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PAVLENKO, L., pilot Title carries responsibilities. Gritzhd.av. 19 no.9tl8-19 S l62. ()URA 16:1) (Aeronautics, Comsmercial-Safety imasurea) 7A 15,19 ib lot 3. (20 m TM ,jivels &035A0: I>M no, per Wit. po 1. 30 9) ddla n6 S= 'Aiiild t1d n, I lax. -Tho wifli an 31S per cc is -c-D. Ism, ring is. .... ...... F 4 j t ~V -, ~~ c,IL, ~_'. USSR/ Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances G-2 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12070 Author : Vaynshtcyn E.Ye., Pavlenko L.I. Title : Effect of Overall C=766-nTo-n-M' Rocks on the Results of Quantitative Deterwination of Molybdenum in Gran1toids Orig Pub : Zh. analit. khimit, 1956, 11, No 4, 4lo-418 Abstract : It vas ascertained that calibration curves for determina- tion of Mo in granitoids and in diorite are parallel, but show a regular displacement in relation to each other. By means of tagged atoms an investigation was made of the processes of evaporation and excitation of elements in the source, and separate studies of them have been carried out. It was ascertained that in the zncks under study displace- ment of calibration grapb for Mo determination, in rela- tion to its position for granitit, is proportional, at first approximation, to the content of' Ca aDd Plg in the rock. In order to take into account the effect of overall Card 1/2 MM 00 DUtt -Sm -14 0043a; -NXX, -jl Moak lmi~ for the SPO6, 4 nyl Altai Mr 6 a Gor, le-up't q-dant' ark d tt", -7 2 A 3kwd~.itchf thodo ~the liuu.~:BM,O unit lei Ere flx~, WtFt, of, Opi~i of Vwx m-gr, i0titti-gMnites; Z7 Bild fine -sr apikic gmn~;es. With - -% ~to 81 -Sit ton Particularly h1w M,1311 14 Ites, 3q iu,~pljtlc atan and t roeks (9 ~j MN1W'1,1Zi~;;;_1 _66cir of the1kHA A --4r iow (5,g. sn/ton); i5. are T -of the ~d h the wiltes Ru yy AIW.:F -For V um n;!'th, mv I t it Rail all 0.' Trimsinik4A t~ ;z Ig gra . xital 1 5~2,3 -g bioiHMbi~:blc~di:!.grhn1 tauly .1 all V gdt*="_~ ~~2' Ubtit t e gra-Z nrt a th It) vA Won 66*~Y~ 1~.. .-.=-tse ituty'reuch In Pic biotft8of 01 KObd'_1 V g, -bile- the I 'lug 340 Sri /tot), ithd'even nwre, v ca tog of anti nun4ire griukit4 couta a -.1gs9 Thai 30*g~ IdM% of OLte tin 6~V F om . - ;11~.'t" atirdy conAriard that tltm ii a t egul USA h,4*4_' ~,i ~'ffon betm-n tUe 66cris. cles"ent in piitn4 -'ent of thil-saaw der"d t n or. r m ve ~Mjrl fjjg: inapm. The -ontent Ili n I th tite W prinw7ii~aratcs "reAccO" the Sn cime Iment it, 'nop u SS Aq ago, M'_m F;kvLz:Tr-.G, ;.,. I. - 1, -, -n- 0: ..- "- ~ , Y r ,t'. .". I B-LY,,'----/, Y. 1. .1 '31- S 4 5 y " j-0-. ~p. I- S,:~_ n4 It d "TI.-le use of rj~`-uct-I'vc isc,,:rpe6 I;- 3-,)C(,trQ] 0, Conference on ':-. ~lfic A the 9-2C. j2p 5". A CC Me AP6036063--- M)--SOURCE CODE: EIR,/0432/66/000/005/0034/0035 AUMOR: Kazyrbayev, R. A. (Candidate of technical sciencts); Pavlenko, K. V. .ORG: none TITLZ: High speed digital phase: shifter SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya upravienlya, no. 5, 1966, 34-35 TOPIC TAGS: phase shifter, transistorized circuit, digital system 1ABSTRIACT; A digital phase shifter developed by the Leningrad Electrotechnical Insti- ,tute is described,. The device makes possible the direct transformation digital con- itrol information into a corresponding discrete phase shift In the reference sequence ,of pulses without intermediate analog operations. Its advantage over an analog device consists of high speed, absence of contact elements, high stability, 'Low enertia and much higher reliability. The schematic diagram of the device which utilized 20 tran- :sistors is presented showing all circuit components and their values. The phase shift- er operates with reliability when the input pulses have a ropetition rate of 5 tic , an 0-M.plitude of 7 volts and pulsc duration of 75 nancseconds. The output pulses have an :a-mplitude of 6 volts and a duz-ation of 100 nanoseconds with a rise time of 40 nano- ;seconds. The switching time is less than 100 nanoseconds. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. I 'SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: none Cow 1/1 UDC: 621,372.652.22 GERASIMOVSKIY, V.I.; PA~:~NK_, 1-4-NESMEYANOVA, L.I. Geochemistry of riolybdenum in nephehnc syenites. no.1:9-15 Ja 165. (M,7~'RA 18!4/' 1. Institut geokhimii i Final I tiche.,;kay khimii Lmeni Vernndseouo I AN SSSR, Moskva. Spe-tral I '.n, -levi, ~~,c b-l-on. i,,, rr~cks and 3,11 (', ~ I :,A ir &I !hl o~ M M OTI V+ AN SSSR. LOKSHIN, I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, FAVLENKO, L.I., inzh.; TAWiVhUV, 5.5., inv. Testing of a small economizer for boilers fired with, antPiracite fines under a system of upward gan "low. Tpp'loenergetik,-~ c) no.5'10-15 MY '62. ', Yd KA I ~. , - ) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut i Rostovenerro. (Boilers--Testing) PAVLMO, L.I.; DAVYDOVk, Z.N. Quantitative spectral determination of small amounts of Ferranlun, indium, and ttalliUTI in silicate rocks. k' im. 17 no.2: I()()-2CI Hr-Ap 162. (141HA I ~: 4) 1. V.I.Vernadskv In:;titute of Geochemistr,,, and jinalytica2 ~;hemistry, U.S.S.R., Academy of Sciences, Moscow, (Germanium--Analys-ts) (Indium-Analysis) (Thall~um--Analysis) PAV1ENKO, L.I., inzh.; TALDMN IDKSHDIP V.A. , kand.tekhn.nauk; - Thermal characteristics of radiation-convections.1 supp,rheaterB. Energomashinostroenie stean 161,, no.5:7-9 My (HIRA 14:8) K.M., inzh. (Superheaters) BOROM-RU'ANOVA, T.F.; MLYAYEV, 1u.1.; hUTSWO, Tu.I.- PAVLENICO L Iq SAVINOVAI Ye.N.; FARAMIOV, M.M.; vAnjs--TEyj4,, doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; DRAGEMOV, E.S., red. izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. [Spectral determination of rare and dispersed elements bi minerals rocks, solls, plants, and natural waterv) Spektrallnoe oprede~enie redkM i rasseianxWkh elerontov; v mineralalch i porodakb, pochvakhj rasteniiakh i pr1rodrWkh vodiLkh. [Liy] T.F. Borovik-Homanova i dr. Moskva,, Izd-N-o Akad. nau). SSSR, 1962. 239 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. kkademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geollimii. (Spectrum analysis) LOKSHIN., V.A. kand.tekhn.nauk; PAVLENKO,---L.I.,, inzh.; TALDYKIN, K.N.J. inzh.; ii~&O--V.q S.S.P inzh. Temperature conditions in the operation of air probeatere with a high degree of air Iwating. Eleksta. 32 no.4:24-28 AP 161. WMA 14:7) (Air preheaters) ( PAVLENKOt L.I. -- - ~'- -- on the chemical c(Mposition of wild and cultivated ginseing seedB. Mat. k izuch. zhen'shenia i lim. no-4:229-230 160. (MIRA .13:9) 1. Iwtitut geokhimLi i analtichookoy khimii im. '/.I. Vernadakogo AN SSSR, (GINSENG) (SEEDS-CHEMICAL CORPOSITION) PAVIMMO, L.I.; NAUMV, V.N. From experience in the automatization of auxiliaZ7 services. Prom.energ. 15 no-5:37-38 Pf 160. (N-IRA 13: 7) (Automatic control) (PwVing stations) 1124(7) / ' AUTHOR: Pav I (;n,., T IT L!7 4cctrc:-chcz.ica1 4unntitatively belvr.,-illning 11,1.r denum and TunL.,sten in Eruptive Rocks PERIODICAL: Izv(.2,stija Akuuem, ii nauk SSSR. S-eriya fizJ chpskaya, 1~5-..' Vol 25, Nr 9, p 1152 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Owing to the lack of nensitive, qaick, !ind nufi'ic~cntly 0 exact mettods of de~er.