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S/021/62/000/002/005/010 Influence of shallows D299/D304 ASSOCIATION: Instytut hidrologiyi ta hidrotekhnilcy AN UkrRSR (In- stitute of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering of the AS UkrRSR) PRESENTED: by Academician H. Ye. Pavlenko of the AS UkrRSR SUBMITTED: July 31, 1961 Card 6/6 S/198/62/008/00-2/009/011 1)29~/D301 AUTHOR: Panchenkov, A, DT, (Kyyiv) TITLE: Two-dimensional motion o.-L' a hydrofoil near the free surface of a fluid PERIODICAL; Pryk-ladna imelchanika, v. 8, no# 2# 1962t 200 - 213 TEXT: The motion of a submerged hydrofoil is considered. The theo- ry of small waves is used, The problem is solved in the first appro- ximation which is sufficient for practical calculations; therebyp N.Ye. Kochin's function H(X) is introduced, the complex velocity of the hydrofoil near the free surface being replaced bythe comp- lex velocity of motion in an infinite stream* The function H is ex- pressed by H (k) (z) dz, (9) CA Thereupon, the expression for the hydrodynamic forces becomes: Card 1/4 IOU6/002/009/011 S/198/62 Of D299/3)301 TV)o-di mensiOnal mot'o (V) + iQ QT10F.- (10) - 2a P .0 A + H (V - t~,e air- Kochin's f OrMula' 2ormula (10) differs substantiallY from h Of SubmersiOT3J a bo- being independent of the dept Cting on culv_tjon COD Completely determine the forces a e :~OD (Z) ts one to a fluidt sinc (10) -perM:L the free surface of finite stTeama ay y1hich moves near body in the in by the moti0l' Of the ,,istaqce are*. d ' lift orce and the 'wave pre determine he D (11) The formUlas for t _Q H (%) 12d), +QV IH(v-)v)V 7)~--r P Qvor-- 2n 0 Q == QV I H (V) (z) dz. vIlle r e H V70 Card 2/4 3/196/62/008/002/009/011 Two-dimensional motion of a ... D299/D301 - where the coefficients B, C, L can be readily determined. The follo- wing particular cases are considered: A thin plate, a thin airfoil -and Zhukovs1kiy's airfoil. The lift coefficient, calculated by the ob-'U-a-.'4_ned formula, is in good agreement with the experimental results. There are '3 figures and 7 reZerences: 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-So- viet-bloc. T:ae reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: T. Hishiama, Hydrodynamical investigation on submerged hydrofoil, A.S.N.E., Journal, August, 1958. .1 ASSOCIATION: Inslytut hidrolohiyi i hidroteklinilq AN URSR (Institu- te of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering of the AS UkrRSR) SUB11ITTED: January 25P 1961 .,Card 4/4 r~,PA(b)/rylT(d)/FAS/t:,7(,n)/BDS/T-2--AFPPC/,~ D--P -4 ZACESSMIIT~N: JAII30DO/,61 5/0198/63/009/003/0331Y'0335 )V - -Wev) - Kio~ XiOcb)ftenko~ -Aa I.- IE' 'Establishing the optiumm relationships of quantities which characterize the noticn, of a, ]&drofcil wing I SOURCE; Prykladna makhanika, ir. 9, no. 3, 1963, 331-335 TOPICIAGS: hydrofoil-motion parameter, hydrotoil-wing lift,hydrofoil-wing tb& pt :-sngle W-rof6il enmwing I.L4~~ -th- S tab near e-open:wtLter mwfa, ce.are discussed first.- The tal dra ~g !)j~ 6' 10~rdoil andrelationships ariong drag components associated,witb oPti='.lIft'-are considered in deriving formulas of the ovtimum r ng,-t;;--=:Thew_for=la --::glv- nd :v . Once: W ep _df _t 0 6i aL_ h- f submorsion,--aspeet- PP_ -i~-ayd-dih6dral:tmglo-,of-:tt;o ving- dr -1-angle --ra io~ 0 a or aS a fUnction, of.these parameters is plotted in a diagram. A quadratic equation- -in. -terms-or - nondimensional hydrodynamic and--constructional parameters of 4ihodral-wingv is derived. Dyneans -of. this -iqua-tlonp a propor --t- - ------------------ ACCIMSION ITR- AP402:3367 S/0198/64/01 0/002/ 0' 73/018 0 AUTHOR! PancUnkov A M, MR-nehm-kov, A. N.)(Kiev): St-Opanov, V, 0. ffitepanuv, V TITLE:., A method for compui-ing the load distribution ovar the span of a hydrofoil I, Y Sr-K'rRf',E- Pry*kladna rnekharlika, v. 10, no. 2. A64, 173-180 TOPIC 7AGS: hydrod)mawrnicF, hvlirofell, ]()ad distribution, hvdrofoil loa-dirz, lift AV lk ti L 69514-65 ACCESSION NR- A-P4023397 AMOCIATION: Inigty*tu,! mel~hwniky* AN T~RSRR of Mee+anlcr~ kN UT-Lilll ST,93MTT*'."ED-. WDooUQ ENCIT, tin Cf--117 A NO RIE"F SON: rpm, C.?,d 2/2 PjUiCEENK011, A.N. . I Approximate calculation of the lifting power of blado near the free surface. PNTF no-4:67-68 N-D '60. (MIRA .14:7) (Liff,(Aerodynamics)) [Panchenkov., -A.m.) Practical met-hod of distpribution weights and water support in the move- ment of vessels on under-water wings. Visti Inst. hidrol. i hidr. URSR 19:51-61 1616 OIIRA 15:7) (Planing hu.316) (Naval architecture) FAITZENKOV, A. N. [Panchenkov, A.M. I ~2:- Determining the coefficient, of lifting power of a slightly sulmerged underwater wing. Visti Inst. hidrol. i hidr. All URSR 19:117-119 161. (Planing hu3_113) - (MIRA 15:7) P Y" S/021/62/000/004/006/012 D299/D302 AUTHOR: Panchenkov, A.N. TITIE: Recalculation of results of hydrofoil tests under various conditions of motion PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 49 1962p 452-455 TEXT: '."he formulas are given for recalculating results of tests with hydrofoils of finite span to infinite span and from one span to another. The working formula fo.- the lift coefficient of e. hydro- foilp submerged to a depth hp with Pr v co (where b is rb the chord)t is IPO aco CK (ao + (Lk - Aal). ~hk Voa- (I ~ 0 nx where a0 - the angle of zero lift in an infinite stream; a k - the angle of attack; Y a function (experimentally determined) which 0 Card 1/4 o06/012 /000/004/ /021 62 -D302 sular (tile of re BuLts Of surface on aw terms, I Culat. fluellce 0 f t'" . ~ are 001-rectlo" ace. TLeoa, - ae i aAa surf 0 omt the free 0 a, taxes int je d'ae f UlIctiol, to t of 0 I:Lft 9119 the .be zer imj)- ooeff icien' it is 6 to (2) Lai ti-, echange of 'resultsv &QI), oceBsi'19 + Ch _2k~~ d "ecal- the pr a,.q , n,~ (I + v I I+ ~,% Vop '00 f OTV~Lila foTmul felted rJother -be 86 + f rola 1+ ;~%~ aca (I + v1) 'be- + 10 (1- ilt oil tile lif t force I+ % fluence Of prb zes actual 00a- the in vhich characto e4ts eypeTi- 'Ment has 4 o 5 tyie t cant vii-th ?,r'b many casest I In jrf ()JII3 xn6t_itute colues 011 Of a -.Lng -of the AS U-kr 01: Iftoti iditto L-0 1411 2/41---- 8/021/62/000/004/006/012 Recalculation of results of D299/D302 PRESENTED: by Academician H.Ye. Pavlenko, AS UkrRSR SUBMITTED: August 15, 1961 Card 4/4 P)IICHENKOV? A., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk Across the water on wings. Nauka i ziqttia 12 no.11:36-37 N 162. (MRA 16; 1) (Hydroplane boats) PAXCHM~'O.VA.N..