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KAPLUNOV, Rodion Pavlovich, professor, doktor; PROXOPITKV, Yevgenly Petrovich, professor, doirtor; STARIKOT, Bikolay Antonovich, professor, dottor; BRICHKIB, Aleksandr Vasillyevich. professor, doktor; RALAKHOV,G.M., professor, doktor, retsenzent; STRSHENKO, A.I., retsenzent; MMIN,V.V., professor, doktor. retsensent; MMYNOY,V.K.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; ARSRNTI- YL7,A.'I. , kandidat tekhnicheskikh wmk, retsenzent; KULIKOV,V.V. , kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. reteenzent; DIRMIE.N.S., doktor tekhni- cheskikh nauk, retsenzent-, TARASOV,L.Ya.. redaktor; PARTSEVSKIT,V.N. redaktor; BUKER,O.G., tekhnicheskly redaktor '-, ~ 4 - - ~' - .. [Underground workings of ores and deposits) Podsemnaia rasrabotka radnykh i roesypnykh mestorozhdonii. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo lit-fy po chernoi i tevetnol metallurgii. 1955. 680 p. (Mining engineering) (KLRA 9:3) GINZBURG,Valentin Abramovich; MGAUZ,L.A., redaktor; PA.RTSKVSKIY,V.N., redaktor; BEKM O.G.. tekhnicheskly redaktor [Photographing working time In the mining industry; manunl for standardizers and timekeepers) 7otografiia rabochego vremeni v gornonidnol promyshlennosti; posobie dlia nermirovshchikov i khronometrazhistov. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tevetnoi metallurgit, 1955. 174 p. (MLRA 9:1) (Time study) SIMVSKIY, Vadimir Hikolayevich; GOIA)MOLZIN, A.~., r"tor;POKROVSKIY, N.M., professor, retsenzent; SEDOV, N.A., gornyy Inzhener. re- t8enzent; PARTSXVSKIY, V.N., redaktor; MIKHAIWVA, Y.V., tekhni- cheekiy reaalfior." (Bolt reinforcements] Shtangovaia krop'. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhnicheskoe isd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurglij 9' 1956. 243 P. WLRA 9:6) (Mine timbering) KUZONIINSKIT, Semen Pavlovich; LISHUM, B.G., gornyy inshener, redaktor; KIMIM11, A.A., reteenzent; t SIVSKIT, V.I., rodaktor: MFIMTA. A.P., tektnicheakiy redaktor. f7adamentals of geodesy and mine surveying] 0snovy goodexii i mark- sheiderit. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tsvetnoi metallurgil, 1956. 207 p. (HLRA 9:6) (Geodesy) (Mine surveying) OSTROUSHRO, Ivan Antonovich, VAYNSHTETN, B.G., gorny inzhener, retsensent; RIMSHA, G.B., gorn" inzhener, retsenzent; YOZDVIZHNNSKIT, B.I., redaktor; PARTMSKIT, V.S., redaktor; TARASEIKO, Z.K., takhniche- skiy redakl&r-.~ "'" ' " ' ~ '- ~ (Core-drilling mine sampling holes] Burenie kolonkovykh minnykh skywhin. Moskva, Goo.nmichno-tokhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i teetuoi metallurgil, 1956. 310 p. (MLRA 9-6) ( Bor i nO TARASOV, Leonid Yakovlevich; PARTSEVSKIY V.P., otv. red. I ....... - - (Mining engineering] Gornoe delo. Moskva, Nedrap 1965. 214 p. (MIlu 18t8) -ilil',"'t"N Rub.~n Rubenv7ich. t,~,OmV i :?-or. doVtor, T;lt~,,~r -tit. -.JV;GIJDGV. H -10,-Ikikh nfrik. rptma:,.Ant D. 1j. !-Allfrl, V.S. _ rodaktor; ATTOPOVICH. M.K., takhmichenkiy rodakfo~r. -,iuv)togyfinm~~-t r I,- cu i-voN i rie. of vDen-cut min4ws ere or,-,tog- I P.,t-:ai a . 'emk A 3kVIL GOO. na-achrir-t-~',,hiii. i -.c -7 rn - cernoi t t. 9,ptnc,,. lrijot). 177 't.' - 'Y e-Aj- BURKOV, Ye.ll.; PARTSHKPV, FI.V. From "great initiative" to MaSIB SocialiSt competition. Zhel.dor. transp. 39 no.10:70-75 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Railroads-Employeas) PARTSIANOVA, N. V. Massage. Foldsher & akash. no.8:40-42 Aug. 1950. (CIXL 20:1) IZYAYLOV, N.A.; PARTSKHADZE, K.P. PhylBicochemical analyst@ of solutions and calculation of the inter- action yield. Part 2. Interaction of carboxylic acids and phenols with nitrobenzens. Ukr.1him..2'hur. 22 no.2:167-172 '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. 1har1kovekiy gosudaretvennyy univorsitet imenj A.M. Gor'kogo i Sukhumakly Conudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy Institut. (Acids, Fatty) (Phenols) (Benzens) FARTSMALAD-Ill-, A. TANANAF'.V, I.Vlzv,st. ~ruzlnsko~.,,o Indast. Inqt., 1939, 167-17'j- (9/lo) 'A OT K t 16 USSR/.T-bysicnl CheLdstry - Therrodynanics. Tbern)chumistry. B-8 Equilibrium. Paycico chemical Analysis, Fhase Tranaitiono Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - nimiyn, No 2, 1957, 3,16o Author : lzmaylov H.A., Parts),dialA-dL.Q~P. Title : PhysicochuiAcal tairalysis in Solutions anO, Calculation of Yeilds cf latoraction Reactions, L.Interaction of Carbuxylic Acids and Phenols with Acetonitrile. Orig Pub : Ukr. Idiin. z11., 1956, 22, No 2, i.j6)_i66 Abstract t Cryoscopic determinations were carrieft out in systems forned by acetonitrile with acetic) monoehlorac,~tic, trichloracetic and benzoic acid, ind with plionol, o-nitro-. yheriol, ald 2,6--nitrophenol, in benzene as the solvait. From dcviatioas in lowering of the freezing point relati- ve to the additive values, and from the yield-composition diagr:;xis, Cie for=tion of 1-1 compounds was ascortaincd- in all of the systems that have been investi&yatcd. Values of the enerCy of interaction of acetonitrile with Card 11/2 - 110 - la'l wid euiali; with d,0cmirrile. 