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GORODYSKIYJ, A.11.; DELIMARSKIY, Yu.K.; PANOV, E.V.; BALEZIN, E.A. Method of low-frequency polaroscopy and a universal device for recording polarization curves. Zav. lab. 29 no.9:1035- 1041 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut obshchey I neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. 7 " '. 11 ~ 1 " i GO.iODYSKIY, A.V. [Ilorodys Illcyi, 0.7. J; Z. I- V.; V.'. [ILrys]-,chei-,~mm, V.F. 7 ~ ;~3 Method of reproducinE, stationary polaro,---,-)hy in vm-lts. Dol:. Al", U -R no-3:377-3W- 163. ":L' 17.- 10) 1. Institut obshchey i neor~:anicheskoy khimii 101 UcrO'SR.. P::-edstavleno akademikon A], lJkrSSIIL Yu.,-".. Delimarskim LDelirvirslkyi, Il,. -I,,). GOHODYSX1Y, A.V.; DELDIARSKIY, Yu.K., akademik;_~~I~Qy, 1;.V. Impedance of a double eleftric layer in melts. Dok-1. AN Vk6 no.1:129-130 S 102. -.t I (Z&'15:9) 1. Institut, obshchey in morganichaskoy khimii AN USSR. 1 2. AN USSR (for Delimarskiy'). (Fused salts-Electric properties) T y s a s ft-%r ce" no. 33754 S/021/62/000/009'./009/010 74-;4'~Yo D299/D304 0 AUTHORS: Horodyslkyy, 0. V. and Panov, E. V. TITILE: Mear5urement of impedance of electrolytic ci.!lls by means of effective current PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauli TJ'-iixRSR. Dopovidi. no. 2, 191")2, 205-2-06 TEXT: A simple method is proposed for measuring the iml?edance of electrolytic cells. Among earlier methods, the most important is the a.c.-impedance bridge me"bod. This method, however, becomes im- practicable if the sinusoidal character of the current is disturbed. Hence, instead of coinpensa-;ion by 2 variables - amplitude and phase -1 it is more convenient t.-) measure one variable, with 2 parameters of thE' circuit. Fig. 3 shows a simple measurin. circuit. The vol- tage at the resistor R and cell 2 is measured ~ r = 0). The ratio of these voltages equals the ratio of R to the impedance of the el- ectrolytic cell. Then the value of r is varied (r 74 0), and the tc- tal impedance is measured. The relationships obtained y.i'.Dld ,"ormulas Card 1/3 33754 S/021/62/000/002/009/0-10 Messurement of impedance ... D299/D304 for the capacitance component x and resistance component P of the impedance of the electrolytic cell. This simple method is a modif-11- cation of the method of comparison (Ref. 9: V. L. Kheyfets et al., Prakt:ikum po teoreticheskoy elek-crokhimii, Uzd-vo LGU, 1951); the method of comparison has the disadvantage that the meac.urements can be carried out only if p = 0. The method proposed in the present article was tested on liquid and solid electrodes, in melts of chlorides (cadmium, lead, tin) and potassium nitrate; it gave sa- tisfaotory results. Instea(~ of measuring the standard and investi- gated impedance, the accuracy of the method can be considerably in- creased by using a compensation bridge. Two types of compensation circuits are described. There are 3 figures and 9 references: 7 So- viet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the *inglish-lan- guage publication reads as follows: D. C. Graham, J. kner. Chem. Soc., 68, 3019 1946. ASSOCIATION: Instytut zahallnoyi ta neorhanichnoyl khimiyi AN UkrRSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS UkrRSR) Card 2/3 33754 3/021/62/000/ QQ2/009/010 Aeasurement of impedance ... P299/D304 PRESENTED: by Acedemician Yu. X. Delimarslkyy of-tha AS UkrRSR SUBMITTED; July 11, 1961 Card 3/3 GORODYSKIY, A.V.; P~NOV, E.V. Use of mechanically split pulses in electrochemical - . 1-B Ukr..khim.zb.ur. 30 no.1-1;115E~-1161 164. (M1,1-1% 18:2) 1. Institut obshchey I noorgani.cheskoy khimii. AN UkrSSR,, DELIVIARSIM> Yii.R.; GCRODYSYLY,. A.V.;-2izz~ Mcjnmirevtont of nllvar rjxchang~:i aurrants in fused ijaltti. Vkr. kh-lm. zhur. 31 no.8:782-785 165. (nMA 18:9) 1. IwAitut. ob3hchoy I neorganicheskoy khimii All UkrSSR. PIrROVSKIY, K., gvardit general-mayor tankovykh voyak; PANOV, F., inzh.-polkovnik; MIGACHTV, G., polkovnik - . - ~ -I Automotive training of officers. Voen. vest. 38 no. 8:-5!i-58 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Motorization, Military) (Russia-Army-Officers) FANOV __f,,-inzhener-jxDovnJk; YAWIMESY.9 A,, maycr teul brii0l al-,oy aluzi-by., - - , P, SHCOKINp 14., inzbener-qxjpc-lkovr,!.k For traffic eafety, Tokh.. I voorcz.