peding a coil via an rf amplifier, a pbotomultiplier, a tuned amplifier and a detector assembly. The set-up was similar to that described earlier by the authors (Z 045,503,1963). Radiation associated with the 537'jL--5'So transition in cadmium va~ r (contained In a tube surrounded by the above-mentLoned coil) was observed. Theipurpose of the experiments was not to obtain detailed data, but only to demonstratiR:the feasibility of modulation frequen- cy conversion. A modulation amplitude vers#lflold stvangth curve is reproduced. The experimental results are consistent with J~hs Proilations of theory. "in conclu- sions the authors take pleasure. in expressing' their A.U.Sonch-Bruye- vich for his Interest in the work wW v advice.!' fil formulas aluab CWd 2/3 (k) -/A ~/AZC(b) Jr.(o?,/AF%TqASD(a)-v,5 &~D A CCF,6SIO ;NR.- -AP4047915 S/0056/64/047/004/1483/1495 TJTH 0" D" -Pe- M~ ere vakonov, V ig_4iffusii)ri--of---resonance~--radiation-- ---_:.--S6URCEz --Zi'hiArnal-eksperimdn----allnoy i-teoret:Lcheskoy fiziki, v. 47, ------ 1483~1495 no* -41-19E 4 TAW.; relaxation-kineti-cs,'- relaxation- time resonance radia- t 0 :radiati6n diffusion, density matrix, nolarization n, are-derived for -the time variation of the off- v ement---(in -terms of-the-magn~?tic quantum numbers) of the _iagonaL_ densi it excited gas atoms in the absence of radiation dif- _.~y me rix.of usion. In thecase- when- the de'nsit - inatrix: is diaigonal these y cide with the kno-ym-radiation diffusion equation. it equatibns Coinc at - in- show-fi-IN -the -case of - completa-capture- of the radiation there relaxation times for linear and circular polarization, re- tz, tard NR: .:-AP4047915 ACCESS109 ectiV xpr'e-ssions are- obtained fOr these-- rbI caxa~tion tLmes and also for-the_ -'t -of the.excited-state when the ci ture 'ime e The -.decaLy T is Incomplet %V '~:~-.qalcdlated pressure dependence agrees with-the-experimental data. -The case of radiation d--f fusion in a .15.m ed -volum g_%-ihich the e fa ,_j'._._-FexpresS3.ons_ E66ome-very complicated, --~I',s:taken--intd -account -in a imi P---- 4teij;-1 8,~q - -T xianner--.-s Iar-,to7-thdt---used- .-H Rad.--v. 20 657 ia d-_03, 59). Orig. '16 R n art,has: )rmulas~ and 6 figures. .---,Fiziko--tekhn chezkiy-_institutj~_i --A --F-,--Ioffe-.Ak*ddemii i m ------ WE p(,k j -,v6r E W(h PM-4/Pn-4/Po-4/Pf'-4/Pg-4/Peb/Pi-4/Pl-4 71,j P W'/1-M/w 7ACCEMON N.R., AP5012566 UR/O1D1/65/007/005i15O6/A'516 ~V- - Perell. V. I.. Efros, A. L ir-no 04A.-.-i OURCE: ''~~izfka-_iverdogo tela,'v. T, no. 5, 1 15o6,r:L516 90 -inje-etionilaier i iconductor--laser :~stixdu- - - -junct-011--laser --seld - --- Mted-emis-sion -kadiative recombination, . active medim ~J. ASTRAM The nve a---- stimulated- ~'aiathors .1 st.1gated- the - angUar d-stribut on7or _..from,a~ baser didde.- and -calculated the quantuti yield. c6ef ficient Y (def!Lne,~ :po: L v -t. e~~ratio,_df.,.exaitted jo~rer-to ver:generated in the active'region-by radiat- e, P .1~666iobinat n Knawn~:results :for theamplituMs of the field vectors in the n.. -A~nd-)0~j.ejioni'6r': -the, _T8-_and-.:rM-m6des of--propagation aie summarized. TheSC rmalis are then used:to derive two different exoressions for Y-and-to show MIA _Voth~the VE and TY. modes of propagFxtion y is given by the same formitlas. The a function of the an8l-^ In the plane perpendicular to the juncti-on :~. imnsists of a product of tw6 Lorentzian curves. Tbe VIM of tbend profiles de- `!pends,'ou the- penetration - depth of the field in the n- Emd p-regions. If the pro- sUffieiently far apart, tvo maxima, corresponding to emission from the yill~be.present_in the angular distribution of the energy flux ~__vxtl Om -bit .-P--aWd--n-reg ons -v eh exe- -perpendimaar to'tbd 'plme gif the -shovn -4.b a at the --anwa ar--4 -stanceI)etwenn the-V a b-detemInec tt k .n-the-'active region.- Grig. 4rt. htks.- 4,1, formulas. [Cs; A3SOCIATION: Viziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A,,F. loffe AN SSSR Leningrad ec ~B SUB CODE OTHER: 012 ATD PRWA - 4d01 7 7_1 e/oo56/65/o4,6/oo1/o-,4 5/0352 AVMRI k H. I.: Perel. N. L~ elartatiowor-exe t -T i ed:' a Om Columions Mu'rual ekaWimatallEby i teoretichookely lftziki) v, 48, no. 1, 345-352 TU ?1C__ I atmic muisioup xelaxation time, kalmIzatitmp exeited atom A&TMCT t 113io is an utension of earlier resear-eb by the witluve (MMY, 47, 7.9&) deWling with reIaxation of coherence reaulting from the driUEgin.3 G., radiation. the present paper shown that there is am amaogous situation in caberence relaxatiov, due to coUlsions. The probltm -treated is that of the re- lis carriecl linroulm . . . . . . . . . . . Al D'YARONDVt M.I.; PERELIp V.I. Relaxation of the coherence of excited atono in collisions. Zhw. eksp. i teor. fis. 48 no.1045-352 Ja 165. (MIRA 18s4) 1. Fisiko-tekhnicbeekly institut Imeni loffe AN SSSR. ACCESSIDN,M' AP5019221 ~UR/0056/65/049/001/0097/01015'I if AUTHORS: I IAleksandrov, Ye. B*t Konstantinov, 0, V.; Perel't Ve 1. ~TITLE: tical orientation of atoms In a magnetic field perpendict~,-/ lar, to the beam' 33 ~-,.__:SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 49,' no. 1, 1965, 97-106 TOPICIAGSs magnetic moment, molecular beamp.beam modulation, gas. laser- ABSTRACT: The anthors investigate theoretically and experimentally a now method of.orienting gas atoms in-a-ma netic field perpendicu- 9 lar t6 an orienting light-beam. This is done by using an alternaft- ing r tic fi - d in addition to a constant one, and modulating Isg4e 61 the alternating field while maintaining thebeam intensity constant, It is shown theoretically that if the alternating field makes a CoM L.0054146 F -.ACCESSXON NR: AP5019221 small: angle -,With the constant fiel6# then the resultant moment precesses about.the constant field and produces large constant com I 0 ts of~the m netic moment in the directions of the magnetiL; -,p nen ag field and~of the,light. :-,The theory of the process is briefly.devel- d and expressions are derived,for the total moment and its pro- Ope jections. To check on the theory, experiments were made on the dc and ac components of the moment projections on.the light beam and on the constant field in the vicinity of the first resonance.. The experiments~were made with a mixture of cesium vapor and argon, using an orienting beam which was circularly polarized and contained Only one long-wave component of the resonant doublet. A cesium electrodeless discharge spherical lamp'served, as the source. The experiment setup is described. The test results are found to be in. satisfactory agreement with the theory. Plots were obtained-of the dep:t~h. of modulation of light on the amplitude of the alternating dc components of the moment againot the*constant fieldo: V-field, -of the j,and of the reBonant broadening by the altornating field. Orig. art. Card: KAZARINOVI R.F.; KONSTANTINOV, O.V.,-_P L EFROS, A.L. Electronagnetic theory of injection lasers. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.5:1506-1516 YT 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Flziko-tekhnicheskly Institut imeni loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. WCC NR, AP6007226~ DEi UR/0056/66/050/002/0448/0456 SOURCE CO &L AUTHORI. Dvakcinoi.M. 1.4. Per-all, V, 1,j f0 .................... -0RG3 Zh,#sLjbtvchn1cjjl Institute IM, -A. F3 leffa Academy of Sciences ;SSSX (FIziko-t*kbnicbeskiy institut Akademil nau TITLE s*,-'Dv0anJe ncs.of, the radiation emission intenslty~of a gas laser SoviC- Zituiiial -eksper-luentallney I tworetichaskoy fiziki# v. 5o# 2 19661) 4*8a-456 :.--TOPIC, TAG3s gss'las.erp laser ealsoloup tamer radiation .'~~.-A BSTRACTSA i ImpH fied model used to InvestIgate the dependence of axis, a ton. In te us ity". o f a gas laser on the longitudinal and transwres ~Maanvtlc Holds' askes It possible to interpret this phenomenon on the .,basis of. noicibes In the gain-frequency tharacteriatics. In the modelp these notches is proportional to the Intensity of radiation .0missione The-intensity of:radiation emission has a ninimun at & zero K" Magna-tit, field and a second minimum when tba.Zeeman splitting of the leve2s.11-.coln,cides witb the datuning of tb&rssvnator,6, At A % 6 a :.nonuouo,tony.,aay.appear.whicb depends-on a shift of the generation:fre- -quillacy. by the Magnetic field analogous to that which takes place with 1/2 -_.Card -66 -~L -21.553 ACC NRo AP6007226 a weak nagnitIc flolde This nonmonotony appears only at sufficiently ~:larse pumping. In a transverse-magnetic field, In addition to the peculiarities at A - 0 and .11 -- 6, a minimum of radiation emission can J, also appear at a - 2 6,. i.e., the emission Intensity of radiation as a sinimus when the Zeeman splittiug'of the levels equals a double 'detuning,oftbo resonators This last peculiarity canappea r only if -An the Asso0s' emission -the light of both polarizations X1 and X,1 Are,-polarixations along the left and the right c1r cIs) 5 ''pre as ut. 1he intensity minims can be interpreted as being the result ofs merging of the notchese A nonnonotonic dependence of generation -fre-quency,an the magnetic field can aldo occur during nergIng of the 0 chose Otis* orti, has3 24 formula# and 4 figures. 13A) -SUB COM 201 SUBM DATEs 02Aux651 ORIG REP. 004/ OTH'REF: 005 ATD PRIS22 4gq Cerd 7.77 -T 1: 777~7. :L'*5h-66 ACC, NRi AI,6021!;59.. SOURCE CODE: UR/0052/66/020/003/0472/0130 AUTHOR i DYakonov, M. ]!erel a ORG1. none TIM -Contribxtion to the tbe=7 of a gas User In a wignetic field ytika: i spektroBb*I~mp 79 20 Mob 30 .15". , aws, gas - laser., ale moment., ligbt polarization., mwetic 20PIC laser tbeoryp lip -:To ikplaln~th'_increase In, laser radiation- pow in a weiLk Itudinal Y_ ABSTRACT. 