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CHMNOVOL, &.v. Lchornovol. A-V-I; PARGELUIA, T.A. Cpanchyna, T.O;1 iun Formation of paphits, in pores during the annealing of magaes I cast iron* DDp.AH URSR no.3.1:1519-,1521 160. (MIRL 13:11) 1. Institut liteynogo proizvodetTa Ali TJSSR.. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.N.Svechnikov7m. (Graphite) (Cast iron-Metallurgy) CHERNOVOL~ A.V. [Chornovol, A.V.1; TARAN, Yu.N. [Taran, IU.M.1; PANCHINA, T.A. [Panchyna, T.O.] ----------- Effect of calcium on the form of graphite inclusions in Fe-C-Si alloys. _Pop.AIV URSR no.7:911-914 161. (MM 14:8) 1, Institut, liteynogo proizvodatva AN USSR i Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.N.Svochnikovym [Sviechnykov, V.P1.]. (4on-carbon-silicon alloys) (calcium) CHERNOVOL, A.V. [Chornovol, A.V.],- PANCHINA. T.A. [Panchyna, T.O.] Kinetics of the crystallization of iron-carbon-allican alloys. Dop. AN URSR no.4:/+78-481 162. (MIRA 1515) 1. Inatitut liteynogo proizvodn-tva AN USSR. Predstavlono akademikom AN USSR V.N.Svechnikovym [Sviechnikov, V.M.I. (Iron-carbon-silicon alloys) (Crystallization) 3/021/61/000/007/007/011 D205/D306 AUTHORS; Chornovolp A.V.~ Taran, Yu-M.# and Panchina, T.O~ TITLE: Influence of calcium. on -the shape of graphite inclusions in Fe - C - Si alloys PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukcrayins'koyi RSRI Dopovidi, no. 7, 1961~ 911 - 914 TEXT: After discussing the effects of modifiers on the properf.,'es of cast iron. the authors express the opinion that the most active are the alkaline earth metals, Zn and Cd., be"Lon-ing to the odd V U ries of the same group have no effect on -the formation of splieroi- dal graphite inclusions, the presence of which greatly affects the quality of cast iron. Previously-, best reaitl-.8 were obtained with a mixture of calcilam and magnesium, as modifiers, but they were tested on pig-iron only. The subject of their :,experiments was the study of the modifying effect of Ca on relatively pure Fe-C-Si alloys. They were obtained by remelting 150 gr. of cast iron with Card 1/4 S/021/61/000/007/007/011 bf c~alc"umj on ... D205/D706 Influence 0 J, -r-- crystalline silicon (99,85 'io~ in a graphite cruciblE in a Tauman oven. The alloy was modified w1th metallic Ca (2.5 and 5 lilo) at 15600. The solidification and cooling of samples was carried out in crucibles together with the oven in open air. The cooling cur- ves were obtained by means of a platinum platinum-rhodium thermo- couple connected to a recording potentiometer. Samples were cut through the vertical axis and the whole cross-sect-ion was micros- copically examined, the calcium content in different parts of sam- ples being determined by s ectral analysis. The cooling curves [Ab- stractor's note: Not giveril prove that temperatures at the beginn- ing of eutectic crystallIzation in bo-th unmodified and modified samples are almost identica-1 and that solidification in both cases takes place at the same degree of supercooling. The structure of graphite inclusions is shown on photographs. it is seen that -the graphite inclusions change shape from the surface layer to the in- ner part of samples: near the surface the amount of spheroidal in- clusions is the largest; they are covered with films of austenite and are accompanied by clusters of fine laminc,ted "supercooled" graphite. In the intermediate zone, between the surface and the Card 2/4 S/021 61/000/007/007/01-) Influence of calcium on ... D205YD306 sample centerg these spherical inclusions change to starlike ones, formed by radial aggregates of pyramidal crystalsq separated by a metallic matrix. In the central portlDn graphite forms coarsely la-. minated inclusions with some compact nnes o-f irregular shape. In both alloys (that with 2.5 and that with 5 % Ca') the general pic- ture is similar, the only difference being a greater number of spheroidal particles near the surface of the alloy modified with 5 % Ca. The results of microscoplo study prove that the formation of the spherical graphite inclusions to some extent dependc. the rate of coo2ing; but -tbe5_- inclu5ions are always accompe-nii-i by flake formations, whAJ-.h af-.Lect most linfavorab-A-1 the neohanj,,:~2 prj- perties of cas-11-- iron. Therefore calcium by it,-elf cannot be v~:ed as modifier for improving Cast iron.V.M~ Khokho1kov assic--ted In casting the samples. There are 2 table# 71 flguri~s and 7 references./l/ 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to the English-language publications read as follows,., R. Collette. A, DeSy, Foundry Trade Journal, 80, 495, 1789,, 1956; R.A. Grange, F.T, Shortsbeveg D.C. Hilty, W.O. Binder. G.T. Moto,-.k, and C.14. Offen- Card 3/4 Influence of caloium on ... X05/D306 hauer; "Boron, Calcium, ColumbIl'im and Z Lrcoriium in iron and Stee. U.S.A.9 1957, 89. ASSOCIATIM institut litvar-noho virobnitst'va AN URSR of Foundry Industry Academy of Scienc~es, ~TkiSSR) Dnepropetrovs~kyy metalurglynyy -i.n3zitl,,,;.tl (In-qtittv!e of Metallurgy of Dnepropetrovsk SUMTITTEDg November 2, 1960 PRESENTED: by V.M. Svechnikov, Ylembex.