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*Twenty-five Years' Experience in Reconstructive Operations for
Defects of Fingers and the Hand."
Report submitted at the 3rtl International Congress of Plastic
Surger7s Washington, Dc, 1:1-18 oct 63-
!PARINI B,V,,, prof. (Gor'kiy,u:L.Fiskmnova, d.,1+79dv. 36)
Dermatoplasty in eicw~riclal contractures fonowing btums.
Ortop., travm.i protez. 23 no.3-1:3-13 N 162. (KMA 16:4)
1. Iz Gorlkovskogo inigtituta travimatA)Iogil i ortopedii (dir. -
dotsent M.G.Grigorlyev) i Gorlkovskogo neditiginakogo inatituta
(rektor - dotsent I.F.YAtyushin).
rain, D. A.
25511. Novyye Fomuly I Poryador Vy,chisleniya Reduktsiy Pri Proyektirovanil
Triangulyatsii II Klassa Na Ploskost: Sbornik Nauch.-Tekhn. I Proizvod. Statey Po
Geodezii, Kartografii, Topografii, A,erosllyemke I Gravimetrii, VYP, 23p 1949p s. 21-29.
SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 34, Moskva, 1949
25511 FAIIIII, D.A., Novyye fornuay i poryadck uych-Lsleniya reduktsiy
pri proyektirovanii triang Iyatsii ii, 1"lasso na ploskost:
Soornik Nauch-tekhn. i proizvod. St tey po geodezii, Karto-rafii,,
Aeros"Yemke i gravimetrii., UYP. 23,, l9b9, 21-29
SO: Ioetipis' Ahurnall Statey, voll 34, kloskva, 1949
W064moo abb, NP lolkv, on
- - me vowlesmalkwom bym of AN -
Fl. A. It-IFORimp. I. N, KinAlAxtyw.
pi~ FJW#..Np.12.4-9f,W- 11) In RO&3wv.
Ablym 3 W a tMn k0z'd Twmd -,,,
,,*ajing rubber is %M4 0, . or* COM
With a g&Xwkl shr" KfW br.,wNg the irovialifts
rubtal A" ,b. *%Nkm Vwl ammew ill"111104
bifth4mogn "Crob f Cable, mbbjocw 11) b"xb"*.
Expesign.l. . -,w -. '- &w-A- OA &%K1
on the brca&,,, Unoh 4,f Wou and wffirmb
SCOW116 ajoiltme, -.DMWNTG WO
a their &Mmmlow
tTechanical 'and Primitive -Methods for Production of Seedi frain Wild Apples and Pears," p. 01.
1(MRSKO STOMISVIO, Vol. ~, no. 10, Dec. 1953. Sofiya, Bulgaria.)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LO, Vol. 3, No. 5, May 1?%/Uncla-csified
PAR13, V.V.
'. Rare pelagic fishes in the northmatern part of the Pacific
Ocean (Taractev steindachnerl, Palimurichthys japenicum and
Gentrolophus lockingtoni). Vop. ikht. no.11:162-170 '58.
(MMA 12: 1)
l.Institut okeanologii AN SSSR.
(Amcific Ocean-Fishes. Felagic)
Gypselurue Vitia.51 Parl-A sp-Pw a, new species of j flylz4; fish f-,rom.the
western part Of the Awelfic Ocean (Plecom, ftozoetidae) [with uummi&r7
In Inglishl. Zoil, shur. 37 no-9:11412-1.413 S 158. (mm -.Ll: 10.)
i.Instlftt okeanclogli AN SSSR, Moskva.
I (PsLcif ic Oesam---~nying f ish)
AUTHOR- Parin, N ~ V SOV1120- -48/42
TITLE: On the Rosen,---blan:z ~,f the Gc-c,,t,,r,%Tti,jcal Di8tlj-1v,1-~,,--r 3f
Sardines and SiibVrop.-'--n! F'%'.,:hGs (Cl
geografi-.-heskcm rassprostranpnLi sardir, i
letachikh ryb)
PERIODICAL!, Doklady Akademi.-J iia;)k S-ESR, V.:L '244 pp
( TJ S SR'i
ABSTRAM. After hacang ~.,ar7iea out ~~iLeial o7,,,parisons tre, aut-,cr finds
that the -.he rigrees
with -1hat of :he Cqeelurua pirina"ll,azt,lLu~
A-::-ordinc to tls cpInion thi,-i indliateg simi.laf wfly-,~ of
Spreading of th~,~,-3 of fll~h which. fr-,:,ri thal ~iys-comatic
pount of -,riev, a,- :-atlii7r ii!3tan' from c-cner I t
posalble that sucli a ',3rPc- cf dioz.-lb-itif)n may "te found
with other f4 shes Tqu:3 tner= &xlsts, Itec-4de5 the gene-al
idea of a zlo~.Topol u,7--', qtT-lb,;ti~:~n of t'ne runn"
Thunnufj thynn-o-i~,', alec ttLe oDinion (Ref ',0, ,) that ~ tE3
individual &UbSDe:7:Les inhabit varioi;s ccerina. Figure 1 ghovie
the distrilutaon, ~~l%grx rird 3, as -,7e-1
Gard 1/2 as :,f its 3 a .3, &.
On the Resemblance of the Gacgraphical D-irtil"Llitior, SCV/2 0- - 2A 1.81,
of Sardines and Subtropical Kyi~g Fishes
S. s. caerules, S. s melanos-tic-ta. and S p. sardins. if
figure " and 2 are coinpared it can be seen tha-c the fiylnp.,,
fishes Cypselur-us pinnatibarbal"xis (with the subqpec-,es.
altipennis, melpilc-cercus, japcnicus, californic-a8) have a
similar disluribuzion as the sL,.bspecjea of sard4nep
.L - . There
are 2 figures and 12, references, 5 of which are Soviet
ASSOCIATION- Institut okeanologli Akadetriii nauk USSR (Inqtltuce of Ocean,)-
iogy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESE14TED: Octot;pr 2C. 19~8, h-y 1- 1 Shms"I gauser A7,idem:cian
SUBMITTED: October 20, 1958
Card 2/2
Flying fish (Exocoetidae) in the northwestern part of the Pacific
Ocean.Trudy Inst. okean. 31:205-285 160. (MIRA 14:4)
(Pacific Ocean--Flying fish)
- FARM B. V.
Distribution of fWag fishes (fami1y 1) Ti (1101 ft in the western
and central pacific. Trudy, Inst. okemn 1:1 .3-29) o6o.
(Pacific Ocean-Flyini: f Ish) (MIR& 13:9)
_3 N
Biogeographicel boundaries of the pelagic region of the northern
Pacific In the vinter of 1958-1959. WW1), bmt. okean. 4li257-
263 16o. (NIU 13:9)
(Pacific Ocean-Zoogeography)
Papers eubmitt~d for the 10th Factle Science Cong,"as, Bmmlmlu, Hawaii 21 &4-
S&P 1961.
