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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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I-ALLAFKA, UJDO'~A', VVLAV ISTI'iLIF, "norn. Zvf,.,:ti 5, 14.5-57 (1951) ALFOLDI, J.; PASTEKA, M. Styrene gra-fing of acetyl cellulose. Chen prtm 13 no.10:cJ54-556 0 163. 1. Ustav dreva, celulozy a chemickyah vlakion, Slimnsk akadomin vied, Bratislava. I L 33692-66 EWPW nm SOURCE CODEs C7z0-0Vff63/()Or01OJ1/O350/0S5 AUVOR.- , Alfoldi. Juraj-Alfeldi. Yue (EnSineerl Bratislava); -EMWM. 1haas- (Engineer; Bratislava)g Suchar, Gojza--&jkhar, Go (EnaiW~r-; Bratislava)! ORG.- CoUu.1oso Dopartment, Chezdcal Institute, Slovak Acadeju of Sciences, Bratielavi (Oddelord colluloBy Chamic6G -usUvu Slovenskaj akadoide vied) TITIZ: Spoctrophotonotric study of hydromyethy1celluloselcaddlized with sodium periodate SOURCE: Chem1ckD zvesti, no* n, 1965. 830-85) TOPIC TAGS: -pectrophotomtric analysis, IR spectzmm, cellulose, oxidation, absorption band ABSIMNCT: Dry air infrared spectra of hydroxyetlWleelluloso and cellulose after oxidation by sodium periodate were studiede Wdation products of hydroognothyl- cellulose show bands typical of C=O groups; these a" not found in oxidation products of cellulose. With an increasing water content in oxidized hydrwWothylcolhdose the intensity of the C=O absorption band decreasess Orige arte hasi 3 figures - Zrj M-7 SUB COD&': 06, 07 / SUEM DAM llFeb65 / SOV RM 003 / OTH RM 009 cord 1/1 IZAKOnCt V.; DPWISKA, J.; K. AW,opos of the use of corticoids in Ue differential diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice. Bratial. lak. listy 2 no.1342-46,164 1. Katedra vnutorneho lakarstva Slovenakeho ustavu pre doekblo- vanie lekarov v Trencine (veducds doe. MUDr. D.Dieska); Infekme oddelenie CUNZ v Trencine (veduca, MUDrq K.Getlikova) a Pedia- tricks, katedra Slovenakeho ustaw pre dookolovanie lekarov (veducis MUVr& AeGetlik). GETLIKOVA, K. , PIUDr. ; f,ASTEKOVA 0 K. , MUDr. Incidence of some infectious deseases ir, The co-~~Ts,~ ~f -'- Yet-!-B. Oesk. zdrav. 13 no.10:508-512 0 165. 1. Infekcne oddelenlie nemocnice Obvodril.hO LlStAV: nar(,(~rlh, zjr..,.v~ v Trencina. 000 00 90 a go c fee 908 0*8 Soil 004 wow. 80e. MIAL &"Paw "Alm sop - lid =. 0 =W05 0 0 Ole * *10 0 000 0 0000000000 0000000 0-0 we 0 Ole 0 $box armip**) 443 "*me a a 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 00 see =go roe coo roe go* see I too woo over-, SVC 0*R 00r OWN 00t 00, st 1111'Cif ALSO 0 #4 w -k-U;A- 00- r -#e o 04 p No te ca at 6 IS d g b W, #.n M~t.' P. -lq't~n , 00 D393 unit"" 00 gm ~qq",u si =m'4 00 o 10 XLL $10 Ue'v SO ard" qtg,4.v R-Nqa mp Ill Al!AP"C"O PV 0Aqd SaIVA j%qj MJjAlq1 -isn" 00 j qE .) alctilis APA 0 6"0 1. J~j to sucli SO 10 "t"'U Alt p&tqqW ti q3q* tax"* a, , ~Wsi~j ro Ce %A4A wilea-91 It pw p sea Ir 141wiffs all Ito 440 Ah- _9 0 00 00 04 0 f f Ill 41 DEICHP S.; PASTELIS, P.; KRYLOV, A.; SILIN, Yu.; MUCH, M. Comparative data on the absolute age of rocks in the ~rueen Maud bind (Antarctic). Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 3:554-557 164. (MIRA 17:5), 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii Arktiki i Bryusselt- i3kiy universitet, Bryussell, Bellgiya. Predstavleno akademikom 1).I.Shcherbakovym. PASTXR,A,, IU2hener; ARSON,R., Inzhener Imitnting gold. 1ron.koop. no.7:35-39 Jl'55- (nU 8:11) (Jewlery) PASM,, I.D.; STUERTMIT, A.M.; ROURVICH, B.S., red.; RMIN, B.S., tekhn. -.,. a m 0 (standardized aontrol of medhanical dravingm] Normilzatsionnyi kontroll ohertezhei. )bskva, Goa. lzd-vo obor. pronVehl., 1958. 71 pe (MILL 11:9) 019cha,nical draving-Staudards) .EASTER, losif Davidovich.,.STRASHUNSHY, Alekaandr Haksimovich; BEKHTEREVP V.V.0 insh., retaenzent; MYSMSKIY, N.I., Inzh., red.; KUREPINA, G.N., red. Izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Industrial standardization) Proizvodstvennaia normali- zataiia. Moskva, Mash iz, 1963. 241 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Standardization) 7slimplification In industry) J'ASTai, I P. KV: rot ~ETROVSKIY, M.I.[Petrovslkyi, M.I.], dots., otv. red.; GRINOVETS, I.F.[Hrynovets', I.F.1, dots., red.; LTJSHCHIX% 1.0. [Lushcbyk, I.0-1, dots., red.; MIKHAn-OV, V.I.[!-,ykhaiIov, V.1%],dots., red.; PASTER P I ' red.; TIVONCHUK, 1.0. L .0. 'e on.-nauk, red.; YARRMCHISHIN, Tyvonchuk, I B.M. [lAremchyshyn, B.M.]., st. nauchn, sotr., red.; YAKDITSOV, P.P., dots., red.; GRINSHPON, F.O.[Hrinshpon, F.O.], red.; KVITKO, I.S., red. (Flourishing of the oconowl of the western provinces of the Ukrainian S.S.R., 1939-1964] Hozkvit ekonomik7 zakhid- uykh oblastei UHSR (1939-1964 rr., LIviv, 1964. 