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I.hS1;:,,LLEV, Z. "Dindnishing the of stars" (-,-.59) FRUDDA (Bul--arslm kkadeidia Na 1:aukite) Sofiya Vol 2 No 5 Sent/Oct 1953 30: East Eurorean Accessions List Vol lio 8 Aug 195j; -8965;;64 IJNc)- GO/.BB 2 L ACC NR-AP6015346 SOURCE CODE.4 M16119766/0DO/00 Paskaley, Zh. (Ingineer, Mgarla) !'Vz 4V A ectr a dvsk-type~el onic ten-pushbuttonicaltulaialt WUM 3 PrIbamtrayw4p-0 no. 50 19660 27-28 I" TM& -,eauvutor, K" mazu"tor jx, -ABSTRAM A nw desk-type minnul-input calculator, EX4 can perforn addition and :~~aubtractlon (In IDO, "3134 so) and also maltiplication, division. - powers, and R;_ roots use); up to 16 digit dacima nwnbers can be displayed. The V` circuit 3noludes samiconductor devices, indicating dekatrons and noon lampB. The 1127 v 2: 104 Power consumption, 50 w; aliftUtorlm ratings are: aVpl7 voltage' 22D 510 x 2DD m) vel#ty 19'ki. Cirig. art. h"3 I figure. 103) Sim* -43P 2 -,so CM30 Wj" IA73s rione ATD PRi UW: 681 .142.642 IL International Congress of Historical Sciences in Stockholm. Spisanie BAN 5 no.401-96 160. (Ew 1015) (International Congress of Historical Sciences, Ilth, Stockholm, 196o) (History) L 15606-56 AMT'~s MOD8219 SOIRCE CCEE 3 -Btf/0011/65/018/OD4/0377/0380 ~~AUTH(Rt Zolotovitcb> G.; Arsenyan, E.; Paskaleva-Tomova. K. CRG: Experimental Station for R oses and Essential-Oil Plants,,Kazanluk; Researeb 'iffic taboratory for Tobacco-Technolo, Plovdiv Scien- TITIE,- leaf pigwnts In Virginia tobacco arA irproved paper-chromatograpble rothod of their separation SOURCE: Bulgarska akadexi-ya na naukite* Doklaay, v. 18,.no. 4, 1965, 377-~180 TOPIC TAGS: plgme-nt,, paper cbrcmatograpby,, ebloropbyll, plant metabolismj, oeassed,plant product r p ABSTRACT j The study of leaf pigments in tobacco is of i~vlificance and of i=adist 'particulir a a practical interest; namelyp there ist 11 direct relationship between the color of tobacco end the color of the leaf :pigmento, So~e resoarcbern are of the opinion (sooj e.goj Pa OwAsmaysvp ~Sortovedeniy*,A farmentatstya tabs)m (Types and Fermentation of TobaocQZ H.0 yutyunft ~rDryinz and Fermentation ard 1A 2/2 - iow BULGARIA Plant Physiology ARSMIYAN, Yo., PAS KALEVA--TO-140VA,--K.., Scientific-Research Group for Tobacco Technology, Plovdiv "A Method of Stud5 of Oxidation Processes Wring the Fermentation of Tobacco" Sofia, Doklady Bolgarskoy Akadamii Nauk, Val 19, No 5, 1966, pp 229-232 Abstracti ZHussisn article,7 Thora is insufficiont evidenco yot that during the fermentation of tobacco there appears a simultaneous decrescie in substrata end an inactivation of agents - oxidizing enzymes causing such a decrease. Consequently, the authors introduced additives made of activo oxidizing enzymes eliminating the effect of enzyme complex inactivation and studied the ab9orntion of 02 in water suspension of tobacco of various types before and after the fermentation. Differences in Op absorption were established not only between different kinds of tobacco but also in tobacco of the same kind which differed in color. It Is Important to note that there was little difference in 02 absorption of fermented and nonformented tobacco following the addition of the enzyme preparation. It appears that the reduced capability of water suspension of fermented tobacco to absorb 02 is basically0aused by the inactivation of oxidizing enzymes rather then because of a depletion of substrata. There are I Yugoslav 4 Soviet, and 4 Western references. (Manuscript received, 25 Doe 65-~ 1/1 L 15W-66- I= NR 3 AX008220 SOURCE CMES B1J/0O11/65/M8/0D4/Q381/Q384 Arselvang'so; Secher AUMORs F&okaleVa-T0AVW!! a"# Me CRO-6 ftseareb SoUntific Laboratory for Tobacco Technology Plovdiv; Institute of Plant Physiology., Bulgarian Acadany of Sciences TIM Investigations of tbe relation between tbe free amino acide and tbe color I of ligbt flue-cured. Virginia tobacco SOURCE: Bulgarska ikademiya na naukite. Dokladyj v. l8v no. 41 1965j, 381-3U TOPIC TAGS: amino &c1d, plant pbysiclogyp fermentationp processed plant products plant chemistry ABSTRACTs There has been growing Interest in recent year of froi* amino acids in tobacco at the various stages of its treatment. This Is due to the established fact that,the free amino &t1de play -min essential part In the process of formation end changes In color of tolecco and to Abe fact that tbg formation of colored products with the do can take yjace,bDth along the enzyme path (see, participationer amino aci eog igh lek, Arch* -Biocha-m. ond,- B.IqR~Wj~* 86'.1940) Una along-holienayme C 1,15607-66 ACC NR: AP600=0 paths-(Gasl 99jeo'Ho so Burton st slot Natural 196 No A&A) Sines, it Is.well,known that during artificial fsrme~tsticn.,the different degree of humidity of the tobacco brings about essential differences in the processes of color changeneven when the fermentation of tobacco takes place at the same temperature. the authors Investigated the relations between the free amino Aaide and the color of li&t Virginia tobacco flue-6ured under various temperature:.% and 4humidity conditions# The remultsi Indicate that the complex C;i !iae 1 0' 'ac-Ads representatives of the neutral and said groups of amino acids& They Alao abow that the changes In free aminoi _Jji,.an essential mannez b the..cond.1tions.of treatment* tacids-are offoqtpd 7be paper was submittad bY Academician 1P. -Popvrj, 30 Nvamber 1964. Orig. art. ble ban 2 ta, so PM-7 STJB C=s 06 SUBM DAIS 3 more (RIG REFs 002 OTH MW: ~OD8 002 ISM REPS PASKAL&I, G. "Linear limitation proceedings" In German p. 141 (Studia Mathematica, Papers issued by the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol. 17, no. 2, 1958, Warsaw, Poland) Monthly Index of Last European Accessions (EEAl) LC, Vol.8, No. 1, Jan. 59. PASKALI, Dan (Pascali, Dan) The Hilbert homogeneous problewfor holamorphic quaternions. Rev math pures 8 no.4t653-659 163.. FASULOT. P. A good initiative. NTO 2 r-o,4:29-30 A-p 160. (KM 13:6) 1. Fredsedatell Livovskogo obkoma profsoyuza tekstillnoy i legkoy promyshlonnosti. (Lvov Provinee-Technological innovations) PASMISKAYA, M.Yu., V:and.veterin.nauk Recovnry of sheop fron Moninzia infection In tho district follnwing daholnintbization by the four-trnatmqnt mtbad. Veterinarita 16 no.10:21-21 0 '59. (MIRAL 13:1) 1. Novosibirskaya Nauchno-issledovatellskaya votorinarnikya stantBiya. (Tapeworms) (Sbeep-Diseanes and posts) :-;,a na is m. ph tLarorie 1 n %I criar- to 6rus nf ----t a,,,' on 42 no.7:52-53 J! 165. Novoolb'rskay'a vetf)rintirnaw.1 Ut n t3 i ya. SOV/138-58-10-0/10 Ar,TliOR3: Vinogradov, P. A; Pask'ialis, T. X; Nostina, S. I. --- TITLE- . ............ Properties of Copolymers (Svoyst,va divinilnitrillnykh sopolimerov) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I 'Rezina, 1953 ~1, Nr 10, ),) 5 - 10 (L'66R) 01 t LBSTRACT-. These copolymers show Increased stability to alipha'L,10, hydrocarbons and mineral oils. The stability of t~ie vulcanisates inoreases witi incre~-Asinc ntinber of acrylo- nitrile ring3 in the polymer molecule. The polymerisat- ion Is carried out in an aqueous solution. 'he authors investigated the properties of butadiene acrylonitrile copolymers which depend on the deLree of conversion of the monomer (Table 3). Characteristics and properties of t1he startinE riiaterlals are t,!Iven. The 1,3-butadiene and acrylonitrile were emallsif"'ied at 3000, In an auto- clave, in a ratio varying from 90-.5/-0" to 3000% of 1,3- /0 butadieno:acrylonitrile. From the graph In Fiu.l it can be seen that the r-ttue of the polymerisation r,~actiori increases with increasinZ acrylonitrile content In th, poly7z~ierised iiii-rture. The 'oisic p,,opert'.ej of the poly- mers and vulcanisates correspond to the requirements In GOST 7739 - 55. The properties of the polymers and Card 1/2 vulcanisates (at 70% polymerisation) are shown in Table 1 .Properties of 1,3-Butadiene-111trile Copolymers SOV/138-5q-10-2/10 and PiCs. 2 and 3. ChanLes In the physico-mechanical properties of the vulcanis4tes In copolymers not ~,'ontetin- Inc fillers are tabulated (Table 4). The composition of the copolymers depends on the composition of tne star- 1L.Ing mixture (Fif,,A). These 1,3-butadiene acrylonitrile rubbers are used in the proplktgtion of SKN)18, 3KII-21) and SK14-40 rubbers. Changes in the properties of the co- polymers depending on the depth of conversion of t~-ie monomers are discussed (Fic.5). There are 3 Tables, 5 FiLures and 5 Re-ferencea: 4 Soiiet and 1 Entjish. Card 2/2 FASEAL I SXAYAj, M. Yu. "Plagiorchosis of Chickens. Developoent Cycle of the Parasite, Diapiosis, and Eqizootology of the Disease*" Cand Vet Sci, A3.1-Union Inst of Helminthology imeni K. I. Skryabin,, Min Agriculture., USSR,, Moscow,, 1954, (KL, No 2. Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher FAmational rnstitutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556,, 24 Jun 55 PASK&LISK&TA, N.Yu. Plaglorchosis, a new disease in chickens. Yeterinarlia 32 no.4: 37-39 AP '55- (XlM 8:5 ) l.Tses*MWy Institut gallmintologil imeml akademika K.I.Sryalsina. (POUL2HY-DISRAUS) (TA11KATODA) ASKALISKAYA, M.Yu., kand.veterinumvkh nauk Life cycle of Plagiorchis arcuatus Strom, 1924, Trudy VIGIS 6:24-30 159. (MIRA 15.5') (Plagiorchis) FASYALjUA=,-X- YU. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences), MYTEMNA., A. N. (senior Scientific Co-Workxr) and SEMOV, A. I. (Veterinary Surgeon, Novosibirsk NIVS) "Treatment of Dictyocaulus infestation in sheep" Vetexl,nariya, Vol. 39, no. 6, June 1962 pp. 41 PASKALTISKAYA, M. Yu., kand. veterin. naul,,- ZAYTSEVA, A.L., at.---Bh:y '--~-aa -notrudnik; SEYMIOV, A.I., veterinaxm7y vraa Kiminating dietyacaulosis in sheep. Veterinariia 39 nook4l Ja 162 (MIRA 18c1) 1. Novosibirskaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya vaterinarnaya stantsiya. AGAPOVA, N.I.; PASKAR', B.L.; FOUN, Calculating the thermodynamic properties of cesium vapors at temperatures to 15000K and pressures to 22 bars. Atom. energ. 15 n0-41292-302 0 t63. (MRA 16:10) 5_6-& 1~qT F-Add-Nf, -AT6601353 3 IS SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/6-5/000/000/0063/OD65 AUTHOR: K93.70%iv~ fM*: Kud "~"ti';:5~_ r7a evs Is Be; psfikg~~ 4 to; MONFOWOMMM 'Yak-dboY1c5,, Is 1 0 natitute, lift, 1, Is Polsunoy ORG&. Qentral- B2aer and ftftyv I (Taientral'un kotloturbinyy Inatitut) TITLE: Appli Ind 'c cation, of a method for ~bigh frequency u tion eating of metallic beat carriers SOURCE: Teplo- I massoperenon 9. to It KonvektIvnyy teplbobnen Y odnorodnoy srode (Heat and moos transfers Y, lo,Convective,heat exch ge in an homogeneous medlum)*~ Minsk,, Nauka I te"nikat X96.5 63-65- an TOPIC TAGSt, he*tiimgp liquid metal, beat carrier ABSTRACT: D! industrial- probt ca for heating in-" high-frequency nogne- -tic fields the specific beat flux is practically Independent of tgmpere- ture. and i6an reaeb . values up to approximately 13.07 kilowatta/meter . The article describes experimento made witb laboratory equipment on a beavy metal olloy and on a light alkali metals The inductor in the experl- inents was a solenoid witb a diameter of 0.065 motors and a lengtb of 091~,50 nods from a copper tube with a croni section of 10 z 10 and a wall L 11656-M -ACC N'b AT6001353 0,0W metaree In the heavy alloy loop,, the coll,of the Inductor covered &-section of the alloy loop,, which consisted of a tube 'with a diameter of 0,05 meters and a well.tbickness of 0.0025 meterep inclined at an angle of approximetely 300to the vertical and made of MUM steels. The light metal woo.beated by the Inductor in a verti- cal tub with a length of 095 meters and an outside diameter of 0.044 motors and made of Ebl8NIOT steel, The voltage an the leads of the bIgb frequency generator.could be set.silthin the linits.of 0 to:750 volts* Measurements were mods of the power ofLthe generator& the voltage and currentLatrsngtbj, tomperetures of the metal and'tbe cooling medium at the Inlet and outlet of the Inductor,, and the feed'rates of the metal and the cooling