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PASOI'SUYA, G.B. Conductonetric analysis of natural waters. Report No. 2: Determination of magnesi= and anione. Zhur.a=l.khIm. 14 no.1:108-Ul JaF '59. (HOA 12:4) 1. Turkmen Medicinal Institute, Ashkhabad. (Water-Analysis) (Hugneetwo-Analysts) (Conductometric analysis) ? 5(2), 5(4) AUTHORj ZaUUkUA, G ~~B. SOV/75-14-1-22/32 TITLE- Conductometric Analysis of Natural Waters (Konduktometriche-3:~iy analiz prirodnvkh vod) Communication 2. Determination of Magnesium and Anions (,9oobshcheniye 2, Opredeleniye magniya i anionov) FERIODICALs Zhurnal analitioheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 14, Nr 1. pp 106 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The oonductometric method of determining magnesium described in the present paper was worked out by means of artificial mixtures of standard solutions of calcium chloride and mag- nesium sulfate. It is applicable in the case of the presenue of large quantities of aluminum and iron (100 mg1l). By the addition of sodium oxalate to the trial solution Al and Fe are complexly bound. The oxalate complexes formed are des- troyed by the addition of an ammonia buffer solution 1) H 10), in which case the corresponding hydroxides are precipitated which do not disturb the conductometric titraticn of magi.-~S:_- Titration is carried out with a solution of complexon III Card 1/3 The elaborated method is described in detail. It was used Conductometric Analysis of Natural Waters. SOV/75-14-1-22 /72 Commur.1cation 2. Determination of Magnesium and Anions for the analysis of natural water. A comparison with the results obtained by magnesium determination according to the pyrophDsphate method shows good agreement. In the analysis of natural waters also the anions sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate are usually determined. The author of the present paper worked out a conductometric process for the determina- tion of these anions in natural waters on the basis of a previously described method (Refs 6-8,10). For the determina- tion of sulfate the water is mixed with a certain quantity of barium chloride solution. The BaCl 2 surplus is conducto- metrically re-titrated with a sodium sulfate solution. Determination of chloride is carried out by titration with a mercury (Ii)-nitrate solution in a weak solution of nitric acid. Determination of carbonate hardness in the absence of phosphates is carried out by means of titration with a Ba(OH)2-solution. Before determination, phosphates are pre- cipitated with the aid of BaCl2 and filtered off. Total hard- Card 2/3 ness is determined by titration with a solution of complexon Conductometric Analysis of Natural Waters. 2107/75-14- 1 -22, "~e- Communication 2. Determination of Magnesium and Anions III. Also this method of determining anions was tested in connection with natural waters. A comparison of results with those obtained by determination of anions by the classical. method shows good agreement. The conductometric methods elaborated are well suited to be used for the analysis of natural, dim, and colored waters. There are 2 tables and 1.0 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Turkmenskiy meditsinskiy institut, Ashkhabad (Turkmen Medical Institute, Ashkhabad) SUBMITT311: June 29, 1957' C ard 3/ 1) AUTHOR: Pasovskaya, G. 3. MILE: Ccnductome'ric Dptc~minaticn of Carbnnat,_~,, ard I~ydr_-:!arbonates Whon Simul'anecusly Present (Kcnduk,ometricheskcye opredeleniv" karbonatov i gidrokarbonato-i v s(,,vmestrom pris',itstvii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal .~nuliti,-hes?ry khimi', '195e, Vcl 13, Nr p1; 6v?-621 ~USSR) A.BSTRAC"-: The cond~_,ctcmetric ti trati-n of carho,.Ic acid ar.-I it_~ was descrihed by Ko',Itcof (Koit-off) (Ref I' whc -points -o the inacc,.irate resiits ~)btaJ;~ed from th.s t1tra'ion. For a mcre ex-q--, detprmina*,ion cf th-e point of equivale:-,ce ".-le authc.1, of the Fresent pape:- worked c-,it the following metliod: The test solution is treated by means of a certain quartity cf standard- ized ac-~' i which expels the carbcnIz- acid frcm its salts. Excess hydrc:~hloric acid J3 titrated back by means of lye. When the water-hardneS3 dl;e to carbonates is to he deter- mined according to this method ther, suitatly a certain low q,iui.',!I'y of 3ta*.dardlLed acetic acid is added before the titratf,-,r t,) rrevc%t the depcsitic-n of ions as rarbonates or hydroxide,-. In thn titratior. first the surplus cf hydrcchicric Card 1,',; acid and sub3e~,,,~er:'Iy t~-e acetic acid is titrated 'na(,k. The SOV"75-1 -2' 24 C o n du c t on e t r i c De t c rm,-' r. a t i -2n c f Ca r! or. a -~ c :- an d Hy dr o c ar! o n a t e e - Simultanecusly Preser,.`.- honate can ~e d~trrm4,.ed frc,-- thv~ fJr :~d ~Cint- car It is n-' to '-I*trate back th-- w-c-,e vantit:., 3f acotic al~-'d; *~e !,,term'-'natior -f some pc~:.ts is ---~ff"Zien' f-:- the s~:cond branch of the curve. The curve of titrI*i'I-,-I exhibits a sharp minimum which allows to determine the point .)f equ--*valence with a 9,ifficient degree of accuracy. The excess acid wa.,3 zitrated back by mean,~ of a 0,1 r The tJ -ratior. was ch~-ried out ir, a dt-v4ce of the 9ystem Tcroi-c-,, f ~Ref 'he deter.-7ina-,icn of th'e c-,rb3ra*es -~he cc:.- sumpt.c--. in Bt,~OH)2 for a certain volume of acid soi~-iti2r. is 'e. erm` W~-;~r a 1,-;re ~ar!-, crat e sr)I,.it ion i s tJ t rri t ed -~nt c O,OC.'~ .~.,ate ions ir. 25 M' -~f t,-- t t; * -,- t--' -ar. lti2 7,ed by this rret*nod. In the case b e -, r- ale- ~; i; nt~ f" ~,s Cr,,at errors may occ,,-Ir. Ca2, 2, f -i - - Mg , and 2 d c, !; o'-, A ii r t~ f iie t ra ~ i oi, o f tiod I um ~;, rt, on E, t v rin,i sodiiim bi,-.arb~)nate. in Fresence of ircn ions douhtful re s-,k 1to are obtain,~d, but dIsturL 4 ng i nf I tie r, c ~ c. an 9 i I '; e re- Card 21,1 mavud by al,1ir:E7 Iow quantitif~.