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PAUKRTOVA, Ludmila; VOLF, Frantisek Increasing efforts of tr&d&-VJdGw to 1xYVOV9 the labor productivity and management of wage funds. Prace zzaa 13 no.9:419-421 S 162. 1. Ustredni rada odboru. 1 37 - 58 30 64 Y1,41111slat toil trom Reterativiivv ;rhtlrtl~ll. MC1.111LIrgiya, 105t'~ Nr _'. 11 IQ_ (USSR) AUTHORS EydUl,, YLI. Ya. , M_i*k';1Tl10.-,J. G S. Pauksh, P G TITLE Titanium Enamels on Cest Iron (Titariovyve emak po~h.ii~.i-_ PERIODICAL. Zinaln. raksti. Lai,, uni% , U(h zap. Latv un-1, 19')b. Vol 9. pp 169- 176 ABSTRACT An investigation was rn~de o# Ti enamels or. iron, the e- namels having toxk baking lemperaiures ( !~- 8000). A rnelthod of making experimental trits and enalllelS. cil Freparing file i ron fo r ena me ling. a nci o' ( h e, - i ng the q ua 1 ity a re de sc r i bed. The composition of the rnIXILirea and the cherni--al composition of the frii are presented Enam-~Is o4. Nev. cornposition-s v-ere developed in which expensi%e cryolite is replaced by cheap Na2SiF6, and the B203 content is reduced, %xhile in some cases the latter is omitted completely (TiO3 is added in grinding so as to produce good opacity and A.1203 to increa!ie the cheitlLk at stability of the frit). Under factory condition,-;, IS% of bento- nite is also introduced into the frit. A low-me!ting boron-free frit was developed by means of -,vhich it is possible to pro,iuk e Card I /I colored Cnalll(`15 in various vivid colors. 1. B 1. Titanium enanal coatings-Preyeration 2. Cast iron PAUKSII, P. G. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Studies in the field of Sf iron by the wet metnod." Novocherkassk, 1P61. 23 pp; W-':'th i-Us- trations; (14ovocherkassk Order of Labor Red Banner Polytechnic Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, Chair of the Technology of Ceramics, Glass, and Enamel); 150 copies; price not given; (ICL, 6-61 sup, 223) 137-58-t)-13020 Translation fron) Reh-rativnyv zhurnol, kli-tallurgiNla, Nr h. p Zb~ (USSR) AUTHORS Evduk. Yu.Ya . Maksimo%a. 0-S.. Pauksh, P.C. TITLE Titallikim Enamel, on Ca-it Iron r-hugunu) PERIODICAL V,(h. 4ap. I-at%. un-t. ),)no, Vol 1). pp 169-17t) ABSTRACT The purpose of the study \%as to obtain white enan-jul for cast iron pigmented with TiO2. itt a firing temperature < 800o(:. Founding of frits was done at a temperature of 1150-12500C, grinding -was done in ~erami( mi-Is until the 44000 meshi~iT12 sc. reen residue was 5- 10%. The surface of the cast i ron '~vz,s cleaned ~xith wire brushes and emery or by sandblasting (rretal- shot blasting). The zone of optimal firing was determined -is- ually after (alcination of (ast-iron plates with enarnel applied during 15 min in a gradient kiln with a variation in temperature from 500 -,o 1000o. The samples were tested for the degree of v.-hiteness, chemical stabiht~, (oefficient of heat expansion, and thermal stability. The contents of the charge and the enamel frits are quoted. High-grade coatings are obtained n from R-3 frit containing ~)n %~ S10-~ 48. 5. Na )0 10 7. B ~O Card 1/2 7~7, TiO) 17 1 1.11. buring 1ht,- rinding 1~-"O I - .3. and Na ~AIFO 137-58-b-13020 Titanium E-namels ov, Ca-T Iron (of frit Nvv~ght, of N'aNO, and of bentonitc should be added to this fi-it in order- to prevent turmati,ii of ,kavy wrinkles in the enamel. Thc follo,,kin~, frit of group VII proved to be the best of the boron-free frits ., udied Si1D Q 6 l- 34, Na)O 18.89. K20 1 1 ~. MgO 0- ~-'. CaO 1 .80, A1203 5- "), T102 4 and CaF? During ils grinding 12- 15% iof weight of frit) of TiO~ and 1.5% of beritonite are added in order- to obtain o good opaqLICnVL S (11 01C enamel. These enai-nels nivet the tet hilical standards relative to thvrma~l stability arid mechanical properties and greatly surpass the fa(tory enainc! in whiteness arid ( herni( a] stability. Fnamels of var-IOLIS bright tolors \krr-c obtained on the ba!~c of low melliIng boron-free frit. T Cj, En, "i t::#, 1r. g. A r,; t 1 (-, r 3 Card .1/2 Translationfrw,n AUTHO RS F N du kYu 'k I ?V1,Ak-;I1110\--;I. 0 TITLE Inf lu er.( t- of Soin c Te, hiiolo gi ( a I Fa i t o r s on t ii I. P ro pc I I. c S )t Covering Eriarnci,, ut. (, ast Iron ( ~' i . vanive rckotor-, ki. t, logi( heskikh faktoro% na -,vovst,,-;i pokrovuvM-i p( c ha gulm) PERIODICAL Zmatii. raksti. Lat, . Uni, - U, h. zap. Lat% . ;:-~ t. Pin Vol 14, pp 221 -224 ABSTRACT On intrucuctior o1 a small amount of I i0, is arate corripc-nent or as a titamurn fikix (Nia )c), Sio) 1 J) the propcrtios of thc CnAMOIS 1TIVCstigated did not ~ hai,gr llwl, the method of intruduttior,. Introduction of Tit-), j~ o -irp,ti,ilt, component simplifies The tv(:hziiqu(~ of preparation )t SUbStIlUtIOTI ()f 1"0 111 he ~ omposition of the --iii-i -, I S102 tho ( apak Ity of thv enarnels is int r4-:t,1-d t (,I -d( ai,d thc fir"11" : (-nipc ratu re is sornewhat lowcred, I ~;(- h(--;? inillin.i,, eidditi\ - fw, the -1 1 enamels investigat.