44,1 17 IV - Ta I 47 mirri MIS 2.64%N~-C*l (,Oil (IX) Wui &W, Frv-m tbt-,r the faclfg the no, by VjdCjj th,- tnojeS Of M'%tCrLd jUjtjt:be xrult1plW- to give the Wul no. of n~IAL% oJ wN-xymv% ii)d 'The 1,mvting to be expmted It ihore It no intuactiva atid the diffcrence betwven ihis -aud laie acittal lowcrizg A(p f" ofmylug oalcd.: dfp Ji dsae to the Kopord"Ma of I with If-IX we. fomaOm of a LornN. A.B~. Plats of A'fp vii. ton bava# max. for the I: I mixt. azd so It was wtuntil. IM, in a procez of sqcvv~.~ITC appm-Cipuiirm's the YieM of CoTf4- Aw ~Je~d. inmu xield m 14ri 4- C'A* UA -A) - CWb -J.*)1AvfA + ipTu - 1) in whieb A7~. The no. of mW* Of disvAved matenal c=espwiding W C - !wuca., amit the starred valwm Eire for-OA fiml iqa. ; comkima and Wr uWarred arc tliwc after iuS.Tiyg,- Lot it.M the Imu bility before mactlan ta torm AD, From the y conat. K of All and AF RMK wat cascA-~ The w. fc4cwhig mereparted for U - 1%(-k, toW axotalityciiatiLl dimet1wian canvit. of A. K. AF 14 kg. C0.1mole, azA yi rc'p'~ x1ven)z U. M13. 0,0025, 0.07W, 1.435. 19.017,4: rz 17 0. YXi% 2.Ml~l ..OM - 2. R, -~.N I V. 0.801, O.DIC?I. M210, ~2.223, Vitt, -3.4W0. 0.7,18, 9,16%; IX, 0.725. 1.145~ OXU~ 'I'lit 7alUeS Of AP MrMilWIld to that af an 11-buld. ~K det-rvalzt-i with juam%ing diTucrizatioa of A. It. : Inter- action of carboxylic addo tuid phl=ols with it tINd. 167-722.-Appikation of the v~urw, niethod to maipd3. of PhN0j gave- the lolluMug rculti (D -- PhN0j): (A, total maLlity, K, AF, and )-ield,. re:ip., givn) U, 0.820, OJIWT~ 1.6W. 20.91f;/- IIL 0JR5, 0.941, ItLWI; IV, 0.0200~ 0.326, 0.632, 2-3.90-; VI, 0.3,10, 0.074, 1,514, IX,0.723,1.631, _70.2.8 PIN US~R/~Iiyslcal CU."St~y"/ Thvi-6)dynamics, Phermochc-mistry, Equ.11briums, Pirtys -*h,2m nat. Phase -Trans. tions Abs Jour Raf bur - ~,himija, fir, -7, 1957, 22345 Author Ilzmay1w,, 14 P-~rtsj~haladze K P Inst Not given Title Anzilysis in S-21utions and C,~mputvt'm 2f Inter-icti-r. Rc-tctions ~'utputs. 2. Inter-actIon Df C-Arboxylic Acids and Fhencls wi~,h Nitrober-ene -i ig P, -172 -ib Ukr. Khirr. ;,h. 19','~, '2, Tic- 2, 167 1 . L,.,: ... ct Int,~ric-,-,Dn ,f carl~y ,lie acids and phCn(~!s wit-11 nitrJb,2nzQn1? (1) is svud!,~d bY m.-,thod nf cryoseopic nieasurem,,nTs. y th,- studi -,f dt:,,i,,.tion tt2mperaturv d,2pressi-n as !t r,-,Gult th(.. ,iuthc,rs ronciud-2 that c~m~-),L:pds -f AB typ-, ti-e studied acids und phenDIs vor.- ,',,,rmed. It is shr,,.-ir. t.);,.t t"le (If intc-rictior. i5 ss than in the C,f th'. With 1, 1) PIC.t_ cnmp(,~jll in- ;r..,*.Lui1ity of comp )u-ias Conputed Card r: 1:itrol Pnzerje,, I)L~ el C 1. ....Lr-rov, -;21i:. iya, oscow, ::r; SC,: Al, 7"!4, A, ~~cv 1951, PARTSKHALkDZ3, M.V. (Sochi) Approximate computations in icondary school coursos. lk.-It.v shkole no.4:17-27 Jl-jq, 159. (MIRk 12:11) (Approximate computation) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) PARTSKHALADZE, M.V. (Sochi) Methods of writirx, solutions of ;ixariolej! j3nd problema in arithmotic. ~bt. v shkole no. 4:46-49 JI.-Ap '5~- (MIRA 11:7) (Arithmetic) SHVIB0, I.M.; IWEV. N.1.; FARTSKILAIAM3, N.H. Bxpertmental renal infarcts. Report no.l: Investigation of renal blood supply In infarcts with the aid of radiophosphorus. Biul.eksp.biol. I med. 42 no.8:22-26 Ag 156. (KLT?A 9: 11) 1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy anatomit (zav. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. A.I.Strukov) I kafedry patologichookoy fiziologii (zav. prof. S.H.Pavloonko) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina neditainskogo Inotituta Imeni I.M.Sechenova. Predstavlena deyetvitellnym chlenon AMN SSSR A.L.KyasnikoXym. YS. tafarction. blood supply in infarcted kidneys. radiophosphorus tests) (PHOSPHORUS, radioactive, determ. of blood supply in thfarcted kidney in animals (Ri4e)) VATSADZE, G.S.; PARTSKHALADZEP,N.N. oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and homcgeriatP-E of the brain of X-ray irradiated chick embryo. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 40 no.2:339-342 N 165. (MIRA Ic):I: 1. Inotitut fiziologii AN GruzSSR. Submitted Feb. 123, ~c)61). E H A LA I IN . N protein mt-m'b7anc tL v 7. r ry ,7 2 :4 '~,4. 9 u im U.5.3.R. / Human and '...nimal. rnys,-clogy. lation. A*bs Jour: Ref Z,",ur-Bi-I., Fo 5, 1956, Author 1. F., N. Y.1 Inst Not given. Titlo Experimental Fidrpy_Tnfarot~i. :nvpstigatior of the Kilnex --lOoJ ---a--ply :n Infa,(,ts witt the Aid -)f P-~2 1.:arked --- yttr-- cytes. ~C.rig Pub: Bul. eyspprim. biol. i medltsiny, 19~6, -12, No 8, 22-26. AbstrRc.t: The left postericr p(31v'.c, tartary vvap tiei i,, rai ce. These were killeJ- from or 6-24 hours later. Five to ten :~iinutes tri-r Card 1/3 69 U.3.S.R. Human and Animal Physiology. Blood Circu- T lation. Abs Jour: Ref Zbur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 22217. Abstract: to killing p32 marked erythrocytes of mice were injected intravenously. Ten ~,)inutes fol- lowing ligation the ischemLc area received from 5-8 times less blood than the right kidney. The intact areas of the left kidney, supplied by the anterior pelvic artery, received, un- der the same circumstances J of the blood sup- ply of the right kidney. Thirty - forty min- utes later, the blood supply of the ischemic area increased somewhat, while the blood sup- ply of the intact portions of the left kidney increased twofold. Wenty-four hours later, the blood supply of the ischemic area decreas- ed markedly. The supply of the intact areas of the left kidney in the earlier staSes of Card 2/3 Hwan and Aninal rIIy3iOlO(,-Y- i1001 Cir(U- T lation. Abs Jour: Ref :~hur -131 o1 N6 t , 195C- , 22217. Abstract: the experiz~,~nt can tP explFi;nPd ty refl~--x constriction ?f the arteriolps In t~,e art.,-r.Icr pelvic artPry system, following lipati-n cf' the post-pelvic artp--y. 1.9nervation of the kidney prevented va.9r)crn- 3triction to a greRt extent. Following lit-1- gation cf tLe post-pelvic artery, tLere was passsif~e of _-,arked erythrocytes into tale firee s,appl,F-d by ttii art-ry, tut only fDne t~,~rd- c,ne fourth oil' the amount of r-~- a2hed the ischernic zol-,e through anastz..oqes. ,arl 3/3 71 !LR':S~---;ALADZE, i0opirit L,,-y it parit ror aulorgi',ic ox-,-I'cn !'',;..y. Sol). A' ;r-7.. ssit Ap 1 - In st I ~, t; o - oL~! A -uz S-.~ R. Si b7,; d 3p; PARr-3.K'iAl.A,RZ-E, ?i,N. '.n Lho dev~.jlopl.r4,, chl,!k oimli-yri urJ,~r c rd ' t 1. Dro a ri f c) 11 aw i rig X-ra y 1 r--a d 1! 1, L on . I", o o b. A N Gru 7.. " ~7 3~ J, 165. Wi-,~;, F e I ). In.3LItut fiziolopil AN Submitted F(abn~ary 'I, ~ A \~- -'S U A V I !) A/, I t) U. Cand Tech Eel -- (dies) "Concerning the v 24 2)AA,-" -,) - Problem of the Purification of Canals from 4;9~ InprleorgiRn 5SR. " Tbilisi, 1957. 16 pp, (Min Ae,3# U55R, Georg' erder of Labor Red Banner AFrj Inst), 100 copies. (KL 7-58, 111) - 31 - p k;~ 1S1-71-*,Si_.%l ~% "Content for % Tourist Filvi." P. 2, No. 1, Jan. Warsz&lr,, PolAndl.) I. -as i c~~iq -~LL) I . vr .-., , SO: Monthly List of Last -%rolf , k ~'. ~;, 1. No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. C)" I r Itry USSR R U i- t;D S ) r,,- Diseases of Farm Anim.1s. Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fungi 'bc, .1 ~ur. Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23, 1958, fio 105826 t 1. _. r Par~tiva~njyp_ B. V. 71 an zuotecTiflical Veterinary Inatitute 'Litic Etiology of Infectious Enterotoxomia of Lamb3 sb.,. Flaterialy 1.3-y Nauchn. konferentsil (Gruz. zootekhn. vat. in-t). Ch. 2. Tbilisi, 1957, 51-56 .1 b,-, t ra c t In the course of the study of the etiology of enterotoxamis of lambs in the Georgian SSR, 128 strains of B. ovitoxicus (B. parfringens Uype D) were isolated frora the cadavers of lambs, feces and soil of the pastures. The isolated strains did not differ as to their morphologico-cultural properties from the classical strains of B. perfringens and other types of the same group. They were highly pa- thogenic for guinea pigs, rabbits, mice and lambs. 7 Gosizdat of Gerrcian S~R, I So: vel, 111w PARTSVANITA, F.T. Study of the lithological corypoettion of the coal-bearinp series In the Tkibilli-Shaorskoye deposit in connection with coal forma- tion. Ra2ved. I okh.nedr 24 no.lo:4-9 0 158. (MIRA 12-2) 1. Treat Gruzuglerudrazvedka. (Georgia-Coal geolo&T) PARTUGUL, S. - -c-*FtWablogy of tho- statistics of maional consumption. Vop. ekon. no.10:66-90 0 ")6. MRA 9:11) (Consumption (Zconnmics)-~tatintics) "AFT-M, i-'Pnrik, mgr Ir-,. -r parts at tne .