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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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A !eply ronmrkF un an Luticle -Th
ktnctjcs ano
,L10% which with tho partichwtion of w.
1-*r"l(-r,, Zhu, h!".
Rep17 to S.V. 14arkevicb. Zhur.fiz.khim. 30 no.6:1400-1401
Je 156. (mim 9: lo)
1. Belorusskty goeudaretvenrWy universitet imeni V.I. Lenina,
(Chemical reaction, Rate of) (Markevich. 5.V.)
-, ~ Ly. , - I : ,/
Category: USSR / Physical Chemistry - Kinetics. Combustion.
Explosives. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9
Abs Jour; Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9. 1957~ 30038
Author : Pavlyuchenko M. M.
Inst : not given
Title ; Reply to the "Critical Comments" of P. I. Bel'kevich
Orig Pub: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, 30, No 7, 1678
Abstract: A diEcussion article. See preceding abstract.
Card : 1/1 -12-
I ;"Z
~XV15 MM-
R 0 fir
Id V
Distrs' 4-14J A-J-A-wr
Fit- Tebh. Ncrub 1057, No. 2, H*-14.-Au "I d
method are de=ibcd for the dew. of K. bit, X''Ca"13
I airs
Pincfal &aln ~)* m4jian -[va;wwpy The 10owing p I
of the spectral Utic3 ctivo fbe btit p3ulut It B40.37 - Cd
3-168.20 and K Q47.22 - Cd 3t110,51; Ca 31,19,33 - 131
Z2,Crd.67; and hig 270f.54. - Bi L%133.31 and Mg 277P.85 -
Cu 2768.&3 A. (o7 the dew. of K from 5 to 60 sna from 0 to
15; Cc from 0.5 to 20; and Mg from 0.6 to 2.0 and from 0.2
to 2.0% in winexal salts, res-p. K , was detd. in IS and
Ca and JMg in 7 difIttrent salts with the accuracy of Ib-- dews.
of -7. 10, Rnd 3--d relative retp. B. W, blek"
~ (- / -~- '~ ~ F (( , I / (- " ~ - , ( ,0 1 , / '~ I
For qualified scientific review. Vestsi AR BSSR. Ser. fiz.-takh.
nav. no.2:175-177 157. (MIRA 11:1)
(Chemistry, Physical and theoretical)
AUTHOR: Pavlyuchenko, M.M. 76-12-26/27
TITLE: once Again on the Remarks by S.V.Markevich (Yeshche raz po povodu
zamechaniy S.V.Xarkevioha).
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1957. Vol. 31, Nr 12, pp-2765-2765 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Upon the remarim of S.V.Markevich, which were made without any
analysis, the author delivered his elaborate study to the head of
the professorial chair for differential equations: Professor
A.D. Myshkia, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, to the head
of the chair for theoretical physics BGU, F.I. Fedorov, Doctor of
physico-mathematical sciences, and to the teaching professor at the
same chair- I.Z. Fisher, for exa-iy-tion. Independently from each
other, they all came to the same conclusion, viz. that the problem
mw correctly solved from beginning to end, and that no questions in
dispute appeared. Therefore the remarks by S.V.Markevich proved as
unfounded. There are 2 Slavic references
Card 1/ 2
Onoe Again on the Remarks by 3.V. Maricevich 76-12-26/27
ASSOCIATICIN: Belorussian State University imeni V.I. Lenin, Minsk
(Belorusakiy gosuaarstvanny.) univer-sitet im. V.I.Lenina, Minsk).
MMMED: June 16, 1956
AVAILABLE: Library of Congre8a
Card ?/ 2
PAVLYUCHENYO, M._ M., V. Ml. AKULOVICH, K. V. DUBOVIK, and 7;. N. ill,L~I'~;'-
"Trace ElemefltLl (LI, l4n, r
(Deposit) and Their I-,C-iarti tat i ve Sp-tr,.~ Anaiysfls', P. I
Sbornik nauchnykh rabct, vyp. olle-tii, S l'ei,t'!--,
'P A,
of Chemistry, Belor,-s-,Ian . - -wiemly
Belorisskcy 51-,R, III)r,.", '71 I'll.
50) ~ -# mug I am EXPLOITATION 30V/1589
Akad4wlya Sault 333A.
ol'all1kh molskuli obornik
tatey (Chemistry or Large
1661 CGIIQet1OM Of Artle ) Aoscow, Lxd-vo All 3339. 1958.
99 P. (Sorlees Aka"emlys nauk S33R. Sauchno-populyamya
art") 30.000 cap%.. printed.
11411's G.T. SkI018111Y; RQ8p- Ed.: A.T. Topchlyaw, Academicianj
of Publishing Sloua*s V.A. boyaroklys Tech. Ed.i
X.N. Ease".
PMRPOUl ThIS back 18 intended for 4 wide circle of readers
Including these who haw* had no training In chemistry. It e
&I" sorv* an ananual for propagandlate. teachers, and
Chemistry of Largs Molecules (Cont.) SOV/1589
COVZRAQ1t This collection of articles reflects the trend for
the future development or the Soviet chemical induitry as
Indicated by the Ray plenary mosslon of tb* Central Committoo
of tht Communist Party within the rramework of the new 3avon
Tear Flail. These articles were publla"d in newspapers and
3ournals. The authors, scientists and industry workers.
developed the these of aceelorated development of the chemical
Industries. end sciences, with stress an the manufacture of
63Mthetle fibers, plastics, and other materials. Some of the
articles were abridged, revised, or enlarged. The articles
were selected so as to give an adequate survjy of the choulatry
and technology of h14h-solocular-weight compounds and their
U" in industry, agriculture, and in the manufacture of
soartomero - goods. ftntionwd are raw materials for the Production
of plywwre. This book belong* to tao popular-seiance
of the kcadeny of Sciences. Stellar volume are intended
for future publication. So rarorencoo are given.
