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SUB CODE:.Hp ATD PRFSS: 4035 ~ck a~ Qj()3_66 BaWWW MEWO/Dip(t) IFTT T-1p(r) rr. /A T ACC N AP6012509 l)'OURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/ooB/oO4/12BB/1290 0/ AUTHORS: Paniij,_jL_V-; Telikovskiy, V. G. ORG: none B TITLE: Pulverization of a substance bombarded by uranium ions SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8,, no. 4, 1966, 1288-1290 TOPIC TAGS: ion bombardment, uranium, endurance test ABSTRACT: The authors describe apparatus and a procedure for the measurement of the rate of destruc on of structural materialo by high- energy neutral or charged particles, such as are pre'sent in accelerators. The tests were made with 30-kev uranium ions. Inaccuracies of earlier methods are eliminated by bombarding simultaneously a standard copper target, whose pulverization coefficient is known with a high degree of 2 ccuracy. The uranium ion current was 1 -- 2 ma m . ghe tyc pro6edure s briefly describe The mater S S W a S'021 0 102'. dur i i t 4P - 2 5-P aluminum. chromium arbide,'fused-M 0 la, 14 stainless steel, grap e e v z Al2 03 (sinter d), _and BeO. Th 0 Me coefHcfents of pulveri aTron o Card 113 L 30103-66 ACC NR: AP6012509 2 Fig. 1. Apparatus for the investigation of pulverization. I Directe~ motion of,bombarding ions, 2 --'samples, 3 -- copper rotating disc, 4 rod) 5 -- water-cooling pipes, 6 vacuum ebamber wall, 7 sample holders, 8 Ion beam track, 9 stationary diaphragm. -L--30IQ3-66 ACC NRs AP6012509 these subotances,, relative to copper, are the table. The authors thank L. A. Artsimovich, I. N. Golovin, and G. Ya. Shchepkin for interest and help and G. -N.-Aretov, V. Z-.Bycbkov,, and A. K. v for design of tb Orig. zir-FT-T-an: Terentlye e experimental apparatus. T-fl-gure-and I table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OqNov65/ ORIG REM 010/ OTH IIXF: 005 711 4 i k, 5OV/ 137-58-10-21669 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 174 (USSR) AUTHORS- Bol'shanina, M.A., Makogon, M.B., Panin, B.Ye. TITLE: Resistance -to-deformation Properties of Copper and its Alloys as a Function of Temperature and Rate of Deformation (Tem- peratAirno-skorostnaya zavisimost' soprotivleniya deformatsili medi i, yeyeiplavov) PERIODICAL: Dokl. 7-y Nauchn. konferentsii, posvyasch. 40-letiyu Velikoy Oktyabrlskoy sots. revolyutsii. Nr Z. Tomsk, Tomskiy un-t, 1957, pp 55-57 ABSTRACT: Resistance to compressive deformation of Cu and its Ni, Al, and Zn alloys (5, 10, and 15 atom-79) which have been sub- jected to various degrees of work hardening (with reductions of up to 4076) was studied at different strain rates (6, 0.05, and 0.005 mm/m-.n) at seven different temperatures ranging from 20 to 6000C. The results of the investigation demonstrated the complete applicability of theory of hardening and recovery to a wide range of temperatures and rates of deformation. An anal- ogy, established for laws governing the deformation of low- Card 1/2 melting metals and Cu alloys, makes it possible to carry out SOV/ 137-58-10-21669 Res istanc e -to -deformation Properties of Copper and its Alloys (cont.) research on physical principles of high -temperature plasticity of metals (as applied to the problem of heat':;~resistant properties) on modelling materials. P. N. 1. Copper--Defornation 2. Copper alloye,.-Def orta Lion Card 2/2 NIN, D. lo Uv~r*ovo. TambovskoY oblasti) - Shop superintendent. Prom. koop. 12 no.7;3 n 158. (sawing) am b I Rril~ RR N'll NOW P01N, F. 1. 20726. Fanin, F.I. Pozharobezopasnost' vzryvnykh rabot na sermom pudnike. Gornyy zburnal, 1949, No. 7, s. 101-20 SO: LETOPIS MURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949 jl~-uylr -ns:U-. of Epedirm*-Lolo,~y an! I'deroAolo'by, y s he vT "Determination in vitro of anti;7enc~cus properties of perfrin,"C'n antitoxins a-:,cordinr its antito-,-in b-indin- capacity." I Zhur. Llilcrobiol., Zpidemiol., i Imunubiol., No. 9, 191,-L,. nulm" :r 14; Z d r a v aH 9 Kuybyshev Sci. Research Injt. j crobioloby, "Fazperimient with E-I'mPloynent of Concentrated T0,-4 in Lanolin for C)bla'-niri-.-- o4' -, n une Seram Antip-erfirnr?ens, Zhur, IMrobiol., i Inmunobiol., No. 10-11, 1944. PANIN., G., polkovnik Party propagande; is the work of aU comminists. K-. Vo--ruzh. . Sil 3 no.14:3G-"5 Jl 163. - (MA 170) IT, OMYAKO".17) Yu.Fl. ; GTOYSIEV, P.L. ; TSYYBTJ L! INTA, T~. V.; FAT ULA, 14. Rri7_ Ili Sh.1-J.; FM 'Vill 'I IC_ Brief infcrination. Somned. 28 no.4:145-147 AD 165. 