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PUT,DVA, -,. '!., -. II. 'a-, I - -; " :1 i--n-2ysis 3~ i-~ i_.-, t~-- -lE - ra-- 1'c part s u br. i ', t(:, d n t, t e - ; " t',, , r I d( I-r lt,ui, - iwrers, Y - t- c uune !~,9, icw :Ork. AM4pvna; DRIATSKAYA, Zoya Vasillyevna; BARANOTA, Z.N.; -pAyL "v_c*r&tjM N xMCHITAN, 21*bMOVA, N.N.- ZAVIMTWRAU. S.V.; RAGINA, G.M.. vedushchly red.; YASHCHUMIRSEAU, A.B., tekhn. red. Coils of eastern areas of the U.S.S.R.] Neftl vostoohnykh mionov SSSR; spravochnala kniga. Pod red. S.N. Pavlovoi I Z.V. Driatekoi. Isningrad, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. I gorno-toplivnol lit- ry, Isningr. otd-nie, 1958. 506 p. (MIRA IDIO) (petroleum) 18(6) AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, V. :).. Academician, Loakutov, A. 1. , 11nv1OvF', S. TlTLEt The Problem of the Cold Hardeninv of --letal 13 Yhen Cut n., Wi th a Lubricant (K vorrosu o nnklepe metnilov nri re7anii so 3mazkoy) I PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, pp 272-2'4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First, a short report is given on some earlier pnpers lf~ni,.np with this subject. The pre3ent ppper seeks a f-nnl soluliDn of this problem. k*s described by a previous paper by N. A. Pleteneva et al. (4ef ?), ccld hardeninF was investi- gated by measurin,7 microhardness on the plane bottom of th~ cavities drilled ou', hy monns of a snecial drill from R 19 steel and by using various lubricants. investigations were carried out in brass, copper, aluminum, 7inc, and cadmium with solutions of stearic acid in paraffin oil and of sodium olente in distilled wnter, th,:? drill performina 450 revolutions per minute. In the case of brass, copper, and aluminum, also solutions of oleic acid ani stearic acid in purified mineral Card 1/3 oil ani toluene were usei. in the latter case the drill The Problem of the Cold !!ardening of 'Aetals ."'hen Cutting With a Lubricant performed 9 revolutions ner minute_ Vicrohardriess was mensurel by means of the device PMT-". The results obtainel by th- experiments a7p 7iven bv 4 :ables Table 1 contnins th- mic-c- hardness values ef surfaces after dr-Iling in solutions cf stearic ac,d in para"fin ri: wi*h a velocity of .150 revolitons per minute. Each vhl,ie Fiver , n this table is an averap- vqlue obtained from 20 to 10 mertsure,nents. In 'he case of brass, copper, and aluminum a verN weak tendenc -v towards an incr-aFe of microhardness with increasing concentration of the stenr,c acid is ob3ervei. In the case cf -arilling in solutions f sodium oleate in distil '-e-- water-, the infll:ence exercise. b 'y surface-Fictive substances upor the s,rengthening of metqls was even less. In th-.s cnse, a ~ weak tendency towards a (Iecrnase of microhardness was found in aluminum. In the aforerlent:onod cases the presence of surface-active substances in the lubri- cant has thus practically no influence upon the strPnvthPnin,7 of motpla 31milar resultn were obtained also when drillinr wns carried out with a greed of 8 revolutions per -ninutc.. In the case of the dr,111iniz of brn,9,3, copper, Fini in Card 213 solutions o' cloic Rcii nn! stear,.c ricA in purified minera', The Problem of the C014. "nrdenin-~ Df ','etar -'.'hen ~;C V,"2- - Cutting With n bu r) ri can t oil, the strength of the bottom of the cnviti-s wns the snm- in all concentreticns. However, when the sRme mate-ipls were drilled with solutions of cleic acid and steqric ic-A i-. toluene, a weak tendency towards Fin increase of mi--~,hQrdnosc: with an increase of the content of surf%ice-a(-tivP subgtqnre, was observed in a non-active solvent. Only in the -a~zp of drilling aluminum with the use of solutions of sodium olqRt- in distil'.ed water, wag a dec,~ase of strength observe!, ~,it to an extent of not mo.-e th%4n 7 'he result.3 obtfiine~ hy tnr- experiments discussed in this paper agree well with th- cc)n- clusions drawn by S. Ya. Veyler (Ref 10). There are .1 tRb'e3 and 10 references, 9 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 17, 1958 Card 3/3 sMOCE: kh~lmi'.Va i.-tokhnologlya toPlivimasel, no. 7, 1964, 12. 18 TOPIC'..TAGS* petroleum, sulfur, petroleum refinery product, hydrocarbon ABSTRAM The article presents a complete characterization of Markovakiy crude,-e light-brown, free-flowing liquid, possessing a sharp unpleaff"at 646 r,' due to it acontent of.oulfur compounds, chiefly-merceptana (0.89% "Ifur). A complete physico-chemiegi characterization of the crude is the:-contents of aromatic, naphthenic, and aliphatic hydrocarbons Aix t" -varioui--temperature fractions are suismarized. The aultur content of kiyicr Markovs We is-compared with crudes of other-deposits. boiling points andper'cent. yields are summarized for seven normal paratins, 16 isoparaffins, seven asohthenic hydrocarbons (five-membered), threo naphthenic hydrocarbons (abr-we"abered), and four aromatic hydrocarbons. The diesel fractions, mazut) Crrd ~),~2 KUZNMSOV. V.t.. akadeniir; LOSKUTOV, Hardening of metals In-cutting vItb lubrication. Dokl.AN SSSR 12-- no.2:27P-274 N '58. (KIRA 11:12) (Natiili~lardening) SKOBIO. A.I.: PAVIA)VA. S.N.; DRIATSKAYA, Z.V. Use of adsorption refining for the production of high-quality transformer oil from Imba crudes. Ms. i tekh. topl. i =eel no.9t2l-24 S 157. (NLRA lotil) 1. Voesovuznyy nauchno-Iseledovatel'skiy institut po parerabotke nefti i gaza I poluchenlyu iskusetvannago shidkogo topliva. (Kazakhstan-Petroleum--Refining) (Insulatirc oil$) PAVLOVA, S. N. USSR 017: Characteristics of the Syzrar Crude Oil Deposit ON: Characteristics of the Novostepanovskiy Crude Oil Deposit SOURCE: M: Sovetskiye Nefti, Moscow-L3ningrad, 1947 Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", on file in Idbrary of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 064044-064043 PAVLOVA, S. E. USSR On Characteristics of The Crude Oil of The Syzran' Deposit Source: 11: Sovetskiye Ilefti, loscow