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kUTHOR& N - .andidQte of Technical 105-56-6-19/33
TITLEs Using Natural Grounding for Machines (1zpol'zovaniye yestest-
vennogo zazemleniya mashin)
FERIODICALs Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 6, pp. 74-77 (USSR)
ABSTRACT% The resistance of a round plate testing on the surface of the
ground against deliquescence is determined according to formu-
la (1), This, However, does not consider the specific pressure
on the plate nor the completeness of the contact of the plane
with the ground, In order to investigate the dependence of the
resistance of the plate against deliquescence on theEpecific
pressure on the plate, corresponding experiments were made. A
10 x 10 cm, metal plate was used. Different weights were put on
it. According to the eyperiments the following facts were sta-
teds 1) In order to ground movable machines it is sufficient to
confine to their natural grounding which is caused by the re-
sting surface of the machine on the ground. In t1is case a pro-
tective switch (in the form of a protection against single-
-phase grounding) is necessary in order to guarantee safety, and
Card 1/2 the amperage of the single-phee grounding must not exceed the
Using Natural Grounding for Machines 105-58-6-19/35
values determined by the curves I admissible grounding current
. f(t), 2) In order to decrease the amperage of the single-
-phase grounding a compensation of capacitive currents or a di-
vision of the electric net should be used. The use of oompen-
sation renders the arrangement a little more complicated but
makes it possible to confine to the natural grounding of the
machine. 3) The predeterciinations that were made in the coal.
ground sections of the "Korkinugoll " truat (Kombinat "Chelya-
binskugoll ") showed that in thij3 case besides the increase of
electric safety an economic advantage is reached. The installa-
tion and performance of groundings for excavators are simpli-
fied and thenumber of breakdowns is decreased. There are 4 fi-
gures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATIONs Koskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (moscow Institute for
Power Engineering)
SUBMITTED: November 18, 1957
1. Machines--Electrical factors 2. Electric circuits--Perfo-manc,~_-
Card 2/2
14-2-2-9 / 17
AUIUOR: Pavlov,-N- (Candidate of Technical Sciences)
TITLE: On the selection of neutral conditions for transformer.; (K voprosu
o vybore rezhima neytrah transformatorov)
PIULIODICAL: Promyshlerinaya Energetika, 1958, Vol.13. No.2. pp.34-35
iOSTILICT: This is a further letter to the editor, discussing articles by
Manoylov, Glazenap & Grigor'ev and by E.F. Tsapeako, and stating
that the optimum condition in the neutral tins been lliacu3sed for
many years, but no single answer can be given to the question,
because each case differs. Reference is made to German practice.
The author does not agree with the circuits suggested in the articles.
There is 1 literature reference (German)
AVAIIABLE: Library of Conc-res
1. Power transfomers-Installations
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Pavlov, 11, IN, , Candiaate of Techraical Scier-ce
TITLE Gaps (0 probivnykh predokr,.ranif.,?1.-
PERIODICAL, 11'romyshlennaya. Energetika. 1958,N113' 8, PP 8-10 031'~)R)
ABSTRACT: There are various viays in which hi,,h volta,,e Fm-,. -,C) le to
be applied to voltaL-~,e circuit, The extel't ~~c
which this is dan6erous depends on whether The neutr,,! of
the medium voltage circuit is earthed or not, If the
neutral is earthed, the danger is not very great, If th-
neutral is insulated special protecting earthlnp~ are
installed in the transforiaer neutral with an indicator as
shovna in Fi6.1.. The technical conditions that are supposed
to apply to these protective gaps are stated, For exam-Dle,
if the rated voltage is 300 V the breakdown voltage of the
protective device should be between 351 and 500 V and it
should allow 200 A to pass for 30 minutes without
It has been observed that these protective devices are
often badly maintained, Because of failure of th-0 '.1evices,
systems that should be working with insulated neut-r--.1 are
often in fact working,- with earthed neutral. whi&. c:,n be
very dangerous The circuit for checking the ccii-ii7ions
Card 1/3 of these protective devices illustrated in Fi~,.l
Protective NarthinF, Gapo SOV/9/1 _ 58_j, _ 7./;J,?
two voltmeters which sliould both give the s L:ie rea
if the device is not conductin~~. In fact, because of
leakage currents false readinSs are often obtained,
Tests were made in the Laboratories of -the Moscow Power
Institute (Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut) with the
participation of B,, Bazelyan, S, Kulakova aud C,'111djL1Nt~)
of Technical Science Yc Ya. Ryabkova to detcrinino the
characteristics of protective earthinE Eup type PF-5--A,
Tests were made to determine the breakdo-.,,,-n voitat;e under
50 cls and impulse stress and also to dete~-iaine t'llae current
that caused vie1jing between the plates of the device.. This
particular device consists of an air Sap formed by placinS
a perforated mica liner between two electrodes, Te-,;,L,;
were made on ten sa~aples of the device for a rated v_-1-,,aEe
of 350 V and breakdown voltage results are given ii-,
T~ibles 1 aiid 2. The breakdown voltaEe 16y bet-~,.leen 600
and 800 V on impulse test and 380 to 400 V at 50 (:Is. It
was found tha'~ welding occurB immediately after opi.,ration
with a current of only 1A, WeldintL is caused b~, po,.~er
frequency current and not by impulse alone. It is obvi''Dus
Card 213 frora this result -that protective earthin6 6ar. ',,Yr)o PF~*,A is
Protective Earthin.~ Gaps S.-VIC14-:-~1~-7"
quite uafit fo-, use L;n,! must be replaced. A
available lo:". voltae dischargers were '0--.-teti -u. if
they could be ,jseci for this purToEe jDc3jjd:!:_
types of carbon dischareers and gar, filled
dischargers, det&ils of k,.,hich are t,iven in 'T.ble
performance characteristics in Figs. 2 bind 5
the disc~iargers was entirely satilsfactory but Ej:1e of
them may be used under particular conditioiE. The
filled barium. dischar '-eers have sbtisfictui-y 011~-~ct,,ic~
characteristics but ina-dequate raechaniczl An
editorial note su,,6ests th!it Lhe Moscuv.-
Works should do -.o-aet!,.in.: about this
There are ~ fiGures rind 5 tables,
ASSOCIATION: Moskov,~~'Kly ener~-Ietiche~~kiy in!,.tibut (Mor-ccv, Pc.-~i
lard 3/3
/Pk-4 M/OG
tWT(OVEEP4/EWP(1) Pq-4/Pg-4
. .............
AOMMON M 1950005e0
6 B038
SOME I Ref. zh. A,,jrtomat., telemokh. i vyablel. tekhn. Sv. t., Abs. 9B220
-Pavlov, N~ N
d-(---- t
TITLE: EliNtents-- intended- for -modium;4dgh,-; poe
UP 0 150 k6) deltal computers
elementy tsirr. Vchisl mashin malo
bystrodepi;i~a..KiYev, 1964, 5-25 go i ared:n.
gital. computer, zedi'm high speed compaterl
_Mne_~',Dnipro computer
MMULTIONI.- Elanei-its have (for t6~"_Dnipro" control ma wbich
bee developed,-
have,the sAaze::jjjjmt jjjj&.putput~ p-
arameters,as those of P16B typical elements used
1A the' hins
-less- 101HUCal and cheaper P16 transistors.-The
but VUch employ
elements o
yperatO reliably and preserve tl-eir electric Parameters within 0.2e5O-
-ion i Thi)
i 04ply-Voltne7varlat -Of-- * 10%
ellazjenu~ used ated. ktA_
--in the-typical unitsae6 tab~l gger unit comprinos'tbe_
gger proper~- out inverters, iVut dOlAY liAeso and an input logical circuit
tr3 plat
designed Vith AND, OR gates which starts the triggej,. structural and principal
diagrams of the trigger unit are given. Its advantage lies in the absence of the
1classical counter input which cannot ensure high reliability. The delay line. is
lUd atihj 7Lh t- of
jocluded",bor a a- ambigui y- operation, -which'considerably enhmicas
the -tri
gget.reliability not only at it5 c ounter input but also-in the shift.-registm
and 'hader circuits. The unit is based on the saturated trigger vh1ch has a Ugtier
statio-reliability and a higher noise immunity than the unsaturated one. For I ank
-of--suitable -industrial models of miniature delay lines, a 2-section delay 1.1ne was
developed. Each section is actually a T-filter with an autotransformer coup:LiAg
between*tlie,inductances of its armal the filter is designed with 10007x4x2 im
ferrite'00 g
res (6 turns). A saturated-inverter is used as an Isolator in the trig er
-unit,16- impr9ya the. output-voltage parametera ~of the, trigger unit, an additioiwl source and a diode 1M-rcutoff are used. Principal parameters and
typical characteristics of the.trigger unit are given. Amplifier units are us(xi
in. the- digital, computer for sigma restoration and for ensuring the specifi(d
branchingi Two, types of such amplifier units were developed-. the potential typo,
ng 0. 5- 1.
for amplifying long-duration signals and the pulse ty for amplA
microsecslgnala. tructural and principal diagrams 50the potentialunit are
'its operation described, and its principal parameters specified. Wo types
of the pulse-amplifier differ by their output power; each comprises an input
logical circuit'and an ampll*ing stage. Principal diagram of the amplifier
unito.are given, as is the diagram of two interconnected diodei-transforder trurkal
principal parameters of single- and tvo-stata pulse ampWieras their amplitud4t
Card 213
ACCESSION NR* -AP5014529 UR/0069/65/027/003/0441/0445
AUTHOR.- Slyusarskiy, L. K.,,- Pavlov, N, N.; Dogadkin B. A.