MGM= K. a., Institute of (3ocLogy !~,rezfflcos and U~UcrA
~c halt ~m:jjc type and their pouttica in th4 slzt~tics Of tcct~-4-
ftraa* (Se.ti.o VU.C)
ULM, A. A , moscov State Vairersity, Phy.i-l
v~pscu-=mtrt a geasur~ts of artificial -Ailc"-.-~.t7 im upper Layers
of the oc.-* (5..tioz VII.B.6)
U:CEFCV V. G., Cb&1r of rorectrY, Th. AGriult=al Azad=y Lc.L 9. A.
-=~~ OFortat fire rescareh -1 mtl~d. Qt :Lr- control" (S&o`L'oO
VA. T. A.. Institute of O..anolocr - -4
UZrPb0U61CA1 SO&ITSIS of reprod=tLoO and of flat.11"
in Us 144s.of the mcx-th~st PsoLfic* (SactLcm -C) - t)-A bor.
g441107, It. V ,Toetituto of Mcanoltay - oIm-%t.Z2Ztcn 0.
turbult.t -cb"z. L. the Pacifte 0oan' (soc-i- v= .D)
institute of O..-.Xcj - 1-1 the C-C-7hic.1
296P.-V-1. of flying fishea in t~~ P= tftc Cc=o (Sectlam VrI.C)
Institute Of GooLogy - -I.- in the
cretaceous depoetts of K=Chatw (r-tioo 'r=zF
X-i'LLuL. r - *Thc -- of -.O.t -di-
amtstlen In the watern part of Um cqumtor'&Z -c in the P=Ulic"
(S.ttloo VU.C.1)
Institute or E-tu Phyatc. c. T--
MA "Imic coolo6ana cOnd'tL=A In the n-rt--,omt-~ outly-Lne sres
of the Pacirt. b-i.- (SetLc. YtI.C.2)
2~*"-I,~., Institute Of OCCOMOICCI LU the
northern Part of the paciri., (S-tion III.C)
IMUtItUtC Of ZOQ1CU ;i~IhO f=t2- Of trX Drl.& 1--d
bridon free the tooloGleml poiat Of cv~ Zc-t,~ M~A.8-)
M., - a;~ocjfjc fam-ures
T~JU,j Institute or Geology . ~Z,
Wonics of the north p-rt of the Peelfic belt-
Stato Cuiver.Lty I!h 5~~ r-ult, - "A ... d-0-se.
avvico for recordt.C -ta C-MV.) F tt- 7-a-3-5) tt, of coolomr . -On tn stability and
.1-t. to the f- i .2. O~-
On' (Section M.C)
and GORMI-.Cr.-A 3 1: X=titta of
develop- f Ms. fibae L. the mcr=mmp~~; the P-ifl.
ant 0
(Section IIIC)
XCAAM== %.".!.T..tLtutQ Of 0==IOCY - -0-EP-te Ub4tenc. in
bottm sediments the -tern part of ttm P-tf4 o (Se~tf~ v=.C.i)
Institute of 3~m-h PhysLea toc-m! 3~~=Idt
Won deep to. arthquek-
A2is " I-
RImanMy -ke
-tt -Ut Lt Goo -=c-,l Facylty
rLl w-tiO L. ~-, h. -
I f~ ~ on VIX
Mosec*j State Unlyer.ity ?-Ity, C)-.,Ur f Rard
-17011-"-th-corr lative rct!-~d ror .1tudying =t~.unj . (Scct.--~ VtI.C.2)
-,In:titj" of Occonology - -Me t'strlt~utLon Of btt=
Use Torminitem in the northern port of tiv J4wjfjc and its use for
tbo resbaping of the palooreltef" (Section
sufoym=, V. 1_ rastitu-0 Of Occanolcri - concerned with tne
f formation of the -=rcmtwq mVza in so" and to=.*
ro,'It.te of 0.-I.M, zj..tL- of tb.
~9004;-. in regu MA
-a to jAwtor'lankton
,,~,.Jnstitut- or (3-l.a - *P.1-Co=n Fmrz~miCors or Um-btka*
t,.. m )
"111 6M1ZV -A.-Y Iz.tituto of Occonolarj - ~Vajells =4 Phy*alla 1z the
I. PleiM With. Peeirw (s..tic. rrr.c)
tnatituto of Erh Phyalc~ L~-- 0. ru..3 haidt
O~flcean~mGn~ (? or1g:Lm" Scott,= Vn.C 23
Srosm, A. A.. The Cout-1 0rj-,.1..t1.n of L..L=gr.A - "Th* main kmt~lets
at human 111mas am.Grayhy and th.Ir ~Lgnlft.azao for prophy1mctle
modlaim* (Section Vir.B.4)
ZZIMMY, ?. A. Institute of Parnafroat Stu4lc3 - ~ClocLoloay of
AntorclAce (Secti.n M.D.1)
Surt-'r, 11. ff.. Institute at OconncLogy - *Method3 for wasurLad deep
currenta In the ocom and some racults of their application In tba
PWIVIC U'Oeen, %Z"t*."
A contribution to the vtt4y of the fa=i of flying fishes (family
Exocoetidae) of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Trudy Inst.okean.
43:40--91 163. o (MM 14:6)
(Pacific Ocean-Flying fish) (Ind w2 Ocem-Flying fish)
PA-Rao N.V.
j ,
Principles underlying the allsmification of f1y~ fiBhes (faW1JeB
ftyporbamphidas and Drocoetidae). Trudy Imt,.oke=. 43:92-283 161,,
(MM 14 a 6)
(Flying fisb3s)
FlAng ftshes (Exocootidae and Oxyporha*phidae) of tba Sea of Japan
and adjacent waters. Vop. ikht. 2 no..2.-224-229 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR, Moskva.
(Japan, Sea of-41ying fish)
RARB. N -V -
Distribution of deep-sea fishes in the upper layer of the bathy-
pelagic zone in sub-Arctic waters of the North Pacific. Trudy
Inst.okean. 45:259-278 '61. (BIRA 15:2)
(Pacific Ocean--kishes, D6ep-sea)
Ozyporbampbus meriatocyatio (Picaqvp 027pDrMmphi&e),, a now
specieo of flying halfbeakis from iMterv of the Halay Archipelago.
Yop. ikht. 1 no.3s391-394 161. (mm 14:11)
1. Institut okeanologii IN SSSR.
(Halay Archipelago-Ralfb.-ak (Fish))
PArine biology. Okeanologlis 2 no-3t493-505 162. OURA 15:7)
(Marine biology)
Papers on lebtbyologir and flobery nanagmement at the 10th
Pacific Science Congreva. Vop. ikht. 2 no.31-5n-576 062.
