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FAIS-FIEOV V. GAS FEESSURE UMING OF RAILWAY WAGON PARTS. Ts A. V7ADD4IRSKI I K V SeliygrQy, A. X. livyIR2 v and7f.-y.-P by. (A tol Delo, 19491 So. 12, Pp/16,19i '2 It hake been found advantage3un In the repair of railway wagon parta to replace the forp aivi aSab-X2UW RM-W= previously used by gas pressure-welding, and examplets are given of the e-,iccessful une of thiu tothod. SK j, hsllr,ov (44. EuxCEIK. N.M.; PAQMV, WN... 00-"0"- Sow problems of' the effect of cold hjixclszdng upon the strength of welded joints. ATtou.svexe7 no,6(319) t19-26 N-D `54. (XLU 6-.2) 10 Tai 'A M (Welding) (VAitale-Hardening) i, nzo~ INK, SAW Two- -Za M "A NO -_Mthl'. 44iC ii tot- _'5 k "7P _'_j rill N�R TWIN,- .ep~' ii qv z'_ Subject Card 1/1 Auth,.,rs Titlo- AID P - 4819 USSR/Engineering Pub. 107-a - 5/13 Perl(:dlcal : Absti-act : Kraychik, M. M. and N. V. Fashkov Investigation of the weldability of the 25L steel 3var. proizv., 3, 17-2o, Mr 1956 The authors investigated the weldability of 25L steel, which is widely used in parts for rolling stock and is repaired by welding whenever possible. The UONI-13/55 electrode used in welding procedure was found to pzovide the needed strength and Cold brittleness of this steel. Four tables, 5 graphs anti I photo, several OOST standards and 1 Russian (1951) reference. Institution All-Union Central Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways. Submitted No date TILSMVO Elva., KHOKEILOVI VODI The APU-VU automatic veft -straight aning wachirm, Blul. telda.-eko-n. infom no.l-.47-49 157. (KM 11:4) (TextilD machinery) I,' -Y ~ly 'ACCESSIGN NR: AT4019090 S/2917/63/000/260/0045/0060 AUTHOR: Moiseyev, 1. A. (Candidate of technical sciences); Pashkov, N. V. (Engineer) 77TLE: 'rho use of welding for rolling Btook made of a:iuminum alloys SOURCE: Moscow. Vsesoyuzr-y*.,inauchno-issledovate.1'skiyinsUtutz'aoloznodorozchnogo transporia. Trudy*, iio. 260, 1963. Novoye v svarke na zholeznodorozhnom transporte (New we.'Jing methods in railroad transportation), 45-60 TOPIC I*AGS: welding, are welding, hand welding, aluminum, aluminum alloy, aluminum ;welding, steel 3, railroad, rolling stock ~ABSTTIVXT: Aluminum and aluminum alloys are -)rcsently being usea for many different purposeE., including the manufacture of railway cars, but the technological problems of aluminuin welding have not yet been sufficiently studied. In the present paper, the authors discuss 2ie results of studies on flie fatigue strength and impact strength of various types of welds o;-.' both aluminum alloy AMI.-G and steel 3, and attampt to apply these. results to the technology of aluminum railway car construction and rej%dr. ne results sh:>w that the fatigue t.trength of an argon arc vield of Al is 13. 6% lower than that of a mechanleal weld; further;,,iore, the strength of a. biAt weld Is only 70% of that of the unwolded metall., but is twice tha strength of an overlep weld (33% of that of the unwelded metal). The fatigue Card J~'2_ I ACCESSION NR: AT4019090 I :strength may be improved by cold working of the surface with a pneumatic hammer. With :respect 1e Impact strength, the weld is 60-66% as strong its the unwelded metal, and Hurfaco hardeni-ng is ineffective. Both argron are welding and hand welding can be used for the repair :of rail%viy cars. However, since the static strength and fatigue strength are both lower in Iscams vielded with OZA-3 electrodes Lhan in are-wolded scams, the rnore significant parts !of aluminum railway cars should be repaired only by the argon are process, reserving hand ,weldingwith OZA-3 electrodes for the secondary parts. Furthermore. the new techniques Ishould i:itially be used only at selected places by specially trained wel.ders, and all seams ;should 14) checked ultrasonically, for example with a UZD-59 defectoscope. "71e OZA-3 jelectrodos are produced by the O;iy*tny*y svarochny*y zwvod (Experimental Welding Plant)." ;Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 6 b.bles. IASSOCLMON: Vsesoyvzny*y natichno-issledovatell6ldy institut zheleznodorozhnogo trans- ,porta (A.1-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport) SUBWTTED 00 DATE ACQ: 27Mir64 ENCL: 00 ,SUB CODR: MM NO REF SOV: 0015 OTHER: 000 C-,d 2/2. ACCESSION NR: AP4040702 S/Ol35A4./0OO/OO6/D32 5/00~2 8 AUTIIO&c.: Moiseyev, I. A. (Gandidate of technical sciences); Sinyavskiy, V. S. (Candidite, of technical scioncas) j Ueacho~, V. I. k'Engineor); Pashkov, V. V. (Engineer) TITLEt On the fatigue strengt1i of aluminum alloy welds SOURCE;- Svaroohnoye proi'zvodstv,), no. 6, (630), 1964, 25-28 ~TOPIC TAGS: welding, aluminum alioy A?.t6, aluminim alloy'A~Ig6l, alulninum, alloy ADD, filler motal AX, fatigue strength, impact atrongth, argon, are wolding, electrole, butt welding, pir, support ABSTRACr: The strength of aluminum alloy wolds in flat and thr,)o-dimonsional structures was studied to dotermine the offoct of tho seam form, spacing, and the teermic,io of weld finishing on the durability of Joints. All j3ints were welded ~by the 3amo technique (argon arc welding with fusible electrodes). Flat samples consist-3d of: 1) plated and non-platod metalB, 2) butt volda with and without 'final mi3chanical finish, 3) samples with central collars or bosuen of rectangular section, made of solid mota:. (no welding) and samples with woldad collars and bosses (complete and incomp."6eto penetration). The 'Joints were simulated in three- dimensLanal wdels. All siuiples were made of throe aluminum alloys: AMg6, Mto'i !Card ACCESSION NR: AP40401702 and AD--33; filler mc tal used f or the first two wa~3 of the same composition while ~the AK electrode was used for 0-33. The results showed that the fatigue strength :of unp.",ated specimens was l';-1514) higher than of the plated one,-. Unwelded Al/;U6 and A24g6i . specimers had equal fatiguo strengths, which woro 23% higher than that of :AD-33. Finish milling of b%itt welde produced a 16% increase ir. strength, while ~ PneumaAc haru-aerinc raised the fatigue strength almost to the I ovol of aLLoy A14g6.*'.. iBecausn the AK electrode strength is lower than that of the AD--33, the weld . istreng*;h is 23% lower than that of the original metal. In the comporito atructures. !the deiisity and intersections of soams had a wealconing effect on tho welds. Surfact) ha--dening of the jofnt and the adjacent metal area conziderably ixicreasod i the strength. Engineer G. S. 3ary*chava participated in this vork. Grig. art. !has: 2 tables and 5 figure"v, ASSOCLITIM TON WS SUBMIT..'ED: 00 ENGLt 00 SUB COLE I MH NO RE-Y','koVj O(N OTHE-Ri 000 Card 2/2 MOISEMA I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAS11KOY N.V,, Upe of weldlM for the rolling stock made from alwndnum al-layB. Trudy 'ISNII MPS no.260:45-60 163. (MA 16:11) KUTCHIK, U.N.. kanfl.tekhmmuk; PASMV. F.L. tekhnik Zvaluatimg thii tendency of structura-1 steel toward brittle failure by Ito reaction to burma by the electrode. 6vare pro12V. zo.81&-9 Ag 160. (HIR& 13;7) 1. VseBoyu%rn, imuchno-issledovatel"sily Institut sheleznodoro- ghnogo t-ransporta. 