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PANIN, P. S. Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Characteristics of soils of the Shiruariskaya. steppe in regard to salt supply." Baku, 1961. 15 PP; (Academy of .Sciences USSR, Soils Inst imeni V. V. Dokuchayev); 200 copies; free; (KL, 6-61 sup, 232) PANIN, P.S.9 uchitell Structural formulae. Kh1m. v shkole 16 no..l.-U,,& Ji-F 16l. (MIRA 14:1) i i 1. Sreftyaya shkola No./+,, StALlinogorsk. (ChemistrY-Notation) PANIN, P. S. Grudges of users against designers. Avtom. telara. i sviaz' 3 no.8:39 Ag '59- (YIRA 13:2) l.Starshiy inzhener laboratorii signalizataii I svyazi Moakovsko- Kursko-Donbansko7 dorogi. (Railroads-Plactronic equipment) PANIN, P.S. ~4,a ,--W& ~Shortcomings in the designs of dispatcher control apparatus. Avtom., telem-i sviai 3 no.9:33-34 S '59. (NIBA 13:2) 1. Starshiy inzhener laboratorii signalizataii i avyazi Moskovskoy dorogi, (Railroads-Signalin'-) MEZIUMV, A.Ya.; PAITIN, P.S. Reviewing the article "Periods for testirg-relays for signaling, central control and block systems." Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 2 no.208 P 158. (MM 11CI) 1. Starahi3r elektromekhanik kontrollnogo punkta Serpukhovskoy distantaii Hookovoko-Kuroko-Donbasakoy dorogi (for Hezentsev). 2. Starshiy inzhener laboratorli 9i nalizateli i evyazi Moskovsko- Kixroko-Donbasokoy dorogi (for Pani,l. (Railroads-Signalin-g-Block system) PMN, P S (Stalinogorek). w1ron." 1h1v-v shkOle u no.6:37-40 Oral problems on the rabject N-D '56. (MM 9;12) (Iron) FANIN, P. 5 Iffoct of moisture on the vOlumetrio weight of soil. Fochvoyedenis no.9:108-110 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Azgiprovodkhoz, g.3aka. (Soil moisture) -- PANIN, P.S. .-I -, Movement of salts in tbo leaching 1&7er of a saline soil. Dokl- AN Azerb.SSR 15 no.653L5-519 159. (MIRA 12--9) 1. Predstavleno akaaemikove AN AzerbayazbanRkoy, SSR V.R.Tolobuyevym. (Saline soils) (Soil moisture) F"IN. P SO--l-- loocating faults in power cables of large cross sections. Avtoya., telem. i avlaz' 3 no-3:33-34,Mr 159. (MM 22:5) 1.Starshi.v inzhener laboratorii signalizataii i avyazi Moskovsko- Kursko-Donbasskoy dorogi. kZlectric cables-Testing) Princi7ml soil tynes of DzungnriA Pnd Adjncent Tien 3~,nr nrA, Altai Mountsins. Pochvovedenie no-3:51-58 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Dzungaria--Soils) (Tien Shnn--Spile) (Altsi Mountnins--Boils) PANIN, P.S. (g, Stalinogorsk Moskovskoy oblasti). Determining the chemIcal formulas of substances. M21n. v shkole 12 no.3-#29-30 yq-JO '57. (MLPA 10:6) (Chemistry-Problems, ftercizes, etc.) PANIN. P.S. (g. Stalixogorsk) Oral solutiox of problems ix chemiotx7 el"oes. Min. v shkole 10 no.6:22-24 x-D 153. (MLRA 9:1) (Chemistry--Study and teachiag) W:7r' P 'S"T -1-1 - r, hi il ~ rk I i v -, -7 - V I - - - .PANIN, P.S. (g. Stalinogorsk) Order of notes made for the solution of chemical problems. Ihim.y shkDle 10 no-3:31-32 MY-Je 055. (MLa 8:8) (Chsmistr~--Problemo, exercises, etoo) TERFUGOV, German Alekseyevich; PANIN) F.Se) retuenzent; YJJW.KOVAy G.I., inzh., red.; GROM, Xu.V.P tekhn. red. [Dispatcher control of train traffic) Dispetcherskii kontroll dvizbeniia poezdov. 14osWa. Vses. izdateltsko-poii r. ob"edi- nenie M-ya putei soobshcheniia) 1962. 115 p. W 15:5) (Railroad s-Signaling-C entrali zed traffic control) (Railroads-Train dispatching) KOVALEV, R.Y., doktor sellkhoz, nauk) otv. red.; ILIB, V.B., kand sellkdioz. nauk, red.; red.; NEI-ILMMO, V.K.,mlad. 11..,S., kand. sellkhoz. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; red. KLEEVENSKAYA, I.L., kand. biol. na-uk, nauchm. sotr.) red.; nauk, rod.; PANFILOV, V.P., kand. TROFIMOV, S.S., kand. sellkhoz. nRid~, [Transactions of the Conference of the Soil Scientists of Siberia and the Far East] Trudy Konferentsii pocb-vovedov Sibiri i Dallnego, Vostoka. Novosibirsky Pli SS&R, 1964. 2 p6 (IMIRA ls:~) Konferent.-A- pochvovedov I-ihiri i Dallnego Vostoka. Novosibirskp 1962. 2. Biologichaskiv institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Panfilov). TIA111 Di P. T USER/1'edicine - Insectidides Oct 51 "Insecticidal Eff(Ict of Soap and Oil Paint W'nen !JL-Ked WiU,, M. V. Geminov, E. I. Shvarsshteyn, R. T. Panin, Kuyv,,,chev Oblast Pub Health Eiv and Oblast Sanitary Epidemiol Sta "Gig i San" No 10) PP 41-43 Soap mixed with hexachlorocyclohexane without any other aamixt can be 'Used success- fully and economically to combat lice and as a preventive against them. Linens can be washed in a 3-5 emulsion of this soap in hoi. water to sterli7e them. The method is simple and can be used under all ccndi'.,2*-ons, vecause no rreat anit of disinfectant is needed. Rinsinv and ironinr lessens the activity of the insecticide in the linen. The effect of the disinfectant in the linen lasts more than 4 mos in t'he lavorator7 and 3 mos when repeated washing is neccssary. '.7ithout any other admixts the soap retains its insecticidal effect for 5-, mos. Surface oil paints izitb an admix of 10 and heyachlorocyclobexandcliave a strong insecticidal effect. This effect remains -for 2 moc. FlexachlorocycloMxane mixed with oil-paint loses its odor -to a considerable extent. 