126 p. (MIRA 17:11) 1. LIvo-v. Universytet. PASTERNAK, Alfred, mgr inz. 7ne most Important problems in hydraulic in. the Krakow Voivodeship. Gosp wodna 20 endineering and irrigation no-5:194-196 My 160. (EEAI 9:9) (Poland-Hydraulic engineering) 43.1 ~-A snau awy. can be dtta. by dets. LLU6. of ekc. regstances at b.p. of H or and at 0*. Samples of Cd-Zu alloys were kept at 2S5*-Ifqr, 2M; bra., and r wa2 detd. and plotted Sri * at. % compri. ,6 Surprisingly poor reproducibility and gap cipti. errocs are attributed to some unknown internal structural factop. Uuhilitivs of Cd in Zu and of Zo in Cd are estd, at 1.2 and 6 at. rexp~ J. Stecki- 06 pared Afal., Pis., No POLAMD/Physical Chemistry. Solutions. Theory of Acids B and Bases. Abe Jour: Bef Zhur-Kbilmiyap No 22p 19581 73373- Author Pasternak, Antoni. Inst r--~ Title Chemical Pro!,,erties of Plutonium in Aqueous Solutions. Orig Pub: Nukleonika, 1958, 3, No 1, 53-68. Abstiact: Review. Bibliography with 7 titles. Cari : 1/1 POL/46-4-3-8/16 Symposium of the Radiochemical Departmcnt of the Institute of liuclear Research PU11I. The value of the extraction coefficient is beyond 10,,000 and for Th extrapolated near to 100?000. 2) Taube- Wplyw polarnosci rozcienczalnika na ekstrakcje plutonu do srodowiska organicznego (Influence of Diluent Polar- ity on the Extractio f Plutonium in Organic Media). The transition of Pu~V'from water-phase into organic phase was investi~.tated. By experiments with TBP, DBP, TTA, TBAN the suggestion was confirmed that the extrac- tion depends from the influence of the dipole moment of the solvent. The best solvent was found to be a mix- ture Of CHC13 and benzene. 3) S. Siekierski, B. Kotlin- ska and 1. Fidelis: Oddzielanie cyrkonu od niobu oraz od niektorych ziem rzadkich metoda chromatografii podzia- lowej (Separation Zirconium and Niobium and Rare Earth by Partition Chromatography). By means of a silicon- ized Si02 column, separation of the following isotopes Card 2/3 with TBP-H20 was successful: Zr-95, Nb-95 as well as V/ POL/40-4-3-8/16 Spitiposium of the Radiochemical Departmetit of the InfAitute ()L' 1,',--clear Research Nd-Pm, Pm-Eu and Eu-Y. 1,ess successful was the separa- tion of CeIII-PM. SIMMITTED: December 1958 V/ (.-,'ard 3/3 AUTHORs 'TITLE: PERIODICAL: 23648 P,/046/61 /006/002/001 /002 D21 7/D303 Pasternak. Antoni Co-precioitation of plutonium with alizarin Nukleonika, v. 6, no. 2, 19617 113 - 125 TITLE: This is an investigation aimed at clarifying the mech- anism advanced by V.I. Kuznetsov (Ref. 1: Zh. A. %? 9~ 199 ,19504), Sesiya AN SSSR Zased. Khi-n. Naul:, Iyul, 195 , str. 300) and V.I. Yuznetsov, and G.V. Myasoyedova (Ref. 2: Zh.A.Kh., 1, 579, (1956) ) of co-precipitation of Pu III, IV and VI with alizarin with and without complexing agents which postulates the formation of a neutral complox between the cation and an orpanic ligand. Structural similarity between the orgo-nic additive and the ligand is desirable though not essential. In the present work experiments were carried out chiePly with PuIV using alizarin both as the organic carrier and the ligand and keeping the pH between 0 and 7 as no precipitation' was observed when the pH exceeded 8. The results are shown in Table 1. Radiometric Card 1/7 236h8 P/046/61/006/002/001/002 Co-precipitation of plutonium... D21?/D303 mothods of analysis were used,P all cases. The effect of PH on the co-precipitation of Pu with alizarin is shown in Fig. 1. The amount of Pu in the filtrate (Fig. 1, Curve 1) decreases to 4'.2% whIch is not precipitated or adsorbed or, the filter. The nature of this complex is unknown. Precipitation increases with basicity ( curve 2 due to greater dissociation of alizarin at h"-gher PH. Curve 3 is explairied by adsorption of Pu on the car- boxylic groups of the fiber although the cause of desorption at h-'--ahvi PH is not clearly understood. Co-precipitation of Pum arid was investigated in the same manner. The effect of time on the co-precipitation of Pu III at PH 5 was also studied, f'.nding that alizarin takes up increasing amounts of Pu during 2Lp hours althougt2 equilibrium is nearly reached in the first 2 hours. Behavior of Pu III. IV and VI is also illustrated from which it may be seen that all 3 forms behave similarly. fie influence of the initial concentration of Pu on the co-precip- itation, studied to determine whether the latter is caused by adsorption is shown in Fig. The influence of alizarin S, ~'x C:-Lrd 217 23648 P/046/61/006/002/001/002 Co-precipitation of plutonium... D21?/D303 ED'.'A and TTA (as complexing agents) on the co-precipitation of Pu.'V with alizarin was investigated by adding at least stoich- ionetric amounts of the above reagen"Cs to solutions of Pu. This was followed by the uspl addition of a1c. alizarin and buffer. Al--*.zari-n S (10-4,- 10-;'M) appears to have the greatest effect. A propounced influence of these additions ( especially when > 4 x 1'O-IM) on the amount of Pu adsorbed on the filter was observed. The effect of increased amounts of alizarin on the co-precipita- tion was studied (a): in 20 per cent EtOH as before and W in 20 per cent aqueous dioxane. As regards PuIV, it is assumed that no disprODOrtionation occurred in the solutions. After buffer- inly the Pu is thought to be distributed between complex for- ma.ion and hydrolysis. The complex is taken out of the system by the