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BAYDA, Leonid Illich; DOBROTVORSKIY, Nikolay Stepanovich, DUSHIN, Yevgeniy 111ikhaylovich; MOKrYENKO, Dobroslava Nikolayevna; PREOERAZWSKIY Aleksey Alekseyevich; PCHU ITSKAYA, SofOya V.*odimovna; STAROSELITSEVA,.Yelena Aleksandrovna; OqEM Andrey Vladimirovich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ORSHANSKIY, D.L.; PREOBRAZHENSKIY, A.A., red.; SOBOLEVA, Ye.M., (Electrical measurements; a general course) Elektricheskie izmereniia; obshch-i kurs. lzd.3.9 perer. i dop. [By] L.I. Baida I dr. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 428 p. (MIRA 17:3) VCIDTANVS)aY.V.A.; PCHHUINA,Z.H. , Umisual lateral organs on Mis .tall of the anchovy. Sool.shur. 34 no.4:869-870 il-Ag 155. (KLRA 8:9) 1. Sawastopollskays biologichookeya stantsiya Akadexii nauk SSSR iseni A.O.Kovalevskago (Anchovies) L 22o6i. ACC M: Ai6o=i SOME CODE: MV0183/66/oW/003/0(&/0683 AVMCR: Zolvbeva, L. A.; Febelinskayaj. S. S. A.; SbAsbeloy, A. A. ORG: Iomoingrad ecbn1c Institute im. M. 1. Kalinin. (LeniWadskl~r Politek nicbeak4r * institut) Tl=:. On -the iz4vence of x-irradiation on certain properties. of lithium-fludkide rtals 13174le C371 IrV., :30u1m; HFA& tverdogo teu.,' v. 8,, no. 3.9 iW., 68o-683 color cent TOPIC. MS., lithiva fluoridep single crystalp x Irradiation er, ci7stal deftctjp~ dielectric lossy crystal Uttice vacancy ABSMCTi She purpose of the investigationwas to establish a connection between the chn4j'e in'-the - volimes of the cells of UP crysrials and the occurrence in these j crystals~of processes which change the dielectric losses. To.this end, single crystals,of LiF were exposed to x-rays at doses ranging from 2.1 to 86.7 micro- i roexAgen and their dielectric constant and;eapacitance measured with an ac bridge (60--20 Xea). 2he resets showed that the crystallattice constant increased even; With the i smallest x-ray. doze, indicating that irradiv~tlon prodLwes not only the appearmae of color centers but also of lattice defects which Increase the losses. 3~c d V2 OY L 22061--66i.' MR:- AT0096~2 ..The aecoppaMing deerease in density (measured by a flotation method) can be shown "IL- a - - - - - - - PCHELINTSEY. A.M. Tangential stresses on the lateral surface of the foundation produced by the thAvIng of ground, Mat.k oan.uch.o wrz.zon. sem.kory no.):163-166 056. (MIRA 13:9) (Foundations) (Thawing) (Strains and stresses) 14(10); 3(5) ?ME I WDK ZXPIDITATION 30V/2843 Soveshahantys DO ratolonalln" sposobam run4KxAntc4trVYvnIYa na lRohnomortlymn gruntakh Tridy... (Transactions of th;,Conforonce an Efficient X:thoda.o:r bd2dlnt~dmtlon, on Fe afrost Soils) Moscow, 00 stroyizdat. 1959. V. 11. slip Inserted. 1.200 copies printed. cv, 8d. of Fu '111hing Rouset X. X. Borshchovskays I ?*oft. Ed. 8 Y*. L. PURM & ?his book to Intended for construction dp=nvors. Indus- trit planners and bullders. CCVZRAM This book contains reports originally read In Vorkuta in 1958 an e"rience gained In planning and building roundations In persafrost regions or the U53R. The reports wore prepared for publication In the X11037 (Scientific Research, Institute for the Study of Foundations and Underground Str%ztures). The Introduction was wrItten by Professor V. 0. Bulycbev. So rererences are given. Contstruetion Conditions and the zirpl.1- Zn erpriess In the ?ocher& coal sasin, 47 log Construction Of Industrial Plants on 17 Pmx~" around Vith 3ubsequ,ot Settling 56 I.&M.-JArs- Designing PLIs Youndatlons Under Pe-riLlfrost 38 Sp-Lla Characteristic* of pwindation or zgerk, 64 and Y_X_Y2dQjaz&la. K~tb a of Restoring rinalpal Buildings In Vorkuts Od 67 Analysis Of Vork and Computing the P~jn_ Pm="-;-.Z._..-a. Prame Foundations and Prame Works,Txklng ___1n_tO Account UO#v9n Settling of the Bearing around T V. X and V. X. Sokolov&. Xm Data on prvst 75 rov, Y zoo Decreasing the Depth or vounlat_-on laying by Keeping the around 1, a Proze, 3t4to log ':n- __X Heaving of Ground and Poun4atjc~g 9-=::l ')Z -yrost 113 Non-SOvItt Experience in Building I no on Permanently rmzm around 119 _ro,~kh,y,v A 3, Kaxleum Thawing of p,~jelly ~~Zon Qr*~d Under Heated BuLldi~gs (two-dimensional solmt.4on) 1.74 ,BQXXQ-I-V- Settling of the Foundation. of Induatrt.l 3t.ruc:urom of the Vorkut'ugO2, combl.. 12-1 AVAZIABIX. Library or cOngr... Card 4/4 PCMaBTSV. A. N. Anisotropy of the swelling of frozen dispersed rooks. Dokl.AR SSSR 134 no.1:85-87 S 160. (MIFA 13:6) 1. Institut marzlotavedeniya im. V.A.0brucheva Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavlano akELd. A.V.Shubnikovym. (Fr02en ground) ZBE"IMEV. A.m. M r-A Genesis of ice inclusions in frozen ground. Trudy Inst.serzl. AN SSSR 18:8548 162. (KIRA 16:2) (Frozen ground) IPCHELUMEV, A. M. ...jjj&ro;!copie studies _bf Vw Joe structure i3m a-formation epi- .,_Ully frozen it the Igar)m region. Trudy Inet. morzl.