141nisteretva put%- moobahchenlya. ~S%eel, Structural-BrIttleness) (Alectric weldimg) S/135/60/000/008/002/010 A006/AO02 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Pashkov, N.V., Tec~Lnicfan AUTHORS: KrLi ~ehik '1ITLE: The Estimation of the Proneness to Brittle Failure of Structural Steel From Its Reaction to Electrode Burnings FERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 196c), No. 8, pp. 6-9 MU: It is practically impossible to prevent welded structures from ac- c-idental electrode burnings; the estimation of' the proneness of steel to burnings niust be considered as one of the characteristics in the weldability of steel. A nethod was developed to estimate the sensitLvl.ty of steel to electrode burn'-ngs, cietermined from the critical temperature of brittleness which was established by a series of Impact tests on specimens of 12 x 8 x 55 mm with a notch in the form of an electrode burning. The burning was produced by contacting the steel surface rapidly with an uncoa-~et ordinary steel electrode of 3 mm in diameter ( 100 amp d-c of reverse polari-.y). The burning results of tests carried out with burnt and standard notched SPE!Cimens are given in Table 2. Tho tests with standard notched specimens were made by E.S. Volokhv2rariskaya Candidate of Technical Sciences. ::t was established that electrode burnings may be succesiffully used for evaluating Oard 1/-3 S/135/60/000/008/002/010 A006/AO02 '1he Estimation of the Proneness to Brittle Failure of Structural Steel From 11-s 1:eaction to Electrode Burnings the proneness to brittleness of steels having very thin surface-strengtheded layers (formed by vibro-hardfacing, cold hardening and other forms of surface treatment) for whicil the existing method of applying notches is unsuitable. The sensitivity to burning cf " 10/r 4 " ( 1OKhGN), "09 F 2~' (0902) and " (MSt.3) :iteel was low (after appropriate heat treatment) ; " 14F ?' ( 14G2) and all the :.nvestigated MSt.3 melts which were not hea-,, treated, were highly sensitive to itlectrode burning. The critical temperature of brittlenoss obtained for notched and burnt specimens was equal. To reveal the causes of 4~his similar effect.- metal- lographic investigations were made. Data obtained permi,~ the hypothesis that the burning produces on the metal surface a zone of reduced ductility down tc, ~i depth Of 0.7 mm which is eq,.ja'L for all the steels investigated and corresponds to a .3tandard notch by its effect on the critical temperature of brittleness. The voperties of this notch do practically not vary within the micro-hardnons 11m1tb :~btalned on the microsections of various stee'-s. The notch sensitivity of these steels is determined by the properties of the metal that was not affected by burning. It is also poasible that the roughness of the macrorellef of the burn-'ng Intensifies the notch effect. The equal value of the critical temperature of Card 2/3 S/1 35/6o/01)0/()08/002/0 10 A006/AO02 '1'he Estimation of the P-,7oneness to Brittle Fa.'.lure of St.-ictural St~el 1-,s Reaction to Electrode Burnings i)rittleness for burnt and notched specimens in insofar important, as many scientists -,onsider that the pre:3ence of electrode burnings in low .arbon steeL does not ;)resent any danger, while it is beyond any -Joubt that the presence of notches ab Aress concentrators Is Inadmissible in the structures. However, the similar -ralue obtained can not be applied to all structural steeLs until more data for other steel grades have been gathered. In tte meantime the sensitivity of steel --o electrode burnings can be only determined from ref3ult:3 obtained by Losts with hurnt specimens. It is recommended to elimLnate the harinful effect of burningn by grinding the spot to a depth of not less than 0.7 mm. There are 3 tables, 5 l'igures and 4 references: _3 Soviet and I EngjAsh. liSSOCIATION: TsNII WS Card 3/3 KRAYCHIK. M.M.. kand. takhn. nauk; PASHKOV. 3. -V.-.__ tekhnik Methods of determining the resilience and cold '~rlttlvzess of manually welded and Remiautomatically welded joints. Svar.proizv. no.ll:?-Io N 158. (MIRA 11-11) 1. Voesoyuznyy TSentrallnvy naucbno-iseledovate"I'skiy institut Hini- sterstva putey soobahcheniye. (Welding--Testing) 7 AT'r~IOR3: Kraychik, Candidate of Technical 3(,lences and F;;s~.?ov, N.V., Tcohnicinn T-_TLE: Methods of Determining Toufrhness Find Coli Frif.tleneos Joints in Manual and _'~'emi-Autcmatic "Velding (~' 7retoilke opre.- deleniya u,41arnoy vyszkosti i ~hlalnolomkosti shvov, v:.polnen- n,vkh ru,,hri-iy i poluF?vtomPtic-hoskoy avarkoy, PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 11?1-11, T4r 11. pp 7_1C ABSTRACT: on the toughness and 2old-brittleress if mititi-layer welded seRms were carried oit with specimens ~~avinK a notcr in the lowest layer, which was not affected by thermal treat- ment- It was stated t,~at the toughness and cold-briitleness of the weld joint depend on the location of the notch, i e. whether this notch is situated in the lowest layer, which was not affected by heat, or in a layer affected ty heat. -his lowest layer serves to 6atermine cold-b-7ittlenesF of 0~(- wei'~ joint. -pecimens with a hcrizontal or vertical notch-. h, similar toughness and cold-brittleness, It is recommended to use specimens with vertical notches for toughness tezsts of bard 1/2 manunl]y or semi-automsticqlly welded jointF~. Fracture tes's Yf-thods of -,eterrr Inint- Touphness Pnd Cold ri ttleness of geld ~'oints in M;F iual and Semi-Autors tic ','elding of specimens reven! the thickness of the layer, unnffecteO Lv heat. by Its lnrgor grain si-,e. There are ; tF4)les, I graph, I dingram., 1 photo gn3 ' .'Jovet ruferences. A.~7~;OCTATI'. Ni TsNll Mi`; 1. Welded joints-FToperties 2. Welded JoInts-Test results lard 212 BELIAYEV, Leonid Mlikhaylovich; GORSKIY, L.A., inzh., rotsenzent; PASHKOV,,]).Ye.0 inzh., retsenzent; 0-12-1114KIN, Yn.M., inzb., nauchn. red.; TI~3,OVA, Ye.M., red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M., [Safety measures in knotting and splicing operations in shipbruilding] Tekhnika bezoapsnosti pri takela:awqkh rabotakh ,v sudostroe-iiii. Leningrnd, Sudproirgiz, 1963. 61 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Shipbuilding-Rigging) (Knot13 and splices) YUSHTIN, Yev'g'eniy Ivartovich; OSMINKIN, Ya.M., itzh.,reteenzent; PPSHKOV, Nje., inzh.,reteenzent; PENOVA, Ye.M., red.; KOHDVENKOP YU.N., [What a crane operator should know about safety engineering) Chto n-azhno znat' kranovphchiku o takhnike bazopasnosti. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 29 p. (MIRA 16t6) (Cranes, derricks, etc.-Safety measures) I I/ ~ j -' /~ 3 4 Ar -') v , '(1, OMNAKOV, Fedor Andrayevich; BODDANOV, Vedor Andrayevicb; PASHKOV, N.Te., otvetstvennyy red,; KAZAROV. U.5.. red.; TSA:6. R.X., [Argon-are welding and its uses'l Arcono-dugovoia svorka i as primenenta. Leningrad, Goo. solu2nofj lad-vo audostrotte proilwahl.. 1958, 219 Pe (MIRA 1115) (Ileotric welding) (Protective atmospheres) PASHOV. N.Ye., in2h. Improve arsne ouerations at the tuilding sites of the Main UmlnistratiWi for Constniction in Leningrad. Be2w).trudn v prom. 2 no.-j:1.8-19 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Uprnvlenlyf) Severo-ZnDadnogo ck-rign GoagorteikhnndzorA SSSR. (LeningrAd--CrAries, clLerricks, ate.) 3TOIANOV, Ves., inzh.; PASHOV, F.,, inzh;ATANAMT, B., izizh.; G. , kand. na tAdifi`,~- i inzh.; SUIKOV, B., inzh. Rational systems in mining large copper-poor ore depo3its in the lshit.-;a !!Ine,, 11anagyurski ',.