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PANKRATOV, V. M.; STRUTINSKIY, V. M. Posoibility for Otti4ying fission at a d4ifinite ezoitation energy of the compound nucleus. Atom. ener 14 no.2:171-176 F 163. IhRA 36 11) (Nuclear fission) PANKRATOV V M Cross sections Of the fission of Th232 0233 .0 Np237 by neutrons in.the energy range 5 , and U238 -37 )4v. Atom. Iner . 14 no.2: 177-184 F 163. (MIRA 6:1f (Radioisotopes) (Nuclear fission) (Neutrons) ROSSIYSKIY, Vladimir Alekseyevich, prof.; NAZARENKO, Wris Pavlovich, kand.: tekhn.-Amu4 SIDMSKIY, Nikolay Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; GIBSBMAN,, prof.,, do.ktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent- KALMYKOV, N.Ya., doktor teklm. nauk, Prof., retsenzenttdeceased]; POLIVANOV, N.I., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KIRILLOV, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BASOV, S.Ye., inzh.- _ retsenzent; E&TJKEATQX,_YM., inzh., red.; GANYUSHIN, A.I., red,,,izd-va; BODANOVA, A.P., tekhn. red. (Examples of the design of precast reinforced concrete bridges] Primery proektirovaniia sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh mostov. Mo- skva,, Avtotransizdat,, 1962. 49/+ p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist po mostam Khakl_,kovskogo otdeleniya Gosudar- stvennogo proyektnogo instituta po promyshlennomu transportu (for Basov). (Bridges, Concrete-Design and construction) 1/019 rj14/002/006 9/651 sloe 15A86 for eot'-OD5 vOgg boo g:tOq Ask n5 lip All at JIB 252 'to 232 &T~6 nexxt Vo e'v 141 0 'q I .I I f at ,ore 5 a f Of Ntojaual 2z ion f t1le . n1 jr ~f of sae%010 o Or .1%,Sti eme%l audL Mea r6.eT Vasa of jotTou M Me ..n fro ILeV le 0 01C ,Me JeTa ~&eV 6, su-?,p 'ilex ON OL us e all the .5 ,,-r C, ue atro .-ae 'Z2 21 0 .6 Of eret i.011 Ts. ,ge f the t-he a O'P -as Of the t %4 aerg"' Oha' aes teTO 6, 01a e I - VLC It's 4't. &431~1 - -je t OM1101 I tN 0 Me "hev ange OaTT IMaDi. .A9 ~5* r tit'at a a, '*,c t'jons for eaetto'n 4 reac terOns I&V - do,& 9.9. aD(I r 0.4 1 sva 5, ALOn) j&el e of B/089/63/014/002/006/019 Th 232 e33, U 235 NP237, U238 fission... B102/3186 modulated by a platinum moderator filter. All measurements were made at ~00 to the incident beam. The monoe'norgetic neutrons were filtered out according to the time-of-flight method by means of a fast-neutron single- channel.apectrometer (time resolution 3-10v9 see). Gesseintillation counters were used as fission detectors; their scintillations were recoided by V)f-33 (FEU-33) photomultipliers. From tha time spectra of the frag- ment momenta taken for the individual isotopes and using the d(E ) curves. n the fissilities were cal -Oulated under-the assumption that the energi'es of' the compound nuclei were 8 - 10 Mev. The results are'listed in the table'. There are 12 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTEDs May 4, 1962 Card 2/3 Nis& S/089J65/014/002/005/019 B102/Bla6 6 0 AUTHORSt Pankritov, V. M., Strutinskiy,,V. M. TITLEs Study of a fission possibility at a-definite excitation energy of the compound nucleus PERIODICALt Atomnaya energiya, v-. 