(MIRA 15,10)
(Pacific Oesan-IcbOyological research-congresses)
Zoological investigation during the 3"d w$mAition of the shi.p
Vitiazt. Zool.zhur. 41 no.1:155-160 JA 162. (MIRA 15:4)
(Zoologic research)
Zoological investigations during the 34th cruise of the
research ship "Vit.iazl* in the equatorial Pacific. Zool.
zhur. 41 no.9gl442-1448 S 162. (MA 15:11)
1, Institut Okeanologil AN SSSR, Mcakva.
(Pacific Ocean-Marine faunR)
Dissertation defenled at the Zoological Institute for the aca-demic
degree of Candidate of 3iological Sciences:
"Basis for the Systen of Flyirlg Fish (the Families Oxyroramrhidae and
Vestnik Akad Nauk No. 4, 1963, pp. 119-145
Pj V
ok-~! -if-
T 1 80% 1,
FAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glav. red.; P.A., otv. red.;
., red. ;
zarz. ctv. red.; BIRI-lAb, 1.2., --ed.;
A.G., re~.; F.V., -red.; 13CKH"-711
'U,(E!lKuV, I.I., red; ljtGJTU, T.J., red.;
red.; R.S., red.; red.
[Salmon fisheries of' the Far East; inaterials3 Lososevoe kho-
z-i-,istvo Dallnega Vc~,~,tcka; mate.ialy. Moskva, Nauka, 1964.
2C1 p. (MIhA 17 :9)
1. Soveshchap.1-ye po vuprosLm lososevcgo khozynystva Dallnego
Vostoka. 3d, Pet--opavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, 1960. Vsesoyuzr.,Yy
nauchno-issledoiatellskiy institut mcrskogo rybnogo khozyay-
stva i okeanografii I'for 1-juiseyev). 3. Kamchu-.3koye otdele-
niye Tikhookeanskogo naucKno-issledoNatellskogo instituta
r7ibnogo khozyay-stva ckeanografii (for Seiplm, 31-man,
Krokldn, Kwrenkciv). Kalfedra ikhtic-logii Ic.cs.kovskogo uni-
versiteta imeni l-'.V.:,omonosova (for L.'rairnov).
., ....
MaterialB on the biology and diBtribution of pelagic
sharks Euprotamicrus bispinatus and Isiatius brasilisnBir.
(Squalidae, Pisces). Trudy Inst. okean. 73:163-184 164.
Taxonomic position, goographical v&riability and dictribution
-,' -be oceanic halfbeak Eulept,orhamphus viridis (Van HaSSE1110
(Memirhamphidae, Pisces). lbid.:185-203 (MIRA 17:6)
Reproduction iind development of some synentognathous
fishes (Beloniformes, Pisces) of the Indian Ocean; based
on collectiono of the E/S "VitiazI.0 Trudy Inst. okean. 73:
224-234 '64. (MIRA 17:6)
Some characteristics of the distribution of mass p--,Iag-ic
fishes in the zone of equatorial currents in the Pacific
Ocean; based on materials of the thirty fourth voyage of
the research ship "Vitiazl." Okeanologiia 2 no.6:1075-
1082 162, (141RA 1712)
1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR.
Developmon.t of the flying fish Cheilopogon (Ptenichthva) unicolor
(Cuv. et Val.) (Pisces, Exocoetidae). Trudy Inst. okean 62:62-67
163. (MIRA 17t2)
PARIN, N.V., kand. biolog. niuk
Predators of the seas and their economic importance. Priroda
52 no.12-62-68 '63. (MIRA 170)
1. Institut okeano'logii AN SSSR, Hoskva.
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - (Normal and Pathological). Ir
Physiology of Work and Sport. Aviation Physiology.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 18021
Parin, V.
On the Eve of the Flight of Man into Cosmos
Orig Pub gas."Izvestiya"m, 1957, Nov. 13, No 269, p. 2
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
- 121 -
Pravda, Moscow.
Vtoroy Savetakly 1coamichaskiy korabl'; materialy~ opublikovannyye
v gas&to *Pravdao (The Second. Soviet Cosmic Snipj Materials
Published in the Newspaper "Pravda') Moscow, 19b0. 198 p.
50.000 copies printed.
age& for tUa b V. Rout and V. Sairnov; Tech. Ed.-.
Tagodklaaru licstiont
PMU'03X; 2LIB book Is Intended for the general roader.
COMAaEs Z%* boax is a empilation or articles which appeared
In Um newspaper Pravda art:r the launcning, orbiting, and re-
aavexi or the Capsule or th Soviet 4,64D0 ka spaccanip on
A"USS 19. 1960. The Article* diva come detalls of oclontific
research undfirt&ken In thin flight In tno fields or biology,
Cytology, genetics. cosmic radiation, color radiation, ultra-
Tialat radiation. and ra"ation levels. A description and
to UT~ -ampsula ai-s given. No personalities are
10GUtlaned. There are no reference*.
Za"Lless irarijp--4j~tivas.- V. -Pedynakly, Doctor of'Physicai and
NatheRatical Sciences go
Care for Patu" Astronautn. D Markov Academician or the
Academy of Sciences BSSR fffa&~o al and Phyalologl-
gal Laboratory air the inatitut Rxiolciii. (institute or
ftyajolagy). R=Akl 91
Parermanor of Great Conquest*. A. AIIXhanl~an, Corresponding
Somber or Tze A4440V of 3clarAms U55H, jPlrecror or the
flaigheakir inatitut AN Armyanakoy SSSR (Physical Institute of
Ut Academy of Soleness Armyenskaya SSR)j 93
Television 140* in outer space. - P. Pedoror 95
Two MiMpta. Jacald Sbl.- 98
beginning of a New Zra. 011sa Foran 00
RestIng Vita the Pirst 'Astranauts.' V. Smlrnoy, V._Shirokov 102
Sve t Whiah Surprised the World. D. jUtXnM Professor,
(Din..tor of the Gasudarstvannyy 44 ranomich*Skly institut
legal AhtexabargA (State Astronomical Institute imani.
ghternbers)] IG4
creative owlus at the nuilders or Communism. Aditorial In
Solution of a very Important Problem. 1. Amba WAaa.
Academician 123
boornous Success of Soviet 341anco And Engineering. Press
Conference In the AGIA499W Or 3alanOOB U33R 115
ftelcalsal Program of the Spaceship. 1. Sis!? Academician 130
00 the Zve of Xanned Space Flight. - ~Parin Active member or
US AdAddloy Of XadicAl Sciences 137
into the Deptus or the Klorocasoace. A--YAM9y Corresponding
INEDOP of the Acadoxy of Sciences USSR, A&-2r1L0-rj&, hares4ar 143, 1
SOURCE com uR/qoo8/66/ooo/085/O003/0003
AWHOR: Parin, V. (Professor, Vice president, Academy of Medical Sceinces SSSR)
ORG: none
TITLE: On the wings of science. Soviet space flights
SOURCE: Krasnaya zvezda, 12 Apr 66, p. 3, col. 1-3
TOPIC TAGS: manned spacecraft, scientific spacecraft, space flight, space biology,
space medicine
ABSTRACT: The article deals with space flights of manned and unmanned spacecrafts.