0 er long weaetic ~Ieldi,-Abe_ nomon6toniia dependence of the beat I~reque=y between the 16ft- or Influ w e and%right-poljoa~ized oscillations 6n the magnetic field in a laser the e g#udlml and, tranwerpe jp~,pet# flelds on.the polarization of a laser, of tbe ;on emissions the autbors calculate the ftole moment. induced In the gas by the field of a standing electromagnetic vave In, the presence of a magnetic field. Oda syprcechp _a, qualitative description of wMeb vas -presented by the autbors earlier (=T7 Y. 5D., '40, 1966).. obviates the need for rigorous applitation of FAxwell"s equations and the associated mathematitaL difficulties. To obtain qwMt1tative results.'Ibe autborB IiUty tensor of the gas for arbitrary. moments of the uW-r and calci~late the polarize, Ivwer~ states and for aa~bltrary direction of the magnetic field. The dipole mmia ~ is t accurate to.cubie' tiftfm In the electric field EWT~e calru2a ed :71vave under the assum. tion tbat the-g-factora of the vorking leyeU are equal, 7he results are then lased IMCs 621i_375'.9.6 535-0D1.1 ACC NR: AP60187126 AUMIMPorel V.I.; Pinskiy Ya. M. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/006/]LO21/1026 TITLE: On the instability of a high frequency discharge in a magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fIzIkI, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, IOPIC TAGS: plasma instability, plasma magnetic field, discharge plasms,-Ita-a-t- alternating electromagnetic field, evAiSr,09,07- n),Pgf;A-J1F'f1C_ 9~~eA-Oj ABSTRA.VT: The authors discuss the possible Instability of a hIgb frequency discharge plasmVin a constant magnetic field arising from the action of the average force on a charged particle tending to cause it to move away from regions of high alternating field intensity. The average force on the charged particle In an inhomogeneous alter- nating field is derived from the equation of motion of the particle under the influevo ot the Lorentz force and the damping force duip to collisions with neutral atoms, by representing the position vector of the partic~-Io an a sum of slow varying and fast varying parts and appropriately averaging over the latter. 7bat force Is included, together vith the diffusion terms and the forces due to charge separation, in the con- tinuity equations for the electron and ion components of the plasma. Linearized equations for small perturbations are derivod MDd from then there are obtained stab- Ility conditions* It Is shown that the pla*;QA in stable (v1th respect to the pertur- Card 1/2 L 41209-66 ACC NR. A bations under consideration) in the absence of a constant external magnetic field pro- vided the Langmuir frequency Is high compared with both the collision frequency and Ile frequency of the alternating field, but that instability can arise In the presence of a magnetic field if both the Langmuir and the Larmor frequencies are high and the collision frequency is low compared with the frequency of the alternating field. The cuthor finds it difficult to say at present whether or not the instabilities observed by S.D,Vagner, A.I.Zubov, and A.D.Khakhayed (ZhTF, 31, 336, 1961) and R,Geller (Phys. Lev. Lett., 9, 248, 1962) were due to the mechanism discussed in the present paper. Orig. art. has: 35 formulas. SUB CDDE: 20 SUBM DATE: O6Aug65 ORIO.REF: 005 OrH REF: 003 0 Card 2j'2 1^0 1- -66 EWT(l) IJP(c) AT ACC NR, AP6ol5 AUTHOR: Perel', V. I.; Fedorov. V. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/005/0745/07~9 TITLE: PolGrization of the 5016 X spectral line of helium upon excitation by electmn iMDaCt SOURCE: Optika i spektroskoplya, v. 20, no. 5, 1966, 745-749 TOPIC TAGS: helium, spectral line, polarized luminescence, optic transmission, electron imDact , C*,gS Piecessoea, Czeero1eoAj e~FeC~, ,,4/,Oqr ABSTRACT: The relationship between gas pressure and the energy of exciting electrons in the polarization of the 5o16-% and 4922-X spectral lines of helium ha been in-- investigated. It was shown that the degree of polarizatAon of the 5016-spectral. line is sensitive to changes in pressure while the 4922-A line shows no appreciable polarization sensitivity. The dependence of the 5016-A line on the pressure is re- lated to the capture of radiation at resonance transition IISO - 3'P,, which causes disorientation of the momentum at the initial state of emission 31PI of the 5016A spectral line. It is shown that the optical transmissivity of the helium 5016-R spectral line will not produce a complete depolarization process, even if a complete radiation capture does occur at the resonance transition. Orig. art. has: 3 fi res and 11 formulas. rKP SUB CODE : A20/ SUBM DATE: 31Dec64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 007 NM,H&MO, Ak., kand. tekhn. nauk; PMLI, Ya.i.,, inzh.; MARWENKa, M.A., , i~- . I'.. ~- - - inA,; CCMCIEVA, G.A. 0, Use of manganeve-potassim soaps from synthetic fatty acids as a catalyst f*r the oxidation of paraffin. Vhol.-zhir. prom. 29 no.6:17-21 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) lo Vseooyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut siewticheskM zhirozamniteley. (PIUMMM) (Catalysts) DENISENKO) V.P.; RUDIt V.P.; PFRELI, Yr,,.M. Synthesis of diquaternary amm-)nItm, st,lts nf 11,N0 dc-rivatives of hexamethylenediamine. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.10:1743-1745 0 165- (MiRk 18,10) 1. Chernovitskiy meditsLnEs~iy institut. PERELI Yu9G. Plemm of the Convaittee on the History of Astronomy* Astron.zhur. 38 noJs373-573 W-Je 1619 (MM 14:6) (Astronony-History) PZ;"-'!"L I , Yu. cosmo.