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20225 ,9/135/61/000/004/0()1/012 A0061A 10 1 The Effect of Real and Inductive Resistance of a Butt-Welding Machine In the Flash-Welding Prodess Figure 5 continued: b) - temperature distribution along the generatrix of the pipe at the end of setting at 1400 various resistances of the machine; /too logo too Card 8110 ~ 1350 MHO Z M ~ \ , R; J 71 wropf 6), 6), o) -.temperature of heating the pipe at the end of flashing in spots at distances of 1.5; 5.5; 11.5 and 21.5 mm from thle butt at changing R 1 (continuous line) Xj(dotted 11ne) and Rp (dot- and-dash line). MM U20 4o0 no F I a 100 4x lot? 900 fxo I-OuNKOV POCCMORMUC OM Mbaa INN distance a) e) from buttxm S/I 35/6 AV.),ej A /A. . r) The Effect (,f Real and Inductive Resistance cf a Butt-lAelding Machine in the Flash-Weldir,g Pr,)cess Pigure 6: Dependence (if heat content of pipes flashed a-~ 11 20min (a), or mean active power an([ mean thermal efficieney of the flashing process (c) oil th,~ :-esistance of the machine at varying its real and inductive component.3. Card 9/10 a - 17 15 o to 60 V No 400 60P 300 1000 1, " 1) P INCIPIMOCT" UnAocoAtpRammm Tpyd, onnasAerixwx npu I.I. mesueno smstexos sKTm.HaA wowiiocTm (6) u cpea-ero *0- 4~4!KT Namore PMMqeCKoro x.n A RjX)tICCCA OnAame-m (a) DT conpuTms- nexus mawn;itu nPu u3mexeHom CM AKTIfenoll i,t ""AYKTMbHOft CCK'Tgb- JIM.U%R.. sli 3~,.16 I/C00/004r-O !,,012 0 1 The Effect of Real and Inductive Resistance eif a Butt-Welding Machine in the Flash-Weldl,ig Probess /IV -1 40-- Figure 7: Dependenoes of the mean effective current in the welding circuit whe'i flashing _32 x 3-5 mm pipes (a) and of the mean effectIve resistance of flashed butts (b) on the resistance :)f the welding machine at varying its real and components. Card 10/10 1000 1600 1, ~ 1700 - Rom YO HKOM 10001".' k406 Nc, &V Soo 0 M Pmr- 7-haame XUOMI CPeA"trO %4~- -,*exTu%dDro -K047 C1. Apoqmon uenx nPu OrLlaBJICHHH 6 32X3 5 am (a) x cpexmero mnpoTH&- Aenmv onas M " X TOPROD (i) OT COnPOT%MeKI'Q C" POU"Oft MaMPINU nP. --ft ;Ly.,~ b..n . ~=. r0 -f (xJ XI) PAVIMO- UtIlising waste lbM. Bakh.prow.30 u.3t5l-32 Mr 156. (MLaA 9:7) I.Mopyanekly sakharnyy savod. (Line) 37 Lf t, FAVLUKO. V.14..gornyy lnzh.,-. STOLYAMNIO, I.I..gornvy inzh. CoM~lete reorganiZiLtion of mines in Irasnodon Coal Tnist of the Dowts Basin Anthracite Combine. Ugoll Ukr. 2 no.10:30-32 0 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Tu2hgIpfoshakht. (Donets 3asin-Coal mines und mining) TOBIIEVICH, N,yu,, kand. takhn. nauk; SAGAN', I.I., kand'. tekhn. nauk; TKAGHENKO, S.I., inzh.; PAVLENKO, V.S., inzh. Studying the circulation in evaporators at low pressure and und,)r vacuum. Pishoh. prom. no.1:131-.137 165. (MIRA 18ill) GOLAND, Sh.N., kand. tekhri. nauk; LEDENTSOV, 11.M., in-Lh.; NIKOLAYEV, A.S., iml.. ;---PAVLENKO ~ V,5.!-L-inzh.; FLUMA, M.A., :mnd. tokhn. nauk; POFJDNYA---A-.T-.t cT6E6r tekhn. nauk; SFIRIDOVUJA, C.M., kand. tekhn. na-ta;; ;'~;ATSKIY, P.S., inzh.; FEDORTSOV, B.D., inzh., retsenzent; KAPIAN, M.Ya., red. izd-va; PUL'KINIA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Handbook of finishing operations] Sm-avochnik po otdelochrrym ra- bovun. Pod red. A.I.Poradnia i O.M.Spiridonovoi. Leningrad, Gos. izd.-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialarn, 1961. 497 P. WIRA 14:7) 1. Leningrad. Upravleniye po zhilislichnomu i grazhdanskomu stroitell- stva. (Finishes -md f-'rishing) LiOMEV. loonid Hikolayevich. inzh.; PAYLENKO, VladImir Timofeyevich; IVANOV-SXOBLIKOV, P.V., inzh., red.; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn.rod. [Using remed earth in building] Stroltallstvo zdanii iz zemli. Lenincrod, 1959. 38 p. (Loningradakii dom nauchno-tekhnicheekoi propagandy. Obmen p9radovym opytom. Seritat Stroitellmin promyshlennost', vyp.-S-6). (MIRA 1):4) Oftes') PAVIENKOP Ir.V., agronom-fitopatolog Role of windbre&k Ixilts in controUing tha black rot of appr1a caused by Sphaeropsis trAlorum Reek. Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i b~ol. 4 no.2:52 Mr-Ap 159, (MIRA 16:5) (Apple 8--ZiSEiaso s and posts) (Black rot) S 1123/6 1 /0ori/'o2L- 11Y_, 21ri ~6 Ao04/A10l A M OR: Pavlenko, V,V. T.'TLEi Corrosion protentJon of metallic structaros PERIODICAL! Referativnyy zhurrial. MashinoEtroyenlye, na. 24. 1961, 92, abs,.rac~ 24B579 ("Mashinosi.r. 1 energ. KazakJ,.stana. Nauchno-tekhn st ig6i, no. 3 (1_3), 65 - 68) TM. Ube author describes the changes in the technology of cleaning and coating metal structures at the Ust'-Kamenogorsk GES, which made It possible to considerably Increase the perI4A between repairs of the equipment. and *.he opera- tion dependability and also *,o cut the labor consumpt.Lon per surface unit. To improve the cleaning of angles, projections and ribs, a special hydraulic sand- blast apparatus has been designed which permits to obtain a labor prod3ctlvlty 2/hour on surfaces which are heavily corroded, and of 25 m-/h'-Nur on of 12 - 15 m I surfaces less affected by corrosion. The structural modifications of the appa- ratus made it possible to use sand of any grain size and moisture. The average sand expenditure amounts to 0-15 - 0.20 m3/hour, air consumption to 5,5 - 6,0 rr,31 min, at a working pressure of up to 6 atm. The apparatus is loaded from a hopper Card 112 3/12-3/6 J/W)/024/C~)3/~ I Corrosion protection of metallic structureb AOOI;/AIOI mounted above the apparatus. Fcr protecting the facep of the workers a nelmet from dense fab?'Ic Is used. reinforced by a light Durallium carcass, After the cleaning a strong adhesion of tne lacquer and Otint coating to the metal surface is ensured. To protect the cleaned surface from rusting prior to the coattng. the surface Is washed with a 8 - 10% aqueous solution of phosphoric acid t.o wnich zinc oxide and sodium nitrite nave been added, The metin advantage c,f thil me, -no: Is the formation of a strong bond between the parkeriZed surface and the prcte'~- tive coating. D:Lvinyl acetylene varmish (ethinol) was used as prot -'ec-tive C':'a'~- Ing. The protec,.or primer under this coating contalns 85 - 90% by weigh, zir.: powder. Ethinol varnish serves as film-forming material. The primer is appliee~ by brushl then J-t is covered with three layers of aluminum paint on the same ethinol varnish. A drawba,~k of these c~atlngs is the fact that. ethincl varnish quickly peels at the open air, partlciiarly in the sun, and T.hus loser I,.s prei- tective propertles. Therefore, metal structures whloh are cperated ;_1l*ema*e1v in water and in emir, or which are partly submerged in are painted wl*.h t-w- layers of ethinol paint, to wh.tch a layer of ethine)l ;:er:~h1nr.-)v1ny, F-,arriel ,s -a~- plied, which conEists of equal v:Iumes of al-imir.-Lm and et.hin.