1. Fakulltatskava kha klinika Cheavabl-hashogo raedl- tsinskogo insti-tut-i (for Khor~vakov, Gladshev). 2. j-oepltall- ncy terapli Volgoiradzkcgo mudltavjl.n.-~Rogo Imm.,ttlitut-t, TSylulina). 3. Yhustshaya ra-yonmya cblw~,L.J. (for Futula). 4. Par-vaya bulln'.t_=_- 0.a'krovc-.Zuy!z;vc-. (for L-;_Jr,_,rgij. detskogo vozm,-,t& K:yavE;'lr-.ogr, medits-inskogii (for Felldran). 6. Gcsp.'t<tr?ya:. terayevt.;_^Ieskaya 'klinlim i klinilza,J.j:'-,l bolezney CTanburg-lr-ogo rneditsinskogo jm=tlituta (-c:[- Pariln). 7. jl,~_,n-'~grad3k2laya ob'~aslunaya klinichsZkaya bollnitZa Ucr KagaLer)l. S. Fhirurgiche- skoye otdelenilyrw TSentrallpoy klliraichaskoy bollnitsy 4.jaeeni Sc-,Pashku Ministerstva putay soobshchenjya (for Gazetov). 9. nfe-dra organizat.-ii zdravooldiraneniya i istorii. neditE!iny SELratcv!~kcgo meditsinslogo instituta (for Cv:,n~hakw'). B113EV631000100110C)51006 A051/A126 AUTHOP6 i Reznikovcki~, M. M.,-.Zhba~ovi B. 1.,.jenin, G. TITLE.-:-.- Reconstructed rupturing machine with a heat chamber PERIODICAM Kauahuk i rez1na, no. 1, 1963, 51 55 -TEM The disadvantages of the Pffid -6QA (IN4-60A) rupturing maohine with a KH -i5o.'(Ya-i-150) heat chamber, used for thermal-resistance testing cif rubber, ax~a given: a). the dynainometer gives exact measuring results only for forces exeseding 3 kgf, and in most. rubber types, the force, corresponding to 100 - 200% deforma-, tions at r6om temperature does usually not exceed 3 kgf, With an increase in Um- peraturP, * there is a -tendency to a, tension drop at a given defonnatioul b) force measurink errors are intrcduced by the force transmission system from the sam~le- in the-heat chamber'to thc dynamometer-, c) td,.e direct measuring of the useful section by scale ruler or manually shiftixig the ' awkward 'and inaoaura- te owing to Its subjectlvf.ty. The JIMMUM (11171sbP) laboratory of phyzico-mechBm- Ical measurements has:e I11i3inated these shortcomings by developing nzjw units and parts...for the above-mentioned machines-. An additional indicator dynamometer, Card .1/2 ReconS4- Mated rupturing machine with a heat olmnber A051/A126 designed for a maximum force.of 7 kgf, has been introduced for measuring forces at loi.'! sample dePormations. -The dynamometer is connected consecutively to the pendulum dynamometer. 'Me indicator used Is minufactured by the Kirov plant 'tKrasnyy Inatrumental'sh1uhiR". Friction joints are eliminated. 'rho extoneometer for measuring the eloniration of the useful sample section,, for thermal. resistance testing in thetherinal chamber, has been improved. 'The construction of the maahim can be carried out in any laboratory. Its t-ro main advantago6 arp: 1) inoreased accuracy of force-measurement, including that of low values; 2'1 automation of elongation'measureMent and determination of tensions at fixed aeformatiolm (100, ~200%, etc). There are 4- figures, I table. -ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-,issiedovatel'skiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Reqearch Institute of the, Tire Industry) Card ?_/2 REZNIKOVSKIY, M.M.; KEROMOV, M.K.; PANIN, 11 --G.F. - . .- - Attachment to the 14RS-2 apparatus for the automatic detection of --esidual deformations during repeated compression. Kauch. i rez. 17 no.3:27-29 Mr '58. (MIR& 11:6) (Rubber--Teating) (Testing machines) REZNIKOVSKIY, M.M.; ZHBAKOV, B.I.; PANIN, G.F. Redesigned tearing test machine with a thermal chamber. Kauch.i rez. 22 no.1:51-54 Ja -'63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Nauchno-i6ke'dovateVskiy institut shinnoy promyshk9pnosti. (Rubber--Testing) F-, REZNIKOVSKIY, M.M.,- JIJKOMSKAYA, A.I.; PANIN G F - DLINOVA, L.T. Practical variant of a method determining the characteristIc energy of rubber stripping. Kauch. i rez. 24 no.11:26-29 165. OURA 19: 1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti. DMIMIYENKO, Tu.I., lnzh.,* IVASHIN, V.M., inzh.; MATSYUK, M.F., inz-h.; FAITIN, G.G., inzh.,- SMWOV, N.D., inzh.; YAKOVLEV, N.A., inzh. %ys of increasing the labor productivity of ziners at the mines of the "Lvganskugolln Combine. Shakht, stroi. 8 no.2-, 2-7 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. liormati-gmo-ii3sledoveLtellskaya atantsiya kombinata Luganskugoll (for all, except Yakovlev). 2. Kc=nmarskiy gorno-metallurgicheskiy in.