-, of dry oodlzm. 1!: this Con duc t ni-.iet ri cDeterm~ nat'. -~n c, f arbor. ate 3 a nd Hydrcc a r, onat ~s W-n Simu It a neously Pr-~s ent process the acetate complex of iron which had fc---med ~revi-.s` is dpntroyc~d and the more stable fluoride complex forms. Sulfate i1o not disturb the determination if a small amount of dry barium sulfate (to ameliorate the conditions ., a solution of methyl violet (to prevent for crystallization,) the adsorpticn of ioz-.s at the depositing precipitate), and 0,5 - - MI. of an cne--Fc~rcenl. BaCi 2-solution are added before the titratjDn. HPO 42- and PO 4 __ ions distort the results :)f the determinatio:,.j H2PO 4 ions do not disturb. To remove the iinturbing influencQ of the r,hcqphate ions they are precipitated '* meqns -f Ba'l,-ncl~it' -)n and then 'i'tered off. The mentioned L method wa,~ applied to determine the hardness of water due to carlt,ona',-is and hydrca-arbonates. The results were compared with L-t!z3ul,.S1' obtained from determinations according to the method by Khlr~pin (Rjf 4, alizarin as indicator in the process of 'titration). It t-urned out that the described method is well Card 3/1 appli.-~al,Iu. The Aort d-.iration of this determination is a SOV/75-1 3 -5 -23,'24 Conduat,~,7ietrio Dp*crmiriati-n -..f Ca:-.-,,)nate3 -in,l Hydrocartonat~-:3 W'-r. Simultan-ou-sly Present parti,-ular advantage. Th,~re ar.- 1 figure, 2 tablEs, -,nd referer,ces, 3 -~f which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOV: A.,ihkhal.,td (Turkrr.,,:~ SUBY,ITT'-';'I): j-,.re Card 4/4 PASOVSKAYA, G.B.; tMOVEM. V.v. * .Conductometric simItaneous determination of magnesium and alkali metals. Trady Kom. aral. kh1m, 4:196-204 152. (MIRA 11:6) (Plagnesium) (Alkali metals) (Conduatometric analysis) AUTHOR: Fasovskaya, G. B.,. Ashkhabad. 75-(_-2._/23 TITLEi Conductometrical Method for the Determination of Alumir~.~,r (Konduktometricheskiy metod opredeleniya alyuminiya). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, 1957, Vol. 12, Nr 6, PP. 76o-761 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Aluminium is determined by the conductometrical method in the presence of sodium oxalate. Sodium oxalat-titer is equally, conductometrically determined with the indicator methyl vio- let with calcium nitrate. Iron disturbs the determination Df aluminium and is separated by a modified method of potassium hydroxide. The accuracy amounts to from 0,2 to 0,6~'.. The method can be applied for the determination of aluminium in various aluminium alloys. There are 2 tables and 4 references, 4 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Turkmen Medical Institute Ashkhabad TurkmenskiN meditsinskiy institut, Ashkhabad). SUBMITTED: September 30, 1955 1. Aluminum-Datermination 2. Sodium oxalat titer C ard 1/ 1 3. Conductometrical ri.2t~iod-Application PASOVSXAYA, G.B..,,,.- "", ~ " I .I-NNIK 00-0 atermining aulfnte ions by conduetometric titrntion. Lab.delo. 4 no.1:30-33 YV-Je 158 (MIRA 11L5) 1e Iz knfedry meditsinkoy 1-himij Turkmanskogo maditainskogo Inatituta, Ashkhnbad, (SUIYATES) (CONDUGT%MMIC ABALYSIS) iwbod I or &Ltamb4doii 6f. voAttr YArdnoss vidt =MPICIr"I M. Q, B. IT . -, -habac m, P-P. e= lmt- A~hk M -3,ueutp~-, cl w1ured watm was &Id. by c:-,~ndzioometuic litraLion wiho.l Ncomplawa MI ~aLq- 71'e, rf tilt kmcr war ustabilsbed by i1tr'l- Ern d a Ok! N volu. 0 Cv,40, -a-A 11 J.-I! t J ti a i ~A 4 =a ck-ic i a oh- -i~ Am in -til in a 1:5 buller ci -~ .Ir!Z fit IN 14 1 f 4 C 1, P-Ild - k ) A MUO twy VCA. USSWAnalyt.ical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic Substances, G-2 Abet Journal; Referat Zhur - KILriya, No 1) 195-, 1219 Authci:~: Pasovskaya, Institutican Academy of Sciences USSR Title: A Quick Method ',-)r the DeterminatiQn of Calcium in the Preserce Of Magnesium Original Pe:ti(>dica:-: Tr. komin. po analit. khImii P14 SSSR, 1956, Vol 7, No 10, 272-275 L' Abstracti For the determinatior Of Ca in the pre3eDce of Mg one milli1iter of a saturated alcohol solution of Mg(II) ions and 0.5 ml NH40H (1:2) are added to the solution to be analyzed in a vessel used for conducto- metric titrations; the mixture is diluted to 20 ml and titrated with 1 W NC204 (the titer is established conductometrically with standard CaC12). At an Mg:Ca ratio of 7tI it is recommended to add a known amount of standard CaC12 solution and to dilute the solution until the CaC12 concentration is in the range 0.01-0.02 N. The mwi-mum error is,< .97%. The deterwination req,iires 20 minutes. The preserce of K and Na does not iiiterfere with the determination of Ca. Card 1/1 TOROFOV, A.P.; PASCVSKAYA Snme Improvements in the technique of conductometrie titrations [with eu=ary in IMIJohl. Zhur.anal.khlB. 12 ao.3:328-331 My-j" 157. (MM lo:7) 1. Sredneasiatskty goeuderstvenVy univorsitet im. V.I.Lenina. Tashkent. (Conduatometric analysis) I I , , - I ~, I ~ ~ . ~ : . . I I .- L . I . womm-mm L ) -) CT Iq PASCIVIYA," G.V. Conductometric determination of the hardness of water with complexon [with summary in English]. Zhur.anal.khlm. 12 no.4: 523-525 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Turkmenskiy meditsinakiy inatitut, Ashkhabad. (Water-Analysis) (Blechemical analysis) ACC Nks AP6010963 Sam CMZ3 CZ/ODBO/65/OW/004/0102/01 WIM I P ID IMMIFAWwv To (equser) ORG: Me TIT123- thotoblectric vibrator-Czech patent NO. .53"-63t Class 21a sup 2 i, SaMs, -Autowtizacep no..4,o 1965, 102 voltage divider,, direct.currentp electric resistors, photorenistor t,,~TOPICIA053 botoeleatric effecti, electric vibrator,, slectrMic amplifier 2 ABSTUCT-ti - IMte of Publicatfori, '15 ian*-u,&'r'y* 21a 41PT 11 03ft- PV 5344-63P from 3 September 1963o To Inginoer .