TITLE:' Some aspects.0 a izat
f sulfur Vul nization in the presence of dicumyl pc
-3, 1965, 441 445
ASCURCEs Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 27, no.
Ai pe- oxid- --6u!f ur di ph enyl
4kds.-_. rubber- xtures-rubber-propertyi- cu*l r e
--guan dine
ABSTRACT, -The vulcanization of.polyisoprene-rubber in-the presence of diduayl per-o'.
xi and. diphery1guanidine was studied in.n~onplgmented stocks. The f orim-a-
tiim .__ of cross-links was determined from data on sweWng of the vulcanizates in ben'
zen.e_. The number.- of cross-links was calculated by mans of nomograms. Dicurwil per-~
oxide joins sulfur to the the form of groups of various structures. At
the. ratio, 1,g-at S:l nol dicumyl peroxide, the vulcanizat es contain strong carbon-
carbon, and,monosu2fide bonds as well as polysulfide bonds. Sulfur in the stock has
.!-no effect on the de-composition of dicumyl peroxidei The effectiveness'of the cross-
i'linking of rubber by dicumyl peroxide in the presence of sulfur decreases, apparent-
ly because of the formation of intramolecular cyclic sulfides and because of pix)cest'-
Kinetics of svel-ling of SKS-30-1 latex films. Kol2. zhur. 20"
no.0692-696 N-D 161, (MIRA 18t!)
1. Moskavskiy tekhnologicheskiy Inntitut legkoy prompOLIfinno.3ti.
-X.A-, V, N.N., kand.tekhn.nauk
Logical elenents of digital conp~tere equipped with saignetto-
electrics. Avtom.1 prib. no-4:26-28 O-D 162. (tun 16.. 1)
1. Institut kibernetiki 4 UkrSSR.
(Eli,etronic digital computers)
FAUN,, 1U., keW,tekhn,nauk
F20 and M switch-type transistors. 1vtom.i prib. no.1.35-36
Ja-Mr 163. (MEU 16 -.3)
1, Institut kibernetiki All UkrSSRe
TITLE: Investigatio of the physical and mechanical properties of metal,,22-mder
n -
a6d rolledrowder a
SbYJRCE.- Le& Politekhnichesk!j institui, -Trudy*, no. 238, 1964.
Obrabotkametallov davlentyem (Metalworking by pressure), 25-33
--granular mat rial, flow i-ate, compactibility,, mechanical
o ert
-TOPIC..T-AG-S.: e
in rate,~ powder strip,1: orifice dia 'meter
a er
A33STRACT: The author discusses the weight of 1 cubic meter of dry granular
material, the flow rate, CompaCtibility, mechanical properties and the rate of
sintering'gf powder strip. All Investigations were conducted with the assistance
.'of osedkova V. - S. -1-:Tyntarev~~, A, M. Nakon6pi'mayal A. E. The weig) it of one
a la -mOte rial: was dete rmined 'froiyi--'-
ubi meter. of dr'.y' granur
C ESSION: NR:'AT4047712
A, wheie'P' is tht'weightof metal powder in gm cm3, P, - the weight of the empty
gin the weig
vessel,. in V
hi of a powder-filled essel in gm; P3 - tho weight
of'powder, in gm;' V - the volume of the inner plane of the vessel in cm3. The
optimal-height of charging lies between 60 and 70 mm. A vessel whose Id and
height areequdl provided a more uniform filling because of the minimurn ratio of
the internal surface to volume. A vessel volume of 10 or
0 cm3 i a recommended f
-"~-Fe* KI ~+ MO (Si, W, Ti, Fe, Al) and other powders. Fine powders with a devel-
~'Oped specific surface are characteriied by- a lower flow rate -than coarser grains.
The prebence.of 'an oxide film enhances.,-the flow-rate lowering the surface friction
1: coefficient. Sine-e-the -dilamet e-r-o'-f the orifice through which the powders flow has
a-decidivo-effe-Ict, a given characteristic of the flow rate cannot be accepted as
-universal and, -therefore, the author suggests further study of this coefficient.
The volume of the powder being pressed greatly affects -quality and should be
considered along with the effect of specific pressure, the properties of the initial
powder,: specific pressing, rate and the sIze of the specimens. The most sensi-
._#ve characteristic of the mechanical properties was found to be the shear stress.
The, green specimen's were tested by uniaxial tensile stms. The decrease in the
I Card
Effect of temperature on the parameters of surface recombination centers
in germanium. Fiz. tver. tela 3 no. 3:832-840 ktr 161.
(MIRA 14:5)
lo Fizicheskiy institut imeni. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSSR, Moskva.
(Crystal lattices) (Germanium)
PAVLOV, N.M., inzh..
Shortcomings of the standard designs of the electrical equl~praent j~f
dwellini,5 and public buildinps. Prom. energ. 17 no.3:48-,rc Mr
162. MiIA 15:2)
(Electric wiring, Interior)
PAVLOV, N.H., prof. (Stavropol, SSSR)
Conditions of the aqueous humor in patients with glaucoma in
various stages of disease, Khirurgiia 15 no.5/6:437-40 '62.
Synthotic polyester fiber terylene. Kauch.i rez.16 no.9:36-39
S '57. (MIRA 10:12)
PAVLOV N.N. In2h.: KHALIFIN, V.N., inzh.
Automation and oechanization at a spinning and weaving factory.
Mekh.i avtom.proiz. 14 no.6:12-18 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7)
(Textile industry--Technical innovations)
AID P - 277
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1
Authors Shreyner, L. A. and Pavlov, N. N.
Title Mechanism of destruction of hard rocks and new types
of cutter drills
Periodical Neft. Khoz., V. 32, #4, 9-15, Ap 1954
Abstract The author discusses the mechanism of destruction of
soft and hard rocks in relation to the contact surface,
specific pressure of cutter drills and velocity of
drilling. The following characters of destruction are
considered: (1) Surface destruction, (2) fatigue des-
truction and t3) normal (volumetric) destruction. The
operation of a new type of cutter drill with semi-
spheric teeth is described and Illustrated with test
data. 2 tables, 7 charts, 7 references 2 Russian,
Institution None
Submitted No date
ALTHORS: Pavlov -fan, i na'~ iy~t. Ye - Yr% P. Y.
TITLE: -T~5eUse of Strain GauCes for Dr;eqti._ratf-.or, tne Be.-
ha,45Dur a-LO Cord 71hreads at Hi6h Rates of Ei-J.-terision
(Primenpriiye tenzodat'-.111cov dlya issledovanlya po,'e-
deniya kordny'kh nitey pri bol;shilch s~-orosty,ir-. r,,~i*,'-i-
PERIODICAL: Kau~-.-hulc I Rezina, 1956, Nr 9, pp 12 - 16 (USSTI)
ABSTRACT- The streri,~th and durability of tyre cord material is
assessed by repeated extension tests. The strenfZt'-1
of the -niividual c!crds is measured by sullen -a
of a load, 9~nd the en~r,-y of rupture by loss c--f pDtent1---"
enerCy of a penduluin. I n Or der 'I-, o kn 0,-~i t I i ~, 1, r z ~2 (- ',, : 1~ r'7L .,- t e 1,
of the material on rupture at -fariou3 r4tes cf loadl-lc'
it Is necessary to obtain load/extension ;t3 well
to know the total enerC;y. FIE - 1111 u s t ra~ t e sp . s s i, 1 e
:;urves for different rates of loadint on si::,il:~r
mens~ The authors describe apparatus --.onstruzted at
NIIShP (National institute for Tyre Produ!-I.-I-1-n) ned
to -1ve load/exte sion curves for threads a'
theL'rate of 1.5 Vsec,~nd- At thisrate, 1ur:Lt-*,cn'
of the test to rupture of the specimen is ffrc,,--, ::~e
Card 1 4 dredth to one fiftieth of a second. Thq III!,-
SOV/13 9- ~ F,, . c- - - 1/11
The Use of Strain Gaures for Investi~-ation of the Be~iavlour r-4
Threads at High Rates of Extension
ox~ the appar:%'us, loadin,~ t-e specimen. Is deo-rl'-ed in
.L 11 .1 - -
'Ref-3 (Zh'-.,,rnal Tekh. F:Iz, P-5. se~~t-6, 9335. (IP53).
Mea3urement of t1ne foroe actin,, on the thr-?~il 7~s it is
loaded Is made by means of the steel be,,~m depicted In
P1L".3 Dofleotion cf tho beam Is ineaSUM-1 by four 3trt,'n
Eaur,e.-3 1.--~nderl to It, The basic circuit d~a-ram for t.
str,--Ain r-~IU~-e eDnne-Iticns is 3hown In Flr-.-q-
hO',7e.-er. is fed with an a.c. crixrier frequen-y of 55000
cycleshecond to permit amplification o-L-' current. flovi..
