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PASHOV T VOIMAWWA~- W" Economic lose resulting from infectiors atrophic rhinitis in swine. Veterinariia 36 no.2:24-28 F '59. (MM 12:2) 1. Poltavskaya nauchno-oseledovatellikaya veterinarnsys, stanteiya. (Swine-Disenmen oind paste) USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diacaces of Unknown Etiology- R-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 16947 Author BoLnyevskiy, A.T., Pashov, T.V. Inst Kharkov Zootechnical In3titute. Title On the Etiology and -L-rophylaxis of Infectious Atrophic Rhinitis ckf Swine. Report 2. Orig Pub : To. tr. Khar1kovske zoctekhns in-t, 1956, 8, 131-138 Abstract : On a farm which was froe from contamination with infectious atrophic rhinitis of inrine (IAR), an experimental infcc- tion of piglets via intranasal inoculation, without injur- ine the macosa~ was caj,,ried out, The microbial cultures consisted of B. pyocywieus and its mixture with other mi" croorGanisms isolated ~~rom swine affected with IAR. All the infected piglets c,)ntracted the disease. Ibstmortem examination revealed t:,ie decrease of the size of nasal Card 1/3 16 - USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Dis(!ases of Unknown Etiolo,~y. 11-3 Abs Jour - Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1.958, 16947 swine with trichomonads took -)lace since these farms were suspect of bovine trichomoniasis. Card 3/3 . _L I . FAGRKOVA. A.A. [Feshkova, A.0.1 Changes with age in the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver of white rate and the effect produced on these processes by the somato- tropic hormone of the pituitary body. Ukr.b1okh1m.zbur. 31 no.5: 735-744 '59. (HIPA 13t4) 1. Department of Human and Animal Physiology of the A.M. Gorky State University of Eharkov. (SOK%TOTRDPIN) (GMYLIC ACID) (OXIDATION. PHYSIOLOGICAL) ~/Clj Civ C~' PASHKOVA, A.G. Mobility of the foot and its arch structure in athletes [with 611mmary in Inglish). Arkh.anst.gist. i embr. no.4:82-88 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Zz kafedry anatomit (zav. - prof. H.P.1vanitskiy) Gosudaretven- nogo tsentrallnogo ordena 1manina institute fisylltury Im. I.V. Stalins. Adres Sytora: Moskva. ul. Eatenova, d.18, Nentrallnyy Institut fiticheakoy kulltury. kafedra anstomii (FOOT. physiology, funct. & structural changes in athletes (Rug)) (ATHLITICS, foot funct. & structural changes (RUB)) LAVIN, I.L.; PASHKOVA. A.G. Improving the quality of vegetable tanning extracts by the fermentation methods. Xosh.-obuv. prom. no.11:13-16 N 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Tanning materials) RIZOV,B.; FASHOVA,E. - Intra-uterine eleetrophoreoir, in the treatment of chronic in- flammatOry gynacological diseases (Prelimirary cowvan i cation) - Akush. ginek. (Sofia) 3 no.lt50'-58 164 A- MILOVIIX)VA, V-11., kund,modite.nauk; PASHKOVA. L.A., Imnd.nedito.nank Severe carbon monoxide poisoning vith wiltiple necrotic foci. Vrach.delo no.2:189-190 7 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Bel'aitea No.4 g.Leninabada. (UMOU 140NOXIMt-PHYSIOLOGICKI, HFMT) (NECROSIS) Y:? ka ve~, 'T,4. IISSR/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D jibs jour : Ref Zhur - KhImiya, No. 8, 1957, 26592. Author : _&tbkova T A "Inst : Kharkov tn-iv*er*sity. Title : Results of Hydrochemical Study of the Moloch- naya River and Its Tributaries. Orig Pub Uch. zap. Rharlkovsk. un-ta, 1956, 679 23 - 47. Abstract The Moloch~aya'Rlver and its tributaries are running water only while snow is thawing, otherwise they are only separated stretches of water of sharply different chemical composition. The studies were carried out in July 1951 and in May 1952. The dr residue of the water of the Molochnaya In 234 to 3950 Mg per lit with- out any essential difference between the ob- servations in the summer time and those In the spring time; it is referred to the sulfate Card 112 "To U3SR/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D Jibs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 26586. Jnthor : Yashkqy_at_T.A Litvinova, A.P. 111st : Kharkov University. Title : Hydrochemical Description of Piscicultural Ponds of Stalin's Kolkhoz in Bogodukhovskly District (Kharkov Region). Orig Pub Uch. zap. KharIkovsk. un-taq 1956~ 679 107 - 116. Abstract Of the three ponds situated in the valley near the Khros)--nevo-Nikitovka village, the lower Pond for fattening No. I and the upper pond No. 3 were studied during the period from April 12 to October 5, 19%. There are in the lower pond (in m& per lit): dry residue - 268 to 356 Ca - . to 51 1+9 HCO3 - 285 to 71 125. C03 ?in 5 from 14 sam;les) - 37.8 to 3.15, Cord 1/3 9 o, ~ k k T.- /4 t IISSR/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 81 19579 26585. .Amthor : _TA.Ahko 40f- T. A. va 'Inst Kharkov 6nivcrsity. 'Citle Hydrochemistry of Lnkes of Limansicaya Group. Crrig Pub Uch. zap. KharIkovsk. un-ta, 1956, 67, 211 - 220. ILbstract The lakes of the Limanskaya group are the old bed of the ancient DonetsAiver. During 1938 - 1949 the Donets hydrobiological station studied the Liman Lake (L) and partly, the Chayki (Ch) and the Kanyshevatoye ?K) Lakes. There is 1100 to 3800 mg per lit of dry residue in L, 678 to 784 mg per lit in Ch, and 440 to 580 mg per lit in K. Mg exceeds Ca 5 to 6 times in IU, there is more Mg than Ca in Ch, and more Ca than Mg in K. Na + K (converted into Na) in Card 113 UISSR/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D Al:,a Jour Ref Zhur - Rhimlya, No. 8, 1957, 26585. L is 330 to 1200 mg per lit, which, in com- bination with a large amount of carbonate salts (presence of soda) produces a high alka- linity (16 to 37 mg-equ.1 and PH (10, 12 poten- tiometrically); in Its turn, this Is the cause of insignificant contents of Ca and Fe in the water of L (Fe is contained UP to 3.6 mg ver lit only in the organic complex). The oxidiza- bility in L is 30 to 61, in Ch it is up to 30o and there is in K 15 to 20 mg of 0 per lit; the contents of Cl- are: 12 to Ro mg per lit in L (540 in 1939), 1+2 in Ch and 17 to 20 in K; the contents of SO+ are 36 to 35 mg per lit in L (it seems that a part of S01+ is reduced to H,,)S, the smell of which is felt near the lakeJ, 11 to 13 in Ch and 9 to 10 in K. There are 2 to 6 mg Of S102 per lit in all the lakes. C'ard 2/3 MU. @MUM Of Analytical Ckoivlstr7 of the 1711 Mandela,--- C4%SrSs8 0% riSM-4 and &,;IS*& Meatintry r1=001CLU Zburnal suslitz.h..k.7 kkiall. ig5g. rai f4. Sr 4, Vp 511.512 LISTILCT, APP"XIMStOlf 300 pa~mcm,. p-tiolpated IS the mo~ of the Jo4LftVAnt of Analytioal Chemistry. ma0AC them rep- IntatIrso V"PIOUS GGIOR11fl. re"arab Institute.. higher .0, al. 4.4 L I - triel enterprise& 1. Seems., from China. 