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SOV/58-59-5-10700 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 5, p 118 (USSR) AUTHOR: Pavlov. V.A. TITLE: Study, of Regularities In Plastic Deformation and Pallure PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta-fiz. metallov..Ur&l'skiy fil.-AS-USSR, 1958, Nr 20, pp 245-263 ABSTRACT: Survey of studies executed in the laboratory of mechanical properties of the IFM, The bibliograpkiy contains 57 titles. Card 1/1 S,`V/126-6-1-111/33 'AUTHORS: Grin') A. V., Pavlov, V. A. and Pereturina, I. A. I ____ TITLE: In f 111 c n c e o f 87t a t i c D-1 Ws 76-FT6 ns o f t h o Ci-f s lu;_~ I Lat, t i c e on the Nlechanical Properties of Aluminiwa-Mz.t~,nesiuiu Alloys (Vl-ivaniye staticheskikh iskazheniy reshetki na mekhanicheskiye svoystva splavov s ina6niyem) II Dependence of the Total and of the Uniforia on the Temperature and the Speed of Defor;,,i.,ition (II Zavisimost' polnoy i ravnomernoy deformatp-1-i ot teimperatury i skorost-i deformirovaniya) PERIODICAL: FJ.ziha Metallov i rile tallovedeniye., 1958 Vc! b pp 110-115- (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the work desc-,-ibed in the first Part of' LhiS paper (19')?, Vol 5, fir 3. pp 493-500) was to study thin influence on t-he Fv.e3hanical properties of trie static distortions of the CrySta.1 lattice which are c_iusec, atoms of the dissolved elements and the diffusior. processes taking place as a result of stresses occurr during plastic defori~,Lation., Aluminium-magnesium alloy,'3 were used in the experiments, Earlier invf.-7F~ij:, uf Card 1/6 one of the 1-tuthors and his team have show.n that SOV/126-6-1 -I 4P Influence of Static Disto-tions of the Crystal Latt_~ce on th,? Mechanical Properties of Aluminium-Ida.6nesium Alloys II. Dependence of the Total and of -the Uniform Deformation on the Temperature and the Speed of Deformation considerable static distortions of the cryst'-1 2a-ic-e take place.which are brought about by ma6nesiu_,:- ato~-_E- but the bond forces do not change the composition Df ti-t alloy. Such a combination of properties permits studying in the pure form the influence of crystal lattice distortions on the mechanical propertier-, T171.e authors investigated the temperature dependence of 6'7~e yield point and the ultimate strength of pure alumin-DL: (contqining about 0.01% LIG. 0,0017% Fe, 0.0014% Si, 0,0011% Cu) and its maGnesium, alloys (0,05, O~15 0,3, O~5 and 1% 11g) in the temperature range between 80 and 7000K for widely differing defonnation speeds ((;,4,10-3 2zlO- 1) 2-10-4 )_ It wa-~ established that for Pur,,, aluminiu.,zi the temperature dependen 8e of the yield pci:~-, in the temperature range UP to 500 K is determined fundasnentally by a chan6e in the interatomic bond forces, At elevated temperatures a more pronounced dependence Card 2/6 wao detected of the yield point on the temperature which S~-'V/126-6-1-14/ 73 Influence of Static Distortions of the Crystal Lat-ice on -~.te Mechanical ProT)erties of Alumini,,r.,i--11aE:neFjium Alloys H. Dependence of the Total and of the Unifonn Deformation or. the Temperature and the Speed of Deformation is apparently due to deformations along the grair b o una ar ii~ -q .Hardenini., cf the aluminium alloys v.-it'l- magnesium is caused by static distortions of -L..e lattice v:hich are brouL;ht bbout by magnesium atom.,.. Tfllc, diffusion processes, lead to a non-monotonous of the yield poin4- on the te.;~perature an dependence on the Fpeed of delarmi-,tioE and a of the deDendence of the mechanical prorprtieF on c~~i~lposition of t'--.e al-lo,i and on the condiLior.E of defo-nj-iation, observed of the, yield -!Ti the te:-,perat'--tre ran,,-e of about 1;0 0 00 K and increased values at 80 K which are atti,ibuted to various Lj~i-, Cf diffu--ior. processes takinC, place in the case of deformation under the effect of stresses T h u si r found that static distortions of the crys'"al lattice brought about by the magnesium atoms,,cause an increase in the yield point and the ulti-mate strenEth, In the Card 3/6 here publishea second part of the paper, the au'hers SOV/ 126-()'-- 1 - 14/33 Influence of Static Distortions of the Crystal Lattice on ~;'--.e Mechanical Properties of Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys II, Dependence of the Total and of the Uniform Deformation on the Temperature and the Speed of Deformation investigate the total and the uniform deformution of alloys of alumini~u6 1.,;ith magnesium in the temperature range of 80 to 700 K for the same range of speeds of deformation, They found that the static distortions of the crystal lattice caused by magnesium -toms reduce the plasticity and that the diffusion processes taking place a's a reculr, of' the r3trenflen durJng deformation of alloys bring about an increase In Wie plasticity and complicate the temperature dependence of' the total and the uniforin elongations, In alloys of aluminium with maGnesium, the crystal structure of which has suffered static distortions, a complicated der----ndence is observed of the total and the uniform elongarioris on the temDerature and the speed of deformations, Tne plastic properties of such alloys is apparently determined by several factors which act simulta-ne:~usly, namely.- a more unifGrm distribution of the plastic Card 4/ro deformation alont: the volume of the crystal and an SOV/126-6-1-14/3z Influence of Static Distortions of the Crystal Lattice on t--e Mechanical Properties of Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys II, Dependence of the Total and of the Uniform Deformaion Dn thc- Temperature and the Speed of Defor-.,,iation ii~-crease of the effective vc1u::ie which r)arti--irates, the defor.:ration, brint;s about an increase i,. plasticity of the alloyF; ~~ diffusion of tne itomS of alloying elewents under the effect of stre3--s talzi.-.~,- place during defor-,Tu~tion and caucine, a re~-I-tion of PeCLRE of Ovel--,~trcsf-vs in t-1- neiF,1hbc,,i!-hu-,-! cf unifori.rii-,ieo of the cr-vsLal lattice and ir tno hcod or microscipic cr-acks brintf. aho--)t aL increase (:.f plastic -.,.Y-; P- increage of "he types II ana III -ij sc, duri-Tig plastic ar increase of the resistance t(, def.)r::i~atior, i:i the alloys brin.: about -educt4-ori 'Lr, th,- 711c-tS+~iCit--, the of these factors Will c~3use a suff-'cienti-, --oziplic-ated dependence of the un-iform and the total eloni~ations on Card 5/6 S0V/l2G-6--j_jLt,/53 *Influence of Static Distortions of the Crystal Lattice Dn t1le Mechanical ProT)erties of Aluminiuz-i-Magnesium. Alloys II. Dependence of the Total and of the Uniform Deformation on the Temperature and the Speed of Deformation the composition of the alloy and the conditions of deformation. There are 7 figures and 9 references, all of whic'n are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki inetallov Urallskogo filiala All 3SSR (Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: August 11, 1956 A I mnln wn -magnes .4unt a _!1oy,,;--1,1e,2h an i L- a i prcpp r t i -rYL3ta 1c;-Def'ormation 3 . C'ry s t a Ls - - 1,471 t , i ,, r-., ~~ard (16 4. :~ry~stal~;--Metailurgicai effects AUTHOR: -P-av -L -1 -- SO -Ir- /7 7 TITL---' Internal Lattice Defec-.s S-Iudie-~J Irze--. F~- (Izucheiii~-e defektc)v kristallicheskoy reshell- !,I pomoshchi vnutrenne6o ti-eniya) PERIODICAL: Fiziku filetal.lov i Motttllovedeniye . 1958 V I I ,,) r I-j , 12~1-1 7 (USBR) ABSTRACT: Pure Al azid A! + 13% IME~ were used at or belt- tem7,erature; 0peay-s are foLuid in -50 t- --,O-C -170 to -160 C rankled-, plus a rise at ~(,tivAioti onor~;ies rire 0,~ u~jlf 0,0'- eV, Trr,ns vers-- oscillations a t 1-100- 1 "010 used , i:i sin not described (whet!.,-,. rct is r~c'~ st&t"Q)~ Roand rods 200 aai Ion.: I-Id 1 iui~ diamete--' (p-r~~Ta.~ation rot desc--ibed) ,~.,ere ~-.Ee~~ F-I'-F and "I - show ti,ec-e ti,o peaks, for pure Al (1) arid 4 shm; rather Al al'oy (2). F i gq ~ ieasure2ents in the immediate regions of Doubt 1*6 c,-Ist on the since tne peal-I height very muo.~'i oi. history~ Pi-eferenc-u is i;iver, to Frenkel s int.-7-, Card 112 atoms thuoi~,7, (Ref.IC'-'., par~liccularly ii. I- SOV/126-6-1-16/3; Internal Latticu DOI-Octc. 13tudiud froin Intornal FrIctior) rise at very low temperatures. The other tvio peaks (in order of increasing temperature) may be explainal,le in terms of diffusion of vacancy accumulations, and of clngln vacanclori respectively. Figs, 5 and E show ~Iie effects of amiealintL at 150,C for *~, houi-.- ,it, times after annealing; the first peak becomes lower and the second higher, This is interpreted as the vacancies combining, There are 6 figures and 18 references, 4 of which ar~~ Soviet, 14 English. ASSOCTATIO14: Institut Fiziki Metallov Ural,skogo Filiala Al; SSSR (Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Bra-nch of the Ac Sc USSR) SUMUTTED: July 26, 1956 1. A-' -zLinum-- Lattices Alumir,-=--Temperatari~ -fa-tc-E Card 212 3. alloys- Lattices 4 A-' rr-,'! Lnagnes'--m alloys-Temperature factors AUTHORS: Noskova, N. 1. ard Pavlov, V. A. SOV/126-6-2-21/7a TITLE: Investigation of tH~;-YEff6--STfU-ture of Solid SolutiDLs of Aluminium with Ma~Lnesiun and of Nickel with Copper (Issledovaniye tonkoy struktury tverdykh rastvor,.~v alyuminiya s maSniyem i nikelya s med'yu) PERIODICAL: Fizil-a Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, Fr -1, PP 334-138 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The t.ork, described in this paper consists of' ate:j,~u-irit~ the static and dyflamic distortions of the crystal lattice, determination of the block pattern in the defor:aed state, ii,easurement of type II distortions and deterfillination Uf the temperature dependence of the "static" dist(-rtic)r-,s for the solid solution nickel-copper. The followin,.- .ere investigated: 1) pure aluminium containing 0.001?% Fe 0.0011% si~ 0.01% magnesium; alloys of aluminium with 0.12 and 0,04% magnesium. 2) Pure nickel obtained by fusion in a vacuum furnace aLd alloys containing 10, 20, 40 and 600/6' copper also produced in a vacuw.,i furnace. The Speciffiens for investigating the static and the dynaiaic distortioLs were produced as follows: powder pro(iuced by Card 1/4filing and passed through a sieve was annealed itri vacuum, SOV/126-6-2-21/3L~ Investization of the Fine Structure of Solid Solutions of A'L,,I:,,,iniU.L with Ma6nesium aria of 14iclkel wituh C"opper whereby the annealinF, regimes were so chosen (Table 1 ~,55) that the eyt,inction effect is eliminated. The annealed powde;, iva,- onto a copper wire of 0.3 min dia; the specImen diometer was 1.00 + C.02 mm, The chnr~ict.eri!..tic temperat.ure of the pure met9ls and of the solid -,c)1-d*.,1.0riS dete_--::.,ined by decyphering X-ray patterns obta~,.Pd Zro.-. the investi6ateLl ,.peci~ens at the temperatures of ni-troben, +120 nnd -1100 C. For determilninE; the tjpe II distortions a-ad the block pattern, the fili%s vie-e nor anrea.L-d; the f-lin6 and the exposures for nicke'_-ba--e alloys were offected nt. room temperature, Powder.- of aluminium aiid of alloys of Al with waGnpsi7Lin wore produced by filinE at liquid nitrogen temperature, si-ice for the filine, carried out at room temperature thl~ t-.11pe IT distortions become eliminated and the X-ray Patterns dc :-ir reveal any blurred lines v-.