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PXMCH. Wojciech
Use of byaluron4dase in medical practice. Polski tygod.lek.
io no.25:845-847 20 June '55.
l.(z oadzialu Chorob WevnetrzyWch Szpitala WoJewodskiago w
Opulu; ordymtor: dr. nod. Janina Bross) Opole. SzpitalWojewodski
PO---~--D./Pharma-colop~/ and To;r.L(.r)].o_,. Toxicology . V-C
A.,-- Jour Rof Mur - bi.ol.) "(.) 10, i.918) No 472-(4
Author Pedich W.
Inst *Z,Uidz:lalu Chorob Wevn. Szpitala Wojevod. w Opolu;
Ti t'~e A Case of Auri~u:,-~r 7i'-;rLilation Follow,-.i- ~ui -'.(-ute Pr)~sm-
in,i, L)y riicotine
Ori - PW~ Polski tygod. ieh. -.r. 11, iio 16, '105- 707f
A',),, t ra,,~ 'U A case of poisonin flu--d con-,aiainE, 94.0~~ ii,cotiae
ir descri'-.ed O.,,e (~ro-, of the fluid p--otluc-ed, )n a space
of soma tens of secon~U',, an acute, elxiost deadl-,-, po.son,n,-
A clinical ooservat,oa of the patient showed a functiontil
reversiLle charixter of L'ie effect of aicot,ne upon the
or&anism. On electrocardio, 'rams, 16 houi-s cSter )oisoninL.,
aLLricular ficr-IIz-.'-jor. Jastiii about U,' hourG aas est-c-
lished. After retLLrr. of the s,nus rhythiii, --t ,;Iiort!~-nin,~ -)f
rIT and decrease of the cmrplex T was observe(~ in ail deflec
tions. The decrease of ~-omjplex T rapi(IL, disnn-1,Tared, but
the contraction of ~'T perL:isted for 10 days. '-ru.1. Rafeg
PEDICH, Wojciech (Opole, u1. Zeromskiego 6 m 5.)
wagi wo
Medic t'~tzi;noloa im the dialect of the Opole region of Silesia.
Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.50:1952-1953 16 Doc 57.
1. Ze Szpitala Wojewodzkiego w Opolu.
med. terminol. in dialect of Opole region of Silesia (Pol))
TRAUNFET-IM, MitsInv; DUM-WASKA, Gertruda; PEDICH, Wojciecb
Bffect of Waterhouse-Friderichaen syndrome on the BOG picture
and on pregnancy. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.29tl354-1356 20 July
1. (ZB SzpItala Wojewodskiego w Opolu: dyrektor: dr R. Glazer)
PEDICH. Wojciech; MORAWIEC. Jozef
Extrarenal effect of c~lorothiszl-de--on water excretion. Polski
tygod.lek. 15 no.14: 5ol-5o2 4 Ap ,6o.
1. Z Oddsislu B Chorob Wevnetronych Swpitala Wojewodzkiego w Dpolu-,
or4ynator: dr mad. W. Pedich.
(CHLOROTHIAZME pharmacol.)
P1-2!10H, Wojclech; JAMOVSKA, Daimta
Cybernetic interpretation of pathomacbanisme of certain morbid
conditions. Polski tygod.lak. 15 n0-50:1936-1939 12 D ,6o.
1. Z Oddsialu OBO Cborob Yewnetranych 3spitala Wojevodskiego v
Opolu; ordynator: dr med. W. Pedlich, dyrektor Sspitala: dr B.Glaxer.
PEDICH, Wojeieeb; KOCHAN, Ryezard
Una of butazolidin in n7ocardial infarct. Poinki tygod. lek. 16
no.38:1450-1452 18 S 161.
1. Z OddzI*lu Chorob Wownetrznyth "B" Sspitala Wojowodzkiego w
Opolu; ordynator: dr mod. W. Pedieb, dyrektor Sspitala: dr B. Glazer.
'c~ sill c, ou-, nlcl-d ores. P.
ZC: 7ast Eurclj.-!ar, acc,:-ssiryifI Li..a Vc I
KlDCXLJI Oscar, ing.; F~DIMONTE, Kunigunde, chim.
Rapid determination of the basicity of open hearth furnace
slags by the themodifferential method. Metalurgia Rum 15
no-5:371-372 My 163.
PEDISIG p Ivo., dr.
Traumatic retroperitoneal rupture of the d4oden=. Lijecn.
vjeon.,-83 no.8:789-794 161.
1. Iz Kirurskog od ela Opce bolnice Zdravstvenog centra u Sisku.
iDUODRIMP-1 wds & inj)
; I
~~ ~~- D ) ~, I- I
IMIT (I) 1EUTT W/T/;-NP (0/00,W/21A W 1JP W JD/GG
ACCESSION NR: AP5Q21101 UR/0056/65/049/002/0414/0419
AUTIJORS:~ Belov, K. P.; Yer,Kin, Yu. V.* Ped1ko A. A. Z.,
TITLE: Magnetostriction of a gadolinium single crystal
SOURCE: Zburnal eksperlrwntallnoy i teoreticheskoy flziki, v. 49,
no. 20 1,)65, 414-419
TOPIC,TAGS: gadolinium, magnetostriction, nagnetization, Curie
point, temperature dependence
STFACT: The magnetostriction of a gadolinium
ingle czynt-&I In
crystallographic directions was measured as a function of
the magnetic field strenFtb and of the temperature by a tension. gauged
metbod in fields L-p to 15,000 Oe and In 'be temperature Interval 78
350K. It is foun(I that the parnproce:,a inagnotostriction In largre
not only in the vicinity of the Curie temperature, but at; lower tem-
peratures, beginning with 180K. The spontaneous magnetostriction
caused by the change of exchange energy on passing tbrough the Curie
cAlculated ard found to be sharply anisotropic.' The curves
POint WaZ
_Card- 1/2--
L 5329~-66,
-for the temperature variation of the naturation magnetostriction, ob-I.-
after.subtracting the paraprocess magnetostriction, have a
~--._cbmplicated form. Some of these curves have maxima in the temperatuiD
.--interval between 200 and 250K. It is concluded therefore that the
!behavior of the magnetostriction In Badolinium in this tenperature
7interval cannot be attrIbuted only to processes of rotation of the
Ispontaneous magnetization vector against the magnetic anisotropy
.iforces. Orig. art has: 7 figures, 2 formulas, and 1 table, A
AASSOCIATION;. MoBkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State
NR REP SOV: 005 OMER: 005
AYT,()V, V. A.
_P'~O, 'A.1.; ISY
Oliding and rollinp npoods cf a bearint! depending on the
dimensional relations of tricone bits. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;
neft' i gaz 7 no. 1:101-104 '64. (141R~A 17-7)
1. Azerbaydzhnnskiy in3titut neff.1 1 00-11 Imeni K,Azlzbe~nvn
i znvod neftyanopo oborudowinlya Imoni ".M.Kirovn.
ISMATLOV, M.A.; ffp'KQ,.A.I.
Incig!ng the wear resistance of cutting bitlr,' Za tekh prog. 3
no.l- 21 Ag 163. iMIRA 171l)
1. Zavod burovogo lnstriut~nta imemi S.M.Kirova (forjsmaylov).
2. Aserbaydzhanskiy institut nofti i khimii imeni Millizbekova (for
Efficient supports c4l roller bite. Math. i neft. obor. ric.p:A-1,7
165. ~M,`RA 1p:9)
1. A2erbF-ydzh&ns~,Iy intjtitul. riefti L khimal Im. H.Azj7,Ix?kcva i
Effect of the dimensions of bit-aupport elements on the Jarrring of cutters.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neftO i gaz. 8 no.51lDI-104 165. (MIRA 18:1
1. AzerbaydzhFmskiy Institut nefti i kh1m1i im. M.Azizbekova; zavod
neftyanogo oborudovaniyR im. S.M.Kirova i upravleniye "Glavmorneft'".
,K.P.,Ped1ko,A.V. 56-3-50/59
On the Galvanomagneti-cProperties of Ferromagnetica Near Absolute
(0 galgranomagnitnykh evoystvakh ferromagnetikov vblizi absolyutno-
go nulys temperatury),_(latter 'to the Mitor)
FERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim.i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,Vol 33,Nr 3,PP 815-817(USSR)
ABSTRACT The observation made by Smith that,in a 42% Vi and a 58% Fe alloy,
Q does not only not diminish at the temperature of liquid nitrogen
and liquid hydrogen,but even increasee,vae confirmed by a more ac-
curate determination of q at the temperature of liquid helium.Be-
sides, the same was observed in the case of other ferromagnetic
The following measurement values for Q were obtained for not an,
nealed alloys at the temperature of liquid heliumi
alloy Q. 108
42 % Ni, 58 c~', Fe 31,6
50 % Ni, 50 % Fe 15,6
2o % Cu, Bo % Ni 25,5
25 % Cu, 75 % Ni 11,6
23 % MA, 77 % Ni 23,6
There are 2 figures.