[Panchenkov, A.M. ] (Kiyev) Motion of a thin wing near the free mwface of a 2iquid, Prykloaekh. 8 no,4:433-442 162. (MBA 15:9) 1, Institut gidrologii i gidrotelchnil-ki AN USSR. (Hy&odynamics) ~~'T all-fP" AC, ES, tW501626f` Invk A T. i4, :m- F ca u, ra djh, tea ensi en ~e ati-- )l -. - - - Ve, t f e th 31 j!, - - .. ;..0 It Ii, -- - ast f ol -th ?-13 d- e--bott -ecid, cati-n le lweL, 'V ofoi -uted by It co'rlst t I'llt thataand ~-hpf ZreLl. an te I g Way Pos a.nd- :Lntro'du~l-,, expre,,j t6 "On depth OD b fc, -4 w"m y! W~t RODIN nu 72._'6`ANM)~.W,T(d)/EWT(1) NR' AT6016714 F14 F Wr(M)1LVF(h)1T1EWP(1) W/DJ/GD SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0007/0020 AUTHOR:, PAn0h8nk.0v,-,j jj ORG,., -Institute of &dromeebanios AN UkrSS1 (11 nst.`4,ft3t gidromakhanik."L AVUSSRr*w~ TITM, 0 -of- -a -il on the -Lin or problems in the h1drgdyn -bydr6fo boundary-surface,of fluids witb different densities SOURCE.- AN UkrSSR. Gidrodinamika bollabik'n skorostey (High apeed .11-1hydrody-namics),, no. 1,, Kiev,, Izd-vo Naukova dumka', 1965, 7-20 1" TOPIC TAGS: bydrodynarnic theory,, hydrofoil,, boundary layer tbeory ABSTRACT: For a bearin~_Isurface witb a curvilinear axis* the potentials 0 and % (subscript 1 refers to the upper half space and subscript 2 t9 the lowl- half apace) are determined by the operators card 1/2 A.CC NR; -AT6004256 SOURCE CODE: TJ-'Z/0000/65/()00/000/0020/0032 AV11"HO'H: Tanchenkov,,.-A.1%. ,Oandidtite of physico-mathematical sciences) ORG- 11 0- 93Ldrome:ohanlcal nsvitute of 'the AN UkrSSR (Institut gidr melchaniki: AN,: UkrSSR) -j TITLE: A subwerged vane with small elongation SOURCE,: jUl UrSSR. Issledovaniya po prikladnoy gidrodinamAke (Resea-.-ch in applied hydrodynamics). Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova dumka, 1965, 20-32 G TOPIC TA%37S: hydrodynamic theory, Froude number, Prandtl boundary layer ABURACT; In-the-,oase of large and small Froude numberz, the theory of. a vane with small -elongation has been-successfully generalized to Include thelcase of a submerged vane. Rowever, difficulties are en- countered in extending this theory to the case of arbilirary Froude numbers., These di.Mculties are connected with determination, of 'the assumptions 'Nihich must be introduced into the theory of a submerged supporting surface at arbitrary Froude numbers. The present article is a mathematioal.develoDment of the theory of a submerged vane wi-th small elongation. As approximationr? for a vane w -ith ~ small -elongatian-t the theory,taki?s the values-of-the--hydrom6dii~in--i-^.-al operators (the, po- Vh 1,)ra Itentials- 00--thi ocities,_tp and- of- e- acce - ~Ionsfe and the Card L _~a)/EPF(n) -21EWA(d) /FT('(m) WW !L 9222-6& IT 'AGO NR,*.- AP60D0242 SQWX;E CODE: UR1019816510-,110101011510123- 0 iAUTHORS: Be3inskiy, V. G. (Kiev); Parchenkov, A. N. (Kiev) ~ORG: Instoitute of H&omechanics, AN UkrSSR (Institut gidromakhaniki.% A'.11 UkrSSR) !TITLEi Motion of a vertical airfoil in liquid of finite depth i SOURCE-. Prikladnaya mekhanika, v. 1. no. 10., 1965) 115-123 !TOPIC TAGS-t airfoil, singular integral lhtegral equation, hydrod~'namics, i - j incompressible flow ABWEACT:, ~ The, method of acceleration potential is used to solve the linear problem of a thin airfoil-moving in an incompressible fluid of fLnite depth H with an arbitrary Froude number. The airfoil is immersed in the fluid vertically, 'at a ismn,', angle of attack cK and moves with 4% constant horizontal velocity VO. 1A-moving coordinate:system is adopted with the plane xy coinciding with the undisturbed level of the fluid. The aeoiileratl.on potential is defined by U.09.v: the: 1-inear boundary, conditions at the free.liquid surface by L 24287-bt, E"'Vk l)/EWP(m)/EPF(n)_2/E~?1A(d)/ET0 (za)-6 JKT/'i[W J ACC Nk, atso.14221, (A0) SOURCE CODE: UR/010-0-/WdOP/004/0142/0143.,-- i_-,,rrJ;i.OF: P,.,jdien)cov4 A~ N.; Lukashenko, A. N.; ~h b N. V. r RG; -lone -A TITLE Scient-~fi C conference: on the hy drodynamics of a submerged foil SOURCE: Prikladnaya mekhtLniia, 2, no. 4, 1966, 1h2-143 TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics 'flu d &jnamics, low analysis, cavitation, cavity flow, ~Jb olmdary layer flow ~AB,STRACT: A scientific conference on the aerohydrodynamics of a foil near a free surface and a solid,surf' e f v Sc was held at th iev. Institute o --& dromechani cs -of the USSR A-cader 6__ or ____ f__ -45 Soviet Selences from 2 1-30 Octob 10T, th 106 delegates rom 44istitutions participating. The folloifing scientific institutions were represented: Cgr~tKAI_~~:~tnl~:afjc.:Research Institute im. Academician A. N. Kriov; Central Insti!MJg___ _2~_Aeroh~drodynamics; Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch,, USSR Acadenrj of -_,iTF_ _T _W___ --- ~ . d S"' racl IUe 0t ,, s- -ter TrF a- t ke n. bij I tion inee,,s; Central Scientific Research fiovdsib~rsk and Gor1kiy Institutes of Water Trans tation Engin,e- -------- por ersi Kazan' and Kir--levi" e nst L A CTn' State n i-u e K and Khar1koy Aviation Institute.._ Forty-one papers-were ed which dealt wii~ ac+Ud__aerohydrocVna ~cDi;b_1_em'-s of high-speed objects, anong Card 112 L ~:2 ACC NRi AP6014M which -Pencliankov diiscuBsed problems of the unsteady motion were the. following: A. N. of-a foil at avariabledistance from a surface, and the hydrodynsmic boundary -4-alue problem of a cavitating submerged foil. K. K. Fedyeyevskiy L)Xesented an approximate -nonlinear theory-of :a-rectargular low-aspect-ratio foil-noving near a fluid surface `a~ high Froude numbefs. V. 1. Rudomanov reported on takeoff (lift) and landing &Jnanics 0:Ccral't utMzirg 9 urf ace ef fect. V - M, . Ivchanko reported on unsteac~r ,,(se+ hydrodynamic problems of supp..rcavitating bodies and them use - of elect:,,onic digital computers in ropellerAesigni' G. A. Ryazanovis with electric flow simu- P I - - _paper dealt bion around'.:,foils of infinite span, and magnetic flow simulation around foils of finite span. on the