%b, rv#6,Vf Tat I I ,L7 ., " ) m ( ,PANCIV, F.S., aspirLnt Using the, re4.-.qod of goo?nat,ric-..,. lnterprotatJejrz of roguhrities In investigating and fl,,..t gear englagemente.izv. vys. uchob. zav.; mashinostr. no.): 16-28 164. ('1111RA 17: 12) 1. Laningradskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. YUDOVICII, V.G.; KHLRBORODOV, A.D.; 5010EVICH, Yo.A.; VEYTS, BELYAYEV, A.N., AIAI)Illi, 0.1.; OSIFC,1, 'I.P -E,Wy' I . - VOROB I 'LEVY Jk.I . ; PFCKOF, *r-,;v, Yfu.v. ; SOJI-071 ` "E1-7, yu..A.. ~ -ATOTI 'I. e.,Ir~ KUZIMIIN, Mt.; ZIUDONIS, V.Yu.i ZOLIN, A.V , I I T" DQBROSLAVSKI. Y, V,L,; TROFI1,10, Ye.N.; DRYAMN, Ye-,jR.;' KOROIEV, V.P.; KERIMOV, N.B.; KRAVCHENKO, A.S.; RYVLPI, V.;,.,,- GURCHEENYO) A,P.; IMUGLIKOV, T.P.; CHERNYAKOV, F.A.,- k'~h"IF'OV N,K. Authorst and, pfitonts. Mashinostroenic- 103 ia-F 165. 1.141RA i,-I~M PAYIOV, G., inzh. - , _--__,--__,~___I " ~an altitude of 1,642 meters. Kast. ugl. 8 no.5:15 Y,7 '59. (KII';A 12:8) (Gissar range--.Goal mines and mining) DIUZHD, N.; PANOV, G., gornyy inwh. Let's purify mine air. Sov. shakht. 11 nG.3:20-21 Mr 162. (MIRA 15; 5) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom Saran'-,:goll kombinata Ka:ragandaugol.I (for Drizhd). (Karaganda Basin--Mine dusts-Proventi.on) GAM)GIVSKI, N.. Dr. 1~ FAMY. Go; MANEVSKI, To SffGCt Of hOUSing conditions on health. 450-457 1955., A;, Higijena, Beogr. 7 no.1-4: 1, Gentralul h1g1jenski savod, Skopljo. (HO US ING off. of housing cond. on health (Ser)) (HEALTH. samg) PABOV, G.A. vestigating a two-element, system for converting one-.phase into three-phase current. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. takh. nauk. no-5:3-20 139. (MERA 13:3) l.Institut onergetiki i avtomatiki AN UzSSR. (Phase converters) 86M S/019/60/000/i)18/116/170 A152/AO29 AUTHOR: TITLE: An Angle of Rotation - to - Code Converter PERIODICAL: Byulletenk 3'.zobreteniy, 1960, No. 18, P- 55 TEXT: Class 42m, .-A. No. 131978 (6r-3156/P-6 of February 2, 1!;60). 1. This converter contains a pulse pickup and magnetic heads for reading of pulses, and a movable magnetic head, from whose position in relation to the fixed head the magni- tude of a coded angle is determined. It has the following spec-ial feature: in or der to simplify the mech;Lnical constituent of this converter and increase the working gaps between the magnetic head and the pulse pickup, a gear made from a magnetic material is used as the pickup. 2. A variant- of 1, distinguished by the following special feature: in order to eliminate the heterogefteity of codes in two neightboring reading cycles, it is fitted with a counting eircuit, each digit of which is linked with corresponding logic "and" circuits, the second inputs of which are connected up to the movable reading head. 3. This,variarit of I - 2 is distinguished by the following special feature: its counting circuit has the form of a ring shift register having a logic feedback. Card 1/1 f,7 V06 AUTHORs Panov, G.I. TITLEs A "Code-Shaft" Converter 89884 S/019/61/000/002/076/1 11 A156/AO27 PERIODICALt Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1961, No. 2, P. 51 TEXTs Class 42m, 14- No- 135288 (668217/26 of May 27, 1960). A 11--ode- shaft" convertez which uses a servo-mechanism of the relay typ~ii and la+,Ltu- dinal Dulse modulation for proportional control of the motor. The nevel f eatur-o of this converter is that, in order +n -increaele the dy-namic zating of the mechanism whilo at th6 same time simplifying it, the fo:.lowing are used.- a "shaft-code" converter or. the princIple of a periodic naloulation of the pulses in the register, by means of a logical feedback; a oode-o:)m- paring circuit which utmilts a pulse at the moment when all the bodes coir.-:ide in all digits; an angle-comparing system whir~h emits a pulse w'.'Ien the angle of rotation of the pickup coincides wJth the angle of rotaticn. of the 5ervo Card 1/2 A "Code-Shaft" Converte.z 89884 5/019/61/000/002/076[ill! A156/AO27 drum. The outpats of the code- and angl6-0-OMDEXing systems are oonnected up to the system oontrolling the moto.