-~Clv Or:L.-,,In of the earth and plariets. Znan.sil.a, no. 7, 1952. ,,0HT-A-,LY LIST OF -W ~,LLI LI61t:ilff Ui w:3G'4~~, OGMER 19c2. i JS 1. 17U tesR/Astronomw - Spok. Iteview Nov/Dec 52 "No w Disc6verles Are Made," Ye. Strogova, CBook review by Yu. Pere!7 "Astron Z.hur" Vol 29., no 6) PP 7h2-'144 Te. Strogova outlines in her book the importance of discoveries by Soviet Scientists G. A. Shayn) V. A. Ambartsuayan, A. 1. Alikhanov, and A. I. Ali kbanyan. Reviewer considers her pathetic worship of Soviet scientists as exaggerated and criticizes *cue scientifit and historical distortions in the book. 239T83 PERELS, YU. G. Astrcnomers Sketches of Russian astronomers ("Leading Russian astronomers.") Nauka i zhiznl 19 no. 4 , 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July - 19 9B,2 Unc 1. PEH:,,:L I ) YU. ~J. Inkokhodtoevs, Petr Borisovich 1742-1W Petr Borinovich Inkokhodtaev - Russian scientist and the first Russian historian of astronomy. Astron. zhur,29, no. 3, 1952. Mopl& List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress October 1952,, Unclaosif~ed. FLREV, Yu. G. Astronomers Mstyey Matveyevich Gusev. Astron. zhur. 29, no. 4, 1952 Idst of Russian Accessions# Ubrary of Congress,, Novexber,, 1952, Unclassified 1. PEREELI Yu G. 2. USSR (600) 4- HIbliography - Astronomy 7. Annotated Index to astroncmical literature published in the U.S.S.R. during August and September 1952. Astron. zhur. 29 no.6, 1952 9,, Monthly List of rossian Accessions Library of Congress, March 19r , Unclassified 113 Pp2al 9 YUOGO wafta"h6mm Bibliography of literature on geophysics mblished in 1952. 12V. Ali SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.3:277-284 MY-JO 153* (YIRA 6.-6) (Bibliography-Geophysics) (Geophysics-Bibliography) rm, 11 Yu. "Index i,c) or In .'tD Iz Al, Naul,, SS-'.!", Ser (lcofi,-, -'o 4, 1-1 31',!-Y'~' Lists -, bc(ics -in~ -,yr.-pociims of' artic I (,~l; (-, irl- I cles from lml.11:7 ~lli~ I various sci-res adminis'.. rat I nm7; an(3 1C ar'icles 'rcT-.. ScenA"" USSR/Astronomy - Bibliography Jan/Feb 53 "Annotated Index of Astronomical Literature Pub- lished in the USSR in October and November 1952," Yu.G. Perell "Astron Zhur" Vol 30, No 1, pp 118-120 Lists astronomical articles in certain journals. For example: B. Ye. Markaryan, "Revised List of Stellar 0-Type Associations," Dok Ak Wauk Armyonsky SSR, Vol 15, No- 1, 1952~ pp, 11-15; D. A. Rozbkowk;j WZ~igin of Stars and Luminous Diffuse Nebulae," Vest Ak'Nsuk Kazakhokoy MR, No 7, 1952, pp 39-47, 1~5_2- Gives titles of 4 dissertations; works of observa- tories; books. etc,. 246T 30 n, .7,L I Yx;,. G. '7a=4"Ijj re-OrC~V!C!~, Fadorov, 12'.-- 2 -1 -' 5 5 - 5' 5 Rus,ian 30, 17D. 1, 1~53- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1y -1953. Unclassified. PIERELI., Yu. G. Gamale~a, Platon Iakovlevich, 1766-1817' Forgotten work on the history of astronomy ("Brief hiotory of astronomy.11 Platon Ya. Gamaleya. Ruviewed by Yu. G. Perell). Astron. zhur. 30, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, MaY -1953. Unclassified. 1. PIE-1 ELI , Yu. G. 2. USSIZ (600) 4. Astronomy - Bibliol-ral-hy 7. Annotated idex of astronomical litenl-"-ure published in the U. ". 3.". in December 1952. Astron. 7.hur. 30, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress'l April 1953. Unclassified. I 1. RTallp Tiao Go 2. USM (600) 4. ferevoshchikov, Dmitri Matveevirh, 1788-1890. 7. Social and literary activity of D. H. Perevoshabikov. Astron. zhur. 30 No, 2, 1953. 9. Mont"U List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APr'l - 1953, Uncl. mym ' , 7u. G. Annotated index of astronomical literature published In the U.S.S.R. in January and February 1953. Astron.zhur. 30 n0-3:374-)76 My-Je 153. Mn 6:5 ) (Astronomy-Bibliography) (Bibliography-Astronomy) MEL I ) Y 1'. G. USSR/AstronD- - B~- 1)11 V Jul,/Auc 53 "Index to Astron-)--ical Literature Pubiistied in the USS11 Du r 4nC T-'.arch, Arril 1953," Yu. G. Perell Astr Zhu.r, Vol. 31, No 4, T~P 4711-473 Lists 6~7, articies on astrono:-.y which Lp ei-red durjrr l-z;r,Apr 53 in 15 bo-)ks anc, sy,-posla, I epnerieris, 6 institute Drgans "Trudy"), 17 peri,),,4icals, and albs'.racts of dissertati,.ns. Por exw-,i-~le, one withor's u')strzict. of a disserti.-tion, tne -)riiv one menti-wieci for the degree of Dr Phys-Math Sci, is: "An Attempt to Construct a mental Cutalocie of Electricttl Chr,);-~IAlc 11,1~juivfilerAa of' Stw-rlt of the J;,rert,rtil P B8 and B9," by V. B. TlikonDv, !fLin Astron Observat.ory of Acad 3ci US'JR (expts were con- pleted at Abastuiian Astrophys Gbservtit~rjry and Crirean Astrophys Oboe rvt-- L,3ry) lx-~nin -r d, 21 pP, 100 cw~ieo. 262T32 'A 1 1. Tu. G. I a Won the history 557-562 S-0 '53. of Ihissian astronomical journalism. Astron.zhur. 30 n0-5: (NIRA 6:11) (Aatronony-Periodicals) FM Sep/Oct 53 USSR/Astronomy - Bibliography Dissertations *Bibliography. Index to Astronomical Literature Published in the USSR in Mm,V/J*une 1953," Yu. G. Perell Astron Zhur, Vol 30, No 5, pp 572-576 Lists 7 monographs (books, brochures, symposia), 3 ephemerides, 9 'Trudy' (Works) of institutions, 31, articles from 16 periodicals, 9 articles from 7 dailies and gazettes, 2 bibliographies, and 4 author abstracts of dissertations. Theso dissertations are: 1. M.P. Kazachevskiy, Cand Phys-Math Sci, "Photometric Determination of the Reflectivity of the Terrestrial Globe," Alma-Ata, 195:3, 8pp, 120 copies, Acad Sci Kazakh SSR,, Astroph" Inst. 2. S.G. Slyusarev, Cand Phys-Math Sci, *Wolf-Rayet Star&," Leningrad, 1953, 8pp., 100 copies, Leninip-ad U im Zhdamov. 