3024STIA. the CS1, Poland. MwW*~7. end IL.17. 70 IS0rts "" board. 1. hie pming p..ab Z. FAUaxA- -part 'd OSPZ aOblfl.d re.4to W an wd.ra p-bl*.. Of .-lyti..l I rajort.d am the applic.:100 of physics- &SI? r she" Iye a a yet... far th .02otion of a series of Vroblo.a of aneijtIcal chomlmtryel. 1. C-t.ov "POrted an madam "So 1. the ... of -61141 ra-043-M-1 -A :Lb. t:h*-d at the -;I. of hall" .a . .rroletlafi between the stabilltj of complete d C" 114 the position of the co-goOdifte contra" ataus in the P, '"I of."vi. T.J-Z&Abk I..t-d an the . b of oztitates $I a. dep-ding an the stroctur',* of' the oxlw solecule. -X~Z~jyj=,;axz loct~d .6 the da.b 1. OhLrector Of venetian Of mose C..po..d. I. %to formatla. Of 4001,41 S. The Pmbl-u of t~. of hAtwvop.%j..Id. is AzalzMal ohsletr7 ... dealt -Ith 1. ch. 1-tares of 6 ad OD-week.", ad A,1 ts-temill 6.3 P. A. 1-go -be. of 1-turs. deal% eith the mi.-Wf Use, ;r9SAI: ran4ront. in ann.1y.100 rep.;:d : the *Vpli.&tlva of tl&lkjFl a," aleryl dithia- phos r1 Said for the -p-tin. Of l."T. -ad 071 armanic a Id wd W71 -Ld. 2. III. 00-416=6 treated - pruprtl.. of one The I-TU-8 of I-A-UASZLrJL91 '--G. Ult-g-'fil and )-Al X---.kO 4. t S-Ith the Photometrid dot*;4faf- -1 Ion of 0 uJise r2wrlmm darivat- A. -brrkaeow lectured an the use of bsl-h--tl.a 1. analytiliz ad I..t-d an the of tsat.l- V -I. U. ft. . IP.C t-Vh-t-,-t,7- tM-F-Xa--h,,-klY end LA. Sj,jZr- -part. no. U0113: ... III- Snely.i. method. C-.rd .2/4 So trovio 1:"*:t I..t-. dealt alth metko,41cal theoretical grvt-fts of analy.14 jA 7, C', C-- and Spectrum Ly aM To, YORMPTY t (Ity"Skb q ~ j tre. .0-owtarV, , B.S. PO ask t~ Ii ff jerfeatlo. of fl-e pbotoaiatr7. Se-rel lact~o dealt with the d.t*rmi"t Ion of .10.0 at. by p.Iorag-phy (;.J_Zlj~Lok-j - F. ookb4k%.Z an't 1. A. Tar: -.j Be. z ~ 02 f . loot an a." ileI";- .." -. . . .. . S. Lysilka, -A ao~wcrkarm. -he loot- Of &Lw.htzkp wA Tj . treated the - of emp.-tri. tttratI.D tthI b-.I.tr7 of w-.U- ..4 theri'mm' . R.N. . h-d IbIitio. Of predicting the Sx-, "edition. of ahro-toCrapbl. Of .1-on-AS b-d an their position in the 94riodlg 67-tes. J-A~~*-kft~ft rop," d noxchnnes In the Luvestl~~Sticm Of the ot,t, of 1 ; *a the On : 1. .tio... A_J, _T.- :1 4.A!i~ -.d lectured a. the of .laments. 1. 0. Folyansklz rmparlod an Aaptlr4 the prop-ti.. of I a exch&nCr -inA. Z-j. Zhl,~T.kl n and a.---IStan report,d 0.1:: chromet.9-01- P-.f or 1. Card 1/4 l1q.1d. of the ~. L- 5-robl-toan-1 the application of high Poll-- In ?he 1-t- of A.A-~!j .1bz- denit Lit Co. S-2 1-t.- 'ranted -L- f r"1." t1, I to for the V an I-gti.. Of th. O-;r" Oi;:1-t.t1.. -h-low of L... of ith ..lfid.. A. and for d.t.rmi. r.9 r.r. b Of P. Aj.~~pArjj. th~ ft-l f f th. t---.. end V_A. ICLL-- qq" ..... let.. h... W b. tr-~.d 1h. b0t~,H-- t rniJ Or.-M-d. f-, ......I 'Y 6"1 ~ JI r, C ~, --4?AWXGVA, V.S.; TSELIARIUS, Yu.G. Using toluidine blue for staining specimens of uterine mucosal papillae. Akush. i gin. 32 no.6:73 N-D '56. (MIRA 10:11) 1, Iz kafedr7 patologicheakoy anatomii Krymskogo moditsinBkogo institute imeni Stalins (dir. - doteent S.I.Goorgiyevskly) (ANATOMICAL SPkCIKENS) (UTMUS) (TOLULDINE B141) USSR/General Probleris )f Pathol,)a - Tunors. General Problems a U Abs Jjur Rof 71iur - bi)l., tb 2, 1959, 8126 Auth:)r Pashkivaj ViSi Inst Crincan Medical Institute Title The Relationship if Cancer Differentiation tD Grjwth Conditims. Oria Pub Tr. Krymsk. raed. in-tn, 1957, 17, 205-209 Abstract The developuent of carciaomat-Dus metastases in the lymph ii-des was studied. In the marginal and central siiiuses and alanL.,-, the miter edGe if the netastases the mliL;;arit cells are better differentiated structurally. Inside the lymphatic vessels the rialiGuant cello f--)rri layers of differentiated cylindrical cells at the poles with a so- lid structure of all of the rest af the tumDr tissue;; In the exaninatiin if ulcerative gastric carcinims it Card 1/2 RIMANIA/Forestry. Forestry and Forest Cultivation. J-3 Allis Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957,22596 Au'%or Pashkovskiy. Inat C' Ti*;le Forest Cultivating Stations. Or:.g Pab: Rev. padurilor, 1954, 69, No 5, 239-240 Abstract: Stations cultivating the following woody varieties are enume- rated: Carpinus orientalis Mill, quercus Virgiliana Ten., Q. rosacea Bechst., (a. getica Mor., Populus tremx1a L., Sorbus torminalis (L.) Cr., Pirus babadagensis Prod., and some others. The majority of stations are located in the forest-steppe strip of Muntenia and Oltenia emd the fGrest zone adjacent to them. Carl 1/1. -33- RLQMWForestry. Forebt Blolopy and Typology J-2 A a Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 6, 1957, '~)2553 Aui%or Pashkovskiy, Lyandra, Reduleskla Inot Title Forest types in the Forest-Steppe District Between the Yalmoitsa and DLin&l Rivers. Orig Pab: Bul. etiint. Aced. RPR- Seec. biol. si stiinte agric., 1956, 8, No 1, 179-197 Abi3tract: A description Is given rf forest types, vith detailnd characteristics of the woody coryposition, the underbrush and the grassy cover. 