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FAVLOVSKAYA, T.Te.; PASTESKIT, A.G. Xffect of Ionizing radiations on protein solutions In the presence of air and In vacuum (with summary in Anglish). Biokhtatia 22 n0.1/2:266-273 Ja-Y '57. (MIKA 10:7) 1. Institut, biokhinii im. A.N.Bakha Akademit nauk SSSR. Moskva. (ROENTGEN RAYS. effects. on serum albumin solution in presence of air & in vacuum (Rus)) (SERUM ALBUMIN. off. of x-rays on solution in presence of air & In vacuum MO) PASYNSKIY, A.G.; TONGUR, A.M. 1.0 Periodic deformation cf collagen in solutions of electrolytes and tanning agents [with summary in English]. Koll.zhur. 19 no.4:483-"9 Jl-Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.Institut biokhimii AN SSSR im. A.N. Bakha, Moskva. (Collagen) (Tanning) PASYNSKIYt A.G. (Hook-va) wwwooww~ The theory of open systems and its Importance in biochemistry. Uep.soyr.biol. 43 no.3:263-279 My-Je 157. (MIRA 10:7) (PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY) ~', ~;, ,,:it! I . -j~, ~ . :, . wi-~,; r jr...i: I Sul,it lozia to L !T-ni v i.jLc- L lirrid '), t I i, . " paper prooonted at tho 4th Intl. Cmgross of BlochomIstry, Visme, 1-6 Sop 58, 2 M0=UCf' C? -ZE MMU71MA-1 I-MrsU)o Cl oc"M T-0- KY-t.. 1957 S AU.HCA: 0r-lzj-,C C~Jtt~, I t--ti-l y=Wslm on r-, 1956. D- ~k- '"V~ 4- O,,. K- h. w. b- -W C - CN IkFFCRrwcn 2- j C tA-) 42. M (me IL HM'Tft GL .~v J. V. A . uk in (,K-. 0, L. J t" sm 1% W. 0 C ~ sw ' ~ '6 g '= - K - C U - tft- &-'Z j % Cn , A~~ Z a IL V Mob- W Q AM . Enzymatic Reactions in Steady Open Systems : A G P ~~-' I S A PASYIISKIY, A.G. Relationship betvaen thermal and ultraviolet dennturation of proteins. Biofizika 3 no.6:736-737 '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Institut bioklimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva. (PROMINS, heat & ultraviolet denaturation (Rus)) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS, eff. protein denaturation (Rue)) FASTVSKIT, A.G. Of POI-VmOrs In the organism [with smnar7 in English). Izv. AR SSSR. Ser.biol. no.6:641-650 N-D 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Inetitut blokhimii im. A.B. Bakha AN SSSR. (RACROMOLECUIAR COMPOUNDS) (PHTSIOLOGICAL MMISTRT) AUTHORS- Kaverzneva, Ye. L., Doctor 9f Chemical SOV/30-58-9-49"11 Sciences, Khurgin, Yu. 1. TITLE: Biologically Active Polymer Compounds (Biologicheski aktivny-ye polimery)All~-Union Conference on Highly Molecular Compounds (Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po vysokomole),u)yarnyM soyedine- niyam). PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 9. pp. 111 - 113 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: The X All Union Conference took place in Moscow from June 11th to 13th. About 400 representatives of scientific in- stitutions and colleges took part. In his opening-speech V.A.Kargin stressed the fact that, as there are stru.-tural analogies between natural and synthetic polymer compounds the task is set to bring about a controlled synthesis of models of biological objects. Further reports were delivered by: B.N.Tarusov,.-A.G.Pasynakiy on some peculiarities of biological textures. .G.M.Frank on the submicroscopic structure of some cell textures and muscle fibrils. Card 1/4 -K.G.Ioffe gave particulars on the location of 18 Biologically Active Polymer Compounds. All Union SOV/3o-,8-4-.'2 'l Conference on Highly Molecular Compounds. in the tyrosine bearing peptide. M.I.Plekhan on some peculiarities concerning peptides. Ye.D.Kai-erzneva, F.V.Shmakova on the extraction of carbo- hydrate bearing peptide from egg albumin and the determination of its amino-acid content. S.Ye.Brealer, S.Ya._Frenkell consider the configuration of the individual globular protein to be metastable. V.A.Belitser recommends to distinguish denaturation frorr. some other slight modifications of structure. V.I.Kasatochkin, R.A.Dulitakaya examined kinetics and ther:Lo- dynamics of renaturation under pressure. M.B.Kalmakarova on the modification of structure of com;,Iex prote~_ns. D.N.Shigorin, N.V.Mikhaylov examined the typical bands in infrai~ed adsorption -spectra. N.S.Andreyeva recommended a new classification of the ki.~.,,1!3 of polypeptide chains according to structure. M.I.1,11illionova, II.S.Andreyeva constructed a model of poly-er Card 2/4 glycyl:'L-proline. Biologically Active Polymer-Compounds. All Union SC)Y//3o- ~~ 8- 9-421".11 Conference on Highly Molecular Compounda. - A.L.Zaydes on charL.Oteristics of various collagens. - Yu.A.Vladimirov, S.V.Konev on the mechanism of energy migration of liCht quanta in protein. LI.S.Volkova, A.G.Pasynskiy made use of the radi,ition metn,-~d for molecular weiCht determination of protein. G.V.Samsonov, R.B.Ponomareva, L.V.Dmitrenko (;ave particulars on th'& chromatografThic purity determination of protein. A.N.Belozerskiy spoke about the composition of nucleinic acids secreted by micro-organisms and plants. V.S.Diskina, V.S.Tongur, D.M.Spttkovskiy spoke about the production of desOxy nucleoproteids by means of serum albumin and a-Chymotrypsin. S.Ye.Bresler, Kh.I.I.Rubina on the part played by ribonucleic acid Fn the fermeniFative biosynthesis of protein. m.A- Prokoflyev and Z.A. Shabarova mention experimentally obtained data on the synthe-sis of derivatives of amino acids with nucleotides and nucleosides. Card 3/4 Biologically Active Polymer Compounds. All Union SOV/3o- ~8 -9,12 ''51 Conference on Highly Molecular Compounds. A.S. SRirin and L.P. Gavrilova reported on the results of in- vestigations of ribonuileic acid 'of the tobacco mosaic virus. P.S. Vasillyev spoke about the protein structures which are necesi~ary for blood-transfusion. M.F. Shooakovskiy about hov polyvinylpyrrolydone is obtained and how it is used as blood aubatitute. M.G. Drazhnikova dealt with the investigation of a large group of antibiotics of polypeptide type. The members of the conference stressed the necessity of the establishment of a special Institute for protein research. It was recom- mended to promote the training of teams In the corresponding fields of science. Card 4/4 PUDNITSJUTA, Te.V,p BMISOVA, I.G.. PASTNSXIY. A.G. Changes in the 11pid metabolism of lant caused by ioni I radiations [vith summary in IngH.J. 11,1,khi.... 23 no.62R9-855 I-D 158 (XIRA 11:1.2) 1. Institut btokbimil imeni A.N. Bakha AN SSSR, Xoskva. LIPID RTABOLISX) ANTS, IFnCT OF X RATS ON) W 307/ 2o-1 2r,- I -3e/63 AUTHORS: Budnitskaya, Ye. V., Borinova, I. G., Pasynskiy,-A1-G- TITLE- The Influence of Ionising Radiations on the Activity of LiDOXidase in Seedlings of Various Plant Species (Deystviye ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na aktivnost' lipoksidazy prorostkakh rasteniy razlichnykh vidov) PERIODICAL: DokluAy Akademii Nank SSSPr 1999. Vol. 112o. TIr 1, pp,14o 141~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: In earlier published papers (Refs 1, 7) t!,e authors of this and other papers proved that lipoxidase is resistant against irradiation in vitro. In this paper the effect of x-ray irradiation in vivo on soy beans. peas, beans, (Phaseolus)7 wheat and maize iF examined. The method of irradiation and examination of the mentioned activity is lescribed. By means of the method described the dependence of lipoxilase activity in the leaves of seedlings of various plant ZZ~eCJ.