-- p~M 1919 :113-124 162. (MM 16: 1) (Igarka region-Ice) _=MLnMaa,Ajthsandr WkjiLy~)~ WHKALOV, V. P., YEFIMOV, Adrian Ivan-ovich DDENT'YEV, Anatoliy Ivanovich, "Engineering and geocryological research" report to be Gubmitted for the Intl. Conference on Permafrost, Purdue Univ, Lafayette Indiana, 11-15 Nov 63 ylovich; SHLRASKIY, P.A., prof., Ilikha. otv. red. [Structure and plVaicomechanical properties of frozen ground] Stroenie i fiziko-mekhanicheskie svoistva merz- lykh gTritov. Moskva, lzd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 259 P. (MIRA 17:6) FCRMUT-SEVP A.V. I irlzh. Nov tyM of lit pieuvatic concrete hoist. Inerg. stroi, n0,31: 70-72 162e (KrRA 160) I* Stroitelletvo Kiyevokay gl"Iektroptantall, (HoloUng nachinery) PCHELINTSEV, AN., inzh. Concrete. Energ-stroi. no.23:130-136 '61. (YJRA 15: 1 ) 1. Nachallnik betonnogo khozyaystva stroitel'stva Kremenchugskoy gidroelektrostantsil. (Kren,enchug Nydroelectric Power Station--Concrete structures) ABDULVILIYEVA. Z-A-; BASH. F.I,; KORYAKIW, L,K.; PCHILINTSEV, A.Tse Ways to simplify mine surveying operations. rolyza 21 no.3:31-32 (MIRA 12- Mr 159. .6) 1.]Priisk In. H. Gor'kDgo. (Hine surveying) PCHILINTSIV, D.A. - Device for automatic stopping of fluids at the zero mark of a burette. Zav.lab. 22 no.3:361-362 '56. (MLRA 10:5) l.Institut geologicheskikh nauk Akademil nauk SSSR. (Laboratories--Apparatus and supplies) PCHELINTSEV, I.N. The VO-808 semiautomatic unit for electric weldino of bantam tube leads. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.9:27-28 '61. (MIFJ-. 14-9) (Electric welding--Equipment and supplies) 7_1 __F_WT(d)YT/FWP(1)' IJP(c) S/0280/64/000/006/o 23/0026 'ACCESSION NR. AP500268Q 'AUTM)R. - Pchelint a ev, L. A4 _(Mocow) tudt-16-c AaflonAiwaivitboo in"' ov -C __9 SOURCE:- AN: SSSR.,Izvestly-a. Idbern f", nd. 6. 1964 3 26 Tdkhniche "ya qt ~,TQPIC TAGS. fault localization, electronic equipment Aj~gVL4~ C'T" Let the electronic equipment consist of N arbitrarily- connected elements for which the a-priori distribution of failure probability in known. The.-e i8 -Faso- a-. finite- phase space of -checks - C, each having its definite cost and coverirg -a.tubtet- -the check may have -three outcomes: of .~elerxients; -positive, negative, and. indefiplte.' An optimal strategy (which minimizes the average cost of search) of 6c-alikation-1 a -re-garded -as -a Markov -pro" B a. -A-Markovchainwhoae all nontransitional states are absorbing is called an absorbing chain. The methoA 'supplies. optimal strategy for finding one faulty element. Although in the general RMOMM-1 I Ir MMMXMI N.V.; PCBELDMEV, Pcye. Basic features in the formation of structures and oil pools in the northwestern part of the Bollshoy Kiwi' arch. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.7:19-24 n 161. (KLU 14-9) 1. Neftepromyolovoys upravleniye Kinellneft I . (Bollshoy Kinell Va1ley-Petroleum geology) ;,-, MAKAIMIKO.9 M.V.; VIKTORIN,, V.D.; VOST-RJKOV, U.S.; PCHELINTSEV SHEVCHENROO B.M. i Preliminary results of the development of the Y*blonovskoye field. Geol. nefti i gema 6 no.2:35-38 F 162. (MIRA .15:2) 1. Neftepromyslovoye uprableniye Kinellneftle (Kinelf,District-Oil fieldo-Production methods) WARWOO N.V.; PCHELINTSEV. P.Ye.-, Carbonifercuo and Devonian sodiments in the northweatern pmrt of the Boll*y Kinallbank. Geol. nefti i gaza 6 no.1:28-32 A 162. (MIRA 15:1) Io Neftepromyslovoye upwavlaniya Kinellnoft'. (Bollshoy Kinell Valley-Petroleum geology) (Bol'shoy Kinell Valley--Gas, Natural--Geology) SHEMY. V.P.; YAK017LBV. A.. )mnd.tokhn.nauk;,MIMINSN-,-Y*.--kand. tekhn.nauk; BUSIW. V.. in2b.; YMRBM. T., insh. fire-testing of large-panol houson. Posh.delo 6 no.8: 7-11 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Fire-testing) RGYMN, Him Yakovlevich; PCJIEIM;Tglj V.A.,, red.; BM?, V.P.,, red. izd-va; LLUUKHIR, '- [Fire-prevention meamires in building) Pozharnaia profilaktika v stroitellnom dele. Izd.2., perer. Moskma, Izd-vo M-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR, 1961. 367 p. WIRA 15:2) (Fire prevention) (Building, Fireproof) PGUELINTSEV, Vladizzir Fedoravich; G.G., doktor geo2.- miner. naukp otv. red. (Plesozoic Murchisoniata of the Crimean mountains) Murchi- soniata mezozoia gornogo Kryma. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 21 p. (MIRA 1815) PCHELINTSEVO V.F.1 LYSENKOt Me Geplogy of the Fr-istern Y&ilas of the Crime. Trady Geol. =z. AN SSSR no,3J+s 129~ 14.3 163. OMA 171l-1) i j i PCHF.l .", , , ;g, 'N' j~LIYYV O,B, . - -- , . , . .I - I .-4, _j, -, ~ ~,!; ~,r, the Up~-:7 . r .;, I ",T'tj JJ! I f, . I .- -, !, it, 12, v , ,,,I I.illm, SS11. Nauka n zem. 18 ,f, OCRA 18,9 j r) ~ ~ " / 4 ; ~- ',' ' 6, ~ z I RMT-INMEIL, VIPAiMir Ypoorovicb,- MNETSOV, SOS., prof*, otv,rede; CHIZHOVP A.A.,, red.izd-va; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A... [Formation of the Crimean Mountains] 0brazoranle "Bkikh gor. Moskvap,bl-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1962& St P. (A)mdemlia nauk SSSR. Geologicheakil nusel. Trudy, no.14). (MRA 16s2) (Crimean Mountains-Geology) ; KUZNETSOV, S.S., otv. red.; XULAGINA, T.I., red.izd-va; VINOGRADUVA, N.F., tekhn. red. (Mesozoic Gastropods of the Crimean Mountains] Briukhonogie mooosda gornogo Kryma. Moskva, Izd-vo Aked. nauk SSSR, 1963. 13b p. ~(MIRk l6t7) (Crim*n Mountains--Gastropoft-, fossil) P,," IS -~ I IN TS ---'W~ A,F~ ,LAFC71. %A~ -7 -17 S zl--R~,%, A , L , P , Suoctrc-oho%-,c,al dolorminatJ-z olf Wron tra-es in extra-pul-E! aili(.rjn tetra chlor ido , 2^0 ro.6~67",, 6"'B , I) L)~ , 1 1', - f, ~ I ~Slli,,= (,Borol-. .3V.Dc-.T-Ei) S/032/62/028/006/009/025 B101/B136 AUTHORSt Pchelintseva, A. F.