It gives a brief review of flights of Soviet cosmonauts and unmanned spacec
launchingB for scientific investigation of outer space made since October 19
:Scientific spacecraft discovered the Earth's radiation belts, and permitted investi-
gation of the Earth's magnetic field as well ass the structure of upper layers of
the atmosphere. Soviet space biology and space medicine now are in a new stage.
It #I of
Yosmos-110 spacecraft with four-legged cosmonauts aboard provided a great deal
40i'Fzffu~ableinformation to medical scientists. The author attaches great importance to
this experiment with respect to future space f1ights. INT)
'SIM CODE: 22/ SUBM DATE: none
First student conference on the hivtory of medicine. Sov.zdrav. 19
no.5:89-90 160. (MM 1339)
1. Predsedatell Soreta Nauchnogo sindenleheekogo obsbahestva Gorlkavskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Blood Circulation. V-5
Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.,t No 11 195Bj 3962
Author WE& Parin
Inst =
Title Catheterization of the Heart (in Relation to the 1956
Nobel Prize - Physiology and Medicine)
Orig Pub Priroda., 1957,, No 3,, 51-52
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1A
1. PARIN, V.P., M-AROVEHAYA, 0.1-114
2. TMR (600)
4. Glands, Ductless -- Diseases; Urine-Analysis and PatholoFW.
7. Dctermination of preEmandiol f -n the urilne in cases of endocrine disor';-ers.
k1cush. i ~-in. No 1, 1952. Iz '7.-e.-fy,-u--nor-o E-1-sperimcntallnoy.
9a. Monthly List of Russian Accessian:-,j Library of Cor-j-xesr, I~rch 1952
~;P-,-atclt Prof. IT.A.Svierc-,, c-vs,.iy)
BABSKrf, Ye.B.; FARE, V.V.; 14ALKR-IAV, I.L., red.
[Physiology, medicine anc-: technica'. progress! Fizio-Liog--ia,
meditsina i tekhnicheskii. progress.. Moskva, Nauka, 10,611.
137 p. (M IRA 18: 4.)
VOLMIll, Yu.,-, PARD~ V.V.; Al, ~1,
K I *~lv- Ing A) a
Radiation protr-,ctlilon d riijfr t~- f 1-19i;t SOl,"Pl,
"Vostok" space ships. ~~rkdlrjhjolcc: ip-
In, X,
met -
t o'., A eit
iese.%an -moviiJi-
tit-rus-ta: to ----gu i-n ea:.
A h
lrli~u ke-' taiae
iro~~U.Tfd P~'c 6emox
14t "llid
,-overo-. EAerat:dTv n-
E ri
PAM) V. V. Medical research in the U.S.E.R. Anerican ;Review of Soviet hedicire,
Te-w-Yo-r-R-1947, 4/4 (292-299)
Although the general pattern of medical research in the U.S.S.R. has been set in the
five,-7ear Aan for-medical research of the Academy of Medical Sciences, individual
problow not connected with the Echeme imsy be studied in hospitals and institutes
at the discretion of interested vorkers. Rubsnatein- Boston
150: Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Section IV, Vol. 1, #1-6
PARIN V. V. Ilya 1. Hetchtikoff American Review of Soviet hedicine, New
Tow= rj 4/5 (451-463) Illus - 1
After giving biographical notes, the author summarizes Metchnikoff's important
contributions. (1) Cellular theory of immunity; intracellular digestion as a mechanism
of defence'againat invast6n of pathogens and removal of dead tissue and foreign
substances. He coined the word phagopytes to indicate the nobile cells partici-
pating in this activit , He was also aware of the Pesile phagocytic cells of the reticl,10-
endothelial systm Tj lifflarmation-is-not a dangeroiis process but a valuable
- (2
defence reaction for theiuccessful outcort of disease. Among Netchnikoff's other
inventigations were: (2) The possibilit;y that old age was caused by auto-intoxication
with intestinal bacteria. He suggested the use of lactic acid bacteria formed in
curdled vdlk as a means of destroying putrefactive bacteria (2) Microbiology and
epid6miology of infectious diseases such as cholezips tuberculosis, typhoid fever and
infantile diarrhoea. He was the first so stress 1%e use of calomel ointment as a
prophylactic measure against syphilis. Kane-Boston
So: Ifedical Microbiology and Hygiene., Section IV, Vol. 1, #1-6
N,~. V.
I'llev: Books on Surgery in -1,4811 2 p,,
I'Vest hhirirgii" Vol LXIY, "o 2
I -in It" Usc in lledic~nr_," by E. *. Ar~_'
Reviews 31 books., aalion6, I'llm "P-nn-leil- A~ - J . -,,-an,
"Tr.-Lumatic Shook," by ~. I. 3ana,-tiz-, "Combat Tramia and, Its llskic. 31-aft
in the Treatmo~nt of Inflasiaatiun of b~ A. I. Of3ka, "Outline of the 3cic~,tlfi
Activit-v of the Office of :i,~nera_l 31irr-,cry f tl-,c 1,'olotov 1-le. Institut,~Jn
'R_U~c -Great Patriotic War 11 b V IT. Parin, "First Ko:~cow Ordi~!r cf LtnLn '~fj4_
__ :Huff , "Tr-aum ' ~ t ~e- Ir ~y
aua c crvou i S., st:!r. anJ Thcdr Conse,,utnCe5,
vice in the Da-ts of the :~rtat Patriotic 'Jar'll lll~--n_lcillin (Its Use in 3,arglca~_
by L . Stl V 31"l- cf Ti~tchni 'it! ln
,-o:-c,gk, and llndicin,3, b~ ':, P. Sinitq-n "Ac'~v`ti~!_, c,,' llh,~ y Yc A z 1 1- 1
Kirov , V-J' E 71, lb L I'll - -i,r c C) 1 c D c Ar
145J,lc~ne 11 anl 111-enicE-1-~- -1n. i r,~,~ r
PA !-)C,-/l'jqT7(5
PARIN, V.V., professor
---- ---- lawmeaM.
Artificial kidney. Vopopat.merd.sos.sist. 4 no.2:3-13 155.
(KIDNEYS) (MM 8:4)
The problm of inhibition;
Academy of Neclical Sciences
10-17 0 155.
results of the ninth session of the
of the U.S.S.R. lain. med. 33 no.10:
(MI&A 9-2)
PARIN, V.V.. professor; KLREYBV, A.V.
