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GRABARIC., Boris, sanitetslci kapetan I klase dr.; ~ANTELIC, Draaoljub,, - _ I -,,. sanitetski potpukovnik dr.; VAJS, Emanuel---db~hne-skf- puko4iil=~ profesor dr. Adaptation of the organism to trauma. Experimental surgery. Vojnosanit, pregl. 23 no.1:13-15 Ja '66. 1. Vojnomedicinska akademija u Beogradu; Inatitut za eksper'L- mental-nu madicinu. PAIT'.LT,LIC,,.Dragoljub, sanitetski major dr; VAJS, Emanw-1, sanitetski pukovnik dr Effect of hypothermia on the outcome of double eyxangaim'.ion. Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no.2:105-110 F 162. 1. Vojnomedicinska akaderaja u Beogradu, institut, za eksperimentalnu medicinu. (11MORMIAGE) (HYP(YIIWMIA) VAJS,JbAnu*l. sanitet ski pukovnik doe. d-r; FAVUL1C.Drago1jula,sanitstski kapetan I kl. 4-r Effect of hypothermia on tha outcome severe blooding In a dog. Voj.9&n.preg1.,Bo#gir. 17 no.4:409-4i2 Ap 16o. 1. Patofizioloaki institut. (HYPOTEJMW INMCZD exper. ) (HMCRMGB exper. ) v r ri r, "T c) i r ri(3,! ry fii ki tir, 1 15- ~rv 7 V I~TFIYt)Fl, FA=IaCjj,-~nlwMkS -inz. The UP-to-now experiences with OAktivin,,* a means for the trentment of iron surfaces before painting. Brodogradnja 8 no.2:75 157, PANTSIAIC., Gardena.. inz. The up-to-now experiences with 'Cinkol,' basic lubricant derived from metallic pawdered zinc. Brodogradnja 8 no.2:75-Jr/ 157. Dal) Te-O(~, ,r lorr YUGMLAVIA/Chu- deal Tochnology - Chemical Products and H-In Their Application - Fermentation Induotry, Abs Jour : Ref 2hur - KhimiYa, 11o 3, 1958j, 9550 Author : Pantelic Gordana Inst --------------------, Title We of Cisternit for Coating Concrete and Metal Reser- voirs in Brewing. Orig Pub An-balaza, 1957, 4., No 3-4. 9o-92 Abstract Cisternit is an organic substance that is chemically inert in relation to beer (semifinished product of fi- nished production) and to the disinfectants utilized in brewing; it is non-toxic and stable under tempera- ture conditions of brewing technology; it is readily applied to concrete and metal reservoirs and produces a smoth non-porous surface. In coating concrete re- servoirs Cifternit I, having a softening point of 500, Card 1/2 6 PANTELIC Konst.-Ceda, dipl. inz. Protection of steel bridge constructions. Zeleznice Jug 20 no. 8:25-34 Ag 164. PANTELICP Konst., dipl. inz. Foundations on piles with a special emphaBir, on the Franki type. Zeleznice Jug 20 no.3.23-31 Hr t64. FANMLIC _4oAstantin., inz. (Beograd,, Gerska 33) ,X.2. Modern method of studying profiles and their deformatlionB in railroad exploitation. Tehnika Jug 1F, no.9:Suppl.:Saobracaj 10 no.9:1753-1758 S 163. 1. Savetni-k Zelcznickog transportnog preduzeca, Beograd. PAHTRl,lG,-M.z; ZIVKOVIG., S.,* JONAS,, S.; NESKOVIC:, B.; MIWSAVlJEVIG, A. Use of radioactive iodine in the treatment of thyroid carcinoma. Prim. radioaktiv. izotop. 2 no.3:73 D 161. 1. Onkoloski Irwtitut Medicinskog faktLIteta u Beogradu Upravnik: Prof. dr. Harija ViBnjic-Frajnd. (IODINE ISOTOPES THEFWEUTIC) (MYROID NEOPLASM) ,JL,I,L 11 a -~._ , G, M. I "-)rcf~s ~_)' "ii ", ilf :. . i. ( - - ., 'u - .,~k 'I, ; " - - ' J~ . , - . -, Tine 195,,, ~,_-orr. -1, 7` ~ i; -) 9 1 ev i ia ) - .1. 1 SO : I-,oiithl,, I.-P,' or t, ",uro c.A,,i onti, ( , 1, ., V u, 1. J~iri. IT)'5 , .1 !ncl. GUZINA, D.; PLUTELIG H , MILOSAVLJEVIC, A.; BUGARSKI, M.; ZIVKOVIC, S.; S -!-~ J&TFB, -S. ; NESKOVIC, B. Use of radioactive iodine in tho troutmont of hyporthyroldism. Prim. radioaktiv. izotop. 2 no-3:69-72 D 161. 1. Onkoloski instiltut Medici,nskog fakilteta u Beogradu Upravnik.: Prof. dr. Marija Visnjic-Frajnd. . (IODDIE ISOTOPES THERAPEUTIC) (HYPERTHYRDIDIS141) y PNXTOLIC, A BORIC, D., MnDSAVZIJEVIC, I., PANTELE I M. Yugoslavia (4") Science-Periodicals Effect of qualitatively different alimentary djei~s on the secretary glands of the stomach. p. 14,5. Sr palm adadmija nauka. Twtitut 2a izueavenje lebrane moroda. ZBDENIK RONA. Beograd. (Trans- actions of the Institute for Research on Peopleliq Nutrition of the Serbian AcadwW of Sciences. Vol. 19, No. 1y 1952. Am_t Euromm Aecessions ULt, Library of Congress. Vol. 2, No. 6, 3une 1953. Unclassified. A 100 N,j PANMIOg N,j IVAFKOVIOO D, Value of newer drugB In therapy of u:Lcera. Ked. 91asn. 11 no.6:211-214 June 51. le Interno odelenje - UBtsvna baza -- u Gradskoj bolnici u Beogradu (s*ft prof. dr. M. Andrejovic) (PZPTIC UIM, ther. indict (Ger)) NIL-WAVIJEVIC, A.; NESKOVIC, B.; BUGARSKI, M.,; PANULIC, M.; GUZINA, D. Irradiation of myelofibroeis with radioactive iron. Bul se Youg 7 no.1/2:12 F-Ap 162. 