Leningrad, 1947 y of Congress, Air Inforriat4on Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Icland", on file in Lj:orar- Division, Report No. 67636. PAVIk IIA, S. F. (Go-author) USSR M- Sovetskiye Nefti. (Soviet Oils) Moscow-Leningrad, 2947) SOURCE: Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", on file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 78223, 22A,225, 226, 227, 228 PAVLOVA, S.N.; DRIATSKAYA, Z.V.; RkRANOVA, Z.N.; ZAVERSHIW>KAYA, S.V- First industrial petroleum in Siberia. Khim.i tekh.topl.1 masel 6 no.9:8-14 3 161. (MMA 14: 10) 1. Vvesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i poluchenlyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Siberia, Western-Petroleum-Analysis) i4, VP .11 PAVLOVA, S. N. USSR On: Characteristics of the Chiblyu crude oil deposit On: Characteristics of the Stavropoltakiv deposit On: Characteristics of the Chiblyu and Sedliol crude oils SOURCEs Sovetakive Neft13 Moscow-Leningrad; 1947 Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island" file'in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 68236-68240 FAVWVAg S.N,,- DRIATSKAYA, Z.11.; MCHIYAN, M.A. Crude oilm of the Mang3rahlak Peninsula. Khim. i takh. to I i massl 8 n0.6:1-7 Je 163. (MIRA l6t6~ 0 1. Vaeaoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut po perera- botke nefti i gazov i poluchentyu iskusetvannogo zhidkogo topliva. (Mangyahlak Penintrala-Petroleum--Analyi3ta) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6443 j!_~yj.ov '_ a., Serafima Nikolayevna, Zoya Vasil'yevna Driatskaya, Mariya Artemovne Mkhchiyan, Zoya Nikolayevna Baranova, Nataliya Dlikhaylovna Zhmykhovajand Sof'ya Viktorovna Zavershinskaya Nef:i vostochnykh rayonov SSSR; spravochnaya kniga (Oilq of the Eastern Regions of the U,S,S,R,; a Handbook) Moscow, Gostoptekhiz- dat, 1962, 607 p., Errata slip inserted, 2660 copies printed. Eds, (Title page): S,N. Pavlova and Z,V, Driatskaya; Executive Ed.: K-F, Kleymenova; Tech- Ed,: A.,S, Polosina, PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for personnel of the petroleum- industry engaged in planning, designing, geological exploration, production, refining, and scientific research, It can also be used by teachers and students specializing in petrochemistry. COVERAGE: This handbook complements the edition of 1958~ It contains petroleum-research data for the period 1957-1961. The text des- cribes crudes taken from new petroleum deposits in areas from the Card 1/#' Oils of the Eastern Regions (Cont.) SOV/6443 Volga region to Sakhalin. The following characteristics are given: physicochemical properties, elementary composition, fractional content from i.b.p. to 5000C, properties of commercial petroleum products or of their components. ash composition, and the hydro- carbon composition of dissolved gas,, Fractionation curves, characteristics of individual fractions, and evaporation data are also given for most of the crudes, There are 16 references: 15 Soviet and I non-Soviet, TABLE OF CONTENTS [Abridged]. Introduction 15 Ch, 1. Crudes of the Perm'Oblast 21 Ch, 11. Crudes of the Udmurt ASSR 135 Ch. III, Crudes of the Bashkir ASSR 149 Card 2/~ PAVLOVA, S. N. USSR M: Sovetskiye Nefti (Soviet Oils) Co-Author Moscow-Leningrad-1947 SOURCE: Abstracted in USAF "Trensure Island", on fild in Idbrary of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 074671x 42-41 PAVIDVA, S. 11. USSR 111: Sovetskiye Nefti (Soviet O`ls) SOURCE: Moscow & Leningrad (1947) Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", on file in Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 074120, 074122, 074151 PAVLOVA, S. N. USSR M: Sovetskiye Nefti (Soviet Oils) Co-Author Moscow-Leningred-1947 SOURCE: Abstrac*.ed in USAY "Treasure Island"P on file in Library of ConCress, Air Information Division, Report No. 07AP31 PAVLCVA,S. N. USSR Sovet skiye Nefti (Soviet Oils) Go-Author Moscow Leningrad 190 SOUIRCE* Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Islandfl, on file in lAbrary of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 074324, 326, 328, 337, 3Y", 339, 340, 3141, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361. PAVIDVA, S. N. USSR Sovetskiye Nefti (Soviet Oils) (14oBeow-laningrad-1947 SOURCE: Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Islandn, on file in Library of Congress, Air Informetion Division, Report No. 78203, 78211, 78212, 7P19L 21(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION soy/iOl Favl6ft,, SN.,o Z.V. Driatakaya, Z.N. Baranova,, M.A. Mkhchiyan,, N-.N-.-Zhmykhova,, and S.V. Zavershinakaya. Nefti vostuchnykh rayonov SSSR; spravochnaya kniga (Oils of Eastern Regions of the USSR; a Handbook) Leningrad, GostoptekhIzdat, 1958. 506 P. 10000 coplen printed, Sponsoring Agencies: USSR Gosudaretvennyy planovy komitst, Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Inatitut po pererabotke neftl I gaza i polucheniyu iskusetvennogo zhidkogo topliva. Ede.: Favlova., S.N.* and Z.V. Driatskaya; Executive Ed.t:Ragina, 2 GqM&; Tech* Ed.: Yashchurzhinakaya, A.B. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for petroleum production personnel, "finerat scientific research organizations,as well as students Card 1/22 DA4LV~S.,N~-- BARANUVAq Z.H. Crudes of the new oil fields of the Peru Province. Khim.i telh. topl. i masel 7 no.3-1:32-36 N 162. (MIM 15.12) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatellskiy inatitut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i pDlucheniyu iokusstvannogo zhidkogo topliva. (Fem Province.--Petrole"-Analysis) PAVLOVA, S. N. US311 M: Sovetskiye Nefti (Soviet Oils) Moscow-Leningrad 1947 SOURCE: Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", on file in Library of Congres~, Air Information Division, Report No. 0'75961.60 MKHCFiIYAN, M.A., BARANOVA, Z.N.; DRIATSKAYA, Z.V., FAVILVA, S,N. Pe-.roif~um!~ of Sfberla. nilm. i tekh. topl. I marse-I 9 !