3. P.N. Kholopov, Cand Phys-Hath Sei, "Structure of Globular Stellar Clusters." Moscowv 1953, 8pp, 110 copies, Moscow State U,, Astron Inst im Shternberg. 4. A.I. Xochetkov,, Cand Tech Sci, "Development of a New System, of Spherical Coordinates and Formulas for the Computation of Astronomical Observationso" Moscow, 1953, 100 copies, Moscow Inst of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography. Source #264T76 PIMI, Yu.G.Ersvieverl; K&RTYNOV, D.Ya., professor Lauthor3. I ". ~ ONarlan Allbertovich Kovallskii.0 D.IA.Hartynov. Reviewed by IU.G.Perel'. Astron.shar. 30 no.6:673-674 N-D 153. (gUtk 6:11) (KDvallskii. Marian Allbertovich. 1821-1884) (Karoynov. D.IA.) PJM' 9 Yu.G. ~4 Index of "tronomical literature published in the U.C.S.R. in July and Aagmit 1933. Astron.shur. 30 no.6:679-684 N-D 153. (MLHA 6:11) (BIbliography-Astronour) (AstronomW-Bibliograpby) P=.jj YUO 00 FD 355 USSR/Geophysics - Bibliography Card 1/1 Author : Perel', Yu. G. Title : Index of literature on geophysics published in September-December 1953 P~riodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. [~ecfiz. 2, 199-201., Wr/Apr 1954 Abstract : List of books and articles from various works of institutions. For example: B. V. Gindysh, "Calculation of the harmonic constants of the half-daily tidal wave V~2 from the monthly cycle of four-period observations on sea level, "Uchenyy zapiski Vysshego arkticheskogo morskogo uchilisbcha imeni Admirala Makarava (Scientific Notes of the Higher School of the Arctic SeaE; imeni Admiral Makarov), No 4, 1953, pp 131-133. Institution Submi tted AID - P-69 Subject USSR/Astronomy Card 1/1 Author Perell, Yu. 0. Title Yertov, I. D. in the opinion of Contemporaries Periodical Astron. zhur., V. XXXI, 1, 99-101, Ja - F 1954 Abstract On the article by M. I. Shakhnovich, plablished in "Priroda", (No. 4, 1951, pp. 71-75) entitled "Tbe First Russian Cosmogonist I. D. Yertov", dealing with his cosmogonic theories In the early 19th Centu.-y. Institution : None Submitted : August 10, 1953 Fi:r-,ELI , Yu. SubJect Card Author Title USSR/Astronomy 1/1 Perell, Yu. G. Periodical Abstract Institution : Submitted : AID - P-239 On the Astronomical Historiography of Russia Astron. zhur., v. 31, 2, 198-209, Mr - Ap 1954 Of historical interest. Development of the science of astronomy from prehistorical days; its history in Russia; its achievements; its bibliography with more then 120 Russian scientists mentioned and an extensive list added. 59 Russian references, of which only six are after 1939. None No date PEREL,, Yu.G. A ID P - 380 Subject USSR/Astronomy Card 1/1 Pub. 8. - 10/12 Author : Pere!', Yu. G. (Reviewer) i~^ -, --, ~- -- , 298-299, My-Je 1954 Periodical : Astr zhur., V. 31, 3 Title Review of the book: "V. L. Chenakal. Russtan Instrument Makers of the First Half of the XVIII Century" Abstract The Book, published in 1953 in 254 pages and 58 figures in 3000 copies, gives the histery of Russian mathematical instrument making based on documented data from the Academy of Sciences and other institutions. Names of Rus- sian workers and the results of their work are given, especially in the field of astronomical observatories and thell.r equipment. Institution : Not given Submitted : No date AID P - 434 Subject USSR/Astronomy Card 1/1 Pub. 8, 13/16 Author Perell, Yu. 0. Title Review of the Polish Book: Contribution of Polish Astronomers to World Science, by E. V. Rybka, 1953 Periodical Astron. zhur., v. 31-4, 398-399, Jl-Ag 1954 Abstract This is the first attempt of writing the history of Polish astronomers from Copernicus'predecessors to the present day. A detailed favorable account of this popular book is given. Institution None M .>ubmitted No date L,7, Subject USSR/Astronomy AID F - 435 Card 1/1 Pub. 8, 14/16 Author Perell, Yu. 0. Title Chronicle. The Reopening of the Main Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo Periodical Astron. zhur., V. 31-4, 400-405, Jl-Ag 1954 Abstract The reopening of the Main Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo took place on May 20-22; 1954. The reconstruction and refitting of the observatory with new instruments took 9 years. Special menti*n is made of the horizontal solar telescope, the 50 cm reflector of Maxutov, and the polar photographic telescope. Guest scientists from many countries, speeches, etc., are mentioned. Institution : None Date : 'No dzi te PZMI -Yu.G. Session of the Committee on the History of AmtronozW. Astron.shur. 31 no.6:573 N-D 154. (bulaA 8:1) (Astrononw-History) BUBIZYIII)rOV, 7.D.; HOLOMISKIY. H.S.. redaktor; PMLI, Yu.G., redakto:*1 ABTAPOYNVA, G.