- of AS UkrSSR Card 4/4 pANGHTSHTN. V.I. LrMMIKI-Y, O.Yu., akademik. Automatic electric piezoneter. Dop.AKURSR no.4:348-350 '52.: (KLai 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi BSR (for Ishlinalkvy). 2. Iustytut natematyky Akademiyi nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Panebyehyn). (Piegomater) ;,LIC&KOT.* P.J?.; PANCHISHIN, V.I Electric integr-ator IMM-3. 11-ll=,zmt-zbu=- 7 no.l-.li2-120 155 r (KIRL 7) (integrators) (110 tromechanical Analobde'3) (Soil percolation) A L p3l - u :0 9 Nil ~A.~ Z! g,4 qn All I !W:r 8( SOV/2 1-59-41--8/27 AUTHOR: Panchishin, TITLE: The Electricity-Conduc ting Paper Y.-ith 1misotropic Conductivitj~ PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 101-(). 117- 11-, pp 379-383 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author proposes a method of preDaration of in- dustrially-made electro-conductive paper posessing anisotropic conductivity for use in electric analogy integrators EGDA--6/53, EGDA-7/54, EGDA-8/56 and others. It is particularly good in solving problems of long plane filtration f1was, by means of electro- modelling. In the Laboratoriya elelk-buromodeliro- vaiiiya instituta matematiki Ali U1=SSR (Laborarory .Lor Electro-Lodelling of the Institute of L'atuhe- matic-- of the AS M:r5SR)j the a-Lit--or h--s constru:_-ted a device for preparation.of the above-specified paper, shoun schematically in FiGure 3. The de- Card 1/3 vice aut0MC,_UiCCL1lY lays stri-pes of electro-con- ,-C)V/')] The Ele c tricity-Conduc tin(; Papar .,,,ith Anisotropic Gonductilitz( ductive paint vdth desired coefficient of aniso- tropy from 1:1 to 1:1000, upon an indu.--t-rIaily ma- nufactured electro-conductive paper. The coeffi- cient of anisotropy can bo uidely re[~ulated by U or decreasing the amount of electro.- conductive element in the paint, and by ch:m-in- the thickness and the -,:.,_idth of the stripe, and the spacing between the stripes. The paper- carrying drum is powere~a' by electric I:I(,-L10-.-. The paint is fed pneumatically, through di'L.-Luser-s. Four reci-Des of electro-conduative Pad-nrs out and successfully tested by 'U'lle au-L-.hor are aS follo,,,.,s: 1) Gas 10lack 5-10 qr, A-:;etlono !~;O nall L)ir4~ neCj-~ u .. - I.- Dope 50 gr; 2) Gais blac'-'-.- 1-210 Sr, S: f ied 100 ml , Glu-.:~ BF 2-~50 gr; ~) Gas blacl-K 13-20 c~ gr, Acetone 500 ml, Dope 0 gr; 4) Gas bla--'x-- 11"~-20 gr, Oily gra-p-hite 15 :rr, Acetuo_~_e -2C`0 _mll 0 firS t ~z'o Daints are hiC_` -r"SiSZ ~he gr. The L, - II - -[=. , last t-I-Io paints are loa-resistant. Components o`L' Card 2/3 the paints must be ,,.,ell mixed for about 30 minutes. 30V/21-51c'-4-8/27 The Electricity-Conducting Paper with Anisotropic Conductivity U The paints must be applied ir.-imodiately, to preclude sedi.mentation of gas black and -raplhite. The author U vides an examnle o-7' an analogue for a -i)roblcm o~ ro il I I p fil-6ration in anisotropic. soi-L as a chec'r: on -1cI-ae quality of th,~ paper. It sho,..s ar. e--,2:-o--n not, ceeding 4,,-o. The LrtiCle ends wltlh- the e- res-sion. of the autlior's gratitude to P.F. FillchO'Kov for his contribution. There 2) d-ia6-7--4.Ms, I t--~bl c. I shzetch and 2 OV- 4et references. ASSOCIATIO11: Instituu-1- matematiki AN U`krSSR (Institute of Liathe- matics of 'Llh& AS, UkrSSR) PRESENTED: By A.Yu. Ishlinskiy, Member of the AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: August 8, 19r,8 .1 Card 3/3 16 ( SOV/21-R9-6-4/27 AUTHORS: Filtehakov, P. F., and Panchis TITLE: On Modelling Potential Fields on Resistance Paper Under Boundary Conditions of the 1-st, 2nd and 3 rd Kinds PERIODICAL- Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Uk-rains1koi RSR~ 1959, Nr 6, PP 578 -,586 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors introduce the appli6ation of thin linear bars for the realization of functional boundary conditions of the first kind (Dirichlet's problem) in modelling on resistant paperp and describe the technique of their pre- paration. In the majority of cases the conditions under which the potential u - const. or du -0 dn are sufficient for the realization of boundary conditions in modelling on resistant paper, of the bulk of problems arising in the theory of filtration, hydro- and aerodynamiesp Card 1/171 electric- and radio engineering, electronic optics and other SOV/21-59-6-4/27 On Modelling Potential Fields on Resistance Paper Under BoundarY Conditions of the lat, 2nd and 3rd Kinds fields of mathematical physics. However, there exists a great number of