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Belov,K.P., and Ped1ko, A.V. SOV/155-58--2-45/47
TITLE: The Influence of th'3 Paraprocess on the Galvanomagnetic Effect of
Fer-omagnetica at Low Temperatures (Vliyaniye paroprotsessa na
gall vanom%agnitnyy e f f ekt ferromagnetikov pri nizkikh temperaturakh)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheskiye nauki,
1958, Nr 2, pp 214-219 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Thia is a report on experimental measurements of the galvanomag-
netic effect in ferromagnetic combinations for boiling temDeratures
of nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium. The measurement!3 showed the
insufficiency of the formula proposed by Smit [Ref 2]. For severa.
alloys a residual Ralymometric effect could be measured
(residual effect). !Fwo possible interpretations for the appearanc,,
of the residual effect are proposed. The authors thank Professor
A.I.Shallnikov for valuable mWeations.
There are 2 tables, 5 figures, and 6 references, 4 of which are
Soviet, and 2 American.
ASSOCIITIOlliMoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni H.V.Lomonoeov)
SUBMITTED: January 13, 1958
Card 1/1
24 (3 ) -6
SOV/56-36 -7/66
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., Zaytaeva, M. A., FedIko, A. V.
TITLIt On the Lagnetic Properties of Oxygen Compounds of Gadolinium
(0 magnitnykh svoystvakh okisnykh soyedineniy gadoliniya)
PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 6, pp 1672 - 1679 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Considerable interest is at present being displayed in the
magnetic properties of the oxides (ferrites) of rare earths.
The authors of the present paper investigated the temperature
dependence of the magnetic properties of various gadolinium
oxides; the samples were of garnet- or perovskite structure and
were, contrary to what was the case in earlier investigations
(Refs 1,2) sufficiently large, so that the data obtained were
more accurate. The samples were tempered in air at 9000C for
6 hours, pressed into ohape (block 60.5-5 mm) under high pressure.
after which they were again tempered for 4 hours at 13000C. The
magnetic properties were measured by ballistic, magnetometric
and ponderomotoric means. Gandolinium ferrite garnets were
subjected to the closest investigation. The authors operated
Card 1/4 ' They investigated saturation
' 4.8Fe
* MY
with 3Gd
On the flagnetic Properties of oxygen Compounds of BOV/56-56-6-7/66
magnetization at helium temperatures and at Curie point
(9 - 5610K'), coercive force, magnetostriction, etc. The results
obtained by the investigations are shown by numerous diagrams
and are discunsed in detail. Figure I shows the tumperuture
dependence of specific magnetization at various field strengths
(H. 25.81 129 and 1550 Oe), figure 2 shows the temverature
dependence of dr
,/do and of the residualmagnetizaiionS/cr vritbin
the range of compensation point, figure 3 shows the temperature
dependence of the coercive force, and figure 4 the temperature
dependence of the susceptibility of the paraprocess in
3Gd203* 5Fe 0 ; figure 5 shows the temperature dependence of
2 3 2
magnetostriction, figure 6 the dependence of (a S' /a0 on (T/0)
within the range of the Curie point (.qtraight line and
figure 7 the dependence of the magnetization on HV3 within
the range of the Curie point. In a table the data of the garnet
investigated are compared with those of other ferri- and ferro-
magnetics. It is found that at the compensation point and
Curie point there is an anomalous growth of the --oercive force
Card 2/4 and a very small paraprooess in garnet-ferrite and also an
On the Magnotio Properties of Oxygen Compounds of SOV/'56-56-6-7/66
anomaly in the behavior of the temperature dependence of
magnetostriction. Further results obtained by investigations
concern gadolinium ferrite-perovskite Gd 20 3* Fe 20 3' Figure
8 shows the dependence of magnetization on the field (up
to H- 7000 Oe) for various temperatures between 18 and 598'C'
and figure 9 shows the analogous magnetization isothermal lines,
but after heating beyond Curie point in the magnetic field.
Figure 10 shows the temperature dependence of spontaneous
magnetization in the magnetic field after the first and second
heating (the curves differ considerably). It is found that
perovskite gadolinium ferrite po3sesse3 a weak ferromagnetiam
of the hematite type. Finally, the results obtained by an in-
vestigation of gadolinium-manganite (perovskite) are de3cribed.
Figure 11 shows the H-dependence of magnetization at various
temperatures, and figure 12 the hysteresis in Gd2o,."n 203 at
4.30K, which may be observed within this temperature range
although gadoliniuta manganite otherwise has paramagnetic pro-
Card 3/4 perties. There are 12 figures, 1 table, and 6 rc-ferences, 4
of which are Sovie-.
I - z 6 _; - "', (, "r
On the Magnetic Properties of O:Vgen Com;ounds of 507/56 , - I
ASSOCIATION: Hoskovskiy gosudar!3tvennyy universitet ( Moscow State Uni-
SUBMITTIZi January 5, 1959
Card 4/4
I SOCK sov/XP43
Vvesoruxna" voyeshchanlye po flzlke. rIzIko-khI.!.Ch49kIs0 o"Yetwom
. ferrItov I fizichookin oanovam lkh prlizessonlya. 3d. Minab. 1959
VerrIty; fItIclsosklye, I f1t1ko-khImichtsklye ovoystva. Isoklady
(ForrItes; ftyvlcal and PhysteochamIcil Properties. Repa:`t%)
Kinsig. 114~* AN ESSR. 1960. 655 9. Zrrata slip Invartrd.
4.000 copies printed.
Sponsoring kgroo less lauchnyy Movet p0 cagnati2mu As SSSR. Ot4ol
rIvIkt ties Ogo tola 1 poluprovodnikov AN BSSR.
Zd1torial Boartds Reap. 9d. s X. N. Strata, Academician of the,
Academy of 5clesseta RSSR; X. P. Baler, Proreasor; Ye. 1. londor-
ably. Professor; 1. M. Tolivang,s; Professor; R. V. Tolesniss. Pro-
re #0r: 0. A. Soolonskly, Professor; x. x. zhot -t*. cancicate of
Vh;:Ic&I and Mathematleal Sciences; 3. M. Smol;a;;nkc- and
L. A. BashiKIrov; td. of Publishing House: S. Kholyavakly; Tech.
14. s X. TolokhanovIch.
Thlzk~oo_k_laintonded for phy-asciats, physical chantate.
radio electronics 01781136ors, and tochnical ;wroornol *rjrag*d In
the, Production and us* of rarrossagnetic %%terials. It may also
be used by students in advanced courses in radio olectrossics.
P12751cD, 41n6 Physlical rhomistr7.
COVLRACRI ThO book Contains reports Presented at Vw Third All-
Union Conreranc* an parritga hold In Minsk. Belorussian SSR.
The "Parts deal with magnetic trans, formations , electrical and
galvanosawwtic properttte of fe"Itas. atudles of the
of ferrite single crystals, PrObIQM2 In the chemical and pAyst-
CoChe"aleal a2*17810 or f*rr"00, StUdIOG Of forrItto hawing
rectangular hysteresis loops and multIcomponent ferrite systems
exhibiting spontaneous rectanguisrity. problems In magnetic
attr*ctlcm- bIghlY cOQrCIva forrit,**. ZftgnotIc spectroscopy.
rerromagnatic resonance. magneto
opties. physical princIpjo of
using fsrr*te components In . Joe r1cal circults, anisotropy of
eirctrical zrd =F8'-1c
;rQ ;Ort-83, os;4. The Cc~jtt** ~ M,,K_
ies . A
C33R ( .V- Ons"Okly, Chairman) organized trw con-
rorwnc*. References accompany Individual articles.
Ferrits,* (Coot.) 307/4893
B0101, JL A. Zayt ... a, and L A V,11"k,
__TA_ K,,_
net IC ond Rov~-Anco Properties of pq"It& Garn
ate of
Yt 1
tr US Substituted by Aluminum. Chrateluzt,and NoodymIum R013
, A. za
ltseva, and a I d k 3
ur of the K29F
fo:r of Ferrite
0srnats or ceiiium 212
SYrkIn. L. N. On MagnetuagchAnical NonlLnearIty In Verrltss z.,6
AnngX2_y__A_ g.. PILL,* too trictl on or
70"Is"es Of CZm`VI0x Composition Z33
Peratur** or the InItIql
f y4rT`o="tc Oxlc:- M-2000 (of
the System x:,0-Zn0_?Q2031
Card 8,48
Card 4/18
641 3 ~-z
Lo 0 3 6 6
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., Ped1ko, A. V.
TITLE: Anomalies in the Temperature Dependence of Coercive Force
in Ferrite,-~Garnets of Rare Earth Elements in the Region of
the Compensation Point V1
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 39, No. 400), PP. 961-964
TEXT: In an earlier work (Ref. 2), the authors found anomalies in the
temperature dependence of' the coercive force B. of ferrite garnets of
rare earths OM 0 5Fe 0 1 M - Gd, Dy, Ho, etc.) in the neighborhood of
2 3 3
v Ok (Ref. In the present paper they give a
the compensation point 1).
detailed report of their investigationo. As is shown in Fig. 1, for
polycrystalline 3Gd 203.5Fe203 P Hc increases in the neighborhood of 0 k
(()k = 120C) to 100 oersteds, decreases strongly and again increases to
the same value so that the curve 11,', = f(T) shows a "splitting" of the
Card 1/ 3
S/05 60/0~
Anomalies in the Temperature Dependence of S/056/60/05~,,'r~(~.~!