-n*~,r'.~1! I.-,:_ -i--r '--~ r. . --in, _'-i no.,7:89-QC F , S/013 62/000/006/106/117 Bi 6o~B iol AUTHOR: Partu-Vina, Z. 5. TITLE: Operating experience at the central scientific research laboratory of the Karaganda synthetio-rubber factory PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 690, abstract 6P544 (Metallurg. i khim. prom-st' Kazakhatana. Nauchno- tekhn. eb., no. 2 (12), 1961, 78 - 80) TEXT: ruring 1960 the laboratory carried out work on the use of a non- mercur- catalyst in the hydration of acetylene, on the development of methods for the deealting of water, on the activation of an aoetaldehyde oxidation catalyst, on the purification of eewageg on the protection of equipment from corrosion, eto. [Abstraoter-B note: complete translation.) Card 1/1 PARMA, Slawort-ir, wr inz. Ncise level testing of Pulish-made low-power trRns~Drrrers. Fnergetyka Pnl 18 no.-:Supp1.:Energopomiar 10 no. 4-,?7-31 JI 1r)4. 1. El.act,ric-. Diversion, Fn(-r,,opomiar Instittite of Rv,4-ircr, fmi Measurements, wFA r 5 aw . PARTYK, Jan, doc. inZ. dr. ..s::ort%t4 )-. I-dexes of transportation performances in ~-,ghway trar Doprava 7 no.1:46-54 '65. PARrYK , Jan, dr. , inz. Summary index of the operations of automobile freight transportation. Doprava no.U-.375-377 160. FALTYK, Jun, Iriz. dr. C Lpac i ty irldetfic Of trarl:,, "'rr ta t 1 ~,rj "TAlar-9 I r1 h i gtdiy !~B j", f ta !. , , r. Doprava no.4:26&--?4 ' 6,'. . SIUTAI Jan; PARTYKA, Adam Dn the situation of loess-type soils and their variability in the South-Eastern part of Poland. Przegl geojT 33 no.3:499-510 161. 1. Soil Research Laboratory, Inatitute of Cultivation, Fertilization and Soil Science, Pulawy(Poland). SIUTA, Jwi ;_~ARTYkA,_ -Adam -_ On variability of loaan- soils in the South Hamtern part of Poljtnd. F~negl geogr 33 no.3:499-510 161. 1. Laboratory for Soil Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. VOSANCHUR, S.S.; PARTYKA, I-A.- Stratigraphy of the Devonian deposits in the zone of the southern slope of the Dnieper-Donate Lowland. Dokl.AN 532 144 no.4075-877 Je 162. (~aRA 150) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-ii5sledovatellskiy geologorezvedochnyy institut. Predatavleno akademikom D.V.Nalivkinyza. (Dnisper-Donets Lowland-Geology, Stratigraphic) PARTYKA, I.V. Proposals of efficiency promoters at the Dobromill Woodworking Combine. Bum. i der. prom. no.1:50 Ja-Mr 163. O-URA 16:7) (Dobromill -Furniture induotrr) PIIR7,.'KA, ', : -7 ~ . . S. eM~-:-C- 7 *.I~f . S,-. I 1 1 F~~: ~ , . . - - . I - S1. IIN -I- ~'. . , Gf 0,4 PARTM ian Economic advantages of applying MM-type 11 lining. Wiadom gorn 12 no.1/R:F4-25 Ja-F 161. GRUSZEA, Stanislaw; KNAPIK. Danuta: PARTYKA, --Tadouez Pancytorpenta of serological origin - deecription of 2 caaes. Pvl9k1 tygod.lek. 15 no.30:1160-116) 24, JI 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. we Wroclaviu. kierownik: prof. dr A.Falkiewicz I z Wojewodzkiej Stacji Krwiodawatwa we Wroclaw1u. kierownik: doc. dr T.Dorobisz (ANEMIA A M STIC case reports) OLEAFCZYK, Julian; PABZKA-Tadeus_gj_ ZIEMIARL, Jer2y- Year and half experience vith the concentration of preser-7ed blood obtained in atypical conditions. Foleld t3rg(xi. lek. 16 no-35:1344-1346 28 Ag 161. 1. Ze Stacji Krwiodawstwa we Wroclaw1u; dyrektor: doe. dr Tadeusz Dorobisz. (BLOOD BMKS) DOROB13Z, Tadt,~isz; 01,l""RCZ;K, 'I'llful, 1!-. nwd.; IW,,"-,'KA Tadeusz; jern U/ r ra -,r nf rrt~.o~rvel 1-1, -d. P 1. t"". 19 Z D 1 ---i S z t; "i. Stac" I Krl.. (I,iw~ wa -.~o '.1r,- f,w; u r: i, c. dr. Tadeusm Bo r obi 9 z) . PARTYAUKOp V. F. PWIOT95 UM/Medicine - Catalase May 48 Medicine - Enzymes 'Practical Utilization of Catalase," V. F. Partyanko, 1 p "Priroda" No 5 ]Reports experiments on subject. Potato slicee were Immersed In solution of 01 and KH POI, In Petri dishes, to some of which hydrogon ~eroride was added. After 12 hours, potato olices were wasubd and amlyzed for phosphorus and potassium content. Be- salts show oxygen releasod by CILtalaBe Increases ab- sorption of food. Describes siriilar experiments on barley, oats, and beans. FI13 5/49T95 I 11-11"!K doc,~ dr.~ NEW~', tnz, -,Sc. I- 1-,- 4. ~` ~-kpre!~ 1 fit, -il"ling s*.a-7jr. ' r, " . 