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FASKOV.JL., Prof.; STOIANOVp 1. 9 p-,-of.; SARV, S.; DERIMIAN, A.; KRUSTEVA, E.; TENEV, K.; HINCUVA, M. Anti-curare effects of nivaliraRbirurgiia 15 no.9/10:885-890 162, 1 (WANTMM) (CUR"FORM ANTAGONISTS) I T-1-- D. ll(jlas~; `urnacc-,-~ ~t~. !~Crsc -1 , ".. z I ~ . ~ , - ; . I J r'.c, ~. Ir, 1. - _: , . :-.11 4 0 a 7-1 "16 Ir a I - I" - OPIM 'i",, ~(,] - 7, -(,- ( , I P~~ , S fii , , i ) :,:Cjrltlli-, 111L~cx Of I,Cce~;sfo!-Is 7-1. 7, ',c.. 1", Dt--,- ~'' PAI syllovp D. "Irpressions frm D.-, Birlukov's Visit in Bulgaria." p. 2, (WRAMEN FdOWI-p No. 41, Oct. 1954, Sofila, Bulgaria) SO: ~Ionthly Lint of East European Accessions, (rzAL), LC, V01. 4 No. 5, MaY 1955, Uncl. PASKOV, D.; DRIANOVM-NONINUA, L. CLemical and pharmcological studio@ on Saturela hortensle L. Varmatslia 4 no.2:31-37 MY-Ap '54. 1. St,, nauchan eutrudnik v Inatituts po skeper. meditalma pri 13". (for Paskov) 2. St. aslatent pri Natedrate po f"nateevtichnn khimia pri Farm. fakultet na Ned. Akademila Y.Chervankov (for Drianovska- (FL&NTS, Iloninska). *eatureia hortensis. pharviscol.) D. y -)f t*ie t-.:o of re-Ile:. act - tiieoi- ion" (! .33) (j3ulgarsIm ",,I Vol 2 ".o 6 Nov/Doc 1?53 SO: East Euro-.ean Accessi~-,ns I.Jst 7.70-1 2 IIo 6 Auz 19151' 1"Phar-ACO JI- L t,.ra ~,n a"LicrIc f~.X. js 11 V, NC - .)c I ,+ ficall BULQURL./Pharmncology and Toxic:,I(:_~y. Cholinergics V-5 ,'.bs Jour : Rof Zhur - Diol.) No 15, 1958, N-3 71130 Author : Paskov D.S. Inst of BioloLy and MeLUcal Science, Dulgarian .*.S Title :The Effect of Nivalin Upon Striated Muscles. 1. Orig Pub :Izv. Otd. biol. i med. nauki. B"lg. S. Ser. Eksperin. biol. i 1957, No 1, 29-35 ,*,bstract :The anticholinesterase effect of nivalin (alkaloid isolated from the snowdrop) was demonstrated by the author upon isc- lated muscles of the abdomen of the frog. In the experi- raents upon this object and upon gastrocneraius nuscles of cat.9 which were under urethane narcosis, an well as upon non- narcotized rabbits, nivalin was fouad to be the anta6uni8t of flaxedil and tubocumrine. -- K. Draganov Card 1/1 16 TERENTIMAp X.F.; ~AS k, II.G- Genesis of minerals in bauxite of YR6020iC and Cenozoic platform deposits. Min.pyrie no.483-U 162. (MIRA 16:4) Muncite) (Weathering) i, J','- PASKOVA, Jirina ; MUNK, V. Production of Glucose Oxidase by Mixed Cultures of Different Strains of Aspergillus niger. Folia microbiol. 8 no. 4;215-20 i1 163 JDapartment of Microbiology, Central Research Institute of the Food Industry, Prague '."' (OXIDOREDUCTASES) (ASpERGTtWS) (FBRMENTATIPH) (BACTFMOLOGICAL TECHNICS) __tASK9Y~_,P---R. I For a higher quality of teaching and teaching methods. Biol i khim 5 no. 2:17-22 163. 1. Tsentralen institut za usuvurshenstvuvane na uchitelite, Sofiia, i chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia, "Biologiia i khImiia". BulLaria not indicated .LSI".;7j, Sofia Sofia, LlLolor-~j.,~ i No 2, 19061, p:) 25-29 "The Independent 7lorl- of Students i_n i.-a-,ura'-Science.ll KUMMI, Dimitritsa; XOSHMSKA, Tinka; DRUMKV, B02hidar, inzh.; BOZHINOV, Sava Filipov; KMSTOV, Ivan ftlipov4 uchenik; OVANOVA, Mela, prepo- davatel1m; MILKOV, Vuliu; HIKOLOV, lordan Georgiev; SHAIAVEROV, Ziati Dimitrov; PASKOVA, Stoika Ivanova; PAVLOV, Pavel Iordanov Daring the new school year batter achievements. Nauka i takh z mladezh no.10:3-4,16 161. 1. Zav. otdol "Srednoshkolska mladezh" v TSK na DKW(J'or Kalderon) 2. Sakretar na zavodskiia komitet na DKW v zavod "Stalin", Dimitrovo (for Kosharaka) 3. Pradaedatel na naucbno-takhnichookoto d-vo i nachal- nik bluro "Tekhnicheaki progress" v zh. p. zavod "G. Dimitrov" Sofiya. (ftr Drumev) 4. Sakretar na Okruzhnita komitat na DKSM, Plovdiv(for Bozhinov) 5. Selskostopanaki tekhnikum v x. Sadovo, Plovdivski okrug (for Khristov, Ivanova) 6. Direktor na MTS B. "Ekzarkh Antimovo" Gur- gaski okrug (for Milkov) 7. MTS, Gorna Oryakhovitsa (for Nikolov) 8. Sekretar na Okruzhniia komitet na DWS, Turnovo(for Shalaverov) 9. Bibliotelcarka v s. Rudnik., Varnenski okrug (for PasIlDva) 14). Sakre- tar na Okruzhnila komitet na DIM, Varna (for Pavlov) (Education) PIHRT, J.; PASKOVA, Z. Bronchoscopy in bronchial airttm. Gesk. otolaryng. 12 no-4: 230-235 Ag 163. 1. Mnika nemoci usnich, nomich a krenich lekarske fakulty bygienicke MJ v Praze, prednesta prof. dr. V. Hlavacek Alergicke oddeleni fakultni nenocnice v Praze 109 vedouci MUDr. B. Hodek. (ASTHRA) (BRONCHOSCOPY) (BOSINOPHILS) (STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS) (PNEUMOCOCCAL INFECTIONS) (NEISSERIA) (STAPH INFECTIONS, RESPIRATORY) (KUBSIELLA) INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616.2-097.2-057 IUAVACEKP V.; JIRICITY, -T.; Otolaryngological Clinic Medical Faculty of Hygiene, Charles University (Otolaryngolo ic- ka Klinika Lek. Fak. Hygienicke KU), Prague, Head (Prednostal Prof Dr. V. HLAVACEK; Department for Allergic Diseases, Faculty Hospital (Alergologicke Oddeleni Fakultni Nemocnice), Prague 10, Head (Primar) Dr B. HODEK. "Investigations of Occupational Allergies of the Respiratory Pathways." Prague Casopis Lekaru Ceskych, Vol 105, No 31, 9 Aug 66, pp 837 - 642 Abstract juthors, English summary modified-7: Evaluation of occupational allergies was made in 230 patients. Allergies are caused either by noxious substances or by primary irritants. Classification of various occupations according to frequency of allergies caused in personnel is given. Sensitizing agents occurring in working places and at home are discussed. Influ- ence of heredity is evaluated, Preventive measures are de- scribed- 3 Tables, 3 Western, 2 Czech, 1 East German reference. (Manuscript received Jan 66), l A IPASKOVA. Z-; OPPIR, J-; 715BWVA9' B' of otoselerosis based On a quantitative assessment Of Pathogenes is Cesk. otolare 7 no.4:229_234 Aug fleveral biochemical values in blood. 