-_r reverser. Card 2/2 D.ANILYUKj, V.A.; ZHUKOV, V.14 - PANOV G.I.- KUTSENKO, G.L.; LUGUIrETS, V*A9; PMOUOV; R.A. nIff L.A.; SUVLGIU.. V.F.; SIVTSOVj V.P.; KHOLODITOV, Yu.I.; MELINIKIN, V.V., kand.tekbn.naik,, red.; KOZULIN, B., red.; CHMUKAOV, Ya., tekhn. red. (Radio amateur's liandbook]Spravochnik radioliubitelia. Sverd- lovsk,, Svex~tlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 838 p. (MIRA J-5:8) (Radio-Handbooks, manuals., etc.) te S/103/62/027/'002/010/015 9,73,00 D230/D301 AUTHOR; Pa-nov, G,I,.(Sverdlovsk) TITLE- On the effect of 'catch' of code rings PERIODICAL: Avtomalika 1 telemekhanika, v. 23, no, 2,, 1962, 196 - 202 TEXT-,, The (-,cde ring represents a closed succession of N symbols divided into n terms containing all codes of the set represented, each code appearing only once. The A-type code ring represents clo- sed 91,iocession of Eymbols containing codes of complete coded sets. It is shomi that by means of separate code rings of i:.rbitrary lengTh it is possible to ob-tain new non-repetitive ec'-desp whose number considerably ex,.;eeds the code number of separ;--tte rings and -uhose of the A.-typi; rings. In the code representation of angle mag- nitudes, the angle error can be found using systems analogous to k1bose digital compute_7~s Oesigned for algebraic summations. The pro- posed method can be use ~t only for angle coding, 'but also for other magnitudes; the deooding can also be accomplished in an open Card 1/2 s/103/62/023/002/010/015 On the effect of of codc ring6, D230/D301 circuit. Tne code-follovi sysiem can be used to advanti:'ge when its raquIrements in respect of accuracy do not, exceed thooe of similar systems, nowever, the input -information must be presented in dis- 'a formz moreover, the system can be realizedt almost entirely, using ferrite-diode elements. The accuraby of the sys-5em in respect of angle conversion can be improved by al-tering its structure and by using the two-pulse coincidence method,, A number of examples are given to illustrate th~, method of the 'shaft-code' converter with its servo eystem employing the principle of the dynamic code compensation. There are 5 figuzes and 6 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED-. June 26, 1961 Card ~2:12 Determination of Boron in Rocks by Neutron Amlysis," bjr V. K. Khristianov and G. I. 1%nov, Institute of Geochemiatry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy, Academy of Sciences USIM, Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, Vol 12, No 3, May June 57, PP 362--366 A method has been developed for the determiTiation of boron in mineraIE; and ores without a preliminary chemical treatment of the samp:'.e. The accuracy of individual determinations was found to be 3%. Kt was estab- -11shed that changes in the elemental composition of samples do not influence significantly the results of the determination of boron. In i:irder to avoid' the harmful effect of hydrogen on the accuracy of determinations, the hydr'7,- zPn rr%n+,onf in +1h= n~A 4, +1- --l- 1-4"~ n-1--A --+ the harmful effect of hydrogen on the accuracy of determinations, the hydrr- gen content in the control sample and in the sam-ple being ana:13rzed must be eqUal. (U) AGCESSION NRs Ap4o3o336 S/0O49/64jf4=/W3/0A9/035) JAUTHDRSt Barancyp V, lei Khrintionorp V. Kol lfar"evp Be V*$ -Fanorp Go I* TITLIs Measuring boron by the neutron method in outcrops and voritings I SOUMM AN SM. Isy. Sere- ipof is., no, 3. 1964j, 349-353 TOPIC TAGS t boronj neutron sondej neutron logging# SNW 5 counler !ABSTRACTs The authors describe a portable instrument used for boron detection and I measurement '.y neutron bombardment and furnish results of field, tests. To make !the instrument portabls it was necessary to reduce the voight of current devices i,and, consequently, to reduce the power of the neutron source. The neutron -1,4nM 4n n ninmla h1ne-le- AnMao: now" thn inmi-nim i ando consequently., to reduce the Power of the neutron souraeo The neutron iretarder and reflector were combined in a single block- Sondeiii near the inversioa !value were orq)loyedp and this required a minimal length of 40 ,.m, Shorter sondes Yere too insensitive* The first instrument constructed weighellil 16,5 kg and was ,.tested in the field in 1960, A later models tested for the prosent study,, weighs :but-8 kgo The instrument has three partst 30 a retarder-reflactor of 5-liter coapacity, immersed in water; 2) a casette with two SM-5 counters in a ?