nedluz* For the heavy alloy,, the load,on the generator ~~vas varied within the limits of 25 to 80 kilowatts* Five series/o #r runs were made with wtotal durstion of 110 hours. The runs were made"st a constaut rate of food of the alloy equal to opproximately 20,000 kg/hour, Depending on tbeLeon$.ttions, the temperature of the alloy varied from 473 to 7730S, For the light metal the load was 8D Idlowattes the ever- Lage temperature In the heater was apRroximately 1223% and the food rate of the metal-was about 2#000 kb7hour. The Inductor was operated under these conditlons for approximately 150.bours. Results are shown grapbical17, JtLIS concluded that the notbod is suitable for practical applications Orig, art# bRa: 2 figures* Uggid metaU 1'3 BUD CODE: 20/ SUBM DAT33% 3IAmg65/ ORIO IRM 0()3/' OM REP 1 001, a A 9 a 0 a a a 9 a a 04 44 a 4 a a a a a a a 4 0 4 a So j a a do 0 0 a 0 vo 0 a * f F& * 9 ww w 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 9 v I I it U 4 11 1) to I, a, a to tj III r, :0 pi 1. 1, VIP bob bvip" 44 0 to -- -1 11 1 _ I JA 0 U 4 9 to . 6 P. i The poltz of the =iDeral waterifirm mallosta, V V.- 27. IM, t. 13 lilt. mall-I 6 a -Alt-1181--slix a ... the 1-1 mile that a 0 1 u,"Ifuld 0: Cott J.y 11's hAs I.,a 11 (.1-0 V. It ill natust. fliat tilts plicilwrillm IsIliq1ts a q-t-111 tJF&ti%C tottt to 00 13 thra,11%ity jpoleal..1 wilt tithe talmof .I hy th.. .,f Ct), It's COI - 1 :1. it -11 he liml.a. W O&C 1-1110 .4 -111 ill C. 00 3 0 : 0 &I U06KAL 0111PAPPAT"If CLAS11FICA1100 -it to a I b it Pop a a a It a u .1 1 ;00000000~00000000 00000,0000000000 ore 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 go* 9 00000;0000*00000000 0 -00 =00 -1 zoo &0 0 .00 0 300 00 -:*o '00 I` I it 3 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 r-'P ~ /-All. (KIDNEY$-DIMSES) (BAIRAN-ALI--HUNK RSSaRTS, WATERING PLACES, ETC.) PASKAUSKAS, M. Relationship between cerebrovascular accidents and meteorological conditions in the Silute Region in 1956-1962. Sveik. apoaug. 6:22-27 S 164. 1. Silutes rajono ligonine (Vyr. gydytojas - J. Milukas). -S~ 77, POLAWD/Microbiology Medical and Veterinary Microbiology Abs Jour Referat Zhurn - Biol., no 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68629 Author Paske, Kurilovich Title The Study Z5-fflaaddiooactive Carbohydrate Assimilation by Mycobacteria. Orig Pub Gruzkica, 1956, 24, No 7, 517-538 Abstract No abstract. F-4 Card 1/1 - 70 - TS'ETA.YEVA, I,?, j eASK~;RM , Ye- D, Chaxv,e in the -oriposit,Lon C-f- arYL~Lb!.ilflctP-n Of' I-lberlan larclli as dependent. on th6 .-onditions of its extraction from the wooi~, ZhuT,PT-'kl,kh',!:, 35 nu,5,,112P, 11-42 MY '62. ~MIFC. --15,,5) (A rp !.;oga (Qn%nds try)', I WEIVICH, A. Telete elevator is 70 years old. Muk.-elev. prow. 24 no.12:26 D '58- MRA 12: 1) 1.3)irektor Teletskego meltnichnogo kombinata. (Yelets--Grain elevators) PA,SY.VIGH,(LT0IINGRAD ) WSR/Wthematics - Control Jul/Aug 53 Diagram "A Property of Control Diagrams That Are Utilized for Current Control,!',V. S. Paskevich, Leningrad Priklad Hatem i Mekhan, Vol 17, No 4, PP 513-516 Acknowledges that Yu. V. Linnik posed this problem for the author and assisted him in it. Treats a problem of statical control of the quality of pro- duction, so-called tubular statistics of selection spread. Presented 12 Nov 52. 276T84 Pii.SUVICH, P.jt., inzhener. ,-V, ' - Rousing cooling water ae temporary feed for an electric power plant. Xlek.sta. 25 no.2:48-49 F '54. (MLRA 7:2) (Feed water) PASKIEWC-if, P. A.. r4% 161r-, USSR/Electricity':. Pover, Steam May 50 Ash Removers "The VTI Small Shutter Ash-Trapping System," P. A. Paskevich, Ew, 3 3/4 pp "Elek Stants" No 5 Steam pover station in dovntovn location experi- enced rapid wear of flue-gas pump rotors due to ash. Moreover, ash was contaminating the atmos- ihere. Both problems were solved in the VTI (All- Union Thermotech Inst) by building and installing wall ash-trap, based on venetian-blind type de- scribed in "Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Teplotekhnic~es- kogo Instituta" No 3, 1946. FDD 161?z i . .- I I . :1 , , ~ r, .~ h . Cause "f, - I " ". .1 -,ri- :, t- r 1: 0 , - , . : , 14 Ag 165. - - I : . .1 ~ T ~c rr-n'ec'.~,)n -,nlil Inn In P candidate'r --'v med. in-tan, Vol. IX, I- 22. Sn' TJ-3n,~2, 11 !~Iarch 'I, Me'.-rls 'Zhurna2 S'ntev, '1,-. (7r,rVRAPHY GEOLOGY MnKSLINIAI PASK~NjCII;S, J. C.(!,~, f4a4-4k "--tti4ooTt, c Vol. 7, 1958. !Ionthly List Of East European llcct~-ssion LC Vol. 3 7EAj) vlarch 1959, Unclass. PASYXV1CIUS, J. Stratigraphy of the upper Ordovician of Lithuanian SSR. p. 109 (Lechemas, Gersonas) No. 2, 1957, Vilnius, Lithuania SU: ~.ONTHLY jNDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, N~j. 1, JAN. 1958 VISOCKAS, P.;,.PASKEVICIUS, V. Role of tbyrold function tests in the evaluation of work capaci in patients with cerebral atherosclerosis. Sveik, apsaug. 7 no.3(715:53 Mr 162. 1. Vilniaus Valstybinio V. Kapsuko v universiteto Medicinos fakultetas, Vilniaus III ligonine. (THYROID GLAND bysiol) (CMMRAL ARTERYOSCLEROSIS diag) (DISABILITY EVALUATION) Ce r4 r ?r c, c t.-. t sis wnl Control." --ub 25 -'rc c:i,-!ticE !not .!-, 7. A. 3te'vlov. (Dissert-tion for t:ir, "'c-rer, of ~,indid~ite in rv!tdcal Scirncr-s). SO: Vech,rnnyn I-".,oS.VV Januaa-y--D(,c,--:ibr:r 105,2 V: r "M eyk,* V. S. On a Imilierty of control charts*usO for rinning control. 11tiki. MAL Meh, 17, 513-516 (1953). U_~.Russjan) It is- knawm th at inra noM,-tl population any trans_~ lation-invariant statistic is independent of the sam I inean.- A Disti and R. G. Laha (SanklivA 13 180 (19.54); MR 16, 31) showed that the convcm is in genlral not true. The question arises therefore what. conditions a translation-invariant statistic, or a system of' such statistics, must satisfy in order ffiat its independence from the sample mean should iniply the norniz-flity of the population. A partial answer, referring to S~Stemq of translation-invariant statistics was given by thii reyJawer CC. R. Acad. Scl, Paris 238, 444-445 (1954); MR 15, S42].: In the present paper the author deals with the problem for a single statistic. He gives the problem a geometric interpretation by Introducinq . the concept of a - tube. X statistic. A nonnegative statistic T(XI, . 