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~ /51/ 10000 -~Z~ ~- lm~ A-M-7 --Jmmmw e .w lo~j 213-67 S/021/61/000/012/004/011 12,1 ID D251/D305 AUTHOR: Panchenkov, A. M. TITLE: 'Rydromeohanical ohara6teristios of a wing near a solid boundary PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. Dopqvidit no, 129 1566-1570- TEXT: The author states that the problem of hydromechanical cha- racteriatice of a wing near a solid boundary is of interest in de-': signLng submarine and aircraft. A method of solving the plane case, is given. An equation is-obtained based on the oharacterietic fvnetion, the complex velocity of 6irculetion and the condition of't the solid boundary. The force is obtained by means of Chaplybin's formula 0 Ell 21367 021/61/000/012/004/011 Hydromechanical characteristics D251/-D305 where B = F+ JQ where is the strength of the vortex, and Q is the strength of the source. The circulation begins at Point.~,. By means of the function of M. Ye. Kochyn IH(-A5 (Ref.)s Tr. konf. po. teor. voln. soprot. M. TsAGI, 65 (1937)), a solution is obtained for the force OIL F, + PE, = Q00r. - 4V-2 nR coi do + QUX. Cos at, 4h YR-co,s-ao where :Ih rho 0 POO 21367 8/021/61/000/012/004/011 Hydromechanical chara ater"iBtirs ... D251/D305 + -F, + YWihW+_1cosae 2cosN (9) + -------------------------------- - The method is applied to the aerofoil of M. Ye. ZhukovB'kyy.. The results obtained-correspond well with experimental data. There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet-,bloc 'references, Card 3/4 21367 S/021/61/000/012/004/011 Hydromechanical characteristics ... D251/D305 ASSOCIATION: Inetytut hidrolohiyi ta hidrotek~niky AN URsR (In- stitute of Hydrology and Hydroteohnios AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: by H. Ye. Pavlenko, Academician AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: May 17, 196", ~R ACCESSION IM: AT4028731 B/3083/63/022/600/0022/0029 AUTHOR: Pancheakov, A. M. (Panchenkov, A. N.) A The movement of an underwater wing in stationary waves TITLE: SOURCE. AN UkrRSR. Insty*tut g1drologlyi i gidrotekhni)W*. Visti, v. 22(29), 1963, Gidromckhanika sudna (Ship hydromechanics), 22-29 TOPIC TAGS: wing, underwater wing, wing design, hydrodynamics, hydromechaoics ABSTRACT- The article deals with the problem of the movement of an underwater wing in stationary waves - The solution is obtained through the use of an approximate method (A. M. Panchen1cov, Pro rukh kry*la pobly*zu villnoyi poverkhni ridy*ny*, "Prikladna mekhanika0l, vy*p. 2, 1962). General formulas are obtained for the forces on an underwater wing of arbitrary contour. In the particular cases of a circular cylinder with circulation and the N. Ye. Zhukovskly wing, finite results are given which permit study of the effect of the wave phase on the lifting force and wave resistance of imderwater wings and can be -Srd-- 1/2 ACCESSION MR: AT4028731 employed in practical computations. Orig- aft. has: 32 formulas ASSOCIATION: InstY*tut gidrologiyi i gidrotekhn1W AN UkrRSR. (I" of and HydrotecbLuclogy titute ~H&ology: AN UkrRsR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00' SUB CODE: AS, ME NO REF' SOV: 002 OTHER: 3oo. 2 9? 2 5 LIS A'UTHOR: TITLE; PERIODICAL: I'lanchen M. (Kyyiv) kov, A. 5/198/61/007/005/011/015 D274/D303 Motion of a cylinder near the free surface of a fluid Prykladna mekhanika, V. 7, no. 5, 1961, 547 - 553 TBXT; The motion of a cylinder near the free surface of a fluid was considered by L.M. Sretens1kiyj M.V. Keldysh and M-Ye. Kochin (Refs: 1, 2, 3 published by TsAGI (Central Institute of Acrohydro- dynamics im. Zhukovskiy) in 1934, 1935 and 1937). The last two au- thors simulated the motion of the cylinder by the motion of a di- pole near the free surface. For motion in an unbounded stream, the potential of motion of the dipole is the cylinder potential, since, one of the stream lines is formed by the cylinder contour. If the motion takes place in the neighborhood of the free surface, thit3 contour is deformed and the dipole simulates the motion of an oval- shaped profile. This problem can be solved by the variational prin- ciples of conformla mapping. Taking the boundary conditione from 'j *". 