-shaped I iboron-cadmium ahieldi and 3) a panel with anplifier, discriminators transmitter, 'Cardv"! 1ACUSSION NRs AP4030336 lactuators generator s and rate cou.ntere Sensitivity was found to be 0.01% B203 for la 10% decline in counter rate. Results on surface rocks and in mine workings show. ;the instrument to be satisfactory for rapid determination of bitron mineralization without selection of rock eampleso Results of profiling and ol., laboratory test ,Ion t1je axoas investigated are in good agrOownt. The Jnstrumallt is suitable fosr lexposed or slightly covered rocks, Either continuous ' I or isolal*,ed readings may be ;made) and work may be carried out rapidly$ permitting largO aVeas to be covered 'quickly. Orig. art- has: 4 figures, ASSOGIATION: Akadem4a nook SM Institute geokjadmii j WAljt'Lchesk0.V khimij im, Ve I* Vornadskogo (Acad&V of Sciences SSSR AnalYtical Chemistr7) Xwtitut'G Of 00001102istr7 and SUBKMED# 17Ju3.62 WE AGQs 29APr64 MUM 00 SUB GCDEI as NO REP SOV, 002, OTHER, 000 [Card 2/2 -A CC-NRi I UU Krykh, B. V.; Panov, 0. L.; Pereyaslov, A. Ks; Yefimov, We M. ORG., UkrRIGRI TITIS: An autoclave for setting cement at high temperatures Wl, pressures SOURCE: Bureniye, no. 10, 1966, 26-28 liable icf Irom TAGS: cement, pet 1 um engineering, test facility, presiiure effect, high tem- ure eff-sot hcW,.jL= BSTRACT: The authors describe a large autoclave designed for studying the physical nd chemical properties of cement after setting under the conditions which exist in eep gas and oil wells. A diagram of the autoclave and'its by?lraulic system is shown n the figure. The unit consists of casing 5 which is 1800 mm long 'With an outside di- meter of lT8 mm and an inside diameter of 90 mm. Plugs 3 witij tapered threads are crewed into both ends of the cazing. Inside each plug is a rt:d 2 with support platen. n elastic sealing ring 4 is located between the support plate and the face of the lug. Tension on nut 1 compresses the seal sufficiently for halding the starting pres- ure. As the pressure increases, the plate compresses the ring further to provide re- sealing. A thermometer bulb T and manometer tube 11 are-threaded into the top the casing. Installed in the manometer tube is a needle Valve 12 for releasing air the autoclave as it is filled with water', Pump 23 is used ibr filling and ymp r-A 1/3 uDc: 622.245 ACc NR, APT006291 fy Card 2/3 ACC NRs AP7006291 21 is used for pressurizing. The heater consists of two nic,qrome coils 8 wmuirl rm-ound th3 casing of the autoclave in asbestos liner 9. The caoing; of the autoclave is en- closed in jacket 6. The space between the jacket and the caBing is filled with a heat insulating material. The electrical circuit of the autoclave is described. The unit accommoelaten three girder specimens measuring 40x4oxi6o mm ar three cubic specimens measuring 50x5Ox5O mm. A pressure of 1300 atin my,be set uji at a temperature of 200C. Orig. art. has., 2 figures. BUB OODMI 13, 11/ Sunk DATNI. Keno aw J arc] 3/3 2 .5(2) AUTHOR: Panov, G.S. T !TLE: Local Exhrust :-,n P!~'RIODICAL: Mlaslhi nostioitel 59 ~ N'r 5, iiBSTR?CT: The short note conta:tno a `~ta ec, Of a ventilatinC instailat. Lon clr~s L'7ne" f 0 - e in S we 1d ing ope rat i. ~)ns , fo r, 1.11, -0 via~~S0 T C. r I r naces, anO so foyth, Thc~ with attached swiveli :~L -~t a t r i f U E;a 1S i T o 1-, k. 0 1 1* ra z -, r,.rCCU m a F,,~ y 1 Usino the insta-, ',--t irin -~tL a p- a turn the intal:e to any x,-! a C- spots of the ar~%a, T.1-- Card 1/1 v , ~. S. ; '. %'Ll . '. , -1 )n t -.~ . !!~~ :-"- f :-:..: ~ j.: ! t -1 1 _,~ , -. ill;~ ~ 1- a -,- -I ~, () r; I . . I . ;.- - I - , - no. . J, -, It 9. 