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PASYUKOV, F.V.. SELIVANOV, V. I. (Leningi-nd) The .Bolshevik physician Ivan Vasil'evich Rusakov; on the R-Oth anniversary of his birth. Sov.zdrav. 17 no.4:21-25 AD'58 (MIRA 11:5) (RUSAKOV, 1VA19 VASILIEVICH, 1877-19?1) KRAAK, E.; GULIYEV, P.K.; LEBEDINSM, I..q., asaistent; BELOKWOSTOV9 S.D.; E~~YUKOV, V.M.; RYAWHK114, LV.; SUVOROV) V.S.; BOCHAROV, A. P. Sanitation, veterinary hygiene, and disinfection. Veterinarlie 3~ no.7:7L5-79 JI 161. (MIRA 16:18) 1. Institut pitaniya Potedam-Rebryuke, GermanBkaya Demokratl- cheskaya Respubliks, (for Kraak). 2. Direktor Chuvashokay respublikanskoy veterinarno-bakteriologicheakoy laboratorii (for Gullyev). 3. Kharlkovskiy zooveterinarnyy institut (for Lebedinskiy). (Veterinary hygiene) :, - -.::, . -,. r . 711, , ',- -- - .. I " '. -),; , T' ,- -- L ~. - -. , . , ., . . , I . . ? - *.. - . , T. KIPI STI ^7t 3. 1- ? N the (lisinfr-ct--)n -,f th, 7-viron:;,~ - ' ~~t-almzt an-h-ax sr - Vet~.rina:-iya vol 3 no. , July ICAJ 1 . -19. p ~iro-n- " f In reversible de. V: )znT7l1kf1'rA and A. 17, Pj,~-;Ail -ad, M FO A I . R115skulil).- ( Ch if il"Ikatrd 6-a% ill rewmilly tic- uIttued henw~ q at JAI 2-L lEzrigates -Atic pf~~Ut ~( UIL *..Lut (A -AP,, - wMch b ttic Same u3 schr"Prt (C-4. 45, fcl~Aad f'w "4;ptfu~- d tryrnin at PH S.M LPtl- With 2 CS 7Z0":x;13 ' % sulin irj-C-.vd i~at d;ffcm~'tW -11h In -t4. of the dermt dtL el afoxvulo'n At di~~Ujt ['~l tn-vis it to d diff t tj~ vntn*trate rrciictmi cb%reo t1je m--c-us. of native - - 4 i n M~ t $' and agg 1) mptcv of mvemib!y dcnatiLrrd pm. ,in mo!s., de--pite the cla---r~s vf 6Fj tl tf~- 2 protcirs. - 0-000 gas wwww--- ; , il f Lob ~VTIN Al "d gol"al Ulm. 1. A, Simi No. lkn 4 thr I'SWIU11141 pim- at -1 IwW kt~W,%Iff 1.401. .1100 1 .00 p .00 .00 woo too IAG` n An & I a tw a is a ar ot j a a A - it 1 14 044' O ; 0 ORWV ,. G. H. 0 ,.1 BOVIN, A.I., BRYUKHOV, S.A., ILITT, B.A.,.XAM-ROV, V.P., PASYUTIIJ.--J,--A.,JIAYh7. O.A.. ROOS , L.V., NIKIFOROV, A.S., red.; * - -TM-YUBOYA,-L.K., red. 12d-va, SIDELINIKOVA. L.A., red. izd--ra, SHAKEDVA.,L.A., red. tzd-va.; BACHURAIFA, A.M., takhn. red. [Forest industries in Canada) Leensia promyshlennoctlKanady. Moskva. Goolesbumizdat. 1957. 246 p ' (HIRA 11:11) (Canada-liambering) t -tl~ t c c 3 ECKROWSKA, Wine; WSZKOROWSU, Ranhaj FASZEk, Tereed Phareacological evaluation of the udefulmeas 9t Done ointnerft bases, Acta polo pharm, 20 no.2:205-22V 163, 1. Z Zakladu Farmkologii Instytutu Farmacautycanego w Warazavie. Uerowniks ftr So Biala. OINTKWS) (VEHICLES) (PMASSIUM) IMIDES) (SCDIUM SALICTLATE) - SALICTLIC ACID) (PHENrUHTHALKINS) HrDROCORTISONE, TOPICAL) (NICOTINE) l (ATROPINE) (PHARMACOLOGY) PASZYX., W., doo.dr. Single-rotor converter amplifier. PrzegI elel-trotech 40 nc.3: 0 137-142 Mr'64 1. ZaIdad Elektrycznych, Politacbnika Slaska, Gliwice. PAS 1, W. Basic electromagnetic parameters of the synchronara machine and methods of their utilization for measurements. Archiw elektrotech 11 no.3:503-547 162. 1. Zaklad Maszyn E-lektrycznych, Politechnika Slaska, Gliwice. PASZEK, Wladyslaw Voltage stabilization of altarmtors by means of phase compound excitation. Rozpr elektrotech 8 no.1:55-126 162. 82188 P/0 31/60/005/0 1/0 1/00 7 AUTHOR- Paszek. Wiadyslaw TITIE: Method of Calculating a Differentiating Transformer PERIODICALi Archiwum Automatyki I Telemechaniki, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 1, PP. 3 - 21 TEG: The author compares the properties of RC and transformer dif- ferentiating circuits and deduces optimum design parameters for transformers to obtain a maximum in amplification coefficient and figure of merit. In a dif- ferentiating transformer, the amplification coefficient '-L depends on the mutual inductance M and the effective resistances RI and R2 Of the primary and secondary windings. The quantities may be substituted by geometrical dimensions of the transformer t R, R2 (6) ' '11 - 1P L + Rnt-a_ C11 Y-1 r2 (q2 12 where: A m 10-9 . 