~_' ~.ainl and 11XB 21, (MV-26) perch-crc, v'-nyl ename.1 . LAbstracter's note- Complete tzansiationj Card 212 VODOLAZOVp D.., inzh.;,_PLVLEIfKOI, Ye., inzh. Transportation of shell-rock stone in packages without the u--e of pal-lets. Avt.tran.sp. 39 no.3:12-13 Pv- 161. (IaFA 14:3) (Stone--Transp:)rtation) (Gargo hancUing) I ) What. is more profitable7 Av-t.transp. 41- no.2jl6-17 F 163. (MIRA 1622) (Automobiles, Rental) POLIM, Ye. Carts used In cleaning automobile brakes. Avt. Transp. 36 no.12:43 D 158. (YIRA 11:12) (Automobile--Brakes) COUNTRY ~i ZIR H- CA2ZGOPY T. 3 F. ~4t t T T2 L Proportio-.aL-Speea Fimting Actiori Preum,tic Con t ro L ! v r8 R,~g'e ~ un K:3 t. ec ~,n t k, t). I~o J,: ~-'j ~4 C)".~) 1.19r S r Tne a,,, '.ho r -Ii -- :-153e5 I n,- ons t r ;~: t !on t n,I a Vw~tn- o f ~ rc, o r t j onai -.s pe-I d f I oa ti n g ac t L 0!~ C oi. tro 1 izr6 , in oyqi ch t he yo~si t, on of tne fijia- control element is crianged at a ~B,F' t ,q-.-,cn -s proportional to :he aeviation. ~rcjpnr- i ona 1 --s ;Deeu f lo-~ 1,ing ac t on pnejma tic cc - t r-D I ! erj Une~ in coniunction with amplifirers have f;,~~.-n 7nown :-r., numerous experiments to possess ri~rn staz;ilJz~~ng' pro.uertieS,D~I,-t;.CUl3rIY in s,,,stpm-- ivi--n ri-gh noise levels. Kapian LD: 1/1 PAVLFRIKOI Te',_ - Device for dismounting aria mounting ge.!Lr boxes.Avt.transP. 37 no.4:51-52 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:6) (Automob ilea-Transynt fie ton do-rices) PAVLENKO, Te. Es'AblishIng record3 for the loading end unloading stationB. Avt. transp. 42 no.12:L2.-13 D 164. ( rIRA 1814) IMMS. 0.F. Memets'. 0.P.); PAVLETKO, Te.A. I'Favlenko, IR.A.1; SOKOIOV, M.V. Designing ionizati*:m chambers equipped with grids. Ukr. fiz. shur. 3 ne.6:837-839 '58. (MIRA 12:6) 1.Institut fiziki AN USSR. (Ionization cftambers) q 0 4-0 -r-a a A A- V.. t SL.U- Kkdabl'aaya 1%9, No. 2. MM. 7u= -ZIO a -4- 4r- YT %1 0 SO a I IV to 0 a 9 3 0e a* oe *0 0a**** 0000 00600*0*6 oess tie too bee PAvta*Ko, Yu. 33M Hekhanizatsiya I Retsicnalizatsiya Stroitelgnykb Rabot. Moluch. Prom-stg, 1949, nO. 10 c. 14-16 SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey,, Vol. 45, Moskva, 1949 3 --) " '-) 1, .PAVL-'NK:'j Y-U. - 7,troit I kholodil 'niki metcdluiti :)crmclovoy fit.roitel Inoy t.qKnnlKc:i. Kho I ud I I. tikhnika, 1-90, No. 3, s. 1-7. -, P-AVLENKO , Yevger~iy Yakovlevich; KRMIN, M. L, , red., BODANOVA, A. P. , tekhn. red. rAutorotive tranE~portation; problems and etxercises]Avtomo- t~'Illnye perevozkii Bbornik zadach i uprazlinenii, Moskva, Avttotransizdat, Iq62', I P,,, p. (MIRA 1( :,') (Transportat�on, AutoTwtive--Study an(! teaching) L 27863-66- F,]A(k)/FB C (k) -2 h ~CTID/ Acc NAs APOOOM WGGIAT SOURCE COM! UR/0386/65/002/009/oh4g/o451 AUTHOR: Sokolov, A. A.;_,PAvlenko, Yu. G. ORG: .Ehy i s Departmelit, Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Fizicheskiy fakulltet Hookovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni:;ersil-e-t-aT ..TITLE: Quantum th!ory of stimulated emission or electrons in crossed fields .SOUIRCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki. Pislma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 2i no. 9, 1965, 449-451 TOPIC,TAGS;: maser,- IMejAyclotron maser, stimulated emission, a! h e_4,,o- ABSTRACT:. The theoryt off"a"ntlectron"c~lotron inaser is extended to include the presence of an electrostatic,field. It is shov;.,i that stimulated emission of elec- tric dipole radiation can be enhanced by an electrostatic field whose potential energy is of the type used in the analysis of a magnetron (P. L. Kapitsa, Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, v. 78, 1962, p. 181). The expression for the emitted power shows that stimulated emission reaches a maximum at the resonance. An applied electric field of this type should enhance stimulated emLssion at wavelengthsofthe order af tens of centimeters. Use of higher multipoles vould decrease the wavelength at ,which emission could occur. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas. (CS) SUB.CDDE: 2 SUBM DATE.- l6SeP65/ ORIG REP: 002/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: Cmd ACC NR: 1 A. A. Pavlenl-c 11 C,IiG: none una sp~,:itanco,,i3 e-mission in crossed fi(!lds Optika i spektroskopiva, Y. 22, no. 1, 196", 3-8 TOPIC TAGS: stimulated emission, spcntancous emiss:.on, eLectron radiation, wave function, Schrodinger equation, quantum generator, naser radar Ai~STRACT: The stimulated emission and absorption producea by an elecLron movi,-,~; in crossed electric and magnetic fields i's anaiyzed oy method.s of quantum Mlecn&nics. Tne wave function of the electron in the crossed field is obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation in cylindrical coordinates. TtAs yields the range of of the axial, orbital, radial and principal quantum numbers. Selection ruluzi . f - 3 ' ' ' '1).4 rived for the possible inducod transitions and the intensity of the and absorption is calculated. The conditions under which emission prevails over ab- sorption are determined. It is shown in particular that if an electric field of ap- proximate intensity 104 V/CM is superimposed on the magnetic field (1. 103 Oe) for which a maser has already been realized (J. L. Hir3ifield and J. M. Wachtel, Phys. Rev, IA-tt. Y. 12, 533, 1964). the intensity of this maser would be greatly increased at a Card 1/2 ACC NR: AP7004135 wavelenj,~th on the order of 10 cm. The analoU between the results and the Lheoz-i of ' the radiating electron is discussed. The authors L.h.arik. 1. M. Ternov for a ri-'.L~er of impor-t-ant remarks, and V. Ch. Zhukovskiy and Yu. A. Korovin for help with tae calcu- lations. Orie. art. has: 30 formulas. (W.A. 14) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 06jul65/ ORIG REF: oo6/ OTH REEF: 002 Card-_2/2_ ___ - - - - -- -- I-" i e c *~r 0r" t: MoAovs;~' t,( s- ;..S.; PAVI.LUKC., Y,-~.,. + co,,.piing constant c", astran. 