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AUTHOR: Pavlov, V.P. (Mo,.cow). 24-4-5/34 TITLE: On the mechanism of formation of spheroidal graphite in magnesium inoculated cast iron. (0 mekhanizme obrazovaniya sharovidnogo grafita v magrLiyevom chugune). PERIODICAL: Ak' Tekh. Nauk" (Bulletin of the Ac "Izv 3c Otd Nauk . . . ., . . , -7,--M7, No.49 PP-33-39(USSR). Technical belences Section ABSTRACT: According to Gorshkov, A.A. (Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1955, 'No*3) addition of pure magnesium or of magnesium alloys brings about a rapid evaporation of magnesium which is accompanied by tile formation of a very large number of biibbles which rise upwards gradually decreasing in dimen- $ions due to the consumption of magnesium vapours on the reactions expressed by eqs. (1) and (2), P-34; a complete elimination of these bubbles cann t take place due to the fact that they form spaces where the partial pressures of other gases approach zero and to which,hydrogen will diffuse which is neutral relative to the magnesium at tile liquid iron temperetures. These almost immobile bubbles in the still liquid iron will contain carbon, formed as a result of the reactions, in the form of graphite crysta.,1- isation mclei. Since oxided irons yield more CO and C09, Gorshkov concludes that such irons should be used for obtaining magnesium inoculated cast iron. To verify the Card 1/ 3 theory of Gorshkov the author of this paper investigated the treatment with magnesium of iron which was prelimin- On the mechanism of formation of spheroidal graphite in Tagnesium inoculated cast iron (Cont.) 24-4-5/34 arily degassed. In a 70 kg ladle 350 g (0'.5%) soda was placed first and, after filling the ladle with -iron, treatment was effected with 1.5 kg of an*alloy containing 7.92% magneBium, the rest consisting of 75% ferrosilicon. A.specimen of standard dimensions (30 mm dia) witiistooe, a bending stress of 125 k&/mm2 with a sag amounting to 14 mm; the micro-structure was that of a typical magnes- ium iron, Fig.1, P.35. A second ladle of equal capacity was preliminarily treated with air-dried timber; after treatment with an alloy of the same composition as in the previous cage, the obtained iron had a bending strength of' 113.2 kg/mi~ with a deflection of 14 mm. Irons treated with the same alloy but withuut preliminary d assing had a lower mechanical strength, namely, a 111 VMID2 bendin,6 $trength with a deflection of 6 mm. The results do not confirm the views of Gorshkov. It appears that the mag- nesium refines the iron without actually reacting with the iron or getting dissolved in it but fo=iiqg varbides. Soot particles which form in the iron as a result of the reactions caused by the magnesium are the fundamental nuclei for graphite crystallisation which determine its Card 2/3 shaping; the soot particles become rolled in the moving liquid and assume spherical shape. The dimension of the On the mechanism of formation of spheroidal graphite in magnesium inoculated cast iron (Cont.) 24-4-5/34 soot particles of various types varies between 3.6 and 400 up. Card 3/ 3 There are 6 figures including picro-photographs. There are 11 references,-all Russian. SUBMITTED: September 11, 1956'. AVAIIABLE: FAVLAW, V. P. -.-- - Technology of preparing magnesium cast iron. Lit. proizv. no. 2.37- 38 F 161, (MIRA 14:4) (Cast iron-Metal-lurgy) PAVLOV, Vladimir flavloldch; MELINIKOVA, U.M., red. ..... [!oVmoro and rwtalo) Polimory i motall. Monkva, Znu- nie, 1965. 45 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. XI Seritat Khimiia, no.10) (MIR.A. 18:10) : - I I " V. w I, I "P , . ~ , 1 1. . !, . I ~ '. - ,,1 . . ... . : ;. . ~J I - . '. . , -11~ : -c' - . i . 8j - - lu... PAVLOV) V.P. Circulation of liquid in a bubble apparatus with peric.lical action, Khim, prom. 42 no.9t698-700 S 165. (MI-RA 1819) PAITMV, V.P. fact of residual manf,5ilm, on the form rX im inst iron. 1,.,v. vyv. ucheb. zav.; nl.;)m. met. '1 r,..'/z187-194 164 Olf U 18) L. Mus~ovskly aviatteimi.y .7 insll!-,ii. KUSHNAM, D.M., kand.tekhn.naukj_PAVLOV, V.P., inzh.; ZELITSER, Yu.1., GHEFWANOV, G.S. Industrial testing of a maabine, for charging a hole with "igdaOit.0 Gor. zhur. no.9:46-47 S 162. (KRA 15'9) 1. Gosudaretvennyy inatitut gornokhimicheakogo syr1ya (for Krahnarev, Pavlov). 2. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut avtomatizataii rabot v ugollnoy pronyshlennosti (for Zelltser). 3. Institut gornogo dela iv~ Skoohinskogo (for Cherepanov). (Isplosives) (Blasting-Equipment and supplies) PAVIOV. V.P.. Inshener. Joining wood lingitudinally with tootbad tenons. Der. i lesokhim. prom. 3 no.10:5-8 0 154. (MLRA 7:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-looledovatellskiy Institut mokhanicheakoy obrabotki drevesiny. (Woodwork) li ~Sj , I- ~ ~, -,,.) " ~ ~ ~I PAVWV, V.P., in2hener. -- Testing skis mode of one piece of Manchurian ash. Der.prom. 5 no.2:1? F '56. (KWA 9:5) 1. T;Sentral'nrj nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut mekhanicheskoy obrabotki drevesiny. (Skis and skiing) PAVLOV V P 4~oo jand Tech S^,i -7- (diss) "Study of -b4~ r Pt 16 pp -Nith 22 cm. (,'.tin of di,,- MO 3 11 19 57 - _,her Au- cation USSR. Moscow Inst of ForestIlEngineering), 110 copies. (KL, 21-57, 103) -64- PAVLOV, V.P., inzhener Resistance of veneer tenon joints to compression and impact banding. Dar. prom. 6 no-3:16-17 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut makhanicheakoy obrabotki drevesiny. (Woodwork--Testing) PAVLOV, V.P., sadovod-lyubitell (Bagullma, Tatarskaya ASSR) Black rot can be cured. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I *r/,I. 8 no.6:55-56 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Bt4;ul'ma-Apple--DIe"sos and pefits) (Dugullma-Canker (Plant diseme)) lou 1 V i E, Ei -u or t, a n n ~l c .1! ur. f7 c, :t p Ex T, C -!ii-- i., r. c, w a r a c r c r o u b 1 o r c, v a t c; Ti :3 I A d f com n a rk vi ce ('2 s1(- 1'. ill S/1'/ 9/ 0 0 0/ 0 6/ 014/ 0 21) Invc-stigation of an Anonalous"y V.-Iicous Bu-14y In a f~SS ~;cndition I i-ru i na t e dThe twistin;, moment was measured as a _iin~:!tion of rotation velocity, and at the same time an ~_'~ial flow, varying between 1.48 x 10-3 and 1,62 --m3/sec maintained through the viscometer. Control (,Wperiments on the circumferential flow were carTied out the rotation plasto-viscometer PVR-1 (Ref 1). The is aralysed mathematicalIty and expressions obtained for the mean axial deformational velocity, DIO, the ,,ircumferential deformational velocity, D2, and the _1,~.'Lorm,ational velocity at the wall, Dl (Eqs 1 and the two ;)receding equations). Graphs are given of log Dlo, log DI zind log D2 agalnst log rl and log r2 a-c temperatures of 35 and 500 (Figs 2, 4); r2 and ri are respectively z~-e mean and the axial tangential stresses, &.am ina I.- i on ..f the curves for the grease for the high resin extract -ind for the grease geconditLoned at a deformation "'elocity of 5.1 x 10 sec.