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FAVLOV, I.M.; USHAKOV., Ye.V. . Device for measuring friction forces during upsetting. Tr-udy Instemet. no.9:72-77 062. (MIRA 16-5) (PszZIN) (Friction forces--Measurement4 low USHMV v YO.V,; Equipment for synchronotw recording of stressev and dimensions of specimen subjected to compression and stretching. Trudy Iust.met. no.9:87-89 162. (MIJU 16:5) (Testing machines) S/50 62/000/009/005/014 D207YD308 ;"Q`2 -.-~ 0 it 5Pavlov, 1. Raszegayev, M. V. and Falaleyeva, Z. S. 0 TITL---;': On recrysta--lizatior. and grain growth at small critical deformations 6 OUR C ~kademiya nauk SSS-R. Inb-.iiu-. metallurgii. Trudy, no. "loscow, 1962. VoDrosy plasticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 96-104 ~_-:'XIL: The available res_-Its on recrystal'izat4on of metals after deformation are contradictory mainly because non-uniform deformat- -Jon usually occurring durin.-T. tests complicates the physical mecha- nism. To avoid this complication the authors used uniform'materials and 11". V. Ras-,.egayev's technique (cylindrical samples have asbestos- filled recesses in Iheir piane ends -and are compressed between pla- tes), which produced uniform deformation. The tests were carried out on two alloys / Abstracter's note: Compositions and designa- tio'ns of the alloyg are not specillied-7 which were difficult to de- form. No. 1 alloy was used in the form of annealed hot-forged rods, Card 1/2 3/50 02/000/009/005/014 On recrystallization and D207%)3,08 and No. 2 alloy in cast and annealled hot-forged states. CompressLon o--'* cyl--'ndars (20 = diame;er and ',eirht) at 20 or 1200 - 12500C pro- duced deformatior~s of 40 - 60~-',. It was followed by annealing at 1200 - 12500C a I'ter the 200C cozipression, and by quenching after the 1200 - 12500C com-iression.. irrespective of the initial grain size (which ranged from 0.6 to 5.5 mm) and the temperature at which de- formation was carried out, new grains appeared and grew at all sta- C) - ges of 'he treatments applied to the samples. WhIen these new grains met, selective recrystallization (growth of some grains and not the others) took ~)Iace. The experimental evidence does not support the hypothesis that selective recrys-.allization occurs at low values of the critical deformation (the deformation necessary to produce strong grain growth). Senior laboratory assistants R. P. Sharkova and V. 1,1. Kondratlyev took part in the experimental work. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 S/509/62/000/009/006/014 .D207/.D308 A'~- T I: OR S 3, alov M Yu Y G r ich B d , ~~ . u ev a. . an ., , Zubko, A. 1-11. ,TITLE: Condit-ions durinC, hol. -ro lling in vacauz, of various pressures, ir. argon and in air S OUR C E-7 Akadez:iya nauk S53R. Ins t-4-.ut me-.allurgii. Trudy, no. 9, Hoscow, 19 62. Voprosy pl -Isticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 105-108 r,'---:'XT: The present work is a continuation. of an earlier investiga- tion by Ya. B. Gurevicn ana ~L. M. Zuoko. The present authors stu- died the effect of vacuum ('10-1 - 10-5 min hg), of pure argon and of air on the coefficiel-T of friction, and on geometrical and force parameters of roiiing. The materials subjected to rolling were pare iron and nickel. The rolling tests were carried out at 11000C at the rate of 6.5 m/miri which produced 30~,O deformation. The rolling mill was of the construction developed at the KhFTI AIN USSR (Khar'- kov Physico-Technical. Institute, AS which had 85 mm dia- Card 112 S/509/'62/000/009/006/01 4 Conditions durin,-,,. hot D207/D308 meter rolls made of steel. Vacuum was measured with a BAT---j(VIT-1) gauge. Sa:-.,p1es were 150 1-.% 'Long and 10 x 12 mm in cross-section. The coefficient of friction and the resistance to deformation rose in vacuum or, decrease of pressure; in argon the coe.-;L'.-1L'icient of friction was the same as an 10-1 - 10-3 mm Hg va- cuum. In air the coefficient of friction was the lowest. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 40980 S/659/62/0091000/014/030 1003/1203 AUTHORS Pavlov I M Danil'chenko, A N , Rastegayev, M V , Mezis, B Ya., Dzugutov, M Va and Vinogradov, Yu. V TinE The influence of plastic deformation during rolling on the time to failure, and on the mechanical properties of beat-reisisting alloys SOURCE, Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Issledovaniya po zharoprochnym splavam v 9 1962. Materialy Nauchnoy sessh po zhatoprochnym splavam (1%1 g), 108-13 TEXT In an article published in vol. 6 of this series, the same authors (except Pavlov) concluded that tht above influence should be investigated for every beat-resisting alloy individually In the present article, a non- defined alloy designated as "Alloy B" usually used for flat forgings. was investigated Ass a critei ion of its heat-resistance the time was taken to failure at 800'C, and its plasticity was evaluated from its shock resistance ai 800'C, and at room temperature. It was concluded that the time to failure of this alloy and its mecharucal properties can be increased by plastic deformation with subsequent beat-treatment This increase is probably due to the close-packed lattice of the acicular strengthening phase There are 3 figures Card ]/I S/50 62/000/009/007/'014 D207YD308 AUTHORS: Si,,alov, Yu. M., Gurevich, Ya. B. and r5 Zubko, A. M,. 117 T L"E: On the temperature dependence of some hot-rolling para- meters in vacuum and in air SO'611CE: Akademiya naak SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Trudy, no. 9, Moscow, 19062. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 109-114 T-EXT: The present work is a continuation of an investigation by the authors reported in %he p.receding paper (pp. 105 - 108 in the oresent issue). Rolling tests were carr4ed out on pure iron (0.01% C) and nickel at temperatures of 800 - 12000C using a L~H 0 W 1-1 M (TsNIICIhI.:) rollinc- mlll under the conditions described in the pre- CD cedin,,--, i~aper. Temperature was measured with a thermocouple and an (-nP (SP.R,' potentiometer. The coefficien of friction of both iron and n.'ckel was lower in air t-han in 10-~ mm Hg vacuum. In air and -in vacuum the temperature dependence of the coefficient of friction Card 1/2 On the temperature ... of iron had a ma;zimum at 900 0C, b,+. a'-so through a minimum at 10000C and the case of nickel the coefficient of of temperature in vacuum, but in air The resistance of deformation and other with ~~he atmosphere and temperature the coefficient of friction. There are S/509/62/000/009/007/014 D207/D308 in vacuu-m the friction passed then rose with temperature. In friction fell with increase there was a maximum at 9000C. rolling parameters varied roughly in the same way as did V 6 figures. Card 2/2 3/509/62/000/009/008/014 D207/D308 A'~_ T.': 0 R SPavlov, I. M. and KrUpin, A. V. 7 -2 1 '1 LE _Lnvest~-at~on of stress concentration due to defects n mate- ials 6 C Akadeziya nauk "-JSSR. "Lnst,-I.ut metallurgii. Trudy, no. 9, i962. Voprosy piasticheskoy deformatsii metaila, 12^-',3". TEXT: The a~~thors investiga-.ed the effect of occlusions and de- fects in metals acTlnb, as stress concentrators. Metals were mod- elled by phenol aldehyde sheet and stress distribution was investi- ,c;aled by the standard photoelastic method. Four types of defects %..,ere studied: (1) Circular and ova-- holes; (H) square and rectan- gular holes; (IIII.) rhombic holes; (I'V') holes of triangular, hexa- gonal and other shapes. The authors found that the defects (holes) which were elongated or had sharp corners produced higher stress concentrations than those of circular or oval shape. The most harm- t, - with their lon,,- axes at right -ful orientation of defects was that Card 112 0 S/509/62/000/009/008/014 Inve6tigation of stress ... D207/D308 angles to the appl'ed stress . Tf holes were filled with some OtIller materials, :Qreign bodies in a metal sheet, the stress concentration was found -to depend on the geometry of the de- X. lect, elastic properties of the filler (foreign body) and or. whether the filler was attached rigidly to the rest of the material or whe- ther it was fillir.7 the defect loosely. Defects closely spaced to U one another produced higher stress concentrations than those which M were widely spaced. There are 10 figures and 1 table. Card 2/2 FAVLOV 1 14 - BELOSUICH., V.K.; Prinimali uchastiye: WHAKOV, Yd.V., inzh.; -- KQUX, V.S.., Iaborant Inwatigating the relationship between the friction coefficient and speed and pressure on a special unit. Trudy ImBt.met. no.9.139-146 162o (AURA 16:5) (Friction) 37691 S/509/62/000/009/010/014 /s-- C r1q) D207/D308 AUTHORS: Pavlov, 1. M., Belosevich, V. K. and Chamin, Yu. A. TITLE: Investigating the effect of technical lubrication on the cold rolling of titanium SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut metallurgii. Trudy, no. 9, Moscow, 1962. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 147-158 TEXT: Commercial titanium 6T-1 (VT-1 ) and steel Og Ka (08KP), both of 1.2 4im.thickness, were cold-rolled using one of 30 lubricants of the fd1lowing types: vegetable oils, animal fats, surface-ac- tive agents, mineral oils of various viscosities and purities, mi- neral oils with surface-active additives, and complex synthet'lic esters. It was found that the lubricants suitable for steel were also suitable for titanium. The most effective lubricants for cold rolling of titanium were natural animal fats, hiah-molecular sa- turated fatty acids, and complex synthetic esters. Some vegetable oils and emulsions used in ultrasonic machining were also recom- Card 1/2 /11? 0 0 A'U'THORS: S/509/62/000/009/011/014 D207/D308 Pay1gy, 1. MI., Shelest, A. Ye., Tarasevich, Yu. P. and -Shakhov, V. L. T:TLE': A study of the hot an"d warm ro''4n- conditions for some 6 titanium alloys SNRCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Trady, no. Noscow, 1962. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 159-163 TEXT: Conditions of roll-'ng, at 500 - II000C, of pure PT-4 ~V2-1) titaniur. and a!-'oys 1, 2 and 3 were s--died at the Laboratoriya ,St~tUta metallurgii 'IN SSSR ~Labo- A. _L In obrabotki metallov davleniye.7, Tr ratory for Pressure Treatment of 11-:etals, Institute of Metallurgy, AS USSR) /-Abstracter's note: Compositions of the alloys not speci- fied 7. SFLmpies Of 10 x 15 x 150 and 13 x '05 x 180 mm dimensions were rolled in a luboraLory mili "duo 200" with polished steel rolls. The rate of rolling was 0.5 m/sec and the reduction of thick- -ness was 20, 40 and 6011"o for samples ol" 10 x 15 mm cross-section, Card 1/2 S/50~/62/000/009/01 1/0114 A study of the hot ... DL 0,7 5 08 and 13 or 35c,') for sa,-,,pLeE3 of 13 x 65 m;r, cross-sect,".on. The titanium alloys showed high plas-~icity: 600,4 reduction of thickness was reached at 8000C without fracture. The temperature dependence of the lateral spread is shown graphically for various degrees of de- ..ormation. The allotropic tra.-isfornation at about BOOOC produced a sudden decrease of the avera e pressure of the metal on the rolls. The displacement of the resultant pressure was investigated as a ..Lunction of deformation and temperature. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 37692 S/50 62/000/009/012/014 p_2ZO D207YD308 i,'J H Oa S ?avlov, I. X1. and Ushakov, Ye. V. TITLE: On dtterninino- the true resistance to deformation by shock compresslon of saimp-es with recesses in their ends SOURCE: Akaudem-4ya nauk "SSR. Inst_'tut metallurgii. Trudy, no. 9, Moscow, 11~62. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 164-168 TEXT: M. V. Rastev;ayev's method was used -.o study the resistance to deformation (plasticity) of Armco i.ron cylinders 12 rim in dia- meter and 15 The purpose was to find the conditions whic pr3duced the most uniform compression on dropping a hammer on the CD sample. The optimum conditions were obtained wher, cylindrical re- cesses of 0.5 mm. depth end 111 -.m diameter were cut in the two plane ends of a sample and filled with stearic acid, or palmitic acid or with Wood's alloy. Filling the recesses with other lubricants -produced less uniform deformation. Under optimum conditions fric- Card 1/2 S/5 0 62/000/00~j/012/014 0- deter'..M-Lng the true ... D207y,)308 tion between the conproGsin,-, plates and the oample ends was practi- cally ellminated and uniform compressiDn was obtained up to de- forma-Lions of 3052. Even for deformations of 70% the central (nea- rest -.o the axis') portion of -~he cylinder exhibited uniform com- pression. The authors followed V. 1U. Isopov's suggestion and used uhe ratio D/D0 as the measure of plasticity: Here D 0 is the initial diameter in the plane at right angles to the cylinder axis and si- tuated a-. an equal distance from the iwo plane ends; D is the final diameter. D/D0 values were -found to be more reliable than h/hC) (h = height) which is normally employed. There are 6 figures. Card 2/2 PAVLOV, I.M.; USHAKOV, Ye.V. Determining effective resistance to deformation by having face grooves. Trudy Inst.wt* no.9:164-168 upsetting spe-ci-Ta-ens 162. (~Uhll lbwO (Deformntions (Mecharxics)) S/509/62/000/00,9/013/014 A 113co D207/D308 kUTHORS; Favlo*i-, 1. M., Tarasevich, Yu. P. and Shelest, A. Ye. TITLE Determining specific pressures during cold rolling of aluminum SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Trudy, no. 9, Moscow 1962. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 1069-17~ TEXT: Strips of AA-I(AD-1) aluminum, 4.5 mm thick and 32 - 34 mm wide, were cold-rolled on an experimental mill 1120011 at 0.5 mm/sec. The reduction of thickness was 0.5 mm per pass. The "specific pres- sure" (defined as the average force, exterted over unit area, by the metal on the rolls) was measured with instruments developed by A. 1. Grishkov. A d.c. amplifier.~T-q-5-5 (ET-4-55) and an oscillo- graph Mari-Z(120-2) were used to record variations of pressure at several points across the width of the strip. The oucillograme were corrected using Yu. P. Tarasevich's technique. The specific -pressures were peaked at the center of the strip; they were always card 1/2 PAVLOV, I.M.; *MED, G.N. Relationship between resistance to deformation mid temperatare and speed conditions. Trudy no.9sl77-284 162, (Deformations (Mechanics)) (PaRA 16-5) PAVLOVV I.A.; BEL06EVICH, V.K. Relationship between the friction coefficient during upsetting and the 911ding track, and the role of surface-active substances in lubrication. Trudy Instometo no.9:202-208 162. (MIRA 160) (Forging) (Lubrication and lubricants) FAVLOV., I.H,; BELOSEVIGII,, V.K. Value of ther frleti~b- coefficient during cold roll,.irig. Ir-jdy mot. no.9:209-213'162. (~ffz-LA (Rolling (Metalwork)) FAVLOVS I.M. Terminology in rolling. Trudy LaBt.met. no.9:214-234 162. (IG,U 16:5) (Rolling (14Dtalwork)-Torminology) PAVLOV, I. Me; MEE=, Go No, kmdo tekba, nauk; SUVOROVP V. A9 Production and uee of irew-aluninum alloys abroad. Biul. tekb.- ekox. inform. Goa. sauch.-iial. last. sauch. 1 tskb. WorAk. no.12:71-11 162o (MIRA 16:1) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Parjov). (Iroa-aluminum alloys) Zquating characteristic angles the torque and the vark of relllng vith irregular distribution of pressure and friction forces. Sbar. Inst. stali i splav no.40:7-14 162. iMIRA 16:1 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Haning(metaiwork)) Ar FAVLOVV I. M. Concept of the resultant force of rolling. Sber. Inst. stali i splav. no.40:15-24 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Rolling mills) FAVLOV I M.- BRINZA, V. No, inzh. LL-i~ lamination during the rolling of bi-metal. Sbor. Inst. staii i splav. no.40:152-158 162. (MIRA 16si) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR(for Pavlov). (laminated metals-Defects) (Relling(Yetalwork)) s/848/62/000/040/003/005 E193/2483 AUTHORS: Pavlov, I.M., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Engineer tITLEt Contribution to the problem of the bond of titanium to steel in the solid state SOURCE: kjoscow., Institut stali i splavov. Sbornik. no.40, 1 1962. J3rotsessy ptokatki. 