5 ~ -~ - -' ? -', 1 t4. . PARTYKA, I.V. New composition of priming materials for wood. B=.i der.prom. no.4339 O-D 162. (MIFA 15112) (Paint materials) PARTYKA, Marian Anchor lining as applied in the: Szombierki mine appears profitable. Wiadom gorn 11 no. 5:154--157 My 160. PARTYKA , Parian Speedy method of drifting. lr~iadorn- gcr-n 11 no. 9:31~~,-3,-C 2 ' . PARTYKA, T. 'vFrom the ac'-ivities of the _"clentific-lectivi,cal G,)uncil attached !.o the "intwer of Forestry and the Lumber _ndts+.m I 2P, 19Q.11 I . I curing -he hn1f year, Jul,, 1(,, Fp~,r-uam p. 63 (S,,lw:iri, Vol lue', no. i, ~-ept 161~, lv!arsaw, Poland) M,nthly Index of East European Arcessi wis (AA.'I) *.,", V ~L 9p Lept. ~'- DZIERZKOWA, W.-, OLEARCZYK, J.; PAC'IECKA. A.; PARTYKA, T. Coagulation process of preserved blood. Polskle arch. ned. wown. ?6 no.12:18Rl-lM5 1956. 1. Ze Stacji Krwiodawetwa we Wroclawtu Dyrektor: dr. med. T. Dorobies. Wroclaw. ul. Weglowa, S. (BLOOD, PRESMED coagulation (POI)) (BLOOD COAGULATION of preserved blood (Pol')) DZINTIZKOWA, Wnnda; KANIA, Iziiholit* PA!CYKA, TmAeasz; ZAWARTU, Plaris Immmo-he,mtoloRicAl studies f,ri i cui,p of persistent hemorrhage in Werlhof'B diseaRe. PI,13klci ftr--ti. ie,i. wevn. 29 ao-3:371-374 1959. 1. 2 Yliniki Pediatr.Yczz,(.-j A.M. w4i Wroclriwlu Kierownlk: prof. dr mod. H. Ifirazfeldown zo Stacjl Krwlc(iiwstw-Ft we itroclawiu Dvrektor: doc-. dr ined. T. Dorobisz. Adret; IlUtLll-ii Wr,,cltiw, Weglown 5.) (PURPURA, THqC-14BOF',;l;IC, IrLmu-nol. secondtiry liamwiol. compl. compl. (Pol)) p" yj z Ie rclr, ;I ,4 0 fIP CO'Llt--Y: o la nd ikrlal,~!Ml C. Er ~;rt; /not. given/ Blood Donation Station (Stacja Krwiodawstwa), Wroclaw Director: Doe Dr Tadeusz Dorobisz - B011:7ce: Warsaw, Farmacja Polska, Vol XVII, No 14, 25 JUIY 1961, pp 288-289 Datj~ tic, * aruautomatic Apparatus for Administering Gases." Authorst PIV~'TKA, Tadeusz OIZIPARMX, P;,RTYK;,, -~' . "The cork~tcrew" p. 1.37 (SkrzyGia-I "Icto , Vol. P, n~- ~, '~ar 53, ',;arszawa) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession , Vol 2 No ) LlbrLry of Conrress ~e;t ~11 ~rcl PARTZSCH, N. "Contractual researcn and renearch collectives. Tr. from tLe German. 11 p. 1.27 FAIPAR. (Faipsiri Tudmvinyoc Eryeculet). Budapnot, Hungary. Vol. 9, No. 4, Apr. 1959 Monthly list of East Buronean Acceasir~ c (EUI,. LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959 Uncla. PARUBEW, Vj.. X3mote results of tractotocq In trigeminal neuralgia. Top. neirokh1r. 18 no.5:23-27 S-0 054. (MIaA 7:11) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezney I neyrolrhirurgii Rostovskogo- rL%-Donu meditsinskogo instituta. (TRUMMINAL HMURALGIA. surgery, tractotony, results) p V. A. nTreatme:it of Sertous Forms of Neu!-al~ia of the Triemtnus Nernry by Cuttin, Its Descendtn_: Branch." Cand Mel Sci, lootov Stato Medic.11 Inst, Rostov-na-Donu 1)54. (KL, No -, Feb ~,5) SO: Sum No 631, 76 Aug ~5 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Diss- ertation Defended at US3R Hi~her Zdw~,qti-nal Institutions. (14) PARUBETSO V. A. Wervous System - Tumors fieurinomas of peripheraI nerve trunks, Vop. neirokhir., 1t, No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. October 1963. Unclassified. 2 ACC NRj A?5026774 SOURCE CODE: UR/0266T69766670T776651760 -1 S's, . 17 J ~- i AUMOR- Parillh. B. M.;; Parubell A,-. Alferova, V. ~.-, Bukbblnder, A. Ye.~, BYAI~k,_ ORG: none 40 TITLE: A method far producing grippe vaccine. Class 30, No. 174327 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh zndcov, no. 17, 1965, 57 TOPIC TAGS: virus disease, vaccine ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for producing grippe vaccine by a liquid containing the virus in an albumin medium and sealing the product in ampules. The preservation period is lengthened by drying the vaccine i, a peptone medium t&en in the quantity of 4 to 84 at a moisture content of about 2% for the dry product and sealing the ampules in a. dry atmosphere. UDC: 615.372.002.2 : 616.921.5 SUB CODE: LS/ SUM DATE: llJun63/ ORIG RSF- OD)/ OTH Mr.. 000 rw C SOLM17EVI, V.D.j NEKhLYUDOVA, L.I., PARUBELI, -L.A. Comparative study of the genetin characterist ii of influenvi A-Q virizBes. Trudy TSIIT 8006-66 165. (MMA 18111) PARUBEIII 7 no. Moskav skiy nauchnc-is a I ofiovmt.~ I I skil), j nsti t pre ixg.ral.c v Rinl-s ter a t-vn zdravookhr-aneri-,ya ld6mlo"opll 11 Milkrotlolog'-I imeril 6pi I.bskva. v-! i in .3 - i tut PARUCKI, 4gmw,~ Hilitar-I geograplV -'r, StsltQs, ?r.,ggl gcor,-r 3~ r. .,.