-l in a rotary homogeniser that the axial and circumferential flow have -he two flows ssentially the same characteristics. If 'U _~-re of the same order of magnitude, there is a strong 0 S/1 79/ 59/000A '16/014/029 L Investigation of an Anomalously Viscois Body Ln a t 4 :3 sCondi L on influence of circumferential on axial flow. At low :~:Lrcumferential flows, there is practically no influence on axial flow. At high circumferential velocities, the Lixial flow of the anomalously viscous body bacome3 c, w tc )nian. Some increase in circumferential viscosity is bserved at high axial. velocities. This effect 'i-minishes if the temperature is raised, and also if the is preconditioned by subje,,:ting it to high ,--formational velocities. Figure legends are as followq, 1 - Schematic arrangement of tLe apparatus for .,;,--estigating flow of an anornalously viscous body under ~Iic- action of two simple shears, A Fig characteristic ,,continuous) and neutrallsed (dotted) flow curves for ,!:-,tract- Fig 3 - characteristic (continuous, dashed) neutralised (dotted) flow curves for fatty greasq. (,haracteristic (continious) and nentralLsed (dotted) curves for fatty grease, the structure cf which was 'r,--fker. down iF. a homogeniser at a deformation veiccity ~s ,1 X 104 see-1. (In Figs 2-11 tho Hrttr-d I ines -oresent the curves DjO('Z'j.1' obtained for oxtract and 017-,1 Ox 3 S IJ t a t i ~- ;~-- x !.s- I -" -I c ~ -, i-n 17~,' trie, twin rc,'Latif.,n V C, t e 1- s T- t 1 n .- ep r e D r,t s- D 4,3 r e,- a- c! e 7 1 S s p PV F - 3 Le a I a j, yr e s /,-,Lr- air a n v e -,;,um ed Tc i C) ~n t 11 c-- nu es a -1 ir, tile u-) r~!C, at t~ic, tc~p u1 p a e 1,2 w~l I ax :1 sz c i ill , r b, at I ~ ayial vll,,,~:(!-i,.~ f d .3 1- c-, -11,1 a ty f,-)r ex r a T C. I UM f e i ~!ri t, - a E, i el,:)cj ty f(-,,.r fatt7 i., ef 160 ~,,:) 5alic, 1-1-00 F 1 g 7 .. cuf .765 ch"inge of' :,i v E~ .-I ,-oni ferent 1,111 v] ~!C~-i.ty on arl (I c, J'- rIT13 T L ~i ~7, s I t 5 ', C e I L. W~. SU BE I I'l ED 1 A ASTAKROV, A.V.; PAVLOV, V.P.,PAVLOTSKIT. I.P. Spectral representation of the n-partial summit function in tho one-dimnsional case. Nauch.dol.-I.vys.shkoly. fiz, mat.nauki no.2:124-127 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvannry universitet. (Potential. Thenry of) SAYFULLIND M.S.; PAVLOV, V.P. Evaluating the current o-fl yield of the flooded section of bed VI in the Ashit sector of the Arlan oil field. Geol. nefti. i gaza 8 no.lOt27-31 0 164. (MM 17:12) 1. Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye Arlanneft'. FAVLOV, V.P., kand. med. nauk Indications and methodology for the Intra-articular introductlon of hydrocortisone in infect"ous nonspecific polyarthritis. Sov. med. 27 no.11%111-116 N 164. (MMA 180) 1. Otdolenlye infektsionnyk), rollartritov (zav. - prof. M.G.Astapanko) Nauchno-1 sol.- d ovate I I skogo instituta revmatlzma (dir. .. deystvitelInyy chlen AIC SSSR prof. A.I.Nesterov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. PAVWV, Ifsp. (Mosk7a, 1-ya Pryadillnaya ul. d. 2/9, kv.38) Chmges in renal hemodynamlcm foLlowing m1tral commiseurot?v in patieits.with m1tral stenosime Grud.kbir. 1 noo2s 184$ Mr-Ap 159o (MIRA 16:7) 1. 1z kafedry fakulltetskay khirurgii (zav.-prof. A.A.Busalov) pediatricheskogo fakul'teta II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institu- ta imeni N.I.Pirogova. (MITRAL VALVE-SURGERY) (KIDNEYS-ELOOD SUFTLY) LOSKUTOVA, L.T.; MAKOTINSKIY, M.P., kand. arkh.; RUDINA, M.A., arkh.; SHPANOV, I.A., arich. Prinimal uchastiye LIVSHITS, A.M., inzh.; GROMOV, V.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzeng; KRASNOVSKIY, N.V.,- kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; P~YWVJ.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsen2ent; PODZOROVA, N.G., inzh., retsenzent; FOLOMIN, A.I., doktor takhn. nauk, retsenzent; GURVICH, E.A., red. (Catalog of finishing materials and elemental Ketalog otdeloch- nykh materialov i izdelii. MOE,-,.a. Gosstroiizdat. Pt.$,'[Wood and paper] Derevo i bumaga. 1962. 36 p. (MIRA 16--8) 1. Vses*Uznyy nauchho-issledovatellski_v institut novykh stroi- tellnykh materialov. (Finishes and finishing) KUSHNAREV, D.M.; PAVIip_p_V.P. Study of the danger of stray currents in using electric deton-qtcrs with nichrome filament bridges. Vzryv. delo no.48/502-98 162. NIRA 15:9) 1. Cosudaretvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gornokhimi- cheskogo syrIya (GIGMS). (Blasting) BUNIN, O.A.; MOSKVICHEV, N.T.; PLPMIN, S.A.j Prini-14 uchastiye: . GORSHKOV, P.V.,- SMIRNOV, V.M.; F~AVWV,12,; ISAYEV, A.P.; IAVROV, G.V. Operation conditions of the dye aging and reducing apparatus. Tekst.prom. 22 no.lo:64-67 0 '62. (MIRA 15:2a) 1. Ivanovskiy riaurlmo-issledovateliskiy tekstillnyy imstitut. (Dyes and dyeing-Apparatus) KUSHNARKV, D.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAVLOV, V.P., insh. Explosives with the simplest ccepocition. Shakht.stroi. 6 ro.ll: 24-25 N 162. (MA 15:12) 1. Inctitut gornokhimicheekogo isyrlya. (Explosives) J. -11-J" A- .1 -nmu.-. 9 0"" _TJ J. P. j. Aq- p A- Ran wrms-tmd ng~t~w ~q -n to -f 4 "1 .4 .1 p-T. T.Ar- - It, I-jnv j- -m" ftf-j lljLja tj .7"d j- :n' A% (ig -rp- r- "I j- 4-- on "m j. -n-k- -41 -a )-"wu slr -T." "u.,ft - - "I" -T~v So mT- on Aa-w -n on a. qw-r-4 I C w-D.r-a &w.W-r-W -U Mend p ftn&," - mmin to A T -P.m A p -m-wo Ph4r. .4,11- p p "W"' -P.N U-fq- . ..... . .J. nom-sm .1-v=4 Tli- .51 ot I n - - P TIM -am T...=" .2..qtr jv=4 &oowo to M" -"old I.m .&A"aft 0 A -lm~- mt. -RIM -u--A -A[ q-A --V LZ "-lu-4--A M Tddv p.. T..jj--.L j. of-ftoz) ~m- tTv ;-T W-M r ... .. "-M .1-0 rrx-- Aa -T n -nz -"-TV Aftb=zMft .10 P-j -4 own-n) --d "'A p &_,ta - J. V-lq-A -ft- n4j. 401M." J. A-M .0 10 ti) "ve-v-&-ft-W 9-1 r.- J. _-~d - V d p -n.lvn .0247v=w "MrWq%, luz ru T~. ft-o-aft w :IR ftTg-p r--Ts. A -Tqa -M -ovw-i- --i -W -VVm P. ..t%A.4." '&;Z0 . (q-"-:;rAlbQj4M A.M V .(w..M.P_jj nnT&-w T A P -ft. O.-M) P. J. An. L &m C V-t" "I pa ftlxwte~" ja poem 4% _", "= "" .30b -2 -2 -,n - .0-Mimm A -Tma Mom"P -cis 'T'Tft"- VM-1 -Tn t"IIPM _j n. a. ("TM) tau---Zai -an vVT-.- 0. TV - P -"-RU CV,16 .,m J. Am -no M p __._V M -IM A,, Tan" -%-td -"-n. J. nT-u .1am"pv .(-.K) p Aan "A -V =.T P. --T-~ -t"n A Vmn:~r Wrt....Ml A 1.16 M J. Tnws~ at . 09~ 4-4 f L42 r'l'ddy P-- J- -T~Z -T-n-TTV 4 ~Tr- ~d Ww, V.P.,- ingh. Work required by various methods of reinforcing prestressed concret6 products in conveyor-line plants. Trudy NIIZHB no.27:133-149 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Prestressed concrete) FROZOROVSK.rr. G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAVLOV, V.P., In2h. Special nroblems in the Industrialization of construction In villages. lav. Uit no. 1:58-614 '60. (MIRA 11 :9) (Farm buildings) tPrecast concrete construction) P AV LC I; , V . 1'. , Cand i c-Fi 1 -'C-i -- (I i-,~3) "~,Atiun of tr~u - li~ tne po-stoper a ',.I; v,~ ,:er. o~i . " , 11-Itz,, . 1 1, p~ ; (".3ccon ~ :-~U: -, " - I I., ~..- 1. .,.e.,-I-Ical I,n--. ', - i L. * . 1 . -'- -' r o - ~ v ; r' ~,- - c G :~ -: , -- ; ~- T - 4 c -. r. r, ,~, - ': .- , *1 22-601 1144) .11 1.. -- I TINGGRADOV, G-V. (Moskva); PAVLOY,,V.P. (Hook-va) Ilastic and strength properties of soft bodies. lzy.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.uauk.Nekh. I mashinostr. no.2:134-141 Hr-Ap '59. WRA 12:5) (Deformations Nechanics)) / -, ~-) V ~ (~ /. I , " i j LARCHEITKO. Ye,G.