In the det.e,~tor circuit throu~rh untalarir~E.- of L~-,e brid-
on ioadiriL the beam whic-n changes the resist-ikn,---e of t~~,a
, au,,., e sThe detector is des,,rlbel as a
top and bottom -
mar,netc---ole t,, trio osoillograph, Type M:K-22. Ti, 1. -3 j) r o
ducess~ trace at a natural vibration frejuen,--y of 3000
cycle second which can be recorded directly -.nto 75.-.
film with a sensitivity cf 1 mm/ma. or into a 3,reen
,71th a sensitivity of 4 mm/ma. The mo*~ement cf tne
trace is of the order of I mm for 100 g loac! '-~i tl-_e "I
beam. The beam deflects 1.2 to 1.4 hundredllis of a
Card 2/4 millimeter aL t-e mcment ~if rupture c-f t1-1e ~'
S OV/l 3 9
The Use of Strain Gaures for Investiration the
k~ - - -our c-f ."'ord
Threads at High Rates of Extension
according to the speed of deformation. Deflection, or
extension of the thread is measured by a separate,
rheostatic, gauLe system. (Indicated by part 5 in the
general schematic illustration of the whole system In
Pi'-.7). Calibration curves for the latCe system measi-,r-
inLl:y, forcep and the (,auLe system measurinE deflection,
are shown in Fj"s. 5 and 6 respectively. The two InF_~a3iLjr_
inLP, systems combine to produce a trace on x -- y axes
as shown in Fif-.9. A time scale trace is superimposed.
Interpretations of traces talcen at rates of deflection
varyinE from .005 m/second to 1.5 m/second ri-.,e load./
extension curies as in Fi,~.10 for standard nyi~n cord
material, Fig-11 for nylon after boil in water for three
hours (curve 1 unboiled, curves II and III boiled), or
FiC.12 for "imported" Terylene. Good reproducability is
obtained with the apparatus, with respect to both for2e
and deflection measurements, not more than 4% departure
from averalre measurempnt occurred in tests with 25 .. 30
similar specimens. The curves indicate that increasiriL
rates of deflection lead to a sharp decrease in t" ,e ex-
tension at rapture. ChanLes in the modulus of the
Card 3/4 materiil with respect to rate of deflecLion must 'ne
The Use of Strain Gauges for Investigation of the Behavlour of 'V'ord
Threads at Hlgh Rates of Extension
attributed to relaxation processes. A table is 'Iv e n
relatiri:~ the energy of rupture for nylon ('~- -a-L) r0ni ard
Terylene to rates of deflection from 0.041 t~) 1.5
It is stated that the apparatus pan give rea-dable tr-ic-s
at ra-"-es of deflection up to 5 T/secorid. TIc!re are
FlLures ind 1 Table, 12 Referenzest. 6 EnLlisi-j. 1 Ger,--4---
and 5 SI-viet.
ASSOCIA,TION:Nauchno-issledovate'L7skiy institut shinnny promir"bn--
nosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Tyre Indust
Card 4/4
PAVLOV, N. N., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Modification of polyali,ide
film coatings applicable in the production of leather with the use
of compounds of trivallent chromium. "Moscow, 1960. 15 PP;
of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Inot of
Fine Chemical Technology im M. V. Lomonosov); 150 coDies; nrice not
given; (n, 52-60, 121)
DOGADKIN, B.A,j PAVLOV, N.N.; Prini-la uchantiye: RUMYANTSEVA, F.A.
Spectral atudy of the vulcanization of rubber. Vysokom.soed. 3
no.4:613-617 Ap 161. (KMA 14:4)
1. Movkovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni M.V.
AUTHORS: Dogadkin, B. A. and Pavlov, N. N.
TITLE: Thermal decomposition of diphenyl guanidine and its
interaction with sulfur at vulcanization temperature
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 13B, no. 5, 1961 , 1111-1114
TEXT: Although diphenyl guanidine (DPG) is one of the most used accelera-
tors of vulcanization guaranteeing high dynamic properties of the
vulcanizates, its meohanism so far has not been explained. The
therefore stuaied its thermql de-omp,-siticr at ~-ulcaniZation tefripe.'atdre.13,
and its reaotrr. wish 3ulfur. -'A' D~--om~,os,.ttcn of DPG in the
Publications re-ea! ti~a! ammcnia ,s iiberated by neating DPG at 140'~C in
argon atmosphere, arid that ar,.'~ne, tetraphenj,2 melamine, and small
amounts of tripher.y' i:~-irlt-amile ar-~, The sepuralion of ammo-ia
is noticeable at vulc~.ni2ation temperature (136cC) and its rate remains
constant up to 145'~C Within rh~' of 157-1800C, thi.,j procesn io
expressed by a reaction equation ,f the first order. The apparent energy
of activation of ammonia formation at these three temperatures is 25-7kcal.
Card 1/4
Thermal decomposition of dipnehyi_ B103/B215
These data show that within 30 min approximately 50 % of the used DPG
decompose at 1400C. During the vulcanization of natural rubber
(Wistinghausen, Ref. 2: Kautschuk, 5. 57, 75 (1929)), the DPG loss was
40 % after 30 min, and approximately 50 % after 90 min. The zinc oxide
in the system considerably affected the rate of DPG consumption. (B)
Decomposition of DPG in solution. High-boiling hydrocarbons with different
dipole moments were used as solvents: naphthal.ene 0, xylene 0,62. iso-
propyl benzene 0.65, glycerin 2.96. ~he kinetic curves of ammonia forma-
tion in melt and solution,at 1400C within 5-6 hr have a similar character.
In the initial stage, the individual solvents showed hardly any differ-
ences in the rate of ammonia formation, The authors consider this to be an
indirect proof of the possible decomposition of DPG following the
homolytic mechanism. Furthermore, they assume that no interaction takes
place between DPG and the Intermediates of its decomposition on the one
hand, and polymer molecules on the other. The amounts of ammonia formed
by the DPG decomposition in rubber-xylene solution and in the solution of
DPG and pure xylene are approximately equal. Measurements of viscosity
showed that longer heating of rubber solutions in DPG at 1400C did not
change the structure of the polymer. (C) Interaction of DPG with sulfur.
Card 2/4
Thermal decomposition of diphe_~Y'I.' B103/B215
The reaction was conducted in o-xylene at a ratio DPG :sulfur =1 :0.2",~ to
1 :4. Resinous, nonvolatile products were formed, and H 2 S was liberated.
The rate of this -process is only constant at a mclar ratio of DPG :S.
The reduction of the S --cri-entrat-.on down to 0.25-0.~ mcles init.,uted ar.
induction period. An increase in the S concentration of' lip to 4
causes considerable changes in the kinetic curve of H 2S formation. The
authors assume a relation between the two latter phenomena and the
formation of C 13H 13N3*H2S salt complexes if the initial stage of the
reaction in the system shows an excess of undecomposed DPG. The equi-
librium of formation and decomDosition reactions of the co=lex is
shifted towards higher yields of liberated H 2 S with increasing sulfur
concentration. Two m,-les of DPG qre -ised fcr the formaticn of on,: mole of
H2S. Nonvolatile r-?'A-tion ~rud,,-.q .%ere '!nromu*ograpIIl,-iI'.y qeprirat~?d cn
aluminum oyide, ard, -ifter ptAri.`i,at:on, individual fr~iotians were
spectros,?opically examinpi in In- infr-,'.red and ultravc~_'P', ranges. Tne
evaluation of infrared si-e-lr~ i.-- oDmew~~il- Jiff, ill Ultra,,ioiel spectra
indicate the preser.:e I-f s-Afur-c-critaining grcups in the substan-es
Card 3/4
S/020/61'/1 ~8/0051/0 1 -1-~02~[;
Thermal decomTosl ton ~-,f a4pneny- 3!C- /B?'~'
obtained. The curves are smilar tc those obtained for loz-molecular
linear sulfides. Clear absorption maxima in the range of 300-380 M~' are
probably characteristic of linear polysulfides with 2-') sulfur atoms. The
bands at 1480-1490 cm- 1 in infrared spectra, and those at 590-620 mp in
ultraviolet spectra, are assumed to belong to the C -S group. Absorption_
at 1335-1355 cm-' is probably due to C,HNH Absorption at 1480-1490 cm
0 , 2'
and 590-620 mp corresponds to the thloketo group, The authors therefore
assume that an interaction of H2S with the DPG molecule causing the forma-
tion of a thiourea derivative takes place besides the decomposition of DPG
and the formation of polysulfides. The formation of the Jerivative may be
repreaented in a similar way as the interaction of guanidine with water.
There are 4 figures and 2 non-Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im.
M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical
Technology imeni M- V. Lomonosov)
PRESENTED: January 28, 1961, by A~ A. Balandin, Academician
SUBMITTED: January 26, 1961
Card 4/4
B101/ii 10
AUTHORS: Dogadkin, B. A., Pavlov, N. N.
TITLE. Study of vulcanization in the presence of diphenyl guanid-,.,-;~,
II. Thermal decomposition of diphenyl guanidine and its
interaction with sulfur at vulcanization temperature
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye aoyedineniya, v. 4, no. 1, 1962, 52-57
TEXT: The authors studied the formation kinetics of NH 3 during thermal
decomposition of the vulcanization accelerator. diphenyl guanidine (DPG),
the effect of dipole moments of solvents on the kinetics, and the :reaction
of DPG with S at 1400C. Tetraphenil melamine, aniline, triphenyl di-
carbamide, and NH39starting at 136 C, were obtained after 5-6 hr decompcsi-
tion of DPG in the melt in an argon atmosphere. NH3 forms at a constant
rate at 136 and 1450C. Between 157 and 1600C, this process follows a
first-order equation. The activation energy is 25.7 kcal/mole. Pure D11G
loses about 50% of its weight after 300 min heating at 1400C. Decomposi-
tion of DPG dissolved in naphthalene, xylene, isopropyl benzene, or
glycerin at 1400C in an argon stream (5-6 hr) showed that the NH 3 forma-
S/19 62/004/001/008/0,'0
Study of vulcanization in B10i YBIIO
tion was not affected by the dipole moment of the solvent,, but had the
same course as in the welt. The amount of NH3 formed during decotapoeition
of DPG in a xylene solution of rubber was the same as without rubber
addition, and the viscosity of the rubber solution remained constant.