.1legistrAtion technic in ballistocardiogzaphy. Terap.arkh. 28 no.2:
29-22 156. (MIRA 9:7)
1. Is patofisiologichaskoy laboratorii (zav. - prof. V.V.Parin)
Instituts, terapil AMN SSSll (dir. - deystvitellnyy allen ANN SSSR
Prof. A.L.Kyasnikov)
registration tachnic (Rus))
PARIS, V.V., professor (Moskva)
, --
BallistoeardiograpkW and its clinical significance. 34
no.6:12-24 Je 156. (NLIRA 9:10)
1. Is institute terapit ANN SSSR. 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen AKS SSSR.
-PAIIIN, VamMy Vemillyevich. prof.1 VORKIIIA, T., rod.; KRAKWOVSKAYA. Yo.,
~ .. 1, kshdtekhn.nauk,~- rads
[Achivements of Soviet medical science-, date for lectures] Uspekhi
sovetskoi maditainskot naukri; materialy dlia lektsti. Moskva,
TSentre nsuchno-isel. In-t soniternOgO Droav. H-ve sdravookhre-
nenis SM, 1957. 14 p. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Ikedemli meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for
.'. ''." 'I.,
/"" ", i~a
Yorty years of Soviet mBdical science. Vest. AMY SSSIR 12 no.6:M-30
157. (MIRk 11:2)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AU 56SR (for both)
in Russia, progr.)
AUTHOR: Parin, V V Actual Member of the USSR Academy of Medical
TITLE: The Founder of the Blood Circulation Theory (Osnovopolozhnik
ucheniya o krovoobrashchenii)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 12, pp 66-71 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the teachings of the famous English
physician William Harvey who died 300 yea:rs ago. He was the
first to discover the true facts about the circulation of the
blood. He also can be considered as the founder of modern
embryology and as one of the initiators of scientific obstetrics
and gynecology.
There are two references, of which one io Britiah the other
LSSOCIATION: Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians (Tsentrall-
nyy institut unovers.nenetvovaniya vrachey).
LVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
Catheterization of the heart. Friroda 46 no-3:51-52 Mr 157s
(nft 100)
1. Deystvitellmyy chlen Akademit neditsin*Mk:h inau SSSR. TSentrall-
Wy institut usoTershenstvovamiya vrachey (Xo*va).
PARN. V.V.' Prof.; KRYIMSOB, F.Z. (Moskva)
Reflex-adrenal mechanism of edemas and ascites Ij!L cardiac de-
compengetion. Fat.fl2iol. I eksp.terap. 2 no.6*:3-8 N-D '58-
1. Deretvitel'My chlen ANI SSSR (for Parin). 2. It kafedry kli-
nicheskoy I ekspertmentallnoy fiziologli TSentrallnogo instituta
usoversheneWwanlys. Yrachey.
edema & ascites, reflex-adrenal mBehanion (Rue))
reflex-adrenal mechanism In edema & ascites in
congestive heart failure (Rue))
(AMMM GLAWS, physiol.
adrenal-reflex mechanism in edema & ascites in
congestive heart failure (Rue))
I V, 1/'
PARIS, V-T.,prof.
Pablic health problesm In the next few years and the trend in
research In pharmaceutical chemistry. Holoprome 12 no-1:3-8
A 158. (NMA 11:2)
1. Daystvitellayy oblen Akadeall moditsinskikh zonk SM
t, 10 AD 14 %wm)
1"On Mft~ for contoms" all4me at "m sab"U" t"b"WIftl s"Ift at
Sam mom-fts me ft-%psI" commusurm Is. A. a. lopm jamn), am.
Prc,bibma arAl methods of Thp. 'Alllor/. Vea.. AXUN `5P
no./*:52-63 165. (MIRIA 18:10)'.
1, InstAtut nonnelIncv. i pi?,t',)1~7)gf~neS~.0y fj2,iOlc)gi-*L
MAN SlkSR, Mcqkva.
PARIN, V.17. (~Ioskva); BAYEVSYJY, R.M. (Yoskva)
Some current problems in biological telemetry. Fiziol.
zhur. 50 no.8:924-933 Ag 164. (MIRA 13:12)
BAKUIXV, A.P., otv. red.; DAVYDOVSKIT, I.P., red.; YEGOROV, B.G., red.;
ZHDRiOV, D.A., red.; ZF.UKOV.SIY, M.A... red.; LETAWIT, A.A.x
P.G., red.; 97-;LICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red.
[Abstracts of scientific papers of the Acadeny of Fledical Sci-
ences of the -J.S.S.R. for 1956] Annotatsii nauchmykh rabot
Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR za 1956 god. Otv. red. A.N.
Bakulev. Moskva, Medgiz. Books 2-3. 15,59. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR.
Some-re6ults and prospects in the use of electronics in medicine
and biology. Vest.Affli SSSR 14 no-5:27-40 159., (MIRA 14:5)
1. DeystvitelInyy chlen ANN SSSR.
MIN, V-V-. prof.
Objectives In widical science in the light (if the decisions of
the 21st Congress of the CPS(J. VestAHN SSM 14 no.8:7-19
'59. (MIRL 12:11)
1. Deyetvitelliqy chlen AM S=.
PARIN, V.V., prof.; MEYERSON, F.Z., doteent
Mechanism of hypertension of the lesser ciTcuUtion. Suv.mad. 23
no.12:26-33 D 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Iz imfedry klinichaskoy i skeperimentalluoy fiziologil TSentrall-
noge institute, usovershoustvovaniya vracheT (direktor M.D. Kavrigina).
2. Daystvltellnyy chlen Akademil meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for ;~arin).
PARIN, V. V. (Prof -
"Development of Ha3listocardiographic Techniques in the U.S.S.R.
report presented at the Third International Conference on Medical Electronics,
OlimNia, London, 21-27 July 1960.
AUTHOR: Parin, V. V., Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences
TITIZ: N Man in Space
PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, 1960, No. 11, p. 19
TEXT: The author describes the problems still to be solved beforejaj_.;;_
can expect to set out on space travels. These problems include environ-
mental effects upon the organism and the elaboration of methods and means
to ensure its normal functioning. In the first place it is necessary to
study, in all details, the factors of the means intended to safeguard
the vital action of the organism and general flying safety. The kno%ledge
of -acceleration effects is also of importance. Secl~asion over a long time
in an isolated and narrow room, as is the flyers' cabin, is apt to cause
severe psychological complications. The absence of habitual stimuli, the
complete silence, darkness, weightlessness, perturbation in the normal
alternation of day and night, work and rest, may caase disturbances in the
pBychic sphere and in blood circulation as well. Food and water supplies
are one of the main problems, and so is the study of nutritive conditions,
The conquest of r-- thr-.-, li-r- m'r% 2! 9 - 4-4 n-- I
Card 112
Man in Space
BO 13/13060
man. The first two stages tire being pushed on by pcwerful efforts, and
have already yielded abundant and valuable material, While man haB not
yet launched on space travels himself, he has nevertheless succeeded in
gaining insight into the mystery of space thanks to the latest complicated
Card 2/2
FARINp Vaoiliy Vaaillyevicb [1903-1; IMMNV F.Z.