-6 D lb~/. (M-TA lgi2~ 1. Vaesoyunvy natichno-iseledovatellskly Institut po pcrcrabotko~ neft" I ga,,,a i polucheniyu lskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva, ~A r" .9 P?VTOV) VETTFOVIVTT, rind PVI,O'lZ, ".'*. 7elt' IIISP. '!ns!~v,-, Gostop-tek!-ii:,z]-t- :9i~~. 14" T). SO: TIC, Soviet Georrrnp,,.v, Pnrt T, ""'I, 7"ncl. FAVLDVA, S. N. I VELIK,)VSI:11, A. S. AIM S. N. PAVL)~'A. I !1- 7 r, . N efti 33SR. Moskva, 2~L,5- fific DDC: 1, ' - . ~ . ' '.~ I'L SO: LC, Soviet geography, ?art 1, 19~1, Uncl. 7AW ~-- - ~ ~~.Wv dw iff v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Na i 1, a I a is a u bs it a ft 11 a a a v a JP a 8) 0 4) a a #A 1111-litfA--b-4 10 ?11-0 so %*"Olvaa of IM Poltoft as& on Iran 0 _#U aft, A. S. Velikoesail &ad S. N. 3 (up"l 'W6" soad laysr), 169. 14T- .-N, won so. I N. r. 1. CfP4 P. gr.. of 0.10M. F" vlar"alty -00 so Vaposlis 19M, 131-2.-A revir st F" VINCA 2 14 -:)v. rain "sim, 32%, see Wdaftereft so (DMWW cez; jftN=g). 8 (bombi O.W (M. M1 fivid Of-) 13347~_Jj& an bos sp. V. 0.818-6JOI. Abd- "ilybel 0-M (In a Go 6 ti Day to lbol 1I&A POW 17% from t t Iowa grab wk. 1N& *so - _W Eft v c 'h'W=Vi;~dtTo1 01-0.M. Abel =y I.W2.25 (lbe on Td. SJII08 -l'"Ary so* oleo 16-M.7. ovbOlents 0.31 ODA point to-Ir Pour pant I."S*, 16 visrevity use o.1"38. pwaft (Holdr) 02".45m (to. 0.47-OAS. 3 (in % .90b) and i6~1fl)"k &rWb 0-4-026, twaffin (a too 00 a 4 ww"m% (ro Sok). 1m OA%. Tbrw a& we bw in PUSUM. D1310- ~O(lm)llhrzk adds 0.014. Pauline 14.942-0. kmaror and '4b, so oil 2.W2A4 and uh O-M A M. dlyta. 7irlded Cablive 17.8, knaffne In, li .''y P, 'it 3.9, Ibeks'l 11 ps M (270 1 4, and rjS-vU cuts 27.7 MA brovy ;a 32-16m. The pu. of The gb-H tractions Coo ,f His 8 1 1. 0', Mix bottoms 23.8%. The gas*ws art *&*at In fractWils . 1 .11 ; 1 1, " don to that cl ApOm erade dis, bcibnj below lOD* wA we poor in wornatic compfis. go* smothat is a good nNAW 1W. Tbr IubrkStbS-Q trac- tkw bove acad op. #7.-P* ty folks bad 94113 points The kerownes have a good c4ar fafter tfntmmt wW a low go* pow parru. The bottoms an wt sultable d. Tbt stripped c"Ar oil is 4"JIM to tbal from Groazy well sa law I for the p c# nad &WWI. TbrW M16t cils we b4h Mlxr~j - crude oil. Results of the investiptloo we see viii'l It= TIw d"Oh of suavors we taw- No* a! Its* AS& IL& ORTALLOOSK&L U71161001 CL61SIFKATMX ___ Dom WWAY :NPOW C., 81&&1, C01 0- at, IF a 14 0 x a It .1 a 0 1X6 1010 0 s, Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 : - 3 A A -.g.- A a to u 11 to It 16 U of to p 21 a a a S& V a a 01 to It IL a I I Is V A As a a V a OR .1 a) 43 a 0 V it a is it -1 It A I I- OOA missilmr-Kudisk "V66 44 k9malsm) A. S. S-N14PWVkPft.- 0. N. 1'. 1. Cow. -IV xSe I muss CFA,& Oils, pue"Isas *NJ C v 0 m,. - aude uil P.Sis. 19". lu-S4.-Ttis; higho in "us, &VItaltess". S and pwaffiu than the j usual Esule twils. Thk lah. distrs Yielded 96"ine (Lip to So a -11 : .NW) kosomor (;AN) ,At*) 13.7%, gal oil 123- 00 S distillates 36% asrul Ism- tiotluslis n3a passolira Irwi" In delowsmilsoft P14*21j" is Autesuirdiate balsam tbm 4A baku Still of ('614"Y' altbutigh it is deficicat in bactions b. bekm ItW. The slasmilisur wid the krnDwm frwtWw we coniratively i h its S and Issw in wassialk c - pdj - and like its amid. hi 0 g ~Mpds. (up to 50%). The lubrirating-oil frectma have i 0 nt. a smi vimially-stsup. indets but have a high P" p0 : Ltiottimis Yielded 4m blowitig with stif obuut rbe bemv ht f i i i l d l 0 s o ss rt y. ia m quis asp 27% tun cnuk oil) d a roa t 10** rbe results oUirsts asr tabulated. A. A. Bmbtbnsk 3a. 0 a I As at 9 a a V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of off 431111 off 04V All v A; 08 t j test is fillitou toa it of is 31 X A So a is to oo ii OF *a ~il 0 A 1 09 j 'A so 'a' Pi ~Zjgrg a f.'A **A oil 0-0 1'* "&too loop A" 41. "Ptiiq 1-00 A.0 0000#01,01 Dro 0 joisdoW uwW oil. A. S. VAX-- - Gwvoo,4W T 1 0 N -00 . . . . . ft.mmm a" Gain from " cw 6 v . j' ivo !6t~* R-101-77he Tand"ill "= blo;~J40 19" v 00 OX '0 ' , autit, W has 6. ONAM. E. v6MvkY 111oli. H" PMV 00 4 paisit below -18% excise resins 15-5. whaltelow owe, idit 51% S 023% (% SW 0 74 ( ~99 Do a rA. . w . T, 1waffiso Y % trukum wku 0.422 MA Kw IBM 145. 109 00 1 iulincootirt(Al distillates 41-0 awl bottoms 25.9%. f l i icrusew tact ons ija"Ast suctions were abomt. The 00 we hio in S and have live doctor tea even after W . This crude oil rk&b lubri- tirsit-t with 0.5% =00 ,ating oils of lost op. v. "ll good temptrature-viveraitY 1;* 0 index tbat ca pare favorawy witio the Baku export fulorscvlog oils, A. A. Doebtlingh C 0 0 00 v soeo 00 a 'i: 41,41140 Off 'too coo '.1 too: T"LWftZ&%. LITINATUtl CLASWICAT" be IN" sirssiv. .80. ire 0 914900 -to Co.- off lasuplisoll 611111 am Qw All A as 0 0 MLM~,Ia - - - - . 0 - - ' A is a so on ; a Fe -0 go* Of f we :100 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OP 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 4 fk A '1 I foop ppolos tot all. ~*.qftj 61-115 0 I am "a.. 00 got le" 4. uxub, I AD, cxdn resint 1.2%. raw pe"t see - ;;id;d- j~ I .00 s A). S 0.19% Midity 0.016% Oa % dists. gwahzet (h. below 2LX)*) 11. (b. 2011- sugg 14.10t ~pWjroR 2DIanelittavybottom VU') SM.5 , 30.4%, The SssAx is daikkat in Inwitkap b. Wave 1()I)-, while the nattept divillatte u d a hisle standard evW bgfom Ittfinsa . b The pullue frierd- -td. #3 of coolpds. Wva~ in the cut b. below HO'. while tbf kft*- ww is kish in mpbtbeests. The heavy bmaeas bs- low ThtstrippM *a : S a MWIMY kkah anto"t C, km km- CIO& Go Yield bk f A ago 0. ta or eslila-W ftwt~ms, while the bottom aft * *I hAwicating oils tog aviattim motan. The = 00 a -oil ftwOwn have the h*bW temixtrietu- = W"Irmly imin d an SWAN't cru& olls. The hwvy IXAWO% wkkb cimtitutt 12% of thr cnt& oil. an of a coo vk" mit" tban ussleltaw lor the %F cat IM"O. cd upbaR. This 13 the VWK OV" j peouft4tow M3.& ad. 7u Micalts 01 &WYM C-WWTiWW 809 t with varimas fradiow are ubbabud. A. A. B. o o ties ties SLA SIT~&LLLOS" tt?l*414*1 CLAISSIO'KATIOP lose "low SO.