use of a magnetic simulation method for estimating'.the effect of blade thicknesn in the desipp of a propeller with a given blade -pressure differential. V. A. Kas'Yanov and 0. N. B_oy2Lskiy reported on investipatlo--',A made on electrohydrodynamic flows and on boundary-layer control along a foil profile. .. Ye. D. *Udartsev reviewed inethods fox- the laminarization of the boundairy iayer of Mc Svdrodyramic flows. Yu. K. Biktimirov reported on specific features in plotting the potential of velocities caused by a source moving in a fluid. R.'B. Nudellman discussed bodies moving in EL multilayer fluid, and V. T. Tokarev reported on aquantum-hydrodynamical analojW and its application in hydrodynamics problems. In n final statement, it is mentioned that the conference emphasized the importance and. urgency of problems in aerohydrodjnamics of a foil near -a~surface. -The lag of Soviet science in the study of supercavitating foils was also :2 mentioned, arid a more intense study of three-dimensional cavitation problems was recommended. It was agreed that the pixyxedin'gp of thin conference be published. (GE) SUB CODE. -13~--Ofj --- 20-V--j' Card AT.9. Pone Y1 6'. NRt AM501.32-10 MDNOGRAPH U11 Panchenkovp Anatoliy Nikolayevich amics Hydrofoil Wr2~n ~Gidrodinamika podvodnogo kryla) Kiov, Naukova dumka, 1965. 551 P. illus., biblio. 1p000 copies printed# (At head of title-, Akade nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut gidrodinamiki), TOPIC TAGSs hydrodynamic theorys hydrofoil, motion mechanical unsteady flov, dimensional flowf liquid flowp fluid mechanics, plane flow, fluid dynamicst hydrodynamics PURPOSE AND COVEME: This book presents the results of research on the theory of hydrofoils, paying much attention to the mechanical and matnematical aspects and to -the development of effective methods for solving the basic problems. The theory of '-stes,4 notion of a hydrofoil of arbitrary- profile in plane parallel flow., the linea- tized theory of a thin hydrofoil in plane mid in three-dimensional flow, and the theory of a hydrofoil in unsteady flow are considered. Problems of interactlon of h.Vdrofoils and of their motion near the interface of liquids of various density are SUscussed in detail. The research results incorporated in Ch. VII were obtained by ~he author in cooperation with A. L lukhimenkop S. V. Kovallchuk, N.Y. Miodushevs 1. P. Tkaphenkes P. I. Ziwhukp aDd V. A. Stepanov. The author thanks N. A. Ni1'chev0d_y_(C sponding Member AN Ukr5SR), F. F. Fillchakoy (Corres~nZig_XamFe_r Card I ACC NRs M UkrSSR), 1. T. Yegorov (Dr. of Technical Sciences), M. YA. Alferly (Dr. of T6-.hnical Sciences), M. M. Sidlyar (candidate of Physics and Mathematics), V. 1. H6rkulov (Candidate of Physics and,M*athematics) A. V. Vasillyev (Candidate of Tech Sk-lences), H. G. Starostin (Candidate of achnical Selene 14cal on)# V. 1. Putyate Wmandiclate of Technical Salomon) p and D. V. Rode# A. G. Gubinp and V. H. Roman for their discussions. T*M CW CONTENTS Cabridged]t Foreword - Introduction - - 7 PAW 1. Theory of a hydrofoil in plane parallel flow Ch* 1. Linearized theory of a thin hydrofoil in plans parallel flow 17 Ch. II. Theory of a hydrofoil ff:arbitrary profile in plans parallel flow - - 46 Ch. III. Theory of a hydrofoil in plans parallel flow of liquid of finite depth - - Ch. IV. Interaction of hydrofoil in plane parallel flow - - 109 -Ch. V. Theory of hydrofoil in plans paral'iel unsteady flow - - 164 Ch. V1. Theory of a hydrofoil in plane parallel flow of liquids of various densities . - - 196 ACC HReAM5013210 FiX Z, Theory of a hydrofoil three-dimensional flow Ch. VII. Basic aspects of tho thoory of a hydrofoil of finito apan - - 229 Ch. VIII. Thoory of a hydrofoil in threo-dimensional flow of fluid of Infinite depth -- 250 Ch. IX. Theory of a .)hydrofoil An thre"imensional flow of fluid or finite depth - -- .386 Ch. X. Interaction nf hydrofoils in three-dimensional flow - - 410 Ch. XI. Theory of a kydrofoil in three-dimensional unsteady floij - - 433 Ch. XII. Fjotion of carrier systems near the interface between liquids of various density - - 4% [Bibliography] 540 SUB COM 20pl3l SUBM DAM 25Dac64/ WV REY t 17V OTH REF 1 060 Card, 3 13 ?Alicllamv, m. M. PA76T68 PAVORENKOV, M.M. Combination therapy of peptic ulcer with Gnaphalium and Fole- -monium., Moskva no-3:92-93 Mr '50. (ODM 19:2) 1. Of the Hoopital 111herapautic Clinic (Director - Honored Worker In Science Prof. D.A.Burmin), First Mosoow Order of Lenin Medical Institute and of the Department of FharmacoloQ (Head -- Honored Worker in Science Prof. V.V.Nikolayev) of thae All-Union Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow. PIVE V, M.M., dotsent Professor D.A. Burmin, student of A.A. Ostroumov; anniversary of his death. Terap.arkh-27 no.-):84-85 '55. (MLILA 8:9) (BIOGiumigs, Burmin. D.M.) ~f Wllt:k~ -..- ~. '? ---- *- :~ '- I . -_- - - ~ . I ~, ~ . . ~ , ~ m I I-- 1 .1 - _-i . 06 00 IL AIL J- Is I ' 9 -#~ 0 ~46 6~`- I *fee' 0 0 0 * a 0 0 0 4 a 0 Y$ 11 is I) W th 4 ;j xpmm'xll Us, No As U use 41 '441 a 40 A,11 L.- 2 r it op fl. 0, A 040 0t to l 09 C: 9 00 InasmamiM Viscosity of oils by the action of UILISYlilet to G. M. Pattwherikov and K. V. IluxitAil. J. Gem 16: 00 0 to (U. S. S. R.) 7. ~M-401j)WJ7).-Jrt a study of i the clim-t of uIttravitilet radiation ins the viscosity of *0 0 f 114hFiCS(ing Oil$* it Wait fUUnd that only Waves d -A$nW 00 definite lengths produm an itterraw in vialcodly. 'M- o: effect increases with tilue of FadiAtion. and the inarrmOr 00 j it dirreittly to the mol, wt. of the hydrocarbon. 0 All, ,I the otlo, and inv"mly prollotilimal it) the wave Willb. 00 rho ffrvt canwi. ill, viii-isitwd am t4v t%asit of hear w- to 00 JuLed lay the uhrayiolirt trips. ultive file (vial). chattgr i, 400 *0 lusignitia-mm. tout the tacit at, Imalt-121crigathan drill alp 0 9 i00 ng t Apo J~ i00 Z0- it 0 L LITF110621 CLAWFICA14CH A 4 0 'm0 %-0R- -.- S.10.j 11411 E. It V IN V 9 it it 19 w it it t 09 0 1) 0 o 0- o"o"o!" o" 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 00 p 0 0 & 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0) 0 a Ilt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & e if 0 0 0 0 400 0000006 0 0 Of 00600004*000 W0*900060000 0 a 0a 00*0 0 fv'-'U~ .. 