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Problems of Dynamics (Cont.) SOV/1209 K.E. Voroshilov) dealing with miscellaneous problems In the dynamics of machines, and the strength, stability, and hysteresis of structures. The scope of the articles is indicated by the table of contents below. Each individual report is accompanied by references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PanovY2,__XAaA., Golltsev, D.I., and Strakhov, G.I. Elementary Fg-oblems of Structural Hysteresis. 5 Kalinin, N.G. Calculation Methods for the Body of All-metal Railroad Passenger Cars. 27 Strakhov, G.I. Simplest Problems of Dynamic Stability of a Rod with One degree of Freedom Having Transverse Connections. 41 Gubanova, I.I. Complex cases of Rotation of a Curved Elastic Rod in a Curved Tube. 51 Card 2/3 Problems of Dynamics (Cont.) 1209 Putyatin, V.V. Pendulum-type Torsional-oscillation Pickup. 63 Golltsev, D.I. Estimation of Hysteresis Losses In Forced Oscillations With Asymmetrical Cycles. 85 Vaserman,, Ye.B. Two-dimensional Oscillations and Stability of Circular Arcs Loaded Hydrostatically Ifith Consider- ation of the Variation in Length of Their Axes. 97 Katayev, I.I. Braking and Blocking in Simple Planetary Transmissions. 115 Golldfarb, V.M. and Stepanov, A.V. Elastic Constants and Strained Condition of Laminated Nonhoinogeneous Media. 127 Tarnopollskiy, Yu.M. Bending of Beams with Straight and Cicular Axes on an Elasto-plastic Basis. 159 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MS/.Isb Card 3/3 3-9-59 AUTHOR: Panovkin, B. N. 33-4-1/19 TITTZ: A Model of the Inner Corona Rased on R,-,-dio -t)ata. (Model' vnutrenney korony po radiodannym) PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy Zhurnsal, 1957, Vol. 34, No.4, pp. 505-515 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The thermal radiation from the sun in the radio range has been studied by many workers, AccordUg to Ginsburg (Ref.1), Shk1ovskii (Ref.2), ard Martin (Ref-3) this radiation is determined by the electron temperature of the upper Chromosphere and Corona. The most characteristic properties of this, radiation are the following: 1. The effective temperature of the radiation increases with increasing wavelength; 2. A considerable amount of the radiation in the centim9ter and meter range is found beyon(I the "optical disc"; 3. The re is an increase in brightness in the centimeter and decimeter range on the optical edge of the sun; 4. Near the minimum of the solar activity the radiating area in the decimeter and meter region is elliptical in Card 1/4 form. A Mode 1 of the Inner Corona Based on Radio Data. 33-4-1/19 A detailed calculation of the distribution of the radio emission over the solar disc for different values of the temperatu,re of the corona was carried out by Smerd (Ref-7). Recent measurements using the interferometric method have produced a number of very interesting and fundamental facts which cannot be easily explained by existing models. The observations were obtained by Firror (Ref.21) at X = 1.45 m, O'Brien et al (Ref.22), Sw ru et al (Ref.23) a ' at 24cm. at X = 60 cm, and Ovsyankin et al (Ref 24 These results are shown in Table 1 and Fig.l. It is clear from them that the maximum brightness in the distribution. of radio brightness across the solar disc does not coincide with the solar limb (as predicted by theory) but lies inside the solar disc. Any 11radiomodel" of the upper layers of the solar atmosphere must explain, if only qualitatively, all the above pioperties of the distribution of radio briditness. The simple model of the corona used up to now cannot explain the above facts and there is not a single paper attempting to explain the displacement of the brightness maximum towards the solar Card 2/4 centre. A modification of the simple isothermic model is A Mode 1of the Inner Corona Based on Radio Data. 33-4-1/19 now described and it is hoped that this will explain the new facts. It is sho= that ixL constructing a model of ill be able to explain the radio the solar corona, which wi data, it is necessary to take into account both the general non-uniformity of the corona amd the change in the degree of non-uniformity with the positional distance. In the opinion of the author the only realistic model is that which takes into account the t43m erature gradient. The existing data (e.g. Allen Ref.323 allows one to determine the variation of tempeiature with distance from the surface of the sm. It is known that from the relatively cold Chromosphere the temperature rapidly increases to a maximm value and then falls off with distance (Fig.3). It is shown that even very approximate models with a temperature gradient explain the observed fact that the brightness peak does-not coincide with the solar limb in the decimeter ranSe. The distribution of radio brightness over the solar disc at longer wavelengths is determined, to a large extent,by refraction. RefracVon must-, be taken into account for wavelengths greater than 1.5 m. For such wavelengths the optical thickness is large and the outer layeks of the corona play an important role. The corona must be taken as denser to the radiowaves than has been Card 3/4 A Model of the Inner Corona Based on &,.dio Data. 33-4-1/19 assumed until now. There are 10 figures, 1 table and 40 references, 15 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: December 14, 1956. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 PANOVKIN, B. N. "Temperature Distribution in the Internal Corona. of the Sun Basod on Radio Data,- paper submitted at the Symposium on Radio AstronorrW, Paris, 30-Jul - 6 Aug 58. PAh,nVKIN. 9.N. Broadened plenum of the Committee or.the Radio Astronomy. Astron. teir. no.190:28-?g Mr 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Fizichaskly Inatitut All SSSR im. ?.N. Lebedeva, Moskva. (Radio astronomy) C?. q /00 80137 3.1"0 S/141/59/002/06/019/024 AUTHORS: Vitkevich, Vo ., Panovkin, file/N�2Sukhoveyt_ A.G. I ' "fl"e"et MMo n ~o TITLE: The Structure of thi- n-homogeneities in the \~ Solar Super-corona PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavodeniy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 6, PP 1005 - 1007 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ove of the authors (V.V. Vitkevich, Refs 1-3) carried out some investigations of the solar super-corona during 1954-1958. However, his observations gave comparatively little information on the form of the scattered source. In the following the results of additional observations are represented. The investigations were carried out at the Krymslaya stantai3a FIAN (Crimean AstronoMica3 Stnti nin) at the