*Lni State I-Ii-ning "J-n Enterprise. L; delo 18 no,8:n&I*4%WPL43.,,W, - 1. Uiproruda (for Stoianov, i'ashov, Atanasov). 2. ldmo-geolozhki institut (for 'Janalciev). 3, DMP "Panagiurski m ni" (for Slikov). BI M SKIY, A.F,, insh. A!zh. Reinforced coacrete construction elements of maltirope hoisting units. Shakht. strol. 4 no,4tl2-15 Ap 160. (MIU 13: 11) 1. M3arlkovskoye otdolenlye Goewlarstvannogo Ix?oyektnogo instituts, Promstronvoyekt. (Mine hoisting) Ir In- gal 11 31 10 Ai a a V is MP a M (4 43 61 N'XIO -9 L 01 -A t got KMODS OY 1IMSTWIN IMW=T DrIPODW. STRU. P. 0. fts)*". (U"d*W& Laterstorlya, 1941. 'vol. 14. Sop%., pp. 1126-1124). lei Puai"ental equations are derived for the cmacrulotion of the moomitudes mA a* alrootioss of Me mals defarmtloma whom those are Irregularly distributeS over -00 aplastically deformed region. The deformation to rsternA to an Indicating Tag* grid whIch Is Itself distorted in the proc*en of deforratimn. the method -60 to simplified In thoss-ames where the 61rectipas of the nain actormaticas 0: 43 em be doterximed by stWW of the surrave of the spectsen ot of Its etched structure. Some evexplee of She applic*tion of the above procedures are too given; those Include lomotudimal aeformtIone In a load-4meture spoclasm, cons 2;1::: A. the aress-sectlon of a compressed specimen, =d the distributes of deformt] Ii Irk prirsood object*. SALE I -KAt Blow CIVISIA" U 0 XV ND AS if & 0 0 0 :1* 4 )*000 00000*0*000004 d'W 0 0 0 0 0 A-0000*0*0*0*0090 CIO* WOO PASHKOT , 1j. 0. Kbr-, 03ntral Sci. Res. Inst, Min. Shipbuilding Industry. -cl948-.. "The T):eory of Actual Defoimatlon," Zavod. Lab., 14, No. 2, 194,; IMethoi, for Studying Unequal Deformed States," Ibid.. Do. 9, 1948; "Resistance to Deforza~ion ir. a Plastic Stream of Poly- crystullized Metals," Zhur. Tekh. Fix., 19, No. 2. 1949; "Periodicity In Deformation of Coarse-Grained Steel under Tention and Compressioa," ibid.. No. 3, 1949; lInfluonce of Cold Hardening with Tension upon Plasticity In a Notch under Bending Force,* Ibid., No. 7, 1949. UM/Metau yot 49 Strength - Testing Deformation "Usistan e to Deformation-in a PlAotic Stream of Polycrystallized, Metala,w P. 0. Paahkov, Tan, Mw, :Lq 3/4 pp O&ur Tekh 71z" Vol =, lo 2 Inaines posel'allIty of formulating & single criterion of the strength of po3jorystalliue metals during considerable plastic deformation an the basis of neglecting physical toupeaus ani taking account of toughening of fG--&. MR 40/%-9%1 ____ =W/*et.&U (Coutd) lot 49 Presents data confirming admissibilit,7 of criterion developed. Obtains result@ appli- cable to estimating strength of materials mder complex strenaes. 4OAq%I P. 0. PA 38AFT192 49 Steel Def ornation "Periodicity In Deformat.= of Coaree-Grainod Steel Under Tons.-Ion and Compressionp" P. 0. Pasbkov, Cent Sol Res Inot, Min of Shlpbldg Ind, 8 pp *Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol 11X, no 3 ,Bstablishea heterogeneity of plastic flov In separatt or.yetals of sample, and presence of periodic distribution of deforzmt1ons alcing the axes of the body by investigating xl6rodeformatims on the sur- face and In the Yalume of coarae-gralned soft and steals. Submitted 25 Nov 48. allull._ 178AWW __ 'Tul 49 Cold Hardening Notching ('Influence of Cold Hardening With Tension Upon E Maticity in a Notch Under Bending Force," P. 0 .Zftshkov, M. D. Chernysheva, Cen Soi Res Inst, Min of 5bipbldg Ind, 9 pp "Mur Tekh Fiz" '761 =, No 7 -1k-w +.*na+ hskrdenina with -L-nninn ---ed Obsuges deforme(I state markedly at time of rupture on surface of notch. Tables give influence of preliminary cold hardening by tension on distributIon ja 51/49T39 Ma Ime tals G,-LA U" 9 of true deformations on surface of notch under banding test, additiveness of deformations under cold bArclening and under bending of col&-bardened apealmens vith notches, and strergth and bending. work for preliminarily colcl-bardene& notched specimens. Submitted 26 Jun 48. 51/49T39 PA5HXOV I P. 0. Rastiazlienie I razryv metnIlov ffension and cracking of mAai-sT Lening7rad, Sudprcmgiz, 1952. '151 pe SO: Monthly -TIqt or Russip congionn, Vol 6 No 6 Soptember 1953 AS_ _ A Autic Mz~ Ay, zj"'wj"1,44' 19 W~JG'v lie OlycivioN oi fafrqlk~4 ii Only: III IV. vf Amil" (it; t.1~11 AAA'kt~ 'Me ltm4UV~ivy tit % -,'I a periodic &ttrom 'Ih ir-_~;Pktt Aq 11"I -b, --- k1l. ult ~ sly~ -inhOt-'r: I,. Ills q';' hist wpixrLk i gr " , d,:, I slip vild iffitiatini ~ ion 'Z7 MENUMIN slao z a. V, r. FD 365 USSR/Physics Metals, Streng-th Card 1/1 Author Pashkov, P. 0. Title On the strength of the two-phase metals consisting of hard and soft grains Periodical Zhur. tekh. fiz. 24, 433-444, Mar 191,14 Abstract Stating that there are no physically substantiated concepts of strength of two-phase metals with grains of various hardness, attempts develop- ment and experimental corroboration of sueb concepts. Deals with thr,~!e major subjects as follows: resistance of ccarSE!-grained two-phase structures to small deformations; plastic defornLation and failure of ferritic-martensitic steel; and deformation resistance of fine-grained two-phase structures. Five references, all USSR; 1 since 1936, others 1950-1952. Photomicrographs, tables, diagrams. Institution Submitted October 17, 1953 -'j PISSR / Physico Ter, i Dij! of mo, tals Card !,'I P,,ib. 19_~ - ?~/24 FD-312)i Author Paqhkov, P. 0. Title Letter to thi- editor. Concerning N. N. Davidenkwr's articA "Nat,-re of the ne.2k during a stretching of specimens" Periodl.:!al Zhur. trekh fiz., 25, No 6 (june), 1955, u6o-ii6i Abstrac 71- authar considers the problem of the nature of the formation of the neck 'necking) and N. N. Davidenkov's criticism of the author's formal ~oncllisions coneerning the possibility Df disregarding of so called physical strengthening after tile deformition becomes unifDrm. Institulion Submitt~zd February 1. 1355 .*?ISHKOV, P.O.; BUTUMINA, V.A. Determining the cold brittleness tendoncy of structural ferrite steel based on tension tests of flat specimans. Fiz.met.i metallowed. ) no.l-.162-171 156. WMA 9 .11) (Steel, Structural--Testing) 771 ~958 Nr 1 3 2 '-'S S R ranslation from R(-ferativnyy zhUrnal, Metallurgiya P AUTHORS -Pa shkov, P. 0. , Bratukhina, V A T ITLE- The Structure and Embrittlement of Steel (Ftruktura i khrupkost stall) PE.RIODICAL- V sb . Metallovedeniye. Leningrad, SUCIDIOM$1,1Z., I ') 5 "1 pp 3-16 ADSTRACT. The process of brittle failure (BF) of various steels examined on the assumption that the tenden(y to crnbrittle- nient is defined chiefly by inhomogeneity in the distribut,on of the plastic deformation (PD) within the deformed medal. All the observed cases of elevated tendency to brittle failure on the part of steels are related either to the p?