-ith a high degree of reflectioi.. The type II distortions in aluminium. and aluminium alloys viere determined by using copper K -radiation; all the other imeasurements were effected 11bith a molybdenum K Card 2/4radiation, In the case of nickel specimens, aluminitL ~'.nd SOV/126-6-2-21/74 Investigation of the Fine Structure of Solid Solutions of rith Magnesium and of Nickel with Copper zirconium filters (d = 0.22 mm) were used. Calculation was based on the lines with differing index squaras (20 for aluminium and its alloys, 24 for determining type 11 distortions of nickel and its allcys, 68 for acter.aininb the characteristic temperature). All the lines photometered at least three times. Thereby, the accuracy of the characteristic temperature was 3% of the mebEured value. On the basis of the results, which are grn-hed and tabulated, the following conclusions are arrived -..t: 1. In the investiLated solid solution the ty-pe Il distortions increase with increasing content of 'Lade sucond component ir- the solid solution, whilst the degree of block formation in the deformed state (90% deforu-,,,,,tioi,) chanEes lit-,le as a function of alloying. 2. A possible cause of hardening of the solid solutio-ns of aluminium with mu6nesium is the presence of lt!r e static distortions caused by the atoms of the second component, 3. Iri the solid solutions nickel-copper hardenint, is Card 3/4 observed in spite of the presence of the dynamic SOV/12C-E -2-;? 1/ TL~ Investigation of tie Fine Structure Of Solid Soluticnc ol -,I with Magnesium. and of INickel win Copper distortions ~the characteristic temperature aF of decreases). The latter can be e3ucid,-te'," the formatioi) ',-n t~.~c solid solutions of ;alcrc~f,cop 1, - unifuriiiitles -v.hich iTilpede the processed--. of i)lii~~Ilic deforwation Lmd of relaxation. There are ~ figures, 3 tables and 7 referenceF:, 5 of %-.hicl-, are Soviet, 2 German. AS.'I_-:0CI_ATI0I,'-: Inst~Lut fiziki metallov UFAII SSSR (I.,istiWte of i,lietal Ph7sics, Ural Branch of the A-,Sc, USSR) SUMIITTED; July 119, 1957 laard 4/4 1. A'L"Mdnum ailoys--Structural analysis 2. Nickel alloys-- Structural analysis 3. Alloys--Production 4. Vacuum furnaces- Appill-cations AUTBOM3: GoyduJ-.(,v, J. G. ~,~: I" TITLE: stresE i7_717,77-7-i -ic-'el Cn"_ r ( R e 1 ii 1: P3;! L.,; iy LI n, ~ p i,- v 1 .1 P v --; ~"'r r, "?, ~ , ~! e " ' .-IT 11 1, PERIODICAL: Fizil,,i V(~l Pp 517-521 (US"171,') ABSTRACT: In earliei (Refs !i;ill 7) investiLAiun.,-, describej cf -'e intte:r,,toinic bon(d fcr,~cs not depoild ori L! '_~ c~ ILC 'Fiul of tite soli, -' E-,)1utiur, Pnd the ,Aatic U F'. crvst~'l 1;~ttice d~-,cren-icu iiicrea-~ir In~reas,e_, t),e iielr" the ulti..~.ate Et_en~ c'r, thc rolLx~,tiun ~-,tat ilitj .;e:-(-_, observed in -_C~ (Refs 1 and Further.:.ore, diffusic,it c: :ii,qgrjeEiLL_. redisul U"lUcin i"si"10' thu vuloj"~.! S,) JU- 4 ,_C111 v;t2re ob.,_-ervecl undc.r. 1c)~:,d,%,hicl nozj-:"1O1_u tollo k's cl-'allz'e Uf t)!C f urc t i c). ~ u f u'-, e t e..ipe r,~.. ture anCl t he e f rn-, t i C" F e Such ., if f usi,, n : roc e P., e E, brour_~ t aboL~ t Fic f, di_-tr~batloii of tl-,e t:.EIGne,.liu_i alcjn~ e Solid s3lut'L_11; t"is E!ccc~~,il_)Bnied b.-i Card 1/6 act. :f dif tusion ~~._d 11:cl'~-: Stress Relw-,,i(;-IL(,n in uf Lickel -. i~!' COp1wr recj jstalli.-~~ tion Le..ipenit-Ure ~,ihich in turn develop a-, e ,. t L) f J i f f -, i.,, i (. i ~ 1) 1 --. s t i c i t y . 1: 1 rAccel-co[per is an in~~ve dmp in t, i e a krac te-r- is tic tanpEmbx~e and the . I ~j a : 1 elasticity decreases -.-nd 5). The stL ---Ic' distortionf,7 of t! e lattice tire ccnsiden.t` Ile Lit room te:,.Teraturc but f,hey docreLlse rnpidly te:-per-,~ T=e , D. cop-,,er-rici deformed ,Illoyr in o.-L' the inte,--atcmic Lond forces %,as obsc,-rvt:-d is . d~j probabl-, -e to the iion-,iniforn distributic,.,- of Jn the volu!nc of the ,w)',id ~~(jlutlon,caused 1',, durinE defci-m.~ ~,Iui. ru.Ld 1101dint.-, c-f tI,,e :;.t r ou- te,averEture after in these :Illo,.,- form&tion ~ari-L of the K-st-ite il- ,os! J.L ato:as of cc:p3lr~~r --olid ,clution (Ref, into consldei-~,L-1,3n pr-perLies, of ~A,e nicl:el-ccpp~Ur alloys, iL be th-,~t inte-:.~~iv(j urocess,,-F, p1race uiid(~,, , '-,ich an- intensin s L r(~!, -e ' -c o n. 17 u.% e ve r, ~i i f fi I,,- ri Card 2/6 stres,~~ ill lrin,~ L~ V112(- -;,-a Rf in -0 1 f f u ' . T f C7 i f t t; f re , c n it i Card 5J0 55Q C )o 3/6 ~3~ V1126-- Stress -qel,.-- n j'. t r C. F; f t e S 50 iL f F" o 5 jvt'll )r f curve ra Fi 71: -1 p e fter c - - n T", iF. I t i 500 c 0 S I- 'V e j.1. toe Vv Ll not u -~j t T, I t so nd iii- e iV C (-JLI con rr Card 4/6tll e ,~',V/l 2~,-(-- 21- 1917~2 Stress Rela.-ation in Al 1,:, Ivs of 1; Ic ke I v i Co: ,,er to slidin,' or if the stre-.E relaxatio:i is predc):;.ij,'i.--1,' -ae ~u the slidiii, those alloWs are L~Jle v.L.ich have tl-_C, h-j- r,e- j , t copper content; in tLc c:--ie thLtt the difusion I is predo-ainant, stress rela---1;,tion will be the ...-ire pronounced fhe ` thu concentration of in the ,ase of --, ~ffu~~iun under load, non-unif~ir.-.- distribuuiwi of Lhi-~ ir~ the volLLnc of t'l,e solution v.,ill take jA'-ce,-.,,i.!L;h is uccomp~-,iiled by hardeninu -f the cG-,)per-rich alloys (40 to 1605~ Cu) durin- the process of relaxat.ion, In an appendix,thQ , .-rk of Kester :.nJ Schulle, Zs. quoted; the~~,2 fOLI.11(' that there %,.as iL the prupertitjs uf the nicl~el -:jlloy coi1tLini!;' after ztanealin,,, in the te..iperz.Ituru ran.~e belov, 65' is attributed t, Lhe occurr,~nce of near-orderi-,,., in this teriipor:it~u,e ron_e. It i-,~ st~ited thbt tfieic;e dual! the asow:,ptiui, of U1-: :tuChurs of Lhif; ptiper (-if t~ie pos~ibilit,Z of of the (Im-ill, Card 5/6 Stress Relaxation in Allo,',.,~' of iiicl--c-1 with Col)per rela)~ati,.~n as a result of near-orderin6. There L-re 2 fi6ures, 1 thle :.,iid 10 referen(.e_-, of which are Soviet, 1 ASSOCIATIOE: Inst~:_ut fi~~ihi _-:'iet-L~11ov Ui-allskoo (Ins-uiLute. of PhyEics, Ui,,,--,l Braiich of L!,e Ac.S,2., USSR) SUBMITTED: July 26, 1(57 1, Copper-nickel ailoys--Physical properties 2. Copper-nickel alloys -Diffusion 3 Copper-nickel ailoys--Stresses 4. Copper-nickel alloys--Temperature factors Card 6/6 ~30V /12-6-~,-4-21 / 34 AUTHORS: Pavlov Pereturina. I.A. TITLE: Mechanical Properties of the Nickel-Copper Alloys (Mekhanicheskiye svoystva splavov nikelya s medlyu) PERIODICAL:Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 69 Nr 4, pp 717-?24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The effect of the temperature and the rate of deformation on the yield point,47, of pure nickel and its alloys containing 10. 20 40 and 60% copper was investigated. High purity electrolytic nickel and electrolytic copper with less than 0.05% Jj4purities, both degassed by re-melting in a vacuum of 10-5^mm Hg, were used for the preparation of the experime-n-tal alloys melted in vacuum. The ingots were forged into 10 x 10 mia rods whose size was then reduced to 5--x 5 mm by rolling. This was followed by several wire--drawiig operations with .L.",..a~~mediate anneals. The conditions of the final heat treatment were adjusted so as to obtain the same grain size (approx 0.1 mm) in all tLe investigated alloys. The tensile tests were carried out on wire test pieces Card 1/6 (1 mm diameter, 55 am long) at temperatures rangi-ng 1, ov / i ~-' 6--1, Mechanical Properties of the Nickel-~;opper Alloys from -1~6 to + 7000C and at thrae rates of strain: 2 x 10-1p 6.4 x 1o-3 and 2 x 10-1 cm/sec, The graphs showing the temperature dependence of (F of pure nickel and its alloys deformed at various rates of strain are reproduced in Fig-1, 2 and 3. The variation of Cj of pure nielml with temperature is very small up to t)uOOK, while above this temperature it decreases ejonentiall7. (The C -n G versus I/T graph is shown in Fi go It is easy to show that the temperature dependence of G in the low temperature region i6 aetermixed mainly by the variation of the atomic boad forces with the temperature: Graph I in Fig.5 shows the Lemperature dependence of the yield point/elastic modulus ratio (O/E) for poll crystalline a4cxel. It can be seen that up to 60% this ratio remains practically constant. (In the case of a single nickel crystal, the temperature interval within which 6 varies little with temperature is even wider, as is shown oy graph 2 ir- Fig.5 which represents the temperature dependence of r/E, where c is the critical Card 2/6 shear stress). This effect which has been also observed Mechanical Properties of the Nickel-,opper Ailoys in aluminium (Ref-2, 11), copper (Ref.12) and gold (Ref.10) appears to be a characteristic of metals with the face- centred cubic crystal lattice- The yield point of the Ni-Cu alloys is higher than that of pure nickel and reaches its maximum value at 40% Cu (Fig.2). The fact that G of all alloys is greatly affected by temperature cannot be explained by the variation of the atomic bond forces with temperature: The temperature dependence of G/E of three alloys deformed at the same rate of strain is shown in Fig-6, and it is quite apparent that this ratio depends to a considerable degree on the temperature at which the alloy is being deformed. 1n addition, the variation of G with the temperature is not monotonic: The O/T graphs show two maxima, one in the high temperature range, the other approx 2000K. The magaitude and location of theso maxima depend on the composition of the alloy and on the rate of strain. In general, the magaitude of the critical point (U.T.S.) increases with increasing copper content up to 40%o Cu and then decreases. However.. more careful examination Card 3/6 of the strai-a/stress curves reveals that the increase SOV/126-6-4-Pl Mechanical Properties of the Nickel-Copper Alloys of U.T.S. is associated mainly with the increase of' the yield point: If the strain/stress curves of the investigated alloys are drawn together in such a way that the yield point coincides with the origin of the co-ordinates; it is seen tnat the increase of the stress due to strain hardening is less in the nickel alloys than in pure nickel (Fig.?). The experimental results are correlated with those obtained by other workers and the following ronclusicns are reached- -he aLimic bond forces and static (i) The variation of t lattice distortions cannot account for the increased strength of the Ni-Gu alloys, sInce the former decrease with the risi-ag (-u content. while the lattice distortions at temperatures higher than 3000C are quite small. (ii) The increased strength of 'the investigated alloys is caused mainly by non-uniform distribution of the atoms of the alloying element in the solid solution, It is postulated on the basis of the experimental results that Card 4/6 there are three possible causes of non-uniform 6 OV/12t--6 -4-211/--: Mechanical Properties of the Nickel-Gopper Alloys distribution of the solute atoms; (a) High concentration of the atoms of the alloying element at the grain and sub-grain boundaries, (b) Formation of solute atom "clouds" around the dislocations, (c) Short-range order i.e. deviation from the statistical di.,:tribution of the solute atoms in the solid solution, (iii) The yield point of pure nickel cons:Lsts of two components: One due to shear within the grains whose value changes very slightly with the temperature and the other due to shear along the grain boundaries, the temperature dependence of which is approximately exponential. (iv) From the non-monotonic character of the temperature dependence of G , and from the effect of the rate of strain on this relationship, the diffusion character of Card 5/6 S0V112&-6---L---1 -14 Mechanical Properties of the Nickel-Gopper Alloys the interaction between dislocations and the solute atoms (or groups of atoms) can be inferred. There are 9 figures and 30 references of which 18 are Soviet, 10 English and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut Fizik-i Metallov Urallskogo Filiala Ali SSSR (Institute of Metal Physics~ UrAl Brarwh of the AS USSRj SUBMITTED: 5th August 1958, Card 6/6 AUTHORS: Datsko, 0. I.Iand,Pavlov, V. A. SOV/126-6-5-21/43 TITLE: Temperature Dependence of the Internal Friction in Pare Nickel (Temperaturnaya zavisimost' vnutrenneSo treniya chistogo nikelya) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, Nr 5, pp, c)00-904 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors used electrolytic nickel of 99.98'?0% purit:r. Ingots of nickel were rolled and drawn at room temperature in several stages until a wire of 0.80 mm dia. was produced. In b8tween the forming stages the samples were annealed at 800 C in vacuo. After the last Rnneal the wire was deformed by 80% reduction of its cross section and cut into 300 cm lengths. The temperature dependence of the internal friction was determined by means of a 4 1 .5 c/s in 10- - 1 torsional pendulum oscillating at 0 3 0- mm Hg vacuum. The following procedure was applied 0in each set os measurements: a sample was heated at 2 C/mir. to 700-900 C and then cooled slowly to room temperature by switching off the furnace and leaving the sample in it. After each such anneal the temperature dependence of the Cardl/4 internal friction was measured and recorded. In the first SOV/126-6-5-21/43 Temperature Dependence of the Internal Friction in Pure Nickel heating of a deformed sample to ?