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. R*) [Outline of the development of an understanding of the earth) Ocherk razvitlia, predstavlanii o zemle. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1955- 205 P. (MI2A 8: 4) (Urth) PRRV-11, TU.G. - A Ylkentil 155. Karlovich VishmeTakil, let.-astron.ioml. no.1:133-148 (MLRA 9:12) (Vishnovskii, Vikentii KarloTtch, 1781-1855) FZRW, Yu. G. , -4-r-t,^w r* Philosophy of V.K.TSeraskil. Ist.-astron.isel. no.1:323-334 '55. (TSeraskit, Vitolld KarlovIch, la"-1925) (KLRA 9-12) OPARIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich; FAMKOV. Vasiliy Grigorlyevich; FAREL', Yu.G., redaktor; FOLTAEDTA, T.B., tAhniebookly redaktor, ~-.' (Life In the universe] ZbIzn' vo nauk SSSR, 19-56. 222 p. (Plurality Iselannol. Moskva, Isd-vo Akadedi (NM 9:6) of worlds) VORONTSOY-VIL'YANINOV, Boris Alekeandrovich; A~IMI. Yu.G., redaktor; TUMARKINA, B.A., takhnicheskiy redaktor , I [Outline history of astronomy in Russia] Ocherki istorii astronomIt v Rosaii. Moskva. Gos. i2d-vo tokhniko-teDret. lit-ry. 1956. 371 P. (Astronomy--History) ZUBOY, Vasilly Pavlovich; ppmov,.B.O., otvetstvennyy redaktor; PIMns I e Yu.G. , redektor Isdatel'stva; ASTATITSTA, G.A.', tekbnIcbesirly redaktor [Historiography of the natural sciences in Russia; from the 18th to to middle of the 19th. century) Istoriograftia estestvennykh rAuk v Rossil; XVIII v. - pervaia polovina XIX v. Moskva, Izd-vo, AkRdemll nauk SSSRO 1956. 575 p. (HI& 9:10) (Science-Ifistory) FMLI I YU.G. 'Astronomy at Kharkov University during the past 150 years (1805- 1955).* A.I. Slastenov. Reviewed by M.G. Feral'. Astron.shur. 33 no.2:275-277 Mr-Ap 056. (Km 9:8) (Zharkov--Astronomy--Study ana teaching) (Slastenov, A.I.) PFAU#. Yu.(i. ~-.Wdomeww workm." A.A.Bolopollskil. Reviewed bV M.G.Perell Astron.shur.33 ne.3:448-449 W-jq 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Bolopollakil, Arlstairldi Rppolon*vich, 1854-1934)(Astronomv) FRM I , Yu. G. Plenary session of the cornittee on astronomical hist,,ry. Astroa.zhur. '13 no-3:458-459 MY-Jo 1%,- (KIRA 9:10) (Astr9now-Histery) N IDLIS. Grigorly Moiseyevich, starshiy nauchnvy sotruilnik; FASICKKOV. Y.G.. P akedemik, otvetetvennyy redaktor Tu G. reclaktor izdatelletva; NOVIKOVA, S.G., M ReEm or (Cosmic matter] Kosmichaskela materlis. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR."1957. 124 p. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Alma-Ata, Kamenskoye plato, Astrofizicheekly institut Akedemii nauk IbzSBR (for Idlis) (Cosmography) AUTHOR: Perel,, Yu.G. 33-3-31/32 TITLE: Plenary session of the Commission for the History of Astronomy (Plenum komissii istorii astronomii) P11MODICAL: 1%stronomicheskiy Zhurnal" (Journal of Astronomy), 175-7, Vol-349 No-3, Pp. 502-503 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: This session took place on February 6, 1957. P.G. Kuli- kovskiy, who is the chairman of this commission, reported on its work. The major work of Prof. Vorontsov-Velyaminov "Essays on the history of astronomy in Russia" was edited and prepared for publication during 1956. The first number of 'Tistorico-astronomical studies" was issued in 1956. The second volume appeared at the beginning of 1957* Further volumes are in preparation. SUBMITTED: March 30, 195?. AVATTA' IF,: lAbrary of Goagress card 1/1 PMEL', Yu.G.. - ~~Wfto History- of the dissenination.of lembert's cosmological views In Iftselft. let.-astron. Isml. no.2:353-366 156. (KM 10:6) (larbert, Johann Hei.irich, 1728-1777) (cosmology) 30) AUTHOR: SOVI/33-36-2-27/27 Ti TLE s Review of aalcet. tithe Doak '%situor from the Universe". M., GeografCiz, 11.158, PI) 14A - 12a., _'.2ition 165 000, Rub- 4-40 PERIODICALs Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,i 959,Vol 36,1;r 2,Pp 381--384 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The reviewer reproaches the author A. Kaz.-ntsev with the fact that in hie story, declared to be popular scientific, he de- velops a theory which is contrary to modern scientific knotyledGea (Kazantsev maintains that the large meteorite fallen in 1908 in theTuonr,~cCaya Tayga ~;asaiatomic airship navigated by inhabitants of.- *,.`are which exploded in direct noiChborhood of the narth, whei,eby the devastation of the region is to be eXplained), and that he denotes the astronomers, partially mentioned by name, to be pedantic, behind the times and in- competent. V.A. Obruchev, G.A. Tikhov, A.A. Polkanov, Y.P. Florenskiy,V,G, Belinskiy and S.A. Vengerov are mentioned in the review. SUBMITTEDs February 10, 1959 Card 1/1 USODUM-D"1,420 PEULI, Yu.G. (Moskva) [0e.ceawdl- Pioneer of extragallactin uctromcy; Umdma~ k his exploratIon of the world ct sta-s. Priroda 54' no.5:100.- 107 MY 155. OAIRA 18: 5) PEREL', Yu.G. , : - - , ~ , . 1 7'-.