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FAVIAN. V. L. Reference literature and the role of herbaria in scientific work. Bot. 0mr. 45 no.l?i1834-1835 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Hookovskiy gosularetvenrqy universitet imeni N.V-Lomonosova. (Botanical research) BELOTSFRKUSUY, I.I.Yu.; DIK, N.Ye.; DOBRONILWOVA, K.I., red.; PAVLOV, V.N., red.; BELICHENKO, A.K., mIadshiy red.; POLOZIMITSEV!, T.-., m1adshiy red. [Gur native land .3iberia; photo alb-am) Nasha Rodina I It Sibir'; foLoallborn. Moskvap Izd-vo "I-ysl , 234 P. PAVLOVV V.N. Morphological notea on FelictoL-ichon desert)run ~-Ie, ' FtLger amd Helictotrichon mongo1ic,za(71,-)sj-,ev. Fenr. Bot mm",.Cerb. 22:7&-78 163. (MIRA 17-2) YEFIMNKO, L.N.; NECHIPORENKO, Ye.P.; PAVIOV,. V.N. Oxidation of tungsten disilicide. Fia. met. i metallove-. '6 nc.6:931- 933 0 163. (MIRA-17:2) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut PJ4 UkrSSR. e et of Sleep OSM D405/D301. uated ~by~ the- time; it takes to. olve the:problem, by the ratio of nuziber of answers to nwber 02 signals, and by the ~,agreement bet3ieeh the ~_frequency of sclecting a articular sidtcb and the frequency P given by the'programmc. Lach~nxperimnnt idth the nignal locip lanted 2, 40-60'ranutes. The programs user', 170re of tuo types: rigid and free. Tha, subjects cnme to the experimcnts after a normal dwI of atudies. The tests with'the signal lamp vere conducted in the evening and in inorning, (at 7 o'clock). Bet~men the two progrrm. tests -the Subjectr..-Slere continuously busy.i-Fith obscrvntionu, maldng entries l t copyb oks .(each minute),- etc. The ults of the dynam- n 0 0 overall rer, -ic- f learning of. the four.subjects am represented in the form of' ~o curves characterizing the rate of changed of the average time re- -we - of errors, and tbe-probability or the solut on, the i be- '_--Of choice :of -switches vdth.increas4ng number of trials. The sleep- leas. night -zifiected only the tirkd required.for the solution of the of the rigid program -whereas the accuracy was not -Problem in case c of the free. (ato aff cted.: In ase chastic) program,, the quality L.If Jered also 'i.e. the problems' remained tinsolved, although some as towards a~ solution was noted. Conclusions. A method w, ~-C ROKOTOVA, N.A.1 JKUCHERENW, T.M.; FAVIDV$ V.N.1- TROKHACHEV, A.I. Effect of the lack of sleep on some phases of higher nervous activity in man. Probl.kosm.biol. 2s273-286 162. (K[RA 16s4) (SLEEP-PHYSIGIDGICAL EFFECT) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) PAWM ~ VAO SDme controversial problems of the classification of plants in the western Tien Shan. Biul.MIP.Otd.biol. 67 no.321" M,-/-.'e l62. (MM 1511l) (Tien Shan-Plant conmmnities) PAVLOV, V.N., inzh.; IVSHIV, V.P., inzh. Modernization of the S-230 concrete mixer. -"nerg. stroi. no.22:69-73 161. 04IRA 15:'1 ) 1. Stroitel'stvo Bratskoy gidroelektrostantsii (for Pavlcv~. 2. Leningradskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo instituts, po proyekt-irovard:,-u organizatsiy energeticheskogo stroitel'stva (for lvshin). (Concrete mixers) KC4d.s,uIKOV. Aleksandr Ivanovich, kBodidat tekiinicheakikh nank. PITLOV kandidet tekhnichesUkh nsuk: F lon , re aktor: NOUN. F.L., tekhnichaskiy radaktor [Operational adjustments of the automobile HAL-2031 Ikeplustatsion- rVe regulirovki evtomobilie W-200. Moskva, IIeuchno-tekhn.izd-vo avtotransp.lit-ry, 1957. 41 p. (HLRA 10:10) (Automobiles) 50 2 *~ D 2 8,1430o S/189/60/000,?004/&C~4 -,O~ B002/BO60 AUTHORS% Grigorlyev, A. T., Sokolovskaya, Ye. M_ Simanov, Yu Sokolova_,_I. G., Paylov, V. N-, MAksimova, M V VI TITLEt High-temperature Modifications of Chromium and the Phase Diagram of the System Chromium - Molybdenum in the Repjr,j. Rich in Chromium PERIODICALs Vestnik Moskovskogo aniversit.9a. Seriya 2, khimiya, 1960, No. 4, pp. 23 - 24 TEXT: A study of the binary system chromium - molybdenum (up to 22 wt%Mo) showed that due to the phase transformations of chromium there arise four zones of mixed crystal formation and three two-phase zones Fig. 2),having their origin in the transformation points of chromiumt 1830 C (t# 6), 16500C (6j�~), and 13000C These transformation points are also found on the heating and cooling curves of chromium iodide (Fig. 1) X-ray analysis of the chilled samples gave the following results. The &-modifica- tion is a body-centered cubic crystal with a - 2.887 + 3 kX; the 6-phase is hexagonal, and for 13% Mo it has the constants a --2.764 +_ 3 kX and r Card 1/2 8 L 3 0,91 High-temperature Modifications of Chromium and S/-~89/60/000/004,'Oc.,~,/C,,~,, the Phase Diagram of the System Chromium - B002/BO60 Molybdenum in the Region Rich in Chromium c/a - 1.6041 the phase is a body-centered cubic crystal with a lattics? constant similar (0- the &-phase, the P-modification is probably a face- centered cubic crystal. Results obtained from studies of the systems Cr.,Mo, Cr-W, Cr-Nb, Cr-Ta, Cr-Fe, Cr-Ni, Cr-Co, Cr-Fe-Ni, and Cr-Co-Ni, 'W ere communicated to the konferentsiya po zharoprochnym metallam i splavam (Conference on -Reat-resistant Metals and Alloys) in April, 1958, and April, 1960, as well as to the VIII Mendeleyevskiy s"yezd (8th Mendeleyev Congress) in March, 1959. There are 2 figures and 2 non-Soviet refer-enc-es-- ASSOCIATION: Kafedra obshchey khimii (Chair of General Chemistry). Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii (Chair of Inorganic Chemi!itry~ SUBMITTEDs April 2, ig6o Card 212 3/081/61jO_-3/024/361..,_-86 B149/B138 AUTHOR i Pavlov, V. N. TITLE: Improving the production process for fabricated concrete an! reinforced concrete structures 'RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no, 1961, 16G, abstract 24 , 24K360 (Sb. "Primeneniye melkikh peskov v betene i metoiv podbora sostava betonall. Y., Gosstroyizdat, 1Q61, 1~~ TEXT: The combined process was accomplished in three stai-es: 1. Preparation of finely ground cement-sand mixes; 2, Preparation of concrete mix in vibration mixer; 3 Vibration-gravity placing of concrete. The high early strength of the concrete and its low shrinkage mean that the combined process can be recommended for structures with prestressed reinforcement. The combined production process results in more frost resistant concrete; its porosity is reduced to 112 or 1/3, and the effective use of cement increases considerably. [Abstracter's note., Complete translation,] Card 1/1 MOSPD1, V.,M.,, doktor tokhn. nauk, prof.; MZDVEDEV, V.M., krmd. tek.-In. nauki KAPKINNI- X.M..- kand. tekhn. nauk. Prinimali uchasti~,-: ividlov v F.M. , kard te,01,~zI. nauk; I TVET KOV, S.!,. , kar.~. nauk; PAVLOV, V AT, lnzh. , KLIMOVA, G.D... red. I --d-va [Instructions for Increasing the durability of concrete in elements of marine hydraulic structures] Instruktaiia po povyshenilu dolg.,- vechnosti betona v konsiruktsii.akh morskikh gidrotakhnicheakikh sooruzhenii. 1.'.o--kva, Cos. izd-vo lit-rT po stro'Lt. arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 19b2- 58 p. NIRA 15:5) 1. Akademiya stx-oitellstva i arkhitektu-y SSSR, Institat betona i zhelezobetona, Perovo. 2. Chlen-korrespondent. Akadeniii stroitel'stva I arkhitektury SSSR (for 1-11osicv1n). 3. TSentrallnaya labor,-toriya korrozii Nauchno-Assledovatel'skogo instituts. betona I zhelezo- betona Akidemii stroitel'stva I arklAtektury SSSR (for Medvedev, Kapkin). 4. T$entrallrory naut~nno-issledovatel'skiy institut svyazj Ministerstva transportnogo stroitel'stva SSSR (for Ivanov). (Hydraulic structures) (Concrete construction) ACC NR, Ap6020200 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/006/147-L'/Ii~*17 ALMIOR: Belyayeva, A. I.; Yerewn?o V. V.; Mik-haylov, U. N.; Pavlov Petrov, S.