ppt. Until equilibrium occurs, 2 forms of Pu occur in solution, only one of which is aasorbed on the filter, one of which desorbs only with difficulty. Up to pH3, Pu is preferen- tially adsorbed on the filter rather than on alizarin. This is reversed at higher pH. Curves in Fig. 1 are explained by the Card 3/7 236h8 P/046/61/006/002/001/1-10~~ Co-precipitation of plutonium ... D217/D303 weak dissociation of alizarin. Composition of the viglet co% plox precipitated at pH 4 and Pu concentration of 10- - 10- M is thought to be Pu: 4 Alizarin and its solubility product is evaluated at 4.1 1o-34 or 1~.j x io-3.5. Addition of hydrophilic complexing agents (alizarins) innibits co-precipitation as lone, as the concentration of alizarin ions predominates. This is true up to pH 5.5; at higher pH (up to 7) alizarin S decreases tho co-precipitation. TTA - Pu and EDTA -Pu complexes form at low pli and promote the co-precipitation with alizarin in the pH range 0-3. This effect is reversed at; pH>3. These changes s,jpport Kuznetsov's mechanism although Fig. 5 indicated that ad3orption is important. Selectivity of the adsorption was demon- st.-ated by replacing alizarin with anthraquinone, when the co- precipitated Pu decreased by a factor of 10. An alternative ey.' pianation of the observed facts would be a change in the ligand of' the Pu complexes, causing a change in the adsorption character- i,c,tics on alizarin. The author exprE!Sses his thanks to Master of Engineering Stanislaw Lis for assistance with the experimental C, Card 4,,? 2 36h8 P,/046/61/006/002/001 1~~02 Co-precipitation of plutonium... D217/D303 work. There are 8 figures, 3 tables, and 11 references: /1" Soviet- bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-lan- guage publications read as follows: C-W-C* Milner and J.L. Wood- head, Analyst 81, 4277 (1956); J.G. Cunninghame and G.L. Miles, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem.-3. ~4 (1956); K.A. Kraus, Geneva Conf. 1955 P/731, and G.B. Harvey, G.H. Head, A.G. Maddock and E.L. Rowley, J. Chem. Soc.. 1010 (1947). ASSOCIATION: Polish Academy of Science, Institute of 7".uclear Research, Warscw, Department of Radiochemistry SUMI 1ITTED: 'November, 1960 Card 5/ 7 20077 POL/046/61/006/003/004/005 Jo2o 0 D209/D303 AUTHORS: Pasternak., Antoni-, and Lis, StanisZaw TITLE: Adsorption and desorption of thorium, plutonium (III), and plutonium (IV) lons from a filter PER---ODICAL: Nukleonika, v. 6, no. 3 , 1961, 215-219 TEX'2: This paper reports on an investigation into the pH depen- dence of adsorption on and desorption from a filter of Th4+, Pu(III), and Pu(IV' in an attempt to explain results observed in previous expe.-ime--,s by A. Pasternak (Ref. !: Nukleonika 6, 113, 1961) cn the coprecipitation. Of PU(IVJ' with alizarin. The condi- ticns of the experiment were analogous to those of the previous woi---c. The concentrat-ions of solutions used were 5.1o-6, 1.1.1o-6 m and 1.74.10-6 M cf Th, Pu(III) and Pu(IV',- respectively jbstrac- tor's note: The authors do not oualify the value 5-10-t of the thorium concentration.7 and they were prepared in nitric acid. Card 1/4 2U_-7 7 POL/046/61/006/003/004/005 Ad s o rp. -~ io n and Jrz s c, r ~, tn :-, fD209/D303 Th 2`14 was used as a tracer in tiio thr,r4um solution. Solutions of 0.1 M Ce 3+ with a pH 1-5y 1 M nitri- acid, and 0.1 M perchloric acid were used for desorption measurements. The required volume of the buffer solution followed by 0.5 gm. of fil+ration mass (made frorr Whatman-Ash-Less Floc chemically purified paper) was added to the approprIate solu-Ion, and the 1'-quid was filtered off aftf!r 2 minutes. Desorption was performed b-1: washing for not more thai 5 minutes and the cations in the filtrate and eluate were estimated radiometrically. The results obtained are shown in Figs. 2, 3, and 4, i~h~ch each rppresent the averages of 3 - 5 sets of measurements. The increasing adsorption of orations due to the rise in activation of carboxylic groaps is clearly shown, and the thorium shows a sat;~.ration Pffect. Ti',e desorption results shows that the simple ionc which are readily desorbed can exist up -to p11 values if about 2 and 3 for thoriun and plutonium (III) respeclively. Platonium (IV), however, is already adsorbed as a complex ion at pH 1 as evi- Card 2/4 rVV/ I POL/046/61/006/003/004/005 Adsorption and desorption of ... D209/D303 denced by the absence of complete desorption. This is-explained by the existence of polycharged complexes which are shown to be present by the decreased elution obtained with the ce3+ solution. The fact that at high pH the total amount of plutonium apparently present in filtrate, alizarin and eluate is less than the amount originally present is explained principally by the formation of neutral complexes which are not adsorbed on the filter. The shape of the desorption curves indicates that the hydrolysis of plutonium (IV) in dilute solutions is complicated. There are 4 