Chem"try or Large Roloculem (cant. 30V/1589
Varo"toov, R.W. (live v1der 30*90 to Re"areft 2351
lindshey", A-L. Prospects for the Development of the Chemistry
of Synthetic@ &a Armenia 257
Nyurisep. &.A. Develop the Chemistry of 3ba-160 262
ftvlyueboako. R.K. The Task Which Awaits Tau 265
1"ovskly. T.Te. Utilization of rest in chemistry 269
Z"bk-WW*. V. 0. 1 M. Lit-l-writo, 5. L-Omv. and P. sekt. One
More Source of Chemical Raw PaterLalffi 272
Unumov, M. U. Wonders of tbo Racrawol*cul* 273
27kow, V. T.,and To. Oxh1gov. Prospects for the DtvelOpftent
of the Chemical Industry In the Far Last 280
Card 7/8
won 00 4511,
s S"
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JIM) a 0 o 005 IW 1
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TARMLEM 1 1.14. ClArnolani-a. I.M.); PIM,"CHIC11:0. M.N. [PauliuchOlkn.
ft. .,.I
Swelling of oxidizpi collulosp in watnr. Vestal AJ4 BSOI'R. Sar.
fiz.-tpl-hn. nav. 3!k).2:67-75 158. (141pj~ 11:10)
Spectral determination of trace elenents in mineral salts
Fiz.9bor. no.4:516-519 '58. (HIRA 1~0)
1. Institut khimii ALN BSSR.
(Trace elements--Spectra)
Using the method of radioisotopes in studying the diffusion
of sulfur in iron. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. no. 6:64-67 Je '55.
(MIRA 11:7)
1. Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TSentrallnogo nauchno-
isoledovetallskogo instituts chernoy metallurgii, Mookva i
Belorusakiy gosuderetvenavy universitat Im. V.I.Ipenina. MinBk.
(Radioteotopes-Industrial applications)
Determinatior. c.,' `~)pper, arA Puhidlzur. 1.,. ?/.!,,,era,
A,jiaiysis." p. cY2
Sb, rrik nauclnrykh rab, t, %-yl,. WI
1:!J-v, AN
f (hem,* stry, Belcruss iar. SSR A. ademy u" C - ieri,-es, N, ml,
Belorusskoy SSR, 271 yp.
--- -p~ii-~*~
Hicroelements (B.Mn,Sr,Zz0 and their quantitative Epectzmr determinat-
Ion in salts of Starobin deposits. Sbor. nauch. rnh. Inst. )Chim. AN
BSSR no.6:102-114 158. (MMA 11: 11)
(Trace elements-Spectra) (Starobin--Potassium salts)
I- lKInetice of the decompooition of mercu-r~/ oxalate. Uc~.rap.33u,
95-105 ' 58. OGRA 12:1)
Nerciiry oxalates) (Chemical reaction, Rato of)
Mechanism of the impregnatinn of the surface of steel with sulfur. Uch.
zap.BGU no.42:107-119 IKS. (MIRA 1211)
(Steel--Hard facing) (Diffusion)
SO V/1 i7_~9_ i_70i Q
Translation from Referai.% r iia; - Metallurgiya ;4;'4 N- '~ p"'SSRI
AUTHORS Pavlyuchenko, N1, 13,,skava. M N
TITLE The Relations:. P B,-,cl! !ne Sulfidization and Nilr,,ding ofGra\
Cast Iron and t l~c :n( --t-as, in it s Wear Resi stanc e (Sul fidiroVa:ii ~'t, i
azotirovaniN,c st-ogo ~ l-igunri i povyshenlye yego iznososloyl~ost;)
PERIODICAL: Uch zap. Belorussk uri-1: 1()'~8 Nr 42, pp 1_' I - 12t)
ABSTRACT. Investigations perfo7med dealt with processes of sulfidlzat~on ~;Itr.c!
ing, and sulfidizatic)!,. with subsequent nitrichnii of specirriens (S, of
gray cast iron The S s -~%-ere suffidized v.-ilh the aid of 'hydroze:-. 5'1i-
fide at temperatures of 250, 500 400, and ~00oc Best reskills
regard to wear resistance were observed in S s which had bee!. Ifirst
sulfidized for a period of two hours at a temperature oi 3000 and
were then nitrided for a period of three hours at a temperature of
6000 (the wear resl5tarice of S s tested without hibric ants ai,,d (ciol,,:~t)
increased by 100- WO tirnes), as as in S s \vhich had beer: s 1,111
dized at 4000 for a period of three hours Bibliograpliv ') i oft-renceh
Card I /I
"-- -"
Diagram of the oxidation of cellulose b7 nitrogen oxides.
DAL All BSSR 2 no.11:461-"4 D '58. (MIRA 12:8)
1.]Prodstavleno akademikom AN BSSR N.Y. Yerrlenko.
AUTHORS j Yermolenko 1. 11- Pa~-lyuchenko lj- 11.
TITLE: The Oxidation K--netics of Cellulose With NitroGer Dj~xjde
According to the Data Df the Absorptdon Spectra of th-
Products (Kinet-tka ckisleniya tsellyulozy d-.u-e:s -Yi a.-rta
po dannym spe'.trov ~o','loshcheniya produktov)
PERIODICALi Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1958, Vo). 28, Nr 5, pip 72~ 728
ABSTRACT: Not regarding the mar*, publications dealing with the oxi=
dation of cellulose with N02 the kinetics of this reaction
has. to a great extent, not been investigated suff---ciently
and the formed hypotheses of the mechanism of the proces-
ses have not been proved. The applicatio?i of new miethoqo,
in particular of the spectral method9, enatled the auth.-irs
to find a great number of new and very intere&tang facts
connected with the mechanism of the reacticn. By mearis of
the spectral inveatipations of tho organi, lilt--Itee their
solutions,, their nitrogen oxidfis in freo and fidnoi-L-J otfite,
Card 1/3 of nitric acid and nitrous acid of tho oxidiz&i -llulose,
The Oxidation Kinetics of Cellulose With
Nitrogen Dioxide According to the Data
of the Absorption Spectra of the Prod,,,-tg
previous to and after a va-,uu.m treatment as 'IS
beating and the effect of the solvents the a~a-ncrs s:-d
that in the macromolecular reaction. produsts f~'rmed
the oxidation of o?llulose with NO 2 , besidi~,; the gr-c.~L-
containing carbox) and carbonyl groups a -cllul~'-19-~ r~!=
trite is formed in considerable quantit:,?s. In *~~
determine its content in the oxidatinn pi-Pduc!- int- va.,,~a
of the optical density at X 365 mex was made ,se J; tne
carboxyl groups were determined according to the modifica=
tion of the optical density at X250 m~%', the rart,-riyl
groups at,%28o m,ij.(Refs- 9. 19). Thus thp amour.-- of cellu.-
y the authors alreaI7 earl,.er -.r, r)xda=
lose nitrite found b
tion products of cellulcae with NO,) was dPtPTMIried I' Was
showy) that with the duration of oxidation the air--,urit cf the
nitrite passes through a maximum. A maximum accl--mulatior,
veloc-.ty of the carboxyles corresponds to the maximum amo-unt
of nitrite in the oxidation product, The charaoter of th~-
reaction process depends on the temperature. A rise, of temp
perature reduces the amount of the carbcxy)- groups as well as
Card 2/3 of the nitrate. This way the celluloge n:trit~ dis~over-d by
The Oxidation Kinetics of Cellulose With
Nitrogen Dioxide According to the Data of the
Absorption Spectra of the Products
the authors was recognized as an intermediary product in the
oxidation process of cellulose with NO 2 *
There are 6 figures and 5o references. 16 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Institut fiziki i
matematiki Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (Belorussian State
University and Institute for Physics and Mathematics)&S Belo-
russian SSR)
SUBMIMI)i January14, 1956.