-d is Iut bt-- - Card I/Z onItc v.hi( 11 hal ~jeater binding tli;it, Hit- Influence of Some Technologica. Factors (cont.) SOV/ I 1 1 ~47- usual plastic clays. Too fine a noilling of frits contributes to tilt, apiwar,ink c of the defect known as "korezhina' (-~.vritliing`), The best results ,vere produc -d when the slip contained 5- 1211 of 0.05-0.01 n-irn diam particlEs 'A'hen t~,c sl,.p contains more of such particles the quality of the surfat. e on is mipared R A 1. Enamel coatings- -Binders 2. Titanium oxides--Applications 3. Cast iron--Coatings Card 2/2 LATVIA / Chemical Technolo,ly- Ceramica, cement, materials, concrete. Abs Jour- Ref 2~hur-Khimlya, No 12, 1958, 40435. Author : Eydyk Yu. Ya, Tnuksh P. G., Maksimova 0. C. Inst : Latvian Universf-ty-----~ Title : Effect of Certain Technologica.'L Factors UpQr. Properties of Enamel Coatinvs on Cast Iron. Orig Pub: Zinatn. zaksti. Latv. Univ., 1457, 14, 221-',124 Abstract: The propertics of the following enamel camp,-.1sition (in weight %) were investlgatEd: S102, 62.0; Na20, 21.0; K20, 0.6 CaO, 3.8 'MFo, 0.5; CaFp, 4.6; ',12031 3-1- TJ.02) 4.4. As 3up- Card 112 L 4402~_66 Z',,!T ( ni ),, T_1' 7 1 ACC NR1 AT6023222 SOURCE CODE- LJlt/2910/66,,'006/003/0377/6386 AUTHOR: Deksnis, A. P. -- Deksnys, A.; Paukahte, Yu. A. -- Paukste, J.; Tolutis, V. B. -- Tof-utli-, _V. ORG: Institute of Piiysics and MiLthernatics, Academy of Scle!~~j!~il~udan SSR (Institut fizild f_m_eK_m_&:d_ff -Akademlyn naa-litovskoy SSR) ~46 'VI 0 TITLE: Characteristics of thin layer of the In-Te system in the region from 60 to 60% Te SOURCE: AN L1tBSR. Litovskly fizicheskiy sbornlk. v. 6, no. 3. 1965, 377-386 TOPIC TAGS- Indfurn compound, tellurium compound, semiconducting film, magnetic thin ffim t P"451- Z)1s7Get)0t_' ABSTRACT- The phase dia Iof thin layers of the In-Te system obtaffied by applyIng a stoichiometric com d 2Te3 by Instantaneous vaporization on glass backings, which had a temperature gradient from 450 to 670K during spraying, was Investigated. It was established that the phase diagram of such layers In the direction of the temperatture gradient can characterize both a continuous cross section of the constitution diagram of the In-Te system In the region from 60 to 50% Te, and that there are three compuands and tvo transi- tion regions in this phase cross section: the compound In2T03 with an activation energy at Card 1/2 1~' L 44025-66 ACC kR1 AT6023222 290K of 1. 10 eV, the compound InTe with a metallic absorption character, and an udwown phase with an activation energy of 1.52 eV. The transition between the un)mown phatle and the phase In2TO3 consists of largo phase inclusions of an unknown phase in the 1n2Te3 phase. It was also established that the thin layer of the compound In2Te3 is in an tanordered state and that the degree of the structural dVfeetB of the thin layers of the compound In2Te3 rapidly in- creases with a drop of temperature of the backing when spraying the layer. It is poliated out that the value of the activation energy obtained in this investigation for the cOmpound In2Te3 (A E = 1. 10 eV) is close to the values obtained from electrical and optical investigations. The results of the investigEttion permit the assertion that the un)mown phEV3e really Cocists as an Independent compound. It is (11111cult to say whether the unknown phase can be identified with the compound 1n2Te3 at present since there Is no Information about this compuand in the literature except for one reference, and other researchers completely 11piore the e3dstence of this compound. The answer to this problem can be obtained only by a detailed x-ray structural analysis of this phase. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE- 11/ SUBM DATE: OlFeb66/ ORIG REFo. 003/ OTH REF; 008 b PAUKSHTELI, B.F. Surgery for goiter and thyrotoxicosis. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 10:26- 30 0 160. (M.O. 13:10) 1. :[z khirurgichealcogo otdeleniya Mogilevskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - 7.asluzhennyy vrach BSSR S.T. Illin). 2,, Glavnyy khirurg Mogilevskogo oblzdravotdela (for Paukshtell). (THYROID GLAND-SURGFRY) (GOITER) PAUMUMELI, D.F. Combined ~mife wound of the left half of the chest E.nd of the organs of the neritoneal cavity. ZdrFiv. Bel. 5 no.5:57 My '59. (MIILA 12:8) (glnvnyy vrackk -- zaeluzhennyy 1. Iz Moejlerskoy oblastnoy bollnitay vrneh BSSR S.T. Illin). (CH&;T--!;TJRG3RT) (111TESTINNS-3MIGMY) PAUKSS, P. (Riga); MUKS, J. (Riga); BIDERMANIS, L. (Riga) Study of potisibilities of enameling chill-cast iron. Vestia Latv av no.11:91-101 15-9. (EUI 9:11) 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akaderiija, Kimijas instituts. (Enamel and enameling) (Cast iron) i an PAUL. Antoni Surgical treatment of a case of congenital dilatatlon of the comDn bile duct. Polski prsegl.chir. 27 no.5:455-460 xv 15-5. 1. 2e Szp1tala Powlatowago w Sremle. Wrel-tor: dr. A.Paul. Srem. Sspital Pow..ul. Farna 13. (BILE DUCT, COMN. abnormalities, d1lat.,surg.) (ABEDRMITIES, dilat. of common bile duct.surg.) PAUL, Antont Trai-A in the Srem County during the postwar period (1945-1953) according to data of the county hoopttal. Chir. narz. ruchu 20 no.1: 1-11 1955 1. Ze Supitala Powiatowego w Sremie. 