-3titut (for Yakovlev). P. RU il p n~.ri 4a L4 no 5 s 54-- tut. S/113/60/000/005/004/004 D264/D301 AUTHORS: Rezvov, K.M., Pavlyuchuk, A.I., Candidates of Techni- cal Sciences, Panin, G.I., Vologzhaninov, N,1., Shkollnik, A.M"._'~,Y_a_~o_vlev' I.S. and Volkov, L.1, TITLE: Thermal high frequency welding of plastic carburettor floats PERIODICAL: AvtomobilInaya promyshlennost', no. 5, 1960, 41-43 TEXT: TsNITA has developed a device for the thermal high-frequenc Wlding of carburettbr floats made of polycaprolactam. Plain ther- mal welding was tried but failed to give a reliable hermetic seal. Gluing gave a good.seal.but required.a prolonged drying time. The device (Fig. 3) consists of anji rA -1 (LGD-1) high-frequency gener- ator and a semi-automatic welding machine. The use of 2 generator tubes gives a power oflkwt and a working frequency of 25 lie. Power from the electric motor 4 is transmitted via a gear train and screw gear to the coaxially mounted cams 5 and 6. The spindle I derives its reciprocation from cam 6, while can 5 serves to trim off the Card 1/3 Card 3/3 Fig. 3 Therma 1 high-frequen'cy welding... S1113 -60/000/005/pq4/004 D264x3ni S/081/61/000/009/012/015 13101/B205 AUTHOR: Panin, G. I. TITLE: Experience collected in the manufacture of precision pinions with a small module from polycaprolactam PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 9, 1961, 547, abstract 9IT54 (9P54) ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Leningr. in-t tochnoy mekhan. i optikill, 1960, vYP-41, 145-151) TEXT: A description is given of the manufacture of pinions for the plunger of the pump of an AP 20A2 (AR20A2) spray burner from poly- caprolactam by pressure casting in a three-celled mold of UAM4-1 (TsAM4-1) zinc alloy. The design of the mold is described. In order to obtain fitting openings with precise dimensions, a metal fitting was used, which had been made by stamping from a 0-50-mm steel strip with subsequent calibration of the fitting opening. It is shown that also the diametral dimensions are stabilized by the use of this fitting. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 mwv, 49=1XIa. Plastic c"buretor floats. Avt.prom. no.2:26-2? F 16o. (HM 13:5) 1. Yllial Goeudaretvannogo soympogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Enameni tauchno-ionledovatellskogo avtomobillnogo i avtomotornogo inatituta po toplivnor anparature. (Automobilpr-Ilngines-Ca,-buretors) FANIN, G.V. Gonference of welders of the Donetsk Economic Gouncil. Avtom. svar. 18 no.8179 Ag 165. (YJRA 18.-I1) 7 NN" puwl--~%0105- NOR Ni-3 -RIMA ~-'MZIRRR '2- MANF,7, "Sheep Telasiosis ard- Control Measures." SO: Veterinariya, Vol. 20,3/4, March/Apri-I 1943,uncl ANIKIN, N.; FAIIIN, 1. lie heard Lenin. Stursh.-samb. no.4(7):2 of cover-I Ap 161. (MIRA 3.4:7) (Lenin, Vladimir Illich, 1870-1924) -L' A A I V -L f,1,' T~:JY! , 'IZ 1 E. x F 195ts. 47 PANIN. Ivan Dmitriyovich; ILI IN, S.S., inzhener- reteenzent (Chelyabinekly PAZYURA. A.M.. inzhener. retsenzent (Chelyablu- skly traktornyy zavod); VOLPYANSKIT, L.M., inzhener, radaktor; DUGINA, N.A., tekhnicheekI7 redaktor [Efficient foundAng; the experience of the 'Sibsellmashl-p~ant] Ratsionalizatsiia liteinogo* proizvodetva; iz*opyta NSib~ellmasha.l Moskva. GoB. nauchto-tekbu. lzd-Vo-mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 47 P. (MLRA 9:11) (Founding) .zohini3t-hi.~tru I:tor, Gorey Sotsialis'ujc,~c,:,I:oro Truda A better way to Vro, -,,ork of locono"11113 topl. tint-.;-, no."-:IE'-3L9 illy 10"1t Depo Mosi-va-Sortiravochn-aya,, (Locomotive engineers) DANTSIG, I.I.j FANIN`~ I.G. Atelectasis as a complication of artificial pneumothorax. Probl. tub. 38 no.21:36-41 160c (Mia 33:11) 1, Iz Makhinskogo tuberkuleznogo sanatoriyag Blagove .shchensk-na-Amure.- (PNEU140T,HORAX) (LUNGS-COLLAPSE) r DANTSIG, I.I.; KOJ-MISKIY, A-D-; FA~IIN, I.G. Some features of the clinical picture of pulmonary tuberc-alarsa. Probi.tub. 37 no-2:33-38 159. (14M 12!9) 1. Iz Mwkhinskogo tuberkuleznogo san toriya (Amurskava oblast'). (TUBHRGIJLOSIS, F=40HARY, pathol. tuberculoma, clin. pictnre (Rus)) t7iv J N '-f C-- DANTSIG. I.I.; KORSBNSKIY. A.D.; PARK. 1.G. .Palmonary tuberculoma. Frobl.tub. 34 no.6 supplement:8 N-D 156. (MIRA 10:2) 1. 1z Mikhinskogo tuberkale2nOgO eanatoriya (Blagoveshchensk na Amure) (TUEMCULOSIS) /~v -V, D,,~*'a, SIG, !.I. - ?ANIII!,- I.G. Uai,)g kivAss :)repared from skin-Ad cow's -ailk in certain for--& of pul-rinaary tuberculosis [with summarl in 'hngliahj, lo-p-pit. 16 nc,.4- 13-35 JI-Ag '57. (XLRA 10:10) 1. 