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta, Beograd. Tests iri pr I ler, c err, -nE~ti~ Y- -~'n -( !::e lru~ tccies. 4 lal p. 101 (BeL-rade, Institut ze if, z4ulcj,~-j j-: No. L, 1~~6. Beorrad, Ywc-,lpva.-) Eontbly Index cf' ~~st Eur ~(-,-n j_CGFjSC4 ons V 7, r,( L- Vl Febr~,,-.ry 1~1-~SCA BMIC, D.. prof.; HILOSAVURVIC, ing.; PAMBLIC, MI. Iffect of various qualities of food on gastric secretions Bull. Aeadeserbe so.,classe med, 11 no*2%lV+-l08 1954, (POW, affects, or.gastric secretion) (GASTRIC JUVM, secretion, off. of food) MILOSAVWEVIC, Aleksije; PANTELK, Mladomir; IRIGARSKI, Miodrag; GUMNA. Doko criteria for the evaluLation of congestive spleen diseases using radioactive chromium (Cr-51). Srpski arh. celok. lek. 92 no.12:1165-1174 D 164. 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerzitets, u Beogradu ~Djxektor: prof. dr. Marija VJ.snjic-Frajnd) Interno odeljenje za primenti radioakti~nilh izot,opa (Nacelnik: dr. Alekaije Milosavljevic). UrLOSAVLJMC,, Aleksije; GDZINA, I)oket; PANTELIC,, )IladozLir; BUGAHSKI, Hiodrag; NESKOVIC, Blagoje Measurament of blood volume in poIyqyt)v)nia. Srpski arh. ealok. lek. 91) no.4-.421-428 Ap '62. 1. Onkoloaki instiint Kedicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu UpravrAks prof. dr. Marija Vismic-Frajnd. MILOSAV-17XVIC, Aleksijt, dr.; GUZINA, Djoko; BUGARSKI, Miodrag; PANTELIC, Amemic and latent hemolytic syndrome In 2 cases of sple-nomegalic lymphogranulomatoi3ib. Srpski arti. celoh. lek. 92 no.109.1003-3.008 0 t64 1. Onkoloski institut Medicinskog fak-u:.teta Univerzlte..a ii Beogradu (Direktor: prof. dr. Marija Tirinjic.-Fra.ind); Inte-r-no odel-'enje za primenu radjoaktivnih izot.opa (Nal-ielnikg dr. j .Aleksije Milosavljev~a). A., 'Q 3 10:n~ r C,~ .1 Aa 11 1 al n Ej oi n 314 1 FQk,.~l tri t,,' t,:~ sl q anj A!D 19 3 s tile n t~ ow 3el.~-ra,le, A-hi'l Za CelClktlr,)no e .ca 1, ~3 t v r3 7~-r- 7 2 it LhA Do-~e va r r -DW 3 9 c r I b a r~ a 5 -IV E, o c~ e r, ~o t n e a o y an-' 0 2 c r. 3 e -e h Ina T~ it '_aat ~ia vai rinvqra' b;.e an. n i -n of, f" A e a a u3e r-f (3 1 o np -; u r R c) 2 Ul V11 9 :A o mi gnortaninc. t1a Ife r-,f e-y',lrPc,,jtas n i S ta a 9 e I touclle,3 tunDr!, Ls wall as Ccia- -f the Gre,,t C,-, ,e --~eransu, 1. ca~ r om s a 1- 0 "1 0 f C Z- r r Cl 3 -L- o t 1 as- t s n t ~- t an,e..21 a Tine clase was stullai by maaxi3 of ralloactive Iron ch-rome after therapy. Re-ferencias to 13 recent wo.&__-~ RAq#=GAz 'I*AWWaC-VAS pt!OIAM~p of Intemal contamination In -processing uranium orw; abotr*ct* man Hem dr Z7 no.9/10061 264 1. Institute of Nuclear Raw Materials., Belgrade. PLITrELIMON, Anton, elev (Foesani) Generalization of problem 4538. Gas mat B 14 no. 10:602-o"04 0 r63- PAN TELIMON, C. Graphic and analytic methods for determining the inverse voltage across polyphase rectifiers with M phase. p. 44. AUTMTICA SI ELECIRMICA, (Asuciatia SUintifica a Injinerilor S1 Tehniclenilor din Romania) Bucwesti, Rumai,,da, Vol. 8. no. 1, Jan./ Feb. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEaI) LC, VCL. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959 Unel, 3P.AMET , C0218tantin't Ing* ~A- ~-e , - Eleotronic regulator vith duration-modtLIated pulvev of the Bame polarity* Automatiea eleetrovie, 7 noo6C.69--274 I-W63. 42. p. p ~'St' Ins ..And"* mf~ ir6idi bo' 9~1 chibi it wet pp lalvirs 1wr secardlM of ot n6j"m I~q. Into: We: dmAcal 4im "Mam"Wed WN ' mi d)scu$si4 R So Pop.: Distir ai it Vear cf 'r A tft 2 A ci I P 5 (;i"! AT IA "C: , llcrthly Ust c' rasl -xcDch: Ac' er,51(1 AJ. L c I'arch 2955, uncl. PAINTELDIOTI, TH.; PAVEIESCU, D. 14agnetic-tape recording of some mechanical magnitudes with slow variations. p. 1073. Academia Repablicii Populare Rorine. Institutul de Xecanica Aplicata. STUDII SI CERCETARI DE FIECANICA APLICATA. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 8, no. 4, 1957. Monthly list cf East European Accessions (EEAII) LC, Vol. ", no. ', ku"-. 