1~rrektor: dr A.Paul. (ACCIMNTS, statistics, In Poland) 1 Sir 1 u the a J11111PSM441 410 IT Co. &I T A I C a a 6 Is a L a 6 0 to a W 11 'o.q.t, JI-0 1 , - .06. ui4m I illit. It #I q ties so- so sea eel so so* fee see go so C, so 60 r to 00- 6 00- 0 00 00" 04 111 aduml ea VJ X; (in "A ".04 pug VU In so do $O V M - - ir 4141 P" goo Iola., a., 4., 4 r 1 V, r- I- I- -w- 6.1 U., It X- a a W-T--1 T-V-r-w- TI-f-T-C-7 9 r we* N to It 0 of a a To 14 0 It w it a a I 1 0 1 p 0 41 0 00 oo 'ft m 0 40 0 a 0 0 4 0 At a 4 1 a a a th a a of a J 1! all Nums bvx" *f 7-74:14--fl LL.SL see I' GO-O' M- imblia Owerift fil SumiiO L Rum 11yu AUN Alvin 60211= rod 00 tbe- g'"m rm- Ned is probaMy rAb 0 =!byN.vw b ba due to -SDhwmm6bft A - , - GLAM(p) 41, u It AT so m See uOto U06 -Am fe so 0000 0000 000 " A. J.-k- r- 2 AI I -NJ- -1-AA. .00 SA -W IU 00 0 be (Iwo, 2mu, Imatbia quou"I ham-" v4sh inmew in Pa mao, A. A. a L CL&SWKAIMN._ Nov. A. (a.,M Ibu it AN No &% -1 v p 0 it 0 No a 441 4a a a a 1 00 -00 '00 '00 00 ~00 '00 ~00 too "09 '00 400 goo 400 ,:00 "00 tj 00 1,00 Nat'l, did a.. 6 a 0 0 * 0 0 01: 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 010 S Ole 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a S & & 6 6 6 0 0 &1 L 000000 0000000 00000006000006000000*96if Mom 0, N 04000*0 *09090099 O 'Ita L it' -L-1 so I L JL 01 .11 -F -6 C.Pf"s - - .4,41aI 4% C. f i -f . " = g sea :4 S % 4 - = 00 ai 4N. I , a fl, Irv A. A. A, A, A, .,Z0 A a I-j _j:1 -Ale J.-es .00 Mile too too --o0 me 0 #11 L 1 6 N 0 1 If AM 5 AD 1 3 a U 0 AV W) IS AS 0.01 00 00 0 0 o 00 0 W $I . .1 U4 -40 At 60 00 M 00 asb%p 001 ,00c~ ~ 00 Walw t, 1010 um, 6 , , Sol 6 bistma 34. no ags 00 a the d' I'tiltOw go, e, o y- i 00 o liv mat tWd 01111 1-1411-t 1 tAt 0 th, and I-*%A Itol Masull. allal"Ov ' , k 00 i I'hils lbs A 0 01 61 so 01 O..j ISO. 0 A, 10 'AS' 0. on 04 0 0 000000 0 o ze o Soo No 0 -40 0 1m 00 goo a a 0 07-i-S i- 40 0 0 s IM a of 0 0 0 * 0 00 009 a l1 1: it m is 4 life on It'n n'Wa h 11' Is J9 a 11 it Ij m is 4 V a to 4 A, Aj A) w 0 r 9 - I-LL-A --L-A--M N 9V -tL4.jL I s j c is owe any tk. functios of the unt of the comr-PI-I liver sled the deerea" in the am 0 of the b)wd Is &SMAYUctic -d "t"k? At ~,WP .4"Al 34. 371 14, 'Vi"." , w c%nnI,k-nwW, fr-111- Ixwk, mAV 1~ .4-MA dulAT's l-L.CT Lt.-ll hiltAfflUlt ftk-~k 01100 ~Ooupl- .40 IC- 0 of roe u so 00 00 '00 go** & 0 00 00 * 61 ~000000 9 0 0 0 0 004 0 0 0 0 [A IF to IF it 0 b As A . 0 A Aus#$ 0 ...... I's 161.1.1 1! 00 A * A 0 0 0 I** 00 06 -31. 00 06 00 Moot ~1113 SAY 10Ah., P 0 0 0 a Ov IF 0 0 0 0 0;q 9 #of 900 IF 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 All V a IF v Is 19 a 41 a a 1, 0 . ..l. - 1.1- A- -1 -00 jr4esslice of exesiss; scidluln -I.nar in all"gic discatiss' fu,ij. ratil and MI VkOl OFT-1 llellhr 79, Mirk Ir' IMMI.-In asl)"L~ h,i~t,4wh, -ol, vW1 oi th,, N20 g"'lips-rocall, N-I Th~Ii,-"f4mnch,ni3 p, habiv mwii- nol,t ,I th, N.iCi R-i Iiiuf W~14-9-Thr NaCl "ta-vition if the liver is not dac to pa,c-nchsmal al-plion ),w I,, -%s III, if-Ist'!miction A th, livrf S di, Final -00 -041 -00 -00 -00 -00 -4P 0 z0 .4100 90 -A) I.0jej .0 ~Nl 0.1 v 0 IF Its a of It a a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 F'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0:0 0 0 b4ll 0 '" " A a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as at 0 0 It a,). -*a. =40-91.5 of I Ov 0 w is k, 1? 8 P a 11 17 a " 11 a, It a to b 11 w m NO a M, 17 a P a v .1 a I I AA 10 CC 9V -0 0 The Lafluracp of IJPO$& ca the lallasbow of typhus hagilli. PAINP Milt" 13-Valyor 'Awis A,db 3T47,b-MhltKf2) SaIn W mmulw wum ulth up"raws the PKMTT .I attlotulatwet 7h, &CI, an "t rr". tall I b~ InOvaw in slalutinstinS pow" Umv kv? due to a chaw in the cT4Wal -00 -00 -Itutlior 0 the minimw we* -'%In esth k"thisl vwl vhajj~w thr Inwvt of mg- zoo 0 & am 0 0 * Ar * =02- zoo zoo III 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 oo~ OWN 6 u to m it is it " Of ID so 12 -a is b 30 flo a 39 0 so v III is a b v a 0 a .1 v u a 10 a a L -2. A III I 1 161 Is CE a ]a "--oo A. -a C-SvIlot I.C.C t IIII 1 ..1, vao~vf 0, 1 1, -1. eW :0 8 0 010 of 0400 #6 al- 300 e0 ) I SA,,OAm ~f blood La 811119k "C"S'so", cop 0 Csonjobletol 11" b1'. a- 441 77. :0 41111 tits ol"' j, I"I'My log 00 see go got* ;00 ;800 it Ale %LA 611TALLUIMIC&I, L11"RAIWI CLOSWICA110. IIJ- Cob, u 0 dia -3 1 ,~Poe go Z,.i :10 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0! 0000 0 0 0 00 000 0 000, . I ~ tyl , :I " ; t. " ~ , r 1. o , -I - 1 ~ "'l'o , F f '71~p , arr , It, Ir m - I . " 1.,. ; -1- , . !!; " P ( Y) M! - , - I " I ~ '. ,,,-ith !- :1,~ 1 t, m . I pl 1 v- ) , , , ., I ;t : - t. ) if! - T 4 , - I , ~ :1 - i , ~ . ~,, , v A , t ~l " ; : - I ~ 0 T' ~ ' ' t ! ~ 'W I . . . I : :0 : ? " , PAUL, E. PAUL. E. The enonomic form of a metallic three-hinred arch su,)T)orted for certain cases with a symmetriepl load. P. 111. Vol. 7, no. ". July IQ~6 RIMSTA MINEWR TECHNOLOGY Bucuresti, Rumania So: East -%roDean Accession. Vol. 7. no. 3, ?4arch 1057 SECARA Gh. , prof. in~~ fjaSee of Matt,(;,7 correlation b,~.-'.Ween lowe'-irw 'U"! ft;'; coefficient. Rov miri I" ri~, 3, -36 PAUL$, G.[Fhu.I,, H.) Effect of the method of sampling on the aah content of coal. Orbox. i brik. ugl. accuracy in determining no.24t78-95 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Goal-Analysis) DA C'. A A FUWOV, V.P.; MELINIKOV, L.V.; PAUL'. G.P.; CHMMASSKIY, A.B.; TSVYLICV, A.S.; YAKOBSON, A., redakt6i;!-W1WAN)T., tekhnicheekly redaktor. [Guarse for radiotelegraph operators) Kars radiotelegrafista. Moskva, Izd-vo D08W. 1954. 