- 693-701 163. WAKAYRV, Tu.L.; PARUXHIN, I.M.; BATEVA, O.H.; 0SHM321, P.G.; XAGANOV:Zjy, A.G., prof., doktor biolog.nBuk, red.; BROU1, G.F., imnd.biolog. nauk, n!d.; BUTOVA, L., (Halminth faunB of For & stern aalmonidB in connection with the problem of local stocks and migration routes of these fisheei Gel'mintofauna dal'nevostochnykh losovevykh v eviazi a voprosom o lokal'nykh staclakh i putiakh migrats1i atik:h ryb. Vladivostok, Primorskoe knizkinoe izd-vo, 1959. 72 p. (MIRA 1):10) (S4:viet Far East-Worma, Intestinal and parasitic) (Parasites--Sal-mon) USSR Zooparasitolo~~y. Parasitic Protozoa. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 12, 1958, No 52992 Author Parl.ikhin, A. It. Inat G67F;ovokiy Statu__?~dagoe,ical Instituto. Titlo Exp-!rimQntal Invec;-~igationo of the Causattve Aguntlo De- ve3j:)pment in Tapcworn Disease of Domestic Birds (Drepiuii- dot(~!niosis) - Orig Nt Uch- zap. Gorlkovsk. gos. pcd. in-t, 1957, 19, 79-91 Abstract Undi:~.r _-xperimental conditions, the davulo,.ment of Drepani- dcti.unia lanceolata was tracud in -the ard thc~ fini-I hosts. The structure of the ogg and the cercocystis dew!lopnent at 18-200 is 11-14 day,3; it becomes invmiw: or. the 25ta day. In field and laboratory studies th,,~ fol- loving spl2cies of int,=nQdiary hos-cs were establishcd; Cy- clo]-,Js viridI3 7. 3,!rr1jlatu3 and C. dytt,owsky (tile last 7pe- Card 1/2 8 - PARUKH1711, A.M.; OSITARIN, P.G. Nematodes Encephalonema lonrimicrofilziria p-er. et sp.n. frc= t-,e brain of birds. Zool.zhur. 39 no.6:934-936 is l6o. (l'-aRA 13:7) 1. Far Fitatern Branch. Siberian Department of thp U.S.S.R. Acadoqr of Sciences, Vln(livontok. (Sikhote-A'-in' Preserve--liematoda) (Paras i tes-Osproys ) 0SIDURIN, P.G. L PARUKRIN, A.M. I Formation of the helminth fauna of animals as exeTplified bv thx helminths ywasitic in ospreys. Zool. zhar. 39 no-9:1303-1311 3 '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Far Eastern Branch of the-Siberian Department of the U.S.S.R. AcadevW of Sciences. Vladivostok. (Parasites-Ospreys) (Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) OSITARIN, P.G.; ~~FSFDNOV, L.N.; FAM, YUAT; NIGUYEN EFYONG; FARUPIN, td-~. I lases of f',nding epls in other fishes. Zool. zhur. 4C nu.A'2: 1696-189P D '61. 01.11AA ~, " : 3 ) 1. Viet-Nam Researc~ Exploration Fishery ManEgement Expeditijn of the Fac-Lfic Institute of Fis~ery Management and icea-wrailry. (Fels) MAMAYEV, Yu.L.; PA"',UKHIN, A.M. Infestation of the muscles of Bering Sea rockfish by the iarvae of helminths. Soob. DVFAN SSSR no.17:83-85 103. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Dallnevilstochnyy filial im. V.L. Koraarov-a Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR i '*'ikhookeanskiy nauchno-issledovatel'~kiy institut rybnogo khozyaystvi.L i okeanografii. - NA: 1. rlu Lo OSIOLuilli, Petr Gri,;orlyevich; kand.biolog.nauk, red.; KALASHNI..'OV, L.P., [Studies on the specific ecology of halminthsj K imicher-iin s-Detsifi:-nnoi ekologii gel'aintov. Vladivostok, Akad.nauk BSSR, Si':)irskoe otd-nie, Wtnevostoc~inyi filiol, 1959. 110 p. (MM.A I _i:,) (WMIS, INTESTINAL Ala) PARASITIC) PARUKIIIN, A.M. Study of the helminths of sea fi!ihes in the G~ilf of Tcnk-in. zap. GGPI ~-8:133-140 164. Study of tle holrainths of vertebrates in the Sikhote-Alijnl Preserve. *Ibid.:141-159 (MIU 18-4) F - rm 1 c 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Litrary of Congress, '-'nc. SO, P.K. j PARUKLAR, G. B.; DRUVA, A.Zh.; ZHAVERI, F.M. (Bombey, IndiA ) Open-heart sir.'gery with jelective cerebral hy~pothermia. Eksper. khir..i anest. 8 to-4:55-59 J1-Ag '64. (~U PA 17: 5) : .:. R-7: -, 't. V.", I h. V ,i~ '-: p - - - 1 74..r, *.- ~ , N -'-' ~ ~ e . - - p,-- I - . I.,:1. - ,I MARTYNOVSKIY, V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; PARULSYKAR, B., prof. Temperature separation of air at the cold end of a vortex tube. Khol. tekh. 36 no.2:29-33 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1.0deaskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Martynovski3,). 2.Bombe7skiy tekhnicheakiy institut (for Paruleykar). (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) AUT*iGRS: Mar t y n V F, f e"i E- P j r- J f Ttj C 1! r, I S C', ri,- P., r- T I TLi Air Ti4nq - r i t i tf :l'! -'o i d End ( f t he Vo :-t (~x Tai- I T;--ini~e -:tt i,; ,-r ~i I.- -n I-jkhh nit I odnom k or, ts - v : r.;. PERIDOCAL. K (A i I a,; ~i r-, . i,, it Nr R ABSTRACT- The i-~t~lizal i r~n -i : r r f rA t i ng aperit 1 n t empera t urs, vorlex sc-F.--iT 'wi*ors eaus F--r-iiter enerl-~- losses as compAred witl~ o rd ~ n a r,y in -e hod., (,f r-fri:-eration In tiie event of air beinE - P f i (- based as eratri:- arr-.