Hence, DPG and its decomposition products do not react with rubber
molecules, DPG and 3 reacted in o-xylene at various DPG i 3 ratios and
in the presence of atearic acid (SA) (Fig. 3). The induction period
observed with a low S content is explained by formation of C 13R1.3 'N,-HIS.
rhe formation of larger amounts of H2S in the presence of SA is duc
the pH change. 2 molea of DPG are used to obtain 1 mole H S Nonvolat'.'~_-
Al 0 cclumn-
decomposition products were chromatographically separated f "2 1
and their IR and UV spectra were taken and interpreted as follows Ihe
absorption band 300-360 mA corresponds to polysulfides R-S _R
2-5)'i the 1335-1355 cm I band is probably due to aniline, The
1480-1490 ='I and 590-620 mg bands correspond to the thioketo grcuT
Hence, DPG is assumed to react with S under formation of dipheny! thiou-=,
There are 4 figures~ I table, and 9 references. 3 Soviet and 6 non Sovie%
The two references to English-language publications read as follows.
W I. Hickinbottom. ~ Chem- Soc., '952~ 2646; 19341 1981; '935 1`7~; H
Card 2
Study of vulcanization in ... B101/B110
B. Adams, B. L. Johnaon$ Industr. and Engng. Chem., A5.$ 1539, 1953.
ASSOCIATION: lookovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im.
H. V. Lononotova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical
Technology Ineni He Ve Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: January 270 ig6i
Fig. 3. Effect of the ratio DPO : 6 and the presence of SA on the formatibn
of H2S in O-Xylene at *PC- (i) I : 11 (2) 2 : 11 (3) 1 : 4; (4) 1 : 0.25
(5) 1 : I + I Dole of SAI (6) 1 : I + 3 moles of BA.
Legend: Abscissa: tineg hrl ordinate: C H2S .102 g/liter.
NYURENBERG, Vladimir Arkadlyevich,P , otv. red.;
KONDMAT I YEVA . V. P. , r6T7,P"MT?MKC7:1;' VL A. , tekhn. red.
(Technological control In sound brondcasting] Tekhnicheskii
kontroll v zvukovom veshchanii. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963.
119 P. (Wire broadcasting) (MRA 16:8)
(Sound-Recording and reproduction)
Artificial carbocylate leather. Kozh.-obuv. prom. 6
no.2:32-34 F164. (MIRA 17:5)
Effect of cumenyl peroxide on the properties of sul-fur
vulcanizates based on polyisoprene rubber SKI-3. Koll.
zhur. 26 no.4:431-435 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova
i Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti,
Uve of modified polyamides for the finishing of artificial
leather based on rubber. Kozb.-obuv. prom. 6 no.5:31-34
My 164. (YJRA 27:12)
PIA3' -)PT A 1'~
' ALL NO. Av6;r"--
Auilhors: 'j '7 3...
Title: NT C"Jj"s ^,71-
Tr--ri-,Ilferptal Title: )r,),,Ftnykh ~,Plkov n) -metoriu
J30r)tVAtStvet;r. )y Ty)jo~.y
'~`uf;c: StFt-1 3cl-ti-rir vnl Teclnl~ul
Litnrp.tiire in For-oiiq r--n!
Date: of
71!11toripl 3tpf-r
'A --' t o r :3" M"'-V, -- 3. -rif. T
A. 3. Fn'! ve f-uk
Tec n~rEl E 4 t.),.F,:
-"ho b-)01- 15 j1po , F, t ~', t erh1jol- qt of
mills rn-4 for gralwtn qtii!,,nt.~ In
'!-vera~c: This ~,jok roll loslfn ~n
of Prof. A. T. Golo-,-In qc~t In
.111, Gr oovinF-). Acc^,--"r,.-? t
lol-)v~n su~?.7ests F, rew Pril )r' ~i.- 1 -3'hoi of Cpi-ul-c in.-.-
7plibrovka no A'D :- ql-'
igo,jtvetst*v8nn1Y 'r,1109,v
F,ro-;v:n~~ of -o'ls ly un.ri,7 tp-n of (t-m!,;PIpnt- Fre-
In this -ret', 0~, , P br - of' P f-' v-n -ecti in v n' with F rpc tr 1~gu 1
cross-sectlon Fro celled i-,,jii1vv-1erA t1hoir ~revs PiO tn(i rttl-)
lotweon 'In beilc dtm(,n-',)nF of t),olr rrois scictlin vr- -qiit 1 .F.)r
Tweet se cp loW v t I on i t vo-) - noc ~,ipp ry t -, d etc-m I. tin 7 )r rect 1,)n fee I
by -le-ns of ny or1riorit , ts1,lmf.~ Int , -qr-)unt tho i'foct of tl,o -1
of gr)(vieg in 0-F3 wilnniti,- of the -)'Ll(rl be,-. Tl,o widonin-- It, -r-
culp.ted ~y usim, the 'ormulp of S. I. '110~kjn (T -)rlya A-abotki
metalle Apvlaniyem 'kTl,piry of Pressure Metal Workim_,), Metallur~--
izl%lt, 19Y.7). 1, r)nfo-mlty wit), tho romilt.ft ()f oxno-i-
mntits In leb-)rvto I- -illInc- mills. Tl-.n
_o -01~o4s of -p'(7ulp'Ine roll -%,-snpq of" W st rn r.1 ntI-.t-.,
Tafel, G~,u2e X-r-'1jerg, v- olsointp. llren,~r,-Ilzat?ons 'uIT.
,-e e--eri n
V incp of' S-ie' rollin.-: mills are -pie, rnsult- f
-~,W p 9
ca'culeti-)n, err! nlip b-)-,w b'o
I-To. of Peferpncc,~: 11 Rugslan (192c~-lQ5r,)
PvcIlItIns: 1,4m!n--P~4 P61yte(-1-nir 3-ho !I im. M. 1. KE-11nin; P11".
etv-1 D -T)~-rtmpn' Lenint?r,-! -1pn' q, p~~.rl v the Kir.)-.-
PlF nt .
SOV/114-58- I -I Z55
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 156 (U.SSR)
AUTHOR: Pavlov, IN. N.
TITLE- Calculation of the Rolling Pressures Occurring in the Grookled
Passes of a Merchant Mill (Raschet davleniy pri prokatke v
kalibrakh sortovykh stanov)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Nr 185, pp 109-118
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry
Card 1/1
SOV./l 24 - 58 Z
Translation from: Referativnyy ZhUrnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr 2, p 92 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Bogoyavlenskiy, K. N. , Pavlov, N. N
TITLE: Roll Pressures Arising -in7tZ-MMM2g-6-F-C-0-pper and Its Alloys
(Davleniye na valki pri prokatke medi i yeye splavov)
PERIODICAL: Tr Leningr. politekhn. in-ta. , 1956, Nr 185, pp 1Z 3- 1Z8
ABSTRACT: Tests have yielded data on the specific pressures arising in
the rolling of copper and its alloys, also data on the rolling
temperature from pass to pass.
Reviewer's name n(;t gs en
Card 1/1
SKIRHOV, V.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk,; PAVLOV, K.N.. red.
(Conference of institutions for higher education on the topic:
ORecent achievements in metal rolling.*] Trudy Kezhvuzovskot
nauchno-tekhnicheakoi konferenteii us temu- "Sovremennys
dostitheniia proketnogo proizvodetva.0 Pod red. V.S.Smirnova.
Leningrad, 195B. 250 p. (MIRA 12:8)
1. Hezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnichaskaya konferentsiya na tema:
*Sovremennyye doBtizheniya prokatnogo proizvodstva.* 2. Lenin-
gradskiy politekhnichoskly inBtitut im. M.I.Kelinina (for
(Rolling (Metalwork))
run I am t"IDITATION 3OV/3226
lkihvwwvskays nauchno-tokhntcheallays konforent2t7s. me t0mul
4ostilhordya prokatnogo prolxvodstva,"
t ... (?"As"tions of the Intercollegiate Scientific and Tochni-
Conference an Recent Achlevesonts In the RollinS Industry)
Idmingrad, 1958. 254 p. 1.000 copies printed.
Agenclool UnIngradskly polltoldutichoskly ln*tLtut In.
It. 2. InIna, Rauchao-ttlkluxlehookoys obshchestvo Rashlnostralt-
9141Y. TAAlnp'Mdakoye otdolonlyal. AM Vauchoo-teklullchookayo abahch-
$41tva lestollurgov, LanIngrallslools otdolonlye.
%esp. Md.i V.3. Sailmov. Doctor of ToohnlW Solonces, Prormosorl
114.1 X.N. ravlow.
PCIPMt It'hoss, proeesdings of the sonrorenee are Intended for
11postallats In the roll.U4 industry.
COVM=g The w-%Iclts of this aoll*etlon cover various theoretical
Led p"otleal problems of rolling. such ". pressure, spread,
Mulanoy of mile, determination of deforARtIon, farcs$ "qulrtd .
01121 design. optimum Corditlons for rolling, qXrorlonves of
14krivull Plants, modernization or qqulpawnt, aluminum-alAd stool
MA r0lunt of nonferrous metals. U0 personalities are santlon;d.
References appear &ftcr each article.