Card 3/3
Tic c
c 1 ~,~ 71 r,,,
1 t 3 1
Ell 1,~D I C, L
A li S'I" -A ~T The -I r c. of i
i t 'n i B" I
a:id G. I C' I h, e t
ve S. t C~;] t'-: 1 T-, v~:
urder the2 1~1171'z-;ce f v ri,-~us ctor-E! or. t I~e n- %~ t lot, v( 10-
city z.-I":11 t..(2 Fri- t~ie ex-
peri~qent,l :'Lvt c-..,. c :3(~,Pn t'.-tt t~~c, inve.-Ai --tr-2
were iiser, viit~. '.r. -, -;it .--.t -!;:Lter, a0 v
been -:;lthin t~-iijer: ,,.ire i:;t-i'V -1 r c :7.
,.,:d 1~aj, of :r~-. 41U 4(~O C. T%
obtai-ed i!. ~~n ira"-] .. r Fr.-_7
CuA 1/3 t'..u cl:~ ;1(2r: 2:. 11; "!' ~ wi 0 tit f r- e s I .' : -! t . -,!.
Ti c Dissociation Ki-etic~
o f t r e - ~,. '- sD
Of t vel''; ~-o
bc t raced
a i T' f 11 131 or c0,- L 1
procL-os S. ov o,! v e
l r. vu~, t i i t :)f t ,,I: C, 0.: U"
pel-oxiles D t.. t
:i-atod su'-- t i r
~;:r en t r e % c t i I t t t -t 1
f t C- r (" e.".. r
react.iL)nr, 1,: -61' il 0, f~t -Os
0 0 0
of reac-tion
OxiLles I
.1-: 1V C
0 f oxy C~:. 1
C-n' 2, t I : , - - e , . . -11 t c t e
The Dissociation Kiiietics of Barium and Calcium Peroxides
hand this is --n ener(:etic~,liy pi,31,able irocess. T) -re are
fi,,,~ures, 1 tali'le and 13 refe.-ences, 5 of
Belorusskiy .._-osiidar,_,tvenny-,- unavercitet i:-.. V. 1. Lenii.,if
Minsk (Mi:~sk Belorussian State Univer~-.ity V. 1. Lenir.)
December 27, 1956
Library of Con~,ress
1. Barium peroxides--Decomposition 2. Calcium peroxides--Decompositi,n
Card 3/3
TERMOLKNKO. Igor' Nikoloyevich; PAYLTUCBMIKO, N.M., red.; KARIKS. L.,
red.lzd-va; VOIoOK'HANovrcH; I., tekhh."red.'
[Spectroscopy in the chemistry of oxidi2ed celluloseal
Spektroskopiia v khimii okislennykh teelliulos. Minsk, Izd-vo
Akad.nauk BSSR. 1959. 291 P. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Chlon-korroopondent AN BSSR (for Pavlyuchenko).
(Cellulose) (Spectrochemistry)
_,4 v-L
ff; H
-.6 fo
j U-11 s
IN o
lift .%,.;i
Ifi" JAJ
R; i
ilk aI
AUTHOR: Pavlr4chenko Corres7ponding Ye=ber of tlie AS
Tff~_- _YY
33'sn' in's
TITLE: The Starobin Combine
PERIODICkL: Nauka i zhizn', 1959, Nr 9, pp 42 - 44 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the Starobinskiy kaliynyy kom-
binat (Starobin Potassium Combine), the largest plant
of this kind in the Soviet Union, now under construct-
ion in the North-western part of the Dnepr-Donets de-
pression. The salt deposit covers the area from the
Pripyat' river to the Northern margin of the Donets
basin. The combine's concentration plant, which will
apply an absolutely new technology developed by Soviet
scientists, is intended for reprocessing several mil-
lion tons of salt yearly. The combine will provide
potassium for the soil of Belorussia and the adjacent
districts of Poles'ye, which are poor in nutriment.
The arable layers in Belorussia contain only 25.3 tons
Card 1/4 potassium oxide per hecta-re (Podmoskovlye - 52.50/0 and
The 10tarobin Combine
Pribaltika 7'-.8 tons). According to data of the 7nsti-
tut zemledellya Akademii sel'skok-hozyaystvennykh nauk
BSSR (Institute of Agriculture of the Academy of Agri-
cultural 3ciences of the BSSR), the use of 1 million
tons of potassic fertilizers would yield more than 2
billion rubles additionally in the marshland alone.
Up to now, potassium salts are provided from Solikamsk
and Berezn-iki. The reserves of sodium chloride of the
Starobin deposit are so large that a well bored at
Davydovka to a depth of more than 1,300 m did not
reach the end of the layer. The thickness of a single
seam is greater than 200 meters and the total reserves
are estimated at billions of tons. Wells bored in a
23 sq km area of 3tarobin reached 11 depth of 915 meters
without leaving the salt layer. The salt strata are
situated in a depth of 365-650 meters. The reserves
alread-, discovered surpass half a billion tons an-,-' are
probably several times greater. As to the content of
potassium chloride, Belorussian potassium salt is in-
ferior only to the layers of Verkhnyaya Kama. The
Card 2/4 average content is 22% and in the middle part of the
The Starobin Combine
layer 33.419. A special method used by metro builders
is being appit,d for the first time in building po-
tassium enterpri.--s. The shaft stems are sunk in pre-
viously frozen ground. For this purpose, a salt so-
lution is pumped into the bore-hole. A 200 m long
ice cylinder with a diameter of 25 meters safely pro-
tects the shaft stem during its sinking. In recent
years, the flotation method for concentrating potas-
sium salt is widely used. In the Soviet Union, an
experimental industrial installation for concentrating
potassium salt by the flotation method has been suc-
cessfully applied in Berezaiki, where it gives a daily
output of about 650 tons of potassium salt. This me-
thod is already used in the SZG, USA and in Western
Germany. In recent years, a highly-effective instal-
lation - the hydrocyclone (Figure 4) - is being used
for the concentration of coal, polymetallic ores and
other valuable minerals. With this installation it
Card 3/4 is possible in laboratories to separate potassium
The Starobin Combine
chloride from sodium chloride in raw potassium salt.