16o-i64 TEXTs The behaviour of the contact z6n* between titanium and steel bi-metal components under common plastic deformation was studied by the authors with particular reference to the formation of a diffusion zone and the properties of-the transition zone. The experimental methods have been previously described by the same authors (Tevetnyye metally, no.10, 1961). It is now found that with increasing pressure the thickness of the diffusion inter-layer diminishes. Beyond a critical pressure, the diffusion inter-layer thine out and may even vanish. The change in the thickness of the diffusion layer in associated with the phenomenon of its being squeezed out by the less pliable layers of titanium and steel. As the diffusion inter-layer becomes thinner its microhardness approaches that of titanium and steel. The Card 1/2 FAVLOVI 1. M.1 OSADCRIY, V. Ya., Itand. tekhn. nauk Nature and mechanism of metal Bticking during a-liding friction. Sbor. Inst. Stali, i oplav. no./,0:173-180 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Pavlov). (Rolling(Metalwark)) (Friction) PAVLOV, I. M.; MAKEYEV, D. 1.0 inzh. Effect of the working direction on the recr7stallization process of 08 steel. Sbor. Inst. stali i splav. no.40:181-199 162. (MIRA 16-.1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Favlov). (Steel-Cold working) (Crystallization) ,-V, I. M.; OSADCHIY, V. Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; SUVOROV, I ~W - K., _fmi~.-YRkhn. nauk Increasing the TeBistance pf passes on 250 mills to atieldng and wear. SbDr. InBt. atali i splav. no.1+0:225-234 162. - (HIM 16:1) 1. Chlen-korreep6ndent AN aswiro,~ Faviov). (Rolling mills) PAVLOV, 1. M.; POLUKHIN, P. I., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; ZHELEZIIOV,, Yu. D., inzh.; FOLUKPIN, V. P.1 inzh. Photoelastic method for the investigation of stresses in rolls and in the strip during rolling. Sbor. Inst. stali i splav. no.40:264-276 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondont AN SSSR (for Pnvlov). (Rolling(Metalwork)) (Photoelasticity) KWIKM, A.M. . kand. tekhn. muk; ~~V~Lov J.M.; OSADCHU, Veraep kand. tekbu. nauk Roll Irooving for three-high'reeling mills of (fiagonal rolling. Sbor. List. stall I splav. no.40:327-329 162. (MM 161l) 1. Chlon-kors spandent AN SSSI (for Paylov) (Tione(iron mills)) (pipe miu,15 PAVLOV, I. M.; MUSIKMN, A. M., kand. tekhn. nauk; OSADCHIY, V. Ya~ Metal pressure on t~e rolls of a three-high reeling mill of diagmml rolling. Sbor. Inst. atali i splav. no.40:131),-337 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Pipe mills) (Pressure) I I'll- PAVWVp I.M.; QSADMY, V.Ya. Effect of the speed of rolling in automatic ro3ling mills on pipe unlity. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern met. 5 no.IsIZ- 123 , Zu. (MMA 15-2) 1. Mookovskiy institut stali. (pipe mills) PAVLGVJ- IA; LITOVOKIAC), 11.11. fLitovehonico, N.V.1 --------- Rolling process for the periodic profiles of arn'ture steel-Analele metal t-le Iro no.1:64-V Ja--Fr '62, ......PAVLOV, I.M.; OSADCII, V.I. (Osadchiy, V.I.] -- ------- Influence of the lamination speed in the automatic mills on the quality of pipes. Analele metalurgie 16 no.4$130-132 O-D 162. S/032/62/028/002/026/037 B124/BlOl AUTHORS: ~M., and Ushakov, Ye. V. TITLE: Determination of the true resistance to compressive deformation PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 2, 196"), 224-226 TEXT: The mean values of stresses and deformations along the height of the sample on contraction are generally used to plot compression diagrams which give, however, no true values for the resistance to plastic deforma- tion in any part of the non-uniformly strained sample. A method also used by V. G. Osipov (Zavodskaya laboratoriya 21, 9 (1957); ibid., 24, 6 (1958)) was suggested for eliminating the efiFect of friction. The sample was placed between two auxiliary samples of the same diameters, which transmitted the pressure obtained from pressure plates to the samp'.e, and absorbed irregular deformation due to friction. This method is, how- ever, inaccurate, particularly at medium and high deformations. When high samples of regular shape are studied, and deformation and stresses are determined from the change of diameter in the central part of the Card 1/~2 S,105216210281002,1026103-: Determination of the true resistance ... B124/B101 sample, most of the defects of this method can be overcome. The true deformation e can be calculated from e = 2 ln(D2/D1), where D, is the diameter of the initial samplep and D2 is that of' the strained sample, measured at half the height from the faces. A series of experiments were performed by the authors to verify the possibility of determining the true resistance to deformation from the stress and deformation measured in the central part of the high sample (Fig. 1). There are 2 figures and 7 references: 4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASO'OCI;,TION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov) Fig. 1. Compression diagrams of Armco iron plotted with measured sample diameters at a distance of half the height from its faces, compared with data on the contraction of lathe-worked samples: (1) - (4) D/H equal to 2 0.36; 0-57; 0.8; and 2, respectively. Legend: (0t) kg/mm Card 2/,.~, FAVLOV,v GUREVICH, Ya.B.; CRZHEKHOVSKIYI V.L.; SHELEST, A.Ye.; BAsMzNKo, A.P. - Effect of conditions of titaium heating on the indices of hot rolling. TSvet. met. 35 no.7:75-79 JI 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Titanium) (Rolling (Metalwork)) FTANKOVSKIY, Viktor Ynklevich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; ANTIPOV, Ivan Tirsofeyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk- PAVLOV Ivan Y Mikhaylovich, inzh.; Prinimal uchastiye MINA;Ll inzh.; MIRKIN, ret3swzenti BUROV. M.I., red.; SHURYGINA, A.I., red. izd-vai ROMANOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Handbook on horizontal and vertical control for aerial photographs by the phototheodoll.te surveying method in making topographic maps at a 1g25,000 scaLle] Posobie po, planovo- vysotnoi priviazke aerosnimkov metodom fototeodolitnoi s"emki pri sozdanii topograficheskikh kart v masshtabe 1:211 00o. Mo- skva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 150 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Photographic surveying) ACCESSION NR: AT4014064 6/3072/43/000/000/0097/0101 1,4UT"O: Chamin, L A.; Belosevich, V. IL; Chiumin, Yu. A.; shakhovo V. L.; L M 1; Pedoe L F., Trt(~E: Extract from an article on lubrication in cold sheet rolling i SOUACE: FLz. -khim. xakonomernosti daystviya smazak pri obrabotke metallov davlenlyem. Moscow, Izd-vo, AN SSSR, 1963, beginning with 'IV 68SR na neakolthyfth... 11 on pap 97 thro4 pap 101 TOPIC WAGS: cold rolling lubricant, cold rolling, lubricant, 'palm oil substitute, mineral oil, animal fat, vegetable fat, castor oil ABSTRACT: In several Soviet plants Investigations have been 3nub on replacement o palm oil as lubricant in sheet rolling by domeotic substitutes on the basis of vegetable and al fats, and by lubricants on the basis of syntlietto f&W adds. In one plantI the standar mineral emulsion B has been.used on the rolling mill, 220/600 x 650 for cold sheet rol ng. i On the basis of the investigations, the u1neral emulsion has been replaced by more a cient c technological lubricants. Palm oil, castor oil, &M bed tallow wore investigated. In another rT, oust palm oil, artificial solid fat (Balozass, obtained as ft result of action of obalniv COM- , u pwads from cl1a), and castor oil bayebentried udconvared as lubricants on do coli ous cordd 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4014064 rolling mill 244/600 x 650. Positive results have been obtained, resulting in a production rise of 30-40%. Similar experiments have been conducted on the four-high reversive rolling mill 180/600 x 650 for stainless steel I Kh 18N9T (Ya/14 cold strip rolling. In this case, water based mineral oil emulsion, B-106 stearin, B-99 table fat, and beef tallow have been used as technological lubricants. The conclusion has been made that, by applying effective lubricants, the manufacturing cycle of thin stainless strips will be considerably reduced by reducing the number of beat treatment and pickling operations. However, because of scarcity of fats of organic origin, further development has been directed toward finding synthetic compounds structurally similar to animal fats. During trial runs of a five-unit rolling mill 1200, lubricants on the bass of vegetable fats have been tried out ead comparad with palra oil. 9000 tons of sheet, 98% of acceptable quaUty, have been rolled on caster oil at a specific oil consumption of 2. 