important technological problems the model- ling of which calls for realization of boundary conditions of the I - II - III kinds: u - fl(s); du - f (s); A(x,y) 21 + B(xvy) u -f 2 dn 3 (A *>, 01 B ;~:O), where fl' f2' f3 are assigned functions of the length of are of boundary s. Boundary conditions of the 2nd and 3rd kind can be presented by means of the method of successive approximations to equivalent boundary conditions of the ist kind. The modelling on resistance paper of boundary problems of functional boundary condition (1) can easily be achieved with the use of thin linear rods, which are prepared as follows: PEB-1 or PEM-1 copper enamel wire 1.2 -- 2.0 mm Card 2/4 is stretched in a tension device, covered with BF-2 glue SOV/21-59-06-4/27 On Modelling Potential Fields on ReSi3tance Paper Under Boundary Conditions of the let, 2nd and 3rd Kinds and wound around with PEShOM or PShDM manganin wired or FEShOK or PShDK constantan wire 0.12 - 0.20 min. The winding is then soaked with a 1:1 solution of BF-2 glue and spirit, polymerized in a drying chamber for I hour at 100 - 1200C, then polished with a fine emery cloth. Then the wire is provided with lengths of thin multicore cable (MGShD, MGV- 0.20, or other) for connection to assigned potentials, attached to the wire ends and Interjaoent sections. Now the rod is glued onto the xesistart~e paper model, with an electro- conductive glue consisting of 35 g of dope, 1 g of BF-2 glue and 7 9 of carbon black. At first the glue is applied to the lower part of the rod, which is then put on the resistant paper and preened to it, whereupon the glue is applied to the outer part of rod, and the latter is left for 3 - 5 minutes, to take hold. The autbors demonstrate the applicat- ion of the prepared rods for the solution of two problems, Card 3/4 for illustration. Tables 1 and 3 show the correlation of the SOV/21--g-6-4/27 On Modelling Potential Fields on Resistance Paper Under Boundary Conditions of the lst, 2nd, and 3rd Kinds theoretical values of the ut potentials with the results of the electric analogy of u e for control problems 1 and 2 re- spectively, with boundary conditions of the lst and 3rd kinds. The precision obtained is quite 3ufficient for the modelling of many technical problems. Figure 2 presents a photo of the equipotential net for a modification of problem 1 in the case of heterogerA=s medium and shows the measuring device of the EGDA-6/53 integrator on which the modelling was carried out, and which is described in references 1 and 2. There are 3 tables, 2 graphs, 1 photo and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki AN UkrS,SR (Institut of Mathematics of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: By A. Yu. Ishlinskiy, Member, AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: January 12, 1959 Card 4/4 71LICHAKOV, Phv4il 79odos 1yevich; PANCHISHIN. Valentin Ignat 'Zoviahs SOKOLOV' Tu.D,,.; -1481WOVA, N.N., red,lzd-va-. ikEiil~ tekhnorede []MA Integrators; simulation of potwitial fields on resistance paper] Integratory WDA; modeltrovanis potentsiallrqkh polei na alektroprovoduoi buwge. 11ov, Ud-vo Akad.uauk USSM~ 1961. l?l P. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Chien-korrespondebt AN USBR (for Sokolov), (Boundary value problems) (Ilectromachanical analogies) (311actronic calculating machines) PANCHOKIIA, V.I,., ,n of 4' agm-nts in fraoturea F1 Y-ati Ir v dislocatj.on of the teeth in childro (MIRA 18;10) no.1:121-325 165. PAWCHOKHA, r.P. (Odeoga) M.-- Mmetional design of the occlusive surfaces of the teeth in derital bridges. Probl.stom. 6:262-268 162, (MIRA 160) (DENTAL PMTHESIS) -PAEQQLg&, V nauchuyy sotrudnik tP.L, TreatmeDt of pathological mandibular fract=es by extraoral immobill- zation of fragments, stomatologiia 38 no-4:36-38 J1-Ag '59- (MIRA 12:12) 1. 1z ortopedicheskogo otdela (zav. - G-I~- Soanin) Ukrainglcogo nauebuo-iseledovatellskogo Btomatologicheskogo instituta. (,TAWS--FRACTM) - pANCHOKHA, v.p., nauchnyy sotrudnik Iauch.-issl-inOto stom. Fixation of maxi3-lary sPlinterls. Trudy N (KM 15:10) no.10:56-62 162. (jAws-FMCTURF,) RAST aMPAVY/Acousties - Ultrasonics. Av,4 J6ur -Ref Zhur - Fizika, no 6, 1959, 13930 Author Parthasarathy, S., Pancholy, Xi Inst Title Studies in Ultrasonic ~rQpaption in Mixtures of Ethyl Alcohol and Water. Orig Pub Z. anpv..Phys., 1950, 10, No 10, 453-455 Abstract An investigation was made of the absorption and velocity .of ultrasound, the density, viscosity, specific heat, etc. of the mixture ou a function of laic concentration of tile mixture components and of the temperature. The mocksura- ments were carried out at a frequency of 21 Me at temPera- tures from 5 to 700 C. To investigate-the absorption, use was mde of the method of pulsed echo. A maximum of absorption was observed at an alcohol