Scientists of Belorussia, Moscow and Leningrad, have
developed a new technology: concentration by means of
the combined flotation and hydrocyclone method. Around
the combine a new town will be built larger than the
adjacent tov.-n of Slutsk. There are 3 photographs and
1 diagram.
Card 4/4
AU ""HORS ilavl Y. 1". S
TITLE: Tho D~ t.loi~ ,f Ci%'.,,~ ii;, (ii, ii C!.v~ D,,
A tric i, r,! (Ra 1, 7 hi~, r,--e a z3 d k,i 1 t si~, t::~ sf
A'i 5 T 111, C T T'~, r- f c tj' -
p2rOx i
rate 'e;p,-e investiEat~-d. Tlh(~ deompcsitior. of r- Y.
,was carry ~,d ou~ L,-; the stutic and dynami,~
-,how that unh.ydro,is calcAum peroxide does rut rt-,q7t
X. u t t er,%~ (-27~i tures I ~ iver thar4 Ll e di qsoca
v 2
N,%CH hlno,, il j rct s-3-.v an~ pDs~ .:v f f
knli.-,,druus cu-iui:. pt-r~,xide dec.~mposes at
dioxide atmosphere. Additicns of s,~,lid NaOh, YnC, ar.c a~. 0
t o c a 1 c ~ u in p -- r o x i d e a c c e I e r Ei t e t 1-1 t~ d e c o 0 s n ra -, e IN i
Card 1,,"5 the temperature raT.Fe The .-sta-- *,~,-~:,a-e -,f
The Dec omposi tion of '~il ci ua, P~roxi I e -1 r, DICx1- I;-
calciur. peroxide (CaO,.8H,O) decomposes witnout ca-ta,-"sts
within the temperature range 1.,-70 C whicl, w:is
The additicr, 3f solid cutalYsts ti,.e
rate. A m~y.~ure of solid alkali hydroxide and manganese, 1-,,.-xide
effects quicker decomposition of calcium peroxide than --rv
single comporent. The mec'nanism Df the decomposition :~f
peroxide Jr. tLe presence (-,f humidity and CO and the
effect of NaCH, MnO,, and CuO were disc-assei. In the ~T~-s
of humidlt~ th~-- first pl,ase of the reaction -protahly t a-k - -
place w'rilp hydroEen peroxide is formed
(14 e 02i H2C :;F M e 0 + H202) . The catalysts NaOH, MnO 2P and C-,~O
catalyze the dE;cumposition of hydrogen peroxide whi',C--. wat~-r
and oxyger. are f,)rmed. The hiEher decompos'ticn rate of the
crystal hydrates of calcium reroxide can be explained
format----~n ~Df a:-. uns*ab'e phase during the :f -n~
crysta: nydrat~.. There are 5 f:.Eures, 4 tables, and '1 r~f-
erences, ~ cf ~c~hi--h are Soviet.
Card 2/3
The Dec omposi ti on of ca, - 1 SCV/7 6
1 ~ e in Ca r D-i ", x J. J i~
ASSOCIATION Be! or-~~ Cc sudarst venn-, -
-i! v r s, + i.
SUBMI TTED: on-tol)er
C a r d
Starobin Potash Plant. Nauka i zhizn' 26 no.9:42-44 5 159.
(MIIIA 13-1)
l.Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR, Minsk.
(Starobin--Potash industry)
tO E:ach
'tlC' LC-CtrL-
~&rd 1/2
s nc,
r c- s a r.,-:
It,'! 7 it 0
C, L 0, c- 'V L. c-
i t ine .!.0 l,': I C~', cc,:.7~t
Ir.6 -.-e u:,Ueous sout4-o.-.s into al,
!Leicest w e 31 r V 6 r0 I c,:e
e c e *~ a
i u ea
c s cc,. n~ n~ anL
t~ -.dar- n
va ry rf -i'rc,::. j o r. e', c) . ...... 1 :t-",!:
ca.Libra-~icr, liz,e wL.~
relative analytical errcr of -.his z; ina ozn:
Card 1/2
a-,asS. ns -0
Spec troche,,.i cal det,21,1:.1ratioll,
analyses the lantanons were f,-rst ccncentraze~-,
method. '-'hiis is descrin,:~a --n some I . The -,:r&c I ta-. I
lates should' be conauctea 2.r. neu-,ral rather t,ar. ac2-1
losses. CA-CI2 was aa-~,ed to ac-- as a ~~rec,
libratior, curves we--e -s-. c3.nstruc-ed- wi~`. o
positicr.s. The samllps were
which Zr had been to ,,.c,~ a.3 ~,i,
T~airs of I ines used for -s . La
Y 59c)2. 60 - Zr --q~ 1 . 1 3, Y'c 3 ~7 -1- 5 91 - 13 a,---
'-956.22 . The results were re:rcai~cibl-e t~D y t S L-
aeterniined, wit, lo a c c,~ ra c:,r, -cy t,e mv--`~oa G a a
3d azz an ~ nternal s -. a rc ~,:;a Y
o.~ of calculaLion Is 1-1ven. Ce---,,;m was aIS-c
t.-Ie Re-~uits of -,re diffE~,ent z.e-.hoaS
anth~~non conien-.s wc-..e ~,.L 1 . 2 r. he LI
in the ho s pho r;. -, c- s , a i- penc! 1 .3 n po 2
tables and 19 references: 12 Sovie-.-b-oc Lna
Card 2,13
Improving the quality of concentrated ore from the Starobin
deposit. DoklAW BSSR 4 no.1:15-19 Ja '60.
(NIIRA 13:6)
Some questions on the structure and reactive capacity of solid
bodies. Dokl.AN BSSR 4 no.3:113-115 Mr 160. 1 M111, I ~: 6)
Effect of lattice defects oa the reactioa capacity of silver
sulfite. Dokl.AX BSSR 4 no.9:384-386 S 960. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Belorusakiy psudarstvemW tmivereitet im. V.I.Lenina.
(Silver sulfite)
Effect of the moiature content and the coopoeltion of the oxidant on
the oxidation of cellulose b7 nitrogen oxides. Dokl.AB Bm 4 no.10:
417-420 6o. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Inetitut obahchey i neorganicheakoy kh1mii AN BSSR.
(Nitrogen oxides) (Oxidation)
Kinetics of the sulfuration of copper by liquid sulfur. D6kl.
