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PAVLOV, Vladimir, inzh. Preliminary thermotechnical studies on the lignites of the Maritsa-Iztol: coal basin. F.Iektroenergiia 13 no.5/6:Z-I-i My~Je 162 * I* Institut po energatika pri Bulgarskata akademiia na muk-te, PAVLOV, V. Construction and assembly organizaticnB' paiments to t.rie rudget. Fin. SSSR 23 no.3:50-51 Mr '62. (MIRA 1-50) 1. Starshiy ekonomist Ministerstva finansov RSFSR. (Construction industry-Finance) PAVLOV, V. C=*bat of a cutter c:ew. . ZniLr. '1 -2 i-c ': `-7 1. 162. PAVLOV, V. At the First Bearing Plant. Vnesh. torg. 1+1 no.6~17 161. industry) (Russia-Commerce) (MIRA 14:7) (Moscaw-Bearing PAVLOVI V. Gorkiy longshoremen will fulfill their obligations. Rech. tiwnsp. 20 no.509-40 My '61.* (W RA 14: 5) 1. Nachaltnik Gorlkavskogo porta. (GoAdp--4argo handling) 'fill , PAVIDVP V. --- -.-- "Light aver.RussiO KTO 2 no.12:13-14 D 160. (KRA 14:3) (Electrification) PAVLOV, V., aspirant Scientific society of students D17sicists of Moscov State University. Tekh-mol. 28 no.7:34 160. (KFRA 13:8) 1. Fizicheekly fakulltet Moskovekogo gooudaretvannogo uni- versiteta. (Noecow--Students' societies) PAVLJOV, V. , Imnd.tekhn.nauk XeopiDg the course toward the moon. Nanim i zhizhn' 27 no.2sl4vl6, 38 7 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Navivation(Aeronautice)) (Remote control) (space ships) PAVLOV, V - 'dater - Puri~icaticn New installation :'or purificaticn cf frinkin , w:ter. -kom. klic,-.. l nc-,. ", 39'2 I - - I-Ionthl-List of hussiar, Accessicns, Li:!rEry of Congres. , July 1952. UT;~;LLSSF I! " PAVLOV. V. Competition in aquatic multiple events. Voen.znan. 32 no.10: i0-11 0 Ir,6. (Wah 10:2) (Naval education) FAMv, T., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk; SOBOUNIO. V., inshener. Use In marine boilers of spray burners regulated by var7ing fuel return flow. Mor.flot 17 no.1:12-14 Ja 157. (MMA 10: V 1. Zavod imeni Ordzhonikidze, Leningrad (for Sobolenko (Boilers, ~Iarine) PAV10T, V. *RodinaO receiver, a radio reception and rediffusion set. Radio no-11:31-32 N '53. (MLRA 6:11) (Radio-Receivere and reception) PAVUW V.S. ngrad) , , Combined problems on progressions. Not. v shkole n0-5: 90-91 S-0 156. (MIRA 9:10) (Mathematics--Problems, eyorcises. *te.) PAVLOV, V. (gorod Kuskovo, MOBkovskoy oblasti). " ..... 1, Higb-quality low-frequency amplifier. Radio no.10:44-45 156. NLRA ?:11) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) PAVWV. V. (Moskva). -:-. ~. I High frequenC7 oscillator for magnetic recorders. Radio no.10: 60 '56. (IfLRA 9:.1) (Magnetic recorders and recording) PAVLOV, V. t~ TheriLoatabilization of transistor amplifiers. Radio no.4:50-51 AP 157. OIJAh 10-5) (Transistor amplifiers) FAVLOVP V. Contribution of the "Kovrov" crew. Mlor.flot 26 no.l: 3-4 Ja 066. (Y--nA 29:1) 1. Kapitan teplokho(la "Kovr(-v" PAVLOIIJ* V., inzY,. A br!ght pipf~ In t.',,:*.(,ry of . 23 no.9:4-1', ~" 164. 0.,Ii~j, 1-9:1) PAVLOV, Vladimir, inzh.; IIENCHEV, Poncho, Inzh. On a more accurate determination of moisture content in smoke gases. Tekhnika Bulg 12 no.4:12-14 163. 1. Nauchnoizsledovatelski institut po elektrifikataiia. DEIESHKO, A. (Leningrad); PAVLOV, V-.; BARINOVA, Z., Inzh.-informator Technical inf,-rmation should have a scientific basis. Sov. profsoiuzy 18 no.2:16-18 Ja Io2. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Rabotnik otdela tekhnicheskoy informats1i zavoda "Mallgiris" VilInyus (for Pavlov). 2. Krasavinskiy Llnokombinat, Vologodskaya oblast' (for Barinova). (Technological innovations) C. St. . f P. -r L 'A 5.r- -a- :f P" 7 P7 7% c t I .t I D; v. -o f C".;-. ft p 7-7-50. .31 f -in f th. L ~t ;p 75 9- L!J:?MA.' 7_7 p 3 %6 ;A fitu4, ~f -.4- Kj P, L PAVLOV, V, 4o F.lectropbysiological investigation of chromotropic and droraotroprlc action of the left nerve. Doklady BAN 14 no.7:759-762 161. 1. Vorgelegt von Akademiemitglied D. Orahovats [Orakhovats) (ELECTROPHISIOLOGY) (NE-WM) PAVLOV V Potentials for carrying out the seven-year plan ("Potentials in the machinery industry" V.I.Ganshtak, P.A.Zhukov). NTO 3 no.6:59-60 Je 161. (KERA 14:6) (Sv,_-x-dluv-jk -Machinery -industry) (Ganshtak, V.I.) (Zhukov, P.A.) 85817 10 9'5~' C) A153/AO26 AUTHOR: Pavlov, V., Chief Enginetr ----------------------- TITLE: Automatic Anti-Icing Devices PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1960, No. 10, pp. 10-11 TEXT: Having explained the cause of ice formation on aircraft wings at temperatures from 0 to -35*C in a vaporous or dripping moisture medium, the author states that the most effective icing protection can be given by thermal systems, be it an air-thermal system fed from the engine compressor, having a temperature of up to 2000C, or an electric heating system. Advantages of both systems are described, an icing indicator is mentioned and its functioning is outlined. The best system is said to be that developed by M. Belov, tested on airplanes and helicopters with the assistance of members of the GosNIIGVF This system incorporates a sigaalizer based on the measuring of the electro- conductivity of ice. It is assembled on semiconductors, is small and light It actuates not only a signal mechanism but also operates a deicing mechanism, electric motors of air taps, or the electric drive of a programmed mechanism The author stresses the need to further automate the anti-icing systems. There are 4 figures. Card 1/1 PAVLOV, V. 7uberculaus mantoldItis In chil4hood. Shiruypll&, ;ofIA 1~ no. 12:1103-1107 '59- 1. Viesh meditainaki institut OI.P. Pavlovm - Plovdiv. Katedra po ushni. noeni I gurleni bolesti. Zav.katedrate: dots. K.Bo- tusharov. MBERCULMIS in inf.& child.) (KASTOID die.) PAVLDV. V. (Svetlogorok) The most important thing is to tal:e precaut,,ora-,7 rsasures. Ycen. znan. 35 no.5:37 PT '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Swimming--Safety measures) 6765! 3-~Zooo SOV/25-60-2-6/42 AUTHOR: Pavla,._~_ Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Aligning Toward the Moon PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, lc)60, Nr 2, pp 14 - 16 and 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: q,rientation in space as the This article deals with 0 preliminary condition for photographing the surfaCE'Sl' of tLe Earth and Moon, for the return of sputniks and rockets to the Earth, for navigationlof future interplanetary ships, for meteorology, cartography, world-wide television, broadcasting, etc. The world's first system which guaranteed an automatic orientation in the cosmic space was installed in the first Soviet interplanetary station. In an astro-navigation con- trol system, the celestial bodies serve as orienting points for the flight of rockets and aircraft. The astronomic devices automatically watch the location of the heavenly bodies. The control signal for an Card 1/3 alteration of their location is worked out by a colily 67651 SOV125-O'G-2-0-142 Aligning Toward the Moon plicated system of devices. An eventual deflection of the rocket or aircraft from their fixed flight wo trajectory is automatically calculated with the aid of electronic devices and the rocket returns to the required trajectory. Such a system has a .high accuracy irrespective of the range. The auunor of this article describes in detail the astro-orien- tation, the orientation in space by the Earth's geo- graphic coordinates, the full and partial angular orientation and the orientation by Sun and Moon. With the aid of electronics and automation, a cosmic apparatus oriented by stars can be used for organizi.7-,_ TV transmission kover wide-spread areas of our plaxiet. The orientation system in the interplanetary station was'switched on when approaching the Moon, at the moment, when the station was in the required position relative to the Moon and the Sun which guaranteed the necessary conditions for photography. At this Card 213 moment, the distance from the Moon was 60 - 70,000 km Z_ 67651 SCV/25-60-2-6/42 Aligning Toward the Moon in accordance with the preliminary calculation. The author describes the process of photographing the invisible side of the Moon. There are 3 diagrams and Card 3/3 a set of diagrams on page 1 of centerfold. 11*4 PAVWV. V. (Leningrad) Repilar activities of an Industrial training combine. Prom. koop. 13 no.10:29-30 0 '59. (AIRA 11:2) (Leningrad-Clotbing industry) (Hand 1 capped --Empl oraen t ) FAVIOV, V. case of =Itiple osteomyelitte of the frontal bone. Xhirw-gila, Sofia 10 no-3:260-261 1957. 1. J2 kliniknta po ushni, noani I invleni bolesti pri Vieshiia meditsinald inatitut 1. P. Pavlov - Plovdiv. (OSTEOMYELITIS, case report frontal bone (Bal)) (FONRTAL BONE, die. multinle osteonVelitis (Bul)) MMMVSXI, Iv.; IIIKOWV, St.;-2AYMd%jt,;. TIKHOLOVA. Tov. I Imnediate and remote sequelae of infectious hepatitis. Suvrem. med.. Sofia 8 no.4:56-6o 1957. 1. 12 Okruzhno bolnitsa V. Kolarov - Kolarovgrad. (HYPATITIS. INFWTIOUS, complications. sequelae (Dul)) PAVWV, V. (Leninaad) Sockets for kenotrons. RaAlo no.9:63-64 S 157. (~!IRA 1r):10) (Electron tubes) PAVLOV, P. ; BATAYAN. L. Result of Immunization against diphtheria and scarlet byer vith an associated preparation. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. I immun.w.9: 10-14 S '55. (HLRA 8:11) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii I mikrobiologil Imeni N.F.Gamalei. LMN SSSR ( G.V.Vygodchikov) (VACCINES AND VACCINATION, diphtheria-scarlet vaccines. results) (DIPHTHERIA, prevention and control. vacc.,diphtheria-scarlet fever toxo1de. results) (SCARLET FEVER, prevention and control, vacc.,diphtheria-scarlet fever toxotdo,results) 900 00 00 cmi4w ivo~~ Julumv am P. '.~ PA%,w 107, 7, 97--W)'. 156 oboahwd 41-OM (h-C, VAYJB%~Z snO. ASO.SLA favAtto"At LrYINATOM CLAUVKAT" $*Dow "A P chi oaf k ed ftlm~. J. K. (J. (ka. Cbm. Run., of iso-bydroUrbom we wee * coo TwM cs""s zoo U20~, Q as Air. R. T. 1000 ice* !as* wee toe :01 W~wv 430 ~ -1 PAVWVq V.3, KUSEVICS V. "Pharmceutical profession and the Faculty of Phar7aaceutics." P. 325. (URODNO ZD?UVLJ-E', Vol, 8p no. 11/12p 1952, Beograd., Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions$ Vol* 2S #8,, Librar7 of Congress August# 1953s, Uncl. PASKOV, D.;KOZHUKHAHOV, P.~; "A V. _4 1xperizental studies of loonicotinic acid hydrazide synthatized in Bulgaria. Isv. mod. inst., Sofia 8:53-80 1953. (CIML 25:5) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences4 Senior Scientific Associate at the Bulgarian AcaderW of Sciences for Paskov; Senior Scientific Associate at the Pharmaceutical Scientific-Research Institute for Kozhukharov; Junior Scientific Associate at the Bulgarian AcademW of Sciences for ravlov. FAVLDN . Venceslwr. Views on future development of pharmaceutical services; report to tho VI Plonum of tho Union of Tugoelav Pharmucoutical Societies held in May 1955 at Split by Venceslav Pavlov. 5 no.2-3:39-46 Apr-Jily 55 I. Referat ordzna nn VI Plenumu Saveza farmaceutskih drustava FNHJ. Split maja 1955 godine. kPHARMACY, in Yugoal.,future development (Ser)) PAVLOV, V. Mr.(Beograd) IxNWW0ffAW*WMW~ The views on the future development of pharmaceutical service; report to the VIth Plenun of the Union of Pharmaceutical societies at Split on 12 May 1955. Narodno %drav., Beogr. 11 Tio.7-8:252-256 '55. (PHARKACY Union of Pharmaceutical soc. of Yugosl., future develop. views (Ser)) (NATIONAL HIKALTH PROGRAMS in Yugoal., Union of)~harmaceutical noc. views on future develop. (Ser BULG;JtIA/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T Nervous System. Higher Nervous Activity. Behavior. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol-, No 6, 1959, 27o4i Author : Pavlov, V. Inet : Institute of Experimental Medicine, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Title : The Changes of Respiration in Production of Positive and Negative Conditioned Reflexes. Report I. OTig Pub : Izv. In-ta eksperim. med. Bolg AN., 1957, 2, 199-212 Abstract : Increase of frequency of respiration which depended on the force of stimulation was observed in 4 dogs duria6 the process of formation of not only positive but also inhibitory cond'.tioned reflexes in defensive reinforce- ment (in the latur case, the changes were somewhat less expressed). The stimulated animals reacted to stimuli Card 1/2 - 116 - I%LYM,p Vol, in2h,; PAVLO10 V,p inzh, Univwaal mthod for tho laymt of a soil bod. Avt. dar. 28 rmD.5s24-25 Vw 065. (MIM 18:.u) B.16r.14, VA 1-1, C. 3-, =c rotai- ~.l "I" F."Ity In bi lulndju Fa=Acautaki f&l~atot pp 145-1~ 9, "TlnA Few Coatora of tb3 rhA~ca=t-,cai sci^n~~a,a :. TW~k2j. or. tha bald of edlto~3 of ri '--i- aj.t, priodical of th4 B*roLal yp 186-IS4. - - 10. ;Reaulat bir.,3 ar-I Olvl'-- D-u-s w"~oblExv( ,~ 39i/l ? -%n O~L--6f (ElcolLk) of A~,, and the d5 2~zr Nadi 7aal-It= plT (Vprava nedi- Simko smEd&Tvxjs)j pp 195-196. Z1. *Tba rAar---aoixtx In Serb!% Doctors of Sale--s in ths ainstoantb C~ztur7 (jovaz Doctor of (Contlo~tlou f~rnz jkrhq.7 t% Ua 6 lcy6 V*jlSlAr 12. -Tba Lrigla and ftte of Old M-JZl,' A. hirkovial pp 220-223. 2i& PAVLOV., V. Capital ol ti,e tundra. Pozn.delo 9 ne.12:17-18 D '63. (KI-HA 17: 1) PAVIDV, V., inzh. Round silos of high capacity. Muk.-elev.prom. 27 no.12:18-19 D 61. (MIRA 15t2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut Promzernoproyekt. (Grain elevators) RLLITSEVICHp V,p insh.; PAVLOV9 V,v inzh,-. MTENKOV, V*v inzh.; I MiSHTM? v E. p InzK.--- - 14echanizpd placement of concrete into mobilo molds of round silos. Muk.-elev. prom. 27 no.1:14-15 ;ra 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut Promzerno ekt. (Concrete construction) Grain elevator5) 4. 1 PAVLOV, V. , inzh. Calculating the lond of grain dryer fans. Muk.-olev.prom.26 n0-5:23-25 MY 160. (HIRA 24:3) 1, Gosudaretvamiyy inatitut Promzemoproyekt, (Grain) (Drying) ____J~~ brigadir Pushing the shovel. Hast.ugl. 9 no.10:12 0160. 04DU 13:10) (Maritime Territory-Coal mines and mining) ,-~VLOV, V., starshiv Inshener Automatic devices for preventing the Icing of airplanes. Gra2hd.av. 17 no-10:10-11 0 160. (VIRA 13:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-beledoyatelftkiy Institut Grazhdartakogo vozdushnogo flota. I (Airplanes--lee prevention) m the cardiogram in various med. BAN 3 no.2:53-60 1.59. Institut po eksper naukite. (CARDIOGRAPHY) (SKIN) conductivity. (EEAI 10:4) PAVLOV V. - Changes in the electrocardiogram under Lhe influence of the vegetative nervous system. Izv biol zed BAN 3 no.3:39-" 159. (Mj 10:4) 1. Institut po ekspertmentalna meditsina. pri BAN (Direktor: akad. D.Orakhovats) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTONOMIC) PAVLOV, V. (Sofia) Regarding the mechanisa of the heart vagus escape. Izv biol med BAN 3 no.4:83-89 160. (EEAI 10:)) 1. Institut po fiziologiAa pri BAN (Direktor: akad. D.Drakhovats) (HFART) T V r-, X PAVIOOV. V. Urgent questions. Sov.profsotuzy 6 no.14:13-36 0 158. (KIIIA 11:12) 1. Zenestitell direktora po uchobnoy I nauchnny rabote Moskov- skogo vacherim5go m"hinostroltellnogo institata. (Techn-ical education) Obscow-Svening and continuation schools) , Sluplify the receiving of cattle. Was. ind. SSSR 29 no.1:36 15P,- (MIRA 11:3) I.Vozhegodskaya skotosyrlyevaya baza. (cattle) t.I k I( I I,, PAVLOT, V. of multiple aquatic sports events. Voen.snan.33 to.11:31-32 N 157. (MIRA 10-12) (Aquatic sports) AUTHOR: Pavlov, V., Leningrad 107-9--51/53 TITLE: The Kenotron-Panel (Panellka dlya kenotronov) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, # go p 63-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When adapting the "KBH-49" TV set to a large-screen -Kine- scope, the "5UC" kenotron will be sometimes replaced by two "-5U4C" kenotronsa, the electrodes of which will be connected in parallel. It is recommended to utilize for this purpose a re- movable attachment consisting of a textolite plate having a thickness of 2 mm with two tube-sockets for the",5U4C" kenotrons, and the socket for the"HK" tube is placed in t'he center of the plate. The article contains I figure. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 D IOLAV, L. -. ZAVIQJ&~jj..,.~ Malignant tumors of tbe naeopharynx. Khtrurglia. Sofia 9 no.c: 427-431 1956. 1. Vissh med. Inst. I.P. Pavlov--plovdiv klinika po ushni- nooni gurlent bolesti, Direktor: dots. M. Botumarov. (NASOPHARY?M. neoplasms. (BUM -Pfi V k~ e V* V /- FILIPOV, L.-. GIULEV, At.; PAVLOV, Vl. Novocaine block in otorhinolar-/ngology. DilrnLrgiia. Sofia q n~.7-9: 669-676 1956. 1. Viesh me-ditainski inatitut "I. P. Pavlov*--plovdiv katedra po oshni, noent. i gurleni bolesti Zav. katmdrata: dots. H. Botmarov. (OTORHIIULARYNOOLOGICkL DISKASES, therapy, procaine nerve block (Bul)) (PROCA1117, thmropeutic use otorhinolaryW,ol. dis., nerve block (Bul)) (,kNESTHESIA. REGIONAL, tharapmutic use, procaine nerve block in otorhinolaryngol. die. (Bul)) PAVLUV~ V.A. Hardening alloys by plastic deformation in the temperature rarige of anomalous dependence of machanicAl properties* Fit. mot. i metalloved. 16 no.1:155-158 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1, Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (Alloys-Ilardening) FAVLOV, V.A. Hardenirg, ulloys by plaotic auformation in the temparaturo range of anom&lous dependence of inechanic&l proparties. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.1:155-158 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut fiziki metal-Lov AE SSSR. (Alloys-Hardening) FAVLOV, V. 1. Pavlov, V.A. "on the respiratory prop*rtica of the blood of whitofloh", Izvostlya Vossoyuz. nauch.-issled. in-ta oz*r. I rech. ryb. khoz-va, Vol. MITI, 1949, p.227- 41, - Bibliog: 5 Items. SO: U-4-393, 19 Auguet 53, (Lotopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey', No. 22, 1049): PAVLOV, 11. A. PAVLOV, V.h. - "Ef fect of Parpntpral Injection of F,-~dication Se r1un o7 of Fenales." Nin of !lir%er Educrition "';osr-Ow Ter_,lin~,lo. . -al :ns' J! (I j, A *.e o I 7,i- C) Industr7, %loscow, 1 5r (Dissertations Fo - thr, Dp~-me of ' Sciences) 30; Knizlmaya Letapis I ':o. 2,, , J!1--ie l')--' , 'Moscow Ain nUdmt biologicheskikh nmuk. Nev methoa "cr ete-IjiLy in cows. Dokl..Aknd.sellkhor. ?2 no. B; (KLRA lc~ - 9 I . fics1covsci., t ea? iy , -int it-at =,i~ -3noy I molochnoy pr &myshlennL,- 1 ,'terlllity in w-liala) (Cows) / ,7 11. BRISNIM, N.G., akademik; PAVLOV. V.A.. kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Therapeutic serum as a biological stimulant of sexual functions in sterile covs. Yeterinartia 34 no.8:66-70 Ag 157. (KLU 10: 9 ) (Serum therapy) (Estrus) (Sterility In animals) IZBRANOV. P.D. (Sverdlovsk); PAVLOV. V.A. (Sverdlovsk); RODIGIN. N.M. (Sverdlovsk) Investigating the orientation high speeds of heating. Izv.AN no.1:109-110 Ja-F 159. (St eel -Netallography) of reer7etallization nuclei at SSSR.Ot4.tekh.nauk Ret.1 topl. 04MA 12:6) Ointal crystals) SOV/126-7-6-19/2/t AUTHORS: lzbranov, P. D. , Pavl-.ovl__-V,.A. and Rodigin, N.M. TiTLE: Some Peculiarities of the Recrystallization of Transformer Steel on Rapid Heating. 1. Dependence of Grain Size and Recrystallization Temperature on Rate of Heating PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 0, pp 915-921 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has been reported (Refs 2-6) that with electric heating the recrystallization process takes place very rapidly, e.g. in fractions of a second for cold-deformed steel heated rapidly (Refs 4-6). The object of the present work was to study this effect for transformer steel. The steel was supplied by the Verkh-Isetsl4dy Workey the composition being 0.08'/V' C, 3.911% Si, 0.15% Mn, 0.016010' S, 0.10% Cr~ The I or 0.5 t"n, thick strip was cold-rolled to 0.25 n1n), 15 x 100 min pInto tost-pieces then being cut. Rapid heating wns effected by diroct pnssnge of current iii an installation as designed by N. NJ. Rodigin (Ref's A 0.1 nim thic1c nickel-nichrome thermocouple, welded to the specimen was used to measure temperature. Provi:3ion was ,-.iade for maintaini-ng the te-iperature,ifter ranid heatin~~, Card 1/3 constant. For slow-heatin-,~ experiments, specimens were sov/i26-7-o-19/24 So,-,ie Peculiarities cof tie Recrystallization of Transfori:,er Step! oil -Rapid 1. Dependence of Grain Size nnfl Recrv,,A~tlliz.ittl 'reiriperature on Rate of 11vatilig ~,eated in an evacuated tube in an oroinarv fi-rn ce. I - 'I Micro-sectiors were prepared by electrolytic polishir,~. and electrolytic etching (Ref 15). Fig I shows t1i(, relation between mean griwin size and the logarithin )I heating rnte; micro-sections for specimens heated at C. and 42'50OC/sec are shoim in Figs 2 and 7, respect iv,~!I ~ . The relation between recrystalli7ation te:tiperature an(4. degree of deformation was also --;tudied. For this s~)eci;,;tis with 10, 29, 50, 75, 100 and 150% deformation werc- prepared, some of each group were rapidly lieated to different temperatures and the volume of the recrystcl.'Ii7ed zone determined microscopicallv (Ref Fig ~ shcvs --,Ip dependence of recrystallizatio!i '.experature,anJ I;i,,z of the difference between recrystallization te'R~)era'.~'Ie with rapid and slow heating, on degree of deformiation. The authors conclude that as the heating rate increase,;;, th& grain size falls slightly (being only lialved for a 10 -fold increase in heating rate). Recrystallization Car,I temneratures for rapid heating w-ithout soakiric arc-, higlier SO V/1 26- 7-6-19/2 4 Some Peculiarities of the Recrystallization of Transformer Steel on Rapid Heating. 1. Dependence of Grain Size and Recrystallization Temperature on Rate of Heating than for slow heating, the difference rising with increasing degree of deformation. When rapid heating is combined with soaking, the recrystallization temperature falls sharply to values lower than that obtained with slow heating. With heating rates up to about 50000C/sec the state of the material (sinall extent of relaxation preceding recrystallization and tile distribution of impurities), controlled recrystallization. There are 5 figures and 18 references, 17 of which are Soviet and I French. ASSOCIATIOM Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Metal Physics, Ac.Sc., USSR) and Sverdlovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute) SUB1,11TTED: August 6, 1958 Card 3/3 TROFIMOV, I.D.; FAVILOV, VA.; '41-OTINIKOV, S.1-1, anzn., retsen--ri, [Chain manufacturing equipment' 7f;epAelsitelln-)a o!x~rxlr, vanJe. Moskva, YlashJnos*.rnenle, 1965. 140 P, (MI:1,A 18 -3' ACC NR- AP7005134 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/04/0598/060i AUTHOR: Pavlov, V. A.; Shalayev, V. L; Shmatov, V. T. OIRG: Institute of Metal Physics, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) TITLE: Radiometallographic examination of the substructure of aluminum during creep SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 4, 1966, 598-605 TOPIC TAGS: x ray tube, x ray investigation, metal grain structure, creep / BSV x-ray tube ABSTRACT: There exists a region of deformation in which the shear mechanism of plastic deformation during creep combines with the diffusion processes of recovery, and the course of plastic deformation during the steady-state stage of creep in this region is best described by Weertman's theory (J. Appl. Phys., 1955, 26, 1213; 1957, 28, 362). According to Weert- man, during the steady-state stage of creep the nonconservative movement of dislocations at right angler, to the slip plane represents the mechanism regulating the dynamic equilibrium between the processes of hardening and recovery. 'Fhen creep is accompanied by the appearance of a substructure whose development can be experimentally traced. lience the authors, using Weertman's Ynodels as the basis, calculated and compared with experimental findings the development and behavior of elements of the substructure of individual grains of Card 1/2 73 FACC NR, AP7005134 99.99% pure Al as a function of the degree of deformation during creep. Specimens of Al were forged, rolled at room temperature, recrystallization-annealed at 500'C for I hr, and subjected to creep tests by means of uniaxial stretching at 350*C. The parameters of the grain substructure (angle a of random orientation within the grain, length L of fragment, angle cp between fragments) were determined with the aid of a BSV x-ray tube by the back- reflection method. It is thus established that the angle a of random mutual orientation of fragments linearly increases with the degree of deformation of the specimen. An analysis of the reflections (331) and (420) of the individual fragments into which the grain disintegrates in the process of creep reveals that once the steady-state stage of creep is reached (degree of deformation ~, 5%) the fragments become virtually stabilized in size; the linear increase in a occurs during the steady-state stage of creep, during which the fragments do not change in size, and is due to the increase In dislocation density. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 12. foi-mulas.1 SUB CODE: Vj 20/ SUBM DATE: 190ot6,;/ ORIG REF: OU/ OTII: 007 2/2 ACC NRj AP70U141 SOURCE CODE; uFt/oi26/66/o--2--2-/-O-0-6/-o-~OTi-fo--~~6I AUTHOR: Delousov, H.N.; Miheyeva, Yeel;ef Filippov, Yu.I.- Frizen, S.A. ORG: Institute of the Physics of Metals, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) I TITLE: Effect of plastic deformation and aging on mechanical properties of Al-~Ig alloys SOURCE: Fizika metalloy i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 6, 1966, goh-goB .0.0- A'' q-~ *I-ev CAW ----% TOPIC TAfr-5: VAAmabm92m magnesiumyalldy, lrgaa~&~" n i c a 1'4 t re at ment,! aluminum!Tlloy mechanical property, 3 corrosion resistance/, AMgll alloy ABSTRACT: A'se'ries--of specimi-ens of AMgll-aluminum-magnesium al'loy (10.7% 'nesium) mail was solution annealed at 460C for 2 hr, water quenched and subjected to thermovechanical treatment, rolled with a reduction of 20% in one pass or ,40% in two passes with reheating at 20, 100, 200, 300 or 400C, and then ?aged at 175-200C for 1-10 hr. The best combination of mechanical properties was shown by specimens rolled with 40% reduction at 200C, i_ 1/2- UDCt 669.7i5% Nki AP7002741 which bdd a tefisile- _6frength of 56-.2 or 55.5. ai~d a Tyiei~_7-sir_en'rtl~.of 11. 5. or 33.O'k&/mm2,and an elongation of 1OZ in the as-rolled or aged (1 hr at 200C) condition. Corresponding figures for the specimens rolled at 200C and aged at the same temperature for 1 hr were 51.5 kg/mm2, 31.0 kg/mm', and 10%. As a rule, aging lowered the yie 1d strength without affecting the elongation. The increase in deforistion temperature slightly lowered the hardness. Aging at 100-200C at first lowers the hardness but sub- sequently raises It, but not over the level attained by deformation. In' t, stress-corrosion tests, specimens rolled at 200C with 20% reduction. as- rolled or aged at 200C for 1, 5 or 10 hr, withbtood. 90 day tests without cracking-but-showed-some signs 6f intergrAnular corrosion. Specimens rolled with A reduction of 40% showed a susceptibility to oxfoliation. [ND1 J SUB CODE: 1j., 131 SUBM DAM 13Jun66/ ORIG REFa 005 OTH REF: 00 ATD PREGSt 5114 Card 2 L 46285-66 WT(M)/T/EWP(t ACC NR1 APS025329 Ii :- (c JD/HW/JG SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/65/020/003/'0428/0432 AUTHOR: Noskova. N. I.; Psivlov~_Y~~ A. ORG: Institute of Physics of Metals, AN SSSR (Institut fizild metalloy AN SSSR) TITLE: Stacking faults In face centered cubic crystal systems of metalis and alloys DOURCE: Mika metallov I metallovedenlye, v. 20, no. 3, 1905, 428-432 TOPIC TAGS: metal crystal, crystal lattice structure, cubic crystal. crystal lattice defect. ABSTRACT% The hardening coefficient, corresponding to the third region of the elo gation graph, was correlated with the probability of stacking faults formed in the lattice o~ 1mre metals and alloys. The hardening coefficient increased with the density of stacking &_ults.' Au A&,~u, Al NI Pt Pd, a~d homogeneous solid solutions of Au-Cu. NI-Cu, Rnd NI-Co were s~biniitWi% strong-plaAd6 deformation prior to tensile tests.' h~ den'si ty of s tacking faults was determined by x-ray diffraction and the hardening coefficient wRs derived by re- lating cross section reduction to Intrinsic stress. In metals with high density, failure occur- ed without marked local deformation and the destruction surface was located at 460 to the sample axis. At low fault densities. failure was characterized by formation of a sharply do- Aned neck, I.e. under artrung Iccal deformation. Effects of otacking faults on the hardening UDCI 539. ACC Nit, APHS69" coefficient and an the made of de9truction were related to the cWwp in the dislocation struc- ture, due to the diffored mobility of split wW of intact dislocations. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 11/ SUIBM DATEt MugG4 OIRIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 003 1 1--,Z. PAVLOV, V.A. Effect of base rotation on the deflection of a gyroscope in inertial space. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.1 prib. 8 no.3t 95-96 165. (MIRA 18-11) 1. Leningradakiy institut aviatsionnogo priborostroveniya. Rekomendovana kafedroy girookopicheakikh i stabilizi-ruyushchikh ustroyetv. -PAVLOV, V.A.; FILIPPOV, Yu.I.; FRIZEN, S.A* Hardenirg )L and B95 a-luminuss alloys by means of tbermozechan'cat-I troatment. Fis. oat. i m*talloved. 20 no.5070-774 N 165. (MIRA 18:12," 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. Submitted January 29,, 196,.5. JD/NW/W~WL) L 1422-66 ACC XR: AP3028571 SOURCE C0DV3 UR/012&/65/020/oo,5/o79q,j0q00- AVMOR: Datskos 0- L; P*VIovv V. A. 1v -'ORG::" Sitiiuts of Th ysics of Hotels M ssu (1113titut flzfti. netailov )w Sssk~ 2 't' t - laternal. friction In nidtol Mied fern:magnotle'a SOURCE" Mika aetillov i.netallovedenlye, v. 20 -e0O tic 1965, 799 '!TMC- TAGS Internal friction, nickel. alloy temperattire.dependence, ferrmagnetic material, metal xecrystallization, metallographic examination -ADSTRACT:7, For this wm*,-6 alloys were m up: 0-.02% 0.05,'--0.24, 0 5, 1.5 and ade ,-.12.92, wt Al~', -The. speclu -defaivid (about..90%) and beated at 2 ens were* plasiicaliy: -to- 70,00 erA~ure -for I ixin (h 90DOC:and held'at temp eat treatments I# ~an amealing treatme t these* I %aw done at 9DDOC for 3 hrs,(treat- '.sent ~'4). 1 *endipg' ai the* b&-at-t-=-a-tm-e-nt-7Uf -ferent magnitudes of internal friction wrW obtained'in the temperature . range 20-3000C as a result of the magnetoele3tic e1fect#'' Data were pr"Sented.illustrating the pherAmenon UDC: 539.67 cdw4 1/3 ~CarA 2/3 1F L 14992-66 ACC NA: APS028571 tions of 0.'05 and 0.24 wt % alumintn (b. C) a slight increase was noted Initial,/ but thereafter the magnetic internal friction decreased. For the 1.5 and 2.94 Wt % . concentrations (d, e) a significant increase was found. Metallographic examinations clarified the role of strweture with regard to t4e above phenomenon. The threshold recrystallization temperature and grain size wel* obtained. for each alloy and each 'beat treatment. 7be threshold recMtallizatioOtemperature increased with Increas- ' ed a.Uoy content (from 4150C for pure nickel to 6700C for 2.93% Al), while the grain size decreased for the same annealing temperature. Consequently by Increasing the aluminum content for constant annealifig temperatures a higher defeat density was postulated* This should increase the blocking tendency an the damain boundaries and Axplain the experi:mental results for the emergence and displacement of the pe&k with temperatuiv and tine, Orig. art. has,. I figure, 2 tables. SUB CODEto 11,20/ SUBN DAM 17Aug64/ ORIG REF: 001/ M REN ODD SUCHILIN'IEC,1~7~ S.I.; PODPINIARENKOY A.U.j DERYABIN, lu.A,; PAVLOV, V.A. iv-3L. A ~!l of ir-,:,n (~.-~"J~js fron Jl!.,K~rilte coricrintratf-s by rolid --E..rb-on. R-P.,3rt '140.11. !3-v.lryc.l.;..hob.zav.; A~-~rn.met. 8 no.6ilD-15 165. (MIRA 18:8) . I-allnMly- Instit.-t. SADOVSKIY, V.D.; SOKOLKOV, Ye.N.; PETROVA, S.N.; PAVLOYR V.A.; '-Y' - :...... t' '-, , , , - GAYDYKQV, M.G.; NOSKOVA, N.I.; KAGAN, D. ii-.- Effect of high t--mperature thermomechanical working on the heat-resistant properties of the KhN77TITJR alloy. Fiz. met. i metallcved. 17 no.6.-845-852 Je 164. (MIRA 17:8) .~. Inst'-tut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. N AM16468 R: UR/0146/65/008/00310Q?5/0096~ 531-396, AMHOR:'- -Pivl&v, V.' A. TITLE., n Influence.,of frame .-rotation on gyroscope drift i ertial'nediut2 SOUR In: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye v. 8, no 3 .1965, 95-96 TOPIC,TAGS-. ~gyroscbpe. N inerti.i medium, gyroscope drift, gyroscope theory agre s-with the conclusion reached by if. V. Mutenin. and ,AWTRACTv The. author dia -Ya' : L Lii6t7s the motion of a fro& gyroscope with unifora rotation of the frame' ~riboroafr6yeniye,,v. 6 no. , 1963) that in an idealj~r designed gyroscope the 5 rotation of the frame will not cause drift. He then shows analytically ttat this is posvible in an ideal gyroscope with gimbal suspension and the absence of fric-7 tiou. Orl g art. has: 1 figure and .1 f orauja. (ACI -ASSOCIATI ON- Lttingradskiy institut avistsionnogo, priborostroyeniya (Leningrad lnitit~te of Aviation1nstrumentAY .7.. 8UWTTM'. ',15jul6h ENCL: 00 SUB -CODE - ~AO. REF -SO 005 OMM: .000 -ATD PRESEN 4039 P -tip b)/T/EWA WOOM/94PW i~-.'.ACCEESSION NR: AP50OQ795 S/0126/65/019/003/0465/'O 466 _73 ..AUTHOR. 0. Ij Pavlov, V. A -C: -internal friction in nickel ITb T a i mptallov i not Ilovedon ye,.v. 19, no. 3j 1965, 465-466 TOPIC TAGS:,., nickel, internal fir,10tion etal draw tip" rt ABSTRACT: The internal friction of gu= ~~ckel'specinwens reduced 80% by drawi~~ng were measured~ wi "th, 7% of the reduction doi~e 18720,-hr's before the Trva-asinement,., ~,~;!ree rade. The heated under.onn of the three following sets of - conditions:* -4, 2 and 0. 7-2.5 ~degfmin for, a period of 5 hrs (to about 5000C) fol.- lowed by, a 25 min holding period and then heated at a rate of 2 deg/min. It 'As con- cluded that the appearance of peaks on the temperature curve of internal friction, or. recp, D and f_pure.nickel (deformed and ystallized), and the change in height, widt' temperature position are closely associated- with the decrease in the density. of 3e- iduced by plastic def-o d' relaytation and re- _-.,-fects__int,rc rmation an as the result-of ..Cry stallization. Orig-.~ art; - has, figure ..... . A lcarj 1/2, Till 'S F TE 17: 77 L 27188-65 zEo-2~EWT(d)/FSS-2/E9C(k)-2/M (v)/FRD-2/EWA(c) BC Pq -44 A95003782 BM EXPLOITATIal Pn-h/Po-h/Pe-'.'/ ev (Te or th-scry of Ahw-gyrwope and gyroscopic inatr=ents lya gireakepa i giroakcpi- cha~k:M-Pr-ib-,*i4V) 2nd ed., rev. And CnI., Leningrad, Tzd-vo *Sudostrc~P~n:Iye"., -1964jr-.-494mP -IMG,.j biblie. Errata slip inverted* 9DOO copies printodo -A 5ciefitific edit~rx Poctor of Technical Sciences So So Rivkinr Reviewersi Doctors of Techhiesl Sciences P. 1. Saydov and So F. F&r=kvv&kiy, Editcri Go P, Kvochkina; Technical editart L. fl. Shishkova; Proofrmaders. 11. P. Bu she-va, L. No Stepnova TAGG: gyrescapt, gyroseep ic compass, P.N!nee OVERAGEt- Thia book was Ant atoxtbeok for students in ended As -tedhnical educational Institutions specializing In the field of gyroacepi-c h gTi or Iiistitimeot bullding, It may be used.alse by acientlXic -paratnnal and by enlri ne6re and techulclana con arned vrith the plannIngs designing, and imeatigui-16n of mos"pla instrumento and installations, The applied theory of the gyroiscapit, the fandamentala of tho thear7 of gyroscopic iattrtments used in systems for, !,C?rd 2/3 738M5 AU3003782. N.Lt-"itabilization and-, ter the control -of moving objects, and also the principles of -,and methodic and som rument errsrs .1 building$ lWd','struotural -peculiarities, Inst eihgle-ratki~ gyroscopic. instruments are watlined, Special attention is paid to on exp6sition of,.fhe physical nature of gyrocopic phenwiena bee textbook by'the, n authorized Ste a r_--and -So _tdueitiOi 1-h-e- author expresites --and so oW=7 e ipecoiil- gra Ita a to S. S Riyklp. d -and L.4e Seversvs- TABLE CF CObVM*. Fare" rd Introduction :of the, gyraneople effect 19 'of the gyrosewpe and their &nalya is 43 Cho Cfte results of Investigating the motion of a gyrwope in a Ciird4n- suepeneida 78 Ch, M. lqua+,iono of motion of a gyroacope in a moving system of coordinates and oiid 2/3 _A~ KUSHNIR, Yu.M.; FETISOV, D.V.; DER-SHVARTS, G.V.; POCHTAREV, B.I.; TOKAMT, P.D.; RASPILTIN, K.K.; 3PEKTOR, F.U.; GUROVA, R.F.; POSTNIKOV, Ye.B.; OSIPOVP V.N.; PAVLOV, V.A.; POGUDINA, M.V. Combined scanning electron microscope and X-ray microanalyzer with magnetic electron optics. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.q: 1166-1172 S 163. (MIRA 1,j:9) (Electron microscope) (X-ray spectroscopy) AUTHOR- Pavlov, V. A. 3/123/61/000/011/024/034 A004/A101 TITLE: Synthesis elementB of small-elze gyroscope devices PERIODICAL: Referativriyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 11, 1961, 18, abstract 11D127 (V sb. "I-ya Mezhvuz nauchno-tekhn. konferentalya po probl. sovrem. girookopil". Leningrad, 1960, 26-34) TEXT: The author analyzes some problems connected with the synthesis of gyroscope devices which arise as a result of the enhanced requlrements as to thel?, accuracy with the simultaneous reduction in weight and dimensions. He emphaiiizes the necessity of obtaining new expedient calculation formulae which make it possible to determine the values of the basic structural parameters of newly designed gyroscope device in correspondence with the demands made, since the derivation of calculation formulae directly from the motion equations presents considerable difficulties owing to the great number of parameters to be determinect The author points out that the optimum relations of these parameters can be established, if the synthesis of gyroscopic systems Is approached under the aspect of ensuring their maximum accuracy. As an example the author investigates Card 1/2 69361 SOV/123-59-19-79145 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mash inos troyeniye, 1959, fir 19, p 179 (USSR) 2Q~00 2LI~L1k)0() AUTHOR: 'Pavlov, V.A. TITLE: An Efficient Rotor Shape, Stipulated by the Demands of Increased Precision for Gyroscopic Devices Cl PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-t iviats, priborostr., 1958, Nr 19, pp 3 - 17 ABSTRAM Equations are derived, connecting the geometrical dimensions of the gyroscope rotor with the precision of gyroscopic devices, It was found that the rotor has optimum dimensions when the ratio of its weight to the moment of iYLertia is the least. The formula obtained for the spherical rotor is-, ropt = 0.5 R; a 0 = 0 134 R, where r is the radius of the core cavity, a is the size of cet of 'the lateral segments, and R is the radius of the sphere. For the more convenient, in technological respect, cylindrical rotor the formula obtained is; ropt = 0.5 R; h - R, where h is the height of the cylinder and R is the radius of the rotor cylinder. 7 figures, 1 table, I reference. Card 1/1 K.G.N. 69360 SOV/123-59-19-79142 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurma-1. Mashi-nostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 19, p 179 (USSR) O'S'O 0 q. L-1 0 0 () AUTHOR: javlov, V.A. TITLE: The Effects of Nutatlon Oscillations of Cyroscopeslon Their Systcmatical Drift From the Given Direction PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr., 1958, Nr 19, pp 159 - 166 ABSTRAM If the friction in the bearings of Cardan joints is reduced, nutation oscillations begin to play an important role in the arising of' a systemati- cal drift of the gyroscope. The author gives a review on the test results obtained by a number of foreign scientists in the course of investigations of the given problem. A formula is obtained, determining tile rate of the systematic drift of the gyroscope through the parameters of nutation oscillations. B.G.G. Card 1/1 PAVWV,, V.A.; POI"-,'RKO, S.A.; KHOVANSKIY, Yu.M.; FLFAYEVA, G.I., red.; DANILOVA, V.V., red. [Stabilization of aircraft and automatic pilots] Stabili- zatsiia letatelInykh apparatov i avtopiloty. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 483 p. (VILLA 17:8) FAYLOV . V.A. Experience in using microstructural analysis in studying structurea of veined deposits in granitoids. Trudy IGEM no.41:184-188 161. (KMA 14; 8) (Kounrad region-Petrology) STOROZHUKP Ya.p., kand. tekhn. nauk; PAVLOV, V.A., inzh. Gas and fuel oil trarners with increased range of regulation. &ergomashinostroeiiie 10 no.2:20-23 F 164. (MIRA 17:0') MkRCHTK, Yu.N; MC-'fC+.IN, Yu.A. ; FAVD)V, V.A. Some proble!Ls of syntactical anaiyEis ir. *----~-'- - NT7 no.3:44-,~6 164. i_ , PAVl0T,,_YA&,h,hwzdldat tekbnlokvxkikh nauk, ds,taeut; TUNIX"OV. A.Z.. Inshoner; A.K., inshezwr; GUSHCHIU. L.M.. imbener; RIVKIM, S.S.. daktor taktiniabeskikb nauk; 80DOT, P.L.. kandidat takhnicheskM nauk dotasixt; FjUIPM, B.S., doktor tokbulchaskikh nauk, profesaor; 23~ADOV, B.L., Aoktor takhalcheakikb am*, professor; TIEEMMY, S.S., daktor takhnicheakikh nauk. professor; YRIDLINDR, GeO., doktor tokhnichookikh n", professor-, CHISTYAKOV. V.L. doktor takhnlcbesktkb nauk,.Profes- $Or. . . . I Can V.A. Pavlov's book "Aircraft gyroscope instruments* be recolmonded for use as a textbookl Priborostroanie zo.lt29-31 Ja 157. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Mlen pravlenlys Leningrail4kogo otdolonlys nauchnogo iWhenerno- takhnicheskogo obsbehestva priborostroitallnoy pronyablennosti (for Tunlmnov). 2. Chlen pravlonlya Veesoyusnogo nauchnogo imbenerno.- tekbuicheskogo obahchestva prlboroBtrplte~'=7 prouyshlennosti (for Gushchina) 3. Moskovskoye Tyesheye takhnichei5koys uchillahche immul Akipsm Tikhmenev). 4. Moskovskiy avlatsionnyy institut . (for P *ellp9r, ' ' * ineni Berge Ordshonilcidse (fwr-Wabov). 5. Voyenno-vosadushnaya In- shenerwWa skadenlya iment N.Te. Zhukovskogo (for Chistykov) (Gyroscope)