concentration of approximtolY 30%- With the increasinG tanperature, the value of the maximum drops. Card 1/2 [7: A. pAl,r,I:CjVSKI , D. .pl=o wir4p and their f the dotracturp 1 ejB ments of an &II GodishnLk D.Imensione 0 th 001tion of the wing's bendiug center. influence On a D 14 160 (publ- 1611- khim tekh 7 noOV2-.297-3 pANcHOVSU, D. t lu lOug0ron of an aiz-pl-ane two- The optim posi ion-of US M& spar wing. Godishak kh:im tekh 8 no.2:263Q7Y" 06 [Pub" 1623- .pANCEMIao Do -sh6ar* stresseo and angullIx An easy method for kh 8 no.2: .rotation of mult~spar- 11s, Godishnik khim te 217-240 161 [puble., 162]. PARCHOVSKI D.P. MOthcKI for an easY obt-Sinment of the center of banding in IllmltiPly connected ahellso Godishnik khim tekh 8 no.1:263-273 061 [publ. 2621. PAIICHOVSKI~ Dimitur P. Oh the stability of ply-wood plates by moBt advantageous angle of fibre setting. Godishnik khim tekh 6 no.2:77-94 '59 (Fal,-I. '61). AUTHOR: Fanchovski, D. TITM Effect of dimensions of structural elements of the wing croos-section on the cente:r of bend position PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Vozdushnyy transport, no. 3, 1965, !0, abstract 3A53 (GodiBhnik Khim.-tekhnol. in-t, v. 7, no. 1 - 2, ig6o (iq6i), 297 - 314, Bulgarian; Lummaxies In Russian and English) TEXT: Working formulas are dorived for determining the coriter of bend coordinates of the iving with a double-profile crosEl-sectiori, the thin-walled elements of which do not receive normal stresseB,bu-~ the cross force Q and the torsional moment M only. The effect of these elements on the center of bend poaition is Yinvestigated. Calculation diagrams ave presented which enable one to determine tha new center of bend posi- tion at changed dimensions of otructural elements by weana of a lincar (or an exponential) interpolation or extrapolation. Working formulLs Card 1/2 /01 AUTHOR: TITLE: New type construction for wing strut and longeron 40922 SP-64/62/000/004/005/005 1006/1206 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, vozdushnyy transport. Svodnyy tom. no. 4, 1962, 17, abstract 4 A93, (Godishnik Mash. elektrotekh. in-t), 1959 (1960), 6, no. 4, 175-180 (Bulgarian, English summary) TEXT- Constructions and method of calcu!ation of wing strut and longeroB joint are described, in which the hinge bolt is situated along neutral axis of longeron, whereas the strut itself is rigidly fastened to the junction. The construction has following advantages- lack of concentrated moment, originating from the non-coincidence of strut and junction axes; presence of single bolt, which works in the boss of wooden longeron in advantageous conditions; junction elements work only in tension or compression. Proposed joint is successfully applied in construction of bulgarian glider "Yasterb". [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 P/008/61/000/001-2/002/006 A107/A126 AUTHOR* Panchovsk1y, P. Dymitr, Engineer, Assistant TI TLE The influence of the wood fiber angle on the stability of plywood plates. Part I PERIODICAL: Technika lotnicza, fap. 1-2, 1961, 5 - 8 T EXT : This problem is of great importance in aircraft and glider construc- tion. The author states that the orthotropy of the plywood is essential for the determination of elasticity tf plywood plates. The stress of plywood used in aircraft construction is determined by normal and contact powers along the plate edges. Analysis of the stress of structural parts makes possible the determina- tion of the plywood plate stress according to its constant- thrust and shearing tension. This can lead to an overloading and dangerous curving of the plywood plates, i.e., to the loss of the static stability of the aircraft. The critical thrust limited by Hooke's law shows the degree of elasticity. Investigations were based on an approximate solution given by L.J. Balabukh, where the length of the plate is infinite (b -3o- -). Practically if b ;,>4a, the results are enough for engineering purposes. Balabukh, using the approximate method of S.P. Timosh- Card 1/2 P/008/61/OC)0/001-?,/002/006 The influence of the wood fiber angle on the.... A107/A126 enko, determines mathematically the critical thrust of infinitely long isotropic plates stressed only by shearing. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Politechnika Sofijska Bulgaria (Sofia Polytechnic) Card 2/2 M n -Q R SRI, i~R KONDRATYUK, S. I.; PANCHUGIN, R.G. Intensity of cyclones and anticyc2ones in the krctilc during the navigation period* Trudy AANII 255:129-142 163. (MIPM 117.,6) L 23' 97-6:5 S f4 , J"i I - , NR: AT404~79r, S/3116/63/ 255; O)'j, 01.19i C. 142 C - FsSIONT N A ! 71~r)R- Kr)rdrR!v.-.k. Seasc-rl. r ju V- ,,OIJRCE: Leningrad. Arkv-che,5'- Y i "-kti, hr-ki.