11 . I . ~ I l -- : 11- ), ~', . )-)i . r - ; -t~ ,) , Voimdry machinery . : KCZ XI 1, Y. Yj , ; PANOV, G - S - L - .1 - -,. . Attaching el6ct-ric drives to manual! . (y, r- . :t_j z i - Mashinovtroitell no. A:47 tg 15~. I - ~) (110isting mqchi-nory) A l'i IN Kj h C, v J ~D j U T 1. TL ER 10 ij IA L A h- P A C T ThAescribed a ir fi f carbOA -,yon; dw., J bIbLtinL; --rid ii,.IintinL. c rl: I ~m c c) ! i d ic., n sc, f c;-7 r ar IoD o- the er j fil tiered ai r operator's m, a j Tht--re is d m ASSOCIATION Zavcd "Ekcnomay,,~,;-,r "o'. 1. Kir intiLke filters-Characteristics a rd I FYI. NDV , G. S . '-I Air - n~, .7 : I,` " - I ~ 'I). - j - gtroitc!ll . ;. - ,7j. 1 112 1 ; 1. Zavo- I'D t ,Ton,,mayz~ir. " (Air filters) PAIMV, G.S. - - - --- --.- --. _ f,:, Av leg. Local pXI,,aj)st 7011tiIation. MaWninostroitel 1 1101.~ 01 01151-~ 12"') (Factories-Hqating and ventilation) C) C! ct c r o b r on --]-c u lants ro-duc ii-.L,-:, e I eCtr(D t el,.)hers SL. DI y but one of Ithe D r a e s s 1 ac ed "dr-I e c. tliie --:ear reJliocr, -e a U Li n u~~e .aan, a ~Le second e1 -11 u "L - ic b-:i`:e cm tl-u u- on u -n7, : -1-1 _-. -C, 0 : - ~, ;;id~, the if' i Tl ia e t e s i n .3 "a-' b - a', e L ed on t, c. -)her c:. i, I c I -L, c h .,iuun s 11 r, 1 4 N~e b-i':e I J-n c 1: o ra"o m E 3 in 1'1~- T" r r~ ajv~ C-,--~--d 2/2) PAIY,)V, G.S. -;l I --- Wr~otp swi-tc~ing of inipt-heating and ventilation umltli. MashInnstroitel' nn.4:-j3 AT) 'fg. (;4 111-1. !,~ : ~ ) (Fac tori ria-floata rip antl ventibation) ~:'-Wfj U, -CO iihr-4" iiess- CulTen if ''-t tri -galtge~-bftd 9- Wier, d ormer... ype a g )nor u -:thw- WAwwGwrxb~:- go, Bird to. g Tj~r XP I f -111~ltis-t 00 ton 18.1.~ Vii 6 i6 ti t-iligAbi- alipma from We T.~.7 IL PANOV GOT OR. inshel 2valuatflon of wated- rslatlon~tc,;Ahe water-absorbing cWaclty;~ of coal meau.: Belope: tMa. v .0-6m. 8 no.1119-10 (MrRA 18t 2) N PAN OV, I. . Asbestos-cement p1jites. p.59. (TPJJiSPOeKNO DELO, Vol. 9, no. 4p 1957, Sofia, Bul2pria.) SCI: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEJAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 12, December 1957 Uncl. rA:41131v. 1. Sudan Grass Highly productive variety of sudan grass. Kolkhn. proizir. 12 '40. J, 1~1;52. 9. LOnjjlj List of Russian Accessions, Library of Corigrf-:!ss, Iug~~st ].~'1~2 ~ lill Uncl. - - ---- .- 5713, %A,t PAMV, I., Impitan-leyteLant Radar operators. Voev. znan. 35 no.10:24-25 0 159. IUMA 12:12) (Radar in navigation) HRIzMMHMR~_ PA YD V) I h. 0 ItIoth- Ms, c~C MeasurinF DiBt&nces Vith the AIA of Radar Ppparatlz Uued Abroad for GeodeBic Work, " by j. A. RMOV, Candidlite or 13x-h- nical Sciences, Geodeziyi i Kartografiya, IFOTT, Jan 57, PP 01-72 A footnote- to this article concerning radionaviGation work conducted outside the USER ideutified L. I. 1,11andel'shtam and 11. D. Papaleksi as de- velopers of theSoviet radionwrigation system. According ' the lootno-te Go the Soviet radionavigation system vas developed before World War II and is~ t,he-English Decca system. (U) PANOV, I.A., laindidat teklinic lie sk Ilen -nawk. Survey of literature an radiogeodetIc jaearjure men% a. abroa4. Tead. i kart. no.4,51-62 Ali 157. (Geodesy) (MMA 10*18) 1.F., inzhener. --.4 lf~ ~~ - ~- Movab I e plug-in box for o lee tr it-, too La. Rat' I put IM, !RA lr~ (RaLlroads-Electric atquiTment) PANOV. I.F., inziaener. AnTehsoia cement Rpacerti. Put' i Tmt. k-hoz. 'no-1:34 Ja '57. (MLRA 110:4) 1. Starshiy dorozhnvy master Moskovsko-S too lenskoy diFitanteii pUtt Kalininskoy dorogi.. (Railroads-Track) IVAITOV, Ya.Y., inzhener; PANOV, I.F.. Inzhener. ~ i:, Simplified self-wedging rail anchors. Y'at' i -out. khoz. -no,2:25 7 '57. (Railroads-Rails) (MIaA 10:4) PAI.Ov, I.11. Wheeled tra,"tor for slopes. Trakt. i '01 S 160. .- j (Y,ip-k 13~ :9) (Great Itritain -Tractors) I t I I .- ...... gkIWI.-I -.M., luzh. IM-) of I rmu lation on synr~roncjtjs comprinvArim., 'f- 7. " I 1g ~. : , 90-9) J1 60. ( M I RA I) : , t )' (Blectric machinery, S~riclii-onous--Windlngs) (3lectric insulators and 1,nstLlation) 2. USSR (600) Preventing th~rzi lover Of vacUum in turbinoi, Rab. cnerr-., Lipril , 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions', Library cf Conk;ress, :953, Uncl. ffam!Mm Protecting devices for working prts of p2ows and =ltivvitors. C8. Trakt. i sellkhosmash. i3o.9:45-48 S (YIRA 11:10) l.Vsesciyu.znyy nauchno-Iiisledovatellski), institut sellskokhozyay-Stvsh- nogo mEAinostroyaniya. (pipwo) Oul ti,,a torn) Ilm- W-- MRS AM Y a~, t? 1", Ei ;j n 2 IFNI PANCIT, I,M~,, - I I I!'