figures, and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCT-ATION: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Re- search, Warsaw, Department of Radiochemistry. SUBMITTED: November 1960 Card 3/4 20077 Adsorption and desorption of Pig. 2 JW - SO -V 4C 2 Q- C3 x ~ ce m Pig. 3 POL/046/61/006/003/004/005 D209/D303 - ~,, ~ -- l ~ - j , 11 F 7 --l ,E 'R a Fig. 4 lt;,4tl4l448jv 0 4 1 3 .1 j # I 1 0 1 1 3 4 5 0 7 Ol PH - 0--4~ Mg. 2. Adsorption (1) and desorption FIIL 3. Adgwiption and de3mpUon ot Fig. 4. Adsorption and desoMtion of (Z) of thorium pititoniuman) plutorlium(M) - I - 0460MUL-33; 2 - dMOrPtIOU With 01 M I - adwrpUon; I - amoorption with *.I M RCIOO: 3 - desorption with 0.1 M C*2+ of H0104; 3 - desorption with 6.1 M Cos , of Card 4/4 PH - 1.3 PH - 1.3 PASTEENAK, Antoni- ZELEWAY Kr7sty-na :t~ Separatlor of trace quantities of radioisotopes. Ilukleonika 7 no.1:52-53 162. 1. Instytut Badan Jadrowych PAN, Wars2awat Zaklad Technologii Iwotopow Promleniotworczych i Zwiazkow Znaczonych PASTERNAK, Antoni CopreciDitation of plutonium with alizarin. 1%1-,;kleoiika 6 no. 2:113-126 161. 1. Polish Academy of Sciences, InstitLte of Nuclear Research, 'A';-rSzawa, Department of Rar: iocLemis try. P'l / /-,S , "? /;~. "t? / -I-- :. ~ r, -1 I 1 1: i \Vl KRAIVIENKO, A.A. (Moskva); PASTIFOUK A. Yd. IIARYSHKIIIA, T.F. (Moskva); VOLIFSON, I.I.-L (f,,oslcvaJ- Occupational pathology of the otolaryngological organs in workers of cotton mills. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 4 no.6-.Ia-1+3 Je 160. (PURA 151/,) 1. Moskovskiy oblantnoy klinicheskAy institut imeni M.F.VladimirskoEp, Institut sanitarii i-gigiyony imoni F.F.RrUmana i VoIttitua fabriki "Krasnyi tekstil'sheEk". (COTTON MAJIUFACTUIU~--HYGIETaC ASPECTS) (OTOLARYNGOLOGY) MVCHENKO. A.R.; FA5TF2HhK, A.Ye.; LARCHENK0, R.N.; SOKOLOVA, L.I. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ears in workere at the Serplikhov textile mills. G1g. i san. 24 no.6:48-51 j0 159. (KIRA 12:8) 1. Iz 14oakovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iosledovatel'skogo kliniche- nkogo inatitnta imeni Vladimirakogo, Mookovskogo nanchno-iseledo- vatellakogo instituta sanitarii i gigiyenv. imeni F.F.Brismana i ob"yedinennoy bol'nitay Imeni Semashko Serpukhova. (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES ear & upper reap. tract din. in textile workers (Rue)) (FAR, die. occup., in textile workers (Rua)) (X~'SFIRKTORY TRACT, die. same) ~'ct -;~ T I? ~- ?) A k, 4. ~ k? , PONWARVA. Te.P.. nauebr.y.-.1 9,truinlk; FISM11, G.A., Pnu,!-.,ipv votrudnik: PAb-TKR3AX' A.Ye., votrudulic Bacterial air pn'.I~;tlon in workshops of the nKr9,3:v,. TeitrTtillshtk' pinning and WeAWn,~ tatIl. Gig. t son., 22 no.,F:'?',--'9 Ae 157. 7 (m-Lu 10:9) Iz Moskovskoro r)IIAatnn-,o nauchna-'Ass1edova+e.`-,,~zo saniterno- 1pi7enicheakorn Ins'.1tuts (AIR POLIJ-11011, determ. bac'.. de'arm. in cotton tertile (SACTMI~ in air, totem. in col~tnn terttle LSTAVIVI. A.; KHOTSTANOV, L.; ARKHIPOV, A.; SMXLYANSKIY. Z.; KIMBAROVSKIY, Ya.; PA LT --A., FONGAUZ. M.; ARNOLIDI. I.; BYKHOVSKIY. B.; GORXIN, Z.; 2HISLIN. L. ; ZA MIMR, 1. ; KOTRANSKIY, B. ; MILLER, S. ; NAVTBOTSKIT, V. Professor S.M.Aranovskii; obituary. Gig. i san. 21 no.10:62 0 '56. (MLRA 9:11) (ARABOVSKII, SOLOMON MOISRSVICH. 1885-1956) PAMRNAX, B. Nederalzatioik of machine tools. F~rof.-tekhx. obr. 13 n0-3:19-20 mr 136. (KIRA 9:7) I.Kakhanik Gorlkovek*go oblastmego upravlenlya trLdovykh reseryov. (Lathes) MTEUMK, B. Coordinating norms research work in an economic region. Sots. trud 7 no.5t92-94 My 162. (141 RA 15: 5' ) (Gorkiy Province-Production standarde-Research) FASTM!!!L B. 1. In the Gorkiy Ecommic Region, Mahinoatroltell no,8:18-19 Ag 161. (MU 14:7) (Gorkiy Pmvince--YAchinery industry-Production etwAarda) SUKHOTSXIY, V. , dotsent; KRUGLENKO, N., dotsent; M.M IkAK, D., dotsent; ,L __ __ DUBINSKIY, P., starshiy prepodavatell;~GMMV., M. "Work organization of the mDrchant marine" by G.E.Gurevich. Reviewed by V.Sukhotskii and others. Mor. flot no.5t46 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Odesskiy Institut inzhenerov morskogo I'lots (for Sukhotskly, Kruglenko, Pasternak). 2. Ucheny-y sekretarl Tekhnicheskogo sovets, Hinisterstva morskogo flota (for Gnatkov). (Merchant marine) DUBINSKIY, P.R., starshiy prepodavatell; PASTERNAK, D,Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk Selecting vessels for the transportation of packs. ad cargo. Ekon. i ekspl. mor. transp. no.1:21-28 163. MRA 17:8) 1. Odeaskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota. FAST!'MAK, F. A. PA5T-JUJ.'-.E, F. A. - I'MonoFraphs- on Roe Deer." Sub 21 Apr 52, Mloscow City Pedagogical Inst ime-ni V. P. Potemkin. (Dissertatinn for the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences) SO: 'Jechernaya Moskva Jan-aary-Decerbei 1952 ~ 2 , A / . I/ _? I? / Z /'~-,7/1,- /,f],- - /'~ I SHC;WN3VA , - - . ~r4SK_IY. O.B.: PASTAIMKp P.Ae Flom and fauna of the littOral ZOUSS of Patyatin Island (Sea of JhPan). Pt. 1: U11tative coz-p!)sItion. TruAy Inst. okean. 