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ZSEBOK, Zoltan, dr.; PATRAIA1, G-yozo, dr. Significance of-,quontitative chant!es in extracellular flul.d space in water Imbalance 3n exporlmental. "Intestinal x-ray death". Ilwy. radiol. 16 no.ltl-8 F164. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos AkAdemia Cq-,ros-Radiologiai Kutatoscopcrt- janak kozlererye (Vezeto: Zsebok Zoltan dr., egyetemi tanar). ilt , corLf'. I FTe S tre const:%;: ti, flij "fol lilt-, cini c a, er PATRAS, N., ing., candidat in stiinte tehnice Space and sound. St 91 Teh Buc 16 no.2:3-10 F '64. ANIBISCHI, A.; FEIU, V.; P--',SCOVICI, V.; FILIPESCU, C.; PATFU-SU-NU, ',!F-Tla Ecologic and systematic contributions., and the Hibernia Latr. genus distribution in Rwnania. Studii biol agr lasi 14 no.1:69-83 163. ry. General ProblSxa. AB3. JMM. a L113t-A.j w). 4. 1757, No. A_Hm A".. ch'.; C.. W. PST. Pit TITLZ iltIvOlatioation nn4 MappimS of Porest Hiabitiats. MO. IV36 041 Itlint. A.,d. RVPt. Kai. 1,191. 91 qtjjnj# -Kra--, 143b, At V..k, 5%7.864 A2571thn sThe number of bapic taxonoric units pectseary for the mrpinS of ty-oss 0.0 habitat ars Sit. pla tned~ and critorto a.-* jriven for %b# deter- I ~l l l I I I ic ti a of - s * I f Uts ls Pda i stisetel getho4v , l n e O rr W o r ffe a N e g pi nu&ber of coner C. to Unit" talrem In Ru. t , . - - , a Santa. RO wu Xts: * & are consider4a for buti: &urfsees of ~O bou n4 h" ot%rn to tbt rostern :: Carpablans' " on OI.C'CAl Gh* St In p"Pril. t: tea for ":744 of haldtat JA 10 resion. - L.T. was"low 1/1. Dsoel P I creplial. V.1 malureftana, Q.t wisolms 19 s O l to"C uot r, .1 PATUSCO11J, F. , ing. Inertia navigation principles. Rev transport 9 no. 2:71-79 F 162. PALWCOIU, T., ing. Rational utilization of the land project of land organization on Farm. Rev geodezie 7 no.3:38-47 fund by arranging a complex the Valeni-Podgoria Collective 163. 1. O.R.P.O.T. Argea, CA. TSGCRY A-AS. J.'TTR. t RZIIIIA-Me, NO* '- 1914,00 N o, T'v rA t P;~ t r 7, c' and Fray, zi 4 ir n (1 A B-) T PA C T 'I")n a r P.,'.e i f &: -eatm-n t C tr'e- C e r Ii 11 C, 11 Fc a0 k1 ti v J Le t2 c ma e r a I s c bo i~" 1,4 r pec V I Y r e ri r, ov.,F- r- n.- t IV, -TT o ma n:t. a CA ~R Y t API,, Ji.Y.T. s RZKhime, I?o,, 1960j, So# I C" A U'7 M P;371' A trat3.on of Suspended solids followinr treaLmer., wi th Fe"113 is 2?5c, as hf;ninst 77,,, when treatment with FeCl, and CaO is practiced; tne concentratIon of organic soluble galts is reduced by 42 and 181~, respectively; oxy,-,en demand i!-, r&- duced by 72 -ind respectively. 2or G0r.J)IP,.P purilication, the authors recommend that the wastes be subjected to biochemical treatment nfter cnemical treatment. Ya. Hatlis C'.RDI ~12 227 PATRASCU, Alexandru, in.g. Aspects of electric power utilization in Cla3,,-- rii~lting fumaces. Industria usoara 10 no.6:245-251 T~y 163. PATHASCU, Gh., ing. A rapid shimting method of YIP-110 switches In the aerial lines of 110 kv. Energetien Rum 1) n-n.6z248-24Q Ja 161. RUMANIA TAGA, M., Dr, and Veterinarian, of the "Pasteur" Institute for Veterinary Research and Biological Products. "New Aspects Concerning Newcastle Disease in Fowl Breeding 'Units. " Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Medicina Veterinara, Vol 16. No 4, Apr 66, pp 53-64. Abstract LAuthors' English summary modifiedj: The authors U~iscuss outbreaks of Newcastle disease in large poultry- raising units that occurred in the last two years. The la- boratory tests used to diagnose the disease in some charac- teristic foci are described, the probable causes for the appearance of the disease are analyzed (even in vaccinated units), and the means of combatting the outbreaks in the various cases are discussed. Includes 4 figures, 2 tables and 9 references, of which 2 German, 2 French and 5 English-language. -CZ, I"--- cnicuilsclj M., ing. PATRASCII, Y., ing.; MkCAVr-I, 0tehn.; HEIF Ileana, tehn.; Ilaria, telcl- Fightine against the blasting dust- qev min I/* n0-101 467-4,73 0 163- PATRASCU, St., fiz.; TOFAN, I., ing.; ASAVINEI, I. Experimental method for determining the coefficients of spectral and total emission. Metrologia apl 11 no.9:410-414 S '64. PAMA.-ESCLI. M.; STQZ!ES.-U, C. "Aerochomical was against cate-pillars of the travelin-r- silkw3rm". P. 220, WV13TA PADURILOR, Vol. 69. No. 5. May 1954, ~'Ucuresl; Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. (UAL), LC, fol. 3. %.. 12, Dec. 1954. Uncl. RUMNIA Chemical Technology, Chamionl 11rodwts anil Thoir Application. Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimlyat Wo 5p 1959, No, 17232 Author : Pitiso I.; Patrascloin, Re Thst : Not given Title : Investigation of Water Quality fccr Preveries TM Orig Pub : Lucrarile Inste carcetari aliment,., 1958., 2, 149-155 Abstract : Presented is the classification of water employed in breweries based on the index of residual allmlintty. Mhods of clarifying and disinfecting water are proposed. Breweries are singled out at which water Is suitable for the manufacture of Pilsen type beers. For other breweries the type of beer,, that would conform to quality of available water., was astablIslaede Card 1A in the --)11; Tne J-utuk:.L- Card 1/2 RumwiA chemical Technologyp Chemical Products and Their H-27 Application. Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimlya, No 5, 1959, No. 17232 Author : Pitiep L; Patr&Bcioin Inst :Not given Title :Investigation of water Quality for Preveries PO Orig Pub :Lucrarilo Inst. corcetari altment., 1958, 2, 149-1,,5 Abstract Prouented is the classification of water employed In breweries based on the Index )f residual aUmlinity. Ylethods of clarifying ame, disinfecting vator am proponod Breweries are singled out at which water is suitable for the manufacture of Pilsen type beers. Frw other breweries the type of beer, that would conform to quality of available water, was established. Card 1/1 RUWX1;,/Chcr.Ical Tcchiv-l -a Chonical Products and Their Troat;icnt -)f Witurtil Gancr, an' Pc-trjIc-.ur.-.. MA,r R,-Ichut Fuels. LuLrica:-.ts. Ab s Jour Ref Mur - IOUrAy-, N- 9, 1195-3, 30195 o%rbeii~:s, c:;.rL, xylic F,r thu wear f t!,,e uw~in, (Y tf-'e f~11.3wi.-., Was f~Lal--, t- Y IOB I 'tc- k, whero B aLZ C are ~! i,stants. - i,oth,C. is Joi-i,-)nGtrato.-' perndttim-, t'nc utilizati,ii :,f the ab~vc- r,~Iati nships in the cale',da- ti-)n Df technically c-- 1-1-jrdcally --i1 c!'-,"n :c- sche..',ulus Car:! 2/;~ RUMANUi./ChQnical. Techn,,l~,Gy - Chenical rr-clucts and Their H. Applicati~,n - Treatu(.;nt -,f Natural Gases.awft Petr-,lc:um. M,,t-;r -nn,'. R cket Fuels. Lubricants. ,,U - U b s J,~ ur Ref Zhur - flimmiya, IT- ), i95p, 30195 ,',uth r S%nduluscu, T. =:, P--*,n.LFc i-u L Inst wL~~ Title rIctom-in-iti-.;r. f Oil Sche,-`Ules CIr i iL Pub Stu,Iii si cercetari chi:-, 5, N- 1, 151-167 (1957) (in Rurnnian with in French and Russiaii) Abstract Me stj~.ies weru im~.c ,', tYl;o OthZ-51 aut-,rijtive rolatiDnship -f thr-, type Yt,'31k, wher, ., an'- 1- aro tants ~.n tLe quality f i1 use:! %n,! -~i typos -f on~,ine, has bocn bs~2rvvd betwuen t.-,2 ,ac-teriorati--m f tf,c i1 (Y) area ti,e aistance C-,V,~rL,,' '~y the car A 1. - tIN: ac'~ually ~puratin,,- tije/7. y C,1:1 'Lc fr.r. the u-nco.,itrati ,. f -',! ;r%dati 1'r '--ices in tl-..-- U; t~.,~ latter tle sw, Card 1/2 RUMiNIA/Chumicra Tochnology. Ohomical ProOucts H and Thoir Applications. Food Inclustrv. Jour : Rof Zhur-Khimiyaj No 6t 19599 21267 ,',uthor t Pitis, I., Patrascioiu, R, Inst : Titlo Investigation of tho Quality of Water Used for Washing Whoats in tho Flour Mill Industry and Its Purification, Orir,,- Pub Luer.--rile Inst. corcetari alimant., 1953, 29 157-160 i.bstract Thu possibilitY we-~s Qstablislaed of repeated use of water in a closed cycle in largo ca- pacity raills in regions vjhora sources yielO sfiiall supplies of ilater. The 1-,,atar is pu-ri- fied by simple sett-Ang in a layer 1 f~i in CarO 1/2 3tuJ-J-.0 orl trim, ~tt,~-Lit.v ~,,4riculturi~. P. ~' b . 1, 1 DriOT~2-ii I;. - .(,,3ozi ti., hot::jn~,) Jucurftstl, Au7.,;,ni, Vol. i,.onthly L-ist of L,,Ll .~wccsslons ~6-!~d) no. I L ullol. PATRASCU, Al., ing.; SAMSON, Fl. Automatic machines for the glazing of ceramic products. Industria usoara 3 no.11:468-472 N '56. FATFIASCU, Alementim, ing. GQnsideratlonB on the production of household glassware in Industria usoara 10 no.3-.105-108 Mr '53. 'PATR-ASCU. Alexaudr)lp ing. Interesting aBpecti3 of an infor-mation violt to &3vrjral glann factories in Czechoslovakia. Industria usoara 10 no.5: 202-2(Y7 My 163. ISPASOIU, G. , f'iz. i IIATIIF~AM U, St., f'lz, j MAVDIr., , I ~ Reproduction and transm,Ission of the tempprat~~n iin'.t t.1 the PtRh-Pt therm=ouple. I-Intrologia aril 11 no,12:~35- 540 D 164. PAZWESW, 1-1. "The lmovilorlCe and applicatif-m of cuttine rot-,tion, a bauic factor in r(-,fc)rc3t.!dcn and the creation of a planned foresty econoV.11 1). lo. (I-,TLSTA E'LLURILOR. Vol. (~3,, no. 8, Aus. 1953, Ducuresti, Rur-vaa) SO: I-Ion-Uily Ust of East Dw-opean Accessions, L. C.0 Vol- 3, No. 4, A,)ril 19-514, Uncl. P AT ills'U "Technocconomic aspects o~ Lhe probleri cf Lhe maxirmri utiiizati.or; of :'or, L* Olt Valley and silviculluraj- ~j.-.provuments Ln re i2nt y--larsll, p. 2-~', Vol. 67, no. 11, Nov. 15`-2, Bucuresti) SO: bionthly List. of i~uropean Accez;sion, V,,,i. 2, no. e., Library uC -)n August l'-53, Uncl. WASSERMAN. L.; GAVRILITA, L.; MARCULBSCU, T.; CHIPAIL, A.;jATRASCANU. V. . Anatomico-clinical study of congonital hum-an toxoplasmosis. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol., Bucur. 7 no.1-2:203-219 Jan-June 56. (TOLOPLASMOSIS, in Infant & child congen., in Rumanian Inf., patbol. & diag) Mal ~A~tirmbAtlm~ of - th usifiz - s3radulemn --d P P", 4 C, 1 'W)al - Nv~ C-! -vR~~Iors lite prtw'llt-i w11; make till. ~),-j wt t, ,.f ow tj-efiu~ life,J lubrit-aunt,til In N Ilk u ~V avx. (Ilucharcst) 6, rr i I --trl-? ,,I ChL lot 13'r IAJ Jl~V,TCjjX-,,j polwk. ECRIAM, IL, ing.1 NITAO S., 14 1 CIOCULZSCU, M.9 ing.; IERTAV 1-0 to" lab,; mc-bulip 0.), Chn. min.; flINCZ, M., tehn. bdn. Fjoiot.lateral drillIng as an effeptive method of fighting the dust reoulting from hole drilling. Rev minA3.'. no,6t2.V#-25? Je 162& 1, Institutul de cercetari miniere;, Petrosanis, 7' -, 1, - V PUI XUA Chemical Technology, Choratcal Produots and Their H -17 Agplication. Pharmeauticals. Vitaminso Antibiotics. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Iaiiniya., No 5., 1959., So. 16501 Author : Milstoc., %,; Patrascu S. Inat : Not given Titlo : Corn Ibctract no a Rev Miterial in the Rr~uotlon of Antibiotics Orle Pub : Rev. chim., 1557, 8, No l.