- I'Y-ud-,r*, v. 255, 1963. Sborrdk statpy po volvosam Jolgosrocbny*kb propozov D090ay em, F, 9f 1 C)OP-rnnZewinther foTeCalgting for cyclone, anticycimiu, 4ui,- I"". --- f j rn 'L ~m a fr, n rn j ri t- e I_r -If ~~roup of stations the s-,-nop:tc c:iai-i:I 17~ Emd M!!l~- an(t e a-q: t e MR 5 'Alt, RNA Oi L 21--597-65 ACCESSION AT40497,~r, 1 n t1w A r U,~ ba-Bin Lll,; Trorr one. naLux ai zf v;3upiv,: ij~ i i ~,,j 1" N ;.!% c. i rs an(i st~(ori:l to-month variation of mean pressuru in L."clulitfr, nz,-,,,,I,U~~' V.! 2 ':3 STM~P-TT7-M 00 7 T B:g -3 g ~rt. has'. V I -IF MO ag --R MMME '- ME _Mft-ImIll wnpanm WVI!~;....Mtlm R~IKI M-46-1 M. DMI, r0275/64/000/001/B006/B006 ACCESSION NRt AR4020695 SOURCEt RM. Elektronika i yeye primeneniyes Abs. 1B32 AUTHORSt Belotakiy, D. P*.j Hovallkovskiyj, N. P.; Panchuk, I Ee TITLEs Semiconductor alloys in the Zn-Cd-Sb system I.CXTED SOURCEt Nauchn. yekhegodnik za 1959 g..Cherny*shevskiy un-t. Rhim.-fak. Chernovtoy*,.1960, 627-629 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductors, semiconductor alloys, zinc cadmium antimony semiconductor, electric conductivity, thermal emf, impurity 6ffect, equilibrium conditions, nonequilibrium conditions TRANSLATIONt The Zn-Cd-Sb diagram of state was investigated under equilibr'ium and non-equilibrium conditions, as was the electric con-1; ductivi and thermal emf of the pseudo-binary section ZnSb--CdSb. ty Under non-equilibrium conditions a eutectic composition was cbserved,~, Card, 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4020695 similar to that of the central part of the diagram and degenerating after longer annealing (on the order of six days). At a compositioni ratlo close to 1:1, the conductivity of the equilibrium alloys reach-4 es a maximum While the thermal emf reaches a minimum, this being a characteristic attribute of semiconductor solid solutions. A study of the effect of impurities on the variation of the properties of' the ternary'alloy CdZnSb has shown that the elements of the fourth 2 period of the periodic table (Cu, Se) increases the conductivity to a maximum degree when the impurity content is 1--2%, whereas ele- Iments of the fifth period (Ag, Te) sharply increase the conductivity even at a concentration on the order of 0.1%. The influence of the 3-mPurity is determined by:tbe electron shell structure of the intro- duced impurity. Bibliography, 7 titles. N. Sh. DATE ACQz O3Mar64 SUB CODEs OR ENCLs 00 card PANCHUKP 0 kand.khi-m.nauk Who diooovered the galvanic coll? Znamo ta pratisia no.12:19 D 162. (MRA 16sl) (Electric batteries) --P Hlyi-i-M- E-. PANCHIUK, I. B. -- "Investigation in the Field of Finishing Y~etallic Surfaces, in Particular, Of Nickei.., by Electrochemical Methods. " Min Higher Education USSR, Chernovtsy State U, Chernovtsy, 1955 ( Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate in CherLical Science) SO: Knizhnaya LetopisI: No. 39, 24 Sept 55 PAVCHUK, 0. E.-. Master Chem Sci Riss) -- "The effect of naphthalene-sulfonic acids on the process of electroprecipitation of nickel". Chernovtsy, 1957. 32 pp (Min Higher Eftc Mr SSR, Chernovtoy State 17, Chair of Physical Chem), 120 copies (KL, No 5, 1959, 144) ?3-3-19/24 AUT11OR: Famfilov, A. V. and Panchuk, 0. B. TITLE: Effect of Naphthalenesulphonic Acids on the Electrical Precipitation of Nickel. 1. Cathodic Polarisation. (Vliyaniye Naftalinuullfokislot na Protsess Elektro- osazhdeniya Nikel7a. 1. Katodnaya Polyarizatsiya) ~j 5T~ yol.,23, PE RIODICAL: Ukrainskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnak 19. No. 3-,_bP-'39i-396'.(USSR). ABSTRACT: Insufficient data are published on-the magnitude of the cathode polarisation, during the precipitation of nickel from baths containing varying quantities of isomeric mono-, di- and trisulphonic derivatives of naphthalene. The effect of a number of naphthalene-sulphonic acids during the elgetroplating of nickel was investigated2at 25, 40 and 55 C at a current density of 0.1 - 2a/dm . Figures 1 and -2 show the dependence of the cathode poten- tial on the current density when varying amounts of 1-napht;halenesulpho.aic acid and 1,3-naphthalenedisulphonic acids were added. The concentration of the acids was: 0.19 0.5, 1.3 and 6 g/litre. The addition of naphthalene- sulphonic acids was proved to affect only slightly 4%.-:he magnitude of the cathode potential, sometimes a slight depolarisation occurred. The obtained results are discuss- Card 113 ed on the basis of the following processes: the reduction ?3-3-19/24 Effect of Naphthalenesulphonic Acids on the Electrical Precipita- tion of Nickel. 