~' " . Founder of astronony. .11riroda 53 no. lltIO5-109 164. (KRA 18:1) 1. Astronomicheskiy sovet AN SSSR, 14oskva. PERELIJ, YU.G. (Moskva) Popular science literature on astronomy; survey of 1962-1964 publications. Priroda 53 no.7:119-121 164. (MIRA 17.-7) ANBLISP Elizabst [Achelis, Ellisabeth); BIJDIKEVICH, A.V. (translator); PMLI, Yu,G# [translator] World calendar. Pr1roda 52 no.3346-48 263. (MMA 1634) (Calendar reform) FEREW, Tu.G. (Moskva) OntstaWing explorers of the vorld of stars; J.Bradley,, T.Mayer,, Y.La caine, three astronomers of the 18th century. Priroda 52 no.4:69-72 163. (Bradley, James, 1693?-1762) (XIM 16:4) (La caine, Nicolas Louis Do, 1713-1762) (Mayer, Tobias, 1723-1762) FERELI, Xu,G, C&MMe FlamuLrion's philooopby and-.his role in the demelopment and dissemination of astronomical tciences. Ist.-astron.isal. no.8:285-296 16,?. (MRA .16:3) (Flemarlon, Nicolas Camille, IW-1925) RLMIS, V.Vo; BRONSETIN, V.A.-. VORDITSOV-VILOYAMINOV, B.A.; DAGAY3V. N.M.; 33112MM, L-S.; IZ02W. A.A.; XULIKOV, I.A.; VJNITSKIY, ILV.; MARTMOV, D-T&,; XIKMBMMDV. To.Tas; MGIIZO, A.D.; Tu.G.; POPOV, F. I.; BEZMIKOV, L. I.; MkM, R. I.; SIMAKIN, SHISTOVsxrr, R.N. ~' Xlkhall Llvgon'ovlch Nabokov; obltuaryo 71xo v abkole 20 no.3:110- ill xy4e ,6o. (XIU 13--11) (Nabokov, Xikhall lhgenlevich, 1887-1960) FMLI Yu G,; POPOV, F.I.; HARMOV, D.Ya.; KUNMKIYJI R.V.; ~ ~:--~V07INSOV-VELIYAM114OVp B.A.; BUMMI, V.V.; EJUKOV, E.A.; SHISTOVSKIY, K.N.) TSVETOV, R.I.; BRONSHTEN, V.A.; DAGAYEV,' M.M.; IK)GILKO), A.D.; SEMAKIN, N.K.1 114ITRIYET, L.S.; IZOTOV, A.A. Kthail Fvgenlevich Nabbkovj obituray. Bujl.VAG0 no.28:60-62 t6o, (MIU Up 6) (Nabokov,, Mikhail Evgenlevich, 1887-1960 PFMLI, lu.G. - ORistary of astronocy" b.7 A.Pannckoek. Reviewed IV D.G.Perell. Astron.zhur. 39 no.2072-374 Yx-Ap 162. WFA 15:3) (Astronmy-History) (PanAAkoek, A.) PERELIP YU.L. "Astronomical dictionary" by I.Klecek. Reviewed by IU.G.Perell. Ast--on.zhur. 39 no.2:374-,375 Mr-Ap 162. (KRA 15:") (Astronomy--Dictionaries) (Klecak, I.) PERELI, Yu,G, Plen= of the CommisBion of the, Histor7 of AstronomV. Astron.zbur. 39 no.3:564-5&7 ?tx-Je 162. (XLU 15:5) (AetronoW..-History) FERELI -1 jX--9rjgqr'Xevjch"UURKIN, B.V.p prof., red.; YERFYISV, N.F., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, V.?;., tekhn. rod. [Development of our concepts about the universe]Razvitie pred- stavlenii o vselennoi. Izd.2. Pod red. B.V.Kukarkina. Moskva, F12MatgiZ,, 1962. 391 P. (Cosmogony) (MIRA 15:10) p E "1r 19 Yn.G. (Moskva) Pjvpaganda of astron=ic kncwledp. Priro& 51 no,6s=--~N3 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Bibliography6-Astr.onmw) FEMLI f Yu.G. Tho bicentenari of J.-.. Lambert's "Cosmological letters." i tokh. no.11:69-75 161. (MITL~ 14: 11) (Cosmology) (Lambert Jahann Heinrich, 1728-1777) II,anbort,, J.H.) FEP,ELI, 'Ju.G. (Mskva) Ow4stwiding iuvestigator of the solar system; on the 150th andversary-of the birth of Urbain Laverriero Priroda 50 n0.7: 91-92 . ji 163.. (MM 34:6) (Leverrier, Urbaln Jean Joseph,, ISU-18V) PEREW, Yu.G. (lbak-va) FowAer of -tbe science of the Won; 350tb amniversar7 of the birth of jobamen Reveliua. Priroda 50 no*6:98-99 je 161* (NIRA 14:5) (Hevelim,'Jobanne3p 1611-16V) PERELI., Yu.G, (Hoskva) 03tudiem in the history of astronomy in the U.S.S.R." i7 B.A. Vorontoov-Velliaminove Revieved by IU.G.Parell. Friroda 50 no-5: 2113~-329 W 161. (MIRA 14: 5) (Astronomy) (Voronteov-Vellianinov, B.A.) PEMIp Tu.G.j ROOVSKIYp M.I. History of scientific relations between ftasian and Awrican astronomers,, let,-astron, isel. no. 6s23.2-250 160& (MM 14:2) (Astronomy) , Irk='. Yu.00 (Moskva) OAstronoW In the U-5,64.2 during tbo p at 40 years (1917- 1957),R Reviewed by WoO, Perelle )Prir:da 49 no& 12slIS-119 D 160. (MmA 13112) I- (AstronoW) -YU- -- --,PZM I iA[6-- kroblems of the history of astronomy discussed at the conference an the history of physical and mathematical sciences of institutions of higher education. Astroa.zhur. 37 no-5:94.2-944 S-0 160. (KEA 13:10) (Astronomv--History) rMIL, . Yu.G. , Mikhail Wgenlevich fiabokov; obituar7. *etron.tsir. no 210:34 Ap 16c. imlRt 13:9) (Nabokov, Mikhail lvgenlevich, 1887-1960) KULAGIN. S.G.; KOVBASYUK, L.D.; DAGATEV, M.N.; LAZAMSKIY, V-S-; EATMIN, A.A.; KUKLIN, GA.; cHmrM, H.S.; DIMIDOVICH. Ta.G.; BROWSHTEN, V.A.; TAKHONTOVA, H.S. Obeningracl); PEROVA, N.B.; DOKUCHATAVA, O.D.; KATAS-3V, L.A.; KASICVICH, A.G.; SPICIMBINA-SAMOTLOVA, I.S.; ARSWITIV, V.V.; YRAW-JWWWSKIT, D.A.; LRYKIN, G.A.; SHCHWILOV, BWjLIN, P.L. KAMICH, A.G., red.; red.; RAKUAN* I.Te., red,; AUMMOV, S-N-o (Astronomical calendar. A yearbook; variable section for 19591 Astronamicheskii kalandnrl. fthegrodnik. Peremennaia chast', 1960. Red.kolleglia P.I.Bakwilin i dr. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo fiziko- matem-lit-TY, 1959. 353. P. (Veasoluznoo astronomo-goode2ichaskoe obahchostvo, no.63) (MIRA 13:1) 1. Gosudaretvannoye astronomo-goodamichookoys obahchostvo (GAGO) (for Kulagin, Kovbaeyuk, Lazarevskiy, Demidovich). 2. Moskovskove otdeleniye Vaesoymogo astronomo-geodesichookogo obshchastva (MOVAGO) (for Dagayev, Broushten, Perova). (AstronotV--Yearbooks) PnM', Yu.G.