- 54-55 Abstract Corn extract derived in the mratfsoture of corn aterch is an oxcollont cultuze nedium for various fungi and ir suitable for the ranufacture of antibiotics. quality of the extracts is dependent on the ratio of total nitrogen (I) to carbohydrates (II) and to lactic acid (III). with a high content of III " a low content of II, the decomposition of amines is facilitated and the docompoet- tion proclucts are easily assimilated by the microorsanis=s. Card 1/2 H - 5Y jjUjAANIA/1o,agjjeris~.i - ExperiL101,tal Wthods of 1-13UICtiOll- F Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, 14-) 2, 1960, 3662 AuthQr Atana6i, G., Patrascu, St. LIS t University "C.1. Flarhoi-,', Buciiarest, Rwia:.Ia Title Null Method of Investilatius the Cha--,ges CT t"C Maf,,,,lc'tic MDmu.,t with Temperature Oeig Pub Studii ai cercetari fiz., 1959, 10, No 1, 7-17 Abstract Iii Part 1 therc is give.. a brief crttical aaa-lyqis of the prc:ccdi.ig ricthods of Livesti[,,ating _,the variatio;-. of trL: ma&.etic :.ioment of i-.agnets with temperature. It is i-..dicated that certair, methods are not se;:isitivc eLlcugh, wliile others caiLiot be used in a -11L.icipal labo- ratory, usually located tLider the iiifluence of strona parasitic fields. Li Part II Vaere is described a iiull method, devised by the authors for the of Cari 1/2 44 ExpL!rlr:~ujital MLtj-ljdq ~f Abu Jour Ref 7JIUr Fizika, No 2, 1960, 3662 the variation of the magiletic Mment with The advantage Of this M, temperature. ethod is that it permits carry- "3 sufficleiltlY accurate Masuremoits in a laboratc,y located in the center of tile city. III particular, tLQ authors have i"v6stigatcd the teLipariture variatioil of the moment of several maEpete of the types used in Chasselon theodolites, and fouad for the temperatiwe Coefficient ok , which entora lUtp the formula Mt, = Mo (I - P~t), values f0via 1.75 x 10-4 to 4.08 x lo-4. The values obtained make it Possible to carry out corruc- tly the temperature corrections, pertaining to the results Of the measurement of the horizontal component of the earth's magietic field, obtained in practice. Card 2/2 U'Al U Lj.L r I RUMANWChemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Applications - Drugs, Vitamins, Antibiotics. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 11, 1958, 37201 Author : Gherondache, C., Vasilescu, I., Mil8toc, Me, Voinescu, Re, ~At_r_a_S_CU So. Birladeanu, Re Title : Penicillin V. Orig Pub : Rev. Chim., 1957, 8v No 5p 342-343 Abstract : Biological and chemical stages of phenox methyl penicillin preparation are described. Special attention is given to the optimum conditions of of the fermentation process (nutrient medium etc.), extraction and pre- cipitation methods. Commercial verification of the method yielded a go6d quality product. Bibliography 15 references. mmm~ MIN Now O~r (Ica 14 for o Contrao mcfalictiou'ri - the Indhiation end the 0 t a S. M. Ptdrat4u -4 C- BC41111 (par; 'math.' hy*.j it an ulf. - '149~5 522[1053 -N u d - A~r-c jiN - - - -A- of 300~jq tbkkne$3 have been imprepated for I hr. with 1% Tl.(NO.~,- About M-itoiettaries of Th C from Th wese analyud b using the-Kmphlcal method of'Vigntron (C-4. - 44-1814i). - SffkighC 11nes- ~wto-obtabedAbe slope of "Iticht tan a, Permits calca. of the c6tattacdon factor 3, b~ -the uation taft 6 -m, inetiod *aj applicti to sod G-30 2 regions -W.#nd of Q-10011 th ad 36- Theiihia i found lit between i ag th 0 d~* *hkh, ~ftiiaio 014-;9 4 oe$ itut change 57 Determination of the niass and energy ofjLniz!U ,prqtirler. by meam of LJIL-"IUL MW K" He'lio. Rev. P/ S., Arad. rep. polfinlairr-ftmmime 2, '229-32'~(11157); c'? Mid, 55.-1t had fivin suggtmed life- viously (ioe'rij') that tilt! ulasti, III,. (if a particle with d. bc- tweet If, und r2 can be detti. ljy tile no. of grains N. tilt its tracks Ps.1m, - N.M., where Ill. and No are tile corre- 61"Idins valurs of a known particle. Tile energy of tile particle is obtained by the no. (if rLsidual grains (flint a call- bratlun eurve R - f(N). lzxl)tl. values of tile distribution irl of 0 gmups of protons Ill tile mnge of 1000 gmins, dctd. on Ilford 05 emulskm, were OAY2, w1,;m Me caled, value was 0.001M). The significance of this difference, estd. by statis- tical micharlics, showed that m in 05"' of cam could be dctd. !1L~'n-$uvFsstcq ~oethod ;;Itllitl Ko. 1. Bellcowit*- Rumania/qeneral Division. Conser-:ation of N-iture Abs Jour Ref Zhur--'-~iologiya, '~o 2, 41-)c,8 Author Patr-assescu Mircea Inst Title A Chamois Reserv,~ti( n in t1le Olt, ;~i,,,er V-il (500 meters Above Sea L-vel) Orig- Pub nev. -t,lurilor., 1-55, '71-', ';o Abstract f"o qbr~tract Card 1/1 PAI , ." . :-Iatrasesc,--, Y. - tatic:, 1'~)r ~,iace, *s ~% *-,;; At Va~lt., at ~. ~1., te r --~ .~ . 3 J-1 SO : I.orlthly _i st ~I* : :1st "CcesLl~[,. -St ~;_ , " I , I ". 11 Novt-nibcr ~.ncl. , ... Patraixsci,, !-,.. - ',I., -x:c:"e~'c. !, tll-ar..,i,rl.-l:.t,i1;;- Yj"ll" to- .:. i -SJ: -ls~ 0!, . I~i' ; kccesjir)l,.s L'ist JI, Vol -., .1 .4 overibe r I -; L ' , !, p,(,.L . Rumani-i/';eneral Division. Cunser-.-,ition of Natur,~ A- Abs Jour Ref 7,*,,iur-.*-iio1of~iy-i, .',o 2, Author Patrassescu Mircen Ins t Title A Chamois n in ti(~ Olt, V-il I (500 r~etf-rs Above Sea L-vel) Orig Pub 'Aev. :)-tlurilor. , I Abstract Nr ib~-,trict Card 1/1 dr :]x0 I.-, C j NUMOV. 3.N.; PATUSHEV, A.H. Dtffnnion of soluble materials In hydrwilic atnictures. Trndy Lort.1jolit.-kh. inst. no.4:165-169 147. (MLHA 6:8) (Hydraulic engineering) P. 4, A. N. Gidromekhr-nikn J~dromechnnlcs7. Monkvn, Voeamorizdnt, 1953. 7 )0 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol 6 No 6 September 1953 YJMKOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; DUAN,N.