335 P. (Microfilm) (KMA 7-11) (Telegraph, Wireless) A062/Aioi AUTHORS: Paul, Harry, Brunner, Witlof TITLE: On the theory of the angular rTcorrelation in combined magnetic and inhomogeneous electric fields. II. Interaction operators. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 1963, 5, abstract 2V2~1 ("Ann. Phys." (DDR), 1962, 9, no. 5 - 6, 323 - 329, German) TEXT: The authors give a further transformation of the quantities that enter into the general formula of the angular rTcorrelation described by the authors in part I (abstract 2V28). An operator of interaction between the nucleus and the magnetic and electric fields is derived, the electric field being assumed to have a rotational symmetry with respect to an axis at an arbitrc.ry angle with the magnetic fiej.d. The matrix of this operator is composed. A detai:.ed analysis is made of the symmetry properties of those factors in the general formula of the angular correlation which include a dependence on external fields. It is noted, in particular, that the form of the angular correlation does not depend on the sign of the quadrupole moment. T. Toptygin [Abstracter's note: Complete trwnslation] Card 1/1 AaalemzLc brenes: VGt%rjnjLrjsn AM11&ttan: Paculty oj veterinary xediolno (Y&oult&toa 49 M#dlelma Votorlnmr& . 1! zo~' Ductre.t. ?-bl-r- vatArIft"a, 80 6s 19611 67-70. n.~. "21bor" latesiahtlon In Duck&.* Cc-wlt)vltb' PAUL -;q Veterinarian, Favulty of Veterinary KD61sins t7multate. C -!~UNLN loina Votorinars). "u, ad, Veterinarian I Faculty of Veterinary KedlSins MOUltatea da pledielma voterimars). u t c n a r n - (Facultatea do "edic'na c Zo o t ~h n i c c. s I V et er in ~z, avc, I X I:~"D -Irator, Cytodiltuosis in GPO ga!6,3 RUM&NIi,/DLaeascs of Rxm iaiiMls - Toxicosco. Abs Jour Ref Mur - Biol., No 14, 1958, 64676 Author RoBca, Ie, PoIlt E9, Paul, I* Inst Institute of Agriculture. Title A Contribution to the Study of the Poisoning of Horses 'by the Castor Bean. Orig Pub Anuarul lucrar. stiinto Inste agrone, 1957, 457-462. Abstract Observations were conducted oil 7 horses. The symptoms of poisoning were as follows: infiltration of the conjunc- tiva, subicteric condition of the sclera with the appearan- ce of punctate hemorrhages, hypothemy, frequent, weak and at times arrhythmic~ pulse) lose of appetite up to total anorexia, and persistent constipation. Later on, fibril-la- ry contractions of the mnscles were also observed. The d'~sease lasted 2-4 dayse The pathomorphological changes Card 1/2 25 - -, -aMa o :t :,I L A AL 10., MO a c I W* f"a --00 00 q -00 00 00 100 DopurakiossUbs of with twtwal. ft. K. N 6k' ""' -00 00 ww 1 1. J. .4"AW CANM. (11 S. S. R.) 0. 1711- It, 0 (in Gffmbh 1. 8) (IM); cf. C. A, 31. JM'P.-An W. wor-silgalke of The Chorlizolwy wO Nihilia nwtbvd t C. A. a 21, IIWI). Drat curAilaw fm olor valosimethe dria. at itmom aw 11) cc. Cot 0.01% wirlume ub. No 10 tv. of farlwal we rMsmad in ibe "mote [A to -00 TM wd bob. d annow is ituird in tbv Itaisso to~. famwily. AL4)wb(IOCV.) we VAIW Ok N)ee.WW% 00 H.50.. 4wd stiff 3-6 min. CODW to rum te"p.. We COM- co 0 00 peardinucakrivwter. The li intwvab betwen am adda. of alkab wO ariml 00 mf to lbor 2 Isc4ros. must toc the some. A d4rumim III the re"Ita is pmwsted. Pow roolerenm. A A. 11. 00 .as -zoo go bi so w 0 if 00 44 a is 14 a I'll 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 ~~41 0 0090 0 0 000 0 & 0 6 0 00,0 a go 00 0 00 0 000 0 0 & 0 0 0, -9i .0 got ;~i so 00 008 0 a FAIMMi bemvl~a Ideft 4d %bill lou 101.0 41 WAJ I*It* 0 c 4-3 -00 a X, PAM G.M. CS... A.. L J" t-M ~ ; woo U16-1 lul .. 4 is ~~~ " ~ A zo foams: looker t l an baged " go- = o ; W l '" I o xo " -I tr l ce 0 W t ft O" i0 OL G a n Ob : ia APAU600, v y of the cAwdss&ps rose" cc (CHO) &M IMP. R. T. !see too coo woo Soso" 7 401401 Go -I-fl 40.T A O 9000000 00 O jL t 4 $1 x 1l .) 11 If Is It 11 A $1 0 is b x 11 1: 11 $ V , 1 1 A A LL 5 A 1 Asoll"M " 11 A - 00 4?: - . - i 00 00 . 00 00 -*0 0e -00 :: o Ri. OkswiIn" mom WA 0 SIPWAIIM M -00 00.1 XL Smaimmumme, i IM Gm. chm. Rust., m . IL )M- ; CI- O and KOH is we"Uml for Moi, f inttnkcti= of CH h f t -00 e s o a & e hd d -00 , Tb* reaction is coric O at 114 CH'O' in bq 0010695 00%) to tw fag, orde, vritb respect 10 botb cH.OwA KOW Second-urder 4 G vrk*ity CM25 WO Wc- 0 ZOO a : go -00 are* -410 co 0 is A 1 11 L!oo S L a aj&Lg.UpCKAL Lttj&&fUXj CLAIWiCAMP -F IT g 'a 0 i It a; j is a F o at Is A 4 9 go* *0 * * 0 0 009 00 00 00 :10 q 0 so 00 0 0 909 0.0 00 09 00 PAULINS-140 OLInetics of reactions in sintering promos, and peavibilitles of its intensification" by Herman Schenck.. Werner WeI1281j, and GUnther Dietriah. Reviewed by A. Paul-in. Rud met zbor no.l: 74-75 163. ,P,kqLp, A.; OaEFEK, D.; CAZAFURA, K.; KUSCER, D.; VODOFITEC, F.; SOVINC, I.; PAVKOP D.; JURCA, S.; UMNIC, V.; DRUMSEX, J.; GRAYESAUER, S.; KERNCS J. Now books. Rud met zbor 3.,ID7-334 164. DOBOVISEK, Bogomir, docent, dr. inz.; PAULIN, Andrej - Report on the caloric measurements w-Ith DTA at high temperatures. Rud mot zbor no.3:229-~4 '&'. 1. Clan Uredniskega odbora, "Rudarelio-metalurski zborni-k" (for Dotovisek). PAVKO, D.; OCi-*,-'IY,, !~rhg-), 1r. :nz., locent'; I c ill-,.'qT,, i,,.; I'A'111,11N, A.; ,'A/ -, AF ~R K. KFR3NIC, Vilk-cr, pro.". ir . nz, A. ~kAM(~VS, A.; New boolks. i i -tie t, z br,.,- r,,, . It 't,4 1. --h~ef c r , " R~,idarsk c-mc F1 JUr.,; k ~, z borrii k f ~ r 1-:1 n~ c V-.