AN BSSR 4 no. 11:462-465 H 160. (MIRA 13:12)
1. Belorusekiy gesudarstvennyy universitet Imeni V.I. Lenina.
(Sulfuration) (Copper)
Mechanism of the oxidation of cellulose by nitrogen dioxide. Zhur.
prikl. khim. 33 no.6:1385-1391 Je 160. (MLU 13:8)
(Nitrogen oxide) (Cellulose)
W,-chaoiam of the oxidation of copper by liquid sulfur, as studied
by means of tne s35 isotope. Jokl.AU SSSR^ 134 no.2:391-39) 6
,6o. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Belorusakiy gOBudarstvenqyy universitet im. V.I.Leniaa.
(Sulfur--Isotopes) ( (kidat ion) (Copper)
FAVLYUCHENEO, M.M., akad., red.; T1110FEYEV, L., red. izd-va; SEDERKO, V.,
(Transactions of the Conference on the Use and Processing of White
Russian Potassiu~ Salts] Trudy Soveshchaniia po ispollzovaniiu i
obogashcheniiu kaliinykh soled Belorussii, Minsk, 1960. Pod red. M.M.
Pavliuchenko. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1961. 262 p.
NIFA 14tll)
1. Soveshchani-ye po lspollzovaniyu i obogashcheniyu kaliyror4 soley
Belorussii, Minsk, 1960. 2. P14 BSSR (for Pavlyuchenko).
(White Russia-Potass'Lum salts)
Defectometric techniques for the separation of impurities
from rock salt. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.5:1210-1212 A 64.
~MI'RA 17:9)
1. Institut obBhchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN BSSR.
2. AN BSSR (for Pavlyuchenko).
prof., red.; NAyDOVICE, A.N.., red.; BELENIKAYA,
I.Ye... tekhn. red.; DUBOVIK, A.P.,, takhn, red,
[Heterogeneous chemical reactions] Geterogennye khimicheakie
reaktsii. Minsk, Izd-vo M-va vysshego, srednego spetsiall-
nogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1961. 261 p.
(MIRA 15:2)
(Chemical reactions)
A i,. o av 1,-, uc,,r.,,iko, M. , Pokrovskiy, 1. 1.
TITU: 'rho m3cha~.ism of the'bigb temperature oxidation of metals by
(Ixyven, ,;uICur and halides
Refi-ritivi-.y. zhurnal. Khi,-jiya, no. 17, 1962t 56,
17j3);~ (in collection: (_,~_teroEcn. khim. reaktsii. ,:in3k, 1961,
),.c - , 4 .)
Ti,XT: An ex,imination of the mechanism of scale-formation processes ShoVIS
that consi!erable difficulties arise in tryin8~to explain them on the
bnsis o', iAnidilater-al diffusion of the metal towards the scale - motalloid
interfacQ -lone. These are eliminated if it ia assumed that trane~ioi-t of
the metalloid toviarda the interface also occurs during the reaction.
Abotrncter's notes Complete tranolation.]
Card 1/1
s/63 61/001/000/038/056
AUTHORS: Pavlyuchenko, M. M., Kanonyuk, I~ F., Markin, A. D,
TITLE: Radioactive isotope study of the diffusion of sulfur in
copper and its alloys
SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispollzovaniy-u
atomnoy energii, Tashkent, 1959.. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent.
1961, 248-252
TEXT: The diffusion of $35 in electrolytic copper and copper alloys with
tin, lead, aluminum, and silver was studied by removing thin layers. The
grain size of the annealed copper was I mm. The sulfur isotope was applied
to the copper specimens in a benzene solution. Between 800 and 10000C,
sulfur diffuses uniformly throughout the copper,. The diffusion coefficient
depends on temperature according to the law D a 0.824~exp(-47,000/RT) cm2*'
In solid solutions of aluminum, tin, lead, and silver in copper diffusion
is also uniform throughout. A new copper sulfide phase arose on the copper
surface when the benzene-sulfur solution was applied. This, however. had
no effect on the diffusion coefficient. In heterogeneous copper alloys
Card 1/2
FAVL'I'licl.~Q11CO, KO SYUK, E.F.
.rlotp-tion of potas itui salts an", -lc offec'. o--" tc=jx!-- ~ rf, o7 2: -
procesr. Dold.AIT ~ZSR 5 no.l:"--Il Ja '61. ("1 A -- 2.: - )
1. Institut o*brhcIc,,!- i khinui.
(Flotl-,ticn) (Potas-itirl salts)
Kinetics and mechanism of thermal decomposition of sodium dithifinate.
Dokl. AN BSSR 5 no.12:5Y,-557 D '(1. (MIRA 1,:I)
1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyv universitet Imeni V.I.Lenina.
(Sodium dithionate) (Thermoc~-emistry)
pAVLTUCBENKop M.M. j akademik; PRODAN, Ye.A.
Role of chemical and crystallization processes in reversible
topoobemical reactions, Dokl. AN SWR 136 no. 3:651-653 A 161.
(MIRA 14,t2)
1. Belorueskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I. Lerdna6
2, Akademiya nauk BSSR (for Pavlyuchenko)o
(Crystallization) (Chemical reactions)
PAVLYUCH04KC, __ M.N., akademik; GILEVICH, M.P.
Chemical exchange reactions In solid phases nd c-.ntact
between the reacting particles of solids. Dok]. AN SSSR 139
no.3:648_650 J1 -61. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I. Lenina. 2. AN
BSSR-(for Favlyuchenko).
(Chemical reaction--Conditions and laws)
11INLYUCHEMO, M.M. ~Ptiulluchnnka, M~M, 1, SHELKANOMSEVA, N,A,
N.A, I
Kinetics and mech&nism of lead oxide reduction by -rbon.
Vestsj AN BSSR, Ser, fiz.-".ekh. nav. no.3.z46-53 '62.
PRODAN, Ye.A. [Prodpr, FAViAUCIhEk M,M,~FaulAunhenka, M~M~ ,1
Effett c-P the solic produst c' the reacti,-r on tha nschnr.'rz
underlying the thermal J6.- =po5~ticjn c-I --admium c&rbonatP.
Vestai AN BSSR, Ser. rav. no.4%4'2-4q 162.
Effect of nitrogen trioxide, moisture, and phosphoric acid
on the reaction of cellulose with nitrogen peroxide. Vysokom.
soed. 4 no.4:503-509 AP 162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AV BSSR.
(CeLlulose) (Nitrogen oxides) (Phosphoric acid)
Studying rheological properties of heavy suspensions. boki. ,;;
BSSR 6 no.3:168-171 Yr '62. (MIR.A 1-~: J)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN BSSR.
AUTHUAS: KonorWuk,l.F. and P&vlyuchGnko,M.K.