4TZ 3 Is the conductivity of the magnetic tAl ix circuit of a transformer composed of a C-core, 2 shells and a gap Card 1/ 5 82108 Method of Calculating a Differentiating TransCormer P/031/60/005/01/01/007 S cross section area in cm2 ix lengths of magnetic circuit sections In cm ~4. relative permeability 11, 12 - medium turn length of primary and secondary winding in Om qj, q2 - wire cross section of primary and secondary winding in cm2 RO - resistance of the control winding in ohms rl, r2 - proper conductivity of primary and secondary winding, cal- culated with respect to additional resistances in the primary and secondary circuit, in lohmsieml-i Z1, Z2 - number of turns in primary and secondary windings. In further analysis, the author deduces the formulae! r1opt ~ Sq ' 11- (12) Sqlopt 2 S Rlq (13a) -5 q Sq2opt I S 3 q (13b) Card 2/ 5 82188 Method of Calculating a Differentiating Transformer P/031/60/005/01/01/007 where S. is the active cross section and - 3/2 A 312 A i ff2 - Sq m Ve 2 - Sq i1 (14) max max T3 m3 VRO Vl~_Rjql 0-- 3 V_R_o ' V2 Ulmax where j is the current density of the winding. The equation (13) determines the distribution of the total copper cross section between the primary and secondary windings at the optimum value tlopt. In small and medium transformers, the optimum values of t'l are lower than the proper conductivity of copper, and, therefore, additional resistances in the primary circuit favorably influence the amplification coefficient. In larger transformers, the optimum proper con- ductivity may assume values larger than the conductivity of copper, and the maximum value of the amplification coefficient Tmax max can be no more at- tained. The time constant of the transformer (dissipation and load circuit inductances being ignored) is determined as the sum of primary and secondary circuit time constants: sq, r, + SQ2 r2 Ts = Tj + T2 - Am 12 (1 + Ro t2q2 (15a) 12 - Z2 V~ Card 315 82188 Method of Calculating a Differentiating Transformer P/031/60/005/01/01/007 Because the magnetic circuit of the transformer is built of sheet packs, the minimal effect of eddy current is ignored. When relative geometrical dimensions of the transformer, the optimum values Sqj, S.2 calculated in the equation (13) and the optimum value Z2 _ rRg ~~ (10b) are introduced into equation (15a), the equation assumes the form Ts S,, 2 e-I + r;~ (15b) = Am 3 11 2 12 i Hence, the figure of merit at the maximum amplification coefficient Tmax max is Q (T-max max) I Tmax max P2 VTq - J 06) T 3- r 1 + r-2 I s o Umax I Ti~- I The maximum possible value of the figure of merit is obtained for t2= 4 Y* 1 - 12 V~ card 4/5 82188 Method of Calculating a Differentiating Transformer P/031/60/005/01/01/007 The maximum figure of merit is Qmax - I (17) -- - 2 V2 FRO ~Rl Detailed analysis shows that the maximum figure of merit Qmax is attained, when the same criteria of effective copper cross section distribution are observed which pertain to the amplification coefficient rmax. The author further pre- sents the theoretical criteria of magnetic gap length selection for the trans- former. Since the practical value of the amplification factor T required for a correct performance of the regulation system Is lower than Tmax, the optimum length of the gap is established experimentally by oscilloscopic methods. A change in the length of the gap then permits to adjust the amplification factor according to the needs. There are 15 diagrams and 5 references, 3 of which are Polish, 2 English and 1 Oerman. ASSOCIATION- Politechnika kpka (Silesian Politechnic) Katedra Maszyn Elektrycznych (Chair of Electric Machines) tA~ SUBM May 8, 1959 Card 5/5 22348 . T"/0 3 6o/oc =1/0n4/003/C0 =1 A 224X_1 26 AUTHOR: Paszek, Wkadyslaw TITLE: A differentiatin '- and stabilizing transformer in the au-o- matic control system of a synchronous Generator