119T94 yEZROVA, Yu.S.;,PAIM, S-M- Preparation of mOlYbdenum and tungsten metal-lographic sections. Zav.lab. 27 no.8.-1044 '61. (MM 14:7) (Molybdenum--Metallography) (Tungsten--Metallograpby) 26394 3/032/61/027/00e/019/020 It-910D B124/B215 AUTHORSs Yezhova, Yu. S., and-Paning S. M. TITLEs Preparation of molybdenum and tungsten ground microseotionB PERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriyaq v. 279 no. 8, 1961., 1044 TEXTs The following method was applied for polishing and etching molybdenum and tungsten ground mioroseotionsi After mechanical polishirg, the micro- section is elootropolished in 10 12 % NaOH for '15 to 20 Oeo at an optimum 2 current density of 1 - 0.8 a/cm The current density iq then reduced to 0-3 - 0-5 a/cm2 ; the mieroseotion is etched for 10 - 20 seo, then washed with water, and dried with filter paper-. If colored ox'.1e films ferm on the microssotion surfacep it should be polished again for another 5 -- 10 Be The aboye methoc'X since such films would disturb the structural examination. d was applied for obtaining microsections of,molybdenum and t~urgaten wire of different diameters. The structure of tungsten wire 40 micrcnn in diameter is given as an example. (Abstracter's notes EaDentially 3omplGte translation.] Card 1/1 4' stumplay Yk, re [Finnhingr ~dth -light] LGv r,,drf na s-vet. Kalinirqr~rad, Kaliningradskoe hnizhnoe izd-~.,o, 1960. 75 P. WIRA 17:5) 1. 1-iauelmo-i-ssleiovatell--k-l~y institut morokogo rybrogo khoZyay3tVa i okeanografli (for Panin). 'ITULIK, A.I., inzbener; ROGACH, A.P., Inzbener; SALGANIK. L.D., inzbener; PANIM, T.I., inzbener; OSTANIN, V.Y., inzbener. The use of high-alumina bricks in air preheaters. Stall 16 no. 7:582-585 J1 '56. (?4LRA 9:9) 1. Chasoy-Tarskiy ogneupornyy i Kona tant inov skiy metallurgicbeekiy zavoa. (Firebrick) (Heat regenerators) PANIN, V. ANAMOSIONNIM - 'Prospective development of communal power supply. Zhil.-kam.khoz.6 ~-._z ne.2&07-9 IP56. (KM 9:7) l.Glavnyy inzhener Glavnogo energeticheskogo upravleniya Ministerstva I kommamllnogo khozysystva RSM. (Blectric power distribution) NEDVORYAGINA~ 0., red.;_EAHjN4_Vj red.; AKSYUK, A., tekhn. red. (Lectures on vegetable gardening]Lektsii po ovoshchevodstvu. Kishinev, Izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry, 1962. 158 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Moldavian S.S.R.Ministerstvo proizvodstva i zagotovok sell- khozproduktov. (14oldavia-Vegetable gardening) PANIN, V. -,,z-,'- -, , -- Improving the eqcLipment in communal electric power stations and electric networks. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 6 no.3:6-8 156. (KLRk 9:8) 1. Glav"y inzhener Glynogo energeticheakogo upravlenlya Minister- stva kommunallnogo khozyaystva RUSR. (Zlectric power distrAlmtion) PANIN, V. Saperimental remote control section of the Fenza electric power system, Zhil,-kom. khoz. 8 no- 8:25 '58. (141RA 11:8) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Glavenergo Ministerstva kommunallnogo khozyaystva RSFSR. (Penza--Eleotric power distribution) (Remote control) FANIN,, V. Where do out milliom of kilowatts go? Zhil.-kom. khoz. 11 (MIM 14 no.8:28-29 Ag 161. :r,) 1. Glavnyy inzhener upravloniya komminallnoy energet:Lki Minis- terstva kpvm~,nallnogo khozya~ tva ESFSR,. (Eleotric power distribution) CHEBOTAR', Sofiya Trofintovpa, zvenlyevaya; PANIN, V.., red.; NAGIRNYAK, Ye.., red.; YANDOVSM', V., tekhn. red----- (How we got 13.8 centners of corn per hectare] Kak nT vyrastili 118 tsentnerov zerna kukurazy s gektara. Kishinev, Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry 14-va proizvodstva i zagotovok sellkhozproduktov IISM 1962. 25 P. (HIRA i5:6) LIA 1. Ko:Lkbbz tlZavet Leninalt Flor~sifitskogo rayona (for Chebotarl). (Moldavia-Corn(Maize)) OWSHKOO B.V.# zasl. agronom Moldavokoy SSRj, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; YANKOVSKAYA, I.F.p agronorokonomist,- FANIN., V.,, red.; GOff ACHE40, F., teldm. red. [Efficient use of conective-fam land] Po-khoziaiski ispoll- zovat' kolkhoznuiu zemliu. Nishinevp Izd-vo sellkboz.lit-ry X,SKh I.ZM, 1962. 20 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Predsedatell koMoza "Vyatsa, nouye" Teleneshtskogo rayona (for Glushko). 2. Kol)choz."Vyatsa nouye" Teleneshtskogo rayona. (for Yankovskaya.). (Teleneshty Diattict-Agriculture) PANIN, V. .0-0000- Generation of electricity at central heating plants is the basic source for economizing fuel. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 8 no. 6:7-9 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Glavnyy inzhenar Glavanorgo Hinistaretva kommunalinogo khozyaystva RSFSR. (Heating from central stations) FANIN, V., inzhoner. Increasing the reliability and economical performance of diesel electric power stations. Zhil.