4-0 off, 1.6 it a 01 A CC Cal 10-1 1 m -t- A A IL -00 O&A U016twier $Ass .4 44WI, M"6 a a. 00 F. Orm!ethkit -J. Pkys. Ckw. (U. S. 6- R.) 9. 704-12 0937),-kU &H coams. of a-. m- wW P-dLwIhyk7TJo -*e t hcxows la beuvwe stAft., the dicim. const. AW tht wol". IvIarinflott show Ewa dqw2bd&MV upm the IM.P. am loom am unalkr the pmter the concu. The dipok tumtrit-, -f all thm xulwtanm are wo. An app. ip, dm-ribcA Nc 00 9 c d ts, dk4w. "w*u. ol IiqWdjt to I part in Iikkitkv. It, 0013 =0 4 00 "so of w0-0 off of 00 00 goo i 6*0 1 600 of too &$v Got 911131 w -a r. 0 to it KID ft 0' 0" 0 0 o 0 0 q o o 0 o e 0 a 0 o 0 'r o a 0 a 0 0 14*0 ; 0" - -------- --- 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 So 0 0 0 0 if 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 is, 0 is 00000000000 0 so* 0 0 00 0 0 0 *1 is v a a a n v a 0 Ox !"! R-M. 11MR -.a-- a -11- 0 --A-- 00 *.*.s ..V-414 C401911. so Polyalevindom of 009 in an electroolelese. Ir"Uta U.- ftachrokov and Kh 10:1C, T., It M"11110i, gri, U. R. S, S,, Oajw xri. miajk~ mat,. V,, r4ims, 111138, Mkii Anilivroiln- V. I- I,( I IGM *41 1111441C Pf tile Oil 1. .4 "It Is, 1j,"Is Is-, Walk it, (I it fir. 111441 Ill, I'l"I" I lit I M hill, I'll% t.11111 silos is, I 411-14At its. (1 0 ~, fit- h l1p.t. A,hlia M l1s.4, hiliv Wild I t lin'll I I'll. Allin-01 "Irk MI , I 1 01.1411%, of lowl fill--I ,if iwlsk, I .444 1 ,, C 411,411t, Ill-virsk-441 flit- v of Ill, ,%Is 1,111 111will't W 01141-T st % -tsistil (it ~, tnill. %(,1V 1,14,~ lit It ., t 00 1 1 field of a gructator Wultraishott waves, 'r, . a 1111111olive lit flit diwIt'lice thc q Itim-440, the (it 141.4 to' 0 X wap covoled with running water to avold srxt-~_tfvor c;= which naphillAtrive wais titst Athirst alm, l1wirolotil 11111 Al A tit the oil. The Increase In Pressture Inside the striNskilir loorf rate. Attila, of lOr' nal,1114,101or + 10% Unwell W :0 J to ~pindlr oil decreal4rol I& imm. "leff. (it 9 httt undet '00 00 111111de rivorrm"ry 2-3 eVacustionst ditting a 10-hr. run ill v it Urvante prater than Isit lltrvvnt clitinctilln (if lilt- dilorls;irgir, After a lit. flic attion I( th, 1;~Ilatv lit. tun Afirt it nin its be a i'llhe 4,114 food is lialliel n,hsr. Tile frillp. ctieff is( I'llyr '1451,111. ,It, v 44 p1, dir solid filorlihir skills ItIctrawlt ft,tilelmhat sosillit, h(nit 'WI' is, 114'. Spilldic ,it lin,eVd -00 00 ild 11-01,11. lI,,Ih be tiflginal on(, fillic'.1k tindrit tile b1flil,llvv,4 tile di-hArer. 00 PolYffl(timl (414 weir Ittv list titivitd. ronvildii, The IxAtt vis* pW#tb of rylindri and titaschine, oill; dristil"l, while that oil or* opiodir oil slid nota cluinge. The atotnottle content tit flit "4"t, 4,9 incTrassord by 1.4%, in usachine w3 it was pmc. 4*0 tiriilly rift"t. and In cylinder oil. It increloord by AfWMt f 11.3%; *v"al orbrinft air mijig"Ied to sectioting fix goo i I hor frort lotis In I he high frrqttrm-y dierhoirge. n. INd.- 00 :.t 1113~17(in Untilith, 1117).-Anintorwiplictim was nuidirrif solli J! ties we* ;Il~ oig Qv M 0 is --- Is a a I W go 9 191 P_ op U IF OF a It a r4 If x 1 x 0 s 0 %* *0 0 6 a 0 0 0 149 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 a 0 e e 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ~z I t 3 1 1-9 9 m A-A--L g 00 w 00 00 0. ille-$La flux: 11111:11av. 0 0 6 S @Of* 0-4 0 a -v- 9 a a 0 0 0 9 0 9 a 9 0 lluumuls Ulf 19301 -2i- zin -)I a h v n P a it ij ji id il is v is it 'I, it U UC* L-A- P1 w x T z -4 k 4 k-'- -A -J- A S A lvt wj -COE014t -1,11 $Vicki .1, T U it AV 0 It IV It .1 K 0 00 0 WO 00 0 0 0 0 00,9 0~0 0 6-10.0.0, 04 : Us kledim betwen wtab in the pmeem of Jubd- -00 I K. V. K0111.8mant., ij 0. 637-440M.-Tive . T.O. I.' S. JRW J polished metah lubri. gowm ell* 6 kywered by cyclohn". myl -00 olek, valmitic Vind ftewic "S. Increasing the qwwtity added (up to 24%) dtocre"n the Ptittil: -00 friction. while addrIs. of w-naphillylamine or cletyl ale. Caulke a min. al k; at I I M" At a vanst. "Wwn- of the A 1 4 4 1l i th hi h * 1 h . e rm"A e er cr . t &sent 1. g addn. =jV1 mectsdins it) the nattarrof the invial isirclw'. i%differmt 1 q il t (mm ha l t Th (y f 0 l t rtru . 4 11 04 cvt o ul ( n e c lWaft, etc. ) their influmm on the interfacial tension brlwmn W %ad kerutan '90 goo 6*0 see ale* o(TALtURGICAL LIMATVAE CLAI$IFKATICII ~z Ii71-5wt, a., Ill 90 I re a is a 00, 0 0 o 000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 ',A 09 ,1 a 00 eo sea 06 4040 I t a 6 800 0004 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .4 v,- U 111 It LUA Al. V V - Do St 41 41 63 At (A -2 I-A - ) - Is IL A-- ORWISM &1111 1`20401#1116 most .00 -0 InweWpilon of 6* d1solocUk tome Is W smixtum G.M. PawhMV& juid 0. X. Daviyan. J. PLys. C". W. H. H. It.) 13. d5l -V(IIkW).-The tatwat of IN ansle W di- IwAu Ism ul the systems W011-twnseno (1) arAl 111M),- K111sw6w 111) vat irs w lilt citswits. liatalkiwith tuo-twhirlsustlimi tanklhis:4 toamal, *tN)% litolil -09 &nd YA1% PhNO, in I and H , , * 11w Vahme of tan Ag. X 10, ftw 1(1011 rlw f rom 00 , 0 to 91 .1 40% 410 thess M fall to 411 at ItK)% (h tim value W Wn At X H1011) for V l l h uroo e a t thur of rclauatko, r. cak-d. front the equation r - (Uv/- Goo 5k T. as derived it= the Ilintelts viicosity equation, are obtained trout the viticositics of the inixts. mid found to frive values of the mol. radius half an "t as obtained front L l i d d d l an iclor. data. The d a ne ue to he smutpancy s exp "he rulallon of ibr tuals. conts, a Irmiltud txgar xtimip, m00 P. 11. Rationalist we 800 Alf-ILA SIVALLMICAL 1,11111AUNIN CLAIJIFKATM U A. AtIt mi A 6 a ew o 0 9 T-Iff-91 9 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 flaw 0* Astler. KIWAin's farminh 9 *11M A Sbfi'q a-CMd" I3ILJYAjMb)qj6jJ *0 relln"I" 4 thMP W 11bil "UMMICI 0 0 be valld &I Jkliffin to%t it Is t1st 00 pro 103 Powl 44 tui M b" Vd. saw we W4 Vw 11 ftM 30" to 809, fi goo sea **A 0 990 .0 43 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 11 a at I, eii vii fldj seW tW wahm all A it Am It" a WSW. few at "U. &why* a' Oz IBdWff=I ;,.V66,11Y '"ead WS and itil truipersh" dt. hy&D- min "adewil, ((,ubkin 1eirok Init., hlowrnw). AW. Nauk S.