< ~ -') 4 s -I nrizi ; r~ iepai:r of 3-in--hronc,u3 ci*mr.,En-c5to - I - (.,URA Jr,-7) Ap ~,' :)2. (Eje,ctr~.c and repair) PANCIV, I.M.; l4a cb ne s o,' aOll cul'i`a~iclfl 'r1 orchards a~,,' t e kh , -ek. r, nfol-m. mo~5::55-59 '61. 0.2re, (Fruit clll~ PANOV 114. . in2h. Evaluating various protecting devices of tillagn in-lanents, Trakt.i sallkhozmsh. '--0 no.2:25-27 F 160,, (1-I'.'.IU% 13:5) 1. V80floyusnyy iiitiirhno,-,ionli~dovittollrkiy 1wititlit, ii0l'skokhozyayst- vennoro matihinontroyaniya. (i~gricultixral implements) N-71VUCV, Yi:, A'7. k, r t r ot- r MITTILIMAN, D,M., inzh.; PANOV, I.M., inzzli. ; T-IGUIDV, I.K., tekhnik Synchronous compensptor -wLth o)Qrgen cooling for open 4nst,,I-Intions. 28 ao.10;51-5~ '5'?. (MIRA 10-.11) (Electric. siibstntiona) -------- iim, PANOV, I.M. cutnhirdrst t1irb iny. TreAning the pernonn-91 of an electrfi.c power plant. Zn-ergetlk 1 no.7-.16 D '53. 6:12 (Electric Dower planivs) PANOV I. M. Cand Tech Sci "StlAy o'L th- perf r)~~,nanc ref gliards in cultivators, and -Jevelopm-ent, of mietlhod~* of designing them. " Moscow, 1961. 24 pp Vith diaf--,::,ams; (,Viinistry of Higher Education USSR, Rostov-na-Don Inst o'L Agricultural Vlachiner Buil * ); 1',0 co-z)ies; i)rice riot given; (-;:L, supi 24,~;~- ding J~~j liA Rj SHTRYNBUK, 14-h.YS., RANOV, I.N., laza-unei; fetsenzent; RUSia.OVA, T.'L; inzhenar, axhit~-,~,,radakto;-! 'RIUMKIN, P., tekhn!che3'_-!_-v redaktor, [GiLs ,mtuttinZ in shipbuilding] Grazorazatallnyet rabct.v 7 vadotrr4"nii. [Laningradl Goei. so4.ts=s izd.--;o sudoistroit. promyshl., 1954. 111 p. [Mlcrofilml (~Ma & 62 (Shipbuildingg) (Qxpmatylana velding and cutting) PHASE I BCOK EXPLOITATION 254 'Par Gus.yatskiy, Fedor Vvovichl, and , tov, Ivan Nikolayevich 'Gazorezatellny:y av-tomat MDFIKS irabota na nem (Automatic Gas Cutter Controlled by a Scaled Distance Photoeleatzic Copyine; System; Method of Operation) LeniiVrad Sudproingiz, 1957. 107 P. (Nauch-no-proi:zvodstvennyy opyt~ 2,000 copies printed.. Resp. Ed.: Sokolov, I. P.; Ed.: Mishkevich_, G. I.; Tech. F-el. Levoclikina, L. 1~ PURPOSE: 'Bais boolc is intended as a training aid for raising the qualifications of personnel operating cutters. -It may also be useful to workers preparing tracing sketches, and to the engineering and technical staffs of hullworking shops in shipyards. Workers in enterprises producing boilers, tures using oxygen-cutting machines tanks, and steel struc will also find it useful. COVIMGE: This book is a brief' :review of general problems encountered in oxygen cutting alid it describes the latest a-utomatic Cardl/4 5eAI=dh-!Te =.E4 23613- uu-2 Automatic Gas Center Controlled by a Scaled Iastance (Cont.) 254 oxygen cutter employing a scaled, remotely controlled, photo- electric tracAng system. The tetbnlcal process of oxygen cutting with the above-mentioned cutter, along with maintenance rules and safety measures,are reviewed. A description is given of the,pracess of preparing tracing prints. Mention is madet Iof Engineer A. Ya. Rubin who assisted in describing the.electric circuit of the automatic outter. There are no references. TABIZ OF CONT ENTS: From the 'Authors ~Ch. I. Existing Methods for Control of Oxygen Cutting Mao-hines 5 1. meta-Ilic template guiderwe of cutter using a magnetic head 5 2. Manual Guidance of oxygen cutting machines using full soale drawings 6 3. Photoelectric guidance using full scale drawings 8 4. Photoelectric guidance using scaled photonegativi-as 13 Card 2/4. Automatic Gas Cutter Controlled by a Scaled Distance (Cont.) II. Automatic Oxy en Outter Employin -9 'g a Scaled, Remotely Controlled Photoelectric Tracing System (MI*KS) 5. General d6scription of the automatlA~ cutter, Pi-Inciple.of,operation of the scaled, remotely adntrolled photoelectric system ..7. Brief-descriptiori of the automatic cutter desigTI 8. Maste'r control apparatiis, M 9. Working echanism (oxygen cutting maahine) ~Operation of ~ the eiectric circidt of-the I ..~automatie cutte'r Safety t c e hni que ^-P~ 4-1- -i,4--~4-4^ n-4-f--~ 71 77 79 8.1 81 82 Atgalahxml . .