1. Plantings predominantly of (Zaercus pedunculiflora on badly deteriorated chernoze- with a loess substrate. This is the most prevalent and characteristic forest type. 2. Oak plantings (q. pedunculiflora), oc-cupying slightly deteriorated chernozems on loess. These plantings differ by poorer grmrth and almost a total absence of dead cover. 3. The same plantings as stated in Card 1/3 -10- "NOWFOrestry. Forest Biology and "L!ypology. J-2 Abs Jour: Peferat Zh-Biol., ]qo 6, 1957, 22553 2, but on sandy soil. 4. Pare plantings of Quercus pubescens, mch thinned, witb a powerful soil cover of steppe varieties on a midly deteriorated, strongly carbonaceous chernozem. 5. Mixed oak plantings of Q. peduncvnflors and Q. pubeseens spprmdnately equ&13.y distributed. 6. Mixed oak plantings where Q. pedunculiflora predominates. Here one finds an ad- mixture of 4. cerris L. and S. Frainetto Ten. 7. Pure plantings of Q. cerris with an ;~~Ixture of q. pedunculiflora, q. pubeseens, U. ambigua, ~J- foliacea. 8. Mixed oak plantings where Q. cerris predominates, with a considerable admixture of Q. pj!~Mculiflorn and rarely Acer tataricum. 9. Pare plantimp of Qaercus conferta Kit. witb a very Insignificant admixture of U1=9 ambIM in the sec6d tier. 10. Mixed oak plantings with an evident predomi- nanee of Q. conferta and a significant admixture of 2!dunculi flora rarely of q. cerris. 11. Mixed plantings of pedunculi flora, Tilia argentea, Fraxinus excelsior and Acer caupestre. Card V3 _11- PAMOVSKIY, B.Z., irzh. - - , ~ - I larthdame with breakvater. Gidr. i mal. 9 no.10:57-59 0 '57. (Dams) (KLRA 10:11) V5/0 )- ; A , fi, PASHKOVSKIY' K.AO . (Replanting pine in forest belts along the Irtysh River] VctzobnaTle- nie sonny v lentochzWkh borakh Priirtyahl is. Alma-Ata, Alcs&-mi is neuk Nezekhokoi SM. 1951. 105 p. (MIRA 11-3) (Pine) (Irtysh Valley--Reforestation) TSALIP N.A.; FASHKOVSKlY. M.V.; DIDYK, R.I. Growth of alkali halide single crystals in various gaseous atmospheres. Kristallografiia 8 no.6:940-942 N-D'63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni I. Franka. MONDESHKI,N.; RAMOV.R.'. POPOV,Iv.; SIAVOV,G.; DOBRPV.P.; PASHKAKOV,Iv. Causes of chronic development of pul-conary tuberculosis. Suvren. med.,Sofia 11 no.2.w.39'3646 l6o. 1. 1z Katedrats po ftiznatrila pri VHI - SoMa. Rukov. na Katedrata: prof. N. Mondeshki. (TUBI&RCUIA)SIS PUIMONAIff etiol. ) PAS!"WE'V A, C,.Yl-, i I; N" NAp '1 .1 . ~,. V. V. C ,~ t,!-!-it c f r a rf~ f-ir*uh ro 1 , :; Lnd ' hcr I ~,m --y inc i --a: E - -' I --- c ' Tom.,ik Prov Irce. I -,v. ",( "l-' ' h !.(,.4 t),' Ll. no. ! 5.: 165- (X`!~A lgz8) 1. PA:3)HOV) N.; KILR UKI, D. "Electron mlicroscoTic observLation on f,enesi3 of cobalt-allwainum oxide cataly3t. 1. Effects of t1hermal treatvient." In Enrlis'.. p. 2~. LriMADY. 3ofiia, J~ul, aria, Vol. 12, I;o. 1, January/February, 19~-19. .1 1 5onthly List of East European Accessions (EI1,I), LC, Vol. 9, No. 2, February, 1~bC. Uncl. PASHOT, T.V. 0, ogy of tularemia in swine and differential diagnosis of tularemia and brucellosis. Dokl.Akad.eel'khoz.21 no.12:32-35 '56. (NLRA 10:2) 1. Poltavskaya meshsovkhoonaya vaterinarno-baktariologichookaya laboratoriya. Predstavlena sanitarno-zoogigiyenicheako, iektaiey Vessoyaznoy ordens Lenina aVadamli Rellakn"oz7aystveri kh nauk Imeni V.1.1,enina. (BrucellovIbIn v~ftne) (Tularemia) PAWWo To Ve sis of Tularemia and Brueelloslej" by To V. PA*hvv Poltava Intersovkhoz Veterinary-Bacteriological-ttt~o-r-atory, Doklad Vsesoyuznoy Ordena Lenina Akademii Sellskokhozvaystvennykh Nauk imeni V. I. Lenina, Vol 21, No 12, Dec 56, pp 32-35 This article concerns investigation of a tularemia epidemic of murine origin in three swine-raising farms in a region in which the disease had been observed in rabbits, swine, and cats. Swine were diseased 1-2 months earlier than humans. The clinical picture of tularemia in piglets is de- scribed. The author discusses serological and allergic procedures used for di- agnosis of tularemia in the affected swine. Serological differentirtion of tularemia and brucellosis in swine by means of the agglutinin adsorption and allergic methods are described. Results of these methods are shovn in tvo tables. On the basis of these results, the following conclusions were reached: "The Spizootology of Swine Tularevda and Differential DiWo- "l. In locations threatened with tularemia of swine, these animals can contract the disease as a result of contact with B. tularense. The disease occurs in a latent form, but in certain cases clinical manifesta- tions are possible. "2. A titer of 1:50 can be considered a positive agglutination reaction In swAze, and 1:25, doubtful. The allergic method of diagnosing tularemia in swine by means of the intracutaneous Introduction of tularin in a dose of- 0.1-0.4 ml according to sensitivity, sharpness, and duration of the reaction was more precise and effective than the serological method of the agglutina- tion reaction. "3. The mjority of the swine affected with tularemia exhibited a posi- tive agglutination reaction with brucellosis antigen. In rare instarces animi.s with hrucellosis gave a positive agglutination reaction with Vila- remia antigen. When investigating aniinals by the agglutination reaction for brucellosis in locations where tularemia is present, a nonspecific reaction connected with the presence of tularemia among the animals must be taken into i:onsideration. "4. In carrying out planned serological investigations by means of the figglutination reaction for brUCCUOSiS of swine., horses, and cattle in an %rea threatened with tularemia., it is necessary to conduct simultaneous ex- -inination for tularemia through the use of the agglutination renction by the Al:)Iume method. Animals which give an agglutination reaction with brucellosis and tularemia antigens sbould be subjected to allergic Investigation with brucellosir. and tularemia antigens for differential diagnosis and the blood aprum of these animals should be examined by means of agglutinin adsorption. The usual brucellosis and tularemia antigens used for the agglutination reac- tion can be employed for the agglutinin adsorption test. "5. Appropriate information concerning the differentiation of brucel- losis and tularemia in an area tbreatened with tularemia abould be Intro- duced into instruction on the control of brucellosis and into directions 00r.the diagnoBle of brucellosis among agricultural auimBls-" -1 '~~ ~A ~-,) ~ ~,'i FASHDV. T.V. . - I ArceV7~ Di.agnesis of brucellogils In pip by the allergy mothod. VaterinArIta 33 no.106-37 Js 156. (KLMA 9M l.Poltavokays weshoovkhesnaya ve tort mrno-baktarl o1*gI - chesksys laboraterlya. (BRUCELIOSIS IN SWINE) PAIMOV, --T-V. W~ - -r1*.