58. 1. ()RL klinika IV=. prednosta prof. Dr. Idimir Eanvacek oddeleni pro klinicko-a biochemii Ffi-ifflMil prednosta HUDr- mr. Jan opplt. (0T0SCLV=1S* etiol. & T*thogen. lation to blood chem. (cz)) failure to demonstrate etiol. re SKAMOVA, B.; PASKOVA, Z. T--eatment of bronchial asthma with light levels of hypogljcemia. Can. lek. cesk. 97 n0-31-32:1014-1017 8 Aug 58. I Interni nroned. klinika IYHICU, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Syllaba. Alergicke o'ddeleni S711 v PraLe 12, nrednosta nrim. MUDr. B. Hodek. Za technicke si)oluprace dipl. sestry M. Mazurove. B. S. Praha 12, Vlssimskn 6. (ASmHMA, ther. by insulin induced hypoglycemia, indic. & mechanism (Cz)) (IIISULIN, ther. use asthma, indic. & mechanism (Cz)) (HVIIWLYGEHIA, insulin- induced as ther. of asthma (Gz)) HDRELIP LVI, inzh.; PASKOVATYYP 0.1. Dispatching of interahop conveying of liquid products at petroleum- refineries. Mekh.i avtom. proizv. 15 no.6:8--16 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Hydraulic conveying) (Electronic control OKUNINOV, V.P.; HLOYASIN, I.L.; KATAY3V, I.G.; PASWVIM, Yu.S. Investigating heavy cool-tar products of esmicoking, a new kind of binders. Ehim.i tekh.topl.i masel 5 no,10:26-31 o 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Cok-9 industry-Bir-producta) (Priquets (Puel)) If/ PASKOVIC, F. Morphologic and teChnOlOgiCal Droperties of the Ntch varieties of flax. pt. 2. P. 309. (Tekstil, Vol. 6, No. 4, Apr. 1957, Zagreb, Yugoslavia) SO-. Monthly List of Fast Muropean Acce38ions (SFAL) Lc. Vol. 6. No. 8. Aug 1957. Uncl. PASY'OVIC' F. The value of Dutch flax varieties. p. 217. (Tekstia. Vol. 6, no. 3. March, 1957. Zagreb, Yugoqlavia) SO: Monthly List of East European "Accessions. (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1957. Uncl. ~. ~- FA:";Y,CVIC, F. Stabilization of the i rcduction and rroces.-Ine of hemp and flax on a r--;tion-d level. 1. 6C6. TEKSTIL. Vol. 4, I:o. 6, June 10,55. Beograd. SCURCE: East Eurorean Accessions List (P~LAL) Library of Corg-ress, Vol. 4. No. 12, December 1955. PASKOWA, Z. "Research Concerning the Better Exploitation of Hope when Brewing Beer." D.263 (PRZR-IY5L POLNY I spozriczy Vol. (7) no. 7, July 1953 Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthl List of East Europea Accessions. LC, Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1954/Uncl. RUmanla / Microbiology - Microbes Pathogen)jc to Humans F-4 and Animals Abs Jour: Referat. Zh. Blol., No. 1, 1958, 750 Author Chortya, Pasku, GrYumberg, D?yakonu Title Improvement of Tuberculin Quality by Cultivating Bacteria on a New Nutrient MedlLm Orig Pub: Anuarul Inst serurl sl vacc~ Pasteur BucUresti, 1956, 1, 259:276 Abstract: No abstract. Card l/11 Phs < u, L ftumania/',jiscases of nimals. .'i--e-ses caused by Viruses 1~-l ar.) -:,ickattsiae bs hu r- ~.; i o' c 1 2724 -iuthor kheits,!! . - --che - C. 0 yu u;j! c U V ---,k-u L nst . S, 11 of the ~'eo: le' -.1 r n e -u Title j .!,ntl-cholera- '~Vi - s ~~eounlic of :Ium-,nia , ne V -ic ,'i ,-ontai i,~ ' ' nin-,: U ~:ine :---enared T-ront 1~ -1ood . , rus i - - - v nd 7n -. r)eT i! . nnta1 nve :~ti ia!;-ion ;-ind -relimin -r ~y Orig -ub ~O 1-2, 'ic-Str'-tct 7he e).tL,--inati(.;n of vacc-;.-.,e .-(~.~xh aar, been red by the ',,u1csko :-iethc- n-as srio:.1.1n th-it it ep.- tablis-,es otable -11(rmlinitj in pi s in the course of 11 months and ti~at it does fiot have -iny harT- ful effect on the animals. '1",he vnecine may be stc- red for z,, to 10 months wi-Ghcut chan~7-ing its Card 112 ALMASI, Lucretlai FASKUCZ, Ladislau Reaction of sodium 0,0--diethylth!ophosphitas with di8ulflde. Rev chimie Roum 10 no.3;301-303 Mr '65. 1. lnstitute of Chemistry nf the Rumanian ;cademy, Cluj Branch, 59-65 Donath St. Submitted Augu3t 4, 1964. PASKUDSKIY. Anatoliy Vladislavovich; BOBROVA, Larisa Alokoandrovna; TIK11ONbVA-, Ij-V--'-r-e-d-.'---13ARV-I0VA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Organization of a study room and perforrance of laboratory work on plastics and synthetic fibers] Organizateiia ucheb- nogo kabineta i provedenie laboratorrWkh rabot po izuchonAu plasticheskikh mass i sinteticheskogo volokna. Moskva, Vse8. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhizdat 1961. 40 P. WRA 15;2) (Chemical laboratories-Equipnent and supplies) (Plastics) (Textile fibers, Synthetic) VA-~ -4 40 J) -0 4 4 -0 0 -9 -0 -0 4D 0 -0 a a 41F w a, 11 a 0 b. u b V IL -jL-ML-f--S .1 IL 00 A -A 1- -1y, I ORMOMI Ake 09"141015 M"I Tbo it""Mismi b9"" I WWW& CA vApQIF6MuVbdWw OAM. I I I-N 19w).