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; GCa?KAN.Ye.K.. redaktor;PATRASHEV,A.N.,.Drofessor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsen-z-e-nr--SDKOIML.V., tekhniche- skiy redaktor [Computing the aerodynamic characteristics of blade sets in turbo- machines] Raschet nerodinnmicheakikh khArnkteristik lopAtochnogo appnrata turbomashin. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroitellnoi lit-ry, 1955. 162 p. (MLRA 9:2) (Turbomachines) 14(9) SOV/1 I Z-59 -3-4673 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 54 (USSR) AUTHOR: Patrashev, A. N. TITLE. Methods for Selecting Grain-Size Composition for Backfilters (Metodika podbora granulometricheskogo sostava obratnykh fil'trov) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Leningr. goo. in-t proyektir. na rechn. transp. L. , 1957, pp 33-47 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card I / I FA`A3FFJ, A.!% "Hydrodynamic forces in the unstabilized motion of hirlily elongated, bodies." report presented at the l1th Annual Scientific Technical Conference on 3hiT Theory, orpanind by the Central Administration of the Scientific-Technical ~3 y, 13-1" Txcomber 196-0. ociety of the ShipbuJIdinf, Industr PATRASIMV, A. N. (Leningi-ad) "Basic Laws of Fluid Seepage Through Deformable Soils." report presented at the First AU-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mcs cow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. MATMEV, Gavriil Aletksayevich; YJHIKV, Georgly Fedorovich; MkiKOV, Ni- kolay Mikhaylovicb; YELIZARUV, VfLdilm Sergeyevicb; MOISEYEV, A.A., prof., doktor takhn. naukp retaenzevtj*PATRAZIW-,-A.N', zasl. doyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retaenze~t; SER- VYUKOV, S.A., nauchrjyy red.; VLASOVA, Z.V., red.; SHISHCHKOVA, L.N., tekhn. red, [Aerodynamics of marine turbine blading] Aerodinamika protochnoi cbasti sudovykh turbin. By G.A.Matvayev i dr. Leningrad Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. pronWahl. 1961 362 tMIRA 14:9) (Marine turbines-Aerod;na;~ CX A.!:. (LenIngrad) "On the mechanics of motion of high-speed fishes" Report Presented at the 2nd All-Union Confrress on Theoretical and Applied Mechani~s, Moscow 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. ?4ARKC,Vp Nikolay Mikhaylovich; PATRASHEV, A.N. , doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., zasl. deyatell naukS-rVl8llM--Vl"~SFSR, reteenzent; MATVEYEV, G.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; SD4DNCVSKIY, N.Z., red.izd-va; SPERANSKAYA, O.V., tekhn. red. (Theory and design of turbine stages] Teoriia I macbet tur- binnykh stupenei. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 154 p. (M RA 16:8) (Steam turbines) YAKOVIXV, Yuriy Sergeyevich; FOMIN, P.F., inzh.-vitse-admiral, retsenzent; CIRJVIKOVSKIY, V.S., kart. tekhn. naukj, rateenzent; XAE!~ doktor teklm. nauk, prof., zasl. dayatell nauki i tekhniki RSF9R, nauchnyy red.; FOMIChEV, A.G., red.; KORCVIUIKO, Yu.N.p tekhn. red. [Hydrodynamics of explosions] Gidrodinamika vzryva. 11eningrad, Sudprongiz, 1961. 312 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Shock waves) (Explosions) L 29994-66 SOURCE. CODEs _ACC NR. AP6020084 AIMTORI Viktorov, ive (Colonel of the medical service)$_ Eatrashkgy. T. (Llnlitnnant colonel of the medical vorvjco)j_jtLevL 14. (Colonel of the mdical sorvicn) ORGi none TITIEt Curront therapy of Acute renal insufficloncy 30'Mrl?" Voenno-malt"'"kO d"10, v# 20, no- 11, 1r,65. LI-16 TOM TAG.1i Fonitmminary UY.I;tnm dinense, thnrApontice, vitwdn, hormnyin ARWRAM Roviow or prevnntive sty] therapeutic procoduree in acitto renfil Innitf f I- cienoyt protein-free or -poor diotnj caloric intake, vitaidns. hornonn mipport, electrolyte control; description of 3 case reports of young mn In thnir twnntles, V14 first recovered with conservative treatment, Vie other 2 had an unspecified type of extracorporeal dialysis ayyl ono died despite all "ffortse rJPR_S7 sim Coma o6 / 5111RI DAIEt none / 01110 RI-Ti 003 / Oni MFi 009 SOV RRN OD3 Card VINTOROV, L, dotsent; PA iia-lov, -i.- Biochemical changes in the blood and urine in cancer of the prostate. Urologiia 28 no.5z2-i-?9 S-0163 (MIRA 17z4) 1. 1z urologicheskoy klin:Lki (nacha-11nik - prof. G. Krystinov) na kafedre voyenno-polevoy khir-urgii Vysshego voyenno--medi- tsinakogo instituta, Sofiya. VIKTORCV, Iv., dots.; PATRASIIKOV, T. Ckie-stage adenomectomy with blind suture of the bladder. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 17 no-1:45-50 164 VIKTOROV,, Iv.; -- PATFJiSHKOVp T. ; TSOLOV, Ts. Thromboembolic %omplications in urolop-y. rhirurgJla ~So,`Iilfl 18 no.3:334-341 'F~5- 1. Viflah veturinarno-meditoinaki institut Ketgdr,a pc voenziol-oleva kh1r,irgila (nachaln1k: prof. G. Krust-AnW. VIKTUROV, Iv.; FOLOV, TS.; PATRASUGV,, T. Echinococcosis in a horseshoe kidney. Urologlia no.1:54-55163. (HIIA 160) 1. Iz Vy8she o voyouno-meditainskogo instituta,, Sofiya. ~KIDIIEYS -HYDATIDS) VINTOROV, Iv.; PATRASHKOV, T. On the problem of treatment in pr static carcinoma. Ehirurglia 16 no.1145-50 163. 1. Vissh voennomeditainski institut. Nachalnik: prof. G. Krustinov. (PROSTATIC CARCINCHA) (ESTROGMS) (FROSTATECTOMY) VIKTOROV, I., dotsent; PATPASHKOV, T.; TSOLOV, TS.; NAKOV, E. Cytodiagnosis in tumors of the bladder. Urologiia nc.6: 39-41 N-D 163. (MIRA 171g) 1. Iz urologicheskoy kliniki pri kafedre voyenno-polevoy khirurgii (nachallnik - prof. G. Krystanov) Vysshego voyenno- meditsinskogo instituta v Sofii, Bolgariya. of T"-G :,C-;dical So- -c 0.' V-1 a Field Surz7ory ..czd Col Prof K;-ust;inov), 5 t 6 I'37ocrincntal Study of "uantitat4ve GaanCos in t~e 'Crea in ""'lood ~'-"tor an Acute ."