&MV, woo 0 "it O-V cat 0 Ol e 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 4 40 14so to I 611013wo a 1) a 1~ V a x me a a 00 0 0 a a A a L 0 MI-1-441 ItI_Iv a 110 W, of;to, 90 00 00 00 00 00 1 as* 0 * a 0 0 0 4 000 1 a 8) v aso 8 6 v a it 661 9 OM 0 L--A- &-A -A. IL. J-1-0 's- a- -00 .00 0 SIVIIJUMA CT"m OU. A miki S. Payluva, %*OftyanvtKhxyufjtw26.No.ti.&i-P(IW4).NIN . -rht ef" oil has a hijb conteni of S. aM is cbmwtagied 0: bYan&bmo*tcvwPktr&bftnmof prtr,Aeum acids. Phys 600 441 13 mod Chtm. data afe itivm A. A. BmhUtnak .00 0w CLAWFICAMP a ir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 age A !see 00 '00 -i-istal *A Q.- it% - - - -- . . - . I . . 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 A Al 4 a 0 v # a 0 At 0 0 A 0 0 a We * 0 St a 0 0 St 0 a 0 0 9 St 6 ale 9 0 gig I a loss is 9011ul)m* m I? to n 11 AA-A-JL-L-L-L-JL-4-.L- a1, 1 j & I Cc a mp 0 11 a 4 4 4 0 0 9 9 a 0 a b) 10 13 114 Is 00 (ehumm) ask ov. A. VriiWAM -mW s, N. varima. 6. N. F. i 0 C ON *ad Cam" friam Niam-ces- :0 Lai.. DOP.2ils R6. im-N.-Salaft Q& ou bm d. 0 , SM-13 915" vikomil QM E 46 win r F . . . 49 m , y . y * 2.17-3.00, pow point (aftu pmhotating to 50 ) -20% OD W4 & 139 ffi i b - ruist no ns s ej*s L n , para %, wp (HOW) 0.1"Am% (01. 41~-W% 5 0.31-0.4A. a" * off 0.019-OM4% 10mrakm fiub point 45-N and brenkto t 1111 111111thlb fire ahl WfW &kbA W ba . " - O T P be* The ad &m the &rd 9=1 cantam . 000 Do pwaft, arbile that Irm the 4th mand cmtatw 0.4, mood tbal how The 7th and ft nrj& cantains 1% was. t 000 W W 0 ~ Tl* a& ham the detepri mamb contain amm bXhi free. 0 tiow. 71m d6m. (bb.) of obe t7u& W From ibe 3rd * 0- 0: ldrd - Im 6 7 kesemm 16. lisbt gm oil 6.7. %wW Q 7.0, lubrkAd4-cd frwtim 39.0 and &Vbah s 10 o 2- A S 0 - I L At 92TALLM"Al. LITINAUM CL&SSWICATMIS im A A 4 A 0 A a P v a 0 0 & 1 0 0 0 a b Wa 0 a at I A a a6, A t , , . I e e s SO* ;re 0 U*o all 10 we 01 all goo AN 0 01; 1 a 0111 a a a I IF a 9 a 6 3 0 9 0 Ole 0 0 9 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 4 a Oro 0; 0; ;0; -9 0.0 0 0 0 4 # q go 00 00 ,b 00001000000004 0 00000*00 000 09 0 0,0000000000090 1; 1 it is 11 9 ; V 12 Z) 1. ZS It 77 3 21 X 11 V U M 13 It 11 M A r, -4 -J, 7 10 T -1- -A 1 86 (A VP R A astdis CUB Ma It" 0" a ORPOW. a. N. 00 I %vwwa v0 P. S. Haftnan. 0. Tr. 1. Gorse-Grol. 9 high in fractiorn b. hrkm 270' and tftvtt% special refining -00 00 -- x4WWW ladul.. Creolt MA, Bitsm"s Isad (;;Bxrj from bec-suse of the high S content. The stripped cnWW tnt -00 Most-rdwassion Pqrs4lo 1034. 171 -201,--The crutle oil i- high in op. V , trairn, tw4whaltevors, ismi S The Wiwi- 00 A rm Ow 86wou drpL*l bw a ~p, Xv. of sixtut 0,873, rdtinj4l frartkni% hove a %ollklitt-loly -00 00 A 6 y I JO-241, pow Ivint - 10' to - 14'. ratio. This tvu& oil is suitable It* pwaffin a". The - .00 -9' to brivor - 12', excive frains 32.4-37A, crok ad from the "N" sand has a op. v. of 0.91 M. so Irstes "4-)A'% Ccaradsom C 3X-4.72. S 1.38- =r- Ahrl-PrnAy Bub point 13% pour point -" OX, Lo. .100 110'. Parallist 2.76-43-47 (m. &1-4'). "s 0.01".012 - " viscosity 4.11. excitte resins 01, arkla 0.013. cam a 3.417 t A 0 04 WA 0=6-0.1t9%. T*Ao L mad oil ykWd an ~, Inaial, 1 (w-W), asphshrrors 2.9 and total SO.W dist", wrr* Obtained: Safthrip 14V. kr"Werw 0). 1NO 00 3 (lab.) $"Aher (b. up to 2111") Is. lirrovent, (3ut)- 7i MVI P1.2. fiabi gas oil 11.2. bravy go%-ad awl luitch-atins. zoo 1 13. bjbi gas oil 2.0. bravy gas oil 7.0. tubricatiol x od liactioess 37.1 and an)haltoc btutorns :17.4i"t, The 09 ad fructims34.0"bravy 6vtoms '12 '51" The crutilie ad '~ 6 gasoline has analler, Inactions It. below RX), t"a that .00 1111411 aftd 3 a k- op- v. is high in paraffin, asphaltrite wW front the -V mail cmir tul, and lx)th ts* gasohne WO -00 At has a isisli poverstap od fractl4tru, b. beirm lot)" The the lirtuarvIr hoctlIten need special trivaintent It* the saunikov bwokan are h4b in wonisik compils., Ah revattval of S. The t-apprd crok fni has high witroafty .00 00 ..bellks"M Jim fraction- aft absent. The MW pow point SAII is high in Icahn and Sapbahrnws. The 400 Paraing fractions have a positive doctus, Teactim own I spirxile. machim wW light cylindre-oil fisciiam have go t &Fire treatment Joilb )USM. The irsoorm dillinate is contpanstivtly low op. tr.. a e-d viscusity-dash ratio 400 00 wW a high pow point. Tbe heavy bottonts, can be used 00 00 for the Manut. of road asphalt. A. A. lkwhibugh ORTALLVIGNLAL 0111101,01 CLASWICATION It 00 It - - -- I T - - , -", lie 0 r I v I, s Cs u N A. to A, tv t a 44 Is it I a P9 ft n it 1 , mi- -1 4 0 1 it -61 ti- a 3 0 n N - 1'a I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 Al 0 0 . o e ~ 0 411, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IF 0 0 0 0 0 11111 I a 1 0 ff u ism fit$ Itot "angrajob 11 vajowN mu boo JIM Nita it Ali) -0j.'.0 A 2 L ji, P Q A I I to I - 9 A - IL j AA a CL 0 U 4 is It i f 0 1 a 6 ._Go ASPWI itrom 6o Gnat ObM As"t L&k%, S. S. Nsminxim APID S. N, PAyp A- 601,14 K40 NIPP 1 ,6 K N 1931) A * ,- 0 1 4 Y X -mpk of &WWI obWml fnwjj 0"twill) CmIlamd womm W.7%, S%b 1. (Ma Krarowl ~6rrojw eArn. in t 73A U " 17 b Pen M M S p , amp aft 42.8 19.4%, 37-9%. Tbe rr.jjj, w," &dK*twd bY silica orl. I ittifffAdiste Potition twtwtvn Trinulted .00 WW the F*muda kkt &VIWL A. A, llowituxim .00 00 th 0 00 0 : IF go i0 z -.00 A** ON r '00 '00 It 11 rm- -0 -- IN .3 63 a I II a if a ?I It m w III I va 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 I a 1 0 W it Q 0 W 11 so 17 W 0 a 31 a a a A IN 101) WAINJO kV 190,110 fib) -& -A--L-.t --- L IN I a L a ft -A JIL' 1-1-if A M W.m lk I k-L-1-A-4-5 &04 ; topM - 00 00 -00 06 *0 pmpm - so ban dw Kim I 6"b) doppo". s. N trwOun constitutes lihl, a s%W "wilins stork, Tlithrevy -00 00 0. N. r. 1. Garm*-Gft4.-NrfW?smm islies.. ' 'Mm bommis make a racial road slipbalt. Cnvk oil Imm the -4e AOX-CASCOMM d 1. joitolimso god Gami f'OW Is cys parve) has d. OAW?, E. vioc V 2.1g. ;cW 00 IOU, :bW-24.