-tn' the vortex separator is connected with a :om~iessed ar instii1l,tijr, The research work coniucted ;it the Bombi~.'; Tf--hrl:, zil in!3t! tllt(~ Jnsi-,ted ;r, dfl-veloi.iri,- ;i - d ,- " i J1 C I (, I I - X Al':ItOr Wl th i V11-W t) ')btuinlrit: ttlo SIin I ,I( ~ _ r I owe 5 T ~ 0 3 5 L , e i ..7ii -T-al~-re ;it the coli o-nd -,~ tit- t lbe 'it I OW ~--. Ir ~ r- e j r e i vely qhort tm(- iArt(-r the -1i coveries c) f ~?-tn i,- L).-., C , F-alton Ref work, Ili' tile C;jj'ae VO r "CX 'Se I Ura!r. r en~ib 1 1 r,,- t o p r n (i,-i jwt. t ;i i r t em;:e rLi t ii re wit 1 14- m.i i n tit i n i nt~ -i i r Card 1112 pressure, rt th,~~ -onnj-tion the work of R. Hi1sch L r Ref AUTHORS: Martynov2 V, ~'ar-,.~'.eykar, P=Ifesssors TITLE 7he efficiency of the t'.irbuier~t coolinr, meth,-A P'--RIODICAL: Xholodil'~iaya tekhni~.a, n~-. 1, 1960, 3 - ~, TPEM The temperatures attainablLe .-ilien dividing the a-,'r a hot and cold flow are c~)nsidered- FiF,- 1the dia'~;ram of a crxz tube. The temperatur,~ difference t, of tfie iir passing to th,-~ the cold section of tne t-irbulerit tube doe. Not 211'11'actori"'t" t1w Fulton's hypothesis (Ref. 1, Rariques Ttbe. Refrigerating ~~.Fineerin, makes it possible to ietermine the approximation tc temperature drop a ti.e., tne h-'L71ie~,t value of t.-ie ratio T-,, inb to Fultonts the4y' '0 t 5 MaA 2PrI 'Die value Pr* here ii tii4 so-called turbulent araloj;cn of Frandtlys crib-.^ %-.-hich can be taken -ag un:'t. Eyperience sho,-!s, ho-;,-ever, that in effectlv~2-,; ed turbulent pipes ttle mt.ntioned limit can be surpassed. In out by engineer A. Voytk( at low pressures (pC= -, atm) in the Odes3,:-'y Card -/ 5 2-, 2 9.'l /6 The efficiency of the turl ulent, coolirq, ::.-t ,,;o,i A 00 -' / i~ 0 2,~ loL.ichcs-ly institut p~'shc i,evoy i 1~1~.Q!,-All t noy promysl-Llennosti (O(iess-l cal, L-istitute of t-he Food :Lrid Rcfrlt;e,~atir.6 industry) the `ili-,hest value deLree of approximation tc: the udiabati:: te i,,i ',-,,,rature drop reacned 1. it 's sray that tie air leavinC, tne rofrij~eratinC, cl-ix-mber has a lower ter-.,pera-.ure tiie surroundin6 medium. '.. he ternpcrature of ...,,e air O.-itering t".e churiber ,Ieter:,iined by the (7 7 7 where is the deC.:-ee .)f ',:ie ad-ibatic drop, /N t difference in the chaviber, to tj~,~ t---l-,,~-:,a*,t:-? 6ifference In tj.,f-- :in,-!urnatic systems P--i Li- bi-esuir- -,f' 7 :~,tm an air flow can be + -7()'C - -:ven re6enerati~i lu~:uv '.e!,.:)er--turcs are cbtaine-~ ',,-7~n to ju, expected %ccur(i-'n., ~ieat productivity -Is air le--ver t.,je c.,., :a c' ',c of -.~Ie me- 'bard 2/ 15 22294 S/C)66/60/VjG/Vj The efficiency of the turDulent cooling method A003/AO29 The cold productivity is Ln this case q 0=c p (tc-t.) kcal/kg. If the ilr leaves ,erith a lower. temperature, the application of regeneration shows a hie~ier effec, in an air r~frlgerating machine than In a turbulent refrigerator. The mIrArrium temperature in a turbulent, tube corresponds tu the value //,- 0.3. The energy sumption in turbulent tubas is therefDre 3 times higher than in air refrigeratirl, installations witriout exp3xider. It is noted that air refrigerating machines op-r- ating with regeneration c.1cle show better power properties than machines with,_~ut regeneration. Below -700.' the energy efficiency of these machines is better t,,,a,. that of compression machines, including multi-stage types. In the case of ~ecre~E- Ing temperature their deg-ee of efficiency rises. Figure b shoes the depender.ct~ of the energy efficiency )f four types of refrigerating installationf on t.:,e perature t. It is shown -.hat tiie turbulent refrigerators have a higher energy consumption, especially ivien a higli output is required. The turhulent coo~iri~-, method can be successfullr applied, however, when replacing the clioking ef"ect reducing the pressure of .,ras and vapor flows. In reduction of the pressure natural gas from 200 to 6.)-50 atm the Ranques effect can be applied witi-, advar.~,,-F-. It can also be used in I )w-ouput installatioris where simplicity arid cheapness the installation is more ~.mportaTit than saving on energy. In short-time it~slml_ lations operating no long!r than 2 - 3 n per day the turbulent metho,:i Card 3/5 22294 The efficiency of the turbi.ler,t cooling metnod results. In air-conditiorlng installations operating with luw pressurf- mm water column) and low outpL t (500 m- of cooled air per n) the cost of 1 energy is 500 - 600 rubles per year (yearly operai.ion time 500 - 600 h). T~~er- are b figures and c~ refererces- b Soviet blge ana 2 non-Soviet bloc. Tnt! -language publications read: Fulto.