-.Do Paspa-and Engineer J. Kamenickyo The basis of -the Invon-'A tiont.a photoelectric modulatorg Is that-direct current to Al "be amplified 13 led to a voltage divider made of at least. one fixed resistor and a photoresixterg oonnected lit series iwith Up Illuminated by pulsating.lights .7be pulsating- !Voltag4i Is taken from those reslstors,.~aL,",au or*. - Orig. arij.-hass 2 figureas SUB cow:-, 09v,2Q MM U798. now ,h P>K ACC NR, AP6022959 06 7 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0008/65/6W/bOV1 6/iO64 AUTHOR: Po~poxnvaL i~e- qp~rny, eto!j1a iT bor- Benak, Frantisek ORG: Institute of Physical Chemistry, C3AV, Prague (Ugtav fysikalni chemie CSAV), [Paspa-, B--e-nakj Developmental Workshop CSAV (Vyvojovedilny CSAV) (j TITLE: Use of a membrane filter ribbon for continuous collecting of aerosol samples SOURCE: Chemicke listy, no. 9, 1965, 1066-1068 TOPIC TAGS: aerosol, aerosol chemistry, gas filter ABSTRACT: Improved apparatus for continuous awnpling of aerosols 1B described* The previous manner of sampling was in a stepwise way. The samples are collected on belts made of paper or plastio. and evaluated on the basis of light scatterinG caused by the solids collected on the filter, The authors designed a special membrane filter which is produced by the Czech firm Syn- thesia; this filter may be used for continuous measurements last- ing 24 hourse The apparatus is similar to the AISI sampler made by the Research Appliance Co. of Allison Park, Pa. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [JFRSI SUB CODE: rY7 / SUBM DATE: 25Jul64 / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 007 card 1A S A, If - "Imp,)rtailce (,,f the correct in*erprelati,~n -)F p;Aent registrnti ns." .: "'A TEC 9. i, , Praha, ~, Ii,ly IQq 11 -'-)n'hIy List -)f ~~st Eur-opean Acce, sions (KIT-11) , LC , Vol. ~', No. Q, . linclassific4. PASPALUVO R.; MIRCHEV, S. A now apparatus ro:r automatic titration. Imv Inat Min BJUI 7:IW-201 160. (Ew 10:9) (Volmetric analysis) SMU Influtace of the solvent on the kinetics of the electrode process'Wth antecedent reaction. N___Tyut~-ulkov --Ma-matTeev. But ar. Akad- V fle-M-eoretical and exptl. influence of --- solvent on the kinetics of an clectrotle process with litit., dent reaction is examd. During such a process the limiting currents depend directly on the velocity consts. of the homogeneoui reaction which takes place before the elec- trode Procims. But, ris the velocity consts. delwild, in turn, essentially Oil the inedium, a changeof therricilium does, con- sequently, influence the limiting currents. The most fre- quent cases. In which the untecedent reaction is innuornol. and takes plaict: between the substances A and 11, is reviewed.. The latter are in equil. anti electrunclive at different potentials. A change of the st4vent does nut only utter the value but also the character of the wave of the limiting currents which are caused by the substances A and B. The influence of the stilvents 11,0, MeOlf, HIM. and Pr- Off on the prv;*411on 4 the Ilinit currents of the lautoineric fointris I:C:NOII = :C:C(IIX- O)j of oximes is exatud. expil. The depentience of the limiting currents on the sol- vent made It possible to qual. identify and to quant. del. the geonictric Wn- and anti- forms of the oximes In a solu. d- 'A: L 32215,66 ACC NR% A?6020812 solma CODE: BU/0011/65/018/006/0533/0536 AUTHOR: Paspaleevp E.; Pavlova, A. i OAG: Fd6d-ThMt-ut6~--Flovdiv TITLE: Polarographic behavior of certain Schiff bases and their correlation wit7S LCAO-MO molecular energies SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 6, 1965, 533-536 TOPIC TAGSt Schiff base! polarographic analysis, molecular property, molecular physic ABSTR,kCT: The studies concornina the correlation between the molecular properties and the structural and energy parameters calculated by qunntum-machanical means may contribute to the clarification of numerous problems of electronic and spatial structure of molecules. 0. Semerano and G. Giacometti showed, for instance (0pqtre tejooc e,s0eSiTep&.,dS ~olprpg;afia' v, ig6o, 177) thqt there exists a linbfir 'r6latforisfii~ bettieinrtl~ef hs~lf-wiie' reduction notential. 11/2) of certain carbonyl and halide derivatives and the Cr energy difference between the initial ond final states (see also E. Fornasari ot al., Ibid., V., 1960, 262; G. Rigatti, Ibid.t V., 1960, 310; S. Beau, J. Chauduri,.4 JUSS, 180, 1957, 4600, 1473). The present article contains results of polilrog,in*phic studies of the reduction of certain anils (benzylldent aniline, phenylpropylene aniline, benzy1idene-o-napht$r1amine) benzylidene-ft- naphthylanine) in which the W1 1/2 values were compared with the energies of the first antibound MD (calculated by the Hueckal LCAO-14D mathod)o The benzyl idere -P -naphthyla mined is gram showed a considerable departure from linearity, which was confirmed in the case of the *hree other comnounds (they &Free with the 7r, - 1.253 + 0.201 EMD curve). The sigenvalues of the Hueckel matr were calculate; at/?-ne Institute of Ph.Vaical Chemistry of the Czechoslovakian Aead6my Of Sciences T a paper wqs presented by Correa 0 1 Memkbqr BAN A. Sp&ssov 25.januar) 1#15~ OrIV. Art. has: CO-iies a e.4Lm1g. art. i n n Germs. ft. PRS .hSLTA ~UBM Wft 25jan(-. 'H REF i OlNX 7 Card 1. 