1, - - - X is if Wd to be a tube statistic the function T(xj, x2, X.) :satisfies the following conditions: (i) T(x x x =0 if and only if -x2= (ii) The' le'v-el s`udacez~ X, T(xj# ijr -z,)-a are cylinders with the line xl-= ce x. as their comm;n axis. (iii) Any level surfa ...,;J,=a can be obtained from the surface by a bornothetic transformation with 11mx M. Irl as the axis and the homothefle ratio 111111,ol-11roWs the following tlieorem:.Ltt (X X ---,X be a sample Imm a population W) ii=imes ditferentiable distribution Junction. A tube 'k statistic, szatisfying certain smoothness conditions, t6o' complicated to be listed here, is independent of, the sample zean if, and only if, the population is normal. Every Wbe statistic is translatio-a-invariant; however, there are translation-invariant statistics, such as the third central sample moment, which are not tube sta-~ tistics. Moreover. it is known (see the first refi, renie) that the independenci of the third central sampfe moment; orn ean chaiactedres the normal popu- oj~ eresting theorem proven in Ihis paper; va nswer to the problern. B. Lukao (Wa3hingto D.Q). L PASKEVICII, V.T., inzhener-mayor Use of transistor diodes. Vest. protivovozd. obor. no.11: 40-41 N 1619 (KRA 16: 10) (Transistors) (Airplanes-Radio equipment) "61 PASKM~M'E A. Morbidity of anthrax in Lithuania. Sveik. apsaug. 8 no.12: Z7-32 D163. 1. Vilniaus Epidemiologijos ir higienos m.t. institutas. Direktorius - mod. m. Vand. P. Lamitka. I I il, KRMBTOPAYTIS, M-I- [Krikatopaitis 14 J.1- PASJffyAVlCI-M) V-Re (Paskeric-us, V.R. Mlln7usi , Pasbibi ity of' th,~ clijilual cure of cezi,,,er of the thyroid gland vith I - 1. Med. ral. 8 no.499,0--Pl Ap 163 (MIRA 170) 3/138/63/000/OOZ/001/007 A051/A126 AUTHORS; Kutsenok, B.Ye., Parfenova, G.A., Vinogradov, P.A., Paskhalis, T.K. Butadiene polymerization with nitrile of acrylic acid in the pre- sence of oxidation-reduction systems ]#MIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 2, 1.963, 1 - 4 TEXT: Composition and conditions of polymerization are given for butadiene with nitrile of acrylic acid in an emulsion at 30*C and in the presence of Nekal, using oxidation-reduction systems. The polymerization of the benzene-petroleum- resistant CKH -18 ~sKN-18), sKN-26 and SKN-40 rubbers is initiated by free radi- cals, formed in the decomposition of potassium persulfate, under the effect of an amine type activator. The following oxidation-reduction systems were tested as new, more active initiators of polymerization: a) isopropylbenzene hydrogen peroxide (hyperis), rongalite, and iron-trilon complex, for polymerization in an alkaline medium; b) hydrogen peroxide and rongalite, for polymerization in an acid medium. The initiating system for the polymerization had the following composition (in weight parts to 100 w.p. of monomer): for the alkaline medium Card S/138/63/000/002,/001/007 Butadiene polymerization with nitrile of .... A051/A126 rongalite 0.3, trilon B 0.06, FeS04 - 7H20 0.022, hyperis 0.2; for the acid medium - rongalite 0.2. The pH of the aqueous phase was 8 - 11 and 6 - 6.5, respectively. Experimental data showed that the application of a rongalite system, both in an alkaline, as well as acid medium, reduces the duration of po- lymerization of the butadiene with niltrile of acrylic acid, by at least 1.5 - 2 times, and ensures good reproducibility of the process. The latexes have a suf- ficiently high tensile strength. The suggested composition is accepted as opti- mum in an acid medium. A change in the pH from 8.5 to 11 in an alkaline medium does not affect the rate of polymerization. This also applies to a change in the trilon content from 0.01 to 0.06% of the monomer weight, provided the initi- ator is measured out during the process gradually. General experiments led to the recommendation of the following ingredients of the oxidation-reduction sys- tem in an alkaline meditun: rongalite 0.1 - 0.15, trilon B 0.01, FeS04- 7H2o 0-005, hyperis 0.15 - 0.2p pH of the aqueous phase 9.0 - 10.5. The process duration (to a polymerization depth of 68 - 70%) for sKN-18 is 8 - 9 h, for SKN-26 7 - 8 h, for SHN-40 4.5 - 5.5 h. In an acid medium, the following com- position of the oxidation-reduction system is recommended. rongalite 0.15 0.2, hyperis 0.15 - 0.2, pH of the aqueous phase 5-5 - 6.0. The process du- Card Z/3 I S/138/63/000/002/001/007 Bu'.;adiene polymerization with nitrile of .... A051/A126 ration in this case is: SKN-18 6 - 7 h, SKN-26 4.5 - 5.5 h, SKN-4o 4 - 4.5 h. 41t is concluded that In the polymerization of butadiene with nitrile of acrylic Acid at 30*C and in the presence of Nekal, the use of oxidation-reduction sys- 't,ems, consisting of isopropylbenzene hydrogen peroxide, rongalite and iron-tri- n complex (in an alkaline medium) and isopropylbenzene hydrogen peroxide and ongalite (in an acid medium), increases the rate of the process by a factor of -5 as compared to rates achieved in the presence of a potassium persulfate-tri- !Othanolamine system. Rubbers produced with a rongalite system do not differ from serial-produation rubbers. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S.V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Insti- tute of Synthetic Rubber Imeni S.V. Lebedev) Card 3/3 KUT-SENOK, B.Ye.j PARFENOVA, G.A.; VINDGRNDOV, P.A.; PASKHALIS, T.K. Polymerization of-babWlene with acrylonitrile in the presence of redox systemia Kauch.1 rez. 22 no.2:1-4 F 143. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy ilauchno-isaledovatellskiy inBtitut sinteticheskogo kauchuka imeni Lebedeva. (Butadiene) (Acrylonitrile) (Polymerization) P5~15h 15q201 A L05, 210S 3/138/60/000/009/001/012 //12,.?