(Zaamys on the cliacal plWalo2aa of blood circuUtion] Ocberkl k2i-
vicheska fislologii krovoobvinboheniia. Hoakut Madgizo ~1960. 426 p.
(MM 14:1)
HIM,, V *V a, prof, (Moskva)
Eftect of pulmonary ventilation on the.-Lesser circulation. Pat.
fiziol.i eksp.terap. 4 no./+:7-13 JI-Ag 160. (MA- 14: 5)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR.
PA'RlNt Me. prof,
Faster aud higher. Zdorovle 6 n0-5:1-2 )V 160. (KIEL 13:6)
1. Ikeystvitellu" chlan ANN SSSR.
. FARIN, V.V.. prof.
Still anotbar sensation'. Ptirods no.6:IL04-105 Js '60.
(NIU 13:6)
lo Daystvitel'vwy chlen AWemil miditainskikh nauk SSSB,
BLDKHBv Hikolay Ilikolayevich- PARIII, VasLU-s- Vasillyevich- GLZENKD9
Oleg Georgiyevichs,;-Vff=V-q2a-rgey Rikolayevich;
IIAM OVAq A.S., tekhn.rede
[Medicine and comic flight] HaditvJma i komicheakie polety;
abornik. Hoskvap Izd-vo wZnaniepm 1961. 30 p. (Voesoiuzzioe
obsbchestvo po rasprostranenUu politichaskikh i naucbmykb
vmsmii. Ser.8v Biologlia i meditsizutp no.9) (KM 14:6)
1. Pre2idant Akadenii meditsinakin nauk SSSR (for Blokbir,).
2. Deyetvitellmyy chlen Akademii md:Ltsinekikb nauk SSSR (for
Parin). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AB SUR (for Vernav).
Ballistocardiograpby as a method o? early detection of cardio-
vascular diseases. ]Rauch. inforn. Dbd. nauch. med. infom.
AM SSSR no.3.t8-10 161 (MBU 16::1.1)
1. Institut normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dh-ek-
tor - doystritellnyy chlen AM 1"S prof. V.V.Parin) ANY
SSSR, tbskva.
VARIN, T.T., prof.
Life on a space ship. Yest.Tosd*Flo rkoel:47-53 Ja 161.
(=A 13:12)
I* DW*tvltellnyy cblen Akademli weditsinskikh nauk SBSR.
. (Space biolo&3-)
FARMI, V.V.. prof.; BAYEVSKIY, h.14.1
Claidification of the recording systems in ba-Uistocardiography.
Kardioloziia I no.2:46-54 W-Ap 161. (~UR& 1531)
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AM S66R (for Parin).
?ARM) Vovo I Prof .
This is how the Might was prepared. Zdor-avle 7 no.6s/.P-5 Je 161.
OUR& 14:7)
1. Dovstvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR.
ILeMDOT eeev~ tly a Tao)5
S.98'Ge I
foT a Mel, Ot-rol,
41 oele
Wasse 11 et-~G re.&I eli c e
,,,oe-VA e V5:al OU
'Rim- e %1-t$ Or, 06 CyteN .'alt.
us % 06t A 006
0-re ,%~g & 'bO&'J * 11 to e -
p 135Le tyke '00-r 9 of ". s 8.1 - eig,
ts Of _S9 ..t tilvi, I &T t;
-r,j:TL y~ea 1,11 ~~l
oe I
e6T ,I & 41 e e
OT jbreuo
sol-e 00 OD eatr~ ty~ ,ae
e-rIcall tjOTL teLL bT a ~ c" eacv,% ..jr, .11 0,6 -ItIr I
jote jOILI vaq.11 the , ioT e -be%),x -re-
0 1 -r-90TI, r~e *,e&l Oyal cti
Toll I 5,U iTLOO 0106 . C),),t
te, 51 th ,,ges e a-b -3.
gr o-JV . ceT ices - xi-v )OU (.s S' -rl C i
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js~ecl jeaeu .tloa taq. ,6e& t'h e
179 )%Lie ,ce ,rer j sre ,,tee i eels 9 roa&l 010 t e
6111 IA 5,9 t aol - alvej , 0 F,,.xoT Itc, I ae 'r SY SCe tyke
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rt OT Ste, tess o&s- toe
ce6l eTI wate tIn's.1
010 OJOU6 a's tT e
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CBS& 1% /2.
'Training for space flight A166/A133
rarefied atmosphere at these heights. P:7oper physical and psychological
training of the astronaut is the best preparation for space flight, together
with the development of all devices and equipment necessary to sustain life.
Experiments have shown that the animals :.n the Soviet space rockets and sat-
ellites adapted themselves easily to the state of weightlessness and there
is no reason to assume that man can not fjimilarly adapt himself. Man can
also withstand considerable gravitational. stress if he is located transverse-
ly -to the rocket's line of movement so that the stress acts laterally and
not from head to.foot along the body. Ropeated exposure to acceleration
was found to increase the subject's endurance. Automatic devices incorpo-
rated in the spacesuit could be set to constrict certain parts of the body
depending on the acceleration. This would prevent the blood from accumulat-
ing in, say, the legs oz arms due to increased gravity and would ensure
normal circulation of blood to the brain and the internal organs. American
scientists, the author feels, underestims.te the bo&yls 1hysiological and
mental reserves.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk. (Academy of Medical Sciences)
Card 2/2
-PARUL-"., prof .
It would be worth spending a 2ifestime for the sake of this c1qy.
Vest. Vozd. r11, n0,4153-55 Ap 16.L, (MIRA 3-4:7)
1. leystvitellnyy chlen A1411 VS11.
28588 S/565/61/000/009/002//004
AUTRORa Parin, V. V. , Member AIM USSR
TITLE: The role of space medicine in realizing the first manned
cipace flight
PIMIODICALt Ileditsina i kosmicheskiye polety; sbDrnik, no. 9, 1961, 4-12
TEXTs The space flight by Yuriy Gagarin was the final stage of the
initial period of space exploration, i. e., that of becoming familiar
with space conditions. Space biology and medicine were developed to
enstare health and working capacity of the astronaut; living conditions of
ear-th1v organisms on other celestial bodies as well as unknown forms of
life, with which man may come in contaot on other planets, will be their
future problems. At first, space medicine and biology ascertained physi-
cal space conditions; 10 - 12 years ago, physiological tests were started.