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PAVLOV. V.P. AnBwers to rapdorst quastions. Geod. I kart. ne.8:66-70 0 '56. (MIRA 10: 1) (Surveying) ilAVL-C)\,/ v.p bXRMVSXIY, V.Ye.; VASIIMNKO, M.I.; VELIER, R.L.; VMWVSKIY, A.M.; VERNER, B.F.; VOYDAIA)VSKAYA, Ye.N.; VOL'SKIY, A.N.; GLAZEDVSKIY, A.A., GRANOVSKIT, B.L.; GREYVER, N.S.; GUDIRA, N.V.; DOLGOPOLOVA, V.I.: KOCHXVSKIT, V.A.; KOVACIISVA, Ye.B.: EURTAVTSEV, P.S.; LEBEMY, A.Z.: LlSOVSKlY, D.I.; LIKHNITSKAYA, Z.P.; MATV8Yh'V. N.I.: MELINITSKIY, A.N,; MIRONOV, A.A.; MIKIWEVA, A.A.; MURACH, N.N.; OKO', A.B.; OL'KHOV,11.P.. OSIPOVA, ,J*,6j ROTINYAN, A.L.; SAZHIN, N.P.; SMYUKOV,N.N.; SIDOROV, P.M.; SOBOLI, S.I.-. KHETFETS, V.L.. TSXYNTR , V.M.-, SHAMINAZAROV, A.K.; SHEYN, Yn.P.: SHERDW'TIV, S.D.; SHERMAN, B.P.; SHISHKIN, N.N.; SHLOPOV, ~.P. Goorgii Ivanovich 1311nov. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:62 N-D 155. (MIlLA 10 - 11) (Blinov, Georgii Ivanovich, 1911-1955) sli 28/61/C00/002//W7/009 A054/A 133 AUTHOR: Pavlov, V.P. TITLE: Technological problems in magnesium iron production PERIODICAL: LIteynoye proizvodatvo, no. 2, 1961, 37 - 38 TM: The modification of iron with magnesium can easily be carried out In workshops where Iron is poured into the molds with 70-kg ladles filled from the cupola by a mixer. After filling the mixer with iron the slag is removed and the magnesium foundry alloy is added with the aid of an iron rod held over the metal surface. The opening of the mixer is then covered and the magnesium foundry al- loy to lowered to the bottom. During the modification the iron temperature drops by about 20 - 250C. Gases are removed from the mixer through pipes connected to the fan system of the workshop. The method ensures magnesium modification to any required extent. It is safe, does not require special space in the workshop and can be integrated into the continuous conveyor casting system. There are 2 fig- ures and I Soviet-bloc reference. Card 1/1 VASILIM, I.G., inzh. (Leningrad)j PAVLOV, V~P.;, imb. (Leningrad) Two-channel electronic switch for the cathode oscillograph. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 6 no.404-35 Ap 162. (KERA 15:5) (Oscillographs) (Electric ovitchgear) S/155/59/000/02/023/036 AUTHORSs Astakhoy, A.Y., Pavlov, V.P., Pavlotskiy, I.P. % TITLE: Spectral Representation--oT-5~n-n-particle Green Function dimensional Case PERIODICALs Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheskiye nauki, 1959, No. 2, pp. 124-127 TEXTs Spectral representations of arbitrary multi-particle Green functions are obtained in the case where the field functions only depend on the time (unidimenstonal model). The results confirm that it is principally possible to obtain the representations from the causality conditions and from the mass spectrum alone ; a direct application of the results is possible, e.g. in thermodynamics. The authors thank N.N. Bogolyubov for the subject and the guidance, and A.A. Logunov, B.V. Medvedev, M.K. Polivanov for advices. There are 7 references: 3 Soviet, 2 American, 1 Swiss and 1 Italian. ASSOCIATIONs Mookovakiy gosudaretvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDs March 21, 1959 CO in the Uni- Card 1/1 d7TT-HORS: Zavlyalov, 0. TITLE: Matrix element PERIODICAL- Akademiya nauk 25478 S/02 61/139/00 1 //0 1 B1 04YB231 1. and Pavlov, V. P. of the reaction 7 + N4 7 + 'V + N at low energies SSSR. Doklady, v. 139, no. 1, 1961, 79 - 62 TE)-LT: The authors had two aims in mind when investigating the rehcti-ns mentioned in the title: to find expressions for the matrix elements, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, good results serve as argument for the primary conditions on the analytic behavior of the amplitudes in these processes. As is shown by the present work, well verified formulas are obtained by considering the closest singularities of the S-matrix. in addition, prospects are outlined for improving these formulas. The three reactions r + P--)t T - + n; (1) + p --)T 0 + le + n ; (2) + p )1T- + To + P. (3) Card 1/7 25~78 S/ ,20, Matrix element of the reaction ... Bl-4/'B2,71 are examined and for simplifying the kinematic computations the nucleons Rre assumed to be scalar particles. p,, p 2' P3$ p4t and P5 are the mcmenta of the Ir"--meson, of the If-meson (at the end of the reaction), of the neutron, of the ?,-meson (at the initial stage of the reaction), and of the proton. The reaction (1) is described symbolically by A 112 S = 1 t iA1 6 (Ep 211 (ti 1(j 2115W4(j 5) The amplitude A1 only depends on 2 invariant combinations of the p 1" invariants u ik ~ Uki ' (pi + Pk) can be composed. The diagonal elements of the matrix u are related to the 2 masses of the particles participating in the reaction by u ii , 4 mi. The conservation of momentum imposes 5 relations on the remaining 10 invariant3i 1 2 M2 (k = 1,2,~,4,5). Thus 5 among 10 variables u turn o-it T~'k ik - 'k ' ~_ 1 ik to be independent. For an independent variable the authors choose the energy s 1 . U23 in the center-of-mass system neutron -2--meson, the energy 9 3 ' U 12 in the center-of-mass system of the ~_ and 17-meson, the energy Card 2/7 ;5478 S/020/61/139/001/010/018 Matrix element of the reaction ... B104/B231 a a U in the center-oll-mass system neutron and"q;'+-meson; u is chosen 3 13 35 for the'momentum transfer between the nucleons, and u for that between the. ;y, 14 mesons. As of late, the energy in the main channel of the reaction has been. designated as u In case of the threshold energy W the (M.+ ~)2 15 0 0 following applies: 9 a o', +/~,)2, so 4 2 M and /A denote the massed 1 2 3 of nucleons and mesons. If W exceeds the threshold energy the following., 2 2 2 2 -W + M + 2/" i8 -,:~4/, and a, + 92+ 'S applies: s1 A') 9 2>(M + , 3 , 3 positioned within the region marked in Pig. 1 by broken lines. it is moreover the authors' aim to obtain linear terms of a matrix element expansion according to relative momenta of such part1cles as are parti*cip- ating in the reaction. It is assumed that expression t + A I (misIs3) A (44s~3 + (s, (I S! it) (4) CO OD 0 oji Is') ds' + Card 3/7 Sj) (S' S, it) (s, sop (s, S, =,a) CN-LO, Matrix element of the reaction ... 254T8 3/02 61/1-29/001/010/016 B104 X231 represents a good approximation of A near the -threshold. 6~ (Y2, and 6-, are determined from the unitarity condition. In (4) the closest singularities are taken into accounti not however the pole terme of the 2 2 form ( a Sows Y )(S M ) nor the depend7enoe of A on the 1 .1 momentum transfer uik' which is, however, admissible in the approximation wanted in this case. it is shown that the assumption of A being analytic 1 with respect to the variables u in the range of their values is justified. ik Finally the authors obtain A, (sists,) A, (s,?4 + ju, (sj + 10, (s,) + ju, 3 + dr A 310) S, (5) Card 4/7 25478 B/02 61/139/001/010/018 111atrix el-ement of the reaction... B104YB231 and ka A,tt wn - -t-n); (6a) yo~~w + + M, kii (A itt (n*n - :t*n) + A ~n*~ ep)) (66) Ykf, + + Y; as kit (6iB) 2 2. A;(sososo) is-the amplitude of the reaction(l) with W (M + -In 1 2 3 addition /(xl-x-iE) - 13-1/(Xl-x) + i3r~(xl-x), whereTis the symbolof the 0 2 principal value. Due to the fact that the relation s a a - k applies to the expression figuring under the integral of (5), the integral terms can be neglected and A, (-%SZS3)- A, (sls:sZ + i 1(y, (s,) + cr, (h) + cr, (Q). (7) Card 5/7 -.2 1508- , S/020/61/139/001/010/01.8 Matrix element of the reaction... B104/B231 is obtained. Similar expressions can also be obtained for the reactions (2) and (3). (7) not only determines the amount of matrix elements but also'their phase. The expression (4) leads automatically to correct expressions for the matrix elements wi th an accuracy up to the terms of second order of the ralative moments. The au-thors thank A! A. Logunov a*d L. D. Solov'yev for di-scussi6ns. There are 1 figure and 2 non-Soviet-bloo references. ASSOCIATIONt Matematicheskiy institut im. V. A. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Mathematics imeni V. A. Steklov Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: February 28, 1961, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: Pebruary 23, 1961 Card 6/7 ACC NR, AP6025651 (_A SOURCE CODE: UR/01413/66/OOO/Oi3/0101/0102 ::7VLNT3R; Zhukov, Yu. A.; Maminov, Ye. K.; Yanu6his, Yu. ?.; Pa,4crr, V. P. 3,-13 :None T:T'-E: A device for testing footwear under dynamic conditions. CIU13B 142, 11o. 183467 lannounced by the Military Academy of Rear Lines and Transportation (Voyennaya aka- demiya tyla i tran6porta)) SOURCE: Izobretaniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovexnyye znaki, no. 13, i966, 101-102 '10KC TAGS: footgear, test stand, wear resistance This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for testing footwear under dynamde conditions. The unit consists of a movable 'Last for the specimens of footgear to be 'Vested, an attachment for controlling the pressure on the last, a drive with crankshaft, connecting rods and cam mechanism, removable abrasive s-urfaces and registration equipment. The machine components are mounted on a stand. -Irx in- sta-Ilation is designed for comprehensive testing of a number of properties of foot- gear, e. g. water resistance, sole durability and thermal insulation properties. T.-,e device is equipped with a platform which is driven with a reciprocating motion syn- chronized with that of the last. The abrasive surface or medium which interacts wita Card 112 _ _ ___ uDc: 620.A.-685-31--- ACC NR, AP6025651 the fow~wear is located on this platforta. 2. A modification of this de,,ixe des~.,~ned for t-asting performance characteristics both separately and in combination. Relay units are used for recAprocal connection of the starting and registration devices. I-last; 2-drive; 3--abrasive surface; 4--platform, SLB CODE: 13, 15/ SUBIM DATE: IOMar65 Card 2/2 KOVTUNO G.P. [Kovtun, H.P.]; KRUGLY101, A.A. (Kruhlyk-h, A.A.]; FAVIDV, V,S. Dstermining the vapor pressure in metalm from the vaporization rate* Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.3:386-389 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Fiziko-tc!7hnicheskiy institut All USSR, go Khar'vkov* (Vapor pressure) ~)/) V L 0 V, V, 3, ~Z= IVkWV, V.YE., MGLYKV. A.A., PAVWV, V.S., KOVTUN, G.P. &4D ATID!;EN.KO,V.M. OXesaurment of t~w) vapor pressure of uranium containing compounds.* Ropvr,t presented at the IAEA Symposium on thA Thermodynamics of !,Tjcloar Materials. Vienna, Austria 21-26 Pay 196-9 -1 17855~63 ~_..EWTOOADS M7T21PASD ACCESSIDIUM.AP3003692: Z,695/0899 Ai=oa. Paylov V,S`. Danilyan, G.V.*,,Xoro11koj, V~--TITLZ - RU inement of the decay~scbem-e Inl-16 /Report of the Thir eentb AnWa scopy he-137TIi-xi onference-on Nuclear Ppectro ev, from 25.January to 2 Februarp SOW=- AN SSSR, Iz-v, S criya lizicbeskayn, v.27, no.7, 1963, 895-BDD topic TAGS~ Isoto'e activation,, P nuclear spectrometry, decay schemes'ln AMILACT: 'The primary-, purpose: ot tile worlt V, a's to - OValliate the SezsIbility ol u Ing! a - closed'loop activation syptem for _.5tul:ting tho,decay of shortm-lived nuclides. by.means of a magnetic gamma-spectrometer, in.view of-the f not that magnetic recoil: s3~ectrometers are characterized by high nccuracy Sor obtaining energy nnd intensity V.11,Uos but have tho*dr-awback of low efficienc , 'so that in tbo, case of short-lived.., y isotopes several activations are necessary to study the S ru a ull spect M., The ctiva on consisted of two stainless steel'tubes -,one used, as the source, the oth- r1ocated in the neutron :flvx near tho core of a heavy-WAtor reactor -.0 contrifu- l a circulating pump an expansion chamber'nnd appropriate stainless steel connect-. _Uilg.,tubing. The loop geometry vas such that 'tho Arradiation time was nbout 20 sec;. b transit time 1rom irratiation tube'to source tube abou 8 sec. the full cycle 117855-63 ,,,.._;,ACCESSION NR; AT.W03692 time 50 sec. The total volume of,the system, was about 5 liters. InI25 ed. -for, the test ekporiments, neutron this isotop results in f ormation In116 in the ground state (T 13 sec) and in isomeric state (T = S4 min). The- -'~I,material vas-eirculated in the,nctivation loop in the form of a, water,solution of _In(NO3)3 (1 510 g per-5*:litors vater soiution).-- The neutron and gamma background was dtte, B~C and 10 stool blocks with a total length of-1500.3nm. The Ban- ma-ray spectrum of InI16 was measured 'in tho'rnngo. I.Tom.0.7 to 1.8 11W in 13 hev steps 10.nin counting at each field, value). The 13-see activity 1vss distinguished' by-damping the ranctor for.Z nin intvrvals.~ 'The onorgiez,and Intensities of -"'~~-','~'the':Zletected~gamma-rays ;are tabulated together with the energy vnluos reported by other authors. A relined decay schemo- is presented (see En losuro). "In 'conclusion: c *o,take this opportunity to thnnk N.A.Burgov for useful discussions. and nce im th5'worjt.-; I formula 4 :figures and and G.V.Rottor for assista .1 table. ASSOCIATION- Inistitut teoretichesUoy I oRsperimental noy I Ixiki Goshumitota po nir- nomu: is ol Zovaniyu atomnoy enorgil SSSR (Inst. al Theoretical h p Bxporimental. ~-s gs . Stato~Committee on Peaceful Uses of Atomic 13norgy, SSSR) -i SUUIMD- 00.:., ~ACQ: 02.ku-63 EXCM.01 SUB CODE: M SD NO REP SOV: 00-0 OMR: 007 C, ari?,Ak, KOVTUN, G.P.; OUGLYKH, A.A.; PAVLOV, V.S. Electron gun for determining the evaporation rate of non- volatile materials. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.2:130-132 Mr-Ap'64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. "I- - PAVLOV9 V.S. Heat exchange in zonal glass furnaces. Stek. i ker. 18 161. (,,ui~A 14:3) (Glass furnaces) (Ifeat-Transaiosion) PAVLOV, V.S. Treatment of corn seeds with new growth promoting substances before planting. Zemledelie 24 no,1:69-71 ja '62. (MIRA II-2j 1. Leningradskiy sel'5.kokhozyaystvennyy institut. (corn (maize)) (Growth promoting substances) dk S"' uo, 5/ ()1 "OOu//OO3/Oo5/010 U208/D31) AUTHORS KruUykh- A A Pavlov V.S ancl Tv.diins'):yy, 6 P T ITLE Grain growth in c~irotriii_,.Ln PERIODICAL Ukrayins kyy fizyciinyy zhurnal v ~,, no. 3. 19b!. -)94-397 TEXT; The study of grain growth in chromium is of practical inter- est in connection with the use of chromium as a heat-resistant mat- erial In literature there are data on the recrystallization of chromium of various degrees of Durity. but there are none concerning C) grain growth. V i Axkharov, V i 3hangarev (Ref, 1: R-al, 6. no. 1. 82, 1958); S T-M Johnstone (Ref, 2- Nature. 