~O`c or more, recrysta-li.isation occurred at 4~)O C. Each subsequent heating produced collective recrystallisatior. F4g.1 shows the temperature dependence of the internal friction of nickel as a function of the ar-real temperature. Curves 1-5 in Fig.1 represent IV-lie results o8tained by short anneals at 700, 750, 800, 850 arA 900 0 respect ~11(-"!Y' while curve 6 is the result of a 5--hour anneal at 900 C. Fig.2 gives the temperature de-)endence of the internal friction of nickel as a func-lior of deforinati8n by 1% (cuEve 1) and subseqgent short a-aneals at '(00 C (,~ur-,-,e 2), 8000C (curve 3), 900 C (curve- LL), and a ~-hour arLneal at 900 C (curve 5). Fig.3 pres,ints :Bata, analogous tc t~-~,~se of Fig.2 for 20~ deformati,:~n (curve 2) and subsequ-~nt anneals at 900 C (short anneal, curve 3 and 3-hour, curve 1). FiS.4 shows the effect of addition of 0.023% (curve 1), 0.05% (curve 2) and 0.24% (curve 3) of aluminium on the temperature dependence of the internal friction of nicke--'-. The authors make the following conclusio RS. Card2/4 1. The internal friction peak at 440-460 C is due to SOV/126-6-5-21/43 Temperature Dependence of the Internal Friction in Pure Nickel relaxation stresses along grain boundaries. This peak decreases in amplitude and is slightly displaced towards higher temperatures on increase of the annealing temperature. This is due to the increase of the grain size and the change in properties of the grain boundaries on collective recrystallisation. 0 2. Tho intornal friction peak at 630-800 0 is due to relaxation of stresses on mosaic block boundaries. It increases in amplitude and is displaced towards lower temperatures by plastic deformation. Increase of the temperature of anneals carried out after deformation displaces this peak towards higher temperatures and reduces its amplitude. This behaviour is due to processes of growth and reduction in size of the mosaic blocks, which are accompanied by changes i-R the properties of the block boundaries. The 630-800 C peak disappears when a foreign metal (e.g. aluminium) is added to nickel (Fig.4). There are 5 figures and 14 references, 4 of which are Card3/4 sovietl~ 6 English, 2 German, 1 French and 1 translation from English. SOV/126-6-5-21/43 Temperature Dependence of the Internal Friction in Pure Rickel ASSOCIAMON: Institut fiziki metallov Ural'sko6o filiala AN SKR (Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.S,-.,.. USSR) SUBMITTED: kugust L', 1957 Card 4/4 Oj 71 IL 0A iv W all jHo ?"Sigi -o a q i, 2 lot Egg -~~HgAIIA pal uo MIA, 34 1 11 I 1_~ w X wl 4 ..% J. %.~_t-j -n J. -1 J. 7 ~1,4 41 06 J. d..10 T.n.r. jo A- OL !r .Ii '-V3-T. 7 Uo '$IVA -,-dc - -1 ..V-qD T_l_%S J. TA~%v J. -14-4 -,n .0 -r-F-.axvfg- "W.d p"R.".0 J. ftT--" -% -7 ,a -mr-.qo IZIIA JMZA~TTT X~,d=O P Z-JJS 'tU '9704f~i~l P~ tm%s l%Tal%gTT2 ;o ~Tncw T"Ttmv-1-11 ftlLniv ;- ~~Ja -,~l oa gv vn s -n-411 v- . ..... is j-.Q ---IS J- -Tu-plv -13 -0 q-elD V.19 rx rs t v,2 t,S S%T..Z_V ?C4 t-dm.- ..jjTT-.d g q-Vql-.op -jq-j .1 -1. j. -1- q mn p- J. ._Z2 .3Tb..v *V.I-T-. V_ V_J~ 4,T I W- - IT---- 1. %vu"--w pu;...v JQJ I.= ;a ~~ Cq -j~- T%I~ m ftli- oTvwaa ja wyllmdwp 9M Vm WTmjj TV uo?cjpZq jc soAq%d &%I -T~qw~mvp d4ft-4. jwqIe~ %-Cq. -,.4 - -aIlTr- T.-.ql .7% .,4 -T-u- J. -;-rrm- ~ jo ..T.,.doa r, I" ,A) - TI.- neu~ a. s,-jj- ORL JQIAVQS% ;M Oq3 IPXV qJTI;A WeSM Otr& JO tF49 on %I .dd jr~ jo q-3 ffT,".* fttm-w-,4..q JO -T-4 *qj ~MJA nWp 'ej.C.9 ;* -qw. . 4e ftl%olm. 'Wmq sT,,A INDFIMA00 wt P---p- ;e -wm- -2 ---T jo as. err, '" Pm auwnvus wT W.R.- q~..w T_jlMT.%_ -j &I Imq Im 'U"C" i--Tup-z j- n-prpt-2 -wim -,vi Pm -mn&ft -in V:z -(-71 -d..Jj) J. Amov"T a= Joq." A-f-ST 'A a WO 'WTT2-PW, 'WIll"ll -d-Z WIM M--%TT2 2M=3 *J-1 -'73 *q..& IAOUM -rA :0WON PffMrlqkd JO M Tf- WD'a dTl- *2~3 -d (9t -6f.61 'UM MV GA-V21 '~Wn (S"TOA I-Alm .~Vlfis '"wide qjAmpaA ~,Z- *_jq_4 .4 U.- ffqZ..x vm xv" -ITMFM NDCM I EVM SOV1180- 59-1-21/29 AUTHORS: Izbranov, P,D., Pai,-r,-,,- V A'and Rodigin, N.M.(Sverdlovsk) ";a TITLE: f r, a Orisn "tion of Recrystallization Investigation Centres at High Rates of Heating (Issledovaniye orJ,~entatsii tsentio-,- :-ek-:-Istallizatsii pri bollshikh skorostyakh nagreva) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akad-4mi-' nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye teklinicheskikh nauk. Metallui-giya i toplivc, 39"-",9,Nr 1,pp 109-110 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors suggest -,,,a-. mo-Te :reliable res-Its on recrystallization ( be obtained through investigation of the or-4entatior. )f %artr9s, at ILigh !~~.aat,lng -,a"-,Ps than at the low _^ates ,t_-,ed in mcst h-.,)rk. Tll--.ey go cri tx_ describe their of th e r stall i zation of -;old- rolled spe~.J.mens cf a 3.',-~% Si steel, One bat--h of test pieces was '5% :~-ed-aced, t-lie -tl-ier by 95%. The 15xlOOxO.25 -td altaer by the passage of mm strip s~e,--m-ins were 1) ea e J_ electricity, ir. Rr~digin-s apTaratus (Ref 10, or by immeroic~n ir a hc-.. salt bath and air The cold- r-'eformed and xa-~.ristall-42.ed spe,.~~m6n3 were examinr:ld m1,jrosr,,opi(.aliy -ind their teXt'.1L!'a was determined by the X.-ray zneth:)d, F-g, 1 shows tlie X.-ray pattern obtained Card 1/3 from a spe~~iman, Fig C'--' tl7iat fr_)m, one SIV/1-_~,D - 159-1-21/29 Investigaticm -~;f r,!,;3 -.,f Recrystailizatior, Gentres at High Rates of Heat`~.-.z rer;rystalLiz~?d "- '-aat-_.-ig ar, I1000C per sec. to 7',/:~,~-C, Fj,,- -,, '-,a,~ ~,r_e -immersed for abo---t- two sa--,:nJs : .Ln a sal' ath at F-g 4 sh,),ws I; .n9 st-~,uctu-_,Es with rh-s latte:, p:,-.)ced-a.,-I. TLe X-ray patternc, c-A.a .1ong e--- iiea'.iag times in the salt bath a."0. ~'nown Lr Figs and 6 (1~ and 2`0 sec. ~~espectively). The i_u,e!2tigakic;_ 3!-:14'ad LI-at il~ relffystall.J.zition of stilel (with a 4.-,ex.ura) tts greatest *probability of' gen-:,tatio,7i p-'-s~s,_-6d ra,rys~a- o f-.,Il-r c:)-LjjIid3S Wit.,--~ that of TL'A6 leads 'L.3 the first tr,=_ _-,Of~.Imation The no:mally observed in the appears late-r in t'e Card 2/3 The rates :,f heating ."OV/180 -59-1-21/2r) Investigation of the Orientation of Recrystallization Centres at High Rates of Heating used had no appreciable effect on the mechanism of the formation of new grains on recrystallization. There are 6 figures Soviet and 2 French. SUBMITTED: August 7, 1958 and 7 references, 5 of which are Card 3/3 66389 12-ID SOV/58-59-10-22722 _T:--r-slation from. Referativnyy Zhurnal, Fizika, 1959, Nr 10, PP 134 - 135 (USSR) AITT ORS, Gaydukov, M.G., Creep of Aluminum-Magnesium and Nickel-Copper Solid-Solution Alloys 'E7-10DI~_-AL- Tr. In-ta fiz. metallov. AN S3SR, 1959, Nr 22, Pp 107 - 112 ABSTRk7f- The authors studied creep in AI-Mg alloys at temperatures of 1500 to 4000C and stresses of 2 and 0.3 kg/mm2, and in Ni-Cu alloys at temperatures of 5000 to 7000C and stresses of 5 and 2 ka/c=2. They established that the solid-solution concentration dependence of the creep rate varies with a variation in temperature and active stresses This Is explained from the point of view of a variation in the ratio of participation of shearing and diffusion mechanism of plastic defomatloL under various conditions of deforming. The authors' r6sumb 24(6), 18M SOV/126-?-2-14/39 AMMORS: Gaydukov, M. G. and Pavlov, V. A. TITLE: Dependence of Creep of Al-Mg Alloys on Temperature and Applied Stress (Zavisimost' polzuchesti splavov Al--Mg ot temperatury i velichiny prilozhennykh napryazheniy) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Nietallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 2, pp 254-258 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Alloys of Al (99.99% purity) and 0.12, 1.11 and 2.20% ML, were made in a high frequency furnace. The ingots were forged into rods, from which specimens were made 9 with a working part length of 50 mm, a diameter of 8 mm, and threaded ends. In order to ensure an equal grain size for all alloys (0.16 mm.), the specimens were annealed at temperatures specially selected for each alloy in the temperature range 440-4600C. Theotemperature was kept constant automatically within + 2 Ct and was measured by two thermocouples attached To the specimen. The duration of testing was up to 200 hours. In Figs 1 and 2, creep curves for pure aluminium and an aluminium alloy containing 0.12% Mg are shown, from which it can be seen that alloying of Al with even a small quantity of M6 considerably increases its strength. The strength Card 1/3 increases further with increase in Mg content. This can SOV/126-7-2-14/39 Dependence of Creep of Al-Jjig Alloys on Temperature and Applied 0 Stress be seen from the creep curves of Fig 3. In Fig 4 the change in the logarit4 of the creep rate with chanre in 2 composition at 150-350 C and an actinG stress of 2 k~;/mm is shown graphically. In Fig 5 curves for the change in the loGarithm of the creeg rate with concentration o5 the solid solution at 250-400 C at a stress of U.3 kg/mm are shown. Comparing the curves of Figs 4 and 5, it can be seen that as the deformation stress changes, the dependence of the strenUth of alloys on concentration changes considerably. From the above experiments the authors have arrived at the following conclusions: 1. As a result of alloying aluminium with ma-nesium, the greatest strengthening of alloys is observed when the plastic deformation mechanism is a shearinG one. 2. At low deformation rates and relatively high temperatures, the effect of strengthening the alloys decreases considerably due to development of diffusion plastic deformation, which is associated with the diffusion of magnesium atoms under the action of heat Card 2/3 and the deformation stresses applied. SUV112~--7-2-141;~q Dependence of Creep of A1416 Alloys on, lemipera-.-.