1, r -. - I ~ Uncl. PAVTELIXIN, A. A. 16235 PANTELIKIR, A. A. I OSii--ItOV. R. A. Z& rasehirentye proizvodetva bobrika. Tektatil. prom-st'. ir,4c), "o. 11, s. 24-25 SO: LatODIS' ZhurnRlInykh Statev, No. 49, 1049 PANTEMIN, A. A. "Advanced ezparieneb and practice in every textile enterprise, Rivalry Increasing in tbe Russian woolen concerms",, published by State Publishing House of Light Industry, SO: Textile Industry,, Moscow 1955. PANMIKIN, A.A. Competition is broadening in the enterprises of the Main Admi- nistration of the Wool Industry (R.S.F.S.Re). Ttkst.prom. 15 no.2:6 F 155. (MM 8:3) le Glavnyy inzhener Glavnogo Upravleniya Sherstyanoy Promysh- lennosti (RWM). (Textile industry) PANTELIKPI,A.A., inzhener r- I ; - ~ I -,, For an increase in the length of a bolt of fabric. TekBt.prom.15 no-8:23 Ag'55. (HMI! 8:11) (Woolen and worsted manufacture) Z,,4T,.,Tudor, i g.; GEORGESCU, V., DIMITRIU, N., ingi.; RDMUL, Radu, ing.;,PAN F n ing.; POTOCWM, I., ing,.; RADULESCU, M.; GHW~GHE, Gh.; ORWK, Geza Letters to the editor. Probleme econ 1~ no.10:11+7-151 0 162. 1. Director, Trustul regional de constametii, Ploiesti (for Dimitriu). 2. Director, Trustul reg5-onal do construdiii localev Brasov (for Romul). 3. Director, Trustul regional do constauctii, labi (for Pantelli). 4. Director, Truqtul regional do contruattii locale, Galati (for Georgescu). 5. Director general, Combinatul si~orurgic, Resita (for Potoceanu). 6. Ibgiiier sef, Resp. Inovatiij, Intreprinderea Trainica, Pucioasa (for Rad~les~uj. 1. IntropriAder6a Trainica, Pucioasa (for Gheorghe). 8. Director, Fabrica de confectii Flacara, Cluj (for Orbok). PA','-,f ozFuLDS p J. tnntv) Measurement of the gramilarit - of r.-.,1 r, c-trrleI hy r, the; r c1,,, the law of tho rate~'of flow ~f wrta: rj:,.a~j w-tj, si3t. Vol. 3, no. 3/4, 1955 VUDOHC,,6T--ODA!43Iff Bratislava, Czechoslovakia ~:7 Source: E~st Acct~=s-nr. List. of, Oc-- ress Vol. 3, ;lu--Uqt 1~56 PANTELOPULOS, Jan, ins. Design of the Otava River regulation in the city of Fisek. Vodni hosp 13 no.9059 163. Y.TT, ICHIEN KO ) "!. . -1 ~ , I -. ., b , ; "(,1 -11 , ~FVA , I., , "( " 1%, . , i TIL 7 1: . . ... V. I i l,-,- , " UW-Mi, . ~ N , P A NIP F ! y ". , , C, . E , , i r., z 1 -. . Plocnerni r all -on.~ mi t i c,n c- f nxyj~-en I?v *,.-.e jR!3te Wa %erl ~)~' KhEzrkov. Vo4~ i san. telt. no.4:,,-.14 ..',p 165. . ~Q:, ,I YUFA, Engel' Pavlovich; PAVLOV$ S.P,, inzh., retsenzent; AVIER, B.YaL,,D In2b,, reteenzent; MIRKIN, A.A.,, inzh.~ red.; SALYANSUY, A.A., red. izd.-,Ya; WIRNOVA, G,V., tekhn. red. [Cutting tool department of a machinery plant] Instrumentallnoe khoziaistvo mashinostroitellnogo zavoda. Moskva., Goo.nauchno- tekbnllcheskoo izd-vo mashinostroit.Ilt--ry, 1961. .1-17 p. (MIRA 15-1) (Machinery industry) (Metal-cutting tools) 7XF!GOV, G.V., prof., doktor ekon.nauk4 Prinimal uchastiye SWANOV. A.Ye.. I PAY=*.-B*.Te.p Insh.g.retsensent;.100GINMY, M.N., inzh.-skon.. 'r'ed-.7'i IALiASKIT, A.A., red.izd-va: BLIKIND. V.D.. [planning at machinery plants] Planirovanie na mashinostroltelf- nykh savodakh. lzd.3, parer. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 48o p. (MIRA 13:4) (Machinery industry) NNSHITOT, Grigoriy Akimovich;'PANTER, ... Bja.., reteen28Ut; FROTSEROV, S.A., .101- -1-1 retsenzent; ROZWLIT. a.M., red.; TKAGME, A.I., red.izdwvs; Mom's B.I.9 [Production analysis of plants; practices of a plant] Analis prolsvodetyannoi delatellnosti savoda; Is opyta raboty savoda. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. n6 p. (KIRA 12:5) (Machinery industry) 137-1958-1-81 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 15 (USSR) AUTHORS: Pante rovskiy, K. M. , Poletayev, G. S. TITLE: Remote Control of Dressing Plant Eqtiipment (Distantsionnoye upravleniye mekhanizmami obogatitellnykh fabrik) PERIODICAL: Kolyma, 1956, Nr 9, pp 29-31 ABSTRACT: A system of remote control of the equipment in the milling portion of the plant, with partial interlocking and two-way trans- mission of information, is proposed. A. Sh. 1. Ores-rrocessing-Equipment 2. Roll-ing mille-contrel Card 1/1 MITOV, A., Date.; PANTIV Diagnostic value of esophageal electrocardiography. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no-1:83-88 1957. 1. 1z Katedrats po propedevtika na vulreshnite bolesti pri M I.P. Pavlov - - Plovdiv (Zav. katedrata: dots. A. Mitov). (MMTROCARDIOGRAPHY esophageal (Bulb) '-- FAMV. 1. SPIMMON First autochthonous syndrome in visceral leishmaniasis in Korea. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.9:46-50 1958. 1. 1z Iratedrata po propedevtika na vutreahnite bolesti pri VNI I Favlov-- Plovdiv (Zav. katedrata: prof. A. Mitoy) (Po mwiteriali ot Bulgarskats. bolnitsa v KDreia, g1. lekar: D. Marinov). (IiRISHWIUSIS, VISCERAL, epidemiol, autochthonous case in Korea (Bul)) GIMOV, 14; PANTZV, 1. Congenital disorders of auriculoventricular conductivity. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no.4:8&BF3 19.57. 1, Iz Zatedrata po propedevti)m na Pa-qlov - Plovdiv (Zav. kate&ata' BIOCK, case reportag AV conductivity disord. vutrashnite bolesti pri VNI I. P. A. Kiltov)e in 3 xiembers of family (Bul)) MITOV, A.; STANW, Xh.; TMIHV, G.; WTIV, I. ; VASITAV, S. Clinical observations on hemorrhagic fever In Pollanovgrad. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no-50-9 1957. 0 1. 7z vatreshnsta proDedevtichna kliniks, pri VNI 1. P. Favlov - Plovdiv (zavezhdashch: dots. A n Mitov) i Obedinenata gradska bolnitea-Polianov- grad (GI. lekar: Ang. Manev). (XPIDEMIC IMMORRMGIC FEVIR, epidemiology, in Bulgaria (Bul)) PANMV, I.; R&DWIAVOV, L. Infectious mononucleosis in nrea. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.6:36-40 1958. 1. Iz Katedrata po propedevt2m na vatreahnite bolesti pri, VMI 1. P. Pavlov Plovdiv (2RV. katedrata: dots. k. Hitov). i Institute, za burza meditsinska pomoBch N. 1. Pirogov - Sofiia (gl. 1"r: B. Devetakov). (Po materiali ot Bulgarokats boluitea v lorela). (G1. lekar; D. Harinov). (MMTIOVS MONONUCUMLS, epidemiol. In lorea, lot cases (Bul)) 9 KO - AGOPIAN 0 PANTBVO I* Echingdrbb*~Kee~i~atlon; prehilar pulmonary echinococcus perforating into the pulmonary artery. Suvrem, mod.,, Sofia 8 no.5:97-102 1957. 1. Iz Katedrata Do patologichna anatomiia pri VNI 1. P. Pavlov--Plovdiv (Zav. katedrata: prof. A a. Prodanov) i Utedrata po vatreshna propedeytiks pri VNI 1. P. Pavlov -- Plovdiv (Zav. )aitedrata: dots. A. Mitov)* (BOHINGGOOGMIS, complications, pulm.. with perf. of pulm. w!tery (Bul)) (WNG DISMSMS, complicationsp echinococcosis, with perf. of pulm. artery (Bal)) PAYM 9 1. ; POPOV, St. r---~G,se of dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. Suvrem. med.. Sofia 8 n0-3: 103-106 1957. 1. 1z Khtdrata po propedevtikn. rm vutreBhnite bolesti pri VNI I. P. Pavlov Plovdiv. (Zav. kntedrats: dote A. Hitrov) i Utedrata po patologicha anatomiia pri VNI 1. P. Pavlov Plovdiv (Zav. Kntedrata: prof. As. P~-odanov) (AORTIC AHMMM, case reports, disneating (Rul)) PANTEV I, M tl-- ballistoo-irdlogram in adult ffulbjectB. Folia mad. (Plovdiv-) 6 no..L&40-45 164 1. Higher Medical Institute "I.P.Pavlo-r* in Plovdiv-, Bulgaria, Chair of propedeutics of internal diseases (Chieft Prof. A. Mitov). PAYMV. 1. Some features of the course of pneumonia in Korea. Sarrem. ned., Sofia 9 no.3:47-52 1958. 1. Iz Kqtedrata no proredevtilm nn Yntreshnite bolestl pri VMI I. P. Pavlov--Plovdiv (Zav. katedrata: dots. A. Hitov) Po mnteriali ot bul- garskate bolnitsa v Irorein, gl. lekar: D. Parinav). (PN-",,UMONIA, mnifest. clin. course of dis. in loreq (Bul)) IAHOV. N.; WMV. A.; SAVOY, S.;"L!~~~'QDDDSIRV, L. A field rodent Apodemus Warius, the carrier of L. bataylaa. Surres. med., Sofia 7 no.10:86-87 1956. 1. Is Katedrata po propedevtika us vutreshnits boleeti (Zav. kktedrata: dots. An. Mitov) i Inatituta po biologita pri VE I.P. Favlov - Plovdiv (Zav: prof. Zh~ Lambrev), (LIF70SPIRA * butaviae, transmission by Apodemm agrarius) (RDDMM Apodems agrarius, carrier of Leptoopira bataviae) PANT)e, i.- MITOT, A., dots,~ SAVOY, Sq FAUTM. L; ASA, Eq 2NDDDSIN. X.; UIRISTOT, a.; K&12&ZOV, ApIdemlological considerations on carriers of benign leptoppirosis In Bulgaria. Savran. nod., Sofia 3 no.2:7,4-80 1954. 