Coercive Force in Ferrite Garnets of Rare B004/BO70
Earth Elements in the Region of the
Compensation Point
maximum. The resultant IS of spontaneous magnetization tends tc zero at
Ok9 yet E, is not vanishing on account of the structural defects of the
ferrite crystal. Fig, 2 shows that the anomalies continue to exist for
different densities of gadolinium ferrites (3.15 g/cm3, 5.9 g/cm3), but
become smaller as the density increases. The anomaly is less affected by
thermal treatment (quenching, 4 hour heating, Fig. 3) than by the chanCe
in density. Fig. 4 shows the curves H. = f(T) -for monocrystalline
3Gd 20 3' 5Fe20,; 3HO20,.5Fe2o3 , and 3Er 203 5Fe20, (compensation temperaturi/
+16. -136, and --195'C),, Here, the region of anomaly is so small that it
is hard to observe experimentally the splitting of the maximum. The
authors assume a single domain structure for which H,,%.*K/IS holds
(K - constant of magnetic anisotropy, IS - resultant spontaneous
magnetization). Since K cbanges little and IS decreases rapidly,
oc,curs a strong increase of Hc. The authors think that the observed
broadening of the absorption line of ferromagnetic resonance (Ref. 4)
Card 2/3
Anomalies in the Temperature Dependence of 5/056/60/039/()04/010/048
Coercive Force in Ferrite Garnets of Rare B000070
Earth Elements in the Region of the
Compensation Point
is related to the anomalous increase of H.. They mention a paper of K. M.
Bol'shova and T. A. Yelkina (Ref. 3) and thank V. A. Timofeyeva for single
crystals supplied.-There are 4 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet,
1 French, and I British.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State
SUBMITTED: May 16, 1960
card 3/3
,,dV7j11we3) E039/El35
AUTHORSs Belov, K.P., Belov, V-F., Malevskaya, L.A.,
Ped'koj A.V., and Sokolov, V.I.
TITLEt 'Coicerning the anomalous temperature dependence of
the width of the ferromagnetic resonance aboorption
lin*s in ferrites
PERIODICALi Flzika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.12, no-5, 1961,
TEXT& An investigation was made of the temperature
dependence of the width of the ferromagnetic resonance absorption
lines in ferrites with spinel and garnet structure (mono- and
polycrystalline) in three temperature region3i near the Curie
point, in the neighbOlUrhood of the magnetic compensation point,
and in the low temperature region. At the same time measurements
were made of the temperature dependence of magnetic cheracteristiCB VY
in static magnetic fields. It in shown that for monocrystalline
magnesium-manganese ferrite (6.9% MgO, 37.3% MnO, 55.9%1 Fe203)
the width of the resonance absorption line &H increeises
rapidly at about 550 OX. For polycrystalline yttrium ferrite b*H
Card 1/ 3
Concerning the anomalous ... S/126/61/012/005/002/028
interaction between ions; 3+_ 3+
a) Strong negative interaction between ions Fe Fe
3+_ 3+
b) Weak positive interaction between ions Gd Gd
3+ 3t
c) Weak negative interactions between ions Fe Gd
G.V. Skrotakiy and L.V. Kurbatov are mentioned in the article.
There are 10 figures and 15 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-
Soviet-bloc. The English language references read as followst
Ref. 3% R. De Gennes, C. Kittel, A. Portia.
Phys. Rev., 1959, v-116, 323.
Ref.10: A. Kip. Rev. Nod. Phys., 1953, v.25, 229~ 7.
Ref.11. B. Calhoun, J. Overmeyer, W. Smith. VY
Phys. Rev., 1957, v-107, 993.
Ref.131 J. Dillon, Phys. Rev., 1958, v.111, 6.
ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR
(Institute of Crystallography, AS USSR)
Card 3/3 Fizicheskiy fakulltet MGU
(Faculty of Physics, MGU)
SUBMITTED;: January 2, 1961
AUTHORS: Belov, K. P., Levi-ing E.Z.; Nakitin, S~ A.. Ped1k:,, A V~
TITLE: Tlie fiw.r Ll 1 (1:1 " I I T11
, n e t i ., ri nd ma (~n t, to - o i ii,-, t i (~ 1) ro 1) r t i eof (ly, pr
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimen,*.allnoy i tec-reticheskoy fiziki, v. ..0.
no, 6., 1961. 1562 .- 1569
TEXT: The interes-: that ~j being recently taken in the study of tne
magnetic prcpertle~3 of' rare., earths and their alloys io due to the. follcw-
ing two causes: a' In some rare earth m~,tals (Dy. Ho, El,. TI), T~,I) therF-
occur cc,mpli~-ated magnetic transformations from ferro Magnetic *.o ant,.-
ferroma,,metic and then to the pE.i,.,imagnet;-; lb) In come rare (-art~,,q there
are uncompensated i,le:tror, .-pinE in a which iq screenec. by rut-2r
5s and ::p i,ectr~ns For thio i-ea-For. the drec, ex-r1hunge inleractior,
tween the. 4f 1--, -iezy difficult or ~,ven irnpou.,)lbio. The riiithor~
have carri d ut r-,:,,L,,urpmentq with tlt3flreatest poso3ble. EICCUT-acy on
iz a tion .magnetostriction A, elasti. modulus E, and ti,e inner friction
Card 1/9
Uo q,6/1,31 oz,'
The magnetic and prc,Ler- B 1 C)2//B2 14
ties of
o f Dy and Gd an-i obt:%in,:d ti.e;:, a.,: furic Tc~~' teruperatUTe The ;)re-
sent paper io conrerned with the results of these exp_~riments. The mcas-
urements were ,,arried iear thc points 0, and Q,) and ir, the region between
them (01 is the temperature of the ferromagnoti7 - antiferromagneti~: tran-
sition.. and 92 that of ~he antiferronabinetic paramagnetic transition).
The results of the .nvevtigations are repres,?nted graphically. For Dy, 91
was found to be 88 0K an-! 021750-K The character of the anomalies of E
and Q_1 for Dy at 0 2 is the same as in the antiferromagnetic Cr2EY i, e.
()2is the Neel point, The behavior near 9, a entirely differents Th(-
magnetic field has a strong effect on the Young's modulus E (~j E effect)
as well as on the changes o:' these quantities being irreveroible.
Card 2/9
The magnetic and magneto-elastic proper- BI02/B214
ties of ..
This means hystereqe.~. These are shown for AE and Q_ 1 for 850 K in F-gq.
2 and 3. A!' this signifies that Q, is not a phase transition point rf t~e
second kind. and is in n~ way related to structural trans format i ~_ns. F,~W,
4 shows the temperature iependence of Dy which shows particular peculiari-
ties near 0 Firstly, tne magnetostriction at this point is unusually
high (10-3al,
, 15,000 and secondly, it is anisotropic, Moreover, there
4.9 for each temperature a critical value H k at which a sudden rise of A
begins. Gadolin"um whos.? I'errt-magneti~,m wa3 dircovered early has alw-iyq
been conzsid,~-rpd as a "normal" feT,romagnetic~ However, the authDrs have
discovered that in w,aak th,.,ro nre anomalies in the temi,erature I)(--
havior of' maUnet:1-A~ion (?ig. 6.). -.or-r~ive force 11'. (Fig. -1), and re,.-Iidivil
magnetizu*,on (Fig, 6)~ I t cla thus be Concluded t1int a tem Eerature
exists for Gd (Pimilar to th(- 2170C -)o*nt for Ni and t,hr- 294 C p~:)int 1')r
Co) at which a temperature anornaly of, 4 and exists, Contrary, how('VPT,
to Ni and Co '. Gd shiw~ w r) s i n g1; *, P. r-tes in the behavi,~r -f magmetic prop-
ertles near Ihe Curi-_~ po:Lnt The curvature of the curvP rhDw-
Card 5/9
The magnetic and magneto-elastic Proper- B'02,/B2!4
ties of -a
i,ng the decrease -~f nagnEtizati:n w:th ') temperatu~p is vr~ry Small anJ car,
be deter-ined from the fc,rmulat ~-C('-T/Q,~ F,)r Ni and Ft- 6 . 7;
for Gdt Su.-!h a cmaal va:ue is characteristic of fer:r2tE. and
some allcys (cf~ Tab.e), The exi!3tence of anomalous behavior of Gd ~as
compared to Ni and Fe) near 0 is due tc, the presc-rce of an ant-.. fE,rromagnet
iC phase in this reg;cn cf temperature, which, howe,;er, can be destroyed
by weak fields, The authors thatil: Professor Ye- 14. Savitakiy, V. F.