181, 806. 1957) In the present study, grain growth was investivated under isothermal annealing for the purpose of (IeLerminin~% the rate of growth and the activation energy. Ghromium was use(I aith an admixture ar, ';pecilied in the table. The specimer,'. were ma:le of.glates which were obtain- ed by condensation in a hign vacuum (I ,10 mm lig), on a tanta'um surface at 5000C, The plates were rolled at room temperature so as C ard 1/4 23292 S/185/61/006/003/005/010 Grain growth in chromium D208/D302 to thin them by 30~i'a'. Then they were annealed for 10 hours in a vacuum, at 9000C Thus a near-equilibrium structure was obtained The author stresse.,., the fact that after the treatment the widLh of the d .2ndrites was reduced from 50 to 30 f, (microns), After anneal- ing at 9000C,. the plates were again rolled at room temperature, and the growth was investigated (by ~-etallographic methods) after anneal- ing at temperatures of 900. 950. 10M L050 and 11000G. ,Phe results show that the thermal fluctuations are greater at high temperatures than at low, and they lead to centers of recrystallization which are more numerous at 11000C than at 10600C This explains the fact t:iat the average size of the gr2ins is smaller at 11000C than at 10500i~. Ilie linear dependence of D on time shows th-at graiii growth in chromium follows the statistical law D 2 _ D2 . Kt (1) where K ~ Koe - ~T (2). Do - diameter of grain at t z 0, K - rate of growth, activation energy which is numerically c(l,,ial or nearly equal to the activation energy of self-diffusion at the boundaries of the grains, Ko equals 1 cm~/sec in the investigated temperature range D9 0 was obtained by extrapolation The rate of Card 2/4 S/18 Grain growth in chromium YI) 61/006/003/005/010 D208 302 growth at Vnrious temperatures was calculated by Eq The temp- erature dependence of K in coordinates IgK - I was linear. The T- obtained value of the energy of activation was 53 � 5 kcal/g.atom, which is in agreement with B.S. Bokshtein, S.T. Kjsh]-~in (Ref. 5: Zav. Lab., 23, no. 3, 316, 1957) and Gondolf 2akston (Ref. 6: Arch. Eisenhifttenwesen, 30, no. 1, 55, 1959). The equations were taken from D. Burke, U. Tarnball (Ref. 3: UP1,1, 1, 368, 1956) and P. Feltham, (Ref. 4: Acta.Met., 6,.no. 8, 539, 1958). There are 4 figures, I table and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet- bloc. The references to the English-language publications react as follows: S.T.M. Johnstone, Nature, 180, 806, 1957; P. Feltham, Acta Met., 6, No. 8, 539, 1958. ASSOMATION: Fizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AN USSR (Physicotechnical Institute, AS UkrSSR) 1(har'kov SUMITTED: July 1, 1960 Card 3/4 ) VZ 6,V, P umlsl~id Stat~/Hijd'cs - Hech-nical Properties of Crystals E-9 and Poly-Crystalline Coupounas Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 11 190, 1083 Author : G~Wdukov, M.G., Pavlov, U.A. Inst : Institute of Physics of Metals, Ural' Branch kcademW of Sciences, USSR. Title : Relaxation of Stresses in Alloys of Aluminum with M&Epesium. Orig Pub : Fiz. metallov i metallovedeniye, 1957, 4, No 1, 123-130 Abstract : An investiption vas nade of the relaxation of stresses in alloys of aluminim with nagnesium at a tenperature range fron 100 to 300 C vith initial stresses of 30D g1nmA. It vas established that there is an increases in the rela- xation stability of Al-Mg alloys, compared with pure alu- minurn. 7he increase in the relaxation stability is Card 1/3 SNMUD, Fred, I,; MWILL, Anthony; SWWGV,Tu.V. [translator]; DITAK06- NOV,A.I.,Etranslatorl; LTUBIHOV.S.A. (translator]; VOLUDIN,N.V., [translator]; RUSAVOT.P.L. redaktor;PJM RASIMOV,Te.S., telffinicheekly redaktor redaktor; ON- [Protection for people, buildings and equipment from the atomic bomb. Translated from the Raglish.) Protivostomnala zashchita lludei, sdanti I oborudovaniia. Perevod a anglilokogo IU.V.Seme- nova i dr. Moskva. izd-vo inostrannot lit-ry, 1955. 292 p. (KLRA 9:3) (Building. Bombproof) (Atomic bomb--Safety measures) ~ 'PVL,11/ ,/"0 '- ALIPOV, N.Y. [translator); LUSHNOV, IOVLIWA, N.A., N.P., red.; PAVIOT, V.S., red.; [Nuclear weapons. Translated from the English] Atomnoe oruzhie. Pod reds B.P.Lushnovs. Moskva, Izd-vo Inostr. lit-ry 1957. 71 P. NIRA 11:4) 1. Scotland. Home Department. (Atomic weapons) *I LAWSON,D.I.; ILIPOV.N.V. [translator]; PAVLOV V.S., redaktor; BIMA, M.A., tekhnicheEkiy redaktor fe`~'-:- I [Fire and the atomic bomb. Translated from the Nnglishl Atounais bomba i po2hary. Perevod a angliiskogo N.V.Allpova. Moskva, Izd- vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1955. 44 po (HLRA 9:3) (Atomic bomb) STEPANEENKO, M.G., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; PAVLOV, V.S. Method of calculating tank glass furnaces with developed working end arrangements. Stek. i ker. 19 no.):1-6 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:)) (Glass furnaces) KOVTUN., G.P. [Kovtun, H.P.]; kMUGLYKH, A.A. [Kruhlykh, A.A.]; PAVLOVI, V.S. Vapor pressure and the evaporation coefficient of nickel. Ukr. fiz.zhur. 7 no.4x436-438 AP 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Fiz-Lko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrS.SR, g. Kharikov. (Nickel) (Vapor pressure) PAVLOVP V.S.; DANILYAN, G.V.; KOROLIKOV, I.Ya. More precise definition of the InI16 decay scheme. Izv. AIN SS&R. Ser. fiz. 27 no.7:895-" 163. (ICRA 16:8) 1. institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po mirnomu ispollsovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. (Indium isotopes--Decay) (Gamma-ray spectrometry) PAVLOV, Ye&S9 Deep faults and the distribution of enodgenic mineralization in the Maritime Territory. Sov.geol. 7 no.2:18-29 F 164. NIRA 17:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo syrIya. ACC N% AF6036452 SOURCE CODE: UR/0370/66/000/oc)6/0169/0172 AUTHORS: Kruglykh, A. A. (Kharlkov); Favlov, V. S. (Kharikov); Smirnov) Yu. N. (Kharikov) ORO: none TITLE: Oxidation of zone-refined cerium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 6. 1966, 169-172 TOPIC TAGS: cerium, cerium oxide, oxidation kinetics, oxidation ABSTRACT: The oxidation kinetics of cerium was studied as a function of the purity of the metal. The experiments were carried out in the temperature region of 150 300C. The mass increase of specimens was determined after the method of V. Ye. Ivanov, A. A. Kruglykh, V. S. Pavlov, et al (Opredeleniye uprugostey parov uranosoderzhashchikh soyedineniy. Sb. Termodinami-ka yadernykh materialov, Vena, 1962, 735). In addition, the microstructure and x-ray structure of the surface of tae oxidized specimens were determined-. The experimental results are preeented ir, grapi-,s and tables (see Fig. 1). It was found that the oxidation of 99.3' Ore cerium follows a linear oxidation law, that of zone-refined cerium (zone-refined up to 200C) follows a parabolic law. The oxidation of high temperature zone-refined cerium (zone- : refined above 200C) follows a linear law. The complete combustion of compact 99.3,-ta' Cc occurs at 300C. It is concluded that the removal of low-valence type metals from UDG- .69! ACC NR. AP6036452 AP /06, (g/cj2 Fig. 1. Kinetic oxiaation curves for the oxidation before of 99.3% Ce. (a) and (b) - after zone- refining; L P - mass increase of specimen zoo 4017 no 0 zoo Ox T, 12:1~ cerium increases the stability of the metal towards corrosion. The authors tnanic G, N. Kartmazov for his help in the evaluation of the experimental results. Orig. art. has: 3 tables wA 2 graphs. SUB CODEs // Card 9 19 p 07 SUBMDATFs 16kpr65/ ORIG W: 0031 OTH REF: 002 a ZWT Woe 7- b 3on isale / too C -C far 15(2) AUTHORS: Steparienko Z, G kavlov V S, SOV/72-~)9 4 2121 TITLE; On the Effect of a Blocking Device on the Thermal Balax;p of the Cooline Part of a Tank Furnace (Vliyaniye zagraditel-nogo ustroystva na teplovoy balano studochnoy chasti vannoy pechi) PERTODICAL. Steklo 1 keramika 19c,9 Nr 4. pp 6 11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the purpose of increasing the opecific output of aWal the melting temperature of the furnace must be increased Since the working temperature of the glass mass must , however, remain unchanged in this case, the processing part of the furnace had to be screened off However,, it was found in this connection that the temperature of the flow of the glass mass to be processed was considerably lower. Since nothinE else had been changed in the design of the furnace this could only be ex- plained by the introduction of' the lower colder glass mass into the flow to be processed which was confirmed by temper ature measurements performed by the teplotekhnicheskaya labora- toriya Inatituta stekla (Heat Engineering Laboratory of the Glass Institute) and foreign inveatigations (Ref 1) This might, however, cause deterioration of the quality of the Card 1/3 glass mass For this reason, investigations had to be carried On the Effect of a Blockine Device on the Thermal SOV/72 2,Z' Balance of the Cooling Part of a Tank Furnace out in order to find a dezAgn of screening which would ;-uaran- tee an increased output of glass mass without a deteriarat'Lor, of the quality, In fiGures 1,2.3. and 4 the different types of furnaces with and without shuttle are shown and discussed The velocity of the upper layer of the glass mass was deter- mined by using floats and the amount of the convection cur- rents by using the A. A. Sokolov formula (Ref 2). In table 1 the technical and operational characteristics of the furnaces investi.gated are given and table 2 gives the ther-mal jalances of the cooling parts of the tank furnaces In table i tho balance of the glass mass in the range of the blocking devices of the furnacesis given Ulaximum specific temperature dro-,s may be observed in tanks with deeply immersed shuttles and low screens This explains the opinions expresned by I ! Tukh and M R Fpel'baum (Ref 3) In table 4 the thermal b;ilan~ns of the flow to be processed in the range of the screening de-Tlrh of the furnaces investigated are given Figure 5 show-5 the dependence of the output of first--quality glass on the coef ficient of the introduction of the metal. The investigations Card 2/3 carried out of the furnace output as well as the operationaa On the Effect of a Blocking Device on the Thermal SOV/72-~Q 11-2 2, Balance of the Cooling Part of a Tank Furnace and technical tralues are considered to be a beginning of the investigations of a screening device which makes it possible to find an optimuz design and optimum operational conditions for increasing the fusibility of the tank furnaces without risks The influence exercised by the blockin(r, device in the quality of the production muot also be thoroughly investigated There are 5 figures 4 tables and 4 references 3 of' which are Soviet Card 3/3 VIIRIS, K.K.; POLLTAK, V.V.g PAVWV, V.S. _ Spbeific amount of glass output as an indicator of the productl~vity of tank furnaces. Stek.i ker. 17 no.3:9-14 Pr 160. (Mr" 13:6) (Glass furnaces) (Glass manufacture) STEPARZKO, M.G.; FAVL(YV, V.S. Ways of inproving the productivity of pot furnaces for plate glass. Stek.i ker. IS no.8:12-15 Ag 161. MU 14: 8) (Glass furnaces) L 11436-67 Elffr 1 FCC GY/GD ACC NRI AT6021020 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0096/0100 AUTHOR: Pudovkin I. M.; Pavlov, S.; ealLetoy B. P.; az ntacy, Tanichev, A. A. iORq: none TI~LE: Some results of observations of secular variations in the geomagnetic el iments of Kamchatka f SOURCE: AN SSSR. Inatitut fiziki Zemli. Naetoyashcheye i proahloye magnitnogo polya ZeTali (The present afi~pas_t OC-the dearth's magnetic field). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 96-100 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetic field, geomagnetic drift, secular variation ABSTRACT: Wcal and regional characteristics of secular variations in the geomagnetic field on Kamchatka were studied experimentally in 1961 and 1962. Regional differences in the average annual values of D, H, and Z are shown in Fig. 1. From these differ- ences isopores are constructed. The variations ranged for 6D from -5.5 to + 2.4; for SH from 3 to 41y; and for 6Z from -19 to + 22y. The quantity D was measured with an accuracy of � 1'. 1, H with � 5y, and Z with * 13y. All three elements (6D, 6H, 6Z) clearly show the zonal structure of secular variations which agrees with the general. orientation of the basic tectonic structure of Kamchatka. Local anomalies are illus- trated in Fig. 2. According to these results, a complex morphological 4 Fig. j.. Keglon" aliuwa- -A --- Periods denote observation points; numbers near the perioda show differences (1962- 1 1961) for 6D (in min), 6H and 6Z (Y ) L 11436-67 -ACC NRi A .TW-foio i~'Si~flfl f 3.0 if it C'q 11 R-'\ NI lilt JI j / If CR 0 Fig. 2.' Local anomalies in secular variations on Kamchatka in the region of Vauzhetka.' Periods denote observation points and differences (1962-1961) for 6D (in min), 611 and 6Z (inY L 11436-67 . I ACC NR. AT6021020 . 16tructure of secular variations exists on Kamchatka. Both local and regional anoma- lies are present. Further studies into the anomalous character of secular variations by magnetodynamic methods are recommended. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 2lSep65 4 -, L 1,12(c) JDAXAM ACC NRv AT6010591 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0163/0168 AUTHOR- Amonenko, V. M.; Kmg!ykh, A. A.;,.-Pavlov, V. S.; _Dlyakov, L G. Balenko, E. P. ORG: _ Physicotechnical Institute, AN SSSR, (Fiziko-tekhnicheakly institut AN SSSR) TITLE: On the possibility of purifying cerium by zone recrystallization SOURCE: AN VkrSSR. Fazovyye prevrashchenlya v metallakh i splavakh (Phase transformations in metals and alloys). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 163-168 TOPIC TAGS: metal zone refining, cerium, recrystallization, 3 0.NL. ABSTRACT: The object of the study was to determine the distribution of fmpuiritfesl~ (lanthanides, silicon, magnesium, iron, and copper) in cerium during zone melting of the latter. The process was carried out at 3 x 10-10 mm Hg on cerium wfilih-WOWR-Fbeen re- melted for one hour at 1423K at the same pressure. no molten zope was produced by electron bombardment, and its travel rate was varied from 5 to 0. 15 MM/min. The refining process turned out to be most efficient at a rate of 0. 