--,-~-0!-.~-!'k'" ... Industrial experimental testing of aluminum hydroxide formol vaccine for swine erysipelas. Veterinartia 30 no.2:27-29 F '53. (MLRA 6:2) 1. Foltavskaya mezheovkhoznaya. vetbaklaboratoriya. ZARMEDVA, M.; PASHOVA, A. , SPIRIDDSOVA, S. Came of diabetes insipifto following influenza encephalitis. Sarrem. mod. Soft& 5 no.4:8(~-82 1954. 1. Is %treshnoto otdolente pri TmentraInats, transportmabolattea (macho otdolerAel P.Lagofetov) OINCRPMITIS, influenzal encephalitis, with diabetes Inelpidus) (DIABIM INSIPIDUSO COMP11cations, encephalitis, Influensal) PASHOVA, - Losses of spring runoff in th~ Prf~e, left-ban~ Geofiz. i aBtron. no.6:159-lb2 165. (K[RA 19:1) 1. Ukrainskiy nwachno-issledovaluallskiy gidroneteorolo- gialleakiy Inatitut. , PASWVA 9, L. T. Calculation of the average snow reserves in a b&aim accouating for snow accumulation in the foresto Trady UkrM'&GHI no.51i 53-58 165. (mm 18,q) DUDEMCV., S.; LIVSHITS, A.; -PtkSHOVKU4_ A.; YEVSEYEVA, A.: BARLAUMCV, M.; VARTMMOYLS, S.; RABINOVICHP AO Results of the industrial tests of the OPSB frother at the Kadzharan ore-dressing plant. Prom#Amo 5 no.9:41-45 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) le Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tsvetnykli metallov (for Dudenkov, Livshits). 2. Nauchno-issledovatellski~ gornometallurgicheakiy institut Soveta narodnogo khozyayatva Armyanskoy SSR (for Pashovkin). 3. Kadvharanskiv kombinat Sovata, narodnogo khozyaystva Armyanskoy SSR4d* awv laWhov, Vartanyants, Rabinovich). (Kadzharar,--Ore dressing-Equipment and supplies) set Pots jA WAVM of cg Solely ymm to stmer mau =6z wbamwas in tb* yeavot. it. um,ta6m showaW t* Woortralrd to a saim. and the Jaw tif The hicoad units &%mW beas wtn&Hm&pml~W-. ..~,G. A -k-9. R.- A-4 *I brud wift VAN06 C. E-bmbuk--- Ma. rukhmp Non. 1066. No. 5/0. 3-7.--To ord" to vkmkC fbta"W kobnW attafthal=m. so it 6 mclimmy ib dkm*" The ommillat cl I in the t"T 04 Of so PIV&Ltt)ft AL 1.17111,611,01 CLASSVKATICk ILI K low -1 :,- ~ -~ , "ital am 04, m 110"All, -A SON4 Olt O%v 40( 11 T WA An I 1 0 0 1 2F p, 9 A 0 3 9 9 a a it J 11 0 a a 4, lam, I " 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Z:o 24 roo coo all PASHMIN., V. F. Vitamins BjA, and Plo infiread from different kinds of - X_N"Bu I L. Vio.*Auerman, Z. 1.1taltseva. L. S A 14L ; '~"Kutqeva. V. P. sbovkin, and V. V."Sloclierbaterki j A. N. BAK tri3t_.-'Biochem- and All-Union Sci. Researelot i nst. Bre2d-Baking Ind.. Moscow). Vbprooy Pitaniya 12, No. 4'291-34(1953).--4Df the vitamins naturally occurring In the flour. bread retains for rye flour and wheat flour, resp., Do 70 and SG-87p, Do 88 and 04-791,',,, PP 95--IDO and 95-10070. The retention of vitamins D, and Do by wheat- bread varies with the grade of the Hour. Of added vitamins, rye bread retains 1/1 of Bj, B1, and PP; wheat bread retains Dj75-80.B*5D-04.andPPFD-9%. Parrot the vitamin Do In the flour Is firmly combined with pro.'ein, and may escape estro. Fermentation of the dough frees the vitamin Do, and thus simmingly high figures are obtained for bread, miaskIng the deterioration. Rye and wheat contain 3 tng./kg. of vitamin %, Instead of the previously reported I tng.lkg. For an adult engaged in light labor it is neces- sary to enrich all sorts cf bread with vitamin Do, rye bread with vitamin PP. and some kinds of wheat bread with vita- mins Do and PP. A. Mirkin J, -Dipplubw'y and 11614110.181 TAIUS 4~ r~* Ilread drpcnd- 'ammulurowntent. tug oil !~ batcako. L. R. Milmlinikays. Ant! V. It. F#ipykilt (All- 110$960d. pe2eatch Inst. Usk" Il1d7U5"~Fr'-MprOSY P44 wiya 14. No. 2, 2NMK IOU).-Three diffemt sot Itsof 27 a bread, differins In their vubwre conten to (M. B , and _49%. rvsp,), tuindips the bread crust. bavb bc:eu studied Ivc their organt4eptle proWties (taste, poritsity, Color Of 3~ voi. the cruAl MUs. Prop-ortles (wrc Ito entase of=vty, vp Cmirress! fity, relatlys 4skicity, and a vote"), R;~l --them. pmwtko (mobture, aridity, vu pr, -COMM, And.. intl. =4 forthe utjtlwtkA of illeirpromiully human organ- "him. The reaults LpAicata tho the phys. pro mks M ent of brep, C rtatly changed by the tnoWure coat lutt the, normal taste of rye bread h affected when the molfiture con. t=t -OW WS; tW W CbUM. CIDUIP11. Of the DrWd 13 cenulose h 6"12=101041 ji I 1J&% tof tile brads ante, 49 ntolOaft, nvgl. wW that it. new"a vshw of it" tortad dats111M W1 111creastrt -WWI (4w. 11MUL11011 VAJO 11 Dr lite w1shw rea4is Me timistwe ftintent of tho WePA were 74.22, PASHTARUK, V.I., inzh.; GRABSKAYA, N.K4, tekhnik Mcdernization of the IIM-40-820x3OA5 filter press. Kh1m. mashinostr. no. 6:33-34 N-D '62. (MIRA 17tg) L 23571-66 Ad~- _NR; _AP60670260O SOME CODE: W0266/65/000/023/0095/0095, AUTHORS: Selishchav Ye. M,;, Pasht2n-Sitnlkov, N. V, 1, Volkernyuk, V. V 5 ~,".ORO: none utoMAted 9 klass 61, No. 17 625 ITLE: Distributive conveyer for a In a. 6 rannounced onstruction and Technological bareau for Des by, ecial C ign of het4l- I'Gutting Tools and . uipment tspetsiallnoye konstruffokskoyt 1 uxmolo or V."'D proyektirovaniya meta-llorezhushchep instrumenta i oborudovaniya)7 MWE; Byulleten' izobraterdy J tovernykh znakov., no, 23, 1965, 95 IOPIC TAGS: conveyi ng equipment., automation equipment, AII57MAGT:- This-Author Certificate presents a distributive conveyer for automated 31nes. Endless closed chains -are viounted in -the'frame of the conveyer and are Aged with drive and tension sprocket.wheels. To simplify the design and to i int0rease the operation reliability with various technological hmdling processes, onL~"~of the chains carries pin-shapod push-rods on Its outer edge (see Fig. 1). , A chutm with distributive ports for'outlet branches is mounted under the push;-rods in the frame of the conveyer* The ports are closed by double-armed epring-loaded 1- Card T AX NR.,- AP6002600 Sotorroptors which are linked through a system of spring-loaded lovers to pawl a.~clss. fastened to the frame* During operation of the conveyer the pawls Interact -*j'j-6 iollers placed on axles mountRd between the chains in front of the corre- Pponding puah-rodso Oirig, art* hus3 I dia"- VD COM 13/ SUBM DATEs 06Apr64 4 KAhOSAS 9 1. 1 . ; SINDERNSKAS , K. Ya. ; _ A. V. GSGI/P-.500 generator for ~hi: feudlnj, of' two arcs ~.I-urin,,! welding in CO 2- Avtora. ,3vur. 17 rv.,,:90-92F I i~4. (Ml u 1": 9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isslecovat IIsk-Jy institut elektrosvaroctnopc oborudovaniya. PASIISKIY, N. PASHSKIY, N. CA: 6-3353/1 J. Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc. Q, 166-81, The calculation of the specific heat of simple Solutions. PASM, Andrey Iosipovich,- DIRRACH, lw~n ZM OVSKIT. P.; D ~Osm~,O. M., red.; CIMN, Yu., tekjired. [Lvov; a guidebook] Llvov; plitevoditell. Llvov, Knyzhno- shurnallnoe izd-vo, 1960. 1112 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Lvov--.Guidebooks) PASJIUK, Andrey Iosifovich; DERKACH, Ivan Stepanovich; NEDOM, S... -----Ye M~-r ~~ -- kF - [Lvov; concise illustrated guidebook]Llviv; korotkyi iliu- strovanrori putivryk. L'viv, Kryzhkovo-zhurnaline vyd-vo, 1962. 157 P. (MIRA 15:11) (Lvo7-Guidebooks) PASHUK Andrey Iqqipo-ichfPaszuk, A.11 DERKACH, Ivan Stepanovich :`~, I -I - [Lvov; concise Illustrated guidebook) Llviv; korotkyi iliu- strovanyi putivnyk. Llviv, Kny2hkovo-zhumallne vyd-vo, 1961. 170 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Lvov--Gu1debDoks) PASHUK, A.I.; DERKACH, I.S. [Lvov; concise illustratee ruidebook] Korotk-yi iliustro- varWi putivnyk. Llviv, YjWzhkovo-zhurnallne vyd-vo 1963. 173 p. (MIRA 18:5~ PAM=. Andrey losifovich; DIRKACH, Iven Stapanovich. Prinimal uchastiye ZHOLTOVaIY, P. [Zholtovelkyl, P.I. GAPMp Th. [Hapons 1U.J. LLvov; guidebook] Llviy; putlynyk. Llviv, Inyahkovo-zhurnallne vyd-vo. 1959. 147 p. (MMA 13:4) (Lvov--Guidebooks) "ASHUL, Andrey lorMovioni D:JtKi~(.Ii, LLvov; a brief IlluLtrcitea strovanyl pruti-vmyk. I,Iviv, ,,Td-vu, 196". 1?3 1 . lv,,jn , gi;idc.Doc,~ 1 1, *v , ; :- ' ~ .;; . -, : j' : -. ~: I z t; 7 ~' L.Ivlv.. e kf7.~ ikc , . , jj-, (\, , IAZARENKOP A.S.jj~,~SHYKP Kh.T*; LESNYAK, U.N. Apogamv in the haplophase of Desmatodon randii (Kenn.) Dop. AN URSR no.10.-1381-1384 161. (MIRA 14:-U) 1. Llvovokiy nauchno-prirodovedchei3kiy muzey iN USSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN USSR (for Iazarenko). (Botany-MorpholoRy) LAZARENKOp A.S.; PASHUKp Kh*T*-- -- An attempt of statistical estimation of the variability of spores in Desmatodon heimii (Hedw.) Lazar. Ukre bDt-*-.-zbur. 18 m.1:68-81 161. (MIRA .14:3) 1. LIvovskiy nauchno-prii-odovedchoskiy mazey AN USSRj, otdol botaniki. (Msses) (Spores(BotwW)) LAZAREKKO, A.S.; KOVALENKO, A.P.-, PASHUK, Kh.T-.._ Some spiral structures of the protonema in leafy mosses. Ukr. bot.zhur. 18 no.6:89-98 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. - 11 ... 1. Ltvovskiy nauchno-prirodovedcheskiy muzey AN USSR, otdel botaniki. (Mosses) PASHUK, Kh.T. Chromosome ab-errations and ~y of spores in I i heterom&lla, Tz) Ito I ogll a 5 no. 6, b4r-t48 1~ -1 ~ ;- , ~-, . .11 1. Llvovakiy Tuuctino.-prlrodovedclici~.i,~, muzoy AN PASHUK.1 V.P. Classification of the foci Qf Trichinella invasion. Vestsi 0 BSSR. Ser. blial. nav. no.4:137-139 163. (MIRA 17:6) I 1,-Illjry v . 1'. "Epidemiological claEsificution of Trllchln,,?jjoL3i,, report submitted for Ist Intl Cong, Parasitology, Rome, Se~ I)t,-,. Ulitsa Nogina -, Minsk. USS1.1/Morpbology of Man and Animals (Norml and Pathologic). S-1 Research Method, ej2e, Abu Jour Hof Zhur - Blol.., no 40 19580 16976 Author Doranina, T.V., Pashuk, V.P. Title The Use of fieurohistologic Methods for the Study of Trichinella - Infested Muscles. Orig Pub Wravookhr. Belorussil, 1956, tio 8, 44-46 Abstract The Kampos method, as modified by the authors, gives the best results for visualization of Trichinellae. Frozen sections were washed in distilled water, transferred to a 10% silver nitrate solution for 2-3 minutes until a light-yellow tinge appeared, rinsed in distilled water, successively transferred through 4 portions of 0.5% for- malin solution, kept in 10% ammonical silver for 2-3 mi- nutes and thorou&tly washed in distilled water. Impre- gnatied Trichinellae assume a brown, nerve fibers a black Cq.rd 1/2 PAS=. V. F. Citral therapy of ascarlazim, Had, paraz. I param, bolo 24 D0.4: 302-306 O-D '55. (KUU 9: 1) 1. I2 Minskogo instituts epidemlologii i mikrobiologii. (ASURIASIS, therapy, Citral) (ALURUM, therapeutic use, citral in asearlasis) FASHUK, V.F. Foci of heimInthipises and the ennditions for t-i~ir development. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nqv. no.2: 101-110 '65. W:1,..", ,~,:12` WIP 091 0 04) L TrAwical Reararek V4ru-s. v. 1. Nov. 19417. p, 31. Abstroewd from "InTWIffation of of Haot Resiptgnt Austenitic the WeldabilitY Chrome-Nkicti-Tunpun Stetl of Large Crass &v don," by K. V. Unbovskil end P. I. Pftshump4r., Avtoppipsor Dole, Doo. 8-9, 1946. V. OuWn" ragults of JuvatigatJori of woldability of pteell with 040.0b0% C. 13-15% Cr. 13-16% NI; 0,30-0.80% j- OiD.O.OR No; and 2.0-2.75% W. oultAIS for Mx~-tvmpqrstcro ow sit 1-7 - i. --r u It AV, so it a a a a ot v sail&, am**, 'Sj Tr W A 1-6 Iwo 0 o T go 0 Zoo W 16 ly in Id a a a- U la W*40V C&I -1 AA It. M VP U ..90 for ROPM Manual AV ation, cif 1-1,104 nn,", WXICI 4 In flu-inn. I F. 1. i,aphuk&4j*, A , a,. 1. j), r, lo. lirl" 4 VVIdill"j. .. :1, Mar. 1949: -'vrral typ" 'If 1111",jan -,IatA41 elix-tro,16-is il,"N W 0 .3; investigateit It wan found that tht, alit've Orr trodes with an extra bravy coating were the m,,4t 00 0 It convVnient. Compoilitions and optimum welding 0 "Inditions are given. 00 a* 000 Zoo s; "TS"I'Af CL-ISIFKAVIOU Ila . ...... - U is Ila V a K I tv I a one ! 0 00 0 0 00 0 of* 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 * 0 0 0 40 0 & 0 0 a 0 40 y T3227 L(k iRi~A_-,tUE 13U,NJ BOOK PASW!!LA~4~LSF. I., _ng., LkZi,.?L.J, :;. i., KarvIJ. of Cech. Sci., and V. Kand. of 1'e,h. ci., and LY~,bAV3,IJY, h. J., )r. of ech. 'ci. 3VA,~KA J'i,,LEY, PREDNAZMA:~NNYHil DLYA "UIBOIY P,_I -I.IPE.IAT'_Rj,KH ~,%eltiing of Austenitic Steuls tz5i,.ned to ;~icrisu"vi ii_,:i Te:;-,pe-wilres). Tri K. V. Lyubavskiy, ed. Jovoy,._~ v Lokiiziolo,,ii ;var i ~innovations in 1,he Teciinique). 19~~). P. 3-29. Yhe author!3 present an in Lorpreta Lion of' ~w data obtained in rt: it, :i con uy the ~'entral -Scientit'ic Aesezixcii Institute of -a hine-ovildinC, recIIIII010,~y oil arc welding-, of' austeuitic s~euls used in ifor in,-, End tubin.,'. The temperatures in various pla,2es in t-t-je wc1ded par-.s LrP ved. Tile crl~~stalliza-,i~)n wriicri oc _,urs in wel~iuo mot.als, tie a.e~:::iaiiical properties of welded secLions, and : tie structure if the metal in the st~zdli after .:el iia~., are discus..,td. The use of ulecLrodes ana their ef 'ects on various uasteniti_- steels under different coiiditions in welding and on wel~in,- carts ,--e de--Icribe,-i. Tne authars reCOLXv,~nd ce.-tain eleci rades for wel lint,'ausLerLitiz e,.ls used in tub-in--, i'or~irW and cauting. Twenty sevei, pictures and !,rapns, 9 tables. 3 itussian r~~ferences (193b-1?51) 1/1 LTUBAVSKIT,K.V., professor, doktor tekhnichookikh nauk; PASBUXANIS.F.I.. Inkhener - -_ -7 .' Some peculiarities of welding cost austenitic steel. Svar.proirv. no.9:1-6 S155. NLRA 8:11) 1. TSentrall Vy Nauchno-iBoledovatel'Bkiy institut tyazhelogo mashino- stroyenlys (Steel castings--Welding) i i i vj t Z: t's ILI fi Z !i 3 -C R t li all A t 31 Sol, a -'I~ a PASHUMIS, F.L. in2h.; ZHMA, G.I., in2h. I- State Standard No. 1005242 for steel electrodes fm- Pure we2d:!~ of high alloy steel with special properties. Svar. proizv. no.B: 30-31 Ag 162. (KRA 15: 11) (BlectrOdes--Standards) S/135/62/000/008/003/004 A006^101 A~THORS: Pashukanis, F. I., Zhurba, G. I., Engineers TITLE: GOST 10052-62 for steel electrodes intended for arc welding high-alloy steels with particular properties PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 8, 1962, 30 - 31 TEXT: GOST 10052-62 will replace GOST 2523-51 and will become effective fl:om July 1963. The particular features of this standard are: the number of elec- trode types is increased from 11 to 27. Requirements to the weld metal include its camposition (higher S and P content, up to 1.3% 81) its OL-phase content to assure hot crack resistance, and its Intercrystalline corrosion resistance. The standard contains an appendix with data on the basic properties and the approximate desti- nation of all electrode types. Some additional Information on the designation of each electrode type Is also given. CE-rd 1/1 84342 S/135/60/~00/002/002/003 uNj'I A115/AOP~, AUTHORS: Pashukanis, F.I. and Runov, A.Ye.,Graduate Engineers TIM-. Determination of Properties Of Metals BUilt-Up With Heat-Resistant Electrodes 11 PERIODICALt Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 2, PP. 5 - 9 TEXT: This article which was compiled in cooperation with the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K.V. Lyubavskiy, deals with electrodes and proper- ties of 1X 1qH12M20(lKhlqNl2M2F), qT -7 (TdL7), KTH -5 (KTI-5) electrodes, lXl9Hl2i42K31q(lKhl9Nl2M2K3VF),a -13,(TsT-13) electrodes and 1XlqH105 (M19MOB) 4T-15 (TsT-15),3V#-3 (ZIO-3) electrodes and filler metals. The authors suggest types of electrodes to be used for welding various austenitic steels at 600-6500 C. Tests with filler metals built-up with TsT-7 and TsT-13/56 electrodes at 650-7000C are being performed in the Otdel svarki TsNIITMASh(Welding Section of TsNIITMSh). The Influence of high- temperature processing and artificialeging on changes in the basic structure of austenitio-ferrite filler metals and their mechanical properties was tested. Table I gives the chemical composition of tested metals and Figure I the corresponding variations of ferrite contents de- Card 1/3 Wh2 S/135/6()/000/002/002/003 A115/A029 Determination of Properties of Metals Built-Up With Heat-Resistant Electrodes penling on the duration of thermal processing at 9500C (1), 1,0800C (2) and 1,29DOC (3). The upper section of Figure 2 shows the microstructure of filler metals after 4 hours of thermal processing at 1,CBOOC plus 10 hours at 8000C, and. the lower part the same microstructure after additional 5,000 hours of aging at M&C. Results of X-ray inspections of electrolytically separated filler metul depAts are shown in Table 2. Some processing tests on chemical proper- tiev of these metals at varying temperatures and on the aging period are shown in F1gure 3. Table 2 expresses in logarithmic coordInates the durability of sur- faced metals. Heat-processing at 1,0500 - 1,200o C of the above metals ensures only a 4 - 5 % solution of the ferrite phaae~ In order to increase the plastic properties of these metals in continuous operating conditions at sigma-phase temperatures the ferrite phase of the basic structure should be limited to 4 - 5 % w~l the austenizing thermal processing carried out at temperatures given above. lXhl!)NlOB metal had firmer layers and higher heat-resistance and plastic quali- ties in continuous operating