01752-67 F.WP( j) Rm 7AC gr -AP6035625 CoDE: BU/0011/65/018/()11/1007/1010 iTYUTYULKOV, N.0 PASPALEEV, E., nstitute of Orrz~nic Chemistry, Bulaorien ~Academy ofScienc-e-a--10t~l'ginRl-language version not given) Electronic Structure of the c(-Cycloliondadienyl-to-Cyclohoptotrienyl- PoLyon fig, Vol 18, No 11, 1965, pp 1007-101 'So al, d4,2al bar's ~A ~di i ~,X, 0 A!E~r5Ets fiEngliah erticle7 A study of nooluifulvolone (I) by moans of the MCA "M theory of molecule; orbits P. F. Tinker, J.,Cbgg. phys.p 19, 1951P 981) showed earlier that the distribution of olectr;n1c'deAefty corresponds to the structure The present paper describes invostipntions of the electron density distributions I:n:,.nu*clei divided by polyone chFiins of the form Calculations were carried out on the (Vinok-2) computer in the Hueckol'o approximations (E. Huackel Z Phys. 70, 1931, 204) for n - 00 1, 2, ..' 16. ,In all cases the sum of the ct-r-r"'D in the five-mombor rjn7 is smaller then -0.75, while ithe sum of tho charges in th,) sovon-momber rin.g is grorter then ..0.-74. "This paper wn-, pr,--sented by cori-ospondin!~ ','(1m;)c?r BAN A. Spassov on.19 July 1965. Card 1/2 0 ?ZZ Cs o e- sr- ACC W, AP6035625 Or.-;. art. has* 4 figures and I tablu. i'JP)'C-: '6,0f?2j ITOPIC T"r;., electron density, electroi distribution, electron structure SUB COME: 20, 07 SUBM DATE: 19 Jul 65 OT11 REF: 003 2/2 pb _L 01748-67 T DS ACC NR: AP6035629 .(M'1(7~.' r0j),': !1t1/0011!65/018/011/1027/1030 PISP-WEE PAVLOVP A., Department of Physic,il Che-nititry, Collofo for EA 'Food Chemistry, Plovdiv [ riginal-lanGuage version not given) 1 Kinotics.of Electrode Processes urirr, Peactiono in 1'P ..,ixod Solvonta Sofia, Vol 18, No 11, 1965, pp 1027-1030 A.MtroR CGorman articlo-7 The nuthora invoati,-ntad the influonco of water- rslio'h6f mixtures (uoad durinp the polorogrnphy of orranic dopolarizors) on the Ikinotice of electrode procossas durinr roricticna of typo et 33 A +nC .Fare Bbecomes electroactive for sufficiently nogtitive potentials only. An ioxnrossion hoe been derived in the form 1. C.C>ASi__.L t 10 'A. I describing the influence of the solvent on the ratio of the polaroerrophic lipiting current il' and 12 in the case of oxim6s. Here b is a constant and Gi~snd 02 are th: concentrations of the organic solvont and water, respectively. Repulte of tests carried out on an Orion-7-77-4/b registering polarograph are in Yery good agreement with the above theoretical formula which can apparently be _ClAo-for the.-wontitative description of the bohavior of other depolarizers.. jus6d This paper was presented by Acade cian D. Iva v on 03 August 1965. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 7 formulas. ?JPRS: 36,0027 JAUAW, [Paspalev, G,.]j BCGCHKOW, D~ (Bozhkov, D.1; DONOV, V..K.; W190F, E. (Chakurov, E.) The leech Batrocobdella algira (Moquin-Tandon) 1846, carrier of an infectious disease of frogs in Bulgaria, Doklady BO 16 no.2-.197--200 063. D.; DO.': %r 'Cademy 0 J. V - H HA Sofia 3'ulgarian Dencrirtion of ;;he not ,ivcn -7. "13a-::,--ccbdel1a Alr7ira :-Ioquin - Tandon -:ir,~dinc-a ononidae Cai-ricr of an Inf cc tious Dis- a P-scs of BuiCarian 7ro;7,s Vol 19, 'No 10, 0 U -1-va, 19' 3, P?z 7 1 - -7 The described disease occurs in -oart~ of Sout'lern Bul- rt-icles by th,-- aut-orz. Car,- sn- -,-ras do.-.crib-~d in 2 7,rovious a .1 -~-a -21--aasc waz obsr-rved on Rana ridibunda, i. dal-ma t 4na a nd L~onbl-a varie-at-a. Tt is transferred from one fror to ano*,;-,,,c-r b- 7e-ches Batracobdella al-ira. The orranisr. hat causes the diseaso '--,s a -ranuionatic character. ~'i-ures, 1 Czech, -7ulgarian, 1 Polish, 1 L~errman ius::Jan rc-.L,--rences. t 0 0, cc 3 OcS i7 11p, C; .. LLSP'iM-77. It p A -: r'. "The Influence of Several Factors upori th(~ liuredity of' indiviaual quLliLiu!~ in, .,irds." -. 143. (DOIKUDY, '101. 3, no. 213, Apr./Dec. 1)5() /Tablished 19517. -sofiya, So : :'onLh . Li st :)f --ast :,,)ean Acci.7-,,ions, - A . 11, 1-, '.'Ly I ),,~,./Lnc 1: ~, c-c~ Pk'-)FAL:';Vp (-,. "Results o-~ Researches Done By the Scientific Collective it the DIlq---rian Ac%dr.--,j of Sciences on. Malarial Mosquitoes in the Regi~)n of ths Eastern Rodope YOuntqLns. pp. 2C-~). (BULGAR3KA AKrDE-,MJTk NA NA'7'I7,.'-T. !OOLOGICTi-SKI IN-3TITTJT. IZ~73TILA.) Nov. 1, 19~1, Sofiya, Bulgaria. SO: !-Ionthly Lint of East Furonean Accesiong, L. C., Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 19113, Uncl. Z- r. 67 1 F-ASPILLLV, U. Paspalev, G,., ijratanov, ~:., ~';;silev, I., I'Thc ~.ffect of Cprtain "',acors ir. Her6li-t-y-o-T-13irds. II. Sti:djes an the j',ffcct ,)f jjj(,matocytr-,s on the --tar,. Studies on the A~fect of AntiLla-,-ue Vaccine an the -etus of birds." [,.2~1 Vol. 2, 1951, Sofiya.) SO: 1-~onthlj List -of- -*-ast zuropean Ac essiorb 'Iol- 3~ 1~0- 3, Libbrar-y of -or. -ress) I March 19511, Uncl. YASFALEVP G. V. Faspa-lev, -i. V. Ribarstve za 171 1 !V cure r-a -ors]-It- tek!~nil-i~.i. 'C'iya (N-trod-na I rosveta) 1c)5-:. 13~, ! . s; _~ tectb,_,o~ -or the Ird an_` 4th , C ~ tr- -I schools of f':)restry) SO: Yonthly List of F,st huroTnan Accessions, L.C. Vol. 3 No. I Jan. `4 ~'ncl. PASPAINY. 0. OStudiss of the Wild Rabbit In Balgaria; Subspecies Belonging to the Wild Rabbit in our Cmwtry." p. 55, Isvestila, Vol. 2. 1953 SOt last 1hropsan Accessions List, Vol. 3. So. 9, September 1934, Lib. of Congress PASI-Sltv~ d. "Achievements of Soviet Zcological Science durirg Stalin' s Epoch," p. 4. (Priroda I ZiLarile, Vol-6, NO-4, Apr. 1953~ SoflYs-) East European Vol.2, Vo.9 SOi Monthly List of Accessions~ Library of Congress, ja~~r 1953, Uncl. .- - - &Mw FASPATT7, "-. Manual for Practical Exercises and Demonstrations in the Physiology of the Animals by Professor T. Rrdev, r). ~3, (PRIK')' I MANT7' Vol. 6, No. 6, Junp 1953, 30f!Y,-3, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Liqt of Egst European Accessions L.C., Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. LMpgc it) the of cilt-Ijus rJUMUZ Undel Of dilUfiL J~LNIMIry. se.. 9, No.l.:17-41411155) liss asb~iuv tuul vl,,vtrA 1-11 tskini In"o C. Mello Ilying at alfiltut-5 Q II)q lo Pox) Ill, utic LUWYAA. 