-S.S.M., OWel. Tr1h. Noah. Ing. p. box Ifixt ZkWestri i Kolh7id. Rashwer (C-f- 10, VhCo'say a] eawladed --*--g aromatic COMP03.. w was , -pars- of 1-141phenyla"adeca" U31YI)IMMIKILIO. WW the examph of dib,il;i I. diloydrodioctykatbratow abaft 1 TIME 133011FOCRIIII)IC 9 h "t necitawgir WSW the the Iste"I chain. " UiAt have been concluiled 30 - Of dillrdrodirthYlanthrarew and dibydmdi. !-tb--. 7U ir-temp. curve al d1hydrad himthalmit is 00111whIlt Steeper than that of dl- lortylanthraccae. vrhkh Sizan is at warbm wi I-lisibutylpapilths3we sbm a V 9 than,4-dilso. 1, C0111trary to the red, 004 Inwensted E-14~ydroaarbonx to be nwre v th" tin mdW onximatic ampils. in varmaj. structural 46MAW so 1w by Twim Mutbms bave mly vaWity. 7U wkwasky al hydrocarbons pla, I OPPM. Wilit," Pwaty ady iftowparisainiare to tMjx- 4 *gum slop" of the 94top. Curm. 1,40ids SOW eellin"J Mist.) 1. 139 1- 1! 1). (11 in " It IlachlitAil's l"flinalit V (vksuily) - Oit 1- 1. r - Pp.vul.,ttirconst. wisliftqw%wrliotial tathrlw roq.-r V.I. ol the nx4..AAttn equal InO.JIr.M: thr Clum. r I- 3.&S, X 10-ITAI'ler'blAIIA, expre~--, the tent der lessIx.. Inasmuch as the formula can be der,vcd . I . nklint-tic gas theory. It does not apply satiJactorily to lord. liquktx or at temp. disiaril from the b.p.. ax inita;ra-' I'Gils between -60' and + IW. The thcrinal variation If this rrgion is much inurc prunouncT4 than pmlicled inhe formula. (M Andrade formula, qP/s - Ae"'~ *here c Is a coast. involving the potential clicr". and the other ImnulsWl- - Aei.rjk. whrrr k 6 the adislatir runiprcsiblilly. lite f,winer III". not take into III thmnal variathm tW the frripirnry of give* twilrr awreaw, %till, (lot& (within 31;) tl= 9"M Call Do Cftlbttd 0 the Vahm of 9. 113 the saw. Vhboolty qw(M V)9/4 OW the &k*wi"qMVSjvWt*bt&ddW". tudem. 4=LdW wastim for the atom wall bcod toasts. of :Vbeaphyan wexillarthellbsnp.dopeso COMM; I bare III a Mrs. - far the ba groap. (3) ,I Pr*Vkm nP J. =MWW an Variation of V with pnmwm h U 90 99y Me diKUX$ed iianz Saone NEINN 0 AD a 2 a IF 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 k-0--oo 0:0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 060 -00 -00 -00 got goo FOO goo goo tso 0 A. 00 A to - 00 Ai 00 A 0 t Go& 'a 4, U U M U4 1, 0 JL_L_J__L all MA 34if MY sips A) ad fsds~o I' PDOCI IM No reoplatits '4DIS F 4,661. INCRUSE IN V&SOOSITY OF OILS UNDIR IMAJENCZ OF A HIGH FRF40INCT &MMMAGAVIC FIMD. Pam% To CA (SYMP. Visa. p*9 0, Aced. 3ci. U.S~.S. 191.1, 1, 191-195; L.Iquido and Uollold J. last. Potrol. 19450 310 3204. Saku spUdlo. engine and cylinder oils vero subjected to two note of oxPainsatts (a) using frequencies of 12,ooo-im,wo Us. for 6 hre. Asa the oils were placed In glass bottles, between theplates of a condenser connected to the generator, end (b) using frequencies of 1.6 x 107 Us. for 10 bra. and subjecting theoil to the affect le, of the Inductive discharge In the space boys the oil, in an both typea of trestant Irvireased the viscosity vessel. of Us oils, the increase being more marked In the can* of (b); VI wss little affected in eitber am&*. Results are expressed gr&phially, including, in the ows of (a) currox relating increase in viscosity to wave IsMO of the discharge. NOW L *0 0 10 .00 -00 -091 .001 roo SOO Woo 62~9 a I.,- so'~.V1 S01403 M4W Q"V 014 1814411CM11 914131 00V its b - . . . .. . % F % - -1 -__V AAA so two M 911W91900599 U 12", 'D '410 900019011 walli Pia "t I xx .,16 0 0 0 0 0 090000*0000000*0 000000 4 IS Ar. e I o's KK t flat) W 4548. PUMMILATION OF O-LS IN ELEMOMM HIGH FREOUENCY D1SCHa,-E. Fa4.cbvjqy9 GH and Ulasov, IP (Trudy Moakov. fiertyan. lust. in 3Y.0 4AWne, (Pro*. Gubkin Petrol. Inst., Moscow)$ 1946, (4) 123-1271 abstr. in chem. abstr., 1950, 66114A121. Changes in the properties of an avaltion, vol. 44, oil (1) and the oil fraction of a cracking residue (b. 170-750 (11) caused by-an sle-tro4elass, high frequency diveharge were studied by the m;thod ured previously. Results of experiments of 10,, 20# and 30 hours were admpared, Denoity, molecular. weight and surface tension for the oil water ~nterfaca of both oils increased abd f.p. decreased with duration of the discharge. Increase in )t per unit time was greater for 1 than for U. burface tension for the air oil interface remained constant. Aromatic content of I remained practically conotunt but :~ncfesssd in 11. Percentage of unsaturated hydroprbovairgoreased in I but temained unch*nged in 11. CA 94TALU04VAL MUR41M CLAISWKATIO* so roe real roe see we 0 too see 1., sek~.f. solo",) .11 G- CS4 G-1 ill U it 4, .0 is T- V 171 An I a 'M 0 a W 1 9 IN 9 A 0 In a Pt a R tt a KW a 1 1X4 al () 0 a 0 9,40 009 06 Is 0 0 0 Is 0 0 91, 0 0 0 0 Is 0, 0 0.0 0,0 01i a 0 a 0 o o g o 0 0 0 -0 0 goe, :1: : 00 a 0 0 & 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0OW 09 0 00. it 00 0 31 a 33 - _ C_ __O! _1106M _991 9, . IL -S.-L -AL, --I AA ING M ILK A. L-A-.L, 09016fts m.s. Tempmturo tirpood"C* of the Vlocosity.9 pure liquids (314le 11111y" hjoirow). J. PAyi. 20. Hit-33(191(1)(In RuWatt):- lAquids have a vi-cesity bemuse mats. from a slow kycr temporazily ctxnbint with thoyA of a more W In AN for a time move at an Intermediate ttpced.row. =r= decream-s on an Increa-e of temp. becauw the mot. pairs dimor. mwr trwilly then. This theory leads to nn rqua. 14mi conts. the V(Q. V of a mol., the Litent heat id valkwi- ration. and the co6rdination number V of the liquid, litit no arbitfitry emst. Reaumuble ho"tuntlitions 01 to the values of rand -y afford an agreement between the rquatlmt and lise expti. data. The riwation can be simplifitii un- der cvrtAin conditions to Civ-_ the formuLus of Andrade and lWhlnsktl. Ilikerm3n A 1 o. I MULLWICAL 1,1111111AIMI CLAINFICATWO 34 is bi V a 0 a 41 a a it a -0 ^00 .00 -**6 I** .00 Not Q09 bee uto, 6 too U AV #A A I Z4 cm a a a I if 00 4M OULO 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r!e 0 0 0 * 0 : : : : : 0 102 idii~ : 0 : 0 1111040 to 0000 0 0 00 - - ___ __ - __ ____ 0-0: A W ov~ I palm SIVINk -6 1- 18110#2 40 09V off u is &v 10 LSI; a * I I I W 1 0 p it 0 p so wafts Iran 010:::6:3866096000968 0.0 0 0 0 0 4, 9 0 0 : llniv.. NIrr'(4nfl. J. MYS, (Vol.- 21;(IW)(i- R-60; c1. C.A. 40. W191 An-1 torrefftmo atntf.