23: 67-101 '57. (Rityatin Island--Marine biology) (mrm 11:3 ) i /J SHGHAPOVA, T,Fs; HOKIMM11Y, O.B.; PASTMMK, F.A. Idttoral flora and faima of western Sakhalin; prelininary commnj- cation. Trudy Inst. okean. 23:102-111 '57. (MM& 11:3) (Sakhalin-Wrine biology) PAS=LHAKq F.L. . . distribution and faunistic groups of benthos In Sakhalin Gulf and adjacent regions of the Sea of Okhotsk. Trudy Inst. dkean. 23:237-268 157. (MIRA, 11:3) (Sakhalin Gulf--Marine fauna) PASTIRW, I.A. 1- Deep-sea Antipatharia of the lbxilo-Kamahatka Trench. Trudy Inst, okean. 27:180-191 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Okhotsk, Sea of-Antipathidea) PASTUM, V.A., kand. biolog. nauk. Finding the antipatharian Bathypathes patula Brook in thb r,igh latitudes of Antarctioas Inform. blul. Sov. antark. eksp. no.9: 40-42 159 (KIU 13-3) 1. Institut okeanologil Akademii nauk SSSR, (Prinoess RWhild Coa8t--Anthozoa) PARIN., N.V.; PASTMNAK, F.A. Zoological investigation during the 33d e*edition of the ship Vitiazlo Zool,zhur, 41 no.lsl55-160 in 162. (IMA 15:4) (Zoologic research) I I GUSIV. A.V.; PASTMRAK. F.A. Some remarks concerning the bottom fauna of Antarctic waters. Dokl.AN SSSR 123 no.5:841-W~4 D '58. (MIRK 12:1) 1. Zoologicheekly Institut AN SSSR. Institut okeanologit AN SSSR. Preastavieno akadevatkon Te.N. Pavlovskin. (Antarctic regiona-Marine fauna) 3(9) AUTHORS: Gusev, A. 7., Pastern TITLE: Some Obse:rirations on the B~nthi:! (liekotoryye zamechaniYa o donnoy PERIODICAL-, Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, (USSR) SO V120-1 2 3 -5-2o/4)0 Fauna of Antarctic faune antarkticheakikh vod) Vol 123, Nr 1), PP ~141-844 ABSTRACT: The authors first mention earlier expeditions concerning this subject. The authors took part in the first (1955-1956) and in the second (1956-1957) voyage of the Sovetskaya morskaya antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya (Soviet Maritime Antarctic Ex- pedition) on board the Diesel electric vessel "Ob'". Durin,7 these 2 voyages of "0b'", collections of bottom fauna were carried out at 128 stations in depths of from 29 to 5370 m. The water layer down to 100 m was left nearly uninvestigated, The authors took 107 quantitative and 37 qualitative samples by dredging the ground and 25 trawl samples. The results of these 2 voyages already make it possible to draw conclusions concerning the bionomic character of the bottom fauna of the Indian Sector of the Antarctic and the nature of its delth distribution could be detected. The characteristic features of Card 1/3 the Antarctic shelf (which are discussed in short) determine SOV/2o-1 23-;-2c,~'~,o Fauna of Lntarctic 7 Some Observations on the Benthic ~ , -~- r 3 the properties of its fauna. The names of the species foun] are listed. There are the folloving differences between the fauna of the Antarctic shelf and that of the shelf in the northern hemisphere: 1) 'rhero is a great number of jurioiio groupD in the Antarctic shelf, but none of the:. predominateo. 2) The apT,earance (ahape) of various kinds is rattier similar. The overwhelming majority of the organisms found in deTths of 100-500 m belong to the catelrory of sedentary se~3tonopha,,-ues. In spite of the enormous weight of the total biolo(,ic masn of the bentose, their nutritive quality is relatively low because of the high weight of the skeletons of the dominating non-nutrient bentose. Thefauna of the Antarctic Ocean is very sparse. There are 1 figure and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Zoologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Zoological Institute of the Acalemy of 9ciences, 1133R'~ Institut okeanoloqii A)-ademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences, !'SSR) Card 2/3 A t I ",J 'A* ?.Ll A' I L6 '.,L Pl- "A'A JO 3TIVI R.U jo -(Cm uv ~, j__,V Ly C-r-o J. "_3-M -3 1- aft !J1 r-a J. J.;T- zqz qlfp V_ J. J. -Tj-C,_ ozn 1-4 -ql~. 1-7 -114 ---.1 M'r_jjj F-.'s -qL 1-4 1--- 0 --j:.j FW-4 'q1 Pl- -1-4-Y jill.-a -n JO 12~A;p.jj -OA 6s Iql -j ml ;:,DNDjW '-A xn~l '1 "0 :,Pa .Px -4,C :.",j V.61 XXQ I 2i'Mu BEUVISHEV, X.V.; PASTERNAK, ?.A. Otiantitative estimation of flying fieh in the Atlantic Ocean and evaluation Of the Droductivity of tropical waters. VOD.ikht. no.14:71-77 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institlit okeanologii Akademii naak SSSR. (Atlantic Ocean--Flying fish) (Phytoplankton) PASTIOULAX, Y.A. Deep-sea pennatulaceans of the Bering Sea and the Kurile-YImcbatka Trench. Trudy Inet. okoan. 34:)29-335 160. 041ELA 13: 10) (Bering Sea--Alcyonaria) (Japanese Trench--Alcyonaria) PASTEMNAK.-F.A. Recent data on the species and distribution of deep-sea pennatulari- ans of the genus Kophobelemnon in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Trudy Inst.okean. 45-240-258 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Pacific Ocean--Som pens) PASTERNAK, F.A. Pennatularians or' the genlis Ur-lballula Cuvier t'~Soelentarata Oct-ccorallia from Antarctic and sub-Antaretic waters. Issl. fauny mar. 1:105-128 162. (WRA 17:9) 1. lnst.,tilt. okennologii AN 333R. S OXOLOVA I M. W.; PA. Quantitative distribution of the bottom fauna in the noethern part of the Arabian Sea and in the Bengal Bay. Dokl.AN SSSR 144 no.3:645.