wavelength of 5-8 m by means of two radio- interferometers. Systematic observations were carried out during the whole of June, 1959. During this period the solar activity was comparatively stable and did not disturb the radiation from a source in the constellation of Taurus. A curve showing the intensity of the radiation from the source (which was covered by the solar-corona) Cardl/3 is shown in Figure 1. It is seen (Curve 1) that the Lr BOIR s/l4jL/.59/oo2/o6/019/024 E112 Elftes in the Solar The Structure of the Electron Non-homo 046 Super-corona intensity decreased considmvftly on June B; later, the intensity drapped further and reached a minimum value between Jime 14 and 16; further, the intensity increased and, beginning from June 24, it became constant. However, if the interferometer was ori,6nted from East to West (Curve 2 of Figure 1) the intensity of the radiation followed a different pattern. At the SerpukhovsJoya radiofiz*ches)aya stants:Va FIAN (Serpukhovo Radlo-p~hysics Station) it was possible to carry out thg measurements at the wavelength of 3.5 m. The observatiom- were done during mornings- and evenings by employing an inter- ferometer having a base of 320 m. The results obtained permitted the plotting of a curve showing the variations of the relative modulation depth during the morning measurements (Figure 3). The evening observations produced only a few points; these are denoted by crosses in Figure 3. Card 2/3 80137 s/14i/59/oo2/oVoi9/024 E122/082 The Structure of the Electron Non-homogenel les In the Solar Super-corona There ave 4 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: December 7. 1959 L"r Card 3/3 30) AUTHORS: Vitkevich,V.V., ana PanovIkinB.N. SOV33-36-3-22/29 TITLE: On the Question of the Structure of the Nonuniformities of the Solar Supercorons. PERIODICAL; Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,Vol 36,Nr 3,Pp 544-546 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a report on the observatilons carried out on June 13,1957 in the radiophysical station of the FIAN JLntheSexTd=. The base of the observations was the scattering of radio waves emitted by the Crab nebula at the nonuniformities of the solar supercorona, when the latter covers the Crab nebula. The distribution of in- tensity of the emitted and scattered waves leads to the statement that the nonuniformities of the supercorona have the form of oblong streams running nearly radially. It is possible that the nonuniformities run along the lines of force of the magnetic field of the Sun. On the published results it was reported partly in December 1957 at the extended full assembly for radio astronomy, and completely on May 15, 1956 in the colloquy of the Card 1/2 On the Question of the Structure of the SOV/33-36-3-22/29 Nonuniformities of the Solar Super--crona sector of redio astronomy of the Physical Institute imeni P.N.Lebedev. There is 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION:Fizicheskly institut imeni P.N.Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physical Institute imeni P.N.Lebedev of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 15, 1958 Card 2/2 PANOMN, B.N. -'-, ... ---l-I Occlusion of the Grab nebula by the supercerom of the sm, Priroda 48 no.6:125 Je 159. (KIRA 12:5) 1*Yizicheekly institut, im. P.R. Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva. (fiebulae) (Sun-Corona) S10301611000100210061011 B105/132M AUTHOR: TITLE: Plenary session of the Commission on Radioastronomy PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR 3k o. 2, 1961, 1o6 - 107 Y~n "EXT: An enlarged plenary session of the Komissiya po radioastronomii A.itronomicheskogo soveta (Commission on Radioastronomy of the Council of Ae'ronomy) and the Radiosovet Akademii nauk SSSR (Radio Council of the Acaa6my of Sciences USSR) was held in Moscow from November 22 to 28, 1960. It was attended by delegates from observatories, scientific re- search institutes, universities and othpr organizations conducting re- search in this field. The reports am communications gave an idea of the activity of the radioastronomical institutes in the Soviet Union during the three years since the previous plenary session. The following reports were delivered: A.Ye. Salomonovich, on the erection of the 22-meter ra-, diotelescope of the Okskaya stantsiya (Oka Station) of the Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva (Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev). Its Card 1/3 5/030/61/000/002/006/011 Plenary session of the B105/B206 reflector has a diamete:- of 22 meters and in built vith ouch a precial.on that it is possible to receive radio radiation of celestial bodies on short wavelengths of 1 am (V.V. Vitkevich); S.E. Khaykinq Yu.N-, Pariys- kiy and N.L. Xaydanovskiy discussed the properties of radi,otelescopes with reflectors of variable profile. The stress of present problems of solar phyBios is on the investigation of corona-condensations, the splashes and ejections of solar radio radiation, the correlation of increased solar radio radiation with optically active phenomena. These problems were in- veBtigated at the Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya Akademii nauk SSSR (Main Astronomic Observatory of the Academy of Sciences USSR). V.L. Ginzburg and V.V. Zheleznyakov reported on the development of sporadic solar radio radiation; V..V. Vitkevich, on the study of upper layers of the solar atmosphere, the solar supercorona; I.S. Shklovskiy, on radio radiation of the galaxies as well as discrete sources. Further reports were delivered on discrete sources of radio radiation, which were inve- stigated by means of the 22-m radiotelescope of the Physics Institute, on the polarization of the crab-nebula radio radiationj which was discovered on the wave 4 - 20 am, on observations of a galactic area in the line of neutral hydrogen on the wave X - 21 cm. A great contribution was made by Card 2/2 PANOVK3, B.N. - , -- -.- --, ... Devflopment of radio-astro-nortic research in Latvia; In the Scientific Council for the Complex Prcblein of Radio Astronomy. Vest. AV SSSR 34 no.10:111-112 0 164. (MIRA 17: 11) r~`_m_:e te'_'rj-~r a,, Ld __1l fi4,7- -fit n-. e:--. ~~T -~ ANYSHMID, T.G.; PANOVEIN, B.N., inzh.; XOKURIF, Yu.L., kand.fiziko-mtem. nauk,; NOTICHKOVA. N.D., (Radio astronomy: mnotated bibliographical index of Russian and foreign literature, 1932-19381 Hadioestronomiia; annotirovennyi bibliograficheakii ukazatell otechestvennoi i inostrannoi litera- tury 1932-1958 gg. Moskva. 1960. 215 p. (MIRA 1):7) 1. Akademiya nau SSSR. Sektor seti spetsiallufth bibliotek. 