# Rakov, N. A*, and Slyusareva, L. F. ... ....... TITLE: Spectrochemical determination of boron traces in highly pure silicon tetrachloride PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. .6, 1962, 6,77 - 676 TEXTs A method is described for concentrating boron traces in highly pure Sicl I based on the formation of the nonvolatile and insoluble complex 4 6 5)3CC1-BC1 in the presence of triphenyl chloro methpne. 8 ml compound (C H of the SiCl sample with 2 mg triphenyl chloro methane, and 40 mg carbon 4 powder which is spectrally pure with regard to boron, are mixed at dry-ice temperature for 1 hr. SiCl 4 is then evaporated in N 2 at 45 - 500C and dried below 1000C (as the complex begins to decompose at 1500C). The sample is placed in the cavity of a carbon electrode which is spectrally pure with regard to boron. The recording is made with an AC'IT-28 (ISP-28) spectrophotometer in a d.c. are, the sample connected as anode being Card 1/2 MOV, Yu.A.. glavnyy red.; MARKOVSKIY, B.P.. zwn.gluvnogo red.; RUZIP31;TSEV. V.Ye., zamestitell glDvno.-o red.; SOKOLOV, B.S., zanestitel' glavno- go red.; EBERZIN, A.G.,; KIPARISOVA, L.D.. red.; QIIKANSKIT. V.N., red.; VAKHP-OBYEV, V.A.. red.; GM3M. R.F., red.; GROHOVA, V.I., red.; DAVITASHVILI, L.Sh., red.; KRTHGOLITS, G.Ye.9 md.; 1XWOV, H.P., red.; OBRUCHRV, D.V., rod.-. OUCHKIN. H.K.. ro-d.; PMOVSKAYA, I.M., red.;,FMIRMUN.. LF, red.: RADC90KO, G.P., red.; RAU=--'1DwOUSOVA, D.M., red.; RODElfl)ORF, B.B.. red.; R02=RSTVRNW:IY, A.K.. red.; YMOY, K.K., red.; F=121KO. A.V.. red.; KHABAKOV. A.V.. red.; CHONYSMA, N.Ye., red.; KOWE, K.B., red.izd-va; POLE10VA, T.P., [Amdawntals of paleontology; reference book in 15 volumes for paleontologists and geologists of the U.S.S.R.j Oanovy palconto- logii; spravochnik dlia paleontologav 1, geolego-ir SSSR v piat- nadtsati tomakh. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.3.(Hollusks: Loricate, Bivblvla, Scaphopodal Holliunk-i - Pantuirnye, dvu- stvorchatye. lopatonogie. A.G.BberziL, 1960. 299 p. (Mollusks. Fossil) (mIRA 14:1) FCMMINTSIV, V. F. Aptian Nerineldae In the Donets-Basin. Trudy Geol. mmz. AN SSSR no.2:3-6 16o. (KIRA 1):10) (Donets BaBin-Gastropoda, Fossil) ,PMUZT�g' _V.F. Bev data on the fauna of the Lusitanlan state In the Phnirs. Trudy Geol. ams. AN SSSIR no.20-18 160. (Nm 13:10) (Pamirs-Palsontoloff) ICIIELmu'v, V. [% "New Trends in the Field of Landslide Control," l1riroda, 10. pp. Leningrad, 1946. BAYM, Uonid III t6h; 10MROGAUY. Nikolay Stepanovich; ORSHUMKIT, Dxitr4 Lyovich; RMJNUATA $of 'Ya Nlko~'$ ie; R&=DVUIYP Nikolay Nikol&yovlch; 0 - U- - 't-on'oVrch, [deceased]; FFJW. Andrey Vladialrovicb, professor, doktor tekhnichookikh nauk; KA7AUDVSKIT, D.M.. redaktor; UBRODIRL, A.A., tekhniche- skly redaktor. 11 Dilectric measurements; general course] Slaktricheakle Ismerealia; obahchii kars. Izd. 2-e, perer. Moskva, Goe. onergeticheBkoe izd-vo, 1954. 496 P. (MM 7:12) (Blectric measurements) QRLOVq Yu,A. . glavnyy red.; KARKOVSKIY. B.P.. zem.glavnogo red.; RUZEMM, V.Ye.. zem.glevno,-,o red.; SCKOLOV, B.S., zam.,- glavnogo red.; URYGMA, T.G., VAKHRAWOM, V.A., red.; GREM. R.F., red.; (MOMOVA, V.I., red.; DAVITASHVILI, L.Sh., red.; ERYMMITS, G.Ya., red.; LUPPOY. N.P.. red.; OBRUCOV. D.V.j red.; OVWHKIN. N.N.. red.; PMOVSKAYA, I.M.. red.; PCHELMS-T..Y-F., red.; RAWHRMO. G.P.. red.; RAMER-CMWOUSOU, w..... red.-,"'. ROISMOFY. B.B.. red.; ROZMSMHSEIY, A.I.. red.; SMOTINA. H.N., red.; TAKHTAIMM, A.L., redo; I%MOV, K.K., red.; POSE 0, A.Y., red,; THARAXOT, A.V., red.; CRIMYMWA, 11.Ye., red.; YAWZ N, A.G.; H"BSSKAYA, L.A., red.izd-va; POUSOVA, T.P., (Fundamentals of paleontology; manual in fifteen volumes for paleontologists and geologists of the U.S.S.R.] Osnovy poleonto- logii; spravochnik Me paleontologov i geologov SSSR v piatnadtasti tomakh. Koskva, GoB.nsuchno-tekhn,ixd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr. Vol-7. [Polysoa, Brachlopods. Supplement: Phoronidealj Kah.enki, brBkhlopody. krilozhenie; Foronidy. Otvet.rad.T.G. Sarychava. 1960. 342 p. plates. WHA 14:4) (Polyzoa. Fossil) (Brachiopods, Fossil) (Phoronidea, Fossil) YMSECEASIB, V.N.; P= V. P. mmmewo Find of Actaeon*I]La in the Sfthote-Alln' Raw. Trudy Gool. anz. AN SSSH no.2:110 'I'I 160, (MIRA 13:10) (Slkbote-Alin' Range--"stropoda, Yosell) A. I.I. "Morpnological Discription of No 2, 194o (95-105). (1-leteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 7hermal-Karst Process in Yakutin," Pernafro,"'t Scierice, Vol 1, No b 1Jov/D-:!c l9h7) SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 PCHELINTSEV, A. 14. A nev drill for taking samplesof frozen gi-ound with the structure dadi stuart~ed - Pochvovedeniye, 1951, 1, 57-59 -rRApis- ZS'.ZYV47 3o 4pr. 'qSq J PCMIWUV,A.M., starshiy nanchnyy motrudulk .