-kom.khoz- 7 no.9:10-11 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Diesel electric power plants) (Diesel engines--Cooling) - - w k.& inzhener. -4~14 UK WZI:-~-J ~ Standard.plans for transformer substatlons. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 7 no.l: 24-25 157. (Electric substations) 09-ft 10: 4) N PANIN, V- wmk~-", street lighting- Z Increase the efficiency of hil.-kom. khoz. 10 no.5-.11-13 160. (YIRA 13:10) 1. GlavnVy inzhener ITpravleniya kommunallnoy energetiki Minis- terstva kommunalinogo' khozyaystva RSPSR~ (Street lighting) PANIN, VO ~ , Mdft tolhe seven-hour workday and organization ofiagee In the public electric power Wetem. Zhil.-kon. khoz. 10 uo.7:10-13 160o (MML 13:10) 1. Gl&vW inzhener Upravleniyatommunallnoy euergetiki ministeretva 1communallnogo khotyaystva RSISR (Hours of labor) (Wagesi (Electric power plants) PANIN, V.; SHAPKIN, P.; POPOV, A.; DOBRYNIN, B.; RAKITIN, A. 'What type of studies do we need. Sov. profsoiuzy 20 no-3: 20-21 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Organizatory profsoyuznoy gruppy Michurinskogo paro- vozoremontnogo zavoda, Tambovskoy oblasti. ,-I. (Viltnyus) Life prompts. Wen. znano 39 no.11:26 N '63. (MIRA 17:2) ANIN V in2h. I rw~4 Automatic device for the regulation of lighting. Zhil.-kZAL. 12 1 no.304 Mr 162. (MRA 15tlO) (France-Electric lighting) (Automatic control) PANIN) V. i3t,91c ciii t4r, zydv4,,f,, 24 no,6:26-27 1~5- I I WMA MI"') I 1. Gruppovoy mekhanik Podtesovskoy remontuno-ekspluatutsicnn:Dy Lazy. ~ANIN V A. Cand B;Iol Sci -- "Biological ard fores-tr~z pecul-ahrit-ker, of --~te ~121 I 4&~- of spruceirof the oentnd-tayga belt of the European USSR." Novosibirsk, 1960 (Acad Sci USSR. SibericADeps-rtment. Joint Academic Council for Biol Sci). . (KL, 1-61, 189) -136- PAN)2;, V.A. Characteristics of sugar beet autotetravloids in connectim with the level of their heterozygosis. Dokl. All SSSR 158 no.I: 206-207 S-0 1164 (NIRA 17:8) 1. Glavn-yy botanicheskiy sad AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikoim N.VMitsinym, TRUKHANOV, V.Aj PANIY,_,Y,~,__(Panin, V.0.1; SHEVTSOV, I.A. Some problens ooncerning tho melactiylty of fertilization 'in diploid and tatraploid sugar beets, Ukr. bot. thur. 22 no.4; 3-7 1656 (MYRk M10) 1. Inatitut botaniki AN UMSSR, otdal genetikI. LVTK(YV, I.N.;__LANU,.V-,-,; PANINA, Ye.B.; KARTASHEVA, Z.F.; SIEMPACHEVA-,, N. Polyploid sugar beets. Priroda 52 no.1-1:59-61 163. (MMA 17%1) 1. Institut toitologii i genetild Sibirskogo otdoloniya AN SSSR,, Novositirsk. ZOSIMOVICH) V.P. [Z:)Eiymovych, V.P.); PANIN, V.A. [Panin, V.0.1 Study of reciprocal triploid hybrids and parental forms of sugar beets, Dop, All URSR noo7:950-953 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut botaniki AN TJkrSSR. 2. Chlen-korraspondent AN UkrSSR (for Zosimovich). PANINJO V.A. [Panin, V.0.]; PANINA, Ye.B. (Panina, IE.B.] Characteristics of the pollen of autopolyploid and diploid forms of the beet. Ukr. bot. zhur. 22,no.2.-2&-35 t65. (MA 18:4) 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR, otdal genetiki. FANINP V.A. Spruce bearing red and green,cones and their capacity for early or late opening of buds. Dokl. All SHER 142 no-3:723-724 Ja f62~ O-Im 15:1) 1. $1birskoye otdeleniye Ail 333R, Predstavleno akademikom V, N. Sukachevym. (spruce) PAITIN V A Stabilized rectifier with a series transformer. Vopo raoch. i konstr. elektrono vycho mash* no*1:142-153 s6o. (MIRA 14:1) Mectronic calculating machines) (Voltage regulators) PANIN, V.A. Two-color enigna, Priroda no.6:lo7 Je 160. (MIRA 13:6) i. Sibirakoye otdoleniye Almdamii nauk SSSR, Novosibirsk. (spruce) jig lit1 Yjil T'i-ININ, V.A. [Faritn, 11.0.1 A. 4 Joh"n Grogor Mendelt (),n .be 100th annivereary or m, oP the laws o:r horeifk7. Ukr. bet,. Mum 22 165. (M-MA 192101 GOROKHOVSKIY# S.I.;- KITAYGORODSKIY, A.P.; PANIN, V.I.,red.; BOBYLEVA, 1J., red. izd-va,; LBLY W IN, A.A. t'ekhn i,- red [Nxperience in the operation of the Taganrog municipal power system) Opyt raboty taganrogskoi gorodqkol alektroseti. Moskva, Izd-vo X-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR, 1958. 26 p. (41M 11:12) (Taganrog--Electric power distribution) VII., inzh. of an earth dam during the filling Of a hYdrOelOctric 7ailurs power station reservoir. Ruergetik 5 no.10:28-29 0 157.(MIRA 10:12) (Dame) (Bystritea River-Blectric power plants) V-57-6666 /a-f-66(5-/6T6[6i 6510 190 ACC W 4T'603~148- SOURCE CODE1 AUTHOR: Turch~ninov, I. A.; Panin, V. Is ORG: none TITLE: Posoib lities of applying sonics and ultra-aonics to determine the deformatiol chai~acteristics of rocks and the stress state of a oolit mass in rocks 6f the4 Kola Peninsula BoUtIcHt AN Dfl tie Inotitut ri-xiXI Zamlie onaakuntIMAI inpailmovaniya tvuka i ul'trazvuka v seysmologii, 9eysmorazvedke i gornom dele ,(Geoacousticg;ithe use of sound and ultrasound in seismology, seismic prospecting, atid mining). Moacow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 185-190 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic logging, rock failurejelaotic wave n=txK!td=1' btr4h5avle wave piopagation, p&-Mo&,!