1i no.5:8-10 S-0 1,ACCLSSION NRt AP3001775 ALITHORs Pavlonkop Yu. G. 4/01eg/6-3/000/003/W70/0074 TITIZ: Scattering amplitude in a quasi-classical approximation SO Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 3. Fizika,, astronomiya, no. 3, 1963, 70-74 TOPIC TAGS: scattering, scattering amplitude, high onergy particle, Matrin element, high anorgy particle scattering, s Matrin, Rogge polo ZSTRXT: The scattering of high-energy particles is analyzed. Starting with the radial part of the Schroodinger equation., wave functions of the particlor, are express- ed in terms of integral equations which have no singularities at the distance of the closest approach and are therefore very convenient for the calculation of quasi-clas- sical &Natrin elements. An expression is derived for the S,-Xatrin. It is shown that at high energies Rogge pole trajectories can bo obtained from the S-14atrin. The S-Matrin can be extended to negative energies, whjLch makes it possible to obtain energy eiganvalues in the form of a series in powers of t . Drig. art. hass 17 formulas. Card 1/2 XCESSION NR: AP3001775 ASSOCIATION: Xafodra statischeakoy fiziki i makhanild (Dep&rtment of Statistical Physics and Mochardes) SUBK=ZD: 160ot62 DATE ACQ: O9Jul63 ENCL: 00 ,SUB CME: PH NO REF SM 003 OMERs 001 Cond 2./2 L 11160-~ - 6t, Fll'q- ( I )I., I ACC NR, AF60:061- --SO-U-R(J1-E--&0-~E -..,vow /050/005/1285/ AUTHOR: Paylenko, YU. G. ORG: Moscow 8tate -- University (14oakovakiy gosudarstveMry universitet) TITLE:' Electron radiation stijmLlated in crossed fields SOURCE: Zh eksper I teor fiz, v. 50, no. 5, 1966, 1285-1290 TOPIC TAGS: laser theory, laser power amplifier, electron beam, relativistic electror, electron transition, electron spectrum I ABSTRACT: In view of recent interest in the theory and practice of quantun~-mecbanicaj generators and amplifiers whose active medium consists of electron beams controlled 'by electric and magnetic fields, rather than atoms or molecules, the author analyzes from the point of view of quantum theory the radiation produced by a relativistic electron and Ehows that In cronsed electric and magnetic field configurations, similar to those used in -,kLgnetronz,, the electron is capable of twTlifying external raddation in a wide raTTe of freqxtenc-ica. 7"he spin of the electron I&; neglected and its wave function Is oltained from, t-be laein equation. Calculation of the frequency and in- tensity of the radiation absorption accompanying the transition of the electron ftom one level to another L;hcwr; that the energy levels have an equidistant eListribu- *n in a small quasiclasc;ical section of the spectnim, and that in such an approxima- Plon the electron Is capable of absorbing a quantum of the frequency of the e-,ternal field and going aver to a lower level, or to the contrary give up poat of it~; energy 4 ACC NR. AF6oi88()7 and go aver to higher levcls. An important feature of the deduction III that the ey- pression for the emission or absorption intensity does not contain Planck's constant, thus indicating that the effect has a classical nature. Amplification of the ex- ternal radiation is possi'hle also in the next higher approximation, when the leve-'s are no longer equidistant. The author thanks A. A. Sokolov and 1. M. Ternav for a useful discussion. Orig. art.. has: 46 formulas. SUB CODE: 2D/ Cord SUBM DATE: 03NOV65/ ORIG PXF: 006/ MH REF: 003 iACCESSION MR: AP4043835 S/0020A4/157/005/1096/1099 1AUTHORSt Sokolov, A. A.; Ivanov, Yu. P.f Pavlevko, Yu. G.; Kerimove B. K. !TITLEs Account of damping in weak interactions v. 157, no. 5, 1964, 1096-1099 ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, ~TOPIC TAGS: weak interaction Agime, elementary particle, scatter- s 'ing amplitude perturbation theoijo polarizations neutrinot mu me ono electron :ABSTRACT: The scattering of an electronic neutrino by an electron !or the scattering of a muonic neutrino by a muon are considered in 'the four-component theory with damping taken into account. The use of damping theory eliminates the diffit.-ulty arising at high neutrino !energies (_103 BeVin the center of matis system), when the lower lorder of perturbation theory yields diverging series. Since the COTd 1/3 3/188/62/C)00/005/004/006 B102/B106 AUTHOR: Favlunko, Yu. TITL-6-. un the problem of ttie qpin-orbital interaction of two riuc I eons PERIODICAL. :.:oscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya Ill. Fizika, astronemiya, ro. 5, 1962, 30 34 1 '7 - I/ TiAT. To refute ttie a-,Eumption that the meson theory offers no proof tnat an LS potential exists in Tili-interaction, the system of two nuclecn3 inter- acting via a symmetrical pt;eudoBcalar field is considered. The pz~eudo- scalar theory with pseudoscalar coupling yielJs an exr,ression for th.~ potential, analogous to the Breit electron-electron interaction potential. The theory of' perturbation supplies, in fi'ret approximation, an expression for the matrix element of elastic NN scattering. Finally, after aaving passed from the Dirac to the nonrelativistic wave functions (,- an expression of the form M ~'d-r, d-r,y,-,, ('rj. ~r,) Uv (r) y., (r,. r.), Card 1/4 3/16 62/000/005/004/008 On the problem of tne spin-orbital ... B102YB106 is obtained for the matrix element, -wherein U representing UI+U2+U +U4 in the NN interaction ener6y. In the center of mass system (k -k2 k, i?2 -iV) these compcnents arej U, er GI (k P a 4 2p U3 - G - :1-212 (alp) ((y2p) (,,,,P,, e- 01*0 (lip) 0- rar r L fil Irpj, p = hk. Card 2/4 s/in/62/000/005/004/008 On the problem of the spin-orbital... B102/BlOB GIIII -, -, Id U, = ' !2 - -( SI+ 4M10- 4- -4-AVe - -111:1110'r) O-P 01p a_r)-(o,nj)(pr)j + - - a S 02 alp 0 (w) 0,P) 4- - IV)( jr)j r)( (' 4,1110 r r S 01 + cr'). 2 Hence, a square LS potential enters U 3 (ra-dius of action Aoi/mc) and the first term of U 4 is the ordinary spin-orbit interaction potential for .nucleon-nucleon interaction _. - I a e_Z )~~ 01) UL.S U011172 SI, Card 3/4 S/168/62/00/005/004/008 On the problem of the apin-orbital ... B102/B108 -2 2 u (' )fm ) r. (cf. Signel, "arshak, Phys. Rev. 1091 12291 0 rc kTl-.,o ILC ; X 1958)- ASSOCIATION: Kafedru statisticnenkoy fiziki i mokhaniki (Department of 5tatiotical Physics and Mechanics) SUMITTM December 11, 1961 (initially), May 9, 1962 (after revision) Card 4/4 ACC M: ~i 7010695 SOURCE CODE: UiVO:203/66/006/004/0790/0791 AUTW:Z: 'avlenlco, YLI. G. O,-iG :In:Xicute of Terrestrial Na!~nctisya, Ionosphere and 11idlo Wave Propa'~ation, AN SSSH (Institut zemnogo magnotizria, ionostery I rar,prostraner,iya radiovoln t.N SSSR) TITLE: Doppler shift of the frequency of a radiation source moving in the Ionosphere SOURCE: Gooragnetizm I aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 4, 1966, 790491 TOAC TAGS: Doppler shift, Ionosphere, artificial satellizo orbit SUB CODE: 20,04,22 iVLTMCT: A nmiber of authors have computed the Doppler s:-1ift of frequency for a three-diminsional nonhomogeneous Ionosphcre In a case uhan the coefficient of refraction along the irave propagation path differs little from unity. The derived formulas relate the difference of the Doppler frequencies of radio waves emitted coherently from an artificial earth satellite with the local value of the electron con- centration in the neighborhood of a source and argles of refraction dependcnt on the integral properties of the Ionosphere. In this paper the author computes the values In rectangular coordinates one of whose Card 1/2 UDC: B0.388.2 "nc> V - ACC NR: AP7010695 axes (x1) Is directed frorl Clio point of observation to the 5ource. In this case the number of unknowns In the formula for decreases and the computation of the local concentration along the satellite orbit is easier. Thus, the paper gives an analysis of the formula for in the mentioned coordinate system. A number of conditions are given which must be used in combination with the concepts of Geometrical optics. The author thanks Ya. L. Allpert for formulating the question and for discussion and observations. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas. JF'~: 40,29-17 Card 2 PAVLEKKO, Yu.P., inzh.; PETROV, I.P., inzh. Results of controlling dust during development working with the help of a cutter-loader. Ugol' 39 no.3t62-4')3 Yq'64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vostochnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. PAVIZHKDp Yu.F., inzh. Dust control in %ininj; by cu'-,L!r 1(-,~,dera. Bezcjp.truda v prom. 7 no.7, 24.--,6 J i '63, (IaRA 16:9) . 'Viv;it:31w. (,,,, 'hy shakhty "Polysayovskava-3" 1. Nachad Inik rrv i, v,~n kombinatu .,o.,nyiiji Au;;i-,j ---kot,-o Icamermougol I nogo bas,,eyna. (K,L, oasin-Gui~l -~ nes anL mining-Safety measures) PAVLENKO,, Yu.P. Practices in the operation of PK-3 eutter-loaders in the 'Polysaev- skaia" No.3 mine of the Kuzbassugoll bdmbine. Ugol' 36 no.3:25-26 Itr ',61. (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining) (MIRA 14:5) PAVLFNKO, Yu.P., inzh.; BATALIN, S.A., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk Efforts to contrDl dust In stopes of cutter-loader mine development workings. Bezop. truria v prom. ~q no.11:35-1" N ln4. (MIRA IP:1''! 1. Vostochny-y nkuchno-issl(-dovatel'skiy institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti (for Favienko). 2. Tomskly politakhnicheskiy In-stitut (for Butalin). DASPIENSK TY . Lev Nainrj,, I - n. Kani. e k- r,. nauk i So lousi r, ben 4 -an -" il,,,,, t- I nz b. '1-'Y, A ~ iA P A . Y e ka!'e- r i rL, Alekseyema. Yan.j. tei(rin. naul; Printmall uohast17e- 1))SEV, V.r,,; ABA YSHNIKOVA, L.M.; ZORDIA. Z-S. ; O.tLoVA I A. '. Z UA,,T1,2,lK~j A, Y9, - ;JAVUNKO~ Yu. S. p lnzh. p retsenzent 7 Sl-l;S*!ilK,)%' V M., ak0eqliy,:, f1he "Kie%," -oiriput,-r an,j r:jer,-Ti-~nI tol Inala M!Jqf,i wl "K llnv" prc,~ik I I roviij. I t- tit !i I In Kt"V f To k hri ~ k a'.'~t .. . It ." 1 " ; I I , IZERGIN, A.P.; FAVLENW, Yu.S.; STROITEIZV. S.A. ,~ ~- , , Effect of vibrations on the shape of monocrystals grown try the Chokhral'skit method. Izv. vya. uch-9b. za,i.-, fiz. no.1:107-110 159. (MIRA 12-8) l.Sibirskiv fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut pri Tomskom gosuniversite gosuniversitete iment V.T. Kuybysheva. (Germanium cryetale-Vibration) PAVLSNKO, Yn.s.. TANTSYLYJIA, N.A. Automatic machine for measuring the size end thickness of hides. Im)g.prom.17 no-3:38-41 Mr '57. (KLRA 10:4) (H;Ueo and skins) (Msasuxing Instimments) FAVLENKO, Yu.S. Cyclic-to-binar.1 code converters. Avtom.1 prib. no.3:34-36 ,Tl-s 62, (MIRA 16.2) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Electronic digital comFuters) PAVIJ!~~Yu.S., inzh. Method for an OPtJTm- cutting of fabrics into layers. Izv. vya. - ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no.5:3-9 163. (MIRA 16:12! .1, 1. Kiyevskiy goigidarstvennyy univeraitet imeni T.G. Shevchenko. PAVLENKO, Yu.P., inzh.; PETROV, I.F., kand. toki-in. nauk Application of water air ejectrra for combatting LTg,)ll 40 no.1:67-614 Ja 165. (MIRA IQW 1. Vostochnyy nauchno-issledov&tellskiy institut po bazopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshIennosti. 24(2) SOV/139 - 50 -1-18/3) 1~ AUTHORS: Izergin A P., Pavien-kc) Yu.S. and Stroit-alev S A TITLE: On the EffEiCt ~Y"VYbr-a'E'l6iis on the Form Of MCIIOCTYStais Grown by the Chokhraiskiy (Czoehralski) Method (0 vliyanii vibratsly na formu monokrist-allov, vi-..- ash c-hern fth Po metodu Chokhrallskogo) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebn~,Iffi Zavedeniy, Fizi-xa, 1959, Nr 1., pp 107-110 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Alkali-halAe monocrystals grown from melt by the CzochralskJ. method at constant temperature and a constant rate of withdrawal are roughly cylindrJeal in shape, Cross-sections of such crystals depend pri-mariLy on tfte form of the melt meniscus which is determined by the surface tension and the temperature distribution in the crucible. When monocrystals are grown by the Czochral5K! method With rotation of the SEled, vibrations of the melt and tne CryStal holder usually occui. It was found that monocrystals grown under thE! c:onditions of rotation and vibration were no longer cylindrical but had definite faces, ThE,~ rzoss-se,~tions were roughly square if the seed Card 1/4 was withdrLwn in tne direc-ti.ort [101 (Fig Id ) and trigonal (I-Tiangular) or ditrigonal in the direction L11" 0 -.2 SOV/139-5'-~4 On the Effect of Vibrationi on trie Form of I-,on,,, the Czoch.ralski Method (Fig 12 ). In tvie f "T'St cas :, the ciystai is a L;qu6. e pseudo-pi Ism whu~,k) sido faco~ In KC-1 corro-,,zpond to '1100 In the sec-Dnd :aFe the cryz3til is a +.rlgonal OT dit-'ronai prism and it.~z fares were 'Iha--~,aed", i.e. they ronsi-q*~-2 of steps formed by fares of a --abe. Tfiese effr-,rt~z were also obsorved on giowlnt; ge-manium monocry,.;tai-s Lty th- Czo(~hralski method using tne alp.paratus constru,,-ted at the Siberian Physi:o-Tec-~hnira-Li Institute and d4:?s-,-r,.b-1 -:-ar-,'i~-r (Ref 1). Germanium mnnociystals groi-m in the cJirer!10rj 1 without ,., iby ations and w Lthoui~ r ota t i on G f* the -;c-e -1. Wele of iouphly -ilindric.a.1 Shape, as shown by F"~- Za~- On drawing Df germanium crystals in the dlre-'t 0i a roug h'LY S -Lia'i e pseudo -pi ism was obta-ned ( Fig 1-1 whose sidp far-.e :or-responds in general tn the rrysta. direction fll'~ ')IA~ Il is I I' "ftat:-;hed" and ~t -3nsisl- 4 steps forme"d 'by' c--tahedTal fa,~es j11.1 Wh-n, 'Lm crystals wer..? drawn .1ri the direction igona' & L ditrigonal pseudg-PTiSM vias ob-ained ~7 2 , WI-.0 S v Card 2/4 s ide faces -s;ere also "hat,-~~,ed" and formed oc- tahe d r a 1 s T ep The tendanr.~ of germanium moncr.,lystals t,-) assure Th~- 0'. in SOV/139-59-1-i8/34 On the Effect of Vibrations on the Fo-1-m of Monocrystals Grr~vn by the Czochralski Method 11111 is quite natural since in free growth in a inelt (when the crystal is not drawn) germanium grows in octahedral form (Ref 3). The authors grew crystals without ro-~ation of the seed but transmitting 2 - 20 c/s vibrations directly to the melt itself, It was found that increase of the vibration intensity produced crystals with clearer faces than rotation of the seed and consequent vibrations. Crystals of small diameter were found to have more clearly defined faces (Fig 3)~ At the same amplitude and frequency of vibrations the faces of germanium monocrystals appeared less clearly than in alkali-halide salts. The authors suggest that the vibrations of the melt and the crystal holder and rotation of the seed equalise the conditions of Card 3/4 crystallization along the whole surface of separation between the solid and liquid phases. This probably On the Effect of Vibrations on t-.he Form of Mono -ry.stais UT, I,- ~,V the Czoc:hralski Method makes it p )ssible fc"r i he crys tai tG CITOW 1 1 5 ria tu--,~,' f aces . There are ~ figure-, ar.3 3 references, 2 of wh-c-r. a- Soviet and 1 translation from English 4nt--, ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy Fiziko tekhniches,.-Iy Inszitut pT- foms, Gosunlv.arsitete -*meni V.V. Kuybysheva Card V~ (Siberian PhYSj,-)-Te, InstitAe a' Tom5,,, State U".aiversity imeni V.V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTHD: June 19; 1.958 Ru YANDV. M.P., inzh.; PAVLEBKO. Tu.S., in2h.: CHIZaurov, v.P., inzh. Using the method of forced oscillationzi in determining mochanical properties of leather and shoe courponents. Izv.vye.ucheb.zav.: tekh.leg.prom. no.4:59-63 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1,Ukrainskiy wtuchno-issledovatellskiy institut kozhevenziO-cbuv- noy proiVshlennosti. (Leathor--Testing) (Shoe manufacture--Testing) (Oscillations) PAVLENKO, Yu.S. (Kiyev) Sms problems of the operaLion of the, nl)a5t26-27 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1 , a ting fabric pl,~czi for I no,4~1/--7.7 C ~ ( xf - ~-A - - " 1 1 .1 , . . - I -1 1 i - -'.':: T. .- - 1. - I I I - I ~ ng fabT ~ -- '. -.i. ~ I , -.I' * , t uid. t.L?-.19 GONCRO. H. P.; ELVLMO, Yu, L Shoe Vachinery Electric heat for presses used In hot volcanization of shoe soles, Leg. prom., 12, No. 8, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accassions, Library of Congress, M-tnber - 1952, Uncl. PAVLENK-OJP TILY06 I?Xfect of additioaal pollination on the crop capacity and breed quality of sugar-beet Beads. Sakh.prom. 3:4 no.5166-67 MY IWO A (MIRL 1415) 1. Voerossiyaki:r nauchno-issledovatel'skiy ~nstitut sakha noy avekly i sakhara. (Sugar beets) "ENOUNDR14' 01- We 10% Fe F w a X100 SO " 1A A L- j e, o dis B M: ersion harde -~Ibr- bas C de laink of t~ Lpe n m W p Pet on, al 1 1% TI. d 0.1 umb=,, im titanium. content. It - 2% 3% Ti. 71; M tard, - Fjuu ovu -NIC-FAWMI 52, 7; too I ff zo I/# A I Pig' 3. --lang-ter'mi-hatifteps of NI. -'Cr):)ased a I a GROY ~s -A=Honcf hun, alumiman alid titiWum content- (de0ignstition's. as In Mg. 1). Cc- i ra 77. L [ Paul t GOREVp KOVO Ilk-mmif K.V.J; _!AVL i~Oj_~. .Fnb at Z. D. I Zrfeot rf iron or, t:-jE, -qrjIu'bUPy of &I=Imum In sc,lutions cf' the system Yi - '~- - Fe. lrosts.!- AN IMR Ser. f 4 z . - "k, ek, h , n av o, i i c . 1. V IC - U 1' t ~4' (MIFIA 11,11~ 1) 11 10 GOREV) K.V. [Horau, K.V.1; PAVLENKO, Z.D. [Paulanka, Z.D.) Properties of alloys of the system Ni - Cr - Fe with additions of' aluminum and t1taniim. Vestsi, AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.3:94-97 163. (MIRA 16s10) PAVLEMK-O, Z. D - , "Effect of Prcl' Il rainary i -a-,'.' --- --ell", =lit 0:. ~,[: tt,e Ilarte."r, *1 te Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy," w-'th Kuri,yurnov A,-Fide!n1- .'uri; Mak., Imova, C Tech. Sc' .; lli~kor-,L;r-Dva, A. 1. Te-h. Sc ttnd Yalq)c- 'se~: vI N' nkm artluli%s I.L- th,,~ boo.c prv.;oanl, r4jai"ta of Lnv"stjgoLtjcns -xn4u,u-,~d j Insullng bcdy, InBt of ?hyr-1.3al boita~,Iurgy, a p&,7t, of t.6j C'nut. 1 4 "- Forroujo lointallargy Ln )wryrrypetxo"k rtie lnvastigst lexia vrm with ph"o trwmfarnmtILxw in &lj-oys, atron6hWiUvig and safUx~ln4g dl-ffuollm proc:astzovi (,mtudi-3,d with th-n aid of md L,,e-~tlvm Itofupor , , ,a~ -iirll^W other quoot !,am . SOV, 1 ~7 58 8-17675 Translaticinfroni- Relerat;%yiyy zhurnal Mcta11wrgiy,i, 1958 Nr8 p,')('(USSI() AUTHORS: Kurdyurnc)% G V rvlaksimo~a 0 P Nikonoro%a. A Pa,,Ienko Z E, Yanipol ,ki-, A M TITLE- The Effect of llrelit,iin.-t-. Plt- ( Defurrz),it~on- on N1arTc-)s:!e Transforr-nation in Ve (.r Ni Alluvc, pr--i ar:-el'nov plasticheskoy (IL-form,itsii no ;:t;i rtensltno% rash( spla%akh Fe Cr Nil PERIODICAL- Sb tr In t metallo- ed I t1Z M tZ1 chernoy metdllurgii. 19~8 Vu 1 1) 1) 4 1 ABSTRACT- In.'estigations were performed in order to caluale thc eife~i of plastic deformation (PD) and subsequent heating or~ processe6 of martensite transforriiation (MT) during cool,ng and on isc) the rmal MT in an alloy composed oi Kh 18N8 ('0 0 iQo C 18 10qo 0 0 Cr. and 8 1 'o Nil and Kh17N9 (0 0r,"ici C 17 219 110 Cr iind 'j lf'"o Nil Fhe PD ~,-iks ulic~ ivd by ( ompres,,iun of ,pe( imens in a ,)res- iil roun'. emperalurv as well as at ierrip(-ralures U1 100 '-ind 17~"C, Changes Irl IhC abIlIty Ct 'A'i to undcr),,,) Iransforniatiorli were e, alwaled by mv;jn~, of . the 7,1110111dWIt', Card I i method inkol%irg plotting of vnarlen,,ile C00''Vk) (urkes during SOV 1 ~7 ~8 8 .7t,7~ The Effect of PreltrnindrNr Plasi.c Deformat,on ! 1-011.1 ) cooling of the material to 1960 tol!oxed h~ hea-rig to a tenipera,tire Ut '0'-) al a rate of 10/min The summdry tran_~,Iorrnatior) cite( I ot-"Airle(f a~, a rt,~uit of the coolinj and heating prciccsse!~ xa, lakt- -is a ( r.ter:wl (.t ",0) 'It . (d A After de-ort-nation and atll'eallr~' Ihi. TtIrt I !hc A %k~t' charactcri/.ed h~- if)(- ~%idlh I X I t% I'llt-I Icrr! k c Wit I!., iJ, 1) f.-dii r cilk. PI) ;I-I't that, dependt,,g on tilt' ( Lllld.AlOtl~' ()I PD ii,d ~j have an acli~ at,ng or a retarding efjv( i -n thc NI I A oeprct- ), PD t-x tends the temperatUre rango.- of Hic M Y !rit rt ih,- it, A ratt. ( f :,colicrin't: transformation and in~ rea,,e.,, the o cr ()i ;i!.,t ter- it A _~ I h (- d t. ') I (. v of PD and the temperature at xh~( h t 1- --I[''-'.'-d " :"~ .-it :4.'14cd iht- PD begins to exert a retarding influentc k)r! tt,j 1 1) 1~ id A It, der)", MF A!-~e a i ing of met a) in the t empe ra I Ll r C ra n gt, ~'L` 1 11 ' "0" and 4 01" c: m naics thc activaOng effect of a preceding PD -vithout dc,rr(,~ , ti, ~11 r~,Iard it,, ellettAt PD of a high degree annealing at tempet allires t)i 100 400" restilib ir a, additional impro',ement of the stabilitv of A TI e act., at.o, of the MT is affe( ted by stresses which ar-se duri-,o PD; these ~Ii c~~e- ae restrit. led u rnal: volumes and are different from ~, tre~:ses of tvPe 71 wf,,(h are determ r,e(I ')~ th( blurring of the interference !ines The relarclinq a(i cj,,- ut PD i, alle(ted h~ the breaking :ip of the zones of coherent dispers.or of X ra, -, an effe( t hampers the "ormation of Mdrtensite nuc)ei The a( I. - at!nk, at,d retardin,; Card .' /3 SOV , 1 37 -58-8~ " 7b75 The Effect of Preliminary Plastic Deformdt,on 'cc)nt action of PD on the MT is a function riot onk of the degree ut the PD but of the plastic elastic properties c;f the initial phtse as wel! 1. Chromim-Iron-nickel alloys-kialysis M Sh. 2. MoartensitA~-,Transfomations 3. MartlensiW-Defomation 4. Martensito-Temperature factor:3 Ca rd 3, 1 ACCESSION NR: AP3010438 S/0201/63/000/003/0094/0097 AUTHORS GOrAW, K. V.g P&Wlenlm, Z. D. TITL73: Properties of alloys of the nickel-cbromium-iron (Ni-Cr-FG) system alloyed with aluminum and titanium SOURCE: AN BS.Sh. Izvestiya. Serlya fiziko-tekhnicheskokh nauk,, no. 3, 1963, 94-97 TOPIC TAGS: nickel-ebromium--iron system alloy, beat resistant alloy, nickel- chromium alloy, aluminum allay, titanium alloy, hardness meanarement, breaking strength measurement, alloy aging ABSTRACTt The effect of aging, the nuncture /Titeral transli. hardness and the tensile strength were measur,ed on four rroups of alloys with iron content of 0, 10, 20 and 40 per cent. WitAin eac't-. groun the aluminum content was varited bet- ween 0 and 8 per cent., and the titanium content between 0 and 3 per cent. Also investigated was the nature of the change in solubility of aluminum in the gamma- phase solid solution as a function of the iron content at a constant titsalum Card V2 ACCEMION NR: AP301043B concentration of 2 per cent. For all investigations the chromium content was maintained cowtant, at 16 per cent. The results are presented in a series of graphs, but there is little 17y way of an organized and unifying interpretation of the observed values. Orij;. art. has 4 figs and I table* ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE i HL DATE ACQ: o4octf)3 NO REF SOV: OD2 ENCL: 00 OTM: 000 Card 2/2 AWHORS: Kurdyumov, 0, V., 0. Y., 11ikoriorovri A, I --Laid Yampol A , IVII P L-,t TITLE - influence of 1reliminary Plastic Deforwitiop ori the 11E.rtensitic Trans f ormat ion in the Alloy Fe-Cr-tqi (V*liyaniye predvaritel'noy plasticheskoy deformits~i na martensitnoye prevrashcheni,7e v splave Fe-Cr-Nil PERIODICAL: Fizi'r-la 1,1et,'illov i !,~etqllovedeniye, lc~58 Vol 111- 1, Pp 95-105 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The result-- re described of exDeriments carried out fcr elucidatinE the finer features -Df the influence of defornlition and subso,uent. urine,tlint~ on the. marteru~itt, transformation in Fe-Cr-Ni allo.vs of the tFpe Th,~ ~,as '.o esta!)1.4st, the ac--,iv,,tin6 effect ~:,f I - y t1io viliJit~- in Fuc` -Ii~ alloy an~i to verif of the as-~u-mpt,Lon of the activating infl-ience of Fztre.,~Ees, on the martensi.!lic transfoi-i~-.tion of defor,,:iocl For thds it wa~ necessary to study the character Df eli-aiination cf the aftL~r effects~ of defori.-tation v,-it: jSr-E-Ldually increar-,inC ar"nealint, temperatu.,e, ir. viev.- of thc pos-Il'ble F-uper-pc,-,ition of diffusion proces~-es cnto Card 1/8 the processeE of' stress eli.:ination durjr,~- anneallnt~, SC)V/126-C-- 1- 1;~/;c Influence of Plastic Deforiation on th,--. !.aTte--Sit-~c Transfor-mati-on in the Alloy Fe-Cr-rii such inveeti,:ations could not b(- effectec. on steel If the as,~.uiaztion on t~,e favou-r~-ble infl,,.erxe of on the :~.,,~rtensitic trarsfor,-,,,-,ttcn of defc,rmed austenite would be correct, the effect of activaticr. sho,Ald be eli:-,inat,ed i.- the case of heating in the rt!n,;,e of relLtiv,-1v low temperatures, Ln(~ther alm of-tl- describe(l. vior'F. ~ia!~ to ,,~ud,- the influence of on th~- TIUI-tellcit-'C transformation for t'. purpose of eli~c Ldatini- th- the c~,anEes i:-. kineti,~s c,.-g?d by ti-,e rLf 1, 1,,,, cf the activati~--b -r~d/or tl,c- effe~-,ti of defori7.,,.tion Since th~~ activatlniz --i.'lience of deform,:itiui- cr)lv be deLec".-d ~1.11o,,.-- wic t~lasticltv was deci,i~--d tu s-;', expjriment-r th~~ alic,-, Y,hi8N8 (C~05% C. 1d.10% Cr, S,1% Ni) and ~.Le Khl?N9 (0,05% C, 17,250% Cr, ~14.169'2 Ni-), bo--1h Of WhiC1, ~!T-~~ similar in compc,sition and as re~ ards the inarte-n! i,,ic point, On the Elloy KhIB148 the influence of deform.i a-nd subsequent ~eatint,,. for obtnii-inL mart(.;,.-, it-;' - transformatior duriniS coolink was ~;tudied vihi-!!~t oi~ Card 2/8 alloy K`hl7NQ the influence of' doformation on L,,(2 1;,,W12r--ES-l-l213' , Influence of Prelimin~_-ry Pla!~tic Defornation or the %Iarten:'i- 1- Transformation in the Alloy Fe-Cr-Ni maxtensitic wa:i studied Invest d ~~-a t ions were carried out on flat 3 5 x 5,5 x 25 5 m-n which after na-nufgcture were ,3ubjected to diffusior annealin6 at 1150 C for ten hours, The plastic def,)-:__- tion was effected by compres-sLon by inns of , nrE~~_,; at room teMpErature at 100 and at 175 C, Deforl-ge ~Ui or. ELt 100 and 1,'5'JC was effecterl inside a special sleeve fitted with E heater wending ; as a medium for enE~,urin_F the teLlperature of 0100 C boiling water was used whdlst deformation at 175 C was effected in glv,:~erine, Evaluation of the c~:ari,~e of ti-,e ability of the au~ztenlte to become traiisform-ed info mal-tensite --.-;as effected I--,- mean,,, of the theriao-magne~ic method by plotti~-iC, the curves of cooling ~o -196 C -j-nd subseqient heating to 20 C with a speed Of 10 C/MiL, Ap~ the basic C 1, 4 !-, E, r i C'. n C f t stabilit-, of tlie austenit-el the total brnnsfor~:. wa-- chosen whLch vas obtained as a result of coolint., ~ii_! h~,atin6, The chan~,,e in t~.e fi'le strucLure of the austenite dur.L.,jE, the plastic doforinatiori an(~ -.iurine, the Card 3/8 sibsequent lie~,tiri~.~ wass izavesti~r,ated by the X-i~ay SOV/12(-6-1-1,~/2~x Influence of Preli-min,ary Plastic Defoi%nr~,Iticn cp th,:,. %'~Ijllt--~!'~'I~-"-'~ Transform,aticr in tLp Alloy Fe-Cr-Ni Dv meaEuriri~, the of the line A!~ ("~aracter--I!-t--.c of the Sbate o.,-' Tile Eltru-'tul'e of ~iustenitp- (T,,rpe II stressec Iimensicns, of t-e ;ind cuhero2t s2at~.ei ii'- of \v Ide n I n F c f h- 1 uu 9 1. %,nite linet: %1., E T, Fi, ~'-I of t"e du:7in;- cooli -T~.-, 9(-,'C -~nd subsequent s :, r a pP d c- V'- icu~ Of ri-lilain-r.-I ")-L~' ~-Iu--d for O-Le a1.10", Kb Ii~ In Fiv - ~fie. r-- I , ion ~S"gphed' for e f c f..~: oT~ 1-1 J. ~OC e -ffect of 7~ trans f c-~- 2.~ -I 9a i I I f I c'f T.II i 1, p fol. Val-!',US1 P of preliminll,ry (-iei*---.'~';-,'L0I' f,)-, tile ~:tl'luj I- Fi6,4 the influence of aruwaling transformation of t`,e deforiaed austen.ite durir.,., o u -.L to -1960 C ~Lrid heating, to 200C is ~~raphed for wiricois, degrees of def'onu-itior rtV. 100 C (alloy Card 4/8 t ~,.e chant~e of Oic widtmi n~, o f the line 7)11 SoV/126-6-1-1PP4 :Is i +-' Influence of Preliminary Plastic Deformation on the !!a:,te Transformation in the Alloy Fe-Cr-Ni austenite, of the total effect of martensitic trarxfOT---.,'1- tion (during cooling:, and during heating) and the ch,~r.,`e of the martensitic point are graphed as functions, of tl,.e arEaealing temperature ~or speciuLons of the Kh18N,-1 zilloy deforined by 109'2 at 100 C. In Fig.6 the LW11r)CT-~11,111-C dependence of the IntLial rif)cod and the totiil (41'4-ct, ul' ioothermul mart.crisiuic transfornation are bi-iphed for non-deformed ai..d deformed (8 96. 17%) states for a deformation temperature of 100 C! (alloy Khl7N9). It fo,LLnd that, dej,endin~~ on the cor~ditions of defoni~zitior,. an& annealing, p1netic defona,,ition car have ar-' or a bre4~inG effect on the martEnsitic transfor.:uttton Small deFrees cf defcrmation activate the trarisfor::i~illon, i,E . ivider, the te,11peraturu rarite of W)e brint~ abo,at iLicreLi,,~e of the initiv,l I)eed of' t n:2 isc ther-:I~il Lra-,'-,f or-r-tion and of the total guant the mai~tensitic Phase, Various charCes in rhe fine crystalline stracture of the austenite aay lead either to easier formbtion of martensite nuclei duriii-,, s. u b s e Q U 12 Card 5/8 cOOlint-z cn- ~,iay Lmpede their formEition, For -~~malI de.-'r.?eS SuV/126-C.:- 1. - Influence c,f Preliminar7 P1,9stic Deformt,tion on ,~,e Transformation in the Alloy Fe-Cr-Ni of plastic def)rmatiorl those structural chancres ;.,ill occur to an iiicreasin6 extent w:iich albc)-~t ',J,~~ formation of g-)rminntionci, flo,wever, even at ,;tich deL;rees of cleforiastion chant7e,-, occiir in tji,~ ,.,,,hich impede transfor~~i-ltion, W-1 ft lncro~i-,J i)~, defor:~,ation and Eil~~(,) xlt~) increarin;~ te~~,pera~,-ire, the cll~ir- .. es In the structure about of ti-le im-DC,rt,):-,Ce aiq;es ri the f ire cryst I ~ ,e St ructure , 4-iclh :r.Uvate ti-ic, transforaRt ion ~Te at relatively ',ow Teinj)eratures ~:,t wh-~21,. Width of 'r.--c-Tf-ren3e L4~,_-~~ I I doer. riot yet t~vzre ~jru -,',ill -i: ~1~in tha Type !I di,- - C,-!,~,,l S -,T .11, tle dimensions of' i e areas of coherent scatterin.., Changes ii~ rhe .3trij, ~,ir brakin.E the formation cf germinations are ::iaintin~,rj thereby; elimiration of these t~.kes _place only hi,- u r teiaperatuxes ccri-esponding to tI.e ret;ion of decrerise In the degree of llu-rrin~; of the lines, It is, nu~ ,,~ozl~,,;iL.1,:~ Card 6/8 as yet to estatlish those details of -.he firle SOV/ 1 ~'()-(D - I j Plartic Deformation on the 1: rt-n-,i,;i Influence of Preliminar 1, [3 C Transformation in the Alloy Fe-Cr-Ni which favour the formation of martensite ~Serminatioi.s and those which impede their formation. Comparison of the results relatin,.r to '1-he influen(.e of plastic defo- (1 on on the martens'.tic transformation in Fe-M-kln and Fe-Cr-Ni systens leads to the conclusion "hat the of the deformation caused changes of structuriil factoro depends on the elastic-plastic properties of Lhe The relation between the chant~es brint,ling about :_-v~tiv,__tion and brakintS of the martensitic transfor-mations, d~f,_.,r depending, not only on. the degree of deformarion tut- -1-'.o on the elastic-plastic properties of the initial T)h,,_,-,(, As a reslilt of this an unequal character of the t.,ffectF of plas-,.ic deforaation on the marterisitic Card 7/8 1 1-3 (-` I; / I;) (III - f~' - I - 1 ".-2 / !' 7" Irifluence of Preliminary Plastic Defor-,,.it,!tion on the Transformation in the Alloy Fe-Cr-Ni was observed in various materials. There are (. figlir,~,s and 11 references, 9 of whicl, ;irf, Soviet, I Germui, I lm,.-Ilish ASSOCIATION! Tger-7-al'nT7 c~.e!-ro'j --et' I lul, --ii (T~~e 1~2-i,i-~~' Research rnititut* Of Fer--.~uv Metallurgy) SUBMITTED Card 8/8 1,02512-67 E47 (r,)/TAwP(0A-1'r IJP(c) J013H AH023323 SOURCE CODE: UH/02T6/66/OOO/OO3/BO22/BO22 AUTHOR: Shvedov, L. I.; Pavlenko, Z. D. TITLE. Testing high-temperaturesteel for thermal stability SOURCE: Ref. :Ph. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, hbo. 3BI64 REF SOURCE: Sb. Metalloveden.*Lye i term. obrabotka met. Minsk, Nauka tekhnika, 1965, 172-179 TOPIC TAGS: thermal stability, 4iest-tTefttit~e", high temperature steel ABSTRACT: A method is developed for studying the thermal stability bigh-tempera- ture steel and the effect wbi(!h thermal cycling during heat treatmeAas on the dimensions of ateel specimens. The cyclic heat treatment consisted of heating to 9000C with holding to temperature equalization and cooling in water, which corre- sponds-to the operating conditions for the hearths in tempering furnaces. Kinematic and electrical diagrams are given for the special Lnstallation used for cyclic heat treatment. An installation it; designed for testing the thermal stability of ma- terials without the application of external loads. The proposed device heats the specimen longitudinally and may be used for determLning the variation in its lengLh after cyclic heat treatment according to a given si!t of conditions. Diagrams of ~he Card uDc: 621-785-001.5-669-15-001.5 Lcard 8/1 37/60/000A 12/033/041 A006/AOOI Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, No. 12, pp. 235-236, # 29981 AUTHORS: Gorev, K.V., Rapoport, L.A., Pavlenko, Z.L, TITLE: Neutralization of Lead in Nimonik-95 Alloy PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Fiz.-tekhn. in-t PN WZR, 1959, No. 5, PP. 120-125 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of Zr, Ce, Ca, Ba and B on heat re- sistant properties of a nimonik-95 alloy containing (in %): cc 16, Cr 20, Al 1.75, Ti 3, the rest Ni, and Pb admixture in amounts of 0.002, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1%. Prior to the tests the specimens were heat treated under the following conditions: heating for 8 hours at 1,150'3C, air cooling with subsequent aging for 20 hours at 7500C; the methods employed were centrifugal benling and partially endurance tests. It wan found that in alloys without Al or with Its reduced content, (C.8%) In the presence of 0.01 and 0.05% Pb, 0.05% Zr ca%ises reduction and 0.5% Zr Im- proves their properties. Tho effect of C1 is analogous. B has a positive effect Card 1/2 S11 37/60/000/0 12103310 4 1 Neutralization of Lead in Nimonik-95 Alloy A006/AOOI on the heat-resistant properties when its content in relation to Pb is _< 6.1, op- posite to Ba and Ca which are completely unsuitable to be used as neutralizing admixtures. There are 5 references. 0. M. Translator's note: This is -.he full translation :)f the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 22~. -at 'MITM/BPA(bb) 2 9 ~~2 26 WN /kC W W A Pi;' 4:/Pu-4 VP4;- W: IUU:~ "AR40-46147 264i g/0 "AO1V66a/A0081AOO8 - i4if. --Vozdtiahnyy i~ranaporta -'Svodnyy Onj Abs' 8M2 SOUR A( ationl-on _h x "ha jL t4 jjtiud~-_ 4 f Ahe_ effe'ain o re~~ nonva Z`- In a transverse:! ani jawt, Orce -flow around a cylin tr: 1W b tO,.An_t, V '~51 .h--' 21.1963, 221 223. C SO'U1U M i r~ Y "hevs , avid JOPIq_TAGS,.~_--win tunnel,teit,~Itrahsverse flo4, heat ixtbanse, 4rag forcet frew'conve6t ion,;': detachment point. di" .Ej~~ ` - _~ I . - . . . splacement, a tr~,~Wnline - boundary layer, ~,.iEt'.1-.turbdlent Amundary layer 0 N bi~ii6liv~ . ~The experimental ~twdel consisted of 4[ cylindei electric.. t * N lo~lt and Its inater wfih: dn'_:adipter: for meopur ng,_ dir ,0 ctibn_~--~: thermno -up lee'- and .&;'lystem of supports 6r'suspendin~ the unit f a nd ttmndl,~ balance. The_~unit:,vas placed.-in a closi-d jLtnd tgnne Ivith an open ei .qperizental area, -The two experimental, schedules Involved f lorw velocitles of g point tempe0tures of t --- 325 and .234C, -V =~: 13 and 24 w/sed-and-cylitider dra respectivelyt - Results are-giv(in and the following I-oncltwiona vere.reacbed: 1) _CarcW U. 't)~;NAWATC(r'~ Act; RR. A INZ;1' 0 FC_5(k)/JWA(l) SOURCE CODE. M/3181/63/000/015/0221/0223 lip c) JD/WW/JN AUTHOR: L ~_Vl 43~~ti [A ORG: None TITLE: Experimental determination of the effect of free convection on heat transfer and aerodraamic force in tranisverse flow around a cylindez SOURCE: Kuybyshev. Avintsionnyy Institut. Trudy, no. 15, pt. 2, 1963. Poklady-Fu-stovoy nauchno-tethnicheskoy konferentsil po voprosam makhe- niki zhldkosti I gaza (Reports of the Joint scientific-technical confer- once on problems of the mechanics of liquid and gas). 221-223 TOPIC TAGS: convective heat transfer, fluid flow, aerodynamic force ABSTRACT: The experiment was carried out in a unit consisting of a cylinder with an Inside electric beater, means for measuring the magni- tude and the direction of the velocity, thermocouples, and a tiyatem of brackets for suspending the unit In an aerodynamic balance. (A photo of the unit is shown) Measurements of the static pressure and the temperature on the surface of the cylinder were made with thermocouples and a static pressure tube. The unit was so constructed that measure- ments could be made of the velocity and temperature fields in the flow of air (heated and cooled) around a cylinder suspended In an aerodynamic ACC MR% AT6003090 %alance. Ono set of experimental conditiont; corresponded to a flow elocity of 3.3.4 m/sec and a temperature of the front of the cylinder qual to 32500; the second set of condItiona Involved a flow velocity f 24 m/seo and a tem erature of the frontof the cylinder of 23400. esults showed that: Tl) the break-off point of the boundary layer for g cooled cylinder, under both sets of conditions, vas �790; (2) for a eated cylinder, under both sets of conditions, ~he break-off point n the upper surface of the cylinder was displaced by 150 along the low for small Reynolds numbers, while for large Reynolds numbers, it oved forward by 5-60 and on the bottom surface it remained unchanged at 790; (3) as a rule, at symmetrical points, the temperature of the air nder the lower surface of the cylinder Is higher than the temperature ; the air above the upper surface of the oyllnder;-,and, (4) the resist- Oce of the heated cylinder Is 6-11% greater than the resistance of the cooled cylinder, and depends on the flow velocity and the temperature iof the cylinder. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OD/ ORIG REP: 005,1 SOV REP: DDO/ DTH REP: 000 5/1 )6/ 62/000/010/020/07; 5 C()7 3/El 55 40 0 10 - AUTHOR: Pavlenkov, A.A. T1TLE: Influence of free con vection on the heat-transfor coefficierit a nd lift during flow past a cylirider IISRI 0 JI CAL; Referativnvy zhurnal, ElektroteIrchnik" i energetika, no.10, 1962, 3, abstr act 10 G15- (Tr. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, no.12, ig6i, 193-197) TEXT; Formulae are given for calculating Lhe temperature gradients along the normal to the surface of a body and the projection of the speed during free convection for the case when the liquid or the gas is above the heated body. Two opposite directions of the heat flow are considered. On the basis of the temperziture gradients, the heat-transfer coefficient can easily be determined. From the similarity with given solutions of the two-dimensional problem it is easy to obtain a solution for the three-dimensional problem. Knowing the speed at the boundary of the thermal. boundary lc,yer, the speed and temperature distribution inside the thermal boundary layer can bo determined by applying Card 1/2 PAVIS!aC,V. V.S.,dotsent Old local varieties of red clover irt Ivanovo frovince. Sbor. nauch.trud. Ivan. sel 'khoz. inst. no.16:42-49 158. (HIU 13:11) 1. Kafedra botaniki lealektsti. Ivanovskogo sel'ekokbozyaystvennogo Inatituta. Clvanovo Province--lied clover--Varietias) I-AMMOV, V.S.,doteent; STOLBUNNA, jL.Yo.,atiaistont r ,TarsonasB of gowth on red clover f ielda. Sl)or.riauch.~rud. Ivan. sellkhnz.inst. no.16:50-54 158. (MIM 13:11) 1. Kafedra botaniki i selektati Ivanovskogo ael'sItokhozyayatveunof;o inatituta. (Red clover) WSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodder Crops. M-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blologiyal No 13, 1958, No. 58651 Author Pavlankoir, V. S. Inst _fv_a_n-b-vAO'1ft1tural Institute Title Intorvarietal Crossbroeding of Red Clover Orig Pub Agrobiologiya, 1957, No 2, 35-39 Abstract Tho Influonco on the yield of the natural crossbreeding of variety - populatiom of red clover vas studied at the Ivary7v Agricultural Institute in M2-1954. Hybrid and conmon seeds of the aelectionvariety ~bskovskaya I and old local varieties from the kolkhor. of Ivanovakaya oblast were Bovn. The sowing of clovar ani timothy was carTIod out after a cover of winter wheat. The natural intervarietal crossbreeding Contributed to an increase in plant vitality, in the yielding capacity of cloverP arA In clover-head seed jroduAion. The Card 1/2 93 MURPT; c -8 Vol.1114 Nouro. -Psychiatry Apr 58 rOj THE USE F AMJNAZ'INE IN rHE PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC (Russian text) Lukomakii 1. 1. and Pavlenkova E. F. - ZJi. NEVROPAT. PSIKHIAT. (Mask.) 1956.-36tr(5-75-5-76) Report on the effect of aminazine on 12 hospitalized psychiatric patients. Great- est success was achieved in caseJ3 of acute psychomotorical irritation, in de- pression and in hypochandrial depression with strong emotional disposition. Low blood pressure is not an absolute contraindication for aminazine. Hddlik - Brno %,.--,_PAVIM1KOV. V.Aa,,."ndidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. Inter-varietal crossing of red clover. Agrobiologlia no.2:35-39 Mr-Ap '57. (MLRA 10:5) I.Ivanovskiy sel'Bkokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Clover breeding) I A'~ I - " , '.' - . , A . I . L',/' I i:i , Y. '. , '~:;-r Isi f 1 nn ~ nr! I n I ~ - ~ -,r . ~,:, . I - I., , ~) -,I - rz 5( l cj 3 ,, ) i"p, vi- E IV k 0 v P, 0). F. 13LAMSIRSU, V.I., inzhener; FAVLENKOVA, A.F., inzhener. Detecting Bilit"Ic acid ."-~n-boi"ler"'water without a photocolori-- meter. Alek.sta. 25 no.2:47-48 F 154. (MMA 7:2) (Food water) SOLLOGUB, V.B.; CHEMSOV, A.V.; PAVLENKOVA, N.I.; Ydl*[LINS?',lY, L.A. Nature of the Novotsar~tsynskaya gravity anomaly in the Crimean plain according to seismic studies. Geofiz. sbor. nD.8:3-12 104. (MIRA 18:6) 1. lnstdtut F-eofiziki AN UkrSSR. SOLLOGUB, V.B., doktor geol.-min.nauk; CHEKUNGV, A.V.j PA KALYUZHNAYA, -,.T. Some characteristics of the wave pattern in the crusta~'- fau-t zones of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Geofiz.sbor. no.102-39 165. (MIRA 184141) 1. Institut getofiziki AN UkrSSR. Submitted November 10, 1964.