'With ium-UNInig ;Mltll ikh"ILrfoulm $m l1wrtisw ill Xv (3.410) it) 1.4117,D) Qua mul PASPAIEV, G. Research on ichthyofauna of the Iskar River. P. 1. GODISHNIK Vol. 48, no. 1, 1952-53-:L953-5h (Nblished 1955) Sofiya, Bulgaria SOURCE: EFX,., Vol 5, no. 7, July 1956 PASPALEIV, G 3CIENCE Periodic:al: GODISHINIK Vol. 50, no. 1, 1955/56 (published 1957) PASPALEV, G. Contribution to the study of the origin and develOIXTient of the ovaries in Moniezia expansa (Rud 1810). P. 99. M,onthly List Of East European Access~ons (EEAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 2 February 19~9, Unclass. T~!q~7.V, G., d-r, prof.; DOKOV, V.K.; CHAXUROV, Z.; BOZHKOV, D. A hitherto unknown disease,, caused by Richetteta-like microorganisms, found in some frogs in Bulpkia. Izv Zool inst BAN no.12:5-24 162. 1. Chlen-korespondent na Bulgarekata akademiia na naukite, otgover redaktor i chlen na Redaktoionnata kolegiia, "Izvestiia na Zoologicheskiia institut 9 Muzei" (for Paspalev). FAZFAL~INJ. G. "Dr. i-7an i)Llrcsh, AcaaderLcianls scientific work in stud3~ing t!.e L~Ulgariari vertebrated anirrals and their parasites." j,.31(1zvciA,ia) 1;ul. 7, nu. 7, L)ofia, ~~ilgarla I SO: 1.onthl., Index of East EliroT.ean Accessions (EhPd) LC, Vol, 7. no. 5, ~-a~ 1556 -Fk,PAWP 00 (Sofiia) Scientific expedition of the Bulgarian AcadevF of Sciences for studying the natural hotbeds of diseases in the Burgas region. Spisanie BAN 5 no.2t9l-97 160. WAI 9:11) 1. Chl.-kor. Bulgarska akademiia na naukitaq Sofila. (Bulgarian AcadsvW of Sciences) (Bulgaria-Diseases-Reporting) PASPAJM, Georgi "-., ... Condition, tasks, and prospects of the zoological science in Bulgaria. Spisanis BAN 5 no.3s24-31 060. (EFAI 10:5) 1. Chl.-kor. (Bulgaria--Zoology) PASPALEV, G.V.; DDSCHEVA-GR(MDANOVA. L. Experiments in the development of trout roe in a moist atmosphere. Godishnik biol 54/55 no.1:117-1" 159/60- 960/61 [publ. 162). PASPAlEV , G.; DQKOV, V.K.; CHAKIIROV, Ye. [Chakurov.. E.); BDZHKOV, D. Unknown disease in anurouB amphibia discovered in Bulgaria. DokI. AN SSSR 146 no.6:1460-3461 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N. Pavlovskim. (BulgariA-Amphibia-Diaeases and peots) FASPALEV, G.; DDEHEVA, L.; DENCHEV, D. Results from experiments in transporting fertilized and nonfertilized trout caviar roe. Izv Zool inst BPI; 9:359-372 160. (KEAI 10:9) (caviar) (Trout) C-D :I t.7y: Bulg, a ri a A,2-at- not indicated not indicated 3o'Lia, 2riro.^1n, No 1, Jan/Feb '01, pp 102-103 T, It The Tntei-national Svm-nosiain in Czechoslo,,ra-'-ia on 17~tl. ..methods of Studying co---uth-or: C"ll ) IV. N. PA3PALF~,.~, -. . "Zie .-roun--*. squArrel )n Kolarov (~ .1,2) E,!j---O.-).k I Z".A-~E (B-u-1-.arsko jrazliestvo) Sofiya Vol "I- :.'o 1 jam 1`154 SO: East Euroj,-(~-an Accr,33ions Li-;t Vol 2 1,1o '/ AuC l')54 PILSPALEVA, 14. ... 1. - - - --.1-1 Results of the ringing of Giconia cico.-da L. J,,i Bulgfaria. Izv Zool inst. BAN no.12:41-50 162, F.ASPAILVA, 14. BuUetin of the Bu1garian Ornithological Central Stations; noolp 1962o Izv Zool inst BAN no.12:22.5-22.4 162, C V., I 40. p1W.USIVA, it. "The ground squirrel on K'olarov Peak" (P. 17) rRIVO.;', I Z,:,k':Tg (tulgarsko nrirodoiz!)Itatc-lnc drlizhestvo~ Sofiya Vol 7 ':r) -~ Jan '951" SO: East European Accessions List Vol 2 140 7 Aug 1954 PASPALITI I M. "Bulgarlan Hunt-*ng Anim'als; Wrten (11,~,artes m?rtps) (PRIRODA I ZNANIE) Vol. ",, No. 61 June 1053. SO: M)nthly Liqt of Fqst Euronean Accessions L. C., Vol. 21 No. 11, Nov. 19r', Uncl. Gontribution to the study of tho orn.11 "hologic fauna in the Sreburne Reservation, Silistra Diotrict. Izv inst BLVI 10,139-163 161. (EEAI 10:9/10) (Ornithology) PASPALEVA-ANTONOVA, M. Birds banded abroad and found in Bulgaria; contribution to the otudy of bird migration in Bulgaria. Izv Zool inet BAN 10:329-344 161. (Birds) (Bird-banding) tir ". ~: ; , , . I , 7 , , 7 , ,~ - s ~ W N s " -5,1 -. j -~~ ? , " P,, ~. " ~, - ~ , I ~~ - I -1:~--. I . I - I ~ - , -it , , !- '' - r -, 1?.* 1 ': . ~', :,i ! : -. . .1 - - F. 3 ~. . ;! , I , - - " f . i ~ '. - -, ~- v 7. ; :, . .-. 49 if IYO XDPA d adgm bdm to im WIL IL MW d .r--bwn to embripm ZIL,,Iftd d ft*r mosk'no a bild K. lic lanuv. and 1. 1. 614. tna. Safw, 193f.-W-291-2", 293-2M.-Ii. ln*tim of ?tFkT froft A b"Ch drait (C&n*S MOM&WO) JOtO tht Whitt of Whitt UE 0 sU (Aads doweblus subf1wo) after 72 bf. of isicubation causes agwaram* 44 Nub fralbro on the b^ck of the, duckluW. 11, lnlo'tkM Of JUMI jk-sl %"Xlht 1UN the Whit# Of hCf*' esp on thr 10-IMb dA)v tJ Incubst6un kills the wmbrpmo whijal mme of tbum in)mtvd, a the 3rd. SIX and Ift da " ive. 1*0�L T".~Kam. . 112- BACIU , G.; MOLINO, C.; MINETTI, B.; PASQUALINI _L.;, PIRAGINO, G. Analysis of the effective section of the photonuclear reactions caused by the aid of braking radiation generated by a betatron. Studii cere fiz 16 no.8:903-915 16'.. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics, P.O.Box 35, Bucharest. (for Baciu). 