Terekhova and I V. Burcv for preparing the Gi samp7e and A~ S., Borovik-
Rcmanov for discussions. There are '12' figures, 1 table. and 12 references:
4 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The most important references to
English-language publications read as follovst J. Elliot et a'.. Phys. Rev.
2A, 1143, 1954; D. Behrendt et al. Phys. Rev. In, 1544, 1958~
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudar9tvennyy universitet (Moscow State Univer,
Card 4/9
S/056/61/041/ 003/304/020
Bi 20102
AUTHOR: Ped1ko, A. V.
TITLE: Anomalies in the physical properties of gadolinium ferrite
garnet in the low-temperature range
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41,
no- 3(9), 1961, 700 - 702
TEXT, It was found that near 100 0K the temperature curves for the initial
susceptibility and for the susceptibility of the paraprocess eKhibit
maxima, (F. = 41-75 oe), wh--le the curves for the coercive force and the
width of the resonance curve pass through minima. By analyzing the
temperature dependenue of the spontaneous magnetization of ferrites with
compensation points, K. P. Belov detected low-temperature anomalies
corresponding to an abrupt change of the magnetic long-range crder In a
sublattice with "weak" erchange interaction. In the present case, this
was the gadolinium sublattice. To verify Belovle results the author
determined the temperature dependence of some physical properties of
gadolinium ferrite at low temperatures. Measurements of the temperature
Card 1/3
Anomalies in the physical... B125/B102
dependence of the width AH of the resonance ab3orption curve of gadolinium
ferrite made at 9400 Mc/seo with a shortened waveguide section between 4
and 5600K have shown thatdH is very large at helium temperature and
decreases with rising temrerature. Between 90 and 100 0K it reaches a
minimum and increases again with rising temperature 6 The resonance-field
stren6th 11 drops considerably on cooling below 100 K. Thus, ttie anomalies
r 0
of the temperature dependence of all the measured quantities near 100 K
are similar to those of forromagne-tics near the Curie point. ;iccording to
K. P. Belov, this is indicative of' an abrupt change of the magnetic long-
range order in the gadolinium sublattice near 100 K. The exchange inter-
action of Gd ions in the gadolinium subiattice ia probably largely
dependent on the interatomic distances. In ti-,is case, uniform elastic
deformations are bound to have a great effect on the magnetization of
gadolinium ferrite near the above-mentioned transition. oThe author
determined the magnetization of gadolinium ferrite at 80 K in EL vessel
under a kqdrostatic pressure of -1600 atm. The magnetization decreased
with rising pressure, which agi-eed with the niCn of mnanetostr:.ction.
Thermodynamical considerations lead to tiie relation (av/Vi)p /V ~ -(3,A,)H,
Card 2/3
Anomalieo in the physical ... B120102
where I ic the magnotizalion. fte oubHoript indicates that tho quantity
concerned is kept constant durin6; the change. It was found that
9 - I
0e ,and from the measurements of magneto-
striction it followed that (av/ali)p/Vpd3,6;k/,dH - 3-10-900- 1, 1. e., a value
of the same order of mag-iitude. Various magnetic and non-magretic
characteristics of gadolinium ferrite exhibited sharp aromalies at the
compensation point Ok (cf. Fig. 3). The ratio AEIE in the compensation
point is zero (AE-effect). These anomalies will be discussed in a later
paper. Prnfpssor K. P. Bel.ov is thanked for comments and discussions.
There are 3 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two
references to Englibh-language publications read as follows; '~. P. Belov,
A. V. Ped1ko. J. Appl. Phyb., Suppl., 31, 55, 1960. W. Smith, J. Overmeyer,
V. Calhoun. J. Res. Dev. (IBM), 3, 1537, 1959.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudbLrstvenry universitet (Moscow State university)
SUBMITTED: April 6, -1961
Card 3/3
S/056 62/O42/CO'-/014/G4A_
2-) B104VO2
AUTHORS: Belov, K, P.,_~ed-ko, A. V.
TITLE: "Helical" antiferromagnetism of gadolinium
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42,
no. 1, 1962, 87-90
TEXT! The magnetic properties of polycrystalline toroidal specinens of
gadolinium in magnetic fields between 0.28 and 2000 oe were inveotigated
between 100 and 3000K. At 2100K, the specific magnetization drol)3
sharply between 0.28 and 1.12 oe (Fig. 1). The curves have a no:-mal
Weiss shape only in strong fields (500-2000 oe). The magnetization
isotherms between 0 1 . 2100K and the Curie point 92 - 2900K were examined.
Like the other rare-earth aletals (DY, Tb, Ho, Er, and Tu), gadol:Lnium
exhibits two magnetic transitions at 9, and 9 2 and is antiferromagnetic
between these temperatures. Antiferromagnetism vanishes already in weak
fields. The magnetic properties in this temperature range can be
attributed to a helical spin structure. Such structures form whet,
Card 1/3
V - yl&f~;Ifl fu.V.i '~ " !~O, SAVI- riy,
AnomaliOa of gal vano-magns t if, j~, g~,,,10~-Llnlwh. it"'I:% okap. i
tooro fiz- 47 no.3!860--861. s 161'. (1 M, it.,, I" I il )
1, 14oskovskiy gosudarst"rnyy Uyl-tv;~.3itpt.
.-.I.,-- ~66_2,5745, TO -wrw JD
46~ Ulk/0386/65/001/002/008/0014 rip/
AUTHOR:' B~ n, Yu. V,; ~tnel~vsoni A. A., A, V.
ov. K., Yorg Ped1ko,
metic REoRerties.~of _g1dollinium subjected ohi&h -essure' at high tem-
SOURCM Zhurnal _eksperimen~.`allnoy i--~ teoreticheskcsy flziki. Pialmav redaktalyu,
priloerkeniyei:N.. 10 no. 2, ".0 6 5 8-14
TOPIC TAM. gadolinium, malnetic pr~pertyl saturation magnetizatio~~, high tempera-
ft pressure-e
ABSTRAM Saturation --magnetizatiorit, Curie point and temperature dependence of para-
ibility were measurqO in gadoliniim to determine the caute for low-'
zagnetic~ iusceft
er saruration~ magnetization' in rhomb'ohedral gadolinium as compared with bexabt!dral
gadoli iumo, X- an lysis,,indicatis that most lines on the x-ray pattern for
ray a
'rhonb~hedial gadolinium-cofrespond to arhombohedral phase of A
the samarium type.
few weak: lizes ar6~ _dUe. toliphase wLth~~double-hcxagonal (four-layer) packing of the-
laothanum- type.-, The weak 1.ntensit '16f tbese lines indicates that-Vie volume occu
by this phase is~svaV.. The eitperimental data indicate that t6le rhombohpdral
I I _6D,_AL
Anisotropy of the magnetic propet-ties of' gadcliniar, np,-~Ir t~ie
Cuarie point. Zhur.ekap. i teor-flz- 47 r.o.6:2080-245~4 D 16/..
(MiRA 18:2)
1. Moskc skiy gosudarstvennyy uri~versitet.
4' T4;T I I -(W) "U7, fb
?N7 y
40 93 'A (d)/T/FWP(Q/V_PA(bb)
ACCESS101 A.- Ap-"Oc W.3, 6/00366/64, /04 7/ _',06/2080/Z_-0#
-AUTJROR-.', BelovL K. P.,;_ Ytl&~in, Yu. N.; Levitin, ~_R. Z. PeclikoA A.
Aniaotropy oe them ir4ghetic: properties of &qdolinim near Me
Curie oint
te61ita'noy I teoretichtmkoy fizikij, no# 6, 19643
zhurnal exaperi 471):
TOPIC TAW.- ahisotri)py,~,,,'vagiietiiation, gadolbdum, single crystal, Curie point
j.3STRACT. To deternine .1~ einfluf.nce of magnetic anisotro;rf on the magnetic
p:'jeuomna, occurring near: the Curie points e,'
thq:authors mad detailed measurements
-of th-!.-magnetization: currus of qiA)&1e~_rIMt_alj k-adolinium in the i~=Terature' in-
_1ervf%.:280_-30GK. The measuremejIts were made with a Domenicali pendulum P.IWeto-
z ie
e r Iry a null method In fields to 15,WO Oe, on rods 5 = long and 0.2 x 0.4'
-:,.a in- uross section.; cut from -single-crystal gadolinium along tb3 a and c axes.