~-r,~~ az~-d A;~;~iiet Stress There are 5 figures and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet9 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov A14 SSSR (Institute of 11.1etal Physics, Ac. Sc. USSR) SUMITTED: June 1U, 1958 Card 3/3 /?- 1.?150 67719 AUTHOM Noskova, N. I. and Pavlov, V. A. SOV/126-7-3-15/44 TITLE: X-Ral Stu(.?Of DistortioniPand Bond Forcs~~In the crystal Lattieo%iof Nickel-Base Solid Solutionsti(Rentgano- graficheakoys izuch9niy9-Ts-Fs-zh*niy I ail svyazi kristallicheakoy reahetki tverdykh rastvorov na oanove nikelya) PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 400- 404 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this work static and dynamic distortions caused by alloying have been measured in relation to heat treatment ani plastic deformation, and the block formation and secondary distortions In the deformed stato have been determin*d. Solid solutions obtained by alloying nickelij(99.99%) with Acopper (99.95%) and~61uminium (99.9-UTT-were studied. The composition of the solid solutions inVestigated Is given in Table 1. All solid solutions ware, melted in a vacuum furnace. The static and dynamic distortions were determined by a method described in Refs.7 and 8. The block size and th* extent of secondary distortions in the deformed state were determined by a method similar to that applied by lysak Card 1/4(Refs.9 and 10~ The method of preparation of the specimens ~Z 67719 SOV/12& - r7-~,-l r- /4-4 X-Ray Study of Distortions and Bond Forces in the Grystal Latticto of Nickel-Base Solid Solutions for investigation has been described in Ref.2. The results of a study of the fine structure of solid solutions of nickel with 10, 20p 40 and 60% Cu are partly published in Ref.2. The characteristic temperature, and the magnitude of static and dynamic distortions of the crystal lattice of' these solid solutions are given In Table 2. The nickel-aluminium solid solutions in powder form were annealed prior to Investigation. The annealing specifications are indicated in Table 3. Subsequently the static and dynamic distortions of the crystal lattice and the characteristic temperature were determined. The results are given in Table 3. The physical nature of hardened one-phase solid solutions is not absolutely clear yet. In the present work the Jx.fluence of plastic deformation on the fine structure has been studied by deforming the above solid solution by filing at room temperature. This method of deformation has been chosen for Its convenience for X-ray Investigation. Specimens were made from the powder for taking X-ray pictures by Card 2/4 the Debys method. X-ray pictures were taken at room 6771~ O',OV/l26--7--3--15A4 X-Ray Study of Distortions and Bond Forces in the Crystal Lattice of Nickel-BRBe Solid Solutions temperature and at the temperature of liquid nitrogen with the aim of establishing the eharacteristic temperature of the specimons in the deformed state. X-ray picturea were taken of annealed and deformed specimens In K,,,-molybdenum irradiation. Besides the sooondary distortions and the block size in deformed specimens of nickel-aluminium,solid solutions were also determined by exposure to irradiation. The results of the investigation are Ohown in Table 4. As a result of the above experiments the authors arrived at the following conclusions. 1. When solid solutions form,by alloying nickel with lead and aluminium,static distortions arise,the magnitude of which Increases with alloying (within the range of the additions Investigated). The characteristic temperature rises on alloying nickel with aluminium, and drops on alloying nickel with copper. 2. Plastic deformatio *(by filing) at room temperature lowers the characteristic temperature of nickel alloys containing 2.93% aluminium, but raises It in a nickel Ca-rd 3/4 alloy containing 40% copper. 67719 SOV/126-7-3-151/44 X-Ray Study of Distortions and Bond Forces in the Crystal Lattice of Nickel-Base Solid Solutions 3. For under-load processes the possibility of raising or lowering the characteristic temperature must be taken into consideration. There are 4 tables and 14 references, of which 11 are Soviet, 1 English and 2 German. ASSOCIkTIOE: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Ac. Be., USSR) SUBMITTED: July 23, 1958 Card 4/4 si, 0 66231 OD I /?I "? SOV/126-8-3-15/33 AUTHORSs Pavlov, V.A. and Fereturina, I.A. TITLE: Mechanical Properties of Nickel-Aluminium Alloys PERIODICAL:Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, PP 417-425 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present work results are given of an investigation of the relationship between the UTS on the one hand and alloy composition and conditions of deformation on the other, of nickel-aluminium solid solutions. These alloys are characterized by the fact that their modulus of elasticity, characteristic temperature and static distortion of the crystal lattice increase with increase in alloy concentration. A considerable part of the increase in interatomic bond force appears to be associated with the existence of close order, as during plastic deformation at room temperature the characteristic temperature decreases, approaching the value of pure nickel (Rof 3). The alloys were melted from the high purity electrolytic nickel NOOOO and the alutninium AVOOO in a vacuum of 10-5 mm Hg. The ingots were homogenized and forged into rods, 10 x 10 nim. The billets were Card 1/4 planed to a depth of 0.5 to 1.0 mm in order to remove the LIK 66231 SOV/126-8-3-15/33 Mechanical Properties of Nickel-Aluminium Alloys surface layer and subsequently rolled and drawn into wires of approximately I nini diameter. Wire drawing was carried out at room temperature with the application of several intermediate annealing treatments in vacuum at 3009C. After the last intermedinte anneal, the wirco wore given a deformation of 80% reduction in area and iti this state were allowed to recrystallize in the temperature range 85U to 1000*C in vacuum. The recrystallization temperature for each alloy was selected so as to ensure equal grain size for all alloys. The linear grain size in all alloys was approximately 0.1 min. The specimens were pulled in a special machine and the temperature was var4ed front 77 to 973*K. The deformation rate at the same time increased 300 times. Fig I shows tire curves for the temperature dependence of the UTS of pure nickel and nickel alloys containing 0.025, 0-05, 0.5, 1.5 and 2-93% Al. Fig 2 sliows curves for tite dependence of tho UTS on the c uric entrat ion of the solid solution for two deformation rates, differing by a factor of 300. Fig 3 shows the difference in UTS at -196 and 100*C varyin8 w.Ltl-i Card 2/1* Al content. Fig 4 siiows a curve for the change in UTS in L4- 66231 sov/126-6-3-15/33 Mechanical Properties of Nickel-Aluminium Alloys relation to the reciprocni of tomporature for -low temperatures of deformation (from 77 to 6000K). The authors arrive at the following conclusions-. On alloying nickel with aluminium, the solid solution increases in strength except for low concentration regions in which an initial decrease in UTS is observed. As the concentration of the solid solution increases, the dependence of the UTS on temr,crature and deformation rate increases. In alloyB containing 1.5 and 2.93%A1, an uneven relationship between UTS and temperature exists. The experimental results of the present work, as t1jose of investigations of other alloys in preceding papers, show that tlie chief reason for the strengthening of alloys on plastic deformation by slip is a change in the nature of the fine structure of the solid solution, which leads to a fuller employment of the interatomic forces in the band. The fact that UTS is dejendeiit to a greater measure on temperature and deformation rate in the case of alloys than it is in that of pure metals, anu also t,"ie uneven temperature dependence, show that in the investigated Card 3/4 solid 5olutions thermally activated processes occurring ~'K 66231 SOV/126-8-3-15/33 Mechanical Properties of Nickel-Aluminium, Alloys during deformation influence the develol-ment of plastic deforwation by slip. There art, II figures anti 21 refere"ces, 6 of which are Soviet and 15 Western. ASSOCIATIONtInstitut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Instituto ot Metal Yhysics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 21, 1958 Card 4/4 . 1A / -21S-0 / /,P. Pd 0 0 66232 AUTHORS: Gaydukov, Y.G. and Pavlov, V.A. SOV/126-8-3-16/33 TITLE: Dependence of Creep or Nickel-Copper Alloys ort Solid Solutiou Concentration and Deformation Conditions PERIODICAL:Fizika metallov i metallovedoniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, pp 426-433 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the present investigations was to study tho influence of change of concentration of nickel-copl.or alloys on their creel) bohaviour under conditions when plastic deformation occurs preferentially, either by slip or by a diffusion mechanism. Nickel-copler alloys -ere made at the Special Alloys Laboratory of the Institute of Metal Fh sics in a high frequency furnace under a vacuum of 10-~ mm Hg. Electrolytic nickel NOOOO (99.99010 Ni) and electrolytic copper with a total impurity content of less than 0.05% (among them 0.02!6 oxygen) were the starting materialso Nickel and coyper were first re-melted in vacuum in order to remove gases. The ingots were forged into rods of 18 mm diameter, from which specimens with threaded heads were ground. The diameter of the working part of the specimens was 6 mm Card 1/4 and the calculated length 50 mm. The specimens were 66232 Dependence of Creep of Nickel-Copper Alloys Concentration and Deformation Conditions Card 2/4 SOV/126-8-3-16/33 on Solid Solution annealed at specially selected temperatures in the rarige 800 to 9000C in order to obtain approximately equal grain size in all alloys. Testing was carried out oij TsKTI-2 machines. During testing, the teini.erature was kept constant within 2'0 and was measured by two thermocouples affixed to the specimen. The taaie of testing reached 500 hours in individual cases. Ili oraer to study the behaviour of alloys under conditions ut deformation by slip and by diffusion, arilrupriate temperatures and deforniation stresses were beiected. Ili order to ensure a preferential plastic del-ormation by slij, during creep, tests were carried out at velati-vely low temperatnres and high deformat-Lon stres,,~(,s. Prefuroittiai plastic deformation by diffubion could be ensured by using high temperatures and low stresses. The vaiues of UTS of yure nickel and Ni-Cu allo)vs are ~howii in t:ie taL~e on p 428 (Ref 9). 13, Fi,9 1 to 3, curveb arro show,, I'Or the chotngo in deformation, obtuitiod at Llio munient of' ioadjL(q, and after definite cruep time intorvnIti, witii it, alloy coitcentration f*ur a tenijerature of' 5LC*C and W.It I~K 66232 SOV/126-8-3-16/33 Dependence of Creep of Nickel-Copper Alloys on Solid Solution Concentration and Deformation Conditions Card 3/4 stresses of 5 kg/mm 2 (Fig 4). From the results of testing of several specimens of each alloy unaer identical conditions (testing temperature and stress) the average deformation rates in the steady portion of change in acting stresses (9, 2 and 5 kg/mm 2 respectively). Similar curves are obtained at 6000C at deformation rne creep curves were cajLcuiateu. results are plotted within Ig deformation rate.