2. Glavnyy bibliograf Bibliotaki F12lcheakogo institute im. P.N.Lebadeve AN SSSR (for Neyshilld). (Bibliography--Radio astronomy) PANOVIIN, Boris NikolgeZ&Sh ~ FAYNBOYMP I.B., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., ZeRM. 3100. (Radio signals from outer space] Radiosignaly Vselennoi. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,," 1963. 55 p. (Novoe v zhisni, nauke, tekhnike. IX Serlia. Flaika I khImiia, no.14) (MIRA l6t8) (Radio astronomy) GOLIDIN, V., lnxb.-. PANDYND. B., insh. Some problems in building roads withia blocks in areas of mass constrnetion. Na strol.Knek. 2 no.11:31-32 N 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Road construction) GOLIDIN, V., In2h.; PANDVKO, B., inzh. Using b1tuminous emulsions In treating conernto pavements. Nn straialbsk. 2 no,6:23 Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Pavements, Concrete) (Bituminous materials) FANOVKOP V.H., inzh. Evaluation and choice of electrodes for the hard facing of diea. Svar. proizv. no.3:25-28 W '63. (MMA 16:3) 1. Moskovskiy opytmyy svarochnyy zavod. (Hard facing-Eqnipment and supplies) (Dies (Metalworking)) PINOVKO,, V,H.-, #2h. All-Union Gonference on the Hard Facing of Dies for Hot and Cold Stamping. Svar. proizv. so.3:44-45 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Hard facing-Congresses) S/135/6-3/000/002/005/0 151 A006/A101 AUTHOR: Panovko, V. _X',__jEngincer TITLE: On the method of alloying type P 18 (R18) built-up metal with carbon and tungsten PERIODICAL: 3varochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 2. 1963, 11 - III TEXT: It has been proposed in 1959-- 1960 to use cast tungsten carbide (relite) as a tungsten-containing component of electrode coatings, wrhose advan- tage over forrotungsten is a high and stable tungsten amount. To determine the effect of introducing carbon and tungsten on the properties of built-up metal (combined addition in the form of 1,,'C and W~C (relite) and, separately, in the form of ferrotungsten and graphite), comparison tests were performed with built- up metal obtained by different methods. The built-up meta3, was evaluated from results of metallographical analyGis, studies of the effect of heat treatment upon hardness and structure, and from comparing )red-hardness and microhardness. The metal was investigated after building-up, annealing, quenching, and temper- ing. The following results were obtained. In separate introduction of carbon Card 1/2 S/ I 3516L'IGC)CI()r,2,lc,-,-c,:lr,',- 5 On the method of alloying type... A006/A101 and tungsten to the built-up metal of the high-speed steel type, the amount of ledeburite carbide eutectics is considerably higher ',:nan in combined addition in the form of relite. In the latter case, the solid solution matrix is lesser al- loyed; considerable amounts of martensite are formed in the metal structure d'-'- rectly after hardfacing; as a result, heat resistance of the built-up metal it reduced and proneness to overheating increases during heating for quenching. To increase the heat resistance of the metal in the given case it is recommended to perform complete heat treatment; this will cause partial dissolving of carbide eutectics and the solid solution matrix will be alloyed to a higher degree. The granulation of relite, used in the charge of electrode coatiW, assures the formation of built-up metal without undissolved relite particles. As a result, the heat resistance of' the metal increases, the optimurn temperature range of heating for quenching is extended, the cutting wbility of the built-up meta-1 after annealing is facilitated and the full heat treatment cycle can be avoided if necessary. The described advantages in the structure and some mechanical pro- perties of the built-up metal make it possible to replace ferrotungsten for elec- trodes by relite, raising the operational indices of the built-up metal. 7nere are 3 tables and 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy opytnyy svarochnyy zavod (Moscow &xperimental Welding Plant) Card 2/2 `/135/63/oc,o/oo3/oj.i/oii A006/A101 AUTIIOR- Panovko, V. M., Engineer TITLB,: 'All-Union Conference on the hardfacing of dies for hot and cold press-formilng PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 3, i96_3, 44 - 45 TEXT.- The First All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference on hardfacing of dies was held at Volgograd from November 217.- 29, 1962. The Conference heard the following reports: N. T. Prosvirov (VNIIMIASh) on "Operational co-.~.iitions and the type of forging dies"; L. A. Pozdnyakova (ENIMASh) on "Problems of the durability of dies and preGs-forming steels"; V. A. Popov, END94ASh, on some structural peculiarities of carbide tools for cold extrusion and upsett.-,ng; 1. 1. Frumin, B. V. Danillchenko (Institutc of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Pa- ton) on "Electric-slag hardfacing of some dies"; L. Kolomiets (IES i-pni Ye. 0. Paton) on "Reconditioning of dies by electric-slag hardfacing"; V. A. Timchenko (IES imeni Ye. 0. Paton) on "A machine with program control for automatic hard- facing of forging dies"; Reports on manual are-hardfacing of dies,were delivered Card 1/2 ,9/135/6*3/000/003/006/011 Aoo6/Aloi AUTHOR: Panovko, V. M., Engineer TITLE: Evaluation and selection of electrodes for the hardfacing of dies POUODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 3, 1963, 25 - 28 TEXT: Electrodes of various grades were investigated in order to select the suitable ones for the hardfacing of dies. The investigations were made with CT-3 (St.3) steel 'plates. The fourth built-up layer was tested In order to ex- clude the effect of the base metal. The basic indices for selecting the elec- trodes are the hardness and heat resistance of the built-up metal and the pos- sibility of performing the complete heat treatment cycle without impairing the quality of the base metal. The electrode coatings should not contain scarce ma- terials in order to permit their industrial use. Large-scale production requires a stable quality of the built-up metal. The Moscow Experimental Welding plant recommends M-60 M (EN-6014) electrodes for the hardfacing of dies since they meet best the aforementioned requirements, show satisfactory welding properties, and low crack-sensitivity. They may bo used to hardface dies operating at up Card 112 S/135/63/0W/003/006/011 Evaluation and selection of... Aoo6/Alol to 4000C. Grade 0311-1 (OZI-1) electrodes are recommended for hardfacing broaching and calibrating dies, operating at elevated temperatures. The hard- ness and heat resistance of the metal built up with these electrodes, raises the resistance of the hardfaced tools by a factor of 8 - 15. There are 3 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy opytnyy svarochnyy zavod (Moscow Experimental Welding Plant) Card 212 -PLILTINP, M-1t,.