The -tej*.arature dep;.-ndei~ce of the magnetic axii.sotropy was calculated fr= the
obtain-Mi w4petiz'atl
on vurve. -Th.1a Curie poinl~,_was determined -Irrm these experi-
-zents -with -accuracy of 10. The: results havt shown that the anomalous bicreaze
1963-65 EWT(m)AVP(b) E,56(t)
ESSION; M AP404639 f S/0056/64/047/003/0860/0864
'r. v Yu. vq Pedf'ko A V
Belov, X P zur
AUTHORS t o _X4~rq.LRL
~_Bavit Ui YGO M. 4
Anomalies of 0&1,~VanomacjFletic phe olftena in_%kd0jw=_
entallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki., v. 41,
urnal eksDerft
no. 3* 1964 86G-864
TOPIC TAGS t gadolinium,:, g'alvanomagnetic effec.t, magnetorcisistance
ABSTRACTv. To-obt tailed data on the. magnetic propertie
ain inox e, de
'~rs undertook measurem 'n-s of,the c
o:f- gadolijiium the . authO e Iffect of
field on the~;electric resistanco, (even galvanomagnetic
~a magnetic
ffe6t)-j- as a-function 0.if field' and te4aperature, for several poly-
e in
_,,qrystalline sampl s and done a gle crystal of gadolinium.,', The maa-
--surements lilere!~made on cast,rolled, and drAwn gadolinium:,99.0--99,..5%
-pure-and tnni~Aled--at--1200C, The --transverse - and Jongitudirlal -gaiva'no---
Stom R
~_kao._ dtiq.'eif ecti wre fd4nd to 'have a complex temperature '.d,epdndence,
Mucit more ~ compilcated than obs-3;ived by somc he authorg~ (KO P.
of t;
vmm 13, 43, 196-2) in dysprosiu:m or ter-
A~~ ~7ikitin,,,
bium., V,401. maxima-- of thd_negattve:ga1vanomacjnetic effect *~~ere ob-
sekvli?~d- in:' t eregion of 'the Clutle:point, orie.,corresponding to the
(-,~-290,K) and due to intrinsic magnetization, and
tbe', other hi h nd bzoader$ located somletwhat below the"Curie
A rq'inimum,~O'f the negatIve galvanomagrr:etic ef-
ztct.-;~i -61)8'6rved -near 140- 180iK:.. At still A(wer temperati;
tres, an
A&Tftionai 1, rifia:~L-uum is 6~ served 'below. this terVerature. Iri the
o-Crystal _gatdolini6n- a sharp, di f f erence was
obs.erved,in the
raid or: 6f -tbe: galvan~'naqnetfc off ect curves parallel and perpen-
di.6ulir td:: the _hoxag6haI axis,Jand~this isInterproted as;:being.dize
a -helivioidal- ferrqna~~etic 9tr.uccute. ha~:~~5 fic 9.
to Oric art
gosudarstvenny--*y---IkiiLveri3itet.-.-(v46iicow- Si6ate
'! mw~m~.
GO m 14R IMIP BOVt 005
OT 006
ACCESSION Xn: AP4023400 8/0048/64/028/00;)/0519/0528
,,AUTHOR: Belov,K.P.; Levitin,R.Z.; Nikitin,S.A.; Ped'ko,A.V.
!Tr=: Magnetoelastic properties of rare earth ferromagnetic materialis Aeport,
'Symposium on Ferromagnetiam Ard Forroelectricity hold in Leningrad 30 ;4ay to 5 June'
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya Azicheskaya, v.28, no.3, 1964, 519-528
.TOPIC TAGS: magnetostriction, rare earth magnetostriction, magnetoolasticity, rare
earth magnetoelasticity, rare earth exchange anisotropy, helical antiforromagnetism
ABSTRACT: The magnotostriction, the tc;nperaturc dependence of the elastic.moduli,
and the effect of hydrostatic pressure an the magnetization, are discutwed In some
detail for a number of rare earths. The experimental data for the diactission. are
taken from a number of sources. These =ignotoolastic properties are of int,.,eest be-
cause they involve a combination of exchange and magnetic interactiow, ,nd their
behavior may shed *ome light aa the complex magnetio., properties of there materials.
In the range of temperatures and fields in which the materials are ferrvahb-aetic,
;'the magastastriction em tants of Dy and Th are large, and the two conotants (for
:the same material) are of oppmite sign. The magnetostriction is due primarily to
irotation of the magnetic =went in the basal plane against magnetic anisotropy fo.-
:ces. The magnetostrictive behavior of Cd is very complex and Is not understood. In'
~the range of temperatures and fields in which Dy exhibits helical aiiI.iferromagnetisa
bits magnetostrictive behavior is complex. A simple theqry of magnotostriction is do-
voloped, In which the magnetic anisotropy in the basal plane is neglected (presumab-
ly a reasonable approximation in the temperature range considered) and the exchange
interactions between noighbor;Lng basal planes and between next-neighboring basal
planes are assumed to be difforent linear functions of the strain in the hexagonal
axis (i.e.; of the distance botween the basal planes). This theory accounts quali-
tativoly for the complex bohavior obsorvod. Unlike the behavior of magnotostriction
in the iron group, the magnetostriction of Dy and Tb in anisotrd~ic evan very close
to the Curie point. This Indicates that the exchange interaction in these materials
is anisotropic. The anisotropy of the exchange interaction is also indLcated by the
fact that the'shear modulus of Dy has the same typo of anomaly at the Curie point
as has Young's modulus. The forromagneilic-antiferromagnotic transition point of Dy
'is shifted to loweil temperatuzes by the application of hydrostatic praiisure. The
transition of 'polycrystalline Od at 210c behaves similarlyo After a ahort thermo-
dynamic discussion It Is concluded front this that the exchange interaction between
the basal planes (i.e., along the hexagonal axis) depends sharply on distance.
This, and other properties of the exchange intoraction revealed by mag-notoelastic
behavior, is not easy to understand on the basis of current'theories, according to
:Which the exchange interaction in these naterials Is indirect, via the conduction
:electrons and the 5g2 W4 5pP bands. 10 formulas and 6 figures.
'ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly gosuUr&tvwwy*y universitet (Mosceow St&Ve University)
Card 3/3
Shift of the feirrozagnetism - antiferromagnotion tran4liion point
in dysprosium umder hydrostatic stress. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz.
45 no.2:26-28 Ag 163. (IURA 16:9)
1. )bskovskiy gvsudarstvennyy universite4
(Dysprosium--Hagmetic properties)
(High-pressure research)
t 15519,61~4: TW(l)/bDOM(a
ACCF-SSION -AP3005237 6/0056/63/049/002/0021*)/0028
AMTM: - Beloy, K~ P. Nikitim, So A. Ped'kojA
TTTIZ i Sbtlt of the ferr_omaw..etiEm-antiferramgftttm tramition poiut in
dysprosium im r the effect ol' uniform pressure
v fize 26-28
SOURCHt Zhur, eksper. i teoitt ve 45 t' ho. Ro 1961,
TOPIC.TArjS:: ferromagnetiism-w',tiferromignatism tremition, dysprosium,
hydrostatic pressure
AB~CT: JW attempt was made. to obat--rve the shift ofthe ferromagnetism-anti.
'Bm poii-it of d1spr(',sium und!-L tbe,influence of a bydrostaticpres
J Terromagnet*% sure
of 16W'atmoapberes.- The observed sbtft in a 3100 Oe field was abbut -jO toverds
the lower temperatures ani is~ascrlbed to U6 influence of the change Jn the
interatomic distances on the txcbange Interaction between the atoms in the basal
plane of the dysprosium h=Mcnal lattlee, The mW.== of the coercive-force
curve shifts by the same amourt. An aaalogous beharior of gadolinium 13 pointed
out, but the data available are not sufficient for n detailed interpretation,
-orig. art. bas 3 figures and 3 formulae.
Association: Moscow State ujiiversit5,
"I-hgnetoelastic Properties of Rare Earth R!rromaomct~-"
report presented at the Symposium cm Ferroclectricity alid
Leningrad, 30 May-5 June L963.
- I -
ta r
2. U515"R (600)
4. Encephalomyelitis
7. Enzootic encephalomyelitis of camels, Veterinariia, 29t No. llp 1952.. pp 27-29
9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FebruaEj .1953. Unclassified.
Also Rpt. U , 10 Lar 1954, PP 5h-55
also 16rw. L. Lulich
PEDIKO, N.K. Cruid Teen Sci (diss) "Investui,,,ation of the heat-
insulating properties of floors in anim-d husbandry -.tOUC~zje 6
Unsk, 1957, 15 pp 2L cm. (~U~ kin liirji(-,r Ed - 11biormsian Polybecli
InSt im I.V. Stalin) 115 co-Aes,
M, 11-57, 98)
PEDIKOY S.T. atarshiy agronom-entomolog
Effeotiveness of aerosols in controlling tree and shrublpez-7
pests In cities. Zaohcb, raot. ot vred, I bolo 5 no,l,'2'4
Ja '60. (MIRA U.-.6)
1. Ki7evskaya stantoiya zashchity zelenykh naeazbdeniy,,
. (Treee-Diseases and pests)
(Shrubs-Diseas~s and pests)
70th AnniverBary of Prof. MUDr. Vladimir Novak, Roshl. chir. 40 no.10:
633-636 0 161.
pUNCOCHM, Z., inz., LVOVA, H., inz.; FRIEDRICH, V., inz.; KCCLIK, V., inz.,.
1OlUlQilKL, Frantiaek,, inz.; BAUER, J., inz.; SORAL, J,, ilaz.;
HORAK, J., dr., inz.; FOLIN, X., inz.