5 mm/min. However, zone melting is not effective in removing other rare earth metals from cerium. Iron, copper, and silicon impurities are driven to the end of the ingot and have !! distribution coofficlent K < 2. After ten passes, the iron content decreases by a factor of 5, and the silicon and copper contents decrease by a factor of 10. Magnesium 1B removed chiefly by vaprization as the zone Moves Card 1/2 1 , Card L 32066-M EWT(m)/9WT(t)/Er1 IJP(c) JD/JG ACC NR: AP6013334 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/004/0578/0681. AUTHOR: Amone-ko, V. M.; A. A.; Pavlov, V. S.; Mosova, L. N. '2 ORG: Ph~sicotcchnical Institute, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhniche6k' institut Akadernii nauk UkrSSR) V1 IF TITLE: Purification of cerium by electric transfer combined with zone melting SOURCE: AN SSSR. 17.vestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2. no. 4, 1966, 578-581 TOPIC TAGS: cerium, metal zone refining, metal zone melting ABSTRACT: To determine whether cerium can be purified by combining electric transfer with zone melting, molten cerium samples were refined by passing a current of 5.3 A/mM2 in a vacuui-. ."or 50 - 150 hr. Iron, silicon, copper, and oxygen impurities were f.-lund to move to the cathode. The experiments were then repeated in helium; after 200 hr, the amount of impurities remaining in the cathodic and middle portions of the sample dropped below the sensitivity limit of spectral analysis. The samples were then subjected to zone melting, whose effectiveness was found to increase when an electric current (6 A/mm2) was passed through the metal. The amount of impurities thus dropped from 0. 245% in the Card 1/2 UDC: 546.655 PAVLOVY VOSO ipplication of growth promoting substances to corr.. Bot.1 inal. Bel. otd. VBO no.6#43,48 164. (MIRA 180) *. S/I l7/6O/G00/D06/00-'/0 .1c A004/A--,--2 AUTHOR: Pavlov V.S. TITLE, Spiral Borin Tools PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitel', 1960, No. 6, p. 21 TEXT; The author reports on new high-speed and carbide-tipped spiral boring tools which, in contrast to those manufactured abroad and by Soviet plants (e.g. "Frezer~'), distinguish themselves by a more simple manufacturing technclogy. The new high-speed steel boring tools do not undergo mechanical tooling but are cast by the dispensable pattern method with insignificant tolerances for the grinding of the main back and auxiliary angles. For operations at higher rates and for the machining of materials with a higher degree of hardness, another tool design has been developed. This cutting tool has a monolithic carbide bit and is designated for the boring of 15-20 mm apertures and for threading operations. The tip is fastened with the aid of copper solder. Another design of spiral boring tool was developed for the machining of apertures in the range of 20-25 m-m and more and for the cutting of internal threads. The tools are fitted with carbide bits of the T15-16 grade (for steel) and BK-8 (VK-8) grade (for cast iron). Card 112 S/117/60/000/006/003/~10 Spiral Boring Tools A004/AO02 Since only the front edge of these bits Is ground - the back angles of the tool - are permanent as they form an Archimedean spiral and screw line - the life of these tools exceeds that of ordinary boring tools by 5 - 6 times and results in savings of carbide. The author describes a simple device for the grinding of spiral boring tools. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 -L'U443_62 EPA(s)-2/EWT(m)/EPY(n)-2/E~P(t)/Zi&(b)~ _Pt__7/Fu_4 !JP(c;-) JP/WW/JW/Ja ACCU010 IM s: A?50UO69 MV0183/65/010/004/04*010. EnLl ~kh A. 'A..- (Xz1Ug1ykb pAA IKuvtuni He-P. AMORS (Kovtunj, G. P.)j Tzrlavy M=f Wurited- vapor, tension of erbium eaziarium,,. and yttefbivxi 3 PX 22 SOURM Ukrevino 14y fizychnyy zhiurma vo - lo no. 4~ 1965,, 432-439 orbi=, samariump ytterbi=j rare. earth element etrt- TOPIC MW 0 vapor tenrdon$ .,Rion method$ sublimation heat.. sublimation entroW e _ABSnWTs -,Cozrtinu~ an earlier investigation ofthe vapor tension of gaftlia-i and disprosium (Ukre fix"bn th y9_ 91 not 10) 1964) the authors detemine Van-, satura ted vapcri tension of erbivmp sv=r1uwj. and ytterbium in the twperxture ramen 915e.-1180, 84--721p and 3901-494C reapective3,y by the Knudsen efffualt~A *dj, -in vhicb the - difference between the veights of the efftsion cell befora t~md after the experiment Is determined. The eMsion chamber and the oven UnfA to haat it are WIMM in 5u. I of the ftalame, 2h* esperlmental reml-to fit vell the foL Ing 13 UvUS wPatimst log PM 6-9 - (13230/T i log PM 7.4 - (870V..T c6m ~1/3 :ACCESSION NRS AP4040990 S/0279/64/000/003/0158/01W !AUTHORS Ammankop V.M. (Kharkov); Krug3^h, A.A. (1harkov); Pavlovp V*3* . . ....... (Kharkov); Tlkhinakiyp GoF* (Kharkov) ;TITLES Evaporation rate of components in thermal dissociation-of ,Yttrlu= and lanthanun ber7llides SOURCE: AN SSSR. Isveatiya. Motallurgiya I gornoye delo, no. 3, 196jo i158-160 ITOPIC TACSt yttrium, yttriun beryllide, lanthanuu, lanthanum berylli&, beryllide dissociation, beryllium vapor pressure, thermal diosocier Ition ABSTRACTS The evaporation rates of components of yttrium and lantha- nu-m beryllides during thermal dissociation of yttrium beryllide at 1040-1290C and lanthanum beryllidt at 1060-1270C have been deter- ,mined. YBe,3 and L Be, beryllides vere prepared by sintering 99.95%- pure beryllium powd:r vith povders of 99.82-pure yttrium or 99.4%-pure lanthanum. From the auslysis of x-ray diffraction patterne,chemical analysis of the condeneste,and calculated values of the vapor pressure i of yttriump berylliump and lenthanum, It is concluded that both beryllides !Cord KRUGLYKE, A.A. [Kr-uh-'yYh, A.A.jj FAVLOV, '1.S.; TrKHRISKIY., G.F. 17'ykhir,s'kyi, F.P.] Vapor pressure cf solid yttrium. Ukr. FJz. 2~-,,Ur. 9 no.2: ( %,I I F,', ' ~ . -7 ) 214-215 P64 J.. I 1. Fiziko tekhni,-,haskiT incstltut AN Uk-r&'QR, K~arlkov. AUTHORS: Krug ly A. A. T IT LE. R -r Y s a I z i i n f PERI,jDI,-'AL. FlzarLl. pp A BS TR A," 0 - x 3 . 0. "hi va cuu,-., a t a ;Lli:!!-,,:)C---,, ll*-~!-(A -~f If 5~~ struct;~ire, 491,-. plates lw~--trc s,, b j e c G Y i (1 1 z I c- c i t in air the refl,)ctir)n ln -trr~a ii, r ~il i r i wa by allnoa II 1"c '~Qo -7~6'3T' t C~ ~U -"I', C T ~ 5 5 hou r s a 1 Card 1 Specimens w~,rr- again J e f r m e (l by aj,7n~- '~iq i re 11 A i-,i,, und--~r th (3 same d L 7~ c n:1 a 2",/0 0 Recry-, tal i iza right-ang-es Tj e c irl c- n -i F, f t 2 -f sc c'll t--'e o nd i nate e a bc eo z, in e Card rvr t 2 / 2 tom - ere L, t~l Soviet E ASSOC IA f I GN r v V SR SUBEITTED: S/032/60/026/05/47/063 /Rr)~00 BO10/BO06 AUTHORS% Amonenko, V. M., Kruglykh, A. A., Pav Tikh1ngW17y, G. F.' Wv TITLEt Manufacture of a Berzllium Foilv~ PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, Wo. 5, pp. 625-626 TEXTt Beryllium foils of a thickness of 20-300 u are used for the manufacture of X-ray counter tube windows. 'With the existing methods for the manufacture of such foils there is the difficulty of obtaining foils which are sufficiently plastic at room temperature. A method according to which beryllium is deposited by vaporization on a polished molybdenum lamella in vacuum (approx. 