* k' or ' . Distri 4E3d MAM - U7.631 -. 431.344.611 $037. MWRO=O - 'Lblua. slauTotdi. 341.5 ".-Oct., 1957). in slum". A micratrom doolp locladft a dmble no". Is described. a Is @ban &W no special MM=Uim b tocuft jww Phase eaInnum 'art" In CODMI'venco of culmom of the papew ft*NL 7u air PF of the muWask vuy be raW.,ad by an order of wad". therft ~101421 Owl too times so much o"m an Vol fWalaw prdluary vutaiArou at the some coal of the nap~L lacl :=*I- valar wadd bis very usaWl for alottroo marom al sp to ownr#A lbandreft d MOV. ........... S/G58/62/oc,G/oo4/13-/ i-1- C, A06 !/A 10: =MRS 11 Q Paulin, A., Po~ar, F. Design of a 3-cm microtron ?ERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 15, abstract J;Zhcr-l ("Elektrotehn. vestn.". 1960, v. 28, no. 8 - 10, Ili' - 183, S,~)V French and German summaries) TEXT: A 3-cm microtron, designed for the work function cf 3-,Mev e1e--',.,-()nF is described. The h-If power source is provided by a 4J50 magnetron, emittirg 240 pulses. The field intensity of 200 - 300 kv between the &-cceleratIng, electrodes in the power source is ensured by the resonator desIgTi which featur(~s a quality factor of - 3,000. The high quality of' the regonator also ensures tle stabilization of the magnetron frequency. Since the electron In the microtrur-, performs comparatively few revolutions, the demands made on the! vacuum are less rigorous in the microtron than in the betatron, and are chiefly ~.etermlned by the electric strength of the accelerating spacings. In the microtron described, the pressure of residual gases is -10-5 mm Hg. The magnetic field is 1,700 gauss. N. KhI zhnyak [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 3/194/62/OOG/01 1/033/062 ,-4 13/,)3 08 Z-" L "c- L. tv tol-Ija tiica i mu io i U'~ -,r,,c t 1 1 -~-79d ( e le"r-I trotecia,,. vu6 -.n v I ju I , 1 -2 ( 61cvene ; summaries ":,C i,J nciple of openition of t' c mi- I c1"),61,0.11 't:ltl ;;.LVU (J fIt laLCI'Otl'On WJI'hiIIty ill thk2 C' III !'I the ru~sonator, a ct"rrent of u A L, r uobtained. --ith ~i ').c3 rw V ele- 1% 1 11 v .) I L .")j I 'i;lli '-CiAChed, which w~m int;ufficiont- I*UI(J,'I.LIIL ACCIAI2I',i'~iun In '.Io,, motic ,L = 5, b - I .11CLU111 di- 31, %,;ti, 2-o ~,ad are given, and aiuo the :;-i-Lii;~c j" ciectrons accelerated to I.,2V e-urlj. ,,.o',e ,,ietu tranulatio n ~'Lru 1/;,. PAULIN, Alojz, ing. (Ljubljana); POZAR, Franc, ing.(Ljubljana) Construction of an x-band microtron. Lqektr vest 28 no.8/10:177-183 160. 1. InBtitut "Jozef Stefan", Ljubljana, Jamova 39. DOBOVISEK; brgoml-r. dr. llrvai- YAU. .*N.. .~ndif.*, dips. In',,, m tb I urgl j e Reporl. on ths~ di tcrjadnatllr~n of boiling diagraw-9 witri it." cf d~'-f f nrc-mot- Lh#Ama] an&l yo I ~. ~ud met zhor 3 - 271, ~270 164, ~. Dspnruilant --)f Ylr)ihg and Mbtrallura, Faculty of Nzturml and Tiqcturio-agy~, U.-niv-ersity of Ijubljam, Ljubljanb, 4-0, KURAKIN. P.G.; RAULIN. B.A.. ALEKSANDROV, F.D.; PASMHINSKAYA, G.N., redAktor; HATISSR11, Z.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [The production of stationery goods in printing plantij] Proizvod.stvo pif3chebumazhnykh izdelii v poligraficheBkoi promyshlonnosti. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo "lBkusstvo," 1956. 214 p. (MLRA 9:9) (Stationery) (Printing Industry) 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 F-*W' w- Ll -9 o5 I #Is to 0611VII14vt W 'y a b a is L, b jr so N Ia it 5 16 N to a W a is a ol 0 43 0 a A A-A-1 -A. IN A I I A_ jo f L-L- A*. to Is W 114A -.I t t .4 A A Ar c~4 9 so Al ft". Di*bWmwm 4d do lipoem. of lobbarleclace and ^bmwp- -*40 Wit of ashl"m of TrommayukicWS go a rusn"m 411 do -&-himMs. Ads AV- A"-- 3, ho, 213 :06, IM log fpsmA.-n* frequesdes of the mumma #A the Gumvnemm, ban& of uibmyldcc&cydem sD)vU= im 30 W%vnts hat* bem dirterraimd and W Solvent alults &H the bwa& ebe um vray. (2) Oor fr*qnwy daimence is conmervood. (1) the akaft dam rmA aprear to br relAted to tht dirkam 0 omsUst, thr dipok rmmwnt ag the detmity of the vWvenk; 44) increaft zoo )l Mrmovuve Irmlex caumm dis~emmt toward% the red. (11) Oxffe is a 00 3 samm rflsw)n "Wrt" "utncy maxima trml squarr id refractiv-P in4ex. zoo (6) thr almmokm )xtndb abilt in the unur way and appear tv 1"m# is) "Wit grouls in the moarcule 00 Pal go 9 0 It ;W3 , * -A -- v 'TA U 'A 11 a b to a 0 a A or a -1 a ys 00 00 a a w s w v v ff-*A~4 -# -P p p 0,00000 * 0 * O'D a 31 12 a is 2 AN v 0 a a 0 a aft V*W#0704 a"& -as Ammon 4& avmawl~ anolum -so -00 i . 6bumm VMS va AM* 26 like up. go daiew" the a dam b coo y, ##Mk, t - ad tbb &S 0 6m " low amed tA now dmPoSis 0 C-66 awmw haebwA bAb *1 V"w bw Wm* A a ns OAM& tie NOO MIN s im6D mm)6, 1 mob m and BCL W. J. W. OWN SOPAN" -4 1 -. ON #11151 u a 10-0 400 No& 0 3 0 v 0000*0000000000000 0.000000*600*060000 PAU LIN, 7,denek; ZHOLOBOVA, ~ .1j. (transl a wr]; WR I SOV, L.P., red. [Wonaers of sound ~; Chudesn zvaka. Yosirva, Energi'.F, , 1965. 