--spuns 01 rooms "kL 1"Ji Mesa As cl IIAA mod w0heassame bw to As of o&w *"Mkb* dLb" iNDF& (MMOKM "Massim") or -s- 06 c W arl AboW As dars ed IM wom 000. IMI hwm 001: out 3 no As Is adftrbtd have no kilwascr at am on with araa%n wA dried witbast waskim ad tbe=t span& Sd v,* alww awh waakl,6 400 0, roe 2roe 608 -00 '00 A rn~ 0., cat Ow O-V m %a80 0 1 T 1 9 1 A F IF MIA Iltdc No-I* 01 1 in a -.1i AT a a a a a of if a I It 1)a a 0 o * 0 : 0 we=*, a Is o 0 10:010 41, 11 A 0060009060006696000000000000400 0 qO00 0~_Wee- W0,68 1! ft a mail Sligo no a a 42 on a %C 0 a a t a 0 AL It -ft. llj 11 C-LAL 6-1-1L 9 0 _A_k_t_ 4w a 10 lookillog ),to oa .1. coot** to 644 -;a7_ Ole Go" 06C so. so, 441 in NVIA jqs anon P(M" -1410AM au"IPAII Poqtxmumm "I p MM 41no "41A In 6RMU 44111,11,10 W-41,11041. "A Po"amL&" I ORV " 9-1 00. 11 a4l(M -SIP 3" 9" PI-P 5V P- VZP VWW - Sill *95 P- V so- m ftG;,q '"'14 %M IMITS p IMX"3 9 01, vtw -Ow" P-,Sfqlt WA "r.P AM 'VVU W M&f(fwjf :0 0 .40 #of ag4 r-1 low 0; 15; Cle; #aim 00 00 "'00 Doe ago Poo ales *0 00 11410, 00 a 6 9 1 1 ALMMI, Lucretia; PASKUCZ, Ladislau ......, Reaction of sodium 0,0-riiethylthi.)phosph.ltes with cqrbon disulfide. Studii cerc chlm '14 no.3:2")-280 Mr '65. 1. Institute of Chemistry of the Rumanian Academy, Cluj Branch, 59-65 Donath St. Submitted August 4, 1q64. PASK'JTSKAYA L.N. - , Study of the effect of polpicrylamide on the nroccess nf filtr-%- tion. Nauch. trudy AKKH .no. 22: 37-48 163. (ml-,iA 1~:C~) V a AUTHOR-. None Given 32-8-53/61 TITLE: Short Reports (Korotkiye soobshcheniya). PFRIODICU: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 8, pp. 1002-100L (USSR) ABSTRACT: Dmitrieyv, P.P. (Tashkentakiy khimicheskiy institut Akademii nauk UzSSR) suggested an alteration in the already known apparatus for oil-refining and determining the effective boiling points of mineral oil products according to Badgadzher in that the separation of the fractions does not take place in the Kleisen-pistons but in the apparatus itself, which permits a reduction of the time needed for the experiment, the elimination of losses and greater accuracy. There are 2 fig-area. Krishtul, V.P. and Paskutskaya, L.N, (Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyastva) suggeste-d-r-RIM-Uf-w-Mer jet-sucking pump to be used for emptying the vessels after the experiments are finished, which is assumed to offer technical-practical advantages. There is I figure. Skopin, Yu.A. (Kazakhskiy sellskakhozyayatvennyy institut) suggested a device for gas washing which offers the advantage that the washing liquid can be used without shutting off the gas and in which the gas washing process takes place between the bottoms of two tele- Card 1/3 acoped vessels. There is 1 figure. Short Reports 32-8-53/61 Korshunov, V.I. (Institut goryuchikh inkopayemykh Akademii nauk SSSR) suggested an apparatus for the fraction analysis of dispersive minerals. The apparatus consists of a cylindric vessel the lower end of which forms a cone and is coimected to a tube where a straight- way cock is provided. At the sidep In. Uhe middle of the cylinder, there is a feeder through which the fine-grained mineral is fed, mixed with a liquid which has appro'xima tely the same specific weight, The lighter fractions, which rise up are caught by the chan- nel provided above; the heavier ones) which are deposited below, are elininated by the atraight-way cock. Simonyan, A.A. (Moskovskiy torfyanoy institut) suggested an apparatus for the determination of the maximum of the shearing stress and the coefficient4i of the lateral pressure of the plastic materials (chalk, peaty etc.). The apparatus comists of a horizontally fixed tube of several parts which can easily be diosembled into its Individual parts and has inside a thread-like cut which prevents the displacement of the material it contains. One of the branches of the tube has an inductor for measuring the lateral pressure. The pressure is caused by a piston., which is introduced into the tube. The other end of the tube is fitted with a closing device. The number of the parts of the tube is reduced by dismantling them an required. Examples of Card 2/3 applicationp 1 figure. _77 17 F7. .-Z; It-71 t~ -v !,2' 1 - OT, zu"t ilk t~jt~LL119~ Tlt A,IW~T fill, T-7j"Ol -v7,Y Q-: 5-v- KOZIDWSKA, Irena; PASLAWSKA-PRUS, Janina The rile of the dispensary attached to factories in procurement of suitable jobs for tuberculous patients. Gruzlica 24 no.8:859- 863 Aug 56. 1. Z Wojewodzkiej Przychodni Przeciwgru21iczej we Wroclawiu Dyrektor: dr. W. Batycki. (INDUSTRY AND OCCUPATIONS employment of pulm. tuberculotica, serv. of factory dispensary) (TUBERCUMSIS, PULMONARY same) PASIAWSKA-FRUS, Janina Analysis of morbidity among subjects exposed to registered patients in 4m anti-tuberculosis clinic. Gruslica 30 no.2:133-136 162. 1. Z VojewodWdej Przycbodni Praeciwgraz3.iczej we "droclaviu Dyrektor: dr W. Batycki z Foradni Prz9civgruzIIcz9J Szkolentowej Kierownik: J. Paslavoks-Prus. (TOMULOSIS tranem) FMINIORAS Stanislaw.;. FASUWSKf~_pFUS, Janina; ZAIMBIRZYCKI, Zdzisiaw Influence of the smallpox vaccination on -the course of t-i"ber- culosis in adolescents and ad-ults treated i-ri a tuc-earc-uosis dispensary. Gr-uzlica 33 no.7:581-585 Jl 165. 1. 7 Poradni Wzorcowe` - -7y ',,(.1jeWCdZk;ej Przychodn-A Przeciw- ~: 1 gruzliezeJ we 4rocinviii ~Flyrekt,or: dr. e:. Batycrclil. BATYCKI. Wojcimch; PASLAWSKA, Janina; ROGALSKI, Bugeniuss Results of conservative treatment with hy-aluronidase of in tuberculose empjrema. Gruzlica 24 no.2:99-lo6 Feb 56. 