8 kg1ton. More than 6000 tons have been rolled on artificial solid fat. During these tests, castor oil has been the moat effective lubricant, requiring the least power. Processes of annealing, - descalingo pickling, and tinning have not created difficulties during manufacture of strIps, and the quality of sheet has not been impaired by the lubricant. With regard to the search for new synthetic technological lubricants in 'cold rolling, a sub- stantial disadvantage adets: the lwk of emulsions which an inexpensive and more efficient 'Cord 2/3 I'--.---.--.---- _ -..I-.,- m~ ACCESSION NR: AT4014064 than such of mineral oils. From the given review It has been concluded that addition Of fats to mineral emulsions has only a slight if any imprMng effect on the lubricating properties; and that emulsions on the basis of fats or their equivalent substitutes are either' expensive or are unstable and insufficiently effective. OrIg. art. but 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUMMED: 00 DATE AOQ: 19DecG4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEt' MM NO UF 91OVs 007 OTHER: 008 C~ard- .3/3 . ...... . r,193IB3.63 :1. 11. Orzh althovs lciy V.L., Gurevich, Ya.B. and ALMIORS: Pavlov 11 matcrial~ and surfac Tinish TITLE., 'Th o bff cot of the ro a oni-. s oin oparam'bt OrA Iof hot-rollins' in vacuum PE1110DICAL: Alcarl emiya. nault 55SR.. 1zv-Cst i3ra. Dtdolaniya 11etalliirZiyi i Sornoye delo, t elchnich-asUilch naulp.. no. 1, -j963 14 17, -~Cznst and steel (LVA15ASIZ1115) nd -TrDCT: iron.. 3,X2PB (3x.1i2V8)) rolls, 8,5, mm', izi diamo%or wor~o used in the.exporimonts. conductod In: a vacuum of ^-o 10 nim HIS - on s t e ol 20 tent pioces, pro,,heated to ~1100 0 C. 'Various, surface finishes of the rolls, corresponding to class 11, 7 and 10 of the' dogroo of flatn,~zs (Zk~s specified In --(GOST)-2789-59) uore obtained by turning gri din. ar"d poliabing th e rolls. Test piod*s -s-rith varioua surfzc.o fini:ilica were prepared by. _grinding,. millin!-, or planing j~ft &jt,*1or 1021gitudinal -or,tra nnv ormo. directions, A -constant reduction of 301, per, par.- vas us*od in the experiments conducted at a rolling speed of 6.5 r.Azin.. The roll. pressure,. roll torque, peripheral roll speed, forward PAVWV, I-M- Mskva); OSIPOV, V.G., (Moskva) Consecutive patterns of the strained state in a disk under impact, Izv. AN =R. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. I gor. delo no.2- 112-115 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:10) PAVIDVP I.M., assiotent Pulse synchronizer for the M-1 aerial caywra shutter. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geod. i aerof. no.3tl.17-120 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Novosibirskiy institut inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotos"yerdd i kartografii. 12937-~63-- ACCESSION 1M.- AP3cP2391 --w` A A The Initi e.1 - increase Is explainedby the decreasing~resistance of iion to~de- and the subsequent decrease,:by-the effect of iron scale which formation, 'bricant, The friction eoef- softens appreciably above 1000C and acts as a lu ficient of Utanlum increases sligbtlya6temperature I rea e9 from WO to ne 900C.,-_probably owing to some peculiarities:of.tbe a-to-13-transformation. :Enr 'bly creasing the,temperature to 1206C Increases the, friction coefficient.. Irdba because bf decreasing specific pressure.,:Titanium scale does not soften I-- the temperature range Investigated and hence does not act as a lubricant lbut 'rather Increases the friction. The Increase in the friction coefficient of molybilenum rolled in air 0.35 at 1000C to 6--45. at 1200C, is.1irobably caused from ~ about by the increasing surface. roughness: associated with the increasing rlatility of. molybdenum-oxides and the consequent surfacelcleanliness. The,friction coef- ficient of niobium In air drops from 0.42 at 1000C at 0.37 at 1250C, owing to '.the action of the scale vhich,, in this temperature range, spreads:on the natal and forms a dense, smooth surface., The effect of the scale on the relationship of the rolling temperature a,nd friction coefficient Is confirmed by the data on rollins in I ta- in argon (the latter corresponds roughly to a vacuum of mm ffg)~ As atmospheric pressure decreasee.from 760 to 0.00001 um HS. -the friction coefficient of titanium aecreases, vhile tbose,of Iron ;molybdenunjand rd S113316310001WWC07 AO54/A126 AVrHDRS: Zhuchin, V.N., Engineer, Pavlov, I.M., Corresponding Member of the AcadenW of Sciences USSH TITLE: The friction coefficient In cold rolling PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 3, 1963, 231 - 234 TECT: The friction coefficient in cold rolling depends on a number of ractors, including the arc of the bite. Although various methods have been es- tablIshed to calculate the average friction coefficient these do not account for the fact that during rolling the work rolls become flattened to some extent which also affects the are of the bite and, consequently, the friction coeffi- clent. From calculations and test data formulae were derived to determine the friction coefficient, allowing for the flattening of the bite are and in accord- ance with the torque. The tests were carried out with 379 HM (E79NM) soft-mag- netic precision steel strips.3, 1, and 0.3 mm thick. The tests covered the ef- fects of the flattening of the work rolls in the deformation focus, of reduction, strip thickness, rolling with and without lubrication, etc. In the case of an- Card 1/2 S/133/63/000/003/003/C,07 The friction coefficient in cold rolling A054/A126 nealed and work-hardened (to 25%) 0.3 - 3.0 mm thick strips the friction ooeffi- clent was found to Increase from 0.015 to 0.07; for strips work-hardened to a higher degree (50 - 70%) it showed an increase from 0.015 to 0.045. When the relative reduction in cold rolling was raised from 4 to 20%, the friction coeffi- cient increased by a factor of 2. The effect is more pronounced in strips pre- viously work-hardened, whereas In the case of 0-3-M strips the change of rola- tive reduction does not affect so strongly the friction coefficient. Its high- est'value is attained when rolling without lubrication, the lowest upon applying castor oil as lubricant; a medium value Is obtained when the rolls are lubricat~- d with an emulsion. In general, lubrication decreases the friction coefficiant by & factor of 1.5 2.2 as compared to that for dry rolls. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 '143 ACC S on, AP30OW03 -Ittensive sealing and a'sharp inerease,of surface hardness due to the alsorDtion M of acti've gases, especially oxygen. Nb held for,90 z in air at I I COC h d ;j, tin 8 ia-f e hardness of a . ac pproximate2y -310 kg/im sup: 2compared with an initial hardness of approximately 130 kg/= ~sup 20 Heat-Ing in -vacuum or in evacusted ampules underlthe.bame conditions increased the'surface hardnesB only to appr&ximately 140 or 160 kg/= sup 2 . Higher temperature and -prolonged holding increased surface. hardness-and the. depth of oxygen penetration, Spread, foxivxd slipy specific friction, axid the friction coefficilent teng(to decrease in rolling in ai r and~are generally lower than In rolling in vacuum;j1pecific roll pressure and torque decrease vith increasing timperature but are.hRigher than in vacjwa. In vacuum, spread tends to increase vith.increasing temperature, vhile fox-ward slip remains constant. Rolling im, argon, occupies an intermediate position between vacuum and air rolling with Tegard to the. effect-on rolling parameters' Intensive oxidation of specimens heated in evacuated ampules ;J~ring occurred rolling in air, it is therefore recommended to heat, roll, and cool nidbium In vacmm, Orig. art.has: 7 1 "igures. '-2/3 ` ............ 11r:._::_ rz .1 Z., zrz 7-.- z.- =r_-Zz C 71 rz r X z V ZHUGHINP V.1~.. inzh.; PAVLOV, I.I.I. Analyzing some methods of the experimental determination of de- formation resistance in cold rolling. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashino- str. no.7:214-220 163. (141RA 16:11) 1. Zavod "Fdektrostalln. 2. ~-,hlen-korresponLeat Ali S66j, (for Pav- lov). ACCESSION NR: AT4oO7o47 S/2598/63/000/010/0245/0250 AUTHOR: Shelest, A. Ye.; Faialeyeva, Z. S.; Pavlov, TITLE: Effect of cold working and annealing on the mechanical properties of AT-3 titanium alloy SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i yego 9plavy*, no. 10, 1963. issiedovaniya titanovy*kh splavov, 245-250 TOPIC TAGS: t;taniu(n alloy, AT-3 titaniUM a] ioy, AT-3 titanium alloy property, cold worked AT-3 alloy, annealed AT-3 alloy, strain hardening effect, amleal ing effect, titaniurn aluminum chromium alloy, iron containing alloy, silicon containing alloy, boron containing alloy ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the effect of annealing temperature and the deformation during cold working on the structure and mechanical properties of ti tan;um alloy AT-3 (2.8-2.9% Al , 0.3% Fe, 0."1 Si , 0.713-0-80% Cr, 0.011 B) by means of X-ray ana'ysis and tests of ultimate strength and relative elongation. Roentgenograms of samples annealed under various conditions are presented, as well as graphs relating the mechanical properties to % deformation during cold rolling and to annealing temperature following varying degrees of deformation. Before Ll;!~,d 1/.3 ACCESSION NR; AT4007o47 annealing, the cold worked specimens showed a deformed structure; recrystal I ization began after annealing at 750C for I hr. fol iowed by quenching in air, and was com- plete in samples annealed at 800C for I fir. and quenched either in air or in the furnace. In general, the strength increased and plasticity decreased with Increas- ing deformation during cold rolling, while an increase in the annealing temperature had the opposite effect. The hiationship between relative elongation and ultimate strength of AT-3 alloys shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure may be Important in selec- ting the proper conditions for the manufacture of pipe from these alloys. Orig. art. has: 11 graphs and 4 roentgenograms. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii AN SSSR (Metallurgical institute, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Dec63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: HN NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 Card 2/3 ACCESSION NRs AT4007o47 L ............. 60 N.5 KI YZ ild 91 Sq 1,17,7 faz f,-,6 1,7f rqo /10 #1 . - ENCIA)SURE 1 0) Relationship between relative elongation and ultimate itrength of titanium alloy AT-3- Ordinate in %, abscissa in kg/mm Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4007049 S/2598 /63/000/010/0262/0264 AUTHOR: Gulyayev, A. P., Sholest, A. Ye. ; Mishin, V. L, Kosoakovskaya, N. N., Pavlov"Ljx. TITLr: ~,Errecrorrurnaco atmosphere on notch toughness of commercial grade titanium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan i yogo splavy*, no. 10, 1963. Issledovaniya titanovy*kh splavov, 262-264 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium property, titanium notch toughness, titanium embrittlo- ment, titanium heat treatment, heat treaLing furnace, furace atmosphere, oxidizing atmosphere, protective atmosphere. protective coating ABSTRACT- Specimens of hot-rolled titanium sheet with an initial impact toughness of 6 kg-m/cmg were heated in quartz ampules in an atmosphere of air, oxygen or nitrogcn or in a vacuum (0. 01 mm Hg) at temperatures of 700-1200C for 10, 60 or 120 minutes, after which the specimens were tested for impact toughness, microhardness and weight of oxide film formed. Heating in a vacuum had no significant effect on either weightor impact toughness. Determination of sample weight after removal of the scale showed that oxida- tion increases with time and increasing temperature, and is markedly decreased in a Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4007049 nitrogen atmosphere, especially at high temperatures. However, as shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. prolonged heating in nitrogen at 900C or above roduces (ho impact toughness, so that nitrogen atmospheres also cannot ho recommended. The Impact toughness, which increased somewhat oil heating at low temperatures due to recrysUlll- ization, decreased sharply at 800-1200C in all niedia. Measurements of the depth of the gas-saLurated layer, evaluated from Lhc microliardness, showed that tile depth increaSe(l Uniformly with tilne and tomperature in all media. In alpha-titanium (below 900C), hovvever, nitrogen diffused less i-apidly Lhan oxygen, while after transformition to beta-Litanium (above 900C) the opposite Nvas trtic. Orig. art. has: 3 fi~Iires. ASSOCIATION; bist-lit-ut nietallur6rii AN SSSR (MCULIlurgical Instituto, AN SSSR) SUBMITTE D: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Doc63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MA-1 NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 000 d 2/3 ACCESSION KR: AT4007049 ENCLOSURE: 01 .8 1411 I - I - 7 If - - - -- 6 If 2 t- - j- , r,- 4 2 tv b C Fig. 1. Effect of temperature, durationof heating and furnace atmosphere on the impact toughness of commercial grade titanium. a. heating in air, b. heating in oxygen, c. heating in nitrogen; I - heated for 10 min.; 2 - heated for 60 min.; 3 - heated for 120 min. Ordinate = impact toughness in kg-yl/cm2, abscissa temperature of heating In 'C. ------- ------ -7-7' L 10711-~ kWT (M)/E" ACCESSIOWNRv-040*497 S/2509/63/000/014/OM/0)00 -AUTHOR: PaOO., -1. Mr; Rastegayev, M. V.;:Zharoy, N. M. TITLE.,_* Deformat'l n. Is 0 -of brittle materia SOURCE- ANrSSR.-Institut metallurgil. Trudy*, not 14, 1963- Metal)urglya, ~--Metallovedenlye,- flzlko-khlmIcheskly0.metody* Issledovanlya, 90-)00 TOPIC,TAGS:- brittle rr4terla),.brltt)e metali brittle a)loy,.britt)e material deformation,compression transmission medium, uniform deformation technique, omiatl f on hydrostatic pressure _y of brittlei materials such as rock sal ABSTRACT: '-Previous work-on-the-plastirit t, marble or sandstone suggested thn significant degrees of deformation could be pro- duced by means of high omnilateral pressure, but failed to take Into consideration the effects of the rigidity of the compressing medium and the uniformity of the stIress. in order to clarify the other factors affecting plasticity of such ma- z~'.Aerla4,_the present authors carried out three series of experiments on 0e plas- lals (marble, alloy tic defortrkition of cylindrical samples of non-plastic mater -iron) under the Influence of pressure applied In,varlous ways to the stualli PIS. faces.860 sides of the cylinder- via compressing media which were either soft, equl~llable or rigio coMared to the sample. in the first ser!es of exporiments, ~7 L__10 ACCESS ION AT4009497-1 compression by me -ans of rIqI4 facial and $of t I atere I pressure.transmittlrig media bands of steel-20 and l1quid-paraffin, respectively, In the cast of marb I e samples)-resulted In non-uniform deformation and cracks. In the second series, ~_-,_cqmprosslon of itnon-plastic alloy by mearts of eq41pliatle facial and lateral ms- dia (bands an4' of.alloy steel E1435)111so produced non-unifoim defOrma. ented by"'=q l1bration of the surface stresses. tion, but crack formation was prev In the third series, the authors-studied the effect of uniform deformation by means of linear compression in reiation to the properties of the facial compres5ion medium, and found that a soft facial medium resulted In longitudinal cracks; -,--furthermore chemi d secondary stresses and cDnsequent 'caVinhomogeneltles produce 0--roCracks (intercrystalline defects), preventing formation of a dense plasticc structure. The conclusion'that elastic deformatiod"bf brittle materials necessi- tates triaxial compression by equipliable media (as In the second series) was confirmed by successful deformation of,marble samples (60-80%), and was then test- ed undar Industrial condition-s In three variants (all Involving omnl lateral com- presslon of alloy 8 by bands of steel-35): a) facial compression was by means - f eq - __ ____ -9 uipliable di ks of -alloy E14,35; b) facial compression was by soft; disk-s of o steel-35, compressed by a 7-* thick layer of equiptiable alloy E1602 facial ~__compresslon was-by 35-mm thick disks of stee-1--35.