78 P- (mIRA ap:11) PAULINE, S. Study of the Mesozoic deposits in the Remeti (Fadurea Craiulul) rerion. P. 151. ANAIKLE. SERIA S71N7ELOR NATURII. "ucureati, Rumania. Vol. 7, no. 1~, 1958 Monthly list of European A,icessi rne ( ;EAI) LC,,, Vol. 8, no. B., huv. 1959 Uncl. F. Amx~ F. I'Su=wr footwear produced by different manufacturing systems." p. 106 (Andu3tria U3oara) Vol. ',, no. '1, 1?57 Bucharest'. Rurania SO: Mlonthly 1ndex of East Eurr)nean Accessions (L-rAJ) IL. Vol. 7, no. 11, April 1958. t -'-- - - -PAULBS~ J I Good success, young specialists! p. 22 (Padomju Latvijas Kolchoznieks) Vol. 9, No. 8, Aug. 1957, Riga, Latvia SO: MANTHLY 1NDEX OF FA'T EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (h"I) LC, VOL. 7, ;',G. 1, JAN. L958 MLEMEK, Otakar, inz., C.Sc.; PAT!~INX,_Mj!jn Column hvad In the gas-liquid chromatography. Chem zvostl 15 no .0s'462-464 Je 161. 1. Vyskumny ustav kablov a izolantov, Bratislava, Tovarenska 12, p .~Il I Ir"T A. Bef7in-in-- r~' -udr3.'inr, 'n LI-TY. ~Idni7l.-- tv-, `-.iAniho techr.ic~.a sr),)Iecno ,~t. m, ~rt-lictv' i v) Brro, C,,-choglovalia. Vo'i . 24, nr . A r 1 Ya-)nthly Li-+. nf F,-.qt Fi~r-p-n 'C UnC. PAULUM , Akof; Pig furnaces (the so-called Siova~.~ furnaces) and the pig proness in the leth centtury. Musiaki kozl MIA 32 no.1/4-- 423-"7 '(.3. 1. Komensl-y Egyetem, ;,n~ttisl.~iva. KOVAG, J.; PAULINYOVA, E. -tl.,-!-.,-. ~. I.".. - f- - .- Determination of cis-li-te'trahyr;,rt)plallhalimide. Chem pmm 13 4 not 12: 640-641 1) 16 "1 & 1. Vyskumny ustav agrochumicke.4. tec~hnolcqia, Brati(Ol.nva. PAULDIC, F., coreso In step wl~h ~tie new '.ecrinrjloi,y, -ontilr Illuc 17 na Orj2:;? 15 147 165c KOVAC, Jozef; PAULBYOVA, Ihilia Deteriftination of 0,0-diethyl-%S-(p-chlorophenyl.thiomethyl)- dithiophosphate in a commercial product. Chm prwi 13 no.11: 582-583 V163. 1. Vyskumry ustav agrochemickej technologle, Brat`.slava. PAULM-TOTH 1. Statni NemocAice pm Infekene Choioby ~ Pratislave. 7pidpril-i piratyfu K-i~6.Slovensku An outbreak of pn#typhoj(j A in Slovakin Ca!,,opiB LeRnru `eakych, Irnrue 1949, 88/40 (1158-il6o) Observation of a very mild epidemic (Z)O c,~ses). Only 30 patients were admitted to hospi (one died). In 70 % of cases Salmorielln pnratyphi A war found In the stools. The source of infection could not be eytnblishod. Teyschl - bmo W, 14, 6 ) KFSSLF-~, A. - MJIRII AN I , E. , I W1 I NY--CTHOV A, V . The or zl,nc 'r, NaCl nryB,ala. "?,,- P,. r,, -,'l flz zhurnal :4 m-;.l:'l4-43 ",4. 1. In-titutF- ~~f Physics, '~Invak Acadi-my of Sripr,.~,es, BratislFivr,. ,,A~ILI ;H, 1~. "InstalAng --- sound .~"-ck-upe " So. vol. 11, P. 37, 1952 PAULISHI B. USSR/Electronics -Radio W r 52 Phonographs "Ca.mecting Up a Phonograph Pickup," B. Paulish "Radio" No 3, P 37 Sta-~es that in rrany receivers, the 2d detector is left on in playing phonograph records and is coupled to the pickup, causing considerable nonlinear distortion in playing records. Sug- gests methods to eliminate this defect in vari- ous types of receivers. 229T67 r,,.TJTISI!l rl. Sc,,r,~ - 7~,~-c . r--i ~I: : '.~r-F.rc cu.- 1, ~ c- r. - , 1(~' I Switchinr in i~ --cuncl P-'C~11T - H;,d'c , 21'~, ':,-. I " I 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongreEs, J"Ine Uncl. ~i /1 12/r, 1,,/X,~--,'- : '~, I,- , ` /,-- , ~ AD52/AO02 Translation from 0 3N36 AU711OR: TIME: Referativnyy znurnal, Elektrotekhnika, I tl)Cj, NI,. It,, Paulish, B.K. An Osc11lGscope Mety.od of Detonation Detect'.ori PDAIODICAL: Radlotokhri. prolz-vc, 1,1)1q, No. v% pp. 5u-)'7 TEXT: An approximated method of detecti ri~*, detonatiorli in tape rec-orc ers and record players is described. It consists in comparing an oscillation re- produced from the sound carrier with oscillations of an audio oscillator by t~,e method of Lissajous figures. The detonation gauge is measured by the highest frequency at which no other Lissajous figures but an ellipse appear on the s,-refiz. of the oscilloscope from time to tLme. V.G.F.. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Pusslla~i abstract, Card 1/1 I I -- I..- - A . I . , . . , - ! ~ . . '. -, I -I - . .". . - .; -e -- -~ !-~, ,q. ( I -.,l) c-,9 F- A,row from ties, coW of G6n&cb. S Pe,tcl 11,41111tw- 1 11 1 1of~i. Austri, Jhu &tju,u- TIM, vree, sj,k79 1, 1, 0."1 , Dw -.", h-1 I, '" 1 IM4. tz~du- -' .5. ~. I -'A- - '1 1-12. L' -,-- 1,7. If I., -.-due I (SMA I '141',el , i , ?,'t, , M., 11.1, 1 1 let. lipt C-I& I tw :11:119falf a# the Olsk of fursta"t; no-, k his sillif pe, ,, 'k, a . it its, Isms. Ausum \'for . . .1'. 1, " '. ?Q~swp. I ~.', '1111"1 4" I.. .,I Am. -.1 . .1".. I-vtolumle. A , - 'I ;, I I,s.. If C. I.' Ms. harl U lem ht*t " At C-e7 oc-' A -. posoli.ill. cc.,toix. a", V-sti. '-twim 1'. 1- I -ilt." kk j I "I. t-1. Iful ma"Um ;,*, 7%) W. 1": 91 JWNI . .."I fill ~,,Ir in An mil-ItiLm4itc Nfichol Hemlic-I A a C-4 -A -L A a It. P a it I I 00 A~ go go a 410 #1 0 00 0~ go 0~ 0 9090#00*006:i :- 7,9; *-q a eow Two homblandes fr-#m moubsiftcli ol ghq jj"hjrjm~ 0 AnkoSel group Peter J~ajjjtsch it,niv Gras. Atimmo a. 1 14 M1944) TWI. A'~Ay- are givi it. with olotical data. Nf. Flei-her -09 =00 ~09 0 use 300 tto 0 too se 1,00 %vicej .11 Q., 0.1 ~j T i, cum ciam -i-Ir- 1-6-PII I -m -W Dal.c"I 814 012 won .1a - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) 4P 0 0 :r:i i 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 lie p I ., lovest4p6m *1 suagswell e4 tow tills. (" if) W. 111tillit I I Wit, JAulstork (Twh. 11cm-h-hille. Coat. Amirs,i). I 2MAIM.21-Afiti 23 (Millis And thoo- .,is Cyr$" t darnav to Mrs w&% evalualtA by atrurtuir w- , e~ / - .. . ... . 