-esence therein of structural components having markedly d:.fferent resistance to PD, or to large granular structure which also induces an -increase in uneveness in the PD of the individual grains. Ex- ,reme inhornogenity of PD renders the concept of a critical level of BF averaged across the 5ection of tote specimen vague. Evaluation of the tendency of steels to BF should be made on Catd 112 the basis of observations of the change in ductility and of the ME SEAM= 137-58-l-i7lZ The Structure and Embrittlement of Steel tyl:e of fracture of specimens after significant deformations, with a grad- ual increase in the severity of the test conditions (reduction of temperature, in( rease in speed, increase in sharpness of the notcq. The tendency ,f strc ?Is to BF is capable of complete definition by evaluaticn of the degree of nonunifori-nity in the distribution of the PD in different. microvolurnes. Hooever, the problem of doing this has not yet been solved systematic ally All the considerations advanced pertain only to those man festations of emorittlement of steel as cold- sliortne5s, notch sensitivity, and sensitivity to ,;peed of deformation, but do no apply to hot-shortness, temper br,ttle- nes.i, etc. Bibliography. 23 references. Ya.P S'toBeI_3rittIeness_Ani~jysjq Ca rd 1-12 137-58-1-3953 Tr-inslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, IY58, Nr 2, p 240 (USSR) A 11 THOR: Pashkov, P.C. TITLE: On the Physical Yield Point and the Yield-stress Plateau in Tension (0 fizicheskom predele tekuchesti i ploshchadke tekuchesti pri rastyazheriii) PE.110DICAL: V 5b. - Meta Ilovedeniye. Leningrad, Suc1proingiz. 1957, pp 162-174 ABSTRACT: A review of experimental data on the formation of yield- stress plateaus (YP) in metals and alloys is presented. The major views held by investigators on the contributing factors in the appea:rance of YP (effect of grain (G) s"ze, rate of de- formation, test temperature, work hardening, nature of crystal lattice, etc. ), and on the mechanism of YP formation. is presented. It is shown that formation of ~'P may be ex- plained by the presence of a quasiviscous flow of metal in the boundary layers of the G. The inadequacy of prevailing concepts as to the nature of YP in terms of the precipitation of cementite along the G boundaries and its brittle failure at Card 1/1 the onset of deformation is pointed out. Yu.L. I. )btals-Teneile propertiex 2. XUoys-Temaile properties 18 PHASE I BDOK EYMOITATION SOV/1W MeUllovedeniye; sbornik statey, fvyp. 1 2 (Studv of Metals; Collection of Articles, I I.Nrl 2) [Leningrad] Sudpramalz, 1958. 265 p. 4,w, 1-cq)ies printed. Resp. Ed.: G.I. Kepyrin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. - Ye. A. Krugova; Tech. Ed.: K.M. Volcholt, PUPJ)OGE: This book is intended for metallurgists and metallurgical engineers. COVEUM: This is the sec(nid volvme of collected scientific papers dealing vith i,arioaa problems in physical metallurgy, particularly in mechanical metallurgy E.2d metallogrephy. Topics covered include hydrogen embrittlement, intra- &:,amtlar distribution of elements in alloys, effect of tempering on carbon rin.listribution, use of tritium to investigate certain phenomena in metals, e--Vect of certain alloying elements on temper brittleness and hardenability of steel, strength of notched specimens of brittle steel, effect of strain hardening on the properties of an alumi*= alloy, etc. The articles are concerned mainly various types of steel, though some deal with nonferrous alloys. Card 1/23 Stw~y Of Metals (cont.) SOV/1838 ~jkov, P.O.,, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professorj and V.A. Bratukhina, liigineei. On the Princlyles Operating In the Effect of Grain Size on Brittleness In Ferritia Steel 158 A stuky was made of the development of certain defects cecurring during ,%e process of plastic deformation, which derects may lead to failuxv. !7he data dbt~ were exmdned from the poLat of view of the relation- ithip between Eprain size and tendency to brItUmness in ferritic steel. 11n addition, a study was made of the difference between steel of sor- *Ktic structure, higt4 tempeamd after harftdng,, and tevpered steel 11th a structure of mdxed ferrite and pearlite grains (mAnly lm*llw). fte tendency to brittleness of the firbt of steel 'Le determined by the lengtb of the ferrite Pains, which are more or less plate-shaped, vith a higb length-to-thicknesis ratio. In the isecond grcrdy, the ten- dency to brittleness is determined by the distance betweem neigbboring 1kraces of displacements (slip), which In a measure of the degree of 1:-regularity in the three-dimensional distribation of strain in the rieel being deformed. Card 1.5/23 Study of Metals (Cont.) SOV/1838 stresses emming the fracture of the notched specimen. In the testing of :mOtched specimens It Is advisable to use deep notches v1th a large radius ,~lf cavature as wel.1 an specimens of large diameter, In this case the actual and theoretical stress concentration factors corTespond most closely. Past'~TY,0-- c-al Sciences, Professor, Rapid Plastic P.0.0 Doctor of Tecbni Traeture Under the Action of the Energy of Elastic Deformation 1he author d1sewses the conditions for the rapid fracture of plastic iaetals under the actIft of the energy of elastic deformation stored :!.n the fracture specimen and in the testing machine and revien 1mrrent Ideds.9n the subject, which we shown to be inadequate. It typical fracture 1% indicated., and a cr#laal condition in arrived ut which link the magnitude of the energy of elastic datormation tteeessary for fracture with the properties of the material and the idze of Its defects (cracks). It is shown that this condition is *oery similar to A. Griffith's condition for brittle fraciure. Ilegularities in the rapid fracture of plastic metals Vere, experi- nentally verified. The data obtained suppDrt, the conclusion that Card 17/ 23 AISHKOV, P.O., prof., dohrtor tekbu-041*; BRATUEMA- V-A-- Inxh- Reasons for the effect of grain size on ferrItIc steel brittleness. Metallovedenis 2:158-174 158. (MIRA 13:9) k#ietal crystais) (Steel-Brtttlenei3s) I PASBXOV, P.O., prof., daktor tekhn-aauk Rapid fracturing under the effect of elastic deformation energy. Metallovedenle 2.0^497 158- (MIRA 13:9) (Yetals-Testing) (Deformationb (Mechanics)) AU!!HORS: Bratuk-hina, V. A, 80V/126-6-i-17/-7/-~ TL!LE - On the Distribution of Plastic Deformation In Poly- crystalline Metals (0 raspredelenii pl~tsticheskoy deformatsii v polik-ristallicheskikh metallakh) PERIODICAL, Fizika 1.1etallov i Nletallovedeniye, 1c'58 Vol 6 Nr I pp 128-134 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earliEr paper (Ref,l) one of the authors poJnted out that ples'.1c deforination in commercial coarse Erair-~ iron is nc~n-uniformly dis"ributed with a clearly pronounced quasi-periodicitZr as regards the degree of deformaticn, In this paper the author publi&~hes the results of further study of the quasi-periodicity in th-, distribution of residual deformation, The innia e-;Teriments consisted of tensile tests in the rangp of plastically uniform deformation (until neck formation) of specimens of various engineering carbon and !tlloy steels (Table 1, p 128). The li-mit relative were up to O~14%. Some of Lhe investig?t-Joas were carried out at +200C. Howevsr.. a number of invest were also ca:-ried out at -1c)6 C. The results are Card 1/3 tabulated and graphed and the following conclusjor.s are sov/126-()-l-17/73 t,jl J jr, T' on the Distribution of Plastic Defoiuation in Polycr.