17 flul-hinskogo tuharkulaznogo saustorlys Amurslcr~y oblasti (MILK, tilerapeutic use, slximmea milk orep. in puln. tubore. (Rur-)) ~21.A:~RCUWSIS, PUVA011ARY, therapv, skirriod milk orep. (Rue)) DANTSIG, I.I.; PANIN, I.G. Immediate and late results of artificial pneanothorax axecciata4 with antibacterial therapy in focal and infiltrative forms of pulmonar7 tuberculosis, Probl. tub. 34 no.6 supplament:11-12 H-D 156. (MIRA 10:2) 1. Is Mukhtneko'go tuberkuleznogo sanatoriya (Blagoveshchersk-na-Ammure) (kNWHOTHMAX. ARTIFICIAL, . with drug ther. (Rua)) PANINY I.L., kand.geografichoskikh nawk., dotsent Distribution of industr7 and agriculture in SWIngrad Pro7ines. Ucb. zap. VoIg. gos. ped. inst, no.10:175-186 159. (MIM 14 - 11) (Volgograd Province-Industries, Location of) (Volg,3grad Pravince-Agriculture) PAN IN, - 1. 1. Teaching economic geography and the problems of polytechnic instruction. Geog. v shkole no.3:25-29 My-J9 153. 09JU 6:6) (Geography. 2conomic-Study and teaching) (Vocational educa- tion) I~ANIN,Illarion Ivenovich: P TOV, Pavel Rikoleyevich; ElEYMUIT, H.Ta.' reT.; ZIBROVA. K.D., EStalingrad; study of eco-nomic geography] Stalingrad; ekonomiko- geografioheakii ochark. Stalingrad, Stalingradekoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1957. 93 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Stalingrad--Economic geography) I Mining Engineering Examining elem ents Of mining work by the m Pet od of cartri ugal model- f ~n th and kleternining the time-period, Ilauch. trudy Mosk. gor. inst., No. 8, 1950. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1)52. Y4?qtH. Uncl. PANIN, I.M., dots.kand.takhn.nauk. Collective forms of progressive work methods in Ural Mountain copper mines. Nauch.trudy MGI no-13/14!225-235 1549 (MIRA 10:10) (Ural Mount&irA--Copper mines and mining) - XAPLUNOV, Ridion Pavlovich; PAITIN, Ivan Mikhaylovich; BUBOK, K.G., redaktor; BMM, 0.1~r.-,-Ve)Lftfteheekl7l,-redal-.tor. (Practice of leading workers in opening and stoping) Opyt pere- dovykh rabochikh na. podgotovitellzWkh i ochistrqkh rabotakh, Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetaoi metallurgit, 1955. 112 p (MIRA 8:8) (Mining engineeri;g) YEVSTROPOV, N.A.v student V kursa; YEIGIAZARYAIII., A.S., student V kursa; PANIN,,LM.., nauchnyy rukovoditelt, dotvent~ kand.tekh-nauk Some problems in the theory of blasting iA rock and the practice of short-delay blasting in breaking ore in stopes. Nauch. rab. stud. GNSO MGI no.7-35-24 1959. (MMA 14:5) (Blasting) PANIN, I.M., doteent ----------- Selecting efficient therml flows for the jet piercing of rocks. Izvovyooucheb.zave; gor.chur. no-10:71-75 '59. (KMA 13:5 ) 1. Moskovskly gorWy institut. (Boring) PANIN I.M.,, dotsent,, kand.takhn.nauk Economic evaluation of variations in opening up ore deposits. Nauch. trudy MG1 noJW97-301 161. (KIRA 15:10) Odning engineering) Y 227, 'PP -p9 ~ M R RK, -w FANIN, I.M., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; VANT TSZIJN-T-kl4 [Wang TSung-Vang] Using the method of modeling on an electrical hydrodynwue apparatus to study the shattering of ore in blasting. Vzryv. delo no.50/7-4448 162. OURA 15:9) 1. Moskovskiy gorny-j institut. (Blasting) (Electromechanical analogies) (Rocks--Testing) PANIN, Ivan Mikhaylovich; KOVALEV, Tgor' Antoninovich; POPOV, G.N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; CIMEI.WSHEITSEV, I.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; LOB.00V, D.P., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk~ retsenzent; STEBAKOV, B.A., gorn. inzh., retsenzent; TARASOV, L.Ya., prof., gornyy inzh., otV. red. (Problems- on the underground mining of ore deposits] Zadacb- nik po podzemnoi razrabotke rudrWkh mestorozhdenii. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 211 p. (MIRA 18: 2) ISAMV, I.S., prof., admiral flota v otstavke,; PETROVSKIY, V.A., dotsentI kand.voyenno-morskikh nank, kontr-admiral, zamestitel, otv.red_ra Cdeceased]; ZZMIN. L.A., dotsent, kand.gpograf.nauk, A-mb.-kapitan I ranga, glavW red.; 3IRG, S.L., i0h.-mayor, red,; PAVLDVA, O.T. . red. ; PAINTjj,-,Lo~'-.,~ ed. ; KRDNIDOVA, V.A. , - red. ; WAGINA, A. S.. re&."',--91UROKOVA, V.S., red.; BOGOLYUBOVA, Te.Do. inzb.--;kartQgraf.; BRKILOVSKAYA, Ye.D., inzb.-kartograf; Z111IBA, Ye.M., inzli.-kartagraf; ORWVA, N.S., lnzh,-kartograf; SAVINDVA, G.N., inzb.- kartograf; ALBORMA, A.V., tekhaik-kartograf; BALAKSHINA, M.M., tokbnik-kartograf; GRIGORIYEV, A.P., tekbnik-kartograf; bURDVA, T.F. tokbnik-kartograf-, WLETINA, M.S., tekhhik-kartograf; S1M&VOWVA, O'.B., tekhnik-kartograf; TROPOVA, Z.V., tekchnik-kartogr&f;-SHUM-N, E.g., tekbnik-kartograf; FURAYSTA, Ye.M., SVIDMKAYA, G.V.,; CHNIF140GOROVA, L.P.,; SHRWDIR, L.E.. [Marine atlas] 14orskoi atlas. Otv. red. 1.S. IBakov. Glav. red. L.A. Demin. Izd.,Yjorskogo generallnogo ahtaba. [ --- Index of gaograpbical names] --- Ukazatell geograficbeskikh nazvanii. 