1. Cathodic Polarisation. of the sulphonie acids, the formation of the nickel sulphide and its subsequent reduction. Obtained results did not confirm Roth's and Ibidheiser's (Ref. 5) results who claimed that one of the conditions for obtaining shiny, lustre deposits was to increase the excess voltage by 20 - 50 mV when introducing the lustre-forming materia3s. The authors showed that they obtained sufficiently shiny deposits when the magnitude of the cathode potential had a higher positive charge than the initial bath. The tests carried out showed that no series of additives can De compiled according to their effect on the magni-- tude of the cathode potential. The curves on the diagrams show that all the investigated additives act alike in the given limits. Likewise, higher concentrations influence only slightly the magnitude of the cathode polarisation. There are 2 figires and 18 references, ? of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: December, 19, 1956- ASSOCIATION: qh6rnovtsy.1 University Physical Chelaistry Iaboratory. Card 2/3 73-3-19/24 Effect of Naphthalenesulphouie Acids on the Electrical Preclpita- tion of Nickel. 1. Cathodic Polarisation. (Chernovitskiy Universitet, Iaboratoriya Rizicheskoy AVAIIABLri.: Library of Congress. Car d 3/3 PAMFILOV. A.V.; PANG=. O.3. &feci,-a,-n"a-p~"h"the'len-eaulfonic acid on the electrodeposition procese 6f nickel. Part 2:Luster of electro3,vtlc deposits. Ukr. khim. zht7r~ 24 no. 2:266-273 158. (MIRA 11-6) 1. Chernovitakiy universitet. laboratoriya fizicbeskoy khimii. (Electroplating) ~ (Ifickel) (Naphthalenesalfonic acid) PAMFIIOV. A.V.; PANC9M. O.B.. t4 Effect of naphthalenesulfonic acids on nickel plating. Part 3: Effect of the electrolyte acidity. Ukr. k-him. zhur. 24 no-3:399-403 158. (MIRA 11:9) l.Chernovitskiy universitet, laboratoriya fisicheakoy khimii. Ofickel plating) (I~rdrogen-ion concentration) 5M SO7/60-32--?,---22/47 AUTHORS: Morgart, R.M. and Panchuk, O.E. -------------- TITLE: The Problem of the ~~:f Tustrous Nickel Deposits in Baths With Sulfur-Containing Additions (K Yoproau o mekhanizme obrazovaniya bles-ryashchikh osadkov nikelya v vannakh s seroso- derzhashchimi dobavkam,-*) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal prikladnoy kbimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, PP d33-837 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The mechanism of origination of lustrous nickel deposits has not been clarified thus far. The problem of a cause for the gloss of nickel electrodeposits is closely connected with the effect of various additions used in nickel plating. The authora mention several theories trying to explain "his cause by various mechanisms but disagree with them citing their own exper-iments yielding differen-';-, results. The experiments of the authors and of Henricks /n-- f -7 ,Lnc .2j have shown that electrodeposition of nickel out of an electrolyte containing suspended nickel sulfide leads to lustv-.oua deposits in spite of the low rolubility of that -3ubstance. After analyzing various possible tzansformations of s-alfur-containing gloss-inducing agents in tte -at-.1-hods-spase the aa-t~thcrs arrived at CardJ/2 a con~lnsion that all of these iransfc-rmations result in the forma- 307/80-32-4-22/47 The Problem of lliifkoll Dapob!`Vi~ in Bathr; With Sulfur-Containing Additions tion of a final prcdu~-.t, colloidal rockel sulflda~ They propose a specific meohanism of ac-tton ~f the colloidal nickel suifidej which leads to the f,,z-mation of last-Tous nicked deposit-s and which explains certain relationships observed, suoh as: gl3ss depandence on the oathode denaity of' carrent, jemptrat-uze and no,-dity of the electrolyte, etc., Thers are 30 refererw'ea, 12 of which are Soviet, ,I' English, 3 Fiench, 6 German and 2 Aineri.ran. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya. f-iziCheskoy khimfi ~hezrnovitakoqr, u-niversiteta (Labo- ratory of Physical Cheriistxy ol the SUBMITTED: September 7, 1957. Card 2/12 PAMFILOV, A,V,; MELINIKI PAI PANCHUKp 0,E:, Bright nickel plating from alectrolytea with xixed addi"vea, Zhur. prikl. khim. 38 no.3s575-579 Mr 165. (MTRA 181:11) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat. Submitted March 4. 1963. A~; 7hD R i am i f10 v A ,r!TLZ: Bri2h-, ni6el -plat-ingfymr. "0T3 T FIN ~Y - - a.~;. , L ; I. * L-:- -- -- , 1. : - . ... BOYKO.. V.A.; MORGART2 R.M.; PANCHUK, O.E. -------------------- Emulsion drilling fluids from an alkAlins extract of the fruit of horse chestnuts. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 3 no.D.!: 39-42 160. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Chernovitskiy osudarstvamyy universitet. M1 well'drilling fluids) STEPANOVA, O.S.; TISHCHEWD,.O.I.; DRCZDOVSKAYA, A.I.; KALINITSKAYA, B.A.; P~, YA7SMKO,, Ye.A. SynthadjA of some OL-halo ethers. Zhur. VKHO 8 no.5:598- 599 163. (MM 17:1) 1. Odesakly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Machnikova. ~MRCHUK I (;-I-; KURBATKINp G_P_; KPLENKOvICHY Ye.Ye.; R,VIN, G.S.; ROI -11ANOV, L. H. solution of a sYstem of oquations for short-term weather forecasting. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofil-_ no.12.