1. Z Hiejakiego Stpitala Gru2licy Plue im. Dluskiego we Wroclawiu. Dyrektor: W. Batycki, Wroclaw-Biskupin. u1. Zielonego Debu 13. (TU3ERCULOSIS. PuLRIONARY, compl. pleural empyema. ther., hyaluronidase (HYALURDNIDASE, ther. use empyema, pulm.. in pulm. tuberc. PASLAWSKI, T. Ninety-&ix mUlion -lotys. p. 6. (Las Polski, Warszawa, Vol. 30, no. 9, Sept. 1956.) SO: Monthly List of East i~uropean Accessions (HAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7. July 1957, Uncl. PASIAIMIt 2. PAIAWSKI, Z. Review of publications. P. 423. GOSPODARKA WODNA. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 15,, No. 100 Oct. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Lr, Vol. 5,, No. 6, June 1956 IPIASLAWSKI, Z. Hydrologl;-~ Sernr I -3o !P. TnC- United S I a teni. Przmegi gf-of ' 2 8 no.4"-239-243 163. 7 r~ , f M,; , r ~ F I , : : ~ I , 17.111. ! , ; . - T - -~ '. , , ~ . j . I - - rl fj , f, *, : , -- - , 1., -1 , - T . - ~ ~ ' , - : - .-' , ' ---- 4, .. . - I - . .; :,- ~ ~-- 7 U- .- , 'rig, :--:* u *:Yjr-.-.-~~'! ',- . . ~2-1-1-. :. PASLAWSK I , 'ibigniow, dr J nz. Mr *hod 9 of determinIng the f ~- --; r 4 vers . Gosp wodna 24 nc. 5:185 My '&/.. 1. State Institute uf Hrjr,ii,-),c,-y rind Meteorology, "onian Bran-.*n. PASLER, J. When and where C2sting may be substituted by welding. p. 283. ZVARAN1E Vol. 4, no. 9/10, Sept. 1955 Czechoslovakia Source: EAST EUROPEAN LISTS Vol. 5, no. 7 July 1956 Goes a m do so two" OWWAIM Old 3L. 0s s , ok:pi m4 pas 2 0 0 t . - . w fled 004 see dboubd the oak&-. egal sloogal 604 S It 4 '00 .00 Noe 000 age goo goo wee Noe woo I so '1 W 0 9 'o boos**** 0 a 0 a a a 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a a a a 0 0 0 00 1 it if u 61 0 to he 11 a a a h v a r -9 a 'A..- -11 -A I I &A IN m o- If .-0 Jo cavfvl 0 C'c I S f I 1..0 '0C."Et Mod of k .7amulk 111'"Sum so = U s COO. X0401tov MW M., )WqPW)j' zhiftvo D.6 9. N.. 5, 16-1000m): chisaii & OWSOPir f1mirary 10 a fably rommmon brM, the pirmule 44*5 not PkY tht PMMPIst' w rou In the welialim %A thr oil "We"I W Ow. I"" valkv; the Ow.1 11M)PORtatit IWINN 11mi IMS wistutimi"t (A j the W*lk-i-vy utrusinmt W tow pubv imip.. niowwr matmt.ow. to libmate the ally dmvkts by tcm'6 To. 11bbe clu. Twihm kt b 0 l ro .4 Its istimorption by the wvrtal CIMSIOU"Im A lbr ulte *a A. PajAmau-Coultav is 414" at. $k A t1.tLvk(.KAt Washt"t 'kAISVICAMO, a (I I Of 91 0 0 0 a a 0 00 00 00 SO 0 gow* eta a wa 0 0 0 0 0 as a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 ki M It a Is w ape $1 4043 NoTo At IL A 1- s & 0 -L L .r 2 1 a" 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 as 0 0 00 00 coo g:: =go 800 tie a to a 15-57-10-14972 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 276 (USSH) AU-HORS: Grinshpun, L. V., Puslen, D. A. TI-LE: Installation for the Control of the Movable Elemenrs in Automatic Mide Apparatus for the Principal VenUlation System (Ustroystvu dlya upravleniya peredviznnymi elementami avtomatizirovannykh shakhtnykh ustanovok glavnogo provetrivaniye) PERIODICAL: V sb: t.vtomatizatsiya v ugolln. prom-sti. Moscow, Ugletekhizdat, 1956, pp 286-346 APSTRACT: The automation of some ventilating apparatus is impossible without changing the construction of t~,e equipment that distributes the air. When converting the principal ventilating system of a mine to remote control-, it is necessary to provide 4 dispatcn.-Ing desk for performing the following operations: tne starting and stopping of electric motors, control of the working Card 1/3 of the ventilating equipment, regulation of the 15-b'1-10-14 972 Installation for the Control of the Movable Elements (Cont. ) apparatus for reversing the air f low, and swi tc t-,ing in reserve ventilators In case of stoppage of the principal system. The last two operations can be successfully accomplished only when the mov&ble elenents work reliably: shutters, plungers, slide valves, Fate valves. The movable elements of the ventilating system should riot bind, should be properly sealed, and snould be correctly placed. The plunger should be enclosed, as a rule. The ventilator registers should be closed by metal shutters with rubber gaskets. The princ"_ pal fault of existing shutters is the inadequate rigidity of con- struction; because of this they do not fit snugly in the frames. I general fault of plunFers, gate valves, and shutters is that they are not properly sealed. Th.2 authors recommend the use of a ri~_-id shutter with rubber gasket manufactured by the Southern State Institute for the Design and Planning of Mine Construction in the Coal Industry; this shutter will permit successful operation under mine conditions. The construction of Et plunger answerinF- fully the problems of mine conditions Is described. The author discusses the successful construction of a single-gate valve used at the Imeni OGPU (United State Political Administration) mine. He recor=nenus C a rd 2/3 Installation for the Control of the Movable Elements the wide introdi ;tion of a type of removable shutters tested by t~ie Donets Coal Mining Institute under mine conditions. These shutters may be rep&ired without stopping the ventilation process. A reversible arrangement