1952. 541 P. (MIRA. 12 - 1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Voyenno-morskoye ministerstvo. (Ocean-maps) (Harbors--maps) 17 11 5 9 USSR/Engineering'- IC Engines Sep 50 Bearings "Economizing on Babbitt in Repairing Internal Com- bustion Engines," I. S. Panin "Energet Byull" No 9, p~j, 8~, Describes method of saving scarce babbitt metal (es- pecially B-83) in repairing 4-cycle, 400-hp engine compressor (176 rpm, ring-oiled). qemicircular rings were made from cast-iron drum of diameter to fit bearing grooves. --After fitting, tinning rings, etc.. babbitting was done by-conventional method with 5 economy in babbitt. FDD 171T59 -PANIN) 1. 1. V. ors from 2-Pb,,, operation)" Industrial powery 7th edition) "Protection Of 3-piiase mot 1952- PANIn, I.V., polkovnik, voyennyy letchik pervogo klassa Before ar,, attack on a land target of smaU dimeWws. Vest. Vozd. Fl. no.5.41 14Y 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Russia-Air f:)rce-Target practice) MOGOMDIA)V, A4-; P~n-~K~ carbon fractiOnB Of tructural group analy"is of aromatic hydro I (MIRA 11:12) .s vniaj no.123:175-.i88 158. petroleumv Trudy (Petroleum produ0t8--Aual7si') PkVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glav. red.; NOI~OTVJ P.A.., otv. red.; S.'MiNOV, k.l., zam. otv. red.; BIPTIO, I.B., red.; KAGAINOVSKIY, A.G., red., ;ailv'Grj-S, F.V., red.; J_RC.',-,rTjj, Ye.M., red.; KUI0jYG-V, I.I., red; LAGITMIV, I.I., red.; red.; SWKC, R.S., red.; PARIN, N.V., red. [Salmon fisheries of the Far East; imterials] Looosevoe kho- z1aistvo Dallnego Vostoka; materialy. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 201 p. (MIWi 17:9) 1. Soveshchaniye po voprosam lososevogo xhozyaystva Dallnego Vostoka. 3d, Pet-opavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, 1960. 2. Vsesoyuznv .y nauchno-issledoNatellskiy institut norskogo rybnogo kho-yay- stva i okeanografil (for Iloiseyev). 3. Harichatskoye otdele- niye Tikhookeanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii (for Semko, Binnan, Krokhin, Kurenkov). 4. Kafedra ikhtiologii M~askovskogo uni- versiteta imeni I.I.V.Lomonosova (for Smirnov). ANMIYASHEV, A.P.; PANIN, K.I. Finding the Pacific Ocean sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris Ayres) ia the Bering Sea. Zool.zhur. 32 no.5:932-936 8-0 153. (MLRA 6:10) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut, Akademii nauk SSSR i Kamchatskoye otdeleniye Tikhookeanskogo inatituta rybnogo khozyavatva. (Bering Sea--Sturgeons) (Sturgeons--Bering Sea) KNEIVETTSIR, Igor' Vladi-mirovich; K.J., ctv, red. [Fi6hing and pmmsaing comnercial invertebrates of the Far Eastern seas) Lov i obralbotka promyslovykh bespozvonuchnykh dallne-imstachrLykh morei. Vladivostok, Pr'Azorskoe knizhnoe i.zd-vbs 1962. 222 p, kMIRA 17:11) 28(5) 05758 AUTHOR: Panin, K. SOV/32-25-10-47/63 TITLE- On a Nomograph for the Conversion of Volumes of Air (Gas) to 11ormal Conditions PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 10, pp 1259-1260 (USSR) ABSTPACT: If, when taking a sample, measuring the air (gas) volume is carried out by means of rheometers which are gauged for 200 and 760 Hg , a more precise formula (Ref) than that usually used must be employed. For the simplification of the opera- tions carried out according to this formula a nomograph (Fi,-) is suggested. By means of a ruler the points corresponding to the respective temperature and pressure are connected (as read off from the rheometer) and the coefficient is read off the point of intersection on the scale of the nomograph, by which the measured value of the volume is multiplied. An example is given. There are 1 figure and I Soviet reference. Card 1/1 PANIN, K-P- Nomogram for reduCil7g volumes of air (gas) to standard con- ditions. Zavolubs 25 no~-jd;jz5q-1260 (MIR& 13:1) (Air) Wthod for determining small quantities of fluorine in air b7 using a titanium chromotropic reagent, Grig. i san. 24 no.9:70-73 S '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz Moskovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-opidemiologichaskoy stantaii. 