conditions at 6500 - 7000C. The alloying of nickel- chronium austenitic -ferrite filler metals by approximately I % niobium (TsT-15 Card 2/3 843142 S/135/60/000/002/0()2/003 A115/AO29 Determination of Properties of Metals Bull-Up With Heat-Resistant Eloctrodes electrodes) is more expedient than the use of molybdenum and vanadium (TsT-7 electrodes) or of cobalt and tungsten (TsT-13 electrodes). The X-ray Inspec- tions were carried out under the supervision of Candidate of Technical Sciences �1A. Yuganova, and metallographic tests under Graduate Engineer A.D. Kuznetsova- Sudovnikova. There are 2 tables, 4 figures and 12 references: 1 English,_F1__ S:.viet. A13SDCIATIONi TsN11TMASh (Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machine Building) Card 3/3 RUJOV, A.Ye., in211-; PASHMANIS. F.I., inzh.; LTUBAVSKIY. K.Y., doktor tekhn. nauk .. __ . ~ . - Some problems of welding cast 1KUM12T-Lauetenitic steel. Svar. pro1z. no. 8:1-7 Ag '58. (MMA 11:8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya. (Steel alloys--Welding) 135-58-8-1/20 AUIHORS: Runov, A.Ye., and..-Pashukanis,.F~J., Engineers, Lyubavskiy, K.V., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE: Some Problems of Welding "M2012T-L" Cast Austenitic Steel (Nekotoryye voprosy svarki litoy austenitnoy stali MM12T-L) PE310DICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 8, PP 1-7 (USSR) AB2TRACT: The satisfactory results of tests carried out at TsNIITI,',ASh with the participation of S. A. Yodkovskiy, Candid~.te of Technical Sciences, S. P. Nestertsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, G. P. Fedortsov-Lutikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, T.S. Gribo,,redova, Engineer, A. V. Stepanov, En- gineer, and L. P. Kestell, Engineer, necessitated system- atic investigations into the weldability, composition and choice of electrodes for a new grade of cast austenitic steel destined for large-size welded-cast structures of power Installations, working permanently at a temperature of 600 C. It was concluded that a certain quantity of fer- Card 1/2 rite phase in the initial crystalline structure, practi- 135-58-6-1/20 Some Problems of Welding "lKh20Nl2T-L" Cast Austenitic Steel cally eliminated crack formation at the weld joints. "TsT-1511-electrodee proved very satisfactory and are re- commended. There are 4 photoe, 3 tables, 6 graphs, 2 dia- grams and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOlit TsFIlTYASh 1. Welding--Test methods 2. Welding--Test results Card 2/2 PASHUKANIS,,-F.Ye-._ .___ Corwideration of Inertial properties of transistor diodes in calculating pulse systems. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; radiotekh. I elektron. no.2:286-291 159. (MIRA, 14:5) 1. Kafedra teoreticheskikh oanov elektrotbkhniki Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta. (Transistors) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) a.' ACC NR, ARUOiG974 SOURCE CODE: UR/02715G/000/002/bOlij /ZiC,', 8 AUT F OR :Pashukanis, F. Ye. --";111TLE: A comparison of various ferrite-diode memory cells with respect to energy re- ,quireme7,;t s i 'SOURCE; Ref. zh. Avtomat telemekh i vychisl tekhn, Abs. 2B349 ~.REF SOURCE: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, vyp. 60, no. 3, 1965, 13-24 7 PIC V,GS- magnetic core, electromagnetic memory ,10 T I IRANSLM'ION: A comparison of various systems using ferrite-diode units is made on the !basis of the simplest memory cell, which is utilized in construction of more complex Ilogic systems. The memory cells are compared in terms of the minimum power, availahle ifmm vacuum tube or transistorized generators required for stable operation. 7ne com- iparison is made without regard to the type of the core used in the unit. It is shown ithat tho most economical configuration of a register cell is one using transformers ,based on ferrite cores; one which suppres6es reverGe signals owing to diode nonlineari- ty. Tho theoretical efficiency of suz-h a configuration is 66%, wherear for other con- ifigurat:.ons the efficiency does not exceed 50%; for the configuratioT, u3il,g c".11okes with !a ferril:e core and dropping resistors, the efficiency is 25%. In addition, the cell !using the transformier has the least number of components and provides electrical insu-~_ UDC: 681.142,67:621.382 L.Card 1/2 ACC N:li* AR6018974 lation, between the various loops. The basic theoretical relations for computing the efficiency are included. 3 figures. N. P. SUB C04;Z: 09 Card 2 I'LiOGOV, Arkadiy Ivanovich; Yurly !,atveyevich; PASHUM13, F.Ye.., kana. teklizi.nauk, dots. [1.'.agnetic cores with rectangular hys-,eresis loops; static and dynamic characteristics, methods for ineasurement and control, and principleo of designing networks with corei3 having rectangular IWsteresis loops] 1.,.agilitrTye serdechniki s priar.ougollnoi petlei gdsterezisa; staticheskie I dina- micheskie kharakleristiki, MUtOdika izmernnii i kontrolia, osnov.v raselieta t:;oj;ai, sodorzhashchikh sordochniki o PPG. I (1-URA 17:9) ,-~oskva, lzd-vo "Energila," 1964. 175 1- (c 10 16 14 U"- ALF L R 0- ,ME i owmat"m ftato ftewomile ms mmowu" awmftlftwl~ 3m. A. 8. ftrw ""a), mmm, &12 amp. PASHUMIN, V. USER On-'Forestry in UermarW. SOILrce: Eoreign Trade, Moscm, 1947 Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island" Report No. 59541 on file in Library of GonCress, Air Wormation Division. TZLYATNIKOVA, G.N.; PASHUTA, I.F. Green manure plants for crop rotations incuding strawberries. Kons. I ov. prom. 14 no.5:2P-30 My 159. (MIRA 12-6) 1.Noskovskoye otdelaniye Vsesoymnogo institut-a rasteniyevodstva (for Telvatnikova). 2.Sovkhoz "Bogucharovo" Tullskoy oblasti (for Pashuta). (Green manuring) (Strawberries) . J~ I ~11 7~1- / PASHUTA. I.F.; POITOMARETIKO. S.F. ~-,- -- -- Producing large berr7 harvests. Yonp. i ov. prom. 12 n0-11:39-41 11 '57. (MMA 11:1) 1.Sovkhoz "Bogucharovo". (Barrios) _~i~,kolpy Timo fey vie h, in zh; VASI I, "I EV , I., red.; 1, , I., PASHUTAO reA. 1- - P-- ~ , , - (HAvals of metal,-l Soporniki metallov. 