SmIrnow, T.S. (Len1vgr&4sklr ;*21tekhftcheakly lnmtltut IA.
FOIYt4chnIc&I Institute Is- M-1- Ullnln)l
Rsesn't Achievement* In the Rolling Industry- 5
Shvajnun, VA. ISXXZ In. OrdMonIkIdso. Krsaltorsk) Old Krazatorak
NLEMRO~DkLndlng Plant Lin the Drive for Tocftnical Progress 15
ChOkowl"v, A.?_ 1..Ye. r~pturov, And P.L. Kllmonko. (Dneproptrov-
skly mot
21urgicheskly InotItut (VMeprVpotVvAk Retallurgleal
IftoUtut )I Uptrimental Inv*$Llgatlon of Unit Pressure In
110111mg an Plane and oroovod Rolla 20
T*rWvsklj-Z_Ts., and V.N.-Trubla. (Ural'sitly poll tekhnlchetkly
1"tltut In. 2.111. Kirov& (Urals tolyt"hnlc&l lnstltut In.
SAL Kirov), Swardlovelcl Study of Spread 2a Rolling, Using
Variational Principles 29
Tarnovskly, I.Ta., And V.19. Trutin. (Urallakly poll tekhrilchvekly
XirovA (Urals Polytwchnlcal Xnstltuto Is.
InotItut in 3
11.7. Kirov): M ovoicl Zones of Sticking and Slipping on the
Contact Surfaces or the Focus of Deformation in Rolling 43
13YA&Mvskly MriallurLichookly Instltut
(zhdamov metallurgical In$ titut.), PorwArd Slip, Retardation
and Spread In Rolling With XorzAl and Litra. High Drorts 46
Mat'yow, X.3. Itneprop*trovakly siltallUnIchookly InstItut
(Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Instituto)l Determining Spread
During Rolling In 31upl# passes 62
Arlrullo, O.S. [MagnItogorskly gornomotallurglehaskly Inatitut
love (Ragnitagorsic Kining Lrd Retallurey Institute
:.V)j ..thod or 03urface Ku*s* for Calculation of the
:: a I No
Internal Nonuniformity of verormation in Upsetting 66
In T.N. (Criolyabi.rskly poll tek"lch.skly I.Stitut
-lyablnsk Folytethnical institute)) Rolling in Rolle of
Un"usl Diamet er 71
Golubev, T.M. j Klyevskil politekhnlcheUty Ingtitut (Kiyov
1PQIYt9-hnltA1 I nstitute)) Rolling Wl-.h Constant P ... -- 78
VInnlk, A.&. ID"opropet-okly aetall-jr I h skly InotIt.t
(Oneprop.trO-k PE.tall.,gical titut) C I
Jos I '
cult' or
Metal Pressure on RoI13 in mot Rolling or steel 81
,kly poll tek"t ~h..kl y lnsttt.t I..
- '.1Y t~~hxl~al ln.tit.t I.. M.1. Y~llnlo))
Calculating For~os In 343pe Rolling by the Fqu!vn1-t 5trip
Xethod 91
911menkc, V.R. (Institut Chernoy Metallur
All IJ33H (lnstlt~t I
Or FOrMuS Fct&'lurgy, A3 Mr 5511). Xly_ -jrn ~r P.~,ea .171~
Pinching xrt,,t It.p _! t,,tt_ or po.4 ~ 0_11 t,p_61 ..d
the Experimental Vt-tci,nit,4tion or Side Presauro or Work in t
Ret thngulftr F,ssc.
Translation from Referativnvv zhurnal MeTaHurgiva, 19;8. Nr i_', p ot, USSRi
AUTHOR. Pavlov N N
TITLE: Calculation of Rolling Fortes in Grooved Passcs bv Oic
strip' Method I ,R;ischel usiliv pri prok,-ike v 1-librakf~ po rnetodu
soot vets( ~, elinov polosyl
PERIODICAL. Tr Me/hvuz nauchno-lekhri. konferentsii ji'l tt-niij Scivreill.
dostiz)). prokaln pro:z-,~ Len, ng r~,d I Q;8, pp "i I - Q4
ABSTRACT The complex problert-i of c~ticuldting the total pressure (Pi bt-?\Aeeri t,-.e
metal and the rolls in rolling s)-.aped strip in grooxed pa~nses IGPI is
significantly simplified by the use of d match,rig strip, in \.k,hic-,
thanks to introduction of corre(tion coefficients for spread ar;d P,
the conditions of deformation of shaped strip in GP arc re:idvr~-d
similar to the simple case of rolling of rectangular si-ip oil plain-
bodied rolls. The theoretical and experimental in\ utit ig,lt loll
formed made it possible to determine the relallOnShliJ between ill(- P
and the contact surfaces, and between the reduction rat-ios in t~w
rolling of shaped strip in GP and in the rolling of the equivah:-rl
Card 112 strips in ?1ain-bodied rolls. Substitution of the relatlollsil~,-~)s founci
sov,,,~ 17- 58- 121- 2.1 - 1 ~
. ; j
Calculation of Rolling Forces in Grooved Passes by the -Equivalent- strip'' (cont.)
in the formula for the total P on rolling in grooved passes yields an expression, tne
solution of which yields results very close to the experimental, the difierenct, being
not greater than 10%.
V. D.
Card 2/2
SOV/ 137-58-10-20866
Tr an s I at ion f roni: Re fer it tivnyy zhu rna I. Meta I I u rgiya, 1959, Nr 10, p 74 USSR i
AUTHORS: Smirnov, V.S., Pavlov, N.N Mochalov, A.Ya.
TITLE- Grooving for Steel Angles by the Eqi6valent- strip Method (Kali-
brovka uglovoy stali po rnetodu sootvetstvennoy polosy)
PERIODICAL: Prokatnoye i trubnoye proizvodstvo (prilozheniye k zhurnalu
"Stal' "), Metallurgizdat, 1958, pp 147-167
ABSTRACT: A communication is presented on the results oi the develop-
ment of the rolling of steel angles when the rolls are grooved
by the method of an equivalent strip. A presentation is made of
the overall course of the calculation of grooving for angle sec-
tions by this method. Prior to the calculation, the relationship
of the spread-ratio correction coefficient to the axial ratio is
determined, since a change in this relationship induces a change
in the effect of the pass walls on the spread. The ratio of the
index of spread to reduction for the rolling conditions on the
given mill (a 470 mill at one of the Leningrad plants) is deter-
mined. It is found that the fluctuating value of the spread ratio
correction coefficient renders impossible any further correc-
Card 1/2 tion of pass dimensions if it is found that they do not properly
SOV/ 137-58-10- 20866
Grooving for Steel Angles by the Equivalent-strip Method
fill with metal. The pass-grooving calculation is adduced. Since 1952
grooving for several angle sections calculated by the method of the equiva-
lent strip has been successfully employed at that plant, Ail investigation for
the purpose of determining roll-separating pressure was conducted during
the rolling of angle steel Nr 5 on the 470 mill, and the nature of the dist ri -
bution of the pressure through the grooves was determined.
B. T s.
1. Angle bars--l"roduction 2. Roil:_ng ir-ills--Des,"gn 3. Rc!L~ng
Card 2/2
Leningrad. Politekhnichesk-ly inatitut
Obrabotka metallov davleniyem (Metal Forming) Moscow, Yashgiz, 1959. 175 p.
(Series: Its; Trudy, No. 203) Errata slip inserted. 3,200 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: RSFSR. Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetBial''nogo
Resp. Ed.: V.G. Podporkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed.:
V.S. Smirnov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Tech. Ed.: L.V.
Shchetinina; Managing Ed. for Literature on the Design and Operation of
Machines (Leningrad Division, Mashgiz): F.I. Fetisov, Engineer.
PURPOSE: Thdj book is intended for students taking advanced engineering
courses, production engineers, and personnel at schools of higher technical
education and scientific research establishments studying rolling and
other metal-forming processes.
Card 1k
Metal Forming
COVERAGE: This is a collection of articles presenting the results of a series
of Investigations conducted by the metal-forming deoartment of the Leningrad-
skiy politekhnicheskiy Lnstitut imeni M.I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnical
Institute imeni M.I. Kalinin). The subjects covered include problems in the
theory and practice of rolling, tube drawing, extrusion and making of compound
dies. The first paper complements the work of N.I. Tselikcv and Ye. P. 'inksov.
References accompany most cf the articles.
Foreword 3
1. Smirnov, V.S. Pressure of the Work on Rolls Taking Into Account Strain
Hardening Effec-t 5
This article Is devoted to the theoretical aspects of cold rolling sheets
and strips.
2. Bogoyavlenskiy, K.N. and G.I. Dants.Experimental and Theoretical Deter-
mination of Pressures of the Work on Rolls In the Cold Rolling of Heavy
Nonferrous Alloys 25
Results of the above investigation in rolling on two-, four- and six-
high mills are presented.
Card 2/t,
Metal Forming
3. Pavlov N.N Investigating the State of 3tress in the Twelve-Roll-Mill
' ie "
Rolf!- ~ra 29
Load conditions in bearings of a multiple-roll mill were investigated.
Recommendations for reducing nonuniform wear in mill parts are presented.
4. Smirnov, V.S., and P'ae-uk Han.A-ngle of Bite in Rolling As Determined by
the Class of Surface Roughness of Rolls and Strip 38
Dependence of the angle of bite and coefficient of frictLr, in rolling on
the surface roughness of work and rolls was investigated.