Animals enclosed in a separable, hermetically sealed container protecting
theia against the rarefied atmosphere, were rocket-launched vertically to
an altitude of about 100 and, later, UP to .450 km., They returned to the
earth by means of parachutes. The next test was to launch the Laika
Card 1/3
2~5`f~ 8/5-65/61/000/009/002/004
The role of space medicine... B144/B101
in the second artificial Soviet satellite. As a return to the earth was
not yet possible at the time, information about cardial action, pulse,
res.Piratory rate, etc. was radiotelemetrically recorded and found to in-
crease during acceleration and to return later to normal values. This was
the first test in which a living being -was subjected for several days to
the conditions of weightlessness, which cannot be reproduced on the earth.
Next, space-ships with dogs on board returned undamaged to the earth. The
dogs were thoroughly examined in laboratories. Space flights with smaller
animals, tissue cultures, etc. followed. loceleration from zero to first
cosmic velocity with its displacement effect is one factor of great
physiological importance. Another factor is the vibration transferred
from the rocket to the beings in the ca 'psule. When the space ship begins
to orbit, the state of weightlessness sets in, since gravitational attrac-
tion and centrifugal force become equal. Very short periods of weight-
lessness had been reached already earlier in high-.speed airplanes and
vertically launched rockets, but their effect could not be isolated from
that of preceding interferences. Cosmi,-. radiation increases with in-
creasing distance from the earth, but was no serious obstacle in the orbit
chosen for the first manned space flight, which took place well below the
Card 2/3
The role of space medicine... B144/ B101
radiation belts produced by the geomagrietic: field. On its return, the
crew is exposed to heavy stresses due to the abrupt speed reduction affect-
ing the body directly in its state of veightlessness, the heat produced by
friction in the dense layers of the atmosphere, and the landing. All
these factors were studied in animal te-sts, which indicated that manned
space flight in Soviet space-ships did not endanger health and working
capacity of the astronaut. This progncsis vas confirmed later. There-
UP0139 astronauts were selected and trained according to scientific
principles. Physiological information obtained so far did not provide
data on the activity of the central nervous system. Only after the first
manned space flight had proved that corisciouBness, the capacity of
orientation and the ability to observe instruments and perform simple
operations are! not affected by weight 1 ess ness , it was possible to construct
space-ships steered by their crews, and to start the conquest of the
Care', 3/3
1000 S02(~~IZ1000101010021004
AUTHOR: Parin, V. V., Professor
TITLE: Human physiology and space
PERIODICALt Priroda, no. 10, 1961, 32-37
TEXT; A description of the physiologioal effects of space flights on ani-
mals e.nd man, and, in particular, the reactions of Soviet astronauts Yu.A.
Gagarln and G.S. Titov to space flight, is given. For the first time in the
.. physiological observations were radio-telemetrioally conducted on the
second Soviet earth satellite with the dog Layka aboard. After Soviet
15 cientists had developed spaceships capa'Dle of being brought back to earth,
the results of observations obtained radio-telemetrioally Iwere combined with
those obtained by thorough investigationa of' the animals after flight. The
beavy spaceship-satellites were also equipped with a TV system which permit-
ted the collection of extensive film matorial. The images were accurately
synchronized with the telemetrical data. Information on the animals' ar-
terial blood pressure, their electrocardiograms, heart tones, frequency,
depth and form of the respiratory motiono of the thorax, and temperature
and motions of the body, was collected and transmitted to earth on command.
Card 1/4
Human physiology and space D035/Dll3
The normal life activity of the animals was -rovided for by the reliab-P
functioning of special equipment which controlled the gas composition,
temperature and pressure in the hermetic cabin. The flight of the "V:stot.-
1" spaceship was preceded by those of three other spaceship-satellItes
which landed in a predetermined area in the USSR. Since the flight ccnji-
tions in a spaceship are to a certain extent similar to those found during
stunting on high-speed airplanes, the first astronauts were chosen
men used to flying high-speed aircraft. Prior tc the flight of "Vostck-,
Gagarir was trainedor a centrifuge to witbatand large acceleration, and cri
vibration stands. Furthermore, Gagarin was trained to acclimatize himsel'
to an airtight cabin which was an exact replica of that installed on the
"Vostok" spaceship. He lea-.ned to eat anI 3rink under the same cord-lti-n-
which awaited him in space. His space sult had its own systems of ccoli,-.g
and heating, ventilation, water vapor absorption and oxygen supply. DiArirq
the period preceding the flight, Gagarin~a,health was thoroughly chec,,e,.1 tV
physicians. They conducted detailed elec-trocardiographic, biochemical an-I
immunological tests, and checked his nervous and emotional state. This
of medical contrDl was continued during the flight. 7he pickups, fitted ir.
Card 2/4
Human physiology and space DOWD113
his elying suit, converted the heart's bioelectrical currents, pulse vibra-
tionit of the vasal walls, and the resp'~raf _%W motions of the thorax, into
electric signals. Electric pulses which characterized the respiration and
blood circulation during the entire fl:Lght,,were emitted through radio chan-
nels by special amplifying and measuring nystems. During Titovis space
flight,radio-telemetric information on the astronaut's basic life functions
was continuously transmitted to earth. Thanks to the radio-telemetering
method, the following data-were recordad: the electrocardiograms (2 leads),
the raechanicaL operation orf the heart, and the depth and frequency of res-
piration. According to apreliminary analysis of these data,no Dathologi-
cal changes more observed. 'The palpitation frequency during the active
part of the flight increased up to 100-125 strokes per minute. During or-
~ital flight it ranged between 80 and 100, which is Titov's normal frequen-
cy; during sleep this frequency decreased to 54-64; during the spaceship's
landing the pulse frequency increased to 90-130. During the entire flight,
the -form and duration of the electrocardiographic elements remained within
the normal limits. The respiration frequency during most of the flight did
not exceed 18-22 respirations/minute. The only unpleasant phenomenon dur-
Card 3/4
Human physiology and space D035~D113
ing the state of weightlessness was a certain dizziness which appeared flom
time to time, but which again disappea:.-ed when the body assumed a position
of rest and when quick motions of the head stopped. It is difficult to say,
to which degree this was due to the ph;reiological features of Titov,O vP8,i_
bular apparatus. In order to protect Iritov from radiation, solar observa-
tions and direct radiological sounding of the stratoophere was conducted.
P'urthermoreforecasts of the possibility of solar fleres were compiled sys-
tematically. The operation of all the ship's devices for maintaining the
required life conditions was sufficiently accurate. The pressure in the
cabin was kept at 760 mm mercury column; the oxygen content was 25-27%;
the quantity of carbon dioxide did not exceed 0.45;; the relative air mois-
ture was kept at 55-75%. The landing system chosen by Titov was reliable.
After his flight,Titov was subjected to 'i;horough-medical observations. He
was found to be in very good health. There are 2 figures.
Card 4 /4
?arin, V. V.
I TL E Cybernetics ,nd physiolo,,y in medicine
PERIONI CAL: Re'Aerativnyy z~-,urnal. ,~a;tematika, no. 6, 19062, 77, abstract
6V420 (Vopr. filosofii, no. 10, 1961, 92-104)
TEXT: I~t the beginning of the art4 cle 'he author sets forth `-e
t",leorotical "oases and oroblems of cybernetics by his definition, -S
t'-Io s-;udy of the control processes and structure of conturol syste7s. Te
~ut'.ox Sees the u-Iti-nate
practical pt:rposo of cybernetics as raisin,7, t'e
ojeza'.ional effectiveness of contro; 5^ .1
ystems. The a~ t-or niarks out two
basically different approaches to a z;tudy of the operation of contr4ol the macroscopic (in which a s-.udy is made of a "black box" ose
structure is unknown and can only be jlAged from the disturbance at the
sjstemls "input" and the answers at ;he "output") and the microscopic
.lie study of the formationi, structU:7e, and functions of a control systern's
elc;.-.entc). The author dwells on the concrete application of cybernetic
ideaE and methods in physiology. Bianics, a special branch of technical
Card 1/2
S/04Y62/000/GJ6/-9/12 7
.1. 1 B 102
Cybernetics ~.nd physio'ojy Jn medic4ne 16c;B
cybernetics, applies the knowledge of biological processes to tne solution
of engineering problems. on the other hand cybernetic modelling allovis
the of comp-,ex biological systems to be analysed. 'Ihe au-..-.C;r
Lives examples of the cooperation of biologists and technicians, notably in
creatinC5 electronic analogues of nerve? ceLls and using them for compuzfrs,
and L. developing systems which carry out the logical functions of
recot;nition clas_~ification by sel~~c-,ing informati:)n according to se-.
or I'i_rde.z;erLe.-,tly" found signs. The aul;hor sees zwo basic lines in --4e
;practical av2lication. of cybernetic ijeas in phy-fology and medicl..e; -...e
first is the speedy and effectivc -.~ro2eLisin- of '~,-a-.
ir. volume an-I changing uickl,, in lime; the second is ine creation of
co.'r.plex auto.-.i--tic systems directly designed for -practical medica, p"~r,oses.
The author dwelis for a s~iori time on some examples cqaracterizin- 6.
lines of thoight and on tiae future they open u,?. To conclude *,-,is ar-.icle
the author makes general remarks on tne subject of "thinking" machines
whose activity he in no way identifies with the creation of a numan beinL;.
i.Abstracter's note. Complete translation.,
Card '11/2
Triumph of the =Lnd. Prir i 7.npqmie 3.4 no. 9:3-4 161.
3.. Delstr.~,hlen na AL4di3iiiia-a aa wrIkIte. na SSM.
(Space stations)
AUTHOR: Parin, V., Member
TITLE: Biology, techniques.and space
PERIODICAL.: Przeglild techniczny, no..31, 1961, 6-7
TEXT:- The article describes and praises..Soviet space achieve-
ments, broadly-outlines.the need-for..close,-coop,eration between
the-various-scientific,fields.pELrticipating.-in-the.-space program
and-the,training of.-cosmonauts. After-mentioning.the.April 12,
1961 flight-of Gagarin, the author points out that a new science
has-been created as a result of the exacting demands of cosmic
f3-ight,- space biology and medicine. In contradistinction to the
former concepts of biology space biology and medicine are closely
related imd combine a number of other fields, including biophysics,
biochemistry, aviation medicine, rocket techniques, -geophysics,
astronomy, radio-and electronics, radiology and physics. A number
of factors may influence the li,7ing organism in space. These were
first determined in animals by -the radiotelemetering method. The
Card 1/3
Biology, techniques and space
results of these first investigations in-space physiology showed
that dwing flight, right up to peak velocity and again during
the space vehicle's deceleration period, the living organism is
subjected to great strains on the heart and blood vessels. The
resulting changes in bodily-f-unctions,.the possible effects of
radiation, the heat exchange conditions between the living organ-
ism,,and the atmosphere inside the capsule.and the surrounding
space were all gradually investigated from 1950 onwards. The
author briefly mentions space experiments with dogs and microbes,
then points out that special training methods were developed by
Soviet doctors for the cosmonauts. Certain basic features were
adhered. to during training: 1) The cosmonaut was subjected to a
gradual. and careful increase in acceleration; 2) Careful medical
control-was carried out during all training stages, assuring
the perfect health of the cosmonaut. The author concludes that
new methods must be found to t3hield future cosmonauts from radio-
C ard 2,13
Biology, techniques and space
active belts encircling the earth, as the radiation intensity
greatly increases in the upper lizaits of atmosphere.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Academy of
Medical Sciences, USSR)
Card 3/3
Report cn a trip of the Soviet delegation to an international
symposium on hypertension (Prague, May 22-29, 1960), Vest.MN
SSSR 16 no.1;67-70 ~61. - (MIRA .14:3)
R6130arch prqgtam in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Vest.
AM SSSR 26 no.3.
* 48-50 161,, (MRA 2.4:7)
~J-I, I
The leading institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the
~ AMII SSSR 16 no.5:3-5 :61. ~L
U-S-S-R, Vest (IMICAL RFZi,4RCH) 14'.'2)
Role and problems in experimental cardiology. Vest.AI,21 ISSUSIR 16
no.5:5-12, 161. - ~ (HEM 14.12)
1. Institut normallnoy i :patologicheakoy fiziologii. AIV SSSR.
BABSKIY, Ye,B,)-E&4F,-
Achievements in med'ical electronics (as revealled by reslats of thc
3d International Conference on Medical Electronics), Vest, AMI S'(r:';'
16 no.5:88-.93 161. O-M'A 14:12)
PARIN, V.V._,_T~lDf_-
Pathogenesis of hyperteasioa. Sov. med. 25 no.9:3-121 S 161.
1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AWN 355R. ky"A 15:1)
PARINY V.V.; KOKKINAKI, Konstant-In Konstantincnich,, letchik-iElpytatell
--====----Ygo klassa rekordsmen mira po skorostn(mm poletu; KOKMa-K-I,
Pavel Konste4itinovich. Ix)rtinzhener
Great achievement. Tokh,mol. 29 no.5:18-19 161. (MIRA 14:5)
FARB,, V.V. (MDSkva); YAZDOVSKI!fp V.I. (Moskva)
Path of Soviet BPace Phlrsiolcv. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.10:1217-.1226
o 61 . (KERA .15: 1)