*,::~orrhap-,ell Sofia, Voenno "cdits-ins'-o '-olo, Vol 22, No 1, Jan 67, PP 36-4-1 Onservat: ~ns wore C:irr* on dogs subjectod to sf~-.-c2-o 'Clooc '.';7-AC.-. reduced --~o 'Zlood 5a"'. Dete--rdnatio-.1s of t~-,o uroa content in t.-Ie !~Iood durinj an -ocrlod ~,-06 hrs aftor the he, orr~~a~,o indic3,od 71, 1 1 -at the averar, I.. -o uroa content in tno ~Aoc,4 of the oxporimont~a ari!rlals alfter the bloodlottinf- was 50 r,!7 ~ as co~-,pa:-cd w-ith a normzd level o,-:' 24 mf~,~ Consideraticn of factors involved in the increase of the urca content led to the c(.-,clus~'cn that in the p6riod up to 48 hrs after the blood latting extrarenal factors, including disti~r,ancos of hemodynankics, a su'~normal ~:lood volu:.-,c, and incroasrd protc-ir, catabolism, prod a.,iinatod, u6ilo in t,-.o poriod foilwin-, tno first 48 hrr; inadequato functioninp of tho ~ddnovs due primaril.y to da;-.aj-o sustainod by the tubules Dlayed a ilz-incipal role. Chart, 20 references (I Bulgarian, 2 USSR, 17 I.-Iostern). Russian and English stzr,-.aar~.os. KanLscript received 20 Oct 66 csIOGOLYA, G.; BERALP Kh.; VASILIM, P-; FO~OVICHI N'; EDSMIN, Anna*# Y=MU, X.; TAM, A.; LAUToSH, L.; DIAM I),; PATR&SHrU, S' Determination of bismath in Rumanian drugs bv means of Am titration. Apt.delo 8 no.6:67-69 N-D '59- (MIRA 13-4) ,tuta Po lintrolyu ja~caqstva madikament0v Ministerstva 1. 1z Inst noy Respubliki, Bukhareet. adravookhraneniY19, E~amWllskoy Narod (BISHM--ANALYSIS) VIRTMOV, Iv.; MIRCHEV, M.; TSOLOV, TS.; LASHKOV T. Combined wouncla of the abdomen, pelvia and extremities. Ehirmrgiia 15 no.9/10:875-878 162. 1. Iz Visehiia voennomeditainski institut. (ABDCHINAL INMRIM) (PELVIS) '(LEG INJURIES) PATRASOVP V.I.; KOGkN, S.S., red, L - I-- -- [Safety measures in the manufacture of alkyd lacquers, natural drying oils azyl siccatives] Tekhnika bezopasnosti v proizvod- stve alkidnykh lakov, naturalInylih olif i Bikkativov. Mo.,jkva, Izd-vo "Khimila'll 1961, 21 p. (,Y1171,1, 27:6) PATRATIY, A. P. Cand Agr Sol-- (diza) "Erfoot of the feeding of oattle with 1~--AQ4 oorn in the f om$ of Oerwaij green mash, and upon the yields ~Omlposition and U51 quality of dairy produota." MO 1959* 16 pp (All-Union L 'to 2 Sol Ron Inst of Animal Husbandry* Department of 'Cottle Raising* lAb of Dairy Farming), 160 oopies (KL. 52-59, 123) -101- USSR / Farm Animals, Cattle. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 7322 Auth6e I Patrativ. A. P Inst All-Uni-o-n-Scl-entific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry Title The Effect of Feeding Cows with Corn (Ground Seeds, Green Mass) upon the Quantity of Milk and Cheese. Orig Pub : Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Vses. n.-i. In-t zhivotnovodstva, 1957, fv'yp.7 aspirantskly, U-14 Abstract : As large quantities of corn (310 g of ground seeds per I liter of milk fyield 7 and 15 kg of corn silage daily) were introdUced during barn keeping and pasture periods (40 kg of (Z Card 112 4 2 --4A -XWT~=)"r/R-P j) TM 4605 - 0N16%. "Its 06001505 JAT SOURCE COM: UR/019.1/65/ODO/012/0063/OD64 AUTHORS: Genall. S. V. Pjtratly, A. P.; Kom S. Bb.;' Chebotareva, N. L ORGV none TITLE: Change of properties of polymeric film during accelerated agim SOURCE:, Plasticheskiye massys, no, .12, 1965v 63-64 TOPIC TAGS: packing material., polyethylene plastic;, pol"inyl chloride.. thermal aging, permeability measurementp tensile strength ABSTRACT: Polyenylene film of low and high densityp polayi chlc~ride, and Cellophane polyethylene films, utilized as a preferred packing material, have been tested under conditions of bong storage at variable temperatures and bumidity. Experiments duplicated conditions of moist tropical climate and were conducted (in cycles) for 6 months. The test conditions were: temperature of +50C at relative humidity of, 98% was maintained for 8 hours,, then for 16 hours with the same humidity but at temperatures of 20 to 24C, The cycles were repeated 25 times within each month. One month was devoted to testing at -400. Properties observed were: appear- ance., elasticity., steam permeability,, water permeabllity,, and tensile strength. It was determined that the tensile strength and elasticity of the films did not change to amy significant exbont. Steam permeability of polyethylene films increased bV cod 1/2 UDG: 678,OltO27.5-539-389 ACC NRs AP6001505 a factor of 2.51, of polyviz7lchlorldo film by a factor of and of callophane- polyethylene by 25%* Water permabilIty of most films dropped to 1/2, but did not change at a3-I in some Mwo At low temperatures,, the steam permeability increased z1i&t3y7_whil9 the, water permeability generally decreasede Orig. art. has: 7 'Aabless SUB COIEs 07/ SME DATE t none/ ORIG M: 004 2A USSR / Farm Animals. Cattlej Abs jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2. 1959, No. 7322 Authoe : 'Pstratu-, A. P. Inst I All-Union ScIentIrIc Research institute of Animal Husbandry Title : The Effect of Feeding Cows with Corn (Ground Seeds, Green Mass) upon the Quantity of Milk and Cheese. Orig Pub : Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Vses. n.-i. in-t zhivotnovodstva, 1957, /vyp.7 aspirantskiy, Q-1-14 Abstract : As large quantities of corn (310 g of ground seeds per I liter of milk ryield 7 and 15 kg of corn silage daily) were introdUced during barn keeping and pasture periods (40 kg of Card 1/2 FATRATIY, V. Anew manu&l or medical Mikrcbiol. zlpjx. 