- alloy of 500, 600 and 700 C and two In Fig 8, the values of external after relaxation for 84 hours initial stresses a. (2 and The authors arrive at the following (1) The creep rate of Ni-Cu range 500 to 7000C depends alloy and the conditions of relatively low teml,eratures commensurate with UTS, at waich occurs preferentially by the in r ig u anu L n e 13 e the coordinates composition, for temperatures deformation stresses. stresses persisting are plotted against two 4 kg/mn12 respectively). conclusions: alloys in the temperature on the composition of tho deformation. (2) At and high deformation stresses, deformation most probably slip mechanism, the creep 66232 SOV/126-8-3-16/33 Dependence of Creep of Nickel-Copper Alloys on Solid Solution Concentration and Deformation Conditions rate is inversely dependent on the UTS. The higher the UTS, the lower the creep rate. Under these cunuitions of deformation, alloys containing 40% Cu y,ossess the greatest strength. (3) At high temperatures and sufficiently low deformation stresses (stresses considerably lower than the UTS) diffusion yrucesses occurring under the influence of stress play the decisive role. In this case the creep rate increases with increase in the concentration of the solid solution. (4) in a general case the behaviour of alloys under load is determined by the extent to which each of the two, plastic deformation by slip and that by diffusion, are involved. There are 8 figures, 1 table and 12 references, 8 of which are Soviet, 3 German and 1 French. ASSOCIATION:Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Fletal Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 2, 1958 Card 4/4 66233 )'S-0 0 SOV/126-8-3-17/33 AUTHORS: lzbranov, F.D., and Rodigin, N.M. TITLE: Some Peculiarities of Transformer-Steel RecrystalliZation During Rapid Heating. 11. Kinetics of Texture Formation PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, Vp 434-439 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Much work (Ref 1 to 8) on recrystallization, particularly that of transformer steel, has been carried out on specimens subjected to isothermal recrystallization annealing for times occasionally as long as several hours. The object of the present work was to study the formation and development of the recrystallization texture of transformer steel at high heating rates. A steel with 3.54% Si with a reduction of 75 or 95,"' was used. 15 x 100 x 0.25 mm specimens were heated by an electric current without holding; others, 0.11 mm thick, by immersion in a salt bath at the required tenperature. The electric heating was effected in the aplaratus designed by N.M.Rodigin (Ref 10). The microstructure and texture of recrystallized specimens were studied, using a special camera, enabling the specimen to be disl,laced in Card 1/3 two mutually perpendicular directions during exposure. ~X 66233 SOV/126-8-3-17/33 Some Peculiarities of Transformer-Steel Recrystallization During Rapid Heating. 1I& Kinetics of Texture Formation X-Ray patterns obtained are shown in Figures I to 4 and 6 to 9, and the microstructure in Fig 5. The authors draw the following main conclusions. Two types of texture arise in the recrystallization of transformer steel. For the highly deformed material, the texture of the first stage of recrystallization conforms to the pronounced deformation texture; later this is replaced by the texture generally found in isothermal annealing of transformer steel. The heating rates (840 to 1170*C/sec) and current densities used had no appreciable effect on the mechanism of formation of now grains as regards orientation factors. The high recrystallization rates obtained by both methods of heating can be attributed -to the considerable reduction in relaxation before recrystallization and, possibly, also to the redistribution of impurities. on rapid electric heating to temperatures over 1000*C, the texture produced is substantially the Card 2/3 some as the recrystallization texture in isothermal OV. // 9/ 67695 op. ?~ -0 0 a-OV/126-8-4-17/22 AUTHORS: Izbranov, P.D., and Rodigin, N.H. TITLE: Some Peculiarities of Transformer 3teell?Recrys tall i za tiorft/ on RaplA Heating. III. Depende-n-c-e-o-rthe Rate of Gra Growth%'sand Activation Energy of this Growth on the 9-ate of Heating 6 PERIODICALs Fizika metallov i motallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 1+, pp 607-612 (ussw ABSTRACT: The high rates of recrystallixation of cold-deformed metals, particularly transformer steels on rapid heating has been explained (Refs 1, 2) in terms of a change in the condition of the metal before recrystallization. This should affect the rate and activation energy of grain growth and it was the object of the present work to determine these parameters for both rapid and slow heating of transformer steel and compare the results together and with published (Refs 3-6) work in this field. The steel used contained 0.08% carbon, 3 51+% silicon, "v manganese, 0.018% sulphur, and 0 .1 % chromium. 0.15, 6 Card For rapid-heating experiments the material is subjected to mechanical and heat treatment to give an average grain 1/3 size of 2-3 mm and a reduced number of recrystallization q'_1__ 67695 SOV/126-8-L~-17/22 Some Peculiarities of Transformer Steel Recrystallization on Rapid Heating. III. Dependence of the Rate of Grain Growth and Activation Energy of this Growth on the Rate of Heating centres. This involved 40% reduction of the initially 0.5 mm thick strip, followed by 2-3% cold reduction and a further small (given 10% elongation) cold reduction. The specimens were subjected to electric heating to various temperatures (1000-1360 OC) and then air cooled. The average size of the ten largest isolated grains produced in the recrystallization was determined. This is plotted against heating temperature in Fig 1, while the logarithm of grain size is seen to be linearly related (Fig 2) to the inverse of absolute temperature. The activation energy is 13500 t 2500 cal/mol. The temperature is shown in Fig 3 as a function of heating time. Another series of experiments was carried out with slow heating; the specimens, prepared as before, being heated after 10% deformation in an ordinary furnace to 870 OC at 0.20C/second and then annealed in a salt Card bath at that temperature for 1+5 minutes. The average 2/3 size of the 20 largest isolated grains was determined and the samples werp than no-i- -nn-sl-cl 0 r7 n r) ri Z. #3 7 u9 5 SOV/126-8-4-17/22 Some Peculiarities of 'fransformer Steel Recrystallization on Rapid Heating. III. Dependence of the Rate of Grain Growth and Activation Energy of this Growth on the Rate of Heating 15 minutes and the grain-size redetermined. The rate of growth at this temperature was determined from the difference. The experiment was repeated at 900, 942, and 975 OC. From a plot of the logarithm of the rate of growth against inverse of absolute temperature, an activation energy of 44000 cal/mol is obtained; allowing for an experimental error of � 25% the minimum value is 33000 cal-mol, i.e. more than double the activation energy for rapid heating. The growth-rate values for the different temperatures for rapid and slow heating are tabulated, and their ratio is plotted against Card temperature in Fig 5. 3/3 There are 5 figures, 1 table and 7 references, of which 5 are Soviet, 1 is English and 1 is German. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Ac.Sg. USSR i Sverdlovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute) SUEMITTED: January 25, 1959 ~X rT v -uv V,0 1-i fill I 4r El Irv, :0 V 7 ,p 'r av IF v i it --,4g -- -j F~ w ,- 01 IV fit Ir Gig r g E 5 :j V FN j3 t;l r .42 17 i t I 33 c; 4 v I 3 H HIS. :e, 3 t OD U-S t* 3 g t v 3L - o q A i 23 g v 4 S/1137/61/000/005/C)42/060 A006/A106 AUTHORS: Datsko, 0. 1., and Pavlov, V. A. TIM- Temperature dependence of internal friction of pure nickel PERTODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnaLl. Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1961, 32, abstralA 5Zh244 (V sb. "Relaks. yavleniya v metallakh I splavakh", Moncow, Metallurg- Iz izdat, 1960, 234-240) TM: The wathors review studies on the effect of grain boundaries on intemal friction in metal and present, results of their investigations ork the internal friction of Ni containing 19 0.013% Impurities. The ingots were forged Into rods from which 0.80 = diam. wire was produced by rolling and drawing at room temperature with Intermediate annealing. (Deformation after final axnealing attained "). The temperature dependence of internal friction was studied with the aid of a twisting pendulum, in a vacuum at about 0.5 cycles oscillation frequency. Thq deformed specimens were heated several times to different tempera- tures and internal friction was determined after each heating. A strong depend- ence of attenuation from the coLdItione of me_~hanlaal and thermal treatment was established which indicates that plastic deformation of a specimen causing the Card 1/2 GAYDUKOV, M.G.; PAVLOV, V.A. Dependence of creep in nickel-copper alloys on the concentraticn of solid solutions and deformation conditions. Isel. po zharopr. splav, 6:64-70 060. (MIRA 13:9) (Creep of metals) (Nickel-copper alloys-Metallography 0 0 S/126AO/009/0;~/015/0-, AUTHORS: Pavlov, V.A. and Pereturina, 1 TITLEt Alloying_ Additions on the Valu- 'I" Temperature Der-endence of the Yield Point PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr '2, pp 248 - 257 (USSR) ABSTRACTi A discussion of results of previous investigotions anci of some new experimental data obtained. on nickel aiik~ cobalt alloys is given. As inearlier work, the temperature dependence of the yield point of alloys is more complicated than that of pure metals. The position of the maximum on the temperature-yield point curves of alloys depends on the concentration of the alloying element and the rate of deformation. The change in character of the curve for alloys compared with pure metals cannot be explained by changes in interatomic bond strength. Experimental data and theoretical considerationo indicate that the influence of alloying additions on the mechanical. properties is due to inter- action between dislocations and atoms or groups of ILMIS Cardl/3 of the alloying element, which reduces the mobility of q1"" 68627 s/126/6o/oo9/o2/0l5/033 IIIJ14P-335 The Influence of Alloying Additions on the a u nd Temperatu,, Dependence of the Yield Point the dislocations and sometimes increases the voltame of' metal taking part in deformation. This increases the efficiency of use of the interatomic bond strength. The influence of admixtures on the resistance to deformation can be explained qualitatively by assuming that there is (according to Cottrell and Suzuki) a relation between the dislocations and the atoms of the admix,%Iures, that there are non-uniformities in the concentrations of the type K state and also a redistribution of the atoms in the stress field with mobile dislocations according to shock. The strongest influence is shown by additions which cause static distortions in the original crystal lattice. 