-inzil , pro,~- rt.--*e s of --ne me tal in th in b-~- - ---, ~= - - ~' -- . .'var. proizv. Ja `65, PAN(JEWS V.M.v inzh. ~-. --6~ Hathod of alloying depositeds, type RIS metals, by carbon and tungsten.' Svar. proizve no.2;11-14 F 163. (MRA 16:2) I,, Moskovskiy opytnyy evarochnyy zavod. (Electroforming) (Iron-tungoten.-chromium alloys) f,--.r the bi;~ PANOVXO,-Ya. (Riga);,STRAKNOV, G. (Riga) 1. Structural damping in threaded joints. Vestia IAtv ak no.12i 15-26 159. . (EW 9:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyskay SSR, Institut mashinavedeniya. (Damping (Mechanics)) PANOVYIO, Ys. Ag., it. au. Dzhanelidze, G. Yu. The stzitics ol enstk r-:~s. Leningrfi~, Goa. iz`-vo I - I - tekhniko-teorct. lit-ry, 10/46. 202 p. (Sovremenriye problemy m,-Phaniki )' ( 5!--- 11 5C3 7 ;~ ~A~35.D9 LA-N-QTLO. YA. 0. (W.) PROK071YEV, DOCINT V. 1. MSR-(6oo), Automobile* - Transmission Devices Forced fluctation of autonobile systems having a hydrodyn&nic coupling. Prof Th. G Phnovko, Docent V.W. Prokoflyev. (Trudy) NAMI Wo 48. 1947. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Reptembex-1951, Uncl. 2 VA C)VjtC) '0 Y IAN DZHAMIDZE., G. IU., and G. PlLiWTKO. Statika upragikh tonkostenny1ch sterzhnei. Leningrade, Gostekhizdat, 19h8. 206 p., diagrs. (Sovremennye proble,-W meknaniki) Bibliography. p. 207-2o(.. Title tr.: Statics of elastic thin-wailed rods. QIL935.Dg SO: heronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. &no ~k - C. PANOVKO, A. G., and 9. 11. KAN. Elementy stroitellnoi mekhanflci tonkostennykh konstrul-tsii; pod red. A. M. Cheremukhina. Eoovchchenn v k-achestve ucheb. posobiia 'ilia evia" ruzov. N!ns'-va, Clav. red. aviats. lit-ry, 19h9. 126 p., diAgrs. Title tr.: LI-ements of construction mechanics of thin-walled. Structures. Approved as a tey-tbook for schools of advanced aeronautical studies. rL671.2.K3 SO: Aerr)TIaUtical Scienres and Aviation in the Sovipt Union, Libriry of ConfresF, 1955. ROSTOVMV, G.G.,,,ZANPVKQ POPOV$ Te.3p.,, reduktor; UN. S.N., I ,,la. G. , reteen2ent; PAVIOU, T.F., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor. (Structural mechanics of the airplane) StroitelInala mekhanika samoleta. Vol. 1. (General course) Obshchii kurs. Leningrad, Leningradskals Krasnoxnamennaia voenno-vozdushnais inzhentrnala akademila. 1950. 43? p. [Microfilm] (MIU 91-1) (Airplanes--Design and construction) jn2yk~~- Tonkostlnnykh Kollstruktsiy (Elemnts of Elem,nty Stroitellnoy Mekhlrdki. Ferer. I DOP-j structure Mechanics in Tljjrj~Odalled Comtructioll) Izd. 2., By S. N. Kan and Ya. G. Ilano-VIco. I'loskva, Oborongiz) 1-952. 161 F. Diagrse, Graphs, Tadles- so: ll/~ 666.2 .Kl 1952 :gmW A~IiPIIVOVX--~C.' Y'V' 124-58-9-10559 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Me khanika, 1958 Nr 9, p 159 (USSR) AUTHORS: J2aD-ovko Gol'tsev, D, 1, , Danilevskiv. V. V. , Kolesnichenko, V. 0. , Khrichikov, V K- TITLE: On Estimates of the Strength of Press Fittings (0b otsenkakh pro- chnosti presso-,,-ykh soyedineniy) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN LatvSSR, 1953, Nr 12, pp 103-110 ABSTRACT: An examination of the problem of estimating the strength of press fittings relati-ae to the attachment of wheels to axles for railroad rolling stock. It is shown that in order to obtain an estimate of the strerigth of a press fitting it is not sufficient to have only a press-iittirg diagram (i. e. the relationship between the fitting force and the relative displacement of the axle against the hub), The authors ofier new recommendations relative to the estimation of the strength of press fittings ard arrange them in two groups: estimates regarding static conditions and estimates in which dynamic loads are taken into account. In examining the first group of estimates the authors recommend that not only the force required to make a press fit be taken into account, but Card 1/2 also the ratio of the force required to pull the hub off the axle as 124-58 9-1055Q On Estimates of the Strength of Press Fittings against the force required to make the press fit. They also propose that standardization be applied not. to the force required to make the press fit, but to the effective negative allowance (after removal of any existing crests or burrs), Relative to the second group of estimates the authors denote the inadequacy of investigations available, and they point out that investigations performed to date fail to reflect realistic operating conditions of press- fitted pairs. They propose an equipment. for dynamic testing whereby concurrent longitudinal and transverse loads could be taken into account. The authors indicate also that a "wear" cur :e iz indispensable, and that a ' wear 11irnit' for press fitted joints should be established on that curve. The list of lit- erature references does not fully reflect the state of the art. 1. Railway ear wheels--Attachment 2. Mechanics--Theory N D Tarabasov Card ~/~ PANOVKO. Ya. 0. "Laws of Vibrations 4M Elastic Systems With Hysteresis". Vopr. dinamiki i Dinamich. prochnosti No ii. aiga, Izd-voAN LatvSSR., PP 91-98,1954 The author repoduces the law of amplitude danpin.-, of free vibrations of an elastic system with one degree of freedom and hy6teresis. Replying to the critical remarks of an 1; 1. Kandaurov ("Calculation of Hysteresis Losses in Designing Structures for Vibrations"), who proposes his own equa- tion for deducing the law of damping, the author objects to this equation, finding in it physical absurdities (in particular,, inconsistency of di- mensions). (RZW4ekh, No 8, 1955) SO: Sum No 83U, 6 F-b 1956 law : PANOVED., Ya. G. Remarks : Engineer G. Nblyukav writes in a review of a ---I on aircraft construction that 0. N. Rozanov, A. S. Bedumkevich, V. Ya. Krylov, Ya. G. Pawvko and G. G. Rostovtsev are the authors of a book entitled "Special Features of Jet Aircraft Construction". Source -. P: Vestnik VozduabnoipD Flota, No- 3, Y*zrh 1954, pp. 80-82 ;USSR/Engineerlx~~Bib FD-1118 -2A3 ~,C!E~~ jPub. 4-1-1 ~,_,'-Author Volotln, V. V. and Panovko, Ta. G. Title Review of the book by V. M. Machnikov, %ome Methods for C"alculation of Vibrations of Elastic Systems Under a Mvable IA>ad", Gosstroyizdat (state Construction Publishing House), 1953 ..Periodical .Izv. AN SSBR. Otd. takh. nauk 5p 153-1560 may 1954 .