25-nc . c 8 59-60 t63 (MIRA .1. :7) RUBINSHTE7,11, S.A.; PATRATIYEV, A.G. Selecting the hard alloy brand for turning high-alloyed ateelB. Sta.-..i in5tr. 35 no.9:25-26 S 164. (MIRA 17:10) FATRATIYEV, A.G. Strength of diamond disks used in cutting semiconductor materials. Stan. i instr. 36 no.9;35-36 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) OBDDDVSKAYA, D.A.; PATRATIMA, V.B. Storage of apple. cherry, and whortleberry extracts at low temperatures. Kons. I ov. prom. 14 no.9:13-14 S '59. (KM 121,12) l.TSentralluaya prolsvodochno-naladochnaya laboratoriya pri Mookovskom zavode No.2 pishchevykh kontsentratove (Fruit, rr02en) Ailldd'71A GHOORGRIU, p.; imlUCHIAN, Id.; DEZETRESCU, Catalina- PATRAU lhilia. ll-~- -- -- - I., Pharmacology Laboratory, InsUtuto of Medicine and pharmacy, ducharost (Laborator-ul c-o famiacoloj-,ie, I.M.F., bucurosti) - (for al-1) Bucharest, Farmacia No 1, Jan 1961+, pp 23-34 "InvestigationB Concerning Lho Anti-Tastic Action of some Now Derivatdves of the BPnzqylturinocinnamic and Cyclohe3tylidene- acetic Acid Series. Relationship Between Structure and Activity." N Alouvernei Iit dans. un I - F/W rarafor'A.E., C i -- res petmkables. W". nilieu poreux ani- -1-16. (Roni, an. Ara,L R. P. RbinAno 2(1952). 143 all tj)d J-renef,. summu *ies) The a%ithuni study tlIL, jII(,v,CjneIjt of an fixompre'sible- jil- 13~jq ;I pernicable plate according -tp- t1w ))ALQL,- 01401 60 lie mmetration conditions through -the- at:(" aie, katrij. The authors find that wbcu tlke~ ilItk!Ii_'iLY of the*Vortex layer is develf-pt-d-ill a Fourier - I -the scries, an equation is arrived at whicil is Virtu"Hy linear theory of wiI'9S- of saitiexi that encountered in the -in Ls ailes monfjl,!;i finite sp -[cf. Carafali Thtories de ~n rgnre finw. An. ikcad. RomAne. Mvni. Scq 1. VC (19,15) (miuvail;l.ble foi- review)). By nicam, of ;I smil'It'. I( or,furmation flia aulhuv~ Merinive the movemolt In 1 iolc III ~ R. Magu%indin (OzAo). ane. A"I (A F."trikulea'-N. L'~-.Jtjlttica a?vrfIn=!-F 1"TT1,7TI, A,:.~d R Iit! (Rorriani 111)~ RTIsmil and - - Fru-Tich sm ~,- I I ! ninark assunle~~ that the tme4ag nmy Nt tit, iitNii'~ cylndu mirmalt t" dIt*,kjrv jnA the "Vinj - h-uzat;-Oll - e no about the fvzclag W, - -x sy, - means oi a I by the: trailb'T vorte stem. B) plal.-Cs nom. A to tile IU--lelage which Came Of the fIlSehVi! UntO- a Slit, - --autt-lvr the -pro'bi try th t .1 ~I dctenmining the -svirmit d6tribafion of circulation 4about a n image wind Without fuselase but with appropriattly modified CI!Ord and "'ViSC Whell iMs ~as been hmand bystaridard lnefljtldzi, tile induced c Lrjid the spanwisi--Jift didtibution r-tn Am I nnputcd !,x th,, tifi~Ovi , elage Combi- m ak wing-fL~ natiun. I se (Ab r&m, %].).- -7-7-7 Vne Smution du I)PC' O~Cru jw,ur F -N lCoU10 !r , des surfaces pertuhthics- Ctow. Aca -143. : 737 ' i -siwi and-F ench su tfimariM ~ , a6v zxi The authu pplies an 03~en aj nmfiontotfi - t=tims ak- stated, and the solutio- &sed q: ail terms~of arturisolved integral ijyption. K. Rhagivan i~~ MX- ~j - AL PATRAUIZA, N.; LARISCH, E. Theory of v ne contours with permeable flaps. p. 6,R9. ',JMUMI-,.t%RILE. Bucuresti. Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1955. SOURCE: East Euro~ean Accessions List (EEAL) IP,, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1956. ) - 6 An aerodynwnic theory of par,chutes. p. 037. ;.CADE~I!IA r REPUBLICH POHLAI.RE iumania. Vol. 5, No.~, May 19~5 East European Acce3sions List (LEAL ) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. i1, August 195b MRAMEA, N.; LARISCB, E. The track movement around a permeable bearing plate. P. 1109. Academia Republicii Populare Romins. COMUNICAILE. Bucuresti. Vol- 5. no. 7. JuIY 1955. SWIM% East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5. No. 12. December 1956. PATRAULEA, N. Xotion around a "toropter" with a cylindrical fuselage. p. 1631. Academia Pepublicii Populare Romine. COMUNICARILE. Ducuresti. Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 Septexiber, 1956 ,T~TRAUIEA, N.; 'MINESCU, C. Theory of subsonic movements with an almost rectilinear track. p. ~59. Academia Republicii Populare Pomine . TMstitutul de Necanica Aplicata. STUDII SI CERMARI DE ~'E,-ANICA AFTICATA. Bucuresti. Vol. ', no. 3/4, July/Dec. 1955. So. Fast European Accessions Ust Vol. 5, No. 9 Septenber, 1956 - T - L t VkA . Aptoipa k"0446 pul Om and c c -5, jpjy 111"i". IM 2W 2Mt :So Ro"Oulam 4 w;*ir afm%wA #wnwA ktA-, r .3 ; IA V1, ki pp. Att ~,cc,~,znt cf &qj 9~%~r R;;sjLjan - fimcflwls a vck-6ty 'Across so.44ce. F1.1w C.Ithida 014Nco %1A0 vgcrpj in cinr ~hcqg .1 =,3,zj zvt IT Chritert: 1 1~., V "Tjz-.- O)toty C', V~)ftzx F--;~,Iio;); 4107 I aJ r, S,~ f;r ex -rr! ivo- i vn- ; 2~~ ~!!,vcbr uIr c -,-t~rv I -.y 11: c A! -1: ~.2 Ili". F~ 't Vcf~.Jfv 0- TZA ULA ~vtgick Wake ic Waditot of VC1".-Alty pc;cntial; intitk, it hi gadlc~)r plus jr.JoCCA vtlnity of vortices, Approptilic l"'urr%la plafi-lev~lui fol:nUilre.-I fne PI-Colial. cb~'Wptors VI to IX pkne (Ir-w ;~ppficat icmE to - ind brraks (IvJL~ of t:rrs); ;nTachrtts; pt-m-table surfAcc,` (impel-Itable airfoil vif~ mtf,.!,,z&d flap r spillit); "d prop-Arivc djx~ Otro,'V of mnslte;E-L' -A~Ih ;Ofirlitelv r-'Any bladm C'IIptcr N pr'PO51-n ra itclative Ir tx1rnd caklAi-601 fulb cvl'101ic~-" '~Ao~ -,.