'In nickel-cobalt alloys, where the static distortion cau.sed by the cobalt is small, the strengthening is due to ordering. Acknowledgments are expressed to A.N. Orlov for his comments. There are 5 figures and 35 refere.nces, 15 of which are English, 3 German and 17 Soviet. Card 2/3 80222 S/126/60/009/04/029/033 /A )'5-'VV E021/E435 AUTHORS: lzbranov, P.D., Rodigin, N.M. and Pavlovt V.A. IgI TITLE: The Orientations of the Centres ot 11ec`7?S"?TY"%1fion at High Rates of Heating PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniyes 1960, Vol 9, Nr 11, pp 63o-633 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To investigate the influence of high rates of heating on the distribution of the new grains, experiment recrystallization of samples of a transformer ste:,?Zere carried out. The rate of heating was 2000OO'C/sec,* which was made possible by using special equipment described in an earlier paper by one of the authors (Ref 3). Samples were prepared from cold rolled strip with 97% deformation. The recrystallized samples were investigated by metallographic and X-ray analysis. Fig I shows an X-ray photograph of the cold-worked sample, Fig 2 of the recrystallized sample, Fig 3 shows the equiaxed grains of the microBtructure of the recrystallized sample. Comparison of Fig I and 2 shows that, in the main, the new orientations of the new Card 1/2 crystals correspond to the orientations in the cold-worked XMVA, V.P.; PAVIOV, V.A. Mrfect of elastic waves on internal friction at low temperatures in aluAnum alloys with 2 percent magnesium. Piz. met. i metalloved. 10 no.3:445-452 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (Aluminum alloys-Testing) (Internal friction) ,2,1 ~%Al Do ?,SOB 1,521 1191 E5920 S/126/61/012/001/012/020 tt i2 E193/E48o AUTHORSi Pavlov* V.A., Gaydukov, M.G., Noskova, N.I. Mellniko-va, V.V. TITLE: The role of slip and diffusion in plastic deformation during creep of nickel-copper alloys PERIODICALt Fizika metallov i metallovedoniye, 1961, V01.12, No.1, pp-97-107 TEXT: This paper was presented at the session of the Nauchnyy 8ovet po probleme prochnosti i plastichnosti. tverdykh tel AN SSSR (Scientific Council on the Problems of Strength and Plasticity of Solids AS USSR) in June 1960. Slip or diffusion constitute the two possible mechanisms of plastic deformation. No agreement has been reached regarding the mechanism of plastic deformation in creep. According to one school of thought represented by S.N.Zhurkov, the diffusion processes play no significant part in plastic deformation in creep, an opposite view being held by the other sr-hool of thought represented by B.Ya.Pines. Since both these opinions are based on experimental data, the most likely explanation of this apparent contradiction is that either mechanism can operate depending on the Card 1/8 s/126/61/012/001/012/020 The role of slip and diffusion ... 9193/E480 conditions of stress and temperature, and the object of the present investigation was to study the effect of these two factors on tile mechanism of plastic deformation in creep of Ni-Cu alloys. The Ni-Cu sy3tem was chosen for this purpose because (a) an incretise in the Cu content in Cu-Ni alloys brings about a decrease in the elastic modulus and the characteristic temperature of these alloys and an increase in the magnitude of the static distortions of the crystal lattice and (b) the activation energy for diffusion of copper in nickel is almost 1.5 times higher than that for self- diffusion of pure nickel, the former amounting to 35000 to 40000 Cal/mol. These data indicate that the addition of Cu to Ni decreases the interatomic bond forces and, consequently, increases the intensity of the diffusion processes. even at relatively low temperatures. The vacuum-melted experimental alloys, containing 10, 20, 40 and 60% Ni, were prepared from 99.99% Ni and electrolytic copper containing less than 0.05% impurities. The ingots were forged into 18 mm diameter rods from which the test pieces, 6 mm in diameter and 50 mm (for creep tests) or 100 mm (for stress relaxation tests) long, were prepared. Card 2/8 25920 S/126/61/012/001/012/020 The role of slip and diffusion ... E193/9480 These were annealed at 800 to 9009C, the annealing temperature for each alloy having been selected so as to obtain the same grain-size (approx. 0.1 mm) in all test p eces. The rate of plastic deformation varied between 10-t and 10-11 (sec-1). In the first. tage of the investigation, the effect of alloy comp?sition and xperimental conditions on the rate of deformation r was studied. : The results relatin to steady creep are reproduced in Fig.1, where log i (sec-1) i;/plotted against the Cu content W in the alloys tested at 5 k mm2. The test temperature is indicated by each curve. In Fig.2, 109 i (sec-1) is plotted Against the Cu content W in alloys tested at 600*c, the magnitude of the applied stress (2 and 9 kg/mm2) being indicated by each Curve. In the next stage of the investigation the relationship between the applied stress o and the activation energy Q of the deformation process was studied, The results are reproduced graphically. In Fig.5, Q (kcal/mol) is plotted against a (kg/MM2), the experimental points denoted by crosses~, circles nd dots relating, respectively, to pure nickel, 40% Cu-Ni alloy :nd 60% Cu-Ni alloy. In Fig.6, log i (sec-1) is plotted against lo3/T (where T is the absolute temperature) for the 40% Cu-Ni Card 3/8 S-*126/61/012/001/012/020 The role of slip and diMPion ... E/193/E480 Q - YO i = ioe RT High activation energy and the fact that the above relationship is valid for low temperature and high rates of deformation Indicates that under these conditions plastic deformation in creep takes place predominantly by the mechanism of slip. (3) Under conditions of high temperature and low applied stresses, the activation energy for the deformation increases with decreasing stress and approaches the activation energy for the diffusion of the alloying element. In this case the process of deformation In zreep can be described by the known equation for plastic deformation by diffusion: Dcya3 FkT Under these conditions of deformation the strength of alloys decreases and may be lower than that of unalloyed metal which indicates the predominance of the diffusion mechanism of deformation. Card 5/8 Z592o S/126/61/012/001/012/020 The role of slip and dif-fusion E193/E48o (4) In the intermediate region of temperature and stress, plastic deformation by slip takes place aide by side with the diffusion relaxation process. The results of X-ray analysis indicate that under these conditions the plastic deformation brings about fragmentation of the crystals and formation of blocks, In this case the deformation in creep is approximately described by the formula due to J.J.Weertman (Ref,28~ J.Appl..Phys., 1955, 26, 1213) ; - C (cia/RT] exp (- Q/RT) There are 12 figures, 3 tables and 28 references. 18 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English language publications read as follows; Ardley G.W. Acta met,, 1955, 3, 525; Greenough A.P. Phil. Mag., 1958, 3, 1032; McLean D. Inst.Metals, 1952-53, 81, 287; Weertman J. J.Appl.Phys,, 1955, 26, 1213, ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 22, 1960 Card 6/ 8 S/126/61/012/004/011/021 Elll/E335 AUTHORS: Noskova, N.I. and Pavlov,--V.'A* TITLE: X-ray-diffraction study of the fine structure of nickel iron after y--a and y-a-y transformations PERIODICAL;, Fizika metallov i metallevedeniye, v. 12, no. 4, 1961, 580 - 582 TEXT: The authors point out that polymorphic, changes contribute to the prodijction of the strengthened state in metals. The reverse poly-morphic transformation (alpha-to- gamma iron) has been insufficiently studied because of experi-- mental difficulties and little information is available on the structural changes produced inside grains. Although biock disorientation has been studied (Ref. 4 - Edmondson, Acta met., 1954, no. 2, 235). there is as yet no detailed picture on the fine tructure after reverse tran~iformation. The authors study block size and type Il distortions in the present work, as a result of forward and reverse transformation of nickel iron (0.04% C, 0.38% S1. 0.33% Mn 0.51% Cr, 28.23% Ni and remainder Fe). The temperatures of the martensite transformation and the Card 1/~ s/126/61/012/004/0.11/o2i X-ray-diffraction study of EIII/E335 end of reverse transformation are -20 and 580 0C, respectively. Powder was used for the X-ray investigation, prepared by filing a rod, previously annealed at 1 100 0C, for-30 min. After 0 sieving, the powder was vacuum-annealed (10 mm Hg) at 1 100 C for 30 min and vaauum-cooled at 100 0C/min to room temperature V/ and quenched in liquid nitrogen. The quenched powder was divided into two halves, each of which was vacuum-annealed for 1 hour at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 580, 6oo, 700, 900 or 1 100 0C and re.- sieved. Cylindrical specimens, 0.7 mm diameter, were prepared from the powder and subjected to X-ray diffraction in a 150-mm diameter camera with Ka-iron radiation. The width of (111) and (222) diffraction lines of austenite and (110) and (220) of martensite were measured from photometry results, corrections being applied whichwere based on the method of Lysak (Ref. 7 - FM, 1952, no. 3, p-28; 1955. no. 6. p. 40; 1954, no- 5, p. 45). The studied line width for alpha-iron was obtained from nickel-iron filing0produced under nitrogen and then vacuum-annealed at 400 C for 3 hours; for gamma iron - from filings vacuum-annealed at 1 100 0C for 30 min. The results Card 2/3 0. 1300 32657 s/126/61/012/005/017/028 E091/E335 AUTHORS: Pavlov, V.A,, Gaydukov, M.G. and Mellnikova, V-V. TITLE; Nechanis-m-o-1-plastic defori-iiation in the creep of aluminium-mignosium alloys PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 12, no. 5, ig6i, 748 - 755 TEXT: Pare aluminium and aluminium alloys containing 0.1, I and 2c Mg were investigated. The alloys were melted under flux _~h in a hi -,frequency furnace. The ingots were forged into rods of 18 mm diameter, from which specimens 50 mm long and 8 mm in diameter were made for creep-testing and other 100 mm long and 8 mm in diameter for stress-relaxation testing. The specimens were annealed at 420 - 440 OC. Foreach alloy, the annealing temperature was selected so that a linear grain diameter of 0.1 mm should be obtained. The rate of plastic deformation was chosen within the limits 10- 4see- I to 10- losec-1. Rates below 10-8 sec-1 were obtained during stress-relaxation and the higher rates in creep. The mechanism of plastic deformation could be Card 1/~ 32657 s/i,-,6/61/012/005/01'/028 Mechanis;.i of plaLitic E091/E335 of activation -..;'ith incrc~~se ii stresses in Cie alljys .151 the di.ffusiori .iechanis.-.i of )IaFtic defor-~iiti3n ,rocees. S.N Z'iurLov T-P Sanfirova, B.Ya. Pines and A.F. Sirenho are ;,ientioned 3.11 the article in connection wit:i their contributions in tI-)is fa,ald, There are 11 figures I table and 18 references: 14 Sovi et -1) L Oc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc T!ie four En,~~Iish-lan_-uage ref ereiic es mentioned are, Ref~ 9~, F.R. Nabarro - Rep. Conf, Stren-crt!i of Solids, L 1948, 75, Ref. 10: C.J. Herring - J. Appl. Phys.. 1950, 21, no. 5, 437, Ref. 11- J.J. Weertman - J. Appl. Phys., 1955, 26. 1213; Ref, 18- F.11 Buttner, E.R- Funx, 11. Udin - J Metals, 1952, It, 401. ASSOCTATION, Tiistitut fizilu metallov AN SSSR (Institute of P:ivsics of Metals of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED Mal-C, 27 1961 \X C"--C! V7) S/126/6i/012/006/021/023 F-073/E535 AUTHORS~ Kuznetsov. R.I. and PavLo-v,--V,A. TITLE Position of jumps on the extension diagram of poly- crystalline tin PERIODICALt Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.12, no,6. 1961 919-921 TEXT; The authors investigated polycrystalline specimens of 99,999% purity tin of 2 mm diameter, 50 nun long with a grnin size of 0.1 mm in the range from 2room temperature to -1000C and for deformation rates at 8-10- to 2,lo-5 %/sec. A characteristic featur.t of the diagrams is the presence of jump5, the location of iflilch depends on the speed and temperature during the tests. With a lowering of the temperature the region of the jumps shifts towards the initial point of the diagram if the deformation rate remains constant, At a constant temperature, the displacement is in the same direction as the increase in the speed of deformation Thereby, the nature of the jumps does not change, It was found that the deformation E, which corresponds,to the first jump on the extension diagram, the deformation speed C and the test Card 1/3 Position of jumps on the S/126/61/012/006/021/023 E073/E535 temperature T are linked with the following relation; C exp ~-QATI, where C and Q are constants, Plotting this relation in the coordinates InE~ - I/T.a linear relation is obtained and from the inclination of the straight line expressing this relation the activation energy Qcan be calculated which is approx- imately equal to 10 kcal/mol, which coincides with the acl.1vatior, energy of seif-diffusion for tin, In view of the fact that the material was of very high purity, it is difficult to visualize that these jumps are associated with the presence of impiLrities -in the metal- It can rather be assumed that their appearanLe is due either to twining during deformation or to polymorphous trans- formation of the tin from the P into OL-modification during the process of deformation at a temperature which is below the transformation temperature. i.e, below 18'C, There are 2 figures and 12 referen.-es: 7 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloz The four latest English-language referencea read as followsi Ref.1 IchU K. J.Phys,Soc_ Japan. 1959. 14, 12 ' 1822, Ref,2- Basinski Z_S_ Prot-, Roy.Soc,. 1957, A240. 1221. 229, Ref,9 Zener C_ Hollmon. S_H_ Card 2/3 Position of jumps on the J Appl~Phys, 1944. 15~ 22i Ref.10 Phil Mag.. 1952, 7, 43~ 422. ASSOCIATION- Institut fiziki. metallov (Institute of Physics SUBMITTED: July 28. 1961 S/126/61/012/006/021/023 E073/E535 Thomson N- and MIllard D,S AN SSSR of Metals AS USSR) Card 3/3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6271 Pavlov, V. A. Fizicheakiye osnovy plasticheekoy deformatsil metallov (Physical Principles of Plastic Deformation of Hetals). Moskva, Izd-vo AN Sm. 1962. 198 p. Errata slip inserted. 3000 copies printed. S;Ionsoring Agency: Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki metallov. Reap. Ed.: M. V. Yakutovich; Ed. of Publishing House: V. 1. Meder; Tech. Ed.: V. M.Fremd. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for scientific research workers and engineers concerned with problems of metal physics and metal science. COVERAGE: The book reviews the principal physical laws governing plastic deformation under conditions of the conventional tensile tester creep. Data on the movement of dislocations in the re- Card 1/7 Physical Principles of Plastic Deformation of Metals SOV/6271 gion of stresses are presented. Basic concepts of the mechanism of plastic deformation are explained from the standpoint of the th6ory of dislocations. The effect of alloying elements on plastic-deformation phenomena in single-phase solid solutions Is discussed on the basis of investigations conducted by the author at the Institute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR. In addition, views are expressed on the mechanism of strengthening of single-phase solid solutions and on the mechan- ism of plastic defoimation in creep. The author thanks Academi- cian 0. V. Kurdyumov, S. N. Zhurkov (Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR), E. S. Yakovleva, V. T. Shmatov, M. G. Gaydukov, N. 1. Noskova, 1. A. Pereturina, V. V. Mellnikova, V. P. Ketova, and A. N. Orlov for their assistance. Each chapter is accompanied by Soviet and non-Soviet references. Card 2/7 V JU/V ') 1z 19,;3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOi/6271 Pavlov, V. A. Fizicheakiye esnovy plasticheskoy deformatsii metallov (Physical Principles of Plastic Deformation of Metals). Moskva, Izd-vo AN MR., 1962. 198 p. Errata slip inserted. 3000 copies printed. Inatitut fizlki metallov. Sponsoring Agency. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Reso.. Ed.: M. V. Yakutovich; Ed. of Publishing HoUse: V. 1. Meder; Tech. Ed.: V. M.Fremd- PURPOSE: This book Is intended for scientific research workers and engineers concerned with problems of metal physics and metal science. COVERAGE: Itse book reviews the principal physical laws governing plastic deformation under conditions of the.conventional tensile testcr creep. Data on the movement of dislocations in the re- Card lt~ Ph7alcal Principles of Plastic Deformation of Metals SOV/6271 gion of stresses are presented. Basic concepts of the mechanism of plastic deformation.are explained from the standpoint of the thdory Of.dislocations. The effect of alloying elements on plastic-deformation phenomena in single-phase solid solutions Is discussed on the basis of investigations conducted by the author at the Institute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR. In addition, views are expressed on the mechanism of :strengthening Of single-phase solid solutions and on the mechan- lam of plastic deformation in creep. The author thanks Academi- elan 0. V. Kurdyumov, S. N. ZhurkoV (corresponding Member,, Academy of Sciences USSR), E. S. YakovleVa, V. T. Shmatov, M. G. Gaydukov, N. 1. Noskova, 1. A. Pereturina, V. V. Mellnikova, V. P. Ketova, and A. N. Orlov for their assistance. Each chapter is accompanied by Soviet and non-Soviet references. Card 2/~ SRID62/014/001/008/o18 E193/E383 AUTHOR: Pavlov, V.A. and Pereturina, I.A. TITLE: The effect of alloying additions on the mechanics of plastic deformation of alloys and on the shape of the stress/strain diagram PERIODICAL: Fizika netallov J motallovedeniye, v. 14, no. 1, 1962, 92 - 98 TE=: The object of the work described in the present paper was to analyze a large body of experimental data obtained by the present authors and by other, both Soviet and foreign, workers and to correlate data relating to pure-metals (Al, NO and alloys (Al-DIS, Ni-Cu, Ni-Al, Ni-Co) in order to evaluate the effect of alloying on some aspects of plastic deformation a of metals. The first chapter is devoted to the temperature- dependence of the yield point. The effect of alloying on this A; relationship is demonstrated schematically in Fig. 1, where the Aij yield point (cr) is plotted against temperature (T), curves 1 Th and 2 relating, respectively, to pure metals and alloys. The or Card 1/4 -Lj2dica -,4e PO 'lilt 94-0 ted -Y-'eld Of C7 by ea C Pojnt(Met a a curlreo' plotte(2 B/126/62/014/001/008/018 Tae effect of alloyinZ E.193/E383 amainst therCu content (01). The presence of a maximum on urves of this type has been attributed to the refining (purifyin-) effect of small alloying additions. Since, however, the magnitude of this effect in Ni-Al alloys decreases with increasing rate of strain (~r with decreasing temperature in the- case of Ni-Cu alloys) it is obvious that it must be caused by some other factors. Passing--on to the effect of alloyin& additions on the shape of the true-stress/strain diagram, the authors distinguish between two types of this diagram. In the low-temperature type, the stress reaches its maximum near the end of t:ie dia-ram (i.e. at high strain values) after vrhich it decreases rapidly due to the onset of localizeddeformation (necking); in the high-temperature type the maximum of the true stress is reached near the beginning of the diagram (i.e. at low strain values); after that the stress remains constant or slowly decreases and finally falls down rapidly when the neck begins to form. In all the systenis studied the introduction of alloyinz elements raises the temperature at which the stress/strain dia.t-ram changes from the low-temperature to the high-temperature type. The addition of alloying elements increases also the value Card 3/4 s/i26/62/ol4/ool/oo8/oi8 The effect of alloyinZ .... E193/E383 of stress 07 at -&-rhich the parabolic increase in the resistance-t1ol-Lformation of strained metal begins. This indicates a decrease in the energy of the stacking faults. Tblere are 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 29, 1961 (initially) December 27, 1961 (after revision) Fig. 1: Card 4/4 7" 14 :11 11 f Z193/E333 AUT71iC)-Z.'J: Javlov, V-A,, 71aydukov, M.G. and 'Mcllnilova, V.V. TITLE: Jc,)cnde,ice oi' the r.;cchaiiisrii of pla:Aic doform.-Aion in croci) of :i-Al and Ni-Co alloyp oil the conditions of defor;;iction PE.ZICDICAL: Fizi!-~- metallov 'i metallovedeniye, v. 111, no. V11 1962, 275 TLXT: In continuzition of their earlier work on the of creo,, of :i-Cu anO. Al-:.:_- alloy!-,, the present authors inve.,;ti- zated Cie effect of various factors on the mechanis:-.i oi~ croe,) of Ni-Al zrnC ',-.i-Co alloys. Tlie Ni-Al alloys, cont'ainin~; up :o Al i..roro c:io!~;cn as one of the materials because zhey represe 'ited alloys charactcri.zed by relatively large st,-,t.Lc lattice distortir);I!; alld 11011-taollotollic colic Critrat ioll-dopolidenc C of' the olnstic Oclulus. I:i contrast, the lattice difitortions iii -'i-Cu alloyt (-:it!i up to Go, Co) wore relatively small and their olasti*c i:iodulus -aas )rzictically iri(Idpendent of the cot-.i;)ositio:l. The crr-ep tests were carried out at 500 and 8oo 0C, the rate of Card l/ 1i Dopmidenco of .... E193/E383 -it -:_ -1 cr,.,o,, v:.-yiii:T beti-.rcen 10 ant! 10.'i ec i-,ie resul.t..,, --xe re')roCaic c(-*. in t Ii e forn of Ir,).)hs , s:iowinf~ conc ent ration- de:IOI-IC:C:'.C(- of the 1-;Itc of creel) un-er vz-.rious '11):)licd rc1ntiouj'.iip between ":.c rate of creel) and the yield )uiiL; stresz-(!o,)cndcnce of t:io activation oncrgy for creep of t:IC alloy.-. !~tudicd; stress- and tei.i-)er;iturc-dcpendcicc of t;i(- of creep. The conclitsiom can be sum iarizek, .-,s f 11 o-- 1) Slin is the prec:o:iiinant ::iec!iariLi-.i of plaotic defor;,:iI, ~ ,- creep at relatively low temperatures and high itressess. Th c rclz,.tion!-'iip between the rato of creep under these conditi,):I on the one hand, and temperature and stre.9s,on the other, ca;,, be described by in expressioii due to Zhurkov and Sanfirova (DAN SSSR, 1955, 101, no. 2, 257): Q-Ya RT 0e (1) where Q is the activation energy for creep at (Y = 0 an.[ i0 and y are constants. Under these conditions, the r.-,te of Card 2/11 s/126/62/olVoo2/ol-Vo.,.~ Dc,)cii(~rn'lcc of .... E193/E383 crcc:, be corrclate~: -_,it7i the yield point of the alloy. 2) In crce:) cit Iii,,ji tei.i,)cratures and under low stresses the diffuf,iou i.v~chanis;:: of dlastic defor!-.iation predominates and there i- .,. definite toviperaturc ant: stres6 ranZc within -...,hich Cie rate of ~;rec~) iricr(, linearly %.,,itiln incrr~asin,- stress. 5) in intemiediate ran,1;c of stress and temperature defor.-:iatiun by slip ta'zcs place side-by-side with the rela.::,Ition pro c er, ~; C.'3 The rate of creep can be obtained under these conditions,from an equation due to J.J. Weertman (J. A,,;)l. PhYs-, 1955, '26, 1213); t = c(crP'/IZT)O'-")()Q/RT) (2) where a is tho activation energy for diffusion, a' is the strc-,!-, and U i coefficient e(:uallinL 5-4. Th.c r_,LZe of tc,.i')erature and stress in which the diffusion mechanis;:i of deformation predominates is wider in alloys t:ian in pure ;.-ictals. The saiae applies to the range in which pl-istic Card 3/1, 5/lz6/62/olVooz/cl2,/clU, Dependerice of .... F.19~/E383 cleformnti,)ii in creep is described by Weertman's ecuation. t:ic rtrc,.,:: dependence of tj;e activition energy for creep, cczi!;e~j to be lii,.car at 6 - 71k:L/mil- for -mre nickel and at 10-1'-' for t'ic' 60" co-Ni -1110y. 5) T:in o;wct of t:ic diffusion ;-nechani3m of -Anstic deforma'ioa in the alloys studiec: is facilitated by polygonization. There arc 12 fi~;urcs. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizilci metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS USSR) SUDNIT'I'ED; July 23, 1961 (initially) March 2, 1962 (after revision) card NOSKOVA, N.I.; PAVLOV, V.A. Defects of packing in solid solutions of nickel. Fiz.met.1 metalloved. 14 no.6t"-803 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSA, (Nickel alloys-Met 110 aphy) (Crystal latticeB L 16076-63 EWP(q)/kW(ix)/BDS AMC/ASD PAd JDIHWIJG AcmsrcN iint Ap3Do46o$ 4/0126/63/016/OD1/0155~/0159 AUTBOIts Favlov, V. A. 717TEt I Hardenjrg of alloys by plastic deformation at torqyeratures producingi anoxajv~e -relationsbip between Mecrianic-Ir-p-r-OP-5-Mes SMRCE: Fikike metallov I metallovedeniye., v. 16, no. lo 1963p 155-158 710PIC TAGS: alloy,, hardening, plastic deformation, temperature, anomalous proper- ty, , beryllium bronze, Fe-Vi-Cr-Ti. duralunin AWMACT: Detailed experlmenta2 deta obtained in the study of the deformation temperature effect on the strength and plasticity of alloys are presented in this a f bigh-strength alloys were investigateds,17>e Y un bronze article.4 Thr t r Ili 'r-1 'e~,,7e M-1 BrB2, F?'-I-. 114, and duralumin. It was determined that hnrUness 67 5r increis-erwiTh The deformntion temperature and reaches a nwdmum at 350C, after which it begins to decline. The deformption at optimm temperature produced a 3D% ircrease in the elastic limit and a 25% increase In ultimate strength of the Lvtal. The hardening coefficient of the Fe-Vi-Cr-A alloy reaches its maximom at 600CP producing a 40%, increase in strength as compared to a sarple in Its Initial condi- tion and one deformed at room temperature. In the case of durelumin, the rs:Kirum Card 1/2 L 180`76-63 ACCESSM M AP~00/,,608 strength and plasticity vvere obtained with the preliminary deformRtion at 10OC; the increase in strength reicbed 70%. The plastic properties of the earple so deformed were =ch higher thpn those after the deformation at room terperature. Orig. art. hass I table and 3 figures. ASSOCIAMIZ: Tnstitut fiziki mvtiqllov AN SSSR (Institute of FkTaical retallurgy., AcederT of Sciences, SSSR) SUBMITTED: l1Feb63 FY CL: 00 WE ACQ: Z?Aug63 SUB CODE: FL NO MT SOV: 003 OTMM: 000 Card 2/2 ti~&Fl oft L~z L 17699-65 F,"eiT(m)/F.WP(-,d)/C4A(d)/,6VP(k)/ WP(t)/FVP(b) Pf-h/llad WWAID/W ACCESSION -NR't W4042041 S/01261641017/006/0845/0852 Y -Petrova, S, N,t Pavlov, vskly, V.-D,; Sokolkov a, AUTHOR:: S adlo V. Gaydukov, M. G.1 Noskova. No I . I _~~an_A__D - Y a therm al t TITLEt The effects of-high-temoorature --o-me ch an i c on the heat resist nce. of Kht 771YUR alloy SOURCE': Fizika metal ov i metalloveetniye, v.-17, no* 61 19-64, 845-852 TOPIC TA(;S-.- nickel alloy,,, chromium containing alloy,, alumirium con- p jrate, recrystallizationt boron containing alloy, taining. a11oy,Sqjrje_e KhN77TYuR alloy, thklmo_me~chanicaltreatmentv heat resistance ABSTRACT: The method of hot plaFtic defbrmattoncombtned with quen- ching to enhance the stress-rupture strenathiSof ausitenitic steelsq-- The authors investigWt_e~the possibility of applying this comb ined -me-thod..-Za -KhN77TYuR.' V limonic-type alloy. Specimens 11, ~5 ~x~ 11e5 x: 70 mm were annealed at- IOSOC -_ for-8 hr, -and'rolled-- .with a reduction of 25% at a rolling speed of 1e5 m/min. The process Card-1/3 L.17699-65 -ACCESSION NRs, AP4042041 of: -re crys ta Ili z at t od -was -suppre,ased, by water cooling -the- specimens -immediately af ter pl.als tic de f orma tion. All specimens were agit d at 730C f (,r '16 hr. -Hardness was 285 118. At 550C and under a stress o f 2 _i90 kg/mm i, the rupture life was extended from 4 to 100 hr whilethe creep r ate, decreased from 4-8 x 10-2% to,8 x 1071% per hr. Above the, range a- deterioration of strength characteriatice-was 1. ob- servedi, ''-The.authors attribute the.adverse effect of the combined me- thod at 750t to~ the recrystallization during tes.ting and to a possible her rate of coagulation of the at g :rength--ening phase. The decrease In'the creep rate and the increase of the rupture life were ver1fied b x-iay-method. , The-authors int.out po ... the. forma.tion of- a polygo- _nizdd sub .structure :and to a, boundary distortion in.the form:of char-- .-acteristic. serration during high-temperature deformation. Thuy con- the. th substructural-boundarivs impeded the-travel of dialo- catfonst-durfng~ creep, while the distortion of the grai'n boundaries the susceptibility to-intererystallin-e failure.. The! authors suggest. that the method of _inveotigation-may lbe. LnsufflcLently deve- Ioped for an exhaustive 4hterpr etation.of the results obtained- and of the peculiarities of the structural state of the material. Orig. art. -has t 5 figures. Card 2/3 ("vera- c)vz5'y' ; FA*"L (SvordlovnO E Ir cf an preni~ltation LardenIng. AN S~~R. Met. no.r,tlg---- % 10260-66 M(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(z)/EWP(b)/E*A(c) XJP(c) JDAW ACC NR: AP5026369 SOURCE CODEt UR/0370/6!i/OOD/005/0187/0192 XOTHMs Gavdukov. M. Go (Sverdlovsk)j MalXshey. K. A. (Sverdlovsk)j Pavlov, V. A. (Sverdlovsk) ORGI: none TITIJES Effect of chose transformation-induced strain hardening on the heit resis- of iron-nicke'l alloy 1b SDURCEs AN SSSR. Izvestlyas Metally, no. 5,, 1965, 187-102 TAGSt iron alloy, heat resistant alloy, nickel containing alloy, titans! 'containing alloy, strain hardening, iron base alloy, rupture strength, heat resistance, iolid mechanical property ABSTRACT.- Two iron-base alloys containing 1) 0.06% C and 28.9% NI, and 2) 0.04% C, 1*73% Crj 24e5% Ni, and 2.32% TI. were tested for,,the effect of transformation- Induced strain hardening on mechanical properties at room and elevated tempera- tuyes. Alloy specimens were austenitized at 12ODC and quenched In liquid nitrogen and then annealed at 60D, 700, and 8DDC (alloy 1) are at 900 and 1100C (alloy~2)-. In alloy 1 the maximum effeict was produced by annealing at 60D or Card 1/2 UDC, 6 69ol5o24-177 t 10260-66 ACC Ws AP502630 700C, which Increased theyield strength'to 41 and 37 kg VM2, respectively. Annealing at SW lowered the yield strength to 13 kq/vi~.41 and increased the elongation to 40-46%, In stress-repture tests at 40M, alloy I annealed at 700C had a rupture life of 837 or 55 br under a stress of 36 or 38 kg/mM2, respectively, while conventionally treated (annealed at 1200C) alloy under a stress of 30 or 32 -k9/MM2 had a rupture life of 68.5 or 102 hr, respectively@ At 6ODC the positive ef f e: c' t of' st'r,ain hardening Is maintained for a relatively short period of time, knot exceeding 100 hr,. The effect of transformation-induced strain hardening on alloy 2 was considerably greater. Alloy 2 annealed (after quenching) at 900^. had a 10D hr rVpture strength at 7ODC of 17.5 kg/=2, compared to 3.5 k~/Om2 for ~alloy 1. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables* SUB CODE3 II/ SUBM DATEs 06May65/ ORIG REF% .016/ OTH REN. 002,1 MtrPRESSt ~i'60 Card 2/2 hw IIOSKC,VA, N. 1. 1 ~ ; "' 1 V. A. - . . :t,3 of packtnp, In fane-nontered -!ubJe, iratalti and allap. - , /,. me". j m~laljoved~ 20 nr-,. "I zi,2&-4,32 A 165. (MIRA l8il:) 2. instit-at ftzikl me-,,allciv 10 SSSR. Ull TV KOV A? 11. F. ; NWWV A, N. I.; F AV LOV, V. ti. Deformation &ifects of picking 'In rholium and irr~dhm, Fiz, met.. I metAlloved. '0 S ~K (MIRA 2.81 a. rnstituL fiz'ki rth~jt,3*llov Mi SqCIR. 41 7-1000-66 EWTW/rWA(dj/T/EWP( t__j/EWP(.%)/EWP(b) IJP(c) Mi-WIM ACC NRs A - SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/65/020/005/0770/0774 'AWHOW Favlov, V A Filippov, Yu. I Frizen2.S. A. ORG: Ing titute of Metal Physics L_#__kSSR (Institut fixtki metallov AN SSSR) RIP TITLE: Strengthening AV and V95 oluminum thermomechanical treetv*nt :SOURCE: Fialka metallov i metallovedenlye, v. 20, no. 5, 1965, 770-774 ~TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, aluminum alloy, &OVA a4or-4 v9s, Ilecha, nical A&** meW 01;-V ABSTRACT: AV and V95 aluminum-alloy bare 12 am in diameter were solution annealed, w& uanched,-.and then subjected to low temperature thermomechanical treatment (L preheated to IOD-300C, rolled in one pass with a reduction of 20%, and water :quenched. LITHT was-followed by aging at 150C, (AV alloy) or 120C (V95 alloy). LTTHT with:: Irolling at'150C significantly improved the strenAth characteristics of " alloy (see Fig* 1).-After LTrff and aging for 6 hrat 150C the alloy had a tensile strength of 41.3 kg/in% a yield strength of 34 kg/m2, an R. hardness of 701, a work-hardening factor of: 0. 7, and an elongation of 15Z, compared to. 32.5 kg/mm2, 26.0 kg/NM2, 70, 0.4, and 22% for conventionally treated alloy* LTDff-also accelerated the decomposition of ..Card 1/2 UDC: 669.715:330743- -1--:10890-66 .AICC NRj AP5028566 Fig. I. Deformation temperature de- 40 Pendence of tensile strength yield strength (v0.2), elongation (6), X and work-hardening factor (q) of AV alloy aged at 150C.for 6 hy v X the solid solution. Convbntionally treated alloy required 12 hr aging at ISOC while t.hermomeIebanicafty.-treated-alloy required.only Chr. Alloy V95 exhibited similar be- -havior bu*t was much less'responsive to LTTMT. After LTnff and aging at 120C for 6 hz IV-95 had a tensile strength of 60.3 kg/mm'. a yield strength of 47.5 kg/am2, an % -hardness of.83, a work-hardening factor of 1.0, and an elongation of 7.8% conpared to 37.6 kg/=29 42.2 kg/m2, $2, 0.92, and 91 for conventionally treated alloy. Orig. art.. has; .7 figures and 2 tables. JDVI SUB, CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 293an65/- 6VIC REF: 003/ ATD PRESS-. $//70 Ld 2/2' I ACC NR AP6WAl -X-CA)-SWRCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/ooo/ol2/oloq/oli I ~WVENTOR.- Sinenko, X. P.; Mats, Z. Z.; Psyn, M. A.; Skazhennik, A. M.; Pavlorv, V. A.; ubinfayn, L. Ye. R I tORG: None I PTLE: A unit for sealing turbine compressor bearings. Class 46, No. 182957 'Jan- ,,need by the Kharkov Transport Machine Building Plant im. V. A. Malyshev l(Kharlkovskiy zavod transportnogo mashinostroyeniya)) I ;SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znak-i, no. 12, 1966, log PIC TAGS: sealing device, turbine compressor, journal bearing OTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduce& a unit for sealing turbine compressor !arings used in diesel engine blover systems. This unit contains labyrinth packings .th air seals fed by compressed air from the turbine compressor shell. Oil is kept it of the turbine compressor during idling and lorw-load operation by connecting the x seals to the locomotive braking system vhich is coupled by an electromagnetic Llve interlocked vitb the locomotive control system. 1/2 UDC; 621.515.5-762;62;621.436,052 packingsS 2--air seals; 3--compressor shell; 4 lectromagnetic valve CODEt 13/ SUM DATE: 12jun65