~Ip ~ ~e -~' arrived at: The phenomenon of periodicity in the distribution of plastic deformation in a deforaed polycrystal. is a natural consequence of the general non-uniforiAty of the cleformation Df grains uf a polycrystalline metal,, It was fotind tb~it the deforimi- tion in a body Is composed of alternaLions of i,Ot-,1 with strong deformations and regio.'is with deformations, the dimer~sions of which are larFer by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude than the dimensions of t1he grains frorn which t -he polycrystal is built up. It was found that such a type of non-uniformiry In ~he defor:iicd state may lead to internal stressei3 which eau~ilise over r~reos larger than type II stressesdo. The authorE- exc;r-ss che as~,umption that these phenomena a-re likel,-,* to influence appreciably '-Itie processes of corrosion an~ failure under uhe effect of an external medium, Numerous components in entineering a)-ich are to an irtensive effect of -an active externol med-i,,L-,i ;ii-p produced by defori-,iation in the coR. state U1-1do,iLte-!11v1 the phenomenon of periodicity in t~,e distribution of ti-.e Card 2/3 defor-ition and the resulting internal str~!F,~-es -,noul~ SuV/126-6-2-17/37 On the Distribution of Plasti-c Defomation L-i apprec'.ably intensify the inclination of the mctal tc, localiSed corrosion or localised failure. Flixt~-Ier stud-j of this I)rc,bl(,,i,,i Is considered desli,ible There Ekre 3 fiGurco . 14 tables, and refer,,-r.(-t-s 4 L) f which are Sovi.-zt., 2 En~~I"-sh SUBMITTED: Julv IC, 11)5(-. Card 3/3 A.-loys- oys -,u BYKOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; PASUVI, P.O.. nauchnyy red.; APTEKKAN, N.A.. red.; SHISHKOVA, L.*.--, -tskhi'.'r'ed0- (Plasticity and strength of structural steels] PlDstichnost' i prochnout' konatruktsionnoi stali. Leningrad, Goa.soiuznoe Izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1959. 198 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Steel, Structural-Testing) IPA .5 .11." -'s *A A P Ali 9.4 3.9 6) 9 --pe B's .5. ej -i IR P. R t 1,80 a , ; I , - e, -. 78' Alt ti its Ok .9 v 31- Ail I fli Jig, V IL 10 .Jig 1 I L A-4 -0-,--&ktor tekhn.nauk PASHKOV,__F -, prof. Strenght of metals in connection with their microstructure. Metallovedenle 3:166-197 159. (MIRA 14:3) (Metallography) (Crystal lattices) PASIIKOVl, P.O.p doktor i4khn.naukp prof.; BRATUOLVA, VJ., inzh. Mechanical strength of foil. Metall(wednie 3:214-229 '59. (MIRA 14:3) (Metal foils-Testing) FUSE I BOOK EULOITATI(S SOV/5315 PasW:Dv,- Petr 091povich, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Razr5,v metallov (Rupture of' Metals) Leningrad, SudyromgIz# 1960. 242 p. 10,00D copies printed. Scierftific Ed.: B.S. Shurskov; Ed.: I.A. Sheykevich; Tech. Ed.: A.I. Kontorovich. PUM132: This book Is intended for physical metallurgists, production engineers, mil vorkers in scientific research institutes of the shiptiailding Indastry. It my also be useful to engineers enMed in the mechanical testing and eval- wition of the strength of metals. COVEIPLGE: The book containa date on tension and rupture of metals, on the correct wis of the characteristics obtained in tensile testing aml on physical phenomena accompanying the rupture and failure of metals. Information is given on basic regu- birities in the failure and strength of metals under the f4nfluence of external foctors: time, temperatxxre, enviromentpand the shape of opecimen. The authW tllan]w L.S. Moroz, Doctar of Technical Sciences, and B.S. Shurakov, Candidate of C&Pd-17'r LOZOVSKAYA, V.F. (Novosibirsk); PAShKOV, P.O. (Novosibirsk); SEREBRYAEOV, AN. (Novosibirsk) Rate of growth of cracks in the plastic -*ailur-e of metals. FMTF no.1:103-109 MY-Je '60. (MIRA 14:8) (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Plasticity) 31215 2 8120 61/400/C)05/'012//)15 D237Y1)303 AUTHORS t LoZOVBkayap V.F.p Pashksn--t-T-O., and Sereb*akov, A-V. (Ilovosibirsk) TIT'Zi Kinetics of fracture growth in copper foil PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheekoy fiziki, no. 5, 1961, 109 - ill TEN'Tt The purpose of the experiment was to obtain data on the ki- ne,:ics of metal fracture. Velocity of increase of cracks in a thin me*tal foil with a shallow cut on one edge on stretching was taken as a characteristic measure of fracture kinetics. Dependence of this velocity on the velocity of deformation, condition of material anl,l geometry of the sample, was investigated. The copper foil used wan: 1) Well hardened by hammering, whose dimensional deformation af-;er the fracture was equal to zero; 2) Well annealed (70000) and POJiBessing a hign degree of plasticity. Stretching was performed on the machine OM-100 (FM-100)Vspec'Lally modified. In the case of annealed foil experimental details and data processing were identi- Ca-rd 1/.3 31258 S/207/61/000/005/012/015 Kinetice of fracture glopwth in ... D237/D303 cal to those in the earlier work of the authors (Ref. 1: PMTF, 190 no. 1), whije in the case of hardened material, four insulated cop] wires were glued to the foil, and their consecutive ruptures were recorded on the oscillograph. At higher velocities, a high speed cine camera was also used. Qualitative interpretation of da- ta obtained was based on energy considerations. Thus fracture velo- cit:i for any width of foil per unit time was given by A + U - P - K 271VP (3.1) whe:7e A - work done by the machinep U decrease of elastic energy of -:he foil, P - energy of plastic deformation, y' - effective sur- face energy per unit length of the fracture, K - kinetic energy of the foil, V - velocity of fracture. In a hardened material the fracture, onee started, is self-supporting and if velocity of frac- turo is equal to the velocity of sound in that ma-.erial, the result can be catastrophic. Also, velocity of fracture 113 proportional to the iength of the sample, till it reaches maximum:, which is depen- deni: on both physical. state and geometrical properties of the sam- ple, Qualitative interpretations for annealed matorial were carried Card 213, 31252 3/ 7 '~- -, ' ' - ' - - . "' -_ _": , / ' I - Kinetics of fracture g.,.-owth in ... D 2 3 7, "T-~ -,,'; ~,~ in a similar mannor. In conclusion -~he .-.utl- () rs n,- ",e w a brittle metal, hence the post~ibility rf harel fracture should not be limited to briltle materiRls. There figiires and 6 references: 5 Soviei-hl(..,- and I The reference to the English-language ~,Ab_1.2(,atior. realE~ E. Orowan, Condition of high-velocity dwlile Arr,'. P)-ys, 195.', -,r. 26, no. 7, 900-902. SUBIIITTED: July 25, 1961 Card 3/3 LOOZOVSKAYAP V.F.;: FASHKOV, P.O. Kinetict) of the fracture of thin metal sheets. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.2 Bar. tekh. nauk no.W04-12.6 163. (MIRA l6t8) 1. Institut gidrodinarLiki Sibirsko,go otdelenlya AN SSSR, Novosi IsIrsk. (Metals-Brittloneus) PASHKOV) P,O. (Volgograd) Spontaneous fracture in the deformaticn of solid bo,!ioa. PWF no. 6:182-145 N-D 163~ (MIRA 17:7) M) /I Lipl, V ~/T/E,'4P(t)/ZT_1 EWP(k) lJi�~ 070 S4 &M-) W T WItO 2 7 1 AUTHOR: Gelunova, Z. M. ; Pashkov, P. o. ; rambovtseva, L N. TITLE- Characteristics of the shock wave effect on medium carbon steel with a martensite structure SOUR(,'E: Ref. zh. Mashinostr mat konstr i ranch-et detal maj3h. Gidropr. Abs. 7.48,71) REF SOURM Sb. Materialy Nauchn. konferentsit. Sovnarkhoz Ntzhni-Volzhok. ekom r-na. TOPIC! TAGS: martensite, carbon steel, shock wave, steel structure, austenitic steel ABSTBACT: Studies were made of the characteristics of~he effect of a powerful shockwave (20R-300 kbar) on the structure and hardness%f samples of 30KhGSA, 40Kh, and 656\6teels hardened for low-tempered martenstte. Explosive hardentng Ka-B-Pri kettc ally no effect on ionartenstUc steel, which becomes even-so-N-er when subjecl ed to a powerful compression shock wave. Its low capacity for hardening leads -to rapid failure even under stresses by soft shock waveis. A bibliography of 2 reference items to given. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13/ -1)] 'i"_ UDC: 669.14.018:530. 4:539. 89 1, 0' ,h 64 -67 EWT(d)/Ek7(M)~E1e.1P jC)&1PLw)/EWP y),t. P )/ I J D/ V/ _(L __ La M_1 _11m i ACC NR, AP6035948 A-) SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/000/010/0016/018 41,7 AUTHOR: Kofman, A. P.; Pai;hkov,._P.._ .; Yavor, A. A. GRG: Volg ograd Polytechni Institute (Volgopraciskiy politekhnicheskiy institut) TIT:E: Mechanical properties of composite'high-strength sheets and plates SOUF.CE: Metallovedeniye i termiclieskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 10, 1966, 16-18 TOKC TAGS: steel, stainless steel alloy steel, structural steel, high strength steel, ccmposite steell., composite steel strength, composite steel l jduc:ility/30KhGSA steel, _';OKIiNSVFA steel, Khl8Nl0T steel ABI; rRACT: The effect of cladding on the strength and ductility of,,`high-strengthl~ meAum-alloy structural,'s~:eels has been investigated. The 30KhGSA and 30KhNSVFA-- A. -___ 10T,aust~~_n~_tic steel. steel plates were clad on one or both sides with a layer of Khl8N Tho. cladding thickness was 20-50% of the thickness of the base plate.' It was found thi,t one- ide an', particularly, two-side cladding significantly increased the ductility and decreased the strength of the steels. tor exavple, unclad 30BJiGSA sto!el hardened and low tempered had a tensile strength';of 160 kg/=2, an elongation of 4-5% and a reduction of area of 0-22. T1~e_sa_-me-stee_1 clad on both sides with a KIA8NIOT steel layer (total thickness of cladding-20% of the base plate thickness) h-A a tensile strength of 125 kg/nan2, and an elongation &nd reduction of area of and 10-11%, respectively. Cladding 30KhNSVFA steel on. both sides with rd 1/2 UDC: 620-17:669-868 L 0'! 464-67 FAC't * AP6035948 KhVNIOT steel (total thickness -- 25% of the base plate) decreased the strength froa, 165 to 105 kg/mn2 I>ut increased the elongation and reduction of area from 5-6 and 4-52 to 15 and 13%. respectively. CladdinF, also increased the notch tou hness,~ of Ind steelsreduced the notch sensitivity and practicallF eliminate-d the susCeptibility to__Lemper brittleness.,~The beneficial effect of Khl8NlOT steel is exp'.ained by compreasion stresses in the cladding originated owing to a different coe:ficient of thernal expanzion. The beneficial effect of Araco iron was much weccer. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 tables. SUII CODE: SUBM DATE; none/ ORIC REF: 004/ ATD PUSS: 5104 bi. meta,\% Cord 2/2 ACC NR1 ARG03-1731 Kl~ souncr!, CODE: Ult/012,1/66/000/008/V03.9/V~~:i~j AU'j'HOR: Pashkov, P. 0.. ; Sedyl,h, V. S.; Trykov, Yu. P. TITLE: Failure of edges of metallic bar flats under pulsed loading SOURCE: Ref. zh. Miekhanika, Abs. 8V291 REF SOURCE: Sb. Materialy Nauchn. konferentsii. Sovnarkhoz Nizhne-Volzhsk. ekor, r-na. Volgogradsk. politelihn. in-t T. 1. Volgograd, 1965, 309-313 TOPIC TAGS: detonation -velocity, shear, metal failure ABSTRACT: Bar flats made of various metals were thrown -igainst a prisiczitic ~;tcel sai-ni:le with the use of fiat explosive charges. The throwing was mostly and 1:artly at a small angle of incidence with varying air gaps or without them. The lengl.-i and width of the thrown flats exceeded the respective dimensions of the stationary sample. A correlation was established between the velocity of detonation of the explosive and the angle of shear forming over the perimeter of the tiirowr' plate (the angle between the surface of failure and the bar Mat plane). Changes in the thicMess of the flats (made of titanium alloy, 18-8 steel LO-62-1 brass, AMIr 5BY, LC.,d 1/ 2 ACC IIR- ARG034731 alurr. 'nurn alloy, in the throwing speed or charge level (ranging from 50 rnm to 130 rim), as well as exceeding the dimensions of the flats over those of the stationary sample did not affect the shear angle. At a detonation velocity of 1750 m/sec, the shear angle wa,,i about 87 degrees, and at 3500 misec velocity, the an~.'e was Lbout 52 degrees. Orig. art. has 3 bibliographic titles. il~p] SUB CODE: 20/ Card 2 XI NV (k)1EWPtb),.- ICU, Mr: MD 51 SIXMCZ CODZI UR/0126/66/OZ 0 /owl, .1. M. AtrosiiAenkc Ryadlux" 19. S.; Pasbkov:,,P. 0 ay none WM* Explosive strengthening of Armco-iron OWCE: Fizike, metallo 92-96 v A. laetallovedeniye, VC 21, no. 1, 1966 '116FIC TAGS Awism iron, explonive 9 A~LSTRACT: Soin- specific'festures (~sion-iqduced !%x.Oq0,g ~n A~*mco-iron have been studied. TviriAing, was found to have asi-&Ifi;iFa-ht 'strenelr7 ekng effect. For instance, at a surface bardening of IkO HB (low ixplosion the ml crohardness of twing was 180 Hp ana that: of single grains, At a higher aurface hardness of 220 IM (high *explosion pressure), ibe microbardness of twin 9 was 260-270 Hp. The effect of explosive strength also on grain size and the condition of the netal, Vhile in the eqiing dependo cime of~ coarse graifie the surface hardness Aid not exceed 180-190 IM, the hj~rdhees'of flne-grab*dl metal reached, 220--230 HB. In.specimens qhnealed at 11.0w Dana brive quenclied' explosive' loading: increased the barinetigAo 28D-290 HBt cli6pared to 227--~-232. VB obtained in cold-rolled specimeni., softening (with -PQ'. ~3 !61_ Aj!!a MI. aii6ealing at hoo-6060 of explosively strengthened metal differs significantly Ion-tbat of- conventionally st -hardened metal' While in the 1% er a rela ttain tjve3,T bbort period of! relaxation Is folloipad by reeMstallization in the former recrystallization-is delsyed'and.a second'reUxation period take Un- place. n-.hardeni lual 3. ki conventional-strti ng,,~ the resti _plastic deforiiatioe does not en ng and even can-lower it owing A crease the hardness inmexpl6sive strengtb I bbably,to~snnealing by,thebeet generated by deformation.. Orig. art. has: [W1 6, flpvee I 'SUB14 DATE -.'l7Feb65/ ORIG Ml: 0661 AID ES PR .5-ly4o 1411 b), JD/M ACC 111h AP6OD5386 SOURCE CODE: - M/0413/66/0DO/ODI/0134/0134 INVE11TOR: Sedvkh, V. S.; Pashkov, P. 0.: Kofzsn. A. P.; Gokhsht"nj B. Va. Layli'v, A. Llkhacbev, ORG:1 none TITIJI: A method of producing,tbree-layer meetal plates. Class 49, No. 177759 SOURVIR: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarn"a xnaki, no. 1, 1966, 'A34 Topicil TAGS: ratal plate, three layer plate, clad plate, plate cladding, explosive cladOng This Author Certl;&cate-introduces a mwthod of producing three-layer metal plateu by explosive Veldin Pive charges are placed on the outer surface of ~the pirates to be welded. ~ WraV to increase productivity, both outer plates are ~veldei". to the center. plate Leously by a charge detonated at one point. In orderlto Improve the quality of the. bond, a centerinij pries In set up on the upper odgosibf the,plates so that one edge of.the priam fates the datonator. OrIg. art.* Us: :1 ffturee [WW] ~SVB 0) DE: IV SUBM DAM, 23Mar64/- ATD PRESS: Al ~UDC: 621.791.044-419.5 ~is'IOM- NR iR501603 ACCES3 10% NR: AP5022175 UR/0032/0/031/000/11 '25/1126 620.17lt621.9 AMON Kofman,, A. F~; Pashltov', Po 0,..