-Tbr crihir mil from the tjmrrn 7 - POW bdD- -20". Abel-Pen*7 llka* POW +13' -00 00 of .41, Eavisvedlitir 1.1m, pow prant -211-. po ells"COW- mial -V o"'hal- Aba-tvamb doull v%clW rew"S 21 1 . , resim 3.- - :Ibmajm courodumica'SOAJ."nd. O Z iZ ; . . . y I % fin (H( AM N On. W)" mish OA4 WA ariglim 0.0617%. 1.411, c4mmadom C 30), 8 U."k), poroffift MOW) It cUMVISIMS asiowlimir 15.1% kmmrA 13, bobs sm c6U V. to SIAO (so. 4A% *A O.Ow. WO Wilb 0.(kw,% (as SL &3 Istavy fus olu 11.0. hAwkstinf ~Al .0 "at" 33 a 6b. dissm. Iserr WobvIrd Ita-w1ime 24.4, ktioarm 14.0. , mpboll bottom 2D.0%. This ad b blilrbw in .. : 00,41 light or. aill 7.9. brovy Was oil 4.0. hilit"tinp-Al dia- mi-vWIMS WA S Than that from The emostm pwml. 00 WhIrs 33 MA &W*Atbr boteoms 14.4%. Tbc comtral , ~ The asol,41ne mA kmvwnr hayr high" oniillmwk v&hW$ 41'm%u is I"m that im it", W halr6oos 1.41ins IF414M l(N), Tbr lubskothim"I Ifuctiomsuld the 008 cno&od; the swulino trortims, by thriv krulcking volm., IWAVY Imatump halt W"Ifni thr A&I#W Iloullort" &A th.00 002 interandiate PLmt~m tx-twtvn thow Of hallm = The hrroorm mitts op"ifievitium. The frum lbr marm patrel A A WAttliplit Are* lubrkatimlor ON have a moli'dim-1my &, fialb and vi3no%ity qq9 be) a bWb pmL mist + 2"). The widir hxbrimipg-oil 690 Foe* be* Softs" is-T 4111114)" .1. cft. 13.c bill$' an W. ill 7+1.- ~*-- 111111,11IL" It so .V-,lr 0 T -9 V I - F t Iowa noluo$Aa 369 so to a a Is a a a it a et a a it a 411 & a a 411606041600*46*06 0 0 Sol 0 ***Of* of* 000600000400000 0 * 0 4 * 0 9 * 0 0 000000000 4 Is4 1) a "Dili) A)MAJAP-119 -P 14 10 Ill a to v a IN 4' at w 4) 0 a v 1 IF I I AA 0 IX 0 R j A 0 TO, wom (sabballb) cmdo onj N raykm and ew* It" o n j U N r F G h * - . . s .. o nsul. . o PT Y cralk Oils, milamarmi emd Games from Nolo-commsism Do- 00- -00 fee a s 19M. 301-9-Nots an has d. OJOI-010M. pow = 'GO t U +6', F4o viaccomily 1,31-133, Abel-Pestsky ftmh pr4nt W-2% rx6sr rectins 4.0. asphalt bt O_X".30, 0.0102. 9 0.19-0 39 C 0 4" b3c" 1 to. SN".8p, oof ash 0.01-0.(W WA ;;;WO iiw&) (M. Al- " 01. Lob. diatc. gave gasoline ~b. up to M-60 ) 2.4. naphtha (b. 150 WC)") 20.2 lurrostme (b 20fl-701) 29.6, bm%,* 270-3001; 111 light gas oil (b all Oil 12 4 SO . . , y C . lubrimflM-vi] frwtions 3D.3 and b(Allmns 5.2%. The 0 0 sea naphtha Irsortions am blab in womtk compthl. Mo low 130411 in mpb1ber". 7be kmwft iffilmWale cm*bm with the go al cckw sptdBmtiom mW the stripped mucle oil has a low wbMwly of a relatively k b pow point. A timm. of tho, %, topped mWt W ykMa 415 of kwtkm of a Im viwWty W 1 f I 40 b i i ) F i S 0 23P n r cat ng-oi ract % o ons w0b a high PrAnt The, I brim inn-cm fructions ClIbraciffilled vall imob-polant.=ty ratio. ants anumtkaboctury E *0 w~olity'-Wtdu stavily ftxkx, as Pell as a k4b pow All J& appram that the toppled = oil is 4 gmxf cnfx^ vlvclil~ A. A. Dwhilinpir 00 z tie* a I a L - WALLI A40CAL U11RAVU111 CLASWICATIC4 t2- 000 fro* Limb ft U a A, .0 all a aw 0 a a I w a -3 a a IF a v a to Ml a a K of of tl a d w 00 3 1 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 1040 0 0 e 0 0) 0 00000000 00 0 0 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0000090 090000 01 **a 09 t 00 8 00811. 00 & S A 40 4 .0 * ; 0 AYAD "UPASIdt MMI * 4 4 0 * 4 4 * 0 0 4 6 0 V 0 13 --7"31 RUM CHUDI; OIL. MkDANA CRUDE UlL5 YRL* 'nit; Jlk~U DEPOSIT. S-its-Fulma-md P.S. Hotmn. MrSANA CHUDE olL VKH THL &ZN (3ANW) DIMIT. 3.N. Pavlora. -,hDULM CKUL)z vlL (SASUM PUCa, SAN-) 4N," WkU NO. 47). A.B. Vollhow*4 w4 ?.a. Hofmm. TUF4"IA-W -l*4D!S DILSo MMADAG amb so As Apmbwn bwbm). N- ~ -- - - - M was 10. a, I" f* god IBM). C"Wb X"=" Ifth. !!"M!tgat 'L a Vmjmmw sod & N. IPAvuma. dL & N. IPAVWVA "d P. S. ,L w*&,.]L, IP&YmwL , Ubbo amb db. & jkmw. Roftk a" 40 mmb* Tmk&" am& on. ~~WwbdL A.&VmjmDvw&%d8.N.IPAVWVA. m Mmm cnWb miL IL A. L bwww~ Mmmh~ Rmbs I d 00. 1. (O.N.T.T. G... MbL.-Ilft 1?3-OD), "--226. 10-167, 147-ibi. M-159. I k sailbs di -0~. Ali u I v 04 : gallons; 11 4 JITMI coo 0"0010000000000000001700~foi*010000000060000060wo see 90* Coo moo as* boo 00 0 0 00000*0000000000000 00 P*M&Ws sia "Evivids OWN I TJ F~! FJ 00 A 3 we 763, AMVSI8 OY MRVAMOU OY ADSOMION., 60-4 0 Velikovskii, A, Ge~ P&W N., Gat"s, aud D istska s p shot s .00 00 1 o o . r , y (Oil 300MV), 1967, (gig 30/0 zo l ILA 41 011409 39" --- . Ob" SMARV .I - - ut*" most a1v ON *"plot[ sital an wm tit A Is U . o is 0 0 1 i As ry V, -.1 a, 141. a, xf a A e 4 LT 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 OA a 0, 0 00 60.0 0w0.0 We 0 0 Wts OC o ~ * -0 0 i 'o* 'O.W4 PAVLOVA, S.N.; DRIATSYUYA, Z.V.; MKIICHIYAN, M.A. Molecular sieve method for determining the composition of methanx- hydrocarbons of a normal 3tructuro in gasoline fractions. Khim. i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.3:58-60 Mr 162. NIRA 15:2) 1. 'W'sesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu islmsqtvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Petroleun-~nalysis) ,(F*raffins) s/o65/62/000/011/002/006 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Pavlova, S.N., Baranova, Z.N. TITLE: Crudes from new deposits in the Permskaya oblast, nistrict PERIODICAL: Xhimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.11, 1962, 32-36 TEXT: The production of crude- oil in the Permskaya oblast' district should increase by more than three times due to..exploitation of several deposits. The crudes from the Ufa swell are the most suitable for refining. They contain from 0.54 to 0-87% 5, 5.2 to 9.96% asphalts and resins. 