-Abstract Review above-mentloned book. State it adds nothing to tbc literature in this field and that it was a mistake for -the publisher to release it. Eleven references. -Institution Submitted May-29, 1954 ---------- ------- - ------- - -- ------------ - PAMM. YA.G. Critical force of compressed columns in the inelastic range. In2h. sbor. 20:16G-163 '54. (MIBA 8:7) (Columns) (Statics) V7~ L 4 Y 's A .. - -- - . ~ I - ~: ~ - ~~ - ~il- --- !j-, ~ , 11 - , :.,, PANOTIED, Ta.G.. Card 1/12 Vibration of elastic systems accounting for energy dissipation in the material.' G.S.Pizarenko. Reviewed by Ia.G.Panovim. Prikl.mekh.2 no.2: 227-229 156. (Xim 9:10) (Vibrations) (Slasticity) (Plearonke, G.S.) c ddi - other technological processes are ons, recl. Sone of these problems are connected with the latest technological developments which Include Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 nev vibration problem: frictional autovibrations, vibrations in metalcutting, automatic bal ing of rotors, etc. Corqxxtational methods are stated and compared, and as a result, sone traditional concepts are declared obsolete, e.g., application of Fourier's series to the analysis of forces. The text is illustrated vith in row calculations. The book my serve as a guide to literature In the field ea~d as an introduction to specialized literature con- cerned vith complex problem in the theory of vibrations. Soviet contributions In the field of the theory of elastic vibrations are mentioned along vith developments of ww problems, derivation of particular wid generalized solutions, etc. There are 178 figures, 7 tables, 802 equations, and 209 references of vhich 1152 Soviet,, 24 Germn, 15 English, 2 Czech, 1 Polish, and 1 Japanese. TANX OF CONTRIM: Preface Introduction Part I. Systems vith Single Degree of Freedom Ch. 1. Free Vibrations 9 Card 2/12 Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 3a 1. Idnear systems vithout damping 9 Fundamental equation for free vibrations and its integral 10 Effect of initial conditions 14 Energy ratios 16 Rigidity coefficients 18 2. Appm=dmtIm methods for the reduction to a system vith am dogma of freedom 21 Method of energies 22 Redaction to simple systems 33 Method of sequential approximations 40 3. Effect of inelastic-resigtance forces on free vibrations 42 Basic forms of forces of Inelastic resistance 42 Free vibrations vith viscous resistance 45 Ftee vibrations vith consideration of the quadratic law of resistabow. 47 Free vibrations vith solid friction 50 Free vibrations vith internal inelAntic resistance 51 Generalized concepts of the logarithmic decrement 54 Card 3/32 I Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 Ch. 2. Forced Vibrations 57 General solution without consideration of inelastic resistance 57 The general equation and its solution 57 "rlwmatic" disturbance 63 5. Most important cases of forced vibrations 65 Effect of harnonic forces 65 Effect of a "kinematic" harmonic disturbance 71 Bents 74 Effect of slow force variation 77 Effect of rapidly vanishing forces 78 Effect of an arbitrary periodic perturbation force (method of resolution into h&TMDnIC COnPDMntS) 80 Effect of periodic Impulses 82 Effect of an arbitrary periodic force (closed form of solution) 84 6. Effect of inelastic-resistance forces on forced vibrations 86 Effect OWftecous resistance 86 Effect of hysteresis losses 97 Effect of arbitrary inelastic-resistance forces 100 Card 4/12 k It Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 7- Working principles of vibration recorders Frequency gauges Vibration recorders 8. Principle of -vibration isolation Active vibration isolation Passive vibration isolation Ch. 3. Vibration of Elastic Nonlinear Systems 9. Free vibrations Types of nonlinear characteristics Accurate solution Apprwdzate solution Construction of elasticity characteristics Construction'ol 19 (pl) curves for particular cases 10. Effect of disturbing forces on a nonlinear elastic system Harnonic disturbing force Effect of viscous resistance Effect of two disturbing forces Card 5/12 39-1 im 102 103 108 108 UO U2 112 U2 115 117 127 130 131 131 138 140 Principles; of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 Effect of speriodic InValses 141 Ch. 4. Quasi-hwmnic Vibrations and Self-excited Vibrations 143 11. Qawl-harmonic vibrations Dynmde stability of a rod Vibrations of a system of bare Vibrations of a crA-nlr mechanism 143 144 150 154 12. Frictional self-excited vibrations 158 Causes of frictional self-excited vibrations 158 Method of energy balame 16o Discont;Lmms.4 relaxation) vibrations of a system vithuat mass 163 Discontivaons vibrations vith slMlified friction characteristics !67 Self-excited vibrations in metal cutting 172 Part II. Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom Ch. 5. Free Vibrations 176 13. Methods for the construction of equations of notion and peculiarities of their solutions 176 System vith many degrees of freedom 176 Card 6/12 Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 Three methods for the construction of equations of motion for a sinple system vith two degrees of freedom 177 Solution of equations of motion for a simple system 179 Orthogonality of normal modes of vibrations 182 14. Torsional vibrations of shafts 183 Pundamental equations 183 Norml modes of vibrations 187 Deter7dnation of motion from initial conditions 188 Calculation of natural frequencies and normal modes by the method of sequential approximations 191 15. Flexural vibrations of beams 195 Fundamental equations of the problem and the frequency equation 197 Determination of natural frequencies by approximation 20i Normal modes of vibrations 202 Determination of motion Trom initial conditions 2o8 16. Automobile vibration 209 Card 7/12 Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 Ch. 6. Forced Vibrations 2,15 17- Forced vibrations of a two-noss simple system 215 Direct solution 216 Principle of the dynamic damping of vibrations 218 Rormal-mode expansion of the solution 219 Worma3-mDde expansion of the solution vith conservation of the given form of aperiodic loads 221 18. Torsional vibration of shafts 222 Application of continued fractions 222 Normal-mode expansion of the solution 227 Calculation of resonant amplitudes 231 19. Flexural vibration of beems 232 20. Vibration dampers 235 Dynamic damper of vibrations 235 Pendulum daMer of torsional vibrations 238 Pringle's torsional vibration dwqer 24o Vibration absorbers 243 Dynamic vibration absorber vith damping 244 Card 8/,12 Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 Ch. 7. Lateral Vibrations of Rotating Shafts 246 part J17I. Systems With Continuous Mass Distribution Ch. 8. Free Vibrations of Rods 269 25. Longitudinal vibrations of rods 269 Fundamental equation and its solution 270 Boundary conditions 272 The frequency equation 273 26. Torsional vibrations Fundamental