--3 UDOn the dose of x-ray irraaiation was Aetermined. The activity n seedlinjs not irradiated was found to a=ount to loo Re- Card 1/4 sults are shown in table 1. Herefrom it was possible 'to con- j0V/2o-1,2o-1 38/63 The Influence of Ionising Radiations on the Activity of Lipoxidase in Seedlings of Various Plant Species clude that the lipoxidase of various plant species does not react in the same way when irradiated. Thus the irradiation of corn seedlings with looo to 50 ooo r leads already 2 - 4 hours after irradiation to a slight decreLse of activity; later (after 24 to 48 hours) there is a sudden drop. On the other hand, the lipoxidase of wheat, beans and soy beans is being nactivated" by the same dose within 24 hours after irradiation. Similar results are known in the case of other ferments (Refs 3 - 5, 7 -- 12). In order to be able to explain the activation mechanism of the lip--xidase the authors studied the permeability change of the plant tissue in radiation. In this connection the fact was taken into ac3ount that the in- crease of permeability may be coupled with the increase of the effective ferment amount (Refs 3 - 6). The method employed in this case is described (Ref 15)- Results are shown in table 2. It follows that the increase of lipoxidase activ-Lty in the experiments in vivo takes a course 3imilar to that of the modification of the relative permeability of the tissue, Finally, the chemical changes of the free lipides ir. the Card 2/4 leaves during irradiation were examined. From table 3 it may SOV/2o-120-1-38/63 The Influence of Ionising Radiations on the Activity of Lipoxidase in Seedlings of Various Plant Species be seen that in the fraction of free lipides the irradiated bean leaves contain 6 times as marry peroxides as the leaves which were not irradiated. Irradiation in vivo requires ouch smaller doses to show changes in the lipoxidase system than the experiment in vitro. The occurrence of an activation phase of the ferment system in the case of not very high doses and of incubation of short duration is typical of ex- periments in vivo. The change of the relative permeability of the seedling leaves (Table 2) shows that during the ionizing irradiation a disturbance of the inner cellular structure takes place, which facilitates a washing out of electrolytes into the outer milieu (zones). This probably explains the changes in lipoxidase activity. There are 3 tables and 23 references, 13 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimii im. A. N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR (Inlitute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Balch, AS USSR) Card 3/4 SOV/2o-12o-1-33/63 The Influence of Ionising Radiations on the Activity of Lipoxidase in Seedlings of Various Plant Species PRESENTED: January 3, 1958, by A. I. Oparin, Member, Academy of Scienoes, USSR SUBMITTED: January 2, 1958 1. Phospholipids--Chemical reaction 2. Seeds--Test methc,,J!~ 3. X-rays--Biochemical effects Card 4/4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3659 Pasynskiy, Anatoliy Germanovich Rolloidnaya khtmiya (Colloidal Chemistry) Moscow, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaya shkola," 1959. 264 p. 12,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): V.k. Kargin, Academician; Ed. (Inside book): A.B. Luklyanov; Ed. of Publishing House: T.G. Ltpkina; Tech. Ed.: S.S. Gorokhova, PURPOSE: This is a textbook for biology majors in universities and correspondence schools and may also be useful to scientific workers and engineers. COVERAGE: The book describes the general characteristics of colloidal systems including the molecular, kinetic, optical, and electro- chemical properties of colloids and their stability and coagu- lation. It also describes the properties of solid polymers and explains the phenomena of surface tension and adsorption as well as the nature of emulsions, aerosols, gels, foams, and solutions of high-molecular substance3. The author thanks Academician Card 1/7 Colloidal Chemistry SOV/3659 V.A. Kargin and P.A. Rebinder and Professor S.I Sokolov. There are 22 references, all Soviet (including 5 translations). TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch. 1. General Characteristics of Colloidal Systems 4 Practical importance of colloidal systems 7 Outline of the development of colloidal chemistry 8 Nature of colloidal systems 14 Methods of producing colloidal systems 20 Principal types of colloidal systems 23 Conclusions 27 Problems 28 Ch. 2. Molecular and Kinetic Properties of Colloids 29 Brownian movement 29 Diffusion 30 Osmotic pressure 33 Card 2/7 OPARIN, A.L. akademik, red.; BRAUNSHTEYN, A.Ye., red.; PASYNSKIY, A.G., prof., red.; PAVLOVSrAYA, T.Ye., kBnd.biolog.naukj-i-6d-., zmmm- SKAYA, M.P., red.izd-va; BUNDELI. A.A., red.izd-va; POLRNOVA, T.P., (Origin of life on the earth; transactions of the international symposium of August 19-24, 1957, in Moscow] Vozniknovenie zhizni na zemle; trudy mothdunarodhogo simpoziuma 19-24 avgusta 1957 goda, Moskva. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 671 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Braimahteyn). (LIFE--ORIGIN--CONGRESSES) PASYNSKIT, A.G.; VMOVETS, O.A. --- I __ - IffeCt Of i0ti2ing radiation on the oxidation processes in tea leaves. Blokhim.chain.prolsv. no-7:200-208 159. (MIRA 130) 1. Institut biokhizoii Imeni A.N. Baki2a AN SSSR, Moskva. (]RADIATION--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFBOT) (TEA) (OXIDATION, PHYSIOLOGIU_L) SHNN PST-4W (Sheng Plel-ken]; BLYUWWELID, L.A.; UJAWSON, A.B.; Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of biological objects. I Report ?10-3: Effect of ionizing radiations on nucleic comr)ounds. Biofizikn, 4 no-3:263-274 '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Isboratoriya anizotropnyVh struk-tur AN SSSR, Moskva, i Inotitut bin)-himil im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva. OIUCISPIC ACIDS, eff. of radiations on electric Daramagnetic resonance qnectra (Rua)) (RADIATIONS, off. on nucleic acid electric nararangnetic resonance SDeCtra (RUB )) VIROVETS, O.A.; PASYNSKIY, A.G. Effect of Ionizing radiations on oxidative processes in tea and tobacco leaves. Biokbimila 24 no.5:922-928 S-0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Inatitut biokbimil im. A.N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva. (PLIMS, EFFECT 07 1 RAYS ON) (OXMkTIOW. PHYSIOLOGICAL) (TEA) (TORACCO CURING) KOX&ROVA. L.V.; PASYNSKIY, N"Nowwonow- hN" Aggregation of protein molecLles in reversible denaturation. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 31 no.1:5-11 '59. Wu 12:6) 1. Yaroslav Medical Institute. A.N.Bakh Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow. (PROTEINS) 1'7 ( 3, 10) A~T HORS: 7irovets, 0. A., PE-synskiy, A. G. SOV120-128-2-52,`? TITLE: Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Oxidation I-rocesses in Leaves of Tea and Tobacco Plants F*_-"'il3Dl0AL: Doklady Akademii nauk 335R, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 2, pp 407-410 (USSR) AB3TRACT: The oxidation processes of the tannins anti polypheriol substunces, as well as the glucosides, are of high importance in the Permentation of tea and tobacco, and greatly determine the quality of the end product. In a usuL~l fermentation, the za~_d processes are a consequence of the effect of various oxid~_ticn ferments (of the polyp%enol oxidases, etc). Therefore, the possibilities for the influence of ionizing radiation -.-iere investigated, especially because they produce, in living cells, a large quantity of radidlysis products of the water - the radicals OH, 02H and H 202 - all of which are highly oxidizing agents. Thus, a direct oxidation of the substrata under the influence of radiation, as well as a change in the course of fermentative oxidation processes in plant leaves, could be Card 1/3 expected. An X-ray irradiation was performed with dosages of Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Oxidation Processes SOV120-128-2-112159 in Leaves of Tea and Tobacco Plants 5000 - 10,000 and 65,000 r/min, respectively. An electron irradiation was carried out at the Institut fizioheskoy khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry, AS USSR) with a dosage of 3 million r/min. Figures I and 2 show the dependence of the radiation effect on the duration and temperature of incubation after irradiation. Table 1 indicates the quantity of oxidized tannin (in '/a) produced in an incubation of different duration in air and nitrogen. Table 2 shows the effect of the electron bundle on tobacco leaves. The results of the present paper revealed that the tannin oxidation in an irradiated tea leaf is effected by ferments kFig 1). It is, however, of essential importance that the accumulation of oxidized tannin- forms proceeds in an entire leaf irradiated whereas in the leaf not irradiated no oxidized tannin is present; it only begins to appear when the leaf is pulverized. From this, it is concluded that the ionizing radiation in the entire leaf* effects a disturbance of the structural organization. This disturbance favors the contact of the ferment with the substra- Card 2/3 tum, as it is the case in a mechanical destruction of the Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Oxidation Processes 307/20-128-2-52/59 in Leaves of Tea and Tobacco Plants tissues. 3imilar conclusions were drawn from experiments with tobacco leaves (Table 2), although the oxidation processes here proceed more slowly due to a lower moisture during fermentation. At present, the practical utilization of these results is prevented by the deficiency of radiation sources which are strong enough. Professor M. A. Bokuchava and 3. S. Il'in helped by giving valuable hints. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 3 3oviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimii im. A. N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biocnemistry imeni A. N. Bakh of *he Acadejzly of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: May 27, 1959, by A. I. Oparin, Academician SUBMITTED: Llay 25, 195~ Card 3/5 1A 'j PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5628 Akademlya nauk SSSR. Institut blologichoskoy fiziki Roll perekisey I IcIaloroda v nachallnykh atadiyalch radioblolo- gicheskogo effekta (Role of Peroxides and Oxygen During Primary Stages of Radloblological Effects) floacow, 1960. 157 P. 4,500 eoples printed. Responnible Ed.; A. M. Kuzin, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: K. S. Trinoher; Teen. Ed.: P. S. Kaahlna. PURPOSE : Thin collection of articles Is intended for scientists in radlobiology and biophysics. COVERAGE: Reports in the collection deal with the role of per- oxides and oxygen In the primary stages of a radiobiological effect. They were presented and diocU3sed at a symposium held December 25-30, 1958, organized by the Institut bioflziki AN SSSR, (Institute of Blophysica,AS USSR). Twenty-eight Moscow scientists, radlobiologists, radlochemists, physicists, and Card-1/5- 13 Role of Peroxides and Oxygen (Cont.) Sov/5628 physical chemists took an active part In the symposium. Between the time of Its conclusion and the publication of the present book some of the materiais were expanded. In addition to the authors the following scientists participated In the discussion: L. A. Tummerman, V. S. Tongur, G. M. Frank, Yu. A. Kriger, E. Ya. Grayevokiy, N. N. Demin, B. N. Tarunov, and I. V. Vereshchenekly. References follow individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Kuzin, A. M. (Inatitut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR - Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR). Role of Formation of Peroxides During the Action of Radiation on Biological Specimens Bakh, N. A. [Inst1tut elektrokhimli AN SSSH - Institute of Eleotro- chemistry, AS USSR]. Formation of Organic Peroxides Under the Action of Radiation 9 Dolin, P. 1. [Inat1tute of Electrochemlatry, AS USSR]. Lifetime of Intermediate States Arising During the Action of Radiation on queoua, Solutions 20 fira-2b- t Role of Peroxides and Oxygen (Cont.) SOV/5628 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Method 99 Ellpiner, I. Ye and A V. Sokollakaya (Institute of Bio- physics AS USSR1. EffLt of Inert Gases on Oxidation Pro- cesses In an UltraBound-Wave Field 105 Shekhtman, Ya. L. (Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR]. Oxygen and the Theory of Primary Hadiobiological Effect 116 Eydus, L. Kh. (Institute of Blophyaloa, AS USSR). Phenomenon of Oxygen Aftereffect In Radloblology 136 Ardashnikov, S. N. Certain Regularities In the Oxygen Effect 146 _vas nskiy, A. G.p and T, Ye. Pavlovskaya [Institute of Bio- K'I '= m 6 f~ c emis r eni A. N. Bakh, AS USSR). Dependence of the c Oxygen Effect on the Correlation of the Dose and the Sub- strate Concentration in Irradiated Cysteine Solutions 153 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 JAldfV4w 10-0-01 KASATOCHKIE, Vladimir Ivenovioh; PASYbSKIY. Anstoliy Germanovich; KUVSHINSKIY, M.N., red.; ZAMROVA', A.'I.' t 9 [Physical and colloid chemistry] Fizicheskaie i kolloidnaia Irbivniis. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry. 1960. 290 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Colloids) (Chemistry. Physical and theoretical) -PA8USUY,-A,G,--- Role of mtrix structures in reproduction phenomena. Plofizika 5 no.1:16-20 160. (NZI?A 13:6) 1. Institut blokhtsil Iment A.N, Bakha Ali SSSR, NDskya. (BIOCHRMSSY) I TONGURp AX,; PASYMKIY9 A.G, Changes in the surface properties of irradiated desoxyribonucleoprc-zs--'-r and desoxyribonucleic acid. Diofizila 5 no. 5017-522 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1, Institut biokbimii Imeni. A.N. balchap Moskva. (NUCLEOPROTEIM) (DESOXYRIDOI-TCLEIC ACID) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGIGAL EFIECT) ~, PASMKITP A44-DE1409 N.N. Basic problems of radiation biochemistry, 392 my-is 96o. (RADIOBIOLOGY) Biokbimiia 25 no. 3085- (KMA 1,4:4) VOLKOVA, H.S.; KOHAROVA, L.V. I PASYNSKII,-A.G.. Binding of labeled methionine-335 by proteins. Biokhimiia 25 nD, 3:422-426 My-je 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institute of Biochemistryt Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.# Moscow, and Medical Institute# Yaroslavl, (METHIONINE) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) FAVLOVSKAYA, T.te. ; P.1S*.PN31"1, A.3. - G T.~OVA, A. I. Production of a:dno acid3 b7 -Abjcction ofr' for.-Aldehyde a-,-4 :~--imonl-jn salt 3olution3 to 'We action of ultraviolet rayz in the yro.-,a -c., o--" ~'-,sorbcnts. Do]:!. A'~l SSS:1 135 no-3:743-746 " 160. (,-a%~ 13:12) biolchim-ii i:.,,. A.'% Bakha A-'-.ado..Ii nai.~-, S.3S-R. Predst--v- lenc (AIM10 A-CIDS (ULT-.-AVIOL,-f LAYS) PASYNSKIY, A.G.; FAVWVSKAYA, T.Ye. - - ---- I Mechanism of the oxygeu effect in radiation oxidation of mercapto croups in cysteine and egg albumin. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 n0-4:998- 1001 160. (MIFLA 13:11) 1. Iastitut biokbimit im. A.N.Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. (Hercapto group) (X rays--PbyBiological effect) (Oxygen--Pbysiological effect) PASMKIY, A.G. "On the Limitations in Biological Role of Entropy." report presented at the Intl. Biophysics Congress., Stockholm., Swedenp 31 July - 4 August 1961. Bakh-Institute of Biochendstry, USM Acaderror of Sciences Mbscow, USSR. i FAMBUYI A. G. o DECIEV G. D. ---- - V p Excitation of living cells as a shift of stead7 state of opeen syste:7.s. Izv. AN AM. Ser. biol. no.4:497-503 Jl-Ag 161. (MIhA 14:9) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSRp g. Moskva i Biologicbeskiy institut Bolgarskoy Akademii natdc, g.Sofiya. (BIOCHEMISTRY) PASYNSKIY. A.G. Role of radiation injnry of Intracellular interfaces in the biological effect of ionizing radiations. Jiadiobiologlia I no,lt3-9 161. 0 (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut biolchimii im. A.N.BakU, Moskva. (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) BUDNITSKAYA, Ye.V.; MASLOVY N.M.; BORISOVA, I.G.; LAMSUY, A.G. Impedance method of studying structural changes in plant tissues caused by ionizing radiation. Radiobiologiia I no.l.,37-41 161. (M I fU 1-4: 7) 1. Institut biokIdmii im. A.N.Bakha AN USH i Institut biologichaskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Dfoskva. (PLANTS, EFFECT OF RADIATION ON) (ELLCTROPHYSIOIDGY OF PLAJITS) SHEN FEY-GEN"; BILMORLID1 1,,,A~; V11RAILSON) A,E,,; PASYNSEY, A.G. Spectra of electronic paramagnetic resonance of biological objects. Part 4: Effect of ionizing radiations on chemico-117 modified and denatured nueleic acid derivatives. Biofizika 6 no.5:531+-51+7 161. (KiRi, 15:3) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AV SSSR, Moskva i Institut biokhinii imeni A11. Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva. (NUCLEIC ACIDS---SrtCTRA, (jjj.DjATT()jj--- HP(,"WIT-OGICAL OWCT) (PAPJYAQBTIO IWONANCE ANDAW&AIKAT1011) PAVLOVSKAYAq T.Ye.; PASYNSKIYv A.G. Merchanism of the oxygen effect in protein irradiation. Biokd-imdia 26 no. 1:110-119 Ja-F '61. MIRA 14:2) 1. Institute of biochemistryp Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.9 Moscow. (PROTEINS) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGIUL EFFECT) (OXYGEN-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) PAS)RISKIY,-A.G-; VIROVETS, O.A. Enzymatic decomposition of urea under conditions of an open system. Biokhimiia 26 no.2:332-337 Mr-Ap 061. (MPA li.: 5) 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (UREA) SLOBODSKAYA9 V.P,; PASYNSKIY, A.G. Dependence 6f enzyme activity on concentration vith regard to their behavior in coacenateB. DAL AN SSSR 137 no-3:715-718 Mr 061. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut b!Lokhiynii im. A.N.Bakha AN SWR. Predstavieno akademikom A.I'4Winym. f (EMMM) PASYNSEIY,, A. G. and PAVLOVSKAYA, T. Ye. "On the bbchanism of of the Effect of Oxygen During Irradiation of Proteins" paper presented at the Symposium on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation at the Molecular Level (IAEA), 2-6 July 19623, IWM., Cs"h. Is 1. 2 (f -.1-1 1 The Role of Radiatir-littloced D.-ire 1. 1.1"h.- 1. it. 131.1oni-I Action of R.,-Wl- A. G. M. S. Volk- , A. M. T-r. *,d L NI. K . . ..... The mewilemenis tit dry and moitt ?QmpIc% of DNA In an election microscope show Ihal irradiation not only dc%ttoys DNA timlevul,j but al cmiwi them It, toil tit) I tit apivnt,swe (if che ic.1 clots-fink, I-, -,( DNA dMutbi the mucime rind Imirmsci lhe area tit the montilay". A irsull of such a F6d1,1t1Vn-tMhKC11 d111111 bance of tire V'priilmi .... .. f tire 'Inixtute or thin suifave layers linduding nutictc: nEids) is a conspicuous Oante of their rerrotabilitv A -n-lerable incre-, of crizvinatic mact,on rAtcs after irradisilkin could he shown tin a model system in which th~ e-y- Mroud- and the a.b,1-te ascorbic acid were ser-rard by a layvr of RNA ah- 160A thick. Similar phenomena are Wriginvestigatrd insystemswith lipoproteidintcrphales. Radiation damage 1r, the structural orpruration of membranes plays an important role in tire disturbance of the oxidation mic of suctinicacid by Isolated fivermilochondria. and In le,aftisxiicsor~nmrs f4mositea, beans, etc.)in which druri,plion of enrytrustic oxidative prociciscs occurs. 77he changes in init2milular molecular sutraccitcnis be the source of all subscclucril biochemical disturbance& and or radiation diteaiie in living Celli 4 BW-,k.t ra-w- A,.A,- / Sri ..... MA report presented at tba 2nd Intl. Congress of Radlatlan 168611rVk, Marrorate/Tcarkskilrdl. Gt. BrIt. 5-U AUS 1962 A- rao-k-yrs and A- G. irt-.1ly 0.1diffici. of S11-irtoren as m"'wed 1. frail.vt it. O.yg,n effftl In,as of pro,.tml Orr X- ci :f1radution in air, 1, - or in N.. f solohot i the a,yr-n effect --as cirlv~.d cljan!,unly t-y P!~ nd!reca c!!ccl of fl~r ra,!:--Ilon. 7'bt value 'It fix ovlvrcn cfrw varied from a mi,ionum or M.t 3.1 to at-,- fo, diu-ru -N-fion and chv- O-A Similar ~Xtuuf of I be --,rcl t efleit is to be exporied for differcifit roits o(,he cell, and for dtfle-rit cificii; of dam36-. The "Itic or nxvrfn (Tort i n rfW r i -1 10 t,, I to n % - a 1 (at rely dc I envu tic d p) I tic hyd 10 rc P (~n d 5 of t tic 5 1 f - gi 0 lips f. W- 1 he M I - rt V, or err. albun- - not -,ro it,, high do- WOW ); hen if,. In ( N- prr %cisir o f ruin ul (tie in woo or in a I r. - hhItj,u, of I he S I I - gioup, tuckerde, I noutij: I y. A, it did i n ohw- I or simple it- to1v This % As evidently the tt%ult of the rurture, of I I -bomu In the ptoic in molmil lc \% lien d r) Vic pa ta. t lons of Oc Protc In tirfe trradis led, c Ire num her of 5 11 - g roupi o t hit red cot respond cil c % a cl ly to I he t a 11 tat )on it,,". but A, .1runif w, -d- former th- the ru-be, of -1-1i as roeitio-i in the %.,.. yurm by the "it rv,eila~d. The u-ji,ord P I'm Amub, 1-2 0, nw1wilej per P ... lein molecule, and the of luti,14,11 0". 3 loier ',,fee it ,rr,vp.At,on of the protein Irradiated In 'tic ricstoct 0 Of. An h,jvIhc%1% 1, stire,,li,d ....... firq to .11jib the oxyrrn efreci Is ewplbincd bv the attion of 0, In she form of either 6,6 or Of urx,n flit ruptore -d orio-r-m ~F .-ral 11-b-d, in the 'protein mole~ulrs. and upon the corAitions orihe rupture and rfrluringt- ment of intermole"lar bridgm. I.- V~ C~U~ A..A-v af Soi-i, af,14, USSR. As--- report p"sented at tbb 2ni Intl. Congress of Radiatlon ROPPOrCho Ew"gAto/Yorkahlre, Gt. BrIt. .5-11 tMG 1962 h3~29 3/844/62/000/000/042/129 D214/1)-307 AuThUR6: 2asyns)"Iy, j~. G. und Pavlovskaya, T. Ye. TITLL: The mechani3m of the oxygen effect in the action of i-)niz- ing radiation on albumins 60ulich: Trudy 11 Vuesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po nudiatuionnoy khi- mii. -A. by L. 0. Polak. Hoscow, 1;.,d-vo aN S,~JR, 1,)b2, LD-255 T;,XT: The 02- effect in irradiated cy8teirjeand eg,, albumin was mea- sured as the ratio of -1JH groups oxidized in the )reuence of 0 2 and in vacuum. ~,ith -_i high excess of the substrate, the 02 effect in -ysteirr solutions (6 x 10- 4 -2.5 x 10-5 M; dose of x or rays: C jb4 - 5 x 105 r) reaches the theoretical maximum of 3, failin- to unity as the exceso is decreased. The oxidati*on of -6H in u 29 al- io bumin solution occurs only in the presence of 0 2' In vacuum, oxida- tion was obtained in the pretience of 4.9 M guanidine which causes a Card 1/2 J/844/6I"/OOO/OOU/U4,/'I- The mechaniEuii of .0214/D-)07 rupture of Lhe H-boria 'iCL1V,LteL; tiL(-- -.jH. The oxiu'ltim io tensified on introdikcing 0 -,-'Xpusure of iry albumin '.o ri,iJl itir),, eiimizi;ites ti,e inciii--ct teu1j", Of 0, (via. h6j. A (10.iu of '0'- riot cau~3e oxidation 1~, V'tQLIUM, llt)IOL~e;jj ~t CiQt3e of :) x 10- r -P;tdj t~) a 12~~ o.,.I-idation of t,~,e -,H, w~iich r-scs to 241, in !in atmoui)nerc 0,' The Laction of radi~Ation on U. gives 0- which ruptures the Ii- 2- 2 bond anci promotes oxiu:.~tion ii I --Ai. 0, exhioits *.