^1849-1858 D 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Vychislitelln yy tsentr Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR. ACCES~ION NR: AP5001353 An I-catura is Lnat rne sollitic'n -r the ectiatinn for -A-F -R ACCE ar ~hl 4Li-,7 wi X RL~*' T~~F~71 llinti: t~ 10 ~N' I IT" rr "U'A boR 7aS Oil Bider ed Nit-M.-H VyOhlislitel"IYY tsedr, Sibirsko3t otdele-live Akaci(, (Compater Center, Siberian Divibioj, rm -1~11. ssSr, A c,-A, r- . - Q 1. , - - WWI) 04AugG4 'N 0 RL 1' TI- m2 ra t":': u Rt -% R Ni pANCHuy,OV, I.D., POdPO1kovnik mediteinskoy SIMMY diseases of the joints in Svetiogorsk. ronic Results Of treating ch' My 156. (Km 9:91" yosu.-med,shure no*5,61-64 (JOINTS-DISIASMS) KOCR AHD J(UD) (SVOLoGORSI-BATHS. PkNCHUI,IDZE, A.K. I IF-tural forest reproducTion and the success.or. c-47 Specles :1-1 pine-oak stands. Trudy Inst. lesa AN Gruz.SSR 12:195-208 163. (mIRA 18:2) PANCHULINE-1, V. -V. Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Effectiveness of paired (nest) planting of the grape." Tbilisi, Pub. Georgian Agr Inst, 1961. 26 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Geor SSR, Geor Order of Labor Red Banner Agr Inst); 180 copies; free; (KL, 10-61 sup, 222) #ANCHRUDII, 1;.A.,i~a~d.telchnnauk,dotsel#; MALYAV.KD, Ye.A., inzh. ,%*ng the different.'al equation of liquid fluctuations witb quadratic resistances W-7 electronic mathematical machine. Trudy LIW no.8t9~15 160, (MIRA 15:2) (Fluid machinics)(Electronic calculating machines) I I PANCHURIN, N.A., kand. tekbn. naixk, notsenL Solving the Vavter-~tokes equat.-ion for the cale of unsteady laminar f Low and determipation of bumdary layer speeds. Trudy LITV no.45:80-90 163. (MIRA 17:6) ----------- f*f zin e-.' a d.y AW Ll PANCHURIN. No_*., ktmdidat takhnichookikh nauk; MAKKAUUV. V.H., profeenor, takhaichaskikh nab , rodaktor. LOollection of problems on hydraulicaj Sboralk zadach po gidrairlike. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministeretva morskogo i rechno'go Flota SSSR' 1953- (MLRA 7:4) (Hydraulics-Probleme, exercises, etc.) PANCHURINJO N., kand. tekhn. nauk; MALYAVKO, Ye., inzh. "Minsk-1.11 Rech. transp. 22 no.M60 0 16.11. (YIFI '-6.-12)' r7 KARAUSHIV, Anatoliy Vasilleyvichi PANOW YJAWIN Al-knandgal *ch; M"4YzTjIT#t V,,K., doktgr t-ekh-ni che ski kh-n-a-ui,-p'r';o7Fs is-s"or , radaktor; LRBBDBV# V.Y., redaktor; VCILPHOK, X.M., takhnichaskiy radaktor [Gollection of problems in hydraulics] Sbornik zadach po gidravlike. Pod,obohohel red, V.X.Makkaveeva. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport,* Leningrootd-nia, Pt.2. 1957. 197 P- (MLRA 10:9) (Hydraulic engineering-Problems, exercises, etc.) PANCHURTI,I,JWMUy,AUX&4a&c.QyjAlb kandidat tekhnichaskikh aauk; MAKtAVBYBV. professor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, radaktor; VOICHOK, K.M., tak.hnichookiy radaktor Ccollection of problems in bydraulical Sbornik zadach po godravlike. Pod obshchei red. V.M.Makkaveyeva. Tzd. 2-oe, ispr. laningrad. Izd-vo *Rechnoi transport." Part 1. 1956. 198 p. (MIRA 10:3) (Wdraulic engineering-Frobleme, exercises. ate.) PANCHMIN, N.A., kand. tekhi. nmik. d,~45pjj'a Vialoolty distrAhitIm in cFrtain caae;3 of nonstatlonax7 I-arbalent flows -in pipea. Trudy I.1VT no.46-:38-44. 163 (MIRk 17:7) GONCRAROVP Gerasim Ivanovich; PANCHURIN, Pavel Nikolayevich; CHIRKOVA, Antonina filfftNtr- (Composition of assembly drawings of instruments] Sostav- lenie sborochnykh chertezhei pribDrov; uchobnoo posobie. Leningrad.. Lening-r. elektrotekhn. in-t, 1964. 119 p. (PIRA 19:12) PANCHMIN, V. I. ""-, ------ ~ Technology of the m2chining of hardened liners. Avt.trakt.prom, no.6:24-27 Js 154. (KM 7:7) 1. Kharlkovskiv traktorayy zavod. (Automobiles-Uginen) (Cylinders) (Grinding and polishing) ELI TEKOV , V.A.; TERENT I YEV P B.M.; RA'qjl~IDZE, M.V. - --., I-- - ~.- ~ Gamms-ray spectrum and partial values of absorved energy in an arbitrary homogeneous mixture. Atom. energ. 16 m0- 4:291-295 Ap 16,1. (MIRa 17:5) ACOESSION NR: AP4029688 9/0089/64/016/004/0291/0295 AUTHORSt BlItekovt V.A.; Terent'yeVt B,X.; Panchvidzet Me TITLE: Tiie gamma-radiation. spectrum and partial magnitudes of absorb-.,' ed energy In an arbitrary homogeneous mixtures SOUROS: Atomnaya energlyat v*16, no.4. 1964, 291;..295 TOPIC TAGS: gamma quanta density, spectral density, radiation spec- trum, homogeneous mixture, age equation, dimensionless wavep Compton collision, qi~antum degradation ABSTRAM' This report discusses the approximate methods of changing from an accurate integral equation of the spectral density of gamma- quanta to a differential equation of the first order. The gamma-radi- ation.r~-pectrum In a homogeneous medium with o~-,unly distributed radia- tion sou'ucces can be calculated by the age-theory approximation methods' Although a number of numerical methods produce a moro,aocurate solu4*.