- only the,first variike quaran- ~.teed:a high--degree-of-pla5tic deformation without crack formation. OrIg. art. bast Ztables.and 5,tilustrationt F.W_T~m)/EWA (d)/tWjl(t YAWP(b)- IJPW AR,5005074 -',-A=SSI0N HR't S/0277164/000/01110019/0020 SOURM Re~_~ zh.- MashinortroltelInyye materialy,~ konstruktsii i raschet detaley -ioashin, 0td."vyp!.'* Abs. 11-4 48,125, AUTHOk:'-~z Pavlov~ 1. M.; Konstantinov, Ye. G.; Shelest, A. -Ye.,- Tarasevich, Yii. F. -of -pys a ibbs for-def ation .,s(xne ~_titqnium t ~_~Foirce_:don t _0M - .:'--.CITED , SOURCE, Tr. Mosk. in-ta metallMi Mosk. en in-ta i Mosk. in-ta stali a avov', 4 ~ 144 19 63i 22-28- - -9-77P,., TOPIC, TAGS*., 'alloiropic. transf rop, -ormation, metal mechanical p ertyj titaniun -alloy/ VT, 'alloy. 0T4: alloy., VT6 alloy, VT14 allo ~of VTI, OT4 TRAMATION 'the resistance to dtf2jMati~ VT6 and VT14 titaniull - determined as a function of the temperature at relative reductions or a Uoys was 20, 40 and 50%. It is established that there is a stepwise change in the specific pressure in the allotropic transformation temperature interval'. For OT4 alloy (at r1o Iling tempe tratures lower than 6000) and for VT6 and VT14 alloys (at rolling temper~atures, lower than ZOO), .-a decrease in resistance to deformatior is olserved with an:increase in rolling reauction. This is explained by the formation of rmrd - 112 -FAVLOVI IA.; OSADCHIY, V.Ya.; GEMA, I.G. Investigating the transverse rolling process by means of a roller-torsiometer. Izv. vys* uchebe zav*; chern. met. 6 no-3. 117-UO 163. (KM 16 -5) 1. ~bskovskiy institut stall i 13~ lavov iStrain gauges) (RoUing (1-letalwork) PAVLOVP I.M. -An Physical nature of tensor repreBentationB I the plasticity theory. Iav. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.6:68-72 163. (KMA 16-8) 1. Institut metallur ii Im. A.A.Baykova. %11ing (Metalwork)) (Plasticity) ORZHMUVHXIY) V.L.; PAVWV, I.M.; GljhLvl(~H) Ya.,,.. - IV. Investigatine -nditi~r- " high-,-emerature dei*urmatior, of* high-melting IZV. vys. uheb. zav.; (hern. net. 6 no.9: 88-91 '63. (141?,A lb.1-1) 1. MoskovL;kiy iistitia ,it,aA i splavov, 'I'Sentrutlnvyy nau~,~lno- issledovatell6kiy in.9titut chernoy mtallurgli i Institut meta-1- lurgii im. A.A.baykova. FAVWVI I.M!., prof. dr.; DRAGPXI I. Research on the influence by cooled rolling procesav and textural degree of the metalurgie 8 no-4t443-459 of reduction working conditions, on electric, magnetic properties transforming sheets. Studii cero 163. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei de Stiinte a U.R.S.S. (for Pavlov). ZHUCHIN, V.N., in2h.;-F-AVW,_.I.m. Coefficient of friction during cold rolling. Stall 23 no.3: 231-234 Yx 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Pavlov). (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Friction) ZHLROVO V.M.;_ PAVLOV, I.M. Punch apparatus for setting samples. Zav.lab. 29 no.2.242-243 163. (MRA 16:5) 1. Institut metallurgii imeni A.A.Baykova. (Testing machines) FAVLOVO I.M.; ZHAROV, V,M. pop-- - Methods of plotting tft diagrams of actual ccupressive stresses for large and mall strains. Zav. lab 29 n 62 754-758 163. NnA '1696) 1. Inatitut metallvTgil imeni A.A. Baykova. (Strains and st"ases) _UyWV, I.M.; GUREVICH, Ta.B.; SHELEST, A.Ye.; ORZHEKHOVSZYl V.L.; - 10FICHENNO 9 A. P. Investigating certain conditions for the hot rolling of molybdenum, in vacu=,, in an argon atmosppere, and in air. TSvet.met. 36 no.2:68-71 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Molybdenum) (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Protective atmospheres) ZRAROVV V.M.; PAVLOV, I.M. PIethod of interpolation and extrapolation for plotting true normal stresses during tension. TSvet. not. 36 no.3166-69 It '63. OURA 16:5) (Strains and stressea-4raphic methods) PAVLOV, I.M.; SHELEST, A.Ye.; GUREVICH, Ya.B.; ORZHEKHOVSKIY, V.L.; BASHCHENKO, A.P. Hot rolling of niobium in vacuum and in a protective atmosphere. TSvet. met. 36 no.5:63-67 My 163. (MIRA 16:10) I.M.) ut';. I-i'd. ~: efcrmatirn of raetals', Plasticheakaia aef r.r!ts:111cv. 1,.(,L;k'v!i' Nauka, a go T- . - P:,L) I . t~ ;: c . ; ,1: 11 tut metal lurf-~i ! . e"' . U. ~ - ' ): ...... ~ ~ - - ! t ~' I; . ~ ".'. GE7 115, Nikolay Vladimirovich, nagrazliden ordenom Lenina, dvuM& ordenami Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni, medallyu za dob- lestnyy trud v Veli-koy Otechestvennoy voyne, 0tv. red.; KURD'IUIIDV 0 V., akademik, red.; ODING, I.A., red. [deceasedl- PAVLOV I.M., red.; ZUDIII, I.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Study of 5teel.'3 an(~ alloys] Issledovaniia stalei i vov. Moskva, Nauka W I.HA Y?. .9 1964. 390 P. 1. Moscow. Institut metallurgii.2.Chlen-kori-espondent AN SSSR (for Odin, Ageyev, Pavlov). 'L U0 UT(M)/EWA(d)/L?WP(t)/ge(k)/EWP(b) Pf-4 ASD(m)-3 JKT/ ACCESSION NR: _.AT404771_7 -8/09,00/64/0001000/0003/0018 OR AUTHOR (Corresponding member AN BSSR), Mekhed G.N., Wang, Yu min& TITLE. Mode methods of Increasingthe: strength of steel and allop rn SOURCE-, AN SSM hwtut metallurgH Plasitchaokaya ddorraatsiya metallov (P astit, -deform--ation of:metals). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 3-18 TOPIC- TAG$t cold.working, alloy host trestment.- Coy strawh, thermomoch"Aaftl rkin'h rd tempering,- therwomecharitcal mtic wo W o n$':-A'-0aing ague rking, steel alrength ADSTIam., Th4,development.of aviation.and rocketry: requires now high-strength steels and.alloys., Lately,- high-strongth alloya containtug titanitun, molybdenum, tungsten, tantalum, niobittm and other refractory meW bases' 'ate being widely employed. However, -steel should not be forgotteli., -Tho following-moiethods-are known for Increasinw tha' py, ' &NON NR:~ AT*047717-- A cc -f dispersed martensitic structure In'the metal. Depending on the (Pantity of dislocations, the strength of annealed steel Is manytimes lower thaa-the theoretical value. One mothod j of strengthening such metals is to lower the number of defects In the metal. The second method Is to relocate the dislocations in a.certata order by thermal or thermomechanical worldng consisting of a combination of plastic deformation and heat troatrnent. Under high --j temperatures, this type of working can be performed with lower pressure on the madhIne. At low. temperatures and in a vacuum chamber, the ultimate strength and yield point of steel Inoreases by 16%. It Is known that steel consists of a solid solution of carbides. Lowering the carbon diffusion In iron aids supercooling of the austenite, which is required for low temperature thermomechanical working, Increasing the carbon content above 0. 6% increases the ultimate strength and yield point, but sharply lowers the plasticity. I,- Considering various alloying elements, It Is noted that the Increase in steel and alloy strength after thermomechanical working depends both on the steel melting process and on the purity of materials used. Meliting In a vacuum increases steel and alloy strength. Test-a abowed that the ultimate strength and yield point of 3OKhNMA steel, for example, Increase when the deformation temperature varies between 500 while r 4e cmapres- the 6lothgation mul-reaffience decrease. Tests also showed that Increasingair c tructure leads to Improvement of the meo sion,of sh.- with it supercooled austeniti s ohan- teal properties during thermomechanical worldng. Steel cooled in air daring hardening -2/3 Card .