PERIODICAL: Archiwum automatyki i telemechaniki, v. 5, no. 4, 1960, Lh1 5-434 TEXT: The author conducts a theoretical analysis of the ODeration of a transformer acting as a differentiating and elastic feedback element in automatic control systems. Ile derives a set of transfer function equa- tions for this transformer and gives its application for the automatic control systems of synchronous generators. Figure 3 is a circuit dia-ram of the synchronous.genexator voltage control system, in which the trans- former (Tr.1) is uged as the elastic feedback element. The elastic feed- back loop includes,an exciter, an amplidyne and a magnetic amplifier. In this system, the ttansformer (Tr.1) in used to stabilize the tranuients of the generator excitation control system. There are 13 figures, and 6 re- Card 1/3 22348 P/031/6()/005/004/003/005/ A differentiating and stabilizing ... A224/A126 ferencest 4 Soviet-bloc, and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Politechnika SlgLska Katedra Maszyn Elektrycznych (Polytechnical Institute of Silesia, Electrical Machinery Department) SUBMITTED: May 8, Card 2/3 U, 1959 -Al r U601 IT I U8 It. 2 ud, L.- 4~06P - -J:~a - PASZEK, Wladyslaw, dr.,iD2. Analysis of fundamental parameters of synchronous machines, considering their measurement. Przegl elektrotechn 38 no.): 14-19 162. 1. Politechnica Slaska, Zaklad 14aszyn Elektrycznych. PASZE On problww and notions of voltage regulation of synchronous generators. Arebiv autozat 6 no.1:93-120 161. (EM 10:5) 1. FolitechnIka Slaskap Zaklad YA#zyn glektr7canych. (Voltage regulators) (Dynamo) PASZEK, Wladyslaw Methods of increasing the voltage regulation speed of synchronous gonerators. Archiw automat 5 no.2:17)-215 160. (EEkI 9:10) 1. Politechnika Slaska, Katedra Mastyn Elektrycznych. (Dynamos) (Voltage regulators) PASZEK, Wladyalaw, dr., int. I- Selected problemm connected with the voltage regulation of synchronous generators, 11'rzegl elektrotechn 37 no,10:423-428 161. 1. Zaklad Massyn Elektrycznych Politechniki Slaskiej. (Dynamos) - PASZEK, Wladyalaw, doc. dr Excitation systems and voltage regulators of high-power turbogenerators. PrzegI elektrotechn 40 no.5:239-243 My 164. 1. Department of Electric Machines, Technical University of Silesia, Gliwice. PASZEK, Vladyslav Transients of exciterless alter7iat.-r8 with phase excitation systems. Archiw automat 8 no.2t150-186 163 1. ZELklad Maszyr, E2ektryozziyot, Pclitedzii-ka Saa-qka, Gliw'ce. FASZEK, Wladyslaw k differentiating and stabilizing transforner in the voltage control system of a synchronous generator. Archiv autamat 5 no.4:415-434 160. (EW 10:3) 1. Politechnika Slaska, Katedra Maszyn Blektrymych (Electric transformers) (Voltage regulators) (Dynamos) PA57EK, W. Systemi of increa6ed excitation of r*enerators aE. an a.aditional ac~eltr;~t--- ---c element in automatic voltage regulators. Pt. 1. (To be contd.) 1- 171L. ENIERGE'ril"A, Vol. 9, No. 4 July/Alw- )955 (FlInisterstwo Energetyki) Stalinogrod. SOURCE: East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. I Jan. 1,1--' FASI-1---Ky .;. A --yeter, of faster ex,,itatir,n of' L;imer--itorb as ar. of the automatic voltal-P r(,.I- .ulators. 11t. 2. p. 239- &IiLII~5'MA, Vol. 9, No. 5 Sept./Oct. 1~55 (Ninistert,two Ener~-,ctykd) Stalinoerod. SOURCE: EAST EUIROPS*AN ACCESSI~~NS I J,,T 7o1. ~, ',c. 1 7 aj-. . 11 5 ~ m ~- fs-albc4i ., . 111 !~OUSI ~P471N AL AD-571 M H J C Vol. 26, Nr. 2, 1957 MIJ VVXfCnt Oji UIC lldr5flcl OpprAllim POZ~ IV' Ftfecl of Yor-cing thr fl, na pr",q j,6mno1,m!4 (PAN), No- 3L 7_' of cqualisLr-g Mm--sc-,3 owaa-Ing, in tht, -,tftt,:x After an exp!r4 zind roA--. virci~its of III,:! &,Renrlzt~= durbv t~boyl circWt valt"t, VAUP. 61mv,111.3-10")u3 kurctig ol the ifeld c;~wxe-pt, an ca-v4pili r, mal, th-) Caccl a the. th-11 statk, t*alwice jol Uiv rt~ilc 1' I the Pan--,:lei frp~--,t! In :rid -,.-pon the dynamic fidancc Nm' L'er., wcffwi~nn~ at Ig utc djrLI