deserves attention. It consists of two gate valves rigidly joined together at an angle of 1350, the axis of which turns on an anti-friction bearing. This arrangement auto- matically directs the air along the lower channel under the head of ventilation air, thus giving it its great advantage. An arrangement of two automatic movable shutters, joined to each other by a system of blocks,works on a similar principle. This arrangement may be used only with rectangular channels. For mines now under construction it Is recommended that a system of ventilation be used without single- wate valves. The authors describe installations with different methods of air intake and delivery In ventilating systems being used in mines. He also discusses the principles on which they work, the met,-tods of converting them to remote control systems, and tne apparatus and equipment necessary to accomplish these tasks. Card 3/3 A. D. 1~arginovskiy ALITSHULMR, Z.Ye., inch.; BASTUNSKIY, N.A., inch.; BASUL', V.11., inzh.; BMV11BjMG. I.S.. inch.; BOGGPOLSKIY, B.Kh., inzh.; BUKHARID. S.1.. inch.; GO.%TXYN. B.G., inch.; GRINSHPLW. L.Y.. inzh.; DJWYjM. G.L. inch.; DIIMSHTKYII, A.G., inch.; ZIATOPOLISKIY, D.S.. irnh.; KIANYUK, A-V.. inch.; KOZIN. Yu.V.. inzh.; ISVITIN, I.P., inzh.; HELINIKOV, L.F., inch.; MELIMMOV, L.G., inzh.; NOW, M.B., inzh.: PAVLOV, N.A.. inzh.1 P-Eu-&-p-AA.. inch.; PASIN, B.Ya., inzh.; PYATXCVSKIY, P.I., inch.; RAZNGSGHIKbV. D.V., lnzb.; ROZENDYER, G.Ya., Inch.; R02AMERG, R.L.. inzh.; ROYi'%NBNRG, N.L., inch.; RYABINSHY, Ya.l.. inch.; SYPCaNK0. I.I., inzh.; TABACHNIKOV. L.D.. inch.; FELIDMAN, Inth.; S11THAKHMAN. G.Ya.. tnzh.; SHTIMUGAS. N.S., iftzh.; 1XVITH. 1.P., otvotatvonrqy rod.; STSLIMAKII. A.N., rod.1rd-va; BIAKKHR, O.G., [Overall mechanization and automatization of production processes in the coal industry] Komplekensia mekhanizateiia i avtomatizatsita proizvodeityengkh proteessov v ugollnoi promyshlennosti. Pod red. IU.V.Kozina i dr. Moskva. Ugletekhtrdst. 1957. 82 p. (MMi 11:3) 1. Gosuderetvennyy proyektno-konstruktorokly Inatitut. 2. Inotitut Giprougleavtomatizatsiya i Tekhnicheskogo Upravleniya Hini8teretva ugollnoy promyBhlennosti (for all except: Levitin, Stellmakh, Bakker) (Automatic control) (Goal mininginschinery) STZPAIROV, I.; YBUKOVA. T.; POLTAN. R.; PASH&B, B.; TYSTITACHENKO. B. Olovosibirsk) All-Union state standards and sizes of clothing. Okhr.truda I sote.strakh. no.10:35-38 0 159. MRA 13:2) 1. Brigadir sklads, slyabov teekha goryacbego prolmta zavoda ImBnI KusImina (for Stepanov). 2. Starehly inshener otdola vosponogatellnykh materialov Novosibirskogo sovnarkhona (for Yesakova). 3. Redaktor onogotirashuoy Causty 'Stankostroltall" (for Polyan). 4. Redaktor gasety "Netallure (for Pasman). 5. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent zhurnala 10khrana truda I sotsiallnoye strakhovaniyal (for Trotlyachenko). (Novosibirsk Province--Work clothes) UZNBTSOV, I. (Novosibirsk); PASMAN, B. (Novosibirsk) Memorable meeting vith M. Gorikii. Sov.foto 19 no-3:83 Mr '59. (Gorikii, Makeim, 1868-1936) (MIRA 12:4) HIKOV, B.S.; SANNIKOV, S.S.; PiiSMANIK, A.I.; irinimali uchu:;tiye: PROTO."0110VA, T.I.; FOLISHAKOV, Yu.A.; KOROLIN, V.O.. TROSTYAVITSER, G.N.; ' :iElY, G.A.; D-MATOV, I.!. 9 Adjustment of low-flash forginZ on a 4000-ton, RW crankshaft hot forging press. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 3 no.8:41-43 Ag 161. (MIIU 14: 8) (Forging) (Power presses) S/18 61/000/008/005/0-0--, D038YD113 AUTHORS,: Perevozchikov, B.S.; Sannikov, S.S., Pasmanik, A.I. TITLEt Experience J_n the debugging of low-burr stamping on a 4000-t NKM crank drop forging press PERIODlCALa Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 8, 1961, 41-43 TEXTs This article deals with the debugging of a new "low-burr stamping" process, used for circular forgings, in which the metal instead of forming a circumferential burr flows inwards into the central compensating cavity of the die impression. This consequently saves a great deal of metal. The production of two forgingsli.e. the rear axle reduction gear drive pinions of the- Bonrp,(Volga) and the FA3-51 (GAZ-51) automobiles was debugged on a 4000-ton HKM3 (NM) crank drop forging press at the forging department of the Gortkovskiy avtomobillnyy zavod (the Gortkiy Automobile Plant) by work- ers of that plant and of the ENIKMASh. Forgings reduced 2.86 times were used- in the initial stages of the 0process and the blanks were heated in a gas holding furnace to 1150-1200 C. The Volga rear axle reduction gear drive Card 1/3 B/18 61/000/008/005/005 Experience in the debugging of low-burr stamping.. D038YI)ll3 pinion was stamped as follows: upsetting of the blank on harnmer heads, transfer of the upset blank into the work counter die; preliminary and final stamping in two press passes with a subsequent feeding of two punches to the counter die by a rotating punch head. The excess of metal during the last draw flowed across an internal burr bridge into the central cavity (compen- sator) of the punch of the third draw (Fig. 2). The height of the facing burr of the forging did not exceed 2-3 mm- As a result of the experiments9 the weight of the blanks decreased compared to those now in use at the plant e.g. tho Volga rear axle reduction gear drive pinion decreased by 1 kg, and that of the GAZ-51 by 3-5 kg. The new process is recommended for normal multi-die stamping. It is stated that the debugging of the production proc- ess would lower tool and equipment costs, and that the low-burr stamping process only recently attracted the attention of technicians and research workers,, The following took part in the work: T.I. Protopopovaq Yu*A* Bol'shakov, V.0. Korolev, G.N. Trostyanitser2 G.A, Troitekiy and I.I. Vevyatoir. There are 4 figures, I table and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/;j FAEMUINIK, L.A., klinicheskiy ordinator Surgical treatment of valgoid hallux varus. Zdrav. Bel 7 no,6:46-47 A '61. 