Information on metallurgy. Hut listy 18 no.5:361-374 MY 163.
reelft. F'rhmirig L..-fy 7. 1
RWIn pii,,, pL --re tll!r 1; tb~ !~t t:,,,
N) !113d the 7'r,1 orr ),njei
11.1 alloy (1) ".xitg. A-10%
3t_ to pure !mIeW cmntg. INI 99.9, Co 0.12, ant! L,' 0,C9)P:f,
VW4 of [fie W*CT mmtl~~A )I ',Vv. I cmivt~m 1:jpuml ,C~A
ime fv.4~1 U
J1 O'f-j's " e"I P fj.j-;).n 5" ik~
rallit-4, :.AV. C~mml. -1 (lie cit 11- :11 04-2,7~
-50, WO'7-155. 1- 4, aj-0 -AV), 9-3',, 1
81C~ 40 0 1
sm,11itis 1bccrcwl~bm~t40e,-7)i-- s. %,v:;rTWn
At 12D0-' :30D!, fbet vc~,kd, md In UO
Itrtc J z, Xk.
7n, Tht 2jul intflol rtclijimi t1t3in; r?
IRO fib A' IF -W kt only 3% of :7=11citi i4 >
min., 11M cw ~lthin;
11n. 1; MY W.
~:a -1 W% leb 1 1,7 p"ribl
% T
-,to I
Cam fm*?) 61M -*jtb A;r tind
At MAW. )IF C~)TIJMI cofbij- 1,1 the pulucf~vf. Yt 'i.,
'Ot rooe'l te) met-.11 lr,,l to pe.04. . The rtdrccd we. 4,
"GO."d 100* in a rei, cing atul. n zliat
plirrClIcAl.- r~n. b-4 1! virilb
aunmon Kul roln. 4 (NNjVM. The !01"OtrIng r,'Irclipri., -,v
7, m
._L,, C r~. _.j. ~. I
+ +
The-Curatt i3,&~td.
Witif 3m;m to ppl. N1,n _nf, to -~he follr?"Ning It-A'dion:
- r-
2 N
K N ~jil")JIN N F; N
).CO~ + 11,0 , , _10),
Co~. -Ti le on a rottry -mcmi- Ot~~r
and Proci uccia c"'r '~a~frrg tb,*fd.JqWi-jj C=pil,' Ns
"Ilk ON
V2, Fe
C'mts. WW X, Nifl. is c',,ctjrc~'Ytei3 at
-1p.. alui a V.
...... . . . . .
1L(;~ -MrI(m)/fWP(t),/-E-WP Z)/P P(b)_ I.JP.(c;) JD/01
A(=SION pM. MO/I 910,
IUebr)I-PjdLjk agineer)
ITLE,.,'. Itfithod: for of _So t~ Iniacal ext of! nickel and
reco racts
-iiety ~i. 12,
--~;OURCZ: Jlutaa-6 10,6~, gio-
TOPIC'TAGAr cobalt, etfilfiile, nickel , 1~hemical precipitation
'.a - an abijtract Of liq),rovbment of. -Czj)oho6lov
atent PV
)3,9 Bi 5p ii, roireraent application: Class 40a,,' 23/01'
dated Tias basic patent covers. thi'p.prep-
--ar' tion
of-~ a'erysi;all,!.Lne. compound -200,1 0=392SO4,30~*Zqt,0 from
a-I-SUf ide An whial Ii thl, ratio .of Ni- ,to Ca was- adjusted b~i .double
..preoipitation to 2 ; I. The 11~nprovemeni; eliminatea CO as a
-.,oompl-ex salt --from - the:t original not adjututed sulfides with N1116 t o
above-2: i V:1 for instanee 4 to 6. 1 _The
Pi~L-LIK' m.
Nickel and cobalt recovcry from complex iron ores.
P. ~9. (4UTNICKE LISH.) (Brno, Czechoslavakia) Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. 1911-6
SO: Monthly Index of East European Acces~Aon (E:UI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1956
PEDLIK, Miroslav, Inz.; FICH, Oskar, dr.
Dressing of Cutan iron-mickel ores. lint listy 16 no.12:885-889 D 161.
1. Vyzku=T ustav kovu, Pazlenake Bremany.
(Iron ores) (Nickel)
PolycUMa of'oominist labor. Okhr., truda i mote@ mtrakh,
no.6t23-25," 16L (MMA 14:7)
1. Olmii~ ITach Yaltinskoy kurortnoy polikliniki.
-(MLIta-Hollpitals-Outystient servicen)
Activating effect c,f vestibular stimulation on the electrocarti-
cogram. Dokl. All ESSR 155 no. 2:478-481 Mr 164. (M IRA :3, 10
1. 1nstitut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A. N. Severtsova All S)SSR.
Predstavleno akademikom I. S. Beritasbvili.
Mr. O's 0 F. Z.
"R.otoelectric Method for Estimation of Zinc Content in
Bra39 by Spectrum Analysist," Dok. :114, 42, No. 2, 1943.
Lab. 14br., Spectrum Analysis, State, Optical Inst., -1943-.
PED-~-Is, 7. ~', .
N.M. Gnpehteir nw! F.Z. Pedou. A pnotoelpetric pypt~---i for -p-ctrnl
P.r-,qlyEi,. P. 1264
Stste C)Pti,,~l Inst.
SO: Y~Actory Lnborntory, No. 11, 1950
~* I -N I - I
I 1 0 ~,! ) i . ~-' .-
Copying diffraction rmtiW. lzv. AN 683R. Ber. fis. 19
no.1:35-36 Ja-F 155. (MIRA 8:9)
(spectrum armlysin) (Spectrometer)
Atlaaes of eidesion i"ctra of electric diacharges in R vacu-=.
Izv. AN SSSR., Ser. fiz. 26 no.7:96&-970 JI 162. (MIRA 1518)
(Electric discharges-Spectra)
A72HORS: P2 dc, 11
-,r r zk.
J! C, 1:~')
ele:trc;des by 11 i A
seyarate ,:-ippi-- 4,
of ~: a.- c a
aLa' , C - C o
Iralli.;.- d.J
30000 L~,i
(I i s chc rL-r. -a.
e e,
c c, n r 1
i'rc-m -1 +CA.:
Card 1/3
Exci-tatici~ off- by
GraDhJte rr-ds
e I E, 6 F* oe
dt- 1-0 ::J2
11 'j. ar 'Ln L 1'.
f V! O'D 0 la r 6e
-1-hc- -,a T:.
4 V~~- CU"r
d i i a U 1' t u t he r
L a ~3 V
c r u I a -5 0 5 1 1, VI'll (I
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Card 213 1~1 f
Exci oil Of sr~6 "t ra
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SUBMITTED: june 28,, 19~57.
1. Metallic elac trod e3 --fteltation spectra
Ca rd 3 13
AUTHOAS; ?*do$, F.Z. ani Sventitsiciy, N.S. SOV/51--5-6-14/19
TITLE: Excitation of 3pectra in the Vacuum Region by Means of -a Low-Pressure
Pulse Discharge (Vozbuthdoniye spoictrov v valmumnoy obl&sti
impulfsn~m razryadom niticogo napryazheniya)
ftRIODIGALs Optiks I Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 6, pp 706-707 (USSR)
ABSTRAM A low-pressure pulse discharge described In Ref 1 may be used to
excite spectra in the extreme ultraviolet. The source of light which is
used to excite such spectra consists of a brass chamber which contains
electrodes (1, 2 in a figure on p 707) In the form of rods of
6-10 mm diameter. These electrodes are placed one above the other.
'I%e lower electrwe holder (3) is fixed rigidly. The upper electrode
may be rotated about a vertical axis. In contrast to the arrangement
described in Rof I the auxiliary carbon electrode (5) was placed at the
side of the upper electrode 1. '.Cho axis of the upper electrode was
slightly displaced with respect to the axis of its support. By
rotation of this support the gap between the auxiliary electrode and
the upper electrode could be varied. The electrode andswere hemispherical
and the separation between them vas 1.5 mm. Pulses were produced by
means of a generator described in Rof 1 which had additional equipment
Card 1/2 for automatic repetition of a large number of pulses. Pulses were
,Excitation of Spectra in the Vacuum Region by 14eans of a Low-j~re3suro Pulr;e DischarLTO
produced from 80WpF zapacitors charged to 280 volts. Svoctra wore
photographed using a DFS-6 spectrometer with a concave diffraction
grating. 250 nulses were necessary to photograph one spactnim. Up
to 1000 pulses eould be produced without replacement of the ole(Arodes.
The authors photographed spectra of iron, copper, carbon, inaGneaium,
aluminium, titanium, tungsten and all other elements. 7,ioy found
multiply ionized lines (such as C lil, C IV, 0 11, 0 V, Ti II, Ti M.
Ti IV. etc.) in these spectra. Sufficiently Intense lines vore
produced down to 180.1. 0.1q. Dru*kov took part in experiments. There
are 1 figure and 2 Soviet references.
SUMUTISD; June 11, 1958
Gard 2/2
J) QL Wi
I "1 0
P. tit
ol k
1 M Og~
SOV/51 -G-6-23/34
Alu DIMS t P&d0G, PA., Sventitskiy, H.S. and Shlepkova, Z.1.