-V. ORG: Pbysicotechnica.1 Institute of Low Temperature-,,, Academy of Sciences, UkrainiELn SSR (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikli temperatur Akademia nauk Ukrainskay SSR) ,Ins itute _ofPh ~sical ~Prftlenz Aca4euff ceqgSSB fizichesk'-'kh z~ _ __._ __ _~Institut problem Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Magnon and phonon excitation duri-ng light absorption in anti ferromagneti c NiF2 SOURCE: Zh Eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 6, 1966, 1472-1477 TOPIC TAGS: magnon, phonan, magnon excitation, phonon excitation, light absorption, nickel fluoride, antiferromagnetic material, (101.~7POU&tO j '17't U (3"C' #j 09/330,ejo;r~OA", 'SprerRonz ) --Z tCrf('OA,) &).7o 7-,0A/ I I / Q)'j T- L*N r,9 7-,OU ABSTRACT: The structure of the IA2 + 'T2g transition in the absorption spectrum of antiferromagnetic nickel fluoride a~ temperatures between 4.2 and 77K has been analyzed on the basis of experimental data an its vibrational frequencies. It h as been shown that band V = 20,622 cm- and bend V it,= 20,717 cm-1 am due tc electron- magnon transitions with the fo`rmation of one and o magnons, respectively, with maximum frequencies. The maximum frequency of the magnon vm = 100 cm-1. The mat;non 1/2 ACC NR, AP6020200 nature of barid V1 has been confirLed by an analysis of its shape, I-r-mT!eraturl ence of spectral po6ition, und half-wi,it.h. Orig. art. has: 5 figun-v, I formu, (t. and 1 table. [Based on authors' at)-stract] SUB CODE. 201 SUBM DATE: 13Jan66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF 1305 2 FAVLOV, In*_e-;~iI-ver!--_'r,)r Conference or, "' . _, -a I ~ 0:~. V~,s ~.Mor'- ui,,. Sor. t : .~j o I., por. V. ~11, 3r-ss 1 ;. ( V. : ~ -A I ~ : I MA Y--J,!;O": - F - "' F - i - - , e . - - , -- - -.- .--. .- ..;- -1 ~ . I-.- .- - . 1~ " 71- - -, , , - . . . -- I - * - .- . - --., T~ . - . I . PAVLOV, V..N.; 7CU-)TC!VITSKIY,Ya.14.; 14/,Yll,'iN0VSKIY, S.G.; TEDOWD,'E', G.A. S'L.udv of the necharlsm of electrochem-ical red-uction of a7ozaif~ aldehyde.s and ketones or it (--ectrc-ne :~y '-h,- faraJ.~ impedance method. Elektrokhim~in Ail 16S. (!-~! Fj-- I 1. Institut organicheskoy k1timll' ime r.~ 7einskogo :nstl'tut el-ktroidiimii AN FAVIA3V, V.N Perforvance of the ne-d air distribition syBten develr,-dr-d !TI thc- State Scientific Research Institute of the Hydrolysis and Sulfite Alcohol Industry. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no.6:17 164. (NM 17:12) 1. Leningradskly gJ.droliznyy zavod. kandida t tekhnichoskikh nsuk, inzhenepqor ftnqyAji .XWIA p .odjpo1kovniiIkI-IA;-I~6KOV. Vladimir Petrovich, Imodidet tekhnicheskikh nBuk dotsent, inzhoner-polkovnik; POCHTARZT, N.Y.. inzheener- polkovnik, redaktor; KYASNIKOVA, T.F.. tekhuicheskiy redaktor [Internal combustion piston engines] Porshnevye dvigateli vnutren- nego agorantia. Moskva. Voen.tzd-vo H-va obor. SSSR. 1957. 172 p. (Gas sad oil engines.) (MLRA 10:8) SATALIIN, A.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; SMOHOKO, B.A., kand.tekhn-nauk; R040KHOV, P.G.; KORNILOV, A.I., inzh.; PAVLOV. V.N,, inzhe Concrete mixes for mold rol-ling and vib-zation mold rolling. Trudy NIIZHB no-33:2171-291 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Leningradskiy inatitut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo trans- porta (for Satalkin, Senchenko, Romckbov). 2. Orgtakhf;troy lAningradskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Kornilov, Pavloi). 7SKTY, S.G.; PAVLOV, V.N. Preliminary protonation in the reduction of aromatic ketoneB on a dropping mercury electrode. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.7:1804-1810 J1 064. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni Zelinskogo AN SSSR. n n, k na I-r id ACCESSION NO: AP4009390 S/0126/63/016/006/(,--31/r~',O.'z3 AUTHORS: Yefimenko, L. X.; Nechiporenko, Ye. P.; Pavlov, V. N. TITLE: Oxidation of tungsten disilicide SOMICE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 16, no. 6, 1963, 931-933 TOPIC TAGS: tungsten disilicide, oxidation, thermocouple, PtRh PtkRh thermocouple, oxidation curve ABSTPACT: Oxidation of tungsten disilicide has been investigated. The process was conducted in air at a temperature range of 650-1500C. Samples 20 x 10 x 0.1 were produced in a vacuum of 5 x lo-5 mm Ug by filling tungsten- plates with powdered silicon. Nichrome elements were used to produce temperatures up to 1000C, and silicon carbide elements were used for higher temperatures. The temperatlire3 rere measured with a PtRh-PtkRh thermocouple and were kept constant. In the course of oxidation the samples were weiGhed with an accuracy of 10.01 me. Below IGOOC the experiments were conducted uninterruptedly; above 10ODC they were interrupted due to the formation of dense film on the surface of the plates. As can be seen from Fie. 1 of the Enclosure the rate of oxidation curves changed shape at various Card I ACCESSION NO: AP4009390 temperatures. Up to 1000C the weight increase followed the formula W - ktm, where "I is the weight change per unit area (in mg/cm 2), and t is the time of oxidation (in minutes). At 1150-125OC the curves assume a descending trend because at these temperatures WO, becomes extremely volatile. A dense, Classy coatinj- of S'02 forms at 1300C, and the process of oxidation progresses logarithmically. & formation of such a coating 1 '1 described by H. Kiffer and F. Benesovsky (Symposium on Powder I!etallura, Iron. a. Steel Inst. prep. cr., IV 1953, 40). The logarithmic DroC- reas follows the expresi;ion W - k1 ln(k2t + 'C3~, where k1, k2, and - k~ are dete=. ined by the method described by A. Champion and T. *~.rhite (J. Inst. 1-letals, 11,149, 75, 375). 411"etallogrraphic and x-ray investigation disclosed the presence of *~;5S'3 under the glassy conting on Wsi2 oxidized fcr a long time at high temperatures. C' Orig. art. has: 2 graphs, 3 formulas, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut "I Mr-SWInstitute of Physics and Technoloey AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 201%lar63 DATE ACQ: 03Feb64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODEE- PH, CH NO REP SOV: 002 OTMq: 003 Cord 2/3 MORGUNOV, N.I., kand.sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; Prinimali uchasti.,Vc: PAVLOV, V.N.; YELSLEOVA, Z.)II. Establishing artificial hayfields and permanent pastures in tte repeatedly water-logged polders of halininrrad Province. Nauc~ trudy KAIS no.1:1(5-174 95r), ( M i ~U, , ~: I ) (Yaliningrad Province--Pastures ary! mp~.dDws) AVETISY,'Ul, G.A.; DIK, N.Ye. 1~ I'DiMiOV, IU.; YUSM , 3,3, ',-, SHCHMBAEOV, D,I,, otv. red.; DOERON,-LAIMIA, K.O,, red.; PAV .130.1-'., red.; KOSIMLEVA, S.M., f-~26 0 red. ' ( Our motherland; -)hoto.-raphic album] Nasha Rodinp.; f'oto- a.Lloom. I-oskv,%, Grs.i7,r'i-vo googr.lit-ry, 1962. 398 F'. (?-a.,A 15:8) ( "Ur. 5ift - %, ievfs) KUMBA, F.Ya.; MIRONOV,; PAVLOV,-!--N--- Effect of alkali metal cations on the forM2tion in solutions of hydroxy complexes of bivalent lead. Zhur.neorg.khim. 6 no.12: 2814-2815 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Lead compounds) (Alkali metals) FAVI'O'; WfTAO" 1'. P . Da?,qshel', I. I. nr, PAvlov, V. F. fl,"Oncc,,tic nn~i=i i--i horFes, " Sb.')rlik trlc,,,v 4-:----r'k. vet in-t-, Vol. XTX, Issue 2, -,. SO: U-1-011j-, '() Oct r1, (LptOT~iS 'Zhuriv~l 'Iy'.ch Stntey, No. 1~,, 1949). PAUPV , V. P. Determining the complete resistance of bubble sieve plates. Khim, prom no. 3:228-232 Mr '64. (XIRA 17:5) -6 4 , PAVLOVI V. P, "Synthesis or Tropenone. II. Scarchinc ways for the SyntiiesiE of' the Alkaloid ScDpolaminc.ll Preobrajensky, N. A., Rubtzov, I. A., Dankovap T. F. and Pavlov, ':. P. (p. 9D52) SO: Journal of General Chemasti-j (Zhurnal Obshchei 19455, VcLune 15, no. 11-12. ' 17 J. 0 V It A, A 4: P P11 b1f up's 1 1 I o- 4)4'waro 1 6 1 1 % t f L It 1. 