// A051/AO20 AUTHORS: _EAghb". T.K.; Sivov. V.A.; Rodionov, S.Ye.; Kostina, S.I.; Kasatkina, Ye.I. TITLE: The Production of soft Butadiene-Nitrile flubbers\~ PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 9 pp. 1 - 4 TEM The authors conducted a study of the conditions for producing soft butadiene-nitrile rubbers of standard composition, such as the CK14-18 (SKN-18), CXN -26 (SKN-26) and CkIN-40 (SKN-40) types, both in the laboratory and under Indus- trial conditions. These soft rubbers btained during the polymerization process would eliminate the costly mastication in the rubber plants, which requires an excess expenditure of energy, steam and equipment. The experiments were conduoted in 60-and 10-liter capacity autoclaves with mixing devices. A detailed desCT'iptim of the prodedure Is given. Thel'OCT7738-55 (GOST 7738-55) Industrial testing method of the quality of synthetic rubbers and latexes was used (Ref. 4). DIprCDdde (0.35 weight parts) was used as the polymerization regulator and triethanolamine (0.1 weight parts) as the activator. The effect of diproxide feeding into the polymerizing system was investigated. Rubbers obtained with a single feeding of Card 1/ 5 85654 S/138/6o/ooo/oo9/ooi/012 The Production of Soft Butadiene~Nitrile Rubbers A051/AO29 diproxide into the system before the beginning of the reaction are Hess soluble in icetone and the properties of their vuleanizates are lower than those of rubba-,-, obtained by feeding diproxide in three batches. A rubber with homogeneous hard- .ftess, completely soluble in acetone, at a polymerization depth of from 5% to 80% Ls obtained when diproxide is fed into the system hourly ,In a uniform way. 11, was found that a rubber of any hardness index could be produced by regulating the di- proxIde dosage. Figure I shows the effect of the diproxide dosage on the rate of polymerization for the three types of rubbers studied, and Figure 2 indicates the effect of the dosage on the hardness of the rubber, according to Defoe. It is pointed out that the rate of polymerization decreabes by about 10% in the produc tion of soft rubbers. By increasing the quantity of triethanolamine in the compo- tition to 0.05 weight parts the polymerization rate could be maintained constant. Vulcanizates from soft SKN-40 and SKN-26 rubbers corresponded to the GOST standards If the rubber was separated from the latex by rinsing for a period of 10-15 min, and those of SXN-18 rubber by rinsing for 15-20 min. A drop of physloo-mechanical properties w.As noted if this degree of rinsing exceeded the optimim value. By conducting experiments under industrial conditions It was noted that the k--,ardness cf the rubbers decreases with an Increase in the amount. of diproxide used in the polymerization system, and the polymerization vocess itself Is slowed jp- This Card 2/ 5 J-') 8~65)i S/138/6o/oou/ooq/oo1/012 The Production of Soft Butadiene-Nitril? Libbers A051/AO2', is especialiy evident for SKN-40 rubber, where the consumption of triethanolamin.- is only 0.0 975 weight part based on the hydrocarbons. The strip of soft rubber obtained from experimental SKN-40 and SKN-26 i-.,as found to be thinner than the szn- dard one an~ to have less tenacity (especially for rubbers with a hardness of only 900 g)) therefore causing cracks in the surface after drying. The drying Lmit's productivity drops by 10 - 12% in producing soft rubbers with a hardness of 900 - 1,2~ g, and in producing rubbers with a hardness of less than 900 g it drops by 25;- 30%. The soft SKN-40 and SKN-26 vulcanizates comply with the stand-. ards of the~GOST as to their cracking resistance, specific and residual elongation It is noted,i however, that the cracking resistance is lower by an average of 15 kjV=2 in vulcanizates from soft rubbers than those from standard mass-produced rubbers. Other disadvantage noted in the soft rubbers were the difficulty of packing, trdnsportation and storage. They tend to adhere to the drying rods. Vulcanizatez! obtained from standard soft SKN-40 and SKN-26 mixes are actually equivalent ~o those obtained from vulcanizates based on mass-produced rubbers. E),periments:and tests were carried out at the NIIRP, the "Kauchuk" Plant and the Ysxoslavll Plant for Rubber Articles. There ~re 5 tables, 2 graphs and 7 Soviet references.( ASSOCIATIOM Yaroslavskiy zavod sinteticheskocro kauchuka (Yaroslavl' Plant of Syn- Card 3/5 i I 8565b S/138/60/000/009/001/012 The Production of Soft Butadiene-Nil%xile Rubbers A050029 Figure 1: 26 0 In ,.20 N 0 C 0 0 41 a: 43 all 45 a6 a? a 8aq to Diproxide content, weight part "r .100 weight part of rubber SIT-18 3!T-26 SKN-40 Cate_4/5- ; . J,A5jHALLj,-T-j.; SIVOY, V.A.; IIODIONUVj Me,; 106TINA. ~-I,s USAIIINA, sonjok.i. Preparation of soft butadlene-nitrile rubbers. Kauch.1 res. 19 no.9:1-4 6 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Taroolavokly gavod ointaticheekogo kauobuka. (Rubbers, Synthetic) 'ird u T~) ti ta U ja or PASKHAIA)V, A.P. 1. Case of reinfection folloving favor and penicillin therapy of e7phille. Vest. vanar., Moskva Tlo.1:53 Jan-Feb 52. (CIXL 21:4) 1. Of the Clinic for Skin-Venereal Diseases of Astrakhan' Medical Institute. AUKHROV, R.A.; MAKOV, N.N., FFFNT)lYr.V, G.Fli., Extraction of cerium and yttrium with naphthenic acidB. Az--rb. khim. zhur. no.l:lL',-119 165. (MIRA 18;7) 1. Institut khimii AV Aze.