411AA 15--2) 1. Iz Minskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta ortopedii i travmatologii (direktor - prof. R.M.Mininap nauchnyy rukovoditel prof. B.N.TSypkin [deceased)). (FOOT-SURGI"Iiy) FASI:ICFIP H. FASNICKI, H. The mode-I 55-15069-1 impulse modulator. p. 355. Vol. 2.1, no. 11, Nov. 1956 t- FRZFCsL:J) TELEKOTV-'IKACYJNY I;HILOS:)PHY & RELIGTON 1w, arszava, Toland SO: European Accession, Vol. 6, March lQS7 HONG, MELrin; Ion Four hundred and forty-eight, famil lea in new houses. Const Bic 16 no.7321l 18 Ja'64. 11,101SEP D., corospondont; PASNICU, lonj GIMT011), Valontin Commercial complexes. Constr Buc 16 no. 7"-,: . June 164. PASNICU, Ion Plintb advantpgeaus systemB. Gonstr Buc 16 no.7370 22 Fv64, 1. Momaicar la grupul do santiere nr.lp Trustul, Regional de Constructii do locuinte, Iasi. C_ PASNIXV-1., inzh.; SORUCIPUD, A.N., Inzh. Redesigninp the Vj__11_43 level indicator. Avtom., telem. i eviaz' 4 no."05-37 Jl 160o (MIRA 13:7) 1. Laboratoriya sigoalizateii i evyazi XaRanskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Electronic equipment) (Blectronic measurements) ~ ,, A. Z, , , , , t, .1 POLAND/Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chemotherapeutical Preparations V 7 Abe Jour Ref Zhi= - 13iol., No 51 1958, No 23486 Author Pas=ikc)w5ki T. No~ Givea Titis -'Iip Treatment of Tbberc,.,_Iar lomphadenitis of the Nech with T-40 Orig Pub Otalaryngol. polska, 1951, 9, Dlc) 3, 233-237 Abstract Po.:ty eight patiente vi;~i Iymphademi-%is of ~-_e-:tk wera tzeatl~nd w-i:;b T-40 (sodiirn '-r~amo.-salicylo-hyd.-o-xam,t). y-two patients complat ly ra~-overed; improvement was noticea in 21 patients; the treetzw,-nt of 5 patients was in- eff-ec'i-ve. No side-effects were observed. Medical histories of the siclme5s were give.-_ Card 1/1 I , PRJ611f. 7, 1 J4- ti r' ' T. f7 !, A - ; '~ , ! , - . ~-j ~11,~~jj_rl " . fl 1, " r,r ("! p~lr- I ('Cra" I y. CV4,-, " a r-,- V. :In - . Y4 " .1 . 1, r 1. Z KI in i k I Ot ()I It I o I,' (~:.r) -.1 Pomor!,?, 1, vJ A~,Ad~-n j I rl'(!d,; I .-,.r t'i I I w prof. dr. mod. .,. Twiifwiil0)- . ~l PASIIIKCWSXI, Tadeusz; GREC, Stanislaw Mandibular atrophy (Gorham's disease). Case report. Poloki tyKod. lek. 15 no.33:1277-1279 15 Ag 160. 1. 2 KlInIkI Otolaryngologicznej P.A.M. v Szczecinie; kierownik: prof. dr med. J.Tanievski I x Zakladu Radiologit P.A.M. kierownik: prof. dr wed. Cz. Hurczyneki (MADIBL3 die.) (ATROPHY case reports) PASETLKOWSKI, Tadeums (Szczecin. Garncarska 3/7) Nquillbrium organ in bVpertansion. Otolar. polska 8 no.4:295- 304 1954. 1. Z Kliniki otolaryngologiesnej PomorBkiej Akedemit Medycznej w Szczecinle. Kierown1k: prof. dr J.Taniewski (HrMTENSION, pbreiology, vestibular appar.) (VESTIBULAR APPARATUS, in various diseases, bypertension) PASNIKOVSKI, TadeU82 Autono-de nervous system in chronic tonsillitis. Oto"Ar. polska 10 no-3-4:429-432 1956. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryugologicznej P.A.M. w Szczectnie Kierown1k: prof. dr. J. Taniewski. Szczecin, Unil Lubelskiej 1. (AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. in various diseases, tonsillitis (Pol)) (TONSILLITIS, physiology, autonomic US (Pol)) PASNIKOMI. Tadauss. Treatment of lymph nods tuberculosis of the neck vith preparation To. Otolar. Polska 9 no-3:233-237 1955. 1. Z KlInIki Otolaryugologicsnej Fomorsklej A.M. v Szosecinie. Kierowulk: prof. dr. J.Tanlevskl. (SALICYLIC ACID, derivatives, salloylobydroxmic wid In lymph node tubero. of neck) (TUMCUIMIS. LYMPH NOMM. therapy, salic7lohydroxamic acid In tuberc. of neck) PASNIKOWSXI, Tadauez Studies on the equilibrium function in hypertension. Fi*ezn. pon. eked. wd. Swierc2ewski. 71173-185 161. 1. Z Kliniki Otalar-yngologicznaj Ponorskiej Akademii Medycznej Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Taniewski. (HYPERTENSION pbysiol) (EQUILIBRIUM) FASNIKOWSKI, Tadeus2 Npillems of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 m,10: 346-348 5 Mr '62. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej Pon. AN w Szozecinie; kier(nmik: prof. dr J. Taniewaki. (PAPILLOKA case reports) (NOSE neopl) (FARANASAL SINUSES neopl) a OP'D wo a A - 1 Ot 1.1% 14a 004 s .0. -!2"Mr 0 !! - . . NOW POO"" . =011MM V. Cm9mi. AL A. PAsma. 00 PULMM, ma N. V. VOUNW fomg-M4 Avad. VAHJL I . ND. 2k d"'n, a Pyrawamle. 