-.c ~3,une -'rfl.ience on irradiated 1~,U-CjeiC wnich explains thc if i1 living ceils. There ure I fil--,ure and 2 tubies. A6SJCLtTiOi4: inLA.,tut uiorl-himii im. A. N. BaKi.a, 04 (Inotitut,,- of Biochemistry lm. A. N. Bakh, AJ U6610 C,ird FASYNSKIY, A.G. Apropos of X.S.Trincher's article "Applicability of llrigczhlnlq theorem in biology". Biofizika 7 no-3:373 162. (MIRA 15:8) (EVOLUTION) - MINSKII 0 A.G. . prof . Some problems of biochemical cybernetics. Vest.AN WSR 32 w.4:25-31 Ap 162. (MRk 15 t 5) (Bioehemlitry) (Cybernetics) PASYNSKIY, A.G.; SLOBODSKAYA, V.P. I Dynamic stability of enzymatic coacervates In substrate solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2:473-476 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. EFFECT OF OXYGEN ON BOUND PIGMENTS IN IRRADIATED PROTEINS (UOR) Pavlovskaya, T. Ye., and A. G. Pasynskiy. IN: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dokl,ady, v. -149, no. 4. 1 Apr 1963, 976-978. S/0201631149/004/025/025 Attempts were made to measure the amount of bound oxygen In nonirradiated human serum albumin and in human serum albumin exposed to a 130,000-r Aose of x-rays in va cuum and in air. Malachite green was added to '-th e sampled immediately after irradiation. The mean measurement re~sults were .as follows: Be-j~= a2.b=1n_ bw~le Hoiecu1es. cC!bound 14S=t _mar zolacula of albunin 110nirradiated 1.0 lr=aated ~= vacum 3.0 lrrwUated In air 2.0 Card 1/2 ---AID-Nri-972-21 21 'MaY AM6 B/020/63/1-49/(X*/025/025 _T 'OF OMEN 110OUtd) W --The obser~Ved decrease in the bound pigment content of albumin irradiated in air, may be. explained by the displacement.of pigment by oxygen, Sineetbede- crease in the bound pigment, content does not exceed I molecule per molecule of albumin., it is assumed that the boiind oxygen content of irradiated albumin has a similar value. JAB] .ekn)"5. C=-d 42 PASYNSKIY.,-.,~~qliy Permanovichp CHERKASOVA, V.I., red.; GRIGORCHUK, L.A.. tekhn. red. [Biophysical chemistry) Biofizicheaknia khimiia. Moskva, Vysshata shkola, 1963. 432 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Biophysics) (Biochemistry) TONGUR, A.M.; ZAYDES, A.L.; PASYNSKIY, A.G. Study of deoxyribonucleic acid by electron microscop7. Radiobiologiia 3 no-4:492-493 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SS,%t, Moskva. DECHEV, G.D.; MIMYEVA, L.N.; PASYNSKIY,,,,A.G. Role of the inhibition of enzymes by reaction products in an open systen. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.3v725-728 Tl 163. (HIRA 16:9) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. (Enzymes) (Inhibition (Chemistry)) ACCESSION NR: AP4015081 S/0205/64/004/OOl/Oq29/0035 AUTHOR: Pas-y*nskiy, A, G.; Volkovas M. S.; Komarova, L. V. TITIZ: Effect of radiation damaged nucleoprotein and lipoprotein separating membrane surfaces on enzyme reaction rates SOURCE: Radiobiologiya, V. 4. no. 1, 19640 29-35 TOPIC TAGS: radiation dwaago, nucleoprotein membrane surface, lipoprotein membrane survace, enzyme reaction rate, substrate oxidation rate, dehydrogenation reaction, radiosensitivity, membrane surface permeabilitys lipoid component, RNA ABSTRACT: Nucleoprotein and lipopvotein membrane surfacos separating the enzyme from the substrate were stu ied in a series of experiments. Nucleoprotein membrane surfaces were Ivestigated In irrad'-ated crystalline peroxidase suspensions in whioh the particles Viere separa- tod from the ascorbic acid substrate by a thin ribonualoop.-otainfilm (radiation doses not given). Lipoprotein membrane surfaces were in- vostigated in irradiated (20-70 kr doses) artificial lipoprotein com- plexes and in isolated rat liver mitochondrion suspensions. Enzyme reactions were determined in the peroxidase suspensions and in the COMO ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol5o8l artificial lipoprotein complexes by substrate oxidation rates. In the nitochondrion suspensions a polarographic method was used to determine the dehydrogenation reaction of succinic acid to fumaric acid cata- lyzed by succinodehydrogenase, a mitobLhondrion enzyme. Findings show that nucleoprotein membrane surfaces are highly radiosensitiv6and their enzyme reactions are accelerated by 30-4bi'o' as a result of in- creased permeability of the radiation damaged surfaces. But, lipopro- tein membrane surfaces display high radioresistance to doses up to 50 hr and enzyme reactions do not change. Hadioresistance of the lipo- protein membrane surface is attributed to its lipoid component-which has the capacity to spread out and protect the membrane from increased permeability and other structural damage. Nucleoprotein membrane surface permeability is affected by as few as 1 to 2 ionizations taking place in a membrane surface layer containing over 1,000 XNA molecules, Thus, nucleoprotein membrane surfaces play an important role in the development of biochemical damage in the cell, Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: None Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4015051 SUBMITTED: 31ju163 SUB CODE: LS 0 3/3 Card - DArm- Acq: 12mar64 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 006 4 0 , 0 . .% -, -f-- -, . - -- - PASYNSKIY, A.G.; PAVLOVSKAYA, T.Ye. Formation of biochemically important compounds during the pre- biological stage of earth evolution. Usp. khim. 33 no.10:1198- 1215 0 '64- (MIRA 17: 11, 1. Institut bickhimii Imeni A.N. Bakha AN SSSR. KOZLOV, P.V.,- otv. red.; ANDRIANOV, K.A., red.; DOGADKIN, B.A., red. DOLGCPLOSK., V.A., red.; YENIKOLOPYAN, N.S., red.; KARGIN, V.A., red.; KOLESNIKOV, G.S., red.; KORDTKLV, A.A., red.; KGRSHAK, V.V., red.j LAZURKIN, Yu.S., red.; MEDWTEV, S.S., red.; XIKHAYLOV, N.V., red.~ PAS red. _YN SLONIMSKIY, G.L., red i a'IRNCV, V.S., red.; TSVETKOV,V.N., red.; FREYMAN-KRUPLNSKIY, D.A., tekhn. red. [Adhesion of polymers] Adgezila polimerov; sbornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963 142 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Polymers) (Adhesion) KOLESNIKOV, G.S., otv. red.; A'DrilANOV, h.A., red.; ))OGADKIN, b.A., red.; DOLGOPIDSK, B.A., red.; YENIKOLOFYAII, N.S., red.; MGINI V.A., red.; KOZLOV, P.V., red.; KOROTKOV, A.A., red ; KGIRSHAK, V.V., red.; LAZURKIN, Yu.S.p red.; IEDVEDLV, S.S., red.; MIKHAYIA)V., N.V., red.; PASYNSM , A.G., red.; SLONIMSKIY, G.L., red.; S-IIRNOV, V.S., red-.- TSVETKOV, V.E., red.; FREYMAN-KRUPEIISKIY, D.A., tekbn. red. [Heterochain high-molecular weight compounds] '.-oterotsepnye vyeokomolekuliarriye soedineriiia; sbornik statei. Izd-vo "Nauka," 1-963. 246 p. (1,JU 1-1:3) PASYNSKIY, Anatoliy Germanovich; KARGIN, V.A., akademik, red.; I-1 "G. *p -- - T~AVET&V- fg'. ied.; WiCNINA, R.K., tekhn. red. ;.Colloid chemistry] Kolloidnala khimiia. Pod red. V.A. Kargina. 2.izd. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 296 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Colloids) PASYNSKU, A.G. .i., 1. Discusaion on papers read at the aesoions of t~e f1rat day Of the 6ympoi)ium. Trudy MDIP. Otd. blol. 7:60-67 163. (MIRA 16:11) .11 ';A SHIN, I. I. Combination of uterine and ectople pregnancy. Akush. i gin. 32 no.6: 75-76 N-D '56. (MIRA 10:11) 1. 1z Bayram-Aliyskoy gorodBkoy bol'nitsy (glavnyy vrach A.-A.Kazimov) TurkmenBkoy SSR. (PREGNANCY ECTOPIC, case reports combination with uterine pregn) (PREGNANCY combination ofectopic & utorine) FASYSHIV, I.I.; B01WOTKO, A.T. Metallic osteosynthesis of the hip In district hospitals. Urav.Zirk. 2 no-5:33-35 3-0 '58. (MIR& 12:6) 1. Iz khirurgicheekogo otdeleniya Bavran-Allyakoy rayonnoy bol'nitsy (glavnyy varch - A.V.Markina). (HIP JOINT--FRAC7URES) PASYUX, A.S.; GO TSI-TSYAN' (Kuo Ch'i-atilion] Production of carbon, nitrogen, ovgen,, neonP mnd argon iona in a pulse source and their acceleration in a cyclotron. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 10 no.1%28-33 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernvkh A.ssladovaniy. Pab-10/ L,616 6-55. id/din/65/bO-6/003/0642/00 4 5 ACCESSION HR.- AP5016'_ 537-534.2 AUTH014- Pasyuk, A. S.; Tretlyakov, Yu. P.; Stanku, V. Cathode sputtering In an arc-type TfTLE. SOURCE Pribory i tekhnika eksperiments, no, 3, 1965, 42-45 TOPIC TAGS: cathode sputtering, arc ion source, pulse discharge, particle A accelerator - ABSTRACT. The effect of the operating conditions of an are-type ion source with an' o0cillating discharge on the rate of cathode qputtering was studied. The source o]Rerated in a.magnetic field of 5 koe wider a vacuum of (0.6-2) 10-4 mm jig. Pulsing _,;-.1'_-frequenc,y of the master oscillator was about 100 cps; pulse duration was about I Discharge voltage and arc'curreal- in the pulse were 200-1100 v and 2-4o amp, lisec. respectivel~r.- The current and voltage pulses were rectangular, vith a droqp of up -to 10%. -.The cathode material was polyerystalline tungsten with a specific weight - of M7 g/cm2. The amount of sputtering was determined by weighing the cathode be- fore and afterthe experiment. Weight loss vaz 0.11-1.45 g. The discharge fila- mer-t-and the-,side.of the cathode facing the discharge measured 7 x 7 mm. As a -Card 1/2 6169C-65 ACCESSION result, of sputtering, a crater varying in depth to 4 mu formed on the side of the c4thode.~._As the crater grew, the amount of sputtering per unit of time decreased, and the flux,density oftungste4articles escaping from the crater Increased. The dependence of the cathode sputtering rate on the type of gas fed to the source and are current and discharge valtage in the pulse were also determined. The conclusions were as-follows: 1) Cathode sputtering In an ion source vith an oscillating arc and sten cathode is caused mainly by tungsten ion bombardraent; 2) the rate of a hot tung cathode sputteringlis proportional to the arc current and to the square of' the dis-. --tbeF~~-xteption--of-oxygen-and-hydrogen,--It-Aepepds only to charge voltage, and,-."th -slight degree on the-type of gas used. Orig. art. has- 5 figure6 and table. [DW] -ASSOQIATMT;--~~-e Institut yadernykh issledoyaniy, Dubna Joint Institut,2j of, Nuclear Reeearch)_- SUBMrMD: 21Apr,647 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC _NO_RW__JA0_VA_ oo4 OTTIER: 009 ATD PRESS: 4030 1rd 2/2' 't 470Pri-.6, En (M)/Ep."' t'! -2/tl'!A (m -2 Pab-10/pt-_, JjPC _,~iACCESSION NR: APS007019 S101 20 65/0001001/002810033 JTHOR- Kou, Ch'i-ch'i n e Production of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen# neon, and argon Ions in an ~_Ampulse source: and their acceleration in c -33 SOURCM Pribory i tekhaika eksperimenta, no. 1~, 1965, 28 TOPIC TAGS; -ion source, impulse ion source U-300 cyclotron, U-150 cyi7lotroMl -ABSTRACT: On the 3-meter U-300 cyclotron, the effects of (a) the width of tha ieixiission slit, (b) location of the gas admission into the gas-discharge chamber, and (c) mode of operation of the source upon the multicharge-ion yield were investigated. The collector probe was set at a100-cm radius. The ion current 1practically did not cbange with slits wider than 2. 5 mm. The beat results were i obtained with the gas admitted near the cathode. Plots of the ion current vs. arc- E_ 4dfachirge power, cathodai -heating power, and gas pressure are reported. The -average A*7 ion current was 5 -Ma -and -current was- 0. V#ia On the 1. 5- 40 :Meter U-150 cyclotron, the effects of the emission-alit length, cyclotron- chamb e r. Cord L 47085-65 .,.,,ACCFSWO.N NR: APS007019 and the source gas upon the ion current were studied. It was found that a,! vacuum, slit length over 20 mm has no justification; good vacuum is very importantl the +0 with air, Cq , C144i N, 0 in the source are tabulated. The average NePo current was 0. 01 Ina at a radius of 50 cm. "Thel: lion current was 1.2 14a and Ne _.authors wish to thank G. N. Flerov for his attention to the work with the !on and his -staternent of several of the problen)-Al D. A. Kirzhnits, P. M. a:nA D.- -N.-. Makoy- who paritcipated in- diacuasing- the-results; and V. . ;Stanka,for his/her help in operatibg the U-150. Orig. art. has: 4 figurias, ea. i 2 formulas, and 5 tabl ASSOCIATION: OV'yedinm w-yy- in-stitut yaderzykh Issledovanly (Joint Nuclear Research Ass'ociatio SUBNUTTED: 19Jan64 ENC Lt. 00 SUB COD-E,. NP W NO REF SOY: 007 _~~__-QTHER: 003 _7 . ASYUK."_,_$ -TSYAH' (Kuo Chli-chlien ; TtT'r'YAYOV _Z _,_;_$HELAYEV, I.A.; GO TSI I P Yu*P* Production of multiply charged neon ions in a pulse source for a cyclotron. Prib.i takh. eksp. 8 no.5s23-25 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Oblyedinennyy institut yadernykh Issledovaniy. STRIPPING REACTION IN THE JNTMACTION Of AC- CELERATED ."'k-WITH THE NUOUI OF Sow- E LE ME;14TS. A 04 Mr, ~-Z4vt". ~'13 'Sul-641(507) &-pt. (in Rassilta) The formallon of ttie radlowlyp lBotope),11lulls oburvocl wk~*n - 100 Mov cyclotrcm accelaralW allroy ions W11 bombarded folls of Al, NJ, cu. A#. Sn. v4 cd, MeA9Ut2MW5 of the LWar distribWims showed tMi tht are emitted In a comparatively narrow 44gle ritage. The angie Corresponding to maxtrAul iulelu!tY- luem-asce with Z. U the entroor no bombarding partic-1 exceeds the b4ight of the ea"Iorz;t, barrier ft c(lective Cross W110A for pro&ctlovi of N's will wcAily depeoct! Q-0 the coerry. Ttx CMA 6eCtlun is oqual to - 20 vab for Sad - 12 mb,for Al. fir-suth) -'-AT '~CC NRI A"013229 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/000/0726/0734 A, B, -ORG:,- TITLIs DistrIbution'of the relative _concentration of ate=-and 1-na along and across ,::-.'the tag discharge in a source of multiply cha3%ed long SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fIzIkI#,v9 36, no* 40 19660 726-734 TOPIC. TAGS: ~ gasdischarg&.plasmal neont argon, krypion, ton distribution, Ion source, soctrometry ABSTRACT. The authors h ave employed a quartz prion spectrograph with photographic recordim to measure the Intensities of near ultraviolet lines of No, Ar, and Xr atoms and singly and'doubly charged*Ione and of Ne and Ar triply charged Ions in the reflex discharge of an ton source. The..discharge tube was 7 mm square In cross section, 85 m long between flared ends, and served as the anode. The 7 = square hot tungsten cathode and the somewhat larger (usually molybdenum) anticathode were mounted some 110 mm apart,in the flared ends of the chamber. The discharge tube was provided with thres, ports near the center for admission of gas.. The discharge tube was operated with a gas pressure of 0.001 mm Mg at a potential of 600 V and a current of 1CkA in the presence of a 5 k0olongitudinal magnotic field* Suitable *lots or ports in the valleof.the chamber were.4mged on the,spectrograph alit and In this way thezdlstri- Card 2/3.:~ IUDC: .533.9,07 -An.nZ tZ ACC NR; AP6013229 but., rent wn throughout the discharge of the Intensities of the diffe lines was measured, The Intensity distribution of all the lines due to any one gas, regardless of the state of Ionization was the same, The Intensities of the lines of all three gases were maximum near the center of the discharge tube, the maxima being slightly closer to the molybdenum anticathode for the heavier atoms (and tons). The argon dis- charge! was examined with molybdenum, copper and ion antleathodes, and the intensity distributions of lines of the anticathode ~:terlals, as well as those of argon, were recorded,- These anticathode materials were selected for study because of their different bebeviore as regards cathode sputtering* The Intensity distribution of the argon.lines with the steel anticathode was very similar to their intensity distributia with the molybdenum anticathode. With the copper anticathode, however, the argon maximum was shifted far toward the cathode and the copper lines were appreciable considerably beyond the center of the discharge tube. It is argued that the ion density taust be constant along the length of the tube, and the shifts In the positions of the Inert gas Ion density maxims are ascribed to the Influence of sputtered ions of antIcathode (and cathode) material. In glow discharges, neither the molecular weight of the inert gas nor the anticathode material affected the line intensity distribution., Whengas was admitted to the chamber in the vicinity of the cathode rather than nearths.Onter of the discharge tube. the line intensity maximum was shifted toward the cathode's ..The transverse distribution of line intensity showed a maximum on the axis of.the discharge tube. The line Intensity.decreased with Increasing distance"17, f rom the axis somewhat more rapidly than did the depth of 2/ Card 3 FLFROV, G.N.; FOLIKANOV, S.M.; F.AibkMYAN, A.S. ~deceastdj; FASYUh. PARFANOVICH, D.M.