-SSR. L 57613-65 v-zWT(m)/EwP(t)/oaP(b) Tup(c) b/i C; ------- UR,1031,6/65/000/001/03-14/0119 AVMOR Alekpernv. N. 1--Efe R. A.; Ma N !y~eVXA,Khs; T"IdIaloy V -.V TIM C(iriqm* and yttrimn extraetion vitb nalhthenic acids SOURCE: Azerbaydzhauskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, no. 1, 1965, 114-119 j 10-KIC TkG$: ceriun, cerilp extractiot, yttrium, ytt = extraction, naphthenic ri Aeld -rmv earth element, raqueouB ]~2ase-eqtdlibrium, FH, aistribution coefficlent, concentration ratioP extraction, solvent extracticm AMTRACT: The dependpnee of cerim and yttritm distribution coefficients on the J=ceutration of naphthenic acids in the organic phase and on the _TH of the aqaeotw~ oqpiUbrium Thase has been investigated. . The exjx-Arizental results show tbat ~Ln the' oxtt%4tion with na acids the raeri= and yttrium diatribution coeff iclents ,Ikre directly: 13roportional to the cube of-the cancentraticn1of the naphthenic; actids A'.n the orga#c Shase w4 invernely vro portional to the cubo of the concentratioa of' he hydrogeh~lons In the aqwow phase. The apparent constants of the ceritrai ind j+.trI= ext=ati Vith nai*thernic acids are determined ai; k-e - 5.94 x 10-1-2 czd a 10-L respectively. Equrt1ow deacribing the extracticn proceas of F, A -- i 1, A V h Y,. , A . Y e 2 5 9 8 ". iFaikhtiver, A. Ye C Yhc2esteaLo: G, (r: ljt~.. ~J'tL-I: C2. Z~.tlr b,-, ", No. 2, S. SO: Leto, is I Zhurrial -:'Itatev, 11-c - 30, 1' scow 19" 8 C I FASIMAVER, 109if Saulovich; R%IMENKC, I.N., akademik, red.; ~-'--URUMENKO, M.M... red.; 14MYLOp Z,T.j tekbn, red, [Balaft" of collective farm labor resources; problems of Mthodology amd awaysis] Balans trudovykh reaursov kol- kbDsov; voprosy metodologiij, metodiki i analiza. Kiev,,zd- vo Ukr. Akad. sellkhoz.naukj, 1961. 363 P. (MIRA 15:4) -1. Ukrainakaya akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvenmykb nauk, Chlen- korr6x~ondent Veasoyuznoy akaderii sel'skokhozyayBtvcnnykh nauk im. MJAnina (for Romanonko). (Collective farms-Accounting) PASHIM, 'R. (Balm) ro Drospecting, for oil on the bottorl of the sea. Sov. profnairzy, 7 no.9!39-41 W '59. (KIRA 12:9) (Oil well drillirke,. Submarine) MiSNITKOV, A.; MINIM. F.-. VDOVIN. V.1 KASHCHETIV, V., peneioner; In factory lunchrooms of Saratov. Sov. profeoiuzY 7 no.12:)9-41 Je '59. (NIRA 12:9) 1.Chleny komisaii obshchostvennogo kontrolya komiteta profaoymza zavoda imeni S.M. Kirova (for Vqsenkov). 2.Redaktor mnogottrazhnoy gazety "Znamya truds podshipnikovogo zavoda. Saratov (for Mallnikov). 3.Instruktor Saratovskogo oblsovprofa (for Vdovin). 4.Korrespondent zhurnala "Sovetakiv6 profsoyuzy' (for Paskhin). (Baratov--Restaurants, lunchrooms, ate.) FASKIIIN. B.,insh. Blectric heating of diesel fuels and oils. Avt. tranap. 36 no.10: 12-13 U '58. (MIRA 13:1) tDiesel fuels--Cold weather operation) ------ YLSKHINT-%- Millions are frozen in the desks of the Rostov Economic Council. Sov. profaoiuzy 7 no.i6:22-25 Ag '59. (~aU 12:12) (Rostov Province-Swestion systems) 0 ~'. SILIVANOV. B., tokLrI; PASHKIII. B. A useful initiative does not find support. Sov.profwiuzy 7 no.20:31-34 0 159. (MRA 12:12) 1. Zuvod "Dormash" (for Selivanov). 2. Spstsiallnyy korreepon- dent 2hurnala "Sovotskiye profooyusy" (for Pekbin). (Orel--Road machinery industry) (Socialist computition) B. To the tamers of the Golodmays Steppe. Bov.profsolin7 6 no.17: )2-35 D '513. (MIRA 12:1) (lovrov-Excavating machinery) PASMIXE. B., Ingh. The role of motortrucks in damming the Vol&. Av-t.transp. 37 n0,1:11-12 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:2) (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station) (Hotortruoks) HILAKHAN, Z.; PASUIR, B. %signers begin their competition. Sov. profoOiuz7 6 no.15:2?-30 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Chemical industriea) PASUIV, B. - - Gondola-type platforms for PAZ-205 dump trucks. Avt. transP. 36 no.?: 26 7 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Dump trucks) PASKHIII, B. (Koatrouxi) Tho are striving for the title of brigade of cormuniot labor. Sov.profsoluzY 7 no-15:29-'10 Ag '59- (141RA 12-12) (Kostroma--Linen) PASKHPJ, B. More attention to the trade unions of the now state farcs. Sov.profsoiuzy 7 no.23:28-30 D '59. (MM 12:12) (Gorkly Province--State fams) (Trade unions) PASKH IN, B. liatlin and his brigade. Sov.profsoiuzy 7 no-104-39 ja 16o. (HIRAL 12#12) (Kharkov--TurbineB) (Labor wd laboring classes) PASKHIN., B.M.9 inzh. (fiDskva) Portable bridge over bino for unloadivg dump tracke, Goroxhur. no.5:70-71 W 161. (MMA 14-6) (Ore handling) (Automatic control) AUTHCR: Paskhin, B.L. 13:7,f-cer 10C-9-2/12 TITLE: for Bxcavr~ti-,n Wcr',:s (Avto_a.~,osjaly dlya zimlyanylkh, rabot) 1'wRIODICAL: Meklaniz,,itsiya St!'00,01'LLWI, 10 110.9, pp. 6 - b ~Uj6R). ABSTRACT: A salrvey v.,as ~,,Tzfcd _-~'tlC tc as-c3- t~_e capacity/ .~f tipp-inb lorr-Je-- which a-ie incroa-z'Ll-1.1.1y used for motor trLir~s- port in the bui2di.,.L. iiidubtry. The capacitiec, of existinc, lorries are Given in Table 1. D-lirinE, the erection of the Ku,7byshev Hydro-elec-ric Power Station, the tippir.L lorry 15IM-585 arLd the excliv-'~tors ~-1003 and )--1004 (bucket capacity 1 M3) and the tipj)_Jri,.~ ioiry L:A---205 v.,ith eyeavator C3-3 (bucket capacity 3 m3) viere u.-~ea. Duriiii", the erection of the Gorki Pc,,-.,er ~,.'L' t1e VolCa-Dor. Canal, ir., V.I. Lenina and of the Kuybycl.ev ilydro-electric S-0-ation, tl--e necessity of tl-e s-)ced of buildlnL erection, Df increasin,6 the ~-itp,,,t -f t.'.e and Df increasi.-.L? --,he cap-acity of the tippinL, loi!ips was shown if the cost of excavation work is to ",e lo~ .red. TYe tip-,inC, loriy 4A'1'--210,) of 10 tons capacity v.-as used durin '_ the constructi-,ri of the 16a-Don Cai~ai 7nd o~ ',-'-e 1111u.vb%Lhcv Hydro-elect.-ic Power Card1740 Tipping Lorries Used for Excavation Works 100-9-2/11 Station. Professor N.V. Dcr_brov_-'1:_Jy pro,.,es that the o~t imun ratio between the capacities of t1c lorvy and of the bucket should exceed 3-1. When lorries LA!p-205 zcre tested ir. con- junction with the excavators C3-3 the ilP.P'-Ct3 Of the bucketu often damaGed the si~all 1OUliCL. 11owever, no daina-e occurred LD when the above excavitors wei- used. The excavators 3-1003 and ~3-1004 were used together .,;ith the tip '---IinE lorries 30~Fl -585 and 1.1A1,-205, fol trenchin.C -,,ork at the Kuybyshev 3 Hydro-~__.ectric Power Station. Sar-dy ground, weighing 1.6 t/M and having a ""-- reakin~;-upll cDnstant of 0.9, was filled into a bucket (0.9 of its capacity); it v.