-648 Vq 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhovym. Undian Ocean-14cLrine fauna) 11-1111, SOKULOVA, M.N.; F.A. Quantitative ~Istribution and tropical zoning of the fauna in Bay of the Berigal and the Andaman Soa. Trudy Indt, okean. 64:271-2~16 164* 0.1111A 17:7) PASTERNAK, F.A. -- -- - - -.1 ---- --- I I -- -,., DeeFm-Bea pennatularians (Octocorallia) and antipathariano (Hexacoral.ia) collected by the "Vitiazt " expedition in the Indian Ocean and the resemblance of the fauna of deep-sea pennatularians of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Trudy Inst. okean. 69jlS3-215 164. (MlRA 17-9) 2E,50-7_Eq~ -- VITN' 1) -G", - ACC NR3 JX6OW90 SOIRGE CODE: UR/0213/66/006/002/0379/0~86 A11THDM 3 ~ Belousov.* 1. H.; Iyanoyj Yu. A. Paetoniak-, F. -A,; Rasa, T. S. -1 HosacV, V 77 OM: TIM s Cobanpgraphic investigations of the Soviet-Cuban marine expedition~y' -SOURCE: ~)keanologlya, v.. 6. no* 20 19669 379-386 TOPICTAGS"v oceanographic ship, oceanographic expedition, biology.. ocean floor topograplY, ocean property ABSTRACT:, This paper discusses results of a joint e dition by the Academies of -Sciences of the Soviet Union and of Cuba in 19 5 to study the marine waters abouTTONT s7nd In- the GtiU of 14e c . The main objective was a study of biological features,'partioularly from an economic viewpoint. The studies were made on the ~'Sovlet sh1p, Academician A. Kovalevskiy. Participating organizations were the 11arine ophysical Institute of UkrSSR (under the direction of V. V. Rossov), the jio- logical notitute of the South Sea , All UkrSSR, the Institute oy"Ooological ScT 6n-ces, AN the Instit-utsof Oceanogra R (itiaerthe directRo-n-of-I.- Belousov and the Zool The base of the e5pediil-cT-was -Us Oceazographi ___ i c Ewtilu ~s of the Cuban Acadeny;f Sciences. A. Hunez Jimenez, Cori ACC ~4'R' AMOWW President of the Cuban Acaderq.of Sciences, D. Gitartj, Director of the Institute, bLnd S. Gon:wlez, Assistant Directorp participated and encouraged the work. The rqutes takfin by the ship are shown on a imp. Results have led to improvement of batbymetrio-charts, batter understanding of bottom nedinents (the Campecho banks contain chl.~ofly organogenic detritua), and rofinomont in knovlodf;e of tho cauao nnd nature of trator circulation and currents and of the distribution of most productive biologieal zones. Details of biological zones are given. Phytoplankton are ncyst abundant In the southern Gulf of He Ico "s X1 , and the distribution of zooplankton follo the same pattern. Zones of strongly, moderately, and weakly ascending water are plotted on a map. A band,of most strongly ascending water lies east-- west " Florida Strait. Results of the expedition have been reported at two con- iferences organized by the Cuban AcademW of Sciencest February 1965 and July 1965, Orig* art, hass 3 figures and I table. ,SUB CODEt 08/. SUBM' DATE t none Car142/2 AID F - 5456 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - training Card 1/3. Pub. 135 - 2/29 Authors Pasternak, F. S., Eng.-Maj. and R. Sh. Batalov, Major Title Controlling a flight of bombei,3 at night Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 2, 10-14, F 1957 Abstract The authors describe how a formation of bombers in a flight strength, when flying at night or in daytime in clouds, can be controlled with the aid of ground radar stations. Three photos. The article merits attention. Institution : None Submitted : No date MOITATNE, O.N.; Pi~WZMIAK, V-O~-; TSIPYJIM. I.M. Automatic punching of piston-ring- locks. Maehinostroitel' no-9:15 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Forging) (Automatic control) ,CPAs' ;IRNAK - On the front line. Okhr. truda I sots. strakh. 5 no.8:26 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Tekhnicheakiy inopektor Erasnodarskogo kraysavprofa. (Krasnodar Territory-Swine) (Agriculture-Hygienic aspects) PASTERNAK, G.; HIOLZER, B. Demonstration of im-munological differences between Graffi- and Gross-virus induced mouse leukemias in vivo and ir, vitro. !;eo- plasma (Bratisl.) 12 no.4039-355 165. 1. Institut fur Krebsforschung der Deutschen Akademie der 'dissen- schaften. Bereich: Experimentelle Krebsforschung, Bei-lin-Buch, DDR. Submitted October 24p 1964. "711K) /I - POLAND/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-24 Application, Part 3- - Pats and Oils, Waxes, Soaps, Detergents, Flotation Agents. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 22916 Author : H. Pasternak Inst Title Detergents for Wool. Orig Pab Przem. spozywczy, 1957, 11, No 6, 273 Abstract Concentrated H.,SO4 is added little by little at 45 to 550 to a mixture of coconut oil and glycerin in a reactor, the content of the reactor being rapidly stirred in the duration of 4 to 5 hours. The esterification of the oil together with the simultaneous sulfonation of the proau- ced esters take place at this occasion. The acid sulfo- nation product is poured little by little in a 30%-ual HaOR solution. During the alImli treatment (at a tempera- ture not above 300) the reactor content is vigorously Card 1/2 A ACC NR: ILP7002575 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/023/0073/0073 INVENTOR: Solov'yeva, N. A.; Yudkevich, M. I.; Pasternak, I. I. ORG: none TITLE: Iron-nickel base alloy. Class 40, No. 189151 [announced by the Central Scientific-Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy im. I. P. Bardin (Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgii)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promychlennyyc obraztoy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 73 TOPIC TAGS: iron nickel alloy, cobalt containing alloy, manganese containing alloy, silicon containing alloy, JABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces an iron-nickel alloy with a low coefficient of thermal expansion, which remains constant at temperatures up to 300C. The alloy contains 37.5-38.5% nickel,'1.5-2.5% cobalt, 0.05% max carbon, 0.30% max silicon, and 0.40% max manganese. ;SUB CODE: 1-1/ SUBM DATE: 250ct65/ ATD PRESS: 5113 Card 1/1 1MCo A69-15124-1 "69-01"7 PASTERNAK, G. [deceased) , Cow barns for the 10088 houBing of cattle on peat litter with atandardized feeding. Sel. strol. no.4:24 Ap 162. (AURA 15:8) 1. Uchenyy aekretarl nauchno-tekhnicheBkogo soveta Ministeratvft sel'skogo khozyaystvm SSSR. (Dairy barns) PAMRIMK, I.., Candidate of Phys- YAth Sci -- (diss) "OPtical Properties of Cuprous Oxide," Leningrad, 1959, 12 pp (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology. Academy of Sciences, USSR) (K C 7-60, 107) PAS-fSIMK, I.--. li- I . ~ fty greater attention to ecoDoL7 in pipeline construction. Stroi. prod. neft. prom. 3 no.6:4-~ jo '58. 11:7) (Pipelines) PAS'TERFAK, J., kapitan Psychotechnical tests in aviatiar. Wojsk przegl 13 rc.11:27-2E 14 160. PASTERNAK. Tozef The notion of children and parents as reflected in the decree on general old age pemions. Praca zabemp spol 4 Zo.3:66-69 Mr 162. PASTE"RNAY, Asef; CM,IPALSKI, Jan ------- L- N cases before tho Soelal Iniurance Tribunal. Prace i zate7-v spCi 4 no. 5:70-73. W 162 PASTEMAK, Jozef Are there cne or two peasionn f'cr disabled perscma provided in the Statute or, the MnlTersal Retlrw-ent Fmd? Praca xabe-*p spol 5 no.10&9-23 0'63 PASTERNAK, Jozef Specific legal concurrence of a title to Soviet old age penBicn with a title to Polish pension. Praca zabezp spol 5 no.lg45-49 Ja 163. PASTERNAK, Kaximierz dr I Geological and pedological characteristics of the upper basin of the ViOtula, River. Act& hydrobiol 4 no.3As277-.,299 162. 1. Zaklad Biologii Wod, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakow. PA'TE.~C,WK, E. Aprortionment of er cars Lo rerair shops. P. (PPZ~;GLAD K(:1.F.JC,,4Y V-"-'HA.'1,-7\ ', (.4ar-3zavra, Poland) Vol. Q, no. Q, Sert. 1957 20: 1-Ionthly Index of Fast European Acces7,ion (EEAI) LC Vol. '17) No. 5, 1958 Ta ~~k t h e r( ~a J;m. c,. ear-. ,u I PASURIM, Kazimiorz, ina. Working organization in the Railroad Rolling Stock Repair Shops. Przegl kolej mchan 13 no.8:241-244 Ag 161. PASIERNAK, K. Mediterranean lines of the Polish Ocean Lines. Techn gosp morska 14 no. 63187-13~ Ja '64. PASTEMIAK P K, Foreign agencies of kolieh overseas shipping enterprises. Tech gosp morska 14 no.2:61-62 F 164. 1 I 1~1 , - - . ~ I k .. I , ~, " - A~ I -, r% Ir z dr Pre 11-,4 nai-j bl] It-' e3 of u!--.-1-ig powdpr from Fol-nd FrIrtilizer, Acta hydroblol no.4.4C)3-433 I B .'~n k1nd 1111 o Xi: I T."P sx PASTERNAK, Kazimierz, dr - Geologic and pedologic characteristics of the San River Basin. Acta hydrobicl 6 no.3:289-307 164. 1. Institute of Water Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow. PASMMAY, Kazimierz, dr Pond coils formed from siltations. Acta hydrobiol 7 no.1:1-26 165. I. Institute of Hydrobiology, Krakow, of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Submitted March 10, 1964. PASTERNAK, Krystyna A regular North Americbn Line oi- th~- Pr---I~sh Q---eari L,nes. Tech gosp morska 13 no.12,3)8.-379 PASTXFLRAK, L. G. "Soviet Bar3rat-Mongolia" by B.R. Buiantuev; G.Sh. Radnaev. Reviewed by L.G.Pasternak. Kraeved. abor. no.2:165-170 '58. (MIRA 13:2) (Bur3rat-Mongolia-2conomic conditionB) (Buiantus-r,.B.R) (Radnaev, G.Sh.) BASHKUYEV, Budda Vasillyevich; PASTERNAK, Leonid Grigorlyevich; DARMMEVA, M.O.,, red. -,--RXDNZY n. [Geography of the Buryat A.S.S.R.; toxtbook fo~ the Sth grade] Geograftia Duriatskoi AMR uchabnoo posobie dlia 8 klassa. Ulan-Udep Buriatskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 76 p. (MIRA 17:3) 3 Go* eow M,11~4-liz V. z 111 v 4 *-* 9-:0 io-* 10 -0 #4*040004404-s 1 0 4 0) u Mal =a $enema .10 a.. Got ago wu Mal; .1 age L fee *oleo* coo A too 88418t OK a.. Ls, PAI 0 a 6 v 91 9 a 00900 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 too FASTERFAK, Marlyn. 