1- 1 Ah 10 Lk It U 4 % I I k. a _k. Usebablaw Pirwillas of onsesea 0. 1 l N Ah 13 1 Ii ft .00 "s vot". . Pav 0v, ArA K. . K )WRO* . 1 e *WW-51(1947); 26, No. 1, C131%vs % _11110 illostratinS the kbwtka of elastic deformation In praom .00 in vanditions of simple sbear ind"It tv* raisteniv CJ reversible creep. includinji elastic pre-vilect and ela%tk -00 after-ellpet. The Attu we IV artviffstnt aft" TX, vr&W. therins The Mliminvy Olimas or bratins I -go 00 600 of fROM 0114" PteOM IhTOMSb MPHIATiM. 11M%. 00: values of ultimate sbrw obves ru. art observed when Ow pff"Ure S"S In a dirmion Opp to to that in which the 000 COPIRWY was Previously packed witb grease. Min. ;11 =00 so valuft are ol-titizird wbrn tbe two th"ituri* ate Ow sAine zoo ! hoth the mna and min. values of r1j. drcrraw, hneArly 0 0 a w0b inetraw I*% temp. within The ranire need in Ow t~t- z 0 **-I -6)*) anti more vapidly at redoml rates of &vw. A 'W 00 3 4 1 mist. of grease, and oil sbows a substablial mlvetWn , 00 i in OW area of the t1sixotropy byats loop wbm tested in S1 Ihe rl"My viseamorter Immediately shrr mi%ins. Lut ttw area in [arm avin attw tbr gmw hu been allo"I to rest for wvvTal days. Apressureviseorwirroftbrconst.- 0 d"'rharIfe type WHI give irploduable values a the flow f f i d h woo s measure at t the pirsew. e praw 3pwivs o Vmw i r oo ,. to the capi3lwy, ratbev than in the supply line for the z hydraulictfuld. Tbefol.m.iscan%t..wbiletbrialt",fr- woo "Vast 9 toward the Creaw Inlet &S rderrPcv*. - o llrum~ C. NIC1111vt ~ o '-00 At. SL. W.11,FWAL Wt-111-1 CLAMPK.TIC. Il- tsoo to J, U 4 A, W db 4 v W ep tv LP si 1i 6i A a 14 0 PW a 4 a a Of a or a a 11 It x 0 0 00 0 *Does**! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 000 0 0 0000 0 o ***seesi eo Thp 60poa"jDto Of 111,11P fair of detaimblift 0 44)Csum on thr sbpww shojij I; ta a It Itl4wri'l... at J-11., 11"'d V-k , _s R %a. 'till, 1 .4 1 1 41. 1" lat'giat.. Ou LOU., Iwita-, Q. 1-tal, tku,m,h "Ar... airrv ji-jr rhr tclllp~ 'Allar .- I.', ,, I lit r_ull~ IFIrlm-lival 131 I,L,I. 0 l"s 1) fittlif 11 Tht- I,.- fluttlCt tif trial),, WAS pral", at flat, middir trillp F.Jjjr At high lauds thvic A% all "Ithill th, v.patUrk,. ifthhh eml-I thr .Ijt.r I" Oreplar As A it milt. it, Ibl, 1,,ghm) lilgh ,# taint 111%, 111%- 1_1.1 dchwil., Firing'. aqtljjj-, A, A, I~X 1) 4 MI Illese dr%1.1tiolls Air Aji-,J~st4 ill matile OrIMI lot sh"f ",Odu)," and ftw umits of WUM 41'affes, glalhw mul K I K11111'" lbki V.,". Wt. The Icftw~. J CA lin3sr, klml, I-ml TO *A, mrAmirril all III* 1. 11litim 1. J. .... 111- -~,M 1. -1,1~ I w-I I,v lit, "Jums- I..'; - ; I"It a I i I 1. --t hn a .,f I-A. I.. I h- . ...... .. ll-Al lh, a. its, 'it 111L.11 11-1- All, ATI-- - mrr.-I i Iulp '10 ... ..... ti-, u,Mv.,Iv ~Omfa li.js Ito hn.p., Till, - -.,I till thr I.,fillilling d flo%, hlch, .1 thl, I-Int .'s I %rIV r1pts. t1tj till A wimmx It till, 1111'rit%oll at 4 mnm rAtr gAvv call%%, t. ill, I""i Ill IN. 'A., ib. I,md J., 1".-I I., .. 1111111mr, %..fair tilt I'tolo, .A,-,I Ja I. . ..... a kill I far %,a hira, a 4 , A-11, 11, -11-1 111v a It 11 "15-c" ~ " '"' ' 1 defor ... Atims Ilml u'a1v ~111.-F A 1,111A fr%tilis 1writail CIMI't it', "ttsitul ~ All" far ri-pt-Ilk"A Thi, llldi"trs a claw,gr .t(twillre durlitir thr Sm" A ~1 d... ,,, .1 ... mal: d0or"'.41hm. Ib, "Mid 1., -1-1 1.. I... rot- J Ia-I--l,,- 11- -l", 1, t, I" till PAU.OV, V. P. USSR/Petroleum Industry Lubricants - Properties Jan 10.48 ImMechanical Properties of Lubricebts," 0. V. Vinogradov, V. P. Pavlovil K. I. rdino-." 6j pp "Heft Khozyay" No 1 Discusses limi shear stresses in lubricants, and the "tiksotropy" of lubricants, study of the changes occurring in the dispersed systems of lubricants when they are acted on by constant shear stresses while they are rlowing. Also discusses equirment and methods to determine the viscosity of lubricants, Authors grateful for aid given by Senior Technicians L. F. Kalmykov, Yu. A. Naumov, A. V. Yarmakhov, and Laboratory Technician A. D. Gerasinova, P-4 51T89 0 44 4 4 *all S, 0 a A?, It Wfft tv. A 3 1111.1m J pop, ii-i 14 vjm~ P"Plip" 1pes"s. &21 tog)- 4 J."It 11 , bid 50, 1301004; 11. the I lim Lemils I 1hvI .4 1 I by ., % johirfir , - .1-1111S otv- .1 1:: =74111=" llary, go - VIA-owtv A OIL medium'. 'm t.1 xecuve wvwm1y). pkgtcd ataimm the Itis of a the amm rattalsbrar D - Q,*81 it, - suiltut. X - ra- ago dhis of the calAllary) at diffemut temim., urrv~ tiqiulh aith the temp.. I.&4-timft for 115" twit,,wit -M)" and * W". depritulins a% 11. Plift cil it,$ I, %' SAin.1 I I in" thirtmigh a max.; letwit the cwtifinvAi I.wt"j. W it,. curv", the artivamm coorrigy ul the th"rning piim~% I., At 1.) - 10 and IM mr. I. rest, . W3 and 7 4 kml n-k ;90 Mat. at the saimbit tt:np., the thwLtnuill efirci t, htati,, it- fir4sts with a low-visirmity 90hr"It. is sh4mil IMIA -111,16 -sib 14.2'. IOMP iii. trop . lim-ni, im - A K1. "hitillme t4Z X 101). and on W W k - .5 k III, i-Ows At the some 1). % and its, truip. ti. R it,, t-,. Itith V., but Irw% rapodly. At Nm Irstil. . Ow IlIkILIFIIIIiii 0 --fivToWsbriminromi 600 III himmiarvir Than O1111 itro. toit-or %ita4mi. W. v1=11=11& 0" U1 AppOtIM111 CNIUMCI "6th tin' .'-OIL Ooo III Awvnm W.A. 28. W-M. reached cm the bA,i, III .,-I un3WI&W otpint tatim of tht data in the coordinst- Z:60 Ins (%/ift). lox 41ftD. rather tbim in log (w, 115). his I) - So It A DIIALLURGILAL WNW&TU t-9 0 ig. 21 4-!. ImI- too T. j I VITA "iv Dito oil N't 'to Kan 11skion I'llmi rw 0 Is 9 '1 w I" 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is a 0 0 0 0 0 VA VIOV . V. 1'. , I, t.-Gol ow, I. Guild. Tuch. "'Ci. Dissertat-lon: "'Jiscc~s -ropc-rties of "Solidol" (lubricant greasse)." 4' '~ar .. !'ilitury Order of Lerdi. Ac&dem.. of Ar-,:.orad an~ . ac:~-q.,dze,. droops ot ,,:,o Soviet Ar7V imeni I. V. Stplin 80 Vecheryaya Moskva Surn 71 viaccom pwrd" of itritattes made commital"t with IMPW SUWAUS. C., V. And V. 1'~ PAVIGY. It,libit v 4ksd N40KA S 1; N R 71, cut%" of 1,% 1. thr %hr.4fifig %it%" m thr wall %4 thr capilUry. a. .1 JUDi'liOll of hill 1'. OW "N,111 VA~ 14 OW-41. 01111 of I.V I V.11 IC.01,11 log It k.JUI~ St. . Vj-.j1V 14 th, %Iwilium), i1qt.1 m di"'Mut 11-11~ 1'. . -,b, of vra- muk 01) frot" WAIRIM. 1-frol"Im ofl, And isfir.rulvit of U. Na, K. 010 C. lh,wsmt .0h,1111.1 Still r,.bpjllATjrS, WtV grrmtr%l at low Pf< W Orr 1), trul ltor only a frw ", at D > 101f) ~- - '; , drrvra" with tito, . pp,rently ow kilt to vnet, ~i- ~ Tht- M-cf of f,mp tjjj~-Uj.T1jr nuTLvd with auhYd Ca pra-, lw,-A~hly with ph,"W tran-itiot). in flu- ifiqvi-r- 1.h.t- Puildingtmi f(' .4 39, ME',') a-hv not to Injil kinkning trut vo ik-lot-tooo hr&wur.g 71m- tt~mt% lft-ha%~w of thr Cri-av* is an.dognu% to th,toft1wia4plots; mr%voof the t1fectivt nliti%-r vi.