-eiChed 1.3 tons (data, under these conditions, are Civen in Table 2). Trenchin.6 nork under the puTer station was cari-led out with the excavator C~-3 and ti-:~Jn~ ioriie, Mk3-2205 and qA~-210E. For heavy soil "7' - - - (1.9 to 2.1 tu/m , "brEakInG-up" oo~nstant = 0.8 and filling the bucket to 0.8 of capal- the ::e_4Lrht of the naterial in the bucket increases to 3.84 t,-.ns. (Table 3 ',_:ives DUt-DUt fiCUTC-S Of the tipping lorries). Da"a obtainEd prove tLat .1'. is imprac- tical to use C3-3 toL.-~, ,,.ith M-k3,-205. It is equally inad- visable to use C4-3 in con-unct-,cn with kA-5-210B. Thus, theie L Js no lorry manu':~ctured a~ preZent which could be worked in Card2/4 Tippine Loorries Used for Excrvatijn 7101-;~-o 1.00-9--2111 conjunction with the e:,-cavato~ C-4-3. TLe Tcavator ~ -20C1 with a bucket capacity of '"' m be u0cd. This inter- mediate capacity excavator, .,,-Ien used on heavy soil, will have an output as shown in Table 4. Even if the output of ~he lorry A&Z-21Mhould be d,~,crcased, due to prolont~ed loadin, times, large savings could be aclieved and damaEes of the lorry MA5 - 205 avoided. The e::cava',or.3-2001 is manufactured by the Voronezh Factory. Various shortcomings of the different tipping lorries are discussed. 1i= types of tippinE, lorries s1--culd be designed for the transport cf excav-7ited soil and these should comply with the foll~~-'in- requirea-ents: t 'I-- eca~,acit., of t-,.e ., the capacity of tl--e bucke-.s lorries should b re' (namely, for 3 m5 buclce's tLe lorry capacity S~ L hould be 9 1: for 2 m3 __ 6 0 capacity lorries and for 1 M3 capacity IDuckets - 3 M3 capacity lorries). TI-e lor-ries should be designed Tith 2 axes (to achieve o-ptlmal manoeuvrability), the tranSL_.iSC-ion ratio should be incrr,aLed and the number of gears r-_-duced. The dynamic fz~ctor should 1:,e inc:-aCed, es-ecially for t.',,e lo-,,i gears and an additional de:n' ultiplicator transmission iLciuded. Back tip,-,inr.- ioi_-_Je_- S!_C"Ii,_ be dleCiEned to be able to carry dry Card3/4 Tipping Lorries Used for L?xcavation Works 100-9-2/11 soil. Lorries tippinL simultaneOLISly to both sides should be manufactured. There are 4 tables. AVAILABIE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 1. Earth moving equipment-USSR 2. Construction-Equipment I . n I r, :~ v , .- - -, CHZHAO TSZIN-KI [Chao Cblng-Xle];__PA~_~ "I~_Z. [translator]. New studies on the otratigraphy of Permian deposits in ChInL, Blul.. MOM Otd. Ceol. 32 no.4-:152-154 JI-Ag '57. (PUR& Ht4) (China--Geology, Stratigraphic) PASKHIN. N Nemetsko-rusakii sellskokhoziaistvennyl slovarl. PASKHINJ, N.J. serzhant In our battery. Starob.serzb. no.6:14 Je 161. (KLRA 14: ': ',, (Communist Youtb League) PASKHIN, N Sellskoe khoziaistvo i lesovodstvo. SINYAGM, Irakliy Ivanovich, akademik; PASKHIN,,j.',,.F.; 1,IKONOVA, OG~Y~kbv, Ye.A., dots.; FOZHARSKIY, V.K.; S.Ye., kand. voter. nauk; LOZHKIN, N.I.p kand. biol. nauk; I&IRONETS, I.I., red.; VIIMISKAYA, O.V., red.-leksikograf; ARTDIOV, L.V., red.-leksikograf; VACHAYEVA, Z.P., red.-leksikograf (Germnn-Russian agricultural dictionary] Newtako-russkil sellskokhoziaistvennyi slovarl. Moskva, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia, 1965. 684 pe (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vsesoyuznaya akaaemiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imend V.I.Lenina (for Sinyagin). SINIAGIN, 1. 1. , Y-~. A. I.IYCI-,'CVA, N. F. PASKHIN. Nemetsko-Russkiy SeI'skckhizyuystvennyz Slovarl. (G,-:rman- Russian Agricultural Lictionury) sostavili., Moskva Cos. lzd-vo Tekhniko-Teoretichoskoy Lit., 1952 507 P. Added T.P. in Cerman. So: N/5 912.720 .s6 PASI.-I'n, :;. j?. 1115 0 12. 7? 0 jlwako-nemetskiy sallskokhozyt~ystvoririyy alovurl (Rusnian-German S61 Agricultural Dictionary, by) 1. 1. Sinymoir 1 11. 1. Pp-skhir. Po3kva, GostekY~- izdat, 1955. 355P. AMed T.-P. in German. AUTMR: --FASM AAL- PA - 2471 TITLE: P.I. BOSHKOVICH, Honorary Umber of the Petrograd Academy of Science. (P.I.Boahkovic, pochetnyy chlen Peterburgskoy Akademii Nauk, Russian) PMODICAL: Vestnik Akadewii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 27, Nr 1, pp, 92-93 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 5 / 1957 Reviewed: 6 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The =in nt Serbo-Croatian scientist Ruzher losip Boshkovich (1711-1787) nade inportant contribution@ in mrious branches of Russian soienoe (mathematics, astronomy, optioss hydro- technology. and philosophy). His work made him popular and earned him the esteem of oDutempo- rary scientists. This is reported by the documents recently dia- oovered in the ardhives of the Aoademy of Solenoe of the U.S,S.R., which also mention F.I. Boahkovidh am being among the foreign solentints to be appointed honorary member of the Fetersburg Academy of Science. It is said that on January 17th 1760 a number of oandidatex of the Acadew, who were "soientista" of the highest order" had been appointed honorary members. One of the first among them me P.I.Boshkovich. At the meeting of the AcadaW. which was hold on Deoenber send 1760, the Academy' a Out 1/2 PA - 2471 P.I.BDSHKOVICH, Honorary Member of the Petrograd Academy of S olenoe. secretary announced the arrival of the now dipl- for the scientists who were present. The article further mentions a letter written by the secretary of th*lFetrograd Academy dated December 23rd 1760 which was addressed to P.I.Boshkoviaho informing him about his appointment. ASSOCIATION: Not given Pam Br.- am I AVAILA=: Library of Congrean Card 2/2 YAKUBOVIGH, I.A.; PA-1KH111, VII.YANSKIY, M.P.; BABIN, S.Ye.; SLAVUTSKAYA, T P.I.; RUPNE1,15KAYA, M.L.; P'GR:SM Ft-in:17-lall LCII%St.*YC: FARADITY.A, Ali LLV-.,.-"VAP L.F.; A.S.; BikCRIR'~NA, YUKSINA, L.A.; F~DIJOMAREV, Yu.F.; DYMOVICH, Ye.l.; P-Iil,-USCVA, R.A. Production and use of qyntheLlc water-soluble polvacrylamide adhesives. Fe-m. 1 siirt.yrom. 30 no.8.32-34 16'.. (?,', I RA 18: 1) 1. Mos~ovskiy likero-voaocimn, zavod. RLBINOVICE. 1.B.. rJOMM. V.D.. FAMIN, M.P.. AVDZSNUX, N.A., PIMOV, N. ya. Ww'a ck, ,.