6, bembWam m m - ormobum,wwo andliffowk septa is so ad wm *X. d a -00 m w N"m mixed W" au. &ad 1AjXO~U-wk%km Tbm now& 1,11=80*4SWO-OW-Im MIS% Ond wm .000 AM 00 " by6c" n4muray ma Ow T0110"wit % Sb 90 r o =W-da*in1wd. 2Up9~wmqct&vUvrjy in all * ,WWOUbOM 1 ctthendkl4imAim -mmum4mbow a" rabll-xe WA we of of v Adaw"Im Ln. to *.ALA ANTALLWOWAL LITINATWI C&KAYMN Lt-~ 77-7--l- Sylawa [alkali 0 AV WD AS 0 a P a 'i : i, alp U* 0 11 o g So O's o go *000000000:: go *00*0 0 00 300 8100 so. Vo j 0 go III &g -0 IrA 1A A I a w 9 mr w 9 In L AMORs Rotam. A* (Engimer)l Paeol,, Go--Paehol, To' IAI GYRG s none MU t Research and mperimonts on hydraulic decoking SOURCE: Patrol si gate, v. 16, no. 10. 1965, %2_565 TOPIC TkGSi bWdraulic device, colm ABSTRAM The author describes the process of decoking by isomis of water-jet devices and traces the dow1opaent of a novel device for hydraullo decoking which perform all three of the oper#ions Involved. Both the desip mA the advantages of t2hL device are discussed In sone detail. Orlg.~art. bass 7 f1pns asA I table* jrRe SUB CODS a 13. 336 / SUM DATE s none PAS( 1, 164. A i,,-: GRABOVSKIY. A.M.; DUITCHEVSKIT. G.M.; PASOV. M.S.; BABICHENED, A.S.; HASHIN, S.Ta. Mechanization of the process of degreasing and washing of natural bristles. Kozh.-obuv. prom. no-3:32-35 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:6) (Bri3tles-Cleaning) (Washing machines) ,.bFaYj,,UvSjv,-BABlGHlXKO. A. S.; BASHIN. S,la. Now technologleal processes In manufacturing palntbrashes. log. prom. 18 no.2.-48-49 7 158. (KIM 11,12) 1. Dlrektor Odeszkoy shchetino-sbehatoohnoy fabriki (for Pasov). 2. Glavnyy Inzhener Odesekoy shchotino-shchotoohnoy fabriki (for Bablchemko). 3. Nachallnik laboratorli Odesekoy shohetino- shohotoohnoy fabriki (for Bashin). (Brooms and brushes) PASOVA, - F. 0. Chemiconineralogical characteristics of bauxites in Amangelidy deposits and their wall rocks. Trudy Inst,gool.nauk AN Kazakh. SSR no.2:36-68 159. (MIRA 13:4) kAmangelldy DiBtrict--Bauxite) ALITGAUZEN, M.N.; MNZBURG, I.I.; DUBOVSKAYAp M.V.; YLIMBOV, A.D.; MELKOVp V.G.; W-OKIN) N.I.; ROZHKOVAp Ye.V.,-. STRAIUIGV, N.M.; YJMUSIIGHOV, N.A.; SHKAZIECUMOV, I.V.; SHCHERBAKOV, D.I.; YANSHIN, A.L.; A.MIRASIANOVp A.A.; GOTMAN, Ya.D.; ZUMVp I.N.; KOROVYAKOV, I.A.; ORWVA) F.V.;C-PAC; F-G4 SAAKIAN) P.S.; MUNTOYEVA, K.F.; SIIANOBSKIY, L.M.; CHER110SVITOV, Yu.L.; SHCIIERBINk, V.V. Brii Konstantinovich Goretskii; obituary. Sov.geol. 4 no.12: 153-155 D 161. (14IRA 15:2) (Goretakii, Iurii Konstantinovich, 1912-1961) GORETSKIY, Yu.K. [deceased]; TERENTIMA, K.F.; PASOVA, F.G. '2auxites of seme deposits in Lhe Republic of Guinea. Min.syrle no. 7:116-138 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Guimea--Bauxite) PASOVIII, ,;v, an j cc)II(I j-, Lons on st-rat a I,au: ~k2POS f t C; 0 1 Ia:'akIIS t all" Ln all-i Tr,- ira R-cswirc,ls '!S~'Z, A I- a s cop i;! s Ki, :,,o ~ I , ! q '~ ') , PASOVA. F. G. "Conditions of Bauxite Formation" ~UwraIOSY Wd OrlGin Of Dmmitft, MOCOW, Izd-vo Ali SM (Ot-d- Lmologo-Leogmf. nm1k) 19580 48ffi-v. Zda collection of exticlea by varlow autbDrs on the mi raL>a and geOcbezictYP Of bmxiten aPpeared cw a result of 1955 conf. on the origin of b=xite (Chmir=m, Awd. V. H. Stakhov) SEVEROVAp Ye.Ya.; PASOVA, I.Ye. Case of severe allergic reaction with agranulocytosis due to penicillin. 24 no.1.1444-46 N 460. WU 14: 3) 1. Im kliniki obshohey i gospitallnoy terapii (dir. - doystvitellnyy chlen AMI MR prof. Ye.M.Tareyevj 9anttani6-9lgiyenioheskogo takullteta I MQbkavskogo ordena Lenina medits imeni I.M.Sechenova i patologoanatomioheskogo otdela (zav. - prof. A.V.Smolfeannikov) Mdakovskogo gorodskogo rmuchno-isaledovatell4ogo instituta"skoroy pom6shchi imeni N.V.Sklifosovskogo (dir. M.M.Tarasov). (PENICILLIN) (A LUM Y) (AGRANULOCYTOSIS) 44 coadwwrivok titrallo" of "lash-sivin SOON in the forwo at Usposm-11 A, P lniqvm ~,iml C- 11 2II&V ftw~ Kk"4-6, I I.' 1W Ml I I"Iff- of lh,~ inveolgation was Milo lhr lo%r,t Mg roiirn~ Which r.m 1, mrim,quired amrattly by conduct'"noric furati'm Willi a 'ming bm. %fg!;O. mvint. were titrotrf Willi Koll mid Ila(011)) Mtn$. out of contact with C(h 1,14,11 a-ldn rd thront equD. was rslablMrd quick.y until uvar the end pt,int ~bm onwilran It required 3 inin. 11caling lbr soln. b"trmd pptn. twit redumf the effor ottly 411ghtlv. Ddmv in reschins tvill nd in3matate rMilt, Wrtv cim-f by adsmplkm of titrant on the lipt, Thi% i4a% lirevnitett loy titrating in the pr~cnrc of k tlyc abqmt~j ~t th~ ppt 6 %Uitatile a4 a ,lv,- The -1j, .,. ,t,1. with (lvr Irld allim"I to It-ifid(Of4gliff(it 1211r, 3ftCf"hiCbItWaSfjlfeMl. M. Illmh TOROPOV, A.P.; PABOVSK&YA, -G.B. - f : New method for conductiometric and amperosetric titration. Trudy SAGIJ no.27:75-79 151. (Miju 9: 5) (Titrimeters) FABOVSUYA, G.B.: UDUVXNXO. V.V. dffxjv,izCjP 2 Simplified methods for the determination of alkali metals In presence of magnesium. Trudy SAGU no.27:81-88 '51. (ULRA 9:5) (Alkali metals) (Conductiometric analysis) FASM-KAIA2 of mameth-p and alkali d V V JE]S~ = . va an Q j;-~ ~ S V kS K i V d . , av ow ss u ._ y KlAixt. Nauk 4(7), IW204(1952).-Fout Meth- ods we described: (1) conductmetric litrstlm of ana 01c, gain. of the sulfates by IWOH)i and by B&(OAt)s; (21";.- CheadoxaAbat. ductomttric titration otan &q. Wn. of the q#Mcs by Ba- , by ("Itrobenteneszo)-l-naphthol (OH. t NO. V61. 