-FMII the 11MUP. OWN. Of VbK%V4tT 'A biltAry MiXtI. the 8v. entTory. of A*WM- cl 2 inoto. to n1rd. In the astur manner &,I the nvwvrn, roagy ni unmixed fiquM, The curvell I-MCA. CQUIJIL.. Mv Stfullitt when the ivwwn, encron betwen ldentii--d and dillgrent mols. an similar (v.x.. C#11c vxt CO.). hRv* a m1n. when the eurriv br. twen two diffemt mots. is sma3. 49141 haVr a 111AX. in the ON"ite caw. J..1Iikrr"Wn zoo r* goo .1 -99 MOO 300 wool 42.431 CM a- 4, I ku 0 0 0 1 N It 1 .9 3 is v *0060690 0 ease** 9 0:00 -k2-2-2-2-0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 o* 00 It go 0 * jzj: 00 go 00 1 14 0 1 Q 11 11 11 14 11, it it 4 to x it 'W 8 8 A A I M U U IS 1A 9 A H 4 9- 0 U Pit It ni~ Vimmity ~t Hqu14 mldwm G. WOJ. Ulf. V. R'S.S. -3r; 41r~fflrjolay,-_R. FeNd comp . . j*"fing abstralct.-A prcviuuJY dclivtd Formula 11w tim dewatlem of viscoolty ci jjquj& an temp. *,A prmurt 0 can tw, uwA to cak. viscWties of mixts- it cOtmPOB(1'n9 40 vwUes for (Ise Iflist, wv -bitituttd And o. Is exprewd - rl,l + earl. whetvrl. til Ond ft. on A" iht + 261 lrarlkm imud bond co"SY I- "Maskmetalt 1 1410 2. alut As$ is tile InutuAl WhO ellerity, m ol4ained fur the fatiolving Wilairf mixtIL: Cella' allyl isoftleyalldr- ca., C,110-11(oll, R. Wicb,- piVkfim, McOH-watel. 0 CIO 0 400 as adl 1& 0 too it" 141OLI ~11 oat Amami ---Iwb law AV Ail, a (w a .1 w of 9 a a 3 a v 0 W_- I % ; 0 a 1161,61 111fl%1I "an 1411 11 1 M . I All Is, 4) 0 0 4) 0 46,0 0 6 0 0 0 0 o a a ago*^* 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 ': lie ~~ 0 0, 0 000 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 L7~ t/ 0 0 09 09 0 0 a 'L, L 0 i I ; i F ; T E III A II -V i A ItZ OU I I nt:, 7 Ann "wisits c"ll is oe: 00 MOP. 10 . '00 "00 we 00 DO v6 go two too VO 0 lb ""M Sol 041$l as O"T I" 184000 MV oil k& It Gw Aa q 0.0 00 ~o 0.6006 e40 0 0 00 0 0'0 SO tA -00 000*00906*00600 90 OOo*e 0 *4 0- 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *-*a- 0 G Ak. 4~.O 0. oil - .... -w- '0 0 'p .7 64 OV 9 & 0 0 040's 0 so* 0 0 0 -0-0 0 0 Prmwo dopm4mce cd thi Thioety of liqui4a. X-U- (('.ubkIn Petrokum 11int., Al""W). J. 9y ., ~ :. Phyl. ju.8-9 K ) 21 7,(,n R . . . q, CA, 40,601t". 41,229U.-Thcequat vmijy is tested for meoll, ato!l. I -propanol, c^,htr. mild ' we* RtBf UP to 12,000 Att". using Dridunan s apti. Itata, lm Th l vi it f 11 d h 0 j off e A mmA scos n trAcc to t y o e prroure 1 cEect on the intensity oi its intermol. form, ova X99 'too! 091"LW"AL LITERAIWE CL&UPICAT" W*q flow WHIAT *$Demo .0 ("v Got DILIVIO411 Olkill ON 04v ask - u IS AV 1 1 1 a I I a SA I g ad 0 N 2 '1 V M I do Q 2 10 V 44 6 C' ft : : 0 0 0 0 I 0 a 0 090 000 0 0 0 0 a 000000 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 SO a 0 PANCHENKOV, G. MI. PA BT37 USSR/Gasoline - Production Catalysts, Fuel Feb "9)~ 7 "An Investigation of the Kinetics of the Disproportionate of Hydrogen in Gaso- lines as Factors of the Composition of Aluminum Silicate Catalysts," K. V. Topchieva, G. M. Panchenkovs 4 PP IICR Acad Scill Vol LV-*, No 6 Study of the decrease in the content of unsaturated hydrocarbons due to the redis- tribution of hydrogen in a mixture of hydrocarbons inthe presende of sulphuric acid, a phenomenon also occurring in the presence of synthetic aluntinum silicates. 8T37 PANCHENKO M. Panchenkov, G. M. "Kinetic cre-.zking of cumene over aluminosilicate catalYsts," vestnik Mosk. un-tas 1948, No. 11, p. 133-36 So: U-3566, 15 "larch 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, ".. 13, 1949) USSR/Chemietry - "See, ~qactlmx of Cheimistry - rinetics Kinstice of Gas Oxemloal Rewtione in a Current,w G. H. Panchenkov, Petrole= Inst Imeni Aoadwiclan 2. r1oscov, 7t pp 2hur FIz Mile Val XXII, No 2 Gives general methodL for setting up difftwential equaticno for rapid reactions occurring In current, of homogeneous as well as heteroganeou- - -*are, in the kinetic field of their activity. MxaXAe::'&6' show. the basis for the dIfferotntial equations for., reaotimi, speeds and-their Integration, vith the lutact~,to deter I I i;~6 . I ~.. . 1 0" mine ~ the speed ~*=xtazt. , Submitted Mstl;V -7- QalY results obtainea from 33&,CCI04) did n6i-iioree with -the others. Submitted 1T Jun 194T. PA 35/,49T91 ice Liquids Viscosity HMtheMtjcFj -Applied "Me Problem of Ccmputing Absolute valuBs of -Viscosity for Idquids," G. M. Pandhenkcv, 3 PP,(,4:y.a/ mu, No 6 ~-Dok Ak Iffauk &SISR" Vol es mathematicia theory, foxwulaSy and detemina e.'v 6j df t=te alu tion of cone _g i0solut Viscosity for liquids. COMPUtesthe absolute values for carbon tetrachloride and bvazene$anII the necessary sterie =ltiple. submitted by Acad P. A. Rebinder, 30 00t 48. 35/49T91 so: so W 0 AS 00 t of T11 a the 'It 168. 01 J1. thm 0 0 0 .09 0 of 'o 0 ;390 nee Coe so use ties Use too OL L11110"UNS OIL -~_1161111, ~. so 'Doe 00 Cakelolm oil obetilsate valoom of 69 oolmotmm* W but" Mowm).,Tb'.': d. C. A, 414. VINW. - 11 v thfWvtkal it- tuoll TiChAitire heittem gwjli. of a =4_61C Wilw4wly is'ptup-oll I - A ,AVOP/ a - 7 with .4 - ,.W01RUI 1, r )7 V40,/, -is tsp. &SIR). wbtiv p Ul slesnolty. rossabs. terap., Nss Avapolm's, soos,, It - aug. wt.. R - a" Cars".. 0 - mosol. vol.. a - bsood entm for the W41, ill the liquids vow. ham the Internal looleat beat of vaporiu- Jim in ims. Tbt novel featuff Of the for"lulm 14 Ow ill- clw~ioa of a aterk factor. exp- Where AS 6 the ell. tropy Ch"O on larroation to a bm4 in The fitiukt. FAtKv sisol~ dam are borkinS for a dirv~ check of the fUMUIA. 9111 luftftl wevillevoikm U nooodr., .4 and ft arr deld. by rxl)ll. vahosea har 9 at two irmpo.j or In thris culvd, fist the rrillir troop. i4livival. llbm I am"Won"ll between 4-Ou'l, and txptl. vahms llor thr=ux lu ttlm: Its. Ni. 0~' CO. Cis, Ifts. I.Kh, SuM. Coll&, Celts. C '14. and loWslue. RK heptam. the Safttaint Is Owd Wwren =1 mad SQ'K. m01. Comts. an allots C". 6; tht famula for tbKnquid'. cited. llor aterk factor Varies brotovoten 0.4 (for Its) and 0.02 Jr. for CCI#, C&W, vothim ed m two.. ptuid Jos mol. dhownsium Isamu from other mourtmoo. Mirbel BmvUrt i I A I, 1e 11 11 14 1 it 17 PC I A~ M At 8'. it ii J, T NPUBMAMOM I oil 041 moxe rt4 fq$ I.De. a A 1832, CZACIltiam of Cumene an Alimminodlicate Catalymis of Different Compositions, (in Russian.) K. %'. Topchleva mW t G. N1. l a~, Dokladif Akadenill Nauk SSSH (Reports of h A & f S f U R t e cA .tny o ciences o the SS ), new ser., v. 74, Oil. W 21, 1950, p. 1109- 1112. , ( 71te above was Investigated at 400*C. using cafal ts tairli 10, 16, 30 50 72, and 1003 A1.0. tied go 84 .2 r0" 6;1N 00 0 , , , 02 SiOs. Wc;u6 obtained an the basis of 4 Propmed tbeorctiml f l l l d l b h - unnu ose a correspon Very c ese o tained experfinenta y to t )y. Data are tabulated Rod charted. 