equation and its solution 27 Boundary conditions 27 The frequency equation 27 27. Lateral vibrations of beams of constant cross section 278 Fundawntal equation and its solution 279 Boundary conditions 281 The frequency equation 282 Determination of motion from initial conditions 284 Card 9/12 Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 Effect of constant longitudinal force 285 Effect of harmonic longitudiwa force 285 21. Single disk shaft 246 Critical speed of rotation 246 Free vibrations near the steady state 249 Gyroscope effect 251 Critical rotation speeds of a shaft vhich has a crose-sectional area vith various main moments of inertia 253 Effect of the veight 9f a disk mounted on a horizontal shaft 255 22. Effect of friction 256 Viscous resistance 257 Effect of oil-film lubrication in bearings 258 Solid friction in bearings 263 23- Shaft vith several disks. A rigid rotor in elastic bearings 263 Shaft vith several disks 263 Rigid rotor in elastic bearings 264 24. Automatic balancing of rotating shafts 267 Effect of chain tensions 288 Card 10/12 Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 28. Vibration of rods of variable cross section RayleI&Is theorem Ritz method Babnov-Galerkin method Method of sequential approximations 29. Plane vibrations of disks Radial vibrations Tangential vibrations 30. Flexural vibrations of disks Kinetic energy Potential energy of flexural deformation Potenti&l energy of the centrifugal-f-r-t area Unbellate vibrations Pan vibrations 31. Flexural vibrations of rectangular plates ?late of constant thickness .Approximate solution Card U/12 321 2w 291 294 296 298 307 301 304 307 307 0 308 309 311 311 311 313 Principles of Applied Theory of Elastic Vibrations 321 Ch. 9. Forced Vibrations 315 32. Longitu&4-nal vibrations of rods 315 Harmonic per4Awbanee 315 Expansion of t1w solution into ft serleo of fundamental functions 318 33- Lateral vibrations of bews Harmonic pert-,rbance General case of perturbance bibliograpby AVAnAMZ: Librar- of Congress Ew/mal June 3, 1958 320 320 322 325 Card 12/12. SOV/24-aB-10-33/34 AUTHOR: Panovkol Ya. G. TITLE: A Conference on Elastic Vibrations at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR (Soveshchaniye po voprosam uprugikh kolebaniy v Institute mashinovedeniya Akademii nauk Latviyskoy SSR) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 10, PP 158-159 (USSR) This Conference took place on June 11-15, 1958, in Riga. Altogether over 70 people took part in the conference (apart from those normally based at Riga). Eleven papers were read: 1) "The effect of vibrati:)n on systems with dry friction", by I. I, Blekhman and G. Yu. Dzhanelidze (Leningrad), 2) Two papers on dynamic problems in the nonlinear theory of plates and the shells by V. V. Bolotin and A. S. Vol'mir (loscow), 3) "A qualitative study of the form and frequencies of natural vibrations of thin elastic shells", by A. L. Gollden- veyzer (Moscow), 4) "Some problems in connection with vibrations of elastic rods in the case of large displacements", by Yu. S. Shkenev Card -1/2 (1,10scow), 5) "Coupled vibrations of vanes and discs in turbines" and JOV/24-56-10-33/34 A Conference on Elastic Vibrations at the Institute of Meciianical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR OFassage through resonance of a linear system with non- linearly varying frequoncy", by A. P. Filippov (Kharlkov), 6) "Some problems in the dynamics of an ideally elastic stretched thread", by V. A. Svetlitskiy (Moscow), 7) "On the similarity of dynamic processes in solid bodies", b5 A. G. Nazarov (Yerevan), 8 "The problem of constructional hysterbsis",by Ya. G. Panovko (Riga), 9) "Constructional hyster(~sis in resin-metallic shock absorb- ers", by G. I. Strakhov (Riga). The conference was closed with a speech by IL. 14. Filonenko- Borodich (Moscow), Card 2/2 TIMOSIRM. Stepan Prokoflyevich. prof.; YANG, D.Kh. (Young. D.H.J. prof.; ,-EAVQIZO.. Ta.G. [translator); NAMMMSM. 5.A., red.; GAVRILOV. 3.S., (Vibration problems in engineering] Kolebanila v Inshenernom dele. Moskva, Gos.i2d-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1959. 439 p. (MIRA 12:10) (Vibration) (Mechanics. Applied) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3927 Akademlya nauk Latviy8koy SSR. Institut mashinovedenlya Voprosy dinam1ki I prochnosti; sbornik statey; vyp. VI (Problems of Dynamics and Strength; Collection of Articles, No. 6) Riga, Izd-vo AN Latviyskoy SSR, 1959. 159 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,500 copies printed. Ed.: A. Vengranovich; Tech. Ed.: A. Klyavinya; Editorial Board: Ya.G. Panovko, Corresponding Member, Academy of ScienceA Iatviy- skaya SSR, Professor, Dactor of Technical Sciences (Re8p. Ed.); S.B. Aynbinder, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences; and N.G. Kalinin, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This book is intended for mechanical engineers and techni- cal workers. COVERAGE: The book presents 10 articles on problems related to shook absorbers, railroad cars, thin shelled bars, crane structures, automatic balancing, oscillations, and the performance of mechani- cal presses. The authors are technical or scientific workers at Card 1/3 Problems of Dynamics (Cont.) SOV/3927 the Institat mashinovedeniya Akademli nauk Latviyakoy SSR (In- stitute of Science of Machines of the Academy of Sciences Latvipt Okaya SM)y , at the Rizhekly politekhnicheskiy institut (Riga Polytechnic Institute), and at the Rizhekoye Krasnoznamennoye vyssheye aviatsionnoye voyennoye uchilishche Imeni Leninskogo komsomola (Riga Red Banner Higher Military Aviation School imeni Leninerkiy Komsomol). No personalities are mentioned. References are given following each article except one. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Editorial Board 3 ~Strakhov, 0.1-. Constructional Hysteresis in Rubber-and-Metal Type Shook Absorbers 5 Lebedev,, Yu.A. Calculation of Damping Characteristics of Ring- Shaped Spring Shock Absorbers 37 Panovko Ya 0 Forming an Approximate Amplitude Curve for a Mechani- 1~i Low Shook Absorption 53 Card 2/3 D -4-60 mmwwm~ I RW all 0 & I --I I a I .1 1 51 a I i - - it g g As, -VI ii v i'll 411 a ft-5 4 t t j oil PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV / 5 501 Kalinin, Nikolay Georgiyevich, Yuriy Alekseyevich Lebedev, Volga Ivanovna Lebedeva, Yakov Gilelevich Panovko, and German Ivanovich Strakhov Konstruktsionnoye dempfirovaniye v nepodvizhnykh soyedineniyakh (Structural Damping in Stationary Joints) Riga, Izd-vo AN Latviyskoy SSR, 1960. 169 p. Errata slip inserted. 2, 000 copies printed Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR. Instittit avtomatiki i Mekhaniki Ed. (Title page): Ya. G. Panovko, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sci- ences Latvian SSR, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. : A. Ven- granovich; Tech. Ed. : Ye. Piladze. PURPOSE: This book is intended for research scientists and engineers con- cerned with structural mechanics. Card 1/5 Structural Damping in (Cont.) SOV/5501 COVERAGE: The book presents the results of research and experiments in the field of structural damping. Experimental problems are discussed only to the extent necessary to support theoretical deductions. Sections 6 and 7 were written by N. G. Kalinin; Sections 12, 14, 15, 16, by Yu. A. Lebedev; Sectionp 8 and 9, by V. I. Lebedeva; Introduction, Sections 1, 1.3, 18, and the Conclu- sion, by Ya. G. Panovko; Sections 2 and 3, by G. I. Strakhov; Section 17 was written jointly by N. G. Kalinin and Yu. A. Lebedev; Ya. G. Panovko and G. 1. Strakhov wrote Sections 4, 5, 10, 11, 19-21. There are 42 references: 35 Soviet, 6 English, and I German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction Card 2/5 Structural Damping in (Cont. ) SOV 5 501 PART 1. SYSTEMS WITH FRICTION COUPLINGS Ch. 1. Press Joints 1. Simple system 16 2. Dispersion of energy in press Joints under torsion 22 3. Dispersion of energy in press joints under tensile and compression stresses 33 Ch. 11. Build-Up Beams 4. Pure bending of beams with plates 42 5. Transversal bending of cantilever beams 47 6. Transversal bending of multilayer cantilever beams 63 7. Transversal bending of thin-walled beams 76 Ch. III. Friction Couplings 8. Two-disc coupling 9. Multidisc couplings 85 89 Card 3/5 Structural Damping in (Cont. ) SOV/5501 Ch. IV. Dry Friction Shock Absorbers 10. Band lining 92 11. Circular lining 97 12. Shock absorbers with conical rings 103 PART II. SYSTEMS WITH ELASTIC FRICTIONAL COUPLINGS Ch. V. Riveted Joints 13. Simple system 14. Joining two beams with plates 115 15. Pure bending of plated beams 120 16. Transversal bending of cantilever beams 126 17. Structural damping in rivetbd thin-walled beams 131 Ch. VI. Threaded azid Grooved Joints 18. Simple problems 137 Card 4/5 Structural Damping in (Cont. ) 19. Threaded joints 20. Grooved joints (rigid base) 21. Fir tree type grooved joint Conclusion Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 SOV/5501 143 152 157 163 166 AC/dwm/bm 8-14-61 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5548 Panovko, Yakov Gilelevich Vnutrenneye trenlye pri kolebaniyakh uprugikh sistem (Internal Friction During the Vibrations of Elastic Systems) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1960. 193 p. 6,000 copies printed. Ed.: I. K. Snitko; Tech. Ed.: Ye. A. Yermakova. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineers and scientific workers interested in the vibration of structures. COVERAGE: The book deals with Internal friction in vibrating struc- tures. It presents a concise account of the laws of internal friction and analytical methods of calculating corresponding differential equations. The author thanks G. Yu. Dzhanelidze and I. B. Barger. There are 102 references: 82 Soviet,13 English, 5 German, and 2 Italian. CarA_1/7 S/179/6o/ooo/oo6/036/036 E081/E135 AUTHOR- Panovko, Ya.G. TITLE: Conference on i1roblems of ,,.Ixstic Vibrations of Mechanical ~,ystems PER I OD IC,*,,L: Izvestiya '.kndeniii nault .40.otdcleniye telchnicheskikh nauk. M-e1rhanika i 196U. No. 6, pp. 18-2-184 T EXT: The conference was hotd at the institut mashinovedeniya ..%- LatviY51ioY - -: ( Institute of Science of Machines, AS Latvian Riga, on Junc. 20,13, 1960. Brief summaries are given and authors and titles of papers are listed as follows. V.A. Kudinov (Moscow). The and Calculation of Damping in Non-tightened Joints in Complex Jastic 'Systems. V.A. Kudinov (Moscow). Forced VibraLions in Moving Unions with Dry Friction. V.I. Lebedeva (Itign). Damping llrop(~rtieji of Frictional Clutches. Card 1/4 S/l7q/6o/ooo/oo6/o36/o36 EO8l/El35 Conference on Problems of Elastic Vibrations of Mechanical Systems V.P. Filekin (Kuybyshev). Constructional Damping of Vibrations in Flange and Seam Joints. V.A. Grobov (Riga). Asymptotic Method of Investigating Non-linear Vibratory Systems with Gyroscopic Terms. V.A. Grobov (Riga). The Calculation of Forced Vibrations in Multi-disc Rotors on Non-linear Elastic Supports. I.1. Blekhman (Leningrad). Synchronization of Mechanical Vibrators by Means of Elastic Connections. I.1. Blekhman (Leningrad). Integral Motional Stability Index of Some Non-linear Systems. N.G. Bondarl (Dnepropetrovsk). Vibration of Oscillators with Variable Parameters. K.A. Augatkali (Riga). Analysis of the Performance of Vibro- bunkers with a Spiral Chute. A.V. Dabagyan (Kharlkov). Joint Electromechanical Vibrations of the Rotors of Electrical Generators in Non-symmetrical Regimes. U.R. Upman!B (Riga). Solution of Dynamic Longitudinal Bending Problems by Means of an Electronic Analogue. Card 2/4 S/179/6o/ooo/oo6/036/036 E081/E135 Conference on Problems of Elastic Vibrations of Mechanical Systems B.N. Kutukov (Moscow). Some Theorems of Matrix Calculus and Their Application to Vibration Theory. B.N. Kutukov (Moscow). Determination of Intermediate Vibration Ft6quencies. D-D. Akimov-Peretts (Leningrad). Experimental Investigation of the Damping of Steel Beams Under Transverse Shock. L.A. Hast-igin Oloscow). Automatic Balancing of a Rotor by the Method of Random Search. S.N. Kan (Kharlkov). Free Vibrations of a Bar Allowing for Deformation of the Cross-Section. V.S. 1wlinin (Leningrad). Non-linear Free Vibratione of Bars. 0.1. Terebushko (Riga). Stability of Closed Shells Subjected to the Action of Rapidly Changing Load. A.B. Norgayevskiy (Dnepropetrovsk). A Non-linear Problem on the Critical Velocities and Vibrations of Beams and Arches with a Moving Load. Card 3/ 4 S/ 179/ 60/ ooo/oo6/056/036 LOWE135 Conference on Problems of Elastic Vibrations of Mechanical Systems A.P. Filippov and Ye.G. Goloskokov (Khar1kov). Vibrations of a Beam on an Elastic Foundation Under the Action of a Moving Load. M.D. Dollberg (Kharlkov). Connections of 11-laximum Rigidity. V.L. Biderman (moscow). Theory of Elastic Shock in Solid Bodies. V.S. Chuvikovskiy (Leningrad). Quasi-static Calculation of Elastic Systems Under the Action of Arbitrary Dynamic Loads. V.A. Svetlitskiy (Moscow) spoke about the conditions of equilibrium of a hose and the tensile force as affected by liquid flow. L.V. Nikitin and V.N. Kukudzhanov Oloscow). Influence of Strain Velocity in Longitudinal Impact. A.P. Filippov and B.M. Lysenko O~harlkov). Investigations on the Vibration Stability of Rotors. Card 4/4 I PANMOtYa. (,;- Achievements of the Soviet Latvian Scientists In the field of mechanies. In PmesUn. Vestim Laty ak no.7:173-178 060. (latria-Mechanics) (ZW IOM PANOVKOV Ta.