10-6 mm Hg) is described. The beryllium is deposited by vaporization on the preheated molybdenum lamella from a BeO-crucible at 1300-15500C in vacuum and then treated thermally (in vacuum). The dependence of the plasticity of the finished beryllium foil on its thickness (Fig. 1), on the temperature of condensation (Fig. 2) and the length of the thermal aftertreatment (Fig. 3) was investigated. Vacuum tight and plastic foils are obtained Card 1/2 KRIJGI.W . A.A. [Kruhlykh, A.A.]; PAVLOV, V.S.; TIKHIHSKIY, G.F. (Tykhinalkyi, H.P.) Grain growth in chormium. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no-3:394-397 My-je 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR, g. Kharlkov. (Chromium--Metallography) S/18 62/007/003/014/015 D299YI)301 Kovtun, H.P., Kruhlykh, A.A. and Favlov, V.S. On determ,-ning the vapor pressure of metals by the T' E. rate of evaporation from a cylindrical cm cibe FEIRIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychny-y zhurnal, v. 7, no. 5, 1~1,~21 336 - 5~7 '2---'XT: The depenuence of the rate of evaporation on thp ra*.,. o-, the leneth - to the diameter d of the crucible, was investigated for ~~,Iver 0.15) and chromium (-- 0-5); -~,is the ooefficient of eva- 'poration. Molybdenum crucibles were used, with different i/d. From a lormula, obtained by the authors in an earlier investigation, it follows that if the ratio ,d is sufficiently large, the vapor pressure can be determined by the formula G 2 7- R T P 'PRT 5 - K M Card 113 5/185/62/007/003/014/015 On determining the vapor pressure ... D299iD301 where G is the rate of evaporation, S -- the evaporation surface and K -- Clausing's coefficient. A figure shows the dependence of the rate of evaporation on *. /d. It was f ound that, from a certain value of /-i on, the rate of evaporation changes only insignificantly at constlint /d, f--r .emperature. There exists, for various metals, a certain ratio wr.~ch the vapor pressure is ex,;~ressed by forraula (2). For chromiur-., value is /d ~~ 8.5. In order to verify this assumption, the vapor rrc--,s- u--e of chromium was measured at temperatures of120O - 13500C. The eva- poration took place simulataneously from 2 cylindrical crucibles, w-*'.,. /d = 6.5 and"/d = 4.5, respectively. The rate of evaporation was f(--ina to be practically equal in both the long- and the short crucibie. A flim- ure shows the temperature dependence of the vapor pressure, caiculate(; by the rate of evaporation from the crucibles with L./d = 8.5. By prc)ce--- ing the results by the method of least squares, the following equation for tne vapor preagure of' chromium in the tomperature rayVe of 1200-15'-~Olv is obtained: IgP - 10.590 - 20830/T, which is in good agreemnent witY. t-- results of other investigators. There are 2 figures, 1 table and ~ ref-r- Card 2/3 S/185/62/007/003/014/015 On determining the vapor pressure ... D229/D301 encess It Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the Englisr. !anjuage publication reads as followot M.G. houaman, .1. Jarwood, J.Aj,pl. Phys., 5, 7, 1954. kSSOCIATIOI;i SUBMITTEDs Fizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AN URSR (Physicotechrical Institute of the AS UkrRSR), Kharkiv December 1, 1961 Card 3/3 3/1'85/62/007/004/014/018 Yro D407/D301 AUTHORS: Kovtun, H. P., Kruhlykh, A. A., and V. S. TITLE: Vapor pressure and evaporation coefficient oil nickel P2RIODICAL: Ukrayins'kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 4, 1962, 436-437 T-XT: The vapor pressure and the coefficient of evaz=ation 01 nickel were dezer~,ined by the method of evaporation from a cylindrical crucible and by Knudsen's effusion method. The first method was described in an earlier work by the authoro. Thereby, the vapor pressure was calculated by the formula G r I RT~ .P S K CAI M Card 1/3 Vapor !ressure and ... S / 18 5 /6 2110 () 7 /0 0 4/0 14/3 D4U(/J_~Ui o~-served. The resu-I I's obtained by -.he first. and sec~,ncd were -n zood agree::~en-,. led -~c the conclusion that ~'-e Coef.-cfent of evar=ation of nickel does not d,-ffer --n-' ty. T -,~re and 9 ref,~roncos: '~)v- :-,ere are 1~, ') - and 5 non-Soviet-b-oc. 4 most rucent re_",?rL',`,Ces zn,:- -!-~n.-uage - 'ish c a f , n s:- t:aJ a s f o 11 c),. s 4-; Soc., 62, u 382~ Vj J. Che:7~. '_`oc . , ' ~5 Hi_rt'., a-nd 26, 1,216, I~t:17- ',':,rth and G. M,. lound, hy i~ Ciiem., 64, 619, 1960. S- 0 C, _- AT 3 _N F '_zykc,-tejk',.n_-'chnyy instuytut AN "iHSH (PhYsico- tec',-.nical :nstitute of the AS UkrRSR), Khar'-4-v S'~: IL, -. 2 T Sep~ember 23, 1961 Card 3/3 AMONENKO, V.M.; KOVTUNJ, G.P.; KRUGLYKH, A.A.; PAVLOV, V.S. Absorption of air by aluninum oxide. Ukr. khim. zhur. 29 no.10:1109-1110 163. (MIRA 1'7..l) 1. Kharlkovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4033131 s/0!20/64/000/002/0130/0132 AUTHOR: Kovtun, G. P.; Krugly*kh, A. A. a Pavlov, Y. S. TITLE: Electron-beam gun for detern-dning rate of evaporation of low-volatility materials SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 2. 1964, 130-132 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam gun, low volatility, low volatility material, vaporization rate, evaporation rate ABSTRACT: Unlike J. Pierce's ideal system (J. Appl. Phys., 1940, 11, 548)., the gun described in the present article has both cathode and anode in the form of two semiplanes at an angle of 1350. Three guns. (see Enclosure 1) have a common anode 1 and separate cathodes 2 with moly lead-ins 3. Slits 4 (55 x 5 mm) serve to pass the electron beams, while alit 5 (40 x 6 mm) is intended for viewing. Channels 6 pass cooling water. Max electron current, 1-1. 5 amp 1/13 ACCESSION NR: AP4033131 at8-10kv. Specimens of up to 8x30 mm. are acceptable. Tungsten and graphite specimens were heated up to 3. OOOC. The gun is recommended for studying the- evaporation rate, vapor pressure, recrystallization, cyclic thermal treatment, and other high-temperature problems. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physico-Technical Institute, AN Ukr&%Q SIMMITTED: 3OMay63 DATE ACQ: I lMay64 ENCL: 0 1 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 003 2X -77777 ACCESSION NR: AP4029844 8/0279/64/000/002/0177/0179 AUTHOR: Kovtun, G. P. (Khar'kAyv); Krugly*kh, A. A. (Shartkov); Pavloy, V. S. (Khar1kov) TIUSt Vapor Paramours of solid beryllium SOURCE: AN SSSR Xxv. Metallurgiya i gornoye delo, no. 2, 1964, 177-179 TOPIC TAGS: vapor preasure, beryllium, evaporation, Langwuir method, Knudsen sublimation ABSTRACT., Since the purity and technollogy of beryllium have been improved, it has ;become necessary to know the temperattiuc dependence of vapor pressure for the purest ~types. The authors have determined the vapor pressure of beryllium the over-all purity of which considered non-metallic impurities at not less than 99.95%. 71.2 Fe, Si, Al, Cr, and Ni impurities did not exceed 0.001% for each component. The calculation for the.vapor preasure was conducted by the following formula (using Knudsen's method) P iv M Card 1/2 ;ACCESSION PIR: AP4029844 I P f -2,tRT (2) 'in Langmuir's method av M wbere P is the vapor pressure,, G is the vaporization rate; R is Clauzing's coefficient cc is the vaporization coefficient. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMTTED; 13Jul63 SUB COMs IML CDrd 2/2-- DATE ACQ: 30Apr64 WD REF SOV s 000 ENCL: 00 OnMR: 003 .. . ...