40 r SIC $ a .1 L A MITALLURZICAL LIMAIIIIII CLASSIFKAIION flaw, I&- . . ....... --Sib U 11 AV PO IS 1; *--oleo* 0_0 &.04 6A , -00 .00 .00 as ;3001 :00 tA 0 be* AAA if 8WO N V'lWNDd3Q 20 v;G! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 9 0 0 41 # 0 * 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO A. E N Jotirn. or Tnet. %I ITo. 33~ Yar. 1.951 723, Kinvues 01 rueneration of zlumlno-vulujs~ calalysts. 0. M.Panchonkov- and ;~,ililnt'nnov. Itrest. And. Nank S.R.S.R.,"Jidd. Tekh. Nnul-, l0ril, 1513 1.- pUon anti dingi-nin nm gis-rn or Inhominry rquipint-vit usod for atinlying before- gencous reArlion of oxidn of rat coke. CM pntlirles, Coaled with ovk* (npprox o 6%). am suspended in reaction Who frum opting hnianco (Pervvltlvif:~'! x 10, g)s a,.Trnp welght of granules was a x 10 g. Cat h heated In %!rrntn of Inortr to ramovo volatilen and air Infroditred vdien test to altoldrd. Phlo III J)rt . a synthetic At-Bi cat imm shiclIM. Coking wait by 63.1 Smeking or ago nil (It. 0-8 3, 1.11P. 245'0. 00% volat 300"G. pitrall'Ittit 01-fin/a, nromAtIcs 91%lat 416, 0. J'ArS6 took showed abactico circoko migrallan an Cat ont(hea, Rat* of oxidn (its shown by lpim't Iti. wt of Cott tICIC) IncrOmses, t"Itt, air flow, tip to litniting vnltto or letter. cliffotvocm~: between oicirr"lo at votionit tonip IN less marked fic low air flow. Vp to,approx 470* C oxidn role, Is Men, and sliniltir rnr n11 ent, nbavo this tomp InAlvitintil Alfferctmem appear. Difflerchre In oxidn rate mith rat rivirticio mine In rkicivet only nt, torop >M*C. Most Icals worecarriod outivith hourlyalr-flo* inicial'306,000*V61 air/Vol tat. At high invan (>520* C) reltilivo rate nt oxidii deettilms Wth Incionalhl; roke .host cat hnce~ 61o;v oppi-ox 6400 C, Wootinan1widorlhon eff"MW " I ros Its hit diOCilOKKII %l0 t nh " M WIV11- Moh eivotgy filoilotit of Ilia Wit) or M,0M MI/0%1, Ahovii itill-laiiij) 62A to"" n* Limiting Wilhes or Wort initi ralto politchi, 14 *hIch i nh trom kinetic to diMision m bt s61-Cm enter tor -11.bac glort oucM 0 PANOW1110 G. 110 eoilsu"INOVA. K. VA;RAUJURWU&jj. _.~ SHInkT-",Ta. Ta. ,,,.Igktor khimichaskikh nauk, professor; Polyu4riz&~Jop of oils in an elootzodeless high-frequenc)y discharge. T=dy M Ao,IltZlO-220 151. (mIaA IO:.j) . (P017wrixation) , MCMITKOV, 0. 1316 USSR/Chemistry - Petroleum 21 may 51 "Conversion of Hydrocarbons on Aluminum Silicate Catalysts of Varying Composition,n N. V. Topchieva,, Sh. Battalova.. G. M. Panchenkovp Moscow State U JMnJ M. V. Lomonosov It Dok Ak Waxlk SSSR" Vol MVM- , No --.. pp 501-504 Al silicate has effect similar to that of acidic catalysts,(sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, H F90 B F31 AlG13) and dissociates under formation of H-ions. Its catalytic effect is produced by compd Finilar in compn to montmorillonite: Kinetic investiga- tions-on cracking of decalin, cetane, and gas oil over Al silicates of various ccmpn,, but w-itb same sp surface, sbovied that effect is proportional to content of this compd. in the catalyst# 186T13 t", Nt ~~Ls o4 ZI -FN mom!. -Ri M USSR)dhemistry - Viscosity of Hydro-. 21 Oct 51 carbons "Viscosity and Molecular Structure) " G. X. Panchenkov, Moscow Petroleum Inst imeai 1. M. Gubkin I'Dok Ak Hauk SSSR11 Vol Unt, No 6, pp "-902 Studied the relationship between the viscosity of liquids and their mol structure. Gives an exact eq for this relationship as well as an approx one'. The relationship in question was found to app'17 fairly vell to the homologous series of normal ?17T-9 straight-chain hydrocaYbons. Long ebains curl up with a consequent reduction of viscosity. The eq eapressing the temp de-pendencam of viscosity Is valid for molten salts and metals as well as org liquids. 217T9 Ll- USCH/Engineering - Fuel, Combustion Mar 52 "Kinetics of the Regeneration of Aluminosilicate Catalysts: On the Mechanism of the Reaction of Coke Oxidation on Aluminosilicate Catalysts," G. M. Panchenko, N. V. Golovanov "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 3, PP 384-394 Stating that technical literature gives no informa- tian concerning coke oxidation on porous catalysts, describes experiments for establishing possibility for formation, under regeneration conditions, of surface intermediate compounds of 0 with coke and 244T57 for studying formation kinetics of this complex. Develops equation for oxidation rate of coals and cokes in kinetic region under condition of constant 0 concentration along entire layer of catalyst. Submitted by Acad A. V. Topabiyev, 30 Jan 51 244T57 USSR t"_,ngineeri~ \ Pup's, CoVllysis Jul 52 "Kinetics of tt4% ~Ag,,Per4tiOv OT Al';Millosi3-icatO iqj~k~,',3tp Of Colw 011 Catalyst in Tubes Catalysts: Ox, WIth Variable COlacentration AlOrIg ~,he cat- alyst Layer," 0, ~1,% VAachenicOv, 11. V. 403.ovailov "Iz Ak Nauk, 4-0 Telth Hault" No I, PP 1031-1-036 CU CM Develops metho,4 AA! 'ralc& tiVe 13eriod, withii, which require4 ~ Vz3rtjn irl regerjerating gar, is at- tained at giv" e~-,t:~OVL of reaQtor, . alla 0 cO4,, ill regenerating "t 4.-t pfiiiite Moiaent from beg:Lnnii2g of regeneratiq,,A Owe of Otati.OWY C06talyst and isothermal V~ A:KttOnA. A3Ao Metood is deVeloVed' for oalcg 0 diaV~~AAtipll -eaoog reactIon zone ror case of counter4k?.~ zdtLI)II of Iregenerating gas aOd catalyst for isotropy, condl-tioias. Submitted bY Acad A. V. Topc)~kk V, 228T85 - --BATTALOVA-0 Sh., PANCHENKO. G. M., TOPCHIYEVA-,-K. V-.- --- Cetane Kinetics of cracking cetane with various aluminosilicate catalysts. Zhur.fiz.khim,, 16,, No. 69 1952. M2nth List 9_f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified. PANGHENKOV, G. M. Gases, Kinetic Theory Of Calculation of rates of chemical reactions in flowing gases. Zhur. fiz. khim. 26, No. 3, 1952. 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -1953, Unclassified. 