2. Institute of Physics, Torino University (for Molino, Minetti, Fasqualini, Piragino). EXCEERPTA '~'!:DICA 5cc-15 V01.10/2 Chest Disl-ases Feb 57 527. PASQUIER J. F. and KURYLOWACZ W. Pracownt Dobwindczaln. Miqdzyna- F-od. Ugrodka-U-ziecka w Paryzu. * Badania nad pobleranien, radioakt)-Wnego wqgla C14 przez pr4tki kwasooporne. Study of C14 u ptake by m yco - bacteria GRUZLICA 1956, 24/7 (517-538) Graphs 12 Tables 19 The metabolism of C14-labelled sodium acetate by BCG vaccine was studied. The vaccines studied were prepared by different techniques at various production centres with various BCG strains. Some of the details of labelling and measuring of C14 uptake of BCG vaccines were studied. The best conditions for preparations. measurement and preservation of samples were established. The speed, rate of uptake and metabolism of C14 of different cultures and dried BCG vaccines have been estimated quantitatively- The importance of the age and amount of inoculum in C14 uptake of vaccines has been demonstrated. The curve of C14 uptake is si- milar to the curve of the number of living particles and differs in late phase of growth from the growth curves estimated by weight and optical density. At the same time the uptake of C14 by vaccines and the losses of C14 from the medium w ere measured and the amount of C14 released as C1402 calculated. A culture in its logarithmic phase of growtris produces more C14 Oz than in the stationary phase; an old culture produces more C14 02 probably by bacillary endogenous autolysis. In conclusion, the estimation of the viability of BCG vaccine by means of C14 uptake is regular. rapid and indicates the metabolic activity of vaccines. (XV, 4 EXCEMA IIIEDIGA Sea-15 Vol-10/2 Chest Discase3 Feb 526.. PASQUIER J. F. and KURYLOWICZ W. Pracowni Dodwiadezaln. hliqdzynar- ocl. usfooka jjziecKa w Paryzu. *Por6wnawcze badania szcztpionek spor- zadzonych ze szczep6w BCG r6znego pochoftCMB, z& pomoc4 pr4tk6w grul - 133 licy typu bydlq~cego I ludzkiego, znakowanych radioaktywnym wqglem C14. Comparative studies of various BCG vaccines by means of bovine and human tubercle bacilli labelled with C14 GRUtLICA 1956, 24/7 (539-557) Graphs 10 Tables 17 The vaccinating power of different BCG vaccines injected by various ways (intra- peritoneally. subcutancousl and in t ravenously) followed by an injection of labelled y human and bovine tubercle bacilli is estimated. The organs of the animals vaccina- ted intraperitonedly and subcutaneously have 3 to 4 times less radioactivity than the controls. A difference in the amount of radioactivity was found in the organs of animals vaccinated subcutaneously with 2 vaccines prepared from 2 different BCG strains. Significant differences were found in the uptake of C14 in the organs of mice vaccinated Intraperitoneally with 3 different BCG strains. In mice vaccinated Intravenounly the total amount of C14 and especially that found in the lungs is equal to, or even greater than, the amounts found In controls. The explanation for this fact needs further investigation. It is found that the immunizing propertiCR Of V&- rious BCG strains injected subcutaneously can be esUmated by means of C14 -la- belled tubercle bacilli. t I t L, t Ti t--Lc L ra c t, C 'icrobiolf., "V0Obq1 tel.i Q. anf-1 A 25, Jrurvj OW lolzizicrz' w ~ 1-al' Cbservatil R.., 'ns on t~ 'trentc th~- ".1,9.1 , - 11 " 1 on 11, zffvc i r JZ2 .;V Co ,if a* r)i 'Radioac t'i vo 19 ELJ I" xi Ia tA 0" "ar "i n - 1q . c3e .1 - I C, tu 8'.r-3p- r ')91 6 t r,,),r. t ;r.-Y ~ j r, t' , j j At,4di 3d. -~"7 . la f I d iv c lor 3 t' thore I 3 s W's wa'4 a d elf, I-IX days 0- t COUld r)o~ b 0 fOLW lilt 7c KAIXSIIIK. 5- V- ; AIRMNGEL SKIT, A.M. p prof . ; HALIBINA , T. 1. , lmnd. nauk: RASPOP(YV# I.M*p kandegeograf,nauk, master sports SSSR po turizmu; SIMOVICH,.N.I.j kandaiank; WUUOV, L.Te.j kand.nauk; SHIRMOVA, NePos kand.nauk: STALIMAY60VA, G.A.$ kand.nauk; TIMENOV, D.N.. Icand. nauk; MATTUSHIN, v.P.; pASpOpOV, O.K.; SLC)BOZHAN, I.,., red.; TI- KHCNOVA. I.H., (For You, hikers!] Vam, turiety; kak provodit' nabliudenila ned prirodoi v turistBkom Pokhode. Leningrad. Lenizdat, 1960. 246 p. 1. Chlen-korreopondent An SSSR (for Kalesnik). (MIRA 13:6) (Tourism) (Nature study) PAISMIM, Jean Francois; kTWLOWICZ, Wlodsimiers Comparative studies on vaccines prepared from BCG strains of various origins with the aid of human and bovine strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis labeled with radiocarbon. Grutlica 24 no.7:539-557 July 56. 1. Z PracownI DoswiadczaInycb Miedzynarodowego Osrodka DzIncka w Paryzu. Waresawa, ul. Klelecka 30. (BCG VACCINATION, experimental, vacc. of animals Infected with human & Bovine M. tuberc. with vaccines prop. from different strains, comparison (Pol)) PAS(~UIER, Jean Francois; KURTIDWICZ, Wlodzimierz Studies on uptake of radiocarbon by acid-fast bacilli. Orazltc& 24 nn.7:517-538 July 56. 1. Z Pracowni Doswisftzainych Miedzynarodowego Osroaka Dziecka w Paryzu. W-wa, ul. Kielecka V. (MYCO13ACTERIUM TU13KRCtYLOSIS, BCG, radiocarbon uptake (Pol)) (CAFMN, radioactive. uptake by RCG (Pol)) PUQUII.111, q. ,1. ;3"-IUAP~, Ind. sac ar. 34, 257-64, 1941 PASS, A., aspirant Air conditioner control systems for dr7-cargo "hip holds. Mor. flot 23 no.7:23-.24 JI 163. (MDU 16:8) 1. Kafedra avtomaticheskogo upravleniya sudovymi silov7mi ust.ancrvkami Odesskogo vyssi-3go inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha. PASS, A.. inzh.-olektromakhanik Regulating the voltage of alternating current electric pover plants on ships. Nor. flot.20 no.11:22-24 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Odessko7e vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche. (Electricity on ships) Aria,.:)iiy ~~ , e. , .,ok tor tekiln. nauh, retspr.zent; A.F., fiz.-ir.Lt. nauk., an(i ranic of -3udcvaill o.ektrc- i.AjA 'I rri(~iotokhnikti. I Tranopurt, ,07 1.. (VAhA 17.1~) PAZ,;S, A*Yeap inzhe Automatic control of the humidity of the air In the holds of dry-cargo ships. Ekon. i ekspl. mor. transp. no.lt83~-90 063. Investigating the electrolytic heating of a hygrometer constructed on the basis of an ETH-XII thermomoter. Ibid.:90-96 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Odesakoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchiliBhche. PASS, A.Ye., inzh.; STETSYUK, V.Ye., asaiatent Laboratory for the study of microclimate in ship spaces. Biul. takh.-skon. inform. Tekh.iipr.M1n.mor.f1otn 7 no.10:83-85 '62. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Odesskoye vyssbeys inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche. (Ships-Heating and ventilation) (Research, Industrial--Laboratories) PASSS A.Ye. Do terairlmah..hygro thermal equilibri= of so= hygroscopic vubetan~0~4T,z-h#-fizezhure 6 no.10:53--56 0163, (MMA 16:11) 1. Vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche, Odessa* Anatohy Yogorovich, aspirant Use of an electrical method for determining the speed of tempArature changes. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 4 nc.9:101-105 161. WIRA 14:9) 1. Vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche. (Temperature-Meas=emelat) (Temperatvxe regulators) PASS, Anatoliy Yegorovich, mladshiy nauchny~, !jotrodnik Unbalanced bridge circuit in %unr te;qpf~-.--re aff!erer,?e control systems. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektr-)nekh. 7 no.': 632-635 164. (KIRA 17:9) 1. Odesskoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye ucnilishche. RW a -Lill! 00 1; 00 "" PIr*gaI* YA. 'DoWl"I'MOV. AND VOAMO. U.&SA IPUP; abst;v;1rd in fiWift. led 916, June 19jj . PAGIONIad 00 (19aw-181 The pnw 016I)m 414 13 a h-M. pw of low simsive :"'Yo *It nl)IA(vd afth 00 gr*nuL- -1-41 -ftkl)l -It.hrd j. tiN. hri., Ind bimd riesumt. 1, - 09 am. tbi4 M.It'i'l 1"A nwa w or 0 oow Ibeft h rvdw"f "MI.Mm 'bk,"Ift flythi, """1 001 PAYliCipal be plkm 01 abra'j" Sj.w, to 00 r In I 11'ark doov &Ikjrh4m on al 1hr 00 bluntins blase. Thil abr.1', MaIrfial is rvpkw"blc 1, 'braR" and nondefiden, see ice* so 0 =00 Use tjoe '00 too- CI-asiv. ------- we* 0 sobova .1. 4P.. aft as a- 111 4 0 U IS AV so 43 IU AM A S 4 rAl 0 0 0 1 W 91 9 Aj 0 3 d"0: 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4N L*;"e 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 ADAKECY A.; PASS, L.; WIERZCHOWSKI, P. Detection of gibberellins A,- A4 on chromatograms. Acta soc botan Pol 33 no.2:351_357 '64. 1. Department of Biochemistz7, Institute of Antibiotics, Warsaw. KASFRZYK, Z. j KOCHM, K.; PASS, L. The constituents of peony flowers (Peonia albiflora Pall.); petroleum ether extractives. Bul Ac Pol biol AO n0.113457- 461 f62. 1. Department of Biochemistry, University, Warsaw. Presented by J.Heller. t -A ADMEC, A.; PASS, L.; WIFJIZCH(Y4SKI, P. Biological test for detec~~g biologically active gibberellins in chronatograms. keta soc botan Pol 31 no.4:637-649 162. 1. Zaklad Biochemii InOytutu Antybiotykaw, Warszawa. c:, t s C 1. a s r C C. r I n, PASS L G ; RODIN, A.F.; SLUTSKIT, M.B.; TOPCROV. P.T.; MIDKAN. L.S.; M~- - VALIDW, D.A.; TUXACHINUIT, H.S.; TIZCYLKFA, T.Y.; ISAXOT, V.I., red.; MORSKOT, K.L.. red.izd-va; BOROVNHV, h.K., [Organizing machine accounting in the construction industry: collection of articles] Organizataiia makhanizirovannogo ucheta v strottelletve; abornik statei. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.imterialem, 1959. 171 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Machine accounting) -PASS. L.G_.; SVRTLOVA. Ye.F. Use of computers in designing engineering structures. Prom. stroi. 37 no.1:32-36 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) I.Goeudarstvennyy Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni proyektnyy institut Promstroypro7ekt. (Calculating machines) (Civil engineering) (Pcc-)~; YA.-T, LIFSF[fTS. Z.H.; MOSIOVSKAYA, G.M.; PASS. M.I. Nev type high-pover generator tetrods. Radlotekhnika 12 no.8: 66-69 Ag 157. (YIRA 10:10) (Xiectron tubes) P SS I' ),) , -L TUBES & THERMIONICS "New Type of RiE# Power Oscillating Tetrode", by Z.M. Lifshits, G.M. Moskovskaya, and M.I. Pass, Radiotekhaika, No 8, August 1957, pp 66-69. List of basic characteristics and set of characteristic curves for a 10 kw oscillator tetrode designed for operation in the short wave band. Card 1/1 - 61 - T. !'ass, Jn 11-e paper, "A Set-ij. fcr "is,,.,al cl flip Famll- of i'late-.(Irid c!: f (;.,Ir?!` 1j,. t 7, E.'s 'an e, E,; 1 a 'don un tlie screen of an oscillof-raph of the ai:ove-mertiored f;trdl, A I lock _!iai?,rar i s S :1-'-d t te~~. Presented at the Eleventl-, Sciertific and echnical. '~eqsion (if 1.~ic Leni-r-rad Section 1711,1-dE (Scientific and "echnical. Sucict~ for ,cllo and Electricit~-) imcni A. S. Por,ov, ledical,ed to the celebration of lla(!_io Da,,,, Lenini7rad, 14-2.'; Apr ~,6. (FtedlotekbnIke, No. 7. 1956.) 6(4) AUTHORS: Leonora, Z. M. SOV1108-1 5-11-6/15 Porotskiy, F. ~a-., SalovlyZ-4, G. F. TITLEi aperience When Using Strong Oscillator Tubes in Impulse Operation (Opyt ispollzovaniya moshchnykh generatornykh lamp v impul'snom rezhime) PERIODICAL: Radioteklinika, 1,958, Vol V), Nr 1.1, PP '9--4' ABSTRACT: The possibility of using strong oscillator tubes with active cathode, which are intended to be used for continuous operation, are investigated in pulsed apparatus. The pre!-Lminary tests, which were carried out by B. I. Polyakov, B. T. Zarubin, B. M. Gutner and K. N. Bulychev, gave positive results. On the strength of these results investigations of these tubes were carried out on a larger scale from '955 to 1956. Work was carried out in two directions: 1) Testing of the tubes in static operation for the purpose of obtaining the entire family of static characteristics necessary for calculating the impulse- operation of the generator. 