5. Durnev, V.D. Longitudinal Rolling of Periodic Shapes of Variable Cross
Section in Two Grooves 49
6. Smirnov, V.S., and M.F. Nevizhin.Effect of the Shape of Piercing Mandrel
and Rolls on Basic Parameters of the Piercing Process 58
7. Nevizhin, M.F. Dependence of the Coefficient of Axial Slip and the Quali-
ty of Tubes on Piercing Speed and the Roll-Inclination Angle 76
Card 3A,
Metal Forming SOV/3546
8. Chang Shun-T'ien.Investigating Plastic Deformation in the Cress Rolling
of Discs
9. Smirnov, V.S., and Chang Shun-Vien.State of Stxess in Cross and Helical
Rolling of !;iscs
10. Smirnov, V.S., and Chang Shun-T'ien.Effect of Some Process Factors on
the Susceptibility of a Blank to Core Failure in Helical Rolling aa
The above five articles present the results of investigations of deforma-
tion, state of stress, and the effect of various process factors on the
quality of tub-3s, productivity, pressure of work on rolls, and the Dower
consumed in cross and helical rolling and in piercing.
11. Bogoyavlenskiy, K.N. Change in the Mechanical Properties of Metal in
Rol,lingin a Structural Mill 105
12. Bogoyavlenskiy, K.N. Influence of Work Hardening on the Relationship
Between Hardness and Other Mechanical Properties of Bent Shapes 1,12
13. Bogoyavlenskiy, K.N. Analytical Solution of the Problem of Determining
the Increase of Work Hardening in Bent Shapes 120
Card 4/6
Metal Forming
14. Bogoyavlenskiy, K.N. Determining Bending Moments Taking intc Account
Work Hardening in the Rolling of Strips in a Structural YIll
The above four articles describe the results of investigations of the
bending of shapes from strip. Lata on changes In the mechanical pro-
perties and work hardening in bending, and also the determination C)f
forces and bending moments are presented.
15. Smirnov, V.S., and N.P. Belousov. Stress Analysis in Drawing 135
16. Belousov, N.P. Stability of a Pipe During Reduction by Draving 142
The above two articles are devoted to the investigation of a state
of stress and deformation in drawing.
17. Smirnov, V.S. Experimental Determination of the Generalized Stress-
Strain Rela"donship 14()
18. Smirnov, V.S. Approximate Determination of Residual Stresses Gener-
ated in the Cross Rolling of an Infinite Cylinder 153
Card 5/6
Metal Forming
An approximate method, based on the theory of small elastic-plastic
strains, for determininp residual stresses in crosE r,ll'rg !s
19. Pavlov, N.N. Determining Mechani-al Propertlen X a ~tef4l 11,11rid
.n Relation to the Degree of Work Hardening
"0. Ginzburg, K.S., DefcIrmation Beyond the Fc~cus in Nick4nF a Bar by
a Block of Triangular Cross Section '63
An investigation was made of the deformation resulting from nicking
a lead rectangular bar by a blnck of triangular cross section with
various angles.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 6/6 TKI'lsb
SN3RNOVq V.S.v prof.p doktor tgkbn, naukq otv. red.1 FAVLOVp N.V.v red.
(Procesdingo of the Scientific Technical Conference of Institutions
of Rigb*r loarming on the Subject "Recent Aeblovemonts In Hotta Rolling.01
Tri-4 mezbvuzovskoi nambno-tgUnicheskoi konferentsil nn toms "Savremerp.
zq9 dontizbonila prokatnogo proizvodotvagn leninpadp 1958. Pod red. V.S.
Smirzova. loeningradp Vol*2* 1959. 445 po (MIRA 24:7)
1. 14ezbvuzovakaya naucbno-tekbnicheskaya konferentsiya ns te=: "Sov-
p9menMye doptisheniva prokatnogo prpimadstvAe" Leningrad# 19580
2. Leningradskiy'po3i Jcheskiy institut Im. KA.-FAIrm1hR (for Smir-
nov) (Rolling (Metalwork))
S~ 18/6' /Ooo/OO 4/0', 9
A - A' 15
AUTHORS: Smirnov. V. 3 ; Simajheva, IT. F Pavicv, 1;. 1;
Sokclova, L. T,
TITLLt lL--'e9tlgE!t 1011 ~~! the recrystal! i za! ion h t~ ) Vt) 1:
~~ k:,' 6 c I ) a 11 o v
Pi;RIODICAL: I zve at iy a vy-,.~hikh lichEatnykh z a v-~aeniy. Ch--rnaya r.t
'qt'' '76 - 'HO
',rivievt -.gat -on purpose was to find the rQcrysta, za* :on
threshold -)f' ~/,66~ ~'Elbo st&4~-! ~Abctracter s notet The cheap a. compo-
s4tion .s nc~f ziver- ') Ir-pr'.nts ICY a *U mm d-iameler tall ander i,000 kg
load; hea-nz to d-.ffeTPni iemp"-ra~ure ', -oaking for 40 mill, Ther,
in oper, ai.-; w-h *h~.- saric tall under 6,000 k- ~re3~,r-. he-a'-
ing to different emp~iat-ros. soaking for 40 min, co,,Iln,.-; R-;".Iin7 at
different tem~eraiureF witti ~-(Y,. reduction The rel-rystallizatior. i-za(~rar
(Fig, 5) was p~-tiecj Jcr6rmoa half cyiinders 50 mm in diamoier an-'J
r.~~t ~ n e f w~,rk I r ac ~: d n: c r a rr, g q o Io ri
2~ mm high, a
Card I
5 /1 4 6! 6/000/00 - '0',: 0
Invest gat ion CJ_ the ro~ ryE !al 'i 1 2'3 tA On PrC( (,'SS A: 6 - /A
,Df -.P~e half-cylinders. Ihe pairs of specimens ~,i.e. the split cylinders;
were placed into ring she.'Lls from '.1'.BH9T (.'Kh'8119T) steel with 71-5 mz, wall
and heatod ~n electric tvc,-nhamber furnacc, in tv,, atageet prc~liml_narj
heating to eOOc'C in 50 min, then to the f,nally required fcrgirg teirpera-
Ture ir !~, min.. The nca,ed spefimens were upset .L a crank prrss a,
11~0 m/ae-,, and cooled in a:r. Tli~-- * o*~ a I a -f orm a I ,--n v a r3 ~0, 40 rand
Th;~ delf ormat ion cf -rc. ~i the apr-(.- men~~ i!~ ._-~Otratc-d (Fig. 4,'- The
;r4 fluid ~onsq.sleJ o" 00 g C-,~SL CI; 2' =3 H2504i 400
'4i 00 H
H ~-O T t e _~.- P e c i m ens ri s- fc- ~ a0 00 .C wer - di f f i c ~ Ic e I r h a n i
IIere I w: *r, a gL f -, '-m a ia, A ha , a,4s t eni Ii r, these
f,pec;xeris wa~5 highly wrrki;arJt?ned_ R E, x r t' - r ;,0 kic-urz3 1hpy e-hei
n e c iv . T h -i f an y f 7he quazi* 1 f I': a! Crains was de i orm.-_ n-d ,;z;
I n t r -. di on I L 0 t k' r " OM 1 C C e * a, 1 o g r a p hy
,no,- Sult.-kcv s meiboi R~- f
Published ,y AN Arm. SSE cj~.O), ar.6 quart,.ty ~-f' ncl,,Iz- pcints :n
'0 f;e!Js- Prior todef,;rmaTion tr.,~, mear a,,3*enite CrAr, z-.zr was
bind no -reat i_fferericp in E~rain ~:ze was -,Lserved- -he ~ra-,n n_r~-&s
on ac:ouni 0 f co!"ect:'-- or; at haghcr ar..' t.;,Ln-
a* I.,, cr~., i,7all at-,,re- cf IeI'Cr-,a*._-..
cr-'rd 2
S/148 61/CCO/001/014/0115
Investigation of the recrystallization proce3s ... A161 YA133
exception was at 1,1800C when the size reduced instead of increasing, not
only at the critical deformation but at high deformation degrees, too. At
1 1500C the grain size was 600 P2, and at. 1 , " 800 - 500 _2; the maximum
size was 5,650 and 2,2501t2 resp ctively. At 1,2500C the grain size at the
critical deformation -;,as 5850 and at hi'Eh deformation dogrees 1200 /,2.
At reductions of over 12-', the gratin size did not depend on the deformation
degree at any tempera--re. No second maximu:n of Grain size could be stated
in diagrams despite upsettir.,,: to nearly 90,,. at high temperature. Conclu-
sions: 1) The plotsed recrvstalliizzation diiaErams cover a wide range of de-
formations that occur in practice in specimen tests. 2) The E1661 steel
grain grows with the raisir,6 temperature. 7he exception is a" 1,1500C where
-he grain size decreases at critical and hieher deformation degrees.
L. 3) A
reduced grain size at 11,18COI., is accompanied with an increased plasticity
of the E1661 steel in pressure working. 4) The grain size does not depend
on the degree of deformation at compression ~Lbcve 12,;- 5) The temperature
of the recrystallization threshold depends cn the deformation degree: it is
about 1,OOOOC, at low deformation degrees nEar the critical; at higher de-
formation degrees it is lower. 6) 1;o seconc maximum forms on the recrystal-
lization diagram. This is due to the deformation conditions at up-
Card 3/5
S/148 61/000/001,/014/0-,5
Investigation of the recrystallization process ... A161 X133
setting in shells. There are 6 figures and 1 Soviet-bloc reference.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheski,,r institut (Leningrad Polytech-
nical Ins~itule)'
SUBMITTED: 1,ugust 15, 1960
Fig. 4.
Card 4/5
Obtaining semiconductor thermoelements by the plastic deformation
method. Trudy LPI no.222:5-7 163. (MIRA 16:7)
(Semiconductors) (Fletal powder products)
Effect of ultrasonic waves on the crystallization and physical
properties of alloys. Trudy LPI no.222:8-14 163. (KRA 16:7)
(Alloys-YAtallography) (Crystallization)
(Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications)
Effect of vibration on the crystallization of thermoelectric alloyB.
Trudy LPI no.222:15-19 163. (MIRA 16:7)
(Alloys-Thermoelectric properties) (Crystallization)
Determining the plasticity of heat-resistant alloys. Trudy LPI
no.22:20-27 163. (MIRA 16:7)
(Heat-resistant alloys--Testing) (Plasticity)
Investigating the reery8tallization process of the high-alloy
IM696 steel. Trudy LPI no.222-.28-30 163. (MIRA 16:7)
(Steel alloys-Heat treatment) (Crystallization)
Rolling and sintering of metal powders. Trudy LPI no.222:31-39
163. (MM 16:7)
(Rolling (Metalwork)) (Powder m9tallurgy)
AOMMSM M AF4018 )rlwl
'GOOM: Mh Metallurgiyop Abso. ID10b
AtdM: Smirmovo V. S.; Pavlor) No xs~
:TMZ: Study of the process of rolling nickel and MolyW povaers
~CrM SUURCB*. Tr. KuyWahevsk. evists in-t) VY*P- 16,, 1963, 85-92
ITOPIC TAGS: poirder metanurgy, molybdenum, nickelj metal powder rolling
TRANSIATIM: An Industrial method has been develq~ed for obtaining compect bands
Ivith high-precision thickness out of 141o and Ni powders vith various inclusions) by
means of horizontal mlling. 7he influence or the Meagement'cowlit1cm, t~e clearl
tween rolls
dance be and the vidth of the feeder an the widening 6f the W iti the
rolls have been studied here. A method has been worked out for determining t~e
forces.on the rollep the pmerp the mmentx~, and 4Aher power parameters In the pro-
'j cess of- rallift metal powders - Interrelationships bwe been established between
power parameters.. band thickness- and band vidth sind'its density during the hori--
zontal rollift of powders a. An oUiquo I method bas4'bm -worked out for det"erldning
to - aterobardness %is
Ithe density of unrinished bmds Lu oderambass sebordiag
Determining pressure on rolls during roll-Ing with the help of
dimensional analysis. Trudy LPI no.222s96-101 163. (IURA 16:7)
(Rolling (Metalwork)) (Dimensional analysis)
5/25 3/63/000/222/0181/0185
AUTHOR: Pavlov, N. N*
- - - -------------
TITLEs Effect of lubticant, on die pressure-inpressure working of
hard-to-form alloy6 . .1 ~ 111'_:~_;43_1~"' 1
SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut.' Trudy*, no. 222.
1963. Obrabotka metallov davleniyem, 181-185
TOPIC TAGS: pressure working, metal pressure working, metal pressure
working lubricant, glass lubricant, glass 13, no. 13 glass, glass
3S116 3511 glass lubricant, no. 13 lubricant, extrusion pressure,
flashless die forging pressure, E1617 alloy extrusion, E1617 alloy
flashless die forging E1617 alloy
ABSTRACT: The affect of several lubricants on high-temperature pres-
sure working of E1617 heat-resietant nickel-base alloy 10.082 max C,
15% Cr, 22 Ti, 72 W, 32 Ho, 0.5% V. 2% Al) has b-gon tnvestigated.
The pressure working was done by open id-fe extrusion,,closed die ex-
trusion# or flashiess closed-die forging. The lubricants tested
included wax, glassesl3 and LK49 wax, a mixture of graphite and 6il
and mixtures of glasses 13 and 3S11, 3S8 and FS6, nos. I and 2.
nos. 2 and 3, nos. 6, 7 and 8,..wax, and glasses 13 and LK4. Glass
lubricants, especially the mixture of the 13 and 3Sll glasses, were
found to be the most effective (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure); they
lower the average pressure 13-25% more than the other lubricants
tested, Orig,,, art. has: 6 figures.
DATE ACQ: 14oct63 ENCL: 01
OTHER: 000
FAVWV, V. 5. wA TAMMI 1. 1.
"Determination by RadiateUgraphy of the Difference, in I*ngitude Between Nikolayev
and Pulkavo.* laniAgrad., 1933
03yatmatic Varlatiomm In Correction Deterw4med by the Pulkovo Tim Servlee,,x
Astron. shar., n. Noa, 1934
,P1VLOV.,__A,n.v imb.; ARBUZOVj G.A.9 doktor tekhn-naukv prof.; PAINTELEYEVA,
D.S. I innh.
Studyjmg tbs effset of saurnimm.and iron (III) salt additives on
the properties of polyamide film. I2v.vys.ucheb.zav*; tekh leg.
prm. rAo.3:20-25 161. NIRA l4t7)
1. Moskovskiy takh-logiche-RUy inatitut legkoy promyshlennosti.
Rekomendovana kafedroy neorganicheakoy i analiticheakoy khimii.
(Pblyamides) (Leather,, Artificial)
PA V Lk) 7 1 il.i . 1: .
"Use of , ~r- , . , I , :- , - ,
Astr-m.. Z;,--ir. I,', ',,o 1,
'23 uct, --)'l
?A:li).', a- !-
, it -~:~ t . It. 1 a:11. ~.~) , i"':111.
117r, Palj~,ovo r
.A. Y
OFhotoplactric Itecording of Astral ftvaments." lordqgrad,, 1946
Pavlar, N. N. *Age.0 In syMoolum; Astronomiya v SSSR za
tridtoat' let, Noscow-Leningrad. 1948, P. 39-49
SO: U-2888. Letopis Zhurnallnykh Statay, No. 1, 1949
11 P'116VLOVI ;7.i.
2. USSR (6`1~0)
[,. Physics and Mathematics
7. Course in S~)horical Astroi-K):,iy) S. N. dlazhko.
(Moscow-Leninf,rad, St~ite It-ch!,deal Fress,
Reviewed by N. N. Pavlov, Sov. Knif-a No. 2, L-)%9.
9. -JWReport U-3CW.1, 16 ia,i. 19~-)3. 'Jnclasifiede
Y""b I
Le n 42-44,
.3o: u--16oo, lo jz,~y 53, (Let-3pis 'Zhurnal Iny1ch Statey, No.-, 1l!-9).
1. PAITLOV, 11. N.
2. U3SR (60)
4. As,ronomical I:%~Aru;-ieziLs
7. Difference in systems of star n.~ ideiitlfied oi, the vi.~I-t-ca' of
:Ertel and Aepsold. Astron. ZI ur. 3k~~, Ao. 12, 1953-
Lxistence Df tc~- di---crehce anul loier 'L.alvcs of tube :,*- ~!-,,~~Jls
circle was established. Di~`L'erenco of terz) :)et-yeen Dri[7inal and cD~y c--- ..c.:s:)1a's
circle may be ascri,-~ed
, iifference in 1-iermal con-o-ictivity of ..'eir
steel. Derives form-ulas for corrections. ii-eneived 8 Aug 52/
25) IT 9
9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _ ,,pril -1953. Unclassified.
USSR/Astronomy Transit Instrument Jan/Feb 53
"Thermal Effects in Reversible Transit lnstrumentq~
R.N. Pavlov, Main Astron observatory, Acad sciUESH
"Astron Zhur" Vol 30, NO 1,PP 85-92
Investigations proved that thermal effects pro-
duced by thermal radiation of instrument may in-
troduce noticeable errors mostly of systematic
character. Best protection against these effects
is coating of instrument with ijafrared--.reflecting
material, e.g., gold, aluminum, nickel, etc. In
case ofpwticularly accurate measurements a therao-
couple or thermistor should be used. Received
Aug 52.
New shifting transit inBtrument. lsv.GLO 20 n0-1:99-103
MRA 13:5)
(Transit instruments)
~ Z -. ~ ---- - I
"lle--i Type Trwij it for ti.(., !-n ~ ,. A-- t n)r,co- i :st~ ( -- ;--r, a!, c, I," , " -a , -'.1- t, ,
t the 1'oriferen~e , f r~ I -,f. ~ n A 7nent", -t (''
a - , . D t r t - ~. ~j!!, , - Fi i I ).~ " t n: I
the ',btrcnr)rJ-,al -o~in - il , PJ'o ! - ) F(: ~, f, .
",.~u: . N, . 1 "47 . -- Al'.. .
The necessity for tnking into necount the Llo~~Fl-type correcticals
of the FK3 in the time service [in RuBsinn and English]. Astron.
2hur. 33 no.3:404-409 MY-Je 156. (MLRA 9:10)
l.Glnvnnya astronomicheakava observatoriyp Akpdemii nauk SSSR.
FAVIDY, W. B. and ~6~"A. A.
"SystemBtic Errors of FK3 of the 71ype and Their Influence of
Time Deterninstions." (Section 111) - paper submitted at lltb General Assembly of
Internstlonal Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 3-1h gap 57, Thronto, Canade.
"Recent Results of Photoelectrical abservations of Pulkovo Time
Service" (Section 111) - paper submitted at Ilth General Assembly of International
Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 3- 14 Sep 57, Thronto, Canada.
PAVLOV . Ill. N.
"Recent Results of Photoelectric Observations of the Pulkovo Time Sen-_'ce,"
The International Association of Geodesy; Abstracts of the Reports of the Y_7
General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Moscow,
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1957, 63 P.
Recent (1955-56) observations of the right ascension of stars made with a new
100 mm Zeiss transit instrument show much greater accuracy than those made with pre-
vious photoelectrical instruments. The probable observations error for one star,
reduced to the equator, and the probable error of hourly corrections for ten
stars was much smaller than in the past. It is proposed to organize at Pulkovo,
during the IGY, observations by two transit instruments covering more than 500
PAVLOV, N. N., and NEXERO, A. A.,
fiSystematic errors of the FK3 Type arid Their Influence of the Deter-
mination of Time," The International Association of Geodesy; Abstracts of the
Reports of the XI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geo-
physics, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1957, 63 P.
The comparison of fundamental and new absolute catalogues with FK3 per
findings in the latter considerable systematic errors of the type --'*'-'\ 1,
Tables give comparative values for FK3 with Nikolayev (N30), GC and Pulkovo
(Pu cK_ 1) with respect to Z~ ~'- . The observed errors have a tangible
effect on the correction of time. It is pointed out that Washington determinations
of time corrections are distf-aguished by their high accuracy.
Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i
radiotekhnicheskikh izmeren1y
Izmereniye vremeni; sbornik (Measurement of Time; Collection of Articles)
Moscow, Standartgiz., 1958- 115 P- (Series: Its: Trudy, /vyp./ 1)
Errata slip inserted. 2,000 copies printed.
Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Kcmitet standartov, mer i izmeritelInykh
Resp. Ed. of this vol: A.I. Konstantinov; Editorial Board: G.D. Burdun.,
A.L. Dukler, V.I. Yermakov (Deputy Chairman), M.K. Zhokhavskly,
L.M. Zaks, A.I. Konstantinov, V.F. Lubantsov (Chairman), M.P.
OrlovaP L.M. Pyatigorskiy, I.G. Rusakov, N.A. gorokin (Resp. Secretary),
V.N. Titov, Ed. of Publishing House: S.M. D&vydova; Tech. Ed.:
M.A. Kondratlyeva.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for astrDnamers, geodesiste3and other scientific
personne-1-tnterested in the precise determination of time.
COVERAGE: This is the first of a series of periodicals to be published by the
C ard 1/4
Measurement of Time (Cont.)
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical-Technical and Radio-
Technical Measurements. The present volume is concerned with the measure-
mentf ct time and represents some of the work of the Central Scientific Research
Bureau of the Unified Time Service during the years 1947-1951. References
accompany each article.
Lubentsov, V.F. The State Time Service 5
The article covers the development of the State Time Service for the
ppBt ten years. The development is described in relation to the correspond-
ing requirements of science and industry.
j'~,vlov,_H,,& The Views of V. Ya. Struve on the Problem of Evaluating the
Precision of Interpolation and Extrapolation of Clock Corrections 13
This article is devoted to the study of clock rates. Comparisons are
made of the vievs and methods of Gauss-9 Struve.,and Preypich.
Dolgov, P.N. The Differential Method of Deriving Mean Corrected Moments of
Rhythmic Time Signals and Evaluating Their Accura,47.. 25
This article describes the technique of computing standard time by
differential method. This method vat developed for practical use in the
Time Service by W. Kh. Preypich.
Card 2/4
Measurements of Time (Cont.)
Titov., V.N. The Relation Between the Mean Square Variation of the k-Diurnal Rate
and the Mean Square Variation of the Diurnal Rate of Clocks 34
Fedochenko, F.M. The Isochronization of Pendulum Oscillations of Pendulum
Oscillations 39
This article deals with investigations of methods to increase the
accuracy of astronomic pendulum clocks.
Tupitsyn, O.V. Investigation of the Causes of the Systematic Acceleration
of the Diurnal Rate of Astronomic Pendulum Clocks Manufactured by the
"Etalon" Plant 48
Vlasov, B.I. The Random Components of the Movinent of Pulkova (Observatory)
Azimuth Marks 54
This article discusses the stability of targets used by the Pulkova
Observatory for azimuth determination over a long period of time.
PruBs, K.V. The Photo Chronoscope - A Device for the Precise Registration
of Instants of Time 60
Card 3/4
Measurements of Time (Cont.)
A complete description of the design and principles of operation of
photo chronoscope is given. The description is well illustrated vith
diagrams and photographs.
Konstantinov, A.I. and A.I. Solov'yev. Basic Detemination of the Longitude
of the Astronomic Station in Irkutsk During 1947-1948 72
This article describes the program used in the precise determination of
the difference in longitude Moscow-Irkutsk. This work served to give the
Irkutsk Time Service a precise longitude value and to establish a base
for determining personal equations of astronomers.
Dolgov, P.N. The Work of the Time Service of the Soviet Union During
1948, 1949, and 1950 103
This article evaluates the results of the time services of the USSR
for the years cited based on the analysis of the monthly bulletins of
moments of time signals and moments of standard time.
AVAILABLE- Library of Congress (a 213.Vg)
Card 4/4 9-1-59
Translation from: Referativn3ri zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 11, p 15"
AUTHOR; Pavlov, N.N.
TITLEi The Present State and Perspectives of the Photoelectric Metho-d rof
Astrometrical Observations
PERIODICAL: Tr. 13-y Astrometr. konferentsii USSR, 1956, Moscow-Leningrad, A5 U33ft,
1958, PP 62-63 (RusQ, pp 64-65 (Erio.) Discus. p 65.
ABSTRACT: It Is noted that the photoelectric registration of the transit of atars
is being successfully used in the Pulkovo, Moscow (TsNIIGAIK) and Lenin-
grad (University) times services. Trial observations have commenced in
Irkutsk and Nikolayevo. Due to the utilization of a mirror sighting
grating and replacement of photocells by photo-multipliers, the sensitivity
of the installation has increased considerably and the accuracy of ob-
Card 1/2 servations hqlghtened. The deficiency off the photoelectric method, in the,
FAVLOV, N.N., prof.
V 'IA. Struve's opinion on the evaluation of the precision of
i;terpolation and extrapolation of clock corrections. Trudy
VNID'TRI no.1:13-24 '58. (MIRA 12:4)
(Time measurements)
FAVWV. N. 11.
Observations of the general catalog of stare for the time service
of the U.S.S.R. and its prncessing. Izv.GAO 21 no.2:2-12
158. (MRk 13:4)
(Stars-Catalogg) (Time)
"t~-Jy~ . ~3W n n-l Ut VnI - '~ t~: ~~-tk wy (Pbmy Ym-l
1 *0. T, 3 2 OCO -pt- prt-
Ll.s L. 11. ga-~j 'Nih. It, *,. A. T~:m-kL-; ZU"rl~l A. A- ~MA-
b.yl- (1*.V. M.), H. S. -' -, P. 1. A. 3. M- -1 h, ". R.
Kia-~J-j V. V. Sobol-, ~l IL 1. S~botLu.
"M=z ThIs bwk L. Latem~l for W~-S, &vt~~V*lci~.4. .d at-te
lnumwtad LM the 0, "t-7 Lo vw
-Mkr;Z-. Thl;.Mjc~ ~M = tt~o tiXt-7 of aSt-7 In the U3= &Msi- If
PLr", vlow Carl- ~ UbLio(pnpus. F~t I =W- a collec-im of
wrLt%4n by lesdi. 5 S-i~t
&rucles " vwllZ r"'v". tr"
bm.i.=9t. t. tho ri.1.1.. Cuff .1lb-1. 1. pl-4 - d.-L-,.t. r tb.
lAst t- 3~. lb. . urtiLti.. ~.l T".~t f 23 3--Ut b---
%OrUe WA tA.-Itmto d..~qbod, =4 the lazdlng ~Lntiftc per~llzloa
.r Scb ~U~d. C-gmpbl. -rdi-.,. "d f .1
sLa" matw~. ~ liat". ZadLv%A~j &^LaUs 43-ac~ pVbj~ A-1-a h
-Lm Wrli- b7
U 3
3. V. 165
ly, V. V. pb-,r. 115
~mat.y., W. P. ---T
rtr-. 'I
sluzov~,by c f AAtrada'd-l Wtrts drltua ta MU Duls 1917-1957
Pll-d- C--QLI-d UDWr t.4. =-Uce ~f M. B. J.~
A-:rWvt~-al L~x of "'t- Ln Ulm KbLlo4rap-17
th. C.11-U- f Ati.-,
MC J:X. llT"TQ3LkM
L-..t If U-4 ft~ PbLlmtl-. Tltl.. 3T4
LLIt ~f 3.rUl P-Ibllc&tL=s 375
Pavlov. N. N.
TITLE: Report of the Subcommission on the problem of time determination
PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 4, 1961, 16,
abstract, 4A202 ("Tr. 14-y Astrometr. konferentsii SSSR, 1958".
Moscow-Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1960, 27-28. Discus. 28, Hngl. summary)
TEXT- Members of the commission took part In a number of conferences on
time service, called in connection with 10Y, which approved instructions and
observational programs during the IGY. The general list of stars of the USSR
Service of Time, compiled in the Main Astronomical Observatory, was also accepted.
The ITA, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, calculates for these stars daily
ephemeris of visible positions. Proposals of the Soviet delegation were prepared
for the session of the special committee of IGY, and the report for the 10th
Congress of the International Astronomical Union was compiled.
D. P.
[Abstractor's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1