____ Plenum of the Commission on the History of Astronomy. let-ron. zhur. 37 no-3:600-601 My-Je '60. (MIRA 13:6)' -(Astronomy--History) FRULI.. Tu.G.,...(Hovkva) Astronomy for the wases. Priroda. 49 no.5:115-118 Ai 160, (KM 13:5) (Astronomy) Hitraboldt's "Cosmox" and Its role In the development of Ideas on the structure of the universe. Ist.-astron.1991. no-5:197-222 leg. 11 (MIRA 12:12) (Humboldt, Alexander, Freiherr Von, 1769-1859) E L ~2 KUTAGIR, S.G.; KOVBASYUK, L.D.; DAGAYEV, M.N.; ROZENBLYUM. N.D., TEGORCHMO. 1.7.(Irkutsk); KAVU13, A.A. (Irkutsk); KONSTANTINOVA, T.G. (Irkutsk); KMQ61NA. V.A. (Irkutsk); KMIN, G.T. (Irkutsk); SAZONOVA, Z.G., (Irkutsk); CHZ~NM, L.I. (litutsk); CBBRNYKH, B.S. (Irkutsk); MIDOBICH, Ye.G.'; BRONSHTER, V.A.; TAKHOWTOVA, B.S. (Leningrad); PIMOVA. N.B.; DOKUCIULTZVA, O.D.; KATASHV, L.A.; KLTAKOTKO. M.A.; PAMAGO, P.P.; SHCHIMBINA-SMOTWYA, I.S.; WEVICH, A.G.; RYABOV, Tu.A.; SHCHEOLOT, Tu.q.; KAWINOV. D.Ta.-. FIDUMIT, V.T.; VOR(MTSOV-YSLITMINOT, B.A.; ZIGELI, F.Tu.; BAM-IN, P.I., otv.reid.: HARMIN. I.Te., red.: AXMAHOV, S.B., [Astronomical calendar) Astronomicheskii kelendarl. [A yearbook; variable section for 1959) Bzbzgodnik. Peremennais cha,st'. 1959. RaA.kelleglia P.I. Bakulin I dr. Moskva, Goi3.izd-v* fiziko- matem.lit-ry, 1958. 370 p. (Y68SOiU2noe astronomo-geodezicheskoe obahchastvo, no.62) (MIRA 12:2) 1. Gosudaretvennoye astronomo-goodeziahemkoye obshchostva (for Kulagin, Kovbasyuk, Demidovich). 2. Moskovskoye otdeleniye Vaesoyuznogo astre- nomo-geodezichaskogo obahchestva (for Degayev, Rozenblyum, Bronshten, Perovs). (Astronomy--Tearbooks) 30) AUTHOR: Pere!' Yu.G. 30-1/33-55-5-15/20 TITLE: On the Philosophical Foundation of a Question (Po povodu 'filosofskogo obosnovaniyall odnogo voprosa) PERIODICA-L: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 5, pp 797-600 (USS10 ABSTRACT: The paper contains an adverse criticism of the article "On the Philosophical Foundation of the Problem:Life Beyond the Eartl~ll of A.K.Suslov and the article "Problem of Organic Evolution in - i Modern Planetary Science" of I.N.Suvorov (both papers appeared in volume 5 of the"'Ik-udyll of the section of astrobotany at the AS of the Kazakh SSR). It is said that the authors of the articles interprete the opinions of known scientists (Herschel) and philosophers (Kant) in a chaotic and despotic manner, that thz question whether on Mars there exist living beings is needlessly made the central problem in the disagreement between the western and the eastern ideology, and that thereby the planetary science (especially astrobotany) is raised cause- lessly to the rank of a "selected" science. SUBM I TTED t May 21, 1958 Card 1/1 4%j 30) SOV/33-35-4-24/25 AUTHORs Perellp Yubo. TITLEs Revirew of ~Orar~d do Vaucouleures Discovery of the Universe. An Outline of the History of Astronomy from the Origin to 1956. London, Pp 328, pl 20 (Retsenziya: Zherar de Vokuler. Otkrytiye Vselennoy. Ocherk istorii astronomii ot yeye voz- niknoveniya do 1956 g. London, str 328, 20 vkl) PERIODICALs Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1958,Vol 35, Nr 4, pp 677-679(USSR) ABSTRACTt This is a review,in general very much appreciating,of the title mentioned above. The reviewer welcomes the removal of the emphasis on the modern time. He regrets that the Central Asiatic astronomy is not treated and that the Soviet and Rusaian contribution is not sufficiently considered. SUBMITTEDs April 6, 1958 Card 1/1 AUTHOR t Perel ' Yu G 33-35-3-27/27 TITLE: The General Meeting of the Committee for th6 History of Astronomy (Plenum komiasii po istorii aatronomii) PERIODICALt Astronomicheakiy zhurnalt 1958tvol 359Nr 3tPP 509-512 (USSR) 1BSTnACW On February 7P 1956 a general meeting of.,the Connittee for the history of astronomy at the astronomical #M=:Ll.. took place in Pulkovo. Participators - members zYe.L. Krinov, Prof.B.V. Kukarkin, P.G. Kulikovakiy, Professor D.Ya. Martynov, Cor- responding Member of the Academy of Solences of the USSR, Professor t.A. Ilikhaylovp Professor K.F. Ugorodnikov, Yu.G. Perell, Prc.)Censor P.V. Slavenas, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Subbotin, Professor V.P. Shche,glov ; parzicipatora - guests t S.I. Yerepeyeva, G.A. Zhelnin, Professor V.P. Zubov, P.V. Myurisepp, N.I.Nevskaya, Z.K. Novokshanova, Professor P.P* Parenagop Corresponding Member of the Aoademy of Sciencev S.I. Seleahnikov, Profeisor Ye,K. Karadze, Member of the Academy of Science of the (;eorgien jwi, Professor V.V. Sharonov. A statement of accounts was given by Kulikovskiyon the acti~,i- ty of the committee in 1957. Kharadzep Perell and Zhelnin Card V2 The General .-,"eeting of the Co=ittee for the History 33-35-3-27/27 . of Astronomy gave informations on new results in the domain of the history of astronomy. SUBMITTED: February 'I't, 1958 Card 2/2 USCOW-DC-60-790 PAM$, Yu.G. (Koekva) lqmar and solar eclipses. Priroda 47 no.10:126-1227 0 '58. (KIRA 11:11) (Eclipses. Solar - 1958) (Eclipses. Lunar - 1958).