2 USSR/Cbemistry - Hydrocarbons, Cracking Jun 52 Procexs~ Catalysts 'Tinatics of the Cracking of Cetan on Alvminosili- cate Catalysts of Various Composition," Sb. Batta- lova, G.M. Panchenkov, K-V. Topchieva, Moscov State jU imeni M. V. Lomonosov "Zhur Fiz Ehim" Vol XXVI, IFO 6, PP 903-909 i The catalysts investigated bad an identical magni- tu4e of the surface accessible to cetane.mols. ~Catalysts of the comPn 30% A-1203,TO% SiO2 and Al~O ~:50% Siop 3; vhich are the most acidic, were found to,: be. more effective than the others. The energy of.: activation and the.compa of the, li&t fradtl6n of itbe cata.-lyzate do not dependon the cAtilyiVS a which proves that the active ~ centers are of the s type. The results in cipestion. con'-' firm the original. assuraption by the aut)4ors that the catalytic activity of aluminosi-licate-c is duti to the chem, properties of acidic hydroalu- ~minosilicates. Diffusion V. Obreimovia Usine 1. liquids. Dola. Al", SSSR icients in dif-usicn coeff diffracti()n 1-,dcroriet~x in deterraninc-l" . 3, 86, Jan A CO 5 Ons) Ubrary of ConFress List of RU Decembe 1952. UNCIASS'Ff'~D- C~3R I-ANCITMOVP G.- -M, Duto: iluic ~01 1952 I, uIll I c. I-Imononlyr, dil'Irulttalaralc~;O MI'll-rcuetcdcl is vo Souae: Doklatly "Ji-mdvait Nallik PA:, rp. NoLo: lrvucntod~ by thti mmuller of 4 110 Of tCtollr A. V. Topohlyev cn Jitly 6 19 5 l'TZ'IET3011A, Te. Y. TJ3SR (600) Cracking Process 7. Kinetics of catalytic cracking of gasoil, Lokl. Ali SSSR, 87, No. 1, 1952. The kinetics of cracking gas oil to gasoline with the aid of a specially constructed apparatus. Two catalysts were used: (1) 5% A120j's 95% S1021 (2) 30% Al 203., 70% S102. The catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons n the presence of an alumiFlosilicate catalyst can be assumed to be a first-order reaction. Some of the starting materials have.a low adsorption capacity while some of the conden- sation products have a high adsorption capacity. An equation is given for the calcn of the rate constant, which describes the process for both cat-ilysts used. Presented by Acad. A. V. Topchiyev 1.3 Sep 52. 252m 9. Monthly LA,~ t of P mssian Aeceosiont3, Librai~y of Corignso, Fobruary, 1953. Unclassified. --TA-245T9- WSR/chemistry - Fuels, Propellents 11 Nov 52 "Catalytic Cracking as a Consecutive Chemical Reaction," 0. M. Panchenkov and V. S. Tretlya- kova, Moscow Petroleum Inst imeni T. M. Gubkina "Dovc Ak Ilauk SSSR" Vol 87, No 2, pp 237-240 The reaction of catalytic cracking of hydro- carbons is considered in the light of its kine- ties as an irre-,~ersible consecutive first-order reaction. A mathematical treatment of the sub- ject ic given. Presented by Acad A. V. Top- chiyev 13 Sep 52. 245T9 Vc. 7- T -7 IV ----- ----- on a isli5lr4f['6~ Y t f gazioui t~v rates a current, G" 1 1, chimical reaLtions proceeding in a get N 'C A- - Nyagiev ins 46 59&-8(1i cf 27 . . . . ~ , , -47 -49, 2160d -P 32ffj~ 1718c Orochko CA. amhenkov ' (Iefc;d,,;'lvib gm~;aIlml and rigM hydraMatic type 0,1 treat- . ment hl' b;oth hoir6fencous and butcrogeneous, stationary ond nom;tat-Miary, reversi6le and nonreversibirt., chein. reac- Jong in a Streaming gm.. F. H. Rhthmoknxi Mat Ad fIr 0- ~g 1H t7w! up yi_sz~~;~5,~~,4, AWN R MAS RZ MU M R PANCHENKOT. G.)(.- "40.",t,#4.* Kinetics of chain reactions. Uch.zap.Nosk.un. no-164:53-72 153. -1 (Chemical reaction--Rate of) (KIRA 8:7) G. i;. EDT, k~w Aftd. Nauk 5.5 NSR_.1 I i I Py _M M S d "d trans forms of decahydronaphthaleac over com. alumosillcate catalyst was studied at 450-90'. Under the same ccqdltkms the cis Isomer Is affected by the treatment to a Ptlitt, extent than Is the tMA form, and an equil. Mixt. Of the homers Sim an intermediate value. Tht,. Ap mt rate of reaction A Is well represented by: k - ; MIJAM -log (I - X) - SL where Xt 6 the ISO, Of moles entering the reaction zone, b the adjorption welf. ofdcca- bYdrtmsPhthwJene,,U is the sum of Avduto of stokbiametric wells, and adsorption cotfic. of producWWbich hinder the reaction, I Is the length of the path, and z the amt. of con. vertedmaterial. Thefollowingap arent k values am found: -cis 480' -, 400' 0.03M, 470' 9,0354, 480' 0,04, 4901 0,0488; trutis 0.016. 0.0185, 0=15, 0,0274, 0.0=. Activation energy for the cis form 13 14.700 W./ma'% that. forthetransform(s22,200cal./mok. Theequil.mixt.has the value of 18,400 cal./!nolc.. 0. M..Kosolspoff I'l-f NC H !:-A( -F-., 7! -77-- 1-1 -_7 77~ .71-21 7- -.7 -.7- .......... NN Ri -hi- ly- hc -w)' V ~A - USSR/Electronics - Ph(,-roeffect. Electron and Ion Emission, H-2 Abst Journal- Referat Zhur - F~Zjka, No 12, 1956, 35105 Author: Panchenkov) G. M., Akishin, P. A., Vw3illyev, N. N. Institution: None Title; On the Vnermionic 1hission of Silicate and Alumo-Silicate Ion Ex- changers Original Perioclical: Dokl. AN SSSR, 1955, No 4, 571-574 Abstract: See Abstract 35104 Card 1/1 PA tic), e- ff W~M/Electrtmico-. PhotoeffLict. E:Lectron and Ion Emission, H-2 ali Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1 Abet Journ 956) 35104 Authors Panchenkov., G. M., Akishin,, P. A., Vasillyev,, N. N. instnullon t none Title: On the Thermionic Emission of Silicate and Alumo-Silicate Ion Ex- changers Original' Periodicals Vestn. Mosk. un.-ta.., 1955, No 8~, 3-15 Abstract: The authors remark that to obtain ions for the analysis of specimens in the solid phase in-maos spectrometers one usually employs either the ionization surfaces, or else thermionic emission from heated salts. This work is devoted to experimental investigation of ion exission of certain substances for the purpose of finding a suitable emitter of ions for mass spectrometers. The objects studied were combination products of- ions of alkali metals with alumo-silicates of various ccmpositions. According to chemical and x-ray diffraction data., the alkali ions do not enter into the composition of the Card 1/2 XAMMV. A.A.; PAMMMXOV 1, G.M. ~ , -- " A ~, - ~ Te"raturO and concent ' :~ nd Of binary Sys ration dope an" Of the density and iac..,t. tOMB of certain aromatic hydrocarbons. Zhur.fiz.khim. 29 no-7:1204-1220 JI 155. (KLRA 9:3) , 1. *)skovskly COBudarstyannyY universitet ime Lomonosova. (Aromatic compounds) Ili M*V* --~~ -4 c I I T., - /V /