TITLE: A atudy of the ei_-de,c, transl er of sulfur in titqnium
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Belorusswy &M. Doklady, v.6, no.6, 1962, 373-375
TEXT: The diffusion of sulfur in titanium wA3 ntudied to elucidate the nature of
the diffusing sulfur particles. Ralioactive S 35 was made to migrate in titanium
plates 40 to 70 mm. in length, at temperatureb ranging from 800 0 to 12000 C,under
the action of an electric field with a potentiul grade between 0.2 and 0.7 V/cm.
The sulfur distribution along the sample waB recorded by radioactivity counters.
The sign and the charge on the Liulfur particles was calculated from the direction
and extent of displacement of the radioactive zone. In the temperature range
-between goo 0 and 12000C, at which temperatures titanium exists in tho. --oDdification,
sulfur always migrated towards the cathode. The average effective charge on sulfur
atoma, calculated from the Einstein relation ZeD a BkT, was 193+ 0.2 e1. units.
Card 1/2
A study of the electratran~ifer_
To calculate the true charge on aLdfur particles, their interact-Lon vith the conduct-
ivity electrone and holes has to be taken into account. There are 2 figlirao.
ASSOCIATION: Belorusskiy gosudarstvenny universitet im. V.I.Lenina (Belorussian
State Univeraity, im. V.I. Lenin)
SU.WT7F.D; harch 13, 1962
Effect of the natUre of the collector on the tempernture
dependence and flotation rate of potassium salts. Dokl.
AN BSSR 6 no.7z439-441 J1 162. (MERA 16:8)
1. Institut ob2hchey I neorganicheskoy khimil AN BSSR.
(Flotation) (Potassium salte)
Evaporation Of sulfur fz-OM sulfide scales separated fr=
copper. Dokl. AN SSM 153 no.3:646-649 11 163.
(MIRA 17:1)
1. Belorusskiy gosuda.Tstvennyy universitet im. V.1. lanina.
2. AN BSSR (for Pavlyuchenko).
Use of refl. ction spectrojhotumt,-*.ry to the study ol' Mg-0 - P'e2o-), in-
teraction. Dokl. All BSSR ? nc,.1:30-32 Ja '63. (141flA 17:1)
1. Institut obshobby-I -morg~M(the:3koy.-thindi AN BSSR.
AUTHORS: Favlyuchenko, M. M., and Filonov, B. 0.
'TITLE: The use of radioisotopes for studies of the evaporation of
salts in an a-c arc
'OERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya,
v. 26, no. 7, 1962, 876-881
TEXT: The dependence of Li, Rb, Ba, and Cd line intensities on NaCl and
XC1 content was investigated on synthetic potassium salts'containing
0.001-0.01~-') Li and Rb chlorides and 0.1-1~16 Ba and Cd chlorides. Current
in the a-c arc was 8 a. If only NaCl or only XCI wad present, maximum
line intensity occurred during the first period of are burning. If the.
two salts'were present as a mixture, it was nearer the end. For all the
elements examined the variation in line intensity during evaporation is
similarly d9pendent on the ratio of the two salts. Using the riidio-
isotopq Cd115 in the CdCl 2 compound the radioactive intensity of the
samples was determined before evaporation, and that of their residue after
Card 111 z
PAVLYUCHENKO P M.M. , akademik
Crystal lattice energy and the reactivity of solids. Dokl.
AN WSR 143 no,1:153-155 Mr 162* (MIRA 15:2)
1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I.Ienina
(Crystal lattices)
PAVLYUCHENKO, M.M., akademik, red,; BEL-~ATSKAYA, L., red.izd-va;
---- - -A'T'W, A., takhn. red
[Potassitur salts and methcd.9 for their procesBingi F.&-'.inye
soli soll i metody 1kh perorntx)tii, Minsk, Izd-vc) AN Bel.
SS R, 196 3 151 p. (MIRA 16., 10)
1. Akademiya navuk BSSR- Minsk. Institut obshchey i neorp-
nicheskoy khImIi. 2. AN Bel.SSR (for Pavlyuchenko).
(Pottimmilim fin'ts)
AUTHORS: Rubinchik" Ya. S., Pavlyuchenko, M. M., Tsybullko, 1. A.
TrIM: The use of reflection speatrophotometry in studying the reaction
of MgO - Pe203 interaction
PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademil nauk BSSH, v. 7, no. 1963, 30 - 32
TEXT: New possibilities will be opened in studying solid-phase reactions
if the Kubelkh-Munk formula P (H) a M K. (where R Is the reflection coef-.
2H 3 -
ficient; K is the absorption constant, S is the scattering constant) could be
applied to determine quantitatively the components of powderlike mixtures in chem-
ical interaction. Results are presented of using thla method to determine the
amount of a reacted iron oxide in a reaction causing the formation of magnesium
ferrite. Spectrophotometr1cal determinations were carried out with Fe
0 0 2() + Mgo
mixtures, roasted At 1 000 C for 30, 45, 60 min and at 1,100 C for 3o, 45, 6o,
240, 480 min. One part of the magnesium ferrite samplea was subjected to chemical
Card 112
--, 1- , .: I
Energy of formation of the peroxide ion. Dokl. AN BS-SR 7 nr.3:
174-177 Mr 163. (AURA 16:6)
1. Institut ob!3hchey i neorganicheskcy khimli AN BSSR.
(Peroxides) (Thermochemistry)
FAVLYUCHENKO bi.M. akademik; DUMI.K, K.V.
I- - - I
Intensity of spectral lines of trace elementa in a si-IicaT-e
systexk as dependent on its equilibrium diagram. Dokl. AN SSSR
149 no.5:1088-1090 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN Belorupskoy SSR.
2. Pli Belorusskoy SoR (for Pavlyuchenko).
(Silicates) (Spectrum analysis) (Phase rule and equilibrium;
Selective grinding of potassium ores by & therval mstfiW.
DAL AN SSSR 150 no.32616-618 Yf 163. (MIRA 1616)
1. Institut obahchey i nearganicheokoy khimij AN BSSR.
2. AN BSSR (for Pavlyuchenko).
(Potassium ores)
A UKSANDROV I CP , Yh.f.j . F. F. fll,'A2 he i kit, F.F. J; , M.'-
1 1.
f I-aul iucheTJ:a , M . 11-1 . I
r -ertaln reat-,ents. (-.n the p--orlertJes of heavy s~zjensic'ns.
I 'fect ~- -
Vestsi -'~N Ser. nav. nc,.2-.rlF-65 '14.
( ":' i, 1 F . ' )l
r.:,-S C L Cne:ll CC
of clav BE
RUBINCHIK, Ya.S.; l'A*i-,,YJ_-.HEllf:O, M.M.; SYBULI~U, ',.A.; LEYMINA, -1.11.
Kinetics of formation of zagnen-,',im . -.=. r~7.~
iron oxides. Dokl. AN FZSii 8 no.R,:t)5.,.-o56 0 It-
k--imii AN M~R.
1. lnstiLut c)bsh,,he:,- i neorp .. N
n o If partic I es Ln the
~im 7-0!, by t,, -~ivl vi Lion. Dok 1. AIN MER
n, c
pAvi. ~`, ~'Ai I "'.' ~., ~-' .: - ; , I "~' T I;, ~ , '~ it.; 1'1~' i . Y'. A.
Ther:ral I* - -f 'svn'-'.~ *.i- :7-L:.'!'I:-.F."':"' '.
i-k' - A' L~. ..:. ~ OT~-)82 Je I I ~
j. I
t--). lov,
i . ; iL3t i ti,L ~, : rw() V F I L I ~ . ' .* "Koy "I
~ Av"'IYUCIlik."NE", ; M. ~ I . j. i ly , I.,,.
i - ! Cs of vapr r f: ndl-I )7i cf Ful rir f r= e-u-I sc-a--es . r~o-l , ~.,.
,,,~ , i~ t tic . " ~ 446 44~; J: ? 65. ~ '-! -1 In A i P i -. ~
0 ie, * 1 ~,-, ~!: .- ~: ~ .,,- crigi-dar 4, un' vere i t-a t irpen! V, -. Len.' nq .
Effect of the pH cf titp mp-diuQ rr the adacrption c-f
elcetate on pctassium and s,~djam 0jj-or!20.!! artd rickl. AN
BSSR 9 nc,gv520--522 Ag 165o m," 1812C )
1. Iriatitut. -,bshchey i neorganioh-skey khin-Ai AN B5,SR,
TJP(c)'-~ JD/JW
46,723 1,~,Yl
546.654-31-546.641-31-5 .3_ I
MMOR: Rubinchik,, Ya. S. -Pimlinchenko, M. M.; Toy I..A.; ~pytsina. V,G.~
TITLE i Reactions of.lanthartum oxide and yttrium,oxide with f erric oxide
SOURCE; Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 10,. no, 7, 1965, 1663-1667
iron oxide, garnet, perovBkite
-C-TAGS-r-lanthanum oxide, yttrium oxide
ABSTRACT: The course of the-reaction was followed by means of chemical, x-ray,
magnetic, and spectrophotbmetric analyses,'and certain factors affecting the
-5) vas
reacti.on.rate were determined. ' The oxide, mixture Y203:Fe203 (1:1 and 3.
reacted at 9OO_i4OOC.- YFeO and Y3Fe5012 were identified as the products by
x-ra'y diffrac~tion, At 12;R.' the oxides convert completely into the final
product, a garnet, which is responsible for the ferromagnetic prope:rties ob- i;
served.- Formation of garnet proceeds via the formation of a perovskite, -wilich
begins to react with excess Pe20 at 110DC to give garnet. The reaction is very
fast during,the first 10 min. Pne apparent activation energy was calculated to
-be-20 kcal/mole for iheinitial period; this relatively low value indicates that
L 61816-65
surface diffusion-t not volume-diffusion, of the ions-through-the layer of the
product plays a major part. The reaction betueen La203 and Fe203 u'8 studied
at 700-1400C. For a 1:1,ratio of the oxides, the compound LaFcO3 in formed
already at 700C. 'The presence of -this perovskite phase was sho-,m by an un-
usually strong reflection with Q - 67 24', corresponding to an interplanar
.0stance of 1,049 A. 'The reaction is complete at 1300C. As in the preceding
case, the reaction is fast at first, then slows down. The activation energy
for the.initial period is 32.8 kcal/mole, Orig. art. has: 4 f Lguri_sa_n-d__5__
ASSOCIATION: Institut ohahchey i neorganicheikoy khimii Akademil nauk BSSR
of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, B~~~
.02J 4~---- ENCL, -00-- SUB CUM IC
NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER.- 009
~ V~- ~ E-, -1.. 1.
k'AV LTJ IL HE,2, 0 1 . I _., ~ . -1
1. , w:.r to tne rem--:As lb-v
T.'ic-rbbr. Fiz. met. i metallved. 2~7; 0 165.
- (MIRA 18xii)
J . Bea orues'~.-`y uxaversi tet imeni V. 1.Leri na.
FAVLYUCHFTKO,.M.,14., red.; PRODAN, Ye.A., red.
LHe"rogeneous chemical reactions Oeterogennye khi=lc.,,a-
skie reaktsil. Minsk, Nauka, i teklmike, 1965. 200 p.
(MIRA 18g!.1)
L 38706-66 EW.,,(m)/T/wP(t)/hTi IJP(c) JD/WW/jG/JWD/GD
ACC NR: AT6016860 (4) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0080/0085
AUTHOR: Pavlyuchenko, M. M.j Popova, T. 1.
ORG: none
TITLE: Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of lithium peroxide
SOURCE: Geterog,!nnyye khimicheskiye reaktsii (Heterogenous chemical reactions).
Minsk, Nauka i Tekhnika, 1965, 80-85
TOPIC TAGS: lithium compound, reaction rate, heat of decomposition, thermochemis-
try, activation energy
ABSTRACT: The kinetics of decomposition of Li in the 2800-3200C range and at
1-10-5-0.9 mm Hg of oxygen pressure. was studied. The Li202 samples were prepared by
pouring a solution of LiOH in 65%-H202 into ethyl alcohol at OIC. The vacuum-dried
product (for 5 hours at 800-1000C) was found to contain 34.87% peroxide oxygen. The
accuracy of decomposition temperature measurement was 111C. The decomposition
curves for TA202 in the 2800-3201C range are graphed. The activation energy of
U202 decomposition was found to be 55.9 kcal/mole and the temperature coefficient
Card 1/2
L 38706-66
ACC NR: AT6016860
of this decomposition was found to be 2.35. The Li203 decomposition occurs in the
kinetic range and its rate is constant in 2600-3000C and is increasing in 3000-3200C
range. It is postulated that during U20, decomposition two processes, decomposi-
tion of Oj- ions and formation of metal oxide, take lace simultaneously. The loss
of energy due to decomposition of the peroxide ion 0P is compensated by reduction
-in distance between 02- ion and Li* ions in the product U20, Orig. art. has: 2
'figures and 2 tables.