-Spow" instructions for determining volumetric veight, moisture content, and voluuetric Ice content of frozen ground In field laboratories. Mat.po lsb.Issl.merzl.grunt. no.2:32-54 154. (KM 8:8) 1. TSentral'unya laboratorlya Institute serslotovedenlya Akadenit nauk SSSR. (Frozen ground) 15-57-1-1067 Translation from: Referati%my zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr -1, p 171 (USSRT AUTHCR: Pchelintsev, A. M. TITLE: Tangential Stresses on the Marginal Surface of the Basement, Produced by Thawing of the Soil (0 kasatell- nykh napryazheniyakh na bokovoy poverkhnosti funda- menta, obuslovlennykh protsessom ottaivaniya grunta) PERIODICAL: Materialy k osnovam ucheniya o merzlykh zonakh zem. kory, Nr 3, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 163-166 ABSTRACT: Field experiments have shown that during thawing of ice-saturated frozen ground tangential stresses are developed. These stresses act on the marginal surface of the basement that occurs in this zone. The indi- cated stresses (the value of which for silty sandy loams amounts to about 0.05 kg/cm2) appear to be the Card 1/2 result of shrinking of the thawing ground and are y , ' " r 0 IP it u is u 0 bb If - 1 P 4 1 1 k u 1 t A Y; A A 9) $1 w 0,1 A. V ID I, t j *4A W ## A j 0 P O:A -A - 1 -4-A-A-IL . A ,~ 'W "P ., "'01, _ .- i .. is 1 010 It t v n' Is o P in Wel, in The awtvais (It 111tiou'r. Irm drip -00 f -180 0 al l; : : a ro see TAWAGK&L Lltr#&ILWtg C&AISWKAIICN to 0 bb lk '..- - - i ' ' &V 0 s dab 1 'P!y1ma .1 .1 1. .1 1. 414 -1. ` ~00 lotuo .&I'm 9.0 as a I 0 OD *. ; " IN is ; IN 4 .&A OR op & 0 00 0 &0 ; : ::::Oooooo*ooo 0000 0 0 0 i : PCHBLINT5XV. D.A. Rapid method of determining calcium wA mgmesium carbonates In 11instones. dolomites, and marls. Nor& "Yetr. no.2:417-420 '56. Mu 9 . 8) (Carbonates (Mineralogy))(Mineralogy. Determinative) 77- T 7--, - - - - - - - - - - PON -V _-04* O-'-$ 49 O-M 39 V 0 Al V~ 0, Au P W v lot ..t, IWD Polcabsts me PVC09*111 I ~I I LINTSUZA J~. too Doll if 00 goo 00 oil, =HSU Ints ill of pronsoottoo of cauhm. 1). A~J! ulisol. Z md k belo. 14, =P-7004111 -First itwivir -180 .1M. SIttiratment of 1.5 1. of sample with hot watorr, IXSnt t reakfur with 10 ml. of 2.8 N IICJ and W watts. Dil. the Combined fillnits to 25D mi., mix, tobd um a 25-m1. so"- for twilt" analysis. Add this to -00 23 mi. of ft4pas pmpd, forom 13 S. IMCITMI00 +!NX) ml. -24 N 11cl 111A waver to malit opr 1. Mat to )"fing slid Itt slant! 10-18 mitt. VW to. K$Cr^. 40 S, NaMcAlfvO. 121) Mi. 4 x N'JOIL v opolot wid Wolof to onviko Cox 1, Ifora 1 t fit wil"I and Irt Otanil 00 614-1. w0h Willi t4 011111"All. 1 l Wolof, vorld follow fillrollo! b l RhArIkloloil ) h 0 W N goo it min. and filtrate i e ibetAted I wit .04 N *OY- ,. to ht a, va Ali; Ii if if it 4 a too 00 as* zoo ire 0 too MI slow-i if-fir as 0 a 3 0 i-A 0 0 a 0 40 0 leiIII 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L as V 00 a V at a $1 V as bi a U V a V a if W U a or 641 In a -3~ k- A *-- P 'A s'.1140.1VIV fvt~" '-P .%P .11.1 tomej a* so POTENTIONVETRC KWBOD FOR DEV NIVATION OF ZINC IN BROKE. S.A. go a 7, MIUMMY (ZAVOD, LAB., 1948, 14, (12), 1489)--(Ili RUIDW) A modified i-so 0 version of the apparatus described by kholapin (Ibld., 1935, 4, 1108) to .00 0 : used to determine Zm otter Cu arA Fe hav* boon removed In the usual way. .00 The filtrat- of 2DV-W0 al. romalmizr, otter Pe hike been separat ad with ID13 AID to neutralized With strong H2504, added dr-p by drop. After one drop In 001 o xcess has been added, the solution to boiled for several minutes a nd thon cog tramsfurred to the apparatus for titration. The liquid Is stirred and 0 . 2X-MzD4 solutiou added drop by drpp until the colour Is discharged very slowly* the c6rcult Is then comFleted end titration carridd out with a** OeOIN-14F* (CN)6o2H2D solution. during Vila prosous the otelle of the see 'go galvaramete moves to the right after each addition and then returns to Its zoo , 1 1"10:1 position. The t6tration Is &lowsd don when the rate of swingivg ~ 80191 of th needle indicates that the process is approaching its end. the and "0o 00 of the titratior is taken as the point bepond which one further drop of' WOO Joe cynide solut on will cause the neells to be shar#ly displaced without -99 00 returning to Its Initial positione Nebo Ve .00 Woo 00 si 7 - - W I '30 b U It 1 1 P a* so it" O&L-01A all No man ItK V- , n NO" in 1 ' 0 0 0 64 4eT 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 9 0 o 0 0 *000060090000000 0 a 0'o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 a a a a 0 0 0 o ov,71c dtIttra tit - - - - - - - - - - Z.4adjv art" -P. life - m tea on- the EAMoind X_ cf . 04' go CawdUas w Stalin prizes (of the Cm=11 of Ministers MON) In the ftelds'4 OC4 and Inventions sciantIJU woru,, popLuw Delta- UIU bock$# MA todbooks bave be= subodtted 9br c="UtIon for Stalin prime for fte Yom IM =a 1953. (GOMMM &IMP Nmwo NO- 92j0,, 20 Fob - 3 APr- 1954) am. Title or vat AmInated by Pchalintsiv, N. F. Upper of the Trans-Cauca3u--, and Central Asia" ":3a5tropod Fauna of tht Cretaceous Strata :;eoloillical 11urouin imeni A. P. Karpin3kiy, Acaleiny cf Sci- encem US.iR sot W-30%kj, 7 ja7 1934 PARKHITIKO, V.P.; KELASIN. A.K.. prof.. doktor fiz.-matemat.nauk, obahchiy red.; PCH3LINTSEVA, N.M., red.; VLASOVA. N.A., (Inexhaustible resource] Daischerpasmyl. Moskva, Izd-vo Glav. uprav.po ispollsovanilu stomnoi energii pri Sovate Ministrov SSSR, 1959. 149 p. (MIRA 1):A (Atomic energy) 2019 Pabelintsev, U.P. Bryuklmops Vorkhnoneluykh Otlokhaniy Armwakay SSR I Prilegayushchey Chastl Aserbaydkhanskoy S.S.R. M.Lo. Imd-Vo Akad. Nauk SWR., 1954. 180 S.S M.; 23 L. 111. 27 sm (Akad. Nauk SSSR. Geol. Musy IM. A.P. Karpinskogo. Serlya MDnografich. No 2). 1.200 IKZ. 17r. 65k. V. Per.- Bibliogri a 9 162-74. (54-56861) p 564.3(116) (47.92) 1 (015.3) PCHELINTS3y, V., insh. - m. ,, Notion-picture filmB nade on the triacetate basis, Fbah. delo 4 uo,6: 8 je 00. (MIRA 110) (Cinematography-Pilms) (Cellulose acetates) PCHELINTSEV, V. A., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Determination of limits of fire-resistance of construction structures of buildings ~'n the basis of experimental research of the temperature conditions of fires." Moscow, 1960. 15 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special- ist Education RSFSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Construction En- gineering Inst im V. V. Kuybyshev); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 158) smiMlov. v.M.; ALINSEM, M.Y.; DEHIDM, P.G.; PCHIC 'LINT'S1W, V.A., red.: VINOWROVA, Ye~B., red.izd-va-, KCRYASHINA, A.D., takhn.'red. (Fire prevention In the production and processing fuel gas and solid fuels] Pozharnaia profilaktika pri poluchenii I pererabotke Coritichikh gaxov I tvardykh veshchestv. Moskva. lzd-vo M-va komriune khoz*RUSR, 1955. 251 p- (HIPA 11:5) (Fire prevention) BUSMI, Vladimir Pavlovichp inzh.; r-CHEUI;T$EV,-IladiMlr-AI-6-ae"Yi!Lb-j kand. tekhn. nauk; FEDORMIKO, Vasiliy Semenovich, band- tolchn. nauk; YAKCVL.EV, Anatoliy Ivanovich, kand. tekhn.nauk; MILUSKIY, A.I.v red.; KQ-,OEOV, A.S., red.izd-va; LELYUKHIN, A.A., tekhn. red. [Fireproofness of buildings) Ognestoikot;ts zdanii. [By] V.P. Bushev i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va koLumn.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 166 p. (MIRA 16:12) (BuildinE, Fireproof) ROTTHAN, H.U., kandidat tekhnicheskikh rauk; PCMIN.TS--Nr Y.A., redaktor; VIIROKUROVA, Ye.B.. redaktor; PWROVaErr, We N~.a diel~bftkiy redaktor 1~ ~- [Fire prevention measurna In building] Posbarnaiek profilaktika v stroitelinom dole. Moskva. lzd-vo Ministoretva kommunallnogo khosial- etva RSFSRP 1954. 303 P. MRA 7:9) (Fireproofing) SHIVXM, M.L.; TIEWBOV, A.S., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk dotsent, retsenzent; SHARDV, N.V., inzhener. retsenzent; PCHILIBYSEY K4 inzhener,"tooment; a '-iK- o'skly rodaktor. TIMN, A.V. , rodaktor; HAMYUA. Y-.'%-.. 'to ~fi~~h ' ' (Piro prevention in machine building) ProtivopozharnMa takhnika v mashinostreenii. Izd.2-0s. perer. I dop. Hooky&, Goo.nauchno-tekhn. ltd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955.208 p. (MLRA 9:6) (Factories-Fires and fire prevention) OWN, Tu.A.. glavnyy red.; MARKOVSKIT, B.P., tam.glavnogo red.; RUZHINTMM. V.Te., zen.glevnogo red.; SOKOLOV, B.S.. zm glevnogo red,; PCHRLINSEV, V.P.,,toza; KORCBKOV, I.A. q otv. red. toim- red.; GUROVA. 0.A. [Fundamentals of paleontology; manual In fifteen volumea for paleontologists and geologists of the U.S.S.R.] Oanovy paleon- tologil; sprevochnik dlia paleontologov I geologov SSSR v plat- nadtasti tomakh. Koskvs. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrans nedr, Vol.4. (Mollusks: Gastropods] Molliuski - briukhAr,nogie. i I.A.Korobkov. 1960. 359 P. (MIRA 13:10) (Gastropods, Fossil) ALIYVp G.A.; KHALILOV, A.G.; ALIZADE, K.A.; PCHELINTSEV,,.Y.F. [Cretacoous gastropodo of the Lesser Caucasus and their stratigraphic significance) Briukhonogle mela Malogo Kavkaza i ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie. Baku, Izd- vo AN Azerb.SSR, 1963. 156 p. (MIRA 17:6) XMIRMW, Y.F. -I - of stratigmphle mibdivislon of Jurassic deposits. Tradr Geol. was. AN SSSR zo.lt5-33 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Geoloo, ftratigmphlc~ PCHELMSEV, Vladimir Yedorovich; KUZNkVSOV, S.S.,; KULIKOV. N.V.. - .... red.izd-va; FZVZNER, R.S., [Mesozoic Rudiste of the mountain region of the Crimea] Rudisty mozosois gornogo Kryma. Moskva, Izd-vo Aksd.nauk SSSR, 1959. 178 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Crimea-Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) -A" FCMINMWV, V.Y.; KUZNETSOV, S.S.; redaktor; KULIKOV, M.V., redaktor; , R.S., tekhnicheski..v redaktor. [Gasteropoda of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Armenian S.S.R. and the contiguous region of the Azerbaijan 3.3.R.] Diukhonogie verkhnemelovykh otloshenil Arnianskol SSE I prilegalushchei ch"ti A2erbaidshanskot SSR. Moskva, I%d-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1954. 180 p. 23 tables. (MM 8:2) (Armenia--Gasteropoda, Fossil) (AzerbaijaL-Gasteropoda, rose U) .. Ch-METS-EV, V. F. I 11N/5 622.4 Br7ul-hc.-nogi,ve verkhnemelovykh otlozheniv armyrnskoy SSR i prilogay-us~cbey P', chasti azerbaydzhanskay SSR (Gasteropods Of The Upper Cretacec~us Deposits Of Amenian SSR And Adjacent Parts Of Azerbayrlzan SSR'; voskva, Ikade--':r-IgE, 1954. 180 p. illus., diagrs., tables. V. ~, . PVSIIJT:~~"Ip Fauna briukhonoFikh verk~-,Per-mlovykh otlozhenii Lakavkazlia i '-red-nei Azii Z-aF'rc- pod fauna of' upper f,retaccou:-, depossits in rranscaucaniL and uflntra~l Asi---7. 0sI,-,,r7,J iil,' SSSR, 1953. 392 p. o0: ltonthly_List of itussian ikccession,-,, Vol. 6 o. 11 February 1954 MELTNIT~I~;', V. F. Faum bryukhonogikh verkhnenelowikh otloz~ent5, zakavkazlya I 3r--~,qinej az4-,, (Fauna of the uppcr cretaceous ,ristropolic deposits of the Cnucasus !Md Central Aiiia) 1,;oskva, Izd-vo akaderiiii nauk SS3R, 1953. 391- p. illus. At head of tItle: Akademiya Nsuk 533R. leolo.gicheskiy muzey. TN/5 6,113, . 1 .P3 PCMILINTSEV, V.F. (Gastropod fauna of upper Cretaceous deposits in Transcaucasia and Central Asia] Fauna briuldionogikh verkhnemelovykh otlozhanii Zakavkas'la I Srednei A21i. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1953. 391 P. (HLRA 7:3) (Transcaucasia--Gasteropoda. Vossil) ((ketoropoda. Fossil--- (Transcaucasia) (Soviet Central Asia--Gasteropoda, Fossil) (Gasteropoda, Fossil--Soviet Central Asia) PCHELINTSEV, V. F. Mollusks Influence of the way of life 6n the sholls of gantropod mollualco, Uch. zap. Kar.-Fin. un. 3, no. 3, 1948 Monthly List of "assian Aecessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCUSSUIED. KEZHXBORSLAYA, Kh.B.; SUSHEIN, V.L.; SWRILIN. I.P.; PCHELINTSiCVA,- G.M., red.; VIASOVA. N.A., [Analysis of radioactive ores by the and method] Analiz radio- aktIvnykh rad matodom. Koskvs, 12d-vo Glav.uprav.po ispoll- Sovaniiu stomnei-Inergii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR, 1960. 63 P. (KIRA 13: 10) (Radioactive onbetances) (Bets rays) (Gamma rays) KOMAHOVSKIT, Aleksandr Nikoleyevich, prof., doktor takhn,nauk; PCMMINTSEVA, G.M., red.; HAM'. Ye.I.,, -- - - - I [Reactor design] Stroitelln" konotraktail i.adernykh reektorov. Moskva. Ind-vo Glavnogo upravlenitp po ispollsoveniiu atomoi enere.-i pri Sovete ministrov SSSR, (MIRA 12:3) " 1958, 16o P. (Nuclear reactorm) GORN~ L.S.; WZANGV~ B.I.; PCh7ELINTZVA, G.M.', red.; VIASOVA, N.A.v A-ekbn. red. [Transistors in radio measurement equipment] Tranzistory v radio- metricheskol apparature. Moskva,, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atom- no-4 nauki i tekhni 1, 1961. 170 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Transistors) (Radio measurenents) T411PONGVp D.P.; PCHELINTMA, G.M -. Md.; MAZELIP tpkbn. red. (Singular fate of the elements: teehnetium., astatine,, and frarcium) Blementy a neobycbnoi sudtboi; takhnstsii, astatin., frantaii. Hoskva,, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atonnoi nauld i tekhniki,, 1961. 95 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Tecbnetixm) (Astatine) (Francium) KMUR3]1$ Vladirdr Mikhaylovicb; PCHMJNTSEVA G.M. . red. - VIASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. 0 [Labeled atoms and photosynthesis] Mechenye atorq i fotosintez. Moskva, Goeatomizdat 1962. 87 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Photosynthesis) iRadloisotopes-Physiological effect) MIXIMNLOV, V.D., otv. red.; ROZEDTALI, I.L.,, otv, rod.; PCIIELIIITMA,- G.M., red.; VINOGRADOVA., Ye.14., red.; VLASOVA, NX. '1~'Ichn. 2F-. r W (Some problems in the pbysics of elementary particles arA of the atozi.ic nucleus) Nekotorye voprogy fiziki e:LenentarrWkh chastits i atomnogo iadra. Otvet. red. V.D.1-likhailov i I.L. Rozentall. 14oskva,, Gosatomizdat, 1%2. 134 p. (ItTRA 15t7) 1. Moscow. Inzhanerno-fizicheskiy inotitut. (Particles (Nuclear p~qsics)) (Nuclei, Atomic) G-0 If- L T PEASE I BOOK EXPLONATION SOV/5369 USSR. Gosudarstvennyy konitet Soveta MInistrov SSSR po ispol 'zovardyu ato=oy energii Sanitamyye pravils raboty a redioaktivnyni veshchestvwd i istochnikami loniziruyushchikh izlueheniy (Sanitary Regulations for Working With Radio- active Substances and With Sources of Ionizing Radiation) 140secrw., Gosatonizdat,, 1960. 117 p. Errata slip inserted. 50,,000 Copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Hinisterstvo zdravookhraneniya SSSR. Gosudarstvennyy konitet Soveta MLnistrov SSSR po ispoll"zovantyu ato=oy energii. Ed.: 0. M. Pchelintseva; Tech. Ed.: N. A. Vlasova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for laboratories, establishments, enterprises, and other organizations of ninistries or departments which use, transport, or store radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation. CUVERAM- The book contains safety regulations which nust be compLied with by personnel engaged to the design'. 1~dldingp reequipping, and operation of lab.DratcrJas, Card 116 Sanitary Regulations (Cont.) WV15369 establisbaentsj, and buildings intended 'for operations utilizing radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation. The maxiialm permissible levels of ionizing radiation and the -xina permissible concentrations of radio- active substances stipulated in Appendix 2 am an inherent part of the regula- tions. The responsibility of complying with the regulations lies with the administrations of laboratories,, establishments., and enterprises, Ministries and departments am required to develop these regulations by issuing instruc- tions concerning specific uses of radioactive substances and ionizing-radlation sourcesp such :instructions to comply vith the regulations contained in this book and to be coordinated with the organs of sanitary inspection. The regu- lations vere approved by U. Nikitin, Glevnyy gosudarstvennyy saniternyy inspektor SSSR (Chief State Inspector of Sanitation USSR) and V. Yenellyanov, Chairman of the Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energil (State Comittee on the Use of Atomic Energy of the Council of Ministers USSR). There am no references. TAME OP CONTEIRTS: Introduction 1. General Considerations c ard, 2/6 PCHELINTSEVA, G.M.., red. [Metbod3 of aralysing radioactive preparations] Yetody analiza radioaktivnykh preparatov; sbornik statei. Mo- Bkva, ktomizdat, 1965. 