5.5 to 6.1%, wax and 115.2 to 50.8% of fractions boiling to 300*c- In the Lobanovo crudes the S content is 1.4%, wax 5.4 to 6.7%, asphalts and resins 3.25.t0 9-74%, fractions boiling to 3000C 39.2 to 41%. Chernusheno crudes have 2.2 to 2-95% S, wax 2.04 to 4.58%, asphalts and resins 12.7 to 24.1%, fractions boiling to 300*C 32.2 to 37.7%. Crudes from the region betwoen the Kuyeda and Andreyevka awalls contain 2.00 to 3.24o,*' s, 2.22 to 3-36% wax, 22.8 to 32.5% asphalts and resins and 23.5 to 30% of fractions boiling to 300*C. Benzene distillates of all the crudes have octane numbers not exceeding 45, paraffinic Card 1/2 Veji~,Ovskiy, i.n ~~'fu us)"~. I,,- ii'ilv. Is i i R: T, PAVLOVA, S. N. trz SE N: Sovetskiye Nefti (Soviet oils) (Moscow-Leningrad 1947) Soviet Source: Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island". on file in Library of Congress, Air InformAti-in Division, Report No. 77547, 77549, 77565-66-67 lls -7vctski -tr PAVLOVA, S. N. USSR Co-Author on Determination of Acidity and of Naphthenic Acids in Crude Oils and in their Productr in the USSR and Co-Author on Flash Point Determination of Cru,de Oils in the USSR Soviet Source: N: Nefti SSSR, 1945, MOSCOW* Leningrad Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island". on file in Library of Confress Air Information Division, Report No. 87019, 87020. Unclassified. - M , v x l A L A S I 00 #A ~ I a No '00 P& 00 law"ftaub" &A kkkabs paul4okko .1 N -00 "Ud S. IME*zn. %Ifflwzw Khm. It, Ne. 9, 4$--" , -Thh pttrokum has chimir & iadms6w 411WAS. ) X d., "livt[V low SWRIPling Point. & higil Psmffu3 t *"d fmAt-ralp tesin kfwt 8 ~Mlrmtm In AlMn m." '90 4.fle"'W. It conywhl lieftworfl. liarlmsomifiv 1131111, 0 1~1 Mlv '*Owl Cog & .00 Z; go, 60* .60 we* 00 0 00 A pi a., 'o man 11 (4 #A I % a td 0 ol 00 go 00 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 01, 0 9 r 0 0' 0 a If a u M 0 1o 1) Is " a F a a Ilk a of O"On"b" 0 0 0 A 9 A V 2 M ML A . I ._ b A_ h NMI- OOA 4" #T- Olom OPOPNOT-Is 00 j 00 wbft wb trM eitie-cawmwa d"fielft. A. S. Veli- harAil and 5, N, pa 0 N. T. 1, GOWN&.&W.- Npy"em OM ig;;~rms and Gawl from No*-Cawasion Npoj*s 111M, 4,45.-Tbe $&"!*- -00 00 -'0o Got 00 a Pbths ft.,k~w were obtained finm tbe to5mrins crude cnl%,. Ntwt*xif;&IinAaya (Fmba diwrict) St. Nelle- das (Tlurkrnm diwtM) 42.45. Okha Oakhabo) I 1W 12111 000, of .01 -, ' *xna 27. Kim (ravirm distr") Y-liol-Asis 4*rkt W. Chuaw 34. &rtlitamikk (wrl) Na, -.IYJ? 22.14. Ubbl& elVeY Chlib'YU) 0). Sb[WVU (Mid-Aiiiji (WM 00 Me 0 GOO Go .3 . district) mW W' 18. Cl*kktn (Tuthnfen diwkl) III, Neltedw; (toncls of kftw Ap9brran AW of "red mad" 15-17, Chimion (Twimen diMM, 116VA --M--) 16.5. Kim (umen pwt) 15.5, Mara (am "N") lb, Sbubw- ) 2 -A i (R ba) ba U K-'Uk E Ok 0611hol" 7,1, ' ~IZXL) 6-and (Sakhaft. 3rd OO oo 90.1 taffd^'. The amts. distilling kx-kw 100' find the CW: Comm. am given. A. A. Doebtliffirk kc 00 P" .6 1 0 040 O-V 600 60%01V $-1 -9.9 "111-- OTO -0 :'.0, : :1-0 -0 0 0 : : & 0 0 0 0 0 1;0" '00 9, , I w 0 0 0i o; 0 dooooo6oo*oooooeooooooooooovoo* 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0*0*000000* loo 0 s , 0 " 0 is w oa, n, Ila up) *100de POWN004140 1 l 4 1- _0 -A--"--#A 0 g-J"s A__s__J_A a 0 4-a ..0 '.. 010040) A lot, &4s, #f. nar F tat .,Pavjpvls islid P. S. Santa) eng" an. U oi b, 0 N. r. 7. ewao .-jvtfj-wnm isdo.. cra& ~ it to" D N w : va-c4sucanism ,; epos itaimms #ad CA"n /fps , rf j 41 ") m f d & -00 4. ace, or ilm su %was rvl =,I csu 4 - 3 ) i ll. . ,. V It* WW17 It W cl~ 01m17, P~ Polat - % cvwty 6i,77, *ZCW te"% 02, Sophaltears 7.7,11, "M-Wtl * _:: 00 ) jv%in% 21.0. ovisto 0.41294, paraffin (1141T) (M. 49 S OM and C 10.8%. ID11W b, P, was 2440' (the USM 1 0 twtkms Were ProbablY Sted). 4A"~ disid. I*km 270* 0 of : (*;,~ sy, 0.10M, H.23% at 270-,SM'(%;,. lit. OJM), furlod 3 00 M-75% (51% sr. 0-M). This is a Wavy Whaltic crtKk d 1 1 oil wbkh yk-I& ObEput 14% kcroome-Pa o = b t 46% t d j i n 6*0 a ou wiml cuts m &bml 4n u nn o aw)halt. rktails of analysis *it tabutisteO. A. A. It. 0.3 00 i L & MOTAILLIOW&MCAL 4.171104110111 CLASSIFICATION 104111411" Q.d 41 0 00 go 0 0 e 0 & 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 an 4 1 a no 0 6 1 IF Is 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 4- I low- 60. In* 41,40, it, tot v #1a A 0 1 z d k W to w - f . afw aw . 4 00. 10TA and N. F. Rujako- Dav6, .11-110111 Ntilstm (C. A. 32, 9071) with addn%. used in The Ruktiati Ada tat). In Oddn. 10 the dria. C4 H'S and tic) thic iniltal "I"f td lit h d hi h h d o e ir itte wm wmtt west a , imp~~ at w c t S o tilifild temp. for 111"S liberalkm was dirld. with a lmlwr 21 :111"mened with Ilb, antate and fiv HCI by ditig. tbt ml uto gwrtjw #mctkms and rectwiding the lowrot trimp. ui. irrval of IsWins J thAt bactlim in "hicif JIM an 6wrid. ale 111 It. Z. K molk If a O sic., I -loss.. l 4 N. 44( 1 L boo . .1.j Ni O I I u a U wj AV c4, is, 21 41k 1 0 4 a A Of 1 111 0 - 1, IF 0 fla I a It u m Is 66 ua a Al Ill so ill ais a a Ill A-A-A-4- IL m b 0 A j INSm A 4141A as -00 goo, As* "Opeal 00t. i S' N' Una%*" ali-IjAIWI wa& 02 1 N W 6 038 % -00 00 o . s 1 Ii j;.j,uknn, Vp hy4poe h A -ktaitml iffivrallienti4ol Ait" 1-11-1ti- --f It"' t. suirmill.'d all't It". 'W4 wul ~hamlzx coudr -it ha- J 1-tat " ~ ,. vshilc I h-kuyl ,', pauaffin:1.21"O And S3.221 ' = 5 1'. paraffin 2.W,% And mcw'.5, pout point - 00 a (lil bas il~ O -00 s5A'j. N' %-crv high fee mill, A A It. 00 00 00 a see Z 1. too Of goo goo 9300 goo &s0 ttoo 111100 air 0 wes, 1101006 -0 9300110 .61, 0.9 609 6114AP, Go a., its _ MA A D a A I _i, a e 3 0 9 2 ~x I I I ; 6 4 a t 11 0 0 0 o 0 0 o Is0 0 0 o 0.00 OF a 0 0 : - 0 0 : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 I ,,o,oooo A I C D CP 6 4 X LN 0 0 PO 4 1 T WIu CTU IQ 31 u 13 a 10 v a 0 a41 a a do afix as AV a 1% -0=,.o-, 0; 14000;-4448 A AftO WO LIT11. c4cual cs - -.1 2-3 "Ollw3iffill.13 19,119411.1 IV31-34,111TAle fill-0,61- 0 F00 100 f 00 00 so 00 00 000 00 Aux'spIum v v 00 1911SU9. "14,4Z '68 r j *p !It 0 ml Plan NqKkqp 9g0 00 PWJ.l W"Awd .% 'S pug S V q CWPONA3-6" Mif 91.90 so Y00 00- If 00 00 00-- 00 &;a- II jr 00 a r t at n w yj w tv r i r--i A ii z t va a ww --r-v- rv -Y, vv 0.70 0 tv to q to G(trate Q*a aulv44 aIII Ot urt(ltla"4 4i #tot t a : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 o 0 a 0 0 a & 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 o00 a 0 to 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 MEMO= ...... 666000 00000000 loop sm!j VC1011111 URN Isbun 010,114106, a a a c a v 4 a a L ~s -A, 9- 1 ~ -a- I . & I , - it ON &V v 1,,11 %066 fit 04 It a 901XV)SAW13 3*1119VIL11 IVNISfIlITLP 9 11 0 11 v _7 il* fold :;V94 F."es 60 8196 ;49ep 0*0 ~ 00 so ~,C' 06 Zs a,** ul q1til AJ3A ~sw 4k) 4"j Itst-I qwq t", lip GO I:,., Pul 00 00- ptixt am.1 %TIVS) 11 1~11 III, pitund plar palvin-irl 319 Ir,-P ~4) I'" tmwwald %P0 Vn4f` it 00 0,0- 341 ps 441 P, Lp)!jVS1jqx%UI Pjj!WI,'P V -'*V9 0 go- 101-Px- *KGt 'ZUVY Vvvi ',%. -vA6ifr0f)I -A p- GAIJAW.1 41- q3n 00 P- bP4"X 96 SVP IV- 0*" r 00 410- - - --- to; 1'r .. 00, f I o- tv,T--I,r- A 9 ff m to 0 mg a n of a IR of a dc ftem wife atta" a 11 11 1 If it it 11 If I I I I I 1 4 1CIO 49 00 0000*06 000 0 0 L ,A-a~ a j~ tr t t # A!k 0 006 0 I less to V19111jum"m lp 10 it b a jo b X's 'Jil, 0 job) bib L_ At A-' & j0 r 6 a ) I I A 1 A 0 WIX jr 30M illps It wtj dialre _ '- - - - - - _tg. e XW6M &ad the Uch K, I cruce aiis b. N. 1'4vk)va 00 9 i hk (, am E.. F. Rudakava VXUM(w "I the Pf"TwTt" "f the ' i O M It SO 6~,*- A tietailrd inve A ", -eudc c"1[4 j, jWrVnjjjj and the data 4t%: tahUtAttA Anti plimcit. Khandalt ctude w) ha. d O)kv" twRll jwlitlt 1 ! go .1 t*km while Vch-Kityl I'll', palaffin 3.2% anti 04, 8 At has J. 11 AWOZ. tr-ly I-mit - 1'. IIAF&ffi" 2 9-'-c, 41"1 S .5.3t1j. "It r4l. at, wtV high m A A fl. 1 of '? . oe a i I Zoo 00 00 00 06 0 00 l & 0 e 0 Pis p Coe s .9, goo no* L a v1JALLURrIcs, 'jTjwA%&j CL.SlP JCATIcb Z ISO- 4 .- - - ire* 0'. Q.t T 1k -V-, ) I -v CM -tit 19 - IN A 0 0 0 0 0 0 WA v OXIA& $a&#& 0 Aa 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 se-e 0 0 000 00 0 0 9*00 of so 61 A' Z4 '0 sall-j-161-al -11 at ILI .0 10, to 60 10 11 10. 10, 10 160 10 10 U4. %j go oiu found to the -Second Baku 11,4mmis and 9, A. Kasmins. 011"4164YO 41-40 --T'hc foll"Winx Cru.1c (-I)-. krr~ sa"Oll"elk. Wrt lith, IWAwlwins A fuixtim, ar.1 101 tilm 0. 0", &Italy O'd Ill '14-toill: listmAji"A' Ollimm" W111111%it'vo Im., KtANW.-Kants. Vic dals A" falmlat"I awl 14,111M A A thwhil-4 upe u Wes 11011flaa av ass *0 'I Tin v to *0 g 0o, ol::::Oooooooeooeoeoo 00 to vcvmmn mail guru a a 4 4 4 a Of W s GNUL.0 00401 IWU~ 1.0 iciffs P. 44CU4.0 004 0013 0 00 =4 sex, too UWASA,; Jql 111(jil pbu!vlqcj 0*2 S 43"lu UtvjUu3 noo 00= Alin J41. Cos lot :,, olo Oen, 11111 will lillillf ..q I q on to .111vi ir 00 in" J."m sm .44"va) 4.4 to W4 4111 P.62 Atilt 00, 11AIA 4164111 &U!l1i-v1 IU -141JOA 44LL -xviUmial if to &xm!lwpajd s q1ts (w 3stwumn jq"itldsm-a~ . u!ljwjod 00 00. I M tunmOJ144 'ALL 'S iT 01 ?'.'1 1150411 q Pav 4- 'toiddr 00 uWamd ~iit troxWe samelsqm %cKxqt,,4s m!vluw tpu 1: (P Uml MINJPJPA '.M- -qaq 'it =31 wa"c3Mfxr% 00 ptiv a kam " Zvi -4 . 'i 00 0- Ccwf) .p nq of Raft tuna) 111I.P11.1.1 'p3larlictAul sum 11 pule ()I -W alpa Ulull jv 00 fuclifu lilt gimfoxg "pill 00 00-, SUM."14*4 wels,44 *to 00 -" 14 to 0 0o :0a 4 1 Pit I i I it Is it is to a d 4 1 . . I . 00 0 0 0 0 to 0.0, 411 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 W it IV a 0 0 0 0 9 0 - -1 Af , MX ff #,,;' _1::: o 03 4 0 ti v 41 1% 611 if 000 It m It ; It .12 a It & If w u I I A -A 1. ju 0 a a u i A I 11 IL is 00 Ill 0 I'M It d .4 .00 d"'ll. t.j.'a 114 at :"Vkl .040 and AN- 00 A.." I Iw SA-Iffir ha, li,ch - cam I- Ulte ,It % .-Id. I V:j ga-ftm- 1, it, I,, IM 4-14aw u,, Ih. x- 00 fit,. 1. k-jj, t,. Oic 14 U 111411AU mm. 'At ,j If., 1-fl. 1W.. . 1141ch 1 1, but .,. ,, i, , - .1w I., "I"01AII'm - It'llmil "t It,, "U'llm VIVI.I. ga-Itst, dwo up to ;:W ago 00 00 1** 0 9 0& .00 i 90 too 4 014AMS tells 0 -0 a I Of l0i"tt 'S OW30 is 444 00 00 00000 DIM see 0 0 0 " " *all I less to A 114 2 "a nam I M job) asses bm? miato 6) w 1 o 0 Ly , 4 ~A k-A-A-0 ~ v_4_ A - FOOCtUlt .00 pet"111-16 DID *as. 8, N. pavlove Iiad P. S. llt;rmn. It".. c"Ib Oill. OW (;GW4 fP&M NOW-CIPIOMMiGNI NOAWS 11134. AS diff d I m3*1 W mm 60-411. -Tbi Vkhts CrU& cilt drAve .00 have vwyirs op. sm. (O.M-0.947). diff""I *U- ) -00 . comitirs am newly Obe - S I-t-11 (about Irt 008 The ISTM2115 d P2011114! MY 11- 2-5 to 13,5~v- The -00 krnww wA bsbt~rwoil fribetiam we A-3-151"d 11A_ 77.6-,. r*v. The otviwd mxk oils (fuel Will VVY ftewn ra) to 71 X%. hawr dv~ 0,947 1. wo Pow 00 a t"nft of -W to 4 12*~ Tbe h0wicalinScAl fritrii-wa 00 0: arr.makrinvim ty totbcpw frnm %ski ORA-Rilmal mmir age eba msr4 by comiDerstively bio puur od ar.Awe rwti IwAntof TU bcAtems am SwItAwle Vic The f"". CA T!Dr prmr~p 67 taNilated. A. A. P. vdcha ~. gat 6.11111161wo CLASSOKASOON It- - ____ -, - - t,-. ~= _ - - n. I . low 60.4 "it Dow cog l asullest! 0111421 m 5 v n 4, a mo 0 0 1 w a 0 l1b u a AV to AS A N1111 0,19 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'o 0 :19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 & 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 AS * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0-0 0 0 0 0, TP11, 1 0 0, w to 0 as v 0 0 If -4 It to 6. A,r Uss eflillit Isditupbse mw**J to detwasailift as gbmm- 00 cal, 491!ftrw:~ft of ftwol-m flibeftellmd bflavows. I ;Zo A S 16 r Ito S C. was, altil Z. It 10111OWAVIs VrfiVlillfw X" . 19, No. 11, 30 IN, -lot ad aill"I hittarv and fretiativ witle. of 14, Itiol. *ntl ill .11011sill Owl 14.4ilvl. Ou'l live'V41.. and wwwwlwilk, fly holln lwavit"I *fill Aka Sri fit- tAgailwd tlY tiraltuent %Atli ill an &r,xlt4fic contrail as hish st,i Wet. ooly 2A L1,4 S of Lilies Irri 1. rinillA to Wilain 3 ". I -N tall nt 1`11111.1. llr~ front artanalk- After flu,r liewhintita,v K callix. 11:11) :.$fill 11,11) 0 .011-0 E, I ...rr hAtuffirigathal TJ faltlandUll,li., -I, Th, W-Aure uw.i In parl,111A thrill, Irrifil's it. Owiti- 6u'1 IN dr.alwall liquill (&U, is 11,01, colitttitix It" (#&,It ... J~. alul regarnerialion of the Lilies Sri t% drt-filaral in ilrt.ol I :1,"ll a 2,2,4-Ifitswillyllirtit4sw all,) fillurl". tP.-A', (A thr IWCAFIV *as f*V%vVtrTd tare Ifinn t0havatir A Coo 1;...Ilur Invin SIAV?"1.4 _10, .,it h4vijtx it 4~ipvk 4,l,, (,w "I A 0". .11~ 1.1 lit law fil~l I.- it'l .. .... 411.11.11. fit, too, Ipso. . It., Iu." 60* *hm it "A. jw,_4 It ... %-. Alld ell .4 t.." -00 II)NIlawarlion. still Ae I'll, 1"141 1 illy .4 400 firt-C Ittwun %%s 93.21, 4"1t 4 a 144 11, . lit fit. nonstronistit: fractilati, the fit"t liorWris am rich" ill .00 Itaraffins and the firtil luw64ln% richer lit naphWnr% I a*,,' 44CM 411.1 1 4400. kr'll 1, 1.111 fill ttilphitfirth , jilit.11h't JNL I"Idl W11- fill' I- It' Ill' ifilliAl 116, fillil it L= %if %6-n .4 --- is 3 10 All is f, dAd Is 00 0 00000 a 0 00 0 0 41111 00 41111,11141110 so 00 00 0 90000000000000 00,3 0 -WM-:v 10 0 WIN -0-0 10~0. . I LIP IAWD "WASIOS "OAS Aiphalt :roe Qr# t Qkha Asphalt Lake. SS Nametkin and Sn Noift Mhax 1931, 20l $6. The asphalt wfh1ch Is Intermeliste botwoon Trinidad and Bermudez lak* asphalt -ontained bitmen 89.7 ash 1.18 H20 9.03A and gave Kraimer Sarnow softening point 73.0, p*nat,1W -n 17 asphalt 42.8 resins 19.4 oil 37.eA. The resins: were sbs,-rt-el by S1.32 4;el. ILA __&t1&LLUftK&L UTIOATIA9 CLASWICATICIN slow Q"V cat a 40 . Oyu,; all, 1110a, 'I yo a 1 .9 43 3 as V 0 e Is 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 & * 0 0 0 00000 too roe roe 00 we* IOMCHIYAN, M.A.; DRIATSFU~Y'J, PAVLCVA? S.N. Oil of the MArkc-., field. ?II-m. i ,ekh. torpil. 1- ~~, no.":12-18 JI 16,4. ( !,- 7, - '7 : 1'~ 1. Isesoyumyy nauckino-issladovateilakiy Inatitut ro perigrabotke nefti i gaza I poluchaniyu isIcisstvannogo zhidkogo to~.Iva. PHASE I BDOK EIPIDITATION SOVA246 Soveshchanlys po taeolitam. let, Leningrad, 1961. Sinteticheskiye taeolity; polucheniye, iseledovantye I primenenlya (Synthetic Zeolites: Production, Investlgationand Use). Me- cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 286 p. (Series: Itat Doklady) Errata slip inserted. 2500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye khimicheskikh nauk. Koxislya po taeolitam. Reap. Eds.t X. M.'Dubinin, Academician and V. V. Serpinskly, Doctor of Chazdcal-Scienosal Rd.s Ye. 0. ZhukovskAyaj Tech. Ed.% S. P. Golub'e PURPMEt This book In Intended for scientists and engineers engaged in the production of synthetic neoliten (molecular x1evem), and for chealots in general. Card 1/~* -3 1--.0 Synthetic Zeolites% (Cont.) SOV/16246 COVERAM The book is a collection of report presented at the First Conference on Zeolites, hold In Leningrad 16 through 19 Wroh 1961 at the Leningrad Technological Institute imenI Livneovet, and In purportedly the first monograph on this subject. The reports are grouped Into 3 subject areast 1) theoretical problems of adsorp- tion on various types of zeolites and methods for their Investi- gation, 2) the production of zoolites, WA 3) application of zeolites. No personalities a" mentioned. References follow In- dividual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS a Foreword 3 DubInIn, X. X. Introduotlon 5 Card 2/W ~ Synthetic Zeolites: (Cont.) Pavlova, S.-.N-', Z. V. Driatskaya, and M. A. Mkhchlyan- ---Apvlica~ion of Synthetic Zeolites in DeterTaining the Content of Normal Alkanes in Gasoline Fractions Galich, P. N., I. T. Golubchenko, A. A. Gutyrya, V. S. Gutyrya, and I. Ye. Neymark. Investigation of the Possible Application of Synthetic Zeolites as Carriers and Catalysts for the Dehydrogenation and Cracking of n-Paraffins Palek, M., P. Iru, 0. Grubner, and G. Beyer. Synthetic Zeolites as Molecular Sieves With Color Indication of Water-Vapor Pressure SOV/6246 Malyusov, V. A., N. N. Umnik, N. N. Kulov, N. M. Zhavoronkov, G. I. Faydel', and D. 0. Zisman. Purifying Formaldehyde From Moisture and Formic Acid With the Aid of Synthetic Zeolites 253 260 263 267 Card 51 26525 s/o65/61/000/009/002/oo3 E030/E135 AUTHORS: -Pavlova, S.N., Driatskaya, Z.V.l Baranova, Z.N., and Zaversh-i-n-a-kaya-, S.V- TITLE: The first exploitable Siberian crude PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya tOpliv i masel, 1961, No.9, pp. 8-14 TEXT: An essay is given on this crude, discovered in April 1960 in Western Siberia, 400 km North of Tyumen'. The present find is called the Shaim field, and is at 1487-1500 m depth in a Jurassic bed. It has the following characteristics: Density et 0 0.827 Elemental crude composition, Carbon residue, % 2.0 C 85.8 Composition, % H 13-28 sulphur o.46 0 0.36 adsorbable resins 10.2 S o.46 asphaltenes o.82 N 0.10 paraffins 2.89/550 gas 3.5 Card 1/3 26525 The first exploitable Siberian crude s/o65/61/000/009/002/003 E030/E135 Gas composition, 96 Yield of white products, C2H6 1.2 up to 2000C 28.5 C3H8 25,8 It ti 3000C 45.7 i-C4HIO 17.2 it if 3500C 55.3 n-C4H,o 55.8 Properties of fractions are as follows: SRB (28-850C), yield 7.6%. ON 71.5 straight, 91 with 2.5 g TEL/kg, suitable for motor spirit F-91/155 (B-91/155). SRB (28-1200C), yield 14.3%. ON 65.5 straight, 76.5 with o.41 g TEL/kg, suitable for spirit A-76. SRB (28-18o0c), yield 25%, ON 66.6 with o.82 g TEL/kg, suitable for motor spirit A-66. 0.059' S in all abo-re fractions; aromatic content rises from 0 Zc 14%, and the naphthene content falls from 43% to 34%. of which just under one third is six-ringed. The crude therefore gives a much better platformer feed than Tuymazy. 150-280 OC cut gives colour-stable kerosine, with 22.8% yield on crude. Density is 0.811, and smoke point 21 mm, with 0.075v S. Diesel cuts, in the 150 to 350 OC range, give Card 2/ 3 26525 The first exploitable Siberian crude s/o65/61/000/009/002/003 E030/El35 52-59 cetane number, 0.08-0.12% S, and -18 to -25 OC pour point, with 27 to 36% yield. The residue range from 350 OC to 480 OC was examined in 3 OC cuts, and found suitable for all grades of fuel oil except naval grades. Throughout the range, the oil qualities change as follows: Density (o 20 o.864o-o.9126 Viscosity, cs 4 -2 500 7.5 - 6o.7 Temperature, pour point, -0 1000 2.2 - 10.1 0C 10-40 Sulphur content, % 0.3 - o.84 There are 4 figures and 6 tables. ASSOCIMON: VNII NP Card 3/3