7or the benef It of consumers. soluzy 4 no.8:49-50 Ag 156. MW 9:10) I.Gruppovey organizator professionallnego BOyU2a MAga21na no.40 FrunEenskogo raypi6hehatorga. (Kuybyshev Province--Retail trade) PAS Aieczplaw- __~_ T!~~kK, A case of systemic aiUloidosis. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.13:488-4-09 26 Mr 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Wevnetrznego SzpItala Miejskiego w Skarzysku-Kamiennej; ordynator oddzialu: dr med. Marian Uracz. (AMYLOIDOSIS case reports) IIASTEIWK, M.T. Hea of F,,ulsat.nF, treatment of pregnan(~y t. _~Xemlas. 'Yii-sh. i g1n. -;(j n- -Ja-.F 164. (FIR; Ka-fed-ra alii.-It~rstvn gine-kc,~,rj,i` (z,v. -11rf. Ylkcxiev) Lening-r:14sk(gc med~tsinzkcgo inIt'Ju!a Imen! ~jv : -78. GUNTS v R.M., prof.; PANCHENKO, N.I.; R~LTEMAK#-X4. E-ffect of loohemotransfusion on the content of sulfhydryl groups In some animal organs and tissues. PrObl. gemat. I perel. krovi 8 no.llt4l-44 N 163. (MIRA 17tl2) 1. Iz fiziologicbeekoy laboratorii (zav.- prof, R,M, Glants) I blofisiko-khimicheakoy laboratorli (zav, Me Panchenko) 11krainskogo inatituta relivaniya krovi I neotloahnoy khirurgii akje (direktor L.A. Ripy PASTE~%NIV,, M. G. , Cand. Medic. Scl. (diss) "Effect of Hetero- .-enic Blood Substitutes on Functional Condition of OSYM-Dathetic- Adrenal System," Kharikov, 1961, 16 iD,--). (Khartkov Med. Inst.) 300 coples (KL 5upp 12-61, 0-87). PASTERNLK. M.G. (Khar Ikov) Influence of heterogeneous blood substitute BK-8 and LSB on some aspects of adrenergic substance metabolism in tho brain, the trans- _ vat,~. Vrach.delo veraostriated muscles, and the spleen of - '~, no.8:835-838 Ag 159. (MM 12:12) 1. Mmperimental'Vy otdol (rukovoditel-starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik R.N. Glants) Ukrainakogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inatituta pereli- vaniya krovl I nootloohnny khirurrii. (BLOOD PL&SMA SUBSTITUTES) (ADRNINALINE) MAKARCHENKO, A.F.; DINABURG, A.D.; MTFAINAK, M.N.1 MLINICIIENRO, A.V. Uperimental allorgic oncephal=yeloradiculitio. Zbw. nm. i psikh. 62 no.3:361-366 162. OMIA .15:3) 1. Otdol nevrologii i neyrofiziologii $2stituta fiziologii imeni A.A. Bogomolltsa (dir. - prof. A.F. Makarchanko) AN USSR, Kiyev. (NERM, SPINAL-DISEASES) (ENCE PlUiLOMYELITIS) (ALLERGY) i I. PASTMAK. B.A.;.RAVICH, I.V.; GUSUTS. S.V. Treatment of diphtherial carriers with antibiotics of the tetra- cycline series with eemoline. Antibiotiki 3 no.2:82-85 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Kafedry m1krobiologii t epidemiologit TSentrallnogo institute. usavershenstvovantya vrachey. (DIFHTHERIA, transmission. prev. ther. of carriers with semolina with tetracycline (Rue)) (TISUCYCLIRS, ther. use, diphtherial carriers, with eevoline (Rue)) (ANTIBIOTICS, therap. use, eemoline ther. of diphtherial carriers, with tetracyclines (Rue)) PONOXUMV, Viktor Alek-Bandrovich; PAZTAI=, Niza-Alekeandrovusl Y)MMOM, Yelimm Yef1mvich; CMMBMIY, Ye.A., reteenzent; SIIAUV. A.F., red. -, UFAROTA. A-F.. takhn. red. [Increasirg labor productivity in casting sections] Pbvyshenie proirroditellnoott truaa v llteinykh tsekhAh. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mehinostrolt. lit-ry. 1958. 249 p. (Iron founding) (MIRA 11:9) HASLIBiMKOV, F.I.. kwididat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent; PASTERUN &A"-, 1n2hensr, redaktor; MODEL'. B. I., tekhnicheskly "W PUTUFTEVA, Te.11., tekhnicheskly redak-tor. [Laboratory mawlal on metals] LaboratormVi praktikum po metallo- vedenitu. Izd.2-oe. perer. t dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo. mashinoetrottellnoi lit-ry, 1955. 251 P. (HLRA 8:12) (Metallurgy) GULIATRV, A.P.; FZMMINA, Tej.; PASTERUK, N.A., inzbener, retsenzent; KLTVICYBVA, U.N., tev-hnjc-We-BFry-fR9"Vl- (Netallographic investigation of the austenite to mwgensite trans- formationj Metallograficheekoe Issledovanie prevrashchenila austanita v martensit. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.lzd-vo mashinostrott.lit-ry, 1952. 90 p. (Moscow.Tsentral 'nyt nauchno-isaledovatellskii institut tekhnologil I mashinostroentia (Trudy). no.47) (HIMA 10:2) (Steel--Netallography) (Austenite) (Kartensite) 41: v, to w t i yR ~,ff lot is ..C. $v. t..1 O."Coms &M -"Calm"Is I.."t "d 'Adia d WD06-brah M -0 MdW. IL W- KavatI Md X W. PA%tnmk fVkp*in. Mi. sea 0 e* 41 60M 0.1 the 1 " 6 , #Mftn 1 = 0.6-01101r, tw of Ow 00 a u clol cr il Lobra 1, md blwd. Tbv =00 .Upm c" k* doWW Is cA L On iwayrams in)KtIna. CO 0 R. T. goo Ve 0 Z. see wee too -300 too k t- cola 77--~7- woo cww lost tuf OR9 Ditto 614111 cm a.. isl "I i - - - -- w r r r ~ a a a It it it it li a t " o Ig a * o 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 & PASTEENAK, M.D., aspirant Use of the electric slepp method in the treat-ment of women with phenomena of early, toxicosis and toxemia in the late periods of pregnancy; preliminary report. Sbor.nauch.trud.Kaf.akush. i ~in. 1 LMI no.2s253-256161, (MIRA 16:71 (ELECTRIGI7Y-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (SLEEP TIIERAFY) (PREGDANCY, CO-IPLICATIONIS OF)