1. Is Propedekicbmata vatreshma klinike pri Meditsinskata akadexiis I.P.Pavlov, Plovdiv (sav: dots* AXltoy). UNTOSPIROSIS, epldomdology, *Bulgaria. carriage by rodents) (RODWS, *transm. of leptoopiromis In Duagarla) IVAMOV, N.; GIUBDV, M.; SAVOY, B.; KITHISTOV, G.; PANUT, I. DyimIc investigation of certain changes In the blood and Its practical significance In rheumatic disease. Sofia 6 no-3:35-40 1955. 1. Is Propedevticbnata vutreshns klinlim pri Visehila meditsinski Institut I.P.Parlov-Plovdiv (zav.katedrsta: dote. A.Mitor) (MUMATISM, blood In.) WOOD, in various diseases, rheum. ) p/py 7~~- V, /, PANTSF, L; SMIXV, P. Problem of periarteriarteritte nodoes., Sofia 6 no-7: 100-107 1955. 1. Is Katedrata po propedevtika nn vutreishnite bolesti (zav.: dots. A.Hitov) i Kate&rata po obebeha pa6tologila i patologichna amtomila (zav.: prof. As.Prodanov) pri Visehiia meditsinski inatitut I.P.Pavlov, Plovdiv. (PMARrERITIS MDDSA?) NAKOV9 KRUSHIEVA, L. ~ PANIFEY., L. Inciden-e rj.-" rhewrz' i ~j7, and , ~-I~ 1, ~ S-' -1 1 , " among the wczOkers f:f tnt~ "Ge,)rFi Pra" t:--;vl" T-rdrling - I - I ~ I ,,f f - c a . 3uvr. jr,"d. (3 :f i Ja) I In- IrS. BULGARIA, ROB--.V, S.':~ T., Institute of Radiology, Sofia a-,*, " "Sythesiz; and Radiobiological Study of GaLma-lzothluronlum Butyroamidino" Sofia, Do'clady Al.-aer-7AI Vol 19, No 11, 1966, pp 1039-1041 fZngliz:h articlel 1---~ercapto othylamino and amino-othyl isothiuronium compounds have proved to be the mosst active r--dioprotective agents. Tne pre~cat papeZ reports on the synthesia and radioprotoctive properties of gamma-isothiuronium butyroamldirkaG. The presentation of the zatarials and .7:athods Is followed by the study of radiobiological behavior of ga:.--.a-iaothIuronium butyroamidine dihydrochloride. Data show that the nur-bcz of mice Eui-viving X-ray irradiation in the group protected with ,1=a-jc;othjuronium butyro=idino is much higher than that in the controls. A poini: of spe-clalintorcst in the radiobiolo."Ical Investigation of .-C=1a isothiuronium butyroamidine is the ir,?ossibility of a tranagua-alidination arrangcment an la tho caso of AET. -iiiis unequivocally shows that the radloprotoctive activity of ic;othluronium amiriou Is directly connectod with their p"-'.Pai-y izothiuronium structure and not with their potential ability to produce SH-group containing substances in the organism Reforencer.: 3 Bulgarian, I Soviet, and 5 Western. (:-:anuscz'Lpt recoivad, 16 Jul 66.) 34 - c 6 Vol 13/P Internal 1--ed. 'mil 5" EX(:ERIITA YMICA SP 4238. FMST AUTOCHTHONOUS CASE OF VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS IN KOREA jBulgarian text) - P a n t e v Y Chair of Med. Prop., Super. Med. Inst. 11. P. Pavlov" Pldi;-----g MED. 1958. 9/9(46-50)IJIus. 3 7%e patient was a 22-year-old male in whom the complications, including a hepatic cirrhosis, thrombosis of the splenic and portal veins, necompanied by bleeding varices of the oesophageal veirks. caused a fatal outcome. (L. 6) 4t K64MDOVv L., prof.; AMMOVjo At.; PANTEV4. L.; G]Mj, B. Combined Injuries 6f the abdown and pelyls. lbirargiia 15 no.9/10:839-%7 162. (ABWMAL MURIM) (FELIM) PANMAO L. On Milkwn's sYndr=e. Khirargiia (Sofia) 16 no.3,.299-302 163. 1. Vissh meditainski institut "I.?. N.vlorl - Plovdiv Ratedra po propedevtika na khirargichnite zaboliavaniia Rukovoditel na katedratat prof IU. Toshev. WRES ?OSTE%UACIA) (FRACT - -,Qwi is! Case of diverticulim -f -e7-icrrdi=. Khirurptia, Sofia 10 n-,.",: 455-456 195?. 1. (1z RMirargichnnta -)rone-levtiahnn V-1iniks nrl Vieshita Hedits-intkii Institut 1. P. Pavlov -- Plovdiv). (P'~NIGATMIMI. ilverticuln case PANTRA, L. Unusual complications in echinococcosis. Xhirurgila, Sofia 11 no.4:358- 361 1958. 1. Viesh meditsinB)d inatitut 1. P. Pavlov - Polovdiv katedra po prope- devtlka no khirurgichenite zaboliavanlia Zav. katedrata: dots. Iu. Toshev. (BORIN000000611431. complications, unusual cases (Bul)) IMADZHISTAYCV, 13., Dots.; MEW, Zh.; CMVMIVANDY, G.; PANMA, L; GINEV, 3. Ranic principles in the treatment of fracture of the ankle. Ehirurgiia. Sofiz 11 no.5-6:499-450 1958. 1. (a razbor na materialite na Ithirurgichnite kliniki pri VNI 1. P. Favlov-Plovdiv, za godinite --1955) (AMUR, fractures. Burg. (Bul)) PANMA, L. Primar tuberculosis of the appendix. Khlrurgiia, Sofia 9 no-7-8: 645-647 i9,56. 