- ity OR a fifurtmo, (A 1), at flifItirk."t It-stips , an- iv~jfly p.ailk 1. a4 In chr raw of Arvt "Cii tolliNd- 1 C A 28, ULP,Ifl~ Thi, muiOirtive-itwivoins Ortt of JA, NA, .,nd 9 t,aratis inrfraws with IN- timp- Thi jw~vl&ml,ly dv- ~,Fil~d of Wlidols it cmnnlt,n to .11 lylits ol AfnimAb Stith a sulamit-rofilffoul 41ructurt. N Thmi LW/Chemistry - Lubricating Greases Ifty 52 "The Rheological Properties of Bentouite fteu- dogpla," G. V. Vinogradov, V. P. Pavlov, 1. Klimov, M. M. Gvozdev "Dak Ak Hauk S&9R" Vol 84, No 2p PP 309-312 The In ies of &g suspensions of alk ban- tWite (ascangel from Ts'k-b's Ulani., Georgian SM) were compared with a std lubricating grease, fatty solidol (mineral oil tbickeue& vl,+oh a calcium soap), and an oil pseudogel of amduated bentonite. It was shown that it is 231T8 p"xible to obtain thicloning clap producing effects similar to tboae produced In SreWws by ioapa. States that the results*also r~eftte the viel~point found in the literature that paeu- dogels contg thickening soaps and those coutg. clkvu are different in nature - Presented by Aced A. 7. Topchiyev a Mar 52 2=8 SOV 124 ~17 8 'j Q Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mckhanika, 1957 N r B, p lo AUTHOR: Pavlov, V. P. TITLE: Investigation of the Viscosity Characteristics of Disperse Sys,crii, ur. a Paired Concentric -cylinder Rotary Viscosimeter (Issledovanive ,,,vazkostnykh svoystv dispersnykh sistem na sd%oyennom r0ta!S10nn0T1', Viskozimetre) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Tr, i-y Vses. konferentsii po kolloid khtniii Mosco,,%,, AN SSSR 1956. pp 144- 154 ABSTRACT: A description of a paired concentric -cylinder rotary' % ib( usime,cr on which the relationship between the frictional stress and thc _" velocity was determined for several disperse systems. The :,wcr cylinders of the viscosimeter, which were of identical diameter ( 8 mm) and different length (45 and qO mm) and which were mutualk cor nected by means of gears, were caused to rotate by means of an. vlct tric motor and a vartable-speed fluid (.oupling~ The latter de% :( v per rnitted a continuous variation ul the angular %elocity of the cviindcr~' from i to 1~00 rpm. The inner cylinders of ihe %iscosimeter %kerv Card I /z supported by p(-rfe( fly identical ball bearings and were contained w!thin SOV'124- 57-8-0-1 ~9 Investigation of the Vis(osily Characteristics of D,.sperse Systems (Con! ) the outer cylinder with a ,ap ot 0 25 mill The friction morrient in the vi.5cu~,ime'er was measured with the aid of a spring dynamometer which was connected hv means of a string - to the outer cylinders in sLi,-h a manner that its readings were representative of the difierence bet\veeri t~-e iri(t~on moments acting on the two c~l inde rs. This artifice excluded the friction of the ball bearings and he ;rihic.., the edge effect oil tile friction moments to be measured. The f ric I ion llitml( "! measurements were made at a constant rpm of the inner cylinders and a ton"'I',' temperature; the constancy of the latter was ensured by a thermostat The ~~ is cosimeter described here was used to study the f rict)on- stress /shear-,, eloc it-, relationship at various temperatures for lubricating oils concentrated clayey suspensions in water, and soap-and oil systems. The cur\.es (A that relationship for calcium lubricating XrciSL' are adduced. Tests of the same grease on a capil lary viscosimeter revealed good agreement of the results T1, e c x pe T- i ni e n I , I ~t shown, also, that the effectt\ e viscosity coeftic,ent of the calc iiin-, I'( 1,(' 10. The principal advantage of the measurement of tile . iscosity ot disper't, on the above-described concentric -cylinder rotary viscosimeter as ( oinp.ircd v. i'h measurement oil the capillary type consists in the fact that tile shearing strcssci, it, the various points of the layer in the rotary-type \.iscosimeter are identical (at leas, within the limits of pra(tical a(curacy). Card 2/2 A I Golube% lk~ 7TWARecaft r-r, Sys am Nauk. Hhuk 195J. Ir vismmetets of dIfferent cyllinde:r lenph- are utid and. t e differcuft bctwtcu thtIr torques h vocor&d, -thuA the. -:tnd effects wre LUmInatt,11. 74t Instrument wAs tested on a 9 'Itj of spindfobil $0.5. Ca soap of Jvbricatin -I c0" u2 ~Q,' Th!t roitIts em 1. ,word cotton a 1 .3 ind IW with the data -~btitlued M* ciapiNn, viammeter. Forthe ca~,cn. of tJw exptc, (teequatIoD D - SDA + r(dD%/dt) was va!ochy gractimt, D. - main reloc- emp!ovetf (D t true ily gradlent, r alieu stress). End flit agTeenicrit prrvc5 that this equadcri is valid for ilkpcrse gymeiin. Distr.- 4E4j ~ ~-- -- -- -, - J- - -- - - CHISKIS, N.M.; PAVIM, V.P. Using waste fate in making household soap. Hael.-zhir.prom.21 no-7:34-35 135. (HTJIA 9:1) I.Zavod Inent "ova. (Oils and fate) (Soap) b5- 5,'.-4 - 5/12 0 nj t ov V. A., Vino -r, .10V G. Y r T1 I iz r:0 3 S le- .L u c'i L n.,-Q s o ab r ;i 1o r, I n 1-1 he 1, r3 --.1 c Inr oll--,-!ere 1nvD:,,:;1--t',-c1 to obt,ilt, Inlor.- q 1 ur , )f in 71u,,-nc,~ o luhriC Lnts on r --)r. --Lr in b-.Lll be j-rinl-s. : i nv e ir- ou o- 'ric'~-ion ad.~--r '-us 7. 7`5 r.7 di-:~ct-r balls -er,:~ use r I U,-) rc i-, 0i) ,L", in n c ,,r,~f-in fr ion s(~ n r,, o 7r--.c on n (-.uartz du s ' r~u r"-7 I (micrn -r 000 2 U3( ),ra ~O rizc, of 0 not :,~e-, Alin.- no. r 'r-n-- 10 ,- 10 -:cec,-Ji- r - ., , 'C :'0 -ro:,, '~"ie fr 65-58-4- 5/12 '1LI !,-Ice o- Jul)r- i.-, r ! 1 n ';e. r of 3-i1 a r I r :~onnel ap r r', ,tion I r -1 z -j 3 o r on r,,',2 o- r) on '- C o t 1-~ 0 --7e 'io -o- o I s 'i r j.-., 'or r~-Icjcs- L size ji; gL%en by U - 0 1:~ i or 0, 0 s 1 C r% n (-I t ri u 1i r I n 'L t 1 '1!- 7 0 -11 U 71 1 -. -jU, C u~,,in,-- u,,e vi, n; 1t z Y, c- nt r 0 C ..7as cbs-rvell for a viscous 1u )ric-tnt yo r-, t ir)n 0 r j C n o' oils (-'1-- .4). "-ic lel!-ree 0" W Oar .-;q~ 10--er ~,i -i spin llk.~ oil - L. u ~3 1 '2 hi Is I U (-, t 0 v i s C 0 I or C) ;,.O,~u s o v e r n s ~ie r aL o C, A n ', a of tr -IeL; o-- In s s,)indle oil, h i s r-i t r~ i2 )ro :imat~,,lv L n J tYLn for oil :-.'2-1'07 '-'..e i,if lu e r, c .2 ,-:Ls al-o ol)z , T-vel iti Al-ons or. relation to of tne lubri,--,r,,'L. tl!ie 1-ttL.3-r e -:)---rj-3nt1-, visCous oils (YJ C 11 t C 1 ?/.3 2-167 , -n 1 'I' -- p' a ~ --ct n- -t'--,n1c--) -.r -ffin -r. ion " 65-58-4-5/12 The Influ,~nce of iubricatinr .,'aterial on the Wear of Ball Bearinf-5 oil were terte 1 -a" te-mporatures of ICL r,00~;- '7 of quartz duot (si-e = 20 30 r,il,) was adled to t',.e lubri- c-L-It -,;Ie -c-re c.rrjol out for ~7 hours at1400 revolutions/mInute, an! Ure cf the lu'-ricint = 200C. Pj.-. 7.shows the decrease of ash formatio- of the oil in rel-ation t,-.) T--.'e ~, I '11,r _'~ ,cli o ' ' ', e .'. -t r o f '~:ju 11 'je trinj-. L~ u- U. it '0 j ti-At "he -.r, 'it a r-iven cnncc0,r-tL, ion and of L! e -L,-)-r 'Siv is cons J,Iorably lo---er :-hen nori-,,,I.-- -,cu- lubri- c- nts (o ls) ar-,~ us ti-an 'or viccous lu'-)ric is due to the Se(li.-!entatl ion o f the abr-tsive p i ~ 1e s in non-viscous oils. 'llien viscous oils ~,,tro usel ~Lt inc-rc,ase,"I te-I). ratures, L'~.e abr,~sivo -e-ir 1e,! .-Is on dIs;)er,.tr, concen'r ion of ."e -.')r siv.:~ in the lubri- C~Lni, anl on thp c,_u~;cj 11-e ,,urinr- tl~~, roverl--m. of 2 res and 71 LL~-fer,2nces:- 1 1. Ball bearings-Lubrication 2. DnIl bearings-Performance ~. Lubricrtin.- oils-Test rerults 1;. LubricatIng oils-Tppt Card 3/3 rne th od z5. Lubricnting cils-Testing equipment PAVLOV 31 V. P. '~StudY of the Viscose Properties of Dispersed Systems in a Double Rotary Viscosimeter" (Issledovaniye byazkostnykh svoystv dispersnykh visten na sdvoyennom rotatsionnom viskozimetre) from the book Trudy of the Third AU-Utdon Conference on Colloid Chemist , po. 144-57, Iz. AN SSSR, ~Ioscow, 1956 (Report given at above Conference, Minsk, 21-24 Dee 53) I-gv'LOV, V. L.-I and "G. V. ";. nt~v .."'! %- -r-, a I *I,c , of III.-i- a a' th~,-, !..o !-, s -: - cllerntstr:, and Physic-s of :iic-: 1 2" jcj;,-2 ~'-, .,Ioscoi:,. 