--ain4n,. W nd '141,o i '-, ro,~- k 3 v; i t h i -, te of concentration 0f'1(,-3 '10-6~ 1, little is knc-.yr, abcit th~- occurrence of thtse elements in the various rocks. Here a method is described by means c-f which tingster, zas determii.,~d by direct cpectral analysis, in the course of rhich silver chloride was added for the purpose o increasin,,; accuracy. Ti.e error in this case amounted , j 2 . 10 and thc Mean runc!("r' error to 10,,L In iiany case8 it is nucessary to crric' the inve5ti6atod rock ohez;ically 'or spectral analy.3is. S';Ch a!. enrichment process is describ~~d. Radioactive isDtopes t,fr- ust--j for the detcr~,,ination of thi-- most favorable analysi.-, ditions ar;~ of the concentration of' the ele.,;,ents ur,,,(jr ir.- vesti.-ation. The spectroscopic invest i,~a t ion with respect Card 1/2 to Mo was ca:~,ried out ir. a qjr-irtz spectrograih of the tyi,e Spectro-chez-ical Yeth---ds of Molybdenum and T~angsten in Eruptive Rocks C, qu-24, and that with respect to W in a s,,~ectrograph of t~e type ISP-51. The constriction of the calibraticn curve acccra- ing to threE standardsand the setting -)f the starcards, in which YoO 3 E.nd WO3 respectively was added to the base material, is then briefly described, and the analysis lii;it of the here described miAhod is assumed to amount to 2.10-0% NO) and -5c! 5.10 /J(W). The mean arithmetic error not exceed There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION.,: Institut gcokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads- ko3o Akade-mii nauk SSSR (Ins.~itutc of Geochemistry and knaly- tical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of C, c i ences , JSS-11) Oard 2/2 LUTHORSs guznotsov, N.V. (DrJach.gol.)i Luzhm,- G 1. (Nnsin-r)i Ungineer)i Paylonko' L.i. ilnzin-sr); '0* C 2nglno#rY_____~ TITL23 21perlence of the Adjustment of Shot-tlast Installations for Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Hosting Surf,oas MIODICALs ToploonerStiks, 1959, or 10, pp 4-14 (USSR) ANTRACTs Previous articles in Toploonergetilra Nr 12, 1957, and or Iv described the use of shot-blasting to clean , 'I pe TP-230-2 at the Omsk Beat and Electric Power ball" ty I Station when bur"ng tual oil of high ash, and hIgh Maphar content. Subsequently tn. design of the equipment was Improved and It was tried out at a Lumber or pov r : tatLans burulmg anthracite dustw including the Near tayGRrr ;over station)on the Rostov Pots.- system. When anthracite dust Is burnedIbeating surfal.s quickly become, aent~ftlmatsd and claaalng id partlculariy Mportant. In the ReaTetay station shot-blasting o14uL;=d=t was 7 JuastaLlod an boilers of 110 tonz ~gr hour operating at 1 $telul conditions of 122 sts and 5 OC. The boilers are . Card briefly describodi the proportlon of unburned matoria I LA In their carry-ol4r Is of the order of 8-12%. Until the abot-bla2tLng installation was Put In, the boilers could o~arat. for I t. It nth., during which the ~a j-l of the convection duct lncrw&sod by more tl~u 100 "water and the outgoing not gas temperature rose bj 25-3 0 oo* Typical curves showing the Increase In resistance and flue 2 temperature during a month's operation are given I 1 ; 1. The shot-blasting Ln%tallation was generally 11 similar to tbAt previously described, but various chan,-- were eads, and are described In soLo detail. On Q In. Z4o of Lbe modified shot-blasting installation are given In ?ig 2. To reduce lofsas of shnt to AtooSpharo, tbo shot traps war. reconstructed, to ta~ forL Illustrmt*d . InIc 3. It was found necessary to fit pieces of wire I as diameter on the conical shutters at the tottom ,f the shot traps to that a certain -unt of air could I-o round the abutter and equell- t.-i* pressure ab,~r - it. Th s re sultz of pressure mo&surs=snt3 using the cdifi-I abutter are plotted In Fig 5. Xinor modlflcatlow were card 2/4 "do -~ the ash bunkers to prevent loss of shot to vies. The shot bunkers were made or covacal section lastead of square, " the shot feeders were modifl.d$ a Low type of W- s huii~. 1;;I,~K u,.J. A few other &,idlflcatlons or. I.. "do. To clean h-tins, -f-I ffl --. it Is waossary to pass 200-300 &j of Sho, par 3quar. metro of duct section. rho area of tr* c,.nve-ti%, duct 0fthe bollari in question was Z0.7 z-,, and shod was delivered at a total rate of 1-100 kg/hr, vhl,-b iorr-p-:s t~ 230 kJ1021hr. If the oqulMont. Is used reCularly on operating time of one hou-:- tvice a stilft 11 3xt!%f&ct.r,. Tests Vo-* "do to 99. VnaLh..- st~,t-bl.strid !void be used piottsd In Fig 7 and It will be .9.z that &_V,1ujh .1-t 9 tons of shat were Passed throurb the ion,~--.on zh*f t there "a n; reduction *!tat: In tna real~t~,L- " fl- or In "-a rlus gas temperature. Subs#e-a- exa,ainatlon showed that s~zo of no shot was ,e3t1_r& or, tip f t1i, -Xixtlng e.p-It. 2h .0-.. Lot :ft.7.r-., r- S~.t-bla.t-nS t, Uh. su:r-1 .-t L- =-A.L.d in th.first pi... oni tN. .,at L. -.d C. ma ragIllarly .Data on the rojista-, t-~ f-w an.1 '-per4turo5 dlar'rr 3~% -dss- v~t.. -4u~- V". --h-t hlaltlls, -1,-L - P-It- M F.9 ~ Th. rs3l taja~ 1nd ccnsnsnt tt,r Xt_o t rlo. was M.Int. t~ .1. '. t, a 'r . , L . d r ona In flu a a , t _,, v&rI~ ,,, ,"I ti " In d ; rrcm o After 4~ days' opor3t on th,h,t-V1ajt1nj. th~ l and ~tor h-tor r=&.Inel nl-n -1 -1~ d. oit, or* I uW only In plaz's ~,t .,.t. ,ho. ", t t 0 1 V~r o q..nt I t" th .'I d 1u .r,. -17 b" f1', 1-;'r VAYNSHTRY11, E.Te.; PAVLTM-KU. L.I. Investigating the offect of the bulk composition of rocks cn the rewilts of the quantitative spectral deternination of Ifo in gxanitoidB. Fiz.ebor. no.4:120-12) '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Institut geokhirill i analiticheakoy khimil imeni V.I. Verwidekogo All SSSR- (Ho2ybdonuit-Spoctra) (Roc-icn-Analyein) -AUTHORS: Vinogradov, A. P., Vaynshteyn, E. Ye., Pavl TITLE: Tungsten and Molybdenum in Pyrogenous Rocks (Oil the Geoc,;erristry of Tungsten)(Vollfram i molibden v izverzhennyKh Uornykh porodakh (k geokhimli vol,frama)) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1958, Nr 5, PP 599 - 408 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The authors briefly diociino the p-cochemintry of molybdenum and tungsten. The method of analy-nia in then deacribod: Molybdenum and tungsten are precipitated by means of mett.-y'l- violet and are determined in 2 parts by the spectrorra::hs Qu-24 and 13'P-51A respectivEly. '?he calibration curve and the resul',s obtained from t~e analysis ca.,ried out for purposes of control were set forth. The ooject5of investi--~,.tion were ultra-basic rocks of the UrE.1-14o,jntains and of t~-e Siberian Plateau, basic rocks from be.salts and diabases of Kamchatka, cf ftrCaicasas aidBaykalregton different kinds of jabbros, intermediary rocks such as E-,ranodiorites rind (iJor-tos of t~_.e CaumsiE6 acid rocks such as granites of the Caucasus area, of Kazakhstanandd te BqWregm The results of -.,e sDectro- Card 1/3 scopic analysis are classified in tables for t~ie individual Tungsten and Mol.,Iderum in ?yrojeno,,-io, Rocws On t :: e Geochemistry of Tun~-,ste-,' types of rocks, a dia.-ram iliustrates tne varying percent,%,e of tungsten and molybdenum with an increasing percentaj~e of silic Hence it is concluded tnat~l) The percenta e of tungsten in pyrogerous r3ckE rises from ultrabasiL 5 , A 7. 7 - 10- ~7) t 0 --,: I - i C r, r': - ~ j , , . 1! " ;') ~.rallel with tne percentage of aio4,,,-,denum (.rDrxr, ~ to 1,6-,~0-4,jl~', in (2,3 10- 1 other words it develops according to the percentage of silicic acid. The percentage of tungsten is 1,5 to 2 ti-mes higher than thc~t cf --ol:.-bo- IniY basic ro3ks form an exception; Ftil'- - muL,'. i- OUt%yhether this iF, a general rule. 9' T., mean pt.~rcEontage of tungsten is estimated at 2-io-4% and that of molybdentun at 1,5-lo-4% in the crust of the earth; the mean proportion of molybdenum and tungsten is close to 0,7 in the crust of the earth. A minor test was also carried out with sediME!ntary rocks. A mixed sample was produced and investigatee:; which was taken of 7614 samples of clay of different ages which came from the Russian Plateau%17,4-lo-5% Ijo and 1,a.lo-4% w); as well as of mixed samples of 6107 samples of sand . - 5% M o an ~ 1 6 - 1 o- 4," ,Y) (4 10 /b Card 213 The samples were taken by A.E.Ronov. There are 2 fiCures, Tungsten and Molybdemm in Pyrogenous Rocks (N the SOV!7-58- 5- '/" z I Geochemistry of Tungster.) 6 tables, and 22 referencele, 1) of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im.Y.1 Vernadskogo I AN SSSR, MoBkva (Moscow Institute of Geochemistry and Ana- lytic Chemistry imeni V.I.Vernadskiy,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 6, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Pavlenko, L, 1,9 Engineer TITLE: A Simple 'Nay of Ventilating Thermification Sh&fts (Prostoy sposob ventilyatsii teplofikatsionnykh kolodtsev) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Pr 2, p 14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Repair, maintenance and inspection work within the shafts of a heating network used to be very difficult because of high temperatures and called f or the use Of portable elec- tric ventilators. The author describes a simple way of natural vontilation: the shaft is provided with two manholes instead of one. Both manholes would be opened, and a 21 m high, 670 mm diameter, steel-sheet chimney would be put upon one manhole to provide the draft. In 15-20 minutes the shaft would be cooled to 20-250C. There is one diagram. Card 1/1 AID P - 29o6 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 26 - 3,/'--",2 Authors Burtsev, V. Ye. and Pavlenko, L. I., Engs., and B. P. Rukovenov, KanW-"rM,P--8er.-- Title Combustion cof pulverized Donets anthracite oulm in furnaces voith inclined-horiZDntal sole Periodical Elek.sta, 7, 9-13, Jl 195.5 Abstract The article reports on experiments in operating furnaces with a simplified system of liquid slag removal. Data on boilers, waterwalls, economizers and other equipment used for this experiment are given. The operation of fumiaces Is explained In detail. Some recommendations, i.e. the use of refractory bricks for the sole, uninterrupted liquid removal of slag, etc. are made. Five diagrams, I table. Id-,burr,ara ard PAVLAM. L.I.. imahener; RUKOVANOV, B.P., kandidat tekhnich9ski)th no*. Problens In tbm operation of' thernal pow3r plants. Mleksta.27 no.l: 49-51 Ja 156. WaA gt6) (Boilers) (Steam turbines) AUTHOR: Pav..lerdko, L. 1. (EnV.) (Rostovenergo) 25', TITLE: Some results 01' burnine, rjnLhrrjciL,--, duff in the furnace of a boiler type TP-250-2. (Nek.otorye itogi szhiganiya AS-h v topke kotla TP-230-2). PERIODICAL: "Teploenergetika" (Thermal POWEr), Vol.4, No.4, April, 'T 1 57, pp. 28-33 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Experience of starting up, adjusting and operating boilers type TP-23U-2 formerly delivered by the 'Krasnyy Kotel'shchik' Wori~s, which had practically ider-tical furnace chambers for all fuels, showed that they worked unstably and with poor efficiency on anthracitE. duff. However, they worked reliably and economically on coals with higher volatile contents. A number of minor changes made to the furnace did nct compensate for the differences in the processes of burning coals rich and poor in volatiles. In order to intensify the process of flaming and cDmbustion of anthracite duff dust in these furnaces tne author proposed measures to improve the aerodynamic 3tructure of the burner flame and to increase the temperature level. The fulfilment of these measures ensured stable operation of the boiler and its efficiency became higher than the designed figure. First, the burners were rearranged and instead of being in a single row they were arranged in a triangle. Steps were 255 Some results of burnino anthracite duff in the furnace of a boiler type TP-230-2. (Cont.) also ta-ken to increase the temperature level in the zone of flaming by providing additional lining with fire- bricks. For four months the bo:.ler operated with a dry slag removal system and worked well from the very start. The transfer from fuel oil to dust took place without any complications and the fuel oil could be cut off an hour after taking up load. The efficiency of the boiler in the first week of operation including the period of complex approval was 89% and the loss due to mechanically unburned fuel was about 2%. During the first 500 hours there was little slag formation on the super-heaters. Later on as slag formed in the furnace large quentitieB of liquid slag were produced which was hard to remove since the slag pit had no water bat)a. Therefore, in January, 1956 liquid slag removal was introduced with closed type water shutters. After reconstructions of the lower part of the furnace the boiler with liquid slag removal worked quite reliably for nine months with good technical results. The boiler operates stably over the load range of 150 to 230 tona/hour. The flames burn from the very throat of the burner without any signs of Dulsation or separation of unburned dust. The furnace conaitions are described and results are quoted from which it follows that at rated load the gross efficiency Some results of burning anthracite duff in the furnace 255 of a boiler type TP-230-2. (Cont.) of the boiler is 2.4% higher than the designed value. Tests showed that variations in the fineness of milling within the limits of 5 to 10% on an R-88 sieve had no appreciable influence on the quantity of fuel remaining in r,'.Ile fly ash. Reduction of excess air from 1.17 to 1.2 'to 1.05 to 1.1 increases the loss of heat because of unburned fuel by 1 to 2%. Much attention is ievoted to a description of slag formation and ash removal which was much improved by the introduction of the slag system. After 6 740 hotu!s of working the combustion belt is in good condition. Some of 'the fire brick: lining was replaced after 4. 000 hours. General cond.itions are satisfactory. 5 figures, no literature references. ly 57 is FAVLENKO, L.I., inzh.; SUSHKOV, N.A., inzh. Improvement of pulverized coal sOparators. Elek. sta. 1112 no.2: 8-11 F '61. (KRA 1617) (Electric power plants--EquLpment and supplies) (Conl, Pulverized) (Separators (Machines)) PAVLUKO, L. I. ilh-ill" Cbemico-spectroscopic quantitative determinatlon of small amounts of molybdenum and tungsten in igneous :rocks. Zhur.anal.kbim. 15 no.4:463-466 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. V.I.Vernadsky Institute of Geochemintry and Analytical Chemistry, AcadeaW of Sciences, U.S.S.11, Moscow. (Molybdenum--Analysis) (Tungs t it n--Ana .1y si s ) IJOKSHIN. V.A..; MOISKOV, G.I., inzh.; PAVLERKO, L.I., lnzh.; TALUYKIN, K.M.. inzh.: VARICHEV, V.A., in2:h. Thermal conditionB durirke, the operation of high-pressure radifition wall-type ouperhentere. Blek.sta. 30 no.1:21-26 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Superheaters) PAVIZM, L.I.. Insh. Simple method for ventilating heat-sulq)ly pite. Inergetik 7 no.2:14 P 159. OCRA 12:1 (Heat engineering) .4~ Rtl bc to" to 0 see 103 AA., owarj In! S-v 0.411- a C, a .";g 0 5 91u*C 2 .1, r 1 1 1 "-' 01H.-IO, Ov 00 0 As 5, ": "11", Ran IND v .11 - 5 -0 i~jjjl - 4. ,]- j--j-O j HAI .3 ~k H;j .0- 64 mi I's . 0 I I V owl'o A W HIS k 9 i HN N 0 Lim Bulge* 0, jg, gatr1l. Is JJA C; r P, 1 0 .55 U. SO,. 1 Ali t a C- UO 4 ~ I oil z 5 04 U i O 0 ft :l i -C e:j P:3 STUDILlinvA, Z.y-; ~FATIMXAL-k~ Tungsten and molybdenum concentrations In aliailine rocks of the eastern Tuva and the Northern Caucasus. Gookhtmits, no-7: 594,-6oo 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. V.I. Veraadsky Institute of Geocheatistry and Analytical Chemistry, AcadenT of Sciencess U*6.6~Ro, Mose-ove (Tava Autonomous Province-Rocke, igneous) (Minerallnyya vody'region-Rooks. Igneous) (Tungsten) (Molybdenum) ALEKSEYEV, G.P.; ANDONIYEV, V.S.; AINGUID, A.V.; BASKIN, S.M.; BASHMAKOV, N.A.; EEREZIN, V.D.; BERMAN , V.A.; FIYANOV, T.F.; GORBACHEV, V.N.; GRECHNO, I.A.; GRINBUIB, G.S.; WCW-V, M.F.; GUSEV, A.I.; DEMENTIYEV, N.S.; DMITRIIEV, V.P.; DULIKIN, V.Ya.; ZVANSKIY, M.l.; ZZWEVICH, D.K.; IVANOV, B.V.; INYAKIN, A.Ya.; ISAYENKO, P. I.; KIPRIYANOV, I.A.; KITILSHOV, I.S.; KOZHEVNIKOV, N.N.; KORKYAGIN, B.V.; KROKHIN, S.A.; KUDOYAR07, L.I.; KUDRYAVTSEV, G.K.; LARIN, S.G.; LFBFZI;V , V.P.; LEVCHENKOV, P.N.; LEMIKOV, A.K.; LIPGART, B.K.; :~DPARFV, A.T.; MALYGIN, G.F. ; MIlDVIDOVA, S.A. ; MIRONOV, P. I. ; MIKHAYIJ)V, B. V. , kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSTAFIN, Kh.Sh., kand. tekhn. nauk; NAZIYk)V, A.D.; NEFEDOV, D.Ye.; NIKIFOROV, I.V.; NIKULIN, I.A.; OKOROCHKC,V, V.P.; PAVjZNK0, I.M.; PODROJUNNIK, G.M.; POLYAK01, G.Ya.; PUTILIN, V.S.; RUDNIK, A.G.; RUMYANTSEV, Yu.S.; SAZONOV, N.N.; SAZONOV, N.F.; SAULIDI, I.P.; SDOENIKOV, D.V.; SEMENDV, N.A.; SKRIPCHINSKIY, I.I.; SCKOLOV, N.F.; STEPANCV, P.P.; TARAKANOVv V.S.; TREGUBOV, A.I.; TRIGER, N.L.; T.FCITSKI'Y, A.D.; FOKIN, F.F.; TSAREV, B.F.-, TSrSULIN, N.A.; CHUBOV, V.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; ENGEL', F.F.; YURDVSKlY, Ya.G.; YAKUBOVSKIY, B.Ya., prof.; YL':.TREBDV, M.P., KAMZIN, I.V., prof., glev. red.; MALYSHEV, N.A., zam. glair. red.; HELINIKOV, A.M., zam. gl&v. red.; RAZIN, N.V., zam. glav. red. i red. toma; VARPAKHOVICH, A.F., red.; PETROV, G.D., red.; SARK':SOV, M.A., prof., red.; SAJIUKHANOV, G.L., red.; SEVASTIYANOV., V.I., red.; SMIRNOV, K.I., red.; GOTHAN, T.P., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Continued on next card) ALEKSEYEV, G.P. - (continued). Card 2. [Volga Hydroelectric Power Station; a technical report on the design and construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Sta- tion (Lonin), 1950-1958) Volshokain gidroolektmetantsiia; tek)-micheskii otchet o proektirovanii i stroitollAvo Volzliskol GES imeni V.I.Lenina, 1950-1958 g9. V dvukh tomakh. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2.[Organization aj2d execution of constrution and assembly work) Organizataiia i pn)izvodstvo straitellno- mon-tazhnykh rnbot. fled. tomai N.V.Rnzin, A.V.Arn 011d, N.L. Triger. 1962. 591 p. 7MIRA 10-2) 1. Deyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitelctury SSSR (for Razin). (Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (Lenin'--Design and construction) SALO, D.P.; '.,'OPOi'JI;A, 0.3j.; UJUIAU1111, 0.:1.; K-IT-:M;IiU!i, 1'.Y0. [Lr~-vonchWr, PAVLETKO, L.S. Alkylolamines and thetr assible uae Li 1,womacy. ;tarort. "0.1. vamatsev zhur. 16 no.5:11'.~-zO 16.1. (I.CNA 17: 10) ;f 1. K.5:Cedra tek-luiologii lekkir:3,- i preparatov lh:.f 'kov3l:ogo farii-qLGOVticho3koj-,o instituta kzlclecluy ':-'~Icliiy n~ ki., Ilivnenk-o (Iivnenko, 94%; CM" e~fftovft;~o %$o$ ~V~44t' 0 i'-4 s A E.Spos lit ~~' - I %. 0U Aba IACI bY ZZI CA O'N't -- jow- twin m " " " SID,I I a of u $I " a I al to a #*as SIVON41041) Allwal 0 I i-las , I "-A IF a a A- 10 1 A 00 1.0 .,j I" "Otto 00 00 041 00., l i.*G 009 . 00 0 a A quick metbad of bobwatary custna of an "1". -00 : 0 L.M. ' - K V .00 erawika 3939. Na. P, jj.--4Cwt 1 t d b b k W i .040 e c. ac rat y um the pac,ent 1 C4C(h in (bv WWII, I. v.. the tint. of 11C1 used I the 800 4mmulPs. of CACO, in the Slaze mulliplied by 5. ADm- am* musi fit mad,, for the iussl. resiolue. F. a. S. '00 coo I cog 00 '00 zoo '00 1900 S.30" -I ILI KQ a I It IN V, : 0 0 01 000 00 0000 9 0 0 069990990 00 U r 0 Al L 0 " 0 N I I I AV It Ts 902 see 0 0 w cb 40~ 00.1 00- -i pvN 00 I" r..q Aauj le '(jt6l 'jC ii-w 'al.m. ,Ljjm d1l (ljU3jAt'4j A I Puv vu"I 'N 'H '**S~M su&A -0,010 Poe liqlIq mailinvis kiwainim 0 f4T svq 00 -** 0 41 0 0 0 0000 0 0 & 0600 0 00 0 i .If J-4 9 ,u a it " I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 t, 0 0 0 0 0 o 40 ei Itt V - I YAYTSOVp 1.1., brigadir; FAV .; AhTIPOV, V.A.; FETREMO, Ye.V., JaLnd.tp1rhn-nnjik- INV D.A., inzh. R-oduced 28,082 tons of coal in one month with the "Donl*ss-l" cutter loader. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.3-1--9-10 N 162. (MA 15sl2) 1. Upravlyayusheldy ShAk+ters1r4vn trestom ugckllnyldi predprJvatiy kimbinats, Rostovugoll Miniaterstva ugollnoy proqrz&lennosti SM (for Favlanko). 2. Glavnyy im%b. Shakhter-skop:o treats. ul;ollnykh predpriyatiy kombinata Rostovugoll Ministerstva ulKollnoy pronyshlenn sti. SSSR (.for Antipov). 3. Zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera Artemovskogo ugollnogo kombinata (for Petrenko). (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) /Px Vz- ,V Co:.-!-r%in t~c tio-,. of Hz.~ciinactive Isotopes in S-:e-.t.Jfic r~arls, 9-20 _'eept 1957- Vestnik Ali S~;Sh. v. ~,;i, No. 1. 1), 71-73, (Authcr Vincqjradov, A. r.) of oto ~a ~;- th field of phloic.11 wd c*emical ,rocesoes. :.!. AStarikovicho *oke )ut t z! ro.- lts obtai:ied by invefiti~;iti,),,ia ;vit.. ato:7.,i zi.; re ~.r_~S t.,c distrillut., )n of between w..,ter ;-_-nd ate%:,.. 'I:. rej~orts delivered b~- E. Ye. Va,,no.iteyn, L. Yc. Fivler-O fu 1. Bel,-,L,-ev the applic,Ltior of radioc-ctive isotopes - 41 spectral was deitlt wit~l. S. S. Mledvedev :3,,-",, ,0,out I ,)roble-i_. of the polymeri,7_,tion of et).-Inne in it~ ~,Aseous 'Ind li-Uid E. K. 'erlin -Is r-(!,)ort t...- Jit,ratf-_n of' it-, n tiire wis rc!.-.d -wt. V. I. B,aranov L. A. sub%~,,ittod materind on t,,o s-.1t o:. deterninpti )n t e velocity of t:,u for~atin of tl-.e botto.. of t.~e coun. The author rep3rtod j;i t*.-ie uoto~e n o~.- t:..--- .~iliezi of metenrites, rocll:a, etc. On t~,e s--,rertj:t.i of t~.eze *-e expressed the ide i concern-n, t~-,_~ lifferr:.ce i: i;rocesoe,; of nre~tlor. of v,urious claases Df meteorites ~,rvl varioua t.-,pea of ti(-- cr~,,st of tl,e e,Lrth AVAILABLE: Librury of Coni-ress C&r+-~~ 1. Isotopes (Radioactive)-Applications PAVIE I-10, M, Machines build housea. Znan. ta irats.4a no* 1015 0 160. (Conatruct~on industry) (MIRA 14:4) *400000000000000 : 1: a *goes 0 900 *a 0 04 a a 11 m a p yo IV 11 w 1) ON NIP loops.) 416)aa It v rubber WON. M. A. PAVLOWN0. Hu-& 23,60, Oct. 31, Ml. rubiwt It go zo ' ol S zoo 4 a I I A&I ?#tttjF6K&L LITENAT"t CLAIV09COUCk 1k: V 1 L N, a It 19 1 1 114 01411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PAVLOKC, iiah. l7ew -.a ~~h I. nz-2 4or :7uttirL,,- a nd I)e ncilln,7~ ~:* Eiteel re infor~e.-L~-l,.t r . S - . -~ 1. i dor. ::-nnhinostr. 4 no.11:17-18 '~ '~q (M I.LA ~ 3 : -I ) ( bend in.- -Lq(-,h irips ) (Outt i h ines ) PAVLMIKO, I.t.G., inzh. Now equipment for pneumatic-tube traniiportation of cement. StroiA dor.mashinostr. 4 no.10:14-1.5 0 '59- (MIRA 13:2) (Pneumatic tube tranoportation) (Cement--Tranaportation) FAVIENKO. R. 1. Double the factory output. Sakh. prom. 33 no.2:16--17 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1.Kshenskiy sakharnyy zavod. (soveteirty (Ku;AjL_l~rovlnce) -Sugar industr1r)) -.,, PAVLENKO M K - TOGOBITSKAYA, N.V.[Tohobits'ka, N.V.), rvkd.; f-:-- J. CHEREVATSKIY, S.A.[Cherevatslkyi, S,.A.], tekhn. red. (Intensive agriculture instead of grassland faiming; practices on the collective farms in Kagarlyk District, Kiev Province) Intensyvne zemlerobstvo zamist' trawopillia; dosvid kolhospiv Kaharlytslkoho raionu na Kyivshchyni. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSR, 1962. 122 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Kagarlyk District-Agriculture) BUGAY, Samson Mitrofemovicb, doktor biol. nmik, prof.; PAVLENKO, I. K., red.; MZMEMN, F.F., tekhr;. red. (Plant growing] Rastenievodstvo. Kiev, Gossellkhozizdat U&9R, 1963. 517 p. (MIRA 17:4) PAVLENKO M.K., agranom; PIZ1311CIIEPA, 5.11. [Pryshchepa, S.P.] What the method of continuous grain harvesting showed. Mekh. nil I. hos-. 14 no.6:5 JO 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Glavnyy agronom Kagarlykskogo proiz,rodstvennogo upravleniyu, Kiyovskoy obl. '000 STARCiMKO, V.F., golovnyy red.: FJMVS'KIY, C.P., red.: RUDNITS'XIT,P.V. red.,; LUTSEKXO, F.G., red.: BILOZUB, V.G., red.; PAYL:-2r O,.Y.J., red.; . - ~ .9 SMSTELINIK, A.B., red.; KHOTHNKO, M.P., red.; ZADONTSEV, A.P., red.; POPOV, F.A., red.; DANILYUK, O.T., red.; TRITINCHENKO, A.P., red.; AKS'O11OV, G.G., [Agricultural manual for ndministrntive personnel of province and district orgAnizntions, directors of mt)chine-trActor stntions, chairmen of collective farms and agricultural specialists] Posibnik po sel'alkomu hospoderstru dl'La kerivnykh pratsivnykiv oblasnykh i raionnykh organizatsiy, dyrektortv MTS, holiv kolhospiv i fakhivtsiv sillslkoho hospidarstva. Sklndenyl za red.: V.F.Starchenka [and others] Holovmyi red.V.F.Starchenko. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo sil'slkohosDodaralkoi llt-ry URSR. Book 1. 1,946. 1269 P. (MIRA 1.1:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent akademii nauk URSR (for Stnrchenko). (Apriculture) PAVLENKO, H.-K.-(Kiyev) O=gnor Tomato.0 Priroda 50 no.4:116 Ap 161. OMRA 14:4) (Tomatoes) f lot Ile 110. t.* 0 02 4 ~ F, 'a A- 1-1- -ALUAXJ 4 so 1357' IN-arnaluadoin of Carhm MW Flydrepw ja &0 0e 00. I'lussiaw) P. N. Feaou*v arj M. M. lrfY)rjkko, Murnal AnaIWrhaJ6,j Khfmn (jownal ol An.- Mica (Arowdly), v 5, sw.-W. 19W. P. ownw, Dek-fil" a fspkl methxi Im the above bawd ("I thr IfflIK-II& cA L tvw6s mWacc combustion. cro. h uxxl &S the catalyst RAW of CMIxt- of oxygrn my be inrvras~J to &V it, ujim wil wnif diourhmil aivurary of Analyws. Data off M snalYsm are l4bulaird. A-ly k I W4TAlL(XGKAl LMN.TUSE CL~UIFOCAT600, j 9 a (Olpit "at *41 we milli 041 00 0 9 0 60000000 *00 R as* COO coo too 9-1 -so -I W 5 43 4 1 000000 0 0 0 600 OIL, A ce I,/ PAVLFNKO, M. M. PAVLP:?IKO, 1,1. M. -- "flew *Iethod for the ~ruantitative Det,r-iination of Carhon H a nd lydrogen in OrFanic Substancer, in the Presence of a Catalyst (Chromiun Oxide)." Sub 1 Jul 52, in-ft of Or-anic Chemistry, Acad --ci U9,FIR. ('is- sertation for the Defree of Candirlate in Chemioal "Iciences). M- Vechernaya ?-Iosk-va January-Decomber 19Q W) Dete-MA~6i -a- -carbw-apd- by-&-wsi Aralytical Abst. urranis! wtibvtzr~m couUTSTMI-s-uMm M~ezi In prov-Qu, of SA!AbTy,-u &v arA Vol. I No, 1 74 Nt M1, '1_11- 3. Mat ~1116 . 8, Jan. 1954 15w . Tie alithors' method (Bril. Abiir. C, l1l5L:13;Lm1 ltir)2,83) fnr detetmining C and It is Organic Analysis ~t,,Yidrd to rover the analysis oforgauic autritancei. ot,lining !; and halogens in arlditinr. to C. It. 0. -d N NemoVal of S oxides and halogens is ,tlmnl- 'I 11N, the use of metallic Ag at 650* tn 750'C. G, S SMITH FATIM-10. N.M. (1hereon). Experiments illustrating the law of X.T.Losonomov. Khim.v shkole 11 no.6:46-47 &,D '56. (ULBA 9:12) (Natter) DERMANUS, Timofey Ivanovich [Derevliankinp T.I.T; VIRNIX9 D.F.[Vjrnyk,D.F.], kand. ekon. nauk, otv. red.; PAVLENKO, VUNIYq R.O. jjBunii,R.Ojv tekbn. red. [UkrainUm textile faotories based on lumd labor in the -late 18th c-nd the first half of the 19th century.1 Manufaktura na Ukraizg v kintsi XVIII - per,shii polovyni XIX st.; tekstyllne vyfobvYtstvo. Kyivo Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR, 1960. 3A p. (min 1"M (Ukraim-Textile industry) NESMMV, B.V., kand.lokusetvoved.nouk; KOSHELRY, A.Ye., arkhitektor; IXTROVA, T.Ye., arkhttektor; SHIMYRY, IT.N., arkhitektor; VOSUCILANOVA, G.K.. arkhitaktor; GCRBLINOVA, V.A., arkh1tektor; KOVALIKOV, V.G.. arkhitektor; YAM7XV, Yu.S., arkhitaktoz,; YAVOROVSKAYA, M.R., arkhitektor; OGRYMZO, P.Y., arkhItektor; TIKHONOVA, N.V., arkhitektor; MANANNIKOVA. L.Y., arkthitektor; GRADOV, G.A.. red.: PAVLENKO, M.V., red. CALrniture and equipment for public bu!.ldinga; catalog baned on materials from the Exhibition of Furniture and Equipment for Public Buildings, 1959-ig6o] Mabel' i oborudovanie dlia obalichestvennylr-h zdanii, katalog sostavlen po materialam vys-.avki mebeli i obarudovaniia dlia ol,shchestvannvkh zdanii, 1959-1960 gg. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po atroit., arkhit. stroit.m terialam, 1960. 186 platea. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Amdemiya stroitel'stva i arkhitoktury SSSR. Institut obahchestvennykh 2daniy i soorutheniy. 2. Chlen-korrospondent Almdemii stroitelli3tva i arkhitektury ESSR (for Grodov). (Furni ture --Cats logo) (Public buildirigs--Equipment iind suppliea) KOSSAKOVSKIT. V.A.. RZHEEH111A, 0.1.; PAVLENKO,, N.Y., red.; GOLOVEINA, A.A., (Row houses in foreign countries] Blokirovannye doma 2a rubezhom. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960. 177 P. (MIRI 13:6) (Apartment houses) PAVLENKO, N.Ye-~-, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Materials on the problem of the role of the nervous system in the pathogenesis of hematogenic tuberculosis of the larynx; report No. 3. K izuch.roli nerv.sist.v pat., imnun.i lech.tub. no.2:237- 242 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy pEitologii I terapli (zav. G.S.Kan) Leningradskogo nauchno-isslecloviitellskogo instituta tuberkuleza. (LARYI,4X-TUBERCULOSIS) (ItERVOUS SYSTEM) PAVLEM I. inzh. -W- Contribution of sefLance to the world. Zmkta pratsia no.9:1-5 8 162. (MA 15:11) (Nuclear physics) (Cybernetics) (Astronautics) FAVIZ NO. N. Ln three yeara. Pozli.dolo 8 no.6:30 JO 162. (MIRA 15.6) 1. Sakretarl partiynoy organizatsii voolmoy pozharnoy chasti Usti-Kamenogorska, Vo3toclino-Kazakhstanski)y'obl. (Kazaklistan-Firomen) (Physical education and training) 2AVLENKOV5, Universe under a roof. Znan. ta pratoia no.7:5-6 JI 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Planetaria) PAVLMO, S. (Mosk-va) ........, Biological carrento direct the movement. Znan. ta prateia no.9:6-7 s 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (NaMOPHYSIOLOGT) (PmilrI(:IAL LIMBS) PAVLMM. N., inzh. 'Strange airplanes. Zmanota Pratsia no.R:31 3 '59. (MIU 13:1) (Airplanes) DELIMARSKIY, Yu.K., akademik; CHETVERIKOV, A.V., kand.khimicheakikh nauk; PAVLEKKOV N.A., inzh.; TYUTYUNNIK, O.A. Effect of iron c.bloride on the electrolytic tin plating of black plate from fused salts. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHH no.28-.153-158 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. AN UkrSSR. (Tin plating) (Kron chloride) DELIMARSKIY, Yu.K.V akademik; CHETVERIKOV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; .PAV1XNKOJv N.A., irizh. Effect of iron chloride on current efficiency during electrolysis in fused SnC12 - KC1 with the use of liquid tin electrodes. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.34:40-44 163. (MIRA 17:4) CHETVERIKOV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAVlENKO, N.A., inzh.; TYUTYUNIK, O.A., I .Lnzh. Using a protective atmosphere in electroly-tic tinning from fused electrolytes. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.34:45-50 163. (~MIA 17:4) CHETVERIKOII, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAVLENKO, N.A., inzh.; MAKOGON, V.F. Effect of a protective atmosphere on current efficiency and the quality of the coating in sheet steel tinning from fused salts. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.34:51-57 163. (?ERA 17:4) -WP 0 N 11 IJP(c) 60Z5255 WH / wrl / j f" Tc, SOURCE OODK: UR/0057/66/036/007/1269/1272 AUTHOR: Bonch-Bruyevich, A.-M.; Im;-i_s,Ya.__A_._; Fjolchanov, V. A.; Pavlenko, N. A. ORG: none TITLE: A ne dym -D , ium &_,ss las jLwith a rectangular cross-section rod SOURCE: Zhurnal tx1nicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 7, 1269-1272 TOPIC TAGS: solid state aser, paramagnetic laser, neodymium glass laser, laser r and d GS11-I L4- ID ABSTRACT: A rectangular-rod rteodymium glass~41aser described by the authors else- where (ZhPS, 1, 1, 45-50, 1964) was produced with slight mc)difications and marketed under the industrial designationtGSI-1 (Fig. 1). The CSI-1 is being used currently for scientific research and in We solution of certain technological problems. Its characteristics are essentially the same as those of the laser described earlier, provided the same glasses and resonator mirrors ate used, The marked disadvantages of the GSI-1 are the comparatively low effectiveness of ito eight IFK-2000 standard flashlamps and its consequent low efficiency (0.3--0.4%), -and the saturation of the lamp characteris tics. These disadvantages were partly remedied when a rectangular cross-section spiral flashlamp was used instead of the IFK--2000 lamp. This led to a twofold increase in the laser efficiency and increased pulse energy of up to 100 J. 1/4 NPh AP6025255 7 , , A Fig. 1. Extemal view of the GSI-1 laner Card L 37688-66 ACC NRj AP6025255 10,7 eff icixev- 0 6 7 % '-l" In'O GSI-1m (n-0) 1 "- ) ~ISKKhaW dO - I SKKh lamp '0 6155-10-14 4 GSI-lNn-z5 Vn_25) Fig. 2. '-)ependence of laser (GSI-1 and 40- GSI-M) output pulse on the pump energy v,kV Z.4 3.7 5.4 Z Z 9 6 IZ 15 The present article deals with the GSI-l laser and its modified version, GSI-lM. The output pulse energy of each laser was shown as a function of the pumping energy 0& 2~ Card 3/4 L ACC NRi AP6025255 The effects of radiation noise on the emission frou, the GSI-IK laser were also evaluated. The authors showed that the lifetime of the excited state of neodymium ions decreased at high pump densities, resulting in corresponding elevation of tile threshold and a drop in the laser efficiency. Orip, art. has: 3 figures and 6 formulas. IYYI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 26Jun65/ ORIG REF: OC4/ ATD PRESS:51~r/ Card 4/4 c ~`6 - -"3D/E:Y'1(' "IF-WT(1VLELJ CPO ACC NRI AP6025256 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/136/'036/007/1273/1284. 1AUTHOR: Anisitiov,S.I.; Bonch-Bruyevich,A.M.; Yel'yoEihevich,M.A.; lmas,Ya.A.; Pavlertko, N. A.-; Romanov, G. S. ORG: none ZTLE: The effects of intense light beams on metals -~;RCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no.7, :.273-1284 TAGS. laser effect, metal melting, metal vapo::-izing, heat of sublimation ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated theoreticalLy and experime0ally the phen- omena accompanying the disruption of metals by focus-ad laser t-eams.161n the present paper there is considered the case of a laser .)roducing approximate1v 1 millisec pulises, each consisting of a sequence of approximately I microsec spikes. rhe phenomena accompanying disruption of metals byf/-iant laser pulses will be discussed ~z 16 2 in a future paper. In the theoret[cal part of the paper, fluxes of 10"; to 10 erg/cm sec on an approximately I mm diameter spot are consilered. It. is shown that wider these conditions the transport of anergy in the metal by heat conduction during the duration of !a spike is negligible, and the problem of the vaporization of the Met3l is accordingly treated in one dimonfiian. Formulas are derivod, end curves Lire presented for different metals, relating the energy flux In the laser betam, the tempernture of the metal surface, the erosion rate of the metal surface (i.e. , the rate of IncroaGe 1/3 L 40_18_~-O( ACC NR- AP6025256 in the depth of the hole), and the velocity and pressure of the jet of rietal vapor.The Itemperature of the metal surface is not eqiial to the boiling temperature, as was erro- neously assumed by J.F.Ready (J. Appl. Phys., 36, No.2, 462, 1965). The theoretical relations were tested by experiments on some 16 metals and alloys, using neodymium " glass lasers producing up to 300 J pulses. The lase:r beam was focused with a lens onto the parallelepipedonical specimen and the disruptive process was recorded cinemat- ographically at 105 frames per sec. In most of the experimento a glass plate was cemented to one face of the specimen and the loser blaam was so directed parallel to the glass-metal boundary that about half of the beam pas:;ed freely through the glass and the other half penetrated into the metal, vaporizing it. In those experiments the process was photographed through the glass. The mass of metal removed by the laser pulse was determined by weighing the specimen, and the impulse due to reaction of the metal vapor Jett was measured. The experiments were Ln qualitative agreement with the theory, and quantitative agreement in order of magnitude was fctund. The authors feel that development of a more accurate theory would not be worthwhile, owing to the large variations between different lapers. Three stages ware distinguished in the disruption process: in the first stage.. he temperature of the inetal surface increased at the rate of approximately 103,0 dOgree/ ec; In'tho second stage metal was vaporized from the specimen and a hole was formed in it; and in the third stage a pressure of 102 to 103 atmospheres developed within the hole and a powerful jet of metal vapor issued from it at supersonic velocities. The ratio of the loser pulse energy to the mass of metal 2/3 Card 3/3 SOV/49-58-9-4/14 AUTHORS: Kachalov, v.P., Pavlenko, n.A. and YakovIeva, A-V. TITIZ: The Ultra-violet- ~pec arum o~e Sun in the Region 2471 - 2635 1 (Ulf,,trafioletovyy spektr solatsa v oblasti 2471-2635 A) MIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii fiauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1958, nr 9, pp 1099 - 1104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 14 spectrograms were obtained st heights 4P to 100 km. Lists of lines in the region 24-71 - 2635 A have previously only,,been published f or low diEpErsion spectrograms (40 A/mm) (Refs 1-3). Ref 4 ives, a list; of lines with wavelengths longer t4an 2635 1 for a dispersion, in the second order, of 20 A/mm. These agree well with the authors'. The spectrograph had a c ncave diffraction (600 lines/mm). The dispersion was 16.7 Aumm and the slit; width 0.02 mm. A moveable hand was included in the spectrograph to compensate for the precession of the rocket and thus obtain constant slit illumination. The exposures were for two sees. and the dial of a stopwal;chias photographed simul- taneously to correlate the exposure time with height. TILree particularly good spectrograms were chosen from the t.,ardl/4 fourteen taken and they were measured on a comparator, IZA-2, SOV/40-58-')-4/14 0 The Ultra-violet Spectrum of the Sun in the Region 24?1-2635 A with a magnification of 40. In order to increase resolution by averaging over the photographic grains seen on the plate, a special apparatus was constructed which vibrated the objective at a 50-cYcle frequer,cy. , The resolution obtained was -- 0.2 A. ThL- ieast blended lines: 2488.14.3 2591-542 2510.8,x4 (2605-656 2545.9r? (2605.69'~ were used to construct a dispession equation for the regio The correction required to the eq',iation,.~as up to 0.03 2* The correction required in the coiLparison of the measured lines with wateriapour lines in the atmosphere was of the same magnitude bu opposite sign. Average error in measuring was 0.06 1 . A microphotometer (MF-4) was used with w.Sb-Cs cell. A full photometric survey has not yet been made and the list gives visual intensities on a scale of 10. Owing to the dispersion used, most of the absorption lines ~.,ard2/4 were blended. The method of measurement was as follows. SOV/49-58-9-4/i4 0 The Ultra-violet Spectrum of the Sun iL. the Region 24?1-2635 A For each wavelength, lines were chosen from tables (Refs 5 and 6) of elements widely distributed on the sun, which agreed within the m%asurement error. The majority of lines could have arisen from a. variety of ions. Many could be excluded by straightforwar& comparison (e.g. by con- sidering number and intensity of multiplets). When the superimposed lines had an intensity ratio of 3096 or greater, both lines were included in thetable in brackets,, The measured wavelength is pluced opposite the basic contributor to the line. ElementB which are uncomon on the sun, e.g. boron, mercury and phosphorus coincided generally in line position with more common elements,, but BeI was observed. The authors append a list of 1~he lines with the fol-i-owing notation: r - sharp bands, d - dif f usad -hands sh - Ade ba~.d&- fik [f and Id - bands with distorted contours t- t~..a -,)-;...)let and red ends respe-atively Card3/4 SOV/49-c*)8-9-4/14 C, The Ultra-violet Spectrtua of the Sun in the Region 24?1-2635 A Insufficiently resolved lines tire in round brackets and multiplet numbers from U.E. Moore's tables are given in round brackets i?Lfter the element. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 6 references, 1 of wl-ich is Soviet and 5 English. .iiSSOCIATIO11: Gosudarstvennyy ol:Li~:heskiy institut (State Optical Ins';itute) SUBMITTED- October 3, 1957 Card 4/4 SOV/49--99-8-10/27 AUTHORS: Kachalov, V. P. , A, and Yakc.vleva, A.V, TITLE: The Ultraviolet ~jglnr Spectrum 11 Ln the Region of 26367-2937 A \f)/ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 8, PP 1177-1185 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The data were calculated by means of photographs obtained with a spectrograph having a concave diffracting mesh. The results are presented in a table where the following data are included: Column I - wavelength, Column 2 - intensity and character of line, Column 3 - probable identification. There are 1 table and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOClATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut (State Optical Institute) SUBMITTED: October 14, 1958 Card 1/1 YAKOVLEVA, A.V.; KUDIIYAVTSIVA, L.A.; BRITAYEN', A.S.; GE.11ASEV, V.F.; )ICHALOV, V.P.; KUZICE;TSGV, A.P.; PAN'UNK0, N.A.; IOZEW, V.A. Spectrometric investigation of the v czone layer up to the a-Ititude of 60 km. Isk.sput.Zem. no.14:57-68 62. (MIRA 15:11) (Ozone) (Atmosphere, Upper-Rocket oteervations) .ACC N'%i AP7001313 SOURCE CODE: U11/0057/66/036/oiP /2 175 /2 180 AUTIiOR; Borich-Bruyevich, A. M.; Yesepkina, 11. A.; ImaG, Ya. A; Pav-'cnko'l X. A.; Pakhomov, L. N.; Pctrun'kin, V. Yu.; Po-.upov, S. Ye. ORG; none T:T-T--7: :nvestigation of a neodymium glass laser vith a resonator of spherical mirrors SOURCE: Zht.rnal tekhnicheGkoy fiziki. v. 36, no. 12, 1966, 21-75-2180 TOP:0 TAGS: -t~laser, neodynium laser, rah-=^ glass laser. aphericc--' m i r r o r ABSTRACT: The operational characteristics of' a neodymiun glass laser with a resonator of spherical mirrors were investigated for varying distances betveen the mirrors. The introductory theoretical conridera-' tions nrocced from, results obtained earlier by other authors (c.g., Boyd'and Gordon, Bell. System. Techn. J., 40, 2, 1961, 489) and define the regions occupied by certain modes as determined solely by the dis- tance between the mirrors and the radius of their curvature. Further, the beam divergence is assumed to be determined by the divergence of the highest mode in the system. The minimum divergence is attained when the- (:ord I/ 3 UDC: 621.3T8.32 ACC Nk--;, 7CC11313 distance between the mirrors equals the rakius of curvature of the mirrors, corrected for the presence of a r d having a certain length and refractive index. Experiments were conducted with various rod and mirror dimensions, but measurement data are presented only for mirrors with a 150- cm radius and rods 50 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter. This was done since the dependcies in all cases have the same character. The output energy varied between 200 and 500 J. The.oscillograms of the output pulses show a high degree of uniformity in pulse amplitude, shape, and frequency, compared with the rather unsteady characteristics of the output from a plane mirror resonator. The pulr,,e frequency in proportional to the square root of the instant pumping power, and startsto increase rradually when the distance between the mirrors is reduced below the optimal. This increase, however, never exceeds the frequency at the optimum by more than 1.4. The beam divergence increases to either side of the confocal position, in good. agreement with the theo- retical relations. The beam brightness is at a maximum when the dis- .ance between the mirrors is optimal. The cross-sectional energy dis- i;ribution within the beam is rather uniform and is independent of the distance between mirrors. The emission spectra were studied as func- tions of pumping power and the distance between mirrora. An increase in pumping power from the emission thEeshold lcve~ to its maximum changes the spectrum width from 5- 7 A to 4o__60 A. An increase in the distance between mirrors from t1short" (about one-third of their redius) I*rhere the spoctrum is diffuse, to "long" (about two-third of the radius) Ca.rd 2 13 ACC Mi AI'7001313 results in the I,.- ppearanCe and reparation of liner.. The re ul, ru,!,, the existance, within the resonator, of a large number of I-Iranziverre nodes having equal Q. However, the observed multiplicity of Gpectral liner still requires clarification. Orig. art. has,. 6 figurea and 9 formulas. [WA-14] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OIJun66/ oaiG xm 003/ OT11 REF: oo4 Card -4 ACC NRi A?6029834 S-0-URCE-CODE: - UR/oo--,,3/66/037./008/0849/0852 AUTHORt Yagrupollskiy, L. M.; Pavlenko, N. G.; Solodushonkov, S. N.; Fialkov, Yu. A. MG: Institute of Organic Chemistry, AN UkrSSR (Institut organichaskoy khimii AN b-krSSR) TITLE; Nitro derivatives of benzotrichloride SOURCE: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 32, no. 8, 1966,.849-852 TOPIC TAGS1 organic nitro compound, halogenated organic compound, mixed halogenated organic compound ABSTRACT; An attempt was made to find now methods of preparing nitro derivatives of bonzotrichlorido. Nitration of bonzotrichlorido was carried out by using pure nitr:~o 1'~ 03 an acid and nitrating mixtures of va:7ious compositions., With iN alone, taken in . oLmts of 10-30 nolospor molo of bonzotr-Lehlorido, even at -20c'C a considorablo hydroly:;is of 1 tho trichloromothyl group takes place, and tho yield of the products, a mixture of isomeric nitrobenzotrichloridos, doos no". excood 30%. Tho optimum nitrating mixturo consists of 25% M403 and 75% H2SQ~ (by weight), 3 moles of M"03 being takon for 1 mole of benzotrichlorido. The 'old of isomeric nitrobonzotrichlarides then oxcoods 90%, and the isomers consist of:,1-6.8% ortho-, 20.7% para.- and 62.5'% motanitro derivativGs. Fluorination of p-nitro-a,a,a-die.-dorobromotoluene with anti;,iony trifluoride and anhy- drous HF produced p-nitrobenzotrifluoride in good Y.Lold. The substitution of fluorine!. I Card 1/2 UDCZ 547-_531_-U2j ACC NR: AY6029EI34 ifor chlorine and bromine in p-niti-o-a,a,a~dichlorobr-orotoluotio by means of M,' proc6ods with much more difficulty than in bonzotrichlorido; this is bocauso the proaonco of the eloctronogative substituont in the bonzotrichlor-ide molooulo hinders tho halogen exchange. SUB CODES 07/ SUBM DATEt 04Fob551 OTH REF9 013 I'/I '; I,,-, "; F~ (", u ~ ~1 ~ S11-lady of regimes for thermal tr~,-a!.mtri -. of cab',e drilling bits, Sbor, ivuch. trud. KGRI no,11 L/,4 149 t62. (MIRA 16A) (,Boring machinery- - -Test:. rig) (Steel--Hont trontmenC KOVALI, G.A.~ PAVLENKOp N. ~: C. .; FEDOROVA, Ye.G. Prospects for using plastics in building mining machine ' Sbor. nauch. tnid. KGRI no.1307-85 162. (KIRA 16-87 (M-Ining mach%nery-Equipment and (Plastics-Testing) KCIVAL' , G.A.; PAVIENKO, N.I.; FEDORCFVA, Ye.G. Industrial tests of parts of mining &ad metallurgical machinery made of capron. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.19:43-46 162. OuRA 16:5) (Mining machinery-iresting) (Metallurgical plants-Equipnent ard supplies) (Nylon) PAVIZNrO, N,I., inzh. New highly--stable bit for cable drilling. Sbor. naurh. trud. KGRI no.7~251-255 151). (MIRA 16%9) (Boring machirtery) TSMTSYN, V.V.,, doktor tekhn.nauk; PAVLENKO, N.J.., inzh. Increasing the efficiency of percus;31ozi boring with recuction of the ratio of bit friction against rocks. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.3:51-53 My-Je 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Boring) GRISHIN, G.T.; PAVLENKO, N.I. - Lower administrative territorial and production regionaliza- tion; using the example of Voronezh Province. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:56-61 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy univarsitet i Voronezhskiy sellskiy oblastnoy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza. PAVLENKG, N. I., kand. teklin. nauk Kinematics of do-ablE maltese-cross mechanismg. lz,i. vys. zav.; mashinostr. nc,.8:5-l! 164. (Mlliji 17: --' 1. Tullskiy mekhanichesk'Ly institut. PAVLENKO 11 1 aspirant -,- *-I-- Electric drive with a cam-ratchet gear for the tractive equipm,int of electric locomotives. Izv.vys.uchBb.zav.; mashinostr. no.2t 166-178 162. (MIRA 15-5) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana. (Electric locomotives) MATSELYUKII, B.P.1 SiIFVC11k:NrO, A.A.; IIAVLENKO N.I. Cc~mparatlve physicochemical characte!-iFitios of riiph polymer deary-ribonuclelc acids In ac+'-ionWc-o*-,er and Bac!llu,3 bresl6vensis, Mikrobiologiia 34 no.4!590-5'7 J-1-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut mAkrob1c,logil I virueologii irwnl DJ.ifibolctriogo All UkrSSR, Klvev. PAVIENKO, flikol&y Ivuuovichj-NOVO.'XLISKIY, A.A., otv. red.) BUDOWITS, I.U.., red.; GUSIKOVA, O.M., tekhn. raid [IListory of metallurgy in l8th-century Russia; plants and industrialists]Istoriia metallurgii v Rossii INIII veka; za- vody i zavodovladelltay. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 564 p. WIRA 15:9) (Metal industries)