31mforopol I , IlKrym, " 1965. 52 p. (MIRA 18: 121 AFANASIYEV, A.S.; SOI?JIKOVA# V.I.; PASHUTA, Yu.S. Thiourea as an inhibitor of the acid corroalon of ateel. Ukr.kljirj. zhur. 29 no.12:1317-1321 163. (MRA 17:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut. PASHUTIN, A.N., inzh. Improving the efficiency of the sliding bearers of the diesel locomotive bcdy. Trudy VNITI no.16:68-77 162. (MIRA 17:1) DOLGOKER, YU.P.; PfiSHUTIN N.V.- ZHIGULIN, V.I., inzh.; FEDA, N.I., inzh.; - P ~ , I RYZHKOV., P.Ya.J. inzh.; GAVRILOV, A.I., inzh.; CIEUSIP-NOV, V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk New developments in research. Stall 23 no.10:928-929 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) W P- m c1 tbA nVuleum -1 IQ --.tb4 rO;?6rncrr, -mu ry UNW. l w TF w- the mlultA temwlio t,.rft d * rent u-i Ll I t -tiwn ez-all, Itsta on fu ling- -how, of prod ut ~ t1lo unt was found w litm j n vo ugm , rnin k -ngs f4" -S K et wtablisbed d t i I r ~ . . . s uo ex in relaval ut of t ,, y FIVKE-L~S11TEYNP I.I.M., inzh.; Prinimall uchastlye~ DDLOKB, Yu. P.; H11 N ..; OLOBUYEV, N,A,y DOWAT, L.B.; ADAMKOVICH, V.K.; AKSE?&-,'1. 11. New steels for the automatic electric hard facing of rolls for continuous slabbing and blooming mills. Stal 121 no.6%535-538 Je 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Makeyevakiy me tall urgichesk iy vavod. fRolls (Iron mills)) Chard facing) N11BJMG. I.H.; SHLYAMOVETS11Y. Ye.S.; ABARA, I.I.; ]PASHUTIS, N.Y. IstublIshing a laboratory Index of the wear resistance of textolite for rolling mill bearings. Zav.lab. 22 no.6:731-733 '56.(NLHA 9:8) 1. Orgchermet i Hakeyevskly astallurgicheekly savod imeni Kirova. (Plastics--Testing) (Bearings (Machinery)) PASMIL-a.- CL.~ From railroad to automotive transportation. Avt.tranop. 41 no.106 Ja 163. (MIM 16Q) 1. Dezhurnyy po stantaii Nikolayev Odeaskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (Transportation) PASWjTIN, S.; GORYACIIEV, S. Readersk letters. Avt.transp. 39 no.12:55 D '61. (MIRA 1.5:1) I (Transportation, Automotive) KAUGANBAYEV, N.K., dorozhnyy master (at. Besh-Arik, Kaz&khskoy dorogi); SEROUS,,T.P.., dorozhnyy master (at. Svyatogorskaya, Doaetakoy dorogi); KULISH, ?.A. Ietters to the editor. Put' i putekho2. 6 no,301 W 162. (MM 15:3) I* Dezhurnyy po atantaii i obahcheatvemM avtoinspektor, stantaiya Kulfbakino., Odeaskoy dorogi (for Pashutin), 2, Pomoshchnik uchastiovogo revizora, po bezopustnosti dvizheniya poyezdov, at. KaliniWad,, Lit6vskoy dorogi (for Wish). (Railroads) SMALIN, V.D., inzb.; LUNEV, V.M., mekhanik-naladchik defektoskopov; PASHUTIN, S.B.; BODROV, V.V. Letters to the editor. Put' i put.khoz. 5 no.6:41 Je '61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Astrakhanskaya distantsiya puti Privolzbskoy dorogi (for Stukalin). 2. Stantsiya Astrakhan', Privolzhskoy dorogi (for Lunev). 3. Naebal'nik posta 230-go kilopietra Odesskoy dorogi, g. Nikolayev (for Pasbutin). 4. Starshiy dorozhnyy master, st. Tikhvin, Oktyabr'skoy dorogi (for Bodrov). (Railroads) SOBOLEV, B.P.; PASHUTIN, V.P. Fluoride transfer of ber7llium in supercritical (vapor) solutions. Trudy IMRE no.18:44-a 163. Fluoride trakisfer of tkntalum in supercritical. (vapor) solutions, Ibid.:49-52 (MRA 16:12) SOBOLEVP B.F.; MINEYEV, D.A.; PASHUTIN, V.P. Low-temperature hexagmal modification of NaTFI with gagarinite atructare. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.4:791-794 Je 63. (MIRA 16;6) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimli i kristallokhimii redkikh eleimen'tov. Predatavlono akademikom N.V. Belovym. (Minerals) , V.- 1, r, - , 1 i,, r T " . IA,; i 1 .1,-, Lflt,or Vn i I yev-leh , !,-"2*5 - 1,D t" I . selected works. Moskv,, 195'. 3_17 L). (V-Iniushchiesia -3ei&teli otec, -!~+venl.oi 0 - me~---tsinv) (54-1 707) I-pu.r~" UK-TROVIGHP N.V.; TIMMOV, I.K., PASHUTINA, S.R. 11--v data on the multiple reflection of vaves In the West Siberiar Plain, Geol. I geofiz. no.9181--02 'U+. (KRA ISt?) 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut geologii, geofiziki I minerallnogo syrlya, Novosiblesk. m-3HUTOO V. GdIden Horde Valuable work on the Golden Horde. ("The Golden Horde and its downfall." Miewed by V, Fashutol). Slaviane No. 6. 1952. ED. DO, Grekov., and &_YU. IhLn~~ 3;-nthl " 2L RUaLim kee2jaionfil Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLAMIFIED. PASHUTID 9 V. B. I "T"M Convenient device. Vest, Vozd. I;.* noolO.-83 0 961. (MIRA 15:2) (Ground controlled approach-Equipuent and supplies) wo-66 za (1 'j 111's 100 ' SOURCE CODE: UR/0271/65/000/011/B014/B014 AUTHCR: Belous, A. L.1 Kurochkin, S. S ; PashvykinV. V. Pekhov, 0, Z _4 TIM : Storage for 4096 numubers intended for multichannel and multivariate analyzers SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitellnaya tekhnika, Abs. 11B122 REF SOURCE: Tr. Soyazn. n.-i. in-ta priborostr. vyp. 1, 1964, 114-130 TOPIC TAGS: computer, computer storage device 9 /7704'rif 0,9,o) AjLjjc 4'9 A-, C)Z ABSTRACT: From the reliability and economy viewpoints, it Is expedient to use 3- and 4-coordinate address devices operating on the coincident half-current system for synthesizing storages for multichannel and multivariate analyzers. Storage devices with transistor-transformer &vitches and a 3-coordinate address system are described. The operation of the following elements is examined: a 4096-channel storage cube, read-signal amplifiers, current-pulse shaper, and auxiliary elements. The operation of a storage with diode-transiBtor bridge switches and its elements (address uwitches and address-current generator) is considered. Tests of the above storage system revealed its operability at a oupply voltage variation of 2.5--9.5 v. Twelvs figures. Bibliography of 3 titles. N. P. LTranslation of abstract] SUB CDDE: 09 Card-III VMb