174 p. (MIRA 16:4) MTSEVj, V.A.; GRIVROVA, A.I.; PCHEIJMM'A, G.H.,, red.; VLWVA, N.A.# tekbn. red. [C6137 , a radjqactive isotope of cesium] Radloaktivnyl izotop tsbziis - CS1 . Moskva,, Goseizd-vo Ut-ry v oblasti atomoi nauki i tekbnikip 1961. 28 p. (11IRA 14:12) (Cesium-Isotopes) FRADKIN, G.H.; KULISH, Ye.Ye.; PCHELINTSEVA, G.M., red.; POPOVA, SX., tekhn. red. (Sourses of cej3,ft and neutron radiation for the automa- tion and control 0 industrial processes] Istochrliki Or--t (a- 2, -f- i neitronrqkb izluchenii dlia kontrolia i avtomatizatsii tekh- nologichaskikh protsessov. Moskva., Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomoi nauki i tekbniki,, 1961. 86 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Radioactive substancee-Industrial applications) MI)MEVA, L.M.; MIKHL7EV, N.B.; PCEELINTMA. GU.M. ed.; TARAKANOVA, A*Ao. red.; -VLASOVA, rhea. _ ~_1.4 r [Radioactive isotopes in analytical chemistry) Radioaktivxwe i2otopy v analiticheskoi kbimii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vr, lit-x7 v oblasti atonnoi nauki i tekhno., 1961. 98 po (FIRA 15:1) (Radioisotopes) (Chemistry, Analytical) ZA-1)'IAVSKIY, Yuriy Semenovich; TARAWOVA, A.A. , red.; PCHEUNTSEVA, G.Vi..-- red.; IIIASOVA, W.A.t tekhn. red. [Radiation resistance of lubricants] Radiatsiomaia stoikostO =a- zochrykh materialov. Voskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki I tekhnikit 1961, 158 NIRA 24-.12) (Lubrication and lubricantX (Materials, Effect of radiation on) PAVLOV., Petr IvAnovich,- PCHELINTSEVA, G.M., red.; KORSHUNOVA, N.I., tekhn. red. (Radiograpby-Safety regalationE)ipayniatka po tekhnike bezopas- nosti d1la radiografa. Mskval Gosatomizdat, 1962. 27 p. (MIRA 161l) (Radiography-Safety regulations) LESBCIIIIISKIY, flikolay Ivanovich;-TVIELIETSEU, G.M., red.; FOPOVA, S.11., tekhn. red. [Transportation of radioactive aubstarcos)Transportirovanie radioaktivnykh veshchestv. Moskva, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 194 p. (Ydn 15: 10) (Radioactive substances-Transportation) PAVLOV, Viktor Vanillyevich; FGHELIVITSEVAt G.N.) red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (sami,onomotor reasuring and controlling devices for nucl(,~ar power eng:ineering]Poluprovodnikov.~,e izmeritel'rWe i uprav- Ilaiushchie ustroistva dlia indernoi onergetiki. Moskva, Gos- atomizdat, 1962. 200 p. (YIRA 15: U) (Transistors) (Nuclear engineering) (Electronic apparatus an6 appliances) MAKARENYA, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; PCHELINTSEVA, G.M., red. [D.I.1-lendeleyev on the radioactivity and complexity of elements) Mendeleev o radioaktivnosti i slozhnosti ele- mentov. Moskva, Atomizdat, 1965. 102 p. (MIAA 18:9) TIKHOMIROV, Vladislav Borisovich., kande tekhn. nauk; PCIMINTSEVA..Q.14., red, [Polymer coatings in nuclear engineering] Polimernye po- krytiia v atomnoi tekhnike. Moskvat Atomizdat, 1965. 275 p. (MA 18:10) DUBILIN, II.P,, red.; KhVQST01.'.., V.V., karyi. blol. Pauk, red.; PCHELINTSEVA, red. (Hadlation and plant breeding) Radiatolla i rastonli; sbornlk statei. Moskva, Atomizdat, 201 j . (MRA IR:12) SFELE-2,1111, Boris V.1adimirov-1ch; PCHELUITSEVA, G.M.. red. [Automatic analyzers of the compositJon of radlochemle-sa media) Aytomp-ticheskie analizatory sostava radiokhAmiche-- skikh ered, Mookvap Atomlzdatp 1965. 293 p. (141RA 1m) BDIGELISON, Boris Rafailo-zict,;ZORIKOYEV,,f3rman Agubeyevlzb, PCHEL]7NTSVAJ,.G.!!,, red. [Handbook on protection against radiation from extended sources) Spravo:hnlk po zashchite ot izl-acheniia pro- tiazherinykh istochnikov. %Monkva, 11tomizdat, 1965. 173 v. (MIRA 18~4) VOLKOV, Yu.K.; DOWN, L.I.,, doktor fix.-ust. nauko red.; ALYABIYEV, A.F., red.j PCHELUMLLIVA red.; PDFOVA, S.)L,, tekbn. .red. [Mmma :~* a magnetic field and direci-oanversion of thermal enerU to elvetric power],Plazw v magnitmon pole i prisms proobrazovanis teplovol exergii v elektricheskulu; abDraik statei. Pod red. L.I.Dormans. Moskva, Goeatomizdat, 1962. 470 p. Translated articles from the English. (MIRA 16:3) (Magnetobydrodynamice) (Thermoelectricity) K~USMKOV, Vlae-r-4- Tvanovich (1906-1962). SURAZHSKIY,D,Ya.,doktor geol.--- n.mRukjotv.r--,.; A. T., doktar ZeO2- miner. nAui,, red.; ZITI-rZ;, I.Ii., kpnd. rAuk, red.; PCHELINMEVA, GX.p rod. (Geological prerequisites for prospecting for uranium deposits] Geologicheskie predposylki poiskov mestorozhden--l urana. MoAva, Atonizdat, 1964. 186 p. (I-',IRA 17:8) YDIEL'YANOV, Vasiliy Semenovichi YEVSTYUKIIIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich; ALYABIYEV, A.F.,, red.; UML1NTaVA,,GX., red. [Metallurgy of nuclear fuel; properties and principles of the technology of uranium, thorium, and plutonium] Metal- lurgiia iadernogo goriuchego; svoistva i osnovy tekhnolo- gii urana, toriia i plutoniia. Voskvap Atomizdat, 1964. 