1 .1 vestisaliem 7U size of thr tnumxite mther than its quanthy wna thr darruw-dets. fbrtnr j ~ M. NOT 9117 , 1, . , coroqL). , ~ M., curesp. Tno '--,,n-. -~f --r.~ .Y. ,~nttr Fjl,~ :,7 , ,i;;A I 1 1. '6 5. PAULUCP S., lector univ. Is ther" a islaw cool Ing of the em-W St ni Teti hur., 14 no.12:41. D'~)2. FAULIUC, S. I- "Geology of pretroleun Eind gas .Ieposits in Iy Dr. I,', Reviewed b-. S, Pauliuc. 'latura Scografie 13 no, 5:~E7-8r- S-.u DUMITRESCU, I.; SANDULESCU, M.; LAZARESCU, V.; MIRAUTA, 0.; PAULIUC, S.; G-PORGESCIU, C. The tectonic map of Rumania. Arnwrul Comit geol 32:5-96 162. PAULIUCI, S" lectcr a:--,-iv. Is there a gradual cf th,- earth? St si T-h Fi-c 14 no. 121 44 D162. PAU--IIJ-, , S. Contributions to the study of the superficial texturg of the Paleogene sand in the external zone of the Eactern Carpathian Fl:mch. fluri seama sod 46:3C",-316 158/'9 (publ. 162]. PAULIUC , S. Contributions to the study of the Paleolgene and Gretaccous Flysch between Bisca Mare and Zabala. Dari seams. sed 46: 317-335 158/59 [Publ. 1621. ClBlius' P.J. kand. raed. nauk-; DAKTLIVICIETE, E., kand. mc!d. nauk; JARZE2-',SKAS, J., Icand. red. riauk [decetised]; JO(.LllCIEIL,, A., kand. rrcd.nauk; JJ',I,v5T(jJAIIT3, M., Yand. rrcd. rv,.U; kand. med. nauk; E.TEPONAMAIE, L., Icand. mod. nauk; SMJ'IL, J., kand. med. nauk; SIll.-AIIAS, S., kand. biolor,.; CEYULIS, St., prof.; h-UPCINSKAS, J., prof.; LASAS, Vl., prof.; SIDMAVICIU~"),Br., prof.; MOITA, E.,dots.; 1A11:1.':-;, V.,dotv.; LLal:ILUSKAS, ),., dots.; POUTC-NZ, 11., dots.; IjidXbU:S, F., 6oltcr; CIPKEVICIUS,%'. , doktor; I!AKAiUUlIAS, P., doltor; FAKONAITIS, F., , uhtnr; Sl UCI,A.i,,., dolctor; SUGAILIS, H., ~~oktor; PILULIUKUMT, J., red.; ANAIT13,J., tekhn. red. [Health and disenEesl Antrasis p&'-isytas leidimE.s. %ilniuf:, Valstybine politires ir mokslines literaturos leiOylcla, 1961. 35( F. (I.a?,A 1~:3) (BYGID',E) (FATHOLOGY) PAULLFF, T. M. DAULLWF, T. M.: "Th,-~ use of electrical heatin;, in the under- ground working of nermtrost placer denosits". Moscow, Iq5'~- Min Higher Education USSF. Moscow Inst of Nonfe-rous Metals and Gold imeni M. 1. Kalinin, Chair of the Workinp of Ore ard Placer Deposits. (Dissertations for the Degre,- of Candidnte of Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 52, 24 D-cember, 191,5. Moscow. 7MM90TANOVA, N*Del - Nov data on the Ixodid tiesk of western Transbaiimlia. lzv. 17:197-2T-1 158. (NMA 13:7) (TRANSBAIKALIA--IrICKS) PV~,Rq O*F* Hibprnation of the long-tailed SUBl1k and conditions for the vintering of Fleos in its burrow. Izv. Irk. gos. nauch.-isal. protivochum. inst. Z1034-339 159. (MIRA 14::1) (SUSLIKS) (HIBERNATION) (FLEO) PAULLER, O.F.9- YELISHANSKAYA, N.I. Observations on the ability of Ceratoiphylluj garei migrate. Izv. Irk. goo. nauch.-issl. protivochum. 342 '59. (gELENGA RIVER-FLUS) Rothe f1ea,q to inst. 21:3,W- (MIRk 14t.L) FAULLER, O.F, A-7 A R:B,-'K':KO, 'I.A. `6 f . 11.1 ,,, ~- e -J 41 , . -~,tn 6 1 "tj - k , ". ~, ~ , ~ . " i,. n r.fl "'. , J' : , , ~; ~ , '.1 I - k . gon . !~ , j - ni ~ ' - ",- ": It -I no ~ ~ 1"" ! ~,lorhu;n. I i~ :z L . ric ., . , , -. ( v ~p - .1 1 N ... 1- . - " . / PAULLP.R., 0.1. Dusting Brerammim suall). burrows with DDT nnd benzene hexarhlorlde in order to *radicmte flaAa In nests. Tez.1 dokl.konf.Irk.gos.nAUCh.- tool.protivochum.inat. no.1:11-12 155. (MIRA 11:3) (PARA$ ITF,-S--E;USLIKS) (FIXAS) (INSW!TICIIM3) Ip/, ..- I A ,-I '-,,RAUjdAI. O.F.; SHVETBOV, Yu.G.; POTAPOVA. Ye.P. Study of a tularemia area in the belenge Delta. Tez. i iokl.I:oaf, I Irk.eos nouch.-issl.protivo(,-hum.ini3t . no.2 :lk?-49 1 57. (MIRA :~) (S,KIN.NGA VALLEY- -TUIAIWI IA ) PA ULISR. O.F.; HAPAYEV. V.Ye. Gbeervationz on the temperature cycle of the suslik nest as a method of studying the habitat of fleas. Izv. 1rk.gos.orotivccnum. inst. 12:279-286 154. (MIRA 10:12) (TRANSBAIKALIA-FLUS) (ANIMAL HEAT) (ANIMAIS. HABITATIONS OF) (PARASITES-SUSLIKS) ,--PAIML'IR, 0- -; CUPIZUEOVA, P.A. MRterials on the ecology of the fleas of the D&,urjan suslik in Tranobalkalia. lzv.lrk.gom.nauch.-Insl.protivochuni.inst. 1111.~ 161-179 15B. (MIRA 13:7) (TRUSBAITALIA--nUB) (PARASITES-BUSLIKS)i UCHME, N.M.; 4HIMANSKIY, A.A.; PAULLER, T.I. Rare a1kalies containiM feldspars from the pagmatites of the Sayan Mountjim a.. ,IDeokhimiia no.8:673-680 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. East-Siberi4n institute of GeolOgy, Siborian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R. Polytechnic Institute, 1xkutsk. (Sayan Mountains-Alkalies) (Sayan Mountains-Feldapar) TIMAKOV, S.; KVASK. r..! KIRSPUU, V.; HIZNJAKOV, V.; 90KOLDV, A.; PAULMANI V.; S&WS, E., red. [25 years of Soviet Egtonia; a stntintical abgtrnct) 15 aaBtat Nbukogude Eestit; statistiline kogumik. Tallinn, Eenti Haamat, 1965. 173 p. [In Estonian] (MMA 18-12) 1. Estonian S.S.R. Statistika Keskvalitjus. OLEKS170 B.I.; UIASHKINA, K.K.; GRIGORCh-UK, G.Yu.; PAULIMIN, V.I. Lower and upper age boundaries of Jurasnic marine sediwnts In tt~e Ga2imur Zavod r ion (eastern Transbaikallik). Vilinyk Llviv,un. . 191 162. Ser.geol. no 11 2-37 XFA l6t7) (Transbaikalia-Deep-sen oedinjenta) (Transbal).alia-Goologiral time) PAULO DE SILVA-BUDZISMSKA,, Jolanta 01vervatione or the effect of the prepetration Nivaline on the increase of muscular force in the trealzent of nequelae after polio- myelitis. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.231881-884 5 Jo '61. 1. Z Sanatorium Rehabilitacyjnego dla, dzieci i mlodz!Lezy po chorobie Heine-Medina w Goczalkowicacb-Zdroju; elyrektor: lok. Z. Budziavewski. (PARASYMPATROMIMETICS ther) (POLIOMYELITIS rehabil) PAULOV, Jan "-On criticism of the unity of geographyn by V.A.A=,cin LAnuchin, V,A, ]. Revieved by Jan Paulav. Geogr cas SAV 15 no.ls82-83 163. 1* PA!UIA)V,S.; DIE-TOVA,Soria Notes on identification of the serum protein spectrum in frogs (Family Ranidae). Folia biol. (Praha) 10 no.2s155-1,56 164 1. Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Comenius Uni- versity, Bratislava. 11 CZ'-'CJ10SL0VAy,jA PAUJOVOVA Jana; PA-W'()V-..Stq.Can; '109Y, Institute 6f R L)'DPaftyllenl of Cr (Oddelenie EICOIOC ,j uru _,) 3 Of., cP y ,ck 1.1 i0lor-Y, '- al h SlOvcnskej Akademie ZiOlOgie 310val,.- Ac,,,d,-,,y '0109Y, Chai Vied 9 ra I'myZU Us -, Of Sciences Un t, r Of Gener tisls-va; DopaptVU,,,B'01Or'i0 Krajiny Iral scien al Zoolo nt logj and Animal phy, Of Anbial phys_ Ir 'y Cesip becnej .1 0 ~atedr 11,)101, Faculty of Y VseoComenius University YZ voci,,Inej PyZio- 0 akulty Unive (Oddel(,ni,q Z. doved c1cej P 0010gie a ZivOcisncj P rZity KomenLgiceho), Brntisl iO1OPi0 Priro- "Heat Denaturizing Test of Albumin RXtract o ava, MO10-9tus Porsk." f C"lex Pipions Bratislava, Bi 11-1-ologia. Vol 21, 110 -5, 1966, PP 3811 - 386 Abstract: Albumen extract -~o 35.0 to 5 R-ea-F;d~ of Culex Pj-Piens M016stuS Forsk.j, was number Of 'free Mae 5-OOC for .30 Minute8a The docroase in tho temPorature; at romolecules is a linear function Of inc:reasing Pigures, 1 Czech r0ference, .50C .5o% of the albumen is precipitnted 3 L 14882-66 ACC NR: AF6008357 sotMCE ME: CZ/OD4q/6!;/ODD/OO5/(064/0366 AUTHCM: p&ujovP 'p~qan-pau3.ovp Sh. (Docent, Clindidste of science; Braj&slava djjj~ ~. (Bratislava) Madka, RM-Ka--~4-Ji 0monius U aculty of Natural Saienceep nivorsity, ORG-. Dsp%rtment Of ZO0109Y1 F r it Komenekoho) Bratislav.3, (Katedra zoologie Prirodovedeckej fakUtY Unive a Y TITLE: BInding of I sup 131 in heart protein of rabbits SOURCE: BiOlOgiRj, noo 5# 1965j, 364-366 Topic TAGS: iodinep rabbitj. electrophoresial, &nino acid,, bioehemietrYo protein ABSTRACT: .Radioactive Iodine Was combined with hoart protailm of ,rabbrIEg-in vitro in a veronRlacOtRte solution buffered at pit 9.0 and at gm ion concentration of 0906s By paper *Joe-trophoreeia :5 protein fractj2ju wore found; each fraction contained the a ,proportion of 11.1-1 which Indicst" thRt #a' the fraotiont ad the simme amount of aminoacide that can bind lodilmee T4,0 simi- larity between these fractions may evengo,~uchlurtb*ro~ Orig. art* has: 2 figures. CJPRS] SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 17Nov64 / ORIG W: 002 CardlA, PAULOV, Stefan Contribution to photocolorimetric studies on the concentration of blood proteins separated with the aid of paper alectrophoresiii. Biologia 17 no.9:690-692 162. 1. Ketedra zoologie Prirodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bra;islave. (BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS) PAULOV, Stefan; HUDKA, Marta 1-131 binding by heart proteins in the rabbit. Biolc,ea (Bratfill) 20 no.5064-366 165. 1. Katedra zoologie Prirodovedecke.1 J'ELkulty Univerzity Komen- skeho v Bratislave. PAULOV, Stefan; GIRETHOVA, Gabriela; KOSTOLkNSKA, Anna Use of KOH solutions for detenaination of the concentration of proteins separated by paper electrophoresis. Biologia 17 no.11: Sa-843 162. 1. Katedra zoologie Prirodovedockaj fakulty Univerzity Komenakeho v Bratialm a GSAV, Biologicky ustav Slovenakej akadomie vied, Oddelenie zoologie v BratislEmo. (PROTEINS) (EMCTROPHORrZIS) (IIYDROXI.DFZ) 'IIA/Cbem-ical Tee-hnolol, 0~11:1;&! 111-roductE and CeIraMics. Gla&s, Binde-G. 'n- Cir kDPI-1 Mticn.H-I AbfJ jOu::: Refer-at ZLur-jai:nf,Oa, TIO 5, 1958, 153u2. AutbOr : Chelarescu Al., N-Chf-ta 0., Miliul Aiu,, Pa-xncl E. Inst : Rumanian Acadeny Title : Study of Tuffs to t.*ac of the Tcr,.4_ _ of 3a(, (Rumania) Nj7-, I. &.u Orig FVb: Studii si cercet~u,i st'-iat. Acmd. RPil, Z. v~ .gtiJ-nte tebn., Abst--act: The investigated -a-- be eB 'Light concrete. Ca:-d D. CU, H.; BIRZU, I.; CRIIPU, S. IoVja=CU, y. G. : PAUUM - SRopTARu, A.; RUSOVIC1, LUPULISCU, V.; nam, ZAHARIA. C. of infeLntile leishiaaniasiG identifiod in the The first fOculB Inframicrobiol-I Burur. Rumanian People's Republic. Stud. cereet. 6 no-3-4:595-603 JulY-Dec- 1955. (LSISHHAIIIASIS, in inf. & child in RumaniFL- pathol. & epidemiol-) IPAULOV, S. ~ Notem on the identification of avian i-rum protein ape,:.-tra. Folia biol. (Praha) 9 no.5:393-395 '63. 1. Department of Zoology, Natural ScLence Faculty, CoM.3nius University, Bratislava. (BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROHORESIS) (COLORIMETRY) PAULOV, S. Spectra of polarographicallV active grouF6 of sema proteins of rats and pigeons. Folia biol. (Praha 9 no.4:309-.311 163. 1. Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Comenius Uni- versity, Bratislava. (POLAROGRAPHY) (SERUM BLOBULIN) (SERUM ALBUMIN) (BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS)