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I I I 'L~' "-.A. JEUX 1-1. !T. us "p (6m) 4. Ulcers 7. Diaoxie~atlve carbonuria in ulcers, 14edich.~-Imr. 21. no.2. 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _ AprIl -1953, uncl. 1. 14. lj.--PA3D~iWAK 2. U331i (600) 4. Carbonuria 7. D;so:cj.~jatjvc carbonuria in ulcers. ~-Mich. zriur. 21 no. "1. 1951. 9. M21thly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. P9 s t Q i- n .1 k, ),)/. / 1, PAS759RHAK, N.H.; TMSKAYA. N.Ya.; RAYTRUB, B.A. (Moskva) - Functional state of the liver in some infectious diseases. 35 (i.e.341 no.1 Supplement:35 Ja '57. (KRA 11:2) 1. 1z kliniko-diagnosticheakoy laborstorit Institute iafekteionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR (dir. - doystvitellayy chlen AMN SSSR prof. L.V. Gromaahevekiy) (COMMUNICABLE DISBASNS) (LIM) 6 0-4 -a a 4-4 a 3 Pat PaBlensk swum cd 19 W bind 14-AC Ovabow; 31L X, Nimbi& bp laiwaost 41*1486 ,00 roe r tool ;a,;*, ;vi air A a %1 0 a 9 '1 N 0 0aa I v 00 0 0 WO, 9,19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00W-0000000000000 00 Z 4~ A. 4p 11 0 11 10, 1~ a b W a Ott. Aft* O&OVIVIlil, .01. The WWW., 1711,40" 10. 2t77 2ti 0")); -L C. A - J4. MIW. 4 The blood K ill increawd in canm patients and in yah- 0 hit% smaculisted with camm. Ali imrowd M%%I K Irmli tbrin ofIVir dillux-v ,of %be ox ban InIA". an 0 inilvvirg - 'fill. t dimillutbou in Oxilaskm can expuin the Lkvicstic to C(h 11,1 imme W i be bkW and in the unt i ofirtvC(h. Sincelbe ti" resirtim is reum-trd with he ratio. sent. of fire 00 00.2 CCh,'amt, of COs hounif at hirsilminste. a difninutitim in WOO C(h sill itic-testir the alky. ol the l4twlL Anotilticlentv 004 The 6nv"mm 44 the c6lbohyttlate t%vitanst, %s Iwwts by the farl that filyrolysis Ilerdminatel oyrt *00 midalwn. TIM blow ailimisollis 140blably pfccedes the C* 00,3 This RLAY coo tv slsn&~ant toe the forination of cancel. may In turn Ile 0 conlimird with mwlw statup of the physiol." toe the i6mil" whh-h play. the ptuwiI4 c,Ar lot file go 0 , 000 Illli-Im-41im to carim. RIj1h flefigirlen 110 0 too via. sa..M. 441441 -to 5~7607_ 01LASI i '084111 Ili AV ID 14-6-T, Ltrii T -v-i I 0 IF 0 0 of of I- ----- ------ 6 *fees A. 0 ist A f v ; : T tisj~" s � ' T4~ I ix Vid-ba" equDibriums in caww. Nlh_ ' F*X M Ll k J t 9 7 . m ra aAa mi -60ort Fremb ., ,. . 14 loul (11M.-Th-e WM4 or patirrits at vwkmt Stages of calm dtvtklpnwnt is alk.. the P11 twing about 7.45, %shik ad- Th d h li 00-3 m- t rvc 4mcnio teminal polyps mulis In olk&Ws but gastric uk-n* ab(yw 300 000 Do abommal wariation in the iscid-baw viud. ';Imikw rmlll wm obwn-cd in fallbits. S. A. Kwjab 000 ~ 4 000 0 ~ 0 v to is or WW an a I a so 30 0 1 If goa a 7 2 * 0 0) &*1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 4p 0 0 0 9 0 a 4 * 0 9 0 0 a 9' 0 2 : 0 0 to 0010 goo 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;1 00 0 0 see so 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 1309-:.' IWURCHENKOP A.F. [I.Wkarchenko, O.F.); PASTERNAK M.N.; DINABURG, A.D.; 1,2LIN11CF21mo, As. [Kellnychenko, F.V.j--,KjZBUIOVA, L.B. Experimental allergic ancephalomyelitis. Fiziol. zhur. [ Uj=. ]8 no-3092-308 Py-Je 162. (1-1111A 15:6) 1. Otdel nevrologii i nevrofiziologii Instituta fiziologii im. Bogomolftsa AN USSR, Kiyov. (ENCEPHALOI-M, LITIS) (ALLERGY KWIVENKOp A.F. (14akarchenko, O.F.11_ PASTERNAK M.N.; DINABURG., A.D. [Dynaburh, H.D.]; K-c-LINICEEKO, A-.V. ffi:f-nydhenk., H.V.] Role of the influenza virus in the development of diseases of the nervous sYstem. FiZiol. Zhur. [Ukr.] 7 no.6-.732-744 N-D 161, (MIRA 15:3) 1. Otdol nevrologii i neyrofiziologii Instituta fiziologii im. A.A. Dogomolltoa AN USSR, Kiyev. (INFLUENZA) (BRAIII-DISZASES) ~ALT-,-idlAh, M.N., 1~. ' . 'J,,1,1 1, j . -n,~d . , Okra I no 9, 11 ~3-7 (1~140) PASTERNAK, N Issledovanie kholodnoi i goriachei pravki talla i JAHS, Petr Petrovich; RYZHWV, A.A., doktor tekbnieleskich nauk, orofec~Lar, rel.senzent; tizop"AS -, N A kandidat tekhnicheakikh wak, -,r; mo.)SLI, B.I., tekhnichesk-ly redaktor; SM910. V.D., teI:Iintche-,:,v redaktor [Testing the quality of coatings) ?roverks ~mchestya otlivok. izi - 2-ae. goskva, G:os.nmuchn*-tekhn.tzd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 234 P - (MI.&U, 10: 1.1" " (Founding-quality control) PASTZRIUR, N.A., RAVICH, I-V. Accelerated diai;nosis and antibiotic treatment for diphtheria carriera. Antibiotiki 3 no.4:106 JI-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:10) 1, Xafedra mikrobiologit (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AND SSSR Prof. Z.V. Termollyeva) TSentral'nogo instituta usavershenstvovianiya vracheye' (DIPH7MIA) (ANTrBICTICS) ACC NR: 'T(C-146 58 r")URCE, CODE,: UR/029-1/65/1110/002/0" j I AL -1 V- Gnlo-lova, V.; Va-iternaki-ij. A. p.-rt.-~rir-nt nf 111irrobiolopy, Grntr~tl In5t tut-n of -Adval v Pr -,V; J.9 C Ow Ka re d rt rtJkrot;7L,)iC'))..1i 'frtentrallnogo instituta 'T "i Fffect of bicterial polyfiaccharidt,s oji thp f-rowth of tun U) e pe mer, _qr c- i n x r Antibiot iki If), 110- , 065, 134-137 k, "I r;: " : , a rbriihy, I r, i Ip f. unior , tw r L, r i a , moulc , tj 1,,~ j, .. f f p C t. 11 c ro sc ope Invnstigntlon3 entablisherl thnt the dovelopmcnL ot neoi,laini'l is accompailied by tho supprension of the py-ntective powrrn o' Lhe organism, the retirulnonlothelial lyitern In pirticular. This Irdicaten thal. 7p, cif ic L"herapy or the tirmori, ihoull be accompanterl by attempts to stilniLlit.- '.Ir. dofenic ny5iem or the organl3lrl. With this crid in view e~rperlmenL'3 were- con(luctrd to d-tennine the effect of prodigio3in, a polynaccharldo prr!para- tion obt.ained Cron V~Acteriwn 1)X~djZ pum -- a nonpathoeenIc microorganism, on EhrlIch's and sarcona 180 tumors. Mice were used in the experlinent6. ine intraperitoneal method of administration was round to be the mose or c- tive, and was therefore applied throughout the experiment. 7be d rug was administered to the animals in doses of 10 and 50 microgram at various periodei; two.hours prior-to, and 24P 40, and 72 hours aftei theUplantation Cord -V.! UDC: 615.779.925=Q22.18: 616-W6-018 L 114133--':6 ACC NR, ,-:,6014658 of the ';umor. 7he exrorimente established that prodigicain was most effec- tive whan administered 24 hours after the implantation of the tumort does& of 10 micrograms inhibited the growth of sarcoma 180 by 49 percent, while doses or 50 micrograms inhibited the growth of the tumor by 42 percent; Its errect on Ehrlich's tumor was more pronounced. Larger doses did not increase the ecricacy or the preparation. Electron microscopic and cytechemical investigations established that prodigiosin does not directly affect the tumor cells. It 13 thou@ht, therefore, that its Inhibiting effect on tumor growth is due mainly to the stimulating action of the drup, on the protective powerv of the organisms including those of the reticuloandothelial system. It 1e the authors' opinion that the preparation will eventually be olini- cally &pplied, particularl)l since its LD5() s:Xceeds the therspeutle dome by about 50 times. 0iig. art# bass 2 tables# '[JM) SUB CCMEt 06 SUBM DAM 270ot64 / ORIG REFs 004 .112 YERMCLI YEV A, Z. V - ;_ ~ ' ~3TEi~NAE , N. ,,, Troating (~r,roril- ~!' :~Pl r"- . . - -. I 1, , vitamin C. Tril,!Y T 31 " I ~ i - I : ~~, , I - YEWICLIYEVA, Z.V.~ VAYSBERG, Me.; BRAUD%, A.I..- RAVICH, I.V.,, GOLOSOVA, T.V.; PASTSFN~I, N.A. yXfe-:t. of polYL4w-cheir~jdeEi on the gro4t~ of experimentAl tumors, Antibiotik! A no.23134-137 F 165o (MIRA ~8, 0 " 5) 1. Kafeira mikrcbiolcFj.l TSenll-ral.-nogo instituta usovershenstvc- venlya vrachey, Moskva. C~ v SO: .:Orlt,., c - ~Lp r, s ~!7 '701 No 4, July 1'953 1. ?A])V~'1111111!~p N. A. 2. USSR WM 4. Technology 7. Research on cold and hot working of metal. 'loskva, Mashgiz, 191,3. 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953. Unclassified. PASTEEN" I, N.A. (Study of metal ga"Ug and trusing] Iseledoyants kholodnoi i gorift-chel pra'rki metalls. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. isd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1953. 98 p. (MLELA 6:10) (Steel) KLYACBXIII, Yakov Wvovich. kand.tekhn.nauk; PasMUIAK, V_,A~.kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; GRUS:BVSKAYA, G.M., red.i'ZT-`va-,1'VkIND, V.D. , [Electric are welding of aluminum] Blektrodugovala svarka allumi- niin. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-rv, 1959. 194 P. (MIRA 12:11) (.Aluminum--Welding) (Electric welding-Equipmont and suppllas) PASTIRWAK,, A. I SIM, A. Symposium of the Radiochemical Department of the Institute of Nuclear Revearob. P. 323. .WMIONIKA. (Polska Akadents Nauk. Ilositet do Spravilokojowege Wykorzystania Energii Jadrovej) Warszava., Poland. Vol. 49 no. 3v 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2p Feb. 1960 ~Dcl, I PRozOROV, Losomid Vasill7evich; UNKSOV, Ye.P., profensor, doktor takhniche- skikh aauk. retsenzent; KUIANDIN. Ya.I., inzhener, retsenzent; kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor; POPOVA. S.M. te4 redaV-tor cheskiy [The pressing of steel) Pressovanie stali. Moskva, Gos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinoBtrolt. lit-ry. 1956. 263 p. OILRA 9:9) (Steel-Cold working) IMETSKIY. I.A. (deceased]; FROLOV, V.V.. kandidat tekhnichookikh aauk, redaktor; PASTA-MAK, VA., redaktor izdatelletya; SENRLIKIBA, S.I., tekhaicheft-IYVSMWto'r';"ftKHONOV, A.Ya.. tekbnIchookiy redaktor (Modification of metals during welding] Ismenenis metallov pri ovarke. Pod red. V.V.Yrolova. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinos"rolt. lit-ry, 1956. 116 p. (NLRA 9:7) (;elding) AXSENOV, P.N., doktor tokhaichookly nauk, redaktor; KRUOY, Y.I., inthener, redaktor; PASTERNAK. N.A.. Inzheuer, redaktor; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhni- chookiy re=17'"o~r;~A, To.B., tekhnichookly roUktor [Froblems of founding and the heat treatment of iron] Voprosy leteino- go proizvodetva i termicheskoi obrabotki chuguna. Fod red. JP.N. Aksenova. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry, 1956. 164 p. (MIRA 9:7) 1. Moscow. Moskovskly avtomakhanicheskiy institut (Iron founding) (Iron--Heat treatment) HIKO14YEV, G.A.; DUCHIRSKIY, B.N., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. retsenzent; PASTMMK N.A., inzhener, redaktor; MODEL'. B.I., tekhnicheskiy redalmor- LW91ded structures] Svaruye konstruktaii. Izd. 2-oo. Hooky&. Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1955. 344 p. (KLRA 9-8) (Welding) p4 Z-- All ASS)YOV, Alakeandr/Dentsovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; KALININ,A.T., karid.tekchn. nauk, reteentent; PASTIRUK,.,II.A., 1cand.tekhn.nauk, red.; ywauilul 16.1.0 .iIIJUND, V.D., (Technology of the heat treatment of automobile parts] Tekhnologiis tormicheakol obrabotki detalel evtomobille. Moskva. Dos. nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 263 p, (MIRA 11:4) (Metals-Heat treatment) (Automobile industry) PAS!,,'ERNLK,, N.A.; BLYUMMAL1, K.V. Significance of new methods of bacteriological study ir the diagnosi-B of diphtheria. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i inm- m. 32 no.4:28-33 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo instituta, usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (DIPHTHERIA) 128-58-4-10,/18 AUTHORS: Pasternak, V,B., Shurupov, V.I., Fedchenl:o, A.M., Koserko N.A., EngiR-eers TlTl,Et Using Molds of Aluminum "AL-9" for Cast Iron-Castings (Litlye chuguna v formy iz splava AL-9) PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvod8tvol 1958, No. 4, p 24 (USSIO ABSTRACT: The aluminum alloy AL-9 (11GOST 2685-55" standard) was tested and proved a suitable material for molds. The authors share experience in casting cast iron into such molds. 'rho n1loy wa3 melted in a coreless induction furnace under a flux con- sisting of 55~ KC1 and 4% NaCl, and modified by a mixture of 25~o NaF, 12-5~D KCI and 62.5% NaCl. It was cast, at 6")C)- 7100C, into a negative mold pre-heated to 200-2200C and Kent for 15-20 sec in the mold, then air-cooled. The work surfaces of the aluminum molds (mold halves) were anodized. The ar- ticle contains detailed information on the casting process (the composition of the refractory mold lininE;, the tr,-mrera- turos of mold pre-heating, and of cuat Iron at pourinC, ote.), The ca3tings were chilled throu6h. The molds did riot -aclt, corrode, or crack. 'There are 4 references, ' of which are Soviet and 1 En6linn. AVAILABLE: Library of t;ongress Card 1/1 1. Molds-Aluminum-Test methods 2. Molds-Aluminum-Test results XEYLCIV, Vasilly Ivanovich; YUDIH. Bergey Timofeyevich; OXHOMISHKO, N.V., Inzhener, reteenzent; FABTXRNAK. A.A. . lzdatellskiy redaktor; TIKHOXOT, A.Ta., tekhn-Ia-es-UY--r-*-fi-f-t6r (Foundry equipment) Obomdovante liteinykh teekhov. Koskya, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo naxhinostrolt. lit-ry, 1956. 389 P. (Youndry machinery and supplies) (KLEA 9:10) FASUMMv N.D. Case of an eosinophi-le reaction with a protracted course. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi /. no. 1003-54 0 159. (MIM 13: 8) (BOSINOPHILES) USSII/Zooparasitolo-,Y. Parasitic Worms. General Problems. G Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur. - Biol., No 23, 1958, 104031 Author Pasternak, 11. D. Inst Title t Case of True Dicrocoelt3sis In a Person. Orig Pub: Med. parazitol. I parazitarn. bolezni, 1958, 27, No 2, 217 Abstract: No abstract Card 1/1 21 FASTMEAK, N.D. Using human blood emplement for the Vessermnn reaction. Lab.delo 2 no.2:29 Mr-Ap 156. (MLRA 9:10) (SYPHILIS) (BLOOD) 1. PASTL21", - Cytological diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitia. Probl. tub. 38 no. 5:104-106 160. (MIRA 14:1) (L)WHATICS-TUI)ERCULOSIS) PASTIRUK. k.F. On the central part of the binomial frequency curve. Trudy GIITT 10:199-207 151. (MIRA 10:1) (Mathematical statistics) 17 ~_ftt dy=dca of-At &tributimi of redfoActive phosphorub &Ad of lodlas under condilims of 411[ferentfucittional Otates tA the n tin. N. 1. Pw~t maic. Sbmsik Nauch rr"do =_ 14T.I. MC3774-fr ' ~ Zkwr Xhim.-Mcf. Kk-- m. 1057, No. M. ."Tim &tribla, tion *j, r2dioactive p M'd I Vras atudi-cl In tuts In ti~wmxf Oatts and In flit SW16 0 pt~-Xlfaal naremb. In the nomal 7 -state the- Feater conclh. %A P was fmnd in the hrain, Natco- tid'sleep uRpeded the prepcem of P accumulation In all the studied (liver, tplftn, Tkidneys, heart, IUD", mmeleii, braln). Ile tteatc5t accumulation pt radioactive I was 'f d l h i t h athe t and. It was o~m >qy igher in the rats under d S th di t O diti th I d aW l ti -tiarep na e nor n ons an n me ze c m s, sawfl, Vras true of the amumulation of the radimactive I ain; the accutimLatim ol th ra-dioactive I in liver, ~.k the bn kidnels, spl"-n, and lungs of the nartotiatd ruts wA3 greater V L B_Q, T-pying, than in the rats n tht carmal state. )9 Nn . T- " C.1 ITIC) tox ka T ! IC Sam PASM~M!,_!,I, (Andi2hanskaya oblastf); BRYSINp V.G. (Andizhanskaya oblast') Pollan &Uergy in animala* Vaterirmriia 42 no,7:68-69 JI 165. (MIRA 18t9) PA3TEIUJAK, N. I. Doe ;und Mled Dci -- (diss) " Ooncerning the pathogenesis of trichade3ma toxicosis (Experimental tei;-f~ on dogs)." Samarkand, 19W. 11 pp 22 cm. (Samarkand --iedicll Inst im. kcademician I.P. Pavlov), 200 copies (KL, 21-57, 106) -11~- 44. PAW ik Sv))-crhdr-d. Aft-d. 1hrm-IT rJg7&r -1. KP 'Pr 1,155); Reremj. Zb Kk im. Bit - . 1957'. lion =58. . take nud Smice wlth &r1 implaMed surcazm V~l AM -NI In the C'% iS Both lypm rtclth,w subcutan6out , V i-ijvxtwrl~ of pil'-- the Iduslua of dat p L-0 Into the Al. MC3 tisw's of flic liVer, 6pltea~, kiltitys, fi=rt, sLeittal znusi:10, nil into thp gray wid wh4c tauttex of the bmin as wall ge -In 'WO the tilmuc of IN,, knP4.-AM TarcM.% vvus (61jawO he O!Pfl, C27~:lom2i&us anitrmls.tbt mte pf P Inciunion vith 1L. ex, ~j the 41~.Vt 01 Ow carcinotrig, vm l d A lii l a f f ~ i m ilk t smle~ ltil o mte n on o f l. Indul p Tl In tlrrt cm" c Ownwatmy Iml, thz rme rd 11 ;nch-,skm %,a& of ck diff creut charzcter: it was of o. mcst i.,""'w"ity the ccntu W tbe inittilamucy Inomm c :antf grUdu:t1!3, r-cedcd towards the outtr 1~undurim of the W-7 ~-, 777 I j - /- , I I / I F I f- /-~ -'-) I- ,'*I I L, r-,7 i) / V 1~ - MISHCEMO. 1.P.; PASTKMK. B.I.; IlRANOVA. R.N. 41", -.:--,~ ~, L- - ~Lr. Using wheat contsmitated by the wood Trichodesm Incanum. Gig. I san. 21 no.11:81-82 N 156. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Is kefedry patologichookoy fiziologii Samorkandskogo maditainakogo institutL. (VMUT--DISIKABIS AND PBSTS) (BORAOR) - - - . . I, -ij. I - . t Technology Ribbed reinforced concrete ceilings and floorings. Moskva, "'ashstroiyzdat, 1950. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. Unclassified. .................. I , 1 1, . L . Technology Complex constructLons; stone construettons, reinforced concrete, Mosknia, Stroivoerimorizdat. 1948. Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952. LR4CLASSIFTED. Ai., 1 . L. 1'. 1'. 'C, - 1,~-: s. jL ;,(,. :ftructdr, f~, .11c:A 1"'I forro- :r: te'". ~-:. t.:x :,: . 1"..-tv C, ~ .. lo.-,uo ." - ". , . t- - . 36: U-- 2 1, Al,rii -;~- , is 'Z~Alnl;.l 'ayl.,11 :10. -, - -- , . WAMM ktor tekbnicheskikh nauk, professor. Som comments on the numerical nethod used In designing platfis for bendinE, in particular trapozold platen and supported along the odgnm. Isel. po toor. soorumb. no.4:67-78 149. (WILRA 10:8) (Elastic plates and ah*lls) (Flexure) MT)ITM doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor: J~etr leontlyevich, TREPUMOV''R.r.' 'd6t'sent, kandidat tek-hnicheskikh nauk, nauch- nyy redaktor; BMICHMKIY, G.I., kandidat tekbnicheek-fl~h redektor; TOK3R. A.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Principles of the new method of calculations for foundations on elastic soils with two bedding coefficients] Osnovy novogo metoda rascheta fundamentov na uprugom osnovanii pri pomoshchi dvukh koeffitsientov postelt. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroltelletva i arkhitekture, 1954. 55 P. (MA 5:1) (Youndat tons ) PAMIRNAZO P*L., professor, doktor takhnicheakikh n-quk; AVAZOV, A.I., "-ISNdTW' takhnicheskikh nauk; BKOICHIMSKIT, G.I., kandidat tekhnicheskik'n na" ; MD2)LTLOV. K.Y.. kwadidat tokbmtcheskikh nAuk; X&DYMY, L.Ta,, tokhnicheekly redaktor; 'THIN, D.M.. inzhensr, redaktor (Prefabricated roofs made of Prestressed composite girders and panels for industrial buildings] Sbomys pokrytila promyshlennykh zdanii is predvaritellno tapriazhennykh balok I panslol komplekenoi konstruktoil, Moskva, Goo, izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstvu i arkhi- takture. 1954. 63 P- (XI&A 7:8) (Roofs) (Concrete, Prestressed) PASMUM.P.L., doktor takhnichookikh nauk. professor, rudovoditell; MIKHkYWY.K.Y., kandidat tekhnicbeekikh nauk; EMICMSKIT.O.I.. kand1dat tekhulcheskM nauk. Panels of complex design for heated besaless floors of industrial buildings developed by the Scientific Research Institute of Con- struction. Rate. i Isobr. predl. v strol. no.81:13-17 '54. (Floors. Concrete) (MMA 8-6) PASUMNAK,P.L., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, rukovoditelf. 1. , kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; AVAKOV.A. 1. , kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk-, MIKHAYL(N,K.V., kan(lidat tekhni- cheskikh usuk Prestressed reinforced concrete beams developed by the Scientific Research Institute Of Construction. Rats. i isobr. predl. v stroi. no.81:23-25 '54. (MIRA 8:6) (Girders) (Concrete, Prestressed) RUILASIMe V.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MIRONOV, S.A., prof.. doktor tekhn.nouk; Ala'MSANMOVSKIT, S.V.. knnd.tekhn.nouk; TALI, K.3., kand.t,ekJm.nauk; DWITUM. S.A.,; WMIE, N.M., kand.taklin.nauk; SIGALOV. E.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; 113HUROVSKIT, Ya.M.. kand.tekhn.nauk; TABENKIN, N.L., inzh. [deceased); KALA- TUROV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; BRAU12. Z.I., inzh.; KRYLOV, S.M.. kand.tekhn.nauk; POKIN. K.F., doktor tekhn.nauk; GUSXV, N.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; YAKOVLEV. A.I.. inzh.; KORENEV, B.G., prof.. doktor tekhn.njguk: DMSHKEVICH, Yu.V.. inzh.: MOSKVIN. V.M.; LURITZ, L.L., lnzh.; HAKARICHEV, Y.V., )aind.tekhn.nauk; &MVCHENKO. V.A., inzh.; VASILIYAV, B.F., inzh.; KOSTYUKOValY, M.G., L-ind.tekhn.nauk; MAGARIK. I.L., inzh.; IL'YASHHVSKIY, Ya.A., inzh.; LARIKOV, A.F.. inzh.; STULOV, T.T.. inzh.; TRUSOV, L.P.. lnzh.; LYUIZOVSKIY, I.G.. kand.tekhn.nauk; POPOV, A.N., kand.tekhn. nauk; VINOGRADOV, N.M.. insh.: USHAKOV, N.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk-, SVMUIOV. P.M.. inzh.; TER-OVANESOV. G.S., inzh.; GLADKOV, B.N.. kand.tekhn.nouk; KOSTOCHKINA, G.V., arkh.; KUREK, N.M.; OSrROVSKIY, H.V., kand.tRkhn.nauk; PMMIGHT.WN, Z.H., inph.T BUKWULM4, D.I., inzh.; (Continued on next card) MMIASHKV. V.A.--(continued) Onrd 2. MIUUYIW, V.G., kBnd.tekhn.nauk; SIGALOV, S.Te., kand.tekhn.rauk: GVOZIW, A.A.. prof., retsenzent; MURAYLOT, T.T.. prof., retsen- sent; PASTERNAX.-PILI, prof., retsenzent; SMIN, K.Ao, inzh., rateeni-en ; TIMIN. L.Ye.. Insh., nnuchW red.; KOTIK. B.A.. red. izd-va; GORYAGMA, T.V., red.izd-va; KM)VMEV, L.Ye.. (Handbook for deaigners) Sprevochnik proektirovshchika. Pod ob- shchei red. V.I.MuraBheva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. I stroit.materialam. Vol.5o [Precast reinforced concrete construction elemental Sbornye zhelezobetonnye konstruktail. 1959. 603 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR. Hauchno-issledo- vatel'skiy institut betons i zholezobetona. Perovo. 2. Daystvitel'- nyy chlen Akademii stroitallstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Murashev. Gvozdev. MikAa.Vlov,V.V.,, Past9rnBk.'bhubin)- 3. Chlen-korresp. Aka- demil stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Mironov, Gusev, Hookvin. Kursk). (Precast concrete construction). SOV/1 24-57-5- 5980 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mckhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 1 39 (USSR) AUTHOR: Pasternak, P. L. TITLE: The Fundamentals of a New Method for Analyzing Rigid and Elastic Foundations Resting on an Elastic Base (Osno%,y novogo metoda rascheta zhestkikh i gibkikh fundamentov na uprugom osnovanii) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Mosk. inzli.-stroit. in t, 1956, Nr 14, pp 116-144 ABSTRACT: The author presents a new method for analyzing beams and plates resting on an elastic base, a method whereby the elastic properties of the underlying ground are determined from two of its character- istics: 1) its compression coeff.cient Cl 'expressed in kg/crn3) which relates the intensity of the ground's uplift pressure rT to the amount of settling exhibited by the oround,v; and 2) its shear coefficient CZ (kg//cm), which relates the vertical shear force t to the derivative in the longitudinal direction x of the ground settling. The relationships assumed are! a = CIV, t - CZ av Card l,'6 i)x SOVA 24- 57- 5 - ~980 The Fundamentals of a New Method for Analyzing Rigid and Elastic (cont.) On these premises, it being assumed also that an elementary column in the base is in a state of equilibrium, the differential equation for the horizontal area of the ground depression due to settlement can be reduced to the form: V2 V(~' I) - V(~' q) = - P/C I wherein p is the pressure exerted by the base on the ground and x/s, TI= Y/S' s = %[ C /C When the upper surface of the base is acted upon by a concentrated force N, equa- tion can be rewritten in the form d 2v I dv 0 (3) ~F ~ TT~ having the solution v N K (0 = T;~ -G? 0 (4) Card 6 SOV/1 24-5-1- 5- 5980 The Fundamentals of a New Method for Analyzing Rigid and Elastic (cont.) (KO here being the second-order solution of a Bessel equation of an imaginary argu- ment) In the solution to the problem of a circular, symmetrically loaded penetra- tion die of radius r the external force N acting upon the die is counterbalanced by a combination of two types of reactive force, i.e. , N -- Nfa,e + Nperiphery, Nface being the total reactive force (consisting of a plurality of uniformly distributed pres- sures) acting over the entire undersurface or facial area of the die, and Nperiphery the total reactive force (consisting of a pluraht~ of uniformly distributed forces) acting over the entire peripheral -surface area of the die. The intensity of the reac- tive force Nperiphery equals the volume of the depression made by the die multi- plied by the compression coefficient of the depressed Cl. This being the case the reactive force N is related to the volurnetr,~c penetration of the die thrOLigh the equality: N = Tr v s C ~O r /s) 5) 0 Ko An artalogous expression is given for the angle of rotation a, exhibited by the die as a result of its being acted upon by the ri-icityient M. The atithor proposes using formilas relating v0 to N and a0 to M. in order to arrive experimentally at values Card 1/6 SOV/1 24- 57-5- 5980 The Fundamentals of a New Method for Analyzing Rigid and Elastic (Cont..) for the compression coefficient C, and the shear coefficient C2. For the case of a rigid rectangular die the problem is solved numerically by a grid method. An equa- tion for the bending behavior of a rectangular plate having a cylindrical stiffness D and b.!ing acted upon by an external distributed load q is obtained by substituting in the ordinary differential equation for the bending behavior the reactive -pressure value from expression (2): s1 IV 4w - s 2V 2W + W = Si kw=Dv, s =s' s = 4 (6) 4 2 4 2 1 It is proposed that this equation be solved with the aid either of double trigonomet- ric series, of single hyperbolic --trigonometric series, or by a grid method. In calculating a strip footing of width 2b the author assumes that the strip undergoes no transverse deformations and that the reactive pressures acting upon it are, therefore, uniform. The equation given for the ground depression made by the strip is vy = v K0( Tj) (TI = Y/521 no= b/sz) (7) X K 0(TO Card -1/6 SOVA 24-57-5-5980 The Fundamentals of a New Method for Analyzing Rigid and Elastic (cont.) V, being the volumetric penetration of the strip -ntL) the ground as measured hori- zontally along the x axis, said axis coinciding Nx,,,.h the longitudinal axis of the under- surface of the strip. The intensity T of the edge reactions due to the distributed force,s is T = Cl vX f00 KO(r,) d?l no K 0 T-1 _OT (8) When the reactive- pressure values determined with equations (Z) and (8) are sub- stituted into the differential equation for the bending behav'or of a strip having a stiffness EI and being acted upon by an external distributed q, said differential equation is then reducible to the form: s1 IV 2 s 1 ---T- W S 2 W , + \A.,4 w=EI v, s14 El 2 C 2 -4 Tb _Cl p z P__C_l P + __!_ - KO(Tj) d'n S Zb f K (TI Tb 11, 0 0 Card 5/6 SOV/1 24- 57- 5 - 5980 The undamentals of a New Method for Analyzing Rigid and Elastic (crint.) In their final form the author's equations for an elastic base agree well with those of V. Z. Vlasov (RZhMekh, Nr 5, 1957, abstract 5979) and with those of M. M. Filoneriko-Borodich (Uch. zap. MGU, 1940, Nr 46), even though the respective rnechEtnical analogs of the elastic base used by the three authors differed radically. In the present paper the author neglects to explain how the ground is able to absorb the running linear force load transmitted to it by the edges of the foundation, since, as th4E- author states, the degree of concentration thereof exceeds that degree of dis tributed- pressure concentration beneath the foundation edges stipulated as the maximum allowable in the solution obtained according to elasticity theory. The text of this paper, with a supplement on foundation analysis in accordance with the stipulations of the two-dimensional problem, has been published previously in booklet form I see Pasternak, P. L. Osnovy novogo metoda rascheta fundamentov na uprugorn osnovanii pri pomoshchi dvukh koeffitsiyentov posteli (Fundamentals of a New Method for Analyzing Foundations RcsLing on in Elastic Base With the Aid of Two Bearing Values). Moscow, Gos. izd-vo lit. po str-vu i arkhitekture, 19541. M. 1. Gorbunov-Posadov Card 6 /6 ....JA0'MVQ6-tI&p&ft,Ap~tor tekhn. nauk. Prof. S~peechss of conference members. Sbor. trud. MISI no.14:221-23? 156. (Soil mechanics) (KLRA 10-9) I I /--// 'i ./ (- "k /V --/' /~ , /' - -, PASTMAK. P.L., prof. doktor takhn.nauk ........ . ..... P.~ ..... SclentiFii~rssearch conducted at structural engineering schools In the field of industrial precast reinforced concrete structural components. Sbor. trud. MISI no.11:4-lo '57. (MIRA 11:3) (precast concrete) MENSHEVp Vasilly Ivanovichp dok-tor teklin. nmkp prof. [deceased]; SIGAWV, Emanuil Yevseyevich, kand. tekhn. nwk, dots.; BAYNOV, Vitally Ilikolayevich, kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.friubwa uebaetiyp )mnd, tekhn, uamk; PASTEZUKITI.L. doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; THBT~IMIKCA', R.I.,, kand. tekhn. naukp dots.p naucluiyy red.; BEGAK, L.A.,, red. izd-va; I-IOCHALINA,, Z.S.,, (Reirforced concrete elementalUelezobetoMe konstruktsii; obshchii kurs. Pod red. P.L.Pasternaka. Moskva# GoantroiWatp 1962. 658 p. (MIRA 15%10) (Precast concrete) PA;.',TER.N.AX P*L., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SIGALOV, E. Ye., dotsent, kand. I .. 7- . teichn.nauk Designing co=,,on crack-resistant concrete and prestressed reinforced- concrete sections. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.5:207-213 MY 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademil stroitelfetva i arkhitektury SSSR kfor Pasternak). (Concrete--Testing) rANTERNAK. P.L. Double-curvature shells in residential and publio-building conetraction. Izv. ASia no. 3:39-63 160. OfIft 13:12) I. Daystvitel'nyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Roofs, Shell) PALATNIKOV, Yevgeniy Andreyevich;.FA3ZFWAKj.,P.L.v doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; SHTAYEMW, I.Ya., doktor naukt prof., reteen- zent; MAIMS, S.L., inzh., red.; SHEWAIN, L.1.1, izd. red.; ROZM, V.P., tekbn. red. [Designing reinforced-concrete slabs for airport pavements) Raschet zhelezobetonnykh plit pokrytii aeroportav. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekbn. izd-vo Oborongiz, Moskva, 1961. 94 po WRA 14:6) 1. Deystvitellryy chlen Akademli stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Pasternak). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AV USSR (for Shtayerman) (Concrete slabs) (Airports-&=aye) 14OWrKOV, P~ I.; KAPLUNOVSKIY, P.S.; GAVRUSEVICH, A,V, ~, MOLDTKOVA, I, I . I MTERNAYI, P S., CHUDAUTY, M. ~. POMAI;OVSM, A,A., otv. za .vypusk; FAV ) VI, red.,~ LU~IlKrv, m,., tekhn. red. [Mountain forest types) Tipy gornykh lesov. Uzhgorod, Zakarpat- Bkoe obl. kni zhno- -gaze tnoe izd-vo, 19,61. '79 p. OlUILA 15:7) (Transcarpa thia- -Tore o ts and forestry) PASTERNAK9 P.S.; SKIBAp V.V. Content and compostion of tnms in brown forest solls in the Carpathians. Pochvovedenie no.12:74--!79 D 162. (KIRA 16:2) 1. larpatakaya lesnays. opytnaya otantsiya, (Carpathian Houaftirm-Forest eolls) (Carpathian Mountains-Humus) PAS",ERNAK, P.S. "The Siberian Acacia and Its ElLfect on the Fertility Gf Fore--*~ Cand -.-iol Sci, Dneprooetrovsk State U, Kiev, 1953. (RZhiriol, 11o 71 Dec 54, Survey of Scientific and Technical Disoertations Defended at U35E iighei- Educational Institutions (12) SC: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 FASTWMa. F.S.; MEASNYAL F.S., dilenyl chlen Akadextyl nuak URSR. Iffeat of the 81berUm pea shrub on the unstable forns of nitrogen In forest soils. Dop.AN UP= no.4:259-263 153. (Mak 6:8) 1. Instytat list"stva. AkmAemiyl nauk URM 2. Akademlya, nuuk URSR (for Pogreboyak). (Guragwm) VoROBOYEVA, N.N.; ]PASTARK&K, R.A. Remo phagocytic indexes in the saliva of patients with different forms of gingivitis. Stamotologiia 35 no.2:59-60 Mr-Ap 156. (MI-RA 9:8) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii Kiyevekogo meditsinskogo stomatologicho- skogo institute, (GUMS--DISFASRS) (SALIVA) (MONINS AND OPSORIC INDEX) VOROBOYEVA. N.W.; PASTERNAK. R.A. Hemo phagocytic indexes in the saliva of patients vith different forms of gingivitis. Stamotologiia 35 no.2:59-60 Mr-Ap 156. (ML11A 9:8) 12 kafedry mikrobiologil Kiyevskogo maditsinakogo stomatologiche- skogo instituta (GUMS-DISRASIS) (SALIVA) (OPSONINS AND OPSONIC INDEX) IYWLSKAU, E.W., (Klyev); PASTMOUX, B.A., assistant (Elyev) Influence of antibiotics on the microflora of pathological gingiTal Vacbes In paradentosis. Probl,stom. 4001-304 058. (MMA 13:6) (GUNS--DISUM) (ARTIBIOTICS) VOROBIYEVA, N.N.; PAST-ZRNLK. R.A. Homo phagocytic indexes in the saliva of patients with different forms of gingivitis. Stamotologiia 35 no.2:59-60 Mr-Ap 156. (MIRA 9:8) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo stomatologichs- skogo institute, (GUMS--DISEASBS) (SALIVA) (OPSONINS AND OPSONIC INDBI) PASTi-RNAK. R. K. Cand biol Sci -- (diss) "Certain problems of the ecolocy of I "150na - " Mos , 1958. 