- Vavor, A. A. TITLE: . Uniform strain of "Ieta~Ls SOUp.W,.,, Zavodskaya laboratoriya,, v, 31, no, 90 19650.1125-1126 TOPIC VAGS-. bimetal, carbon steel$ stainless steel, metal stress, strain, stresir Analysis Aw9TRh Tl-:-'Tbo niform strain of bimetals to evslug~ted. as a ftuiction of the uni- form :xaln- of Utbe material of the layers. Constdcring the stress-strain dLegram of tbei~imetal and layer witeiial (see Figo. i of the zntlosuis)~' tre Iform strain';of the bimetal may he defined as the sum + As. (1) irbere is the uniform strain of the mote rigid layak. Seguent A is propor- tional 01 be dif ferfe*te CV, ~' "I and to.tbe relative thickness 61 the clad leyer h2/bl (i belft the thickness. of. the bimetallic sheeit) ioeoi Cwd, Mg AP5022173 Vaclostut 01 144i~_qo44ti-oni; ap hydi 3 5,' I-' Speciinenq in -the Zorm 0l P ~e a et lias- e. ~ and z' ~e(,-e~jv'ed an inpact froz mplos on. - xpeilten6 showed that the I j~ tht low,6r degree low: ii ~Oh enin-a- was -a-a j;Atl6ii alongation)4-1 Am . i6tal'teated- the- greater -the di -In, Aft- co, ii~n ~na 28o AV iriw4i UT n L_ e'1:' :)5l,_4ti c-- comprel~ Sion 10, Or ll~, thick were t &-metal- piat~ duded by an~ Wier~A66-defo~mplaoion r6te, gIILItio~ Dfomat.on ratbo 6% -elon th6 iiaj~qt, Wjcwer- allizatich h. Alfmaxim OP" In strengt, 3te-njtjjC*L_ as-';bbtained- ;lUF steel,v at AP501-1755 w ""'AP5011755 ENCLOSURE: 01 -AC A -B- rAM2 270 - -A 0 c -D o 7~ -7 C -14 -0 A i 4f --r/ 1~ Sm v J 6 7 J 11-J 6- Fig. 1,;~ Dependence of HV-bn elorigatiop Am6o Iron (specimen thickness; 1. -.3.5 ' V.B), ml 12.0 r 8N9Ts se (specimen thicknesst 1 2 5 3.- 10.'0 --3) :?U7SYKIN, G.G.; PASHKOV, F.P.; VEYTSELI, M.Ya. Analysis of the directl6nal crystallization process in 'Magnicol - type alloys. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 15 no.4s529-533 Ap 163. (HIRA 16:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatollskiy institut elektromekhaniki. (Iron-nickel-aluminum alloys-Mapetic properties) (Crystallization) T. 9/0126/6j/015/004/6329/03?) sbkov AUTI CIRs Putsykini'G. 0.1,; PA P~ ?.I Veyteel" M. Ya. ~Or! ths, air sot :arystallisat :Analyxi i'm "Mapike type: OnO.V 4d jCEj '71ijkj, metallor I ~nstallovede4y6., y. 15,v'rlo* 1963p'529-533 SOW U TOPW ITIMS. - : direated cryAkUlzat on,. 11~agn;3co* anoy~ cri-berium of directed AMMACTs Tbe AaMuence'of 'solidification Otinditions '8* Of ''Castinga vim stuaisa.. :,the process.iffili:b lesas to Ue, forntion of magnets Y jtjj 411 . Columnar stl=ture was inveBtigated theoretically ana exper4pentany., The daiii obtained for the relation between the dix-ected sc2AdJ-r1cAt1*nr#oeffic1~nt'x andPthe casting mold tenparature are presentod. The experiinents showed that the mej'4ed A116Y solidification proceeded In the direction of the rain temperature greolient, and also away from the-vans of'th-e.moldsi.' The valm of X repreBent the ipil~ds 6f irystallization' fronts Mor-inq in both directions. . The So vAlues were '010;1~ulated on the banir of temperature gradionts and tberms2 conductivity, They V er,p also obtained exporimentally for molds hanted to different temperatures and I.- sjxeas. The authors conoluded that X increases cona'der -various cooling ably if '111ASKOL'SKAYA, M.P.; PASHKOV, 11.11. Growth of a cryatal].Ine layer nr a -Innt,4tn1Iv VvIr+ -r-k f3alt single crystLl. KriBtallograftia 6 no.3:476.,479 My-je 161. (MIhJ, -L4 8') 1. Moskovskiy institut stali imeni I.V. Stalina. (Salt crystals-G-rowth) 3, HOT p Ic 0 n -I I ma 0 d . . 0 .~ i '. A. *..a 0 u a 1: tail .4 R All, L Z I. I h 1 ON MR Zt, Ad r.,-,. C 0 A A d 1j, ou oi .nu It j g I I . . ~ 1. , . i -b? .4': o- -~; -.- G :21 1,4 oat cl .1 IS-1 all 7' ' - ~ ~' - - . 1. 4 1 , I . Technolog.,r $Socialisi, care for machinery). (Moskva), Vorskoi transport, 1951. ~bnthly 14st of Russian Accessionst Library of Congress, November 10,52. Unclassified. V. We aro ~mjxoving I,ublic 11.1.~ sarvicas. Zhil.-kom. k,,oz. 11 no. 1:2-4 (..!Rll 14:2) 1. Pcrv-~-,- rl .:,o,!.. gorods,",o,-,o komitet, o Soyuza. ---ainiccipal -,.3 ices) rv PASHKOV, V. - - ~ It is your city, become its boss. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.21: 4-5 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Pervyy sekretarl Sevastopollskogo torodkogo komiteta Komunisticheskoy pArtii UlcraiiV. KRULEV, G., inzh.; PASHKOV, V., inzh. Some characteristics of the State Standard 2965-60. Avt transp. "I no.9:46-47 S '61. O;IRA 34,10) (Traffic siFns and signals--Standards) BORDUKOV, V., insib.; )K)Tr)LYAI;SKIY, S.. ln2b.-okonomist; PASHKOV. V., arkbitektor; RAYTHAN. S., arknitektor Residential district wltb four-and five-story apartmomt bouses. Zbil.-kom.khoz. 9 no.2:4-14 '59. (MIRA 12:5) (Arebitecture--DeBignB and plans) (Apartment housee) ::A.SHKOVL V.; GRACIMVA, V. Road signs. Standartizataiia 24 no.61.51-53 Jo 160. (MLEA 13: 7) (Traffic eignB-Standarde) it PASlfl,O 11 , Vance the eyes of Soviet students. Sov. torg. .' ; 5 no. 2: 58- 63 F ~ 62. (RULA 15: 1) (France-Retail trade) C NRt AP60'1,247'-- SOURCE CODI"': IJR/0056,16'0'/05.1/003/0*('r'i*/()'('(~) ATMOR: Pashkov, v. A. Z-verev, G. M. ORG: none TITLE: Destruction of ruby and leucosapphire crystals by high-intensity laser beanis SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 3, 1966, 77"-779 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, stimulated Bri'-louin scattering, multiphoton ioniza- tion, ruby, leucosapphire, crystal damage, laser induced drgnage, laser effects Zq 5 FoC. 16F19M PePY5744 POWOP-Ferl ) Y,9 PP H,, A) P I e /C L/ J 75,9A C 7- ANSTRACT: An experimental investigation was in&de of the damage induced in ruby and leiicosapphire crystals by the focused beam from a 1-J 30-Phr Q-switched laser. 71he I dairage in leucosapphire crystals at the focus of an f:5 cm lens was in the form of.a spherical channel I min in diameter. 'An the case of' an f:l!i cm lens, the lagging cr-.istal surface sustained small, crater-like damarze. CertfLin ruby crystals (group S112tained damage identical to that in leucosal-,)phire crysta:_s, while in other ruby cr-~stals (group II) the damage was in the foii n of "tracks" consisting of a series o small cracks perpendicular to the incident radiation. The tracks were severftl cm long and 2-3 min in diameter and were observed foi- both the f,'5 and f:15 lenses. The danage threshold for leucosapphire and Group I ruby cry was approxima. _~taj sl tely L_ 1010 w/cm2, while that in Group 11 ruby crystals was about 100 W/CM2. Damage in all Cc .4 1/2 oil 'A off r : F 01) A 9 fib 0 ~i. 01) j 0.00 jif .11e a OWN Is Is 006600900 6 ? 9 it p V D " OIL ll~ milt$ "14 4-4,4 -a 1 -9 0 0660000*009**44 V a Jtl a -L-,b P a a 0 " ap "-A-A- 8 A- A A -.1 -4-0 -A-1 1,00 60~10- 0004 0000 ft V V LW 42 jin Rawks). 