1. Viesh maditsinski institut "1.P. Pavlov"--plovdiv katedra po khtrurgicbna propedevtik-a. Zav. katedrata: dots. lu. Towhev. (TUBERCUWSIS, GASTRDINTESTINAL, appendix (Bul)) SIVEDV, T.; PAIRTIVA, L. Canoe of ectopla cordle. Khtrargila. 5ofia 9 no-6:534-537 1956. 1. (12 Katedrata po khirurgichns propedeytika pri TMI I. P. Pavlov-- L. Plovdiv). (UMBILICAL CORD, abnormalities. ectopy (Bul)) PAUTEVA, La A rare anwaly cf the large intestine. Thirargiia (Sof" ~'a) 17 nu.5~:614-515 164 1. Tz Kr' z~d:,&'La po prcpedertika na khlrurgichnite 2mbDlya,- vanlia., V sah medits-inaki In,3t.t-ut "I.P.Fa7lov", Plovdiv. DOBREV,Y.; KALEV,N.; PAYTEVA, L. Primary sarcoma of the lung. Folia med. (Flovdiv) 6 no.1:58-63 164 1. Institut de Hautes Etudes Medicales "I.P.Pavlcv" de Plovdiv, Bulgarie Chaire de Chirurgie de Faculte (Direct(ar: prof. Y.Dobreivi- Chaire de Chirurgie Propedeutique (Dir-.cteur: prof. U. Tochevj. PAT-41TEVA, L. A case of firearm injury to the gallbladder. Fhirurglia (Srafidp-) 18 no.4:4P2-483 165. 1. Katedra po propedevtika na khirurgichnite bolesti, Vissh inatitut, Plovdiv (rukovoditel - prof. TU. Toshev). PA 2POWIm d OW n&Wn d amme beshk =A IM deetm domw !Zm~ rw jj Kir &w H. MRUJ-V~ -4 -V (J. PAYS. P" , it ). Dr is b=W 161', Tbr ratio (v.p, of 11) is 0-1103. O-ODD, 0-013, &tml .023 aim. Thechanges 0 ON of tftv carray &W tm*t costrat we vale. The cmtmp%, of Calk at 23' is 28-3; this val. dimarm with that cak. from tbi trmp. coeff. of thr "Dtial culcu armalpm. I i H. PAM%nvA, A.M.,s , , , Studying the traimlocation and retention of octamethyltetramide- pyrophosphsO, Trmly VIZR no*7.'33-46 156. (MIRA 11:7) (4rophosphoramids) I PANTIo B. The Economic Railroads are ten years old. p. 688 (Kozlekedesi KozIony) Vol. 13, No. 39, Sept. 1957, Budapest, Hungary SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF LAST EUROPEAN ACCMIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 PANTIP Gyula, dr. Oprational secident-9 during the Let hOf of the year ocn-airtng in the workplaoes under the supervision and guidanod of No.1 Railroad Department. Vasut 14 no.9:27-28 S 164. PANTIC Dmgan ing. (Beopmd,, Koce Kapetana 46); LOIJC, Slobodan, ing. VIJATOV, Slavko, ing. (BeIDP*d) Generator of contimially changing phase lagging frorr 00 to 3600. Tehnika Jug 17 no.4:720-726 Ap 162. PARTIC, Dragan, inz. (Koce Kapetana 46, Beograd) Verifying the distortion of the modulating sigma at the pulse phase modulation. Tehnika Jug 17 no-5:SuPPl-: ElektrotehniIca 11 no.5:931-935 My 162. PANTIC, Dragan'. ing. Thermic rapture and lWateremis cycle in transistoro. Telskommikacije 10 no-3:7-12 0 161. (Trannistore) (Histeresia) FANTIC, Drag",, ing. Criterion for tbs evaluation of the toMmrsturs stability of tmmiv- tor linear amplifierm. Tolskonnikaoije 10 no.4123-16 0 161. (Transistors) (Amp2ifieral Vaomm tube) PANTIC.,-~.. inz. .................... -- , Repeater with variable amplification of linear programming. Telecomunikacije 11 n0-4:30-36 0 162. 14- ~ 11 nMGp Dtaganp im. (Beograd,, Noce Kapetam 46) --- -, ~7 n--- -1-1 -." -, Ilrogrammized evitch. Teha)m Jrug:Svppl.Mektrctebnjjm 13 no,.1:116-221 A 063, PUITIC, Dragan, inz. (Beograd, Koce Kapetana 46); LOLIC, Slobodar, tehn. -~----(Meograd). A transistorized device for continuous moving of electric phase proportionally to the mechanical rotation of a shaft. Tehnika Jug 18 no.10:Dapplement.*Elektrotehnika 12 no.10t 1934-1916b 0163. 30P6 0 IfD VC01/62/000/004/002/002 D261/IJ303 Pantit. Draszan, Digineer; Lolit, Slo!)odan, Technician, atiid Vijatov, Sl~ivko, Technician Welgrade) TI fLIL: Generator of 0-360 0 continu~,Ilv variabie ph~,Lsc shift Telmika, no. 4, 1962, 720-726 ~A 2: 2he ~Lrticle describes a phase shift L-enerator in which linear lo- tentio.meters are used for conLinuous phase shifting of sinusoidal 30-c voltage. fhe H2 potentioi,icter of the OII'!,IG Firm and thu ST,901 C-L eU of tlic jeclu,ain Oim,i i~re exiviples of poteritiometers used for t!,is pur- Dose. To obtain the desired proportionality betiveen the phase shift alld tkie rotation of the meciianical shaft, a triasisturized iristrumes-A, %7:106C F gives " 9 0 diagram is shown in Fig. 7 was built. f1he pl,ase rutor G, C shifted current in relation to the current Passing to t!ie ei;iitter folicv;or Z?l producing on emitter followers 1T,1 ixnd vl'-2 a tension of Oo 'Ind 90o respectively. 0 At the collecturs UYI and the tewiion is lilifte(I for a further 180 producing on eraitter follovvum.-Y3 and ZY4 a teiision of C,Ard 1/ 3 0 ,A./U(; I /C. 2/0a. /C~~-; /CU Generator of 0-3GO ... j 2 1, i IG,,-) 1860 and 2700 respectively. From ZF1, EF2, EF3 and L'Y'll, telisioll uf 0 - - 0 90, ieo, 270 alw 360 iS ')aSsCd to L;Ie POLOIILi...,tur wit~i a )jk, continuous winding. th(-- rotiAtion of the ')OtCtiLiOmC:tQr- a tentsluil I is obtained on ti.,c sLidur, who.-,e plictse relatiun aii tiie i)G- sition of tlic poteiitiometer sli(;crl .L)ut .~huse wmplitudc is cilant",UiAi,IQ. To reduce these vj.iplitude the potenticmeter slider K21 is coll- nected to ICS1 with ;A iiii;1I input i.-Iloedance. The si~,-Alal passes fron to the aciplitude coz.jpensator who-se collector circuit COIItairl-S L~,C- ~jo- tentionieter ~?2 %~.,ith a 360 continuous The transistor f9 re~)rc- sents an emitter folloner with a high input i;:ipedaice. fraisi.,~tvrs 1 L T11 wid T12 represent an ~unplifier, i-Mose selectivity is achieve('. it,itii negative reaction fron, the output of TI! to i,),)ut oF i'10 by cj .. a double filter T with RG elements, and transistor T13 OJISUreS i1 .101.7 OUL ,:~L~-' impedance. phase shift generator has on the frolit PWICI LI S~-,ift button, connections for the input, output and for a ~)-v ,)c;*..'er 0 0~360 calibrated phase shift button is connected to tle shaft KP1 and K.P2 thus ensuring the desired linearity. T!ie genorator is equipped with printed circuit and the phase displacement rwi;,-cs 1'ro:;i Card 2/3 VOO I/G2/000/004/002/002 Generator of 0.3600 ... 9-261/D303 0 0 +4 to -5 . A better performance could not be achieved due to the lack of instruments for regulating the phase relation on the emitters of trans- istors, T3. T4, T5 and T6. There are 3 tables, 12 figures and 3 non-Soviet bloc references. The references to the EI-1glish-language publications read as follows: Chance, Hughes, lilac Nichol, Sayre, Williams: Waveforms, book 19 of the MIT series; Blackburn: Components Handbook, book 17 of the MIT series; Landee, Davis, Albrecht: Electronic designers handbook. SUBMITTEU: September 7, II)GI. Fig. 7 Card .3/3 4 T2 r ra r9 TVTIIh2II3 Ulaz UP OF EF2 ER RSY AK RS2 900 2700 KPI - - - - - - - KP2 EFI 01 KfOUR-JOVANOVIC, Zagorka; SELENIC, Leposava; PANTIG, Dragoslav Clinical picture of tuberculosis in children without 13CG vaccination. Tuberkuloza 15 no.1:59-61 -Ta-Mr 163- 1. Gradska bolnica u Zemunu - Gradsko odaljenje. (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (ISTAT1STICS) 01 YUGOSl,AVIA RASOVIC, Ljubomiri GERZ1C--Zg"a;. LFPOSAV1C, Hiomir; MOVIC, Mroje; MILMMOVIC, 1-11odrag; DUGALIC, Dragan and-YANTIC ;uZoslav; First Surgical Clinic of Medical Faculty of University (kTi;liicsk-a~'il-rni-k7~.Yedicinskos fakulteto Univerziteta), Head (Uprevnik) Prof Dr Ljubomir RASCVIC, Belgrade. "Experimental Ilcmotransplantation of the Kidney in Dogs." Belgrade, SMski Arkhiv za TselokuRno, Lelkarst!T., Vol 93. No 4, Apr 1965; pp 373-380. Abstract CEnglish sumnary modified3i Detailed report on one auto- transplantation and 10 hmotransplantations of the kidney In dDS5. The contralateral kidncy was removed In All except one dog; this wa3 also the only animal that survived over 15 days postoperative, except for the outotransplantatLon case. Table, surgical specimen photograph, 1 Soviet and 9 Western references; manuscript received 18 Dec 64. 1/1 - 21i - PANTIC2 ROSTL 1. Xwivmi Mostaid. Beo%?MdJ% &wWrInaka Emdjgaj, '1952_ ffiassive Bridges. Ifol. 1. stone Bridges. Bibl.7 East European V63. 3, No- 2o Sol Mont List of hJUMM Accessions, /Library of Congress, Febraary, 1954 2M, Uncl. PMIC, 1. OftesIl flora of youmger ftlevzolc from the valley of thelPecka River In western Serbia% P. 71 (Glasnik. Serija A: Nineraloglja, Geologija, Pal ntologija, No. 4. 1951. 1300grad) 1"t Burop"n Irol. 2, No 9 SO., Monthly List of kwadaz Accessions, /Librar7 of Congress, Autu.I~Ir -1953, Uncl. -~MTICIV N. --D "Biostratigraphy of the Tertiary florq of Serbia." p. 199 ( Geoloski Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrava) Vol. 24, 1956 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 PAITTIC, N. I'Liassic Fossils in the Budos Mountains, lJontenegro." '. 