-) vilv'f-l r'I %'ordlcc ('11artc,4 XI d-tives ($npiq Nil ;k-vtIoF5 O"Cerl O'Idoq ~'! vi--vol fill, abcut PrImeable -yr 'clul lot -'. v n suff-'ceL; =0-~ifiav'3 that a- 'p!otic Inisbillf'. co aicie r af v;scosily is equivAlent to previously inclojuced Untalized cheoli for cylinjr1cal Wftkc2'- cr jsms C~Lis 11 faifly Ct)od imroduction to subje Chief crjtjc~ are: insufficievt cmpulson with exprrinent; no tcftr"ces to An~thlflg Wt RUMW-aln and rU:;SiAr. WDA rxcept fat classical or, topics, sadl as Propeller the"Dry anj vi5'cous flow 6emy. PATRAULEA. N. PATRAULFA, N. Axial symmetric motion around thin toroid wings. p. 11'5. Vol. 8, no. 1. Janj4ar. 1956. BULETIN STIINTIFIC. SCIENCE RUMANIA So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, 4ay 1957 C C I'! PATRAULEA 11. I . "Aerodynamic profiles with fluid flaps." P. 451 (Buletin 3tiintific. Sectia De Stiinte Matematice 31 Fizjce) Vol. 9, no. 2. 1957 Bucharest, Rumania 30: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (FUI) LC. Vol. 7, no. I.,, April 1958 Patraulea, Profils akrodynamiques A vold flulde. =-T A m c a owine. Bul. 5fi. Sccj. $ti. Mat. Fiz. 9 (1957), 451--455. (Romanian. Russian and French sunimarit'.i) Patraulea derives an inalyfical method for j:nlctilating the aorodynamiciprofiles with the j Q t flap, Ila condi(i e ions 'i at infinity are based on the 111-. sl)ccts (If t lie 11 blvin and are approximated so as to make the problem A The small perturbation proce%i is applied and the probli-111 is reduced to an integral linear equation. No numerical example is calculated. .41. Z. v. Krz -peoUcIcki (Urbana, TL'Lj :%~-;J7,1:',%, ':. ; - - . I L) '1*3 CO -' P ~ I -' 7i ' c,' . - -7. , -, a ~ ", -'r. -. , -. , - '- I . . I . N, , , 'r I -,. ': I : on"I.- ~~ , n" 1 ' 6 -;Iom-, '. , V .0 . 0 . I . ~, r, r PATRAULEA, 11. Detemination of the deflection of' the stream and of' induced velocitie-- on the rotor disk of the helicopter. u. 13. (STUDII bI ChRCE?AF-I !Y,; 11~EGhKd APLICATA. Vol. 8, no. 1., Jan/Mar. 19~7, Bucurestiq Rm-z,-jj&) SO: I-Ionthly List of East 6uropean Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. Lqperiment a I rf~seerch on r)lowz,, 7err 7i c, rc, es 319 (Acader,.Ja Hepu:~hcdj c, h ro Af Si Ci rcetari I-e ; c c,- r~ , c,- u r 1..(jilthly :ridc,.c -I' 1111711 T" J~rolile w-ith .;c-t in r(-s,nce , I jr 1 4 -ir'l v 4 113 (f Cnderii,- If C4 i 1 ,,r( :t( mi rr ti. ]!v c7 Y S4 Cercet,~ri j( f- Cn 14 C, C I index r-nFt i_, rc,i n '.cr css;~ ru e b n m ry I F 5'-, on the Solution.of-FradtlImpeneral ProbIm P&tmwft.-?L-x--SUr h solution du rvml~ do RVI IV U-30 "n h1dw. 1. Acad. R. P. Romine Stud, Cerc. d 9 (058), 525-M. (RomWom. RuWa and i "On entend P" probIbine de Pmndtl ginftIM k d6- 1] I tenubmtIon d'une I=Ctlfm A jl'exthieur des fivul:16m D+AO"I =eti ftrInA, et Uwalmi our D (6 fronfl6re D etant U a rtion d'une surf= ouverte, dms 1e cas de h fonction de trois waiabbs, et un are *de courbe, dm le cas de fifonction # de deux variabks) aux conditions do+ dx,-d4-1dx et t(P+)- 0(JI)-F(.P)+G(P)do1dx. Su Iles frontitres D, dfri. vee narmale doit prendre des valeurs donnees. On cite des applications particuRres du probitme de Prandtl et Ion montre une analogie entre le proWnie du profil A jet de bord de fuite et le problime de I'aile Wen- i vergure semi-infinie. Le prohMme general est rMuit la solution d'une dqua- tion intOgrale de Fredholm, sur le domaine D. seulement. On ktudie Jes propriet& du noyau et on indique les md- thodes de solution, numdriques ou bas6es sur I'analogie klectriqu~. Des cas concrets scront Otudih en detail dans 1e prochain numero de cette publication." Risomidel'aoskurf ).9000 RUM/8-59-1-2/24 AUTHOR: Patraulea, N.N. TITLE: Counteracting Tandem Propellersp PERIODICAL: Studli qi Cercetari de Mecanic& Apllcat~, 1959, Nr 1, pp 41 - 67 (R-JM) ABSTRACT: The author has been studying earlier some mechanical effects caused by the interaction of a vortex ring%with a permeable surface located In il.s vicinity [Refs 1, 2, 3, 4]-. In a previous work [Ref 4] he has Indicated some methods of producing an annular vortex with the purpose to Increase the quality coefficient of a propulsion system. In subject articl,:-- he examines a new annular vortex producing unit, consisting of 2 kinematica-Ily connected tandem propellers. The front propeller is a tractive one and the rear propeller operates in a windmill state. The mechanical energy picked up by the rear propeller is transmitted to the front propeller ty the kinematic connection, i.e. the common axle (Figure ii, whi,-~h is the most simple solution In the space between the propellers ~,he speeds wi-11 be higher than ir the other sections of the space, a fac,. that proves the presence of a tubular vortex surface, leaned against the dis:,q cf both propellers (S and S ) The author first examines two Ideal cour.,~.eract:Lng ?