71te PUMOT. (8w, IM, No. 4, p -60). saWfaw of oneta recupwatort, or Mot-lumam stevis is dix- avard "A Ote doSguit of IrAtaWims in EMPO in wbt* mirtal brour $%*rm we DNA to hess the MMA we WMWMW- r1w- Inattilatlow OwArany invor It b. Pointegi jwstlk a Velox w1re, out that up to 70% of the tbr*WA "*Mv of The Vitoon WUPJAW 10 I he blowm is Wasivil in the COMIOMM, T%r-ft Moto apprM to tM difficulties In asomottio-A with the piping of the hot air(7000 C.) ever long distances. A schanoot put forward by the author consists of a mercury boiler fired with blast-turnave eas. the moroury vapour being used to dkive the bloat turbine. The spent swircury vapour tram the turbine passotio Into a tio.ndenser. which at the own tints serves to preheat the compressed air. This is subsequontly heated to the required temperature by the w~ilootoo sea from the mercury boiler. The sconotated of! the sichome to ere co,siastrod. On the basis of exparlence with mercury Installations In the U.S.S.R., the building of )DIast-hoostIng installations along the-41ines suggested at a ww*o In the Urals was authoristood by the Commissarint for Heavy Industry in 14141, -00 .00 ee :1410411 '34141 zoo roe Pee 01111410 :306 zoo Soo boo tribe 6 rM a I W a 0 a 0 0 V lb u 011110411411 ooooeeooo*oeo 90090:1960 *go**** :106 0000000 000 0 obst YISHKGV, V. D. "Modernization of a Blast Furnace Shop in Respect to Power Supply." chib 26 Jun 47, Power Engineering Irst imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy, Acad ': I.-i USSR E Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in bmcov in 1947. SO: Sum.No. 457, 18 Apr 55 PASr.----V, V,D., inmhoner. OPen-hearth furnace vaste-hent boilers. Stal' 7 no.1:66-71 147 (NLRA 9: 1) l.Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektiravantya inetallurgicheEkikh zavo,dov. (Opon-hearth furnaces) (Hoat regenerators) PASU:4, V. L. WM/Furnaoev, Metallurgical Mv 1947 Heating, Steam *Utilization of the Heat of Cooling Water of MBrtin Aumaces," V. D. Pazhkov (Gipromez), 4 pp "Stall" Vol VII, No 5 The utilizaticm of the heat given out by large bodiss Of cooling water should be very econaalcal for Mpartin furnaces. Primarily such water could be used for heating buildinge. Erceptional. temperature drop of water during coolirAS of fur:nece elements will not change temy~--ature conditions. PA 1.PT2` . ...... ... RC,S-,(-.VTSEV. S.T. , dok naak , pr(Z. , PASHU.'", V.11). , ~,ir,i 0 hi-y !su~ ~ATIP~R, Yu. Z. ;((iv low c A V. M ~ Shv i od r I W -i b~ ~ k "Thecry o~ 1,;Lgn prfr-q,"-irr~ fiwnfico smeltinir." Stal' 4 no.u:502-5~)6 Je '64. 'M:RA 1. Gosudarst;enW 3oyizrkv,, insl~l ,tut po proyektir,)vnr~Iyu metallurs,ichvOlkh zavodn'l rf~r P,ishkov). .1. Znvc,i tfor Ratner). PASHEIDV, V.D,, re"erent. ....... Compression &3d beating of blast furnace blow Stall 16 ne.4:372-378 Ap '56. (Blast furnaces) (From foreign periodicals). (MMA 9:7) ~' - 5a, Soil/ 1. 3 -Z -'/ 7 AUTIEOR: Pashkov, v.D., Candidate of Teci.%ical TITIE: D5evelo p ~men~tof ache a, es f ~Dr tie Utilisatior SE c,) Resources of Forer (Razvitiye ckhsn JL spa vtorichnf.;.h onerCeticheskikh resursov) rERIODICAL: Stall, 19,58, Nr '/, pp t660 - E_~G? (US3R) ABSTRACT: Up to the )rcsent, tI.e ~os~,ibilitj ~f iitilisatiD,: Jf I-ret v,'ithin intcr-rbted iron an,~ steel -,-~i.,~,~~ ai-.d irin_ town was considered as an adequate justi-fic tio- of tll,e economy of the utilisatJ.or, of secondrr,, -)Q7:E_-r SO'~',-,Ces (r.aste heat boilers, evep-_,r-tio-t cool'Ln'~'- etc.). T'. "a I i s no que-tior. Df coi.-a-rin.-, ti.e. ec3no;-y of s-_lcl. it-. 7,ith the el"f-Icic-rcy of o, tainir-:~- S~atiDnS as the latter also !-,ad usual;y lov., initial steel (up to 30 atm. abs. and 400 C). Flowevcr, iii vie"'. of an incre--sin, ecl,nomv of tion of' lar-e old a-,) i~:)-,c' to b~, r. cr)nsierc... the ~,,aper, the derende-Lice D-' tI e effic.J --c'- ~,f of secondarj pov.-cr soi;rccs the scheLle ~_ised and of tI.--e utilisation i stallations i.~; TI.C comparison of cconorLY if utili--ati,-)n is consicl:_,rec~ for schemes of po-.--er and 1-eL,t _)roducti.c;n rijeern re: i--al Card 1/5 condensational po,,,,,Fjr st~;.tions operat-n- -, i tI 1: c f D 110 SCV/17 Development of Schemes for the -)f 8C-c:)ndr,,ry of Power parameters: 100 0ata and 510 0C$ 14~) ata a,-~ 5'10 C; 240 ata and 610 C. T'.r, follo,,vin,. sche ~c~. ar-- c-)ncid-.~-,J: 1) tl,e :)roducLion if stear,~ under -reu!~~ire of 1. or hot viater in t1c co3ling sister,.s of Dpen-h~,,art',, furi-Dccs and in economi-cerc :)-' 1,-r~tin svstc ms r:'~t D 0 7-', p-,tr, ,4-,ss leavin- fur-a-ces ~Firxre 1A); 2) t-he --)rocucti5n ~tea;z 3--0 ata ir, -.,,aste-_I:cat !,:)iler-, op,- - ~Uir~ c t e from metallurgical fl.irn,7ces (FiCare 10); -cti-n of steam 17, -18 ata wvste-heat bcilE:rs of (reheatin,-, ope,-t-hc-~rth, etc. - Firil-re I-B); LI --rDC1,Ction of stca;,. if 35-45 ata i- furnaces ~reheatin, , InE-n-Ii,7-arth etc. - Fi-,,.ire 1P); 5) the production D' electric fr-mr.. 2 leavinE the fLu'nace by installin& compressor &`Lr utilising the heEt of t!.eLe Cases for increasin, t1ie temperature and fte ability of' coi.ipre.,:Ccu Cir (Figure lr); 6) T',c- LiE;C ')I 'If ~""'StC' Ll-~EC- fr~) metallurGical furn&ces *.~. Las turbi.,ies ~f ai~ for increasing the v:ork-iiiC ability of furnace eas (Fj-_rure IA). it is ccrcluded tl,it: Card 2/5 Deve I opment of Sc lie r,~e,,~ f ~jr Ll;e UL f 3--a-cond-,_r~, c, Po,.-er a) a r:ethor~ of dF tcrminin_r the ef,"iciencj ')f -ltili~ z-f secondary pov!er resources sl.oulc I e _I(_vc1o,p_d icll takes into coLsi6c:~ thEir - 'i-ali 'Us. As a ), a Z JL compariso;q -.- ith tlx , 1 Ocluc ' of n E-oderi. stations shjuld te ta!7cn; b) on such co-: ~:r-iso: %-1 s ,Ll.r L,' i 1:ti i schemes of, can vary b-. a fcct_;r of 10. '.VI - e , e L: p o r- ec Dn~. i- utilisE.tio~ of Leat can '(-)e cclipvcU" I C 07 11.1 t'.,Ie 1,roduc~.'Lon of heat En(, -o-cr o~~ TET,,, c :. f il-'- sinE iLacrc~iz;ed 1_r2c~:ur~, of :)last fui:ii~~ce a 5 Lx'y (:,.X C. C 1 1 ~. , - -ja'ces; c all the availab e t 'f -~-~3te , fD.T iie-, 'L,-1, c C- E LI 16 nE:ce,,~.:,_r~ t~. c I c cl~ and furnace 11- tal t i D L'~_ advanta es of i_a_~ 1' i __ _a s a ii~ ai r tUTIL I LC S II 1~ 0. 1 ,.-. I t h w a S t cp a t b- 1,2 r s 3,-~ c.. -_ t i L~~ & t 45 a ti. 5C; C. .~on t~.e- cierLy of iicrca.,.ed ~rcs~~ur, of t.lastl fa-, '_~Jce Vlhcreu I- gaE should be utiliZed; d) waste heL-t toi1cl-C retained as a rLi-le on alreL~Ly ~;pcratii.,,, arid Lie--- v"her, Lherc exiL"uL~ lit fur I steam aod is 6 pos-ibilitj of coi,Iui_'Lii,_ _c c3ntou.r of circulz,tion ir~ the boile-r Card 3/5 Soll/i Develol)mc-nt of ScLeme.,~ for t: e Ut--'Lli-,jti ~Li :)f Sc col,jdar,, R,l ---o ,--cc o f F ov.- e r evaporat-Jo-, c:)-~'Li.-_ ~)-f '.11c .'urn---Iccs; c- c r ope rr: t i r j c: ~r~ "cl--)v, 4,, a'L~ c- ',,c lr,~ c c' i f "I-c i_ st~~11~- as an ex i C).. cc I r h e a t 1' n L, o s c i S -;--Aa.~~cou-- only --t e~ V.-P -te ~3C- 7 0 &,-j 74tei~ 1-1 -E", L;, z:~ 15 L _C j: _I - t il D and air tuibinc-c LE: (3LIC t0 ]OCa] cc,)-.d2-tioi--c--; 6) the. ~se Lf cvap.~I:sti.)n zEj,)aratu,---', from of wast., I.c..t b..*41~~Iz is permissible only 'L':)r v,orl;s ii '-Ihicl tl-c-c- is '=4TS--PV.-.') of hi: h a"(' OP(-':.E~t 11L. ou'-sido tLe rud- 0 i is f 713Ts. li~ cLtsc~~ v.'Len Fr- If eve,porctiol, coolii-._ i-- 1r;ft i-I Dperation, ilt-- ef ic.'LeDc~' should be con.1,,cucd I~A v!-Atr c))Ii-,; 1.) t 1. c installatiuii Df turljine; foi ilili!-irlL, I ic-~-uro dr,),- waste-heLt L04 1CI-S ',D t' (-' Uj)~ ~ -It-'il Dl-~ L u I L - C v;idel,y used; i) tuibLic--- for exhuisst i~lc- ageous orll,y 1-ii c;~ce-tionEil cil:cuL,-l--l.-c~ :)tl,cr of LeEt consumption aic absent. TIL .-. litiliLL-Ition ij.i L~-,ch Card 4/5 SCV/13 3- Develo.,-Lerit of Schemes for tl.e Utilisation Df of Porer turbines Df ste-,.L. fr3u-. ,.-,ste-heat systems for whicl- an increase in steam U- er cannot be recon,.ended. TI e i: e ar ef i- ur c s ASSOCIATION: Gipronez 1. Heat exchangfrn-Ecanomic aspects 2. Waste Card 5/5 3. Industriai plarits-flower