- -. , 1. :- z P~W Poar Tnormission by Direct and Alternating (Ccmt.) sov/1386 COVBRUZ: rhe collection covers various problew c 1 cted with 4-a &M 4,;o high-voltage transmission lines, gives theoretical of -tho 4i prob - lame and describes experisental investigations and Practiftl conclusions. References appear separately after each article. TABO OF CONTEM: SBCTION I-DIOCT MEW Aleksandrov, D.D., N.F. Olend"skays, and S IV. Ptitern . Investigation or Electric Strength of,Nigh-voltage Varcury Rectifiers' 5 -Zxperisiin~al: Investilption of mercury rectifier# vwA extensively. carried. out recently by NIIPT of MS (Direet-Current Scientific Research Usti- tute of USSR Ministry of Electric Pbwer Stations) in substations of 'the lashira-Moscov and Stalingrad-Donbass eiectric transmission sy3tema. The "Circulation -nometer" recently developed by KIM, made it possible to investigate the effect of foreiga gas admixtures in mercury vapor on the electric strength of a high-voltage rectifier. The results of this in- vestigation have now been introduced in practice. 9-wre are 9 diagram and drawimgs, and 13 references, of vhich 5 are Soviet, 5 Inglish and 3 French. Power Tranimission by Direct and Alternating (Cont.) soV/1386 -Pnnoir I.P. Dielectric Ignitor fortathode Spot MIL.I~ng 20 Experimental investigmtIon of-cathode, spot firing carried out in the laboratorles of NIIPT has proved that dielectricignitorsiav free of the =my-disad,4&ntAps'aharacteristic of semiconductor ignitors. Dielectric ignitors are'r6commended'for use'not only in 6beereury reeti riersY but ais6 in various pe-discharge devices where forced repetitive firing is rtiquired. There are 9 diagrams and drawings. and refer- ences, of which 4 are English and 3 Soviet. lktyashevich, V.V. Pbrmation of Mercury Condensate in an Operating 11ectifier 31 Investigation has been carried out on the effect of mercury condensate droplets on the operating stability of mercur7 rectifiers. Exp'erl- mental *results made it possible to make recommendations an operating tecbniques and some design changes as well. There are 7 dlagr~-and, drairlugs and re fe rence s, all Soviet Dolgikh, V.A., and N.T. Lavrov. 1wiestigation of Voltage Distribution in the P3ALte Circuit of a High-voltage Mercury Rectifier 43 Card 3/ 13 Power Transmission by Direct and Alternating (Cont.) SOV/13M Investigations carried out by V.D. Andreyev and B.G. Mendelev in a, 190-1950 at VRI on voltage dieuribution in the plate circuit of a tnx V-I(VR-50/120) mercury rectifier showed considerable unevenn6as of distribution. The recommendation was to increase the power of the plate voltage divider. In 1953 at the Electrovacuum lAboratory of NMT a series of measurements was completed by V.A. DDlgikh, I.G. Goloshcbekin and N.I. Layrov (and in 1954 'I.A. Ivanchenko) on the dependence of voltage distribution on operating conditions. 7he measurement method was developed by L.N. Volkov and D.D. Emyezev and vas.based on the use of an oseillograph and a capacitive voltap- divider. In conclusion, the authors reconwnd some cka a in operst- Ing practice and In design. There are 3 tables of oscillograms, 4 diagrams and 5 Soviet references. Gertsik, A.K. Rxization Maracteristics of Paper-Oil Capacitor Insulation ftring Application of Voltap With a LDtstorted Wave Form 62 The above characteristics were obtained as a result of experimental Investigation carried out in NIIFT laboratories by the author and junior scientists V.P. Matveyev and D.S. Lavrov. There are 13 dia,"gams and drawings and 14 references, of which 7 are Soviet and 7 Galx~ 41L) Powar I Ttatamissicm by Xrect, and Alternating (Cant. SOV113~6 lbrkbalev. 