-i, Ra_nques Tubes, Refrigerating r~rigirieerin~-, 1950, no. 5, ard R. Hilscn! Tne use f trie expF_nsion of gases in a field as a coolir,8 process. Rev. .~f Scientific Listrutnents, voll. 1,~, ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy teciaioluglcheskiy institut pishcrievoy I myshlera.ost . (Odessa Tl-~crinclugical Institute ~,f the Fcj J ai,~; Re- frit~erating Industry) Card 4 /5 PARULFYKA~., B. B. , Cand ~Iech Sc-i -- (aiss) "'lest rc:. i:.*,.-. IL effect of vortex te.,,,Ttra,jrt fr-actioi.ation 31' air,-" ; ~,, tcla ~ 14 p p ; -,,; i t h i 11 u -, t r a t i o: - ;i r, i :, t r -. o f H i F,:, (,- r a r. i IL) e c (. r, an r,-.-.-- Education Ukrainian SSR, Cd--ssa '-'echnological Ir.,--t of kook; a..,i ft~- fr ~ , - eration Industry, Chair of i-tefri~-,eration Mac-.ines); 200 co,,..~L:L; PVI,~!e not given; (Ki-, 11,4) '51 All Jill Ali) Ig I al ]V1% 41 a fill .;U!,J,j - I I I I.- '. , , . i ~. (7~ Mnin :-n! .. I ~. 'a ". . , lr'r uci., --, ct - I.-si'm ~ ! - ~'- r V. -: ifppf?jNfiKYAN'R.G. PARUN&YAN, R.G.; KHR fSOV, S.M. [Main and preparatory shafting and nykh i podgotovitollnykh vyrabotok. 214 p. tunnellag] Probibodchlk kapital'- Moskva, Ugleteichisdat. 1953. (MLRA ?:2) (Mining engineering) SOLOVIYEV, I.; A. (Timiryazovo, Tomakoy obl.); L.47ROVP D.; 61EOTYULGV~ V.; KUSTYULOV, V.; k.(TLYPJtS]:IY, (Ghelyabinsk) i ?-RUNALYA-1.1, V. (CheYyabinsr'-,/'; RDWHY, N.; 10511KIV-, M.--l-1-h-struktor; 31:AST111, V. (Allmatlyevsk, Header's letters. NTO 3 no.9:56-59 S 161. (1-',D;, 14:P';, 1. Uchenyv sekretarl dorozhnogo pravleniya Tashkentskoy zheleznoy dorogi (for Solovlycv). 2. Ucheny), sekretarl podsoki-gii tek,hniki buzopasnosti Moskovokcgo oblastriogo pravleniya 1:auci;ro- teklinicheakogo obshchestva stroitellnoy industr-A (for ',,,ivrov)* 3. Chlany Nauchno-tekhnichoskogo obolichestva Novocherkasskogo clektrovozostrciitelinogo --avoda'ffor ~Arctyukov, Y(otyukcv). 4. iredsedatell soveta liauchno-tekhniche3kogo obshchestva upravleniya legkoy i pishchevoy promyshlennosti sovnarkhoza, g. Karaganda (for Shiler) . 5. Chlen prezidiuma Moskovskogo gc,rodskogo pravloniya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obstichestva neft- yanoy i gazcvo3, iromyshleiulosti (for Ryahskiy). 6. TO'entrallnoye pravleniye Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva mukomollnoy i k-rupyanoy iroMvshlannosLi i elevatornogo khozyaystva, g. Gomel (for lushkin). (Research, Industrial) JPIRMaM=,I-VIE., inzh. (Chelyabinsk)y YASYUCHENU, V GV;~ inzh. (Chelyabinsk); KUTENKO, I.S., Inzh. (Chelyabins Universal track maintenance machine. Put' i put.khoz. 6 no.11:32-33 062. (KORA 16.1) (Railroads-Zquipment and supplies) PAHUNAKYAN, V,F , inzh,) YASDGIIENYA, V,V,, inzh, Use of diesel-qlectric locomotives in open-pit haulage, Izv, vjs. ucheL. 7.av.; gor, zhl,,r. 5 no.1:109-12.1 162. OJJRA 111:4.) 1. Chelyabinskiy eovwirkhoz, (Mine railroads) PARUNAKYAN, V.E., inzh. ------- I - -, - I Universal tie-ren3wal machine for open-pit mines. Gor. zhur. no.9.-54-55 S 163. (MIRA 1(,: 10) 1. Yuzhno-UrallskLy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva. PARUNAKUP,V.E., i-nzh.; IkSYUGHEMA, V.V., inzh.; LOZTMKIY, V.N., inzh. Use of a 200 ton electric locomotive in pit haalage. Izv.vyg. ucheb.zav.; gor.zh!.xr. 5 no.2:128-130 162. (MMU 15-4) 1. Chelyabinskiy sDvnarkhoz (for Par-anakyan, Yasyuchenya). 2. Trest Korkinagoll (for Lozinskly). (Chelyabinsk Basin-Mine railroads) PKRUNAKYAN, V.E., starshiy inzh. (Chelyat insk. ); M-A ~ (Chr-lyal insk' Mechanization of t:-ack -~aintenancp of industria: rai'r~,afjs. ~, - I - Jor.transp. 44 tip '62. ( yiiaA ~ -, - ~ ) 1. Upravleniye zhe:eznodoro7hnoi,o transporta -?,(-,IyaL-dnsVj,,) sovnarkhoza (for Pirunakyan), -. Zamestitel' nachA'ni~a Upravlpniya z~elezi;odorozhnoFo tr~insporta Ma.--,itororsk,),-O rr,etallurf,icheskof,6~Romi,iriata (for Marfin), (NAllr,),jdn, Industrial ) PARUNIN, V.., prepodavatell We are creating a socLal science study room. Prof.-tekh. obr. 20 no.9:7-E 9 1103. (MIRA 16-11) 1 SWNKOV, B.: PARUNIN, V., prepodavatell --- - J- - " .. , New features in th,i work of a collective. Prof.-tekb. obr. 17 no. 11:4-6 B 163. (MIRA 13:12 ) 1. Direktor tekhni:-heskogo uchilishcha No. 5. Moskva (for Selenkov). (Moso-ow-Vocational education)