TITLE A Lo-a-Voltage Pulse Discharge in Vacuo for Production of Spectra
(Nitkovolitnyy impullanyy rairyad v vaimume dlya polucheniya spektrov)
PMODICAL s Optika I apekt-roskopiya, 195V, Vol 6, Ur 6, pp 815-817 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The authors describe several variants of a low-voltage pulae &our~!e
working in vacuo. One variant is shown in Fig 1A where I and 2 are
the electroden and 3 ie a porcelain spacer. This source produ,3es ,
apart from the electrode spectra, also the spectrum of the prcelain
spacer. Using an auxiliary electrode kFigs 1B and 1G) it waa poslilc'Le
to produce a pulse discharge at inter-electrode separations greater than
5 mm without the porcelain spacer. The variant B is convenient when one
of the electrodes has a larg; flat surface; if both electrodes are ef
the same diameter then the variant shown in Fig IC is recotmanded. The
auxiliary electrode 4 may be a carbon or a metal one. Experiments wero
carried out in vacuo of 10-4-10-5torr and pulses were proauced by a bank
cf capacitora with 5000-50 000 a capacitsace. The discharge always
started near the auxiliary electrode 4, and then Jumped over to the gap
between the electrodw 1 and 2. Yae energy vas lost chiefly betw"n the
main electrodes. Best results were obtained by using multiple palse:-~
card 1/2 (100-200 times) of cowparatively low Intensity (using only ZOW-8000 tiF),
SoV/51 -6-6-23/34
A Low-Voltage False Discharge in Vacuo for Production of Spectra
The pulse generator circuit Is shown in Fig 2; it could be setto
produce automatically the required number of pulse and then to allitch
itself off. Comparison of the spectra obtained in one of the ways
described above in the visible, ultraviolet and far ultraviolet regiors
with the spectra obtained by pulse discharges in air iihows that.under
vacuum-pulse conditiens the background between copper electrodes is
smller, the rosonance lines Cu 1 3247 and Cu 1 3274 16 are not solf-
reversed and the lines Cu III and Cu II are more Intense. Spectra
excited by pulse discharges in vacuo and recorded by neans of a
DFS-6 spectrograph showed that multi ply-ioni zed atoms vrere produced.
There are 2 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet and
2 English.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kaporskiy, L. N., Pedos.. 5ventitskiy, N. S.,"
and Shl?pl:ova, Z.
TITLE: Atlases o::' radiation spectra from electric discharge in Vacuo
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SS6R. Izvestiya. Seriya fizioheskaya, v. 269
no- 7, 1962, 966-970
TEXT: Atlases showing spectrum lines of carbon, aluminum, iron, silicon,
ooppe~r, phosphorus, sulfur, titanium, and-chromium were established to
facilitate studies of discharges in vacuo, especially in the short-wave
region of the spectrum. The spectra were excited wit)i a' low.-Voltage
pulse generator described earlier (Optika i spektroskopiya, .1, 407 (.1958);
6, 815 (1959)). They ivere taken on a "Pankhrom 10"asrophotographic film
hav-lng a iensitivitY of 130o r0(.T 2817-50 (GOST 2817-50) units, in the
2100-150 region us'ini;)a p~r_-6 (Drs-6) spectrograph, in the 7000-3900
region a MI.T,"-51 (1.'-"P-51 device with a YO-84 (UF-84) oamera, and in the
usual ultraviolet region with the V,'X-22 (ISP-22) device. Spectra of the
following ions were plotted: carbon to C 1y; nitrogen to N V, oxigen
,Card 1/2
KOSHKA, A.P.; FEDOS, 1,F.; 13R'!:7A,
Making 1-se of 5 an-.
Ket'allurg 10 nu.&28-.29
Designing continuous units for pickling. Yetal-lurg 9
no.9t25-27 S 164. 1";10)
1. Novolipetskiy metallurgichoskiy zavod (for Koshka, Fedog).
2. Gosudarstvennyy komitet tyazhelogo energeticheskogo i
transportnogo masliinostroyeniya (for LipukhAn).
Dependence of the sheet profile on the roll grooving.Metalli=g
9 no.7t28..29 il 164. (MIR& 17-- 8)
1. Novolipetakiy motallurgichookiy zavod.
Increasing the efficiency of roll performance in the cold rolling
of thin sheet. Stall 21 no*10:916-920 0 161. (MIRA 14:10)
(Rolls (Iron mil-le))
.8UTUQR: Chamin, L A.; Beloserich, V. X. t Chamin, Yu. ~.; Shalkhoy, V. 14 -. k!Lloy
Mt; Pedos, L F.
TITLE: Extract from an article on lubrication to cold shoot rolling
SOURCE, Pis. -kh1m. zakonomornoatl doystviya smatok pri obrabotke motallov davleniyema6
Moscow Izd-vo AN SWR, 1063, beginning with 'IV SSSR as n"kol'W*kh.. 11 on pap 67
thraujh`p,p 202
TOPIC IFAGS: cold rolling lubricant, cold rolling, lubricant, palm oil substitute, mineral
oil, animal fat, vegetable 14t, castor oil
ABSTRACT: In several Soviet plants Investigation# have boon made on replacement of palm
oil as lubricant In shoot rolling ty domestic substitutes on the basis of veptAblo and s~ilmal
fats and by lubricante on the basis of synthatio fifty acids. In one plant, the standaO
min;~Ll emulsion B has been used on the rolling mill 220/600 x $60 for cold sheet rolling.
On the basis of the investigations, the mineral emulsion his boon replaced by more of Ictent
technological lubricants. Palm all, caLt-tior oil, and bed allow wore investigated. I,, another
cael ipalm 99, artificial solid IM (Mexnao. obtained as result of action of obamt: &I com.
po%mb from Ws), end lubricants an the oal inuoua
rolling mill 244/600 x 650. Positive results have been obtained, resulting in a production
rise of 30-40%. Similar experiments have been conducted on the four-high reversive rolling
mill 180/600 x 650 for stainless steel I Kh 18N9T (Ya/11) cold strip rolling. In Ws case,
water based mtheral oil emulsion, B-106 stearin, B-99 table fat, and beef tallow have beea
used as technological lubricants. The conclusion has been made that, by applying effective
lubricants, the manufacturing cycle of thin stainless strips will be considerably reduced by
reducing the number of beat treatment and pickling operations. However, because of scarcity
of fats of organic origin, further development 5aa been directed toward finding synthetic
compounds structurally similar to animal fata. During trial runs of a five-unit rolling mill
1200, lubricants on the base of vogotablo fats have boon tried out and compared with palm
oil. 9000 tons of sheet, 98% of acceptable quality, have been rolled on castor oil at a specifia
oil consumption of 2. 8 kg/ton. More than 600D tons have been rolled on artificial solid fat.
During those tests, castor oil b" beta the inost effective lubricant, requiring the least
power. Processes of aanetling,. descaling, pickling, and Unning have not created dUflaulthis
during =mdacture of strips, &ad the quality of shoot has not been Impaired by the lubricaw.
With regard to the "nob, for ww sydbetid tochw1ozierl lubricants in cold rolling, a sub-
&t=tj&I djg&dV&ntjLp Wd9tgj the jwk of sinmbl*as which are Inexpensive wW more officleat
'Com 2/3
than such of mineral oils. From the given review It has been concluded that addition of fats
to mineral emulsions has oaly s, slight if any Improving effect on the lubricating propeTtles;
and that emulsions on the basis of fats or their equivalent subBiltutes are oitherlwcpszolve or
are unstable and Insufficiently effective. Orig. &M hut 4 tables.
SUB.CODEf )M XE-- No REP.sovt ow amyt:- oos
In stop with life. Okhr. truda I sots. strakh. no.4:46--48 Ap
,59. (MIRA 12:8)
I.Tekhnichaskiy inspektor Sumakogo oblsovprofa.
(Sumy 1rovince--Farm mechanization--Hygienic aspects)
Bi~;Ing millleid- pe-at' in cyclone furnaces at the lotoshino Alcohol
p:ron. 23 no.3;29-32 $57. (MIRA 10:6)
1. Mosepirtotrest.
(Peat) -(Purnaces)
Alcnbnl, liqueur, and volka Industry of the Vladimir Xcounnic
Council. Spirt. prom. 24 ao.jt19_2O 158. (HIRA 110)
(Vladimir Province--Distilling Industries)
tiye.-GILIBERG, V.B.,, in2h.; BELENIKIY, D.S., inzh.; IVA11OVA,
V,A.p inzh.; -PEDOSENKO,-V.A., lnzh.; YAKOVENY.01 YueB., J-nzh.
Device for technological control of the content of current-
conducting inclusions in condenser paper. Bun. i der. PT'OM.
no./+:6-12 O-D 163. (MIRA 1.713)
1. Ukrainskly nauchno-is,slo-dovatellskiy institut bumazhrioy
pmcws&md~ P.