48 4 Bs(OAc)$; (3) conductometric titrat of sq. a1c. and by I Feb. 259 1954 0010. of sullates by Ba(OHN for the MS deln. (alkali metals content was read I rem a Craph of the lowering of the sp. con. Anaytical Chemietry ductance vs. the N&sSCh content); (4) similar method except that the content of alkall tortals was read from a graph of the wWe between the 2 arms of the cum (at the Mg equiva- Itnee point) vi. the NamMeontent. lntnetbodl,lla(011~ was added until cond. stopped decreasing. This laflection Point Corres onded to the M t t Fi ll j , en g con . ve sma onj p pvt of Ba(OH1 were added from a microburet to plot a small rise in cond. Then Ba(OAcN wa3 added (coed. decrea ) until another irdlecti= point was reached. The B&(OH~ and Ba(OAch added betwm the inflection ' ts Corm- d d M Mr t to e =tett or " Metals. illay erl! !~~n - _ .. Chomical Abot. 48 No. 8 ~.oo ~, - 25, 1951o Amlytioal hemistry ccM barium byaroxw. v X rAnve ft=va QCrutral A;L%n El n" atim --See C-4.47~,UI5380* . n "I C, A'VA 13. Otmaical Abst. vol. .48 No. 8 ddenubution of not-t-m wl"Psadjurn Apr. 25P 1934 An and G. J,-X- -caw. TU.S.S.3t:y- A Cal cbem~'Otry . t. 087. nal.ytl zu a .. * )(h" fan on).-S-l C-4.4 I&IM. UDDIIENKO. V-V-; PABOVSK&YA, O.B. Conductance method for the study of the adsorption of electrolytes. Trudy 6AGU no.)3:35-37 '52. (KIRA 9:5) (Electrolytes) (Adsorption) wtvit diid. w4h wutt!r wEls ustA. Th, tarel: of rcagent Iq.13 m f --tric wr,.6,~n -ith ~o mthird F~ I Fc A,Crc 111adt, of ilq! '111d Flight.1y at'410.1i'd "HU) 13E]. ~'Daulg, n1 .NO Ft chkwidc~ On -tile ixl~k of expts., L11 Invenze relatioll was E-stabfisl,(A bvTvv;.-Tl the Flynt. '), licl added wul of tile tho 041 f i:pLa"Yva Viva N HIM-, culd C(J*-du 11of 13-ter"cre With Al-, '.116 C:i '001111 C-ittim '11) nilt N R, Rims! ~,_z mmam _M P M, EEkw_.ffm PAURSTAYA. G.B. - ... Condnetometric aaalysis. Izv.AN Turk.SR no.4:35-42 '55-OURA 9:5) 1. 'Turkmenskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskly institut imeni I.V. Stalina. (PotentlometrIc analysis) -,-16pld method of tho dotermInOlon _~f ~ca clum In tho G. R. Ila,!, of W~9~ ~Ir Pot, ".Y.S.R., Infi. Gcokh;in. i Anal.-Mins. 7, 272'-UI1j56).-Taa ikiln. copft,~ CIC1. kn r4m 11 (C.A. 45. 60671j). 5 mi. NH.OH (I - T), mid H,O -the total vul. 20 Jill. are u(IlIvIl. I'll E! ilv Ill. IV-Ls carritd 0. 3 by Al-~1113 Of cilildlictonictlic titratioll With N K.CTO, soln. la i/DeWaiinatian of In by G. 13. .3 Cj'1-,rk,j--u Sialp Mt~pd, Tput brj k ~~i I ~M7; Y ~ ' -by -1ZQ111!W! (C.A. 14, ~138;j) i~ml Pfimit (C.A. 227, Zt - t alt uly Thtt NuOll iv;~s nuppf~d Ire= a pL u-- t-- 01! N' 11.4/60 in), au-~ reliably tit~mu~,- w;tb a t~aON w!r- of -which 0.00583 Nit, wi%i I aii- N114~ 140ce -T- d0-. -NJI4 xrdb; reciiiiri-A NdOli wAns. of bilhex dilu, TI'm 1-~~ UtratW yLs 041 mg, N11jit-4 ml, 61 velik-fi: vao a NaOlf OfAll'. of Which OXY, 33 till. C-quivill. to I Mg. 14114 ' 11CO.- ubOVIL-I llu! rna"7e.- V_t. - - - - + did tiot it-avitcro whea tmmi, Xm , Z-U, , N(% , mid Cl ' SlOo !jw y bt pla~mnt till to calitia yoncris. I=MAII quatifid".. ca, Mg, Ve, awl Al-sliotild be 1117ed with N11P. , Vvilm 171-~ 14 WC&CTU, thiz UMMIL-A CilrVe 14, , , t1lux. w l1 1-11 con-- qp---d 5 1w pt a, of FC(Onh ~nd AWn Awfincs iri a rilln. -"vb!cb AM vitil-A P-311-it it'r NIll: Cen-ductomie-tric d itar-min-'rig of alwalnum in preBe-ce of calclum, and wgnesium. ]*.,v.i.-yi,,tt,-h-aL,.,,,av.c5 1 khim.tgkh. 8 no.2.0345- 347 165. (MM-k IS: 8) - -'y gvsuda,-~,t,,-enrjyy meditt;Innh~y institut, kafedra .A. Tu.-km-.,rak, me,ittsinr-.k~T k'l:'ml~% PASSUSKAYA, G.B. Conductometric methnd for determining aluminum in the --resen.- cf iron, ralci=, and magnotilum. 7nur. anal. kht.m. 2-, n(~.313`12-3-m 165. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Turkmenskiy moditsinskly institut, Ashkhabad. FASOVSKAYA, G.B. Conductometric method for the detemdnation of aluminum In the presence of iron and manganese. Zhur.anal.khim. 18 no.4t537-538 AP 163. OMIRA 1616) 1. Turkmen Medical Institute, Ashkhqbad. (Aluminum-Analysis) (Conductometric analysis) FASOVSKAYA, G. D. D"termination of copper by conductometric t1tration vith lithium citrate. Izv. vys. ucheb. rav.; khim. i khim. tekh. no.5:850-852 162. (MIRA 16t1) 1. Turkmenskiy meditsinskiy institut, kafedra meditainakoy khimii. (Copper-Analysis) (Conductomotric analysis) (Lithium citrate) PASOVSKAYA _G.B. -- Conductometric analysis of calolun in limestone. Zhur.azal.khim. 17 no.4035-536 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Turkmenskiy meditsinskiy institut, Ashkhabad. (Calciuz-Analysis) (Conductometric analysis) (Limestone) PASOVSKAYA, G.B. Conductometric analysis of alumimim in the presence of iron. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 5 M.1:43-46 162. (,IMA 15 t4) 1. 'rurkmenskiy meditsinskiy institut, kafedra meditsinskoy khimii. (Aluminura-Analysis) (Conductometric analysis) PASOVSKLYA, G.B. ----------- Conductometric method of determining zinc in the presence of copper, Izv.vyapuchebzav,; khim.i khim*tekbe 4 nool:160--161 ,61. (MM 14.6) 1. Turkmenskiy meditainskiy institut., kafedra meditsinakoy khiTnii. (Zinc-Analysis) (Copper-Analysis) FASOVSUYA. G.B. ~--, Determination of the chlorine ion conductometric titration with a solution of divalent mercuric nitrate. Lab.delo 5 no.4:19-21 J'1- - Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Turkmenskly meditsinakiv institut, Ashkhabad. (CHLORINE) (MERCURY NITRATES) (GONWCTOMETERIC ANALYSIS)