(Rip); Smmovp G. (Riga) Constructive damling in grooved joints. Vestis letv ak no.8:39-46 '60. (Kw 10:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyokoy SSR, Institut mashinovedonlya. (Machinery) FANOVKO, Y2.0. Conference on elastic vibrations of mechanical systems. 12V.AN S55R.0td.tekh.nauk.MekhA mashinostr. no.5ilgO-392 6-0 'fl. (XIRA 14:9) (Vibration) PANOVKOv Ya.G. (Riga) Longitudinal eLwtoplastic berxii of rode in statically indeterminate system. Ixv.AN SM.Otd.tvkh.nauk.Ybkh.1 awhinDstr. nD.2;160-265 M-Ap 162. (MIU 15:5) (Elastic rodo and wirva) s/681/62/000/008/001/004 E081/E141 AUTHORS; Panovkog Ya.G., and Strakhov, G.I. TITLF: The approximate investigation of forced vibrations in elastic systems with constructional damping SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR. Institut avtomatiki i Imckhaniki,. Voprosy dinamiki i prochnosti. :#-no. 8. 196-2. 5-12 TEXT- In many constructional schemes, the force-displacement loops are either of polygonal form, or are formed by two curved areg. Loops of the first kind occur ki ~4nstructionz with 11 concent rated" friction, or in constructiGns in which slip under load occurs instantaneously in all regions of contact. Loops of the second kind occur in joints for which the slip region changes wi-th changing load. The amplitude A of forced vibrations in a linear system with viscoxis friction is given bys A [c (A) mw 4 (A) card 1/2 A PANOM, Ya. G - "Review of applications of the method of direct linearization." report submitted for 11th Intl Cong of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics & General Assembly, Manich, 30 Aug-5 Sep 64. PANOVKO, Takov Gilelevich; GUBANOVA, Iskra Ivancvna; %4'ITKO, I.K., rect.----- [Stability and vibrations of elastic systems; modern concepts, paradoxes, and errors) Ustoichivost' i koleba- niia uprugikh sii3tem; sovremennye kontseptsii, paradokuy i oshibki. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964 336 P. iMIRA 17: 5) NaWlYwO, YA. G. (Riga) .- "I.16dern conceptions of the e2astic-p2astic buckling of a colwm" Report presented at the 2nd ~All-Uhion Congross on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. YAVORSKIYJ, Boris Mikhaylovich; DETLAF, Andrey Mtonovich. Prinimali uchastiye: KFIAZANOVICH, T.N.; PANQV4p, '~a~mq.; GUROV, K.P.,,, red. [Physics handbook for engineers and students of institutes of higher learning] Spravochnik po fizike dlia inzhenerov i ntudontov vuzov. Izd. 2., lopr.. Moskva Nauka, 1964. 847 p. IMIRA M12) DrLaGOJEVIC,, Bogonav; PANOVSKI, Bojan; SERAFIMOV, Now Trimatic hewrrbagic cyst of the apleen. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 88 no.6019-722 Ja 160. 1. Hirurs)m k3Aniks Madicinekog fakulteta Univerzitats u Skopju. Direktor: prof. dr Bogosav Dragojevic. (SPIM Vda & inj) OYM Otiol) PAROVSKI, Je; VELIV, Ve Echinococcosis of the pancreas. Acta chir.iugosl. 7(8) no.2:156-159 l6o. 1. Rimrska MY"& Medicinskog fakulteta u Skopju (Upravnik prof. dr B.Dragojevic) (PANCRW die) (ECHINDCOCCOSIS case reports) -C~- PANOVSKI J. Gastroschisis (with report of 2 cases). Acta chiniugosl- 7(8) 160. 1. Hiraraka klinika Fledicinskog fakulteta u Scopju (Upravnik prof. dr B.Dragojevic) (ARDOM abnorm) PAWMKI Joyan A new caee of invagination in purpura abdominalis. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 88 no.3:341-344 Mr 960. .1. Hirarska klinika Madicinskog fakultsta Univerziteta u Skopju. Direktor* prof. dr Bogosav Dragojevic. (INTUSSUSCEPTION compl) (PURPURA compl) 6~e PME I DO= EEPT-OVIAMCE; 8()7/5,gw lm~tornatlcnal Ccaforemes ca RU~L-Eaargy Phyclac. 1.41th, K11w, 1959. D&vyatays wztd~qa kcafamtolya pofisibe --gly, nyov 15-25 iyalyu 1959 g. (Muth lute=tia-l Cmf(mmoo ca Rleb-Euera rbyalco. EJM, July 35-25, 1959)p bWsacwt 1W.L. 139 p. 2,500 copi" prIntod, I i. SvmmorluS As=cy: Akadczlya nauk WLM. Mzhdm=rodayy Scruz ch1stoy I wikladnoy fizW. Ccntributwo nah'==tIcaeA. MWM: This book is Intended for nuclear ybysicista. C(rM=t The collact1cm c=talm 30 aclentific cxtIc4s . wesonted at the gth Intarnaticual. Ccafaranco cn 11115h-rneray rbyzlcj~, hold 1z YAyov fram 15 to 25 July 1959. The artlelco prozentod ralate sadnly *d the progrusa in nu- clear pbysics ach1wad in 1959. Subjects UctimbeA 1mv tba yroduat~cm of card 1/0 nacIc-C-1, UZ: T cz Pl." 3C7.3 sn'l cc~-~~C-a ca Nlxcl~czlo Disuascica . IM. 31 F--l:=tial Off li,~ - Dizcur3ica C=d 2/ 0 -Z2 Ninth mmummtio~ma conrftvmm (Cmt.) 807/5989 Veksler.. V. I. Nuelem-Nuclem and Pion-Nualeom Interaction 157 Discussion 19~5 Smorodinskiy,, Yao A* Scatteriug of Nucleons by Nucleons 201 Discussion 221 Chewo 0, F* Theory of Strong Interactions Betwwn Ordinary PAfticles 231 Discussion P-49 Rofstafter, R. On the Structure of the Nucleon 261 Discussion 275 Electromagnetic Interw~iams and Nucleon Strueture 277 Y,,(~~ ~,W: X I Dis-a-usision. 296 Card 3/0 -3, IPANOW, A. A. "DiMles at leurs derives. Commmication IV. Joffe, 1. S., Komnetzow at Panow, A. A. (P. M) SO: Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obahchei Khiadi) 1936, Vol. 6, No-7 PANOW, D. J. "FRtody numeryczne rozwi#zywania r6wnaA rbzniczkowych cz#stkowych" (Humeral methods of solving differential partial equations), by D. J. Panow. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksiazki), No. 1h, July 15, IM PANDUN G -xh- Autonatic regulation of temperature conditions in polymerization. Prom,Arm, 5 n0-1:45-46 Ja '62- (MIRA 15:2) (Polymerization) (Armenia.-Temperature regulators) 5/081/62/000/024/032/052 B106IB186 AUTHOR: TITLEt Automatic temperature control of polymerization conditions PERIODICAL: Beferativnyy zhtxrnal. Khimiya, no. 24(11), 1962, 919, ab- stract 24P571 (Ayastani ardyunaberutyuny, no. 1, 1962, 51 - 52 LArm.3; Prom-st' Armeniip no. 1, 1962, 45 - 46 [Russ.3) TEXT; A scheme of temperature control by using a two-speed electric motor is suggested for maintaining given temperature conditions during the entire emulsion polymerization process of chloroprene. This makes it possible to accelerate the polymerization process and saves having to supply the polymerizer with air. tAbstracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 1/1 PANOM, G. Double-angle spondylodeeiis. Chir. narzed. nichu ortop. Pol. 28 no.7-.1069-1071 163 1. 3 Kliniki Neurochirurgii im. prof. Bagdasara w Bt-tksT-iszcie (Kiercr.miks prof. dr. X. Arseni). DENICKI,A. [Denitchi.A.); PANOZA,Gq BROSZTLkVUxY. [Bros temu, 0. ) (Bukareazt). Observations on injuries of the cervical spine. Chir. Darzad. ruchu ortop. Pol. 28 no.7:809-812 163