~ ~~ Isotope effect in the mutual solubility of liquid deuterium compounds. Dokl. AN b'SM 105 no.1:108 N '55- (K61A 9:3) 1. Institut Wait Gorlkevskogo gosudaretyeasogo universiteta. Prodstavlono akedealken A.M. Trunkisym. (Solubility) ('0euterium compsuads) PASKEINO Ye. *"-----" ~"isky," the now English automobile of low gas consumption. Art. transp. 36 no.5:37 My 158. WRA 11:6) (Great Britain-Automobiles-Design and construction) PASIRIN, To. Automobile trains used for Intercity transportation of goods in the U.S.A. Avt.transp. 35 no.3:38-39 Mr 157* (MLEA 10:5) (United States--Automobile trains) AXHUNDOT, T.H.D.; TYGONM, P.A. (tronslatorl; PAMIN, Ta.B. ttmnslatorl; KOKUSMIN. A.A.. red.; RYBKINA. V.P., (Electronics in Japan.] Blektronika v lApinii. Pod red. T.M.B. Akhundova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 343 P. (HIRA 1):5) (Japan-Slectronics) MEHIBI 101VI Using the radio geodetic method to deteraine right-angle wordizates of base stations. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no-46:72-79 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Coordinates) ACC N% AT7003292 IW) SOURCE CODE: IJR/3152/66/000/014/0087/0090 AUTHOR: Paskhin, Ye. V.; Mindlin, L. Ye. ORG: none TITLE: The radiogeodetic method used in regional aerial geophysical survey over the sea SOURCE: Razvedochnaya geofizika, no. 14, 1966, 87-90 1 TOPIC TAGS: geophysics, geodetic survey, aerial survey/RGP-1 course indicator ABSTRACT: The article describes in detail the radiogc:)detic method used in 1965 to carry out a regional aerial geophysical survey over the Caspian Sea under condi- tions when the absence of orientation points on the sea did not permit the use of visual instruments. The area surveyed was supplied with a phase field of the "Koordinator" radiogeodetic system, with which all geophysical surveys in the south and central part of the Caspian Sea have been made during the past ten years. A figure in the original article shows that location of the base stations of the it Koordinator" system and the survey routes planned. An attempt 'was made to use the RGP-1 course indicator developed in 1963 at the Moscow Institute of Engineers Card 1 / 2 ACC NR AT7003202 of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography for the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical axploration Methods. !lie course indicator was operated from a phase sounding of the radiogeodetic "Poio!." system specially modified for operation in the phase Ilield of the Koordinator system.. The accuracy of the navigation of the aircraft using tile route indicator was evaluated by comparing the measured coordinates of the points along the route with the projected ones along which the routes were calculated. The divergence was small and duc mainly to the lack of practice of tile cTews and to tape recorder errors. The work confirined tile possibility of using a radiogeodetic course indicator to guide mobile geophysical objectives along di.~ect routes during regional mapping made in areas with no orientation points and with a eparse network of support points. Orig. art. ha13: I figure. [GC] SUB CODE: 08, 01 /SUBM DATE: none/ORIG REF: 002/ Cord 2/2 Pk.~KtQlk, T. S. , G. F. Gauze, M. G. Brazhn:Lkova, and A. N. Belozerskiy "Biological and Chemical Characteristics of the Pure Cryst,lline Gr:.~jaicldin "." %mll._F,ksptl. Biol. Med. 18, No. 4,/5, 3-6, 1.944. Cent. Inst. MalariA i Med. ParasitoloU NK Zdrava SSSR, Moscow 9 a 9p 9 tj a bi 9k) is WV M loo s) u4i M46Lo A -.r_ .1-3 A-A-A-A. PL. a.9 Ut I-V h.1IC"I E. . % 4. 2~A " .. "' j Chow" DXUA of pamicidin S. A- %, Brim ail Brri and T S Pa%khinx (Arad k- hied S6 Mow(m) -00 -00 . . . . . ., . ~ Iip"ir, fa, 344-WO(It"s); cf. C.A. 39, lR'4'.--CfRmk*l- .100 din 5 IS - Soviet) diffem frcqn the gramiridin (A Dulm., ' A, indicated by the 1,4kmill" *- , . MA. wt. u consto.: M. 2, 35" UO' -276 R IAOD-I 0 t t l N M) 13 1 & o . a . . , ; ; o , amino N OA",: apitto N (Van Syk,. M, 1.47%; N (Vem-Orke, 3D tain.), 1,81%; go i "rnidline. 23-98,70; prnlift, 10. 155 - phrnyLilmize. 7.V; ; l b0 m 41)~% li I 1~ S f - onne o r. ; va *r, l. The kwine (r" amino and curbottyl Woups in gramicidin S vmkes it -pr,Amhk that a c ck tkk strw6ar w im J e ex y $ p prifttkv xuu,~ go 0 see to .4#3 -1. *-V list 811411CM1 1 6" C.- $1, 1 T IA $1 It &V to As t a NO 0 0 a 7 sr 1* 0 a a j > 0.00 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0009 0 0 A-L-A-AL p _Q A. A-J--v I 111 .3, -L-m-u-m-w-n 00 10- go INS NUMPOO wass;ce 00 Ta, bimminaw swededtim 0* Ic T. V. N. usmft; (Mr- mld.4=. Acad. d Urd. 66. of the UJL".). ow. Wi. U.N.S.S. 53, '40. 8, 4234LI"?) Md. Wis. al ~LhNlls (1). 11-CO11- 00.1 NIlUt. zCoH,NM% 1-4bx-en-io-2 MA Is. Is C-j :0 lh.1QlIW&mlvdUmd--- 16u--dAubtu"m ..d. Contrary to eipwmkm, In P-Wtxk. W. If. wick Poo Dole J lit Iti li So"" 04 Ific" M&P 0-T cot F 4 1 1 a I I U 0 "' 80 0 IV 0 0 0Lp to a n In U, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 (-,so 00 0010 000 0 0 000000 & 0 0 0 OVL m A 5 0 'A a a w I N V 2 a a 7 1 a ; i 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 .10 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 .00 go -00 -00 WOO =00 coo Woo Ago see ISO woo 49 *-.-ro IlEn7,riatic Yomintion -)' Llvnlrie ~'ro-. ~,evo;~ ~,ivr~nlne nml Lewitriptorlhano rm: of Vituain n6 in This Process," A. '1e. Ye. V. Srrvar!henkova (Aide6 by T.S. Pn-khinayr,' , Lab C-eM c:' "Ych, Inst :,i- I Fn~. T:ed Che7~, AcL~- Med Sci USS!", !'O'scovip 17 pp Vr7 XIV, 'To 2 Kynurenine, a chiLf eroduct of tl-,t! disoil~dDitioll of lnvotriptci~,,lne, is broken down by Irzynureninase of the liver an;J kiineys of anDrials an,l man for.-,iation of anthranilic acid. -"stablished t! .5-!,-con,i ~ro,lluct of kynurenint- unlier action of kynureninase is alanine, foriration of was di,-cov~!rtd 1.1ring &ctl,,n of extracts and clits ol' T,:.- !Lv,~r on '-,-vc,-kynur,!ni-,- an,] t'ssuc cuts -,r. Subziitttd 22 1-.:ov 48 PA PASHKINA. T.S. Diffusion chromatography and Its applications in amino-acid and peptide analysis. Uspekhi Biol. KhIm. 1. 307-31 '50. (MLRA 5:8) (CA 47 no.14:7oig '53)