"Actionde I'alkald sur les cetones aromatiques et arccmtiques-grasse5". Kozlow, N.,
Podossojew, P. at Drabkine, J. (p. 16e6)
SO: Journ4l of General Chomistrz (gLurnal Ob-shchol Khimii 1936, voi. 6, rio. ii
, PXDOSTE. P.P., uchitels
Practical agsigalm9ate in studYing the fundamental@ of Danrinigs.
Biol.v shkole no-5:51-53 S-0 159. (MUUL 13:8)
1. Srednyaya shkola g-Pyllstaina Istonskoy SSR.
(Plants-Drolutiou-Study and teaching)
PEDCTENOK, A. A., Doc Tech Sci --- (diss) "Research into the kinematic
structure of metal-cutting machine tools." Moscow, 1960. 48 pp with
charts; (Miin-istry of Hi~rher apd Secondary SpeC4 alist EducatJcr RUSIR,
- L. - a
Moscow Machine Tool Til-stin.,ment Hnst im !. V. Stalin); 175 cc-ies; price
not given; (KL, 22-60, 135)
13gw- xisw--ZkMuslu~
0 -
e 27
I it it $4 ti 0 if to a , IT it IS it b J
a it v a) bi a b k? a P #1 4; 11 eE*
a it T,,_ AA It, 11 4
I W,
go I . .
00 A.
0 0 Tborino-ttact,va pbe"-sidthydo resins. Pet. 0 0
0 r,., mi,l 0. V4, V."!,tqXA,__U.SS R. 67.614. Dec. 31.
I~I w, Pit. carried out in Ow 0
4 1 1trier gr%~-r- A OW. wins tv(,t kss Oun 8
0 0 to-!, -4 Ow Illwy 1,) 1 IT) A. 44 11hen'll, The irractitris temp. -00
0 0 11 '.,t 4), Or this if,~Ovhl. the imiduct roulains an In- 0
lixilift,%ijit litintity ,f Ctre phrn,-I. Cf. C.A. 34. 21".
6 1 a. L a .11ALLO 944C St Lill 114"Of CLAHIFICAMM zoo
I ji"'AA 'Ali
it I!E Ohl cog
11 it X KIJO 0
0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ores I SO 0 0 0) 0 to 9 0 000000 0 0 Ole 0 0 g 0 a 0 00000 a 0 000 0
AUTHORS: Gr;egorzewicz, J6zef, Pgdowski Konstanty _
TITIE: Apparatus for the production of acetone from acetyleno
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk, 47. Khimicheakoye i kholo-
dil'noye mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1963, 40, abstract 1.47.245 P
(?al. Pat., al. 12g, 4/02, no. 45035, October 10, 1961)
TEXT: The article has not been reviewed.
Card 1/1
.7,) ?01,K(JTA. W., and _P~DRYCZ, V'. . N r~; Clinic
o rer-ial D'. nea-tt~-. , 1 01 ni kr-t Cho ob a y 0) A~-!
[Alcadamia ModyvznEa, Medical Academy) in Lodz, the Salenoe
and vonrapy Contcr (Osrodok Naiikou; Lectniozy) in Fkisko-;
ZdroJ (Direatori Prof. Dr. moud act 1. W. GW'rT). and th
Wojewodztwo Sanita"lon and Epidemiological Station (wbjo-
w,idr,ka Stc%cj-% lianttitrio-.~pitiomiolo,7iczna) in Xualco (1):L-
rector: Dr. ined. .1. CWTANALA)
"Intestinal PurnAtos In tho Clinical (;enter in Bu!0Co-ZdroJ."
1~arsaw, Polski T'tF
PP 130-17-34.- .odn1k Lekatrski. Vol ld, No 4, 21 Jan b),
Abstracts [Authnrs' Fn~,,liyh summary modified] A stjdy for
111tevilwal parasites war made an patients adwitted to the
halneologioal center. Methods of the study and the findin,13
are reported. In 18.8 percent of' the cases the pro3enco of
unL or more pavasxtos, was astablished. In view of effoot on
hLood picturt) and on pancreatio activity, tho, parasitic
. M-
L-crition should be cleared up bofore admi!-ii.ton. Of tho 2 r
forences, 2 are flb'As,-jian, 3Italian@ and the others Polish.
L 3i8h5-66 ? iK
ACC 1411a APE021322 (A) MACE COMI r0/0081/6019/003/009, 031
AUTHORt JeUsezewica. I.; jjjyj&Lr,_,:)jj CzaclKs. . i Cygankiewits-Stenni a, 4.; 10 1
Gorska, A.; GulInski j.; Hebenstirsit, C.1 Klim!k.L.H.j glapowski. 9.1 Krol, J - --,C)
=Cnartowiez, C.z 1. A,; KPAMA-Z.; w-ROA-1.1 ftylv-di", ftd r- u-Arand-
C.; Pogorzelskn, A.; RcKIzin5ki, L.; �ienn1ckI,_W,; SftoTa' G.1 51-3jR5E5L, .1 Terech.1
1,; L%wrzynska, M; "F~v I Z.; Znia,_A._
04cig Institute of Ca-WTTH-~'Nogy. IZH, Wersaw (zaklad Baktoriologil); Regional and
_Rzezov, ~ftrsa,4. Wroclaw (Wojewods)a I Klejaka Stacj Sanitarno-EpIdesiologleans)l
Batter ioloitic LaboratoU. No. 3. PSK. Wroclaw (Laboratorius Baktoriologlenny)
TITLE% Antiblot resistant strains of 5treptococcus virldans, Streptococcur Fsoalfs,
1scherichin co=Pseudomonse aeruglnoea, Prot4rim species and Klobsiella speciesp
isolated in Poland in 1960-1963
SOURCE: Przaglad epideniologicany, v. 19, no. 3, 1965, 309-313
TOPIC TAGS: bacteriology, penicillin, strentcaycing tetracycline, erythroacrcing
AbSTdAGT: Sensitivit toots of the above strains wers, carried out In respect to peni-
cillin, At.r,ptrA*ci,Y6
, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, erythromycin and neoiKrein. It
was found that resistance to antitlotice In Streptococel' differed from that In Gram-
negative bacilli. Streptococcus fecalls was found highly resistant to penic:illin and
erythromycin. Appreciable resistance to all antibiotics was noted In stralim idontlfi
as Streptococcus viridans. Resistance varied.according to samples and territorial die
tribution. Experiwnto vere condmeted In 11 centers throughout the country siodtans-
ously; results were empared with those obtained In an Idext,&oal piparltwentAil series I
single hospital envirowient. orig. art. bast 2 tables. Lipri
S11UB CQrf a. 0
- . , _V SMM DAM notte/ CRIG We 001/ M We UDI
POSELITA, i0esiaw; ~T!:-RYO~, Wincent-
Ine incidei:(,e c:!' a Z e s I r, w c.,- ? o rz i) f *. n,
.,e.n!Tar'um In Punk.-~paa ri.-,6 !i; ~:h,,ain-,t.. 'v7iao. 7a
10 no*4:401~-,("'
The inciden,.co c,"' Ji, t:hildren W".r, : !T~'-';
s.,mdromc slil Ln the of Goikci: 'AM
anitarium in -%sk, anniuding biood rncr;),;:)]rgy rmn(I
diastase level. lbid.z',08-110
1. 1 Xlintka Chorob Mc-wnetrzriy,:h Akadernil MsJyczne~
Y,',ne dia Nltz,!. "C, r.
Sanatorimn Rehabil; la:~ %) t, al
oraz Wojev,)rzka Sta,..Ia
GWIAKALA, Antoni; GIMIDA, Jozefj CWIAKALA, k-Bzard; PEDRYCZ# Vincenty;
HOGO, Patry*juaz
Evaluation of hand aterilization for ourgery. Wlad. lek. 18
no. 21t&appl.t25--29 15 N 0 65.
lo Z Wbjewodzkiej Staoji Sanitarno-Epidemiologiohnej w Kielcaovi
(Dyrektort lek, nedo A. Owiakala) i z Oddmialu ChIrurgimego
Sepitala Wojewodskiego w Kieleach (Ordynatort dr. mod. J. Grenda)o
ROZIMA, J., CNUKALA, A. and F ,MYC W., of the 1,,'ojewodztwo .8)anitax7-Zp_4-
9PPM-44-y-C ___
demiologic Station (*Wojewodzka_Stacja SanitaMo,-xEpidemiolo&iczna), Kielce.
Dr. A. Cwiakala, Head.
"Results of Blood Cultures on Bile-Broth Kedium Rade at the Bedside of
Typhoid Fever Patients"
Warsaw, Przeglad Epide-nioloaiczIly, Vol 20, No 3, 1966, pp 311-313.
Abstract: Blood cultures from typhoid patients and suspected cases were run
over 2 years at the patients' bedside in paralled tests with bile-broth
and inoculation of blood clots after centrifuging. Direct bedaido cultures
confimed the diagnosis of typhoid fever in up to 7L9 of cases using the
bile-broth medium and in about 23% using the clot cultures.
Contains a summary in English and 1 Table. No references.
USSR (600)
Radio club of the House of Culture. Radio 22 no. 6. 1952.
MonthlX List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, August 1952. Unclassified.