450 P. (MIRA 18:1) PRICHISTERSKIY, S.A.; red.; KAZELI, Ye.l., (Centrifugation of aerosols in a centrifugal rotating dust collector] TSentrifugirovanis earozolei v TaRP (Teentrobe2hnom rotatsionnom puleotdelitele). Moskva. Izd-vo, glev.upr.po ispolltovaniiu stomnoi energii pri Sovete Ministroy SSSR, 1960. 143 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Aerosols) (Centrifugation) BOCHVAR, A.A., akademik, obshchiy red.; VINOGRADOV, A.P., akademik, obshchiy red.; YMLIYANOV, V.S.; ZEFIROV, A.P., doktor takhn. neuk, obshchiy red.; ZUBOV. A.I., red.; ~~, G.L., red.; F)RUERMY, Y.T., red.; '- PCHBLINTSEVA, G.M red.; KAZ 1, Ye.I., LFroceadings of the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958) Trudy Vtorol M82hdunaroduoy konferentaii po mirnomi lspollzovaniyu atomnoy energil, Zheneva. 1958. (Doklady sovetskikh uchezykh) MoBkva, Isd-vo Glav.uprav.po is olizovanilu atommol onorg. pri Sovete Hinistrov SSSR. Vol.3. Nuclear fuel and reactor metala) lAder- noe goriuchee i reaktornye metally. 1959. 670 p. (MIRA 12:11) 1. International Conference on the Peaceful Uqee of Atomic Energy, 2d, Geneva, 1958. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Temellyanov). (wile-Inar f-I'DRINI SFIMRTAKOV, N.G.; GRACHEVA, N.A.; PCHELINTSEVA, G.M., red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn.rred. (Radioactive gold isotopes Au198 and Au199] Radioak-tivnys izotopy zolote - Au`198 I Aul99. Moskva. Izd-vo Gos.komiteta Soveta ministrov S= po lspolizovaniiu atomnoi energit. 1960. 18 P. (MMA 13:11) (Gold--Isotopes) BAK, H.A.; ROKANOV, Tu.F.; PCHELINTSEVA.-G.H.-o red.; VLASOTA. W.A., (Neutron] Neitron. Moskva, lzd-vo Goo.komitats Soveta ministrov SSSR po ispolizovanilu atomnoi onergil, 1960. 80 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Neutrons) VJWTSUWAN, TS.L.; BASAWVA~ G.I.; GORZIIEVSKAYAO S.A.; NAZIMiKO, 14.G; KHODZHATEVA, R.P.;. PCHELINTSEVAp, G.M., red.; MAZELI, Ye.I., tekhn. red, - [Thermal investigation of uranium and uranium-containing minerals] Termichaskle inaledovaniia uranovykh i uransoderzhashchikh minora- lov. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki i tekhniki, 1961. 146 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Uranium-Analysis) YABLONOVo B.B., 3aaucbrqy red0- PCHRMTSEVA, G.M.p red.; VLASOVAp N.At tekbnerade [Accelerators; collection of articles] Ugkoritell; sbornik otatel, Mookat Googizd-vo lit--ry v oblasti atmmoi mmuld i tekbn1kip 1960. In p. (Particle accelerators) (KW 14s6) MBZHIBDRSKAYA, Khaisa Borisovna;-PCEMIVI ~SE~Ao G.M.0 red. I- VLUOVA, W.A.9 I tokbn. red. (Photoneutron methoe, for the determination of berylliuml Foto- neArormyi *netod opredeleniia beril3ita. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atonnoi nauk-i i tekhniki, 1961. 50 p. (MIU 14:7) (Beryllim-Analysis) (Neutrons) PRASE I BOOK EUMITATION SOV/5333 Pchelintseva G H ed. Uskorite.1i; sbornik statey (Accelerators; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Atmdzdat, 1960. 121 P. Errata slip inserted. 5,000 copies printecl. Scientific Ed.: B.N. Yablokov; Ed.: G.K. Pchelintseva; Tech. Ed.: N.A. Vlasova. PMFWE: This collection of articles Is intended for scientists and engineers engaged in the construction and operation of particle accelerators. COMAGE: These original articles treat specific problem arising in the operation of lFesent-day accelerators,, particularly linear electron accelerators. A new accelere wr put into operatlon at the Ukrainskly fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut (Ukrainian Physicotechnical Institute) is described., and problem in the dynavIcs of particles in linear electron accelerators are discussed. New methods are discussed for the extraction of particles from accelerators. Problem associated with the shaping of permanent nagooetic fields and the acceleration of multicharge ions are alswo treated. The changeover of the series cyclotron to the phasotron acceleration node with a view to increasing the energy of accelerated particles Card 1/3 Acceleratorx; Collection of Articles SOT/53" Is described,, and some pmblems connected with the bunching of particles are elaborated. No Versonalities are mentioned. References accompany each article. TA23Z OF COVISM: Pretace 3 Vishmajorp V.A.1 I.A. GrJLsbayev,, PJ1. Zeydlits.. and A. Ye. Tolstoy. Idwar Electron Accelerator up to 6 Nev With Conttaut Phase Wave Velocity 5 Lmwvp S.P... and G.A. Tyagwy. Son Problem of the Dynamice of Pzwticles In a Linear Electron Accelerator 19 IMOWY.. B.P. Duablag of Particles In a Id ar Xlectron Accelerator 33 Matorap I.No low Sebew for Extraction of Facticles Frm a Phssotrou 44 Vordb'Mp A.A.p wA L.B, Sokolov. Use of Asymstric ShIftUg of the Eqidlibrim Orbit of Electrons for Extisetion, of been Prou lktatron Cba*er 52 Antonov.9 A.V.p Yu. V. Norobanor., Te. A. Nelesbko,? LA. Newwvp and V.S. Panasyuk. Ferrite Frequency Vari&~or for Changing the Cyclotron to Phasotron Acceleration Mode 60 Card 2/3 MUHISTENSKIT, S*A& TGOLINTSEVAI G.M69 redo; VLASOVA, N.A*9 tekhn6 red, [Radioactive discharge into tbt atmosphere; planning and design of units for the decontamination or aerosol and gas rejections] Radio- aktImWe vybrosy v atmoefdru- proektirovanie ustanovok dlia. ochietki vybrosov ot aero2olei i gazove Mookvap Goseizd-vo lit-ry v oblaeti atccmoi nauki i tekhnikit 1961. 174 p, (MIRA 14:6) (Radioactive waste disposal)