9.D. Wet rl"hover voltage Charactoriatics of rusulAtorm in D-C Transmission Lima 89 The investigaticm was carried out at NIIPT by the author on P-7, SW,3% IgbD--35,' NO-400 and MT-220 type insulators. There are 6 diagrams and dmwlMs_ and no references. Grays, U.S. Insulation Test Voltage Fequirements in the Stalingrad CW-Dodbass Transmission Bystiem 100 We article is the result of the author's experience gained from - his participation in designing the StAlingrad GES-Donbass transmid- sion system. D-c transmission is plaiined for a distwea of JtTO km at 8W KV and transmitted power of 750 Nw. There are 3 tables, 3 draw- ings WA 5 Soviet references. Posse, A.V. and A.M. %yder. Series Connection of Bridge Rectifiers and.Rectifiers in a D-C Transmission Bystem' U5 lftrcuz7 rectifiers produced today for d-c power transmission are designed for a voltage of about 100 kys For transmission at 400,kv Card 5/13 Bmier Tiansmissic4i by Direct and Alternating (Cont SOV/1386 up to 6W kv/ it is necessary to employ a cascade-connection Of bridep rectifiers, with one or several rectifiers in the am of each br:tda*. 7he best rombination of the number of bridges and the number'of teetifl- ersin tIvj am of each bridge has not yet been definitely chosen. fte difficult problems connected vith this choice were investigited by NI in the Kashira-Moscow h-v d-c transmission line. This article gives the results of investigation and makes recommendations. ftere axe 2 tables, 7 oscillograms, I diagram and 3 reflerencesof vhich 2 am Soviet and 1 German. SheYAtman, M.G... and N.A. Shipulina. Parameters of Equipeent of Can- version Stibsta-ticas in the Kashira-Moscow D-C Transmission'Llne 129 Firing of mercury rectifiers causes current oscillations In i-tens- and, hundreds kc/eec frequency range. Study of this source of radio tuterference requires exact knowledge of equipment parameters for frequencies up to 1 Me. The authors describe methods of wasuring parawters and discuss the results obtained in the experimental Eashirs-Macow d-c transmission line. The three data tables are recom- nended for practical use for those vorking in zadio interference mV- -.n- 6 diagrams aud no references. c6ax, 610 Pover Transmission by Direct and Alternating (Cont.) sov/1386 ffixvkhtilAn, M.G. Damping of PlAU Voltage Oscillations After Extinction of of lbi6ury Rectifiers in C&*eisioji 86itati6ns' 1431 Ri*ftsental investigation ias viriled out b.*NI3:PT'in -the ftshika.: *06&w'd-c t*smission line on &~nping of v6ltaj~~ oscillations cauied bi 6xtinction- of one'or more sercui-Y iectifi6ra'in'siibstations. Tbe author describes this iniestigation and discuss6s 'the - results. He'aloo explains Engineer V.A. Wrzheyevskiyls. method'. of rAlculating the paiimetirs of danping circuits, especially of power transformers. There am 3 t-16les, 3 diagrams,, 1 appendix and no references. Ieshukov, N.D. Damping of Voltage Oscillations in Overhaid D-C Tmodsidoa Lines - (as applied to the Stoklingrad-Donbass tkanomtsilbA, Lbw ) 1 1 161 Theoretical and experimental investigations were carkied'out-by VEI mid' NIIPT in the. experimental Kashira-Hoscow d-c transmission line on doWing of voltage oscillations. TDchnical date from the Swed&h-Gotlmd d-6 trai2smission line were used by the author. The,results of thes6'Invfisti-, gations were put into practice in the Stalingrad-Donbass transiisil6filine, chiefly accordin to reconnendations of M.G. Shekhtman, V.M. KvAtkbvskly, V.N. Vyatkin., N.A. Unashchenko and A.A. Akopyan. There are 32 Pecillo- grams and diagrams and .5 references, of which 2 are Soviet, 1 English, 1 Swedish, and I German. Card 7/ jL.3 Power Transmission by Direct and Alternating (Cont.) sov/l,386 Shiryayev, V.I. Grid Control System in the Kashira-Moscow D-C Transmission idne The author explains &'grid control system for switching-on marcury" rectifiekl in substations according to a definite sequence. ]b also form precticai conclusions and makes recommendations. There eae 10 diagrams =d 4 Soviet references. Tormasov, V.V. Application of Germanium Diodes arA Triodes in the PrimLry Trigger Pulse Circuit of a Grid Control System 197 The replacement of peak transformers or vacuum tubes in the above type of circuit with semiconductor diodes and triodes produces Way dA:vsAtkW8,, espdclally in reliability,, service life, power consumption and overall reduct- ion in size of apparatus. The control and protection laboratory of NrM carried out research on -various aspects of the problem and worked out the design of this circuit (]~PIP -- istocbnik pervicbnykh impW:- sov na poluprovadnikakh)o There are 4 diagrams wid 1 Soviet reference.