14, no. 2, 1963,'171 IT6 TEXTz. Interpretation of the experimental results Vhen the energy of.the: particles released during-.fissioii is in the region of 10-Mev encounters diffic'ultieu due to one or more neutrons being emitted in one part of the fissions. In an attempt to circumvent these diffi.culties a method was developed for calculating mass and energy distributions of the fission fragment.s. This method is suitable for ca~ses'where the distribution can-be Assuzed to depend only on the nucleon composition and excitation energy of the compound nucleus and not.on its mechanism of formation. The observed'~ distributions of the two initial fissile nuclei can then be compared as between those whose neutron numbers differ by those whose initial excitav- tion energies differ by AU - B + where B is the neutron binding energy, n n and Z is-its mean kinetic energy. If it be further' assumed that the nuclear Card 1/2 A~ 7= PISEER, G.S.,inzb.; PAIUMTOV, V.M.,inzb.;KLOCHKOV, B.V. Modern designs of span structures. Avt.dor. 23 no.11:15-17 1,1160. (MIRA 13: 11) (Bridges, Concrete) (Viaducts) 77- 777777MM MEL'NIKOV, S.M.; FOMIGHEV, A.I.;,,PANKRATOV, V.N.; POLYANSKIY, P.To Mining 58,,200 tons of coal in 31 workdays with the nDonbass- 2k" cLttar-loader. Ugoll 40 no.8:75-76 Ag 165. (MM 18;8) 1. Glavnyy inzh tresta Oktyabrlugoll (for Meltnikov). 2. Shakhta No.33/34 trests. Oktyabrlugoll kombinata Karagandaugoll (for Fomichev., Pankratov, Polyanskiy). PANfMATOVA, V.N.t IATYAYEVAP V.N., RAZUVAYEV, G.A. Oxidation of d~lpheny2cadmium in organic solvents. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.5,-900-903 My 165. (MITRA 18:6) ei~ BLYUSKIN, Ye. M., inzh.; WIN, R.A.. inzh,;_ 4NMM.KV. P. j nz h.. Operation of equipment subjected to boiler inspection without accidents. Bezop. truda v prom. 3 no.6:29--30 A 159. (MIRA 12:10) l.Dolgoprudnenakiy zavod krasitelay. (Industrial safety) , i - I . . , , 4,~ , - I- I- . -. ~~ - - -1 tiUTHOR- Pankratov, V. P. . I - . - ~ I .. : I.. - . - I I - -51 ZABLOTSKIT, Yu.A.- PANKRATOV, V.P-; IOWLISOF, M.Z. A-o~, *. Equipment for concreting mine shafts. Gor. 2hur. no.h::46 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Mining machinary-Patents) L 9031-66 E';IT(d)/F*iT(m)/EIVP(v)/E'.'iP(t)/EVIP(k)/gWP(h)/EVIP(b)/E,'/P(II/r:i-~i~)/EIYA(c) JD/WJ ACC NRi AF5024956 SOURCE CODES MVM86/65/0OD/016/0Dl8/0Ol8 AUTHORS: Stepanov, V. G.; ftmkra!~L,' V. P.; Lanwg, A, A, ORGj mono TITIZ: Diamountable tank for bydro-explosive forn -Mass. 7j Wo. 173 . Oreanization of the State Conmittes apliounced a a forrIganizats gosudarstvannogD koxitets, po sudostroyeniyu-SW 7-- SOURCE: E~mlletenl izobreteniy i tovarmykh snakov, no. 16S 3.965s 18 .TOPIC TAGS: !jELosive forning,/hydro explosive forming. tank tal- workimg Y Y, 5 j~ ABSTRAM. This Author Certificate presents a discountable tank for hydro-explosive forming,- consisting of stacked circular sections which an soaled along the perimoter and'reinforced by external ribs (see Fig. 1). To increase life and flexibility of usep the sections can be disassembled vertically into Wo or more parts which have vertical ribe along the separation lines and which can be assembled by using claW. To decronso the tank expansion dwring the blaat~ a second feature provides holes in the vertical ribs tbrough which cables can be passed. god UDC: 621.983.0".06 Z_ -.6 ACC N Rs AP5024956 Fig, Is I - sectiona; 2 - vertical ribs; cable. NIKONOV, Sergey Nikolayevich; PANKRATQV,-31Arjimj petroyiC14- ADLERSHTM-N, L.TS.., inzh., retsenzent; FLIGACHEV, A.S., retsenzent; PISIMSKOV, V.F., inzh., nauchriyy red.; SOSIPATROV, O.A., red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M.y tekhn. red. (Lay-off man in shipbuilding]Sudovoi ra=etchik. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz., 1962. 217 p. (IURA 15:12) (Laying off (Shipbuilding)) ZF-FIROV, Igorl Vas!Vyevich; NUOLS)VI Sergey Nikolayevicb; PANKRATOV, Vladdmir PetrovIch; ORLOV,, N.L.) rabochiy- 6s'enoi6n.t-Rll~l,ER, A.I., inzhl retsenzent; SHAKHOV, A.I., inzh., nauchn. red.; LISOK, E.I., red. (Laying off in shilphaUdIng] Oludovaia razmetka. lAnirigrad~ Sudostroenie, 1965. 411 P. (Mll(A 18:8) TIKHCUCV, Yu.N.; P.QTMTOV, V.V. Thomodynonice of chemloal reaotiona during tho procIpItAtim and alAoying of silicon from the gas phase. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 7 no.5.,95-99 164' (~aRA 18:1) 1. Kafedra proizvodstva chistykh metallov i poluprovodnikov-ykh materialov Moskovskogo instituta otali i splavov. FANKRATOT V ye I'-- ~-- - ~ 7, -*- , Repairing friction presseg. (POver prear Stan- 1 Instr. 26 no.5:32 MY #55. ies-ROPairlng) (XLRA 8:8) S - - - "'.. v; " T J!;- KPU; ~,'(,!v RAdio,qstronomical obsez-~-at- ions Of the solar ecEpse of' july in the microwave band. VeFt. jG!i 220 no.1:10-~--oq 165. C L 30012-65 FDD1kWr(l)1kir,(Y)1Ew_41kEG(t) pe.VN~-4/Pae-2M-h GWA9 ACCESSION NRI. APM05762 5/000/65/000/001/0102/0109~ AUTHOR-- Abbnsov, A. R.; Grebinskiy. A. S.; Durasova. M. G.; Ivanov, V. I nat'xeva, L.-M.- Holchanov, A. PI; Mvaanikov, V. L.; PankratcX. Ya..I.; Suk anov-.-A. G.; 4_ujin, YAsnov. L. V TITLE; Radloastronomic observations on the centimeter wave of the solar eclipse on 21 July 1963 SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik, Sirlya matematiki, mekhaniki I asironomli,'no. 1, 1965, 102-109 TOPIC TAGS: solar eclipse, solar atmosphere, residual radiation, terrestrial at- mosphere, radio emission, aunapa~, ABSTRAM An expedition went to Simushir Island to observe the time of the second and third radio contacts of the solar eclipse of 21 July 1963 for detecting the height of,.rapid changes in the solar atmosphere during the period of weak solar ac- tivity-and foK,measuring the residual radiation flux duritig the period of total cover of the Sun. The -detection of local sources of rAdio emission from dX Sun during the total aclippi - OR4 ineasurcidents'of. thd Eakth!s own atmospheric radiation were also included In the expediti6n1s.tagk.' disk was covered with two groups of cord 1/2 L 30012-65: ACCESSIDN NR: A1?5005782~ nunupoto, of which one persisted only two days Including the day of the eclipse. The refraction, absorption, and proper radiation of the Earth's atmosphere in- fluenced observation data. The absorption and atmospheric radiation were -specially measurLd before and after the eclipse. Strong fluctuations of -the solar radio emis- cion between the first and occond contacts were recorded on 3.2- and 10-cm wave- lengths. The amplitude of fluctuations diminished with the increase of solar height and did not depend on wavelength. A difference was observed between the optical and radio contact times. The residual radio emission corrected for absorption in the terrestrial atmosphere Is given In 4 table In the original article. An colorion ilia local aource of local sources has been recorded on 4-, 5-, Cad 10-cm Waven, was Identified with the spot group which lanted only two days. The 1171,,~Ijt of tit'! locnl source was determl~cd to be in a space- apati ifrom 7000 to 200000 I!m above the solar surface. -Orig. art$ hr!ni 3 figures, I tables, and 4 formulas.- [EGJ~ ASSOCIATION, none Vul-CL: 00 SUB CODZi. 65 SUBMITTED: 24jan64 AA q NO REP SOVi 004 OT11LR! 002 ATD PRESS'. 3196 cord 2/2 k KAPEIZUSliNIKOV, German Isaakovich; KLITSUNOV, Viktor Igantlyevich; MWEVICB, Veniamin Fayvovich; PANKRATOV, Yu.A.1 inzh., retsen- zent; ZASADYCH, B.L., retsenzent; FFMOT'-A.11., otv. red.; OKHM1124KO, V.A., red. izd-va; ILIUSK&A, G.M... tekhn. red. [Safety measures in underground coal mining) Teldmika bezo- pasnosti pri podzemnoi dobyche uglia. Moskvat Gos. nauchno- tekbn.. izd-vo-lit-ry po gornomu dolu, 1962. 503 P. (MIRA 15:4) (Coal mines; and....mip-ing-Safety measures) (Coal miners-Diswen and, 4 --- ---- - -- - PAMMTOV-6 - Tu-. R-.- - - - - -- - ---- - - - -- - - --- - -- - - - International film exchange between academiao of sciences of Union republics (short reference). Vest. AN USSR 24 no.9:83-84 6 154. (KM 7:9) (Libraries and motion pictures) (Motion-picture film collections) MR/ ScientifIc Organization Card I/l I Pub.. 224 - 18/24 Authors, Pankratov, Yu. B. Title 3 riMonal book exchange between theAcademles of Science of allied republics Perloalca* Vest. AN SM 9, 83-84P Sep 1954 Abstract. Brief report.on-the intprnational book-exchange between the Academies of-science of the USSR and other countries of the world is presented. The importance of the exchange of scientific publications between countries of the Soviet bloc and western countries is explained. %jiT-~rq an PANKRATOV9 Y P 0 d Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of methods 2or tir ttre--f~~ of compressed ~refractory materials, C-GAt-ff~-. Mos,1957- 14 PP wit 23 cm. (Min of Higher "duca'ion USSR. Kos Order of Lenin ffv -I Inst im D.I. Mendeleyev.) 120 Copies. (KL9 23-57, 113) POPILISKIY, R. .a.; PANKRATOV, Yu. F.; KOYRM4, N. 14. Formation of a nonporous structure in polycrysta2line corundum. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:326-329 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) I* Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektravakuumnogo stek-la. Predst,--.vleno akademikom S. A. Vekshinskima' USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their H-7 Application. CeramiPs. Glass- Binders. Concrete. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - KhimiYaj, NO 1, 1958, 2001 Author : Pankratov Yu.F., Poluboyarinov D.N., Popillskiy R.Ya. Inst : Title : Study of Procedures for Increasing the Density of Pressed Articles Having a High Content of Chamotte. Orig Pub : Ogneupory, 1957, No 3, 109-120 Abstract : A description of the results of a study of procedures for increasing the density of pressed high-chamotte refracto!- ries with kaoline chamotte base. Investigated were the effects of the following factors: composition of high- charn tte mixtures, limited to the composition ranges of 30-65% coarse chamotte fraction, 20-55% fine chamotte fraction, 0-30% clay; paste preparation procedure; de- gree of comminution of fine cha tte fractions; grain size of coarse chamotte fraction; pressure of Card 1/3 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-7 Application. Ceramics- Glass. Binders. Concrete. Abs JOur Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1) 1958) 2001 press-Working; use Of kaolin binder in lieu Of clay bin, der; increased duration of firifig and of the possibility Of substituting fine chaMotte fraction for the clay in high-chaMotte paBtes, It was found that the composition Yielding highest density of green ware press-worked at 600 kg/cm2 is within the following range (in %): coarse Ch tte fraction 45-6o, fine chamotte fraction 20-35, clay 15-20. Range Of Optimal compositions, as concerns density of fired body, corresponds to a content of 30-45% coarse chamotte fraction, 45-55% fine chamotte fraction, 10-20% clay. A sharp decrease in the density of green ware and of fired body is observed on lowering the content Of clay below 10%- It is recommended to grind together the fine chamotte fraction and the clay, and use an addi- tiOnal preparation of the moistened paste,. Optimal commi- nution of the fine fraction corresponds to a 10% content Card 2/q -- - - PAMMATOV - -- - - - - - ~ . 9 Yuplp-; POLUBOYARINIM, D,N,; POPIL'SKIYI, R.Ya. ,Uvestigatlug WAYa of increasing the density of comproonsoad productg with a high percentage of grog. -3: 109-120 '57. OgneuPory 22 (MLRA 10:5) 1. Institut Im. D.I. Mendeleyeva. (Refractor7 materials) :u M-W- -r,14DW in --sime vith vAsa An temmeraturc- Z-V 1- 1 !3r,/ "N" WON IRNSP W OM HIM, "02" -15 ~he to 7;tpare -IT!r' CPrl- Cut Ingralt tary Tpachinig, from 1917-1932." Yoscoi-T Crrer of Lcn-*Ln an0 Labor Banner State U ireni IT. V. I-omonosov. (',hai, cf 1,03("O"'Ij 1055- (Dissertatic-n for the De!~rcc of Caneifl--te in Scierces) SO-' Knizhnaya Letopi-st, No 1, 10,r6 ~:l .-n 0-'11- mutter nf uv old,-, -A h-" a ln~tt-T N' LL,l I' a v,ring s,-I. P.111-11."! 1 .011' In !'Mtwp Ul'.~d am--n ~wt'. "it -.1th fh~ iu~"t atl~rwl In lbe Open ~t; MASSOVA, H.; FAMRATOVA, E. M" Change-over to a contifMous -power su-m17 cir-cait on an existing network. T_TNI no.16:14~-151 '57. (MLRA 10: 8) (Slectrie networks) j ZIYONTSY R. M., kand. tek*nn. nauk; PANKRATOVA, G. Fe. inzhe Cordierite kiln obelven made of refractaTy claya and magnesite. Stek. i ker. 20 no.3-.23-26 Mr 963. (MIRA 16t4) 1. Gooudarotvannyy nauchno-iopledovatel'okiy inotitut stroitoillnoy koramiki. (Kilns-Auipment and au3plies) (Refractory materials R'. 15 (2) S1131160100010210061014 AUTHORSt P9j_uDoyAr1nov, --&915/BO08 D. No) Z~~~ M. TITLEs Urdiarit -e-Oerami-ce a Heat-resistant Difficultly Fusible Material PERIODICALs Ogneupory, 1960, Nr 2, pp 73-76 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the paper under review the authors explain the elaboration of the processes and the investigation of the properties of cordierite products. The chemical composition of refractory clay types and of the raw magnesite which were used for the synthesis of the cordierite, is listed in table 1. The cordierite bricks mere manufactured at the experimental plant of the NIIStroykeramiks, from 50% cordierite chamotte and 5 binding agents (Table 2). The properties of the cordierite"(D products,'dependent on the content of MgO, are mentioned in table 3. It is established in conclusion that the compo.nents of the cordierite products must be finely ground and exactly dosed* In other respects the technology of the cordierite products does not differ from that2f refractory chamotte Card 1/2 products. By usingrefracto y claj types with a high content -~;717- o, z: 7" 3/081 /62/000/004/050/087 , B150/B138 '_'2c.9 0 AUTHORS: Pankratova, G.. F., Poluboyarinov, D. N., Zayonts, R. M. TITLE: Syn'v -hesis of cordierite from refractory clays and magnesite PERIODICAL: Referativnyy-zhurnal. Khimiya, no- 4, 19621 3819 abstract 4K232 (Tr. Gos. Vses. n. -i. in -ta stroit. keramiki, no. 15, 196u, 3 -19) TEXT. The possibility is investigated, of cordierite synthesis on the basis of refractory clays and natural magnesite. In this case intensive - 14000 C. The thermal formation of cordierite takes place at 1300 7 . 6 expansion coef f ioient of these masses lies in the range 0.87 - 10 3 - 10 The most massive formation of oordierite occurs when crude magnesite is used. To produce a-ordierite articles with a thermal expansion coefficient; -6 of -1-10 crude magnesite with grains