SUB ODDE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 040ct65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH IREF: 014
Card 2/21~1")
L 38707-66 kYT(m)/T/wP(t)/ETI LJF(c) JD/WW/JG/JVID/GD
ACC NR: AT6016861 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0086/0092
AUTHOR: Pavlvuchenko. M. M.; Glazkova, N. 1.
ORG: none
TITLE: Zinc carbonate decomposition in vacuo and in melts of alkali metal nitrates
1, 2 217
SOURCE: Geterogennyye khimicheskiye reaktsii (Heterogenous chemical reactions).
Minsk, Nauka i Tekhnika, 1965, 86-92
TOPIC TAGS: nonferrous metal, zinc compound, reaction rate, thermochemistry, heat
of decomposition, carbonate, activation energy , aw-al I
ABSTRACT: The kinetics of thermal decomposition of ZnCO3 was studied in vacuo and
in a 58% KN03+42% LiN03 melt in the 2500-2800C range. The object of the work was
to verify the pertinent information in the literature. It was found that ZnCO3
decomposition is a self-accelerating reaction and that its rate increases with in-
creasing temperature. It was also found that at 2800C and at 2500C, the ZnC03
decomposition in the KNO+LiNO3 melt and in vacuo was 129 and 178 times greater~
respectively than in vacuo in the absence of the melt. The dependence of the
Card 1/2
L 38707-66
ACC NR: AT6016861
~specific surface area of ZnC03+ZnO mixtures upon the degree of ZnC03 decomposition
(a) in vacuo is graphed. During thermal decomposition, the specific surface area
.of ZnO formed is independent of C02 pressure accompanying ZnC03 decomposition. The
degree and rate of ZnC03 decomposition as functions of time are graphed for 2500-
,2800C and 0-120 min decomposition duration and in the presence and absence of the
nitrate melt. Graphs are also given for the temperature dependence of the rate of
ZnC03 decomposition in the presence and absence of the melt. The activation energy
of ZnC03 decomposition in the nitrate melt//and in the absence of the nitrate melt
;was found to be 34.31 kcal/mole--and37.99 kcal/mole, respectively. orig. art. has:
,5 figures and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 040ct65/ ORIG FTF: 005/ OTH REF: 006
Urd 212.'AprW
~Ii~urRs of thermal decomposition on mercur7 oxide crystals.
Dokl. AN BSSR 9 no.91585--987 -S 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Belorusskiy gosudarstveiinyy uriveraitet i-meni Lenina.
Submitted April 8, 1965.
Study of the supply of elements from a mixture of oxides by
meens of reabsorption. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no. !lill74-ll-,9
165 (MIRA 191l)
1. 1n3tAtut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khizdi AV BSSR, Minsk.
Submitted April 27, 1964.
Self-diffusion of copper in Cu2S. Dokl. AN BSSR 9 no. 4:
235-237 Ap 165 NTRA 19-1)
1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvenny-y universitet imeni Lenina.
Submitted January 30, 1965.
PAVLY(TCHENKO, 91khail Mikhaylovichi -POTAPOVICH, A. K.; 011EVICH, M. P.
OKinstics and mechanism of the th-irmal dithionate decomposition
and formation of free radicala.*
Report to be submitted for the 5th Intle SYmposium on the Reactivity
of solids (IUPAC).. Munich, West Germar4r, 24 Aug 1966
Inst of Gen & Inorganic Chemistry, AS BSSR, Minsk.
OCryetallization reactions in the thermal decomposition of solid materiala.01
Report to be subaitted for the 5th Intle Symposium on the Reactivity of
SoUds (IUPAC),, Munich, West GerwA&zW,, 2-8 Aug 1966
Inst for Genere-I & L-iorganic Chemistry, AS BSSR, Minsk.
Certain prohleme Involved -'r, ~ne *.rsatmneant oll potassium salts
of Starobin depoeits. Knim. prom. no.10:765-770 0 '63.
(MIRA 17t6)
ACCESSION NR: AP4QnW S/0230/U/Mg/00 3/0157/M60
AUMORS i Paylyuchenko, if. M.;. KozogrAj, 1. F.
TITIS i A study of stilfur dtffusion into cartsin high wItIM wtals
SOURM AN BSSR. Doklacbr*,, ve 4~mo. 3j,-2964, 15?-160
4;0PIC TAGS 3 sulfur, grain boundary difffusion,, volwn diffusion,, diffusion
coefficient, sulfur solubility, autoradiograph, sulfur 35., radiamtric awlysim
ABSTRACTs The diffusion of sulfur into high-melting notals was studied. Sulfur.
'S35 %me coated on the test netal', either in a thin layer that astablishod' an
Imteady diffusion source, or in a relatively thick layer (-3 microns) for a
constant source. After'heating at 70D-3-250C a laymre-~Imysr radiazmtric analysis
of the sample was conducted. In cobalt (99.99% pure) the diffUsion at ?0D-9ODD
was almost exclusively along grain boundariesp but abor" IODW "Iwo diffusion'
also occurred. At 2150-12500 sulfur distribution, from a thin layer mm - m1fox
through the smaTleo uLU* from. the thick layer it van concontnted aloag bowWarlss
at cwAalu places. The sulfur'concentration (1) we studied an a -fumotim of the
diffusion depth (x) a For both -steady and unateady diffusion sewoss on oebelt
I m r .(z2). is jimai, sad Its slope deterimined the vdaw
a plot of log
COM 34
apparent above 1000C and in tumgaten at 11OD-1200C. whero volmm diffuelon
amr4ani" boundary diftuislon, The solubility of sulfur in several seatals is
in the rar4go 0.01-0.04%. WS, art, hikes 2 flo*ea *rA I table,
ASSOCUTIONs Institut obahchey I neorganichoskay kbIall., Velwmakly
goaudarstwenry*y universitat imeni V. 1. Lenitio (Imutu" at Gwm%l abd
Lw;wdo Cheialat270, Balcmalan State UxAvermIty)
.SUB coms ma -NO MW SOV a 007 OM
CO'd 3/3
Intensity of the spectral linos of trace elements the state
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1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimli AN B-SSR, Minsk.
PAVLYUCHEIIKO M M. [Pauliuchanka, M.M.]; SHELKANOVTSEVA, N.A. (Shalkanoutsava,
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Kinetics and mechanism of the carbon reduction of cadmium oxide. Vestsi
AN BSSR. Ser. Fiz.-takh. nnv. no.2%42-47 163. (MIRA 17-1)
Energy of elementary events of formation of the peroxide ion.
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1. Institut obshchey i neorganichaskoy khimii AN BSSR.