0 B-3,7)""'; 3~` 14SLOV, Cuola:;"" D. VINOGRADOV, pol"-mers,, 2" J-Dr-2 Fe~-- P AVLO V.0 V. P. "On the Characteristics of the Physico-l-L-chanical and Optival Properties of Concentrated Solutions of Lthyl Cellulose and Benzyl Alcohol," D. V. Osckine i-:~: collaboration with V. P. Pavlov, G. V. Vinogradov, and M. V. Gzwskiy (repor-tee on the usefulness of this plastic, optically active material for the modelling of tectonic processes.) paper presented at the First Idl-Union Conference on Tectonophysics, Moscov, 29 January through 5 February 1957. InBt. of Physics of the Xurth, Acod. ')Ici. USSR 4 . . . . . . . . . . LAMO tommatfal -39,Wum md lt-WAA- Mao. t.6 fumatior, of globuhr graphite ulmo (Ile nddll. ~-dl MIZ Cza irou 6 di!5cL--,-Ed: he m1gles-Hrjt, Is made that Mj(Or Jill 4UQ~S), Whill'SAM to tal;t itton, 'rtut3 lop. 11m. tsarfacc with C vUen the tempt. oft670'Urenalled. forluing 4 tarbidi Wbui he-ated 1-n OW, the earbkle dis- of the - T~ we.'to I-IffiC, sma C, which beb~me dh;p6;ed in Ow, baleis, W 4 -11 mssO, wheif fruther Ireatr(I to 12-00, orld0la, ille (--thldd bmak2 down (~fg~Cj -4 Mr 4- 3C, tlie C its the fnrm I)f uc~ot-l, while InAg i9 vaipurized, hitbblpq thrLnigh tht.- Ineud, Rud burDi above it. The "soot" part lel,-5 bm-mue the ai- ttmi gr-?PhltC cfy~tjl. micivi, attil h-ng in a lymbih! liquw trvdhim, roll anil acquire a g1gibahu !4lupt. -W, u. 4 NMINOV, M.D.; PAVLOV, V.P. POZIN, A.A.; EPSHTLYN, V.G.; KUEHTENKOVA, T.I. Mechanical properties of rubber mixtures and peculiarities of their flow through slit passages. Kauch. i roz. 16 no.8:24-27 Ag '57. (MIRA 10ill) 1. Nauchno-isaledovateltakly institut rezinovykh i latekenykh Izdeliy. (Blastomere-Testing) (Rheology) jfxUTHOR: T I T U: PERIODICALs ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 PAVLOV'PV.P., VINOGRADOV,G.V. I71_ew_7_efH`6-TiT -and Results in the Study of Plastic Systems; (Novy~& metody i resultaty issledovaniya dispersnykh sistem, Russian) Doklady Akademii Nailk SSSR, 1957, Vol 114, Nr 5, 20-5-22/60 Dispersion plastichnykh pp 997-1000 Plastic dispersive systems result in little deformations because of the brittleness of their structure, so that it is difficult to study relaxation processes in them. As hitherto no data have been published concerning this problem, the elaboration of a method for the study of relaxation in bodies with weak relaxation was of interest. The basic scheme of a rotation-elastoviscosi- meter fitted with a rigid dynamometer is shown in form of a drawing. This dynamometer can as a rule be considered to be completely rigid. The material to be investigated is filled into the space between the core and the outer cylinder of the elastoviscosimeter. The linear displacements of this outer cylin- der are increased to from 20 to 40 times their extent by means of a system of levers, after which they are increased 3000-fold by a special device, and are fixed by means of a photoregistra- tion chamber, by means of part of the device it is possible to investigate the shearing moduli of the material under investi- PHASE I BQJK FAFLV__-;T1C,11 ~;Ov/,055 Yeaso znays konferentslya po trenlyu I Irnosu V r.41-'1'-3Kn. UldrodInamichaskaya toorlym RmazkI. Opory skcl'zh-ly.. S-2ka I mustochnyye materialy (Hydrodynamic Theory of L,,Or1n4t-o,. 311V fteart;g. Lubrication and Lubricant P-terials) Moscow, Ild-vo All a. 422 p, Errata slip Inserted. 3.a30 coples Trudy. V. 3) printed. (Sarlest It . 3ponsorlng Agencyi Aloademlys nauk SSZR. InatitUt ma2hIMOVQdenly&. Rasp. Eds for the Section 'Hydrodynamic Theory of Lubrication end Slip iWaringn't Ye. M. Gutlyar, Professor. Doctor of Tech- Ical 3cle.ces, and A. 1. D-yachicov, Professor, Doctor of Tech- teal Scle.cesi Re "' for the Section. 'Lubrlcstlon and : Lubricant ftt*rlal:p;* 0. V. Vinogradov. Professor. Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: 9. T&. Ll.ban.vj Tech. ILd.: 0. X. Que'leove. rURPOSSi This collection of articlem to intended for prectleing engl nee re and research scientists. COVICiAag. Iwt mash .0- ------- Lnot The cOllectian, published by the __ vedenlym AN SSSR (Institute of Selene* of Pachinos, Academy of Selene*@ MSR) contains pavers presented at the III Tse..YuznAys konforentslya po trardyu I lznosu v Mi ahinalch (Third All-Unlon Conference on Friction and Wear In PAchlrej -whic~-N!s hold Aqril 9-15, 1958. Problems discussed me" In Lmbrl~.tlon and nydrOdy-;T~_'Tb-'oW-(c--nt7-- "' or SQV/5c~5,3 -%dOl'sllly, To, Ys. PLachine for Testing wes-F-latant ~~-xntirrlctlon Properties Of Wbrtcant Kt.rlai. for Righ Contact Stresses and Sliding Speed. 22T 3anin~P. L. 19,3. Shapeleva. A. V. Ul'yanovs, and 11--L KIOXMnOv- 1fr-ct Of Synthetic Additives to Lubf-feRtlng 0119 On PriculOnal Near 234 ?Burk&n. I. Q. Application of the Results of We, Resistsni-I TCia Or L~-brlc&tl 0110 an ftcni~.# With Point Contact Of the Prlctlon~jurfacqs 239 7clumetria Nachactical Properties of Lubricant Katqrlal, P. S., (deceased), f. 1. Kllhd,n, and q-D-9Or`4UVv8kiJ. Viscous Properties of Oil MIxturos of birrer~t chemical Character and of Solid Lubricants Obtained by Thickening 248 -and V. .L. the Viscous V11 'dean. Lnv-3t1gMtIcn of Properties or Lubricating 011. with High- P02YIWV Additives at W. Temperature@ 256 KussicOv, ML R., L. A. Monovalo". Ye. A. P~okor,-. and V. .1. 31dortnko. Effect of Tempera- tur. and Pressure on the Viscosity or Mixtur- or Mit,ml 0119 and 311"O-Organic Liquid. 262 290qm)~mor~krnyqy"' M, Practical 31oCPificance or Sce,e Parameters of the Mechanical rmpe,tl.. of Plastic Lubricants 210 H IrfOcts of Heat on the plo. of pl.,tlc 'Sir Mfanh_ Slnltayt~. V. V- BOu1d-r7-L-y.1 Sliding ard Int*r,,i 277 Friction of Plastic L-b,le-te J8. -4- < < < AUTHORSt Vinogradov, 'U.V., Pavlov V F TITLEs The Problem of Fluidity and Stability of Struct-,rn! Di2,Ers, Systems (K voprosu o tekuchesti. i prochnosti struktur'-r:,.,-n- nykh dispersnykh sistem) PERIODICALi Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 2, pi) 248-253 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article contains a discussion on problems of mc~c-r:. rheology. The dependence of the shear stress on t!~e mation of bitumens which are highly viscous, reakly and structural disperse systpms, is dealt with. Differ-nt methods give slightly diflerent results. The elementary aj- paratus used for the investigations under discuss~-% reliable results only for systems with loN ela~ti,~ tions and may not always be applied to rheolo6iudi ir---vS- sea taking place in highly elastic bodies. TI--c juxtd~~.s'-'- tion of systems with large (aluminum naphthenbte 6o'.s, etc.) and small (bitumens) elastic deformations must be met great cliution. Card 112 69-1~8-2 -221_- The Problem of Fluidity and Stabiiity of Structural Disperse Sysiems There are 4 graphs and 14 SOV4et references. SUBMITTEDs July 12, 1957 1. Dispersion systems--Stability 2. Dispersion systems--Fluidity Card 212 5(4) SOV/"o- 122-4-7, 0,/'~ AUTHORS R_vlov, V. P., Vino-rc-dav, G. V. TITLE: The Elastic- and Strenj~th-Properties of PlaBtic Dis-eysel Systerin in Connection With tlie Phenomenon of '."hi-cotropy (11pru-o prochnostnyye evoystva plastichnykh sistem v avya:,,i 9 yavleniyem tikootro, IQ PER TOD IC AL Dollady Akiidemi i niiuk 3SSR, 1 9r)0 , Vol 12. , Nr 4('-''4,' (us,-)R) AB3TRACT: The investi,~ations were carried out by means of an elasto- viscosi::eter with concentric cylinders. The authors letermined the function T(-I) and the shear coefficient -, of various Ilastic lubricants at 20 0 under static conditions and also for steady and non-steady revolutions of the c ','lindrical core of the dynamometer. T denotes the shear stress anI 7 the deformation. A diagram slovis the function -r(y) of fatty lubricant grease found for n = 2,4.10-4 revolutions per minute. An other diagram gives the results obtained by measuring the coefficiento of the shear of fatty lubricant r -:rease after fillin,-, the measuring apparatus with this substance durine C its relaxation, and iur'n- the tests. After the ~ltor7'ing of 'ard 112 ~ b SOV/20-122-4-53/57 The Elastic- and Strength-Trorerties of Plastic DiOper3ed 3vstpris in ~ornec- tion With the Phenomenon of --hixotropy the revolution of the dynamometer core, an increa7e in j i6 observed because of the thixotro ic restoration of t~ie lubr-'- cant structure. Even for n - 10-~ revolutions per 7-.inute, I~ie values of g were by 10 lovier than the corresponling values found under static conditions. The coefficient of sheLr ~- iind the ohear stren,,th -t, tr 'Iepend differently on thf~ leformt.