2) Control of dynamical operation Card Ili, for the purpose of checking "he working of tubes in pulsed acperiezice When Using Strong Os--illatDr Tubes in SOV/108-13-1.1-6,'15 Impulse Operation operation and especially in ultrashortwave generator circuits to te uscd in practioE. Possibilities of extending the freq-iency range and of considerably increasing the impulse power output are pc,--*nted out. The results obtained by investi- gations are discussed. The tests carried out showed that it is possible to usp strong oscillator tubes for continuous work at low frequencies. The output values in the pulse obtained surpassed the nominal ones by a multiple (in the case of continuous operation). On the basis of the results obtainzA it may be concluded that it is pcssible to use strong oscillator tubes with thorlated eathodes in pulse generators at frequencies of 100 to 150 089-acycl~:s. Z. I. Model', G. M. Drabkin, Z. M. Lifshits, and G. M. Moskovskaya advised the authors. A. 1. Miermonshteyn, Engineer, and A. Ye. Karpova, Engineer, took part in the experiments. Card 2/3 Experience When Using Strong Oscillator Tubes in SOV/1-06-11 3-11-6/1 1; Impulse Operation There are 5 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: December ~, 1957 Card 3/3 108-6-6/10 AUTHOR: Lifshits, Z.K. , Koskovskaya, G.1.. , Pass, X.I. TITLE: A New Type of a Large Generator 'Je_tr_oa_e_TN`cvyy tip moqhchno,:o generatornogo tetroda) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, Nr 8, pp 66-69 (USSR) ABSTP,kCT- The tetrode mentioned is described. It is destined to be used for the short-imave range and is available in two kinds of finish: w-ith air- and with water cooling. The cathode system consists of 12 single filaments of carbide-tungsten wire. The anode is a copper box with a ring to which a piston is welded. To the outer surface of the anode copper blades are welded for air cooling. In its interior the anode is electrolytically coated vdth black chromium. The gr--d surface is also coated with zirconium in order to reduce beam energy reflection. The inductivity of the electrode .eads , and in particular of the screened grid is low. This %raxs attained by the applioation of an annular lead of the screened grid. The electric data of the tetrode are: heater filament ;roltage 6,3 V, filament current 98 A, voltage of anode feed (%vithout modulation) at frequencies belm 25 ko ... 10 kV, voltage of the screened grid (maximum) ... 2 kV, slope of the characteristic 20 Wvolt, amplification coefficient of the first grid with respect to the second ... 9. emission current of Card 1/2 I PASS. V.V., inEh. Action of underground waters and their corrosive effect on the concrete timbering in mine shafts. ftakht. stroi. 4 no.6:29- 30 Je 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Rudoupravlenlye iment Frunze. (water, Underground) (Mine timbering) PASS, V.V., ~mzh. Wilt ol-pl-oof *,I t- mine shftf's In k ~ t i'fi' 4,,n Ify meants of ce-mem! 91, 1, r.. U . 1, - Sliukht. strul. 'I lv-1.307-1-13 147 1", i (M T I tA Y7 -.'7 ) 1. Foidn-.Lk i-mer," Frunze, p. K-, -- 1, c PASS, V.V., inzh. Drainage of the iron Ore deposit at the Frunze Mine. Shaklt.stroi. 8 no.12t20-21 D 164. (MIRA 1811) 1. Rudnik imeni Frunze, Krivoy Rog. PC";, V.V.0 poi,riyy Inh. Drainage of karst waters by means of a single unde--Irozn-J vcrkinz. Gor.zhur. no.12:61-62 D 164. OURA 1~.I) 1. Rudoupravleniye im. Frunze. I USSR/Medicine - Lichen Jan/F~b 48 6-4 Medicine - Fungi Z~ "The Systematism and Geography of the Genus Catra-ria in the USSR,n K. A. Paasadina, Bot Inst imeni V. L. Kcmarov, Acad Sci USSR, Lew. inWad, 12 pp "Botan Zhur" Vol X=1, Ho 1 Of,75 known species of Cotraria Ach., 36 are found, in USSR. Much has been written about otber genera of lichens, but only one articlenot airedlable in Leningrad, on Cetraria. Discusses plAem of Cetraria In the general lichen systea 4AW 36/41144 U=Med.icine - Lichen (Contd) Tan/Feb 48 and its geographical distribution. Gives table for recognizing USSR species. Includes six drawings. Submitted 2 Jul 47. 3614WU GUSFI, V.D.; PASSCHAK, V.K. Reconstruction of brush holders of a slip ring. Sbor. rats. predl. vnedr. v proizv. no.2:46-47 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Magniiogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (Brushes, Electric) AUTHOR: E~~,G.A~.(Engineer) 100-5-10/10 TITLE: Equipment for the execution of prestressed concrete constructions. (0borudovanie dlya izgotovleniya napryazh- enno armirovannykh izdeliy). PERIODICAL: "Rekhanizatsiva Stroitel'stva" (Rectianisation of ConsTr-u-c-fl'o-nT,-Tg57p--Vo-l-.1-4t--No-.-57,- PP-31 - 32 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Various machines and implements for easing and simpli- fying the work on prestressed concrete constructions manufactured in Switzerland are described and illustrated. The information is extracted from "Schweizerische Bau- zeitung", 1956, No-37. There are 7 figures. 4NAILABLE: Card 1/1 WSW, G.A., inshener. Butt joints for high-strength bolts. Transp. stroi. 5 no. 10. 23 D '55- (Km 9:3) (Bolts and nuts) ,PASSUK, G.A., i=tenere Bridge constructed using high-strength bolts as erection joints. Transp.strol. 6 no.11:27-28 N 156. (MI.RA 10i1) (Huhlheim, Germany--Bridge construction) PASSEK, G.A.. inzhen"r, I -i-JI.-leLt for 7arrifacturing prestr~,saed reinforced i,rDdl=tF. KeL",.' ltq,l stro,*. Ilk n,%.':l! jr~. lr7. fg'.;IA 11:6) (svitterland-Pre9tressed concrete) PASSIZ. G.A.. in2h. - Erecting steel structures joined with prestressed high-strength bolts. Nov. takh. I pered. op. v strol. 20 no.2:30-32 F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Bolts and nuts) (Steel, Structural) ~,APWM, -G.A-..-hub. thing plastics in waterproofing structures. Transpo stroi. 10 no-11:55-57 H 160. (KM& 13:11) (Plastics) (Protective coatings) KORGHAGIN, V.K., inzh.; PASSEK, G.A.0 inzh. Testing rubber-mot&l boaring parts. Transp.atroi. 13 no.9:57-59 S 163o (Kl~ 161l2) KDROkOlUt V,Kp Inah.j PAWMp O*A.p Inahe ftubber.mtal mupportlqg sections of a rfdlroad bridge. Tranap.atrale 14 nool2sl5-16 D 0649 Nw- 1911) PASSIK, L.G. Electric heater of a pouring ladle. Lit.proizv. no.8:30 11 154. (Founding) (KIUIA 8: 1 )