-, TARAITINI, N.I., KAWIAUKI]OV, VOLKOV, V.V.; SEMCFINOVA, i,.1%; WiiRESYAN, Yu.TS.; KIIAI IZEV, ~.I.; KPLEBNIKOV, G.I.; KYASOYEDOV, B.F.; GAVRILOV, K.A. Experiments t3 produce element No. 102. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:82-94 Jan 160. (MIR.A 14:9) 1. Sotrudniki Ob,ledinennoFo instituta yadernykh issledovaniy (for Polikanov, Oganesyan, Gavrilov). 2. Sotrudnik Instituta geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii AN SSSR (for Myasoyedov). (Transuranium elements) ZIM AUTIORS, Talk.,, T. T.. Go..,.. L. I., Pa.y.k. k. S.. Tar-IM. W-I-. TITLZs C Ilf"r, - ~ Th. Produation Croas 5-11.n. f ! ".n : , 1 0irradiation of r239 it th &.;. 1.1 chool a obrosovantys J.otopov kullfarrlra pri abluchonil y S reany.1 I .... I -k nMIODICA,L, Zh.-.1 fl-lkl. 1957. Tel 16. Kr 3. PY 762- AR"RACT 1 1. the our.. of the lrr.di~tl- of h..1y Ith e.Iti- * : 1, ..1:. .a r!. an d" tr, nvu ,n1 a L. do,-..- a r f ' dance on the ezalls, %I.. n-r,, 11. rar of the con- ' I...W nuclau.. In the pr .... I-u .1: bt.l..d c .... - M 1h, ,,,,y of I* or,*, -11- *1 1'* 1-11- 4- -5-)Cf?4 6-245 38 (C2 ; . f24 6-245 (at. .1.~ r.f.-n... 1-3) 238 13 6 5. - .)C (C , '4 '3 '40~ Card 1/3 -I_- or. a. C ..d ... d. Th. or. die. The Cra.. 3.otlo.. far C.11for.l.. I..t.p by the 1~-dl.tic. of t,258 with Car ban I... She, 15o as cyclotron of the IS U332 up to 790:,.l %,~*, r:- "in ..c.r..y of 3%). r..rj ur :_".d"yI'by b:a :nt *f.1h:,,I*n S- -- r .71th. t..... . :!c%rr'%4' out by of n I I rr (0,2 0*3 wo). The, rosulI. obtaitt.d by -.he.. -.our .... t. era ... 1.tIA._ I and 2 in for= of dif,7raze. FI~r. 3 h... .r,am. .1 the r,a c% (el.. 4. - 5.) -1 5a - 6n) reforr'*d to the S:1 ;!r:.I,,!.I*n -.::ctlost ..I n rry. OW the ...Pau.d u. I. R..b,;ftth. carlu: :h. "'zin"'. T" 'hif Lag -.I. the r:, %I- ~C . 5n) ta..rd. lh.t of be 'M ... oil.. (C'3. 5-) 1. ...... 4 to be d- to an I ... cur..y of I- -rg~ so...roment. ror the ca-ction b aa:y,probab1IItL,m %,d the or*,, sectio,s It h:1":'%!1t1 d:tat&) or*.@ aoctl- of the noutran *rl.vlon re,ction In 11. ...a of . rl ... ... . or... ..Ctl.. 'or IN: Card 2/3 of ...p-j -I... at 1'. -. -'-7. n .,._C r. .c b/ the af --ltt-d -au'.,.... 9. If - ft.-I** rrab,~illty4 (W donot., x,, t,ao 'i 'f far 1. -1/4 .11 -- -I, I, t1i. .fv tat-41 a.' In -.dra.of, 55 71 W.j^W far Cf24 ~4~ c) -",3. n. c :,for,. -.r-. ft,' :n, 9 C.'j 5,3 AUTHORS: Flerov, G. Corresponding Me-ilier, .30V/2o-12o- 1- 161 Academy of Sciences, USSR, Polikanov, S. A. S., Pasjuk, A* S ParfanovIch, D. Tarantin, 11. 1., Karnaukhjv, ~run V. A. , Volkov, V. V. , SeLichinova, A. 0jnnesj,1n' Yu. Ts., Khalizov, V. I., Khlebnikov, G. I. TITLE: Experi-ents on the Pr~)(`,:otion of t!.e 102-nd Elc--e.~t (Op~-%' ~0 polucheniyu 102-,:o olorienta) PERIODICAL. Doklady Akalemii nauk. SSSR, 119'3, Vol. 12o, Nr 1, PP. 73 - 75 (us",R) ABSTRACT: The present paler dencril.,co the e;;.peri!7ents cLrried out at the Institute of Aton~c Encr,--y, AS USSR ( Institut %tomno~- ener.:ii AN SSSR) for findine the nor. eleriont with the ato-7ic r.U',-.1ber 102; these oxperiuentss were carried out in auturin 195 7 . Fi r n t t ~ie authors refer to tho (?:-,,~eri.-:ento carried out in t~~e first half of 1957 at. t~,o Swedish Nobel Institute (Reir 1). In the ox,erl- ments of the authors the plutonium irotopos pu231) and i, U2~1 were irradiated with accelcr,-~tod ozy,-en ions. Five ti-ios charCed oxyl-en ions were by the J_)0-Cij-C1rClotron accelerated to 102 MeV. Card 1/13 In most cases the ions with the maximum enerf7i were usel. The 7 7~.~ D! rao*m TO UOTAIN F., A -SXaxam 'AS.Pxeyukw DJf.Nrf%wr= -Ar - =01-5 v A!% VO M a, V 1,MLtzav uA 0. KT , 11 Plutont= isotopes "d r-u", van Irrudw6d Via "ma, r I lad-q,~zcce MXed w log IrTeV. TU weUto so pto&o4 k4v" dw target, beca~4ao of rm~fll, utd Is plr-~e4 up In- a eoUector. This o4 be mave-1, tn a gme 0 4-6 m, over fa tudear eirmUlca4 wWch are dealv~--d to rva4ur a -part 1008. t~2-n 0,5 MeV arc d0r.,-tr,.d~ Tj~eDv v4tI4 ejwu I" 2KIt-M. Tho kOW n=t,. d cl-r4rudaA vItb &%I toargy exc"di2a 0.5 MeV (thoss of Onorly, tag@ tban I WV cmW come I!= pwl;num =- lAzinition) was 10 in Vis lmdUtion of PP' tho =& al Pe* Thess f1 rou woaW iva rA 6 i . n & p C ^46 " $ " 5 X 10 IfOr form,140ft of eleacrA 102 of 2 y W CM , reep"tively. STRIPPING REACTION IN THE INTERACTION OF AC- CE LERATED 14-MTH THE RUCLM OP SOML Ul;XtENTS, JM~~A M 4 G, H. F)CM"Ac kElz wzh_.ptl'- rt~~- n3 6,7051(557) Sept- (In R'45312n) The formstion of the radioactive 1;olope N" was 4.14crved hen - 140 Mev cyclatron accelerated sit ions N" bombArUd folla of A). 141, ~UiL Ag, 'As, Uvasutementa Of the IngulAr disitiWilen shfte4 tb&t the W4 tric',el are ornwe~j to a comparatively narrow angle range, The *Nle corretpondlag to m%ximal inte"lly 1wressev -*Jib Z. ti,the energy or Ote bombarding particle exv;eda the 1-,,;j;ht of the Coulomb Wrier the effective liuction al Iq" Ball weakly depend Ott cross ee~.tsos. for pro. the tnorgy. 11te cn>&& section Is Nmal w-30 mb 10, aml - 12 Mb Icr Al, Ur-autw L9 p Y AUTqORSt Volkov, V.V., Pasyuk, A.S., Flerov, G.N. 56-3-7/59 TITLE i Evaporation Reaction in the Interaction of Accelerated Nitrogen Ions N14 with the Nuclei of Some 6lements. (Reaktsiya 'IsrYva" pri vzaimodeystvii uskorennykh ionov azota N14 s yadrami nekotorykh elementov) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Eksperim. I.Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 3, pp. 595-6o1 (USSR) ABSTRACT: N14- ions are accelerated in the cyclotron up to -loo MeV, after which they penetrate through Al., Ni, Cu, kg, Cd, Sn- foils, on which occasion radioactive N13 was found. Measuring of angular distribution showed that N13 emerges only with- in a very narrow angular ran e. For Al 230 + 80 was measured as the - 1 4- energy amou most probable angle, where N nted to 67 MeV. The cross section for the evaporation reaction in the case of a N14 -energy of - 85 MeV amounted to 3o mb for Ni and 12 mb for 11. There are 5 figures and 2 blavio references. ASSOCIATIONs AN USSR (Akademiya nauk SSSR) SUBMITTEDi March 19, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress. Card 1/1 KAZCV, 0. N. i fU! A VCUTV, V. V. "Aripjng I'Leaction Croductud hy tho Accolorated lon.9 on Q Sone Nluclei,ll paper submitted at the A-U Conf. on !,uclerx :.eactions in ,.edi m and 1j,-w -.neru Ph 19-27 i,;ov 57. ysics, , OKHRINOVICII, D.P.; TISHEOV, Yu.Ya.; VASILEVSKIY, F.A.; PASYUI,, h-1- New rethod 3f daubinr steel-smeltinj? furnace Imarus. Jgrwup,,jry 27 no.2:81-85 '62. (MIR,, I ~:3) 1. Zaatoustovskiy metal'urpicheskiy 7.av--KJ (for Okhrimovich, Tishkov). 2. Institut orneuporov v F. Satke (for Vasilevskiy, Pasyup). (SmeltinF furnaces-Maintenance and repair) LEVENETSI N.P.; SARMIN, A.M.; SEMIKIN, I.D.; KAZAKOV, V.E.; BEMBINEK, Ye.l.; PANYUKHNO, L.G.; SVINOIDBDV, N.P.; "ERIN, S.I.; SMIRWOV, V.M.; ZELENSKIY, V.D.; lAYKO, B.G.; TISHCHENKO, 0.1.; OKHRIMOVICH, B.P.; DAWILOV, A.M.; TISHKOV, lu.Ya.; PANOV, M.A.; MARKELOV, A.I.; PETROV, A.K.; VASILEVSKIY, P.A.; PASY!LK., X.1 -..; NESTEROV, V.I.; KHRUSTALIKOV, L.A.; GLAZKOV, V.Si. RM669), V.G.; FDMIN, G.G.; TRISHCHENKO, V.D.,- KORZH, V.P.; SUYAROV, D.I.; ARSEYEV, A.V.; PAVLYUCHEHKO, A.A.; ZRADAYEV, V.G.; KONDORSKIY, R.I.; MOROZOVA, I.A.; KOCHETOV, V.V.; PRUZHIKER, Y.L.; HALEVICHp I.A.; MALIOVANOVp D.I.; ZAKOVRYASHIN, I.I.; NOVSKIY, I.S.1 NOVIKOVA, V.P.; GRISHINp K.N.; HOSKOVSKAYA, M.L.; KORNEYEV, B.M. Inventions. Met. i gormorud. prom. no-305-76 Yq-Je 164. (MIRA 17; 10) TISHCHENKO, 0.1.; OKMINOVICH, B.P.; TISHKOV, Yu.Ya.; KULAKOV, I.I.; KOUSTALIKOV, L.A.; VASIIZVSKIY, P.A.; PASYUK, K.I. New method of building arc furnace hearths. Metallurg 8 no.2:15-17 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod i Chelyabinskiy Institut ogneuporov. (Electric furnaces-Design and construction) AUTHORS: Okhrimovich, B. P., Tishkov, Yu. Ya., ~Ievs~iy, P. A., Pasyuk, I. TITLE': New method for he,r-.hs of steel -~I-RIODICLL: Ogn~u;c,--y, no. 2, 1962, e 6 e n.4 T: Hesults o' and Jndustrial resQ-, :-:. ar v n a su~780stiOrku are for rarmed bottoms of c,,en hearths and electric steel furnaces by dry magnesite powder. The paranetvrs su-,L(-,d best for the prcl-luction of ramu.,-d hearths of maximum durabilit,%- -;here determined in ... &. luborr-tory. Powdered maCnesite of the 7avod "!..aunezit" ("?.'a~;ne7itll Pl-:-.t) was used to study tIe effects of the Grain composition of magnesite -.)o-..,dcr, thickness of the rammed laver, ramming time and techniques, bii.dinl- acents, sintorinC additives, and po-.,der humidity. Since July 196G, experiments of repairin.- hearths in cold state by pneumatic ramminj of drj ma.-nesite powder have been conducted in the ateel viorks of the Zlatoustovskjy metallurgicheski'y zavod (ZlLtoust foundry). For repairi:,., hearths in hot state, M7Tt-1(-I'PY,) or MTtK(YPK) powders are Card 112 New inC method for hearthc ... PI 05, mol t, )n '~- the walls and vaults. To increase the of huarths of s-, 1. furnaces especially wher, meltin;- M"',,li-qualit- JL001a, the former are luced by rumi,-,inq dry maCnesite povider with a inln.~:,.ur% contunt of 'he greatest deasity of the vtorkinE layer of ~.earths is obt~iinc-~' maCnesite povid~,.,2 u -t~i i.~ 65-75,, ccnteit of tho -'-C.1 -mm )'J-25,, of z., fractJ on < C. . 1r. :: lud i n L 0.06 Tu i,-,; rove the hearth density without a conslaerable rEduction in refritctorine8--, up to of titanomar-netite concentrato is added. Rammine anu ri-pairinc ll,--.,.Lrth3 --th dry i--iaenesite powder increuzjes their durability considerably and -tjduces the time of waitin_- and tEe consumption of -)o-.-.-d(,r and fuels. To i)romote th%~ a,~,-,-Iication of the new technique, the production of maEnesite powder of tl,.e re,--uired t;rain composition will have to be applicd, in the ".",a.-nezit" nlan'. There are 3 tables and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Zlatoustovskiy metallurricheokiy zavod (ZlatOU3, Foundry) (O'.thrimovich, 13. !,-, Ti-;IIov, Yu. Ya.)j Institut oeneuporov v. Satke (Institute of Refractories in Satka' (Vasilevskiy, P. Pasyuk, K. I.) Card 2/2 LEFL,-:~i,'Kov, 1.1'. Potassium sail. potential of drilling =ds or White Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.3:684-686 ltr 165. (mun I F: ""), PASYUK, N.I. (Pasiuk, M-I-I Physicochemical characterl-9tics of certain natural wat-gra aM salines of White Russia. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fjz,-tekh. nav. no.3:63-65 163. (MIRA 16tlO) BRBTtHNAYDZR# S.[Bretoznajderp 3.1; YASHCHAK, M.Passozak, M.11 PASM V.[Paeiuk, W.] Intensification of some processes in the chemical industry by neans of vibration. Min. prCm. no.3:211-217 Mr 163. (MIRA 16t4) 1. VarshavBkly po:Litekhnicheskiv institut i Institut fizicheakoy kbinii Pollskoy Akademii nauk. (Ghemical reaction Rate of) (Mass transfer) (Vibration) L 10586-631 EFF(c)/BDS ASD Fr-h &M/Wff/AJ3 ACCESSION NRi- AP'3000946 S/0064/6)/000/003/0031/0057 AUTHOR: Bretshnayder, S lashchak, M.; ?a syuk, V. TITLE: Intensification of severalchemical industr,7 processes by neans of vibra- SOURM MLinicheskaya pramyablennost, no. 3, 1963, 51-57 TOPIC TADSi vibration, heat transfer, mass transfer, miblination, absorption AB57RACTs The effect of vibration on beat and mass transfer proceases was studied. The coefficients of heat transfer and of solid-gas mass transfer (as in sublimation ot rAphthnL1ene)9or solid-liquid mass transfer (solution) increased In comparison to coeTffRen It stationary systems to a xa:)dxum, dependent of course on material, and frequency and amplit de of vibration. In some solutions, however, as in lixi- vation of a sm1fide ore, a 100% na~dnum was approached and then receded -with in- creased frequency. ~4quid-gas mass transfer (absorption)jincrea sod with frequency when amplitude was sufficient to cause cavitatlFn BFUe Aquid column. Orig. art. has% 12 figures, I table, 3 equations.. ASSOGIATIONt VarsbaysIdy politekhnichesldy, institut I institut fizichookoy khinii Poll k alcademii nauk (Warsaw Polytechnical I st. and Inst. of Physical Cberdstry C Th of tj)a pollsh;k-cadepW of Sciences ard 1 ------------------------------------------------ 400*999*000004 IS 0 * 0 a a 41 1 -9 V 'Vi V .1 .4 13 h :7 a 1 -0-1 1 1 " to CC PIP U.2 I , 1 1. I_& 'Mr p"Auction of starch from rhdrtrived potatoes, and d f t h f d resi ue e manu rain t 4chae -1 rom the pulverise potato starch. by ritrans of fermentation 1, J,A~) ilk 0 0 a Its, Y , t 14 - it, .4. 1 11 1 1937. 11. 21)17 I'w(em 1-1161"1 fin'll I'l IN I.A. -1'1~ 0 0 ,It, It, -11, 1.. at i.14, 4,034 11---, hu'l '%..I I., I,". 04, a 111m. 4 75 m 1..wto Wimw a1wr h,,o nic I. 2A , = (". I !" xhu-. It -,.*.q J~plww and _"`~ mirdr at 0 0 --witnum ItLp of :1'-* 1 1w ...I. h -11k 1~' th. 00 w(fur". vicid 1"`-c~ 11111vi-k.. Amcb. And .."t, *wr hurawl. Vr ... It 1.1ro 0 I..I&l" vt~.' obtanwd 0 0 "NO X11) W. 41 1 N SCId. 3 4 9 ills,, 4AIIA11 dInt. 14 &k' And 00 I ram of tt hrf W (1, m"we 06 'r; 0 0 so j 0 0 :06 .00 .7;0 a 0 6 a .00 06 09 &1. it W.t1t.~4KA1 W1111.1var ct.ItIp't.M. 0 0 S v go a 1 1. 411 a I a v 4000000000000000000000009000000::Oooeeooooo 9~ 10099000000*0*006000000410,11140000 0004000600--.07J~ MAKIRIAGE, A.S.; PASYUKEVICH,21~1-1 SRAZTPJK; A.D. A.D.] Narova horizm of the Middle of the PGlct,3k Vest,ql JUI BSSSR Ser. fizz. tekli ~,k -iav. nc,.lr74--62't:.4 k :7. ) CHEBOTAREVAP N.S.; PASYUKEVICH, V I. Role of the relief formation of the Valday ice sheet in the lhrina-Z)nisper interfluve. Riul.Kom.chetv.per. no.27sl4-20 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Western Dvina Valley-landforms) (Dnieper Valley-Landforms) iI " ~I ~ /. , - KAKHNACH. A.S.; PASTUXEYICH. V.1.- 11mmullyTSKAYA, Z.M. . -- Some new data on lower Paleozoic deposits in the northwestern part of the Pripet Depression. Vestsi AN 70 '56. (MLRA 10:1) (Pripet Depression--Geoloey, Stratigraphic) V. T ZAI.:'I~;~' 71 irfamatkel allout the OMY-lun t4z'a"rpwlu oll tho merlLwermra vid of Ito Pdlpyat rn'a;sil. A. ~t. MAlat...6, V. pas vich, and Z. M~ Nc~mc"hVM-'jy'l. 9.7 _77~-INZ;llckh. -1056, No. a'. 61 Ac, ,FASnYLVI F.V. (g. Pushkin Leningradskoy oblasti) Organization of medical service for participants in the attack on the Winter Palace. Sav. zdrav. 19 no. 4t63-69 160. (MIRA 13:1(,) (LENIEGRAD-REVOLUTION, 1917-1921-MEDICAL AND SAVITARY AFFAIRS)