~* l Card 42 tandem propel ers wi an infinite number of blades, w1thow. considering e 8~)~Ad. Counteracting Tandem Propellers RUM/8-59-1-2/24 the friction and the flow rotation. The S , disc of the upflow propeller is considered an active permeable surface and the S,, disc of the downflow propeller a passive permeable surface, [Ref 1]. Thfise surfaces cause a constant pressure leap 1S P, and 6 P2 of the flow, passing through the discs, where S p 2 - - 8 pl. In these conditions free vortexes are duced only at the margins of the permeable surfaces, forming a tubular vortex E. Figure 2 schematically shows the flow around the pemneable counteracting surfaces. The vortexes on the Z surface comprist-d between S and 3 are free vortexes, however, they behave If they were bcund tc E: su2face Jie r The total energy is zero. If S is o1P that nature that ~ 6 P 14-1 ig P the vortex surface leaned agalns~ 3 'and S2 extends 4.o a downhow, Lnflinite. The Z portion of the vor-tex will, have a higher density than the portion behind Sp. To find the mctlon a-round -3 system of counteracting propellers consiaered as piermeable surfaces, the tneory of the motions with a nearly rectilinear strip [Ref 51 ran be used. It Is considered that the distance between the propellers is very great. and there is no friction between the air and propeller blades, and between the flow In the strip and the external flow (Figure 3). V - flow speed a,. infinite downflow, T 0 - average whirl density, T,, - asymptotle whIrl density behind S 29 v, - axial spe~~ds In front of S1. and v2 - axia-1 sveeds Card 2/12 in front of 32 . Thus, Counteracting Tatidem Propellers vi - V + Card 3/12 804" H'JM/8-59-1-2/24 v2 - V + 7' o 2 2 VC.0 V + 21~1 Based on the theoreme of Bernoulli 6pi and P2 are exprE3sed ty; )2 _ V2] __E_ ( ir = _0 [(V + r + 2 V) P1 (3.2) , 2 2 0 o + 2 V) + 2 V) (3.4: 2 2 2 0 The introduced power N will be: N = -4- 3 4 1 + 2 V) ( 3'0 + 2 V' , (3-5) The total traction of the system is (v + 0 T = pS (3.6) 1 2 and the section S 2 is: To + 2 V S S 2 1 Fo + rc,, + 2 V (3.8) These relations are used for the determination of some coefflcl,~nts of the counteracting propeller system. Propulsion efficiency of an Ideal system: Starting with the definition of the efficiency v T t ij~.11 I ) I N 8D4U Counteracting Tandem Propellers RUTT-VB-59-1-2121- the author deduces the propulsion efficiency: +1A- (4-5) + To by replacing T and N by their expressiors and introducing the tractior --o- efficient CT. For usual traction propellers C, has values that n Tha Increase of 'q is theoretically small. ThE, quality Ooefficiz~nl~ is "X- pressed by: 3 C - T 2 NV-ipS (5.1) considering that S - 31. If V Is not zero, C becomes 2Vao To C Al. , 2 V 0 + ir.. thus C increases with the ratio --12- . If V - 0, 4-he qua-lity ecefficient is: TO. C ZOL 0.3). ,~ 00 Card 4/ 12 Wind tunnel coefficient: Considering the space betwecn tha pr~~peilers to Fht,IL Counteracting Tandem Propellers Card 5/ 12 R W 8-59-1-2/24 be equal with the test chamber, the wind tunnel coefficient Is given by: 9 T 0 (V + (V + 2 1 2 0 C5 - N (6.1.). Operating at a fixed point, the wind tunnel coefficient becomesi IT 2 C 0 so 2 (6.3). Tr2 00 This coefficient increases with the square of the ratio -Yrz- . The co- efficient of the aeolian power: The theoretical advantages of the cvanter- acting propellers appear also when used as aeollan propellers. The operation coefficient of an aeolian system Is: C,~ (7.1). The author deduces t4e equation; C . - 1 T ,0 (2 + (2 + _f 0 + 0) e 2 (7.4) after having established N (7.2), the energy output at infInIte downflow through a section equal to 3 2P and N (7-3). The tubular surfnce 2: was considered in the preceding equations to be unlimited. Considering Z to be limited, the induced speeds can be computed on the base of the ,.heo-y in (Ref 1]. The author then poses the problem of the following linear V(/ Counteracting Tandem Propellers ~0411 RUM/8-59-1-2/24 theory: By knowing Sop v0 and v CD the flow has to be determined, For the mathematical solution he accomplishes the representation conform with the flow field (Sop so, ) at the Internal side of the unitary eiroln of the auxiliary complex plan ~ - ~ + iq (Figure 6). It Is considered that f - Cp + i P the complex potential of the motion and W - df/dz, the complex speed In the complex plane z - x + iy. Starting with the auxilliary functIon c,) 1 1 n 21 ~ (9.6) which first replaces 4P the function w the author deduces the runctiont dz 2 S01 vM exp. ln v + 2 v + 0 v + In ln (9.16). The posed hypotheses led to the acceptance of a certain singular behavior of the complex speed in the vicinity of the extremities of the S2 segment. These singularities can be avoided supposing that there is no permeable surface S2 and that the power imposed by 32 Is disposed in a volume I.Im-Ited by 2 surfaces S12 and S"2 (Figure 7). The power function.2LT -an be deter- Card 6/12 mined by the raltion of Bernoulli and is- U v2 Vo 2 a0411 Counteracting Tandem Propellers RUTIV8-59-1-2/24 U Is known on the whole contour of the S~p 311 field and it is easy to determine such a function in the respective field. Based on these calcula- t1ons it can be said that the operation coefficients of the counteracting propeller system can be unlimitedly improved if the friction Is being neglected. The author then evaluates the Influence of the friction. The friction losses are In connection with the unitary coefficient of the blade profile resistanco ~ and with the necessary solidity for the production of the pressure leap. The author establishes the expressions of the power output E10 and E2(), the introduced total power N and the total traction T. The mentioned fl and f 2 are the nondimenslonal friction coefficients. By using the stablished formulae, he calculates in the following paragraphs the expressions of the operation coefficients while considering the friction. The propulsion efficiency is expressed by: 2 7 0( To + 2V) - T ~, ( T + 2V) TO (1-f1 + -2V F + ~)V) 1 - + + 2V) T 0 . ( "I I ~k o ~ 2 Car-d 7/12 and with nondimensional. parameters: