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JSSR / Farm Animals, General Problems Q-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 195F. 7116 kithor :V.I. Pati,ishev, A.V. Polukhina, N.I. Yalovaya, R.N. Oleneva, I.V. Paylb a$. T.I. Bat iyeva, 1). fbpovich, YZ.-Paryshkin Inst :Webt Ural University Title The Physiological Basis of Increased Productivity of Farm Animals Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Orallskogo un-ta, 1957, vyp. 15, 3-30 Abstract: Experiments made on calves which were raised on rations with a low, average, and high content of proteins, revealed a better digestion of pro- teins, nitrogen-free extracts nad carotin, in animals which had received m~,re proteins in their rations. It was also revealed that the stimula- tion of secretion of gastro intestinal j1iices Card 1/3 USSR / Farm Animals, General Problens Q-1 Abs jour: Ref Shur-Biologiya, No 2, 1958. 7U6 Abstract: and a higher metabolism rate are not only due to unconditioned reflexes prodiieed by a specific effect of food, but occur as a resiilt of condi- tioned reflexes induced by the condition.- :mdor whi,.h the food had been consumed. In an experi- mental study of horses the effect of training on the utilization of enerry derived from food, on blood composition, acid content of urine, reaction of erythrocyte sedimentation, coagulation of blood, pulse rate, metabolism etc. was revealed. The trerendous importance of training was deter- mined as a factor which affected metabolism, and prodiced the complex reflexes which affected the essential functions of an organism. Pronounced f,-mctional changes were observed as well in large horned cattle when kept on pasturage Card 2/3 USSR / Farm Aninals, General Proolens Abs JO ir: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 195F. 7116 Abstract: grounds. Under these conditinns the passal,.e of food throigh their gastro intestJ~nal tract was accelerated to almost dolible the ~is:)al time. A paradox was observed: A marked low rate of meta- bolism and a decrease of blood circulation when physical strain was imposed on cows (sich as the placing of a sand bag weighIng 10-20 percent of the body weiCht on the sho,ilders of a caw stand- ing in a stall). Prod,ctive, shoice cows showed a higher oxygen content in their blood. Card 3/3 PAVLOVA, 1. V, Problem of oxidation netabolien In the Inilmouaz7 tissue In acperimemtal silicosis [with summary In Fmglishl. 4 no-5:359-261 S-0 158 (MIRA Ut1l) 1. Riokhimicheskays. laborstoriya inetituta, gigiyeny truds I profmabole- vaniy ANN SSSR, Moskva, (BILICOSISIO expere eff. of succinic acid on pulm. oxygen. con.!,tmption (Rus)) (SUCC3AT1-;, eff' on lung o~;;en consumption In exper. silicosis (Rue)) 13TAVW# A.A*. prof., otv. red.; DYIZHKOV, P.P., prof., red.; moLMANoy, KJP.. prof., red.; IVANOV. T.L. prof., red.; HDROZOV, A.L.. Prof., red. ;- -YAVL0YA-,--1-L, kAnd. mad. nauk, red.: 1HUIDRINA, Ye.T., doktor mod. rieuk, red.; FRWROVA, V.I., red.: BILICHIKOVA. Yu.S.. tekhn. red. (Transactions of the Symposium on the Problem of Pneunoconiosis; etiology and pathogenesis] Trudy SIMP02iWM po problems pnevmo- koniozov. 1957; atiologiis i patogensiz. Red. kollegils; A.A. Letavat t dr. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo mad. lit-ry, 1959. 275 P. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Simpozium po problems pnovmokoniozov, 1957. 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Letavet). 3. Institut gigiyony truda i prof- 2abolevaniy AMN SSSR, Moskva (for Letavet. Dvizhkov, Ivanov. Pavlave. Fedorova) (WNGS-DUST DISEASES) FAVLOVA, I-V., Carbokydrate-phosphorus metabolism In the lung tissue of rats in experimental silicoets. Bor'ba a oil. 4:125-127 '59. WRA 12:11) 1. Inatitnt gigiyeny truds I profzabolovaniy AMU SSSR. (LUNGS-DUST DISFASES) (URBOHYDR&TH METABOLISM) (FHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) IETAVEE-T, A.A., prof.,; MLOKANOV,K.P., prof., red.; DVIZHKOV,P.P., prof.,red.; KhTKHRINA,Ye.V., doktor med. nauk, red.; IVPMV,V.1., prof.,red.; VDROZOV, A.L., prof., red.; nauk., red. [Clinical aspects of pneumoconiosis]KIinika pnevmokoniozov; trudy. Moskva,, In-t gigieny truda i profzabolevanii AMN SSSR, 1960. 181 p. (Nip 16:21v, 1. Sinpozium po problems pnevmokoniozov, Moscow, 1957. . Deys tellnyy chlen kkademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Letavet). 3. Institut gigiyenj* t~ixoa!i profzabolevaniy Akademii meditsin- skikh nauk SSSR (for Molokanov). (LUNGS--DVST DISEASES) PAVLOVA, 1. V., Cand Biol 5ci - (diss) "Concerning Jeveral Peculiarities of the Metabolism of Fhophorus and Calcium in the Young of Cattle." Sverdlovsk, 19DO, 15 PP, (Ministry of Higher and Secordar7 3pecialist Education i~~FSR; Ural State Univ im A. M. GorIkiy) 150 copies, no price given (KL, 21-60, ~21) UZHANSKIYJ Ya.G.; PAVLCVA 1.9-- Prinimali uchastiyet MORDOVSKIY, G.G.; KIPRIANOVA, N.I., studentka (Sverdlovsk) Signs of autoagresoion in the mechanism of blood reg-noration. Pat.fiziol.i ekap.terap. 4 no-4:52,57 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. Ya.G.Uzhanakiy) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. (frr'MORRHAGE) (ERYTHROCYTES) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) ___ PAVLOVA.I.I.-S...- Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Clinical features of schizophrAnis compli- cated by chronic alcoholism." Moscow, 1961. 15 PP; (Minstry of Public Health RSFSRj Gorlkiy Medical Inst imeni S. M. Kirov); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 204) PAVLOVA, I.V. -- Effect of chronic alcoholism on the course of gehizophrenia (tm! forms with an uninterrupted, fluctuating course of the disease). Trudy Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.psikh. 27:69-75 161. (MIRA 15:10) I., Moskovskaya psikhonevrologicheskaya bollnitoa imeni Garmishkinfl. Glavnyy vrach - V.N.Rybalka. Nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. S.G. Zhislin. (SCHIZOPHRENIA) (ALCOHOLISM) PAVIDVAV I.V, Hatabolim of certain amino acids and adenosine triphosphate deamination in the pilmonary tivaue, Vop, mod, khim. 7 no. 1:21- 25 J44 161, (MIRA 14:4) 1. Biochemiml Laboratory of the Inatitute for Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (LUNGS) (AMINO ACIDS) (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATES) FAVLOVA, I.V. Oxi#ative metabolism of carbohydrates in pulmonapy tis:;ues. Vop. mod. khim. 0 no.2:186-192 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences of tho U.S.S.R., Moscow. (LUNGS) (CARBOHYDRqN METABOLISM) . 1~ ZHURAVLEVA, M.V.; PAVLOVA, I.V.; SVII M-INIKOV, s.G. (?J06ma) Results of active outpatient service for alcoholics in the collective of an industrial plant. Trudy Goa. nauch.-issl. inst. psikh. 38002-3305 t63 (MIRA 16111) PJSHKINA, Wataliya Niko-layevna; FAVLOVA. I.V. red.; IYUDKOVSKAYA, - . P N.I., tekhn,red, [Biochemical methods of research; manual for p sicians- IWgienists and occupational disease specialistsl Biokhi- micheskie metody issledovaniia; rukovodstvo dlia vrachei- gigienistov i profpatalogov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 393 p# (MIRA 17:1) jkYWVA,_ I.Vlf FEDOPOVA, V.I. I Some aspeots of nitrogen and oxidative metabolism in the litnge of experirpntal animals with silicosis. Vop. meds kbda. 9 r10.42 356-362 Ti-Ag'63 OURA 17 aj 1. Biochimicheaka3ra 'Laboratorlye i patologoanatomicheaka-pi laboratoriya Inatituta gigiyeny truda 1' professionalOnykh za- bolevaniy AMR SSSR, Moskva. SHMAKOV? V.N.; PAVLOVA, I.S. Significance of the method of isolated contrastinr of thc. and induced hypotonia in the diat-nosis of duodenitls. 7eFz. rad. 39 no.5.33-37 S-0 164. (XIRA !F:~, 1. I-ya kafedra fukulltetskoy torapli (zav. - A.Yti. z,~ i kafedra rentgenologii i meditsinskoy radiologil (zav. I.,. K~.n- Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta. FAVLOVA, I.V.; TSUISULIKOVSKAYA, M.Ya, Experience in the us* of frenolon for the treatment of schizophrenia. Zhur. nevr. i palkh. 64 no.ltl25-1)0 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Inatitut pbikhlatrii AMN SSSR, Moskva. LETAVET, A.A.,, prof.,, red.; ANTONIYEV, A.A.,, dotB., red.; DROG1CHINA, E.A., prof., red.; KONCHALOVSKMA, N.M., prof., red.; .~~AVIDVA, I.V.,, doktor med. nauk, red.; POPOVA, T.B., kand. med. nauk, red.; RABB, A.S., doktor mod. nauk, red.; RABEN, A.S.0 doktor mod. nauk, red.1 RASHEVSKAYA. A.M., prof., red.; SHATALOV, N.N., kand. mod. nauk, red. (occupational diseases in the chemical Industry] Professior,all- nye zabDlevanila v khindcheskol prorWahlonnosti. Moskva, Meditsinap 1965. 322 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Deystvitellnyy ch2ei AMN SSSP (for Letavet). L 05819-67 EWT(1)/EWTW DD ACC "R- AP6032137 /-IV) SOURCE: CODE : UR/0391/66/000/009/0041/0044 AUTHOR: Veretinskaya._A. G. (Moscow); Tolgskaya, M. S. (Moscow); Pavlova, 1. V. (Moscow) ORG: Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, AMN SSSR (Institut gigiyefiy tru a i profzabolevaniy A MN SSSR) 'A- TITLE: Effects of ]UHF radiatio on the nucleic acidkontent in the lungs of rats with experimental silicosis SOURCE: Gigiyena truda i professionallnyye zabolevaniya, no. 9, 1966, 41-44 TOPIC TAGS: UHF, medical experiment, nucleic acid, silicosis/UVCh-1 radiation device 10 ABSTRACT: Biochemical and histochemical changes occurring in the lungs during UHF fie*ld radiation were investigated. A UVCh-4 device operating continuously at 40 Me was used. The effects of the UHF field on the development of silicosis and on the nuclei-acid content in lungs of rats examined were studied, and calculated in milligram- percentages of phosphorus per dry weight of the lung. The appearance of new celI formations during silicosis was determined experimentally. UHF radiation 7 -003. 662-092. 9-OR5. R46-07:616. 24-008. 939. 633. 2-074 L 05819-67. ACC NR- AP6032137 was found to retard development of silicosis. Experiments showed that the macro- phagic functions of histocytes increased, their fibroblastic functions decreased after UHF radiation, and as a result, the collagen synthesis was retarded, Quartz discharge from the organism is considered to increase under the effect of UHF radiation, which shows the favoragle effect of the latter on the course of the silicosis process. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 06, 07/ SU13M DATE: 02Dec65/ ORIG REF: 003/ Card 2 / 2 ..CC NR, AP6032135 AUTHOR: Karamzina, ( /V) N. SOURCE CODE: UR/0391/66/000/009/0032/0036 M. (Moscow); Pavlova, 1. V. (moscow) ~ORG; rnatitute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, ;.AMN SSSR (Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy AMN SSSR) TITLE: Oxidation processes in lungs of rate after poisoning with vari- l aus beryllium compounds SOURCE: Gigiyena truda i professional'nyye zabolevaniya. no. 9, 19bbe 32-3i TOPIC TAGS: animal physiology, respiratory system, enzyme, poison e f f e c. t , r a t , berylii -am c ompound, aluminum compound ABSTRACT: The comparative effect of poisoning with various beryllium .compounds on pulmonary oxidation processes in white rats was studied. A single dose of beryllium oxide or a mixture of equal parts metallic beryllium and aluminum introduced intratracheally caused a sharp in- crease in the weight of lungs of experimental animals and inhibited the oxidation of alpha-ketoglutaric and malic acids by pulmonary tissue enzymes. After poisoning with beryllium-aluminum alloys, pulmonary oxi--~I dation processes were much less affected, apparently because of the UDC: 616.24-003.669.725-092.9-07:616.24- Card 1/2 -008. 92-2.1 C NR:AP6032135 acitered physical and chemical properties of the beryllium Alloy. Orig. r art. has: 3 tables. (w.A. 501 1SUB CODE& 06/ SUBM DATE: 12Dec64/ ORIG REFs 004/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2 / 2 WINGRID-No A.Y.1 PAVLOVAv I.V. btermuot of amdato Cowl"" of nlablum am unulum with boxamdnooobalt chloride, Lhim,nmrg*Mlft. 10 no,2M.-M V 965. (mm 198 1) PATRUSV, V-.I.,- HATUYE'VA, M.j BOGOMDLDV, N.A.; GAMSHKINAJ, S.M.; NAUTWIV, -K.P.; PAVL6V,A, I.V.; PARYSHKIN, Yu.A.; POLMIRA, A.V.; Siuli-ru?'VA, K-.U-.;--5UT1J-1OVA, 11.14. Experiments in physiological evaluation of food ratiops. Uch.zap. UrGU no.310-16 159. (MIRA 14:5) (Cattle-Feeding and feeds) (Proteins) giOlhx 'Y',-,'V A, Ye.V. ; W " -I" Vs I I V. ( fiv ndbook on lEiboratory work in I)hy2lcq; vection: j Electricity] i~ukovodstvo k lar)oratornym rabotam po fizike; razdel: Elektrichestvu. Sost. E.V.Arsenlyeva, I.V.Pavlova. I,enlngrad, 1962. F2 p. (XIhA 17:7) 1. Leningrad. Institut tochnoy uckhaniki i optiki. Kitfodrn fiziki. PAVLOVA I.V. (NDskva) .9 Fifth International Biochemic&l Congress. Gig.truda i prof. zab. 6 no.5:55-56 1-~,162. (nill 16:8) (1310CHEMISTRY-CMUS.SSES) PA V W, *7 A , Y A . P~,IIIPVA. K.A.- "Some D--obl&,PLq of tht-, tran!5fomntion of arom3tic hvrlrreart-~~ns with orelimin-ir, hvdrof-cmit.ior,". -os,7ow, fci ~- . ' - i . I- P.f f iliqtr?. In!Tt of Choqilstz-~, Lahnritorv of U,-Inlrl and C?,wt-dy~,ir. (DiFsertitions fcr t he T)npree of --Indid-if c of Chemical Scio-tic-es I . M Knizhniva letwAr. I %o 45 , I.; I jr, 1, . "one crw . NNIL 0 V A',.-),-. N, pa ibid. autillirg'-Lo "op.1rL'Alle O"Llct Of tvll, mtalysf'~: 010 N~S kpotiltil chi aluinimmi Nin-`6 wl, VIC Is o r iuflml, a,pit Ow li),drquation of ben. 'flip csl)t5. at carriell pla b) nut"clairs withmirrers COP Wf)' I ~.t tz:mpp. 4~Q, V0, awl , ' :i: 3', thq~ I whia'llkli to stliik., 11w rfv~ivavllz, Th", itiAr"Itfoll ill C;~01 cil't, 1.,; .1 firs. Tkt. cat-alv5t ja v:-z"i lit IL-e forill, of tAlvta. TIM ac -Iut!t~ by Ohmma- lite P-arig by Iratialial d;3tn. c ldclitirwd pr(Aucts are CYCIL.- hwume, wetli- atul unchAriged 'r,=Ycnc. Analyting the rcmilts obtalticd tit -00", the hydb-ogelinfirm actlv;ty of Ot diftermt cati%)~sts ii Wf3--Ni,-,AJ&Lh > > > W.% cm Vaillic Ov~ > ~V); thei LuRqVivition "Ic-tivit I, IV > It In > V > (fir clttivg~ jj,'jjv-jjy V > IV >'Ill > H > The s,im& re. Winn. of nctWjtjQ.% eiiisf.t R,r 1, 11, and Ill A60 and W. 9!ts am &13o "C!" 'twil, of benzc1le ;;[j tile pm5v" of L Is 4?.) l% PA o ) , , Tbo cars -utlve rpazAkna. duling the deauu:fivg hyft.' er %-nadon of bem"t. 71 N, d V Os,,. 14 ru y - enation 1 l ti hydro 87-0 d Th 1956 N h M - . e vic , i n, o. g a v its Ocwwriiztieu- to ' ~(110vuWlils- AVdillbs1z that tilt! hydritmaf1w., i-jtjl- 11 Emit expcrivmltall~- the duibolf; tieu rumilk. t(platiolls arrec fairly wtit IN,101 tht ti- Malty foand; vit-Iff, Cil r!;. 11: Is wwtdeled: 11myril mm TT I Mat i1ttraig-Aht: detfructive! tb- fnnrer a 1 6 be~,-S prrCeAcd by tb* I'mthylCYTIO. imc. 81cf~rtmm lie c j 5 I Sk l re vf iv ~111'131"fi_n Use Th"l.'jj'.'t" f I Cll e. It"I Kh J~ Q 4,f IX, bc C-Ital 1114Z YS1 , KhaCHITS, I.V..; PAVIDVA, K.A. ; SAIUYL4)V. S. 11. Iffect of the recrystallization of the VS2 patulyst on its h7dro- ganating and laomeriztiW, activities. Truay Vost.-Sib.fil.0 SSSR no.18:81-86 159. (14IRA 12--10) (Tung,sten uulfide) MECHITS, I.V.; FAVIXAI,Ao.&,-- Composition of products of toluene in the presence of high temperature fil.AN SSSR no.38:15-18 161. (Toluene) (Hydrogenation) destructive hydrogenation catalysts. Trudy Vost.-Sib. (KEM 15 -.4) (CatalysU) PAVLOVA, KA.; MUCHITS,, I.V. Composition of products of o- and m-xylene destructive hydrogenation in the presence of tungsten sulfide. Truo Vost.-Sib.fil.AN SSSR no.38:19-24 161. (MIRk 15:4) (Xylene) (Hydrogenation) (Tungsten sulfides) 33602 s/678/6 i / ooo, 0 38,'00 1, 0-0 A057/ A 126 AUTHORS: Kalechits, IN., Pavlova, K.A.,. aliberdu, L.M., "kvorlsc~a, G.G., Bogdanova, T. , Sidorov, R-I , Trotsenku, Z.P. TITLE: On the chenjism of transformations of bi-cycilc hydrocarbons under conditions of destructive hydrogenation PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno Sibirskiy filial. Trudy. Serlya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashchenlya aromatichelc- kikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizatsll., 31 - 57 TEXT: Laboratory experiments on destructive hydrogenation of naphtha- lene, tetralin, and decalin were carried out under semi-industrial conditions in presence of industrial catalysts. The composition of the products obtained was classified, 17 single hydrocarbons were separated, and il more determined by spectrum analysis. It is shown that transformations of bl-cycli,~ hydro- carbons occur in the presence of tungsten catalysts and In vapor-phase pro- cesses preferably by consecutive hydrogenation isomerIzation, and final split- ting. The transformations observed are explained by the carbenium-ionic the- Card (0 33602 S/678/61/000/038/'00),/Oog On the chemism of ....... A057/A126 cry, and schemes for transformations of bi-cyclio hydrocarbons in vapor- and liquid-phase processes presented. In the present paper a discussion Is pre- sented of the problem oftransformations of polycyclic hydrocarbons with a re- view of appropriate literature data. Among the problems to be solved is the question, whether a direct splitting of the ring is possible in hydrocarbons of the tetralin, tetrahydroanthracene, eto. type, or whether isomerization occurs before and which bonds and by what reasons are most easily split. This and related problems were investigated before. Experiments were carried out too, with a powdered Fe-semicoke catalyst at 4700c, 450 atm, 3 h and 10% catalyst. The products obtained were separated by fractional distillation, and the re- mainder chromatographically treated over siiica gel [types MCM (MSM), or KCM(KSM)]. After separating methane-naphthenic and aromatic fraotions, narrow cuts we-e prepared by fractional distillation. M The cuts were specified by n20 and d4 D values, and some also by Raman spectra [taken on anWII-51 (ISP-51) spectro- graph]. The amount of cyclohexane and homologues, and of bicyclic hydrocarbons containing hexamethylene rings were determined by D.D. Zelinskiyls method of dehydrogenation catalysis. The content of paraffinic and monocyclic naphthenic hydrocarbons was determined by means of specific refraction RD and molecular Card 2/3 00 AUTHORS: TITLEi 33604 s/678/6 1 /000/038/003/00(~ A057/'AI26 Pavlova, K.A., Kalechits, IN. Destructive hydrogenation of met.hyl naph.!.halenes In '.he presence Of a WS2 Catalyst PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk -SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskly fillal. 'r-ujy. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Mos-~Ow- 1961. Prevras~lhenlya aromat4lcheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse dest.ruklAvrioy gidrogenizatsii., 61 - 67 TEXT- In the present experiments naphthalene,c, --, and 6-methyinaph- thalene were hydrogenated in the presen-.e of a WS2 ca,alyst ( '~0% by we4,ght of the hydrocarbon), in a I I autoclave (with stirrer), at 140 atm Initlal hydro- gen pressure, 4200C and 3 h contact time. The aromatic and naphthenic frac- tion of the product was separated first chromatographically and then by fra-- tional distillation into narrow cuts. The composition was determined by the refraction indices, and by dehydrogenation by Zellnskly's method. In the --al- culations the absence of monocyclic naphthenes was assumed. Four paral 1,?! ru-~5 Card IA 33604 S/678/61/000/038/003/009 Destructive hydrogenation ....... A057/A126 were carried out with each hydrocarbon and only a low --;onten-. of h1gh carbons observed in the products. Prevalent In the methane-naphtenic, fra-,tior) are isomerized hydrocarbons of the series of bloyclo-0,M)-octane, and bi- cyclo-(0,3,4)-nonane. By an exhaustive dehydrogenation of the aromati: fra:?- tion of the methyl naphthalene hydrogenation product the presen, authors de- termined that hydrogen addition occurs quicker in the non-substituted ring. Hence the same regularities were observed as with other -catalysts. 111hus the obtained results demonstrate that the introduction o#' a methyl subsiAtute a--,.el- erates hydrogenation, isomerization, and splitting processes renpen'Ovely, and regularities observed in monocyclic hydrocarbons are valiable also for bi-~ycllc hydrocarbons. The content of aromatic hydrocarbons was in the hydrogenation product of naphthalene 50.5%, of,.Q(-methyl naphthalene 48.2%. and of /1-methyl naphthalene 34.9%. Comparing experimental data a small accelerating effect of the methyl substitute if in Ot -position 15 shown, but an Intensive effect if in A -position. The authors explain this effect by the carbenium ionic the- cry. It can be seen that by an Introduction of methyl In o(-positlon, In spite of adding a tertiary atom, the number of easily to realize possibill'.1es of bond splitting does not change. Introduction of methyl group in /5-positlorl adds two easily to realize variants of bond splitting, in spite of *he stronger Card 2/3 S/081/62/000/017/'072/102 B156/B166 AWHORSt Kalechits, I. V., PaXjQyA. X. A.,.Kaliberdo, L. M., Skvortsova, G. G.,' Bogd9novaq T. A., Sidor6v, R. I., Trotsen- ko, Z. P. TITLLi The chemical affinity of bicyclic hydrocarbon transformations under conditions of destructive hydrogenation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya., no. 17, 1962t 471, abstract 17?d144 (Tr. Vost.-Sib. fil. Sib. otd. AN SSSR, no. 38, 1961, 31 - 57) Ti~XTs rxperiments on the destrictive hydrogenation 9f naphthalene, tetralin, and decalin in a rotating half-liter autoclave are described. The,conaitions were almost the same as those in industrial processeq, and industrial catalysts were used. Group composition, and in a number of cases individual features of hydrogenation products, %ere establisned. It i% proved that, in the presence of tungsten catalysts, bicyclic hydro- 4'rbons are mostly transformed by successive hydrogenation reactions, fo-Ilowed by isomerization and finally by splitting. It is most likely that I Card 1/2 S/08 1/62/000/0171107 21 1102 The chemical affinity of ... ;156/3186 the rin6s split along the links with the other rings. When an Fe-cataly6t is present process conditions in the liquid phase are dominated by the transformations that characterize the theriijal process without a catal~,-,t, which are mostly due to the splitting of the link with the benzf,,re rine, but which Laostly occur without intermediate isomerization of the hyGro- genated ring. Methods of transforming bicyclic hydrocarbons under vapor and liquid phase process co-nditions are proposed. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.1 Card 212 VARAKSIN, Vladimir Ivanovich; PAVLOVA, K.A., red. (Advantages of uniting heating boilers in one organiza- tion] Chto daet ob"edinenie otopitelInykh kotellnykh v odnoi orgar.izatsii. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 37 p. (MIRA 180) PAVLOVA. K.A.1 PANTELEYEVA, B.D.; DERYAGIRA. E.N.; KALECHITS. 1.V. Effect of nonotoichloo-4tric aulfur cn the activity of ffulfide eatalystis. Kin.i kato6 no.3:493-498 Yq-Je, 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut nefte- i uglekhimicheakogo sinteza, Angarsk. PAVLOTA, 1. 1 -4.1 Crimping and pleating of fabrics. Prom.koop. no.11:21-24 N '55. (KM 9-5) (Dressmak-ing) IPAVLOVA, K. New developments in the organization of socialist competition. Avt. transp. 42 no.7:6-8 JI '64. (141RA 17:11) 1. Predsedatell Moskovskogo oblastnogo komiteta professionallnogo soyuza rabotnikov svyazi, rabochikh avtotransport-a i shosseynykh dorog. KOLODEY, Anton Pavlovich, inzh.; P~Vj~~V.A Klara Artea!y~jyna, Leoniiy inzh.; BOGUSLAVSKIY, Davydovich, kand. tekhn. nauki BERNSHTEYN, Yevgeniy Iosifovich, inzh.; KISLINSKIY, Yan Vladimirovich, inzh.; KIRFICHNIKOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; IVANOV, Valentin Pavlovich, inzh.; KUTUKOV, Vladimir Nikolayevich, arkh.; DRIENTIYEV, Anatoliy Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk [Handbook on maintenance of apartment houses] Rukovodstvo po, tekhnicheskoi ekspluatataii zhilykh zdanii. Moskva, Stroiizdat. Pt.2. 1965. 291 p. (MIRA 18:7) PAVLOVAP K.I. .--ow"MAMMUM Rffect of corn monoculturOB on the dynamics of sme insect pests. Vop. ekol. 7tl25-126 162. (MIRA 16t5) 1. Vessoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteniy Leningrad,, (Vasillevka District-Corn (MiZe~-Diseases,4d posts) (Vasillevka District-Insects, Injurious and beneficial) MIDVAI K.K.- SUBDCHI V-V- Evaluation of beee flow on evampy drainage areas* Trudy GGI no.122t!20-130 165o (MIRA 18t9) VSk,-VC,ILZHSKIY, V.,, ; 1,0NA'A , 'K.K. Chfaracteris'.1ca of t'le formatic-ri of a, bsurface int-3 f in the Pur region Trudy GGII tw~lll~,:,'71-179 I . ( M I-RA 17, : I " , - t'd t l gang- 11 nate% soft ity wolls of tbe Aw ' Uzjje K L T vi X., A,,- Sul IN kc.JQ%!~h-jT, T. 41),r o )vcrY of hiA~jr~eu ate. sugvved. The Ist - stugz of evilm.. cmjjjtjjji~A to 1 to 254" crystel C,5v; -N c ~Co, d --,ttg Ai Gi iWil ilwa a 7V crYbtl;, Na_,Wt Ow. &~llt_ With Natco'-J150 + twqA evarml. ac W A7, !he c ail c 1C., l "f r f! ATJ9 dl jc _ ~ _ 3t~ 'tail wiiu~ 110. At"25-7, $4n. wai c~ vrYAj.' a part olxici)il and thd ie~zr at 2S tjie'~! _4 7, 77 M 71 7 SOKOLOVSKIT, A.A.; KUZMITSOVA, T.I.; 4VWVA, K.L. 060WASOMaw- Obtaining high-quality poterh from wa:te soda-potash solutions from production of alumina. 1him.nauke I prom. 2 no.4:531-534 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut khtmicheakoy promyshlennosti. (Potash) (Alumina) ZFP,HDUIIN.9 Boris Semanovich., kandi.tekhn.riaak, ispolnyayushchiy ob- yazannosti dotsenta; PAVL71A, Korneliya Ukolayev-na, stu- dentka-diplomnitsa ------- Magnetic field in the air gap of an inductor machine with a comb-type toothed zone. Izv. vyq. uchob. zav.; elektromakh. 6 no.8:9(Y7-916 163. (MMA 16:9) 1. 14uskovs"aya ordena Lenina aviatsionnyy institut. j PAVIDTA. K.N. (Zagorsk, HoskavskayA oblast') Vehrnd closed doors. tdorovIe 4 no.1:11 Mr 058. (MIRA 11:3) (APARTHNNT HOUSES--HYGMIC ASPECTS) TITOV, N.P.; BOGWMVA, Z.S.; KRUGLIKOV, M.N.; OZOLIN, L.T.; PAVIOTA. K.S. ; SWIFD. R.B. Research carried on by the Institute of No-chamical Mineral Ptocessing on iron ore dressing. Obog. rud 2 no.5:42-50 ' 57. (VJRA 11:11) (Notallurgical research) (Iron ores) (ore dressing) SOV/ 137-58-7-14015 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p4 (USSR) AUTHOR TI T LE: Beneficiation of the Iron Ores of Kostomuksha in the Mezhozero Deposit of Karelia (Obogashcheniye zheleznykh rud Kostornuk- shskogo Mezhozerskago mestorozhdeniy Karelii) PERIODICAL: I Tr. ] Vses. n. - i. i proyektn. in-ta mekhan. obrabotki polez - nykh iskopayemykh, 1957, Nr 102, pp 142-151 ABSTRACT: Mineralogical analyses of 8 samples show that the ores of the Kostomuksha deposit constitute magnetite and hematite-magnet- ite varieties with a high quartz and silicate content, and that there is an intimate concretion of the ma n Ht a d hematite with 0 jor.e - i e n gangue minerals. Fe content is 39.4-3 The investigations show that these ores are susceptible to successful beneficiation by magnetic separation with comminution in 2 or 3) stages, the initial size being 6-0-mm, the final being 0. 1-0 mrn (93-95 070 -0. 074 mm), and the irAermediate 0. 5-0 mm. To dress the hematite - magnetite ore, a procedure employing combined mag- netic and gravitational concentration is recommended. This Card 1/2 yields a concentrate with 61-620/a Fe, with a recovery of -90~o I SOV/1 37-58 -7-14015 Beneficiation of the Iron Ores of Kostomuksha (cont. f of the Fe. To obtain a concentrate with b2-,b3o/o Fe it is necessary to eliminate the second magnetic separation step in the first stage of beneficiation, the con- centrate being obtained only after fine grinding of the-entire middlings. Min- eralogical analysis of the ores of the Mezhozero deposit shows that ores to be magnetites with medium to fine dissemination of the magnetite and the gangue minerals. Fe content is 36. 8-35. 60/o, silicon 42. 1-43. 507o. Recommended for these ores is a procedure for magnetic separation on separators having a weak magnetic field, an initial size of 3. 0 or 0. 5-0 mm, and a concentrate of 61-62076 Fe, with recovery of 88% of the Fe. 1. Iron ores--Analysis 2. Iron ores--Test results A. S h. Card 2/? PAVLOVA, ?,.V., K.B. Kinc-~Ic-lg ef v:iaction of aJild'at-lon by pc;tlassium -~Illcrzltc. ill HE.(' of rhonium. Zhur. nearg. khim. 10 'y 16~'. (MIA 18f6) no.5-1027-103" ~f _401 ACCESSIOW IM4 ~.:'AP5012967 UR/007816510101005/1027/1032 -128.2 _642,,943.541.126.546.15~ ' - AUTHOR*.-.* av lova P V..- Yat~imirskiyj K B. of -the oxidation..of iodide by potassium chlorate in the presence of rhefilm, 16URCE:*~' ZhUrnal nibi~janlcheskqy khimii, v. 10, no, 5, 1965, 1027-1032 TOPIC.TAGS: rhanium oxidation catalyst, chlorate ion, iodide ion, catalytic oxi- dat on: ~BSTRACT.-The:Ainetil- cs---qnd-mwch-&ftjs-_oT A I(Aidd-ioif -~y -the- -pre f z4!hium compounds.vas investigated. The reaction 3- Hj+ 3H 0 tudie&iwas CIO 61 + 6.H Cl 2 catalyzea-by divalent-rhenium. !a6tiqn,-ra e-was a a-funat on of t -Wdidd i the-concentrations of the reacting nt studied, 0.16 N HC1 vas found to be differe in-the- Avo solAitions.- and The s6ntitfvit~ of the catalytic reaction depends on the state -in r of divalent rhenium sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, it is less when stable com exes o I f WHY are formed as in the HC1 medium, because the fraction of the cata- p PAVIOVA, L. About good people. Okh. truda i sota. stra". no.6:91.-93 Je '59. (MI3A 12:10) (Industrial hygiene) PAVLCYVA, L. (Lyudinovo, Kaluzhskoy obl.) Man lives among people. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.7:6b..7 Ap 163. (Hii,A 16;1+) (Lyudinovo-Machinery industry workers) (Socialist competition) (Labor discipline) PAVLOVA, L. (Sokol, Vologodekoy pbl,) The vorkim is studying. Sov. pro.'soiuzy 19 no.13:24-25 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Sokol (Vologda Province)--Evening and continuation schools) - PAVLOVA, L. How to measure this wealth. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no.19:4')-44 0 161. (!~:~ 2 L: -- ) (Amateur art activities) PAVWVA., L. Wintsy) In the YJA ntsy com unity centers. Sov. profsolluz.v IS no.-I :32- 33 Ja 162. 15:2) Mintsy-Zommmity centere) YAVIDVA, L.._ (Bryansk - Hoakm) A worker and stage-,director. Save profsoiuzy IS no.13:35 JI 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Bryansic-Amateur theatricals) PAVWVA, L. ~Orna ~On ~nuse of a consunerBl good's funde FinqSSSR 20 no-3: 63-66 Mr '59- (Russia--f4anufactures) (MIRA 12~-7) A 8 -L AT P W. X. A. TWulmv" an", A, Nvk 111avlovNIO. Ind Immwim!). Min, A14:723,"N't fog MAI(lo 15). ^00 Thr blood susar W." dirld. alter 13-14 hft. of hunset. (two Itif 0. COW Susaf MA MI)CC. ""or 011T gircts its 0 ir hy1wrtmilve vatirats wAf tht blood %ugw %&- 641"""1 Inf3hrs. Ftent the WHAI vulut d ?O-W ins. ~v tbe l4imad 'Utal ten wilbin 41.5 br. to 141) ,,. r;, tbrn (IrE441"I Wwly am 2 bra. to lkw Initial Imel, anti thttv to a mildly hyPoll)wmic 1"d In boallby rub)mt-. In hygvtttnQvv ,*--- (va"s tirpt" gal arterkwIrroalih) Kant *I, itl juat Wnts- alpmoil diefinior dcLIviallim. Intet. #worms). l'betp 0 1A)*Wd a m**SZ68~04 Imsomm1mv.) hyinifflYmMil. A31hw2b no LkOn it it 1knOlhip 61%,vil the lack c4 xvSw rcrablion anti rfin" %yinpimn, tivuld Ixt "IslAishtd. Tbi% Iwk 01 ftSWalkm 0, timnrcWt sith age moo mob age use ~Oi 0 00 ft Its 11 ft 111 0 a 9 14 a III It of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 fo fo fo *1 00 0 00 00 000 0 40 0 & 0 0 L 10 0 0 9 0 0 -*Ole 0 F-*.kTW-V'A, L. A.$ Azwn,thanes I. Hydmlyst.9 of B. A. V. S. 3~ 3nd L. A. Pr2vlova (Leningrad Technnl. In~',. : J. Gei:. Chem. 17,,, . I (in R~assian)/ For desc,-. - t " -n of process see 'J' bl', - -,f B. -A. F --AVLOV4,,L. A. Mr., Lab. Org. Chem. Leningrad Tech. Inst., Im. Lensovet, -cl949-. "Research on the Conversion of Pinacols with Substituted Acetylene Radicals: V. Synthesis and Conversion of Diphenyl-Methyl-Phenylacetylenyl-Ethylene Glycol," Zhur. Obshch. Khim. 19, No. 5, 1949; Synthesis and Conversion of Methyl-Diplienyl-Pheriylacetylenyl-Eth3rlene-(.Ilycol (Sy=etrical) (2,3,5-Truphenyl-Pentyne-4 diol-2,3)," ibid. Trantlotmationts of r4risrols with substituted scrtOrnk Isilkslis. VII Synthesis and transtollumbons of methyl- diplitayliwi-butylpthrityi pelltyleas glytel - 1;' D. ,iml 1. A. il,in-et Icchn,4 Ix"inirr-li. rAui,-ML ki AL. 1 1. c- Cf.-, 20. SLI MMINI); & C.A. 44, Ail-In 4 m4thirl- 1,rill-All Olmn bellill mi'l MCMICII In Hit, 1'. $,,1 It's%' - C%IlllF,%lHl%nK'2lt-%V-l flu"Uttilliv .-Indi'lltmnig I LvV, x.tvcb9`; Af,Pkc((Ph)ctmm'hl* CCAle m. 41-5` tJter 1:411,11111 1W.3'. ItollnulAttlettly"d with I t"rt. :0), , 111M 1. 3 hrvi. C.Sve 1 SJV , d,mrlkyl-#-hrpdYm#-:--e, ni. 79 Sl* Iff."n lwtr ribeiv In. Rml UP; -%I& mollaM b'10 .1, ethich mrimml AS fli.Ithrf b(Illivr After crystin. i9 the Almove ketone; if 2511' , llSA), t% used I(* the isoriveraLaticin. the yield of the koone drops to W"; . Thm cmd, kvto tk, ,~mld not 1. da,t~l ithoul decompti. ihv- of 11,0 and Ah,t king-, . its o%W.,n,-n with KNI110, CAVe A,Ph, I-nril. 140H. tt..vs A IlCiNII. -trul OhIl. Ck%m~-ul dehyArAtion 4 thi, jk- .,ei Amotn- ph,hecl by he.iting it tii 1.76' with an vol of Ar,O 1 5 hr.., which ywided bit' ~xr. th., 1.'A1 9* 1 lrmua,t~naffr. f1l. rhe mucturc %..% ,nfitmcd Ivy mulmim with KNIto t. to t..nrll. .-.1 %l,.CctWt%jl C. %I K PAVLC VA, 1- A. "I, Study of Trunssfornations of Pimcones with Substituted Acetylenic R-Ladic"Is. vIll. Synthesis and Transforzations of Trimeth 1plierylacetylery! Ethv--Ene Glyccl (2,3-Diireth3,l-5-flhenylpcntYnc,-4-diol-~~lt3~." by E. D. Venus-Dan3lcva, V. I. Serkova, and L. ,. ?avlova (p. 221C) '00: Journal-of General Chenistry (Zhurml Cbshchei Khimii), 1951, Vol,,me 21, r1o. 12 T- Alaur-qc-' '0' lh~. attm-turt, a thh~ Etr L-W Oil -p -it~va, ""d -A. a tF RIM 1-finrgra pr(Aw.-Is nal lomwil art ~CuWii wrw 5 To salts with acili, rd (,,Aomd Cvmp1LmLq wio~ lurid, -pt R.Fv.Clj~ wi I wme me cit. of the t~ d aft, Aovll Ift 1) - Thr x thtir basiri dr o i a h tmill o : q~ v gr up y y p ' yanthOl 't r-6~ hroam;%As Kw tcd to and l '- ' , HgC1j indurm stmiluz Ermisf(omaLIO-.11. P-111 !"V, a, th, wtr -:~ I-.,fY,11t Ari'l :f. of L11C LSC).-nerie tf-.ijjSf'-TnL'ttii)jLE- of ;LC(:tYjCjjjC glycot-, Ivariiij to --cctyleido ketoixa, by dchydration n, tv -r n~ %ith p,msibk- furthrr d- d1hydmfumm by evOi2sfio. hydianoll t~. sll~"'Lauioj f'lravs if H i_ vvatinbk it, 1" posltkm, If &hydratinn N impossable, d byarottayl wis may be famwd (2 mi-Letural formulai arr giveli- The, e &*ifts, ~*n hydnAyms Pnd; cltavag;~ of the free bail , 111:1V Inti In ttilyh-mv -oxk~ aft's. Similar sramJ,,,?m,,- obsurved, lvitil 2- alM 4 oiAj:;li-.1llLxi brutupm-nol, 12 rulertaievs. J. Vvbm VJURIS-DANILOVA, R.D. - PAVLOVA L.A.; 74-BRITSY, A. Iffect of the structure ofQ(-glycole of acetylene series on their conversion. Veet.Len.un. 11 no.16:117-125 '56. (MM 9:11) (Glycols) ORLOVA, A.N.; PAVLOVA, L.A.; VEWJS-DANILOVA, E.D. Hydroxydihydrofuranfi. Part 13: GondenstAtion of 1-hydroxy-phthalan and 5.5-dimethyl-2,4-diphenyl-2-hydroxy-2,1)-dihyd- rofuran with malonic acid. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10:3265-3270 0 164. (MIRA -117:.,!) 1. Laningradskly gosudarstvennyy pedugogicheBkiy institut im. Gersten& i Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut i-meni bensoveta. PAVU)VA , L.A. Condensation cf tertiary acetyienic a-icohcj~,F, Containing lat rydrogen atoms. Zhur. ob. k-him. 3/. 3270-3274 C, 164. ( M I RA i 'I - ]. ll 'I 1. Leningracskiy teklinologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. /) '~- )_ " Y /) / I /) 450 AUTHORS: Favcrskaya, T. A. and Pavlova, L.- A. TI TLE: Study of Conversions of Beta-Glycols of the Acetylene Series. Part 1. Synthesis and Conversion of 2,4-dimethyl-6-pheny1hexine- 5-diol-2,4 (Izucheniye prevrashcheniy Beta-glikoley atsetilenovogo ryada. I. Sintez i prevrashcheniya 2,4-dimetil-6-fenilgeksin-5- diola-2,4) PMODICAL: Zhurnal CYbshchey Khimii, 1957, Vol. 27, No. 1, Pp. 52-57 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The study of beta-glycols of the acetylene series began with the most accessible 2,4-dimethyl-6-phenylhexine-5-fiol-2,4 synthesized according to the lotsich method from diacetone alcohol and phenylacetylene. The glycol was subjected to effects of sulfuric 0 acid of various concentrations and heated for 1-2 hrs to 70-100 When diluted sulfuric acid was used, a greater part of the glycol was recovered without any changes and the react&on pm dicta in- cluded only small amounts of acetone and isopropenylphenylacetylene. The acetone was determined by the 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazone. Isopropenylphenylacetylene was first obtained by Skosarevskiy (4) ftring dehydration of dimethypheriylacetylenyl-carbinol. The forma- tion of this hydrocarbon is also mentioned by A. I. Zakharova and Card 1/3 Z. I. Sergeyeva (5) during the derivation of chlorohydrin of Study of Corriersions of Beta-Glycols of the Acetylene Series. Part 1 450 dimell~hyl-phenylacetylenyl-carbinol. The constants of the hydro- carbon obtained by the authors of this report were in conformity with literature constants. The curve clearly shows the absorption intensity maximum character- istic for the acetylene bond (4.48,W and for the isopropenyl group (valent frequency 3.25,A.,,, deformation frequency 11)A); the curve is similar to the absorpt3.on curve in the infrared zone far phenylace- tylene and vinylacetylene. It was found that an increase in acid concentration, tenperature and heating time is followed by an in- crease in the amount of acetone and isopropenylphenylac.gtylene in the reaction products. In experiments with a 4% alcohol solution of sulfuric acid, the authors also obtained a higb boiling fraction which gave qualitative reactions with hydroxyl, ethoigl. double bond, revealed no carbonyl groups and its composition and molecular weight were close to glycol. One graph. There are 1.1 references, of which 9 are Slavic. Card 2/3 P/) vl- C Vtl"l ~' I // I VINES-DAITILOVA. E.D.; IPAVIOVA, L.A.;,, FABRITSY, A. Study of oxvdihydrofurans. Part 6: Reaction of 505-dimethvl-2,4-diphenyl -2-ox.vdihydrofurna-2.5 &-nd 2,4-dinitrophenylhvdra2ine. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.9:2423-2429 S '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1.Leninp?adskiy tokhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. (Fwan) (Hydrazine) AUTHORS- Pavlova, L. A., Fabratsy A. - =, ov~a E D. TITLE: Investigation of the Reactions of Pir-acols With Sub stituted Acetylene Radicals (Issledovaniy~, prevrashcheniy pinakonov s zameshchennymi atsetilenovymi radikalami). XV. The Action of' Sulfate of Mercury on the Asymmetric Dimethylphenyl-Phenyl-Acetylenyl.- and the Asymmetric Methyl-Diphenyl.,Phenylacetylenyl-Ethy'4.ene-,Glyrols (XV. Deystviye sernokisloy rtuti nn nesimm.dimeti).- fenil -fenil_-ateetilenil- i nesimm.metil-difenil-fenl-latsetileniI -etiler -gl4koli) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obshchey K;amii 1958. Vol. 26. Nr 3, pp, 651-657 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Using mercury salts the authors have not succeeded until now in obtaining hydration products of acetylene-double- L,ertiary a-glycols It was observed that the asymmetric., methyl-diphenyl-phenylacetyleiiyl-ethylene glycol (formula I b) in aqueous as well as in acetone solution converts Card 1/4 to the earlier described C 46H3602(ref 3) in the presence Investigation of the Reactions of Pinacols With Substituted Acetylene Radicals. XV. The Action of Sulfate of Mercury on the Asymmetric -Phenyl-Acetylenyl- and the Asymmetric Methyl-Diphenyl Pnenyla-s%_ Lthylene-Glycols of small amounts of sulfuric acid. It can be as!jum,_-d from the dehydrat-,on and thp regrouping within the mol~,,-Lillo that in beginning a 2 ~ 9 , 5-trlpheLlyl 4-v iny ~ -dihyd ro- furfurar-4 r. 13 formed which then converts to a dimef'. analogous to 2.3,3.4-tetramethyl-.2-((t (~) dimethylv:nyi- dihydrofurfuran-2,.~ (rpf. 4) The parallel ex-jeriment to convert glycol (I b) with diluted sulfuric acid without sulfate of mercury was not suooeasful, as waa to be O)Cpec. ted. The a8ymmetri,, dimethyl.-phenyl-plieriylacetylonyI -ethy- lene glycol (I a) wag subjected to the action cf sulfate of mercury on various conditions, In aqueous and weakly acidous sulfuric acid 5 5-dimethYl (-2,4-d~phenyl-" oxydihy- drofurfuran-2.5 (II) resulted, in acetone i;olution a vis. cous oil which did riot have any hydroxyl grcLip and slowly decolored a bromo- and potassiumpermanganate solution. The synthetized product could be obtained pure by va--uum d1stil. lation. The same product resulted from the action of sul= faze of mercury on glycol in acetone solution. According Card 2/4 to it, elementary solution and its molecul&r weight this Investigation of the Reactions of Pinacols With 79-28-1 '9/61 Substituted Acetylene Radicals. XV. The Action of Sulfate of Mercury on the Asymmetric Di.nethylphenyl- -Phenyl-Acetylenyl- and the Asymmetric Methyl-Diphenyl Phenylar-E-tylenyl- Lthylene-Clycole product could either be an isopropylidpfe derival~ive of glycol (VII) or that of a condensation oxydihydrofurfurans (II) with acetone-5,5-dimethyl-2 4-(Iiphenyl--2 acetonyldi- hydrofurfuran-2,5 (VIII) The attempt to try and obtain the bond (VIII) by condensation of dihydrofurfurann (II) with acetone was suc--essful, The heating of the acetone solution of the compound (II) wish sulfate of mercury lead to a product which is identical with the one synthetized from glycol"nderthese conditions. This expe '-iment makes it possible to acknowledge the compound obtained from glycol in acetone solution under the action of sulfate of mercury, as being 5,,5-dimethyl-2,4.-diphenyl-2-acetcnyl.-di.hydrofur- furan-2,5, The identity of the products obtained from (I a) ai-,d (II) was illustrated by taking the absorption spectra in ultraviolet light. There are 2 figures and 12 references, lo cf which are Card 3/4 Soviet, Investigation of the Reactions of pinacols With 79-28 -3 1916 -- Substituted Acetylene Radicals. XV. The Action of Sulfate of Mercury on the Asymmetric Dimethylphenyl- -~henyl-Acetylenyl- and the Aaymmetric Methyl-Diphenyl--Phenyla,;e*ylenjI Ethylene-Glycols ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tekhnolo.-icheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta (Technological Institute imeni Lensovet , Leningrad) SUBLUTTED; January 2~ 1957 Card 414 5 (7) AUT;lc 11 Pavlova, L. A. SCV/79-29-5-7'!,'7r) TITLE. Investigations in the Field of the Oxy-phthalpnen (Issletovaniyp v oblasti oksiftalanov). 3,3-Limeth-,1-1-(p- tolyl)-1-oxy-phthalano and 7~,3-Di-.lethyl-l-(p-pnio,,,I)-l-oxy- plithalane 1-(p-anizil)-1-oksiftalan) PERICDICAL: Zhurnal obshchej khimii, 10,59, Vol ?9, Ir 5, pp 1~F30-1592 ("3',R) A33TRACT: Substituted ox:,7-phthalanca react both in cyclic form. \'I' ~~nd in the form of o-ncyl-benzyl alcohols (TI) %'Ief2 il-, IQ-,T'3 M R 9 - C"- C -I- C"-OT1 R-- 41"). - R3 2 4 For both kinds of reaction dcta were available in piblications (Refs 2, 4, 5, r,, 7). According to their aibTtituted oxy-phthalp-nes resemble 2-oxy-dihydro-fur,--ns -,hic)-. obtained and investigated for the first time by ':. D. Vqnus- Card 1/3 Danilovq and her corrorkers (Rofs 8-10). t,13o ox~-Iih.,,,dro-furans lnve3tig,ationo in the 7-iild of the OXy-~)hthal~~neS. tZCt' f-79-2 11 3 , 3 -Di me t Ily 1p- t o !.-.!I -o xy- ph t h,,~ I ane an(I 3 , 3-Di me t hyl - I o-4y-rhthalane ren.ct in ,7ays. Besidec, thoy have the irti~rer-.rr capability of salt formation. For this renscr ir, Trpsmnt paner the asnumed basic properties of the r;0),,4tnnce:-, mentioned in the title rern cheriked in this irticiro. 7~,,e preparation rni carrici out b7,, reaction of with mt-!~neoium-(p-tolyl )-bromide and respectively. For the autbor obtained "'he perchlorate, ferric chloride, nd ctr~nnic el,loride, nnd the perchlorate, ferric r-,hlrjrid.,,. and T)icrate for the p-anisyl compound. The infro~.P-d sp,,~c~r- of both initial compounds as well as that of 5,1. I-idmethy!-2,4- ~iphenyl-~'-oxy-dih,ydrofuran-2,5 (Pigure, takon 1) 'y T. 1. Yakovlevn) showed no frequencies of carbonyl Croups. ?he OXI.-PlIth-icnon primarily occur in cyclic struct,!re (P.,3 0--~Y- dili7-iro-furanq), Pocordinirly. Publientiona of ot.hor roithnrs (Rcifs r,, 10) ,3howel that 2-oxy-(Iihydro-furana-',5 taro to hg regardod ivi five-membered analogs of the compoundn of the seric3 of chromenol, flavenol and xanthydrol. oxy-phthfilane3 should, accordingly, br! P-dded t-) investipations iri V,e -if the Oxy-plithalanen. 3CV/79-29-5-71; /7:~ 71 P-ne !ind 3,3-Di-Iethyl-I-,r--..nis--. -1- -AIriyl-1-,'7--!r)I:-I )-1-,--y-phtn,-_l r,xy-nhthnlrno of The experimental part givec tl~e -)f the ini tir I co:~-\o,_,n-I -- ~,ind their RP! tl , '-he i in i ",-o- -I- rn -.,I - '-,.vdrPzones !7nd se-nicrrbozonos n,i -rell ns 'ho nril (!R+a. The stuA,~ritn v rl n J n assiate! in the3e 9%Derimento. Thcr(-.~ rro 1 fi-_irc ani 17 references, _1 of which are ?oviet lclis'. A S C I T I r 'I Lenin-rtidqkiy tPkhr,_-lopicheski1 inctitut (Leninerrad Technolo~7ical :nsILi+,:tv i-rni Lpn- vet) 3'U.9%!ITTI7,D. DecenbGr 31, 1957 C a r d 5.3400 SIDV/71-j- AUTHORSi Favlova, L. A., Orlova, A. N., Venu,'3-D-inllovit, D. TITLE; Concerning the Condensation of 3,3-D1m(Ahv1-1-P1~, Hydroxyphthalan and dihydrofuran-2,5 With Acetic Anhydrld(, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 3, PP Y35-'(111:' (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is the continuation of investlgation~3 of the con- densation of hydroxyhydrofurans and hydroxyphtlMlari:3 with acetone, phenylmethylpyrazolone, and other corT-,po~.inds this journal,Vol 26, o 8848~1956); Ibld., V( A, , i -, 6 5 1 ~; en t R958); ibid.; Vol 29 'p 15 (1959). It, the Pre, - study, 3,3-d:Lmethyl-l-plienyl.-l-hydroxyptithaliii (I) -.,.,a.,: condensed with acetic anhydride on boilinf7 for 4 hr in the presence of pyridine. The reaction gave (3,3- dimethyl-l-phenylphthalyi-1) acetic acid (II, yield 35%; mp, 106-1070 C, from ethyl ether + petroleum ether) and o-isopropenyll)enzophenone (IV, yield 52.425, mp 112-430 cy Card 1/5 from methano! dilute). The latter was l'ornied as a res,ilt Concerning the Condensation of 3,3-Dimethyl-l- 78251 Phenyl-l-Hydroxyphthalan and 5,5-Dimethyl- SOV/179-30-3-551/;-~9 2,4-Diphenyl-2-Hydroxy-dihydrofuran-2,5 With Acetic Anhydride of the dehydvrtljon ol' thu ojwii hydroxyhot,O-roi-111 (11i) of phthalan 1. c1l,coocnC1,11. 113V 0 I(C \0/\ (1611, (C113M" ~-C,61(, C113C C-Cell, Card ~/5 Concerning the Condensation of 3,3-Dimethyl-l- '78251 Phenyl-l-Hydroxyphthalan and 5,5-Dimethyl- S011179-30-3-151610 2,4-Diphenyl-2-Hydroxy-dihydrofuran-2,5 With Acetic Anhydride The condensation of 5,5-dimethyl-2,2~-dtp)ieri,yl-2-oxydi- hydrofuran-2,5 with acetic anhydride gave (5,5-dimetfiyl 2,4-diphen 1-2,5-dihydrofuryl-2) acetic acid (VIL, mn 137-1380 C~, and not acid (V) as suggested previously by the authors (this journal,Vol 23, p 681 (1953). C0011 M 0 M) Card 3/5 Concerning the Condensation of 3,3-Dimethyl- 78251 -1-Phenyl-l-Hydroxyphthalan and 5,5-Dim- SOV/"(I)-.*51----3-5/69 ethyl-2,4-Diphenyl-2-Hydroxy-dihydrofuran-2,5 With Acetic Anhydride I Is - C ---- C I I clell,-G-cil Oil call, (('113)2(: (YCll, (C,113)2~ 0/ \Cll,(,Ooll \0 (VII) ((',0011)2 + I 0111 8 (NIIII) CO, C4115cooll + Cll,corooll C a oil (X) Oil (2) c, 11, I CIII&COOll + 110OC-C-012cooll Oil I (I X) I C'GllbCOCOOll + (CoOfl)2 Card 4/5 Concerniii,, tire Cuit(it q, Phenyl-1- I I it! i,-. I:, n ;~,r: i 2.,4-Diplieiiyl-2-flydi-.-;,~y-,.iiiiycil-~)i, 'Al Acetic Anhydride The struct.~ire )f' VI ,(,jifInv2d ,ts oxidation with pktai3z~Lii;n product of th~.- oxidrition, the hydroxylf-,t' 0-a,,,ld W, could not, IC --1,3 it oxIdI:,(2d rapidly I.-. dIrecI-.Ioii;; formliq,: (1) diberi;~oyIni,,-th,irif, (VIII, 39~%) arid oxallo :irld C--phenylin,ill- ~jr,j(j (IX, yi,~ld 1O.Y1%) -i!icl 1),-,n:~olo u(~Ld. Ther-, ar- r2-ferences, 2 U.S. , 3 U.K., 1~ Fi-ench, I Dutch, G,rrr.'ir 1 C~,cch-)nlovak, Y 'J'o v 1, ~ t, .Tht- U.S. and U.K. are, J. B. Nledrl, W. F. J. Am. Ch(-,in. S~,)' J. Chem. 719 (1937); J. E - IS) I-) c3Yi ~1~-i, E. B. Barnet. t, J. 1-1 . C o:-' 1. 0. NIxon, J. Chum. 5011 (1927); E. ff. huritr~?so, 11. C. Walter, J. Am. Chc~n~'. Soc., 70, 3702 (1948). ASSOCIATION: Lensoviet Leningrad Tt~chnolo~Tlcal Institut,(- skiy telchnologicheskly Institut imeni Lensoveta) SUBMITTEDs December 30, 1958 Card 5/5 PAVLANA, L.A.; VENUS-DANILOVAS E.D. Hydroxydihydrfuranig. Part. 7: Condensation of 5,5dizwthyl-2,4-di- phenyl-2-hydroxy-2,5-dihydrefuran with diethyl malonate. Zbur. ob. khim. 31 no.4:13.50-n54 Ap 161* (14IFA 14: 4) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskly institut imeml Lensoveta. (Furan) (11alonic acid) I ~ SAVTCH, I.G., ffl.LFN7'Yi-,VA, T.1-1., ., , Study of hydroger 'r,-:ndiro in ny-4- XY,h,:,)-,alanF?B brv spectrcsccopy. -t. 3' n n. 3 ~ 41 5-,L19 Pr ' ,I I ( VU -~ . 0 ; 4 '1 1. I-.eningr-,d4xjy tcyJ.nolog.,,~)-sy-y Institi-,t Imeni l,ens(,VeUi, ~D-'i~ - f. --N A. G, V. ; A, V A, , .1. m . qtr.; --t ara -. I -,~ " , " . -a, . -!. - r ~-, 2 : - .- . 11 : . ',:- 1l,)-54:103- .;?~ " . 111.11-1-10VA, I...k.i )ivr,l r oxv j ;; o- n,-' r- '. -, -j e s ,Part 3.,:.7 /-,, 1 - : --, I s a rrj p r:) p e r t A t- 3 -- f 14 ~ 5 - d Iv e t 'j- I - 2 q).h e ny I - I - p - t c, ) y I i -?~, v (I rox y I sr) I n d o 11 n e, 'nur. orz, khf-m. I no, P,, l4q~- 1499 ~g 165. (wo !P,11) 1 . i ~nin~radslr."7 I ':?I c"' - XiY Ins t' Lul. imen I 7-p- ~ - - ' I . . I 400,V---SOURCE- AUTHORt Kuslain, Ke I*; Favlovas L. As ORG: Kazan Chemical Technology Institute Los So He Kirov (Knasnskiy khiulko-tokhnologicheekly Institut) TITLE% Acetylenic derivatives of arsenic SOURCE: Zhurnal obahchey khinti, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1476-1480 &1UR4%kL, TOPIC TAGS# bledialkylarainoacetylene, - ---A so., -, acetylene 4AtxA- 0 ABSTRAM The five previously unreported bia(dialkylarsino)acetylenes were obtained by the reaction BrM61C~-CMgBr + 211,AsJ ---w Composition and constants of the new coupounds are given In the table, Origo arts hass I tables [W.A. 501 car~L_ 1/ 2 UDCi 547*312+661.718.2 ACC NRs AP6028904 yield JAP#jA At an) (in 1) , ca Is, W"w W-160 16) us 43' m 115,63 LOW) I.IISI 91 Ito:45 ! 11.10 42.2$ 37.v 134-136 I 3D. 01" 110 DD * 11 .3 30.90 SIX 1"-1" 17 t.6103 6343 1 :(4m MW 129 W, 13 N 32.4D 39 U sa." ISM . . &Vegas SUB COVII 07/ SUBM DATRI 03Jul65/, ORIG Mrs 001/ OTH REFs 002 Card wi~ 1101-67 TU!, __ - ACC W7,-AI,7003665 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0079/66/oat)/003/1.1,7,~/1",k~,,., AUZIOR: Xuzlmin, K. I.; P~Llowj L. A. ORG: I~azan' Chemicotechnological Institute im. S. I.I. larov (1~azartakly kk) iml ko-teldinologi cheak iy- ins ti tut TITLE: Acetylenic darivatives of arsenic SOURCE: Zhurnal obsachey lchimii,v. 36, no. 8, 1966, 1478-1450 TOPIC TAGS: Grignard reagent, organic arsealc compound ABSTRACT: Five new bis(dialivylarsine) acet:y1cne3, not descrlhc~d in literature, %;are synthesized by the maction of a Grig-nard reagent pr0;)ar'c!c; from ethyl bromide and magnesium with acetylene, followed by trcatmcn', With dialkyliodoarsine. Tho atomic refraction of arsenic in bis(dial,-ylarsine) acetylenes vas found to be 12.43 on the avera&e. ~g?I~S: 36,97g SUB CODE: 07 SUZIM DATEt OUu165 / ORIG RE?: 001 / 07H 00' ,-Card UDG., 5-47,312 + 61.7_1~.2 NELENTIYEVA, T.G.;.PAVLOVA, L.A. Acid-base con-7ersions of hydroxyphthalans. Zhur. -,*-. I no.10%1739-.742 0 165. (miltA lp:]-(-)) 1. Leningradskly tekhnolog'rheskiv Institut impnf L,-nc,Sov-ih.