293. (GLASNIK. SFRIJA A: MINF'F~AI-CrjUA, PALEGIUCIC-'i.~JA. No. 5, 1952. Beograd, Yugoslavia.) SO: Monthly List of EEst European Accessions, (EFIL) LC, Vol-3, No. 12, Tec. 1954, Uncl. PETROVIC, K.V.; PANTIC, N.K. The Frs4lpine oropnic ammentg in East 51beria idth a specW ~*hasis on the Young Variscian folding. Glas pr:Lr met SAKU no.253: 49-103 163. IANTIC, Rikola K. I Age of the Preshmpter coal-bearing Tertiary in Bosnia on the basism~ paleofloristic investigations. Geol arali 28:1-2.3 ~f6l. .t I PETKOVIC.. K.V., PAINTIC. N.Y. On the disalpine orogen movements in eastern Serbia, with special ;"' I - eraphas"s on the Ycuth Variscian fold. Bul sc nat SANU 32 no.9:13?- 147 163. 1. Submitted June 1st, 1962. -PANTICj Tb; DOGDANMO) n-e; YAMIRO D4; BECAREWC) A;.; JOVICKI~ G. Effect,of the highly.-~polyjperized desoVribonucleic acid of the Uver-on the survival of lethaUy irradiited rats. Cytologi!qal study on the organs of the.4igestive tract., F-Ap 16 w Bid. oq-'Youg 7 no*1/2-:32 U 1-4 Institut "B., Kidric," Vipea, and Fi2ioloski institut Veterinarskog fakulteta, Beograd., Given Nai:L^-a Go, 1:% t.-~ -U, D, None given. 7ns' itwte f or --4stology and Zinbryol (Institut za A;~-! 11:~ ti -)riju i -7nbriologiju.) Presumed: Veterinary Faculty, o-' Belgrade. o 1, 1961, pp 1D-21. ,U:7ce Belgrade, inaria, Vol 11, N Sf, Acta Teter Lnt(l. "The TnflUaftee Of Morprweamine on Thyroidea in the .4-- t. - -- _ P.,, Academic degrees not given, Instit te 'or Phanmcolo.Ey TESICI vu. C l~ ~--S~nstitut za Fa-nmakoloaiju). PresuiEed: ve'~e-rin6a-j Faculty, University oll' Belgrade. J01,.TjU,j01j7C 4. M., Academic degrees not given, 6 ~e -L- _Ins itut for Physiology -(f~iiltut za Fiziologiju). Presumed: Ve-ierinary-Faculty, University of Belgrade. FIANTIC, 17. PANTIC, ~'. 3Pj,-CtjnF 30il- for viney: Hs in VolivoJina. r'. 38. Vol. 4, No. 5. May lq-1;6. POWURDF1 :1 AGRTCTLTLTUR~ BeonFrad, Yuc-oslivla So: Past Eurorean Accpssinn, Vn7. 6, NO. 2, Fpbru-iry 1957 PAWL I C. Z. Selection of grapevines in Vojvodina. p. 25. (Poljoprivreda. Vol. 4. No. 12, Dec. 1956. Beograd, Yugiklovia) SO: Monthly List of Last European Accessions (KXAT) Lc. Vol. 6. No. 8. Agu 1957. Uncl. PAINTIG, Z. ?antic, Z. Vineyards in thf-- ji-strict tc-,.,-i of .,ovi l:a,J. SO: !.,onthly -'ist of --'-as~, ~-w-opeari Access-".-nq -',st (~~LkL" -~-, iol 4, :.,C. 11 November 1955, iincl. YUGOSLAVIA / Cultivated Planto. Fr,,iit, Trees. Small M-7 Fruit Trees. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-31ol., 1958, No 16, 73168. Author : Pantig,,Zivadin D. Inst : Not given. Title : Influence of Laterals on Harvest Yield of Grapes. Orig Pub: Poljopr. Vojvod., 1957, 5, No 3, 31-33. Abstract: In the Sremski Karlovtse (Yugoslavia) experiments were conducted to check the influence of la~lerals on the harvest yield of "Ranuly buviyeva" a*id "Slan- kamenka krasnaya" varieties. The greatest larvest was obtained from roots on which the laterals were left. The most sugar content proved to be In grapes in which the laterals were partly broken at),:)ve fcr the length of two internodes. The least sulgar con- tent and most acidity was in shrubs where tne later- als were cut out. -- Ye. A. Parshina. Oard 1/1 Card 1/1 6o - YUGOSIAVIA/Human and Animal Physiology - (Norm,1 and Pathological). T Internal Secretion. Thyroid Gland. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 17663 Author Jovanovich, M., Panti ch, V. Inst ----------- Title Experimental Goiter and Iodine Prophylaxis, II. Vie Role of Drinking Water in Goiter Etiology and the Influen- ce of Iofline Administration (Orn Rats) from Healthy and Endemic'(with Respect to Goiter) Regions. Orig Pub : Acta veterin., 1956, 6, No 2, 45-52 Abstract : To two-month old rats, food and water from a region where endemic goiter is widespread, were given. An increase of thyroid gland (TG) was noted in animals which received only water, and in those receiving food and water. Rats which daily received I in their drinking water had TG of 4 times smaller weight than in the control. TG of ani- mals which received food and water from a healthy region Card 1/2