0WORINES chem.) (AIR POLLUTION chem.) 4 SOV/1 37--58-11-,22205 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 53 (USSR) AUTHORS: Serov, V.N., Panin, K.P. TIT LE: Purification of Gases From Aluminum Ce115 (Ochistka gazov, otkhodyashchikh ot elektroliznykh vann alyuminiyevogo proizvodstva) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. n. --i. in-ta po promyshl. i san. ochistke gazov, 1957, Nr 1, pp 140-150 ABSTRACT: The results of tests of experimental equipment at an alurninum plant fo,r the purpose of choosing a method of purifying gases and'recovering cryolite-from used solutions are presented. A 576 aqueous sodium carbonate solution is used is absorbent. 4 types of equipment are tested. Their designs are presented. The method of determining the dust and resin fluoride --compounds content of the gases is elucidated. The results of the tests and the scrubber flowsheets are communicated. A. K. Card 1/1 PANIN, L. ( . Pechora, Komi ASSR) I - R-w6F Open letter to B. F. Radox, Deputy Minister of Transportation. Sots. trud no.10:100 0 156. (MLR& 9:11) (Railroads--Repair shops-Production standards) 1. SHABANCIV, S.K. - PAUR, L.P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Geologyj Structural - Samarka Valley 7. Geological structure of the basin of the middle course of the Samarka River. (Abstract) Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no.2., 1947 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified 1. SHABANOV, S. K. a.nd PAIIIII, L. P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Samarka Valley - Geology, Structural 7. Geological structure of the basin of the middle course of the Samarka River. (Abstract) Izv.Glav.upr.geol.fon. no. 2, 1947. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1955, Unclassified. PANIN, L.Ye. ------------------ Effec~~k ACTH on the developient hyporcholesteremia in starving rabbits. Vop. mad. khim. 11 no.1:75-81 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra bialogicheskdy khimii Leningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyanichoskogo meditainakogo instituta. a (MIRA 18:6) JF fecira - I.A. Serebrennikova) Torrnskogo ANTOITESCU) Em.). BALS, St.; GEORGESCU, F.; GEORGESGU, V.; IWITEA, Gh.; MIHPILESCU.9 N.; PANIIII, V.; TOITISCU, C. -~Sedimentologic data on the Senonian-Danian deposits in the Vintu de Jos Geoagiu region. Studii core gool 8 no. 4t 215-234 163. 1. Comunicare prezentata de academician G. Murgeanu. ?PIN#* N.;.AVW, E. e of the Rumanian sub- Now traces of vertebrates in the Hiocen Carpathians. Studii c6rc geol 7 no.3/4:455-484 162. SHPODARENKO, Ivan Panteleyir*novicll,,_LA44_11~;.. N.S,, red. [Economic efficiency of the use of higb-speed trac-cr-o' Ekanomicheskaia effektivnost' ispo:Ozovanila skorostrykh traktorov. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 102 p. (MIRA ISM R'N ZALEVSKri, Anatoliy '77 -i I 'yevJxJx, 'rand. sel I khoz.naukl DMATISILIVYY Yevgerdy 1-1 ikolayevicho.. agronom-pk6nomi tit; P101111, II.S., rod. [Economics of the efficient use of machinery on collective farms] Ekonomika ratrionallnogo igpollzovaniia tekbniki v kolkhozakh. 14oskva# Ekonomikaj 1964. 141 P. (MIffik 17: 5) 1. Nauchnyy sotrudnik TSentrallnogo ekonomicheskogo nauchnno-issle- dovatel'skogo Instituta, pri Gosplane RSFSR (for Zalevskiy). I ' Y I24ATOVSKIY, Pavel Artemlyevich; FANIN, N.S.., red. . - . W. - [Economics of electrification and comprehensive mechaniza- tion in animal husbandry] Ekonomika elektrifikatsii i kom- pleksnoi mekhanizatsii zhivotnovodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo "Ekonomika," 1964. 117 p. (MIRA 17:7) KARNAUKHOVA.. YO.S., doktor ekonom--nauk; BRAGINSKIY, B.I., doktor ekonom. naukj MASMKOV, V.F.; POZDNYAXOVp V.N.p kand. ekonom, nauk; ALTAYSKIY, I.P., karididat ekonomicheskikh.nauk; MADATYAH, A.I., nauchnyy sotr.; OBDIENSKIY, K.P.., red.; PANIN, H.S.2 red.; DMITRASHKO, E.I., mladshiy red.; PONOMAREVAI A.A., tekhn. red. [Methods for measuring, analyzing and planning labor productivity on collective and state farms] Metody izmeranila, analiza i pla- nirovaniia proizvoditellnosti truda v kolkbozakh i sovkhozakh. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 211 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut ekonomiki AN SSSR (for Madatyan), (Agriculture-Labor productivity) PAN11,19 N. .L~-Pr 5 Coexistence of footprints of thp --er~.-bratei vith rschanogI h in the EaSturn Carpathian Miocene Mcla -se. S-'Uj~-U geol geof geogr 9 no.2-341-363 164. 1. Enterprise of Prc-necting and Laboratories, Geologic Committee. Submitted April 10, 1964. KORDVYAKOVSKIY, Dmitri-Y ZakharOvich-. PANIN N.S., red., PONOMAREVA, AA., tekhno red. (Improving the system of the state deliveries of agricultural products in the U.S.S.R-1 Sovershen :t stemy gosu- irvanie darstvennykh zagotovok sellskokhozi tvennyXproduktov v SSSR. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 156 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Produce trade) LEMESHEV, M.Ya-; LAGUTIN., H.S.; GREKULOV, L.F.;-KRAMV, V.D.; 1WHIN, A.A.; YAKOVLEVA, T.V.; ANILRIYEVA., L.F.; KOIDSOVA, Ye.Ta.; MURASHKO, Tu.V.; GABIDULLXN, V.M.; POPOV, N.I.; POPOV, N.M.; STUDENKOVA, N.M.; SMYSLOVA, A.S.; FANIN, N.S.# red.;PANIN &S.,red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., [Methods for creating an abtmdance of agricultural products in the U.S.S.R.] Puti sozdaniia i~obiliia se1'skcX-khoziaistvennykb produktov v SSSR. Moskva, Ekonomizdat~ 1963. 317 p. (MIRA 16;6) 1. Sektor ekonomichaskikh problem sellskdFgo khozyaystTa Nauchno- Issledovatel'skoge skonomicbeskogo instituta Gosplana SSSR (for a1.1 except Panin,N.S., Panin, N.S., Gerasimova). (Farm produce) j& -To -C- KHODASEVICH, Boris Georgiyevich;_ I.S., red.; FOR01YOn, A.A., tekhn. red. [Economics of agricultural transportation] Ekonomika sell- skokhoziaistvennykh perevozok. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 196 p. MRA 16- 12) (Economics of agricultural transportation) ZHUYIKOV, Georgiy Gerasimovich; JUVIN, N. S. , red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A. tekhn. red. [original records and control on collective farms] Pervichnyi uchet i kontroll v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Ekonomizdat 1963. 281 p. IMIRA 16&6) (Collective fame-Accountifig) A DOROVIK, Viktor Andreyevich; BORODIIII I.A., doktor ekon. nauk, prof., naucbn* red.; PAIIIIII,-N.S.P red.; Y&-,,OKHINA, L., tekhn, red, (Business accounting on collective farms] Khoziaistven- Wji raschet v kolkhozakh. Moskva) Elconomika, 10MA.- 163 P. (MU 17- 1) (Colloctive farms-Accounting) MITTUSHKINO Timofey Sergeyevich; 1!~NIN,_N.S._,_red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A.9 tekhn. red. [Uniform accounting system in agrimdtural enterprises) FAinaia sistema uchata v seliskokhoziaistvennykh predpriiatiiakh. Mo- skva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 295 p. (MIRA 16:5) (AgricOlture--Accounting) KOSHKIN, Anatoliy Geogiyevich; red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red, (Ways to increase the profitableness of collective farm pro- duction]Puti povyaheniia rentabellnosti kolkhoznogo proiz- vodetva. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 111 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Collective farms-Finance) KOVAL', Timofey Artawnovich;.YMIff,-N-S,,, red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. (Grain farming in the U.S.S.R.]Zernovoe' khoziaistvo SSSR. Moskwa, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 219 p. (MIRA 15:1-1) (Grain) pANIN, N.S., inzh.; SHUMTEM, V.V-, inzh. i- -. I 'nergo- Un vereal adjustable boring chuck equipped with stappqd cutters. 3 mashinostroenie 4 no*9:42-43 S '58. (MIU 11:11) (Drilling and Boring machinery) PROZOROV, Petr Alekseyevich, dvazhdy Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda; ~!T-111 -1-11 -S! -, red.; POVICI-VULEVA, A.A., teYJ2n. red. I Northern beacon] Severnyi maiak. Yoskva, $zd-vo ekon. lit-ry, -196~- 156 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Krasnyy Oktyabrln Kirovskoy oblasti (for Prozorov). (Kirov Province-Conective farms) (Socialist competition) BAbTUK, T.L. , doktcr ekon. nauk, prof., red.; OB01.1-111SKE', K.P. dok r ekon. nauk, prof., re~!.; N.S., red. [Using matlierratical methods fc).-- economic stu(Ilies In agriculture) Primenenie tiatemrticheskikh motodov v elo- nomi-cheskikh issledovanliakh p :5ellokomt khoziaistvu. Moskva, Ekonorika, 1964- 354 P. (1111RA 17:10) 1. Moscow. V.-esoyuznyV inatitut ekonomiki sellskogo khozyayuva. IEPIYdIIN., L.A., inzh.j Prinimali uchastiye: STEFANOVICH, M.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; BABARYKIII, N.F., k-and.tekhn.nauk; hTYASOV, A.G., zh kand.tekhn.nauk; SHPARBEER, L.Ya.., inzh.; BOGDANOV, V.V. in ZHARKOV, P.N., master pechi; PANIN, O.G., master pechi; FEDOTOV, V.G., master pechi; pechi;SAGAYDAK, I.I., inzh., rukovoditellraboty Evaluating the effect of various methods of charging a blast furnace on the state of the gas flow in its upper part. Stall 23 no. 3:198-204 Mr 164. (1--.IRA 17;5) 1. Magnitogorsk~y metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Lepikhin). PARIS, P.D., inzbaner. '-~Mpwwawww Ingtallativa of ftT tato-typo atfddWrb #* thadlRWO ho'.1fiteld on hooks. Inergetik 4 no.1:29-30 Ja 156. (MLRA 9: 4) (Lightning protection) PANIN, P. I. Salt looses from soils and tSe determination of leaehing rates. Poohvoveda~ie no.7:31-38 .11 162. (MIRA 15:10) 2. Azerbaydzhanskiy gosudarstvenW institut po proyektiro- vaniyu vodokbozyaystvennykh sooruzhaniy. (Leaebing) (Azerbaijan-Saline and alkali soils) ~Jf . 