18 pp (Mos Order of Lenin Prid thevie navalis L Llsl~i Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ im M. 11. Lomonosov), 100 ooples M, 14-58, 112) a-40- 46-4 -1-4/23 AUViORB: Vovk, A. Ye, Pasternak, R. N., Tyutek-in, V. V. TIT.LE: Experimental Investigation of Wave Motion in a Medium with Cylindrical Channels. (Eks-perimental'noye issledovaniye volnovykh svoystv sredy s tsilindri-- cheskimi kanalami.) FERIMIGAL: Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol.IV, Nr.1, pp-24-32. (USSR) ABSTRACT: An approximate calculation of acoustic properties of a medium with cylindrical channels (cavities) was carried out by G.D. Malyuzhintsev. V.V. Tyutekin (Ref.1) dealt with the problem of propagation of elastic waves in such a medium. For the special case of a rubberlike material an expression was obtained for the complex wave-number corresponding to waves propagated parallel to the channel axes when the cliannel radius was small compared with the shear wavelength (the "static" case). A dyna,mical correction, similar to the Rayleigh correction, for the case of propagation of axially symmetric elastic waves in a solid rod was found. In the present paper the authors show how to calculate the complex Card 1/4 wave-number from the measured value of the couplex 11 G- 4 - I - L, 1,23 ri,xporimental Investigation of Wave Motion in a Medium with Cylindrical Channels. impedance of a medium .,ith cylindrical channels. This calculation io follovied by the description o1' an exporimental verification of -the theory FSiveii iii Ref.1 and an analysis of experimental determinatior of acoustic properties of the medium in the case when the channel radius is comparable vdth the shear wavelength, since the latter case could not be dealt with theoretically because of its complexity. The experimental studies were carried out using the "pulse" tube apparatus (Ref.5,6). Rubber cylinders with cylindrical cavities parallel to their axes were used as samples in this study. in order to satisfy the theoretical conditions given in Ref.1 the number of channels had to be equal to ?, 19, 3? etc. (see Fig.1). A further theoretical condition of i-adial fixing of the external surfaces of samples was complied with by complete immersion in the pulse tube and attachment to the latter by means of a wire. Figs. 3 and 4 show experimental- values (crosses, dots and triangles) of quantities Card 2/4 P and Q which occur in the expression for the complex 46--4-1-4/'r`3 Experimental Investigation of Wave Motion in a ModiwA with Cylindrical Channels. impedance of the sample 'Z (Eq-3'). Theoretical values of P and Q ealculat9d from the elastic constants of rubber, are given as continuous curves in Figs.3 and 4. The agreement between experiment and theory is considered to be satisfactory. Fig.6 shows non- dimensional compressibility of a channel in the rubber sample for various values of the quantity E:. This quantity is given by c = a/b, where a = channel radius and b = radius of a tube equivalent in size to the hexagonal prism surrounding the channel as shown in Fig.l. Fig.? shows the results of measurement of the complex shear modulus of rubber with cylindrical channels. This figure shows also (crosses) the results from Ref.8 which were obtained using a long acoustic line . Good agreement between the results obtained by the present authors and those of Ref.8 can be seen in Fig.?. There are 7 figures, 1 table and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 2 American Card 3/4 and 1 German. Experimental Investigation Cylindrical Channels. ASS-O',;IATION: Acoustics USSRO Moscow Moskva) 46--4-1-4/2~ of Wave Motion in a Medium with Institute, Academy of Sciences of the (Akusticheskiy institut.AN SSSR, SUBMITTED: February 20, 195?. 1. Cylindrical obelle-Acoustic pr*pvrt1eo-Th9oz7 Card 4/4 ll)ivl y,iyf,,Ilyr'' V.I.] PASTERNAK, L.J.; GAVRYLISIRIN, V-1- Y. o ali. M,i,ldlp, Alb-'ar. "f no.-:1)5--958 164. kf,~,,11-1 91) ~--kh i9koT,,yemykh AN Ilk!- 'stite geologic I g~'o T -T- -1 - Preclst,avlenc, aka,ieml-kwi Al~ ('-~.Vyalrorfm- PA-SrERWAX. S.1. AncylocerRe bipunctattm Schiluter from Mestrichtian strata of the Volyn-Podoliftn Upland. Geol.abor.[Lyov] no.1:157-159 154. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Inatitut Geologil poleznykh lskopayerqkh Akndemii nauk USSR, Llvov. (Vol3rn-Podolian Upland-Cephalopoda, Fossil) PASTERNAK, S.I. -MwA"mw)IVMlAaa&mL* StepanVda Omelianivns Pashkevycb: obituary. Nauk.2ap.L'viv.un. 28:129-130 154. (,vJRA 9:10) (Pashkevych. Stepanyda Omellanivna, 1889-1953) PAS77ONA , S. I. Data on Pectinidas in Cretaceous formations of plateau. Nauk.stap.Pryrod.muz.Llviv.fil.AB URSR (Volyn-Podolian Upland--Lamellibranchiata, the Tolyn-Podolian 5:14-23 '56. (MIMA 10: 5 ) Fossil) PAST-E.RIIAK., S. 1. Stepamyda Omelianivna Pashkovych; obituary. Nauk.zap.L'viv.un. 28:129-130 154. (MLRA 9:10 (Pashkevych, Stepanyda Omelianivna, 1889-1953) kand. geol.-miner. nauk, otvo red.; ZDUN, V.I., doktor biol. nauk, red.; 1,ULMOVSKIY, K.A. (Malynovatkyi, X.A.], kand. biol. nauk, red:; CMUSHCHOKC), m I kand, geol. nauk, red.; TISHCHENKO, M N. Tyshchenko, M:N:i, red.; ANDRIYCHUK, M.D.[Andriicbukp M.D.~, red.; mmnmm, o.o.[matviichuk,, 0.0.1. tekhn. red. (Present and past fauna in the western provinces of the UkrairA] Suchasna ta mynula fauna zakhidrykh oblastei Ukrairrj. Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSR, 1963. 92 p. (MIRA 17.2) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR, Kiev. Naukovo-pryrodoznavchyi =V$. 1 PASTERNAKS1 S.I.; KOTSYUBINSKIY, S.P~ (Kotsiubynalkyip S*P*1 Cretaceous sediments of the Volyn-POdolian PlatOw End posoildlitiev of their exploitation in the building induatry. Anauke zape Nauke-pr-yoW. z=* AN URSR 9:31-34 161. -I . (11M 15:2) (Voln-Podol-tan Upland-Geology, Stratigraphic) (Wilding materials) PASTIMIaK, S.I. Systematics of Upper Cretaceous pectinids. Paleont.sbor. (Lvov] no.1:19-21 161. (MIM 15:9) 1. muzey AN UlcrSSR. L'vov. (Volyn'-Podolian Upland-Pectinidea, Fossil-Classification) VYAL.oV, C)..S , ; PASTENIA.K. S. 1. In memory of 9 3 Kokoshinska--'a, Palaont.sbor. (L-vov] no.1:257-158 161. (MIRA 15:9) (Kokoshinakaia, Brordslava Sigizmundovna, 1K'7-1959) FASEdIrriax, S.I. New data on the fauna of the Zhuravnoye sandstone [with summary inSuglish). Nauk. sap. Hauk.-prY"rod.vzuz.AN UM 6:107-113 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Zhuravnoye region-Paleontology, Strattgraphic) -PASTIOLAX.-B.I. Alblan-Cenomantan in the Volrul-Podolian plateau. Geol. sbor. LLvovJ no.4:128-142 '57. (MIR& 13:2) l.fiauchno-prirodovedcheekly musey AR USSR, I'vov. (Vol7ul-Podolian Upland--Geolog7, Stratigraphic) KOTSI'MINSKIY. Stepan Petrovich [Kotsiubynalkvi, S.Pj; PASTERHAK, S.I.. kand.geologo-mineral.nauk,; MIRK. G.Y-.- (Kell zijk, H.F.1, red.izd-va; YURCHISHIN, V.I., [Inoceramus in Cretaceous deposits of the Volyn-Podolian Upland] Inotserami kreldovykh vidkladiv Volyno-Podil'alkoi plyty. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSH, 1958. 49 p. (KIRA 1):l) (Volyn-Podolian Upland-Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) PASTLEM %WN..-Wqo* I Facies profile of Cret=eous deposits of the VOlYn-POdcliar, UPIAmd- Geol.zhur.16 no.4:68-71 '56. (KM 10:2) (Voly-m-Podolian UplwA--Goology, Stratigraphic) PAST19FOUX. S.1. - - Centennial of the IMOT Natural History *use= of t~* AWOMY of Sclences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Gool.sbor.Clwov] to.2/3:347- 348 156. KRA 10:3) 1. L'Yovskly mauchno-prirodovednheskiy musey AN SSSR. (Iwov--Natural history museums) . - . t . - . . . . I . :I ; - . I . II ~-.; 1. 1~ ~ I It ., - i , - Ll .1 1 p I - . r -.1 1 . I . i I : - , * I . . . . , I I I I I - . , - - I - . . . . .11 1~ . . 0 - - 9 . . I. . . ,-, : - :, . 'i( I - - I p I . , . I . . I .. - I I I PASURNAK. S. I. Stratigraphy of uppi, Cretaceous aidbmnta of the Lvov L*wland. Trudy VN1GITI no.29:91-95 vol.3 161. (,MIRA 14:9) (Lvov Lowland--Geology, Stratigraphic) T 'I " ~ ~ /. A' ~ f It,, j ~ -! /I VYAlA)V, O.S.; PASTMIAK, S.I. Saw discoveries of Imocerazue 1.-Lvo,vj no.2/3:203-209 '56. im Transcarpathism flynch. Geol.sbor. (MLRL 100) 1. L'yevskly gosunoversitet imeni Ivans, Franko (for Vyalov).2.Llvov- akiy nauchno-pripodevedcheskiy muzey AE USSR (for Pasternak). (Transcarpathia--Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) PASTI;PJZAK--S, I - Fauna of the Cretaceous sediments of Raklov District, Transcarpathia. Hauk zap. Nauk.--pzymd. muz. All URSR 9:12- 23 161. (141RA 15:2) (Ra.khcrv District-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) * 0 * ***G*oqqoqqooo***9 4 sea 04b 10 Ow 00. 0416., 0416 Joe.*** ,w w w w 0 9 00 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 *,w jz~ 96 O= 06 12, Y. The grurral Our If ~lrFhI"*lllIr 0 09 thli 00 00 00 IP I J? 00 009 0"52>040 0 1*0 00 1*0 00 *1 00 lob! 00 00 *0 00 me 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 o[o PASTIMIM, Severin lwmwAIsN LiMZWSKTYp F.R. [Ladyzhonfilkli, M.R.], dA-UrgeoT.-:i&m-ira1.aauk,; OVCHAROVA, Z.G. LOVcharova, Z.H.1, red.; BUNIYv R.O.9 [Cretaceous bioBtratigrapbV of the Volyni-Podolian plateau] Biostratygrafiia kraidovykb vidk]Adiv Volyno-Podillalkoi plyty. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSRq 1959. 98 p. (KIRA 14:6) (Volyn'-ftdolian Upland-Faleontologyp Stratigraphic) ,PASTEIUIAK,,,..S.I. Serpulidae in Cretaceous rocks of Tolrn-Podolian Upland arA thilr significance for stratiGraphy. Hauk.zap.L'vIv.nmik pryTod.rniz.All URSR 4:20-44 '55. (MIRA 9-9) (Volyn-Pedolian Upland-Sarpulidae, Fossil) PASTMUIAK, Savorin Ivanovich; LADIMMIMIY. H.R. (Ladyz lions I kyi, 14.R.], doktor geol.-mineral.nauk,; OVCHAROVA, Z.G.[Ovcharova, 2.H.J. red.; BUIJIT, R.O., [Biostratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits of the Volyn'-Podolian Upland) Biostratygrafiia kreldovykh vidkladiv Volyno-Podillalkoi plyty. Xyiv. Vyd-vo Amd.nauk URSR, 1959. 98 P. (MIR.A 13:4) (Volyn'-Podolian Upland--Paleontology. Stratigraphic) 9*000660000000*00001m *1 . b A 6 a 0 0 a-, a =,scomps"at4a opens Tw" Goa-, Goa Z. -.04 Go 092, 0*2 000 - 0 *2 Z Goa i a a a III tc a At$ JOR1944141 IfIf4wilv'sm fts,wif it; see 11, 0,00 1100 00 00 GO 00 00 400 1464i-5 4-1 4.0 41 r 00 .4 1 W-cw -T T--r-w-w- f-.v a 9 IF of c 11 0 .11