~-ACCMI A-`~At4_ 047717- bit --mirtenaltic products located-along1he slip plane with' ower,machamical contains more non 'is cooled iri oil. T6mporlng.affects thp rU properties- than.when the steel e rope es of St6A and alloys during low temperature thermornechanical working. Tempering lowers the residual stress remaining In the steel otter thermomechardcal working, and Increases the I yield point, at the.,aame time lowering the ultimate strength. As the temperature r1se's in this case, the ratio of the yield point to the ultimate strength Increases. It was noted that the strength of steel also increases when the quantity of remaining stustenite Is lowered. A new method of steel w.)rking known as "thermomechanical magnetic workJng" Is also used for Inoreasing steel strength. When tho steel to being hardened, at the moment of to -transformation from arstenite into martensite, a strong electromagnetic field is applied to the -st6ol, Jollowed by low-temperature tempering, When the resistance of the magnetic field to increased to 5060'or the effect of thermal magnetic working to found to be sipffi- cant, - Other methods noted In the paper for working of rocket engines are turning-pressure -working, thermomechanical working with explosion deformation, shot peening and others. However, there are elffier few or no publications on these methods. Orig. art. has: 2 jigures a~d 2 tableE ASSOCIATION:. Insf.Aut metallurgil AN SWR SUBMIT TED _~__Olju; 34 ENCL: 60 SUB CODE: MM NO*REFrSGV: 043 OTHER: 017 -AN.SSSR), Mekhod, G.M., Ganin, N.P.- AUTHOR. (Corresponding member iF Suvorov. V. A~, Wang,~u-ming~ T17M Rolling mill r metals and alloys of low plasticity InstitutMetallurgii. Plastich-okayadefo, SOURCE- AN SSSR, e rmaWya metallov (Plastic deform allon of metals). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 19-21 TO] IC TAGS: -rolling mill heating, rolling mill cooling, rollin mill design ABSTRACT: Electrical, hIgh-strength, 'beat resistant, acid-procif and other special allop and metals must have high-quality surfaces During worlting under preasure in rolling.mills or during thermomeehanical workingNe machlnet7 employed must therefore be leated to eliminate known as technological tool heating. Por rolling mills, the rolls are heated either by thetot metal, by gas or by electricity (retlstors and induction coils). For the last two methods, the rolls are heated to 100-350C elthar 16- the mill or on a special stand. In factories the rolls can be heated In speclA gas chvinbers, by gas burners (either In the mill -or. on the stand),, by electrical resistors or by i JMuction collo.- Of these methods the simplest is gas heating. Besides heating, cooling 1i Of great Impo. tance. The rolls are cooled either by pouring water, blowing all, Cmd 1/2 L 13059';-65,: ZqT(d)/V,4T (n, Pfrk DMAW ACCESS10XNR:.,AT4047719 fl/0000/64/000/0,00/0022/0027 AUTAPRi Zavl6v, I. M.! (Corresponding member AN SSSR), Mekhed. 0. N., Suvorov. ~A* TITLE i'_ Uethode of.hoWng tolling mill.rollo -AN SSSR. Institut metallurgli.- Plaatlch6ska~i deto SOURCE. matelya metallov as - deformation of metals). Moscow, Izd-vo Kauka, 1964, 22-27 Pl tic ~ 'z-*-a'~i'~ TOPIC:TA dost rolling zniA roll, heating, rolling mill 9n 1q a general review of the literature, the authors point out that rolling nAll rolls for both hot and.cold rolling are heated by plastic deformation of the metal, 90% of the work utilized for metal deformation being transformed Into heat, of which 6% beats the rolls. The roll temperature thus depends on the rolled metal temperature, rolling ij rat% compression, &ration of contact of the metal and roll and the c iction. oefficient 91 fr ~J S613jetimes, artificial heating Is also used. The roll temperature for hot ro in6Aeaches .300-350C with water cooling and 350-600C with partial or no cooling, while for cold rolling the roll -working surface temperature does not exceed 100-160C. Me to unequal H-_ along -their-length, the rolls become barrel-shapdd, so that to obtain uniform sheets T Ic m 4/3' 77 _SMZ~:_ L 13059-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4047719 roll shipe must be- changed in succonalve -mills The h tin of rolls may b divided e Into three stagea: heating of the ron'surface witit it- cold core'$ uniform-hoating of: the roll across the entire section, and roll cooling. Sheets are usually rolled with cost Iron rolls which work sattsfactor-Ily at temperatures up to 450C. At higher temperatures, the rolls are fractured due to unequal temporature distribution. Several methods have been proposed (or pro-heating rolls, thus lowering the thermal stress, These methods are.dMded abc rding to the beat source (gas, fuel oil. and. electricity). The oldest methodis heating by the rolled metal. In the thirties, fuel oil heaters began to be -&n& ~19-ruethod-was-substituted by gas burners either In the rolRng mill or _gtues-o on- a special stand.,:- The exhiks--t fili-Rft-g-lurnac"_ an-ba-used-for-heating the a- of -a duo mill.- Electrical. resistance cad also be used.for heating.--Id 1936----N-' roll sed-electrlcd_:ht~ating coils'for rolling .6 myn-diam. rolls.. The KxdpnIk 'mills wlth,~ 55 propo' trical -current was 110amp, 3OV.7laterxial-heatijigof r6110i'lanowbein usedin clec 9 au us _16difelion-colls-which- - Ircle-the rolls,in a spiielal housing. --N.V. :Zllulwv one th -760 id using &-solenold, around th6- -rolls _biiiifi_g4a~5 hours -tam-diam. -rolls as'propos re, 9 solen d_turn:6.__,0val heated to 300-350C at 1000 amp, 00 v with 10-1 of induction a coils. are used in factories In the district near the Ural Mountains but cylindrical T_ V3 card ME ME XJT L 13060,~6~ DIWIW-Ei~'A f d)/!NIF (t Pf -4 F(-) W-3/4_0(0-2 !.-~'.:,ACCESSl0N:NR: - AT4047720 8/0006/64/006/006[028/0631, _j ~_L M RX Konstantinov, e. -,:---,AUTHOR: (Corresponding member Ali SSS Y 'G West, -A. Y~ , a' tigati , e C rmanov -EE ln~ on of atrain'resistan & during- ipjagUe dgfo ti of titanium alloys asticheskaya deformatslya metallov (Plastio _S0URCE*'-j _Invitut metallurgii. PI -'deformation- of metals). Moscow, Nauka, 1964, 28-31 tanium auoy Plastio 7TOPIC TAGS-, titanium idloy, titantum alloy strain reststancoi, ti alloy VT14 d6for'Inatkon./alloy VTI,-- ealoy OT4 alloy VT6 771~. ..... - Of xollAn a I e problems c cted with the design and operation -ABSTRACT:': Solutio of -'_i onne m s requires cteristics which are needed for cEdculs- knowledgE of metal strength cbara tion of the metal p on the rolls and the rolling torque. The present paper con- res.,jur. siders the determination vf strain resistance and compares the strain resistance crt e~eral titanium allolro diAng rolling and when testing under static and impact tensile s rolled g mill (roll diameter 212 mm, rolling loads. .-The samples were on a 200 r6llin 41thdynamo eters for- In I Iftemrbig..the i6tal-i'petal, pressure on the rbll$--. and -torque meters for measuring ~`J if - :,A . -and 2 -allo t6steC 'ITI, OT4,NTG - TIt titanium .611 _--yawere lit Ccird J, L. 13 0-65 ION NR: AT4047720 the samples being heated for 15-35 minutes for 500-1100C rolling Intervals (evory 100C). Static tests were pgr-ormed on a R-5 machine with electric drive and a strain rate of 003-0. 0045 s6c-1. The samples were heated in a special furnace with temptiratare time was 15-35 minutes. The iaethod deviations not exceeding over �10C. The heating. 'for findl g thestrain rosistance (proposed by S. L Gubldn)-on the basis of strain -a and impact tensile loads consists. of calculating tL3 Indicator equilibrium under. stati diagram coefficient unilek ultimate static tension as the ratio of the areas of tbe diagram th. ln~c and e rectvingle -T -he ultim ate impact toughness was fiested on the MK-30 machine with an Initial Impact spesoxl of 5. 6 m1sec and a strain rate depending on tbe degree of deformation of 160 90 see Ile samples were preheated and tonted In an asbestos tests demonstrated the strength and plasticity of VTl, OT4, paeldng., The e alloys showed that the .-VT6 and VTIA titanium alloys. CompariBon of data for thee staticultimate strength maybe used in. equations for hot pressure worldng at 700-1000C. The ultimate impact toughnear, determined experimentally in the same temperature range to higher than the actual and theoretical strain resistance, this being explained by the high strain rates during impact elongation. The plastic properties of these idloys are lowered as the 9train rate increases. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 3 equations. ~20 L ~146 KiA(s)_2/&71(M)/7_ 7-1 - N 'FF' 21 --7A (d) /aR (k) IFAT(b) 7 5W-3/ASD(M -3- JD;~r irdliG"WaK ACCESSIOWNR:~ --AT4047721 S/0000/64/000/000/0032/0035 AUTHOR: Pavlov, I.M. -(Coiresponding member AN SSSA);Zharov, V. M. TITLE-.,,:The problem of thermoplastic metal working Inst-itut metallurgil. Plasticheskaya ditformatslya metallov -.SOURCE: AN SSSR14 (plastic defofmation of metals). Moscow, lzd vo.Hauka, 1964, 32-35 TOPIC _TAGS~- -metal working, metal plastic deformation, hot pressing, cold -1- pressing i AMTRACTi This paperAs a general discussion and review.of theAiterature on one .of.the most progressive, tendencies in metal working: the rejection of mechanical cutting and-the substitution of.pressure working to obtain precise products. A This tendency Includes both, cold,and hot pressing technlquest_ The-advantages of these-methods are the elimination. of metal losses and a lower time consumption -of the metaO a -tic de- during working.. Besides, the properties re Improved. Pl&~ carried out In temperature ranges not Involving ormat-lon Is, currently bq,4nq f I.Louring the la%t few years,- two bronches of mciul) I u rq I ca I --metal-recrystallixation cl ce have,-gradualply merge!d-those eetling-with-the-st ng.of IJILu d matol en 4 Itampt s t W-t and with pressure casting. other methods described In' the paper re 7 tal rki nq,,/ thl s being-at temperatures betwee~n cold and hot working of metals. me wo Carcl L 16467-65 ~Pf-4/Ps ACCESMON-NIR-.: AT4047728 SIOO'001641000100010 AUTH6R. _Zharovi V. M., Pavlov, I.M. (Corresponding member AN SM) TITM AuWagrams of tbo comRresslon of metals SOURCE#.- AN SWR. Inatitut metallurgH. Plastlebeskaya defdrmaWya metallov (&a T; deformation of metaliot( Moscow Izd-vo_ Nauka, 1964-~ 100- 107 i,~ TOPIO TAGS; Ufonmauonj metal compression,:compression autodiagram pl ---sLlvmihum_Upsq#W -told MOOS" A13STRACT: The author, efly discuss the uses of tension autodiagrzim and their application in the case of testing for mechanical properties.. The difficulties nonnally encountered In carryingo -compression tests fc#r inetals Ut tensile tests are mentioned, and and alloys are discussed as a supplementary technique, -useful in the determination of material characteristics. The advantages of the compression test are outlined aad Attention to called to the relatively small body of information available on the subjoct of the compression testing V. metals and alloys and, in particular, compression autodin- gra;ne. The authors of this article carried out a series of tests of various metals and alloys,for, compression (re4uction through upsetting), with the stress-strain curve auto- tc 'Ew~ -y cc AT4047726- A milti6iily recorded In a onto the ~Sginple The -tests were systein of coordinates planed ~ onducted onan'R-5 universal test Instrume with the lower p movin at a -C nt (active) gri 9 rate of 10 inib/mIn. Up9ettin c g. was effe, Ited between plane -parallel polished blacks, Installed a spooially-designed guido mechanism (described elsewhere), at room In temperature and with no lubrication of either the blocks or the saraples themselves The Ldts of this experimentation are,discussed In the article. -Autodiagrams of varlotw metalsand alloys are.presented and analyzed, and certain terms, frequently encountered -in the te6hnical literature on this subject, are deftned more-closely by the authors. The relationshIp which e)dsts between the comprossing force and deformation Is studied in -deWl, and a principle is -proposed for the approximate determination. of the force of the a er analogous to the determination of the limit of onset of plastic deform tion in a mann proportionality according to the tensile autodiagram. The yield point, found in this fashion on the basis of a compression autodiagrami is callod by the authors the 11techno- logical yield point". The latter Is shown to indicate with a rather high degree of accuracy that stress under which the first perceptible signs of residual deformation are observed. Itle noted that a more precise deterinination of the yield point of the basic metal Is poss- ible -if, the anticipated value of the force at the beginning of the metal Is plastic flow is not much smaller than themaximum possible forcest-tbe selected load stage of the test 16467-65. 11ACCEMON 10: AT40477281 The resi Lilts of a study of the force conditione in the..upsetting of-pure abunin-= are re ported- InAhelarticle -and It Is: noted that,--in addition tothe elastic-plastic defozmattion of -the sample, itself compression testing is always accompanied by elastic deformatfion of and a number of parts of the test machine. Among the general conclusions that the stomp may be-drawn from: this article are the facts that metals itad alloys which yield a flow area In tension 'autodiagrams also show this area In compression diagrams, while metals which have no flow area vader extension, similarly do not have one when subjected to compression. It hao also been domonetrated that the force - absolute compression function has the form -:-of a smooth curve (in the region of plastic deformation) In the case of the butt reduction of cylindrical samples cut from aluminum with a coarsegrain cast structure. Pressure treatment of coarse-grained metal may be used to obtain articles of special configur&tion, -has. -figures and 4 formulas. Orig, ~ art. 12 ASSOCIATION: thatitut 'Metallurgii AN SM (1twtitute of Metallur&X, AN BSSR) SUB -CODE: MAI -SUBMITTED: 01Ju164 -ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 NOREF SW: 004 i~crd, 17 -'P(b) NR: AT4048061 ON S/0000/64/000/000/0128/0131 -A 1. M: Shelest, ~A- Y6., Konstantinovi Ye. 0. 1- -TIT.LEW~ -of the oxidation of several -titanium alloys-when heated pri9r, to aracteristies 01 stio def6rmatlon S0TJRCk.-" oveshchaLi!~ po metallurgil, metallovedenlyu I primenentyu Litana ep _y ' - - Metallovedeniye titana, (Metallogr R Mdu n i) 7 TRW. soveshchantya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 128-131 TOPIC TAGS: titanium allay, titanium alloy roffing. titanium alloy o7ddaUon, plastic, ill- deft- n/~a1loyOT,~21loy-VT- orniatio AB9'jbR-ACT4.- At high- temperatures :the scale formation'od gas saturation takingplace'_ at the.-surface-of titanium allo-ys depend on the rate of chemical reactions at theborder between the liquid and solid phases, as well as on the diffusion rate. The present paper Idnetics of oxidation of several Tt conalder6 the results of a study of the alloys under '4 or.-ditions.of plastic deformation. The most precise method of testing Is the continuous weighing e6s. -However, Intermediate samples cannot betaken. Therefore, separate proc samples *ere'r taken for each testing temperature. The sampleg (10-16 mm. cubes) were placed In porcelain crucibles with access to air ensured from all sides and heabad to 800- Card 4 6' )~-ACCESSZONNR: AT4048061 1200C (everyilOOC) fordurations of 15, 30, 60, 120 ahd 240 minutes. The -samples were "then weighed both with and without the'erucibles and with the scale removed, Ile change ed - s im -area prior to oxidation. Flg~ 1 of the Lhclosure illus- Weight was relat to dimple I Arates the kinetic curves of oxidation of the tested Ti alloys. The tests showed that the oxidation -rate dependa on the oxygen concentration gradient In the surface layer of the c differen'tiation of the metal ~' The value of the oxidation rate was determined by graphi kinetic curves for prolonged oxidation.' Generally, the -rate changes gradually and reaches' -hown as Ahe characteris tic rate. This. rate changed from 0.17 for VT-1 i a constant, h at 006c to 12. 001-at 1200C, from 0. 03 for OT4-1 at 800C to 16. 00, at 1200C, from 0. 33 for.O.T4 at 800C to 18. 00 at 1200C, frorn 0. 10 for VT6 at 800C to 13. 00 at 1200C, and Irom 0. _h d be paid to the f act 10 for VT14 at 8 OOC to 10. 25 at 1200C. Atteut1pn a oul, `5 and 6 Alloys V19, that for the,4 +, - _Yjjjpnd VT_15J ~ffie oxidation rate Increases with the temperature at a constant rate, yi5fie fOBVT1 and OTA- -harp increase in _Lalloys a s Oxidation rate Is observed. Fig. 2 of the E~nefo-sill slio~s thi Kinetic oxidation curves and variations in scale formation. The data obtained in this paper may be used to com- iat resistance of Ti alloys and estimate the effect of alloying elements on this p-are the- he Important property.- Orig. - art. -has: - 2 figures and 1 table. 4, :.J C6rd-. ~/6 - -- , -- --- r - . -- - - - - -,--l..- - . - - :. vt --,- - :~ -. .---I: ~ -4 - - ,. - , , -: :~-.:7 7 - -- -- I- ; - ~--. I V- -_ ,.. 1 , - - . -- ,z - I . % .~~ j --~, ~~. - I ~ - - - , . - -- ~ - - :.- -.., . I ~