't-_1 .11 ,Card 1/6' ;~' ~ .11 7 S/198/61/007/005/011/'015 Motion of a cylinder near D274/D303 the theory of small i--iaves, an expreasio)-t for the characteristic function of the dipole motion near the free surfaoe, is obtained (Ref - 3. Op. cit. ) - By means of mapping functions which inap the ex- terior of nea.-ly-eircular regions, the characteristic function of cylinder motion can be obtained. The motion for P. = v/Vg-b :, oo is considered. The characteristic function and the compiex veloci- ty arelexpreseed " by VOa r (1) Wh (Z) VD z 4- a~ + + In (2) + r I, (z - Wh), z z-21h ~_:d 2ai d Wh _0 voa2 + rl+ r 1 (2) d2: 2 2 (2 - 2ih)' 2:ti z 2:ti (z - 2ih) Hence the contour equation !~cas sin 4 - IP= VO R-I! sin a (3) R) R 1-4~sI60+4h% InR2 1/'] - 4 sin 0 . + 4h W Card 216r. S/198,/61/007/005/011/015 Motion of a cylinder near ... D274/D303 is obtainedt h/R). For sin 0 Ot one obtains Ro=a~T+c I-D (5) C _~h2 D=- rh (02 + 1)2 =,R(l +4h') Assuming that the oval contour io close to a circle with radius R of one obtains R = R o(l + 6MIP (6) /6" and the function which effects a conformal mapping of the oval on the circle, as 2v P.0 ~Z[i 8(t) dt] + Q(8- 2 (7) 21( ait - z 0 ~;16 :_J 19M5 3/198/61/007/005/011/015 Motion of a cylinder near ... D274/D303 Expressing S(O) in the form of a Fourrier seriest one obtains f (Z' Z-2 ao + +QM). 0 =,Ro 2 n-1 -he f orces are obtained by M.Ye. Kochin's method. Introducing the function f(z C) dW (Z) R OD H e 0 dz dz, (12) the lifting force Ph of the cylinder is expressed by 00 /H(;~)/2 dZ. (13) Ph ~ Fo 00 2Y 0 Transforming (12) and using the theorem'*of residuesp one obtains Z Card 4/6 9#- S/198/61/007/005/011/015 Motion of a cylinder near D274/D303 H (X) e-1h, r 2:tvo% (ga ao Ro _TJ )1a2 Qr-v, Qr., ( TO ao evor' 2hi R at (15) 2h8 Hence H and P can be determined if the first coefficient a of the 0 Fourrier expansion of 6 13 known, The calculation of this coeffi- .oient leads to elliptical integ-als. These integral can be found by formulas and tables of the references. The rumetion 6 can be also r-1-tained by a different expansion. Thereuponp one obtains 2 3 f(z, c) z -!-(a ib z +-a z ib z + a z 0 -1 2 5 -VK Card 5/6 Card 6/6 ILI 16 V1 L.16 S/021/62/000/002/005/010 D299/D304 panchenkovy A. rce of a wing in kUTHOR: the lift f' Influence of shallows Or' a-surface y of a fr,,e flui -vicinxt I no. 21 T the opo-vidi. 1962,.1 169-172 ljkrRSR* D FRj0D1CkL-- kkademiya nauk s , free surface of P f a wing i onsidered near the The motion 0 /-rg-by where bis the WiU9 T 'v finite depth with 2rb ~ and at the fixed edg, a fluid Of conditions at the surface cljord4, The boundarY are*. 09 for Y ih dw 0 dz (2) 0 f or y iho oy Oard 0,-fZ Influence Of shallows S102 Tile expression f D21 '2'i000100210051010 X304 Or the 0 the formula for OmPlex velocity of flow ,a the OOMPlex velocity upon 8 X.. Chaplygin to Of the vortex Soubtained from functi~ first formula is used and urce. There- n Trudy konferentaii po teorj 0N. Ye Koohinv, leniyat TBAGI, 1637) Introduoed: Inovo, 90 Sprotiv-- HfA) e-i~z f io,,z d z c (4) One obtains PM. JHWII e-ATJL A + A-0 f e- (J'4-2P "JL e_AA d4. 216 (5) 3/021/62/000/002/005/010 Influence of shallows ... T)299/D304 0 - k) 6 (8W,2 + 1)" F1 (h) + F2 (TO) Aa,, (8714+ 1 ;A (10) -where is the relative elongation; (.