17 --- - --- - - PANIN, P,FI,, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. - ;WA, Apparatus for repeated stretching of felt in liquid meadia. Leg.prom 16 no.2:38-41 F 156. (MT-'RA 9:7) ireiu) (Hats) PANIff,.PJ1.,kand.tekhn.nauk Physical and mechanicnI properties of rabbit and here fluff. leg.prom. 18 no.4:39-42 AP 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Rabbits) (Hares) P.F,[., kand. tekhn, nauk Shrinkage of felt hats. Tekst. prom. 19 uo*5:43-45 Y17 '59. MRA 12:10) (Felt work) (Hats) ;~gtggz PANIN.P.M. I Felt shaping machines for the hat industr7. Leg. prom. 15 no.6: 23-27 Je '55- (NTMA 8;8) (Hate) PX-M-!, P. rnb--- "The Influence of the b3loc1-.b2r_p Process on the Stability of the Shape of 1,11en's Felt Hats." Card Tech Sci, 11oscow, Tex-Lile Inst, 18 1"ov -)rI. (M-1, 9 "0v 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dis'sertations Defended at USSR Figher Educational institutions (11) SO: Sum. No. 521, 2 Jun 55 PANIN, P.2tr-Aikhayloviah"UZIMICHEV, F.I., kand. tekhn.nauk., retoenzent; PLEMYANNIKOV, M.N., red.; PYATNITSKIY,,V.N., tekhn. r&d.1 V!NOGRADOVA,..G.A,,O takhn. red. (Theoryld"r the felting and forming processes of felt articles] Teorlia prbtsesoov valki 1-formovk;i valiapykh izdelii. Mo- skva, Roptekhizdat, 1962. 157 pe (MIRA 16:5) (Feltwork) (Wool) ~ PANIN, P.M.. kand.takhn.nauk New oyatems for steaming menfe felt hate. Tekst. prom. 20 no. 11:40-44 11 060. (HIM 13:12) (Hate) (Felt) PANIN, P.H., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. Locking action of various viedia on the elastic deformation of stretched felt. Leg.prom (161 no.11:28-30 N 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Felt) (Hats) PAINDITP P.-V --- - - ......I'. -. I ~ ~ Accumulation of srd--'up; 14-1 ground TT-Jy 'hol- ins. Sib, -- 11 otd.- AN 335R no.12sl2q-139 164. (MIRA 18-.7'j ROGMIN., V.P.; Code transmitters are operating faultlessly. Avtad., tele=. i sviaz' 7 no,5:34 My 163., (14IRA 16:7) 1. Starshiy inzh. kontrollno-4spytatellnogo punkta Moskovsko- Kiyevskoy distantaii signalizataii i avyazi Moskovskoy dorogi (for Rogozin-). 2, Starehiy inzh. laboratorii avtomatiki i telemekhaniki Moskovskoy dorogi (for Panin). (Railroads-Zignaling-Mock system) PANIN, P.S. . Changes in the percolation of saline soils during the process of leaching. Pochvovedenie no-5:48-53 Mv 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy Goaudarstvannyy institut po proyektirovaniyu vodnogo khozyaystva, Baku. (Soil percolation) (Leaching) A PANI N Some characteristics of the vegetative cover of Kasbgaria. Bot. zbur. 45 no.4:583-688 Ap t6O. NIRA 14:5) (SinkWg,UIgur Autonomous region-Desert flora) PANIN) P.S., pochvoved,- ARISTARKHOV, A.N., pochvaved Salt removal from saline coils containing sodium carbonate in the Karabakh Plain. Gidr. i mol. 13 no.12.-44-48 D 161. (141RA ll+::12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatel'skiy i nauchno-issledovatellskiv instit-ut Ministersfma sp.1.11komo khozyaystva g. Baku% (Karabakh Steppe-Salino and alkali'[30ilf;) PANIN P.S Salt loes,~from chloride-salinized soils during leaching. Fochvovedenie no.11:86, 163. (MM 16:12) .96 N 1. Azerbaydzhanakiy gosudarstvannyy institut po proyektirovaniyu vodokhozyaystvennogo stroitelletva. FAN! N, P.,-). Dl~;tortiorl of coir-, 4~ T" J~, U IIn -m. prevent n t. Av~om. f., 1 r- i. Starshiy inzh. laborator4l-' skc~v dorolvi. lraf;k clrvAt5 and m-c-thod" for svi,-7.1 Q no.4:41-43 165. (MIRA 3.8: 5) avtomatiki j. telemekbaniki Moskov- PANIN) POSS, ., -1 T)Avice for measuring the duration of impulses and intervals. Avtom.2 telem. i sviazl 9 no.5:28-30 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Starshiy inzhener laboratorii avtomatiki i telemekhaniki Moskovskoy dorogi. PANINP PS.; ARISTARKHOV.4 A.B. Characteristics of the chudcal properties and permability to water of soda-rich' Azerbaijan S.S.R. Fochvovedenie no,6:12-21 J-e 162. (vilki 15:8) 1. Gosudarstvannyy inzhenerno-proyektnyy institut po vodnoma khozyaystvu Azerbaydzbfkn koy.SSR, g. Baku, (Narabakh Steppe-Soil percolation) (Saline and alkall soils)