- tion of plastic bodies. The elasticity- and t:;c, shear-!,trength are caused by different kinds of bonds between tlie particles of the dispersed phase. "here are 4 fi6ures and 4 references, 4 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED: May 171, 1)57, by A. V. Topchiyev, Academician S U1311 I TT ED May 17, 19"" Card 2112 BOV/179-59.-2-18/40 '-AUTHORS:Vinogradov, Ay~qyj, V.P. (Moscow) G.V. and,.X TITLE: Elastic and Strength Properties of Soft Bodies (Uprugiye i prochno.stnyye evoystva myagkikh tel) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR OTN, Mekhanika i mashino- stroyeniye, 1959, Nr 2, pp, 134-141 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper consists of material. delivered to the Third World Congress on Rheology, September 1958. Experiments were carried out in a rotational elasto-viscometer with concentric cylinders, the space between which was filled with the material under investigation. In some experiments, the inner cylinder was fluted, but in others it wa .4 plain. The speed of rotation could be varied from 4 x 10 1 to 1.5 X 103 rpm. The deformation was recorAed automatically by means of an optical magnification device. The rotation could be started and stopped almost instantaneously, thus permitting the stress relaxation properties to be determined. The stress/deformation/time curves are given for a grease and for pastes of bentonite in water, and deformation/velocity/ time curves for the grease. The dependence of shear modulus and limiting shear strength on the deformation velocity is Card 112 5(4)', 10(4) AITTII( Favlov V P Vinograd--.,,v, G. V. TITLE: The Thermal Ef fec t r;-i- the 11,10-Ion L.~ 1 64 Flow of An- rialloisly Vi zcous B(~diea (Tei.1 --v)-.y-, rf techenii i os tan-ovke pc tcka anon-,Ll I n:, Iya--. ki PERIODICAL-. Doklady Akademii nalik VA pp 1061 - 1064 AB~;TRACT: The processes of heat liberation in L, ffv tigated it; the c,,tst, of )~J-Uh hr-mo--eneity .-f shearing stresses. In t-.c present ~-ape- ti., were therefore investicated by rea!.s of a rc,tatJui. vi~,--- meter already previo-usly det3-,ribed (Hef '), TI.e surfaces of tl.e cylinder vipva ;,!round. The ttoir:Acu.: tkiri, --1., T ) in the flow was delE,rmined with an a.,:cur~,L,-y -f 0.0050 by me-3 ()f a differontial tI.i21-j::-c 11tlo. I'l-o dependence -)f T was T'Cr-'O.-ded ~~,n photo6-!-.Ihi-~ means of a mirror ga'vEr-,metc~r ar.d a typical photograph iiiustrates tll.i.~ Card 1/4 periments carried out with NewtDn T!,;:- V.ermal Effect Duriri.- the .1'.otion and the Stoppa-e, of a Flow of Anrmaloucly Viocous Bodies -reasee ur.t-11 it becomu~? st.,-ac',y. After t):j,. the entire encrCy s,itl.lied is tran-9forred to t-,o in form of heat and,*T=const Next.. t, r,.! t o tion -1.n tho flow lo invi?!iti,-7:iIv,l by analy.iiij. ti 9 pe c i f'i,,, po wo rinput 11 91 j P I B S W.! -I - dt P- t T a!; heat. Orepart of this -Dwer i,3 i',se.3 f under i rive a til-ati:) n, t~~,~ is conv~:y, I t, The heat balarice of thc~ pr,~~oss may lie cxj rus3--d equation T) D-- k , T dt He re c de no te s the s pe- c i f i (- he a t, c, f t h c & ut, tigation (referred to tlie volwne), and k - tic; of the heat tru~isfur f rom this substance tf, th.,, J iqui 1 the thermostat, lie re f rum i- t f o I I cra zf r t I o S, I i the flow that Card 2, 4 T + k T O~ dt The Therma I Ef f e~ t Du I L I! r-,' Vl,--~ 111~, t i ~ - r- , t~ of a Flow of Arcmal ously Vi sc-ous B(:di es By I nt(q-,ra I to Ti of 'I noi I i!at i )n tI c , T -k Tdt = kmS, Li C. is obtained, where m denotes a f Y purpose of deteruiinin~- tl.(,) coef ficient k ttiu ~t oth r.- ,i,v o n D', . T h e t,--- ~- t gated the dependence uf & T o b j s w e re V e w t. o n 'i i, I i i ! (4 s ( p e t r , I e 1~u!) ) , 1) 1 a r, t i -- d i ~1 ;,,- , ri i of the type of nonsistent lubricants, concentc -tecl so lut-, of ethyl ~~ellulose and aluminum naplithenate in . - -I --,i It was co as well ae other substances. nfirr!ed tliat th ,~ ~ ,iLli D ~ k T holds and that k dnes n,-)t del.,eL-al -.r, DI: a:A t'i~- i-heological pr,-)pertieo of the subotanctis -, ~t~ irrj-~' i t..' Next, the pher-omena a...companying slrwln~; I ;,i f highly complicated structural sysT(~rns ,s nv-2s ti gram gives data,- the timo ')f C- i card 3/4 gral and 4-iffcrentiai Thc. Thermal Effect Durina the Moti,jr, qnj tlie Of~'a FI-a of Anomalously VjBc~juB .1 r I)f 311H) OlIbUt,111VOG, nf tOr a BlIdd(III it()jIj 'Itcl ol authora thank Academician V. A, KaiCin for di st il 1. 1 paper and for his valuable advice, Th.,re ai-e 3 f 1 tabl. ef and 3 Soviet roforqixes, ASSOCIATION: IrI3tItI-It naftekhimnichesk--~--o r3iritcna (Inst4 tute for Petroleum-Chemical. S~ntl~es,- f t; of Sciel.ces, ussiA), PRESEI~TED: January 5~ 1),)9, by V, A. Kargin. AcaierA.:,i,- SULI:ITTED: December 1918 Card 4/4 5W SOV/20-127-2-35/70 AUTEORSt Vinogradov, G, V., Mamakov, A. A., Favlov TITLE: The Flow of Anomalous Viscous Systems Under the Action of Two Pure Shearing Stressesin Matda34 Perpendicular Directions PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 2, pp 362-365 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the clearance between two coaxial cylinders, both an axial and a radial flow are possible. Thus, the possibility is given of comparing different forms of flow of anomalous viscous systems under different shearing stresses and at different velocity gradients in one and the same apparatus. Grease- "solidol" consisting of 86.2% spindle oil, 12% Ca-soaps of cottonseed oil, and 1.8~11 water, was the material used for the experiments. A high-viscosity Bewton liquid, an extract of resins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from petroleum- distillation residues, served as control liquid. The measure- ment was made in a system with two rotary visooBimeters with coaxial cylinders, differing by the size of the cylinders' working surfaces. Concerning the shearing stress for axial Card 1/4 flow it holds according to references 3 - 5 : The Flow of Anomalous Viscous Systems Under the SOV/20-127-2-35/70 Action of Two Pure Shearing Stresses in Matually Perpendicular Directions Ic ' AP R (6p - pressure drop per unit of length of ax 2L the cleft in axial direction, H - cleft width, L - length of cylinder surface). For the velocity gradient it holdsi RH2),l Dax M Q(2ff (Q = amount of flow, R - radius of the inner cylinder). Checking revealed that the method applied yielded well reproducible results. Experimental results with "solidol" are shown in logarithmic coordinates in figure 1. Table 1 contains the values for 77 . With simultaneous axial and radial ax flow$ Ap and the moment a of resistance are measured at different Drad (Fig 2). Curves 1 show the flow in the case of a purely axial flow (D rad -0), curves 2 - 7 show the dependence _D (IC' ) for given D In the case of a ax ax rad* homogeneous shearing stress field all over the clearance, the radial flow brings out a destruction of the structure and Card 2/4 transforms the plastic body into an anomalous-viscous liquid. The Flow of Anomalous Viscous Systems Under the SOV/20-127-2-35/70 Action of Two Pure Shearing Stresses in Mutually Perpendicular Directions The higher D rad' the lower becomes viscosity. Hence, at given Dax with rising D red the shearing stress V ax drops, whereas at given V ax with rising D rad also D ax increases strongly. In the case of a radial flow the plastic system ivere found capable of flowing out axially under the action of much lower pressures, as compared to the absence of a radial flow. A remarkable fact is that in the case of lovr V there is a ax direct proportionality between D find If D is very ax ax ax large as compared to D red , and assuming high temperatures, The effect of the radial flow becomes unimportant. The effect of the axial flow on the radial is shown in figure 3. Figure 4 depicts the superposition of 'C and V rad ax In the case of a combined shear the flow curves lie in a fork which is formed by the curves of the purely radial and Card 3/4 The Flow of Anomalous Viscous Systems Under the SOV/20-127-2-35 '/70 Action of Two Pure Shearing Stresses Ift Mutually Perpendicular Directions purely axial flow. The authors thank Academician V. A. Kargin for advice. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: In8titut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Petroleum-chemical Synthesis of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: March 2, 1959, by V. A. Kargin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 21, 1959 (sic) Card 4/4 PAVLOV, V.P.; TVERIKIR, Y.T. Machining sheet vinyl plastic. Kh1m.volok. ao.1:67 160. (MIR& 13:6) 1. Yrtishchinakiy zavod i Yeesoynznyy nauchno-iSBledovatellskiy inst.Atut iskaostvennogo volokna. (Plastics) (Vinyl compounds) e^ S/', 52/6c//oc,,-- B023/BO60 AUTHORS% VinogreAdov, G. V , Maaakcv, A A Pavlov, V P TITLE Homogenization and Rheological Proper;eE of Plas,ic (Consistent) Lubricants~j PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyqshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy Nef, 1 ~,-az, pp TEXT: The first author has pointad out in a previous paper that the majority of industrial lubricantslare micrograined systems (Ref 1) In the study under consideration, the authors set themselves the follcwlng tasks: 1 to work out a collrid mi 11 , where lubricants can be -~utjecf ed tc an 4ntense homogenation under rigorously defined conditions; s-Idy the rheological properties of typical industrial lubricants The test objects were lubricant 201 (rOCT 6267-52)(GOST 6267-52) and freasekl. 2 ( U S s , 2C) CT -, 5 65 o ( G 0 S T 4 3 6 6 - 5 0 )The rheolcgicall -,)ropert-.,~,s rf fresh and homogenIzed lubricants were intercompared The dr-t-rminat-nn wa-4 carried out by a plastoviscosimeter (Ref 8) The temperaturc- was Fig I shows the scheme and the construction of the horiogen:z~,r wKch i-z Card 1/4 Homogenizat-lon and Rheclogical Propertles S/1 52/60/000/0C, of Plastic (Consistent" Lubricants B0231'BO60 thoroughly described alone w:t~. principle Eqmogent~' performed with an axiial feed c-' of 2 5 10 .,m S e,- and a deformation rate of 10c~ f'.ut-cant ?0'," unI 104 grease) Phenomena of hyster~-si-;- :ire observel Ic, be --ommcn I--- ail (non-homogenized) lubricants .r, tri, st,,ldy of vsc,-,s,,tj, **,-- def-rma-,-n rate varying considerably Successivp in,-r~~asp and del-rea~,e -,f tn- deformation rate leads in graphical reprei~-.r.ta*ic-n tc f, -,4 c,jrves, The study of homogenized lubricants revealed Tw- To t~.e first belongs lubricant 201 Lubricants nf thIs type are ir.*-~nslveiy destroyed under the action :~f h-Igh defr--rma+Jon rates Thc-ir ri,eological properties are changed irreversibly The resilts (,btained fr(,,m the of the vis--osIy cf lu--,cant ?GI are -,r. -ig:-eemen- w-,th tri(; Jetc-ra,,nat!rn, of the "'Imit values of durar.,ility (Tall- ~~, wh:-A do nct ~hangk- afte:- ht. lubricar., has been all~w-j tc r e s ? 11 , e, - h.~-- Lubrlrants ~4' tt.-? distinguish, them~,elvos ~-,s 'i,ecially t),; Ineir tn' Whe u 3ect.?d to ar, Intense homo s , -,,b', -r h 4i proper t I e ~ wh: : h d,- n,, t, c ha-zige w, - me ;~ r;.,, q r,~ -.c :t * f e -A r -,r,, f~ ac t ions , provided t, he i nt -~ns i ty 0 f ~,,i h ac c ri.~ : s c, W47- r tan !. a homogenation The synthet-.r grtla!in US,-2 be'longs to *hc- r" - Card 2.14 Homogenization and Rheological of Plasti, (Consistent, Lubrican- Br,?`B06r~ one may observe, besides irreversille changes. a I s u c h proper' ies with time. In iddi t i cr), also henomen~i If r-:,-:1 after an intense mezLai,,c~-,11 act!7r. The r -, n,7 i T a'~ however. that t heso I utri cant3 , when i ntens'. vely t ,c~ a.,~ r, m a regarded as Newton s The v' sl-os i ty Of these ur, ~; depend upon the leng1h af the "restinr" ,t-riod Table 1 ---hcws! i.e zk,~ingp the limit values of' durability for bctr, types witr. 'ilrif- Thp between the lubricants of the first and the second *ype ~~ -tfrre!qt,~J with the differences in the structure of the d~czr~-rse ;~naso Thf, iez,-.;.v~ factor, however, 2s thp coarse-6ra,ned structarp of tYe 21,~l I "Lrlcal't This structure accounts for !he arrevers:bilty of tl.~- chan-es rf .heological propc~r--e-s The inall~lify ~)f t,,reasp US.-P 1~ rheological properties after "rest4nt--" is to De exTlained ~,y -',e ~i particles of t h,~ d! sperse phase -f a loidal dimer;F ion ar~ ~rE,F~er.- 1. grease There are ~ ^:gures tat les and q Sc,vip+ ref ASSO C I A T 1 ON: K a -z ar, s e. Kn a m,. f, c e Ln 0 C, C r.t, " r~ I Y :L S Ka z an I r-5 t : tu t e c' Ct.en, *. cil Te,- anc. ogy S M K: Car.1 ~14 Homnger-,z a ~ I or, 3.1-A Rne- - -K: P-,- I e I of Plastic (Cons :s-enf ' . SUBMITTED: -7u'v 09. !()C~1) S - C -~ ,, ',- - - - - r , - - 7 - - z BO,- ",Bc~o J Card 4,,4 .29448 S/081/61'/000/017/150/166 B117/B110 AUTHOR. Pavlov, V. P. TITLE., Thermal effects accompanying the flow of plastic lubricants PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 17, 1961, 473, abstract 17M227 (Tr. 3-y Vaea. konferentaii po treniyu i iznosu v mashinakh, M., AN SSSR, v. 3, 196o, 277-284) TEXT: A fundamental difference was established between normal liquids and structural disperse systems (plastic lubricants) while studying heat liberation during a flow of lubricants in capillary tubes and rotary viscosimeters. Heat liberation (heating) of deformable plastic lubricants (aliphatic and synthetic greases, Li lubricants, and others) passes through a maximum after a certain period, once the material flux is stopped. H~:at liberation is retarded due to the energy expended to destroy the lubricant structure in the flow. Heat liberation, however, corresponds to the energy of lubricant structure formation in the state of rest. It Was shown that the conversion of plbstic energy stored at the beginning of deformation of plastic lubricants into heat is of no essential importance, Card 112 PAVWVp V.P. Physical region of a five-tail in terms of five invarients. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.5:1606-1611 N 163. (MIRI 1-,:!,) 1. Matematicheskiy Institut imeni V.A. Steklova All SSSR. BEZBORODIKO, M.D.; VINOGRiiDOV, G.V.; PAVLOV. V-P- Affect of lubricants and antivear additives on the abrasive wear of metals in sliding friction. Izv,vysoucheb.zave; neft' i gaz 3 no.2:73-79 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Voyennaya ordens. Lenins, akademiya bronetankovycb voyek im. I.Y.Stalina. (Lubrication and lubricants) DjnMGA, Tu.F.; DUMAIISKIY, A.V.; VII,'DGRkDOV, G.V,; PAVLOV, V.P. Dielecectric and rheological properties of disperse Plastic systems. Koll.zhur. 22 no.1:16-22 Ja-F '60. (mIRA 13-6) 1. Institnt obshche7 i neorganicheskoy khimii All USSR, KIvev. (Oils and fate) Ll ti 01-14)1 t~6 AUTHORS: Osokina, D. N_ Gzovskiy, IJ V Pavlov, V_ P. TITLE: Investigation of the Processes Means of Ethylcellulos IV olutians Polarization PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol 85707 S/ o 6 q/ 6 o/0 2 2,, U_ C 4,',.~ 0 4, " 3,D A X B003/B056 , Vinogradov, G V , and of Plastic Deformatirn ~,y and Gels and Optcal 22, No. 4, pp. 434-442 TEXT: The investigations described in the present paper deal with the problem as to whether it is, in principle, possible to study shear stresq and rate of deformation in plastically deformable soft bodies by the method of optical polarization. The results obtained may be usefully ap- plied in the mechanics of disperse syntems, of tectonic physics, etc The measurements were carried out in a device designed by V P Pavlov (Ref 13) and constructed by the Institut fiziki Zemli AN 7S_S`S7F.~_;,7,,_Yute of GeoDhvsics of the AS TISSR), which simultaneou!ily, fulfilled the fun~- tion of a plastoviscosimeter and a dynamooptimeter The device schemat- Card 1/3 85707 Investigation of the Processes of Plastic S/069/60/022/004/004/()05/XX Deformation by Means of Ethylcellulose Solu- B003/B056 tions and Gels and Optical Polarization ically shown in Fig. 1 and describe,4 in detail in the original paper con- tains, among other things, a Kcn lolariscope (KSP-5), as well as a Berek compensator for measuring Me optical effect. The dependence of shear streBB on deformation as well as the deformation-kinetic diagrams were ascertained with the help of Pavlov's elastoplastoviscosimeter (Ref. 14). The material used was Soviet ethyloellulose of the type K-290 (K-290) with a molecular weight of 7-7~10 4 and a substitution degree of 46.25~- The viscosity of a 5% alcohol benzene solution was -290 centipoice at 20 C. The ethyl cellulose was used in a dissolved state in benzyl alcohol (of different concentrations) and/or in benzyl alcohol dibutyl- phthalate mixtures (whose mixing ratio was varied in a 30% concentration) The measured results are shown in the diagrams of Figs. 2 - 5. The modulus of shear of the ethyl cellulose solutions was between 0,01 and 2 2 7 1 kg/cm , the viscosity between 10 and 10 poise Owing to their mechani cal properties, the solutions in benzyl alcohol corresponded to highly viscous Newton liquids having a completely linear dependence of Card 2/3 DZYMA, %.F.; FAV VIHOGRAWV, G.V. - "-X Instrument for a simultaneous study of dielectric and rheological properties of viscoplastic imiterin1s. Zav.lab. 2L no-3:353-356 16o. (MIRA 1):6) 1. Institut, obahchey i rteorganicheakoy khimit Akademii nauk USSR. Aterials-Zlectric properties) (Rheology) KUSHNAREV, D.M., kand. '.ekhn. nauk; PAVLOV. V.P., gornyy -Jnzh. ._ Using itdanitp and water-containing f-xl)loqivt-,,3 in strip minf-s of the "Apatit" Combine. Vzryv. delo no.54/11:356-362 '64. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy inst4tut gornokhimicheskogo syrlya. PAVLOV V,P, Soviet electric welding devices at an international exhibition held in Great Britain. Elaktrotekhnika 34 no.10:71 0 163. (MIRA 16t1.!) 1. Veasoyumpya Oblyedinentys "Mnshinookeport's ZAVIYALOV, 0.1.; -PAVIDV~-V.P. Spectral representations of inelastic ampl1tudes in perturbation theory. Zhur.eksp.1 teor.fiz. 44 no.5tl5D3-1508 Yq 163. (KIRA 16:6) 1. Matematicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Scattering (Physics)) (Invariants) PAnOV V F agronom-entomolog (GroznYY); KAZYIR071 A., sadoved- v (Luninets Brestskoy obl.) Iyubitell, personal'nyy pensioner Readers' letters. Zashch. rast. ot vred. t bol. 6 no.6:13 161. (MIRA 16:4) (Plants, Protection of) o -60 e 0 i l l It t A v k. b 0 P tl..J ac If 004 act low, 3. 0 - 22 = EN we till - #name f"A - WAWA jhlo the bottom of Olp YvAdud KC1. M. Aim (e) 4 to 0 v see Zee too tz V s is -'W A I 40 u u A o F 0 I it t) tf III IN It 19 a N It a -410 4 1 1 90 :::000*00000*006 Is , 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0-0-0 0 000*00000*0 0 go lo 4 4 . U U It In b U Is w c it Q 1$ 45 to 0 A L__L All 0 1 _I, 0 V. l" l a saul (it MI oln m Muile k f h r v . r k r " . S tMirle is rMlinwYawtv dwiMV4 wo ftfth Ct.%%-PKA?Kb `1 ~ to lp do 49 a 99 U 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 1 0 909 990 096t000900000 -w -W IV lip v ~-maz3WTINW-W * 00 ** 0 #414 *W- ools a 0 3 6 1 $ 0 0 fl 0 u m 16 v 0 1!a is a b v a is a 41 42 41 a 0 J, 4k r 2 2 9 M, I a L . a r, -L 2 1 a 0 b I M. .1100 11 A t-L-A-A-A- -JL 400 law D".1 1. 4r. (06"01 T.X ftA3WA 100,4. Na 3, 21--M.-Tbe I km wafty of ti tu lky Ygy, x ram 00 c lW*7 W * - ! -00 on 1. volulQUUMBO 0 .11 now Owke to '00 ,sit hown &MMMAMM& Jkv~, and NOYAPP, ma 00 a obwwiw ma WN -b, 64;;w VS hm 00 a -00 Am. (e) too mm of fib* Sam& SSWL 00 zoo -00 sea zoo 00 age Ali we too too DITALLU"KAL UTR*Ali*l CLASWICATWO Do SIMAGN3 lisp Cup cat 1214114. aw ft. &$I 4 64 0 0 9 0 A ;;j Sri ;j 127; 9 V, 0 0 We 0 o 0 0.0 0 0 49 *to 0 0 0 0 p 1 0 poll] 00 - 041 A;I 00 umovuip"20 a 40 AS ago IN -00 00 IlAbut Pon of the n-AnufmAurf. 0( 00 pOw&t.-D. 00 00 -r 04D 00 son. a. softoov .4 $viapo WSW O-V Gas u AV, , . . . .I , q , I ~ a, - ;, i all 9 It 0 a to OP a " a io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *00 -00 to 0 oo coo W now 1.00 soms". assail 049 cwv &$t A Sow 0 So I v a 0 2 to 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 * a 0 0 * 0 0 001 111:21~ Uzi= 4400 *44 04 4 a ll m is uto to 0 A11 a a III a is 1) A A a 11 ILI It III a I b 1- 16 p & It V It Of 0 P G0 it 00 4 1 0 4A01 t v k a t.r .1 IN WN&WON.. 1'l I., MA, i /r fti* Jig& A. -mvil.- IN' U_ I# b.Jul.J r.411N.Ir. IN tilt OMUWWW" W AW)s Of I'MAIIIIII-ti(kil by 1141tars. A wAvdiAA stlaillwo thas but Irdwe thir sp mil- I t , k." UN p ckv. "MtY wW lbervirfort is ul vio croamme advantaxt - In attlirs to obtais a both with a knart sil. cok-Imy.,iinvulills 0 output ul 7.5 a p% rho lkffl ~V. I.. a -fit - good ihrtIHAI *0 utlidoWn tit be penvitird siml 1hr An.j.1w v. if t"'Ill ... I ~ I . to 0.41 GINJI. Iwir NJ III A r,dswtum tit tit, I- . b I-ImAIN'r of it b " al 14 ask, d-Nal'k. and ..In tu-11141'. 1. saulord by ON, addit. -4 1.& M. G. %h... 00 wr..".r 00 ~ "., .0 to 000 IS $1 12 fl 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 e f 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 - 0 f 41 Is AD b It a 0 0 4, W a) a CEO PPOCIS135 Amil per Pg., I 1 .111. 00 IN a (u.*a domi.f. *a 0* i boo). Jab.; Maw 6'hvW.'lAl6W.I; 't 0.11 Irl 00 SON was wkvtrWmdivi*41I-hw .00 f;l. Dal, 3~1. imml NA 00 Ivic -liw4ved less than V Nigi I IV-J. N160 -IN I, Ml 1- .00 *aj. .00 -60 zoo 41DO 9 zoo ass j woo -00 90 00 0 Llfflfkl~.l (k&%UfKAIfCft I t 008 wee It I, Is 0 1. ft n 11 oil" flalft, Is ba 0 Is 6i% VTG ee on l 9 a*** al * 00*0*0000* Soo a 0 r, :i ,; a ;a n a v N,Iw 11 v A) w 0 w v !A "S O vil opo L L L-J 1 0 fe a tt.,q go t" o . . f .. " 00 . 00 so A I 00 Cell for the *let" 4 AJ.0, 00 Aist. 31. 90). C-'e" -00 *0,5 es 4, age eel see W ;00 -00 so* too ~ too II 4X 4 0 Gio 0 0 0 0 go 4 0 0 00000 0 717 SIMPORDY. G.Te., gormy 1wheneri TMM, A.A., gornyy inzhener; PAVWV, V.P., gorWy Inshener. - - Measures to increase the life span of ore chutes and delivery ramps. Gor.shurono.1206-57 D 155. (MW 9:4) (KrIvoy Reg--Mining engineering) JRKMUA, Te.l., in2hener; FAVLOV. V.P.. Inshener. Inoculation practice. Lit.proisy. no.1:32 Ja '56. (KLHA 9:5) (PIweetum alloys)