-..i. tion, the advantage of the age approximation method In that it 9ftollim tates a solution In the form of quadratures In oonnection with W sub- stance or mixture of subsUnoes as well. as arbitrary source opeotrume cmd 1/2 ACOUSION NR: A24029 M 4 method involving the use of Compton collisions Is offered whereby an age equation can be obtained from an swcurate integral equation for the spectral density of gamma-quanta. An Infinite homogeneous system with evenly distributed aources can be used as a design model for cor- tain special cases Involving radiochemical &pparatuses whose overall dir4nsions are so large that the edge effect may be disregardled, vhile~ the thickness of the sources and the distances between them ure so small that the system may-be considered so a quasi-homogeneoua mixture of sources and Irradiated componentso It is possible that a better selection of the assigned functions would make the deviations of the individual approximate values of spectral density much smaller than In ,.the above-discussed oases. "The authors express their gra:%Itide to 'A.Kh. Breger for his Interest in and attention to the pro3soto Orlgo,-.- art. has: I figure, 16 fomulas and'2 tables* ASSOOIATION: None -SUMITTEDs .20Jun631 DATE AOQ 1 0 Imara ENOL t00 SUB dows Its NR REY SOVS 004 110*4 Cmd RU%INIA / Chemical Technology. Cheaioal Produots and H-31 Their JI.,pplication. Caoutchouo. Natural and Synthetic Rubbor. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 11 1959, 3135. Author : Ungur-p', G., Panciuo, V. inst : Not given. Title : The Probloms of Caoutohoua Regeneration. Orig Pub:-II-a Consf.-tehn.-stiint. a ind. usoare, Piele.- Cauciuc,-Sticla. ffuaurestA7, ASIT, 1957, 145-149. Abstract: "' review on industrial methods concerned with the regeneration of NK fn-atural oaoutchous7 and gynthetic caoutchoue7. Eight references. 0. Markus. Card 1/1 v . "Adhesion of leather soles in the shoe industnr." KOZARSTVI, Praha, Czedhoslovakia, Vol. 9, 110. 3, March 197!9. jjonA uhly. List of East E)ir,)pean Accessions LC, Vol,, B, No. ~, L.epterbf-r 1959. Unclassified. PANCOSKA, VOJtech ~ IL - vi 14 Adhesives for injection molding of PVC soles. Kozarst no.11:318-323 N 164. i 1. Research Institute of Leather Industry, Gottwaldov. PANOSAUVSZEI, D. 42E_- Sulfonamide allerEr. Orv. hatil. 93 no.1:6-9 6 jan 1952. OLKL 23:2) 1. Dermatological Physician at Stara Zagora State Hospital, USSR. 2. Dermatological Department (Read Physician -Trof, Odou Rajka), Istvan Hospital. PANCSEVI Sz. (Szofia) The motion of water drops in turbulent clouds. Idojaras 64 no.5: 276-280 S-0 160. (Em 10: 9/10) (clouds) F(.N'--*r,J'-l , Fcren, -, fl '. NC SOF2 R ~- E.--.- r.- ~jr- t -~ I r F-4 r. " , - -, - t - rp r f r -7 f n-- I , *. -antaj. I., . ~:; -.1 .-!, -E-,njge collectAran. ~: 1 t Jo I (,/ -10 PANCSOVAY, Dozoo "Experiments with a new continuous centrifuge" by_Athenstedt. Reviewed by Dezso Pancsovay. Cukor 17 jao. 1:32-3 of cover Ja 164. WIPTSR, ItLszlo, Dr.; pATAKI, Pal, Dr.; FOIDACS, Istvan, Dr.; PANCSOVAY, JozBef, Dr Une of novocains-redergam therapy in the preverntion and theralri of thrombosia. Orv. hetil. 100 no.47:1697-1700 Nov 22, 59. 1. A Fovarosi Arpad Korbaz (igazgato: Lorand Saudor dr. kandidatus) Sebenzeti Oaztnlyanak (foorvou: Winter Inazlo dr.) kozlemenye. (THROMBOSIS, ther.) (PRIOGAIN3, ther.) (IMSHRPIN3, ther.) 7'~l B7-- pATAla, pal, dr..; P,,AIMS(WAY, Jozsef, dr.; PARAGO, Peter, dr. Neurinoma of the extremitv. Ory.hetil. 102 no.4:174-175 22 Ja'61. 1. Fovarosi Arpad Korbas, Sebeszeti Os!sta3,v. (EMCKA case re-oorts) MITIES neopi) ~- - "The chemistry and practice of removing the fixed carbonic acid from the boiler feed water" by Andres (from "Zucker", no-3, 1963). Reviewed by Rezso Pancsovay. Cukor 16 no.6:182-183 Je 163. PANGSOVAY, Rezsc, "Removal of dirt from the sugar beets by a Soviet method" by Grimberg. Reviewed by Rezso Pancsovay. Cli-kor 18 no-1:31 Ja 165. "Evaporator cleaning" by 1-fouzzirogl. Reviewed by Rezso Pancsovay. Ibid.: 31 fii PANCSOVAY, Rezoo "Sugar istorage in silos" by Wermer. Reviewed by Rezzo Pan- asovay. Cukor 17 no. 2:59-;-60 F 164. PANCSOVAY, Rezso "Dosage of hydrazine in feed dater preparation" by Anders. Reviewed by Rezso Pancsovay. Cukor 17 no. 2:58-59 F 164, PANGSOVAY. Rezso "lleat conswption of cossette dryingm by Schwietp-r-Huber. Reviewed by Rezoo Pancsovay. Gulor 15 no.12:3.37-038 D 162. PANGUt C.0 ing. Measures and devices for pattern protection during demolding and transportation, Metalurgia constr mas 15 no.7-.454-456 il 163. 1. U.C.M., Resita. 'T'~k' A llopizcup C., ing.; CACIMLA, N., Lng.; FANCIF 1,11 ing. , DAVIDESM, 11. Reducing cement Lemperature by water je-tsprayirig in the finishing chamber of a tube mill. Rov constr si mat constr 16 no.4.'181-185 Aptui,