~P6'cf1 V1-TR#q,50w1CS ex ir- a su veti Pr-A...- r ABSTRACT: Thelresults of experim4nts by the Laboratory of Rock Failure 'orthe Metaliutgical Mining Inetitute of the Kola Branch of the Academy 'of Sciences USO on the use of ultrasonics in investigating rock pressure in laboratory ore samples are described, The IPA-59 pulse apparatus vas 6ed; Rochelle salt crystals served as emitters and Card 1 /2 q, ACC NR1 AT 6032T48 receivers of t~e ultrasonic oscillations. The main purpose of the laboratory exp4riments was to establish the dependence of the lonpitu- dinal wave velicity on the'pressure when the wave propagation coincides .with the direclion of force. In this case the velocities obtained correspond to'the longitudinal wave velocities in the rock mass, inas- much as the raiio of the sample diameter to wavelength is considerably .greater than or~e. The longitudinal and transverse deformations of the sample were me sured by a vire-type strain guage. The ISD-2 static deformation gu ge served as recorder. On the basis of measured velocity values and lonlitudinal and transverse deformations and formulas from the theory of Olauticity, the elastic rock characteristics were comput- edt, the dynamic and static moduli of elasticity and'the coefft, cient of transverse deformation. The experiments showed that the vel'oc- ity of elas tielwave transmission through the samples did not change as pressure was increased to rock failure level# Orig# arts has: figures, SUB CODES 08/.! SUBM DATE: 28Mar66 Card 44,593-66 EWT(j)/EWT(m)/T ijp(c) p5M/ SOURCE CODE: W;___ ACC NRa AR6010509 UR/6196165TO AUTHOR: Kalyatskiy. I. I.; Panin, V. F. TITLE: Pulsed electrical/breakdown of parallel systems of air and a liquid die SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetika, Abs. 1OB49 REF SOURCE: Sb.Proboy dielektrikov i poluprovodnikov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 240-243 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, liquid dielectric ABSTRACT: The comparative pulse resistance of interelectrode "rod-rod" gaps is in- vestigated (see figure for a sketch of the arrangement of the electrode systel arranged in air S Maniformer oil//$ and at the boundary between the " I airs t inter- liquid" media Sour, By varying the rado of the gaps Sairo S urs and Soils electrode gaps of equal resistance were determined, i.e., sucg 2 gaps between Ssur and Sairs or Sour and Soil, each of which would be penetrated in 8-12 pulses out of 20. For gaps of equal resistance, a 50Z discharge voltage was determined (the time of the effect of the voltage was 1; 5.5; and 55 psec). The difference in penetrating, voltage Sair and Sour increases as the distances between the electrodes increase, and as the the of effect of tile volte-ge decreases. The ratio of gaps of qual resistance, Sour Soily decreases sharply as the d1scharge voltage increasen (which corresponds to an increase in distance). The decrease in the difference in resistances of gaps Sour UDC: 621,315.615.2+621.315.618.2:621.3.015.51 W986 ri 0 S/659/62/009/000/020/030 19 1003/1203 AUTHORS., Panin, V. E., and Sukhovarov, V. F. TITLE: On the strengthening of solid solutions SOURCE Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metaHurgii. Issiedovaniya po zharoprochnym splavarn v. 9. 1962. Materialy Nauchnoy sessii po zharoprochnym splavarn (1961 g.), 145-150 TEXT, The present investigation of the relationship between the latent energy of deformation and the crystal structure of deformed copper-base alloys, containing, A], Zn, and Ni, was carried out to check the hypothesis that for alloys with the same chief components the latent energy of deformation, other conditions being equal, should be higher the higher the concentration of the alloying element and the greater the relative difference between the atomic radii of the components involved, The results show that as might have been expected the energy adsorbed by copper and copper-base alloys on deformation increases along the following series: Cu, Cu + 10 at % Ni, Cu + 10 at Y. Zn, Cu + 10 at % A]. It is concluded that the latent energy of deformation depends both on the length of the block boundaries of the mosaic structure and also on theb; energy. In the discussion, L. N, Guseva noted that the results of the pree nt work confim the conclusionii drawn from her works on the crystal structure formed during the strengthening of solid solutions. There a ri: 2 figures and 1 table. Card 1/1 V.I., inzh. Scientific and technical conference on efficient use of electric power in street lighting. Svetotekhnika 8 no.5:24-26 My 162. WIRA 15:6) (Street lighting) (Electric power) PANIN" V.I. *New equipment for collective housiagm; a colleation. Energet i1: 10 no-508 W 162. 1 OURA 3.5-5) (Electric power distribution) (Electric power plants) p&jLj,;. V.J.P spots. rod.; LIBEITIAN, G.R.; TMTS, A.A.; lop gjj4,hYF,V-TS1KAN0VSKry) -4- (Electric power end hatit OUPP37 Of citing; colluctlon or scientific and technical infomation] Blektroanabzhonlo i teploenabzhenie gorodov; ruluchno-teklmicheokii infolma- tsionvyi sbornik. Moskva, Izd-vo Vr-va kommuno khoz, aSFSR, 1963. 162 p, (Novaia tekhnika zhilishchno-kommnallnogo khozialst-va; no*4) (MIRA 18:8) S.R.) Iiinisterstvo kommunallnogo 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F kho2yaystva. TekhnicheSkoye upravloniye. PANIN, Vasiliy Ivanovich; LIBNOM, G.R., red.; OTOCHEVA, H.I., red.izd-va; HAMOVA, A.S., [Small and medium boiler systems] Kotellnye ustanovki maloi i arednei moshchnosti. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va kommau,khoz.=SEL, 1960. 278 (KM 14:1) (Boilers) LIBMIAN, G.R.p inzh.; FAYN, A.G., in2h.; FINGERy L.M.v inzh.; PA14314 V I inzh., spets. red.; YLOPOTOV,, K.K., inzh., recT.-;TELINOV, N.V., red.izd-va; LELYUKM, A.A., tekhn. red, [Supply in electricity and heat in the cities] Elektrosnab- zhenie i teplosnabzhenie gorodov; rauchno-tekbnicheskii in- formatsionnyi sbornik. Moskva.. Izd-vo M-va komm.khoz. RSPSRy 1961. 14 p. (141IRA 15:2) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F,S.R.) 11inisterstvo kommmallnogo khozyaystva. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. (14unicipal services) PANIN, Vasiliy Ivanovich; LIBEPMAN, G.2., red. [Boiler mjsil-em-s with s::-All and medium power ratLingel K,,- telInye ustanovki maloi i Brednei moshchnosti. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, lzd-vo lit ry po stroit., 1964. 366 p. OMIRA 17:10) ~.~Cancl VC-t So,-( ci,,~; , IT) - -LEIS Of fro,-.1 th -Pir:~tory 0-f Calvon -;~nd """J'j, j~-, of ocrt, in pulmon; ry r IJ S, 3 R Zoo-V,,-it Inst), 1'-,0 cL;I,ic.-, Country USSR Catogory rarm Animals. C"ttle. Abs..Jour :110f Mr-P-13iol., No 219 19;,'6l 96,831 Author Pania, 11. Ilistitut. lAlma-Ata Zooveterinary lastitute. Title :Lymph-Flow Paths from the Nasal Cavit7, Lazynx, Trachea and Bronchi in Calves. Orig Pub. :T.I. Alma-Atinsk, zoovet, in-tal 1957, 10, 310- 325 Abstract :By usinv the methods of interstitial injection, 0 roentgenography and preparation, It.was shoym on 49 embryos ;1/2 to 9 mOelhs old, 18 cadaverf of calves 10 daye to 4 mouths old, and,9 live calves 25-125 days old, that stUZ smaller deli. cat6 networks are. 100ated in the 100pS of the superficial and deeplaying networks of,the lym. phatic capillaries of the mucosa. They repre.- sent the initial element for the lymph-flow, which then enters the superiioial and deoplay- Card: 1/2 WINY V.M., kand. veterin. nauk; MAROV, Zh.O., do'.S(,ry',~ Amputation of hornL- in rars. 'ret-erinari-';-a 39 --j- t-'.-, - a 1. Id=-Atinakiy zoovetei-Inarnyy institut. 18:1) ,TAw,-V--M.-(Candidate of Veterinary Sciences) and OMAIROV,-Zh-. 0. (Assistant Professor, Allma-Ata Zoaveterinary Institute) "Amputation of horns in rams" Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 7, July 1962 pp. 69 XMIMMKO, A.F., prof.; FANIN, V.H., aspirant reAment of chronic purulent and catarrhal pneumonia of calves with a novocaine block of the stellate ganglia in conjunction with intrasternal penicillin. Trudy kZVI 10:298-305 157. (MIRA-12:6) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii (zav. Itafedroy - doktor prof. A-F-Maksimenko) Alma-Atinakogo zoovetinstituta. (Calves-Diseases) (Novocaine) (Penicillin) -q~ ABS. ri"OUIR. 1~'45Q, iio. AT 7.9'" r-71 olilG. pu'u. ABSTRACT FANIN,p V.M. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences) Alma-Ata Zooveterinary Institute). "Treatment of subacute and chronic bronchopneumonia, in calves..." Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 3, March 1962 pp. 6T PANIII, V.H., aspirant Paths of lymph flow from the nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, and bronchi in calves. Trudy AZVI 10:310-325 157. (MM 12:8) 1. Iz laifedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomit (zav.kafedroy - doktor prof. A-F.Haksimenko) Alma-Atinskogo zoovetinstituta. (Lymphatics) (Calves-Anatomy) i-am, ping 1.1achiner y ,j - -01 of a -,;at~r-*at Ener,~,-r loss6s var; -,'s parts PIMP - 77 narg. biul., No. 3, 1952. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessionss Library of Congress, June 190, uncl. PANIN, V.N. lr-~ Mechanized maintenance of ornamental shade trees and urban -nark forests. Gor. khoz. Moak. 34 no.9:17-20 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Starshty inzhanar -oroizvodetvanno-tekhnichookogo otdela U-oravlaniya blagoustroystva g. Moskvy. (Agricultural machinery) -LA!-;rfj" V. S. I I 20-003 Panin , V. S. C a v c y (-., n i y o tri I tr u - o v yk h v TJ - be k is tf, n c t ~ yj d P, r: ~, I z f-.- " c ? t ~ 11 . , ts. se'. khoz-vo Uzbekiatana, 1949, No 1, ;,. 79-81 c!b 1. 1 SO: L* TOPIS ZERITNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949 p Ai i V. T. (Veterinarilm, Sulfwntrol in pulmonary disc,~ses ol calves. PAININ ) -. So: Veterinarlyn; 23; (12): Dece~rber 12V; U-n-1. TABCON 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - PANIN, V.V.j MUYEV;, M.14,; TOPILIN., V.V.; DRUMBINA, N.F. Investigating temperature fields in electric slag ingots. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.9:77-82 163.(YIRA 16:11) 1. Zavod "Elektrostall". PANIN, V.V. ; MOILUNOV, Ye.l.; PLOTYDI, Ye.R. bOMAW Heat processes during the solidification of ingots following electric slag refining. Izv, vys. ucheb. zave; cherno met# 6 no.9:83-87 163. (KM 16:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya. PANIN, V.V,,_ BOROVSXIY, 0,B..t IVAMTEENKO: I,S.; IODKCJVSKIY, S,Ai Behavior of a drop and a liTaid ba-th sur-face au-ring slag reme.Iting. AvIumn. svar. 1" no.2.7142-74 F :64. Ovii,Rk 1,7; 9/1 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut tekhno-logii i mashinostroyehiya. PA=,-V-aler-ian-V~al-arianovioh~ inzh.; POPOV, Petr Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; TERENTIYEEV, `V1ad-irqJ-.-r Georgiyevich Study of the reliability of commutators using contactleas elements. I5v, vys, ucheb, zav.; elektromekh. 7 no.2;228-238 164. (MIRA 17;4) 1. Kafedra avtomatiki i telemekhaniki Moskovskogo inzhonerro- fizicheskogo instituta. -IH_411 ACCESSION NR: AP4025741 5/0144/641000/002/0228/0238 AUTHOR: ~_Panin, Valerian Vale.rianovich (Engineer); Popov, Petr Ivanovich (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent); Terentlyev, Vladimir Georgiyevich (Assistant) TITLE: Investigation of reliability of contactless -element switching' circuits SOURCE:' IVUZ* Elektromekhanika, no.'Z. 1964, 228-238 TOPIC TAGS: switch, cyclic switch, sequence switch, contactless switch, contactleBs switch reliability ,f ABSTRACT: The successive cyclic switching of channels ih telemeter or remote- control systems is theoretically considered. An optimum structure of the (ring or binary) switch scheme is determined on the basis of the number of channels N and failure rates of the scheme components. Formulas for the number of transistors, diodes, and th& faultless -operation probability are developqd for the Card 1/2 1 ACCESSION NR: AP4025741 ring scheme and the binary scheme (with a rectangular, pyramidal, or minimal matrix). It is found that the required number of channels always determines the dimensionality k of the matrix with a selected switch structure. The proper choice.of'k has an important. bearing on the required number of diodes and the :,resulting reliability. With an optimum k, the reliability of all. switch schemes is practically the same. Orig, art. has: 6 figures and 30 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 10Apr6Z DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL; 00. SUB CODE:', EC NO REF SOV: 001. OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 XBEYEVI B. A. I ZOLOTAREV, V. S., PANINP V. V.JV SHCHEPMIP G. Y. and CIWNOTOTOVJI E. S. "Electromagnetic Separation of Isotopes of the Rare-Earth Elements." paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva., 1 - 13 Sep 58. 18(5) S 011/123- 51 0, -7-19/2 5 AUTHOR: Panin, V.V., T~ngineer ----------- TITLE: Furning-Out of Pomponents During Melting in TnJuction Purnaces PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1959, Yr 7, PP 43-44 (USS"R.) ABSTRACT: This article deals with the experiments done for the determination of the melting loss in induction furna- ces of a contents or charge from 12 to 50 kilograms, the walls of which had been lined either with acid or basic bricks. The chemical breakdown of both types of lining are published. Although the results of the meltings are dependent still from various other ele- ments they are nevertheless important with regard to their large number. Py means of one table the results of the experiments made *,riith various alloys of 0g, Sig Mn, Qr, F, Fb, W, 1.1s, and Ni are published. There are 1 table and 6 diagrams Card 1/1 PANINj V.V (Moskva) Electric slag refining. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. I*t. i topl. no.2:32-35 Mr-Ap '62. (KRA 15W (Blectrometallurgy) (Zone malting) Z`it ACCESSION XR: AP4013085 S/0125/64/000/002/0072/0074 AUTHOR: Panin,, V. V.; Borovskiy, 0. B.; Ivakhnanko, I. S. Iodkovskiy, S. A. TITLE: Behavior of a drop and the liquid-puddle surface in electroolag remelting. SOURCE: Avtomaticheska,~a ovarka,,3io. 2, 1964, 72-74 TOPIC TAGS: remelting, electroslag remelting, - molten metal drop, metal puddle, welding ABSTRACT: An experimental x-ray investigation of the processes of formation of a molten-metal drop, its motion in the slag, and the behavior of the liquid- metal puddle is reported. Type 30 and lKhl8Nl2 steals were remelted in an aluminum single-wall crystallizer of 80-mm ID, cooled by a water drain. Flux ANF-6 was used in 10 melts, and OSTs-45, in*Z melts., electrode diameter, 30-45 nun; carbon and "atenitic, steels were remelted. Twin electrodes, one Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013085 current -carrying and the other nonenergized, or one consumable (steel) and the other nonconsumable (tungsten), were used to study the affect of the current on the size of the drop, Upon a fusing of the flux, discharges occur between the electrode and the starter; this is accompanied by a rapid emission of 10-~,15-mm drops. Details of visually observable phenomena are given, as wen an two pictures of the arc. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: ToNUTmash (Central Scientific -Research Institute of Heavy Machine Building) SUBMITTED: OlFeb63 DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ML NO REF SOY: 000 OTHER: 000 s/18o/62/.000/002/002/018 Elll/E135 AUTHOR: Pa Ugj_Yt_Y,_ (~joscow) TITLE: Some Problems of electroslag remelting PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo, no.2, 1962, 32-35 TEXT: The author discusses the following three aspects of electroslag remelting. Firstly, the metal/slag contact time during solidification of the ingot is relatively large compared with the contact time for drops, since normally the depth of the metal bath is about half the mould diameter; drop formation time (e.g. 0.33 sec) is large compared with the drop transit V/. time, e.g. 0.12-0.17 see. Secondly, the most favourable conditions for refining exist in the drop-formation period. Thirdly, although under diffusion-control conditions rea"ctant temperature is no' decisive and there is therefore not much difference various periods.of electroslag remelting, the drop-formation period (highest temperature) is the most Card 1/3 s/18o/62/000/002/002/018 Some problems of electroslag ... Elll/E135 favourable for refining. on the basis,of all physico-chemical factors in refining the drop-formation period is also likely to give the most rapid reactions. To check these views the author carried out experiments on type Steel 45, studying desulphurization under conditions constant as regards slag but variable electrically. In one series the voltage was removed and the electrode rapidly removed from the slag, i.e. for a short period desulphurization proceeded only through the desulphurizing effect of the slag. In the second the electrode was rapidly raised until the circuit was broken, i.e. both slag and electrical conditions affected desulphurization. In the third, two moulds of different heights but equal diameter were used, the-smaller being placed on top of the larger; when almost all the slag had been displaced into the upper mould * it was raised rapidly, the slag emptying almost instantly and stopping_instantly the desulphurization: up to the very and of the melting period the electrical conditions remained constant. Examination and analysis of th-- ends of electrodes, the droplets and the ingot in all the series showed that both Card 2/3 -1-0125941 wr(d)LE GD ACC-NRI AT6 25314 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/001/0130/0133 AUTHOR: Panin, V. V.; Popov, P. I. Jel ORG: none TITLE: The three-operation problem and its application to mass servicing SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fiziebeskiy institut. Upravleniye yadernymi energeticheskimi ustanovkami (Control of n vx_pj=~A no, 1. Moscow Atomizdat, 1966, 130-133 TOPIC TAGS: operations research, servicing technique, imizatiOnj PRODOCROA-) ABSTRACT: The authors deal with a technologicalproces onsisting in the finishing of n articles at three different operating places. At a given instant of time, one and only one article can be processed at a gi*Ten working place. Each article is assumed to pass through the three working places in a strictly defined sequence. The times that the given article is worked on in the three different places is different. The question is to determine the sequence of processing n articles in such a -Vray as to perform the complete operation with minimum time. Expression for the total time are given for various relations between the operation times and the problem is re- duced to a minimax eqiiation in matrix form. An inequality for satisfaction of the minimax condition is derived, after which the optimal sequence can be determined by Card 1/2 ACC- NR. AT6025314 constructing a proper graph and finding the Hamiltonian path through it. Orig. art has: 1 figure and 7 formulas SUB CODE:13,12/ SUBM DATE: 27Dec65/ ORIG REF; 000/ OTH REF: 001/ plant scheduling /Y FIBiNg V.A.- PANIN V Ya red.; MUM O.L., tekhn. re4l, [Methods for the vegetativ6 propagation of walmt] Sposoby ve- getativnogo kaimiiiozhj~fiiih j;retskogo orekba. Kishinev, zd-vo "Shtiintem Moldavskogo filiala Akad, nauk &SSRt 1961. 28 (KIRA -14:7~0 (Walnut) (Grafting) PANIN.. V.Ya., red.; MAMOVIC9, G.Lo., tekhn. red. (Traffic regulations tor the streets and roads of the U.S.S.R.] PraVila dvizheniia po ulitsam i dorogam Soiuza BER. UtverzhdeV`prikAzom Mimisterstva vnutrennikh del SSSR No.25 ot ll ianvaria 1960 g, Kishinev., Izd-vo "SlAiintsa" MF Ali SSM., 1961o 125 po (MIM 15:7) (Traffic regulations) ,PANI&. V-Ya. ,r - - HOlminths of rodents of western Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. 2001. AN Kazakh. SSR 5:84-97 156. OMMA 9: 12 ) (Kazakhstan--Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) (Parasites-Rodentia) COUNT" CATEGORY Zoolomic&l Parasitology. Parasitic Worms. General Problems. A-PS. MOR. RZhBiol., p0. 14 j 195~ wo. 62591. AUTqM Panin, V* Yas VST. XUffaftref-vdi-Inces Kaz53R. TITLE Biology of the TremAtodes ProsthogonimuS ovatuS (Rud., 1803) and Proathomnimus ouneAtus (Rud., 1809) parasites of the Fabriclan Sao and Ovi-* 07~[G. PU13.i K&ZBSA lylym And. khauarlary, Izv. AN Ka755R, ser. blol4, 1957, vvp. 2 (14). 53-65. 0 AlKSTRACT t 22-25 The Oevelop-nent of r-roathogonims a lasts 12-14 days. In the capacity of Inter- mediate hosts for P. ovntus and P. ounestus, In the conditions of the Zeyean Lake, serve 3 species-of mollusks: 31thynia Teachl, GyrauluB gredlerl and G. Albus. Additional hostR for the parasites are the dragon flies; Libellula quadrlmac'ulata, Anax parthenope and Sympetrum depressiculum. The life duration of r-. cune- atus In the organism of chicks is up to 2j months, after which they abandon the birds' CARD: 1/2 *duct In the Domestic Fowl. 5 PANIN. V. Ya. . -* "- -- Variability of morphological chameters and its significance in tfi~' Oystematico of trematodee %f,~the-genus Proothogonimis Mhe, 1909. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Maakh. SSR 7:170-215 157. (MIMA NO) (Tromatoda) USSR/Zo.o1o(,,icaI Paraoitology - Paruoitic Worm. Holminthoo. Abs Jour Ref - Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, 48192 Author Panin) V.Yav Inst Institute of Zoology, AS K=SSR. Title The Distribution of Trematodes of the Genus Prostho6-onimus Among Wild Birds and the Natural Nidus of ProsthoCanimiasis. Orig Pub Tr. In-ta zoole AN KazSSR, 1957, 216-226. Abstract In the region of the lake of Zaysan, P., cuneatus is the most widely distributed tetramode).aaffecting 1~2-.2~,. of all prosthoGonims-infeetc-d birds. It is registered in 19 species of water birds (32.4%) =d land birds (67.6%). P. cuncatus appears to be the principal stimulus of prou- thogonimiasis of the domestic hen. From the total of pros- thogonimus-infected birds, 33-% is shared by P. ovatus. Card 1/2 - 13 PANIN, V.Ya.) Cand Biol Cd,i,~_a) Pr r of J=zjtxmu= domesti t-Kaz~ahstanskaya &blast (Systematics, distribution, billogyand _aC.CY-r"-VV_'4Ld.I14-AA . )." Alma-Ata, 1958, 15 PP (Kazakhoi* STate Univ im S.M. Kirov. Biol Soil Faculty) 150 copies (KL, 28-58, 104) _ 1h PANIX, V.ya. ~ag()nfllOs as carriers of Proothogonimosis in the Za7s&n d(mepngeololl:o7n). Trud7 InGto zool, AN Xazakh. SSR 9:164-166 138. (Zayean relion--Dragonflies as carriers of disease) (Trematodalli. SOKOWYA, I.B.; PANIN, V.Ya, Intermediate hosts of Moniesia, ll~yaaniezia. and Abitellins, in Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst.zool*AN Kazakh. SSR 12:145-149 160. (RM 13'-7) (Kazakhstan--Cestoda) (Insects as carriers of disease) PANIN, V.Ya, ---------------------- Halminth fauna of birds in the Zaysan Depression. Trudy Inst.zool.AN Kazakb.SSR 12:166-172 l6o. (MIR& 13:7) (Zaysan region-Worms, Intostinal and paraetic) (Parasites-Birda) WIF, V. Ta. Scientific conference on problems in the parasitolog7 of Kazak.hatan and Central Asian republics. Zool.zhur. 39 ,6o. (MIRA 13:6) (4zakhstau--Parasitology-Congresses) (Soviet Central Asia--Parasi'tolog3r--Congresses) GALUZO, I.G., akademikp otv. red.; GVOZDEV, Te.V.p red. toma; BOYEV, S.N... akademikp red.; ORLOV, R.P.p red.; PAIM, V.Ya.,, red. PETROV, V.S6. red.; SMCIM-114, V.V., rea.; GIAMYRINA, D.M., red,; ROROKIIIA., Z.P., tekhn. red. [Natural focus of diseases and problems of parasitology) Pri- rodnaia O'chagovost' boleznei i voprosy parazitologii; trudy. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. naulc Hazakbskoi SM. No.3. Ic.161. 668 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Konferentsiya po prirodnoy ochagovosti bolezney i vopro- sam parazitologii Kazakbotana i respublik Sredney Azii. 4tbp Alma-Ata, 1959. 2. Institut zoologii Akademii nauk Kazakbsl-.oy SSR (for Galuzop Boyev, Gvozdevp Shovehenko). (PATIASITOLM) (MEDICAL GEOGRAPIff MIN, V*Ya. -'l-, - Sergei Nikolaevich Boev, 1905- ; on hin 60th birthday and 37th anniversary of scientific and social activity. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 3 no.5:106-1(Y7 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:11)